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Monthly Archives: January 2021

Kevin & Leslie McNulty | Are the Days of Tent Evangelism Back?

Kevin & Leslie McNulty have a plan to bring revival to America. Their ministry has raised up over one hundred tent evangelists that are doing outreaches across Europe and Asia. Now they want to build 50 tents and raise up 50 evangelism teams in order to reach all 50 United States.

In 1998, Kevin and Leslie McNulty, together with the partners of Christian Adventures International, launched the Tent100 Project in Belarus with just five evangelists and one tent. Today, with 100 tents, dozens of teams and two tent-making workshops, a movement of Eurasian evangelists that began throughout the former Soviet nations and grew to include Europe has now embarked on yet another strategic mission for Christ – TentNationUSA. In the year 2000, Dr. TL Osborn along with Christian Adventures initiated a vision of reaching 10 Francophone countries of Africa with the inspired purpose of sending African missionaries to Europe.

For the last 32 years in over 65 nations they have conducted evangelistic meetings with tremendous Kingdom results. Since 1998, they conducted BIG TENT EVENTS across Eurasia in Kyrgyzstan, Bashkortostan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Estonia, Poland, Armenia, Georgia, Latvia, Russia and many other locations. During over 20 years with over 120 tents, well over 1,000 events have been conducted through various outreach teams connected with the Tent100 Project—Tent Nation! Today, that vision is coming to America!

Questions I Ask Kevin & Leslie McNulty 

Tell me the story about how T.L. Osborn came to Russia.

Tell me about the beginning of your vision to have a tent in Russia.

What have been the results of the 100 Tent vision for Eurasia?

What is God telling you to do here in America with the 50 tent vision?

Website: https://www.tentnation.com/



Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Kevin and Leslie McNulty have a plan to bring revival to America. Their ministry has raised up over 110 evangelists that are doing outreaches across Europe and Asia. Now they want to build 50 tents and raise up 50 evangelism teams in order to reach all 50 United States.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:23):
Jesus said, go into all the world and preach the gospel. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies, and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary and evangelist Daniel King. Welcome to the evangelism

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:00):
Podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. I have very special guests with me, doctors, Kevin and Leslie McNulty, who are great evangelists and have done evangelism in many, many different parts around the world. Thank you so much for being on the evangelism podcast.

Kevin McNulty (01:20):
Thank you. Thank you, Daniel. We’re very happy to be here and it’s wonderful to reconnect after a lot of years. Now,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:26):
I remember when I first met you, it was at a T.L. Osborn crusade in the nation of Costa Rica. I had wanted to meet TL Osborn for such a long time because I knew that God had called me to be an evangelist. And I grew up looking at T.L. Osborn’s books, looking at all the pictures of the crusade s, which Dr. Osborne had done and in many different parts of the world. And at that time, I was going to Bible school here in Tulsa, Oklahoma at a victory Bible Institute. And it was in T.L. Osborn’s building. He had actually given his building to victory. And so every day I walked by his office and I would talk to his secretary and say, please, could I set up a time to meet with Dr. Osborn? And every day she said, I’m sorry, Dr. Osborn is so busy. He’s traveling all the time.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:20):
We cannot. And I bugged her for like six months, every single day, asking for an appointment and was never able to get an appointment. But finally I heard about Kevin and Leslie McNulty who were arranging crusades. And I knew somebody who knew you. And I think I called you and said, could I come to the next event in Costa Rica? And so I went down there and attended the crusade. And I remember T.L. Osborn was so gracious with his time talking to me, explaining his entire system of doing crusades and how they organized crusades. And I’ve taken that applied that, and now we’ve done over a hundred different crusades in different parts of the world, but do you guys have organized so many great events for him to tell me some of the different places that you went with? T.L. Osborn?

Kevin McNulty (03:12):
Well, I w well, actually I think that well, yeah. Well, it started simple started in Russia and that’s he called us in when we were in Russia. And then I went back to America to meet with him. And we talked about going to the nations. This is what he wanted to do. His wife had just died and he just wanted someone to go with to the nations. And it really helped us because we were learning how to do important meetings around the world with him. And, but it started right there in Russia. And that’s where we learned a lot.

Leslie McNulty (03:58):
So I think you know, Dr. TL, after Daisy had passed Gilbert Lindsey actually headed, requested that he print his books in Russia. So what really happened was we were working in Russia and Gilbert, Dr. Taylor had told Gilbert, we are not, I will not print books in Russia until you can prove that you have a route for distribution. And so that’s how the phone call came into us, that we had done enough work across Eurasia. That us in combination with Calvary had the connections. And Kevin’s right. That was the door opener. We began with 76 meetings, organizing them with T.L. Osborn across the ex Soviet territories. From there, we went into Poland from Poland. We went down into Africa as seven nations of French Africa. We were in Bangkok or Thailand in Khan, kin and Japan and France and Latin America. So 25 nations in all, we organized together with him. And we actually preached with him during those times.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:04):
What a tremendous privilege. Tell me a little bit about how the vision to start planting tents in Russia got started, because now you, you have raised up evangelistic teams across Russia, your Asia and other parts of the world preaching in gospel tents. But how did that come from the vision from that time that you are with T.L. Osborn?

Leslie McNulty (05:35):
Well, during those 76 meetings, and by the way, for those who are listening today, the influence of T.L. Osborn not only in our lives, but the nations and his, his simple approach to the gospel, his simple understanding of miracles, the way in which he was able to connect in the is something that Kevin and I, as missionaries understood that the gospel must be simple. It must be simple. And so as he came into our lives, we went, wow, where’d you were just like that. You know, that’s what we do, that’s who we are. And so I’m grateful for your podcast because you’re pulling together wisdom information that will help other evangelists. We all help each other. And it’s so important that the tent ministry, I got to answer that question. May I finish that question?

Leslie McNulty (06:32):
So when T.L. Osborn came to Russia, he began preaching that, you know, you should get a light bulb, a tent, and a wooden platform. It’s cold, it’s bleak. You know, that he always said, it’s cold. I’m not coming back. It’s bleak. You need protection from the weather. And he was telling the pastors, you ought to buy a tent. Well, we ended up finally, we said, T.L. Osborn, we said, we have a desire to buy a tent when we got some alone time with him. And he looked at us and we were so excited, you know, T.L. Osborn, you have been breaching to the whole nation “Buy a tent.” And we have that in our hearts. And he looked at us and he said, that’s not God. And you sit there like you, you’re thinking you’ve told the whole nation by a tent. And so, but, but he followed with a question upon that statement.

Leslie McNulty (07:25):
How many territories, how many regions are States? Oh, blast are there in the ex Soviet territories. We knew there were a little over a hundred. And so with our lightening quick minds, we didn’t pray about it. We didn’t run into another room. We understood the challenge of God that was being floated our direction. And he said, we said, there’s a little over a hundred. And I think probably in unison, we, we said, looks like we need 100 tents, the word. And then his response to us was now that’s an idea big enough for God to get involved with.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:04):
So one tent was not enough. You needed over a hundred tents. And that is a very difficult assignment to receive from God. That’s not an easy assignment. One tent, you can have faith for that, but a hundred. So tell me what has happened since that moment.

Kevin McNulty (08:22):
Well, we started a factory in the basement of the, the facility where we lived and in Russia, and that’s where the first tents were made. There were, of course the basement kind of restricted how big they could be, but that’s where we all started. And those tents still could hold a hundred,

Leslie McNulty (08:42):
350 350 accurate and details. Daniel, we have over a hundred tents now.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:52):
So now you have planted over hundred tents in the former Soviet union in Russia, in your Asia name, some of those countries,

Leslie McNulty (09:04):
Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Germany, Bulgaria, Albania kurgastan Kazakhstan. There are others

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:17):
Just the last year I was in Mongolia in the ancient capital of Gangas Kahn. And we were teaming up with some of the local pastors to do a crusade there. And they said, we have a tent. And I said, good, let’s use the tent in Mongolia. And so we set up the tent right on the land that all of the horsemen of Gangas Kahn used to ride around on that was their training ground. And that was where the tent was set. And I asked, where did you get this tent? And they said, Oh, it came from Russia. There was this ministry, the McNulty’s that had given tents. I said, the McNulty’s that this is one of the McNulty tent, beautiful canvas, white and yellow. And it attracted the people from the town. We were on the outskirts of town. So people walk because they were so curious and excited to see what was in that tent. And the other cool thing is they had a little tent for the children’s ministry, with a big tent for the adult ministry. They had clowns in the kid’s ministry tent, all the ministry that they were doing. I was looking at it and I said, Oh, that is an idea. I know that came from Kevin and Leslie, that way they have done a good job educating themselves,

Kevin McNulty (10:33):
Whole stream of countries, right at that bottom. I know what you’re talking about. And yeah, they all, we said, let’s put a tent in every one of them. And it was wonderful.

Leslie McNulty (10:42):
So the pastor there Yohanas is the key that got that tent into Mongolia for us. And where’s Yohanas from Yohanis is from Estonia. Wow. And so Yohanis his vision, his, his family’s from the underground church. So Yohanas literally took a bus all the way from the Baltics across Russia, down into the far East and into that region to deliver that tent, to those people.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:06):
It’s a long bus, route, 11 time zones.

Kevin McNulty (11:11):
He has faith. I tell you that was amazing to go that far, what? That truck, you know, bus. Yeah.

Leslie McNulty (11:17):
And so really he is the one that sought that pastor out and found that individual. But that is the model at Yohanas carried that model, that vision of the multiple tents and the, and we trained some of those people. They’d been in Moscow in the meetings over different times.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:31):
And so not only are you putting tents into these areas, but you are also training evangelists, you’re coaching evangelists. So, so talk to me a little bit about that, Mr. Kevin, because you know, a lot of people see the glamor of being an evangelist. They want to be on the platform, but how do you identify and find who truly have an evangelistic calling?

Kevin McNulty (11:56):
Well, the calling of Christian should all be the same. And that is Christ came in you, and it wasn’t difficult. You had to open up your heart and he would come in and we have opened up the hearts of a lot of people. Jesus come into a lot of people and it’s just then they get that excitement about Jesus changed me now. I want to change somebody else. So that, that’s the thing that started. We started preaching just simply about Jesus coming in to give you salvation and to give you a purpose in life. And that was the early beginnings. And then of course, the, to confirm that you have to have miracles and that’s what we had.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:41):
So, so, so I’m, I’m, I’m, I’m really interested in, in the process of training the evangelists, because if you were in Russia and you started announcing that you’re going to give tents to evangelists. And of course that attracts lots of people. Everyone says, Oh, I want a tent, but how do you then take those people who, who think that they want to have a tent and do evangelism? How do you begin to train?

Leslie McNulty (13:08):
So we have about we have essentially we have a three-pronged strategy on that. Of course we, we invite people to join us. They get knowledge of the vision. So we vet them, you know, what is your experience, your resume. We often look for those who already have a little bit of ministry experience in education so that we can place them with tools. And those tools are quite, quite expensive. So you want to place them properly. Second, we do some classroom training. We have a requirement that they come to the annual training conferences. And when we have a tent in their region, we require that they’re a part of that. So then the second part is the classroom training and the boot camp, the boot camp is on the job training, and that’s where they have to show up in the tent. And they’re going to learn how to set it up. Like you said, I heard you say just yesterday, you know, I was the labor for setting up the tent. I think he used the word.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:01):
My mom and dad were missionaries in Mexico. And so we have a tent that we use in Mexico. It’s a, in the United States, it would see about 800, but in Mexico, it seats about 2000. And so we would set up that tent and tear it down and set it up. And I was the labor putting the stakes in the ground from, from like when I was 10 years old, I was already working to set up that tent. And it’s a lot of work doing tent ministry. Now, yesterday, I heard you tell the story about how these evangelists, that you would gather together. They would come in their suit. They would come with their polished shoes with their Bible, and then you would start to put them to work. Yes. Tell me about that.

Kevin McNulty (14:48):
Well, we we started to give them some, the bill, we had to build something in that place. And we had to dig the holes and I said, well, the first thing we do is we have to dig. And so everybody got a, I went to the store, whatever I got, went to the store and got a bunch of shovels that says, let’s start. And that’s how we built something there, right there. Yeah.

Leslie McNulty (15:10):
But your real mission was to convince those men will say that because

Kevin McNulty (15:15):
Yeah, I w I wanted to convince them not to be evangelists.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:19):
They’d show up in a suit and a tie, holding a Bible with, with shined shoes. And you put them to work with a shovel because you were trying to convince them not to be an evangelist. Why were you trying to convince them not to be an evangelist?

Kevin McNulty (15:32):
Because the challenge of being an evangelists, you have, there are things that you’re going to have enemies. You’re going to have other even horses. Of course, there are other, other people that will not want you to be doing what you’re doing.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:48):
So you figured that if you could get them to stop being an evangelist, surely the devil would be able to stop them from being an evangelist. But if they went through a month of training, setting up tents, going out, inviting people, doing the work of an evangelist that after all that training and actually hands on that, if you couldn’t convince them to stop being an evangelist, surely the devil would not be able to stop them either. Yeah.

Leslie McNulty (16:16):
You have quoted Kevin identi. That’s exactly what he always said. And you know, every 21 days in an area, and then this is a concept. T.L. Osborn was very clear about evangelists, like to pop in for two or three days and leave. And you, he said, you can see the real transformation of a community if you can root in there for a period of time. And so 21 days, these guys were required to show up to be there. And every morning we would critique everything that happened the day before from the poles were tightened on the tent. The things happened with the bleachers. What transpired at the alter? Why did it transpire that way? We critique every part of the ministry and allow them to ask questions within that context was very, very powerful.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (16:59):
And so you’re even analyzing the message, how the alter call is, how people are responding in training them, letting them think and say, why does this work? Why does this not work? And so you’re doing more than just giving them a tent. You’re, you’re providing the training to be effective in that type of ministry. Right.

Kevin McNulty (17:19):
That’s absolutely right. You have to know a lot of things because you’re talking to strangers and you could have enemies coming to the tent, which they did have. And you just say, you know, you’ve got to be bigger than the enemies. You’ve got to believe in God to protect yourself.

Leslie McNulty (17:33):
You know, one evangelist we were in, or I was in central Euro mountain region of Russia. And he was one of the most gifted of the preachers. And he had, Kevin was in another part training. And I went to that area with the team and we were being, we had the Russian Orthodox, they had the big bells in the truck and they’re ringing it. They’re carrying the big picket signs walking around the tent, saying the foreign devil is here. And so I had a team with us. And so as I came into the tent, I was talking to the team, which preachers know don’t do that. As I walked up onto the platform, noise bells, noise in the tent noise, outside of the tent. And I stopped. And I said, I looked at my friends and I said, excuse me, I’m about to be the person of the evangelist. And I just turned and I looked out of the crowd and I said, here, listen, I am sent by God. And just this big booming voice, come into the tent, sit down. I have a message from God, et cetera, et cetera. And the tent filled up, the noise stopped the Orthodox, left that evangelist. Cause it was his meeting, but he walked out of that meeting and he said, I’ve now seen a real evangelists.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:47):
I think some of those things are, are more caught than taught. You can teach someone that and say, you need to be from, or, but to actually see someone operate under the anointing of an evangelist. And so much of evangelism is work. Yes. Yes. Paul told Timothy do the work of an evangelist. And I think a lot of people see what happens on the platform and wow, that’s amazing all the people get saved, but really that’s the tip of the iceberg. There’s so much strategic thinking and organization and work that goes in underneath the surface in order to make an evangelistic event happen.

Kevin McNulty (19:27):
I think we, I think we have a hundred pages of of all the detail that goes in because you are a stranger in a strange country with strange people about to hear you. And you’re going to have something happen in that place that no one has seen miracles instantly. And they’re going to say, you know, it’s going to be so different for the people. And you know what though, everybody eventually, because we don’t run, we don’t run in and run out. Was it about 21 days that we stay in the inner city? And so, because we want to build the people and build the next generation that’s going to be in there.

Leslie McNulty (20:02):
So Daniel also to your point in Kevin mentioned, we have, we created a 150 page manual. So to your point in there, we teach them, how do you get your permits? What kind of permits do you need? How do you persistently go after the permits? What’s the wisdom, the way to do these things. And that manual came out of training. A bunch of Russians who had absolutely no idea how to do evangelism. And it was a meeting after every meeting and using the whiteboard, laying out all the things and developing this manual that we could make available to all of the teams.

Kevin McNulty (20:34):
Hmm. We, we created the, the Russian movement because they’ve now learned and now they’re doing it over, right?

Leslie McNulty (20:40):
Wait, we say, you know, like T.L. Osborn used to say, y’all take all of my sermons and you just preach them better than I ever did. And we listened to our evangelists and we’re like, wow, they’re really good preachers.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (20:53):
What a, what a tremendous blessing. So it’s really amazing what God has done through you. You went from the vision for, for one tent in Russia and T.L. Osborn said, no, that is too small of a vision to then doing a hundred tents in. And now you have completed that goal. There are more than a hundred tents and a hunt more than a hundred evangelists are using those tents, preaching the gospel across that entire region of the world. And now God has, has spoken to you a word about America and you are, you are starting tent nation here in the United States. Tell me, what has God put on your heart for this nation?

Kevin McNulty (21:36):
Well, this is the greatest nation I believe in the world. And it’s great to have a place here that we can call home. And we just felt that, you know what, there’s 50 States in America. Let’s do a tent for every state. Now I tell you the truth that when that tank goes up, you’re going to find probably at least five more, 10 set are going to go up in that state. But we’ve got to put first, let’s get all every one of them all 50 to go up.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (22:06):
So now you’re, you’ve taken that same vision that you had for Russia doing tents and raising up tent evangelists in Russia. And you’re going to bring that back here to the United States and raise up evangelists who will preach intense. And often tent ministry is not seen these days in America. It was very popular back in the forties and fifties, you had great evangelists like Oral Roberts and an AA Allen and other great evangelists who would preach underneath the tent. But now people don’t do that so much. So, so do you think tent ministry can be effective one more time here in America?

Kevin McNulty (22:48):
Absolutely. There there’s a generation that has never even been in a tent. And so this is going to be exciting to them to go into this place and listen about 10 minutes tree. You go to church. When you sit down, you really can’t get up from that seat. In during the meeting, you know, you go into a tent and you sit down the tents to give you that freedom that you can get up and go out. It gives you that, that space where you can move. And a lot of people liked the hat. They said, well, if I don’t want to stay, I don’t want to say, you know,

Leslie McNulty (23:19):
And it’s not your granddaddy’s style, a tent ministry. What we, we make mistakes in the body of Christ. And that we look so much at history. And we think that what we’ve seen in history is what we will see happening today. And so as we have polled young people, we were in a hotel in North Carolina and we were sharing the vision there. And we just pulled this group of young people standing outside. Non-Christian if we put up a tent out here and we were doing these things, would you come? And they said, well, absolutely. We’ve never seen a tent and we’ve never seen anything like that. We would be very curious, when are you going to do it? That’s the new generation that’s in the USA. This is, this was the moment.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (23:57):
So you want to at least start with 50 tents for 50 States and raising up 50 evangelists here in America. Talk to me about your training program and the tools that you will put in the evangelists hands in order to prepare for this type of ministry.

Leslie McNulty (24:16):
Do you want me to do that? So we we’ve created the I move training program, motivation opportunity, vision and empowerment. So we’ve created an online platform for that. So there’ll be a certain amount of courses that are actually online that will, we want them to come in, take the online courses from there. We’re going to be holding on-site trainings. We’re anticipating doing one here in Tulsa, various in the very near future. And then from that onsite training, we’ll go right into that. On the job training with the actual tents, our goal is to identify the first 10 evangelist, the first one that we want to trust a kit to it may end up here in the greater Oklahoma area. And then 10 other kits that we want to release. The tent kits. Speaking to the tools will be a tent, a trailer, and the equipment to initiate.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (25:10):
So everything that’s needed to do a tanker. So it’s not just the tent. You have the chairs, a little platform, the sound system, microphones, a trailer to put it all in. So someone who has an evangelistic cart could take one of these tent kits and they could go to small town, America. They could go somewhere in Oklahoma, they could do a, a tent crusade. They’re set up for a week, two weeks, do a tent crusade, then move to another place. Do a, another tent crusade. I know here in Tulsa, we have a bunch of, of low-income housing projects that would be perfect for going and doing a tech crusade. And if you set up the tent, people will come. They will say, what is this? They will, and they will fill the tent. You could easily put two or 300 people in a tent minister to them. And everyone is attracted because of the big, beautiful tent. And you start playing music. They will, will want to come. And then you also want to do several different sizes of tent. So, so tell me like the different sizes of what you’re hoping to do.

Leslie McNulty (26:17):
Well, we, we have the smaller tip, which we would probably seet about three 50, 300 to three 50. I think it’s about a 60 foot, 61 foot round. Then we have the 77 foot round. I believe legally it’s seven to 800 people. Now we’ve often seen him packed with 1200 overseas that we understand that. And then we’re going to have a couple of larger packages that would be more based on the a hundred foot round. And that’s going to be for the more seasoned well-developed evangelists.

Kevin McNulty (26:46):
And we’re in a situation right now where I was listening on TV and over a hundred thousand people are now crossing the border and they’re doing it because the new president wants some to come. And so youth are figuring there’s going to be a lot of empty souls that are going to be crossing that border. And so this tent ministry could be timed perfectly for the next generation that’s coming in.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (27:09):
I just got a call a couple of days ago from a pastor in Georgia. And he was telling me that, that because of COVID restrictions there, they’re not allowing some of the churches to be open, but he said, if we could have a tent, it would be outdoors. And it would be covered at the same time. And so he says, we need to have a tent. And so this is the right time to do tents.

Leslie McNulty (27:33):
It is the right time. Thank you. Thank you for that confirmation.

Kevin McNulty (27:38):
I wouldn’t say that the tents would be the, in this generation because we’ve known about tenths past generations, like you said, the forties and the fifties, but we are in a new time and we’ve got new people in this country. We may not know it. We may not in our neighborhood. And maybe now there’s no new people, but they are flooding America,

Leslie McNulty (27:57):
Daniel. You said something very good. And the fact that yellow and we chose yellow and white, because there’s such bright colors. I know they’re blue and white, red and white, but that yellow and white reflects sun in such a happy, positive, glowing way. And so it is you put that up in a lower income area, or even you put it out on a piece of land people, just, what, what is that? Why is that there? And if it’s not at a car dealership or because we always see tents, all of us at car dealerships, but when it standing out alone, somewhere else and in Russia was always is at the circus. And the circus has gone in America. We understand that, but there’s still, there’s still rumors of it. It still rumbles around because that was a part of our classic culture. Well, some may think that Christianity is bringing you the circus to town, but we know that in those circuits tents, there was life. There was creativity. There was beauty, there was experience. And they’re going to find that with God in these big, bright, yellow, and white tents,

Kevin McNulty (29:00):
Amen. And you’re going to find out that people who are singers, that they’re going to find their place in those tenths and talents in a lot of different ways are going to be D being, developing their talent in those tents. And that is going to be the future

Leslie McNulty (29:13):
And teams are so important. We must help their young event. We must help evangelist develop teams. You know, ministry is teamwork. And so we would not be able to do today. What we do had we not had a very, we traveled with 16 people on the road for our large tent. That meant we had to feed them. We had to house them. We had to cover all of their expenses and they came by faith. We didn’t pay them this huge salary. So it was when we up that tent, you know, what were we a cafe operated? Why did a cafe operate? Because it was selling and making money. And we hung boxes on the poles. I woke up one night because you don’t get to take offerings all the time. So we hung boxes on the poles and somebody is like, you’re good. Just going to put a box on a pole.

Leslie McNulty (29:58):
I said, put a padlock on it, put on it donation because everyone would always say, you just did this for us because you wanted to bless us. And we’d say yes. And on those opening nights, as they were coming into those glorious music, kind of like up with people, music programs, and then miracles, we called them festival of music and miracles. And they’d be walking out of there putting their money in those boxes. And then those would cover the expense that would cover expenses of our team onsite. So there are many little nuances that there’s practical ideas that maybe we’ve all had. But when you put the stream, you streamline all those ideas together. You’re able to make that ministry cover itself and pay for itself.

Kevin McNulty (30:43):
People don’t know that Jesus is not just a church and that he loves everybody, everybody and is willing to heal. Everybody willing to, to bless everybody with the finances or with the ideas that would create a future for them. He wants everybody to be, God loves people. And so we have to be the people to reach out to all those people that don’t know what to do, and they can find out.

Leslie McNulty (31:12):
You said, Paul told Timothy to do the work of the evangelist, but isn’t part of the five fold ministry, the responsibility of the evangelists to be both a revivalist and to be an evangelist. The revivalist works within the community of the church. The evangelist works outside the church. And when Jesus walked into Kevin’s dorm room and called him into the ministry, he didn’t understand what it was. He said two things to him. He asked him, what are you going to do with the rest of your life? And Kevin, as he’s reacting to Jesus just walks through the wall, the door, and he’s standing in front of me and asking me, what am I going to do with the rest of my life, Kevin, as he says, I’m going to, he starts to say, well, I’ve got seven job opportunities, head, state, head coach, this head coach of that. And he heard himself say, I’m going to gather and collect.

Kevin McNulty (32:05):
Yeah, he’s in pump on old hearts. And I’m like, who said that? But that was what he had put in me to gather and collect dead bodies and pump on old hearts. And so I said, well, I’ve never thought, never thought that thought. And it’s interesting because I’m a tennis pro and it was making, I had opportunity in met the major places in America. Major schools wanted me to be the coach. And I said, you know, there’s something else I have to do. And I can’t explain it to the guys who wanted to hire me. But I understood by what just, I just started to walk across America, preaching the gospel to find out how is it that I should be preaching. And I didn’t want to just go to a school to learn how to preach out, to know they could preach it. So

Leslie McNulty (32:54):
He was raised Catholic. So this was in a completely different entrance into his world. So Kevin, really, your ministry grew very organically. You went to Spain and started in a tent, but I wanted to draw a point if I may back to revivalism and evangelism, that commission, that call as evangelist, and we teach the evangelists. This, you don’t take revivalism to the tent. You take revivalism to the church. You take evangelism to the tent and the gospel. And in many Western cultures, we don’t always know how to separate the divide, the two. And we don’t know how to operate in the two. And so we find young evangelist, or we find ministers trying to take revivalism to attend out on the corners of the street. And it’s not successful. You have to learn how to take evangelism out in the streets, in the tents. And both roles are very vital. So if we can mobilize the gifts of the evangelist in those two arenas, I believe we truly can change America. Amen.

Kevin McNulty (33:57):
No Americans, they get so comfortable being an American. I everyday I walk, I walk in this place here where we are, I’ll see somebody or I’ll be, you know, next to somebody going somewhere and I’ll start talking to them and seeing, how are you expound you spiritually? Are you, what’s your condition with, with your future? Are you going to have it? No, I don’t know. I said, well, let me, let me help you. And so this is America. These are people that look beautiful and all that, but you know what, in your heart, they’re empty and they’re afraid. And so we as Americans, we really have to consider. What about the other Americans after all life is about the future, not just about the present. And we have to consider that the people around us, if we don’t know it, they don’t know it. And that they’ve never even spoken once about they speak, they speak about religion, but they don’t speak about the impact of Christ on their life. They get the people need and they can know Jesus inside of them. But it’s going to take somebody to put, put that message in front of them. And that’s what the evangelist

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (35:07):
Amen. Well, if someone feels called to be an evangelist and they say, I want to go and preach in a tent, how can they get in contact with you to receive more training? And even to find out how they can get their own tent to preach the gospel, what’s your website. What’s a way for people to get in touch with you.

Leslie McNulty (35:31):
They can go to tent, nation.com and right there, and tent nation.com. There’s just little form. They can sign up, put their name in there and it’ll go right in is give us your contact information and we will get in touch with you and let you know what’s happening. Let you know that the next event coming up, we’re doing something out here in Tulsa. On April the 16th, we will be having a banquet. We’re looking to invite some young evangelists to that banquet here in Tulsa, Oklahoma. And we’re also looking to do an initial training at that time. So they have interests go to tent nation.com. They may also call our office at one eight seven seven tent, T E N T one zero.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (36:14):
Awesome. Well, thank you so much for your vision. This is God’s time for America. We need to see a move of God here in America. And I’m so appreciate both of you for the seeds that you planted into my life. Just inspiring me, training me giving me instruction and just watching and being inspired by you. It’s it’s really been significant in my life. So thank you.

Leslie McNulty (36:40):
Thank you, Daniel. And we are so glad to really reconnect with you and then wow. What you’ve done and your wife and your family.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (36:48):
Thank you. I hope I hope everybody buys your books. Thank you, God bless you. God bless you.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (36:58):
Thanks so much for listening today. If you’re interested in coaching in evangelism, visit my website, King ministries.com. And could you do me a favor, go to Apple iTunes, find the evangelism podcast with Daniel King and leave us a review. Your review will help other people who are interested in evangelism to find this show. God bless you for more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit King ministries.com. Again, that’s King ministry.com.


Justin Bell | 7 Things Evangelism is NOT

I met Justin Bell in South Africa when he was a student at Christ for the Nations in Dallas, Texas. Now he travels around the world looking for opportunities to evangelize. Today we talk about his list of “7 Things Evangelism is NOT.”

Justin Bell is a national speaker, bible teacher, and worship leader with a passion to lead people into deeper delight through rich relationship with God. He has served in ministry for over 10 years and has been in pastoral ministry since June 2012.

An effective communicator of God’s Word, Justin is widely known for his prophetic gifting and revelatory teaching style, which helps people apply the living scriptures to their lives and ultimately, walk in the fullness of the Kingdom of God. He has dedicated his life to equipping the Body of Christ in prayer, healing, and deliverance and is passionate about bringing people into the reality of true worship.

A native of Dallas, TX, he served in the US Navy for four years as an Aviation Electrician in Norfolk, Virginia. He studied at Christ For the Nations Institute and Southwestern Assemblies of God University, from which he earned his Practical and Bachelors Degree in Church Ministries with a minor in Biblical Studies.

After graduating, Justin served as an educator and director of All Nations International School in Jeonju, South Korea. Additionally, Justin served the foreign community in South Korea by planting a church, connecting believer’s passion and purpose for the glory of God. He has traveled to over 19 nations sharing the eternal message of Jesus Christ and preached in churches, jails, and schools.

Justin is currently serving as the Ministries Director at Joy Church in Sunnyvale, TX. He has been featured in the Pentecostal Evangel Magazine; a national circulation of the Assemblies of God sharing testimonies of what God has done through his life and ministry. He is also the founder of Greater Glory World Ministries an international prayer ministry located in Dallas, TX serving in a local community called Bishop Arts.

Justin enjoys playing soccer, music, and learning languages. He is currently studying Portuguese and writing his first book. He is a lover of family and has two sisters, one brother, three nieces and two nephews.

Justin Bell’s Website: https://www.greatergloryworldministries.com

Favorite Quotes of Justin Bell 

“You can do three things with your life: Spend it, Waste it, or Seed it”

“The Greatness of your power is in the measure of your surrender.”

“People won’t remember how you died, but how you Lived.”

“A faith that’s not tested is a faith that can’t be trusted.”

“You are only as big as your Prayer Life”

“The Evidence of your belief is in the way you act.”

“You cant lead anybody where you have not been yourself.”

“Jesus died for People not Ministries and Churches.”

“Life doesn’t belong to you but to him who died for it, so give him what he paid for.”

“A woman’s heart should be so close to God that a man should seek him to find her.”

7 Things Evangelism is NOT

Evangelism is not inviting people to church or an evangelistic event

Inviting people to events is important, but it is not evangelism – it is pre-evangelism

Evangelism is not social work, justice or political involvement

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with seeking social justice, feeding the homeless, clothing the naked, and addressing institutional-political injustices. However social justice, food in a hungry belly, and a jacket on the back of a homeless man does not prepare that soul for eternity. Good deeds compliment the gospel enterprise; they do not replace it.

Evangelism is not personal testimony

A personal testimony does not save a sinner, only the Gospel and Christ Jesus. It’s quite right to support a gospel presentation with what the Gospel of Christ has done in one’s life. Yet, we must never confuse the gospel itself with a personal testimony.

Evangelism is not imposing our will or beliefs on another person

We make no apologies for attempting to persuasively make the case for Christianity. But in the end, only God can change the human heart.

Evangelism is not doing apologetics in order to win an argument

Apologetics is a necessary part of the Christian mission. Apologetics can help answer questions and remove intellectual objections, but only the gospel of Jesus Christ can change the heart.

Evangelism is not church planting

Church planting is biblical and necessary. Many church plants succeed at a higher rate growth than already established churches, but it’s not because of the magical words – church plant. The reason church plants grow fast for a season is because believers of that new church share the good news and are active in seeing people come to the Lord.

Evangelism is not the increase of numbers of people joining a church

It is very easy to get caught up in numbers in the business of church. Jesus told three successive stories involving numbers in Luke 15. Souls are not notches on our belt or numbers on our denominational charts. “One” represents a precious soul for whom Christ died. We are to communicate the gospel regardless of the results – God alone takes care of the results.

What Evangelism is: 

Evangelism is the communication of the gospel message, which includes a warning,
an explanation, and a call.

Evangelism includes warning people about sin and the consequences of sin
(John 16:8; Acts 24:25; Revelation 20:11-15)

It includes an explanation of God’s remedy for sin- the Gospel
(Acts 8:29-35; Romans 3:21-26; 2 Corinthians 5:21)

It includes the clear call to repent (to turn from sin and to turn toward God) and believe the gospel, by faith
(Mark 1:15; Luke 13:1-5; Acts 17:2931; Romans 1:17; Romans 10:9-13).


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
I met Justin Bell in South Africa. When he was a student at Christ for the nations in Dallas, Texas. Now he travels around the world looking for opportunities to evangelize today. We’re going to talk about his list of seven things. Evangelism is not.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:18):
Jesus said, go into all the world and preach the gospel. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary and evangelist Daniel King. Welcome to the event.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:56):
So listen podcast, I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. I have a special guest, Justin Bell. He is a missionary evangelist. He has traveled to many countries. Justin, thank you so much for joining me today.

Justin Bell (01:15):
Thank you, Daniel. It’s a pleasure to be on your show. God is good.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:18):
So you and I first met in the country of South Africa. We were there at the invitation of pastors, Billy and Maryanne Allen. They were the pastors of Christ for the nations church and in Dallas, Texas, and they are good friends of mine. And they were doing a crusade with the Zulu people of South Africa. You remember that crusade?

Justin Bell (01:44):
Oh man. Yes. I had a very good time. I’m I’m definitely looking forward to going back to South Africa.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:49):
W what do, what do you remember about the Zulu people?

Justin Bell (01:53):
Oh, man, very interesting. I learned about the King at the time. He had maybe six wives and, you know, they could only come to his palace when they were invited and you know, it was a lot of good highlights as well. The crusade was amazing, of course we saw people get healed and for me, the highlight was eating Impala, kebab. When we did the Sofar, that that was my first time eating Impala. And it was amazing.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:22):
The thing I remember was that we, we fed a lot of the people at the crusade. So in the morning they led two cows into the camp where we’re doing their crusade and they started cooking. And by about two o’clock in the afternoon, all the food was ready and everyone ate it. And there was not a single piece of that cow left from head to toe from the nose to the tail, every single part of the, both those cows were consumed. And that was a, that was a crusade. So you went to Christ for The Nations, and then you also went to the the Assembly of God’s school there in the Dallas area. And then you’ve been traveling to different nations. Tell me what you’ve been doing in the nations.

Justin Bell (03:21):
Yeah, absolutely. Graduated Christ for the Nations, went to the SAGU got a degree there and

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:28):
SAGU is Southwestern assemblies of God university, right?

Justin Bell (03:31):
Yeah. Southwestern Assembly of God university. And when I left there well actually crunched some nations, actually birth, just the desire to go to the nations, you know, and to preach the gospel and to see societal transformation through the gospel of Jesus Christ in the hearts of men. And so never really been exposed, but that school just kind of put the seed in my heart and then graduated Saigu then moved to South Korea and lived in Korea for four years. I went there and was an English teacher and then begin to learn how to do ministry really get your hands dirty, involve peoples get involved in people’s lives. And so that was really where my evangelistic muscle was really stretched because some things in Bible school, they don’t teach you. So

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:21):
What were some of the things that you learned in South Korea that they didn’t teach you in Bible school?

Justin Bell (04:27):
Oh man. So, you know social media technology is a great way to reach out to people. And so when I first when the church first got started, it was, it was, it was sovereign in decline. And you know, it was over 2,400 in the city. And I said, how am I going to reach these foreigners and, you know, begin to pray. And, you know, I started kind of implementing some things in Bible school. You know, you want to get out into the community, you want to reach people. So I was going to the bars, getting, reaching people, getting getting their names and then went on social media, having like nice flyers, you know, come to my church and we’re starting a new thing. And week one, nobody came week two, nobody came. And so I figured out real quick, unless you have a strategy to go get them. And I started getting on Facebook and I started messaging people personally. And I said, Hey, let’s do coffee. And in that time span, I had five to 10 minutes after taking them out to lunch and dinner and building some kind of relational lines to strike their hearts with the gospel. And that’s what I did. And sure enough, that begin to draw people to come because instead of giving people a track, I had to become the track.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:43):
And since you were in South Korea for four years what kind of food that the South Koreans eat? Did you enjoy eating?

Justin Bell (05:54):
Yeah, so Koreans, they eat a lot of kimchi. Kimchi is a fermented cabbage and they eat it every day. Of course I can eat it every day. You know, it’s a very strong smell. They have Kim bop, which is a rice mixed with carrots and vegetables, and it’s kind of like cutting sushi rolls. Bulgogi is like a, it’s like a sweet beef that they have, which is very delicious. And so they have a lot of vegetable-based cuisine and I really enjoyed it as well, you know, cause a lost some way of course, because they eat a lot of fish and

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:29):
You’re making, you’re making me hungry. All right. So, so where else have you been traveling to

Justin Bell (06:37):
Been to England, been to Italy, been to France, been to Chalanco I’ve been to India. I’ve been to Greece. I’ve been to Finland, been to Amsterdam been to Canada been to South Africa, been to Brazil

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:54):
On the wall behind you. There you have a flag from Brazil. I know you’ve spent a lot of time recently in Brazil. Tell me about the ministry that you’ve been doing in Brazil.

Justin Bell (07:06):
Yeah, so a partner with a friend of mine, I went to school with and he’s actually building a Bible school in the city of Rio de Janeiro. And I go down there and he’s has a project called SOS, Brazil kids. And he basically takes kids from the neighborhood whose parents had been either assassinated or put in prison. And he gathers them and teach them life skills and it uses the Bible to teach them life skills. So he wants to transform his neighborhood. He stays in a poor developed for Vela. And so I go down there and check on the project and then kind of provide oversight of the school to see what resources he needs and in the process of doing that, I preach in local churches that allow me to come in and you know, just trying to bring revival to the city and help people come into the kingdom. So it’s a, I go about two or three times a year and it’s like my second home.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:06):
And as long as we’re talking about food, what kind of food do you like in Brazil? Oh man, let me tell you what my wife likes. She loves going to Brazilian restaurants that bring you meat. Speaking of this, my wife is a carnivore and Jessica, she loves eating Brazilian meat.

Justin Bell (08:28):
Yeah, the Brazilians man, they can eat brother. They they’re very big meat-eaters they have a special meat. That’s called a pecan Kanya, but Kanya is one of their, their traditional famous meats that it’s called an in Portuguese. It’s called up to the ASCO. So it’s Brazilian barbecue. So I always love going that. And so when I go to Brazil and I’m preaching and it’s, you know, to do ministry for two weeks I have to actually fast in the daytime and only eat at night or, you know, I’ll blow up because they eat so much and, and their food is it’s it’s very heavy. So it’s a lot of comfort food and, and so I enjoy it. You know, it’s grateful.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:09):
I was looking at your website, which is greater glory, world ministries.com. If, if somebody wants more information about you or about your, your ministry. And I noticed on there that you have a, a S page talk about your, your school of evangelism and you have several things on there about what evangelism is not, and then what evangelism is. And so I thought that would be an interesting thing to discuss. So let me just name these different things. Often you talk to me a little bit about them. So the first thing that evangelism is not evangelism is not inviting people to church or an evangelistic event. Can you, can you explain that statement?

Justin Bell (09:55):
Yeah, absolutely. You know, I’m very passionate, passionate about evangelism and, you know, oftentimes if there’s not any teacher or trainer that really comes in and allows people to understand what true evangelism is from the Bible, people tend to create their own, you know, ideology behind evangelism. And so inviting people to church is good. But in my opinion, it creates a lot of problems because I feel like we should not invite people to church. We should invite people to Jesus. And when we meet people for the first time and we just kind of sling them and say, man, come to church with me on Sunday, their spirit hasn’t been regenerated. They have no context of what’s going on. They sit there and they, and you’re praying and hoping, Oh man, you know, I hope the pastor preaches a good message. And oftentimes it creates boredom within them because they don’t understand, you know, all of the church antiques that happened before the message. And so it does more harm than good. And so when you meet people, give them opportunities, share the gospel, plant the seed, and then once they get saved needle, then bring them to church and allow them to be plugged in. Otherwise it can create a lot of problems and people, you know, they will, they will possibly go to church and not even be, be saved or Christian or converted.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:14):
All right, let me hit you with a second one. It says evangelism is not social work, social justice or political involvement. Talk to me about that.

Justin Bell (11:23):
Yeah. social work, social justice feeding the homeless. It does not prepare souls for eternity and those things are good. Works good, works that should lead unto salvation. The Bible says by loving kindness, he has drawn us. You know, there is a, a bridge or path that’s created when we show the love of Christ and kindness of Christ that opens people’s hearts to receive the message, which is the foundation and the motive behind what we’re doing. So, you know, good deeds compliment the gospel. But they do not replace it. So we can’t replace that with actually the proclamation of the gospel.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:04):
Yeah. I think that’s a good point because our generation, a younger generation is really big into doing social work. Everyone wants to dig Wells to get fresh water or feed people. And, and then also social justice is really big in our society right now where, where people are fighting for social justice and those things are important. But the most important thing is bringing people to a saving knowledge of the Lord, Jesus Christ, because you can put food in someone’s stomach, but the next day their stomach is going to be empty again. But when eternity comes, they’re either going to be in heaven or hell. And so that’s something we need to think about. And then on, on social justice issues, I think the, the only thing that really can bring justice to society is people getting in relationship with God or there, because there cannot be forgiveness. There, there cannot be a valuing of other people unless your heart is right before God.

Justin Bell (13:18):
That’s right. Yeah. You know the great Billy ground, he said a very powerful saying, he said, a government is only good as those who govern. And so oftentimes it’s, it’s not so much the system or the person that we need. We need a new president, we need new strategies. We need new, you know, it’s the heart of the individual because essentially they’re going to be the ones occupying the space to create the laws and things. So you’re exactly right. You know, I’m in total agreement.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:46):
This next one is, as evangelism is not personal testimony. Talk to me about that.

Justin Bell (13:52):
Yeah. You know, I’m giving you a personal testimony, just like social justice and feeding the homeless should compliment the gospel. It should, it should be an additive to what the gospel is because, you know, Romans talks about this. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation. So the gospel is power. You know, when we preach the gospel in his periods form, the power of God will show up the power of God will manifest and it doesn’t need you know, any help in the gospel in regards to his message. And so we should share how the gospel has been played out in our personal lives. But our personal testimony alone doesn’t have the power to convert. It can be used to draw people to respond to the gospel message. Yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:42):
I think sometimes the problem, a lot of people have in giving their personal testimony is they spend a lot of time talking about bad. They were, they say, I was, I was stuck on drugs. I was an alcoholic. I abused my wife. I raped three girls, like, hold up, wait a second here. And, and, and then they, they, they, they spend all this time talking about how big a center they were. And then they spend like a minute talking about N Jesus set me free, you know? And it’s like, let’s spend more time talking about all the amazing things that Jesus did rather than what a tremendous hold Satan had on your life. And so you, you, you had to tell people a little bit about where you came from, but let’s spend a lot more time talking to people about what the gospel has actually done in any, in your life. All right. Evangelism is not imposing our will or beliefs on another person. Talk about that.

Justin Bell (15:46):
Yeah. we, we make no apologies to, to creatively persuade people into crimes. The message it’s, it’s a mandate from the Lord. But we cannot force someone to put their faith in Christ and confess Christ as their Lord. And, you know, sometimes when people get out on the streets and they evangelize, or they do, you know personally evangelism where they, you know, walk up to people they can, you know, impose themselves on the person to where it, the person they repel against the message. And because we’re trying to get them to do something. And the Bible talks about all the time, unless the spirit of God draws them they will not be saved. And if we want true conversions we have to let the Holy spirit draw the people that we need to share the gospel with them.

Justin Bell (16:38):
And we need to share it with everyone. But everyone you speak to is not going to be a home run per se. It’s not going to be the one. Maybe you’re just the one to plant the seed. Maybe you’re the one to open their hearts. And maybe you’re the one to actually close the deal where they actually, God has been working on them and they’re ready to receive Christ in that moment. So we have that anticipation in mind, but we can’t always force that on people because some people honestly they’re not ready to come into the kingdom because the spirit of God, you know, it hasn’t drawn them. So, you know, I’ve learned that in, in good ways and bad, when I first started evangelizing, I did that. I was like, come on, man. You, you need to give me life to Jesus right now. You need to give your life to Christ. Jesus is here right now. And when they didn’t give their life to Christ, I was disappointed. And I was like, Lord, you know, am I doing something wrong? But the Holy spirit had to teach me how to work with the Holy spirit and to have wisdom. So

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (17:36):
Evangelism is not doing apologetics in order to win an argument

Justin Bell (17:43):
About that. I’m on now. Oh man. So you have some people are, they, they know the scriptures, you know, they, they memorize the Romans road of salvation. They’ve memorized, certainly evangelistic passages. And they’re ready to debate with the Muslim, with the Catholic wit you know, and use it kind of as a strong fist to bring them in the spirit of God may lead you in that direction. But that is not the case every time. I’ve learned I remember when I was doing outreach in in a hospital here in Dallas and me and a friend of mine, we were leading the outreach and we went into this hospital and we were praying for sick people. And we were just kind of being led by the spirit. And we got into the lobby of the hospital and we started communicating with, it was a lot of Spanish speakers and a lot of them were Catholics.

Justin Bell (18:41):
And so my friend was translated. And one of the strategies that I learned when you evangelize the people that may be Catholics or this, you don’t necessarily debate with them, unless the Holy spirit is leading you, you let them see the passion and the fire in your eyes of what Christ has done in your life. And I began to do that. I didn’t debate with her. I said, man, let me tell you what Christ has done for my life. And I use it as a springboard to share the gospel. And as I did, I noticed the lady, she kept her head kept going down. She couldn’t look me in the eyes. She would always look away. And I’ve learned because Christ is light. He is the light of the world. Sometimes when you see into people’s lives, the darkness that is in them, they can’t, they can’t look you in your face and because of oppression in their own personal lives.

Justin Bell (19:29):
And this was the case, the police, they kicked us out of the hospital for sharing the gospel. We didn’t have a knife, we didn’t have a gun. We were simply sharing the love of Jesus and a lo and behold, someone that was listening in the four corner when we got kicked out, they actually came over and started communicating to the lady in Spanish finishing our conversation of sharing the gospel with her. So don’t debate. Let them see the fire passion in your eyes and allow the Holy spirit to use that, to open their hearts.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:59):
Yeah, our goal is not to win arguments. Our goal is to win souls. Now I do have some thoughts about apologetics. I just finished publishing a brand new book called proof. God is real and is basically a book about apologetics going through and looking at different reasons why I believe God is real looking at the, the cosmological proof for God’s existence, the tele illogical proof, which is basically design in the universe, looking at some of the, the different evidences that, that Pentecostal charismatics give, which is basically miracles, looking at different reasons. We can believe that the Bible is true. And so I put all this in, in this book, proof, God is real because I noticed on Twitter and, and YouTube that the spirit of atheism is very strong. There’s lots of atheists that, that make points arguing against Christianity. And I really have a heart for reaching atheist here in America.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:01):
And so that’s why I started researching and writing the book proof. God is real, but often I think that apologetics is, is pre evangelism. You bring people to an understanding that there is a God and that the Bible is reliable. And then they are open to hearing more about Jesus. And so I think some people are approached emotionally, but some people are approached intellectually that, that in. And of course the Bible says, love God with all your heart, your soul, your mind, and your strength. And, and, and so using apologetics is part of how we love God with our mind.

Justin Bell (21:44):
And so in

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:45):
My book on apologetics, it is infused with evangelistic fervor. I tried to put as much of my passion in there to save people from hell, because that’s the reason I wrote it. I, I don’t want anyone to go to hell. And if I can demolish some of the arguments that are keeping them from God, then, then that’s what I try to do in my book. But anyways, that, that book proof God is real. You can find it and on Amazon just type in Daniel King proof, God is real and you can order a copy of it. It’s, it’s hot off the press is, is just coming out this week. And so I’m super excited about that, but I, I do agree with you. We’re not trying to win an argument. All right. Here’s another one. What evangelism is not evangelism is not church planting. Talk to me about that.

Justin Bell (22:35):
Yeah. we need Christian churches all over the world. God knows you know, especially here in Dallas, we have a lot of churches, but a church alone does not solve the problem. It is more of you know, more of an opportunity for people to come in to learn more about Christ. You know, the initial conversation it has to happen when we encounter people. One-On-One in my, in my opinion, you know, people can be invited to an evangelistic event. People can be invited into the inside of the church, but a true evangelism is proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ to the hearts of men, allowing them to come into that reality. And then, you know, using the church as a means to help them grow, learn more about Christ, to get involved to continue to share the message of clients. But we can rely on church planning to, you know, see people come to know Jesus.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (23:33):
And then the final thing, evangelism is not evangelism is not the increase of numbers of people joining the church.

Justin Bell (23:44):
Yeah. some people, and this is bad, you know, they evangelize to say that they got somebody saved, you know, or they have the prime for motive of you know, I want to see 10 people say to them, I wouldn’t see that. And it’s nothing wrong with that, but it has to be rooted in love. It can be rooted in a self-pride of you wanting to make something happen because you know, that’s in the flesh. So, you know, I think it’s just having the right perspective when you reaching out to people and you, we evangelize because we love them because God loves them. Whether they get saved or not you know, it doesn’t determine our love for them. And so when we communicate the gospel, it’s like people there’s a saying that that’s very powerful. It says, people don’t know, people don’t care what you know, until they know that you care.

Justin Bell (24:35):
And so if you communicate from a place of really wanting to see them save, and they feel like it’s you trying to make something happen, they’re going to repel. But when you say, man, you know, I care about you and they sense that people are not dumb. They know when you actually care about them, they know when you actually have a heart for them. And so, you know, when you communicate from that place, then the conversation can continue versus, you know, you want it to strong, or we call it strong on them into the kingdom. So we don’t want to strong arm people in the kingdom because we want them to stay. We don’t want them to leave. So yeah, it’s, it’s the heart of a caring person that just loves them. Like Jesus loves them and shining the gospel message.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (25:17):
So we’ve talked about seven things that evangelism is not just give me a brief overview of what you think evangelism is as an evangelist. What do you think of anilism is?

Justin Bell (25:31):
Yeah. I think evangelism in a nutshell is it’s, it’s a warning. It’s an explanation. And a So-Cal I think we are first were warning people of the consequences of sin and through scripture, you know, there’s many scriptures John 16 acts 14 X, 24 warning people about the consequences of disobedience to God. And then it’s an explanation. It’s an explanation of the remedy that God has created for all mankind to come into the knowledge of Jesus Christ and allowing them to understand the remedy of the disobedience. Oh, this said, and then it’s a call. It’s a call for people to respond to what Christ has done. He has made awake. He has become the bridge to restore relationship, right. Relationship between man and God. And so yeah, it’s a warning. It’s an explanation. And the call in a nutshell, I think that’s evangelism biblically, and we are called to communicate this message clearly and allow people to become right with the Lord for all eternity.

Justin Bell (26:42):
You know it’s eternity is a real place and a lot of people may not think about it until, you know, they get sick or they get in the eighties or seventies, but people are dying at 15 years. Old, people are dying at 20 years. Old, people are dying at 12 years old. And so, you know, we have the responsibility to communicate the message, and it’s not a, as you have taught me, it’s not the great option. It’s the great commission, you know, so we are to do it because it’s a command from the Lord. And we may not be, everyone may not be sitting in the office of evangelism, but everyone is called to to share that faith in Christ, through the vocation. You know, whether you’re a lawyer, whether you’re a doctor, whether you’re a basketball player, your responsibility is to win that circle of influence that God has entrusted into you. So that we can see many souls coming to the kingdom.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (27:34):
Wow, that’s really tremendous. I really love your heart and your, your passion, Justin, you are a great evangelist and it’s a honor to know you, and I believe God’s going to continue to do amazing things through you. If some of my listeners want to support your ministry or find out more about you, could you give your, your website again, what’s the best way for them to find out more information about you?

Justin Bell (27:58):
Yeah. the website is a greater glory, a world ministries.com, Gigi dwdm.com. You can go there. We have information there. Our website is there. You can send us an email, a prayer request as well. We have an Instagram greater glory, well, ministries official, it’s official greater glory on Instagram. We have a Facebook page, greater global warming issues on Facebook. And so those are the ways that you can get in contact and, you know, to serve in a way we can serve as well and give there’s instructions on those platforms.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (28:34):
That’s awesome. Well, thank you, Justin so much for being on the evangelism podcast. You know, one time Marilyn Hickey told me that miracles are the dinner bell that called people to the banqueting table of heaven. And so I would say that that Justin is the bell that can call people to Jesus. You are like the bell out there, lagging in the wilderness, calling people to the banqueting table of heaven. And so God bless you, Justin. And thanks for being on, on the evangelism podcast.

Justin Bell (29:09):
Thank you, Daniel. Pleasure to be here. Thank you

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (29:11):
So much for listening to the evangelism podcast today. Could you do me a favor? Go find the evangelism podcast on Apple iTunes and give us a review. Your positive review will help other people who are excited about evangelism to find this podcast. God bless you

Evangelism Podcast Host (29:33):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit King ministries.com. Again, that’s King ministries.com.


Ministry Report on 2020

Your generous financial support helped us reach people for Jesus in several major outreaches in 2020.

Like many people, our year got off to a rough start because of the coronavirus. We were scheduled to do a large evangelistic crusade in Ethiopia in March and twenty-four hours before I was supposed to get on the plane, the government of Ethiopia closed the border and we had to cancel the crusade.

It is tough to be a missionary evangelist when most countries are closed, so this year we focused on developing our online ministry. The www.kingministries.com website received a major upgrade and I was invited to preach at churches, pastor’s conferences, and television networks via Zoom on three different continents. I also helped to build an online Evangelism Masterclass for the Global Evangelist Alliance.

I spoke several times for the Evangelism Bootcamp with Christ for All Nations in Orlando, Florida. My students were sent out to Tanzania to preach in schools and marketplaces and over several months they were able to lead over 500,000 people to Jesus.

Doors began to open back up at the end of the year and in November we had a tremendous crusade in Kahama, Tanzania at the invitation of Christ for All Nations, the ministry of Reinhard Bonnke and Daniel Kolenda. At the crusade, a total of 13,457 people filled out decision cards.

In December, Ethiopia relaxed restrictions and we were able to reschedule the crusade that had been canceled. We drove nine hours across bumpy roads to an obscure village named Abuna. Thousands of people gathered together to hear the Gospel and many were saved and healed.

Another major project this year was the launch of The Evangelism Podcast. We have now recorded over 60 episodes interviewing full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith. The Evangelism Podcast is rapidly growing in subscribers and listeners. On YouTube our teaching videos received 19,523 views for a total of over 800 hours and we connected with thousands more on Facebook and Twitter.

I just published a new book called Proof: God is Real. I wrote this book in order to confront the spirit of atheism that has become prevalent here in America.

Our family was greatly blessed during 2020. Jessica enjoys teaching piano at home and being a K4 aide at Victory Christian School. Caleb, our ten-year-old, loves robotics, ice skating, and basketball at school. Katie Grace, our eight-year-old, has become an excellent pianist and one of the top students in her class.

2020 was a great year of ministry. We are so thankful for your love and your support. Without you we would not be able to lead so many of the lost to Jesus.

Jesus told the story of the shepherd who leaves the ninety-nine sheep to go rescue the one lost sheep. Our ministry is dedicated to searching for the one who is lost. We go to the least reached parts of the world to find the ones who are lost and we train other evangelists to search for those who need Jesus.

Your Missionaries,

Daniel & Jessica King

P.S. Next month, I am going to Sierra Leone for another Gospel crusade and to train local evangelists. Your gift this month will help us reach people for Jesus in West Africa. Thank you for your generosity!

Michael D. Butler | How to Launch and Market a Book

Michael D. Butler is an evangelist and he owns a publishing company that helps authors write and publish books. On today’s podcast he shares with us on “How to Launch and Market a Book.”


What is a book launch and how do I do one?

What are the top three ways to market your book once you have published it?

How can I make my content go viral?

Websites: https://michaeldbutler.com/


https://writebook60days.com  – Take advantage of Michael Butler’s FREE offer to help you write a book in 60 days.


Are you interested in evangelism? Call the Evangelism Coach Daniel King.


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Michael D. Butler is an evangelist and he owns a publishing company that helps authors write and publish books on today’s podcast. We’re going to talk about how to launch and market your new book.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:14):
Jesus said, go into all the world and preach the gospel. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King we’re Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary and evangelist Daniel King. Welcome to the evangelism

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:52):
Podcast. I’m Daniel King and I am excited about telling people about Jesus. And today I have a special guest. His name is Michael D. Butler. He’s an evangelist he’s recently gone to Pakistan and preach the gospel there. He has a heart for evangelism, but he also has a publishing company that helps authors to write and publish their books. Brother, Michael, thank you so much for being with me today. Daniel’s great to be here on the evangelism podcast. Congrats on nearly 100 episodes. So we’ve done two episodes already. The one episode was how to write a book and then we just finished an episode about how to publish a book. And so if you’re interested in writing or publishing a book, I’d encourage you to go listen to those episodes. But in this episode, let’s talk a little bit about something that I think is probably the most important part of the process.

Michael D. Butler (01:48):
It’s how to market your book and how to get people to actually buy it. And, and I’ve found this to be very important because sometimes I get so engrossed in the process of writing the book. By the time I finished the manuscript, I’m like, I’m tired of talking about that, but that’s when you, you, you need to be most excited because that’s when you start marketing the book that that’s exactly right. And you know, one one famous person is noted for saying that an amazing thing happens when no one advertises nothing. And so if we’re not, if we’re as the author, aren’t excited not talking about her, but we can’t expect anyone else to. And the beauty of it is if you want to sell books, you need others talking about your book. So here here’s my formula for that is start. Now when you’re writing, when you’re in the green room, people want to see behind the scenes stuff. I will actually have my authors and coach my authors to go back date. Some of their social media posts, even though they’re books coming out next week, I’m like, okay, your friends and family have no clue. You’re writing this book, go do this post on Facebook that says, Hey, I’m thinking about writing a book and start creating

Michael D. Butler (03:00):
A little buzz. Your dog’s looking at you at the computer saying, aren’t you going to play with me? And you’re working on the computer late into the night. This is the backstory that creates the intrigued. So the, when the book actually comes out, people start getting excited and you start getting that engagement. And I love sharing some of the chapters that are in the book and start tweaking it and why I’m writing the book, but also sharing it on social media is a great way to get feedback on, Hey, I’m doing a chapter on, I’m a mortgage lender. I’m doing a chapter on credit repair during the pandemic. What do you think? Should I tell Sue story or Bob story, you know, and when you get that kind of feedback and engagement, you’ve almost got a guaranteed bookseller.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:40):
So your advice to, to authors is to actually start the marketing before the book is even published. Start talking about it, start building your platform.

Michael D. Butler (03:50):
That’s exactly right. You know, the beauty is with books because it’s intellectual property. We can finalize a cover start pre-sell and the cover start taking you. Number one, and pre-selling it for six months before the book’s even done, that does two things. It puts, it puts the lights, a fire under the author to get done because they know they’ve got a deadline now and all their friends and family know they’ve announced the book launch by a certain date, but it also revs up your fan base saying, Hey, when’s that book gonna come out? I can’t wait to see it. Maybe you’ve teased a few chapters out there. Maybe you have them opting into your website for a free chapter or chapter one. But at the end of the day, they know there’s a book coming. So Instagram to me is number one, YouTube. You want to be doing video.

Michael D. Butler (04:34):
Video marketing is so powerful. Daniel, as you’ve proven and is, as we’ve seen the videos going viral, share, ask the question, make it about the reader. If you’re writing a book on it, if you’re writing a book on credit repair, like I said, or if you’re writing a book on, on better marriages, there are practical takeaway tips where you feature one of your tips from one of the chapters in the book where you’re setting down and giving a behind the scenes sneak peak. And that’s, what’s going to get shared. That’s what’s going to go viral. People are going to find you because your friends are sharing that.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:08):
Now let’s go to several weeks before you actually publish the book. And you want to do a book launch. What are some secrets or tips of doing a successful book launch?

Michael D. Butler (05:21):
Well, there’s a number of factors that go into it because we’re talking about launching the print book. We’re talking about launching the ebook at the same or different times, but regardless, regardless of any pandemic or our COVID or anything like that, you can do a live slash you can do a virtual slash real book launch. You can go to a bookstore. You can go to a friend’s restaurant. You can rent a room pretty much anywhere. You can have an event in your home just anywhere you would meet with people. You want to print some banners, have some, have some actual books there. I have New York times bestselling authors calling me crying after going to a book signing and only five people showed up, you know, because they used to have lines of 300 people waiting, waiting for hours to get the book signed. Things have changed.

Michael D. Butler (06:13):
Now it’s all about the photo op it’s all about the one-on-one personal touch. You might not have 300 people waiting in line at a bookstore anymore, but go ahead and create the virtual event. That’s going to live online forever because you go to a book signing that’s one and done. But the virtual event that you do online, go ahead and set up an event on your social media, set a date, invite people, get RSVPs, remind them. You’re going to have some giveaways, have some virtual gift baskets from some of your sponsors and just have fun with it. That’s the main thing.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:48):
And then after you’ve published the book, give me the top three ways to continue marketing your book after you’ve published it. W which, what platforms should people be using to continually market the book?

Michael D. Butler (07:01):
Well, we kind of have a love, hate relationship with Amazon because they’re the elephant in the room and we need them for a little while and they are 55% of the world’s book sales. So we want to go number one on Amazon. And we, we want to get that best seller logo that that’s worth it. That’s worth it. I’ve got videos on that, how to do that. And as you’ve mentioned get that you want to get the print book into people’s hands as quickly as possible. And the ebook is very important. You want the ebook done properly, not you don’t just put up a word document or PDF. It’s not going to look right. It’s gotta be a.mobi. If it’s going to be on Amazon, it’s gotta be a dot EPUB three. If it’s going to look right on other platforms, you want to do all that properly.

Michael D. Butler (07:44):
You invest a little money on the front end, but it really makes you look good on the back end. You want to make your content is shareable as possible and as snackable as possible. And the way you do that is through video promotion. So you say this week, I’m giving away one of my books on great marriages, and I’m going to give it to the third person, that comments or the fifth person that comments or whatever. And then you start seeing those comments go viral, and then you get somebody’s mailing address. And then you do the video and say, Hey, Tom and Patty Jones, and you follow Oklahoma, or the winner of this week’s book. And I’m going to, and you do the video of you packing it up in the mailer and sending it out to them because they were engaged on your page. And that kind of stuff really goes a long way. It doesn’t cost a lot, but people feel like you really care about them. And then, and then have them tweet it, have a develop a hashtag around your book, around your brand. So maybe your hashtag on, on God is real, is hashtag God is real. That’s your book. And I have hashtags around all my books, where I can see when people are talking about it.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:45):
So on my healing power book, what I did on that one is I took all the content and I broke it down into small, in recorded a video for each segment. So this book has about 30 videos that are recorded and mostly all the content, just straight from the book. I just stand in front of a camera and teach on it and put a little intro on it, little outgo at the end, talking about the book. And some of those, those videos, they still get several thousand views over the course of a month. That’s exactly what people should be doing. And some of them have like 200 views ever. And then some of them have attracted thousands of views, and I’m not sure what

Michael D. Butler (09:31):
You could be on your local news and not get that kind of, that kind of impressions and views. And so that is so important. I got business people Daniel, that write books with 12 chapters, and then they have a mastermind that they charged $2,000 for. What do they do in the mastermind? They take the book and they just do a deeper dive into those 12 chapters. So they’re using the same content that they already wrote off the $20 book. And they’re diving into a mastermind and they’ve got the script in their hand because they already wrote the book.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:00):
So if you want to achieve a best-selling book, you, you want your, your content to go viral. What are some ways to make your content go viral?

Michael D. Butler (10:13):
Well, you want to start early with a great idea. I’ve got a book coming out on Valentine’s day, depending on when you listen to this, it’s called it’s complicated and it’s a book about love. And it’s, it’s a fiction book. It’s my first stab at fiction. So pick up a copy of it’s complicated

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:28):
And that’s a great title because it is complicated. It’s fun.

Michael D. Butler (10:32):
So start early, have something fun. Hashtag it’s complicated. It’s complicated. Exactly. And have a bigger purpose around it. I say, if you donate some books to kids, I I’m big into kids and literacy. And we work with reading is fundamental, has given away a hundred thousand of our authors books. We have the Harry Moon book series for kids, and it helps kids read. It’s all about literacy and helping kids with, with dyslexia read better because it’s a, the fonts that we use. And so have the bigger picture around. I love the toolbox you’ve got for churches. I love the book you’ve got on how to write a book. I want to have you on the show for that. The ministry toolbox series is great. So have a reason and a purpose around it. The more practical and tactical it is. And the very tart more targeted it is. You can sell more books.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:28):
So if someone needs your help with a book launch or making more sales on their books, how can they find out more information about you?

Michael D. Butler (11:37):
Sure. We help authors all around the world and they can just go to my calendar by going to beyond publishing.net and my personal website. Michael D as in David, Michael D butler.com, jump on my calendar. I’ll give them a three 30 minute book consult and we’ll give

Michael D. Butler (11:54):
Them some options on how they can move forward with us. Well, that’s a no brainer it’s free. So 30 minutes you can talk with the expert, and then you also have developed a program which you very generously offered to give away free to my listeners today in it’s how to write a book in 60 days. How can someone take advantage of your free offer to learn how to write a book? Sure. We’ve, we’ve had PhD doctors and pastors go through this course, it’s it normally sells for $897. We’ve decided to make it free for your listeners for short time. Thank you. That’s very generous. Sure. At right book 60 days.com and go ahead and opt in for it now, and you’ll get the email that will be live by the time this podcast airs or write books, 60 days.com. And you’ll be notified with a link and you can have access to all eight of the videos, which are practical aspects of every part of writing the book and from the cover of the title, the subtitle, the back cover, and then the, even how to promote the book and launch it and properly.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:56):
Awesome. Well, thank you so much for being on the evangelism podcast, brother, Michael,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:03):
Hey, it’s great to be here and grab, grab Daniel’s books. He’s got some great books and, and I love what you’re doing in the world. Where are you off to next? Sierra Leone is my next trip, and we’re going to go and preach the gospel there and train evangelists, coach evangelists. And that’s what I do. I coach evangelists. So if you need help with evangelism or you’re, you’re wanting to go to nations around the world, give me a call and I will help you out. Thanks for having me on the show. He, that wins souls is wise. Thank you, brother, Michael. God bless you. Thanks so much for listening to the evangelism podcast today. Could you do me a favor, go find the evangelism podcast on Apple iTunes and leave us a review and make sure you subscribe. So you don’t miss any of our exciting episodes

Evangelism Podcast Host (13:50):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit King ministries.com. Again, that’s King ministries.com.



Michael D. Butler | How to Publish a Book

Michael D. Butler is an evangelist and he owns a publishing company that helps authors write and publish books. On today’s podcast he shares with us on “How to Publish a Book.”


What is the difference between traditional publishing, self-publishing, and hybrid publishing?

Why is it important to have someone edit your book?

How much does it cost to publish a book?

How long does it take to get a book published?

Subscribe to The Evangelism Podcast with Evangelism Coach Daniel King


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:01):
Michael D. Butler is an evangelist and he owns a publishing company that helps authors write and publish books on today’s podcast. He’s going to talk about how to publish a book.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:14):
Jesus said, go into all the world and preach the gospel. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionary, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies, and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host missionary and evangelist Daniel King. Welcome to

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:51):
The evangelism podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I am excited about telling people about Jesus and I also am excited about writing and books because books are a great way to tell more people about Jesus. Today. I have an expert in writing and publishing a books. Michael Butler. Thank you for being on the evangelism podcast. Hey, it’s great to be here, Daniel. Thanks for having me back. So tell me a little bit about your background in the publishing industry. How many books have you published and help authors publish over the last few years, we’ve published 350 titles in the last three years. And you know, it’s just amazing because a lot of people thought the internet killed publishing, but book readership is up globally and publishing is up globally. And if you’ve got a story in you, now’s the time to get it out to the world, specifically how to, you want to do a, how to book is the, if you’re going to write fiction or nonfiction, there’s really a place in the Christian market for Christian romance.

Michael D. Butler (01:50):
We’ve got we got some screenplays and books being option for movies right now. So I will talk about that. There’s a real demand for, for Christian content, for faith content. And when it comes to writing books, the books that sell the highest in the in the how to, or the nonfiction is, is how to books, how to books and self-help books, you can do your memoir, but that’s the slowest moving category of book. And then on the on the fiction side, if you’re going to do romance, keep it clean. I, Hey, listen, Christians need to read romance books too. Right? And wouldn’t that be great to have some godly Christian romance books that are appropriate, that we could still option for movies and sell to Hollywood. So no naked people on the front of the Christian romance, just, yeah, they have to have a shirt button, some clothes on him. Well, I know my wife really loves that category. She, she reads a lot of, of great stuff in, in Christian romance and there’s definitely a need for it. So let’s talk about publishing a book. How does someone publish book nowadays?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:00):
There there’s a traditional model of, of publishing and then there’s their self publishing. And then there’s some ways of publishing that kind of combined the two. So could you explain those different categories and what the publishing process is like with modern techniques?

Michael D. Butler (03:15):
Sure. In the past, if somebody had a good book idea, they would go pitch it to a New York publisher like assignment and Schuster or a McMillan and hope to hear back. The downside of that is when you publish traditionally, they kept the rights that traditional publisher keeps the rights and only pays the author about 15 to 20%. The upside is your book would get global distribution, but on the downside, it can take two to three years to bring it to market. If they give you a call back. And the way it works now is if you don’t have 2 million followers on social media, have your own TV show, you won’t get that call back. The self publishing route is, is like it’s named you do everything yourself. And the average self-published author, statistically never sells more than 200 books because they never get distribution beyond Amazon.

Michael D. Butler (04:04):
Amazon’s only 55% of the world’s book sales. Now you do keep a hundred percent of the royalty and sin. You do keep the rights, but you’ve got to do everything yourself. So by the time you find a cover designer, find an editor, do all those things, figure out how to do an EPUB conversion. You’re a few thousand dollars in, and you don’t have everything just right on the copyright registration in the library of Congress. That’s where you might want to call a hybrid publisher. That’s the other option. And the hybrid model is, is a really popular model now because it lets the author keep the rights, keep the lion’s share of the royalties, get global distribution and bring it to market fast. So in fact, as a hybrid publisher, that’s what we do. And we get our authors into bookstores and libraries and set them up properly. There’s a one-time author investment on the front side, which is nominal. And it’s about the same as what an author would invest if they were doing it themselves. And we ensure everything’s done properly and done properly the first time.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:59):
And so if someone was interesting in utilizing your services for publishing a book, how could they find out more information about you?

Michael D. Butler (05:07):
Yeah, they can reach out to us on the net at beyondpublishing.net and michaeldbutler.com. We’ve been able to help so many authors, Michael D butler.com and beyond publishing.net. And they can just set up a free 30 minute consult with myself or one of my team members. And we will give them feedback on their book, title, subtitle, marketability of their books, sellability of their book and give them feedback and also look at their, their timeline goals and their book launch goals and see if we might be a fit.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:41):
So what are some of the elements that go into actually publishing a book? Like let’s say someone has written a manuscript, they’ve opened up Microsoft word and they’ve pounded on the keyboard and they have 50,000 words or a hundred thousand words that they’ve, they’ve written. Then what’s the next step. How do they go from having this file to actually having a printed book in their hand?

Michael D. Butler (06:06):
Well, we always like to tell authors is if you’re going to launch a book, launch a movement around it, don’t just launch a book, but launch a workshop or a course around it that really ties into your brand. So if you’re out there doing marriage seminars right now, and you’re writing a book on marriage, that’s a good fit. If you haven’t started your marriage seminars yet tell your reader, Hey, we’re, we’re launching this book because we’ve been doing marriage seminars for people in the past. We’re going to start that up again. And you want to include testimonials of people that have gone through your marriage workshop, that you’ve been able to help. And then you want to have a QR code in that book so that they can go to your landing page to see what workshops you have coming up on the calendar.

Michael D. Butler (06:47):
So let’s really build a movement around the book because let’s face it. Book sales are only about 20% of an author’s revenue. You want to have a back and product. So like Daniel’s got a podcast here, but he’s also got, he’s got a huge ministry. He’s evangelizing the world. And so what is your strategy? Let’s look at your strategy. If you’re a therapist, if you’re a pastor, if you’re a speaker, you do workshops. How can we plug that book into the overall next level? I always say to authors, why are you selling now? What’s your core product? How can we expand it? Can you explore it some more revenue out of one of these verticals, be it a, you know, licensed family therapist and you’re doing marriage workshops. That’s a perfect fit.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:30):
Now I’ve, I’ve met some ministers that, that they have, self-published a book and they hand it to me. It’s got a really ugly cover. It has a grainy photo on the back. It obviously hasn’t been edited because there are spelling mistakes and in different places. And it seems no matter how much the anointing is on that book is never going to do well because it just doesn’t look attractive. And they really haven’t made it look the way a professionally published book would look, even if God is in it, it’s still, they say, don’t judge a book by the cover, but everybody judges a book by the cover. So what are some of the steps that it takes to, to make a book look attractive and look like something that one would want to buy? I think first step would, would maybe be an editor. Talk to me about that. The editing process, what needs to go into that? Well, edit

Michael D. Butler (08:33):
Getting as much like a, a mechanic, you know, you’ve got to have a good mechanic to keep the car running smoothly. That’s what’s on the inside, but we, we pre-sell books and go number one for you before you ever are done writing the manuscript because we finalize the cover. And, and that is through a strategic meeting where we do with you on a zoom car in person that who is the reader of this book. So we can actually, pre-sell the cover of the book with blank pages for six months help you go bestseller because we know what sells. And you know, a lot of people will come up with a subtitle that they think is a title, like how to win friends and influence people. That was a popular book by the way, by Dale Carnegie. But it was more of a subtitle and the subtitle is what’s in it for me.

Michael D. Butler (09:22):
And that really doesn’t need to be the title. That’s the way we used to do titles. But now we want to capture the readers intrigue with one or two words, one or two syllables, and then tell them what’s in it in the subtitle. So there’s a whole science around the science around the book is if somebody sees your book on a shelf or online and the title intrigues them, then they’ll turn it over and read the back. And then the back cover content. The whole goal of the back cover content is to look at the table of contents. And if you intrigued me with one of these chapters that tells me evidence of the Bible, and I opened up to chapter five and I start reading it, I’m 83% likely to go up to the cash register and pay for this book by Daniel King. Even if I don’t know Daniel King, because I want to know that there’s evidence of God in the Bible. So that was the cover back cover table of contents, all very powerful hooks to get me to buy the book.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:17):
What are some elements that should be on the cover, the back cover?

Michael D. Butler (10:22):
Well, I liked, I liked the author picture to be on the front cover. It’s, it’s very important because you’re really selling yourself. Yeah. You’re yeah. You’re, you’re, you’re branding yourself. So when somebody sees you on a Christian program on television, or even just on a podcast or a YouTube channel, they’re like, I know I’ve seen this guy before you want that name brand recognition. You’re young. You’re going to be around a long time. And that’s what you want. There’s a lot of false teachers out there. There’s a lot of false prophets. So you’re, you’re, you’re selling truth. You’re selling the word of God and you’re sharing the word of God with the world and there’s nothing wrong. You know, I, you know, some churches bless their heart. They teach you to be so humble that you don’t know how to market yourself. And there’s a final, I mean, th there’s a balance there and you do, you do want, this is the right thing to do. I’ve got Daniel’s book here, master. So winner, you can become a master. So winner, you do want your picture on the cover of the book nine times out of 10. There’s some people that have a face for radio. And we’ll talk about that when we meet.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:25):
So if someone comes to your, your company in, in and wants your help with publishing a book, typically how much do they invest in into that process?

Michael D. Butler (11:38):
So they’re gonna, they’re gonna make a one-time author investment of about $3,000, which we’re going to help them make back quickly by selling 300 books. And that’s going to be a turnkey thing that we, we do everything them, including

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:54):
That’s that’s editing, cover design, net, quotation, helping them also

Michael D. Butler (12:01):
ISB in library of Congress. EPUB conversion all the set up, loading it to hundreds of sites, Barnes, and noble.com Books-A-Million dot com, amazon.com. That’s the, e-book the audio book, the hardcover and the paperback that includes everything except editing and cover design, because with editing is based on word count. So you could bring us a 30,000 word book, or you could bring us a hundred thousand word book, and it’s going to be based on, based on word count.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:28):
So you have a program to help people put out a book in only 60 days. How, how can they take benefit of that program?

Michael D. Butler (12:37):
Yeah, it’s a proven program. It’s helped 85% of the attendees complete their book 85% of their manuscript within eight weeks. And it’s at right book 60 days.com, right? Wr ITE book six, zero days.com and they can access it for free because we’re on the program here. And yeah, there’s a great testimonials. About how long

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:02):
Does it typically take for a book to be published?

Michael D. Butler (13:06):
Well, once somebody brings us a rough manuscript, we can have it published in four weeks. So while it’s off to edit, we’re working with the author on the cover design, we bring four or five designs to them. Once they pick the one they want, we’ll tweak it. And then we start pre-selling with 3d images launch announcements for their social media. We’re pushing it out on our side as well. We’re incentivized to push the book out everywhere and we take their books and their catalog to all the major book shows of the world.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:34):
That’s outstanding. Well, thank you so much for talking to us about how to publish a book. You are an expert in this, you’ve published over 350 books in the last three years, so, so thank you, Michael Butler for being on the evangelism podcast.

Michael D. Butler (13:50):
Yes, Daniel. Thank you always a pleasure. Thanks so much.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:54):
The evangelism podcast today, could you do me a favor, go find the evangelism podcast on Apple iTunes and leave us a review and make sure you subscribe. So you don’t miss any of our exciting episodes

Evangelism Podcast Host (14:09):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit King ministries.com. Again, that’s King ministries.com.


Michael D. Butler | How to Write a Book

Michael D. Butler is an evangelist and he owns a publishing company that helps authors write and publish books. On today’s podcast he shares with us on “How to Write a Book.”

Do you have a book in you? Have you been STUCK in the manuscript? Do you need help finally getting it written?

Websites: https://michaeldbutler.com/


writebook60days.com  – Take advantage of Michael Butler’s FREE offer to help you write a book in 60 days.


What are some reasons why a minister would want to write a book?

What are some ways that a minister can develop content?

What would you tell someone who is wanting to write a book but does not know where to start?

You have a program helping people write a book in 60 days. What are the secrets to writing a book in 60 days?

Seven questions new and existing authors need to ask themselves before launching any new book project are:

1. Is there enough demand for the topic I am writing about?

2. How many books have been written on my chosen topic?

3. How many of those books have hit Best Seller?

4. Do I have an active, Online community that is connected to my topic?

5. Do I have speaking gigs (Online and in person) lined up to speak to people that are passionate about my cause and my project?

6. Do I have a social media presence where I am considered an influencer and thought leader on my topic?

7. Have I interviewed enough experts on my topic and could I feature their content in my book?

Check out The Evangelism Podcast hosted by Daniel King the Evangelism Coach


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:02):
Michael D. Butler is an evangelist and he owns a publishing company that helps authors write and publish books on today’s podcast. He shares with us on how to write

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:12):
A book. Jesus said, go into all the world and preach the gospel. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King we’re Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionary, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies, and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary and evangelist Daniel King. Welcome to the event

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:51):
Angeles and podcast. I’m Daniel King. And I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. I have a very special guest Michael D. Butler. He is an expert at writing books, publishing books, and then promoting books and doing launches for books. And he’s got a great company that helps people to write books, but before he’s an author and helping authors, he is an evangelist at heart. So brother Michael, thank you so much for being on the podcast today.

Michael D. Butler (01:22):
Hey, thank you, Daniel. And congratulations. I know you’re getting close to 100 shows and wow. I listened to Keith Wheeler. That’s a great episode. So thanks for having me on, you know, now more than ever people’s stories, getting out to the world is very important. And guess what readership is up globally? The good news is the internet did not kill readership and book publishing. Thanks for having me on the show.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:44):
So you have a heart for evangelism just recently. You were in the nation of Pakistan. Tell me what you were doing in Pakistan.

Michael D. Butler (01:51):
Well, you know, Pakistan is 98 to 99% Muslim country and it’s the actual, and you’ve you’ve ministered there. So, you know, the country, well, it’s the only country that truly is dedicated to Mohammed, whereas America, you know, as a Christian nation it’s but th there, there are many believers there and they they’re getting born again every day. The church is growing and just a great work of God there. And, you know, people are hungry for the Lord and salvation healings, miracle, spirit field called to preach. I mean, there’s so many amazing young people there. If you have daughters there, you keep them covered up and you keep them locked up. It’s you know, it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s one of those areas of the world. That’s not very safe. There is persecution, but the believers there are very they love Jesus and the missionaries we’re working with on the ground, we’ve been blessed to rescue 75 kids this last year from, from slavery.

Michael D. Butler (02:47):
And right now we’re putting the first three girls through a beautician school and cosmetology school. And then once they get out, they pledged to give 25% back to help their classmates get a professional education. And we’re moving forward with not only teaching them the word of God everyday, teaching them to read and write and become literate. So they don’t have to go back to the brick bond, each slavery life, which is a big part of Pakistan in the third generation debts that their parents and grandparents had. So they’re basically making bricks every day, you know, in the hot sun and for about a dollar or two a day. And so we’re actually helping break that cycle by not only preaching the gospel, but educating them and giving them, you know, teaching them life skills that they can be employed for life.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:29):
Wow. That’s so awesome. And your heart for evangelism goes all the way back to when you were very young. Tell me how that got started.

Michael D. Butler (03:38):
Well, I, you know, I w I was born again at age seven. I remember we went to church every time the doors were open and it was, it was actually a video evangelism, you know, Billy Graham had some great films out back then. There were some other groups, had some great evangelism films back there that as we say, scared the hell out of you as a kid, because you didn’t want to be left behind. And I think that was the name of one of the movies who was left behind and the Modi was right in the heart was right. And I knew, I knew as a child from reading the word, but also hearing in messages and seeing on movies that there’s a heaven to gain and a hell to shun, and Jesus is real and it turned it he’s forever. And God is such a God of love and compassion.

Michael D. Butler (04:19):
I, you know, you look at Noah and how long God kept that door open, because he’s such a, a long suffering kind. It’s the kindness of the Lord that brings us to repentance. But there was a sign at the back of the church that said he, that wins souls is wise. And I saw that every time we left the church, but something very amazing before my dad ever became a pastor. He worked for public service, the local power company. And so before a take, your kid to work day was popular. Like it is now as, as a kid 45, 50 years ago, dad would take me to work sometimes. And on his lunch break, I would see him pray for coworkers. I would see him lead lead men to Jesus, and that just put a, put a heart of fire and compassion in me to, to win souls.

Michael D. Butler (05:05):
He, that wins souls is wise. And, you know, I’ve done the business thing. I’ve done the pastoring and ministry thing. And I don’t think you can separate them. God’s calling so many people that are in the marketplace and to the ministry and giving them a bigger platform even than some pastors. And so I don’t think it’s either, or I think it’s all of the above people in the marketplace need Jesus and people in all over the world need Jesus. So just share open your mouth. And here’s the thing I learned most though, here’s the thing business taught me. And that is this. I used to do a lot of door to door sales in college. And when you’re calling on somebody, you don’t just make the offer. The minute they opened the door, you do, what’s called the warmup. You get to know them, you ask them pre-qualifying questions and you want to get a yes from them.

Michael D. Butler (05:53):
And you really establish that relationship and connection because people don’t, they don’t care how much, you know, until they know how much you care. And we’ve got the greatest thing in the, in the universe. And that’s salvation. That’s Jesus and Jesus, you know, no matter what country you’re in, no matter what your politics is, money won’t fix the problem whoever’s in the white house or in your political realm will not fix the office. It’s Jesus. Jesus is the only one that can bring healing when your kids are depressed on drugs or running from God. That’s Jesus is the one that matters and Jesus is not some woo woo person off in a cloud. But he’s real practical. Jesus is very practical, teach you how to be a better parent, how to be a better manager of money, how to be a better husband and wife. It’s just the journey has been amazing. Daniel

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:43):
And you are also a businessman in your business is helping people write books, promote their books, publish their books. And so I thought it’d be a good idea to not just do one podcast with you, but we’re going to do a series of three podcasts. And so the, this first podcast, let’s talk about how to write a book. First of all, let’s start with a question of why do you think it’s important for a minister to write books and to be a published author?

Michael D. Butler (07:14):
Well, in the first place, Mark 16, 15 says go into all the world and preach. And actually in the amplified, it says, preach and publish the gospel. There’s something so eternal and long lasting about the written word. And, you know, publishing is up. Reading is up ahead of movies. People are reading more than ever, you know, and it’s, it’s the, it’s the printing press Daniel that brought us out of the dark ages because the, the common man wasn’t allowed to read most weren’t literate back in the 15 hundreds. And in the Catholic church, the the word of God was read in Latin and the the parishioners didn’t understand what was being read. So they didn’t understand that they were righteous with God through Christ. That’s what, that’s what Martin Luther, Martin Luther, thank you very much. That’s what it was about.

Michael D. Butler (08:08):
It was about being justified by faith. And so when you can read the word of God in, in your language, it helps you understand it and apply it to your life. So readership is up, is up globally. So how does somebody write a book and decide, Hey, I want to write a book well for a pastor, it goes without saying that your most popular sermons should be a book. And so we worked with a lot of pastors to get their, their sermons into books. We’ve got a special program for pastors to make that happen quickly so that they’ve got something to sell. If the back of the room and their bookstores is they’re out traveling and preaching, it expands their reach, but it also empowers their parishioners and and, and gives people an opportunity globally to learn about them. You’re seeing a lot of people that are pastoring churches now globally, and it’s partly virtual and partly in person, but the written word is so powerful and we do it digitally. We do it print. We do it ebook and audio book.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:03):
So what are some ways that a minister can develop content and then turn their, their spoken content into the written page?

Michael D. Butler (09:14):
Well, that’s great. You know, we’ve got, we’ve got a team of transcriptionists that are very effective, very affordable, very quick. You would be surprised. And we publish authors all over the world. And many times an author will provide us, you know, the transcripts and we’ll have the an edited version back to the author within 72 hours. That’s not, that’s not uncommon.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:38):
What would you say to someone who feels like God wants them to write a book? And they feel like they, they have a book on their heart, but they just don’t know where to start. Where would you tell them to start the process?

Michael D. Butler (09:51):
Well, I’ve been teaching this for years and we’ve published 350 titles and a, with 120 authors. And so I just completed an eight week eight module course that I’m offering for free to your listeners only for a limited time at write book, 60 days.com, where they can actually access all my training videos that I did recently in the TV studio. And it goes into who is your avatar? Why do you want to write a book, how to outline the chapters, how to choose the title and subtitle, what copy needs to go on the back cover? And we, we deal with transitions, memory hooks. How long should the paragraphs be? How long should the chapter be? We go into all the technical aspects of writing the book, formulating the content and laying it out. And 85% of the students that have gone through that course in eight weeks, time are 85% done with their manuscript. And since it’s a modular format, now it’s complete at your own pace. We’ve actually got some students going through that course. And within eight hours, they know exactly they’ve got their book outlined. And then within the next eight days, their book has done.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:58):
Wow. So that’s extremely rapid. So you think it’s possible that someone could actually write a book in 60 days, two months? Yeah.

Michael D. Butler (11:07):
You know, the first two modules we really hone in on who is the audience and what is the goal of the book? Once we actually write the book backwards with you, by deciding beginning with the end in mind, writing the book backwards, deciding who, which market is your target market. For example, you might have one idea in your mind, but it’s too broad. It’s too general. It’s too vague. We help you boil it down and make it specific. For example, my book, my first book, the single dad, survival guide was very niche, very specific to dads who had just gone through a divorce that needed resources to move forward with their life. And so I decided to make that my first book, as a result of going through my own strategic program here,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:48):
I was looking at your YouTube channel and you’ve got some tremendous resources, just videos that you put up on YouTube answering some of the questions that that writers go through. I was just looking at one and you had seven questions that a new and existing author needs to ask before they launch a new book project. And so let’s just go through these really quick. Number one, is there enough demand for the topic that I’m writing about number two, how many books have been written on my chosen topic? Number three, how many of those books I’ve hit bestseller status? Number four, do I have an active online community? That’s connected to my topic? Number five, do I have speaking gigs lined up to speak to people that are passionate about this, this cause, or this project? Number six? Do I have a social media presence where I’m considered an influencer and thought leader on my topic and seven, have I interviewed enough experts on my topic? And could I feature their content in my book? So talk to me why it’s important to ask those types of questions in before you even get started writing your book.

Michael D. Butler (12:49):
Well, if you identify who is already speaking to and writing to your audience, then you don’t have to go create another audience. You know, audience gathering is difficult in a, in a post-internet world. You know, it used to be, you’d go down to the town square and you would meet and mingle with the Baker, the Butler, the butcher, the cobbler, and the other people in the square. And you would trade your wares and buy vegetables and, and that type of thing. Now that everything is online, finding communities, for example, single dads that need resources. We know that men typically don’t read books. So it’s a smaller niche. It’s harder to find. Women are reading 78% of the books in the marketplace. We know that 70, 80% of the books in the marketplace are fiction, fiction consumption. So if you’re writing a nonfiction book, you’ve already got a smaller target to hit it’s about 30 or 40%, but realize that your target market’s there. Who’s speaking to them now, how do you find them on social media? How do you find communities online that you can begin to make relationships with and network with? And so you’re, you’re further ahead. If you want to be picked up by a publisher, you want to sell more books, you identify where they’re at, but you also look at the demographic and the questions that they’re asking, what if you’re, if you’re answering questions that nobody’s asking, then you’re not going to have any book sales. Okay.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:12):
So I actually wrote a book on how to write a book. I’ve written over 20 books in my lifetime, and I’m working on another 20 or 30 that are close to being finished. And so people kept asking me, Daniel, how do I write a book? And I would sit down and spend hours with them talking to them, like my process. And finally, I said, I need to write a book on how to write a book. And so I wrote it and it’s on my website, King ministries.com click on the, the resource is button. And you can find my book on, on how to write a book, but here’s some of the reasons that, that I came up with why ministers should, should write books number one, books, help believers to grow spiritually. And, and so if you’re discipling someone, you can hand them a book.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:59):
And that discipleship process can go far faster. Two books continue to preach the gospel long after you returned home. So I’m a international missionary. I go all over the world, preaching the gospel, but I’ve got kids. So after I preach, I want to come home and spend some time with my kids, but I leave my books in that country. And those books are a seed that continue to produce a harvest. Long after I come back, one time I was in the nation of Congo and I was preaching in a little dirt floor church. There were chickens running all over the place. People were packed into that church. They’re even hanging in through the wind, the windows. And I looked over at the pastor and he had his Bible. And then on top of his Bible, he had another book that was covered in duct tape.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:44):
And I said, what’s that, that book that you have there and he handed it to me and I opened it up and it was one of Dr. TL Osborne’s books. TL Osborn was a great missionary evangelist from here in Tulsa, Oklahoma. And he sold millions of books into nations all over the world. And he’s the pastor told me, he says, 20 years ago, TL Osborn came to my nation of Congo. And he gave my father this book. And my father became a pastor. He says for 20 years, my father preached from this book. So last year my father died and I became the pastor. Now I’m preaching from this book. And so that showed me the power that one book can have, especially if you’re in ministry, that book can go farther than you can go. It can stay longer than you can stay. It can impact people that you never even speak to.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (16:30):
In one of our crusades, we did a survey and found out that every book that we gave away was read by an average of 10 people because they take it home to their family. The whole family would read it, they’d loan it to their neighbor. And so people often share the books back and forth and in their treasured when we go overseas and, and give away books people don’t throw them on the ground. They don’t tear them up and throw it into the trashcan. They, they really treasure it. And, and we see people holding it very carefully as, as they go home. Because I just want to say

Michael D. Butler (17:04):
About your book in Urdu for Pakistan, you know, and welcome to the kingdom because I know you’ve preached in Pakistan many times, and we actually have a printing press there in Sahi wall. And they love your book. You know, that’s a, to have a book in Urdu in their language, you’re exactly right. They share it with the entire family and they pass it on and it keeps, it keeps moving forward.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (17:26):
And so books are more durable than the spoken word. If you’re speaking to an audience, people listen to you, but then after you leave maybe they don’t remember, but if you give them a book, they can put that on their shelf. They can pull it off. They can remember what you’ve said and, and books really help you to spread your, your message. And then a book is also your, your lasting legacy in the years to come. You know, all of us are going to die. We’re going to go to heaven, but we’ll leave our books here after we go. And so I expect the books that I’ve written will continue to impact lives for dozens, hundreds of years to come. Even after I go to heaven, if Jesus tarries,

Michael D. Butler (18:08):
Well, that’s exciting. Dr. Daniel King grabbed the books. I’m sitting here looking at a stack of your books and it’s pretty daunting. I need to have you on, on some of our podcasts. And a lot of our authors are doing their podcasts now, because what they’ve learned during the pandemic is the power of the word, just like you said, and it does live on. But the beautiful thing is in, when we talk about books in English, 76% of books in English are bought and read outside the U S so when you talk about making an impact with your book, especially if it’s a faith-based kingdom book it has that much more potential because of the share-ability and the anointing.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:47):
So I think if you, if you want to write a book, what I would encourage you to do is first of all, find one word that expresses what you’re most passionate about. Like when you think of, of Kenneth Hagan, what word do you think of that expresses Kenneth Hagan?

Michael D. Butler (19:01):
Well, I’m going to say the anointing because we just translated understanding the avoidance

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:04):
Wrong answer. It’s the faith. It would be faith.

Michael D. Butler (19:08):
Yeah, definitely faith. Now there’s somebody there that’s written several hundred books translating into like 50, 50 languages, but he was, he was called the,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:17):
Yeah. So, so write down, you know, what are you passionate about? Are you, are you passionate about faith? Are you passionate about having a happy marriage? Are you passionate about God’s healing power? Are you passionate about helping people to be financially successful? What is it that drives you and, and try to narrow it down to one thing and then write down seven facts that you know about that subject just under your

Michael D. Butler (19:44):
That’s so powerful right there. I want to say something as a precursor is a lot of Christian authors are writing their memoirs. Okay. And that’s okay. That’s cathartic, that’s therapeutic. Okay. But maybe you’re not going to publish that, or at least not all of it because people buy how to books. People don’t buy memoirs. And that’s what you got to realize that the top selling category of nonfiction is how to books, which is exactly what you’re describing. So listen to Daniel, give you these how to tips. And if you’ve got a 200 page binder of your memoirs, you can still tell your story, but embedded in a how to book, what are those steps? I I’m liking this.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (20:20):
So start out with seven facts that you knew about the subject and those seven facts could be your, your first seven chapters, then write down seven experiences in your life that relate to your topic. If you’re writing about healing, have you ever been healed? Who do you know, that’s been healed? Who can you interview? That’s been healed, look for real life examples to illustrate each fact that you knew about it, then go to scripture and write down seven scriptures that relate to your, and so use those seven ideas to write an outline for your book, and then develop a table of contents. There’s a author here in, in Tulsa. His name is Jim Stovall. He’s written a lot of great books and he wants told me that there’s three elements to every book. The first element is information. What do you know? And so those are the facts.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:10):
The second element is story. How do you know what, you know, how did you discover the truth of what it is? You know? And when I read a book, I like the facts. I flipped through it, but I find myself often going in and wanting to read something about the, the individual story and finding out something about how they applied this to real life. And then the third element is humor and emotion. And often that comes from the moment that you discovered what it is that you know, so one day you, you didn’t know it, then you learned it and it totally turned your life around. And sometimes that aha moment is, is humorous. And there’s emotion involved, either emotion that that’s negative. You, you learned it through the hard way, learning a lesson, or suddenly you heard someone express. And so if you’ll take information, combine it with the story and then put humor and emotion. That is a great way to, to write a book. And so

Michael D. Butler (22:13):
Say too, about Jim Stovall, he sold 30 million books. So he definitely knows what he’s talking about there. I love that. And you’ve, I mean, I can look at the sheer volume you’re doing, I don’t know, are you going to do a hundred books, probably

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (22:25):
Leave where Jesus comes. It’s on my list. You know, years ago, I, I bought some ISB and numbers and don’t let those go away. And I wasn’t, this was when I was 17 years old. I had just written my first book and they, they had an option. You could buy one ISB in number 10, ISB in numbers, or a hundred ISB in numbers. And I said, you know, I’m, I’m young, I’m only 17. I’ve only written one book, but I think in my lifetime I can do a hundred books. So I bought 100 ISB numbers. I’ve used 25, 27 of them, something like that. And I’m continuing to use. And by the time I die, I’m going to have a hundred books. Now that’s an international

Michael D. Butler (23:08):
Well standard book number assigned to each new book. And, and I got to say, that is Epic.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (23:15):
So if you’re called to be a writer, some other things I’d recommend that you do is develop your, your information system. So I’ve identified a hundred topics that I want to write on in my lifetime. So on my computer, I have files of all the different topics that I want to write on. And as I’m going through life, you know, I listened to a preacher. He makes a good point. I say, Oh, that could fit in this book. And I’ll, I’ll take that idea, drop it into that file. And I may not write that book another five years or 10 years, but by the time I get around to writing that book, I’ve got all these ideas. So, so like one of the books I want to write someday is how to have a happy marriage. Well, when I first got married, you know, I’d only been married like a year or two.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (23:59):
And when you’re only married a year too, you don’t know anything about marriage, even if you think you do. And so I was like, I better wait until I’m a little bit older until I have a few more years under my belt before I write how to have, there’s nothing worse than someone who’s never been married, writing a book on how to have a happy marriage. And, and so, you know, so that’s one of the books, but as I’m going through life, you know, we have different stories, different things that happen in our marriage, and I’m taking those ideas, dropping them into that file. And so when the time comes to write that book, how to have a happy marriage, I will have lots of content from a lifetime to do you know, another one, how

Michael D. Butler (24:36):
Is your wife able to put content in those folders

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (24:38):
To she, this is one of the hardest books it is,

Michael D. Butler (24:41):
Right? Because I think that would be great. And just say, honey, I’m gonna give you access to this folder. If you see anything that you could include in here about this day, be sure and timestamp it. Yeah. So

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (24:53):
Then, you know, if I’m reading through my Bible and I see a verse that really jumps out at me about miracles or something, well, I’ve never read in a book specifically about miracles, but someday I want to, so I’ll take that, make my notes on it, drop that in into a file. And so some of my books, people ask me, how long did it take you to write a book? Well, some of my books I’ve been working on them for, for 10 or 15 years. I just published this, this new book. It’s called a proof. God is real. And it’s a, it’s a book about apologetics that answers the three greatest questions that are asked today. The first question is, is God there, the second question does God care? And the third question is, do I dare to follow him? And every high schooler needs that book, I think, yeah, absolutely. It’s written for it for high schoolers. People who are about to go to college and, and in their parents want them to be from and knowing what it is that

Michael D. Butler (25:47):
They, why you believe what you believe. Yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (25:49):
So this book, I remember the first time I preached on pieces of this book probably was about 15 years ago. And so from start to actually having the book in my hand, I’ve been collecting these ideas, working on it, studying and putting it all together. And now it’s finally a finished manuscript and it’s been published

Michael D. Butler (26:14):
Well, it’s a great book. And I, kids are going off to college by the numbers and getting liberalized and losing their faith because they don’t have these bedrocks of the truth embedded in them. So God is real proof. God is real Dr. Daniel King. I tell you, I wish I would have had this for all my sons. Can I say something about categorizing on the computer? So I had just typed up my second book, bestseller status, becoming a best-selling author in the digital age, and then the computer crashed. Oh no. And I didn’t have it backed up. I had not emailed it to myself now. I have everything quadruple backed up email to myself, refresh, save redundancy. So what I do, I greed for about 15 minutes. I cried my eyes out and then I said, you know, what, if I don’t re type it, now I’m going to forget it. So I, that day I spent like 20 hours at the computer re typed it as much as I could when in that week and rewrote it and probably recaptured it at 98% and actually made it better. But it was going from memory. So always backup, backup, and double, triple backup.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (27:18):
That is something that if you ever experienced that, you will not forget that lesson. So only once you’ll only do it once. Another thing I do is I carry around a digital voice recorder app. Now on my phone, there’s one right here on my iPhone. I can record something. I can send it off to be transcribed. I get it back within a few minutes and I can drop that into my file. And so you can actually speak three times faster than you can, right? So I can convey more content through speaking than I can. Sometimes people are intimidated sitting at a computer and looking at a blank page. Like, what do I write? But they’re good at talking. So if you can talk, you can write a book,

Michael D. Butler (28:05):
Right? A lot of books that are stopped at a red light,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (28:08):
Any other advice you’d give to someone who’s writing a book,

Michael D. Butler (28:12):
Getting creative flow state, whatever it takes to get in creative flow, stay out of edit mode when you’re, when you’re in creative mode, leave the editing for the editors, because that kills creating mode. It really throws a kink in your brain, a monkey ranch in your brain, stay creative, go for a walk, get outside, move around. I’m one of these add writers. I can only write for like 15 minutes. I have friends like in Hollywood and the literary world that can literally sit there and write for four to eight hours and just write. And, and most people can’t do that. Most people certainly turn off the distractions, certainly turn off the notifications. If you’ve got kids, you know, get away. If you can’t. What I told people during the pandemic is if you can’t get away, get up early and get in your car and drive to a park or a Lake. Or if you can’t do that, just drive somewhere. But if you’re in your car, to me, that’s the best place. And I re I’m like you, I record audio. That is the number one way I record is I record video and audio and then have my team transcribe it.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (29:08):
And then another thing I would say is make a daily habit of writing, write every single day. And so you don’t have to write for an hour or two hours a day, just set yourself a goal. I’m going to write 500 words a day, or I’m going to read a thousand words today, or just, I’m going to write

Michael D. Butler (29:27):
Paragraphs a muscle. It’s like going to the gym. And what’ll happen is you’ll start getting your ideas. As you walk into your office, they’ll start coming.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (29:33):
And so that daily discipline will eventually produce results. And so I made it a goal in my life to write every single day. And so some days I just type a few words. Other days I write several thousand words, but every single day I’m opening up my laptop. And for me, my best writing time is like right in the morning when I first wake up. So right before, right when I wake up, or if I take a nap in the middle of the day, I can get up and write really well. And so I set aside that time and try to make sure I get on my computer and do something. Even if it, even if I don’t know what to write on, even if it’s not good, at least once I get started, good stuff starts coming. That’s right.

Evangelism Podcast Host (30:11):
So writing can be hard work, but you take it. Yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (30:14):
Get it down on paper. Then you can hire people to help you edit it, to Polish it, to turn it into something beautiful. So I’d encourage you to write a book. Every minister needs to write a book and you probably need to write several. If God’s given you a message to speak, you need to put it in a book. And if you put it in a book, you need to give that book away to thousands of people so that they can hear what God has has. I’ll just say this to give us your best stuff. Don’t hold it back for the next book, because God will give you more fresh manna every day. And don’t fall into the perfection trap where you’re not going to publish it just because it’s not perfect. Listen, you’re always going to see a semi-colon where you should put a comma after it’s gone to print.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (30:52):
We all have that happen. No matter how many editors read through it, get it out to the world. That’s where it’s going to help people. And you can always do a second or third edition. So one more time. Give me that website about how to write a book, ensure a write book 60 days.com that’s w R I T E right book, the number six, zero days.com and your listeners will get access to it for free. It’s an eight module course taking you from napkin phase to publishing and going bestseller with that book. Well, thank you so much for your generosity to my listeners. Thank you for being on the evangelism podcast today. Thanks Daniel. I’m a big fan.

Evangelism Podcast Host (31:29):
Thanks so much for listening to the

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (31:30):
Evangelism podcast today. Could you do me a favor?

Evangelism Podcast Host (31:33):
Go find the evangelism

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (31:35):
Podcast on Apple iTunes and leave us a review and make sure you subscribe. So you don’t miss any of our exciting episodes

Evangelism Podcast Host (31:45):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit King ministries.com. Again, that’s King ministries.com.


Charles F. Parham | The Topeka Outpouring of 1901 – Pentecostal Origin Story

650 Million Christians are part of the Pentecostal-Charismatic-Holy Spirit Empowered Movement around the world. But where did Pentecostalism get started? Today we visit The Topeka Outpouring of 1901 that was led by Charles F. Parham.

On January 1, 1901 a thirty-year-old Bible school student named Agnes Ozman began to speak in tongues for the first time. Her experience was the beginning of the Pentecostal Outpouring at Bethel Bible School led by Holiness preacher Charles Fox Parham.





Pentecostal Gold features sermons from R.W. Schambach, Aimee Semple McPherson, David Wilkerson, T.L. Osborn, Jimmy Swaggart, George O. Wood, and many others. It contains over 2000 sermons, 200 preachers, 40 topics, and 8 decades of Pentecostal ministry.


Check out The Evangelism Podcast with Evangelism Coach Daniel King


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
650 million Christians are part of the Pentecostal charismatic, Holy spirit empowered movement around the world. But where did Pentecostalism get started? Today we visit the Topeka outpouring of 1901 that was led by Charles F. Parham.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:18):
Jesus said, go into all the world and preach the gospel. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary and evangelist Daniel King.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:57):
Welcome to the evangelism podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus and I also happen to be a Pentecostal preacher. And so I’m all I’m excited about introducing people to the Holy spirit and the origins of Pentecostalism go all the way back to 1901 that Topeka outpouring on January 1st, 1901, a 30 year old Bible student named Agnes Osman began to speak in tongues for the first time. Her experience was the beginning of the Pentecostal outpouring at Bethel Bible school led by holiness, preacher, Charles F. Parham. And today I have a Pentecostal historian with me, Larry Martin, Dr. Larry Martin. Thank you so much for being on the evangelism podcast.

Larry Martin (01:49):
Yeah. Thank you, Daniel. It’s great to be with you today. Tell us

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:53):
A little bit about what happened and how the Holy spirit was poured out on that day. Back in 1901.

Larry Martin (02:02):
Okay. Daniel how much of the story do you want me to share the background?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:07):
Start at the beginning and just go for it. Share as much as you can.

Larry Martin (02:11):
It started with a hunger for God, Charles Parham had a real hunger for the things of the Lord so much so that he had gone on a trip all the way across the United States, visiting hotspots of revival. It had been to Zion, Illinois. He was in Chicago where D.L. Moody school was a visit. A.B. Simpson in New York had been up in Maine to Frank Sanford school. He was just hungry for the Lord and he came back to Topeka to start a ministry there. He had had a healing home and as things kind of fell apart at the healing home and he, he leased an old building on the outskirts of, of a Topeka that had been at one time, a mansion by a man named arrest to stone. And he called together a group of students to study the word of God. When we talk about it as a Bible school, most people have visions like a school like ORU or our Southwestern similar God university, where students are coming 18 and 20 years old, but Charles F. Parham’s students were mostly mature Christians.

Larry Martin (03:20):
They were people that had been in the ministry, some of them and others that were adults with families, and they really just came together to seek God. They spent 24 hours a day praying some people want, how do you pray? 24 hours a day? Well, they prayed in shifts. They had a prayer tower and the, and the top of the old mansion. And they would go up there two or three at a time. And those two or three would probably for a few hours and they would be relieved if someone else would go up there and pry in and continually, they were praying and seeking King. The Lord there are only textbook was the Bible. If you go to Bible college today, you’re going to study English, math history and sociologists psychology. They didn’t study anything, but the scripture, they didn’t even study theology.

Larry Martin (04:05):
They studied the Bible. And so 24 hours a day, all day long, they’re seeking God and looking for more of God and Charles Parham left his students for a season to go to Kansas city and preach. And he told him while he was gone, that they should study the book of acts and see if they could find in the book of acts, if there was some physical evidence to the baptism, the Holy Spirit. Well, I think probably parliament already drawn some conclusions about that. And it probably maybe while he was in Maine. Yeah, yeah. He come back and the students had studied the scripture. And from the scripture, they had concluded that in the book of acts, when people were baptized the Holy spirit, they spoke in tongues. And so they began to pray that God would baptize them in the Holy spirit, the way baptize people in the book of acts.

Larry Martin (04:54):
And this is really important, Daniel. And I think the listeners need to know this. The Pentecostal movement started as a group of people hungry to see a fulfillment of scripture. They were people looking for evidence from scripture today. We have people that seek manifestations and then after they receive a manifestation, they go to the scripture and try to find some place that, that manifestation might be evidence in scripture. The Pentecostal movement didn’t start that way. It started with people looking for the scripture and looking the manifestation and praying that they would receive that. And as you mentioned in the beginning of the podcast to own the, they had a new year’s Eve watch night service, everyone was seeking God and praying. And just after midnight, Agnes Osman asked Charles prom to pray for her, that she might receive the baptism of the Holy spirit. And she began to speak in tongues and she spoken other languages for four days. She couldn’t speak English for four days, four days and four nights. She spoke in tongues and that birth, the revival there in Topeka that eventually grew into the entire Pentecostal movement. I think that was a long explanation, but I hope it covered some of the things you wanted to hear.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:08):
And initially they thought that speaking in other tongues meant that you would speak in a known language and be able to become a missionary to, to China or to Africa. Is that true?

Larry Martin (06:25):
That’s absolutely true. That was Charles F. Parham’s vision that they could be filled with the Spirit and that it could be missionaries to go out. Wouldn’t have to learn the language. And as you know, Daniel, there are instances where that has happened. There are instances where people were in a situation where they didn’t communicate the language and they were able to preach one, one man, a disease. The street was thrown in jail for preaching the gospel. And there are a lot of Hispanics in the jail, Mexicans in the jail. He preached to him in Spanish, even though I didn’t know a word of Spanish, but by and large, we’ve come to realize that speaking in tongues is not a cheapest scape from learning a language to preach overseas. But they did believe that at the time,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:10):
But it’s a, it’s a spiritual language that God can understand

Larry Martin (07:15):
Exactly what we speak to God.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:17):
So then after that initial infilling of the Holy spirit on January 1st, 1901, what happened after that? To what, where did PRM go next? What, what happened? What did people say about this experience?

Larry Martin (07:35):
Yeah, that’s a, that’s a real interesting part of the story that a lot of people don’t know immediately there was national coverage to this revival. Reporters came from Cincinnati and Chicago and St. Louis covering the revival. It was a, it was a big, big blast, but that didn’t last par on thought, boy, this is it. The world’s going to turn to this new movement. He called it the apostolic faith, but it almost died out. Charles Parham had a child that was sick and he didn’t believe in doctors and I believed in healing and his child was sick and his child died. And that was a terrible blow to him. I mean, anyone that loses a child, it’s a terrible thing, but to lose a child when you’re trusting God for healing, it was, it was a terrible blow. And they lost the least on the mansion where they had the Bible school as you know, within a year, the old mansion burned down.

Larry Martin (08:34):
So Charles F. Parham was a man that lost his place of ministry. He really went into a time of deep introspection. He wrote a book during that period called a voice crying in the wilderness. And I, I think that’s exactly what he felt like a voice crying in the wilderness. And even Agnes Osman began doubt if it, maybe the experience was real. I mean, she had, she had had such a dynamic experience, but you know, the enemy will do anything. He can distill away the seed that God has planted. Later Agnes seismic became ordained. December’s a God minister. So she kept the faith, but she didn’t have a season of doubts. And as I said, it looked like maybe the movement was going to die. It became weaker and weaker. Charles F. Parham continued to preach. It ended up in Eldorado Springs, Missouri.

Larry Martin (09:24):
And there’s a, there’s a hot water spring. There, a lack, a lot of places in the U S back in the a hundred years ago, people thought these Springs had some kind of healing effect and they would build a hospitals. There are convalescent homes and people would come to those Springs. And a lady was coming to that spring every year, hoping to be healed. She had multiple things wrong with her. She was blind in one eye and half blind in the other. And she had all kinds of internal plumbing issues. She just, her husband thought she was going to die. He made her come back to the Springs, even though she didn’t want to. Her name was Mary Arthur and Mary Arthur heard Charles F. Parham preach. She went to his house. He prayed for I, I don’t understand that what he did, but somehow he put some kind of a compress on our eyes and prayed for her eyes that she could heal to be healed.

Larry Martin (10:16):
And she left that house and she’s had a child, whether I think a grandchild that was leading her home and the child run off in the house, kiddo flipped her off and she was lost there on the street. And she couldn’t see in her eyes were covered up. And she removed that compress from her eyes and she had perfect healing. She was totally healed. And she realized not only was her eyes healed, but her whole body was healed. Everything that was wrong with her was healed. And she went back to her home in Galena, Kansas invited trust prom to preach. And that’s where the Pentecostal revival really exploded people in that little four state area around there and the Oklahoma and Missouri and Kansas and Arkansas that began to come by the droves and hundreds of people came. Hundreds of people were stayed. Hundreds were baptized in the spring river out there. And from there, the movement went down into Texas and into Houston from Houston, went to Los Angeles from Los Angeles to the whole world.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:15):
One time you, you told me a little saying, you, you said that the Pentecostalism was born in Topeka. Tell me that saying, what, what did you say

Larry Martin (11:29):
Pentecostal movement was born into Topeka, crawled around in Kansas and Oklahoma and Missouri, and stood up on its feet in Texas and started walking when it got to Los Angeles, it ran around the world

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:42):
And now Pentecostalism is dynamic. There there’s millions of believers all over the world that speak in other tongues that believe in the empowering of the Holy spirit. And really Pentecostalism is, is one of the most dynamic fastest growing parts of Christianity today. And it all started there at the Topeka outpouring with Charles Parham. And so

Larry Martin (12:12):
One person, one person Daniel on January 1st, 1900, 120 years later, there’s estimated to be over 650 million. And it cost her charismatics around the world. The largest church in the world is a Pentecostal charismatic church. The largest church in Africa is a Pentecostal charismatic church, the largest church in Europe, the largest church in Asia, largest church in South America, largest church in Australia, largest church in the United States is a Pentecostal charismatic church. It is the greatest revival in the history of the Christian Church.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:47):
Amen. Well, I am privileged to be a part of it and just so thankful for the Holy spirit in his daily guidance and, and daily leading talk to me a little bit more about parliament in, in his theology, in his, his teaching, the, the early understandings of param that contributed to the Pentecostalism that we know today.

Larry Martin (13:11):
Well Charles Palm was a man that God used. He used him madly, but he was also a very flawed man. He, he was flawed in, in much of his theology people that look back on some of the poems theology think that maybe the open and cultural movement should be cursed, but it’s a great thing that within five years of the beginning of the movement, we had rided the course in some of that theology, but for example Parlin believed in British Israeli ism. He believed that that Anglo-Saxons were a special race. He, he believed in there was no eternal Hale, had some very strange ideas that had developed because, well, his father-in-law was a Quakers where he got the idea about hail, but he, he, he was a man hungry for God. And he was a man that God could use in spite of some of his falls. That would have been an encouragement, I think, to all of us, because there’s no perfect person among us. And if God could use a man like him to spark a revival that changes the world, maybe God could even use me.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:22):
Amen. Well, God has used you Dr. Larry Martin, you’ve written books about param and about the Azusa street revival. You can find all of the information about Dr. Larry Martin at Dr. Larry martin.org. Thank you so much for being on the evangelism podcast today and telling us about the Topeka outpouring of 1901, the Pentecostal origin story.

Larry Martin (14:50):
Thank Daniel.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:52):
God bless you. Thanks so much for listening to this interview with Dr. Larry Martin. If you’ve enjoyed the evangelism podcast, could you do me a favor, go find the evangelism podcast on Apple iTunes and leave us a review that review will help other people find the podcast and make sure that you subscribe because we’ve got some exciting interviews coming up

Evangelism Podcast Host (15:17):
Information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit King ministries.com. Again, that’s King ministries.com.


William J. Seymour | Azusa Street Revival Spreads Pentecost Around the World

In 1906, at 312 Azusa Street in Los Angelos, California an African-American preacher named William J. Seymour led the Azusa Street Revival. Thousands of people came seeking the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and from Azusa Street Pentecostalism and speaking in tongues spread around the world.

Key Quote: What God did on Azusa Street, He wants to do on every street. – Dr. Larry Martin




https://www.pentecostalgold.com – Pentecostal Gold features sermons from R.W. Schambach, Aimee Semple McPherson, David Wilkerson, T.L. Osborn, Jimmy Swaggart, George O. Wood, and many others. It contains over 2000 sermons, 200 preachers, 40 topics, and 8 decades of Pentecostal ministry.


The Evangelism Podcast is Hosted by Daniel King, the Evangelism Coach


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
In 1906, revival broke out at Azusa street in Los Angeles, California. The revival was led by an African-American preacher named William J Seymour because of his anointing and his humbleness Pentecostalism. And speaking in tongues spread around the world. Today, we look at the life of William J Seymour, and we talk about how you can be filled with the power of the Holy spirit.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:28):
Jesus said, go into all the world and preach the gospel. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies, and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host missionary and evangelist Daniel King. Welcome to the event

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:04):
Socialism podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus. And I’m also excited about the Holy spirit and one of the key figures in church history in spreading the Holy spirit around the world was named William J Seymour. He started the Azusa street revival in Los Angeles back in 1906, at three 12 Azusa street. And thousands of people came to that revival seeking the experience of the baptism of the Holy spirit and from Azusa street, Pentecostalism and speaking in tongues spread around the world. And today I have with me a special guests, Dr. Larry Martin, who happens to be one of the world’s leading experts on the Azusa street revival. Dr. Martin, thank you for being with me today.

Larry Martin (02:00):
Thank you, Daniel. So I understand an expert understand the expert is defined as a former drip, but that’s okay.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:07):
All right. Well, glad, glad you’re here. So tell us the story of, of William J Seymour and how the Azusa street revival happened.

Larry Martin (02:20):
Yes, sir. Be my great pleasure, William. Seymour’s my favorite character from a history. I’ve studied a lot of history and a lot of Christian history, but I don’t know any man that compares to Seymour as far as his commitment to God and the humidity of his life. A man that lived a life without flaw, I think pretty much say Maura had an extremely difficult upbringing. He was born in the reconstruction South just 10 years after the end of the civil war. His parents had both been slaves both born in slavery. His mother was born on a plantation owned by a guy named Adelade Carlin, and it was a large plantation. She was just one of the many slaves there. And his dad had been a a soldier in the civil war. One of the first African American soldiers in the in the United States army.

Larry Martin (03:17):
They called it at that time, the United States colored troops his dad became ill while he was fighting in the war and a died from the illness. And so Seymour was raised in a widow’s home with a number of siblings and they were extremely poor. It’s hard to define poverty like they faced. They, the the government did a record, one time, an affidavit on their property and everything they owned was were 65 cents. It’s just impossible to imagine, but they had one bed and one match Christian, one table and one chair. And that was about the extent of their blown is 65 cents in value. Not only was he raised in extreme poverty, but he was raised in a time when there was a horrible, horrible persecution for African-Americans. The prejudice in the South at that time was so bad. There was a, a group nearby originated 10 miles from where Seymour lived called the knots of the white chameleon.

Larry Martin (04:15):
It was like the KKK, they were white robes and terrorized African-Americans. He had had a very difficult upbringing and childhood and poverty and oppression, and he left the South. As soon as he could. He went up North and to find better opportunities. And he became a waiter, worked in several large hotels in Chicago and St. Louis and in Indianapolis working at a hotel, what a Methodist church and found crashed his, his savior. It’s kinda hard to know is, is his background, spiritual background is re eclectic. His parents were married by a Methodist preacher. They a Christian, all of their children in the Catholic church, and they were buried in a Baptist cemetery. So it’s kind of hard to know what they were. But anyway, Seymour got saved at a Methodist church and soon thereafter, they had moved over to Cincinnati and he got smallpox.

Larry Martin (05:13):
It, there was a outbreak of smallpox across the river and Kentucky, and it spread into Cincinnati. And back then, that was almost a death sentence. And he was extremely ill and he made a commitment to God and said, Lord, if you’ll heal, my body I’ll preach the gospel and God did touch him. And healing men seem more committed to preach the gospel. Well, there are two other physical side effects to his smallpox. And one is, he had one of those POCs, only his app, and it blinded him in one. So he, he was a one ad man and also a scarred his face. And so he grew a beard. Every picture you ever see it, William Seymour wore a beard in this because of the smallpox scars. As far as his his, I, for someone who always likes to point out, if you have a sense of humor that God used a one ad man named Seymour waiting for the drum row.

Larry Martin (06:07):
But he left Cincinnati. He went out on a PIP preaching pilgrimage. We know he went through Jackson, Mississippi and ended up in Houston, Texas, and then Houston, his path crossed at Charles Parham. It was one of those divine moments because On January 1, 1901 a thirty-year-old Bible school student named Agnes Ozman began to speak in tongues for the first time. Charles Parham had established the Pentecostal movement in Topeka, Kansas, and now he’s preaching in Houston and see more hears him preach. And he attends a little Bible school, a little 12 week Bible school. That poems started in Houston and, and they’re preaching together on the streets. Parhem was preaching to white people see more preaching to black people because of the Jim Crow laws. At that time they had to segregate, but a lady heard Seymour preaching. She wanted him to come to Los Angeles and preach where she was from. She went back home and she told her pastor, her name was Julia Hutchinson.

Larry Martin (06:59):
If she could invite Seymour to come preach stun, February of Oh six, Seymour made a trip to California. Parham had raised some money for him on a train and they’d seem a little money. So I got to California, he got to Julia, Hetchins holding his church. And, and it really wasn’t much of a church. It was a tent with a wooden floor and he preached there on the Holy spirit baptism, and they didn’t like it. They locked him out of the church. So he finds himself in Los Angeles thousand miles from home and no money, no place to stay. A gentleman named Edward Lee, brought him into his house, let him stay with him. And see more joined a group of prayer. Warriors said two 14 Bonnie Brae street that we’re having home prayer meetings every night. And they began to pray for revival. And on April the sixth, 1906 this man, Edward Lee you know, you ask a historian what time it is, and they tell you how to build a watch. So if I get into too much detail, you can interrupt me. No,

Speaker 4 (08:01):
This is, this is great. I love the history.

Larry Martin (08:03):
Okay, well, let’s see more staying with Edward Lee and Edward Lee is a janitor at a bank. And he’s down in the basement of the bank, praying, asking God to touch him and baptize him in the Holy spirit. He came home and he said, I’m ready to receive the Holy spirit, because I know what it looks like. It’s hard for us to understand this, but these people had never seen anyone filled with the spirit. They’d never heard anyone speak in terms. They didn’t know what it was like. Even though Seymour was there preaching on the Baptist home spirit, he himself had not received the experience. And Edward Lee had had a vision while he was praying in the bank and saw the day of Pentecost. And he saw Peter and John received the baptism Holy spirit. He said, they started shaking under the power of God, started speaking in tongues and he was ready to receive that.

Larry Martin (08:49):
So they called a fast and they’re going to pray for 10 days and seek God for the Baptist, the Holy spirit, and anybody is listened to ever faster than all that. That’s a pretty difficult thing. I say the, the worst named thing in the English language is a fast, because there’s nothing longer than a faster, a 30 minute fastest is a lifetime. But on the third day, Edward Lee was sick from the fast, and he asked for the Seymour to pray for him. And when will you see more prayed for him? He received the baptism. The Holy spirit starts speaking of the times for those critics out there that say that speaking in tongues is just a learned behavior that they’ve seen someone else speak in tongues. And they copy that. Edward Lee had never seen anyone speak in tongues, excepted that vision William C. Moore, who prayed for them had never spoken in tongues.

Larry Martin (09:37):
But Edward Lee received the baptism, the Holy spirit. They walked over to Bonnie Brae street. They were already having their prayer meeting and they asked Edward Lee to testify as to what had happened. And when he testified, he began to speak in tongues. It was like a bomb bloat up in the house. I mean, the people were filled with the Holy ghost. They were singing, shouting people in the floor, scared to kids to death. The next day, there was a huge crowd in the street to hear what was going on. And brother Seymour preached to them from the street for several days, they had this outpouring at Bonnie Brae, and then they rented a little church on Azusa street. And as I say, the rest is history. The spirit of God came down there. And for years, every day they were touched by the spirit of God.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:20):
So talk to me some about what happened there at Azusa street, they started having meetings and it was several times a day. Is that right? And went all week long.

Larry Martin (10:35):
That is correct. Daniel. They, they came in there. They didn’t have anything that we think is necessary for church. They didn’t have any pews. They just brought in mix-matched chairs and put boards across them. Nope.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:46):
Fog machines, no lights, no fog machines or lights, or,

Larry Martin (10:51):
Oh, not even electricity, you know, in the beginning, no lights, they didn’t have floor. So as they didn’t have carpet, they didn’t even have floor. They had a dirt floor in the building. They didn’t have a platform that didn’t have a pulpit. They didn’t have any musical instruments, but they had the spirit of God. And they would meet every day at 10 o’clock, 12 o’clock and seven o’clock met the 10 o’clock surface, never ended before the 12 o’clock service started. And the 12 o’clock service was still going at seven. So they were in church from 10 o’clock in the morning until after midnight, every day they did that seven days a week. They did that week after week, month after month, they could teach that schedule for, I guess, at least three years that they were having service just about all day long, but by the summer of 1906, this is a little built in, this is the street building was only 40 by 60, only 2,400 square feet.

Larry Martin (11:46):
But by the end of summer, 1200 people were attending those meetings and that small building, they would pack 700 people on the inside. And another 500 people be on the outside looking through the windows. They, they had such awesome experiences. Of course, people were saved. People were healed. They had phenomena called the, the the heavenly choir. And one person would start singing a song in the spirit and someone else would start the same melody on the other side of the room until several of them were singing. And they said, you could literally hear the angels singing along with them as they sang the songs of the spirit. It was such a Holy atmosphere. Daniel, it’s impossible to understand this today, but they wouldn’t even shake hands with each other. When they came in the building, they wouldn’t greet one another. They were afraid that would offend God.

Larry Martin (12:40):
They would go to the alter or go to the bench and there they’d kneel and seek the Lord. And it was, it was so, so blessed. And Holy brother Seymour would go upstairs to pray. If something got out of control or somebody was in the flash, the lead on the floor, pound on the floor and let them know they needed to come to order. They, they kept things decent in that order, somebody, I loved this. Somebody you get to testify and they’d get off, you know, you know how some people like to talk a lot to hear their own voice. They ratchet jaw and somebody say, that’s the flash brother. You better sit down, sit down. That’s the flash I’ve always wanted to do due to that, but never had the nerve, but we need that guy

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:23):
In some of our churches today. We need to start doing that.

Larry Martin (13:27):
Hey, Nita, we need a flesh stopper. Yeah, that was awesome.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:32):
So, so people started hearing about this and in visitors came from, from all over the world, and then they took Pentecostalism and this experience of the baptism of the Holy spirit, speaking in tongues back to the, the different nations. And, and that’s how Pentecostalism began to spread. And today over 650 million people claim to be Pentecostal claimed to be filled with the Holy spirit. So from Azusa street, this, this small 40 by 60 room now churches all over the world are being filled with the Holy spirit. So it’s, it’s wonderful to see what, what Jesus has done, what the Holy spirit is doing. What did some of the, the people of that time think about what was happening? There were some people who were excited about it, and then there were also critics w what was happening in the denominational churches and, and, and in the newspapers reporting on what was happening at Azusa street.

Larry Martin (14:42):
Yeah. Daniel and the series of books I published on Azusa street. I wanted to tell the complete is this the street story? So there’s one book that’s, but it’s called skeptics and sculptors, and it’s nothing, but the religious press the, the, the church was a fault Azusa street. So hard. One fella in Los Angeles, a leader of one of the denominations. I won’t say the name, but he said, if you, if you took a pebble and throw it into the ocean, it would have the same impact as the Azusa street revival. Boy, did he ever prophesied wrongly? And some of the, the cartoons and the, the hated statements it’s just it you’d have to read it to understand how vile and vicious it was. And then the newspapers came from the very first week, the newspaper came, the first newspaper article said wild scenes on Azusa street, a wordless gurgle by a sister. And, and so the press I, I got all of the articles from the Los Angeles newspapers for the first two to three years and put them into a book called the wild and weird. They, they came night after night and mostly criticized revival now

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:59):
Published the, the complete Azusa street library. And I have some of the volumes of that here, but how many volumes total it have you clicked 12 volumes and you’ve collected historical accounts, eye witness accounts, contemporary reports, everything that was happening then, and all those books can be found on your website, Azusa street.org, and also on your, your ministry website, Dr. Larry martin.org. And so if you’re interested in learning more about the Azusa street revival and encourage you to go and, and to look at those books and, and, and get them for your library. And there are probably people listening today that have never been filled with the Holy spirit, Dr. Larry, and they’ve never had the experience of, of speaking in tongues. Would you take off your historian hat and put on your revival hat and explain and minister how someone can be filled with the Holy spirit?

Larry Martin (17:08):
Yeah. Yes, sir. I would just love to do that. You know, at the zoo. So street revival, they put published a newspaper and testimonies and people would receive that newspaper. They’d pray over it. They’d receive that newspaper and be baptized in the Holy spirit, just from reading that newspaper. No one to pray for them. No one to lay hands on us. I want to tell people, listening that I don’t have to be there in person, Daniel King doesn’t have to be there in person. There has doesn’t have to be a pastor or a priest. All you have to do is be hungry. And the Lord said he would fill you with his spirit. Jesus said that he would send us another comforter, the spirit of truth that the world couldn’t receive. And if you want to receive the baptism of Holy spirit, all you have to do is open your heart to God, ask God to fill you with the Holy spirit, be sincere and ask God to fill you with the Holy spirit. And even as we’re speaking right now, the Holy spirit can come on you and fill you with his Maddie power. I was baptized in the Holy spirit when I was a youth camp when I was 14 years old. And it is totally changed my entire life. He’s been with me every day of my life. And you need the baptism of Holy spirit and you can receive today.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:20):
How can I receive Dr. Martin?

Larry Martin (18:24):
Well, could you pray? I’d like to pray for those people to receive. I’d like to ask you just to, if you’re wanting to receive, I’d like to ask you just to open your heart. You don’t have to, God knows you’re hungry. You don’t have to beg him. He wants you to receive. It’s a free gift. We’re going to pray that you’ll receive right now, father, I come into agreement with my friend Daniel King right now, and we pray for any person listening to this podcast that has not received the Baptist, the Holy spirit. And we pray that right now, the Holy spirit will settle on them. We pray Lord that they will just yield themselves completely for you, Lord, without fear, they will yield themselves completely to you. And I pray that your Holy spirit will come take possession of their body. Lord, take possession of their tongue, feel them Lord and give them a new language that they can pray with a new language and communicate with you in a more and better powerful way. Lord use them after you fill them with the spirit, use them to be witnesses for you. As you promised us in your name, Lord, we pray. Amen.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:29):
Amen. It’s always so exciting when people are filled with the Holy spirit. Just a couple of years ago, I was in Ethiopia. We had a big crowd of people over 50,000 people, and it was a five day crusade. So on the fourth night it was Holy spirit night. And so we talked about the Holy spirit and we talked about how the Holy spirit can be poured out upon those who are hungry and thirsty for his presence. And we had an assembly of God, pastor from, from ADIs Abba, who, who came and shared his testimony of how he was filled with the Holy spirit. And then we prayed for the Holy spirit to come. And in a moment, the Holy spirit came upon that crowd and 50,000 people. It sounded like almost all of them began to speak in other tongues at the same time.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (20:24):
And it was like the day of Pentecost. It sounded like a mighty rushing wind, just the, the sound of everyone praying in tongues and in calling out to God. And the miracles that we saw that tonight were just so tremendous what God did there. And it’s amazing how the Holy spirit loves to pour himself out upon people. And he, he, he brings a change and people’s lives that I know in my life. I rely on the Holy spirit when I’m confused or not knowing what to do. I, I spend some time praying in tongues showed up. [inaudible]

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:04):
I just began praying in tongues and, and the Holy spirit begins to, to, to speak to me. I speak to God and my prayer language and the Holy spirit begins to speak to me. And, and God gives me direction, gives me clarity, gives me guidance. And so the Holy spirit is our helper. He’s our comforter, he’s our teacher. He wants to be with you. He wants to be in you. He wants to, to come out of you and help other people. And, and so I, I believe that the Holy spirit is available to every single believer that that wants to be filled with the Holy spirit. If you’ll cry out to God and say, God baptize me in the Holy spirit, fill me with the Holy spirit. He will pour out his spirit upon. You will give you the gift of speaking in tongues and, and the other gifts of the Holy spirit, a word of wisdom, words of knowledge gifts of faith, gifts of healing. And so we need the Holy spirit in the church today. We don’t want a church that is just a boring, old sermons, just teaching. We need an outpouring of the Holy spirit to keep the church alive and awake and witnessing and full of boldness to tell other people about Jesus. So sorry, I jumped into preaching mode there a little bit, but we need the Holy spirit in our churches today. Amen.

Larry Martin (22:33):
Hey man, when you were talking about that episode on that field, you know, Daniel, there’s some people that don’t understand why we do what we do. I mean, the traveling is, eh, there’s just a very short season that it’s, that it’s a exotic, and then it just becomes grueling. And you sat on a plane for hours and hours and you spend months raising money for a crusade and, and people don’t understand, but if they stood with you on that field and felt what you felt when the Holy spirit fell on that crowd of 50,000 people, everyone in the world would want to go. And I want to say, Daniel, thank you for going. I want to stay. Thank you for helping me to, to in influencing my life, to reach other people for Christ. I thank you for the blessing that you’ve been to me and to anyone listening to this podcast, if they’re not helping you supporting you, this is a young man that’s willing to go and preach the gospel to all the world, willing to reach, not the field. He would reach the few, but his vision is to reach the millions for Christ. And I want you to partner with Daniel and helping, and this great work that he’s doing, what God did at Azusa street, God wants to do on every street. God wants to do it on your street. And he’s using men like

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (23:46):
Daniel King to do that. Well, thank you so much for your kind words, Dr. Martin, it’s a wonderful privilege to have you on the evangelism podcast. Thank you for joining me today. And man, thank you, Daniel. Thanks so much for listening to this interview with Dr. Larry Martin. If you’ve enjoyed the evangelism podcast, could you do me a favor, go find the evangelism podcast on Apple iTunes and leave us a review that review will help other people find the podcast and make sure that you subscribe because we’ve got some exciting interviews coming up

Evangelism Podcast Host (24:25):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit King ministries.com. Again, that’s King ministries.com.


Larry Martin | Pentecostal Historian and World Evangelist

Dr. Larry Martin has given 49 years to gospel ministry and has traveled to over sixty nations. He has spent almost twenty-five years pastoring churches in Oklahoma, Texas, Florida, and Tennessee. While still in his teens, Martin launched his ministry career as a traveling evangelist. He returned to evangelism in 1997 and has continued in that work for most of the last 20 years. He is a church historian with expertise in the origins of Pentecostalism with a particular emphasis on the revival at Azusa Street.




https://www.pentecostalgold.com – Pentecostal Gold features sermons from R.W. Schambach, Aimee Semple McPherson, David Wilkerson, T.L. Osborn, Jimmy Swaggart, George O. Wood, and many others. It contains over 2000 sermons, 200 preachers, 40 topics, and 8 decades of Pentecostal ministry.


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Dr. Larry Martin has been in ministry for over 50 years. He’s been a revivalist, a pastor, an evangelist, and he’s a Pentecostal historian. I’m excited to hear what he has to say about the Holy spirit.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:16):
Jesus said go into all the world and preach the gospel. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies, and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary and evangelist Daniel King. Welcome

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:53):
The evangelism podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited to tell people about Jesus today. I have a very special guest, Dr. Larry Martin. He has been in ministry over almost 50 years. He’s traveled to over 60 nations. He spent 25 years, pastoring churches and Oklahoma, Texas, Florida, and Tennessee. And while he was still in his teens, he launched out as a traveling evangelist and then he returned to evangelism in 1997. And he’s continued that for the last 20 plus years. Dr. Larry Martin is a church historian with expertise in the origins of Pentecostalism with a particular emphasis on the revival at Azusa street. Dr. Martin, thank you so much for joining me today.

Larry Martin (01:42):
Thank you, Daniel. It’s great to be with you.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:44):
Well, let’s start at the point where we met it was in Ethiopia. I was there to do a great gospel crusade with my friend pear Rockfest and you are friends with brother pear as well. And we got to know one another. Do you remember that?

Larry Martin (02:06):
Yes, sir. So very well. Yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:09):
And, and so we had a wonderful time that week. Thousands of people gave their, their lives to Jesus. And you told me about your, your dream of doing large crusades and you never done large crusades before. And and we had a conversation. Can you kind of tell me about that conversation and, and what came out of it?

Larry Martin (02:35):
Oh, absolutely love to. First of all, it was such a pleasure Daniel to meet you and be part of that great gospel festival that you hosted there. I had came to Ethiopia the previous year to work with pear and teach it his Bible school. And he invited me to come back the next year, I came back and taught in the school for a week and was doing evangelism in local churches. And you guys were coming for the crusade and Perry invited me to kind of tag along and carry the bags. As it ended up, you carried about bags up several flight of stairs one day. And I, I still am grateful for that, but we enjoyed the meeting and there was just something in my heart that I I’d, I’d always thought it dreamed of preaching and, and great meetings like that.

Larry Martin (03:24):
And didn’t know exactly how to get my foot in the door or what was the first step. And so after the meeting, we met in the cafe at the hotel where we were staying in and I asked you how you did it. And, and I said, do you have big sponsors? Do you have someone that’s paying for this? And you said, well, every time we have a meeting, we just trust God and God provides. And that was such an amazing faith statement to me. I thought, well, if, if Daniel King can do that, I’ve been preaching all these years. I believe I could trust God to do that. And you are such a blessing inspiration to me, Daniel. And the next year we scheduled a crusade at that time. It cost us $20,000. That was a huge amount of money for us to raise back.

Larry Martin (04:09):
God provided. And we stepped out by faith and the money came in. We did the crusade and we’ve been doing crusades ever since. And I just wanted to say, thank you to you for being so kind to us and hospitable and generous. And not only did you inspire me to have faith, to trust God for crusades, but at that table, you gave me copies of every book that you had written the digital copies of how to raise money and how to do crusades. And I just appreciate your spirit, man. You’re, you’re a great young man and your followers here need to know what a, what a fine young man Daniel King is and what a great work you’re doing for God. Okay.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:47):
Well, thank you so much. I’m just so delighted with, with what God has been doing through your ministry in, in starting to do crusades. Since that time, approximately how many crusades have you been able to do? You, you started out doing just one a year and then you bumped it up and started to doing more than one a year. So how many different crusades have you done so far?

Larry Martin (05:10):
We’ve done. I think eight crusades in Ethiopia and one in Brazil, we were scheduled to do three crusades in 2020, but of course with COVID we did we actually were going to do four, three big crusades in one small, and we ended up, we got to do the Ethiopia crusade in January, and then March. I went to me and Mar for a smaller crusade there in a church. And that’s when COVID stopped everything and kind of grounded us. So we’re looking forward to getting back out there this year.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:40):
It will come and your crusades will be bigger and better than ever before. I believe that even God, for that, the name of your ministry is a river of revival ministries. And so you have a great love for revival and revival preaching and churches all over the United States. And, and you’ve published quite a few books about revival. You’ve published books by Leonard Ravenhill by Winkie Pratney. And about the, the Azusa street revival about William Seymour. Talk to me a little bit about revival and why it’s so important to have revival in the church.

Larry Martin (06:21):
Well you know, if somebody’s walking through the airport and they have a heart attack or their heart stops beating, the first thing that someone’s going to do is look for a defibrillator that they can come and shock that person back to life. And I think that’s kind of the, one of the roles of revival is, and I don’t want to say the church is dead, but the church does go through seasons where they become lax and complacent where they become a spiritually eel and a revivalist is a lack that defibrillator that shocks the church back to life and brings a new vitality and new, new faith that I think there’s nothing more important in the life of the church than periodical seasons of revival when God sends refreshing from Ohio and, and recharges the church, we need a great nationwide revival in America today.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:16):
Yeah. Talk, talk to me a little bit about that because as we record this, we just went through an election and then the, the inauguration of our new president, Joe Biden, and a lot of people are, are concerned about where America is as a nation. What do you do you think God wants to do in our nation, in the church?

Larry Martin (07:41):
Well, I think I know what God wants to do. God always wants to, to revive the church. He always wants the church to have a evangelism focus, reaching the lost and a disciple ship, focus, strengthening believers. God’s part is not hard to define. It’s getting us in, in step with God’s program, getting us in step with what God wants is really the answer. God would love to send a great revival to America, and I pray that he will. And you know, by faith, I believe that a revival is coming, but there’s two elements of revival and the, and God’s part is always wonderful and perfect, and he’s always ready, but man’s part, sometimes it’s weakened and Leonard Ravenhill off and said, the reason we didn’t have revivals, cause we didn’t want it bad enough. And I think when the church really gets a burger to see God move and really gets a burden to pray that we will see that visitation in America. I’m sure believing God for that.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:40):
Yeah. You mentioned Leonard Ravenhill and I have several books, which you’ve given me that you’ve published from Leonard Ravenhill. How, how did you get permission to publish books

Larry Martin (08:56):
At that point? Daniel the books were out of print and the publishing company was not printing those books. And so I wrote them and asked permission to make them available through our ministry. And they granted that to me the, at this time that the publishers actually have given that permission back to brother Raven Hill’s family. And so I’m not able to publish those anymore, but I was very thankful for the opportunity to share those while they were out of print.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:26):
Talk to me more about revival. You’ve been a student or revival you’ve experienced revival. You, you, you go to churches and, and re preach revival. What are some of the elements that that happen when revival comes?

Larry Martin (09:45):
Sure. you know, people will ask the question, what’s the secret to revival and I tell them, God doesn’t deal in secrets. He deals in revelations. It’s just a matter of finding what God has said about it. And when God does sin revival, some of the things that happens, of course, there’s always a disruption. God disrupts evil a disrupts complacency. He disrupts the sleepiness in the church and the devil always gets mad when you have revival. That’s I always tell people that I believe that the initial physical evidence of baptism, the Holy spirit is, is tongues, but the real evidence is troubled because when you get on fire for God, the devil is going to attack you. And a sign of revival is when, when the enemy comes against the church and another sign of revival is maybe the greatest sign of revival.

Larry Martin (10:37):
The church is repentance. If there is no repentance, there will be no revival. If there’s a little repentance, you might have a little revival, but when there’s, when there is great repentance, there is great revival. I, I wrote a little acrostic for revival and the, the lenders in revival R stands for repentance and East stands for everyday repentance. And B stands for very repented and asked stands for immediate repentance and B the second least has for very, very repented and the, the A is for always repentant and the L is for lasting repentance. And that, that is what happens when you have revival, the church repents. And then of course their signs and wonders miracles that take place. When you have revival, people receive the baptism, the Holy spirit, and the greatest of all is people are saved. There’s no real revival until the lost are brought to Christ.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:30):
I, I see a pattern there. And in your acrostic for revival, it seems that repentance is an important part of revival. Talk to me a little bit about repentance. How does someone repent? How does revival bring repentance?

Larry Martin (11:47):
I think in in normal church life, we, we get very careless. I use this example sometime Daniel I had a friend that was remodeling in his bathroom. And when he got ready to paint a wall that he’d been working on and he was going to paint it white because the rest of the bathroom was white. And when he painted the wall wide, he found out the rest of the bathroom, wasn’t white, it was off white. And so it didn’t match, but he thought it was white all the time until he compared it to white. And when the Holy Spirit begins to move and the Holy Spirit begins to deal in people’s heart, he begins to reveal things to them that they thought were okay, you know what I’m I’m okay. You’re okay. Everybody’s okay. But you really get in the presence of God. And your lack Isaiah was when he saw the Lord and said, man, I I’m unclean. And I live in a land of uncleaned people. And when we see ourselves, as God sees us, that brings us to a place of repentance where we, we seek God to purify our hearts and make us more like him.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:47):
You are also a Pentecostal historian, you’ve studied church history. And one of the things I really love about your ministry, you, you have a website called Pentecostal gold.com. And on that website, you have a sermons from some of the greatest Pentecostal preachers from the last 80 years. You’ve got RW, Schambach, Amy simple McPherson, David Wilkerson, TL Osborn, Jimmy Swagget, George O. Wood and many others tell me a little bit about Pentecostal golden and how you started that. The website,

Larry Martin (13:29):
I just got a vision, I guess it’s been seven, eight years ago now that it would be a wonderful thing. I, I had collected these cassette tapes all my life throughout all my ministry had boxes of them. And I thought, well, if we could just share these with people and found a little recorder to digitalize those and started putting one or two up, and now I’ve got almost 2,400 sermons up. I put three sermons up this morning by Dr. Daniel T Schaffer. Did you know Dr. Shaffer from Oklahoma city? Never heard of him. Great pastor pastored, crossroads cathedral in Oklahoma city at church seated about 5,000 people. And I put three of Dr. Dan’s sermons up there today. Yesterday. I put some sermons up by BH Clendenin while I’m pretty well stationed at home because of COVID. I’ve been spending a lot of time building this website and I just pray. It’s a blessing to the body of Christ when I’m, when I’m gone. And you know, I’m, I’m 68 years old when I’m gone. I want this website to continue to minister to the bodily of grass, for generations to come.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:36):
And I think future generations need to hear the Pentecostal fire that came across in the Holy roller generation. Sometimes we don’t hear that type of preaching that much anymore, but we still need that same fire of the Holy spirit. What are some of your, your favorite preachers and your, your favorite sermons on the website? What’s really ministered to you personally?

Larry Martin (15:04):
Every one of them. I, no, that’s not a fair answer. My, my favorite sermon on the website is in 1969. My pastor took me to the general council, the SIM as a God. I was just a teenager and Jimmy Swaggart preached that night. And it was the greatest sermon I ever heard. If you can imagine at a general council, the same as the guy, the power of God came down and people, one guy was running around the building, shouting. It was quite amazing. And that sermon was unavailable for many years. I bought a copy of it on an old reel to reel tape. And I couldn’t get access to that, but I contacted the Springfield Missouri. They didn’t have a copy of the sermon brothers Schrager didn’t have a copy of it, but I finally found that old tape that I bought back in the sixties and digitalize it. And it’s called, there is a remedy. That’s one of my favorites. The other, I guess my second favorite sermon on the website is one that David Wilkerson preached it’s called the gospel of accommodation. And if there was ever a prophetic word preached to the, to the Pentecostal movement, that is a tremendous word, the gospel of accommodation. And you know, of course the brothers sham box messages and AA Allen, I just they’re just wonderful.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (16:21):
Your ministry has published a lot of historical documents from various revivals in the past. And so one of your books is called the Topeka outpouring of, of 1901. And then you have a whole stack of books about the Azusa street revival that happened in the early 19 hundreds and the spread Pentecostalism around the world. You’ve got books from your own experiences and, and also from the great Welsh revival. If someone wants to get a hold of, of some of your books, what’s the best way for them to order some books.

Larry Martin (17:01):
All, all the books are available on Amazon Daniel, but they’re also available through our websites. I would suggest that Azusa street.org, the bookstore there has all the books available on it. Thank you for mentioning that. Yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (17:16):
Yeah. And if a pastor wants to invite you to come and have a revival in his church, or if someone wants to support one of your crusades and help send you to the world, how can they find you?

Larry Martin (17:32):
That would be the best way for that. It’s Dr. Larry martin.org. That’s our, our ministry website. Sometimes you get a note from a pastor and he’ll say, what does it take to bring you to our church? And I will answer an invitation and we don’t, we don’t have any requirements. We just love to go preach the gospel.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (17:52):
Well, that’s a wonderful attitude to have. How many years have you been traveling and preaching the gospel?

Larry Martin (18:00):
From the first time that I preached, it’s been 54 years.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:04):
That’s amazing. What, what a tremendous legacy you have what you’ve been doing this a long time and many of our listeners are preachers evangelists who are just getting started in ministry. What advice would you give to a young minister? Who’s just starting out about longevity in ministry.

Larry Martin (18:32):
I think well, that’s a, that’s a tough question. I think the first thing is to be sure of your call. You know, the Lord spoke to me, I would say youth camp and I never dreamed I was going to be a preacher. Never dreamed it. I, I thought maybe I would be an archeologist. You know, I love history and, and dinosaurs and all these things and sitting in a youth camp and God, the, the, the speaker was Dr. George Brazel. You can hear him open it calls to go. But Dr. Braswell said to all of you that are called to the ministry, I want you to come to the front and immediately, God just tapped me on the shoulder and said, that’s you, I want you to preach the gospel. And I went up that night and surrendered to preaching. And that calling was so sure, you know, Daniel and 50 plus years, I’ve been through some stuff.

Larry Martin (19:20):
And now I’ll tell you a lot of it was tough. I’ve had great blessings, wonderful, blessed things, but I’ve been through some tough stuff. And that call is the thing that’s kept me steady. I, I there’s times that I’d like to have quit, but there’s never been a single time that I doubted that God called me to the ministry. And that’s been, the anchor for me is to stay steadfast. And of course, you know, the, the, the everybody should know is the time you spend with the Lord and prayer, and then reading the word of God. Those are the things that carry you through the difficult times.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:56):
Thank you so much, Dr. Larry Martin, it’s wonderful to have you as a guest on, on the evangelism podcast. Love you love your ministry and everything that you are doing for Jesus. Thank you.

Larry Martin (20:11):
We love you, Daniel. Thank you for allowing me to be here today.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (20:15):
Thanks so much for listening to this interview with Dr. Larry Martin. If you’ve enjoyed the evangelism podcast, could you do me a favor, go find the evangelism podcast on Apple iTunes and leave us a review that review will help other people find the podcast and make sure that you subscribe because we’ve got some exciting interviews coming up

Evangelism Podcast Host (20:39):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit King ministries.com. Again, that’s King ministries.com.


Eric Smith | How to Build a Massive Ministry Platform

Eric Smith was the crusade director for R. W. Schambach and he ran the ministry of Evangelist Steve Hill. Now he helps hundreds of ministries with marketing, fundraising, and media exposure. Today, you will learn what happens behind the scenes to make a ministry successful.

Eric Smith leads Smith Media Group, a marketing company that makes ministry its business. He promotes ministries and helps preachers to massively increase the number of people they are able to reach with their message.

Smith Media Group is proud to support Christian-run organizations globally. They are a one-stop shop for graphic and web design, branding, marketing, media exposure and fundraising. Their clients have included Perry Stone, Christ for All Nations, Oral Roberts University, Daystar, Joyce Myer, Robb Thompson, and many others.

Here are some of the services Smith Media Group Offers: 

Targeted Ad Campaigns

Live Streaming

Direct Mail

Web Design

Speaker Management

Social Media Marketing

Media Buys

Donor Development

Video Production

Ghost Writing and Book Promotion

Website: http://smithmediagroup.com/

Read the Lead Magazine: https://readleadmag.com/

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Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Eric Smith was a crusade director for RW Schambach and he ran the ministry of evangelist Steve Hill. Now he helps hundreds of ministries with marketing fundraising and media exposure. Today you’ll learn what happens behind the scenes to make a ministry successful. Jesus said go into all the world and preach the gospel. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord. Welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King we’re Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host missionary and evangelist Daniel King. Welcome to the evangelism podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. I have a great guest. His name is Eric Smith and Eric leads the Smith media group, a marketing company that makes ministry its business. And so he helps to promote ministries and helps preachers to massively increase the number of people that they’re able to reach with their message. So brother, Eric, thank you so much for joining me today.

Eric Smith (01:28):
Thank you so much, Daniel. Appreciate the time looking forward to just to get a chance to share about all the main things God can help anybody to do to get the message of the gospel around the world.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:38):
Well, let’s start at the beginning. When you were first starting out, you were the crusade director for the great evangelist, R. W. Schambach. And I remember when I was just a little kid, my dad took me to one of RW, Sean box tent crusades in Detroit, Michigan, right in the inner city. There were so many miracles and signs and wonders. He was such a dynamic preacher. And you were helping RW Schambach to set up his events all over the United States.

Eric Smith (02:05):
Yeah, that was I cut my teeth my full time. First time ministry event with working with a full-time minister was brother R. W. Schambach and I got saved in a small assembly, got church in upstate New York. You know, and our associate pastor it was, it was in December. He got church for, for just a season. We became good close friends, long story short. He eventually starts working for brother R. W. Schambach. I was electrician by trade. Brother R. W. Schambach was starting his first tanker say in many years, because he had suffered from a heart congestive heart failure. And his tent crew had just had dissembled and his crews had dissembled. So he was ready. He was back to, you know, back in 90, 1995, he was ready to start preaching the gospel under that big gospel tent and pull the nets in.

Eric Smith (02:48):
And they had no electrician. They had no sound system. They were launching on the Friday. I got a call on a Monday night from my friend about 10:00 PM saying, Eric, Hey, how you doing? I’m doing great. How are you doing? And we began to talk a little bit, say, listen, I’m calling you because brother R. W. Schambach has need of you, sir. I was like, wow, well, what’s he Anita? He said, well, explain the situation. We’re here in Baltimore. We don’t, we have, our tent is going up. It’s not up yet. We’re behind schedule. We have no electrician. I don’t know what to who to call. I know your electrician, Eric, would you prayerfully consider coming down and helping us out? So I spoke to my wife about this. We listen to brother Schambach on radio. That 15 minute broadcast was powerful every single day.

Eric Smith (03:26):
And I talked to him, I said, look, I want to do it. So went to Baltimore, was on a plane the next day at 6:00 AM got to Baltimore and worked about 48 hours straight. Got the electric put up the generators, put in, got the sound system in. And we did TV live that first night and the very next day unbeknownst to myself. Oh, there’s some, I sat down said, son, thank you so much. I like to hire you. And that’s how I got into full-time ministry. And what an honor and a privilege I worked basically doing anything initially and and within six months, but somebody set me aside, says, son, I seen the way you handle it. Talk to people and pastors, I just love the representation who you are and what you’re about.

Eric Smith (04:06):
I wish to be a crusade director and then chills went down my spine. Oh my goodness. So tell me about brother Schambach like I’ve never done such a thing, you know, what does that entail? You don’t worry. So, and you can handle it. That’s about what I got. And and they said here here’s the schedule. So from that point on Daniel, I was responsible for a multi-million dollar budget, you know, a staff of 40, 50 people. And I was the one responsible filling up arenas, Madison square garden. So think those big tenant Rita’s getting churches on board. So it was baptism by fire, but you know what? It was the greatest experience in my life. Brother R. W. Schambach and his wife, sister soundbite became like a mom and a father to my wife and I, we traveled with them everywhere, everywhere they went. And we just, we constantly planned meetings. And then we drove brother R. W. Schambach many times from, from Texas to California or Florida. Meanwhile, I’m on the phone and, and making phone calls and putting logistics together. But you know, what a privilege it was to serve him tens of thousands would come to Christ in those States. One of the greatest advantages of the tools I have ever seen.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:05):
Yeah. I loved hearing RW. Schambach preaching. He’d always say you don’t have any problems. All you need is faith in God. And that that saying has sustained me because sometimes in ministry, you, you face problems or you think you’re facing problems, but if you keep your faith in God, he will work things out. So, so then after you were working with, with Schambach, you also helped Steve Hill, the evangelist from the Brownsville revival who had such a tremendous impact in, in Brownsville, and then in other parts of the world.

Eric Smith (05:40):
Yeah, it was again, what an honor and privilege to get to that. Sometimes I pitched myself the privilege we’ve had to help serve. It’d be the armor bearers, the air and the earth for these, these, these wonderful men of God. Yes, Steve Steve reached out to me when I was working for brother Schambach and of course I was very familiar. The, with revival over 5 million people went through that church in Pensacola, Florida. I think it represented like 162 nations Kings princesses. Senators went through there. There was just, the impact was amazing. And Steve wanted to take that message across America and really around the world. And that’s when he reached out to me. And you know, what a privilege I’ll tell you, Steve was such a pure evangelist for the semi course, great preacher, pull the nets and see miracles, you know, just, you would see miracles, they just make your head spin under brother R. W. Schambach’s tent.

Eric Smith (06:25):
And he services. Steve was just like, it’s all about souls, Eric, let’s go after to associate would just start crying. We start talking about souls and what a pure evangelists. I, I can, I can think of several crusades where, you know, we’d be in Riga. I was whispered Steve film, Riga. And when he gave an altar call, it wasn’t like people would have, you know, scratch your head, make a decision, I’d go down. And sort of Steve was so passionate. I mean, bands be popping. I was Dick. You need to be saved, run down that aisle. And people literally would sprint down the aisle, almost a point where they almost crashed into the platform. They couldn’t stop in time. It was just amazing. And I mean, thousands upon thousands of people would come to Christ in those services and what a privilege it was to serve brother Steve, and for 12 years, and be his crusade director and help him out with just, just all the structure when it comes to a multi-million dollar budget. And of course, facilitating crusades. And his schedule was, you know, brother R. W. Schambach. I travel about 200 days out of the year with him, with Steve. I was traveling about 250 to 275 days out of the year. So it was just a crazy pace, but, you know, he said, Eric, it’s a short season. We’ve got to go after souls. We’ve got to do it. So what a privilege to serve those two powerful men of God.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:36):
Yeah. I’m so amazed at both R. W. Schambachand Steve Hill, how their fruit continues to this day, I’ve met so many people whose lives were impacted by them and, and they are passionate about soul-winning because of Steve Hill’s passion. And so it’s just so, so amazing. Who are some of the other ministries that you’ve been able to help over the years?

Eric Smith (07:57):
No, we’ve been privileged to help hundreds of ministries, Daniel. I mean as you’re, you’re very familiar with CFAN brother Bonnke, we’ve had a chance to do several things. Your brother Bonnke you know loved his heart loved Daniel Kolenda, what Daniel is doing right now. I know you’ve done crusades with brother Kolinda as well. You know, we’ve done things with Joyce Meyers, Perry, stone you know, feed the children, just multiple other ministries. We’ve we just, you know, I, I just I thank the Lord because you know, there’s seven and a half billion people on the face of the earth. And I just, sometimes I’m amazed that people contact us, Eric lists, I’ve heard what you guys are doing. We want your help, you know, and you know, to me, it’s all about. So as the Bible says, he who wins souls is wise and what we want to do and God’s helped us is to create some strategies and ways that we can get the message out the door.

Eric Smith (08:41):
We can help facilitate ministry opportunities for literally hundreds of ministries on a weekly basis, typically on a non COVID year on a week of basis, we administer taking place. I’m usually four continents of the earth every single week. And so when I, my head down the pillow each night after working 16 hour days you know, I, I can rest at ease knowing, you know what, today we saw 37,000 people come to Christ and the next day, 24,000. And, you know, I want to take millions upon millions to happen with us. Cause that’s what it’s all about.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:10):
Amen. Let’s talk a little bit about the nuts and bolts of what you do and what you do I think is so valuable for ministries and, and for evangelists. Often people may be gifted in being on the platform, but then the organization, the behind the scenes, they need other people to come alongside them to help. And it sounds like, like you’re the type of person who really helps put people on platforms so that the anointing can, can really begin to flow out of their lives. And so your, your website says that the Smith media group is a one-stop shop for graphic and web design branding, marketing media exposure in fundraising. Can you talk a little bit about why all those things are important for a ministry to have? What, why should someone who’s in ministry care about graphics and web design and marketing? What, why is that important?

Eric Smith (10:10):
Well, it’s important for lots of reasons. You know, obviously you know, as, as an evangelist of yourself or, or other ministries, I have a compelling to go all the world preach the gospel. And I would say, of course, every evangelists has a heart, right? That’s, that’s the idea. We want to get you in churches, in front of lots of people. So you can pull the nets on a nightly basis, but we also have lots of pastors that have that same commission. They say, you know what, Eric, I love my church. That’s why that’s my first loves that. But I also want to go into all the word, preach the gospel, but you know, people don’t want to bring you in, unless they have a little understanding who you’re about. And that’s where graphics come into play. That’s where a website that represents you well comes into play because usually when a church looks to bring a speaker in, they look through several different layers, they go to a website, they want to see does this website talk about this ministry?

Eric Smith (10:54):
Do I have some videos I can watch? You know I, then they’ll go from, from a website oftentimes to social media, let me see what this guy’s posting. You know, let me see, you know, the content there. If you have a live stream or a webinar process or or a promo video, that’s huge because a pastor that brings an evangelist or a minister in, they want to get an idea of what to expect, what the posit will you leave? Well, I bring her to my church, so where that’s, where marketing and branding and these, these, these, these resources and assets that you can create to any ministry can create themselves and should have on their platforms is so important because it answers all the who, what, when and why, and a pastor, you know, they’re busy people again, the bigger the church gets, the more busy they get. They want, they want to know if there’s a minister, I should consider bringing my church. You know, I, I want to be able to look at something quickly to get an understanding what to expect and those, those, those assets, the website, the social media, the promo videos the live stream, the webinars you know, all those kinds of things play a big part in helping those people make decisions. Okay.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:56):
So let’s go through some of the things that your, your website says that you guys do, and, and, and I’ll just fire them off in and you tell briefly what it is and why it would help a ministry. So the first thing is like targeted ad campaigns. What’s that?

Eric Smith (12:12):
Yeah. That’s where, you know, nowadays people are very familiar with social media, right? With analytics on Facebook and those kinds of things. Well, you know, w with targeted ad campaigns right now, we’ve created algorithms now where our ministry, it can be so specific. For example everyone’s familiar with terrestrial TV or linear television. That’s if you’re on spectrum Comcast cable, you put commercials, you put a broadcast on. Well, we now have through set top box is the ability to track people’s tendencies. So I can be so specific when a ministry says, listen, I’m coming to Tulsa, Oklahoma. I want to do an event at this, at this convention center. I like to share with Christians I’m coming to town. So we can through 4,000 different keywords. We can now go through algorithms and we can pinpoint where people can be targeted. So they can be a part of event.

Eric Smith (12:59):
They can be part of a crusade. They can be part of a, of a church meeting. And then it’s not just through TV, but it’s also through website. So now, if you go to, for example, Fox news, to get your, your news content, or you go to ESPN, guess what your ads on there. If people now get their content through Netflix and Hulu and sling, you know, OTT devices, well, guess what, that we can create a campaign that your, your ads are there as well. So the beauty of the target ad campaign means that we can be very specific. We can be laser focused on getting your message out to specific people that we believe would resonate to hear your voice.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:33):
Another thing that you do, which I think is so important during these times of COVID, when it’s hard for audiences to get together in one place, you help people with live streaming. How, how do you help churches and ministries do live streaming?

Eric Smith (13:47):
Yeah, we have our own proprietary platform. You know, we, we, we try to keep it reasonable cost $45 a month. But in essence way, it helps ministries get their message outside the four walls of your church. Obviously, if you’ve got 200 people in front of you in the four walls of your church, because a live stream, you can literally have thousands of additional people you’re having effect on. And that’s what we want to do. Right? As, as administrators, we want to be wise stewards of our resources and our time. And if, and if we can put our more audience in front of you because of a livestream platform, obviously it makes logical sense. We have hundreds of ministries tapping into our livestream platform right now. The livestream itself helps ministries to find out. We can show analytics on a monthly basis showing that the city, the state, the County, the countries that are tuning in this gives these ministries opportunity to begin to minister to them.

Eric Smith (14:32):
You know, it encourages people to submit prayer requests in, and that bridge gets built as that bridge gets built. Now you have the ability to, to follow up with people and minister to them and encourage them. And what, what, what a lot of people do Daniel with livestream when it comes to a church it’s also a perfect medium in which if a person’s interested in coming to a they’ll watch your live stream first, they want to get and get an idea of what to, what to expect. And what happens is we find the, watch it a second time, a third time by use of the fifth or sixth time they’re coming to your church. Of course, pastors love that because now they get rooted in become, you know, become a member of the church. And when it comes to an evangelistic ministry, it’s also a great platform for the simple fact that as an evangelist you don’t have a church that supports you.

Eric Smith (15:13):
It’s people that love your heart and your passion and your ministry and the way they thank you when ministry takes place, when you’re, when a miracle takes place in someone’s life, or someone’s soul good, saved where they want to say, Hey, pastor, brother, Daniel, I want to support you because I want more people to be touched. It’s like, you’ve touched my mom, my dad, my brother, and my sister. So there’s a huge opportunity with live stream. And, you know, in a day and age with everyone being on social media, which everybody, the brother is right now, nothing wrong with it. I think there should be on there, you know, but what happens as you’re populating Facebook, you’re populating you Twitter, you’re populating Periscope. You’re propagating YouTube. You know, you want to do is you want to drive traffic back to your website and a live stream platform on your platform, drives people back to your platform, to your website, helps them become aware of your church about your children’s ministry, your youth ministry, all the events going on helps become better from it with you. And it gives an opportunity through archive process to watch the message a second or third time. So if you’re a congregation member, unfortunately, you know, I tell these statistics to pastors all the time and they get disappointed. They get depressed, but you know, they people hear about 50% of what you shared and about a 30 minutes or an hour message. So the beauty vice changes, they can go back and hear 0.2 0.3 0.4, apply underlies, and good things will happen.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (16:23):
Let’s talk about direct mail in years past direct mail was one of the main fundraising tools that a lot of big ministries used to use. And now a lot more fundraising is done on, on digital platforms. Do you think direct mail is still an effective way to connect with people?

Eric Smith (16:42):
It is. It is. And, and, and you know, obviously you, you can see based upon age, what people’s tendencies are, right? So if you’re, if you’re basically 50 and above, people still love getting that piece in the mailbox. And you know, I we’re, we’re helping ministries right now. Honestly, sometimes we’re bringing in hundreds of thousands, some cases, millions of dollars, and it’s coming still through the mail. People love the you know, the ability to open the letter up. They want to touch it. They want to read it. They want to put it down. They want to pray about it. You know, some people are scared of electronic opportunities, right? They’re worried about their, their, their, their stuff being stolen. I mean, you hear those stories as well, but I think it comes to the point where the, the newsletter, the direct mail going to mailboxes is still effective. It’s more, if it’s more cost efficient for administration to do the electronic, cause you’re not paying for postage and those kinds of things, but again, for a lot of ministry, especially ministries who have been branded for quite some time and have a loyal followers for them, in some cases, decades, the traditional mail piece in the mailbox still makes lots of sense.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (17:44):
Yeah. And in our ministry, we send out a monthly newsletter and still about 80% of our income comes from the newsletter that we send out. And, but I find that younger people are moving more and more to digital platforms and, and being comfortable with, with digital giving. So I think it’s good to have a mix between those two, at least in, in my experience let’s talk about a web design. I’ve gone to some ministry websites, and I know the hearts of the ministers. They have a huge heart for the world. They’ve done really significant things, but sometimes their, their website design is just horrendous. And actually I’ve spent a lot of money this last year, helping our website and, and getting it up to where it needs to be. Talk to me, what are some of the, the elements that should be included in a good ministry web design?

Eric Smith (18:37):
Yeah. Well, again, your website represents you, it’s really your biggest marketing piece. So for the, for an audience that’s becoming familiar with you it should answer all again, the who, what, when and why what’s your purpose is what your mission is, what you’re called to do. And you know, having a, you know, a basically WordPress is pretty much the most popular platform to use for websites right now. Video is a great thing to include on that, but again, a website represents you in a spirit of excellence, and if you have old content on there and you have things on there from three months ago, six months ago, or your blog doesn’t look like it’s been posted for two years, you kinda S you kind of share a message to an audience that you probably don’t want to share. And so it’s important to have a website that again, gives a perspective person, whether it be a pastor, you know, looking for someone to bring in, you want to give them a little taste.

Eric Smith (19:26):
Maybe a promotional video is always a great thing to have, because it gives that pastor an idea of what to expect. When you come to hear your preaching, they see the demonstration to see you’re laying your hands on people, those kinds of things. But it’s also it’s one of those things where it should be, it should be a place that content is constantly is being attitude. So you’re taking old content, all content down new content, because the idea is you want to drive people back to your website on a regular basis. If your content is not changing, why would they come back a second and third time? So there is the importance of really, it’s a, it’s a piece that represents each ministry. And I get a lot of messages just get busy, and I know the situation and what happens is sometimes it seems like the websites are one less thing to think about.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (20:05):
Let’s talk about speaker management. I have some friends that are in the speaking business, speaking for corporations, and they would often have a speakers Bureau who would represent them. They would call different corporations and, and arrange all the details. And that’s not really common in, in churches most churches and most people who minister in churches, they’ll personally call pastors and, and, and, and set up dates for them to come speak. But what do you do representing Christian speakers?

Eric Smith (20:40):
Sure. Good question. Daniel. What, what, what I did when I was actually still working for brother Schambach, I would get call from ministries and they say, Eric, listen, I feel a component of on the worst preach. We also, but I don’t know the first step. I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to knock on doors. I don’t want to call a pastor friend say, Hey, what’d you have me come and preach. So, you know, what we’ve learned early on was that there was a real valid need out there that probably two thirds of the, of the ministers that I knew what had to do more, they wanted you to, to on a regular basis, get the message out the door. Of course, pull the nets and win souls, pray for people watch God move in services and had lives being impacted.

Eric Smith (21:12):
And goodness decades ago I launched our own speakers Bureau with a handful of people. Now we represent well over a hundred people that are preach the gospel every single week going, you know here, domestically and around the world. And the speaker’s Bureau is, is, is a place in which now traffic comes to us churches and, and, and some corporate entities will come to us and say, look, we’re looking for a minister that preaches on this specific topic. They can get a chance to take a look at our, our, our, our list of, of ministries that we’re assisting. And then they content, Hey, Eric, I love to have this speaker come in. W could you help us facilitate? We’d be happy to, and that’s what we do. It’s just, it’s a, it’s a, it’s a it’s another tool that ministries can tap into that would allow us to tap into our experience.

Eric Smith (22:01):
I’ve been to 52 countries. I’ve been to over a thousand churches personally, here in America out of the 1,665 mega churches in America. Well, that’s 2000 members, or more or more, I think I’ve been to over 40% of those churches personally. So just because relationship and people have confidence, and if we recommend somebody and the Lord course feel putting his blessing on things we see doors open up. And of course the, the beauty of is that every single day we have speakers pulling the nets in and souls are being saved.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (22:29):
I was looking through some of the pictures on your website, and I saw many of my friends there. Joe Odin is there Donna Schambach Erin Bagwell and other friends that, that I’ve had for for many years. And so that’s wonderful that you’re, you’re able to help them out. I know every preacher wants more places to preach because they’ve got a message burning inside to communicate to a loss world. You also do media buys, donor development, video production. You even help people with their books, with ghost writing in with with book promotion. Would you like to touch on any of those?

Eric Smith (23:09):
Yeah, sure. I mean, I think I talked to probably when it comes to books, I would say one out of two pastors, I speak, we have a book in the heart and spirit, but can they just do it on the first steps? What do I do, Eric? You know, I just don’t know the next step. So we do a couple things. So some pastors are really good writers, and then we assist them with writing the content. We’ve been a company, we become a ghost writer in many ways. So we, we, we take, we take what they’ve written, put chapters together, obviously put content, content and flow, that kind of stuff, type setting. We do the whole thing from start to finish all the design, all the artwork, even do all the marketing, get the message out the door and selling the books as well for these pastors when it comes to TV terrestrial TV is still a popular medium to it to get the gospel out the door.

Eric Smith (23:50):
Everyone’s familiar with TBN and Daystar and word networks and impact networks and CTS and, and all the other ones that are out there. But we’re also helping ministries get on ABC, NBC, CBS, and CW, and my TVs every week again, lives are being impacted by this message that goes out the door. So, you know, it’s, it’s those are, those are very important mediums. And again, if someone’s got a 28 30 produced it also allows me cause we’ve thankfully have built such great relationships with so many different platforms. I can get most ministries on a platform that reaches about 10 million people a month at no cost. All I need are 28 30. So we’re all about just winning souls to help administrators get their message out the door. And I believe as the Holy spirit puts his blessing on things increased comes, so let’s get saved, miracles happen, and most importantly, the lives are changed. So yeah, those, those are all great aspects to order development. You know, every ministry, especially evangelists, right? You don’t have a church that supports you with a tie that offerings you have to go out and, and basically through partnership what comes in helps you to plan what I can do for ministry. It’s a bill.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (24:56):
Part of being an evangelist is raised.

Eric Smith (24:59):
It’s a lifeline, right? It’s if money’s are coming in, you can’t go around the world and preach the gospel. You just can’t, the gospel is free, but it takes tens of thousands of dollars in some cases, hundreds of thousands of dollars to do these events. And so what the direct mail plan or direct mail is, here’s what I tell people all the time. I’m, I’m a firm believer that money follows ministry. And what I mean by that, you show people, proven ministry, people are going to want to support it, start sharing testimonies, a why being changed and what we do for ministries. Again, because a lot of ministers say, listen, Eric, I could put a message together, but I can’t write. I just can’t. So what we do is we’ll, we’ll assist them. We’ll, we’ll put together a newsletter. That’s ethically based ministry based, not crisis mail.

Eric Smith (25:37):
You know, we’re not going out of business at three days. If this money doesn’t come in, that’s not the God who we serve. We serve a God. That’s more than enough, right? That leads us in victory and triumph, everything that we face. So what we do is we put ministry ahead of them. We share what’s going on with this ministry is the impact that they’re having. And we let them know as Philippians four 17 says, Paul said this to the Philippian church when they were, when they were supporting him, he was, he said, I’m thankful that you’re here supporting them. I’m more thankful that the people are being added to your account because you’re supporting me because every person comes to Christ through what I do is being added to your account in heaven. And that’s what we do with our, with our direct mail and our partnership mail on our donor base. And our thank you letters. And our fundraising leadership ministries is we show people proof of ministry. We, we, we champion what God’s doing in the services. And when people see it, they get behind his ministries.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (26:26):
You also have a really cool magazine that I love called lead magazine. And you’ve been kind enough to feature some of the articles I’ve written in, in the past whose lead magazine for

Eric Smith (26:40):
Yeah. Lead magazine is really for any pastor leader that wants to just get some nuggets of truth, get, get some ideas or suggestions. And what’s working for one will work for you. You know, Bible says this, that, you know, when you’re faithful little, he gives you more and he’s not a respecter of persons. Right. So what he does for Daniel Kolenda, he’ll do for Daniel King or he’ll do for Donna Schambach. And and so w w what leads all about is giving people, proven ideas, proven strategies ministry opportunities where, you know, you get a chance to pour your heart into someone, encouraged someone, pastors by the thousands and ministers in general, by the thousands leave ministry every single month because of depression and giving up, and then listening to the, to the devil, lie to them that they just can’t do it.

Eric Smith (27:23):
They’re a failure. You know, what we want to do lead magazine is plant seeds or righteousness and encourage people and say, you know what? You can do. You can go forward and just keep your hands in a pole and keep Hom, because God’s going to do great things on your behalf. And, you know, we’re privileged almost a hundred thousand pastors receive lead magazine right now, almost 1.2 million people started 10 years ago with about 4,000 pastors getting it and has grown organically to those numbers. So we’re just, we give God praise for what he’s done.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (27:47):
Wow. That’s amazing what a tremendous platform. Well, if someone’s interested in, in what you do, or they want to talk to you more and, and, and find out if you can help them, what’s a way that they can get in touch with you.

Eric Smith (28:01):
The best way to reach out to us is going through our website, which is Smith media group.com. Or you can go to, you know, if you want, if you’re more of the traditional guy, you can go to their phone number (419) 224-6010 is our office number. You know, I talked to pastors probably over a hundred pastors a week and give counsel, we’ll give guidance. People wanted to ask questions. I’m here available. My team are here and available to ask questions. You know, to our, our, our heartbeat is to be the errand or for ministry. So again, people like yourself, Daniel could be focused on the prayer and study the word, let us handle logistics on the backside. What are be, you know, we handle lots of social media for, for hundreds of ministries. You know, we handle the newsletters.

Eric Smith (28:41):
We handle the live stream. We handle this scheduling events. We handle interviews on worldwide television, all around the world, which you’ve been on several of those as well. And you know, that way you can just make sure God you’re doing what God’s calling you to do. And our strength is, is, is the behind the scenes stuff. And what I tell pastors all the time is that, listen, if no one ever knows Eric’s misnamed, I am perfectly comfortable with that. I, if I never have to grab a microphone, I am perfectly comfortable that there’s times in which I have to talk to hundreds of thousands of people can put some structure with ushers and all their teams that kind of step in. If I didn’t have to do that, I would, I’d be raising my hands, praising God, that’s just not who I am. I’m forced to do it because it’s one of the positions rolls out to play. But you know, what I wanna do is again you know, for those that have questions one guidance want to have a conversation. I, I do my best and make myself available my team available. So we can just give about counsel and help people any way we possibly can.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (29:35):
That’s awesome. I love what you do because so many ministries need help in various areas. And I’ve found that ministries have strengths in, in, in one area, but they might be weak in another area. And so that’s where someone like you can come alongside and help make the entire ministry strong. And so the, the marketing, the, the work that goes into making a ministry successful, it is so important. And, and many times people don’t think about it. They don’t really see it, but if it’s missing, it’s really noticeable in a ministry. So thank you for what you do. It’s extremely valuable and a great blessing to the body of Christ.

Eric Smith (30:14):
It’s my pleasure, my honor. It’s what we’re called to do, you know, let her, let her, Ravenhill told Steve Hill one time when Steve was an, a missionary evangelist in Argentina and he was saying, you know he’s watching, you know, Benny hand fill arenas of 18,000 people and said, Leonard, I want to have one on one. I want to preach the gospel for an 80,000 people. And he said, and then he would call it Steve, Stevie. I said, Stevie, listen, draw yourself a circle and stay inside your circle. And what letter meant by that. So, you know what? You have specific gifts and callings, don’t be Benny Hinn, be Stateville. And as you’re faithful and being Steve Hill, God will bring more to you. And then about a decade later, the were viable to golf and Steve, you know, was preaching and some of the biggest arenas around the world.

Eric Smith (30:52):
So I encourage any, any, any minister, right? That’s a follow up, follow up with Leonard. Ravenhill told Steve Hill, draw yourself a circle, understand your gifts and talents. And don’t divert from that. Keep your hands in a blocky Palm, because God is faithful to bring increase. And who’ll be the one that opens doors for you. And, and what we find at Smith media group is that we love being the, the people that Bible says Matthew seven, seven, ask and keep on asking, seek and keep on seeking, knock and keep on knocking. What we’d like to do is we’d like to be the knockers for ministry to say, listen, we have a great ministry. We believe would be a great opportunity for have you come. And that we through our resources and through our contacts, allow them to say, we’d love to have them good things happen when these ministries go out and more importantly, Jesus glorified, everything that they do.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (31:33):
That’s awesome. Well, brother, Eric, thank you so much for being on the evangelism podcast and thank you for coaching ministries and coaching evangelists and helping them to do what God’s called them to do.

Eric Smith (31:45):
Thanks so much for having me, Daniel. God bless you, sir. God bless you. Bye bye. All right.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (31:50):
And that was one. Well, thank you so much for listening today. This was some tremendous wisdom from Eric Smith on what goes on behind the scenes to make a ministry successful. If you learn something today, could you do me a favor, go to Apple iTunes, find the evangelism podcast with Daniel King and leave us a review. And while you’re there, subscribe to the show. So you don’t miss out on any of the interviews with great men and women of God from around the world. God bless you

Evangelism Podcast Host (32:21):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit King ministries.com. Again, that’s King ministries.com.


Wes Carter | How to Start a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization

As an Evangelism Coach, I am frequently asked, “How do I start a ministry?” Today, we are going to talk about how to start a 501c3 non-profit organization in the United States and  we are joined by Wes Carter who is an attorney with Winters King Incorporated.

In order to accept donations in the United States, it is important for ministries to be incorporated as a 501c3 organization. When I started my ministry, the law offices of Winter’s, King, and Associates helped me with the paperwork. Today, Wes Carter who is a lawyer with Winter’s, King and Associates will explain the legal process for starting a non-profit organization.

Questions for Wes Carter:

What is a 501c3 organization?

Why is it important for ministries to be incorporated as a 501c3 organization?

What is the process for starting a 501c3 organization?

What information should be in a ministry’s Articles of Incorporation?

What is the difference between incorporating at the state level and securing a 501c3 designation from the IRS?

How much does it cost to incorporate? For incorporation, Winters King charges a flat fee of $950. Then depending on what form is filed with the IRS, securing 501c3 status costs between $1200-$2500. So the whole process can cost between $2,500-$4,000.

How long does the process take?

Once an organization is incorporated, what are the requirements for the organization to remain in compliance with the law?

What are some of the things a 501c3 organization can do, and what are some of the things they cannot do?

Website: wintersking.com

Contact Number for Winters King Incorporated: 918-4946868

If you need coaching in starting your ministry, please talk to Evangelism Coach Daniel King.


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
As an evangelism coach I’m frequently asked, how do I start a ministry today? We’re going to talk about how to start a 501c3 nonprofit organization in the United States. And we’re talking to West Carter who is an attorney with winters King incorporated, an organization that has set up thousands of 501c3 non-profit organizations.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:27):
Jesus said, go into all the world and preach the gospel. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary and evangelist Daniel King. Welcome to the evangelists

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:06):
In podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus. One of the questions I’m frequently asked by people who are starting out in ministry is how do I start a 501c3 organization in order to accept donations in the United States? It’s important for ministries to be incorporated as a 501c3 organization. And so when I started my ministry, the lawyer’s office that helped me out with all the paperwork and applying for that status was winters King and associates. And today we have a lawyer West Carter who is with winters King and associates. And he’s going to explain the process of starting a nonprofit organization, Mr. West, thank you for being here today. It was my pleasure. So let’s start out by answering the question. What is a 501c3 organization?

Wes Carter (02:03):
A 501c3 organization is just what the people call the someone who’s tax exempt. So they’re not, we’re talking about a federal income tax exemption, which essentially means that you’re usually a corporation, but on top of that, you also have a special tax status with the IRS that allows you to take tax deductible donations, as well as you can have an exemption from income tax. So you’re not paying income tax at the federal level for, you know, what money you bring in in this case. Usually donations ties offerings. Usually it also means you’re exempt on the state level as well. Although some, some States you have to file a separate income tax exemption with the state.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:46):
Okay. So winters King and associates is a lawyer’s office here in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and you guys have helped thousands of organizations file for the 501c3 status. And so you guys are experts at every time I talk to people here in the Oklahoma area about doing fiber ones. They always say, I talked to winners King and they helped me out. And so you guys have been responsible for helping out a lot of people. Do, do you help people in other States as well?

Wes Carter (03:18):
Well, we do. And actually it’s just winters and King ain’t now it was winter’s King associates, I think when we set yours up. But yeah, so we, we, we do a lot of this. We’ve been doing it since the early eighties and we have, you know, we have clients in all 50 States a whole, a whole bunch of different foreign countries. Obviously we don’t set them up and foreign countries, but we have people that go into foreign countries or we have attorneys we work with in other countries to help set those up as well. So it is something that we can talk to people about in all 50 States. So

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:48):
Why is it important for ministries to be incorporated as a 501c3 organization?

Wes Carter (03:53):
So that’s a great question. So, you know, there’s a lot of specially in the last couple of years, people who would prefer to avoid as much legal formality as they can for various reasons. But the incorporation part is very important because without it, all we have is a group of individuals. So if you and I are running a ministry, we don’t have a corporation, then it’s just you and I, the people out there running a ministry, and if anything goes wrong, nobody’s there to Sue except you and me, the individual. So what one of the best benefits of having a corporation is that you have a separate legal entity there that operates the activities that separate entity then provides some separation and protection so that if the ministry has a debt or get sued, then you’re not responsible for the debts, the liabilities in the ministry, just because you might be the founding minister or on the board or one of those things.

Wes Carter (04:49):
So the, probably the best way it provides a benefit to you as the minister or the missionary or pastor, is that, you know, it protects the people that are involved from a, from a personal standpoint. And also it allows you to keep everything separate. The people I run into that are especially missionaries or itinerant ministers, they’re taking donations or putting in their personal checking account. And then they have to count every penny that comes in as income, and they’re trying to write off expenses. And so it gives you somewhere where you can keep everything separate here. This is the ministry stuff for the churches stuff. This is my stuff. And so that becomes very important too, because the more you mix the two, it just, all kinds of things can go wrong.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:33):
And then another benefit is giving the tax deductible receipts. What, how does that help people?

Wes Carter (05:39):
So, you know, if I make a donation to your ministry, most people expect that they’re going to be able to write that off on their, on their tax returns. You know, they get a deduction on their personal tax return. And so that’s one big benefit because you know, your $5, $10 people may not be that big of a deal, but once you start getting large donors, it becomes a big deal for them or corporate donors. They, you know, they want to do that. Also, if you deal with any kind of private foundations, they’re limited to only giving to 501c3 organizations. And if you start getting where you’re sharing resources or getting support from other churches and ministries, they have to be very careful and almost, you know, never can give to for-profits because we can’t just take our non-profit money and give it to a for-profit. So by having a 501c3, then you’re opening all those doors as well. Also having your 501c3 comes in handy with a variety of vendors. I mean, if you want a nonprofit PayPal account, or if you want nonprofit postage rates, I mean, all those things are kind of based on your 501c3 status. So, you know, it provides benefits in a number of areas.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:48):
So what’s the process for starting at 501c3 organization.

Wes Carter (06:55):
So I like to think of it basically in two phases. Okay. Phase one, we have to set up the corporation itself, phase two, we look at applying to get your 501c3 status with the IRS. Phase one, you’re looking at essentially filing articles of incorporation with your home state to create the entity, get you a taxpayer number. What’s called an employer identification number a lot, bill called an EIN. And then we’re doing bylaws, which are perhaps the, one of the most important governing documents. And you know, your first set of minutes, those kinds of things put together the corporate book. Now you have a, an entity that’s up and running. You can take those documents to the bank, open a bank account, have a separate bank account to deposit the money. And that’s kind of phase one. Now there are other little side issues.

Wes Carter (07:44):
Sometimes you’re dealing with in phase one, like I said, sometimes varied on the state, filing a little income tax exemption with the state, or some States require you to register what they call charitable solicitations registration, where many States exempt religious organizations. But it’s always something to look at. See if you have to register with the attorney and journal that as a charity, the second phase then is applying with the IRS. And there’s a number of nuances there, but generally speaking churches are inherently exempt as a 501c3. If you meet the IRS criteria of a church, the main ones being regular worship services, your services are open to the public. All your, your whole congregation is not all family and it’s not all cousins and aunts and uncles. Then you’re having inherent exemption as a 501c3 without even applying.

Wes Carter (08:36):
Now, again, those other benefits, the, the corporate corporate, well, the other benefits of having 501c3 status, the, you know, the, the, the nonprofit vendors, the, the taxes I’m trying to state level, there’s still reasons why it’s always usually a good idea for a church to go ahead and get 501c3 status by applying and getting in the IRS is, you know, list of [inaudible] ministries. Don’t have that ministries. You’re not a 501c3 until the IRS says you’re a five Oh one C3. So with ministries there are now two applications you can use. One’s the form, 10 23. And then they have a form 10 23 EZ. Now the easy version, the biggest hurdle usually is you have to be able to say that you don’t project to go over $50,000 in revenue in any one of your first three years. So it’s designed for smaller organizations the filing fees, the attorney’s fees, everything’s lower on the easy application. And then they have the regular 10 23, that all that has been updated. It’s been the same form that you’ve used for decades to file for your 501c3 status.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:42):
So a church receives 501c3 status. They, they, they, they meet the criteria for it, but then a ministry that is like a para-church ministry, a ministry that maybe is doing missions, or maybe is, is feeding the poor, something like that. They would need to apply in order to, to, to get the status,

Wes Carter (10:06):
Correct. They have to apply and the church can apply. The IRS has a portal now where you can go online and search exempt organizations, look, people up, which people are starting almost like a Google, a business, you know, to look up the reviews, they’re looking it up to see if you’re really exempt. And again, corporate donors, if you start working with schools and things like that as a church, there’s a variety of reasons why we usually advise clients to go ahead and file for your 501c3.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:29):
What criteria is the IRS looking for to see if an organization should qualify for the status

Wes Carter (10:38):
For just 501c3 status. So they’re looking to make sure you’re organized correctly. There’s some specific language you have to have in the articles of incorporation that talk about, you know, you won’t engage any improper, private benefit was just means, you know, you’re not using non-profit resources to benefit individuals that unless they’re, you know, part of a charitable class that you’re not gonna engage in political activity, that if you dissolve, which is the legal term for killing off a corporation, if you dissolve the corporation, go away, you’re required to donate all of your property to another 501c3. So it stays being used for a charitable religious purpose.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:13):
So it’s a, it’s a public corporation. And usually it would be, or always, it would be governed by a board rather than an individual. Well, what are some of the criteria you should look for in appointing board members?

Wes Carter (11:31):
So it’s a great question. And as I mentioned, your bylaw, your articles of incorporation are typically there’s things that have to go in there. And they’re just, you know, there’s not a whole lot of extra things you add in your bylaws are where all the nuts and bolts are. And one of the most important thing is your, your, your board. So even though it’s run by a board, one of the things we often talk to our ministers is setting it up as a founder, strong or pastor strong setup, which, which I re you know, kind of just my terminology I use, but where we let the minister appoint and remove the board members. And that way the minister can make sure that they don’t lose control of their own organization. So with that being said, you know, my advice usually for how to pick the board members is you want someone who usually has their own thing going on that they’re, you know not necessarily take the risk that they decided they’re going to do this better than you can that is going to support your vision.

Wes Carter (12:33):
But also you don’t want a bunch of us people on there. I mean, you want people who will question, call you out if they think there’s a concern, but then with you as the lead visionary as the lead minister, once the decision’s made, then, you know, they’ll, they’ll get behind you and still support you, but you don’t want people who are just going to say yes to everything, because that’s just not healthy, you know? Yeah, no, one’s perfect. The more, the more ideas, the more, you know, wisdom we can get in the room, usually the better decisions we’re going to make. So those are kind of the, the, the qualifications for the board members. I mean, because they can run the gamut where it’s friends, other ministers on the board, people who are involved in the ministry itself you know, so, but a lot of times it comes down to the individual people, but you do want to be very careful.

Wes Carter (13:22):
And if you end up with an organization where the board appoints and removes itself, by email, by majority vote, then those items become drastically more important because you have the risk of, you know, 10 years down the road after you’ve built this up with your blood, sweat, and tears and prayers that, you know, someone votes one day that they just don’t need you anymore. And they’re going to go on without you. So you know, picking the board members are very important but it’s really people who are going to support you, but not pander to you, I guess, would be one way to put it.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:55):
Is there a minimum number of board members you need to have

Wes Carter (13:58):
A minimum of three. The IRS likes to see these days, they’ll strongly encourage us to have at least half not be in the same family. But we need at least three members.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:10):
How much does it cost to incorporate and then apply for the 501c3 designation from the IRS?

Wes Carter (14:18):
Well, what we do since we do so many of these, what we do is we charge a flat fee. So for the incorporation process, we charge a flat fee of nine 50 for the attorney’s fee plus whatever the filing fees are with the state, which vary from state to state.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:31):
So the incorporation happens at a state level, correct. And you incorporate in a state. So my organization King ministries is incorporated here in the state of Oklahoma. Does Oklahoma have filing fees for being a corporation?

Wes Carter (14:49):
Yeah. And so in Oklahoma, we’re usually at about $75 as what, cause they have a filing fee and then they have an online fee. They tack on top of it. But usually we’re looking at about 75. Then they range anywhere from $25 up to $200 is probably the max I’ve. You know, if we got to look at all the States. So

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:09):
And so it’s at the incorporation level that you are writing the bylaws, explaining the purpose of the organization, establishing what it’s going to do. What are some of the recommendations that you make for the bylaws, what needs to be in there?

Wes Carter (15:27):
So the bylaws are going to have your tenants of faith, which for religious organization, I believe is very important to have that in black and white. Sometimes those tenants of faith will include statement on instance, marriage and sexuality. You know, some of the hot button topics. We mentioned the board, probably one of the most important ones, how the board members are elected or appointed how they’re removed your officers. Usually you have a president, secretary, treasurer, and a corporation. A lot of times, those are the same people as the board, but you just have to understand those two different hats. So, you know, if there’s three of us were three of us were on the board, your president, I’m secretary he’s treasurer, we’re all three of the same people, but we’re serving in two different roles, the board and the officer. So the officers also have provisions on how they’re appointed and removed.

Wes Carter (16:12):
So for instance, if the senior pastor is the president, you’re looking at not only how’s the senior pastor mood as a board member, but how is the senior pastor removed or appointed as an officer as well? Cause you can have a situation where I remove you as president, but you have a lifetime service on the board, but you know, you lose half of your power. All, you know, now you’re just a board. You’re not seeing your pastor anymore. You’re just a board member. Usually we have a, you know, talk about conflict of interest policy so that we’ve got a transaction where one of us have a financial interest in it. How do we work through that process? We have a lot of these things are things that are unique to our bylaws are unique to religious corporations, but for instance, how we’re going to use our facilities in a scriptural way, you know, some, some language about not using our people or our stuff in a way that would contradict our tenants of faith to help guard against, you know, things that, you know, trying to guard against obligations, where we’re going to have to hold a Vince, for instance, at our building that will completely go be, you know, against our, one of our beliefs.

Wes Carter (17:18):
So it’s, it’s, it’s things like that. How the hollow bylaws are amended. If, if it’s a church, many times we’ll address ordination in the bylaws, you know, that we give the church the power to ordain other ministers. But really the things that, you know, when you’re starting it up, if, if you get bylaws you’re reviewing or an attorney or someone gives you bylaws, I would say the first two places to start there, the most important are what the, the board and the officers because I’m guessing that you already have a tenants of faith that you’re comfortable with.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (17:53):
So to incorporate you guys charge $950 flat fee. And so that’s at the state level, but then after you’ve secured your incorporation at the state level, then you have to apply to the, the IRS, the internal revenue service for the five Oh one C3 designation so that you can give tax deductible receipts. So talk me through that process after you secure that incorporation, then what happens?

Wes Carter (18:22):
So after you get incorporated, then the way we do it is we have a questionnaire that we have you fill out and then we take all that information, review it, reword it, take words, you know, buzzwords in and take buzzwords out that kind of a thing and fill out the application itself. And again, depending on which application you use, the easy version for smaller organizations is only a couple pages long. The regular application can be, you know, dozens and dozens of pages long. So you know, that process looks like essentially you filling out a questionnaire to get us answers. I mean, there’s a lot of questions on the regular 10 23, about how you approve compensation, your budgets are you operating in foreign countries? You know, just the whole gamut of the activities that you can expect every year. They just get a little more complicated with these forms.

Wes Carter (19:17):
And if we use the easy application, what we do is we go ahead and give you our full questionnaire. It’s actually a little bit longer because we have to make sure you qualify for the easy we review all of that information on the front end to look for. Cause what part of what we’re doing is looking for red flags saying, Hey, Daniel, you shouldn’t do it this way before we file. We need to change this, you know, your, your, the way you’re selling your books through your ministry that you own. Personally, we need to tweak this a little bit. And we go ahead and do all of that and review it. We just don’t give any of that information to the IRS. We use the simplified application and use the shorter version. So then we fill out the forms we apply. We send in the application to the IRS, they’re all online.

Wes Carter (19:55):
Now we submit them online beginning of this year. And then we wait. The IRS over the years takes anywhere from 30 days to 18 months. You know, right now probably averaging about four or five months on the regular applications from when we hear back after we file. We’re probably one thing that’s important for your listeners to understand is the way the process works is as long as you file your 10 23 application, your 501c3 application within 27 months. So when you incorporate, you know, that date, we’ll talk about filing with the state. You don’t want to wait that long, but that’s the maximum. If they approve the application, they’ll make your 501c3 status retroactive back to your date of incorporation, which means once we start, your ministry can take anywhere from a couple of days to a week or two at the state level, you can start doing ministry activities, taking donations, having events, things of that nature while we’re waiting on the IRS to process the application. Because as long as they approve the application, it’s going to be, everything’s gonna be retroactively tax deductible to your donors and tax exempt from an income tax standpoint. So you can

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:09):
Start ministering. You don’t have to wait for everything to finish, to start ministering, correct. You get in the process, you can start ministering and once you are approved, then you can go back and give a letter to your donors saying that they get it

Wes Carter (21:25):
Right? So this time of year it’s easier because hopefully we get everything wrapped up. By the end of the year, when we transitioned between two calendar years for tax purposes, then we just have to be a little careful what those receipts look like, because we don’t want to be dishonest with our donors obviously, and say, we are a 501c3 on the receipts for the donations, but rather we explain we’re in the process of applying when it’s approved, it’ll be retroactively deductible. So they still have a contemporaneous document of that. They gave a donation. So things still try to claim it on the taxes. How long does

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:56):
The incorporation at the state level typically take our States faster than the other?

Wes Carter (22:00):
Oh, much faster. Some States are slow, but most States like Oklahoma. If I file articles, I usually have it back by the next day. Most States are a couple of days. The RFU States where you still mail stuff in, so it can take a couple of weeks, but a couple of weeks is still much faster than what you’re looking at with the IRS.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (22:17):
So the incorporation can take days, but the, the 501c3 from the IRS could take a month, several months up to 18 months, you said so. Yeah. And you just have to be patient

Wes Carter (22:31):
Exactly. Because once you file it, you thought of your hands. There is an expedite process, but the bar bar so high to use it that it’s I’ve only even thought we had a chance to use it once out of the thousand. Okay. I mean, you basically have to be able to show that if they don’t exploit your application, your organization will be dead by the time they get to it.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (22:50):
So once an organization is incorporated, they’ve secured the 501c3 designation. What are some of the requirements for the organization in order to remain in compliance with?

Wes Carter (23:02):
That’s a great question. So most 501c3 is have an annual report. They filed with the IRS called a form nine 90. So that’s it. You don’t have to file a tax return, but you file an annual informational return. Not very important to file. There’s a few versions of that, again, depending on your level of revenue, how much money’s coming in. But if you don’t file that for three years in a row, they will revoke your 501c3 status. You’ll have to go apply again to get it back. Now churches are exempt from that. The common theme hitters churches are special. But churches do not file a 990. So if anyone out there is wondering, look, I’m going to be a church and a ministry, which ones should I be? The is always get church status if you qualify for both, because they also have special audit protections.

Wes Carter (23:51):
The IRS has to jump through some very specific hoops to audit a church. So not filing a nine 90 is something particular to churches in the religious world. Outside of the IRA. Now you also have your taxes. So from a tax side, and if you have employees, you have to follow your employment tax filings and things like that. Or we’re just talking at the corporate level here at the state level you could have an annual report to file at the state level as well, depending on the state we talked about some States have a charitable solicitations registrations where basically the attorney journal once charities to register with it. So he knows, or she knows that they’re around and out there. But many religious organizations are exempt from that as well at the state has an annual report. You know, like with the secretary of state, the corporations, part of the bureaucracy, most of the time nobody’s exempt from that most of the time, you know, everyone’s filing the annual report. If that’s part of the state process,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (24:49):
Does Oklahoma have a annual report? No.

Wes Carter (24:52):
Nope. Nope. There is a little bit of an annual tax thing where he shows you a fire lines, but Oklahoma, Oklahoma is a very easy place to do business.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (25:01):
I like Oklahoma. Yeah. Okay. So your organization, winters King incorporated. Does this process, how can people get in touch with you if they’re interested in, in starting their own ministry or

Wes Carter (25:15):
Sure, sure. You can. You can email us. We have a contact form on our website, which is wintersking.com, W I N T E R S K I N G.com. Or you can just give us a call at (918) 494-6868 (918) 494-6868.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (25:32):
Well, if you are planning on starting a ministry, I’d encourage you to get incorporated to get your five Oh one C3 status so that you can open up bank accounts so that you can give tax deductible receipts. And so everything is proper and legal for your organization. And Winter’s King did a great job with my articles of incorporation and helping me out. And so I recommend them. So thank you Mr. West Carter for being with us today.

Wes Carter (26:01):
I appreciate it. It’s my pleasure. Thank you for having me.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (26:04):
God bless you. If this information about how to start a 501c3 organization is useful for you today, could you do me a favor? Go find the evangelism podcast on Apple iTunes and leave us a review. Your positive review will help other people who are excited about evangelism to find this information. Thank you. And God bless you

Evangelism Podcast Host (26:28):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit King ministries.com. Again, that’s King ministries.com.

Bryan Citrin | Merging Marketing and Ministry Using the Power of Leadflows

Bryan Citrin is a Business Entrepreneur who has a heart for ministry. First he was a campus missionary with Chi Alpha (https://chialpha.com) on the campus of UCLA. Then he started going on mission trips to Haiti and Vietnam. To pay for it all he started a marketing business. He is in the Two Comma Club with an online marketing company called ClickFunnels which means his company has earned more than a million dollars in revenue from online marketing. Now he owns his own company called LeadFlows.com. He is an expert in both marketing and ministry.

Check out Bryan Citrin’s digital marketing company here: leadflows.com

Forbes Articles from Bryan Citrin:

Four Pillars Every Entrepreneur Should Balance to Help Find Purpose: https://www.forbes.com/sites/theyec/2020/10/13/four-pillars-every-entrepreneur-should-balance-to-help-find-purpose/?sh=34c47aeabfc7

Six Ways to Create a Philanthropic Culture in Your Business: https://www.forbes.com/sites/theyec/2019/03/29/six-ways-to-create-a-philanthropic-culture-in-your-business/?sh=48a5894c6e69

Article About Ministry in Vietnam: https://news.ag.org/en/News/Refugee-Becomes-Ministry-Pioneer?D=%7B1363B7E2-EDBD-4DD4-B69C-A160FF74CF6C%7D

In order to receive receive resources that will help you raise money for your ministry text the word “Growth” to 918-265-3050.

If you want coaching in starting your ministry, please talk to Evangelism Coach Daniel King.


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Brian Citron is a minister who has also had articles published by forbes.com. He understands both business and ministry, and he’s an expert in digital marketing. He recently started his own company called lead flows.com. And today he explains why every ministry and church needs to take advantage of the enormous possibilities offered by his amazing software.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:28):
Well, Jesus said go into all the world and preach the gospel. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host missionary and evangelist Daniel King. Welcome to the evangelist

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:06):
Podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. I have a very special guest. His name is Brian Citron, and he is a marketing genius. He is a published author with forbes.com. One of the premier business websites in the world. He has been involved in ministry for many, many years, but he also happens to be a marketing genius. And so his specialty is entrepreneurship and doing online marketing. Brian, thank you so much for being with me today.

Bryan Citrin (01:45):
Thanks so much Daniel excited to be here.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:47):
So tell me a little bit about why marketing is important for ministries.

Bryan Citrin (01:53):
Marketing is important for ministries because the gospel’s free, but the ministry cost money. And you have to have a way to let people know about your ministry and you have to let them know in relevant matters, how things are going with your ministry. And so it’s crucial that you leverage the latest strategies and tools to the fundraise. Let your donors know what’s been happening, et cetera. On the same way you see big ministries, fundraising, or you see like political campaigns, fundraising the same way your ministry should leverage those tools to make your stuff known. Because the more resources you have coming in, the bigger impact you can make around the world for the gospel.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:29):
Now, fundraising has really changed over the years. I remember hearing my dad tell stories about working for or Roberts and back in the day, or Roberts would send out literally millions of letters and my dad would help to stuff the letters and do direct mail marketing. But now a lot of the funds that ministries are able to raise, have moved from getting a letter in the mail, which people tend to look at it and they throw it in the can to, to now a lot of the marketing is happening online and people are sharing their stories online. They’re, they’re communicating with people online, through their cell phones. Everyone carries a cell phone with them everywhere that they go. And so a lot of the ministries that are really effective at raising money now have moved a lot of their, their fundraising from the physical realm into the digital realm. And so Brian, you’ve been very involved in the digital realm as an entrepreneur, as a businessman. What are some of the things that you’ve done in the digital realm to, to help

Bryan Citrin (03:39):
Build businesses? Hey that’s a great question. I first want to say I’m in a Forbes agency council. So I’m looked at as an expert, not just for ministries, but businesses and business leaders. Look to me as an expert in the marketing agency arena for like online marketing.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:56):
Let’s talk a little bit about your credentials for a second here. Several years ago, I remember you showing me a website called click funnels and with click funnels, if you design a website that people go, they, they put in their information and then they start receiving emails and, and different ways of reaching out to people. And the goal is to, to sell a product and then maybe sell another product. First you sell like maybe a $7 digital download. And then later you say, we also have this hundred dollar video that has some more information. And then you say, and by the way, we have a thousand dollar coaching program that you can get in on. And then if you get in on that, then maybe there’s a $10,000 super-duper conference that you can go to. And so that’s why it’s called a click funnel because it’s this funnel that funnels people through from first impressions, all the way down to becoming a an investor basically in, in, in whatever it is that the person selling. So I remember you, you showing that to me and, and then you actually got in the two comma club with click funnels, which this is a really big deal in the digital marketing world. What’s the two comma club

Bryan Citrin (05:17):
The two comma club means that my company has made two commas or over a million dollars from a single sales funnel.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:23):
And you’ve done that helping businesses. This, this was not ministry related. You were doing it more in the business realm. Tell me a little bit about what type of business you were involved in.

Bryan Citrin (05:34):
Sure, sure. So I own chiropractic advertising.com and both my parents and my uncle are chiropractors. So we’ve been focusing in the healthcare niche and we’ve been creating online marketing campaigns for these chiropractors and charging them a lot of money to build out these whole campaigns, where we run their ads online, targeting new patients. We create online websites for them, landing pages. We create online scheduling and a bunch of backend texts, automation, voicemail, automation, email automation, all this stuff, all in the healthcare space.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:03):
Now why do chiropractors pay you a lot of money?

Bryan Citrin (06:08):
Chiropractors paying me a lot of money because I make them a lot of money.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:10):
So they’re, they’re not just paying you because they like you, you are making the money with these systems. You are helping them to, to get more customers, to make more money in their business. And so it’s worthwhile. They give you a dollar, they get back $5 or $10.

Bryan Citrin (06:27):
I remember one chiropractor. He told me that I made him an additional 40 plus thousand dollars in his first, like 40 days over half of that was paid up front. He made me a testimonial video, six months later saying that he made over $175,000. And I know that over a hundred thousand was paid upfront.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:49):
I think this is so valuable because ministries need money and they can use the digital space in order to do fundraising. And you’ve been very successful in helping businesses, but you also have a huge heart for ministry. So you spent a lot of time as a missionary to the campus of UCLA over in California, you’ve also gone a bunch of missing strips to, to Haiti, to, to Vietnam. And so you are very much called to be a minister, and you’ve seen ways that ministries can adapt this technology that you’ve learned about for the ministry. Tell, tell me about some of those ways that people can use the technology.

Bryan Citrin (07:37):
Sure. everybody, you should have a database of your, your donors and your potential donors. Every single ministry needs to have a database. That’s your most valuable asset names, numbers, and emails of people that believe in you that either getting ministry updates, maybe they’re getting devotionals, or maybe they’re your process. You’re reaching out to them for, you know, solicitation for mission trips. So you need to have that database, but you need to be actively engaging that list. So you need to be sending out emails to this list. Of course. And that’s a lot of people are saying emails, but what a lot of people are not doing is they’re not seeing out text messages. And the problem is a lot of emails. They go to spam filters, but there’s actually a way to send out mass text messages at scale. And it makes it look like you’re personally texting them, but really it’s like a VIP ministry line that you can text them. And then when they respond, you can have a go to your cell phone automatically and texts back and forth with this private VIP line through our app or from like the app on the mobile desktop or on the phone. And they’re really, you know, scale out your your ability to cultivate relationships.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:43):
Okay? So this is not just one solution. This is a bunch of different things that ministry should be doing. So in that paragraph that you mentioned there, you mentioned email marketing. You mentioned having a database with all the different names and addresses and, and, and emails and phone numbers of, of the donors. You mentioned texting, and you mentioned apps. Now I know a lot of different resources are available out there. And sometimes you could go to five or six different companies to figure out how to do all this. So one company would, would do funnels and then another company would do an email than another company would do text messages, but you’ve been developing a resource that brings all of these different applications together into one place.

Bryan Citrin (09:45):
Absolutely. So when I first started my digital marketing company, you’d mentioned ClickFunnels. I use ClickFunnels, I use like five or six or seven other programs. I had to have a program for call tracking. I had had a program for automated two-way texting. I had to have a program for making outbound calls. I had to have a program that connected things together. I had to have a program for sending emails. I think I mentioned the funnels already. I had to have a program for sending voicemail drops to people. I had that all these different things connected, and then it was like an another software to be the glue connect, everything together. You had to have another program for online forums. It was crazy and it was just like, everything

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:24):
Is different programs, cost you X number of dollars a month.

Bryan Citrin (10:27):
And I was paying every month and I’m paying for all this software to make it all work together. But now, you know, I have this software and I actually just wrote an article on Forbes about this about how you can leverage all this, all the software and how you can even consolidate software. So like, I, I recently wrote this article in beginning of December, it got published, it says four important habits. Every marketing entrepreneur should implement them in leveraging software. And one of the things we talk about is try to consolidate all your software into one spot. So it’s easy. And so we’ve actually consolidate all the software into one spot and create a simple solution that ministries can use to cultivate and deepen relationships with their donors. So they can not only, you know, get prayer requests out to their donors, but are also able to give them ministry updates, et cetera.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:19):
So tell me what the name of your, your software,

Bryan Citrin (11:23):
Where is the name of the software is lead flows.com.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:26):
So what, what is, what does that mean? What’s a lead flow?

Bryan Citrin (11:28):
Lead flow is a term that I came up with. And I like to say that you don’t need a funnel. You need a lead flow. And I like to say is it’s the entire process a a, somebody goes through as you cultivate and nurture that individual from the time you first meet them to the time whenever they’re purchasing your services to the time when you’re actually con actually cultivating that relationship into like a higher levels of giving higher levels of like engagement with your organization, with your ministry or business. So is this something that the only big ministries could you,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:03):
Or is this something that someone who’s called to go as a missionary to Africa, that they would be able to use to raise money?

Bryan Citrin (12:11):
Every ministry needs to use this. And I think that even smaller ministries need these even more because they have less resources and less staff, the manly do these actions, because what this, what lead flows does is it does a lot of things that once before maybe they had a dedicated staff member doing all these individual tasks, but this can literally automate the whole process that makes it easier for the person who’s over in Africa to engage with their donor base and engage with with their prayer partners, et cetera.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:41):
Like, let’s talk about sending out text messages. Like if you were to be in Africa and I’ve sent out text messages from Africa, it costs me like a dollar, a text or something to send out. But with lead flows, what you could do is you could load up a text. And since it’s in the cloud, you’d be able to access the website from Africa. You set it up to send out a text, and then instead of paying a dollar, a text from Africa, you’d only be paying a few cents per text here in America. And you could send that one texts like, Hey, check out this video from the crusade I did last night. And it would go out to all 150 of your friends, and they’d be able to watch a video of what you did.

Bryan Citrin (13:30):
Absolutely. And what’s so exciting about it is you can utilize something called merge tags, and I’m sure you’ve seen it. If you’re not like familiar with marketing terms, you open up an email. It says, hi, Daniel. You know, I’m so excited that you’re able to join us for whatever it is he’s talking about. And you’re addressing the person by name. So this software has the ability to sound this text and have these merged tags that you can customize a text message for each person that’s getting it. So it could be like, Hey, Daniel, I’m going to Africa right now. And we use this skews crusade check out this video. I just, I fill in for it. And literally they think that you’re sending them the text messages, but really, you know, it says, hi Daniel. Hi Brian. Hi Steve. Hi, Mary I Sally. And you’re personalizing it on a mass scale. Yes. And there’s, and there’s other personalization you can do with that as well. And you can be really micro in terms of how you actually personalize these text messages. What are some

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:20):
Other ways that you think ministries could use lead flows?

Bryan Citrin (14:25):
One thing that’s really valuable, especially if a minister is speaking you can actually have like a Texas subscribe. So for example, if you’re speaking at a church, you could say, Hey texts prior to this, this phone number. And then we’re going to send you this form we can put in your prayer request, or you could say, Hey, I have this free book on X, Y, and Z text this number, and we’re going to send you this out. And so you can use that to generate leads. It can create websites. So like me and I, friend of mine, we created a website that I showed you for this, this online conference we did on teaching entrepreneurship and in kind of entrepreneur entrepreneurship mixed with, with ministry. And we, we built the whole thing on lead flows. So we built the, the, the registration page and lead flows.

Bryan Citrin (15:10):
We built a shopping cart on lead flows and everything. And we got over 300 people. This is the register for this and a weekend using paid advertising. So you could literally use this to create like a registration form for a conference you’re doing online. And then we utilize lead flows to send out text messages, emails, telling people whenever we’re about to actually launch that the zoom. And I think the first let me launched it. We had 85 people on their lives. And so about 25% of the people who registered actually showed up live. And part of the reasons why we got so many people there live was we were able to text them and email them in a real time when we were actually launching the zoom, but the link,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:48):
Okay, I’m a little skeptical, but I want to see if this really works. And so you said you you’ve set up a way to demonstrate this in real time right now. And so if, if you will pull out your phone and text this number, text (918) 265-3050 in text, the word growth. So just write in the word growth and then text it to (918) 265-3050. Brian is going to send you free of charge links to some of the Forbes articles that he’s written that will help you be better at fundraising. And then he’s also going to send you information about lead flows, dot com. And so you’ll get to see how the whole system works and how he, he, he uses it. So right now, (918) 265-3050 texts, the word growth. And Brian will basically put you as one of the leads in his flow in, and you can get in the flow with Brian. Thanks so much, Daniel. Thanks for being on the evangelism podcast. I encourage you to think about digital marketing for your ministry. It’s very important, and it will help you to do what God has called you to do in a greater way. Go ahead.

Bryan Citrin (17:12):
All the major ministries out there are actually running all on advertising to the raise money for their ministry. I mean, they’re doing it at my, at my COO. He actually used to run the online marketing for a very large ministry that you’ve probably heard of. I’m not going to mention names. They had, like you say, he’s managing like a team of like 80 people doing all these crazy aggressive fundraising online managing hundreds of thousand dollars because they’re getting the return, the fund, their ministry. And so you don’t have to have a ton of money to even leverage online marketing. You can start small, start slow, but once you learn different concepts, and once you developed the ability to grow your list and legalize technology like lead flows, you should totally be able to scale up your, your non-profit your ministry that really fulfill a calling that God has for you.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:04):
Thank you so much for being on the podcast. Brian. Thanks. Thanks for listening today to this interview with Brian Citron, could you do me a favor, go to Apple iTunes, find the evangelism podcast with Daniel King and subscribe, and while you’re there, leave us a great review. So the other people who have a passion for evangelism can find this podcast. Thank you so much. And God bless you

Evangelism Podcast Host (18:33):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit King ministries.com. Again, that’s King ministries.com.


Bryan Citrin | From UCLA to Haiti to Vietnam

From UCLA to Haiti to Vietnam with a few detours along the way to become a highly successful entrepreneur and a digital marketing genius, Bryan Citrin talks today about why it is important to combine marketing and ministry.

Merging Marketing and Ministry

Bryan Citrin is a minister who has had articles published by Forbes.com. He understands both business and ministry and he is an expert in digital marketing. He recently started his own company called Leadflows.com and today he explains why every ministry and church need to take advantage of the enormous possibilities offered by his amazing software.

Bryan Citrin is a Business Entrepreneur who has a heart for ministry. First he was a campus missionary with Chi Alpha (https://chialpha.com) on the campus of UCLA. Then he started going on mission trips to Haiti and Vietnam. To pay for it all he started a marketing business. He is in the Two Comma Club with an online marketing company called ClickFunnels which means his company has earned more than a million dollars in revenue from online marketing. Now he owns his own company called LeadFlows.com. He is an expert in both marketing and ministry.

Forbes Articles from Bryan Citrin:

Four Pillars Every Entrepreneur Should Balance to Help Find Purpose: https://www.forbes.com/sites/theyec/2020/10/13/four-pillars-every-entrepreneur-should-balance-to-help-find-purpose/?sh=34c47aeabfc7

Six Ways to Create a Philanthropic Culture in Your Business: https://www.forbes.com/sites/theyec/2019/03/29/six-ways-to-create-a-philanthropic-culture-in-your-business/?sh=48a5894c6e69

Article About Ministry in Vietnam: https://news.ag.org/en/News/Refugee-Becomes-Ministry-Pioneer?D=%7B1363B7E2-EDBD-4DD4-B69C-A160FF74CF6C%7D

In order to receive receive resources that will help you raise money for your ministry text the word “Growth” to 918-265-3050

Are you interested in Evangelism Coaching? Call Daniel King, the Host of the Evangelism Podcast


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
From UCLA to Haiti, to Vietnam, with a few detours along the way to become a highly successful entrepreneur and a digital marketing genius today, Brian Citron talks about why it is important to combine marketing and

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:17):
The ministry Jesus said, go into all the world and preach the gospel. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary and evangelist Daniel King.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:55):
Welcome to the evangelism podcast. I’m excited about telling people about Jesus all over the world. And today I have a wonderful guest. His name is Brian Citron, and he is a business entrepreneur who also has a heart for ministry. So first he started out as a campus missionary with Chi alpha on the campus of UCLA ministering to students there in California. A lot of them need Jesus. Then he started going on mission trips to Haiti and to Vietnam. And when you go on missions trips, you got to raise a lot of money to do it. And, and so his idea was to start his very own marketing business. And so with this marketing business, he has made a lot of money that he’s been able to put into missions. He actually joined the two comma club on an online marketing company called ClickFunnels, which means that his company has earned more than a million dollars in revenue from online marketing. And so now he started his own company called lead flows.com and he’s an expert in both marketing and ministry. He’s also a good friend of mine. Bryan, thank you for being on the podcast today.

Bryan Citrin (02:10):
Thanks so much, Daniel. I’m so happy to be here.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:12):
So tell me a little bit about how you got started in ministry and how you, you started out ministering on the campus there in UCLA.

Bryan Citrin (02:22):
Sure. Thanks. So my background is business, so I have a bachelor of science in entrepreneurship. And so back in 2009, I graduated from Missouri state university and approaching my graduation date. I was praying about what I should do. I just got done writing a business plan. I was the president of the entrepreneurship association, and I wanted to launch this business and make a much money. You see, I want to actually fund the gospel. I didn’t want to actually have to go and be a missionary, but six months, six months before I graduated the lower start, dealing with me to move out to LA and work with this campus ministry at UCLA. And I didn’t really know much about UCLA and I knew that my brother’s bent toward moved out there to pioneer campus ministry about five years prior. And I had spoken to him briefly in the past and he said, I should pray about moving out to LA and doing an internship with him.

Bryan Citrin (03:11):
And I was praying about what I should do. And when he originally offered me the internship, it went in one ear and out the other ear because I had no interest in going on the mission field. But as I was praying and praying in the spirit and bringing English about what I should do, that thought came back to me. And I remember I was at church praying about the direction where I should go. And I really sensed that. God wanted me to do that. And even throughout my whole college career, I’d somehow met different people that foreshadowed in action with this pastor out in Los Angeles. And so I called my brother and I said, I had a problem. And he said, what was that? And I told him that I felt the Lord wanted me to move out to one of the most expensive cities in the world and essentially work for free.

Bryan Citrin (03:49):
Like this is crazy. You know, I spent years getting in debt and you know, studying to become an awesome entrepreneur. And now God wants to be in a forsake everything and go be a missionary. And so I told that to my brother and he says, if God’s calling me to do that, I need to go ahead and call that pastor and let him know. And so when I hadn’t called him and told him, I felt that the Lord was calling me to go out to LA and internship with them. And later when everything was official, I told him that it was, it was on the bottom of my list for things to do in terms of moving out to LA, moving out to LA missionary. And he looks at me and he says, Brian, you weren’t even on my list. He says, I don’t remember offering an internship. I just did it that be nice probably, but I was driving on the four or five highway, praying for the direction and ministry about to go on a week long, fast. And the spirit of God spoke to me and told me I was about to get an unexpected phone call and a better be able to do it. Me answer pretty much better be yes. And I called him within minutes. And that was my journey into a full-time ministry out at, at UCLA, in Los Angeles.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:51):
So you ministered there on the campus and UCLA had a tremendous impact there. And then you started going on mission strips. First you started going to Haiti and now you’ve been on something like 24 missions trips down to Haiti. Tell me a little bit about what your ministry has been doing in the nation of Haiti. So

Bryan Citrin (05:11):
It was this village that our ministry supports and we’ve been going down there. The pastor I work with has been going down there for over 20 years and this ministry it doesn’t get a bunch of outside support from other individuals. So we’re pretty much the only ongoing support this village gets. And so we go down there, we actually started a library in this village. We put on ministry crusade events down there. We put on shirt services. We had put an evening feeding programs that we invest in economic development to help create jobs because the solution is long-term job development. You have to invest in education, you have to invest in economic development and that’s going to be sustainable. And so we invest in things that are sustainable down there. We hosted the first ever graduation ceremony for this village. Kids are growing up, they’re getting great. They’re having to go to school because of us. They’re going to us because of us. But most importantly, they’re getting to know Jesus because of us and they’re duplicating and they’re making an impact in other people’s lives in the village and throughout Haiti as well. And it’s incredible the impact we’ve been able to make down there for the gospel and just for the practical needs that we’ve been able to meet down there.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:15):
Haiti is the poorest nation in the Western hemisphere. And so job development is so crucial to helping the people there in Haiti. And I love how you’re combining this training in entrepreneurship and in business with ministry, helping the people down there in Haiti become self-sustainable so that they don’t live in poverty so that they can have their needs met. And then God’s also opened the door for you to go to one of the five communist countries in the world, the country of Vietnam. Tell me, what is God doing in Vietnam? So,

Bryan Citrin (06:58):
So we, I took my first trip to Vietnam in 2019 and last year 2020, we would have taken multiple trips down there, but because of COVID-19 we just haven’t been able to go there, but they want us to go and they’ve been praying for us to go there, but that the pastor I work with, he was a born in Vietnam and came over to the United States as a refugee. And there’s actually a pretty powerful article that was just released about this. And so I know that you guys can probably find this article underneath this blog underneath this yeah,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:26):
I’ll provide a link for it on our, on our website, under the evangelism podcast. So you can find it,

Bryan Citrin (07:32):
But that’s the password why I’ve been working with these Vietnamese and he was elected as the head of the Vietnamese fellowship here in the United States for the assemblies of God. So all the Vietnamese churches in in the United States that are affiliated with these numbers of God, they looked to him for leadership. And so the head of the sound has gotten to Vietnam and asked him to come over there. And just so you know, Sam has a, God is a largest spirit filled movement in that nation. And Vietnam is in the 10 40 window. One of the most unreached people, groups in the world is in the 10 40 window. So this is a huge deal. And so they asked us to come over there and we really didn’t even know what to expect. And I remember when he went over there on this first trip, they were having this pastors gathering in a whole Shimon city and the whole place was packed.

Bryan Citrin (08:21):
These pastors actually paid to be there. They had to turn people away. And these are pastors and their staff there in the ocean city area. And they had these salmons, God looks to us and says, you guys are the speakers for this pastor’s conference. And so literally we had to train these pastors for three days in a row for four sessions a day. So I was with three other people, and each of us took a session and we train day after day after day, these pastors and the they told us later that 70% of those pastors that were at that event and their staff had been in prison for their faith. I’m like 70% of them have been in prison for their faith. I’d never been in prison for my faith. I live in America. So compared to way we speak to everything in America is super easy, but

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:04):
Humbling to be in a situation where the people that you’re ministering to have paid such a high price to be Christian, what, what do you say to people that are in that situation

Bryan Citrin (09:17):
That are, are being persecuted for their faith are saying if someone, you know, is being persecuted for the faith, I’d say that just, you know, stay strong, keep pursuing the Lord. And I know there’s a lot of resources online, available to you to help draw you closer to Christ, but, but never forget that there’s power in this gospel. There is power in this gospel. And even as the early shirts, they experienced persecution. This persecution allowed the gospel to the spread, not only in Jerusalem, but throughout Israel and throughout the world, eventually, you know, this gospel can’t be stopped and there’s power in this gospel. And, and the incredible thing about these people in Vietnam is they’re seeing signs and wonders and miracles. They’re seeing God intervene, introduced supernatural. They’re seeing incredible moves of God that I’ve seen lacking in many churches here in the United States. Let’s talk a little bit about

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:09):
Marketing because you have a gift for ministry, but you’re also have a genius that God has given you for entrepreneurship. You’re a true entrepreneur. You take risks, you invest money, you develop different ways of marketing. And a lot of the people who are listening, they have their own ministries. And of course, one of the things that every ministry needs is money in order to complete the vision that that God has given them. And so what advice, or how can you help people who are in ministry? How can you help them with their marketing?

Bryan Citrin (10:47):
Sure. That’s, that’s a great question, Daniel. And so I have actually spent more in online marketing and online like business strategy than I have in my college degree. And so I’m very, very talented, very gifted in this arena. And so what I would say is leveraged tools to help scale Euro your ministry there’s tools out there that you can leverage. And we’re going to even talk about these tools later that are, that can really help you fundraise because there’s technology out there that can help you take time away from ministrative works. So you can be out there advancing the gospel. I know that I recently wrote an article in Forbes that a couple of articles in Forbes, but one of them specifically was created. So you can take this Forbes article and send it to a business leader. Maybe somebody you want to become a anchor donor. You can send on this article. And by saying this article, you can ask the feedback on this article. And the whole purpose is to help bridge an opportunity for them to actually either ask them for money and for them to be an anchor donor. And, and I know that the the name of that article is six ways to create a philanthropic culture in your business.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:57):
And so this article would be something that if someone’s in ministry, they could actually forward this article to someone who is a supporter or a potential supporter to encourage them to be, to give more to people who are in ministry.

Bryan Citrin (12:12):
Yeah. And, and I know that the whole thing is you would send it to somebody and you say, Hey, I just read this article. I want to know your thoughts on how you’re doing that with your business. What are kinds, some kinds of things you’re doing in your business that kind of implement some of these principles. And then either number one, they’re not doing anything. And it gets them thinking and opens up a bridge free to ask them, do it for you, or they are doing it. And then still it was a bridge for you to ask for them to do it for you.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:38):
It’s absolutely amazing that you have been published in Forbes. I mean, Forbes is the premier business magazine business website in the United States that that talks about business. And so the fact that, that you have the credentials as an entrepreneur to be accepted, to write an article for Forbes is, is pretty impressive. And also the other thing I like about the articles you’ve written for Forbes is that you are using these articles to talk to people in the business world about Jesus, because the business world is just as much of a mission field as going to the nation of Haiti or go into the nation of Vietnam. I mean, people in the business world are broken, they’re hurting, they need Jesus. They might be successful in one area of their life, but, but desperately needing help and in other areas. And, and so tell me a L how can someone access these articles that you’ve written on Forbes?

Bryan Citrin (13:44):
Oh, yes. And so I actually made it so you can text in to get access to these articles. And so go ahead and text this number (918) 265-3050. And you’re going to text the word growth once again, that’s (918) 265-3050. And you’re going to text the word growth.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:12):
So text the word growth to (918) 265-3050. And Brian is going to send you these resources that will help you to raise money for your ministry.

Bryan Citrin (14:26):
And another thing that’s going to be really exciting about this is we’re about to release a free fundraising program like some free training on fundraising. And so if you text that number, you’re gonna get added to a list to get early access or access when that launches for this fundraising program that we’re about to release. I’m super excited about that.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:45):
That’s something that every ministry needs is the ability to be efficient at their fundraising and to raise more money. I don’t think I’ve ever met a missionary or an evangelist who says we have too much stop giving. Everyone has bigger vision than they have the resources. And so those are such valuable resources. Thank you, Brian so much for sharing about what you’re doing and the impact you’re having around the world. Thank you for being on the evangelism podcast. Thanks for having me, Daniel. Thanks for listening today to this interview with Brian Citron, could you do me a favor, go to Apple iTunes, find the evangelism podcast with Daniel King and subscribe, and while you’re there, leave us a great review so that other people who have a passion for evangelism can find this podcast. Thank you so much. And God bless

Evangelism Podcast Host (15:39):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit King ministries.com. Again, that’s King ministries.com.


Jason Woolford | Sending Books and Bibles to the World

Jason Woolford was a United States Marine when he found Jesus. In 2010, he became the Executive Director of Mission Cry (Christian Resources International). Their goal is to put Christian books and Bibles on bookshelves around the world. So far, they have sent $350 million in Bibles and Christian teaching tools to over 173 nations.


Jason Woolford came to Christ during his service in the United States Marine Corps.

What is a “book missionary?”

What impact do your books have on new believers around the world?

Jason’s son was miraculously healed of a brain tumor.

Website: https://missioncry.com


To learn about Evangelism Coaching, you can call the Host of the Evangelism Podcast, Daniel King.


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Jason Wilford was a United States Marine. When he found Jesus in 2010, he became the executive director of mission cry. Their goal is to put Christian books and Bibles on bookshelves around the world. And so far they’ve sent over $350 million worth of Bibles and Christian teaching tools to over 173 nations. Jesus said, go into all the world and preach the gospel. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord. Welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionary, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host missionary and evangelist Daniel King. Welcome to the evangelism podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. We have a very special guest with us, Jason Woolford. He was a United States Marine when he found Jesus in 2010, he peak game the executive director of mission cry, which is also known as Christian resources international. And their goal is to put Christian books and Bibles on bookshelves around the world. And so far they’ve sent over $350 million worth of Bibles and Christian teaching tools to over 173 nations. So brother, Jason, it is so wonderful to have you on the evangelism podcast today.

Jason Woolford (01:46):
Man, and God, so glad to be here today. I appreciate you so much. I’m thankful for just who you are as a brother in the Lord and being an evangelist man you know, being about your father’s business. So glad to be here as well.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:01):
Well, let’s start at the beginning, how you became a Christian. I know your, your testimony is that you came to Christ during your service in the United States Marine Corps. And I see there on the wall behind you, you’ve got some memorabilia from the time when you were in the Marines, how did that happen? How did you become a Christian?

Jason Woolford (02:20):
Yeah, so man, I was in the Marine Corps and you know, I tell people all the time before I was a, a minister, you know, each one of us has a testimony and a lot of times we try to clean that testimony up when we become believers. But my testimony was that I was a fall mile fornicating, United States Marine. And I met these two dark greens as we called them in the Marine Corps back in the day we in the Marine Corps, we were all green, right? Marine Corps green but there were two black guys that were men of men Marines and Marines. And I really liked them and appreciated how they were, but there was something different about them. Soon. I would find out what was different about them was that they were believers in the Lord Jesus.

Jason Woolford (03:03):
And you know, they kept inviting me to come to church with them. And eventually I went and I got saved in a all black church in Oceanside, California. And you know, after about six trips to the alter, the pastor said, you know, brother, you, you only got to come once if you mean it. And I figured I had a lot of meds, so I had to keep coming, but man, that’s how I got saved. And just a couple of weeks later, I met my wife who was a Christian, who was a Marine bad news for her was she had been a Christian since she was 15 and we were both 20. And I had been saved about a minute. So I was a big work in progress for her, but that’s how I came to know the Lord through evangelism.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:44):
And so now you lead this, this absolutely tremendous ministry called mission cry. How did you go from being saved to now actually being in the ministry?

Jason Woolford (03:56):
Yeah, absolutely. So, you know, one of the things that my wife and I learned and understood through the word of God was who was living in giving to him. And after our Marine Corps careers of understanding how to live and give to God he had blessed us. We were in SA Southern California. We were both vice-presidents of big companies 20 years ago called to, to Michigan or went to Michigan for a business opportunity. And then that’s when I got called to ministry. And man, you know, it was just how God is. He’s so good. And he’s so faithful. You know, I went to Bible college and I wasn’t tough enough to be a pastor. I said, mama, I’m going to be an evangelist I get in and get out and I don’t have to deal with a church people and I’ll be right.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:41):
I think evangelists are a little bit like Marines. They’re the first ones to go into new territory.

Jason Woolford (04:48):
That’s right, man. We’re first in first to fight were evangelists are a force in readiness, you know, in the Marine Corps. And people always say, Oh man, don’t go in the Marine Corps. They’re the first ones that get sent. Well, we’re the first ones that gets sent because anywhere around the world, we have Marines, ammo, food tanks already on ships. So when something breaks out, that’s why the Marine Corps is there first because we are a force and readiness. And really man, that’s how we’re called to be as, as believers will be a force in readiness. But to answer your question, you know, from, from the business world to just 11 years ago giving up all of that stuff and hearing from the Lord saying, you know, I want you to, even though you’re a full-time evangelist and working full-time, I want you in full-time ministry.

Jason Woolford (05:31):
And so we took a huge step of faith. I quit a job that was, I, you know, I was making about $130,000 a year and on track to be the director of a company. And you know, I just felt like, man, I got to honor God in this because as you know, those that are watching, some of you are called to a marketplace ministry. And then there’s people like my brother and I that are called to full-time ministry, a different different ministry and both are as equally as important. But nevertheless, we, we were called called out. We stepped out in faith and through a whole bunch of crazy events, trusting God, almost losing everything that we had once again God showed up at the last minute and this ministry called and said that the seven board members had heard from the Lord that I was to be the president and the minister of this ministry.

Jason Woolford (06:20):
And, and so man, I was praying and like, God, show me, you know, if this is your will. And, and I found a document that I’d written 10 years prior in Bible school. And and I had forgotten, I re wrote it. And they said, if you were going to be in ministry, write a ministry business plan of what that would look like. And so I’ve, I’ve, I’ve found it. And I, I forgot, I even wrote this thing and it said mission to send the true inspired word of God to every home in every nation around the world, a vision to do this empowered by so long story short, I’d read that. And I was like, man, I bought became a Baptist right on the right on the spot with predestination non-planned. But my point is, is it was so miraculous of how God was speaking. And, and so we said, yes, and that’s how we ended up here at mission cry and you know, men now we just, last year we sent 1.3 million people, a free Bible or Christian book in 24 nations just last year. And so it’s amazing what happens when you, when you honor the Lord.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:22):
Wow. That’s amazing. My first exposure to your ministry was a few years ago when we were doing a nationwide outreach in beliefs, and we had scheduled 10 evangelists to come to do 10 crusades simultaneously in 10 different population centers across the nation of beliefs. And we got connected and you sent an entire shipment, a huge 70 foot container full of books to give away to the people of beliefs. And then after our big event was done, you continue to go back to the nation of beliefs. I believe you sent an even more shipments of books. Kind of tell me about what impact your ministry was able to have in the nation of beliefs.

Jason Woolford (08:15):
Yeah, absolutely. And you know, in part of that, that, that motivation came about by two people first John boy, and then you, and I know you guys know one another, but you know, it started with with him saying, Hey, is it possible for me to get a box of books to send to Billy’s? And I was like, man, yeah, I can do that. And then I thought, what w you know, I can do a palette now I can do a container. I can do. And you know, what I’m saying is there’s certain things as believers that we know that we can do. And so I asked the Lord, I said, Lord, what is it besides everything? What is it that you you can do that I can in this country. And I thought, like he said, give a, give a Bible. And the Christian book for single person in the entire country believes. And I said, well, that’s definitely out of my, out of my scope. And but long story short through, through prayer and trusting God we sent enough Bibles and Christian books to reach every single home in the entire country that believes. And so the impact has been phenomenal. The reports that we’ve gotten back you know, from people holding crusades to now being able to have Bibles and Christian books true miraculous.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:23):
I do a lot of traveling to different nations around the world. And I often visit pastors and church leaders and I’ll spend time with them in their homes. And I’m a book guy. I love books. I’ve got a huge library. I probably got about 5,000 books in my library. And so, you know, I studied for my doctorate. I’ve been doing lots of reading, but I’ll, I’ll go to these, these pastors houses in different countries. And sometimes they, they have a Bible and maybe one book or two books on their shelves and all of their preaching, everything they know comes from just that, that the, those one or two books. And there’s really a poverty of training materials in some parts of the world. And so your ministry is attempting to address that situation and, and sending containers of, of Christian literature, Christian books, Christian training material, and, and even Bibles up many of the places that we go. Sometimes the pastor doesn’t even have a Bible, or maybe they have one Bible for the entire church. So, so talk to me a little bit about the mission of your ministry and why you feel it’s so important to send books and, and training materials and Bibles around the world.

Jason Woolford (10:48):
So, yeah, so there’s a statistic that says there’s 122,000 people that are getting saved every day around the world. The alarming statistic is that a majority of those people are attending a, a church where the pastor doesn’t even own a Bible. And so when we look at the wealth and the prosperity that God has given the United States of America, like no other country on the planet we know that the average home in America has six Bibles sitting on its shelf. That’s not even the Christian home. It’s just the average home in America has six Bibles sitting on a shelf. So over the last 60 years, we’ve been encouraging people around the United States to send us those extra Bibles and Christian books that they have. And so that we can repurpose those basically, you know, let the world hear our mission cry with Bibles that were either sitting on someone’s shelf or you know Bibles or Christian books that were, you know, were just dormant where meanwhile people like you were talking about brother they’re some pastors are preaching out of a daily bread and and you know, that sounds nice.

Jason Woolford (11:54):
That’s not the way that God intended it in for us as a ministry. And those that are watching you have the ability to send an extra Bible or a Christian book that you have to this ministry. And it goes through a big sort process and then gets palletized and gets put on sea containers. And then once you get on sea containers and they get supported, then we send those overseas 100% absolutely for free. And so we’re seeing the impact of people’s lives for the 37 year old girl. And in Africa, we got a picture back where she’s literally crying, holding the Bible up because it was a Bible that a used Bible with marks in it crying her eyes out because it’s the first Bible that she ever owned. You know, I mean our, our brother in Nigeria he, he lost his wife and his two daughters burned by Boca rom the his wife nose and breast and other parts of her body chopped off his daughters burnt.

Jason Woolford (12:53):
And you know, he, he didn’t call our ministry. He didn’t write our ministry and ask for food. He didn’t ask for water. He didn’t ask for money. He said, we need the word of God. We need the word of God. For those that have, are still alive, where their family has been martyred for Christ. And they need to be able to read about the God that they were being martyred for. And so those are just some of the stories that we hear where people are in such desperate need of the word of God, and we have it.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:24):
Yeah. I think books are such a powerful way to help people, you know, books help new believers grow spiritually. So one of the challenges of every evangelist is to turn converts into disciples. How can a new believer grow from saying a salvation prayer into becoming a strong follower of Jesus? And so one way of doing that is by putting literature in that new believers hand so that they can begin to grow another great thing about books is that they continue to preach the gospel long after we returned home. So we can go on a missions trip and we can share, but the book can go farther than I can go. It can stay longer than I can stay. It can impact lives that I’m never able to reach. And really by, by giving away books, you are imitating God. So our heavenly father sent his son Jesus for a season, but he left his book, the Bible for all of eternity.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:19):
And so you’re giving Bibles to people and that’s a piece of, of, of God that you’re, you’re giving to them. And then another thing we find about books and I love giving away books, we’ve given away in our ministry. We’re not quite up to your level, but we’ve given away almost 600,000 books over the course of our ministry and books are often passed from hand to hand and they’re read by many different family members and neighbors. And so at one of our gospel, I remember we did a survey and we found an amazing fact. We found that every book that we gave away was read by an average of 10 people. And so those books have a, such a tremendous blessing. Now, tell me kind of how, how your ministry works. How do you collect books then? What do you do once you collect them and then how do you get them to a place where they’re needed?

Jason Woolford (15:16):
Yeah, absolutely. So from radio and television interviews that we do, and just by word of mouth people around the United States here, that they have a place that they could pick up Bibles or books from you know, used bookstores or salvation army or their houses or wherever. So we have thousands upon thousands of books that come into the ministry every week. And those come from people that are clearing their bookshelf, sharing their bookshelves, or sharing someone else’s bookshelves. And so when we get those those Bibles and Christian books upon the thousands of bonds, tens of thousands that’s how we get those and then repurpose those and then finding people in other countries that can get a container and clear it, and then use it for evangelism. That the very important thing of that is when we send the container, it has Bibles, it has seminary Christian authored books and Christian education discipleship.

Jason Woolford (16:12):
So within that container, there holds the word of God and teaching tools for those that are not saved brand new, saved those that are pastors are those that want to you know forward their, their, their, their education. And, you know, one of the things that’s real important. And, and this is why reached into that drawer was this Bible had come into the ministry. And as I told you, we get thousands upon thousands every day. And so when my staff came up, they said, Hey, we want to show you this Bible. And I’m thinking, okay, well, there’s a lot of those that come in. And they said, no, you’ve got to look at it. So I looked at it and you know, I was like, man is genuine leather smelled. It was like, yeah, it’s just genuine leather. You know, it’s got golden boss pages.

Jason Woolford (16:56):
And and then I, I began to, to open it up and inside, there was no writing on it. And it was a misprint that was printed. So it was a Bible that looked like a Bible smelled like a Bible, had the golden boss pages, but inside there was no, there was no writing. And this spoke to me in two ways. The first is this reminds me of so many of us that have six Bibles sitting on our shelves and you know, we might look right. We might smell right. But we’re not in the word of God. And therefore we don’t know what God has to say about the rest of the situation, not knowing how to properly fight the battles that we’re in, in the second way that it speaks to me is that there are brothers and sisters around the world.

Jason Woolford (17:44):
Daniel, as you have said that you know, we, we hold crusades. We, we go, we evangelize, we do what we’re supposed to do. They’ve asked Christ in their life. Their eternity might even be set with God, but yet they still have to live a life on this planet on earth until, until they go before our father. And if they don’t have the word of God, they don’t know how to properly fight. As you know, in Ephesians, God says it right to put on the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of rice and spells street, gospel shoes, a beast. But he says above all, taking up the shield of faith and the sword, which is the word of God. And when I read that time and time again, and Ephesians, it just really hit me and made me understand the importance of providing Bibles and Christian books to people, because God says, without faith, it’s impossible to please him. He said that faith is a substance of things, hoped for the evidence of things on scene. And that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. So in other words, we have Christians that are out there saved, limit, truthful peaceful lives, but if they’re not in their word of God, they don’t have the shield of faith and the sword. And so they’re not equipped to, to, to fight against the devil and what they’re up against. And that’s the difference that we’re making with the word of God.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:56):
That’s awesome. I’ve got a couple of questions for you, approximately how many shipping containers full of books have you sent overseas and what are some of the recent nations that you’ve sent books to?

Jason Woolford (19:10):
Yeah, absolutely. So one of the things that well, first off we’ve sent now 300 and update since information that you have $390 million worth of free Bibles and Christian books to 177 nations. Some of the most recent places we as a ministry, we never shut down during COVID. I deemed us essential because I believe the word of God is the most essential thing ever known to man. So we never shut down. And you know, everybody that says, you’ve got to put your big boy and big girl britches on because I’m telling you I was a Marine before I was a minister. And so when this COVID thing hit, you know, I was like wasn’t happy too much about China. And so I was thinking, man, I’d like to Marine Corps drop a bomb, but then I thought, you know what?

Jason Woolford (19:53):
What’s a greater bomb I could drop during this time. And I thought, you know, it’d be awesome if we could send the word of God to China. And so during COVID we sent $3 million worth of free Bibles and Christian books into Hong Kong. That’s already made its way into Shen Zen and to mainland China. And so we’ve sent just recently to Hong Kong, 130,000 people in Nigeria got a free Bible and Christian book just last year. The most recent container just landed yesterday with pictures of distribution Philippines, Burma mean the list goes on 24 different nations last year. Daniel.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (20:30):
That is absolutely amazing. Well, if one of my listeners wants to help you send books and Bibles to the nations, how can they find out more about your ministry? What’s your, what’s your website?

Jason Woolford (20:43):
Yeah. So it’s mission cry.com. And on there, there’s a tab that’s called books and you can give or donate books, a couple of things just in closing brother. We have our mission cry Bible, which is a new Testament NASB Bible. We created that. So when we’re running short on used Bibles we’ve been able to create this beautiful looking Bible. That’s NASB. It has the plan of salvation, a G 300 discipleship program in the back. And people can sponsor this at $2 a Bible, and that all that pays for the Bible and puts it into the hands of someone absolutely free overseas. And so you can visit our website and I want to leave you with this. This is a book that they gave us at eight years old, when our son was diagnosed with a cancerous inoperable brain tumor seven years old, end of story, make a wish recipients said he wasn’t going to live.

Jason Woolford (21:38):
And they gave us this book and this book says a resource guide for parents of children with brain or spinal cord tumors. This book is 18 years old. And I asked people, if you could tell me Daniel, could you tell me what’s on page one of this book? And the answer is no, you can’t because you’ll never read it. And I’m going to tell you that I’ve never read this book. I’ve never opened this book. Never because I was not going to be a parent of a child with a brain tumor. But instead I opened the word of God and I was able to read what God had to say about the rest of the situation. We never allowed the last thing to be spoken over our children, to be something contrary to the word of God. And so I just want to encourage those of your listeners that are listening and watching.

Jason Woolford (22:21):
It doesn’t matter what the little T truth is. The truth was that there was a tumor in the middle of my son’s brain and he was going to die, but that was the little T truth. And the greater T truth was found in the word of God. I want you to know my son that tumor vanished out of the middle of his brain. He’s 26 years old. He just graduated from moody. He starting his master’s program. And the awesome thing is, is God is not a respecter of person. So if he can do it for us, he can do it for you. This is why we believe in sending the word of God. Mission cry.com, call us, write us, partner with us and let the world hear your mission cry. And brother, I am humbled and blessed to be on your program. You are a mighty man of God.

Jason Woolford (23:01):
I’m thankful for your, your, your heart for evangelism. That was the first two things that Jesus, that God was, he was an evangelist and a missionary. And and I hope most people get, get on track with that. And lastly, one thing you talked about the 33 years of the Lord, I want to encourage those of you that are watching that God had given us a full Bible. We got to get off just those 33 years of his timeframe in the flesh on this earth and read about the God of the old Testament and the new Testament and the soon coming King and he’s coming. So you better tell people about Jesus,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (23:36):
Brother, Jason. I love your passion. Thank you so much for sharing that testimony of how the brain tumor in your son disappeared. That that is the miracle that I can hear how it shaped your desire to spread God’s word around the world is so tremendous. So thank you for being on the evangelism podcast. God bless you, man. Glad to be here. Thank you, buddy. Love you and the Lord, man. Thank you. Thank you. Thanks so much for listening to the evangelism podcast today. Could you do me a favor, go to Apple iTunes, find the evangelism podcast with Daniel King, subscribe to the podcast. And also if you could leave a positive review that will help other people who are excited about evangelism to find this podcast. Thank you so much. And God bless you

Evangelism Podcast Host (24:31):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit King ministries.com. Again, that’s King ministries.com.


Brad Stine | How to Host a Fundraising Banquet for Your Ministry

Brad Stine has organized hundreds of banquets to help ministries raise money. In today’s podcast he talks about how to host a successful fundraising banquet.

How to host a banquet: 

We host a yearly banquet for our partners in our hometown. This gives us a chance to connect with our friends, give victory reports, and share our goals for the coming year. We usually hold our banquet at a hotel conference room, in a church fellowship hall, or at our own home.

Keys to hosting a banquet:

* Send invitations to everyone you know in your state. These should include friends from church, people you work with, people you do business with, and anyone to whom you would normally send a Christmas card.

* On the invitation include information about the date, location, and purpose of the banquet. Include an RSVP envelope for people to respond.

* One week before the banquet, call everyone who is attending to remind them of the event. About 10% of those who RSVP will probably not attend, so keep this in mind when ordering food.

* During the banquet, show a video or slideshow, share stories about people whose lives have been impacted by your ministry, and give details about your goals and projects in the coming year. Ask people to partner with your ministry through prayer or monthly support. Also give your guests an opportunity to sow into your ministry by receiving an offering at the banquet.

Website: http://www.harvesthomeland.org

Please Subscribe to The Evangelism Podcast with Evangelism Coach Daniel King


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Brad Stein has organized hundreds of banquets to help ministries raise money. In today’s podcast. He talks about how to organize a successful fundraising banquet.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:14):
Jesus said go into all the world and preach the gospel. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King we’re Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionary, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host missionary and evangelist Daniel King. Welcome to the evangelism

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:51):
Podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus. And I also love coaching evangelists and helping evangelists learn how to be more effective at what God has called them to do. And one of the ways that is effective at raising money is hosting a ministry banquet. And today I have one of the world’s best experts on doing ministry banquets. He has organized over 300 ministry banquets here in Tulsa and helping ministries to raise money for their ministries. Mr. Brad Stein. Thank you so much for being with us today, Mr. Brad, you’ve done a lot of banquets. Tell us why are banquets such an effective way of raising money for a ministry?

Brad Stine (01:45):
Very simple. Most ministries send out monthly newsletters sometimes weekly, sometimes every three months, but they send out newsletters. And a lot of those newsletters never get read. People say, Hey, how are you liking are giving money, They throw it in the trash…

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:12):
Throw the newsletter that you spent good money on in the trash. Yeah, I hope not. I hope no one does that to my newsletter

Brad Stine (02:19):
As Mr. Brad, I’ll tell you how you can tell who does and who doesn’t just say, Hey, did you get my newsletter? And I say, look to the side and say, yeah, I received it. They didn’t read it. Sure. As they look in the eyes say, yep, sure did. And I really liked that second paragraph where I’ve said, yada, yada, yada, then you know, you got a live one.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:47):
All right. So, so a banquet is good because it’s not a newsletter. You’re, you’re actually have an opportunity to talk to people face-to-face and communicate your vision. Your, they can hear how much you care in the sound of your voice. See the facial cues. And when you’re talking about your, your vision, they see just how passionate you are. And, and that gives God a chance for the anointing to come into the room and, and people open up their, their wallets and, and, and get a chance to give. So talk to me some about the, the process of organizing a banquet. Cause it doesn’t just happen by itself. There’s a lot of planning that goes into it. So what are some of the steps you have to take in order to set up a banquet?

Brad Stine (03:33):
Well, first, yes, you need to, the person needs to realize they need a banquet. The banquet is not only just for fundraising. It’s an opportunity to get, to see the people who’ve been giving into your ministry for the last year and look them in the eye and give them a hug on their neck, a handshake, thank them because they are part of the team. They are the provisioners. And many times we ministries have a tendency to receive the money from them or the support, whatever it is that they’re giving us. And we go out and use it in the name of the Lord, but we don’t really come play the loop. And so we tend to be recipient instead of giving back to them. But you have it at least once a year, we get to look them in the face, hug them and thank them.

Brad Stine (04:40):
And that helps to keep the loop going. Chiefs keeps it going because they haven’t seen you for a year. And if they are not reading your newsletter, they know you’re a good guy. They know you’re worthwhile, but they can’t start losing connectivity with you. And so that’s the primary reason. The primary reason for the banquet is not the fund. It’s the fellowship, the connection, that connection and giving back to people who have given. Absolutely, absolutely. Some of those people are hurting. Some of those people got family prompts. Some of those people have financial pumps. Some of those people are trying to decide whether they send you X number of dollars per month or whether they need to make their car payment or whatever. They’re struggling. And by meeting with them once a year, that helps us strengthen that bond and helps them to see the man of God praying for them, because that could be the difference of making or not making it. Yeah. So who you invite

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:58):
To come to a banquet?

Brad Stine (06:00):
Well, let’s say that you have a mailing list of say 500 people and you know that you got 50 people who give every month, they’re consistent, you know, that, that mine’s going to be there. They’re faithful. Yeah. And then you got maybe another 50, who are they? They have just about our month, a little more sporadic, but they, they loved her minister and they, they, they want to help. And then you have some more people who give occasionally very sporadic, but if you will invite those people, many of them will come and it will help to develop a longer, a better relationship. They’ll want to help you. They see a face to that newsletter. They, they see an opportunity that, Hey, this guy really is making a difference. And there’s some people who cannot go or see he’s champ. They may have a family issue or, or they may have a health issue or whatever, and they’re just not going to go, but they can go by first cue of sending you a check and some of them do.

Brad Stine (07:29):
And, and it’s just a way of loving on people once a year, look them in the eye and thank them and say, look, here’s what’s going on. Here’s what I’ve been doing to, to help the ministry. And let’s say, if you’re in the, if you’re in the ministry of doing open air evangelists work and look them in the eye and say, you know, Joe, you have a, a Spanish descent. I want you to know what happened in Honduras. 146,000 people showed up. And approximately we’ll never know for sure, but a pox way, a fourth, them got born again. Yeah. And you were a part of that because I could not have gone if people like you didn’t give into this ministry. And that’s in the most recent newsletter on page six, I showed you a picture that feel full of faces. Some, most people got pointed can’t because of what you did.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:46):
So if you’re organizing a banquet, the first thing you do is find a venue. You at a hotel or a church, maybe you could cater food or, but a hotel’s a great place because

Brad Stine (09:00):
Shell’s better. And here’s why, because it’s a neutral. Then you, the moment you have an extra 10, there’s nothing wrong with having that at church. But when you have it in a church, if it’s a Baptist church, different denominations may not come. Or if they’ve seen a ag church, same thing. But if you’re in a hotel, if say neutral venue and everybody will come,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:31):
So you’d want to send out invitations to friends from church people, you work with people you might do business with basically anyone that you would normally send a Christmas card to anyway, that you would have a relationship with that you think might be interested in, in supporting the ministry, as well as those who, who already support your ministry. Yep. And then on the invitation, you would include information about the date, the location, the purpose of the banquet. And you would probably include an RSVP envelope for people to respond, to be able to let you know whether they come or not. But then people are very busy these days. So it’s also helpful. The week before the banquet to call every single person who’s RSVP and get their verbal commitment again, that they will be there because some people will have forgotten. Some people will have gotten busy and that will help you with your, your final count for the banquet

Brad Stine (10:34):
Call three times you would call it three times. Here’s why first call.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:38):
When would you be calling them? Give me the timeline.

Brad Stine (10:41):
Mail out the invitations about three weeks before the amount. And I would put it in the notation, save the date. It’s to remind them, take you off their counter and make a note on that date. Save the date. And the first call I would make me probably three or four, maybe five days after you mail. Hey Joe, just one check. Make sure you got [inaudible]. That’s very valid question. No, what, what Amity? Oh, well you’ll probably get it tomorrow, then politics. Haven’t got it yet. If you don’t mind, I’ll just holler at you. Your MOS. Make sure you got on because if he didn’t, for some reason by the way, is your address? One, two, three Apple street. Yup. Okay. Zip code? Yep. Okay. Well, I just want to make sure then I just mailed to the right place. I’ll give you a hard day or two.

Brad Stine (11:47):
And the second phone call. You’re confirming that they did receive the invitation and Oh, by the way, say the date. Yeah. The next time we call them, you call them to see, do you think you and Becky are going to be able to come? We’ve sure. Love to see, you know, it’s been about a year since I’ve seen you so faithfully given to this ministry and there’s some things we just want to bring you up to speed off. I’d love to know what’s going on. And I’ve got a little short video. Want to show you and just hug on you and Oh yeah, we’re coming. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Or name time till say, Oh my gosh. I’m so glad you called. I put it down on my table and I forgot to mention to them. Becky, thank you for calling that little phone call. Sounds a little bit like the first phone call, but it’s not, if it’s caring phone call, you’re letting that person know. You’re really looking forward to seeing them.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:00):
So the first phone call you are asking, did you receive the invitation? And then the second phone call you’re saying sure would love to have you there. Yeah. It would be great to see you. We love you guys. We want to see your faces. Can you please?

Brad Stine (13:16):
Yeah. And the third phone call is, Hey Joe, you know what? I’ve worked on the have roasted chicken. And we’re trying to figure out how many chickens to you know, to get yeah. If chick is going to lay down his life for you. So we want to make sure that we’re, you know, POS thing, the right number of chickens, and then you laugh, you laugh and they say, Oh, you know, I’m, I’m really glad you called, you know, something came up and yada yada yada hour or as a matter of fact, yeah, we are coming. Could we bring our, our kid? Well, how old are they? Well, we got ones 14. Yep. That one can come. And we got one that’s three. No, we’ll have babysitting service for that one. Or you can leave them home with their babysitter. Yeah. Just, it’s just that.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:11):
When does that third phone call come? Is that

Brad Stine (14:15):
Probably about three or four days before the event? Yeah. And you would be shocked. I would say probably 25% of people say, Oh my gosh, I am so glad that you call. I forgot all about it happens all the time.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:36):
Now at a banquet. How many teak people typically show up that say that they’re actually going to come

Brad Stine (14:44):
Well, if the weather’s good and everything looks pretty sharp. You can figure probably about 85%. Yes. If, if, if people say, yep, we’ll be there, rain or shine, you can count on us. We’ll be there. Take that number times 85%.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:09):
One of the things that you’ve done really well at some of your banquets, which I’ve attended banquets, that you’ve hosted for a variety of different ministries here in Tulsa. It’s always wonderful. It’s always a great time of fellowship. And I love hearing about people’s visions. You also do table sponsors and so often you’ll invite people to come and say, your, your table has been sponsored. How, how do you do that? And what’s the importance of that?

Brad Stine (15:37):
Well, that’s a good question. I’m glad you asked it what we endeavor to do. And we usually accomplish it. We want everybody who comes to a banquet to be sponsored by somebody. In other words, we want everybody to eat for free because give an issue will be given unto you. Now I’ll come back to that. I just smoke. There’s another point I want to make on that. So let’s say that table has eight positions, eight chairs. And let’s just say for round numbers, and this is going to vary from different parts of the country. Do you ever parse the world? So these numbers may or may not be correct. Let’s just say in round numbers, $50 per person. Yeah. 50 times eight people is 400. So maybe you say, Hey, $500 a table that covers, you know, having brochures. And you know, it covers the various expenses, the video and so forth

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (16:47):
And the venue, the venue, and then the food. And then you want to tip the waiter.

Brad Stine (16:52):
Yeah. Everything. Yeah. So let’s just say round numbers of $50 or $500 for a table of eight. Well, a lot of businesses, some buys owns a plumbing company say, Hey Joe, you and a plumbing company tell you what, if you would be interested we’ll, we’ll put this table sponsored by Joe’s plumbing company. And we get along now set from the podium, along with all the other sponsors. And that way you can get a tax write off. If we mention it from the podium, you can get a tax, try it off as add per Ty’s front. Or if you do, you have it. And we don’t announce it. You can get a tax write off as a charitable contribution. But if we do both, you can choose how you want to ride it off, even arrive at off a combination, or you can write it off all one way or all the other way. And it gives you the ability to have a good tax write-off and nice advertisement.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:09):
So in advance before the banquet starts, you’re, you’re going around to different businesses, different people that you have relationships with and asking them to sponsor a table. What would you sponsor? One of the tables that are banquet for for $400. And we’ll announce that you are the sponsor for that table and publicly thank you for being a sponsor. Okay. Then let’s talk about the actual banquet. What should you do during the banquet to talk me through from the moment people arrive at the banquet facility until they leave.

Brad Stine (18:49):
What you do is you put a master plan of you, and that’s basically a brief written description of your ministry on every other chair. And you put them on the chair at a slight angle to make it delightful, to look at. It’s not just swung a carious is prom Nour with purpose, and they have to pick the thing up before they sit down. So now it’s in their hands and say, you want to have it to where they can read it as it was

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:25):
Master plan. We talked about this in the last episode, on the podcast about how to develop a master plan. It’s basically a short description explaining the vision and the objectives and the tactics of the ministry, what the ministry is doing, right? So, so they, they pick it up off their table. They’re sitting there and music is going, as people are coming in and they’re, they’re flipping through it before you even get started. They’re looking at all the pictures, right? Finding out what your ministry is all about.

Brad Stine (19:56):
Yep. And what we do is we go ahead and maybe start eating their salad while people are filtering in. And of course they’re talking with each other they’re fellowshipping. And then when the meeting actually officially starts, you start with a prayer and then the food should be starting to be served when they say, amen, that’s a signal to the venue to start delivering the food when they hear that word. Amen. Not before, but when they hear the word, amen, boom, the food shows up. Now this, what I’m about to say is very, very important.

Brad Stine (20:45):
The master ceremonies says, folks, look around you here, got beautiful channeled layers. Got it. Beautiful room, great food, great fellowship. And guess what it’s already paid for whatever you give later tonight, a hundred percent goes to the gospel because all of this was paid for in advance, by the following sponsors. And then you name office sponsors in alphabetical order. So nobody’s feelings get hurt, have malls, sand clap. One time when they’re all standing, don’t clap where you came to visual want, but when they’re all standing and then you clap for them and that gives them their tax write-off. But it also lets the people know that this wonderful banquet is already paid for. And that helps them to realize they can feel comfortable with opening up their wallets and their bill holds. Now along those lines, 90% of the money brought in to the banquet that night is him ladies purses. It’s in ladies persists. It’s not in the wallets. That’s right. It’s in the ladies.

Brad Stine (22:25):
Now this is very, very important. If the minister, the missionary, if he’s married, when he gets up to speak, he has his wife go up there with him and have her speak par I’d say 10, 15 minutes. And then he’ll speak for maybe 30 minutes. Not for an hour short, sweet to the point. But here’s, what’s important. The women. And I’ve seen this hundreds of times. I’m not telling you guys. Yeah, others. Yeah. The women tend to sit there with their arms folded and their purse is on their, on their lap or on the table or their arms are folded and they’re listening. And when the minister’s wife, missionary’s wife gets up there and she’ll say something like this, you know, when I married Ronald, I knew life was going to be different. All the women start

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (23:46):
Because they experienced the same thing.

Brad Stine (23:48):
Yeah. She’ll say something like, Oh my goodness. Yes, it’s been different, but I want you to know I’m behind my man. We are making a difference in Tanzania. We can see that difference. I’m so glad that we both bayed God and have gone there and had done when he asked us to do. Now, when she says that all around the room, the women go from like this to like

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (24:34):
Fold their arms and lean forward, lean

Brad Stine (24:36):
Forward. And they think, Oh, she’s behind her man. And then when her husband says, well, honey, how much she thinks we should go tonight? And she says, well, what number do you have in mind? And he says, well, what number do you have in line? She says, you know, I think we should give him a hotter a month. And he says, you know, I was thinking the same thing with one exception. We’re busy people, we’re business people. We write checks all the time. And I really don’t want to write a check for a hundred dollars every month, but it’s just write him a check for 1200.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (25:31):
Well, those are valuable insights and how to conduct a successful banquet. Yeah. And so it’s also good to maybe show a video or a slide show of pictures.

Brad Stine (25:45):
There’s on the video five minutes now. Here’s why, sorry.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (25:50):
Yeah, no, Y Y only five minutes or your region. What’s the reason

Brad Stine (25:55):
There’s a reason you bring them in. The guy worked all day and all he really wants to do is eat and fall asleep on the couch.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (26:09):
His wife’s making him dress up and go to this banquet.

Brad Stine (26:12):
Exactly. Right. And she sees it as a date. Oh, I get, I don’t have to, I don’t have to cook tonight. I can put the kids with a babysitter

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (26:27):
And I’m laughing because this is so accurate. This is how my wife thinks about it.

Brad Stine (26:31):
Yeah. And all he really is thinking is what am I doing here? But when he sees the beautiful food, the happy wife dressed up to the ninth, what you don’t want to, you feed him and turn off the light because he’ll fall asleep. So you got to keep the video to three to five minutes

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (27:13):
And maybe put some upbeat music behind it.

Brad Stine (27:18):
Couple of booms, you know, sub whooper booms or something. Something that keep it lively because otherwise you could lose him.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (27:28):
Other things you can do is share stories about people whose lives have been impacted by the ministry. You can give details about your, your goals and projects for the coming year. Another thing that I’ve seen you do is if you have a ministry that’s working over in Africa, sometimes you’ll have someone from Africa actually call on the phone and do a live phone call talking about the programs that are ongoing in Africa. And so that gives it some, some flavor. It helps to entertain people, but also communicates the vision of what the ministry is going to do. And then you come to the point where you’re making an ask and you present some different projects. What do you think about monthly support versus asking for one-time donations?

Brad Stine (28:23):
Well, I would ask her the one-time donations first and then,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (28:31):
And maybe give a specific target. We need $30,000 to build this orphanage building or something very specific

Brad Stine (28:39):
Sick tonight. Our basic need is we’ve got an orphanage over there. We got, we’ve got 114 kids and they’re not going to school and they need to be going to school. And after this moment we got 40 of them have no mommies, no daddies. And they need a place to sleep at night where they’re not being afraid of being bitten by an animal or, or, or some kind of a predator or giving them. And so tonight we need to, we need to raise money for, for, for an orphanage. And we’ve checked with the local authorities we’ve checked with you know, the bowlers and so forth. And we can build a whole thing for $46,000. Now we could not build it here for 46,000, but we’re, we’re building it because of the building codes, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. We can build a whole thing for $46,000. And we’ve got here tonight. Yeah. You know, 104, 140 people. And you know, we’re not talking about a lot of money. And so we would really appreciate if you could just help us out. Cause a world away. We’ve got some people who are really in trouble and they’ll have clean water to drink and they’ll be able to sleep all night without worrying about being molested. We really need to help them.

Brad Stine (30:22):
And then after that money is coming in, then you say also there are some people for whatever the reason may want to budget so many dollars a month, as opposed to one time offering. And we have the different methods for doing that. You can either use your phone and text the money and it’ll automatically come out of your town or you can text the money and it’ll come out as you see fit. And then he go a few of the different methods of faking him three or four different options. And you’d be shocked at how much money comes in.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (31:07):
Let’s finish with some testimonies in all the banquets that you’ve done. What’s the most money that you’ve seen come in on one night and then all the bankers will you do. And w what’s kind of the average amount that you’ve seen come in per person on a typical banquet. I know there’s a lot of variety, but give me that, give me the high point. What’s the greatest banquet you’ve ever done.

Brad Stine (31:33):
Well, I’ll tell you the worst and the best. Alright. Maybe the best and the worst. I don’t know. I think of them, but I’m going to tell you one particular one. This is a wild one. This is a wild one. We’ve put together a banquet for, Oh, it was around a hundred people. And it was a missionary to the Indian nations here in the United States. And after the bank was over, missionary said to us, he said, well, after we take the expenses, the banquet money leftover just to over a hundred bucks. And then he cussed me out.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (32:27):
At least you paid for the banquet.

Brad Stine (32:29):
He literally cussed me out. Wow. That doesn’t happen very often. But I’ll tell you what I did. I hope that wasn’t the best one. That, that was the worst one, right? Oh, that was, let me finish. And then you’ll know. Are we having fun yet? Yes. There. Okay. So I’m, we’ll call him Joe. His name was not Joe. Let’s say Joe, it’s obvious that you’re not happy. Quite frankly. I don’t remember him being cussed out by a missionary before, but I can S I can understand if only a hundred dollars came in after he pay your expenses, that you might wonder what happened. So I’m going to give you a little advice. He says what’s that?. I said, “shut up.” He looked at me like, I shot him. I said, you don’t know what kidney ready to happen? You don’t know how this is going to turn out and you should not eat your seed. Oh, shut up. He looked like hyped to shot him, but he shut up Daniel about a little over a week later, he got a check in the mail from one person that was a hundred thousand dollars. Wow. I hope he came and apologized to you. He did.

Brad Stine (34:19):
And they got another check and he got some other check. And overall came to Rob about 200,000 bucks. Well, but see what happened is some people, they, they, they listen to the presentation, but they give a day or two later. Sometimes uncle Joe passes away and losing money. No things happen. Sure. Now I’ve, I’ve seen other cases where one case the ministry here in Tulsa, so probably maybe 30 years ago and about 130 hundred 40 people now understand this is poverty, 30 years, 35 years ago. But on that banquet, the amount of money came in with maybe off slide. Well, I think it’s pretty close around 65,000 bucks. Now, if you put that in today’s money, that would be at least double that, Oh yeah. Oh, popping 150, 160, 170,000, maybe 200. I don’t know. Somewhere in that range.

Brad Stine (35:47):
Kamia that night. So here’s the point. Don’t try to figure it out. Let God be God, you do your part. He will do his part. His arm is not sure. Just go with the flow and realize that the main purpose for the banquet is to have the opportunity to see those people who’ve been with you. Well, I asked you a year, it’s not a one way ticket. You don’t receive, receive, receive, receive, receive, receive you receive. Yeah. You’re giving back to them a report of what you’ve been doing with the money that they so wonderfully put it in your hands. It’s a two-way street.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (36:44):
That’s a tremendous insight. So a banquet is an opportunity to give back to people who have given to you to connect with them, to let them know that you love them, that you’re praying for them, that you care about them. It’s an opportunity for wives to get dressed up pretty and for husbands to go and get some good food. And it’s an opportunity for you to communicate the vision of the ministry that God has called you to. So, Mr. Brad, thank you so much for sharing information about how to hold a successful banquet. If you’re interested in holding a banquet and you need some help, give Mr. Brad a call, you can find his information at his website, harvest homeland.org. And if you’ll go to that website, you can connect with him. And he helps lots of ministries put together banquets that are really successful. You have one more thing.

Brad Stine (37:44):
One more comment, just thought of it. Audit told you sooner. Yeah. I just thought of it. A lot of missionaries itinerate. They come back from the field. They’ll come back for maybe three months, two months, and they’ll either generate around the United States to raise funds to go back or for maybe here, but keep in mind that banquets you, the missionary decide when and where to have the banquet. When your eyes can aerating typically pastors of churches or organizations, they decide when they want you to come. And so typically missionaries zigzag back and forth across the country. And by the time we’re ready to go back overseas to their mystery field, they’re tired. It’s almost a breath of fresh air to get back on the pill because they can relax.

Brad Stine (38:54):
But when you have a series of banquets, you decided, and so you can make a circle around the country. And then when you’re going to have, for example, in Milwaukee, on on March 14th, you’re going to have a banquet. You pick up the phone and the pastor in that area and say, pastor, you said to me that when I was coming through the area to call you, and then you’d have me speak well, as a matter of fact, I’m going to have a banquet there on substance so day. And so I’m calling you. I had a time to let us know I’m going to be in the area for a banquet. And he said, Oh, great. Well, why don’t we schedule you in a percent day, morning? And now you’re hitting two or three things simultaneously, and you’re making one circle around the country and your efficiency goes through the roof.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (39:55):
Well, thank you Mr. Brad Stein expert on doing banquets for ministries. Thank you so much for your wisdom and for your advice. Thank you for being a guest on the evangelism podcast. God bless you. Thank you. Thanks so much for listening to this podcast with Mr. Brad Stein, could you do me a favor? Go find the evangelism podcast on Apple iTunes subscribe and give us a review. Your positive review will help other people who are excited about evangelism to find this podcast. Thanks. And God bless you

Evangelism Podcast Host (40:31):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit King ministries.com. Again, that’s King ministries.com.


Brad Stine | How to Develop a Masterplan for Your Ministry

Brad Stine has a heart for helping ministries get organized and raise support. One of the first steps he recommends is developing a Masterplan for your ministry. Today, we discuss what a Masterplan looks like and how it can help you as a minister.

A Masterplan needs the following elements. One page of the Masterplan should be devoted to each of these categories:

VISION: An aspirational description of what an organization would like to achieve or accomplish in the mid or long-term future.

MISSION: A written declaration of an organization’s core purpose and focus that normally remains unchanged over time.

OBJECTIVES: A specific result that a person or system aims to achieve within a time frame and with available resources. In general, objectives are more specific and easier to measure than goals. Goals: The result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end.

STRATEGY: A plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim; end.

TACTICS: Done or for use in immediate support of a strategy. A tool, plan or procedure to promote a desired end.

TEAMWORK: Those who plant, those who water and those that harvest all share in the same reward.

CONNECT: How can people connect with you?

Here is a sample Masterplan: http://www.harvesthomeland.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/HH-Master-Plan-Short-Form.pdf

Harvest For The Homeland is a non-profit organization that assists visionaries throughout the world in supporting their vision.

Harvest for the Homeland Foundation helps ministries in the following areas:

  • Teamwork –
       Includes: Visionary, Pro-Visionary, Connector, Facilitator and Recipient
  • Timeline –
       Includes: Initial, Formative, Recognition, Planning and Fulfillment Seasons
  • Outcome –
       Includes: Principles, Examples, Comparisons, Operations and Applications
  • Planning –
       Includes: Vision, Mission, Objectives, Strategy and Tactics
  • Resources –
       Includes: Curriculum, Policies, Reading, Media and Testing

Website: http://www.harvesthomeland.org/ 


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Brad Stein has a heart for helping ministries get organized and to raise support. One of the first steps he recommends is developing a master plan for your ministry. Today, we discuss what a master plan looks like and how it can help you. As a minister,

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:18):
Jesus said, go into all the world and preach the gospel. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King we’re Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host missionary and evangelist Daniel King

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:55):
To the evangelism podcast. I’m Daniel King. And I am excited about telling people about Jesus and I also love coaching other evangelists and missionaries and pastors helping them to develop their ministries. And so today we have a very special guest who happens to be an expert in helping ministries, Brad Stein, thank you for being with me today. So Brad Stein, he really has a heart for helping ministries get organized and raise support. And one of the first steps he recommends is developing a master plan for your ministry. And so this is something that we met together about back when I was first starting in ministry, I was very young. I was still a student at oral Roberts university, and you sat me down and told me, Daniel, you need to develop a master plan for your ministry. And you helped me do that. And it helped me in articulating the vision that God had given me. And we used it later to raise money at a banquet, and I gave it to various businessman to show them what I was doing. And so Mr. Brad, could you tell us a little bit, what is a master plan and why is it important to have one?

Brad Stine (02:21):
Well you in business, they call it a business plan in ministries. They call it a ministry plan, but I use a catchall praise master plan, which is kind of a, it’s a business plan, but it’s also a ministry plan and he has the masters plan,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:49):
The master’s plan. Now there’s plan. You understand how businessmen think because you were a businessman for, for many years, and then once you retired, then you started helping ministries. And now you’ve helped many, many ministries besides my own, maybe up to 300 or even more ministries that, that you have sat down with, help them to develop a master plan. And really the purpose of it is to help relate to two businessmen. The people who have the resources to support a ministry, every ministry would have a visionary, someone that God gives a vision to. But along with the visionary, there needs to be pro visionaries. People who have resources to invest in the plan that that God has. So talk to me a little bit about from your background as a businessman, why is it important to have a business plan or a master plan in order to communicate what God has called you to do?

Brad Stine (03:52):
Well, the majority of the business people realize that if they’re going to expend thousands and sometimes millions of dollars, and sometimes they have investors involved, they have to have a definite plan that they can follow that will help them to earn that kind of money and to help them to stay on schedule with what they planned to do. So they don’t go off on the might say rabbit trails, they stay focused. And I think that’s also true probably with, with ministries. I, over the years, I’ve seen so many ministries who go out on the field and they fail and they come back broken heart, but I’ve also seen some ministries go out on the field and just really do a great job. You know, a lot of people born, again, a lot of, a lot of good things happen. I’ve seen the good, the bad and the ugly. And so it occurred to me that maybe I needed to put together a, a master plan that would help these people to stay in focus. Okay.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:03):
Well, I hope you would include my ministry in one of those good categories. Ever since we put together the master plan, it was about 20 years ago. I think that we worked on it. And since then, I’ve gone to over 70 nations preaching the gospel. We’ve seen over 2 million people get saved in our services and today, and the goal was to become a sole millionaire to lead a million people to Jesus before I turned 30 years of age. And we completed that goal in, in part because of you helping us to put together this master plan. So today for this podcast, I went and dug in, in my files and pulled out one of the copies of the master plan that we had developed. And I still look very young in this. I I’m surprised anyone would give me money looking that, or you

Brad Stine (05:58):
Still actually look very young. Well it’s relative though

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:03):
Years older now than I was then. But and I remember us going through this. We, we did a vision, a mission statement strategy, and I, I articulated some of what God had called me to do. And in here in my master plan, I had several areas that I really wanted God to, to help us to do. So one was massive miracle crusades. Another area was literature distribution. Another area was leadership training. And in that master plan, we had specific tactics and in different ways of accomplishing that. And so I’m excited to tell you today that 20 years later, all those things that we put in the master plan God has brought to pass, which is just amazing to me that if you will write the vision down, then he who reads it may run with it. They can go and do something great for God. And we’ve been able to raise a lot of money from, from businessmen and different people over the years, just showing them this master plan. And then I’ve, I’ve refurbished it and re used it in different ways, in different ways of articulating the vision. So tell me some stories about some of the other ministries that you’ve been able to help. I see here, you have a variety of, of master plans in front of you. Yeah.

Brad Stine (07:27):
A few with Nate just to, Oh, I’ve got quite a few of them, but I’ve just picked out a few. That might be a Pinterest, you know?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:36):
Yeah, no, I remember that you, you break the master plan down into several segments. And so, yeah, I was looking on, on your, your, your website for the, the heart harvest for the Homeland foundation now, and in, in your master plan, would you have there as a sample, you have several specific areas, you’ve got the vision and then you’ve got the mission. Then you’ve got a page on objectives, a page on strategy, a page on tactics, a page on teamwork, and then a page for connection, how they, people can connect with you. So let’s go through those one by one. And if you could define those for us and then explain why it’s important and maybe how to articulate that,

Brad Stine (08:26):
Okay, I’d be glad to now Daniel every body is called by God to do something. We all have a calling on our life and that calling, we did not come up with that calling that calling took place before we were even conceived. We have no control it. We can choose not to do it, but we, but the calling was put in place before we were even conceived. And that calling, if you would pretend it as a point that point right here, that’s the calling. We have no control over that. Now when God wants us to start achieving that calling, he gives us a vision. Now, if this can, this camera see this, okay? If this is a calling and this is the vision, then that’s the direction we should go.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:44):
So you have a calling and you have your vision and you’re headed in that direction. And it’s

Brad Stine (09:48):
Straight line that’s exactly right now, the calling does not change. That happened before we were even conceived. Now the vision can change, but the calling does not change. So if you, if the calling is, let’s say your elbow, then the vision is out here and it gives you the direction. You have to have two points in our frustrate line to have direction. And so since the coin is doesn’t move, it’s mutable, it stays put then the vision as it modifies and cracks, that gives us the direction that we should go. So the first thing in the master plan is the vision,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:43):
The vision. And you define a vision as an aspirational description of what an organization would Lank to achieve or accomplish in the mid or longterm future. And so the vision is where you’re headed. It’s the destination that you’re headed towards. So, so I think in, in, in my case, my calling ever since I was very young, was to be an evangelist. Like God put that calling on my life. I’m called to be an evangelist. It was spoken over me by, by several profits. It was a desire that God put in my heart. It was confirmed by the books that I read and that the things that made me excited, but within the calling of being an evangelist, there’s a variety of things that I could have done. I could have done local church evangelism. I could’ve done a one-on-one evangelism. I could have done street preaching, but the, the vision, as I articulated, it became to do massive miracle crusades like Billy Graham used to do back in the day. And so that was the vision. So the, the calling to be an evangelist and the vision lined up together.

Brad Stine (11:55):
Now that’s exactly right now, many people, they will follow the vision that they want to follow. And it may be pretty close to what the Lord would have him to follow, but maybe not exactly there, maybe their vision is here, but they’re actually operating over here or they’re operating over here. And we have to be very careful that if we’re following two visions, that is the high vision division. So to protect ourselves from division is we need to inquire the Lord, take her time. Don’t be in a hurry choir, the Lord, and find out what he wants us to fall.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:51):
Yeah. If you aim an arrow at two different targets, you’re going to miss both of them. So you gotta know which target you’re going for. And I like what you say about taking time to, to find the vision. I think it would be a good idea to spend some time in fasting and prayer, really get the Lord’s direction, what the vision of your life is supposed to be. So, so if you were sitting down with someone who wanted to be in ministry, but hadn’t really articulated what they wanted to do, what advice would you give them for, for, for writing down their vision or finding the vision,

Brad Stine (13:28):
Don’t go off half, take your time, pray fast, seek for the Lord. Take your time. Before you jump out here, the vision has to do with what you’re responsible for. And many, many people follow their mission and mission and vision are two totally separate things. Many times I’ve seen vision statements and I’ve seen mission statements and I’ve seen mission and vision savings and vision and mission statements. And there seems to be a lot of folks that don’t understand that difference between the two and the differences real simple. The vision is what’s to responsible for. And the mission is the authorization to proceed and they don’t happen at the same time. First you give to vision, and that’s what God has made you responsible for that lines up with your calling. And then as you train and learn and develop what that vision is that’s, you’re supposed to follow. Then later comes the mission. It’s like in the military, in the military, the vision in [inaudible] the vision in the military is to uphold the constitution. I say, that’s our vision. And our mission comes later. It comes after bootcamp. It comes after other basic training. So far there’s a time lag between vision and mission, mission bang, the authority to proceed.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:26):
So I noticed that in your master plan, you, you actually have the vision and the mission on two separate pages. So, so you first have the vision, which was this aspirational description of what the organization would like to achieve. And then you define a mission as a written declaration of an organization’s core purpose and focus that normally remains on changed over time. So let’s just create a hypothetical hearsay. You have a someone who’s who comes in and says that they, they have a desire to, to feed the poor. So, so give me a vision for a ministry and give me a mission for that ministry. What’s the, what would that look like?

Brad Stine (16:09):
Vision could be that you have a an inner feeling, a gut feeling that there’s a lot of people who are going to bed hungry at night, and a lot of children are that are hungry and they’re not learning properly because they’re hungry and, and, and, and, and stirs you, you realize, you know, I’m needing to do something about that. And, and the vision starts to form in your mind that I need you to do something about that. And, and it very well could be tied to your calling. God may have called you to do that. And as you proceed to explore that area and read up on that area and learn about that area, and it starts to become kind of a part of you, then it’s very possible that that is what you’re responsible for. And that gives you the direction to proceed.

Brad Stine (17:05):
Now, the mission, let’s say this, you know, this, your vision is to, to help people to have food, but to get on the airplane and to go to a foreign land and to actually start developing feeding programs, or even here doing this in the United States, you’d better know what you’re doing. You better learn up on the customs. You better learn up on what’s really causing the, the food shortage to begin with. You better know what you’re doing before you step out here and start literally doing it. I personally have seen several where people went into the ministry too quickly. They try to proceed on their mission before they were ready. And they came home in a box in the bottom of an airplane, their vision and mission totally destroyed.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:09):
So the, the planning process is very important in the Holy spirit is very much involved in the entire planning process. Absolutely. I think it’s interesting that God put the date for the marriage supper of the lamb on his calendar over 6,000 years in advance. So, you know, God’s a planner, he’s thinking ahead, he is a planner and we should be planners too. And spend time doing the research, doing the, the, looking at different organizations that are doing something similar, looking at the demographics of the area that we feel called to, and then articulating how we’re going to actually fulfill the vision that God has given us. All right, the next step is objectives. And so you define objectives as a specific result that a person or system aims to achieve within a timeframe with available resources in general objectives are more specific and easier to measure than goals. And so you define goals as the result or achievement towards which effort is directed, the aim or the end. So, so you, you choose to articulate objectives and how are objectives different than goals? Why, why do you choose to make that distinction?

Brad Stine (19:26):
They are actually quite similar. I have over the years, I have consulted with many perf professors at different universities and military people, sales people accountants I’ve, I’ve really delved into this a lot. And basically goals are the way that [inaudible] people measure success and how sales people measure success. Objectives is more or less how military people measure success. So objectives and goals, they, they’re very, very similar. They’re just used by different types of people, but empirically speaking, they’re, they’re plaques. Why the same thing now, as it relates to the master plan, perse, you have your vision either direction. And then you’ve got your mission. That is a reef. That’s where you develop your authority to proceed and then come to the objectives. And the objectives basically are breaking down that mission into smaller pieces so that you have a way to measure your success. If your objective is to provide a thousand meals a month to poor people, and you hit that thousand, then you accomplished that object. Yah, it’s a way of measuring.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:18):
So an objective can be more specific. It has maybe a timeframe attached to it. So in objective would be, we want to feed a thousand people every month. And then that that’s very specific. That’s something you can measure either. You did it or you didn’t do it. And you can know whether you’re, you’re hitting something specific. Whereas a vision is more aspirational. A vision is, you know, feed the hungry. Yeah. It’s, it’s a big goal, you know, we want to, but then you, you take the, the mission and say, we want to feed the hungry in South Tulsa in these three neighborhoods. And then an objective would be, we want to give away a thousand meals in these neighborhoods each month.

Brad Stine (22:08):
Yep. That’s exactly right. If it’s a further breakdown, your, your vision is, is tied to what you’re called to do. Your mission is your authority to proceed after you’ve gotten specific training and then your objectives is breaking down that re that mission into sections. Yeah, that’s exactly right. It’s measurable.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (22:36):
Then the next word that you use is strategy, which is a plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim or end. So then explain to us what, what strategy is. Okay.

Brad Stine (22:53):
Yeah. Let’s say that. Let’s say the cure vision is to, to feed people that are disadvantaged. Your mission is to feed people and LA in a certain neighborhood, and it’s more narrowed down and the way you’re going to accomplish it is you’re gonna have some of Jack shoes. One of them might be to have a weekly meeting, whether people come and give some groceries or, or whatever it is. And then the next level, the strategy is how you’re going to do it. The objective is what you want to accomplish. The strategy is how you’re going to do it. For example, in the military, if the objective is to take Hill number seven, 14, the strategy might be, we’re going to use tanks and we’re going to use their airplanes, but we’re, we’re not going to use foot soldiers because there’s a cliff and that we can’t get up very easily. So we’re going to use airplanes and we’re going to use tanks and shoot, no, it was what equipment you’re going to use or what method you’re going to use, how you’re going to accomplish the objective.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (24:34):
And then the next level is tactics, which is done for use in immediate support of a strategy. So a tool plan or procedure to promote a desired in. So, so you have the strategy. We’re going to use tanks and planes to take this Hill. And then what would be the specific tactics we’re going to? Is it the route the tanks are going to take to the top of the

Brad Stine (25:01):
Tanks? Pardon me? Tactics is rolling up your sleeves and doing it. You know, I have run into many, many people over the years. They’ve got great ideas. They’ve got it all planned out. They’ve got it all written out, but they don’t actually wall up their sleeves and do the work they think about it, but they don’t actually do it. And tactics is hands-on getting their hands dirty, getting, you know, getting in there and literally doing the grunt work, making it happen as tactical. So as it relates to the tanks and, and, and, and the aircraft that is who’s going to go in first, does the tanks kind of go in with air support or is the airport air support going to go in and soften things up? So the tank screen getting in the other ones, that’s where you literally figure out every little detail of how you’re going to roll up your sleeves and be there and make it happen. And then the

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (26:19):
Next page in your master plan is labeled teamwork, which I think is very important, especially for the visionary, because anything that God calls you to do, he doesn’t call you to do alone. If you could do it by yourself, it’s not a big enough vision for God to be involved in. And so he gives visions that are going to require other people, other talents, other resources. And so teamwork is the way to invite other people to be involved. Particularly one of the businessmen that you give the master plan to you’re, you’re inviting him to join the team into participate in the, the vision, the mission, the, and, and, and being involved in, in helping to financially support what you’re trying to do. And I liked the phrase that those who plant and those who water and those that harvest all sharing the same reward. And so whether you’re the one who is planting or you’re watering, or you’re actually out there harvesting, whether you’re the evangelists going out there and preaching on the platform, or you’re the businessman who writes a, a $50,000 check to send the evangelist, you both share in the same reward in heaven. And so team where you want to talk a little bit about teamwork and why it’s,

Brad Stine (27:41):
But I would like to make a comment. Yeah. Just before that we’ve all heard the scripture faith without works is dead being alone, right? Yeah. And we’ve heard faith is the substance of things hoped for, right? Yeah. Let’s try this on for size. Let’s look up the word strategy above the word strategy subject. Yes, I, faith is the substance of things hoped for, or another words. Strategy is to help accomplish your hopes, which are your objectives. You cannot give sure check juice accomplish. If you don’t have a strategy to how you’re going to apply it.

Brad Stine (28:54):
Now, conversely, above below the worst strategy is the word tactics. That’s where you roll up your sleeves and do the work. All right. Faith is faith without works is dead. It’s dead. So I submit to you that faith has a lot to do with strategy. It’s between the two it’s it’s below the objectives, and it’s above the tactics. Now let’s try that on per size. You open the Bible and that Bible a lot along with other things, tells you how to you think it tells you how not to do things. It’s a book of strategy. It’s a book of a lot of things, but it is also a book of strategy. If you do this, this is what’s going to happen. If you do this, this isn’t going to happen. Do this, don’t do that, do this. Don’t do that. It’s a book strategy. And as a result of that, you accomplish your objectives and you are able to achieve through tactics and result. That’s very scriptural. And I have seen over the years, I’ve talked with different people in different walks of life, military people, and college professors so forth. And they go, where did you get? I said, all the Bible is there. And they said, Oh, I like that. That’s right.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (30:54):
Yeah. I like how you’re attaching these military or business terms to biblical terms. Yeah, because there’s a parallel. And one of the best manuals for business is actually the Bible. You can learn a lot about business, looking at the Bible.

Brad Stine (31:15):
Okay. Now, as it relates to teamwork, which you asked that question and I haven’t forgotten it when everybody does their park, some people, their job is to plan the whole play. Some people’s job is to implement different people, have different functions in the body of Christ. And if we’ll just stay in our lane and concentrate on our part, it’s like when I was in school, I used to be in a relay races. And the structure said, if you’re in a relay race, you put your hand out here, put it back slightly and do not start running until you feel that Baton hit your hand. And when that does, don’t look back. But when he hits your hand, grab it and run and stay in your lane. Don’t be thinking about the guy next to you and hearing his footsteps. Or if you turn and look at him, you may fall and hurt yourself, just concentrated on your part of the job. And if you, as a team, we’ll each do job as a team, go get more accomplished.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (32:45):
That’s a great insight. I mean, ultimately we are all running for the prize that Jesus has for us. And none of us do it alone. Do, do you think that some people try to be visionaries when really they may be, would be more suited for working at the tactical level? Yes. And how would you coach someone who is in that situation?

Brad Stine (33:16):
If you are already a visionary, you probably know you are a visionary. And I tell people all the time. I said, now, if you’re, if you’re the top dog in your ministry, if you’re the visionary, occasionally someone will come up through the ranks. That’s also a visionary. And if you’re not careful, you will consider them to be threat to your organization and route. And in reality, only a visionary can train a visionary. You cannot relegate that when they come up through the ranks, you need dynamic. Are they there to hurt you? Or are they there to, to learn from you? And if you see that they’re there to, to learn from you, you need to train them. And they may not see things exactly like you do. But if they’re going to learn from you and then go off into their own ministry and you’ve accomplished what God wanted, none.

Brad Stine (34:37):
But if you said, sir, and start button head, you could just draw that new visionary. And they never do go in to the minister, the way that they were supposed to. Now, the visionary has under him, pro visionaries, connectors, facilitators, recipient. Now the team has five types of people. Visionaries. There’s usually one of those at the top. Sometimes there’s a second one, but they’re usually moving on into another thing. Then you’ve got the provisioners are the ones who provide the necessary finances, equipment, et cetera, to the visionary. Then you’ve got your connectors. They’re the people who hook different people together. A lot of them don’t actually do the work. They don’t actually roll up their sleeves, but they’re very valuable because they get the visionary introduced to somebody who can maybe help them financially or, or whatever. Then you got your facilitator chairs. They’re the people who roll up their sleeves and do the grunt work.

Brad Stine (36:02):
You gotta have them. You know, you can set Sharon plan till the cows come home. But if there’s nobody willing to roll up their sleeves and do the grunt work, it’s not going to get done. But the last one is the most important for them. And that’s the recipient. For example, in a family, there’s a mom and a dad sat a couple kit. The kids are the recipient, but the kids don’t remain recipient. They grow up and they are the future generation of visionaries and provisioners and connectors and facilitators. But recipients are the ones who keep growing up. And so in the ministry, if you’re in charge of a ministry, realized it’s a recipient are only temporary. They’re going to become future one of those other four. And so you have a Lavonne change, your diapers. Yeah. Feed him, encourage him, hug them and affirm them. And they will grow to become one of the other poor.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (37:31):
That’s a great insight. I love it. All right. So if you’re putting together a master plan in your master plan, you have one page devoted to each of these items and is not completely full of texts. You might put pictures that communicate the vision there in the master plan. And so you would have one page for the vision and then one page for the mission. And then one page for specific objectives you’re trying to achieve. Then you’ve got your strategy page. You’ve got your tactics page, you’ve got your teamwork page. And then the connection page. So really a master plan. Isn’t that long you’ve got one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, seven, or eight pages. You might need to put one more, one or two more pages in, depending on, on how many objectives you have and how much you want to talk about your team, but you just have it, the short little document. And then you’re going to use that document to, to bring in support for your ministry and play the part of, of a businessman. Who’s looking at this. Why would a master plan be important to give to a businessman that you’re asking for money?

Brad Stine (38:47):
Well, business people in general and nets. There’s lots of women there that are very, very good business people, but business people in, in, in general, they have trained himself or have been trained to concentrate on the goal ahead of them. And to not allow themselves to be distracted by events or issues, that’s going to knock them off of their objective or their goal. And so business people for that reason can usually spot another business person, just like a coach can probably spot the coaches, you know, or the, the instructor or college professor can usually he can pretty well spot those who are in the educational area. Business. People can spot those people. And when they see that you as a ministry or a missionary have a definite plan, they will tend to gravitate toward you because they recognize that you understand that this stuff don’t just happen.

Brad Stine (40:12):
You have to plan. They call that plan, the work and work. The plan sounds oversimplified, but there’s really a lot of truth to that. Perse, you plan your work and then you work your plan because I’ll tell you in the 11th hour, it’s late at night, lights are off, you’re laying there in bed. You haven’t fallen asleep yet. And if you don’t have a plan, you probably are going to have a hard time to fall asleep because you wandering you’re wavering. And, and if you have a plan and you know that it’s of God, you’ve taken the time, he knows. So God, you know, that you can proceed on that plan and that God’s with you, that God’s with you. Nothing can be against you. And if God’s now with you, don’t proceed into it in the first place.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (41:13):
Well, if you’re just starting out in ministry, I’d encourage you to take the time to develop a master plan. If you want more information on how to do that effectively, you can go to Brad steins website, harvest homeland.org, and you’ll see more information there on how to be effective at putting together a master plan, brother, Brad, thank you so much for spending some time with us today. There’s one more little comment. One more comment. We need one more. Okay.

Brad Stine (41:44):
When you go to the website, that master plan is not a normal master plan, that’s got all the elements in it. It’s kind of like a menu. When you go in a restaurant, you don’t order the whole menu. You pick up something that you need. And that master plan on the website has just about everything packed into it. But in actuality, you use only portions of it.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (42:14):
Well, thank you Mr. Brad. It’s wonderful to have you on the evangelism podcast and thank you for coaching us through the process of putting together a master plan. God bless you. Thank you. Thanks so much for listening to this podcast with Mr. Brad Stein, could you do me a favor? Go find the evangelism podcast on Apple iTunes, subscribe and give us a review. Your positive review will help other people who are excited about evangelism to find this podcast. Thanks. And God bless you

Evangelism Podcast Host (42:49):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit King ministries.com. Again, that’s King ministries.com.


Pat Kendall | Evangelism Explosion in the Local Church

Pat Kendall uses Evangelism Explosion, the material written by Dr. James Kennedy, to lead a local church evangelism group. Today we discuss how to ignite an Evangelism Explosion in your church.

Outline of the Gospel from Dr. James Kennedy:

A. Grace

  1.  Heaven is a free gift
  2. It is not earned or deserved.

B. Man

  1. Is a sinner
  2. Cannot save himself.

C. God

  1. Is merciful – therefore He doesn’t want to punish us.
  2. Is just – therefore He must punish sin.

D. Christ

  1. Who He is – the infinite God-Man
  2. What He did – He died on the cross and rose from the dead to pay the penalty for our sins and to purchase a place for us, which He offers as a gift.

E. Faith

  1. What it is not – mere intellectual assent or mere temporal faith.
  2. What it is – trusting in Jesus Christ alone for eternal life.

Order a copy of Evangelism Explosion by clicking below: 


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Pat Kendall uses evangelism explosion. The material written by Dr. James Kennedy to lead a local church evangelism group. Today, we discuss how to ignite an evangelism explosion in yours.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:15):
Church. Jesus said go into all the world and preach the gospel. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be say, welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary and evangelist Daniel King. Welcome to the

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:52):
Evangelism podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. I have a special guest Pat Kendall uses evangelism explosion, the material that was written by Dr. James Kennedy to lead a local church evangelism group. And he’s done that for many years. And so today we’re going to discuss how to ignite an evangelism explosion in your church, brother, Pat, thank you so much for being with me. Well, glad to be here, Daniel. Thank you. Well, let’s start out with how you got saved. What, what happened to lead you to Jesus? Well,

Pat Kendall (01:31):
My life kind of fell apart. Things happened and I was kind of all by myself. I went from a wife, two children and my dog to just me and my dog in a period of about three or four weeks and life just kind of came to a halt. A lady next door took me to church and I sat through a, what it was, was a Pentecostal tent revival. And at the age of 42, I walked forward when the gentlemen, the pastor said, you know, anybody that wants to know Jesus more, more, better come forward. And so I went forward and just gave up. It was very odd that day. I didn’t pray. I just raised my hands with tears, flowing down my cheeks and the tears quit. And just grace came over me. I felt him inner me and my body changed. My physical nature, changed.

Pat Kendall (02:20):
My spirit changed. And when I turned and walked away from that altar, I was a different person. And reflecting back on it shortly after that, I I said, Lord, I said, you know, I didn’t pray when I was up there that day. And I didn’t hear it audibly, but I heard him say with a smile. Well, you know, it’s okay with me, but if you need to pray, why don’t you go to go ahead and that’d be just fine. And so so that was, that was my experience in that tent meeting Jesus. And in the 42 years of my life, I had had visitation at my house. I’d lived in the same house for about 25, 30 years at that time. And many times during that period of time, churches had combined knocked on the door and said, Hey, why don’t you come to church Sunday? It’d be wonderful to see you at church Sunday, but nobody ever shared the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ with me.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:11):
So how did you first get exposed to evangelism explosion?

Pat Kendall (03:16):
Well, about a year and a half after that, I a gentleman and I were talking about churches and some things at that church were changing and I was kind of looking and he said, well, Hey, why don’t you come by our church and see what we do? And so I went to his church, which is Bible church here in Tulsa and was there all, probably six, eight months and talk to a gentleman, my mentor and he Bob Nichols and Bob said, well, you know, he said, we do a little deal. He said, I think he might be real interested in. And so he invited me into the evangelism explosion program that they had there at their church. And I was in it all about two and a half years in that church and became a trainer and just did a lot of work with them.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:01):
So evangelism explosion was written by Dr. James Kennedy, great pastor has a great evangelistic heart. And he put together this method for training people to share their faith. Could you share with our listeners how the program works and, and how it’s set up? Well, you know,

Pat Kendall (04:20):
Just a little bit more history on it in the sixties, Dr. Kennedy went to an evangelism conference and was invited there to speak on evangelism. And so he did his presentation and after one of the days of the conference, he and the pastor that church went out, knocking on doors. And when the pastor knocked on the door and he told James Kennedy just step up and you just answer, you know, when the gentleman answers and he said, I didn’t know what to say. He said, I had taught, I had spoken of it, but I didn’t know what to do. And he said to himself, he said, if I don’t know what to do, I know my congregation doesn’t know what, there’s no hope that they know what no, no. If I can’t teach, you know, if I’ve taught it from the pulpit. And so what he did was then he developed evangelism explosion in the mid sixties as a hands-on one-on-one knock on the door ministry well, really not knock on a door, but anywhere you are in life, then you are able to guide a conversation into the gospel.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:14):
So you were trained in how to use evangelism explosion, and then you began to be involved in it, but you didn’t stop there. You also trained others. So share with me some of the testimonies of what you’ve seen God do through this program.

Pat Kendall (05:31):
Well, the best testimony, and we really need to get back a little bit more about ESL, but the neatest thing was a lady from another church called me after I had left that previous church I mentioned and was at victory Christian center here in Tulsa and a lady called me and said, I hear you have an evangelism program over there. And I said, yes, we do. And she said, well, would, would you, do you think I would be able to do that? This is a lady I’ve never met. She sounds a little bit shy and timid on the phone. She’s a little reserved. And she said, you know, do you think I could do that? And the answer was one word. The answer is yes. And with the history I knew of it, that anybody when they’re trained and when they get comfortable, they can share the gospel with anybody.

Pat Kendall (06:15):
And so Diane came over and joined the program and she kept track over a period of years with us, how many she had led to the Lord. And one day she said, the Lord told me just to quit keeping numbers. And it was about 225. If I remember right, that she had personally led to the Lord, the power of the program is that is personally led to the Lord. You don’t have to stand in a pulpit. You’re on the street, you’re knocking on doors, wherever you may be. And so then later I asked Diane, I said, Diane, if you had kept counting, this is a couple of years later, how many would you say that you have? She said, Pat, it would be over 400. Can you imagine the power of the church? If everybody in the church had 400 converse, converts walking beside them, behind them going through and coming into the kingdom. And, but yet Dave Kennedy said at the time this was in they, Oh, mid nineties. The percentage of people who had ever personally led somebody to the Lord that is a Christian and those, they should share evangelical Christian that knows they should share the gospel. So people will get saved. They said less than 5% have actually done a personal conversation with somebody and led them to the Lord.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:25):
And that’s what Jesus told us all to do in Mark 16, 15, go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. It’s not just a command for pastors and evangelists. It’s words written to every single believer. And so I think everyone has this, this understanding, or this desire to want to be able to share their faith, but often people don’t know how to do it. And so what this does is it, it kind of gives you a roadmap of how to, to share your faith. So, so tell me how it would work. You would take people, you train them in, in a group, then you’d take them out, going door to door. How would you train someone to use evangelism?

Pat Kendall (08:06):
Well, if I may speak to something you just said, the scripture says to go into all the world, and that is what we hear preach so often is go into the world, go into the world, go, go, go. And it’s a go ministry, many people, as you said, they’re not prepared. They don’t understand. They don’t quite know what to say or do when they get there. So evangelism explosion starts with the comm ministry and Jesus said, very simply come. And I will make you fishers of men. That was his first command. I don’t think that was an info in the invitation. I truly believe Daniel, that that was a directive. I think he said, come and I will make you fishers of men. I think it was a directive to the fishermen. And they walked away knowing that they were going to something to learn something, to be able to do something that over the next three years, Jesus taught them to do. And evangelism explosion is a very, is very simply AECOM ministry com and we will be taught how now then remind me of the question you answered, asked me.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:04):
So before you go, you have to come and be taught how to be a fisherman. So tell me, how do you train someone to, to share their faiths? Assume you have someone who is shy, never had an opportunity to lead someone to Jesus before, but that they have that desire to, to be able to do that. How would you train that person to, to share their faith?

Pat Kendall (09:27):
Well, you know, that’s the great problem we have is we train everybody exactly the same. Whether they be the shy person, you just mentioned Diane or the bold person that just wants to just tell everybody, but just shakes doors and just rumbles things and just people run from them. And so what we do very simply Daniel is we invite them. We tell them, we give them a little overview of what we do, and if they are interested, we have to get their interests. First. If they’re not interested, you can’t, you can’t bring them into something they don’t really want to do. But those that are interested that really catch the comment. I will teach you message that we bring them in and over a period of Oh, it was 13 weeks. They’ve shortened it now to a lesser program, but we did 13 weeks.

Pat Kendall (10:08):
And over the period of that 13 weeks, we go out in groups of three, we have two men and a woman or two women and a man. We always have a mixed group. We never go out with a man and a woman. And we don’t go out with two men or two women because we don’t have the ability to speak to everybody. But when you have a mixed couple or a mixed group, we can speak to anybody that comes to the door or we happen to cross. And so we invite them in, we group them up. And in the first week, two, three, four, the trainer, the one, the leader of the group is completely in charge and the others are just Watchers. As we go along, they’re learning a presentation of the gospel. We have an outline that we learn. We get to a little bit, but as we go, they start learning the presentation.

Pat Kendall (10:53):
The simplicity of a presentation is it’s somewhat lengthy, but, but not it’s so, so wonderful. And over a period of time in the middle, then they start taking part of the presentation, part of the leadership. And by the end of the time, they are the leader and the leader is now the follower. He’s there just in support and prayer. And we see these people as they certify, so to speak as they are qualified, as they get comfortable like Diane, then they are able not only on IE night or EDA who want to go out as the group, but when they’re out in the world on their own, to be able to share the gospel in a very simple explanation of how they can be saved and know for certain that they have eternal life.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:40):
Since you started doing this, how many people would you say that you’ve trained in, in sharing their faith

Pat Kendall (11:47):
In about, I think 15, 16 years at victory that I was involved in and became the leader of the program with my, we have certified 150 evangelists. And now this is not the five fold ministry evangelists. This is the evangelism that the church, the congregation should be doing a congregational evangelism. That means we can send hundreds, thousands out on the streets every week where an evangelist will drop into a church on occasion and the 150 that we train. They, they have a certificate of completion of the course, but then they also have a certificate in their heart that they’re able to share. And over that period of time, too, and just about an hour and a half a week about, Oh, I’m thinking probably 20 weeks a year, we led over 1500 to the Lord.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:37):
Wow. That’s amazing. And would you say that everyone who goes through the program is able to lead someone to Jesus by the time they finish?

Pat Kendall (12:46):
There’s no problem there. No doubt about that. I mean, that is, that is a fact what you just said by the time we finished the program, we know how to instigate a conversation, lead that conversation to a gospel of where they’ve come from, where they are in their life and just present the gospel to them.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:05):
You mentioned that Dr. Kennedy has a basic outline for sharing the good news. And so let’s just talk a little bit about what that outline would, would look like. And so here in the, the evangelism explosion book, there’s in chapter three, there’s an abbreviated outline of the gospel presentation. You have the, the introduction, you, you would talk about the someones secular life, their church background, and then maybe about your church, you would share your testimony. Then you come to two diagnostic questions. And so talk me through how you would use these, these diagnostic questions. One, the first question is have you come to a place in your spiritual life where, you know, for certain that if you were to die today, you would go to heaven or is that something you would say you’re still working on? And then the second one, suppose that you were to die today and stand before God. And he were to say to you, why should I let you into my heaven? What would you say?

Pat Kendall (14:07):
Well, again, let me back up just a moment from there. You mentioned that enter the introduction when you knock on a door or when you greet somebody for the first time you’ve never met in your life, it would just start a conversation with them about who they are, where they’ve been, what they do in their life, where they work, what their family’s like, where they’re from. You know, you’ve been in this city for a long time. We just talk, we, we become friends. We get a relationship started. If you’re in a home, you’ll see by the pictures on the wall or the trophies or the bowling ball trophy or whatever, or their kids or family pictures, you’ll see who their family and what they believe or mean. What they’re interested in in their life gives you a lot of inclination of what to speak on.

Pat Kendall (14:49):
And then we asked them about church background. And what we do then is we find out just a little bit about what their knowledge is, where they’ve been. If they’ve been in a Christian Church or a, or any church or synagogue or whatever they have been in their life gives you a little bit of information about them. And then we tell them about our church and what we believe. And then the testimony that we give is either a personal testimony. If they’re, if they have a good church background, they’re used to testimonies, they understand testimonies. If they don’t have a church background, then a lot of the things that we will speak of is what our church believes that our church believes that that relationship with the Lord is a good thing. We talk about it, but we try to skirt three or four words. We try to skirt the word, Christian, born again, baptized

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:49):
Because that’s not really what you’re trying to accomplish at that moment. And in like born again, that’s kind of a specialized word. You have to have some, some understanding, well, this situation where you get to talking about born again,

Pat Kendall (16:02):
Exactly Daniel. And the thing is, is Christian is misdefined by so many people. Sure. Born again is misdefined saved.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (16:09):
Some people think they’re Christian, if they’re, they were baptized as a child or something,

Pat Kendall (16:16):
Or because their parents are Christians, or because they went to church when they were a kid or they go to church now. And so what that does is that leads us from their second life, their church, our church, what we believe a testimony about what we believe. And then the diagnostic questions. What you said is have you come to the place in your spiritual life? We know for certain that if you died today, you’d go to heaven. Or is that something you’re still working on early in? He, he, they didn’t have, or is that something you’re still working on, on there? And it stopped the conversation because they had to give a yes or no answer. And many people didn’t want to say no,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (16:49):
No. And weren’t sure they just say yes, but if you say, is that something you’re working on, everyone’s working on their spirit. Yeah.

Pat Kendall (16:57):
It’s amazing how many Christians would say, yeah, I guess I’m still working on that. And how many people that aren’t saved yet would say exactly the same thing. Yeah. I guess I’m still, and so it continued a conversation that previously has stopped. And then, you know, men, I mentioned to you Daniel, about how we’re at the door in the first week out that the two people that go with us, they don’t even speak. They just mentioned, you know, they nod their head. They’re in agreement. If there’s something funny, they may laugh with us. And, but the one thing that they do do is at this point in time, is I turn to, let’s say a gentlemen named Fred. And I said, Fred, are you certain that you’re going to have when you die? His simple answer is a one-word testimony and that’s yes, that’s all he gets to say.

Pat Kendall (17:38):
And the neat thing is, is that gives confirmation, not just that the speaker, you know, the one that’s talking to him, but there’s somebody else there that has done the same thing that we’re going to lead them to. They don’t that yet, but we’re in agreement and something within our group. And so that leads us to the second question. That suppose you were to die today and stood before God. And he would to say to you, why should I let you into my heaven? And what I always do is I always put their name in that. If I’m talking to Sally, I said, well, Sally, if God would say, why should I let Sally, Sally, why should I let you into my heaven? What would you say? Or what would you tell him? So in the first question we understand the yes or no are working on it is what they think is going to happen when they die. And the second question is, is what they’re trusting in is if you would die, hoping nothing would come up on you. But if you would and stood before God, and he said, Sally, why should I let you into my heaven? What would you say? So now you’re going to tell him what you’re trusting in to get.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:42):
So what are some of the responses that you’ve heard in response?

Pat Kendall (18:46):
I think the funniest one was this one gentleman thought he was so good. He said, God will let me. And he said, I haven’t even stepped on a bug. He said, I don’t even, I let them live too. I’m just, he said, I’m just that good. A lot of people will say, because I have gone to church because I, I don’t, I’ve never murdered anybody. As far as I know, the 10 commandments. I don’t think I’ve ever broken one of those, you know, they give really not as bad as Hitler. Yeah. Yeah. And, and there’s really only two, two answers that are simple. It’s either I’m good enough to get in. Or he was good enough to let me in, in what he did. It’s either Jesus or me, that’s what we have to trust in.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:24):
So then how would you transition to starting to share the gospel and talking about grace and in the need for goals?

Pat Kendall (19:33):
The one thing I didn’t mention is we always ask permission to proceed. We say, may I ask you a question? If they say no, then if we ask them a question, we’ve offended them. Sure. So we always ask permission to continue. So before the first question is, may I ask you a question and what, before I continue, do you mind if I asked another question and now we’ve gotten their permission to proceed?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:56):
So, so you, you start by just knocking on someone’s door and, and some people are going to come to the door. Sometimes they’re busy. Do, do you make an appointment to meet them later? If they’re busy, how do you handle that? Or, or do you just go onto the next door

Pat Kendall (20:12):
From victory? We just went out knocking on doors. And when people come to the door, they, they will kind of show you whether they’re in her. You’re not just the way they open the door sometimes. But what we say is, hi, I’m Pat. This is Daniel and Sue and Sally. And we’re out from victory Christian center tonight, just speaking with people in the neighborhood and just seeing how people are doing, if there’s anything we might be able to pray with. And so we just gently open it, but we always say we’re from the church. We’re from what our names are. And a little bit about why we’re out there if they time. And that’s a

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (20:48):
Very soft opening. I mean, we’re just out here praying for people. Is there anything you need prayer for that gives you a chance to start the conversation.

Pat Kendall (20:55):
And we don’t ask them that at the very first it was there anything we can pray for because the answer is so often no, and those are the ones we need to share the gospel too, for sure. The ones that are asking for prayer, they may know they have a need. They may know they need Jesus and haven’t done. There’s so many, but to ask them to do something initially like that, other than may I ask you a question, it gives them the opportunity, or it gives Satan the opportunity to jump in the middle of the conversation and give you a note it to cut it off. Yeah. Okay.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:26):
All right. So then you ask, are you, can I ask you a question? You, and you, you begin to ask these, these diagnostic questions and that kind of lets you know where they are spiritually.

Pat Kendall (21:35):
You said transition. It just came to mind. The transition that we use is I know that I have come to the point in my spiritual life that I know for certain, I’m going to heaven. May I share with you how I’ve come to that knowledge again? May I share with you? If they say no, it pretty well stops the conversation at that point in time, but it stops at gently on their side. And we say, is there anything we can pray about? Is there anything you need anything we can do? And we keep that conversation going, because that way we got the opportunity to knock on the door again the next time. And if they, if they say yes, please do. Then that’s where we share the gospel.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (22:18):
Okay. So let’s talk about the presentation of the gospel, that the outline kind of goes like this. You start with grace and you talk about how heaven is a free gift. It’s not earned or deserved. Then you go to man or humankind that we are sinners, that we can’t save ourselves. Then you talk about God that God is merciful, that he doesn’t want to punish us.

Pat Kendall (22:39):
Let me interject right there. Previously, when the gods section of the presentation came up, they would say, God is just, and therefore must punish sin. That stopped the conversation because we told them that God was going to punish their sin before they, we told them that he was merciful and in the middle of, Oh, over the last 15 years or so, they have done different things. 20, 30 years really. They have changed the outline presentation to where it kept itself going. It didn’t have stop signs in it. And they moved in that particular section. They said, God is merciful first and doesn’t want to punish, but then he is just in must punish. And so they got the softness of the gospel before they got the harsh.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (23:23):
I think that’s important in this day and age, because in Romans it says that it is the goodness of God that draws men to repentance. And sometimes when people think about the evangelists, they imagine someone out on a street corner with a megaphone yelling and saying, you’re sinners. You’re all going to hell. You’re going to die. And really that is, that is only the, the, just part of the gospel to tell people that they’re sinners and the trouble with telling people that they’re sinners is that it really makes it hard for them to, to accept God as a loving God who wants to forgive them. And they just turn them off before the conversation even gets started. That’s right. And so,uif you, you talk about God’s forgiveness and his, his mercy in the beginning,uI think it creates more and more openness in people.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (24:21):
So you talk about God, and then you talk about Christ who he is and what he did. He died on the cross to pay the price for our sins. And then the, the finish of the conversation is about faith. What faith is, it’s not just intellectual assent or mayor temporal faith, but what it is, is trusting in Jesus Christ alone for eternal life. So let’s, let’s go through each of these five steps. We’ve got grace, man, God Christ and faith. Give me some about each of those different steps and maybe some of the stories that you would use to communicate each of those steps of the gospel.

Pat Kendall (25:02):
Well, and each one of the steps of the gospel, I mean, we said outline and we’ve said presentation, but really it’s a conversation. The points of the outline are to keep the conversation going in the direction. We want it to go and not get on rabbit trails through the middle of it and not know where we were in, in sharing. And it gives us a place to come back to like he’s, like I said, we share with them that I know for certain I’m going to heaven. May I share with you how that is for you? And they say yes. And you start very simply that heaven is a free gift right off the top. They’ve got a smile that everything they’ve been looking for, that they’ve been working for or hoping to get, it’s a free gift

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (25:42):
Because who doesn’t like a free gift, especially at Christmas time,

Pat Kendall (25:46):
You know? And, and they’re already open. They’re already opening a gift in their mind. There are, they, they give you a smile, just like I got a smile off you just now Daniel. And so the scripture, and in each one of the sections, we have a script, a scripture and an illustration of some type. The scripture on this one is the wages of sin is death. But the gift of God, okay, the wages of sin is, but the gift of God is eternal life. And this is what we use through the presentation is we use eternal life. We speak of heaven and eternal life. We don’t say again, Christian saved or born again. We say eternal life, because those three can be misdefined. But eternal life, life that lasts forever. There is no way to miss define that. And they don’t a person doesn’t question.

Pat Kendall (26:28):
What do you mean? You turn a life, you know, what do you mean, Christian? What do you mean born again? They don’t say, what do you mean? They’ve turned life. Because if they ask what it is you say, well, that’s just life forever. And they say, Oh, okay. And it continues again. It’s a simple answer that continues the conversation that you’re going to finish up here in a little bit, but not yet. Again, it’s not earned deserved. And the scripture there is Ephesians two, eight and nine for by grace. You’re saved through faith that not of yourselves. It is a gift of God. Again, it’s a gift that no man can boast. And so as we go through this, the illustrations, the scriptures all bring people to an overview of everything that Jesus did for us. And in the end, when he, Jamie, you said about faith at the end, that’s when we really bring it to a close, but in each one, man is a sinner and cannot save himself.

Pat Kendall (27:20):
Man is the center all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. And then you talk about sin and Oh, an arrow, not hitting the bull’s eye every time. There’s a scripture. I don’t quote us as a scripture, but I say, you know, a lot of times people know that they have good things to do and they don’t do it. You know, sometimes that’s just bad to them. There was a lady that fell in front of them and they just walked by. Well, nobody else saw it. It’s just, you know, it’s just to them. And we have these things that we know overtly our sin and we have the other. And so we simply say with this free gift, it’s not earned deserved. And all of us have made mistakes that are going to keep the gift from being given. And that there’s nothing that we can do to save ourself. The illustration on that one is really kind of humorous. It’s like a person in the middle of a Lake. There’s no boat in sight. They can’t swim to shore. So they say themselves by pulling on their own hair and just lifting themselves out of the water. Well, it’s impossible. It just can’t be done.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (28:21):
Yeah. That’s a great illustration. All right. So you can’t save yourself, then you would start talking about God. What scriptures do you use in talking about God’s mercy and his, his sense of justice? Well,

Pat Kendall (28:35):
It is a sense of justice. Isn’t it is merciful and doesn’t want to punish sin. And the simplest scripture is that God is love and love does not want to punish love, wants to care for love. Love is an offering. Not it’s not, Oh, I don’t know the word I’m looking for, but love is just from the heart, from the heart of God. God is from his heart love.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (29:01):
And then how would you transition from talking about love to justice and the fact that God hates sin when that he will punish sin?

Pat Kendall (29:10):
And there’s a simple thing. There is it, God is just not only his merciful, but he’s also just, and must punish sin. We speak of a, a person that goes before a judge and is guilty of a crime. The judge is just in offering to that. The penalty deserved. If he’s a bank robber, it’s big. If he’s a murderer, it’s bigger. You know, if he murders many, it could be bigger again. But if he just stole $25 worth of things, then it’s a very low, but he’s just in, in punishment of what the crime is. And the scripture here that we use is by no means, will the guilty be set free? It’s an Exodus. And so the merciful God that doesn’t wanna punish us is also just, and must punish sin in that statement right there. You may have heard that he doesn’t want to punish us. He doesn’t want to punch at the person. So the person you’re speaking to Daniel, God doesn’t want to punish you, but God must punish sin. At that point in time, I’ve separated the sin and the person. So now the person can understand, even if they don’t realize it, that there’s a difference between them and their sin. And if there’s a difference between those two, we can separate it later and give it to Jesus.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (30:30):
All right. So you mentioned Jesus. Let’s talk about him. Who is Jesus and what did he do? And, and how would you talk to someone about who Jesus is?

Pat Kendall (30:42):
Sometimes we, we mentioned that Jesus Christ, he’s the infinite God man. He is completely God. He is completely, man. He, Jesus is the one that walked on the earth. You’ve heard about Jesus. And if they along the conversation, they will have asked maybe a question or two, because this is not a dissertation. This is not just a presentation. They don’t get to involve in. They are interactive with us. They’ll have little questions along the way. We’ll have little other anecdotes that we might lay in there. And a lot of times we will ask them, Oh, who, who do you know Jesus to be? That gives us a great definition of the religious background that they’ve got. Because if they come out of a non-Christian understanding of Jesus, then it helps us. It helps us to know that. And, but Jesus being the infinite God, man, it really depends on what they say more of what we say than what we want to say right there.

Pat Kendall (31:37):
Because when they reflect on Jesus a little bit, it gives us the ability to talk about what they’ve said in a gentle way, rather than just saying, Jesus is this. And they say, well, I just thought he was that. And that’s another stop sign. If they tell us a little bit about who they think Jesus is, or that they don’t know anything about him, which has come up, I really don’t. I’ve heard the name, but I don’t know anything about him, man. That’s a wide open field, but when they say, well, Jesus is this and this and this and this. And in the Mormon church where I was at or whatever this church I was at, they’ve told me about this. Now we’ve got a little inclination about where we need to go and that what he did for us. Now, this is one thing that we memorize and we request and require that the people in, he learned evangelism, explosion trainers know this statement that he died on the cross and Rose from the dead to pay the penalty for our sins and to purchase a place in heaven for us, because that is the simplest way to say what he did.

Pat Kendall (32:33):
Okay. Say it again. He died on the cross and Rose from the dead to pay the penalty for our sin and to purchase a place for us in heaven.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (32:44):
That’s a beautiful statement. It’s worth memorizing.

Pat Kendall (32:47):
And, and it becomes easy if he died on the cross and Rose from the dead to pay the penalty for my sin. And he went to heaven to purchase a place for us. You know, he went there, he did something for us. And then he went there to do something for us because later we’re going to say how we get there. It’s evangelism explosion is laid out in a simple, progressive fashion to where we bring people that have maybe no idea of the gospel of Jesus Christ or a great idea, but just have never made a decision. It gives them a groundwork how’s that it gives them groundwork that take a stand on solid so they can understand it.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (33:22):
I think the outline is actually really great because it gives you something to come back to it. It gives you confidence to know what you’re trying to communicate in and where you’re going with the conversation. And so it takes a lot of the guesswork out of it. If someone asks a question and gets on a rabbit trail, you, you answer their question, but then bring them back to the presentation. Okay. So then the last debt is his faith. And so talk to me a little bit about faith and how you ask someone to come to the point of decision where they put their faith in Christ.

Pat Kendall (33:59):
And there’s, there’s always just kind of a little transition statement coming out of one section of the gospel, the outline, so to speak to another and coming out of Jesus Christ into faith is that he, by his grace freely offers us the gift of heaven, the gift of eternal life, and how do we receive it while we received the gift by faith. And so we’ve told them all about who they are, who God is, who Christ is and now, and we’ve told them about eternal life. And now we’re going to tell them how they can procure that for themselves in their life. And the first thing we tell them is what faith is not because all their life, if they’re not, they’ve trusted in something and temporal knowledge, we say temporal faith. And that is something that’s temporary. Like I prayed for grandmother who was sick and she got, well, I prayed for a great vacation.

Pat Kendall (34:50):
We came back and we had great pictures. I prayed that when the airplane landed, that, that it wouldn’t scare me this time. And I just felt comfortable. And, but it’s all a temporary situation. And so a lot of people feel that since they’ve prayed for temporary temporal things, that, that gives them something more than just an answer to that prayer and what is not, is not, not intellectual ascent is what we talk about, about knowing about Jesus. One of the illustrations we use, and this was a few years ago, but everybody knows who Michael Jordan is. Who would that be today? Daniel? Who would be a sports star today? A good one. A good one.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (35:30):
I dunno. Everyone knows who tiger woods is still know Michael Jordan. Yeah.

Pat Kendall (35:34):
Yeah. Mike, but anyway, like that, I’m sure if were, if you were to come up after a basketball game and Michael Jordan walked off, you know, and was standing there kind of by himself and you walk up and say, Michael, how’s it going, dude? Yeah. Good to see you. And man, you said this and that. And he said, well, excuse me, but who are you? I don’t know you, but Michael, I know you, you made 16 baskets and you did 86 points and you had triple doubles and doubles triples and all this stuff I know all about about it. And he said, well, that’s very well that you know about me, but he said, I know nothing of you. And see, that’s what people think that they’ve gone to church, that they’ve done things that get them to know about Christ, but what does Christ know about their heart? He knows that he’s not there yet. Possibly.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (36:17):
So then how would you bring someone to the point of, of making a decision? What would you say? Would you lead them in a prayer? Right? Then if they were interested in, in, in having eternal life. Well, you see, I stopped myself there. I was interested in becoming a Christian. I was about to say

Pat Kendall (36:37):
Interested in having eternal life. It’s so easy to be Christian, you know, and to use the the verbalize of who we are as Christians, because we use it at church all the time. But when we’re talking to a secular mind,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (36:48):
You got to think what they’re thinking. You’ve got to communicate in a way that they can.

Pat Kendall (36:53):
I understand. And you don’t want to lead them to a stop sign. You want to lead them to a, to a yellow light at worse, but always a green light to go through a yellow light. Sometimes you’ll, you’ll be able to work around a little question. They have a little sidebar they have, but red light is awful tough to rough around, but I just told them what it’s not. But now I’ve got to tell them what it is. And so now they’ve, they’ve heard that eternal life is out there. It’s being given to them. How do I get it? Well, you get it by faith, but not that kind of faith, but this kind of faith and what the Bible says, that the kind of faith that we have to have his faith and trusting in Jesus Christ alone for our eternal life. And he didn’t come just to merely, he came to earth to show us how to live, but he also came to earth to show us how we could live forever with him. And that’s how we receive eternal life being forever with him. And the Bible says very simply, it says, believe on the Lord, Jesus Christ. And you shall be saved, believe on the Lord, Jesus Christ. And you will receive eternal life. And so there we use the scripture, which says saved, but we always qualify it just a little bit back to what we’ve said, because we’ve been using eternal life throughout. So now we’re equating saved with eternal life. So we’re bringing them to a Christian ending.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (38:11):
And so how would you lead them to Christ? Would you actually pray a prayer with them? Or how do you bring them to that point of decision?

Pat Kendall (38:24):
Okay. Starting back at the first, the person said, no, they don’t know for sure. And they really don’t know what they’re trusting in. One of the answers we give back then one of the statements we give is, so then, and you can say this in the right manner. If you say it wrong, it hurts. But also then Daniel, you really don’t know how to have eternal life. And they say, well, no, I really don’t. And you, so, but if you say, well, you really don’t know how to get it, then do you dude, well, they’re going to say you get out of my door.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (38:55):
Sure. And now you’ve brought them all the way through this conversation. And you’ve quoted this verse that says everyone who believes in Jesus will be say, will have eternal life. So then you ask them now, do you know how to, okay, we’ve got eternal life

Pat Kendall (39:09):
Again. We’ve got a secular mind. We’re speaking to here that has a little bit of the spark of the faith. And they have seemingly agreed with you all the way through. And the simple question, which I’ve never heard through any other presentation, but evangelism explosion is the simple question that we ask them is, does this make, does this make sense to you? Because we’ve been speaking to their mind and their heart is becoming alive.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (39:32):
There’s one, the Bible says that faith comes by hearing. So you’re quoting the scriptures and talking to them. So faith is being born in that moment, right?

Pat Kendall (39:39):
And as their mind and their spirit come together as their mind and their heart come together. Does this make sense to you? Would it make sense to you if you needed no groceries for me to say, Hey, let’s go to the store and buy groceries. It doesn’t make sense. Why would you go if you don’t want to see this movie? And I say, Hey, I’m going to move. You want to go with me? Well, no, I don’t want to go there. It doesn’t make sense. So what I need to know is, is what I’ve shared with you. Does that make sense to you? If they say, no, you don’t say what didn’t make sense, because now we’re on a rabbit trail. Why are the people in Africa going to go to hell? And they never heard about Jesus? Why is this? Why is that? Where’s this?

Pat Kendall (40:17):
What is that? We’ve got rabbit trails that Satan is setting up right. Then that will lead us into an hour and a half a conversation that will not end where we want it to. So what we ask them is, does this make sense to you? And they say, well, no, not really. Well, did it make sense that heaven is a free gift that you can earn deserve it? Yeah. Well that, that man is a sinner. Did you understand how man is the center cannot save? Yes. And that Jesus, what he did for us was he died for us and Rose again and you know, and purchase a place in heaven. Yeah. And that God is merciful. Didn’t want to punish us, but must punish sin. No, I didn’t quite, I didn’t quite understand. Okay. Well let me, so now we have found where they didn’t understand and we can explain it to them that God is merciful.

Pat Kendall (41:01):
Doesn’t want to punish the person doesn’t want to punish us, but he must punish sin because he’s just, he’s a judge. He judges justly. And just like, if a person came up with 87 traffic tickets, the judge would have to say, you have to pay these because he’s adjust judge. And so what happens is at that point, we explain what they didn’t understand and say, well, does it make sense now? And they said, well, yeah, the next question is automatic. Would you like to receive the gift of eternal life? Because now it makes sense. Their mind is satisfied. That’s what we, we really have to, a lot of people whose mind is not satisfied. We’ll pray with you to get them out of your, get you out of their face. Sure. They just will. And so the, the generosity that God has put into this program is they understand where they’re going. They know the next step and we’re going to lead them there, but we get their permission. Do you understand, did it make sense? Yes, it did. Then would you like to receive the gift of eternal life? Yes, I would permission to proceed.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (42:08):
So then talk to me about follow up because of course that’s not the end of where God wants to take them. That’s just the beginning. How would you follow up on that person and get them hooked into a church and, and growing as a, as a new believer?

Pat Kendall (42:25):
Well, and before we pray and I’m trying to find it because my mind is slipping right now, we asked them, it’s the four RS. We say that what, what you need to do in order to do this is, do you understand that what you, Oh, excuse me. We asked them if you are ready to receive Christ as your Lord receive Christ as your savior, repent, turning around from where you were going to, where you are going, we ask them the qualifying questions that call them. And if they say yes to all of those, then I, then I asked them, is there a prayer that you have in your heart that you would like to say to Jesus? Many people will say, no, a few will say yes, I have a prayer. And they pray a wonderful prayer because they’ve been in church. They’ve just never had to receive. Or we lead them in a prayer. And at the end of the prayer, I have seen so many people go into prayer. I always close my eyes. I don’t look at them. We hold hands. We put a hand on their shoulder. We talk with them. We pray. And many, many, many times when we come out of that prayer, you look at a different person. You look at a person who is now a born again, Christian saved believer.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (43:44):
That is one of the most exciting moments that you can experience to see that moment when someone’s eternal, destiny is changed. And, and I’ve seen it many times where, where people will, it looks like they’re shining. It’s you suddenly see Jesus in their eyes. There, there is something there’s a tangible change in their lives when they give their life to Jesus. Well, really amazing.

Pat Kendall (44:10):
That flashes me back to the story of really how my story started with my wife was I was in a little little church, a little neighborhood church. I went to for just a little while who didn’t have an evangelism program. And I’d been in another church with an evangelism program. And I heard that victory here in Tulsa was going to have a training, a seminar to certify teachers of the program, because what they have is they have teachers who teach the program, the trainers who help the others go out and then the the learner, so to speak the trainees. And so I went to victory to become a certified teacher, as I walked in the door of vicar Bible Institute, which was at 51st in Peoria at the time in the TL Osborn building. Yeah. Yeah. And I walked in and there’s a lady standing over by the mirrors.

Pat Kendall (45:00):
If you remember the building Daniel and I walked across the, there was a picture of, of the globe on the floor. And I walked across the world so to speak. And I talked to a young lady, a blonde at the door and asked her, you know, what I needed to do. I filled out a check for the seminar, for the, and handed her the check. And she gave me one of those little receipts. It’s about three inches long about an inch tall or so. And it said, I’d given her a, I think it was $295 for the session and she signed it and I just opened them Bible, stuck it in there and said, thank you. And walked on in, in the training, the teaching sessions, they taught us each one of the lessons over the next six days. I took a vacation actually from my job to go to the seminar.

Pat Kendall (45:45):
And on the first day, second day, and then the third day we go out just like you are in evangelism explosion. And the lady that took my money was the lady that happened to be the trainer in my group. I was familiar with he previously, the other gentleman wasn’t and my wife was the trainer. She was going to Victor Bible Institute at the time. And so we went out and we went out to Fairmont terrace here in Tulsa. We’re on the second floor. I’ll never forget where we were. We were on the second floor on the West side, in the middle door of the three apartments are on that floor. And Oh a grandmother named Donna, a short black lady came to the door, open the door and was very congenial. We spoke with her, we started the gospel presentation, talked with her and right in the middle, which happens sometimes she said, Oh, I need to go inside.

Pat Kendall (46:39):
I’ll be back. Well, we hear that before. And they don’t come back to the door or they make an excuse. Hey, I got to go. I’m not able to finish. But Donna went inside and came back, opened the door, back up, shut the door. She went in, opened the door back up and said, thank you so much. I just had to check on my grandson and go to the bathroom. And so she came back out and if I remember, I, the lady knew janitor her name Aster, or asked me or somebody, where were we? And we reminded again, it brings you back to the outline because there was a space in the middle. So we finished the presentation. Don understood the gospel. She was churched in the past, but not saved. And we prayed. Donna was hunched over a little heavy lady, just a little, but she was kind of hunched over from the pressure of raising her grandchildren.

Pat Kendall (47:30):
She had mentioned that her daughter was not in the picture anymore and the pressure of life was on her. And she was just a nice pleasant person, but just had so much pressure and coming out of the prayer, we all held hands. Janet prayed. I guess the other man that was with us was probably there anyway. But when we came out of the prayer, Donna was standing straight to pressure, was gone. The had changed and everything that Satan had laid on her was no longer with her. She smiled, her eyes were bright. She was a changed person, born again, believer. And she knew in her heart that she had changed because she had been, she had been in church all of her life, but she’d never made a decision. She knew she changed and we could physically see the difference of what the Holy spirit does to a person when it is.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (48:25):
And the Bible says that when one sinner comes to repentance, all of heaven rejoices. So that is the moment that a party starts in heaven. And as an evangelist, as someone who, who witnesses to people that brings such tremendous joy to my life, to see someone in that moment where they give their lives to Jesus. Well, I encourage you to go online, get yourself a copy of the book, evangelism explosion by James Kennedy. And you have,

Pat Kendall (48:57):
I got finished. The story finished the story, Donna. Yeah. Donna. So Donna so we leave and we, we meet Don a few more times. And Janet about all a while later, she goes to Dallas, Texas to go through a teaching seminar. Like I had gone through when she was my leader and came back and the first day she’s back. Now that she’s a teacher, I say, well, you just do the lesson tonight. And it’s just like, Whoa. Okay. And so she was just another lady at church. And about two years after that, I was standing in E with Brian Good friend of mine. And the lady I had been dating during that period of time. And I were no longer together. And I said, you know, Brian, I said, you know, I’m better as part of a couple I’m a pair, I’m half a pair and not a single.

Pat Kendall (49:48):
And he said, well, he said any return and pointed to Janet across the room. We’re in, in VBI at the time too. And he pointed across the room and he said, well, what about that? And over there, and I turned and looked at Janet and she changed from Jim’s being a lady at church to she’s pretty lady real nice. I had known her for about two years. We’d been on evangelism together. We’d been walking the same path side by side for a long time before we even met. And about, about 10 months from that day, we got married.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (50:20):
Wow. That’s wonderful. Now, when you started this story, I knew that you were married to Janet. So I just assumed that she was your wife and going out with you. I didn’t get the part that you hadn’t started dating yet, but that’s so wonderful. You know? So if you need to find a husband or wife, you better go get in an evangelism group. It’ll give you an opportunity to talk to a lot of people. And as you’re doing what God has called you to do that, you’ll find the right person to come alongside you.

Pat Kendall (50:51):
Well, the rest of the story on Janet and I, a couple of years later, we had the opportunity to start teaching there. Before you say I do class at victim. And what I always told the folks and what I told the singles was that as you come and you, your paths cross with somebody, well, that’s wonderful. But as they cross and you go your way and they go theirs, you just happened to be around them. But I said, what you look for in a mate is somebody, this walking and God has just kind of preparing you and you’ll walk together. And in one day, you’ll realize, you’ll look over and you see the same person doing the same thing you’re doing. And she’s kind of cute. And she’ll look over and say, Hey, there’s a guy over there just doing about same thing I’m doing. And he’s kind of cute. And you’ll walk these parallel paths for a while and God is preparing you. If you’re single right now and listen to this, he’s preparing someone for you that you’re going to be walking parallel to. And that’s the way of Janet and I were, we walked for about two years, the same path, just knowing each other, and then God put us together as one. Wow.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (51:48):
Awesome. Well, can I finish now or do you have another story, man? I got stories. We don’t have time. Hey, if you’re listening, I encourage you go online. Get yourself a copy of evangelism explosion by James Kennedy. There’s lots of great illustration. He go through the outline and find a church that’s offering training in evangelism explosion. And as you go through the material, we’re really help you to become proficient in sharing your faith. So brother, Pat, I’m so excited about how much enthusiasm you have for sharing your faith. Thank you so much for being on the evangelism podcast.

Pat Kendall (52:30):
Well thank you for the invitation. This has been a great reflection for me.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (52:34):
Thanks so much for listening today. Could you do me a favor? Go to Apple iTunes, find the evangelism podcast with Daniel King and leave us a review. Those reviews will help other people who are interested in evangelism. Find this podcast. Thank you so much. And God bless you

Evangelism Podcast Host (52:54):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit King ministries.com. Again, that’s King ministries.com.


Brad Mayer | Canadian Evangelist on Fire for Jesus

Brad Mayer is a Canadian evangelist who is on Fire for Jesus. Recently he started LIFE – Local & International Fellowship of Evangelists because he believes it is important for evangelists to be in relationship with one another.

Questions we discuss:

  1. How Brad Mayer became an evangelist
  2. Evangelism in Canada
  3. International Evangelism and testimonies from overseas
  4. LIFE – Local & International Fellowship of Evangelists

Canadian Fire Missions Website: Canadianfire.org

Join the LIFE Facebook group – Local & International Fellowship of Evangelists: https://www.facebook.com/groups/lifeevangelistsfellowship

LIFE is about networking, collaborating, and connecting with others who share your calling to evangelism. It is about learning from and mentoring others who carry that same fire to share the Gospel that lives in you. It is a fellowship of evangelists, young and old, seasoned veterans alongside those new to the call…. all united with the same heartbeat to impact the world with the life-saving message of Jesus Christ.

City Center Church: https://www.facebook.com/citycentrechurch/


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Brad Mayer is a Canadian evangelist who is on fire for Jesus. Recently, he started life local and international fellowship of evangelists because he believes that evangelists need to be in relationship with one another.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:18):
Well, Jesus said go into all the world and preach the gospel. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies, and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary and evangelist Daniel King. Welcome to the event,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:56):
Angela ism podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited to tell people about Jesus. I have a special guest today from the snowy North up in Canada, Brad Meyer. Thank you so much for joining me today.

Evangelist Brad Mayer (01:12):
It’s good to be with you, Daniel. Always good to connect with fire, fire, your evangelists like yourself.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:19):
We’ve been friends for a while now. I think originally Dr. Ladonna Osborn introduced us and you came down here to Tulsa, to one of the meetings of the Soul Winners Alliance, a group of evangelists that I have here. And then together, we went to Brazil and got to participate in a great crusade there with my friend Rubens Cunha. And then last year when my wife and I were driving through Canada, we came by and visited your, your church and saw your, your ministry there and Canada. Tell me a little bit about how you got started in evangelism and how you knew you were called to be an evangelist.

Evangelist Brad Mayer (02:03):
Well, I’m here in the smaller Prairie city of Saskatoon in Canada. And I came out of a life of my father, was an alcoholic and my brother became a Christian first and he, he pointed me towards Jesus. And then as soon as I got saved, I just wanted to tell everyone, I just wanted to tell everyone. In fact, one of the first nations indigenous evangelists in this neighbor, he started calling me Sean Buck from my very first few weeks of being saved because I just wanted to tell everybody. And so I I was offered a position in my local church. I was going through university and my church said, we want a campus minister. We want somebody who will reach out to the university that you just spent four years. I got a business degree and I spent four years getting this degree and cared more about winning souls than I cared about getting the business degree, but I did.

Evangelist Brad Mayer (02:57):
Okay. And I got the degree and finished it. And so he gave me this position in my church part-time they sent me to Bible school in the morning and doing outreach in the afternoon. So we just started setting up outreaches from this local church. That was a sort of a bigger suburban church. And we just started setting up outreaches to the streets and to nursing homes and to hospitals and to prisons. And we started a drama company and we start reaching out into educational institutions. And before you knew it, we had 250 outreaches a year coming from this, this local church. And we were just going everywhere, including the campus that we started, you know, that that was the initial goal. And so, so I, yeah, I ended up being coming full time as this outreach director and and just whatever, there was a way to mobilize people into reaching souls and I was all over it.

Evangelist Brad Mayer (03:49):
And so, so we did that for many, many years. We planted an inner city church, which is where I am now. This is this is my office in city center church, which is in the rougher part of our city. And so we planted this inner city church close to 20 years ago now. And and so and we continue, you know, it’s a little tougher in this COVID season to, to, you know, get out into those public places. Our prisons are, are not, you know, not allowing us in right now and, and, and going to the streets is challenging when it’s cold in Canada. But nevertheless, we find ways to reach out. And so out of that context of doing so many outreaches God began to put on a heart, you know, you need to take this into other nations.

Evangelist Brad Mayer (04:35):
And so about 10 years ago, we birthed what we call a Canadian fire missions. And so we started to go in the context of not necessarily going and doing big crusades, but helping local churches with their outreach efforts, because that’s just really what I am. And 30 plus years of doing this and setting up outreaches and churches. And so, so the last 10 years or so been to 35 nations and and just helping churches with their outreach efforts. And then we have done some crusades and I’ve been pleased to join you inner crusade there in, in Brazil a few years back. And so and so we’ll do that when, when, you know, when the opportunity presents itself, but for the most part, my heart is towards evangelism coming out of local churches. And so I believe there are local church evangelists in every local church, just like God puts feet on the body.

Evangelist Brad Mayer (05:31):
I believe he puts feet in local assemblies of believers. And there are always those ones who are fired up. They’re passionate about souls. And my heart is towards those people because I were one of those people on. So just releasing them and mobilizing them and taking them into, you know, the places where God has called them to go, whether it be a prison or a children’s outreach or whatever it may be, you know, just getting behind those people who have that evangelistic call in their life. That’s that’s my passion as an evangelist right now in this season of where I’m at.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:06):
Let’s talk a little bit about doing evangelism in the context of Canada. What are some of the things that, that you’ve seen that have been successful in, in reaching people for Jesus in, in Canada? I know it’s very different going overseas. There’s, there’s certain things you can do when you’re overseas, but what are some of the things that, that you’ve done and you’ve encouraged other people to do in Canada?

Evangelist Brad Mayer (06:32):
You know, people are people and no matter where you go around the world people’s needs are not that much different, regardless of where you go, that we planted a church in the, sort of the toughest part of our city. There’s a lot of people on welfare, social, social assistance, or welfare in the, in the, just the direct vicinity of our church. And so they may get a a government check or some form of assistance, but many cases it’s gone in it’s, it’s gone towards addiction. What I, what I like to do with churches is I like to do almost like a little bit of a neighborhood inventory and just start to see, Hey, what, what, how can you tap into some of the needs that are right there in your neighborhood? And so for my own local church where, where I’m part-time I, in my own local church still has an outreach director in my church.

Evangelist Brad Mayer (07:22):
We saw that some of the biggest needs in our community were like kind of like poverty and addiction and when poverty it really related to food. We found that if we fed people, we’d get people. And so, so we do lots of, lots of food type outreaches, big, big Easter, and Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner, you know, with Turkey, dinner and such. We do barbecues in the warmer part times of the year where we get three and 400 people on the side of our church, in our parking lot, and just giving away free hot dogs and hamburgers, but always with the context of, we’re gonna give you this food, but we’re going to tell you about Jesus. And so, so we would, we would do many sorts of food type outreaches, and then whatever we can do to help people get out of their addictions, see these, these are the two big needs that I saw.

Evangelist Brad Mayer (08:12):
And he might be in another neighborhood where you might see that maybe divorce is a big, you know, a big issue in maybe a suburban neighborhood. I know churches that have addressed that are addressed you know marriage struggles, you know, those kinds of things, maybe financial pressures that maybe a businessman is facing. And so the context of a local churches neighborhood might define, you know, what might be the best outreaches that they could develop, because they need to know their, no, the people that God has called them to reach. And so we stepped into that by, by maybe doing, like I say, a bit of a neighborhood inventory, you know, what are the needs of your neighborhood and how it could you as a church? How could you as reach out and and touch those, those those needs. Because, you know, that’s when people hear, they hear the gospel when we tap into those, those needs in their lives. And and those things that, you know, those emptiness is that we can we can speak to those things.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:14):
And you’ve done a lot of traveling in the last 10 years overseas. You said 35 different nations share with me some of the testimonies of what you’ve seen God do in the lives of people as you’ve gone to these different nations,

Evangelist Brad Mayer (09:31):
You know, because I’m not necessarily a guy who does crusades. And that has often been the context of who an evangelist is. You know, evangelists, loosen evangelists, always the guy who does crusades. And so I get some of my supporters sometimes asking me questions, they’d say like, how many people did you win to the Lord and your crusades over there? And I remember I had just came back from Eastern European nation. And I was in Romania and my heart was really towards evangelists. So I think I spoke in seven or eight local churches. And in every one of those churches, I made a call who are the ones who are the evangelists in this, in this churches who are the ones who have you have this burning passion in your heart. I want to pray with you. I want to connect with you.

Evangelist Brad Mayer (10:14):
And in those seven or eight local churches, there were 10, and that’s not a big number. I know evangelists like to speak about big numbers. And we like to say, we led 10 million people to Jesus. And I came back and this person was pressing me for how many people did you win and your crusades. And, and and I, and God just told me, tell her 10. He says 10, but I said, I found Tammy Vangelis that I can multiply myself into. And one in particular we’ve stayed very close one young evangelist. And to me, one of the most awesome testimonies I think is that he called me a few months later. And I was running on my treadmill, just doing some exercise in my house. And I felt the Lord speak to me and say, go to Romania, take this young evangelist and taking them on an international missions journey.

Evangelist Brad Mayer (11:02):
So together we went and we journeyed into the neighboring nation of Moldova. So we preached together in Moldova. And then about a year later, he called me out of the blue one day and he says, Hey, Brad, guess what? I’m taking a team to Moldova myself. And to me, I have kind of a evangelistic father’s heart, I guess that made me so satisfied and so happy. And since that time we’ve been in two other, we’ve surrounded his nation now, and we’ve been to Slovakia and Ukraine and and eat Hungary together. And so levee, if you’re on he’s in this group. And so levy, if you’re, if you’re listening today, I’m talking about you. And so, and so it’s been, it’s been great to see, you know, us multiply ourselves. And I could tell that kind of story in Tanzania and Nepal, you know, so many different nations where God has just knit my heart together with young evangelists, who, who maybe didn’t have somebody who shared their passion or understood their calling.

Evangelist Brad Mayer (12:03):
And yet they’ve had someone then who could who could, you know, link arms with them and just say, let’s go harvest together. And so I think that’s so important because I had the same thing happened to me. There’s a well-known evangelist in my province, in the Christian and missionary Alliance denomination. And I was the president of the ministerial in my city. And he came to speak to the ministers of my city and I thought, wow, this guy has a passionate evangelistic heart. How come? I don’t know him. And he’s from another city in my province. So I said, let’s go for lunch tomorrow. So we did. And what was supposed to be a one-hour lunch meeting turned into a four hour hanging out together. And I came home. I was on cloud nine and I realized spending time with another evangelist. I got more out of that than going into five conferences. It just was so energizing. And so, so uplifting to me to share stories with him and then hear his stories and share my stories, and we understood each other. And I thought that, and so that’s, that’s something often me that you need to go help other evangelists as much as you can around the world and connect with them and just, you know link arms with them and learn from them, teach them what, you know, learn what they know. It’s been, it’s been an awesome journey is really hard.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:22):
I think that’s a tremendous insight. I think having relationships with other evangelists is one of the, the keys to really stay healthy. As in evangelists, sometimes evangelists, they, they go on a trip overseas and, and they see thousands of people get saved and they come home and, and people in the local church don’t really always understand the, the excitement of seeing all these people getting saved and the miracles and everything. And so it’s really important for evangelists to have relationships with other evangelists to sharpen one another, to spend time one another. And I just feel in this conversation, I’m excited just talking to you, and it makes me want to go do some more evangelism and, and take it through together and do something for Jesus together. You know, and that’s what happens when one person is on fire that fire spreads from, from person to person, and you can put other people on fire. So you, you really have a passion for raising up other evangelists and pouring into other evangelists and helping evangelists to, to develop these relationships. So you, you started a new group called life, which stands for local and international fellowship of evangelists. And so tell me a little bit about the group and who’s invited to be a part of the group and what your vision is for this, this group.

Evangelist Brad Mayer (14:52):
Well, my, my passion is, is as we’ve already been sharing, you know, to just, you know, mobilize and motivate and encourage and, and, you know exhort, those who have that evangelistic calling. But I think one thing that’s unique about this life group is that it recognizes the local evangelists and that Al that Helen LA life, is it a local and international there’s people who are doing some international things, but right in my city, there are 15, 16, 17 people that I connect with that have different forms of an evangelistic call on their life. And I love it. I love connecting with them, and it could be anything from a children’s minister to a prison chaplain and see sometimes people just need that, that confirmation, that someone else comes alongside them and say, you know what? You are an evangelist. And they were like, really me.

Evangelist Brad Mayer (15:43):
Yeah, yeah. You, and then that just sets them on fire to go do what they’re called to do. I remember one time I was preaching in the Philippines and I often will pray over people’s feet. I’ll get down on my knees. And the Bible says, how beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news? And I just, you know, I’ve always felt, you know, the evangelist, you’re like the feet of the body. And just as a symbolic thing, I’ll get down on my knees and I’ll pray over the feet of people. And so often make a call in a church for people to come and and we’ll pray over their feet. And as I was praying, sometimes you’ll end up prophesied and you’ll say no, saying something. So I’m not even seeing their faces. And there was this skinny girl, and I started to speak over her that you are a nation changer.

Evangelist Brad Mayer (16:24):
You are on a life transforming evangelists. And the whole church started going, Whoa, like, wow. I was like, how does he know this? It turns out this young girl, I love meeting people like this, this young girl, she would go and buy containers of rice and she’d go on a jeepney they the form of transport in the Philippines. And she jumped on a Jeep knee and she preached to the Jeep, me drivers. And she preached, preached to the people who would ride those forms of transport all day. And she just shared Jesus with people day in and day out. And she’s, she seems so meek and mild and almost crying when I was praying for. But when she’d get out there into the world, she was like a bold as a lion. And and she just received affirmation that day that she absolutely needed. And and we’ve stayed connected. I believe she may be on this life group as well. And so and so it’s good to, to make those connections. I remember a cab driver in, in Israel ministering in Israel, a taxi driver who does nothing but share the gospel. He says, I don’t care if it’s Jewish, Muslim Orthodox. He goes, I don’t care. He goes, I preach Jesus all day. Every day.

Speaker 4 (17:36):
I thought it sounds like an evangelist.

Evangelist Brad Mayer (17:38):
Exactly. I said that taxi driver is probably more of an advantage as the minivans in the world, just because he shares Jesus day in and day out every day. And when I meet guys that, I just like, I’m thinking, yeah, I found my people, you know, I’ve found one of my own. And so, so yeah, my heart is towards connecting. We, we set up a Facebook group. We had a more informal group before the Facebook group in terms of people who wanted to sign up and just become like a life member or start a life chapter in their city. And so we, we’ve done a little bit of work towards that. But as far as, you know, an easy way to connect yeah, just local and international fellowship evangelists, or life on Facebook. And, and and someone can find, find out about that or through our website, you know, Canadian fire.org, a person can find out more about connecting with other evangelists and learning from them and growing.

Evangelist Brad Mayer (18:35):
I learned so much from you, Dr. Daniel. I just, I really did. You’re younger than me, but you just had opportunities that I’ve never had. And so I’ve got a good evangelist friend in another part of Canada, and he says this all the time. He says, your mind is like an elastic band. And once it’s been stretched out, you know, and it’s been exposed to new things, it can never return to a state that it was in before. And and that’s what happened when I went to Brazil with you as a, I thought I should be doing more crusades. I should be doing what doctor Dr. Daniel King is doing. You know, I should be doing this. It just here in Canada though, where have I been exposed to that? Nowhere, you know, I haven’t, I haven’t, but you know, you’re in a city where you’ve had TLR born and you’ve had so many great evangelists coming out of Tulsa. That’s, that’s a, that’s an advantage you’ve had that I haven’t had. And so, so I learned everywhere I go, I always want to be a continual student. And if I can be a teacher to others then let’s do that. Let’s, you know, help mobilize young Angela sold evangelists and move around the world and, and bring Jesus.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:39):
Amen. Well, there will be more opportunities to do crusades and do amazing things for Jesus together. And, and I believe that you will see God do great things in the future through your ministry. And so if you’re listening and you want to connect with other evangelists, you want to build relationships with other evangelists find the Facebook page. I’ll, I’ll, I’ll post a link to it. And I’ve actually been posting episodes from the evangelism podcast on the Facebook page, just so people can get to know one another as I interview different evangelists. And I think it is really wonderful for evangelists to share their testimonies with one another, to tell everyone what they’re doing, because that encourages others. I think it also stretches our faith. When we see the testimonies see the pictures, see what God is doing in the lives of others. And, and it sparks ideas. I was like, Hey, I could do that. I want to do that. Let’s go.

Evangelist Brad Mayer (20:42):
Yes. Yes. So, yes, I think, I think it’s awesome when we can steal each other’s or borrow absolutely.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (20:50):
Any of my ideas you are welcomed to have, and

Evangelist Brad Mayer (20:53):
Yes, exactly. If it brings people to Jesus. Yeah, absolutely. Those are more important than, you know, owning an idea. And so

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:02):
Brother, Brad, thank you so much for joining me on the evangelism podcast. Love your ministry, love what you’re doing in Canada and around the world. God bless you.

Evangelist Brad Mayer (21:12):
You too. Thanks

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:14):
So much for listening today. Could you do me a favor? Go to Apple iTunes, find the evangelism podcast with Daniel King and leave us a review. Those reviews will help other people who are interested in evangelism find this podcast. Thank you so much. And God bless you

Evangelism Podcast Host (21:35):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit King ministries.com. Again, that’s King ministries.com.


Working in a Restricted Access Country

I can’t tell you his name but today we will call him John. He is working in a restricted access country in the Middle East with a Muslim majority. He works with Muslim background believers.


How did you end up going to this country.

How are you reaching Muslims?

  • International Schools
  • Monthly Seminars
  • Book Translation – Sleeping Teachers
  • Coffee Shop
  • Church
  • Holy Spirit Conference

What are some testimonies of Muslims who you have been able to reach with the love of Jesus?

What are some of the challenges of working in a restricted access country?

Why is Jesus different than everyone else?

How does healing and words of knowledge and other gifts of the Holy Spirit help bring Muslims to Jesus?

Why is it important to be motivated by love?

Quote from Daniel King: Our goal is not to win an argument, but to win a soul.


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
What is God doing in the Muslim world?  Today I interview a missionary in a restricted access nation. And it’s so secret that I can’t even tell you his name.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:15):
Jesus said, go into all the world and preach the gospel. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies, and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary and evangelist Daniel King.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:50):
Hey, welcome to the evangelism podcast. This is Daniel King. I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. We have a special guest, but I can’t tell you his name. So we’re just going to call him John. He’s working in a restricted access country in the middle East that has a Muslim majority. He works with Muslim background believers and he leads Muslims to Jesus brother. Thank you so much for being on the evangelism podcast.

John (01:18):
It’s great to be here with you, Daniel.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:21):
So tell me, how did you end up working in this country? We’re not going to tell everyone what country you’re working in, but it’s a country that has a Muslim majority. How did you end up going there?

John (01:34):
Well, I was in some live God Bible school back in 79 in central Florida. And speaker George Verwer https://georgeverwer.com came and was speaking in our chapel service and that whole service, he talked about this particular nation and how that it was the largest unreached nation in the world. And the reason was, was because so few were willing to pay the price to go there. And when he said that something inside me leaped up and I, and I just said, Lord, I’ll go. And that was the beginning.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:05):
And so how long have you been there now?

John (02:09):
Well, over the last 34 years, most of the time we’ve been in this nation live there and have done many things.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:18):
Tell me some of the types of ministry that you are able to do.

John (02:24):
We pastoring an international church and also we are involved with book translations, which we have we believe that this is very, very important and effective. We do seminars in every month in a different city of that country. We also have, have a school it’s online as well. I saw him international school of ministries in the language of the people. And so we use that we have annual Holy spirit conferences where we invite a brethren believers from all over the nation to come. God has done awesome things in those conferences. And so there’s many ways that we’ve been working to reach that nation.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:10):
And so it is a Muslim majority nation. And of course, many of the people there are Muslim. How are you reaching Muslims with the love of it?

John (03:21):
Jesus. Yeah. Yeah,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:25):
‘Cause, it’s, it’s, it’s a challenging in some countries. Like if you were to be working in, in Mexico, you’d be able to put up posters and flyers and invite people to come to a meeting churches aren’t very open, but in the country that you’re working in, which is restricted access you, you can’t be open about it. But you want to show the love of Jesus to people.

John (03:54):
Let me give you a couple quick testimonies. Some years ago, maybe five years ago, the Lord had put it on my heart to get our people to write five names on a card and five names of five people. They felt were the most open to the gospel. And we would begin to pray for the people that they’d come into contact with on a regular basis. And then I would teach them how to pray over those people. And we would continue to pray and target those people, carry them in our wallets or purses, whatever, and pull them out and just pray for them until we seen, we would see change on my card was my neighbor and we’d become friends and I prayed regularly over him. And eventually we became really good friends and I would slip in a testimony now.

John (04:45):
And then he was from a Muslim background Alavi, which says the Shia side of Islam and wasn’t real radical or anything, but he that’s that he and his family, four children, a great wife, they, they followed the Alavi teachings. But when one day in June that year that they had come to the Lord, they were sitting in my living room and I had been praying for families to come work with us in the church because we had no real families. And so one day we were sitting there in the month of June and the whole family is sitting there and the Holy spirit said, you were praying for family here. Here’s your family. And I’m like, no, no, no, I I’m talking about already saved already ready to, to work and labor with us and help us. And the Holy spirit said, no, that’s your job.

John (05:37):
And so I said, okay, we’ll buy by November of that same year, I woke up one morning and I felt the Holy spirit say today’s the day the baby’s coming. And I went into a coffee shop where we, that we have. And he came in and we were talking. And anyway, eventually I was ended up at his house and leading both he and his wife to Jesus and their whole family have now one of the strongest dedicated families in our church today. And soon after that, his partner in business, a cousin of his came to the Lord. And he’s been serving the Lord faithfully since, but can I give you a couple of testimonies? How we reach out how we will.

Speaker 4 (06:21):
So a lot of your advantage

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:24):
[Inaudible] is happening. One-On-One yeah. Building relationships with people over a period of time.

John (06:30):
Yeah. And I would say much, like we see in the new Testament with, with the disciples of Jesus, they were related, they were they worked together, you know they were people that we were in contact with. And so that’s who we’re called to be a witness to, you know one day I was at my barber and a guy I go to often and he’s cutting my hair in the middle of cutting my hair. He says, do you know anyone who could tell me anything about Jesus? And I was like, shocked, you know, he’s Muslim. And that’s it.

Daniel King (06:59):
Good question. I said, I’m ready to answer that question for sure.

John (07:03):
I looked at him. I said, well, as a matter of fact, I can, I teach the Bible, Oh, can you get me a Bible? He said, I said, sure, do you have one in your car now? I said, no, but I can get you one. I promise. And so after, after the haircut where we always sit out front and drink Turkish coffee and watch traffic go by and we’re sitting there and he goes, why do you only love Jesus? I said, I don’t only love Jesus. I love everyone. No, no, no. He says, why do you think Jesus has different? So different than everyone else? I said that I can answer you. So his brother who runs a kebab shop next door, he says to him, come over and listen to this guy. So he jumps over the wall and pulls up a chair. And the two of them are sitting there and they’re saying, tell me why Jesus is different.

John (07:47):
And so I laid out the simple gospel to them. And then at the end, I said, here’s another way you can tell Jesus is different than anyone else bring a sick person here right now. And I said, I’ll lay hands on them and pray for them in the name of, of my name. And I said, I guarantee you nothing will happen. And then I’ll let you lay hands on them and pray for them in the name of Mohammed or Ali or anybody else you want to. And I guarantee you nothing will happen. I said, but then let me lay hands on them in the name of Jesus, because that’s where the life and the power is. And right away, the brother says I’ve been having problems in my stomach. I can’t eat certain foods. And do you think Jesus would heal me? I said, sure.

John (08:30):
I reached over. I put my hand on his stomach, prayed up simple, direct, powerful prayer. And as soon as I said, amen, the barber guy jumps up and grabs his head. He goes, you’re not going to believe this. I said, what? I had a dream. He said two days ago, and you were in my dream and I saw you do what you just did to my brother. I’m like, God, you set me up. And it made me realize, anytime we step out, we’ll find out because of our obedience and our love for people that we’ll find God has already been there, orchestrating and setting things up for us. And so he was healed shortly after that shopping a couple blocks up the road at a supermarket and the owner sees me and he says, Hey, I hear you pray for people and they get better.

John (09:20):
I said, yeah, that’s right. He goes, well, we got a young man here. Who’s got severe back pains. Would you pray for him? I said, sure. So they called him in. He came in and we went to the back stock room and everybody gathered around and I said to him, I said, do you know why Jesus wants to heal you? He said why? I said, because he loves you. And he has a plan for your life. That’s so much better than the plan you have. Do you understand? He said, yes. And then I laid hands on him and prayed for him. And in the Lord touched him and healed him. It was so powerful. W I was out walking one day and went to my barber and he’s, he’s talking with some other Muslim guys in there and he comes to me.

John (10:03):
He says, I’m going to have an operation in five days because I’ve got these really bad back pains from carrying this meat and stuff, you know, he’s a big guy and turned around and walked away. Well, I walked over to him and I said, do you have pain right now? He said, yeah. I said, give me your hand. And he’s like, what? And while he’s looking at me with this curiosity, he gives me his hand. And I said, I pray for people and they get better. Oh, okay. So I just, they’re all staring at me. These four Muslim guys were standing there, all just staring at me. And I just prayed press in the name of Jesus. I command the pain to leave this back. And father, I pray for healing to flow into him right now. Let your Holy presence come all over Samir right now in Jesus name.

John (10:49):
And then I said, amen. I didn’t pray a real long prayer. And I said to him in a very short time, you’re going to see a big change. He said, inshallah. And I said, no, inshallah. I said, you’re going to see a big change. So I walked out two days later, I’m out walking with two of my girls. And I said, let’s check on Samir. We walked over. He standing in the doorway of his, his butcher shop and he sees me and he smiles and he says, Oh man, he goes, five minutes after you left, all the pain was gone. Please come in and sit down and have a tea. So I went and sat down and he’s telling me how he was checked out. And he was completely healed. And drinking this, he brought me a soda water, and then a guy comes in, he’s a truck driver.

John (11:34):
And it was delivering meat to him and stuff. Well, he comes in and they’re talking in Arabic. That’s the language in that particular area. And they come over and they said to me, the butcher says, he’s got pain in his back too. Would you pray for him? I’m like, I looked at the guy and I said it because he said his right arm was numb. He had pain that went all the way down his leg. And it was mainly in his back. And I said, do you want to keep this pain? And he looked at me like I was crazy, but Jesus was that way. You know, what do you want? Well, I want you to pray for me. I said, okay. So I said, give me your hands. So he gave me his hand. I prayed a simple prayer. And before I could finish this guy is like looking up and turning around and twisting around saying, well, who touched me?

John (12:20):
What did you do? And the butcher says, he can’t believe he says all the is gone. There’s healing in his arm. He said that he can feel again. And he was so excited and, and he was saying all of this, all of that. I said, Allah, didn’t do that for you. I said, Jesus did that for you. And so he runs out to his truck. He brings his wife. And this is in the butcher shop. And his wife, he says, she’s had problems with her throat. She can’t swallow many foods. Could you pray for her? I said, sure. As soon as I put my hand on her head, the Holy spirit came all over her. You could. And she started crying and she started to shake. She’s never been in a Benny Hinn meeting or anything. She didn’t know she was supposed to do that. She’s a Muslim background. This was so in the Holy spirit, came all over this woman and completely healed her. And the husband said, do you have a business card or something? And the butcher guy started laughing. He goes, this isn’t a business. He said. And then he kind of said, if you need anything more, you just tell me, I know how to get ahold of him. He’s my friend.

John (13:32):
But I believe in being a witness. And you know, when you, when you’re Jesus to a world that’s suffering, I don’t care what their background is, how deceived and what the darkness is. It’ll draw people in, open the door for you. And it’s love it’s based out of love for people. It’s not going to happen. If you, if you’re just trying to do Hocus Pocus, abracadabra, that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about a genuine heart based love for people that starts with the Holy spirit. That’s that love that’s been poured out in our hearts by the Holy spirit

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:11):
Every year you do a Holy spirit conference. And it sounds like really your secret for reaching people is relying on the gifts of the Holy spirit. You’ve mentioned healing, words of knowledge God’s sending dreams and visions to people. Talk to me a little bit about why it’s important to be filled with the Holy spirit when you’re working in a difficult area.

John (14:39):
Yeah, well, he’s called our helper and he was sent to us for a reason. And every year I teach, we have, we’ve done this for 17 years. Now, this Holy spirit conference, we believers from all over the nation to come. You know, the Holy spirit works in two ways. He works in us and he works when he comes upon us. And it’s clear, you know, when the disciples were filled in John, the first ones that were saved and when John 20, when Jesus breathed on them and said, receive the Holy spirit. Well, they did. I mean, obviously if Jesus said, do you receive the whole, you would. And he blew. He breathed on them. They received the Holy spirit, but then he telled the told the same disciples, wait for the Holy spirit, wait for this gift in Jerusalem. Well, that’s another work of the Holy spirit, the Holy spirit work upon us.

John (15:24):
And so the first one is for salvation and it has to do with developing those fruit of the spirit in our lives. But the second work is for empowerment for being a witness in Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria and to the animals parts. And so we, we want both, you know, it starts with that first work of salvation. We have the Holy spirit, but then we need that empowerment to be witnesses. And that’s our theme every year, the work of the Holy spirit in the life of the believer, the work of the Holy spirit in the life of the church. And I can’t get away from the, the, the need for us to understand that this has to work out of a love for God and a love for people because we, we tend to can things in the church. You know, we, we bottle it up and we sell it or we promoted, but the gifts work always best and more effective and powerfully when love is the motive in, in that love can only come from God.

John (16:21):
And so we, we teach about that. We talk a lot about that. And so, you know, every year we see many people filled with the Holy spirit for the first time. And we were I was just telling a story yesterday about while we were in the nation of Bulgaria and had right after the wall came down and had massive citywide revival. And we had groups come in, we had believers come from nine different nations that were 114 believers sent out in the daytime. We would send them out in small groups. And the rain of the Holy spirit was coming upon that nation at that time. And people were coming back with such wild testimonies of how God touched people, supernaturally, how the mute spoke for the first time. I literally, with my own eyes saw blind eyes opened and a young 10 year old girls seeing for the first time her father was a policeman that it stopped me for speeding the day before. And I invited him to the meeting and he brought his blind daughter and God touched her. This guy wept. I tell you, as he watched his daughter reading signs on buildings for the first time,

Daniel King (17:34):
Unique way to get out of a speeding ticket is like, do you have anyone sick in your family? Bring them, Jesus will heal them,

John (17:45):
Tell you, you know the love of God and the power of God, moving through, manifesting in gifts that bring healing in life. God’s not out to do Hocus Pocus. He loves people. He wants to heal bodies. He wants to heal hearts and in relationships and bring people to wholeness again. And so we have the answer hallelujah. And we, we need to step out more, I believe. You know, I, I just want to say this. We complicated. Well, we, we talk about reaching Muslims. You know, we want to get into all their arguments and try to win them. I don’t do that. I do everything to avoid the arguments. You love them. I love them.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:30):
Our goal is not to win an argument. It’s to win a soul.

John (18:32):
Yeah. And usually I’ll ask a simple question. Cause they say, they believe God sent Jesus as a prophet. I’ll say then why, why did he do that? Why do you think Jesus came? Why did God send him? And they usually say something like, well, he was bringing a special message or whatever, but I said, well, let me tell you why he came. And I opened up my Bible and I show him first Timothy, one 15. It clearly States God sent Jesus into the world to save sinners. And then after I read that to them, I’ll ask them this question. Was he successful? Or did he fail? Well, of course he was successful. How was he successful? How did he save sinners that opens the door to share the gospel? I believe Jesus. If you look at his life, he always controlled the dialogue. He led the dialogue. Even when the woman tried to distract him in some area at the well, he led the dialogue and we, as God’s people need to learn how to lead the dialogue and not get taken down some rabbit trail. And, and that’s the enemy’s tactics, but we’ve, we can love people, but we can be led by the Holy spirit and, and know how to reach people and with a simple gospel. Okay.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:49):
Another big part of your ministry is translating books into the local language. And I heard you call books, sleeping teachers. What do you mean by that

John (20:01):
Teachers? Yes. I told our people recently, I was so excited to get these new books into their language. And to know that these books are on their shelves in their homes, the homes of all these believers, I said, but I call them sleeping teachers. I said, these sleeping teachers, even though they’re in your home and on your shelf, won’t help you at all until you wake them up. I said, think about it. We’ve got these great Bible teachers anointed by God to bring revelation and treasures from heaven to us to equip us and help us. But they’re sleeping on our shelves. I said, you have the opportunity now to wake them up. And how do you do that? You just pull the book off the shelf, you open it up and you start reading and you can know, and you can be sure the Holy spirit will be there to help cause those words and that teaching to come alive to you and do equip you and help you to grow spiritually, which is God’s will for your life. And so I encourage our people to wake up the sleeping teachers, those great books, faith building books that we’re having translated into their languages.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:07):
So books are sleeping teachers. We have to wake them up and learn from them. That that’s a great way to spread the gospel is to do literature distribution. You’re working in a restricted access country. What are some of the challenges of working in that type of environment? One challenge is that we can’t share your name with anyone today, right? And also we can’t tell every one to go to your website to give money, because that would be sharing that when it works. All right. So, so what are some of the challenges of, of working in this type of nation?

John (21:45):
Well, you know, every worker like myself missionary has to raise their own support and that’s difficult sometimes because in the age we live in what you do right now, it can be known five seconds later on the other side of the world. And so we have to be very careful and I’m even taking risks now with this broadcast podcast. But many times I’m just trusting the Lord of the Holy spirit to protect me and to cloak us, we’ve seen 150 missionaries kicked out of the country. I’m in, in the last two years. And even out of the city that we’re in, we’ve seen every missionary kicked out. We’re the only ones left. And I tell you I said to people in the God who brought me here will be the same guy who takes me out and I’m trusting him and he’s got me covered.

John (22:37):
And I, I believe that all the more reason we need to provide the materials like these books, the sleeping teachers, so that if an ever I am kicked out or forced to leave, we leave behind things that will help continue to equip and raise up leaders, you know, in those nations, in our nation. And so we’re focused on that. And so it’s challenging because we can’t do open evangelism. We can’t be too open. You know, where, where we’re at, about what we’re doing. We don’t have the word church written outside our church facility where we meet, we just, it’s by word of mouth people know. And we have a coffee house, coffee shop that we use as a front. And it’s a bridge to reach people with. It’s, it’s a way that we build relationships. And we’re, I believe we’re, first-class, we’re as good as Starbucks. And many customers come, we have many people come right in the center of our town and

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (23:46):
We’re able to, and you know, the people come in and they’ll say, I don’t know what it is about this place, but your atmosphere is wonderful. There’s such peace here. And it’s an opening door for us to walk through and begin to share the gospel with them, to introduce the Prince of peace to the people that come in for a cup of coffee. Yes. Well, for those who are listening, I would encourage you to begin to pray for the nations in the middle East, pray for the Muslim world, pray for those who are working in the Muslim world, they need your prayers, they need God’s protection. And I would encourage you if you know, someone who is working in one of these restricted access countries in the middle East, the Muslim majority world if you could help to support them. Sometimes it’s very difficult for them to ask for money.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (24:45):
Sometimes it’s very difficult for them to report with what God is actually doing, because even the reporting of it and showing pictures and, and sharing numbers would put their lives at risk. And so if you know, someone who’s is working one of these countries, telling people about Jesus, I encourage you to support them, find them and help them out because this is one of the areas in the world that, that desperately needs a witness of the saving power of Jesus Christ. Yes, brother. Thank you for being with me. Amen. I’m calling you John today. And so brother John, we appreciate you being with us. Thank you for being on the evangelism pod. Thank you for the privilege. God bless you and all those listening. Thank you so much for listening to the evangelism podcast. Could you do me a favor, go to Apple iTunes and leave the evangelism podcast with Daniel King a review and your review will help other people who are excited about evangelism to find this podcast. Thank you so much. And God bless you

Evangelism Podcast Host (25:55):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit King ministries.com. Again, that’s King ministries.com.

Christopher Alam | Born a Muslim, Now an Evangelist

Christopher Alam was born to a Muslim family and lived in the Middle East. When he became a Christian he was arrested and imprisoned. But now he is a Christian evangelist who loves talking about Jesus.

Christopher Alam  was born in a Muslim family with Middle- Eastern origins. He received Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour in 1975. He was immediately confined in a mental asylum for his faith in Christ. Christopher responded quickly to the call of God and began to preach the Gospel. He was arrested several times and imprisoned for almost a year for preaching the Gospel. After being threatened with execution, Christopher finally escaped first to Belgium and then to Sweden, where he was given political asylum, eventually becoming a Swedish subject. It was in Sweden that he met is wife, Britta, in the church that he attended. They were married in 1979.

He is a direct descendent of Mohammad.

Website: https://www.pentecostalfire.com/dynamis-world-ministries-landing

Buy Christopher Alam’s book: 

Key Quotes: 

Good follow up is the result of good pre crusade training.

Don’t seek to be great. Seek to preach about a great Jesus.


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Evangelism Coach Daniel King


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Christopher Alam was born to a Muslim family. When he became a Christian, he was arrested and imprisoned. But now he is a Christian evangelist who loves talking about Jesus.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:16):
Jesus said, go into all the world and preach the gospel. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies, and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary and evangelist Daniel King.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:53):
Welcome to the evangelism podcast. I’m Daniel King and I am always excited to tell people about Jesus. My special guest today is evangelist Christopher Alam. He was a Muslim, but he converted to Christianity. And now he goes all over the world, telling people about Jesus, brother, Christopher, tell me, how did you get saved?

Christopher Alam (01:20):
I lived in Pakistan and I, I will say Muslim man, never seen a Bible nor have I ever met a Christian until I was 21 years of age. But I had a lot of problems in my life and I was suicidal. I wanted to kill myself. And then one day I met him in Richmond on the street to begin to tell me about Jesus for the first time in my life. And you know, it was interesting because many people talk about it, period of searching and seeking. It was never that way. For me, I just felt in an instant that this is what I have been waiting for all my life. And I decided to give my life to Jesus.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:01):
Now, your family was a very significant family. Your, your father was in the military.

Christopher Alam (02:10):
My father was in general and I was an army officer, myself. My father especially was highly respected. And yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:19):
And so what impact did that have on your life when you became a Christian?

Christopher Alam (02:24):
Well, you know, in Muslim society, what happens is if a Muslim becomes a Christian in, you know, in their belief, apostasy is punishable by decks. And you know, there are many different reasons for that. So if it wasn’t gonna become the Christian, normally his family would kill him before anyone else got to him because it’s like he has dishonored his family. And the only way the family can receive, it’s honored by killing. And that’s called an honor killing as many different kinds of honor, and this is one of them. And so they wanted to kill me when I give my life to Jesus.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:04):
Wow. And you ended up leaving the Middle East and going to Sweden and attending Bible school at in Sweden, you met your wife there and then you came to Tulsa and went to Raymond, can tell me some about how that happened in your life.

Christopher Alam (03:24):
What happened was when I gave my life to Jesus, I was you know, I was a reserve officer in the army. I was first put in a mental hospital for psychiatric evaluation because the assumption was why would anyone do anything that would cause him to lose his life? It killed, unless, you know, there was something wrong with him. So that’s why I was in a mental hospital. I came out of a mental hospital. I was under house arrest. And then I escaped from Austin restaurant. I was preaching on the streets and I was arrested for preaching on the streets. And then they realize what was then I was in prison for almost a year. And then I came out of prison and then they you know, they did their best to get me to renounce Christianity and come back to Islam.

Christopher Alam (04:13):
And when I refused, that’s when I was threatened with execution. So I had to escape and I went to Afghanistan, the Soviet union, Turkey, Belgium. Then I ended up in Sweden where I go to asylum. And then I met my church. I met, I came to Sweden, 77, got a bit of asylum in 78, my wife at the end of 70. And I know I met her in, in, in, in church, in 78, we got married in 79. And then I got baptized with the Holy spirit. And then I heard of Rayma. Some of other agents books really changed my life. So that’s when we came to Bible school in 1981,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:55):
What a tremendous journey. And now you are an evangelist and you’re going to two nations, many different nations around the world. A lot of work in, in Africa, particularly in Zimbabwe and some of the surrounding countries. How did you become an evangelist?

Christopher Alam (05:14):
Well, I always felt a calling on my life, right from the beginning to tell people about Jesus and I started on the streets. I worked a lot in the beginning with drug addict products. That’s where I started hippies and drug addicts and drunks. And then I began to minister, to university students in Sweden after I had gotten political asylum there. And then I got brother Hagan’s books. And then I began to see the gifts of the Holy spirit in my life. I began to pray for the sick begin to see many healings and miracles and my first trip overseas. And I felt like God was leading me overseas, but I didn’t know anybody have money. You know, I had nothing, so, but God opened the door. So for a hundred dollars, I could actually go to hold him and spend 10 days there and preaching and Catholic churches.

Christopher Alam (06:08):
And we’ve got many people saved, healed baptized in the Holy Spirit. And on the last night the father of, one of the leaders in the Catholic student movement was paralyzed from his waist down. He was a paraplegic and God raised him up in an instant and that opened the door for me. So I began to go to Homeland and preach what were the Roman Catholics. And and so, you know, God began to do it. You know, a lot of what the doors that were open to me was simply because of the miraculous I saw you know, children, born deformed brain damaged, healed, blind, deaf people. I mean, huge numbers create the miracles. And then after that got up in Africa, India. So I began to all more and more crusades. Now, during this time, the early years I was actually teaching full-time at a Bible college I was at a lecture at a Bible college, and then I kind of left that as I went more and more into the mission field. So, you know, more and more crusades. So I left the Bible college after four years and I went full time into the missions field. And so my crusade ministry, you can say began in 1983 in 37, 30, 38 years now.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:29):
And tell me about what God has accomplished in the last 38 years, where have you gone? Where have you seen great fruit?

Christopher Alam (07:39):
You know, we have seen, you know, I haven’t lost count, but more than 1500 churches have been starting as a direct result of our crusades and many many people have been we’re pastors today, evangelists and pastors in Africa and Asia, and even in Eastern Europe were saved. And microsavings, I, I run into pastors with strong churches from places like Poland and and, and you know, Malawi and Zimbabwe Zambia, and also in, in, in India and Burma would have been saved to our ministry. So because the thing was that I was doing evangelism, but the thing I discovered was there was a little lasting fruit. The crusades were great. So I began to pray that God would send me some people who would work with me in that. So we began to develop a followup program and that has been very successful.

Christopher Alam (08:39):
So before every crusade, now we do it three weeks mobile Bible school in which we train the local churches on how to disciple new believers. So we do that a lot in the digital to the crusade itself. A lot of work goes into what happens before and after the, so that has really been the key to our late successful. And so, you know, because, because of that, because a lot of people have to stay in the churches, I believe that has given us credibility in Southern Africa. So the word has gotten around that if we come and do a crusade in their town, they know that the churches are going to grow. So you know what, that it takes years to build up that kind of reputation. So, you know, we do crusades in Southern Africa, South central Africa, and we work with other denominations in places where there’s nothing, we plant our own churches. Otherwise we run churches. We give them to the other fellowships and groups to run those churches. We also have a church planting Bible school. So know I’ve done a lot of things, you know, top of my we’ll call, it started Bible school. Didn’t start another one in Asia, one year Bible school with an emphasis on church, planting crusades, pre crusade, teaching post crusade. Follow-Up all that. Yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:00):
Talk to me about your process of doing post crusade follow up. We don’t want to just make converts. We want to make disciples. So I feel this is very important for what, what are you doing?

Christopher Alam (10:12):
Interesting? Well, the first thing I want to say is that the great commission isn’t just to preach the gospel. The great commission is to preach the gospel and to make disciples and to teach them all things that Jesus has taught. So it’s a, it’s a bigger process than just the preaching of the gospel and the alter. It’s a bigger thing. And I spoke to a problem in demand. I asked him what he did about, and he said nothing. That’s not what God has called me to do. The churches should do it. And I thought, you know, that that’s a good thought. But then I realized that most of the churches, like in places like Africa and Southern Asia, they don’t have the know how to make the second, neither do they have the motivation because they have worked for decades without succeeding. And so we realized, so we have to inspire them.

Christopher Alam (11:06):
We have to give them the know-how. So that’s when I thought, because good follow-up is a result of good training. So my thought was, how do we do that? Well, we do that by motivating them training the churches, in fact now when we do it in Africa except the church as a participating church, unless they cancel all their programs except their Sunday morning services and work together with us six days a week and let us train their people. And also, we also demand that we also require that a sizable percentage of the membership of the leaders participate in the we, you know, we call it the mobile Bible school. So when we do this, then as soon as the crusade ends, we, we handled the decision cards to the churches. And that would correspond to two criteria. We use, we divided map of the entire town grid.

Christopher Alam (12:05):
So each church would get a decision card from the immediate vicinity. We won’t give them cops on the other end of town. That’s the first thing. The other thing is that the number of cars to get to the number of workers provided to be trained. And then we teach them, we walk with them how to do the follow-up process. And we also teach the pastors how to get their first three Sundays after the crusade to welcoming the new believers, making them the center of attraction and getting them to share their stories and testimonies. And then of course, these people are visited at the church members visit to visit the new believers in their homes. It’s, it’s quite an alien, it’s this conflict.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:00):
You also see notable miracles when you preach. Tell me a story of one of the significant miracles that you’ve seen God do.

Christopher Alam (13:11):
Well okay. Now let me just say the fresh on the pops in my mind, this was in Eastern Europe years ago, and we were in an actually Roman Catholic. We had like 8,000 people inside 4,000 outside jammed. People were standing everywhere in the aisles and even in the vestry and in the back of the Jewish building, behind the alter table, there were about to be 400 people. And then while I was when I finished preaching, I began to pray. I suddenly heard people screaming and I look back and I looked over the altar table and I saw the top of the little blonde walking. And I had I remember I had 27 students on the Bible college in Sweden or with me, I was living in Sweden at that time. And they were screaming and weeping and pointing towards this child.

Christopher Alam (14:08):
I walked across across the alter table. And I saw the way that the child was walking. So I knew that she had been paralyzed. She had been laid. Now, the story of this child was she was born brain damaged. Our eyes would cross. She wouldn’t say her tongue was hanging up here drooling. She was in a fetal position. Her knees were drawn up like this. And, you know, she was totally brain-damaged. And what happened was when the power of God came on there, the mother put the child on the ground and people begin to hear the sound of bones cracking, and the fingers begin to straighten out the eyes were straight and this challenge on its own and begin to walk. And that’s why people were screaming. So, anyway, I didn’t know all this, but I, I took the child by the hand and I remember I walked to the front of the table and I immediately, my spirit knew that something immense had happened here.

Christopher Alam (15:15):
I didn’t know the details, but I just, you know, sometimes, you know, in your heart and I, and I suddenly, I felt this, this is how I felt. I felt like I, you know, there was I had, I had read somewhere, which says that no man can see God and live. And that, that moment was the Daniel. I believe that I was going to die because I have seen the glory of God. That’s how I felt. So I remember I left the child. I crawled up to the alter table and with a tablecloth hanging around this huge cement table and I was under it. And I, at that time, we had only two children, the youngest one hadn’t been born. And I pray for my wife. I begin to pray for the children that the Lord would take care of me when I be gone, because I seriously believe that I was going to die.

Christopher Alam (16:07):
Then I said, Lord, I’m ready. You can take me home. Then I heard a voice that said you hadn’t seen anything as yet get out and stand before the people. So I stuck my head out from under the alter table and what I see because the whole place was packed up. There was a space of about 10 feet wide and three feet. That was my space. I had stood. And I had preached suddenly. I saw parents bring about I think about six boys of different ages, totally paralyzed. And as they put them on the platform, each one of the six got up and began to walk. So I was, you know, then the power of swept over the crowd. And I took off my jacket and into the crowd because people were crushing me against the altar table. And I told the people, I said, we touched this jacket.

Christopher Alam (17:03):
You’ll be healed. Miracles are happening. Anyway, we ended the meeting one 30 at night. And then and then what happened was that I came back a year later. You know, I used to do one service in that church every year. And in July, I came back next July and the old men, the priest took me aside. He said, brother, I want to show you something. He opened the door and showed me a room. It was full of wheelchairs and crutches and things. He says for 90 days, for three months after you live every single day, I had a line of people outside the parsonage with crutches and artificial limbs and braces, neck braces, blesses hearing, just all kinds of things. He says. Then after 90 days, I stopped. And you know, when he finished, I saw those things. My head was spinning. I just know that there are a lot of things we don’t understand that there are dimensions. We haven’t touched, but when we preach Jesus that is when the Holy ghost comes down and God can do way beyond. We can ask a thing. And so that was probably on the most astounding and outstanding things I’ve ever seen in my life.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:26):
That’s amazing. I, I believe that God is raising up a new generation of young evangelists that will go out into the world and see a great harvest of souls. And I first met you when I was a much younger evangelist. I remember you were very encouraging to me and telling me about all the miracles and, and the testimonies of, of what you had done. What advice would you give to a young evangelist if you were coaching a young evangelist?

Christopher Alam (18:55):
The first thing I would say to them never seek to be great. Never, you know, a lot of people, our ministry center don’t see it, that seek to make Jesus exalted, make much, make much a big deal, make a big deal across on the blood and of Jesus Christ. If you do that that’s the first thing. Secondly, make a covenant with God. And I had to do that to do that 35, 36 years ago, the Lord said to me, he says, he says, I will use you. But if you make a covenant with me not to talk about the things that I have done for your life and ministry for financial brain, again, all for self promotion, this is, if you can make that covenant with me, I will take care of you. You will never let, and I’m going to use you.

Christopher Alam (19:55):
And that was, you know, a thing that really releases you because we, we live in a world and everybody wants to be known, famous to have money, to have this and all that. It’s a great thing to live a life when we are totally deliberate and free from that this desire to have enough. Another thing is a numbers game. Don’t chase numbers. I mean, honestly, since 1989, I have never put in my newsletter. So many people got saved or so many people in the crowd. I just put a photo up there and let people make their own game on. Yes, I know because I was told years ago by an older man about very wise, he says, Christopher don’t play the numbers game. And I looked at him. He says, you know what? He says, I tell you why people play the number of games.

Christopher Alam (20:43):
They think that if they have great numbers, that will bring great support. He said, you don’t want money from people by numbers. You need the support of those who join their hearts to you because let’s see the hand of God on your life. He says, that’s the first thing. Secondly, whenever you give a number, there always be somebody else who will say he had more people than you and others who would say you want to exaggerate says, don’t even go there. And I’ve seen whether it works. I mean, since 1989, never read privately. I can tell you, you asked me how many people do think I can give you a guess, but I guess as a guest, you know but, but the thing is that, you know, I tell people, I said, it’s good just to be free from these things free from the numbers game and free from the pressure of having to prove anything, because the power is not in us.

Christopher Alam (21:37):
It is impossible. So we have to wrap our lives around the cross and be in Christ. And that is the key to our having fruit and success and one man, a man of God who was a pastor, he said years ago, he said, brother, there’s a great difference between results and fruits. He says that fruits contain results, but just results are not fruit. And I thought how to that is, you know, the older you get, I’m 66. Now I’ll be 67. So you may begin to think of eternity and you think of life in terms of pleasing God, rather than the bigness of my ministry. And that’s why I’m sharing these things. It sometimes takes people to get it. You know, it took me years to get it.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (22:29):
Thank you for sharing that tremendous advice as we speak, you are about to go to Tanzania for another crusade. Tell me what you’re going to be doing there.

Christopher Alam (22:42):
I’m working with a brother called doctor econ. The man is a legend and been in Tanzania. I think 46 will be seven years. I’ll be doing two crusades with them, with him. I couldn’t bring my own equipment and my team because of the lockdown, but we’ll be working with buddy. So I’m glad to be able to do these two crusades because last year I couldn’t do anything in Africa. Nothing.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (23:07):
If one of our listeners would be interested in, in supporting your ministry, what is your website? How can they find you to find more information?

Christopher Alam (23:18):
W w w dot Pentacostal fire.com

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (23:38):
Wonderful. Well, brother, since you named your website, Pentecostal fire, you must believe in Pentecostal fire. W would you pray a prayer for the people who are listening and pray for the fire of God to come upon them? Amen.

Christopher Alam (23:55):
Let’s pray together. Father in the mighty name of Jesus. We come before you, we come before your throne. I thank you, Lord Jesus for the price that you paid for us, that you were you were whipped and bruised and beaten and crucified bearing upon your own self, our sins and our diseases. And by your stripes, we have been ill. I thank you, Jesus, that you have baptized us with the Holy ghost and with fire. And you have seated together who seated us together with Christ in the heavenly places on your own right-hand side. I thank you father for your calling upon our lives for the anointing of your Holy spirit, upon our lives. And I pray father that each one of us may, may walk with you and we use by you for your glory. I thank you, father, how precious it is to be called by God to do your work.

Christopher Alam (24:47):
We thank you, father in the name of Jesus, use each one, father who is listening to the sound of my voice, touch them. Father caused them to increase in wisdom and power in the knowledge of God, and then be anointed of the Holy spirit. May they all bear much fruit father confirm your word in their mouth with science forming in Jesus’ name. Amen. Amen. Daniel. I want to share one little thought that came to me when I was praying, you know, we are the five-fold ministry gifts and I used to teach on the five-fold ministry gifts and generally the apostles prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. And if you look at what the apostle does, he really does a whole bunch of things and what the prophet does and what the pastor does and what a teacher does. But you know, the evangelist in interesting, the evangelist has only one message.

Christopher Alam (25:41):
His message is Christ. That’s the only prejudice he preaches Christ crucified, right? That’s his only message. He just, this one message. He’s not called to do anything else, but preach this one message Christ crucified. Now, isn’t it amazing that this one message of Jesus Christ crucified must be so important in the eyes of God, that God would designate one of the five ministry gifts to preach only that and nothing else. Just think of how precious you know, that’s why I do with the fresh policies, the glorious gospel of Christ, which was, and custard to me. So the message we have, it’s, it’s a message of God’s glory. It is it just, you know, when people talk, well, the Gloria, they talk about something out there, but the glory of God, isn’t something floating around the glory of God is in the message of the cross that does the Laureus gospel.

Christopher Alam (26:47):
And this message, the, the salvation of the entire human race depends upon the preaching of this message. This one message, nothing else, all the other things that are important, they have their own place, but this messenger price is, is a message. The, that God has put the testimony, the terminal, the destiny, the salvation of the entire human race in this message. That’s the first thing. Secondly, God has promised to confirm this message with science falling. So miracles are an integral part of the gospel. So I have pastors asking me why don’t we see miracles in America? Like you didn’t advertise it. Well, the reason is there’s many reasons, but the main reasons, because you guys go preach the gospel, you don’t preach the cross. You know, and then the fact which I began with that this message is so important to God that God has designated one of the five ministry gift just to breach this one message. So this is something we must think what a privilege, what an honor it is to be an evangelist and to preach this one message. And it’ll be an entire power of the Holy spirit, the forces of heaven, get behind this message. And when we preach it, it convicts the hearts of sinners. They just feel, they said, what must I do to be saved? And then miracles began to happen. So what a glorious gospel God has entrusted.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (28:22):
Amen. I am thankful that I am an evangelist. It is a good job to have, and I only have one message, but I just keep preaching it over and over again. So thank you brother, Christopher, for being on the evangelism podcast. God bless

Christopher Alam (28:39):
You. Keep in touch.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (28:41):
Thank you. Thank you so much for listening today. This was a powerful interview with brother Christopher Alam. Would you do me a favor? Go find the evangelism podcast on Apple iTunes and give us a review and also subscribe your review. We’ll make it so other people who are excited about evangelism can find this podcast. Thank you so much. And God bless you

Evangelism Podcast Host (29:10):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit King ministries.com. Again, that’s King ministries.com.


Patrick Mmuokebe | Nigerian Evangelist Who Saw Jesus Four Times

Bishop Patrick Mmuokebe is from the nation of Nigeria. When he was 19 years old, he saw a vision of Jesus four times. Ever since, he has dedicated his life to preaching the Gospel and he has now visited 51 nations to tell people about Jesus.

Key Quote: 

Miracles are to draw souls to Christ.


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Bishop Dr. Patrick Mmuokebe is from the nation of Nigeria. When he was only 19 years old, he saw a vision of Jesus four times ever since he has dedicated his life to preaching the gospel. And now he’s visited over 50 nations telling people about Jesus.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:22):
Jesus said, go into all the world and preach the gospel. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King we’re Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary and evangelist Daniel King. Welcome to the evangelism podcast.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:01):
I’m Daniel King and I am excited telling people about Jesus. Today. We have a special guest. He is a evangelist from the nation of Nigeria, and he has now traveled to over 51 nations around the world, preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to large crowds of people at the age of 19 Bishop Patrick McGee, baby had a vision of Jesus, not just one vision. He saw Jesus four times. So brother, tell me how that vision of Jesus impacted your life.

Bishop Patrick Mmuokebe (01:40):
Praise be to God is a pleasure to be here today, to share with you what great things God is doing in the now they visioned that I had impacted my life because it took me from smoking drugs, from Ganga five boys from living in this, you know, lifestyle of Michael Jackson, because I was playing him. I used to dance this Cobra dance like him. It was my mother and my idol. And but after that experience, when everything changed from that moment, I began to tell Jesus is alive. I told my family and my friends, people around me that say I’m crazy or mad. They said that, you know, does not appear to anybody anymore. I said, buddy, that he spoke to me. He said, I am Jesus Christ. This is a life on power. They couldn’t understand. My family was like, I’m going crazy. They wouldn’t take me to psychiatric hospital to look at my brain too much.

Bishop Patrick Mmuokebe (02:30):
I’m still walking. But I said, Oh, he’s real well. Within three, four, five months of coming and talking to me in four different times, everything changed my life. Miracles, healing began to happen. Cancers heal people. I pray for say that heal. Everybody began to notice that God is really doing something. And then I knew that God called me to preach the gospel to others, with the testimony of Jesus Christ. Because the testimony of Jesus is the power of the Holy spirit. And it is what brings change to people today. People don’t believe that Jesus is real. So don’t believe that Jesus is arrive. Some don’t believe that Jesus is who he say the word of God he is, but I’ve been to 52 different countries. I’ve talked to people, millions of face to face with healings of cancer. Also HIV AIDS with doctors, reports, ballerinas that doctors can never be healed, healed people that are going through poverty, being financially empowered miraculously by the vision of Jesus Christ. As I said that I’m a preacher and also a witness of his power today.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:36):
Oh, you’re from the nation of Nigeria. Yes. How did you first become an evangelist? Was your first crusade there in Nigeria?

Bishop Patrick Mmuokebe (03:45):
Yes. My first crew said, I’ll try it. It was in Nigeria. I in March, 1998, five, as I said, I smoked drink with my gangs and even love match. It didn’t be Monday night. I came home to sleep as usual. I wake up in the morning, looking at the street of my house, thinking about what I’m going to do that day. And as I shared my book on my messages, you know, suddenly I look like this on my left-hand side, Jesus was standing there. When I saw him, I want to run away. I couldn’t run. I want to move. I want a little move. I want to say, who are you? I couldn’t open my mouth. The glory. And the power of his presence is beyond human description. Nobody can describe the awesomeness and the greatness of who Jesus is. And from that moment, everything changed for me.

Bishop Patrick Mmuokebe (04:28):
When he spoke to me, I went to the restroom and tears were coming out of my eye. I feel like a burden lifted from me. I decided that day I gave my life to the Lord. I came out of the restroom and began to preach this Sunday. My crusade started December month because I was a colleague baptized, but I was a baby as Patrick, but I never take a church serious. I don’t believe in God at temple that God does exist. That churches lit in blue Bible is of the bad people, that churches, just a organization like lottery club and other clubs. But after that experience and encounter, I began to preach the reality of Jesus. I went to the Reverend father, told him about Jesus, who appeared to me. I went to so many people telling them that Jesus is real because it was so real. To me, it changed my life. I would say I’m trying to stop smoking. I used to smoke 20 stick or pencil, midnight hedges in two hours with my gang, my friends, I used to drink six bottles of beer CCL. And it came beer, all kinds of beers. But instantly after he spoke to me, the desire for sex desire for dancing, disco, the desire to smoke and drink, everything died instantly. And I began that day to tell people that Jesus can change lives. Instantly.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:42):
You started your ministry there in Nigeria. How did the door open for you to start to go to other nations?

Bishop Patrick Mmuokebe (05:49):
It was a miraculous intervention because in 1991, the Lord came to me and said, I’m taking, I’m sending you to Bennett Republic and took a Republic to possess the land by the Holy spirit. By then I was a pastor going to Bible school in Nigeria, in Abba and pastoring the church because the church I was pastor was founded by about six years ago by a pastor, a leader who had issue with the church because of some, you know, you have some moral issue like fornication with two members of the church ladies. And they went to church, find out he and I went by not the church. I was in Bible school as a student, a few months into geology, two years theological school. And I saw demand. One of the elders I was passing by the voice said to me, go and minister to him.

Bishop Patrick Mmuokebe (06:36):
I said, I don’t know him. What would I tell him? He said in his shop, in his business office, then the first one said, it’s dead for three months. Every time I passed there, I had the seven voice final. I go in and talk to him. He told me that that same week, the Lord told me to go is the wind. The pastor left that they have no pasta that he one meal time. And he said, please come and preach for us. I went there and preach. After I flipped reaching, the whole of the church says, can you be our pastor? That’s how I become a pastor going to school. I was like 23 years old. You know? So going to school, preaching pastor in the church, become the senior leader with the assistant pastor, working with the other guy being on that. Me. And that’s how I started pastoring. And the Lord said to me, go to Benin Republic and Togo in 1991 to preach the gospel. And I went, that was the first day I left the country to go and preach this country’s miracles, healings, deliverance. And from there we have seen so saved by the part of God.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:28):
So you went first to Togo and Benin, and now you’ve gone to so many different nations around the world. Recently you were in the nation of Haiti. Tell me what miracles did you see God do in Haiti,

Bishop Patrick Mmuokebe (07:42):
In Haiti, we have a lot of testimonies. So for healing, for example, there was a woman that has a heart problem. The doctor says that they’re going to give her a new heart or something. And she’s in pain. She’s suffering. Like she kept to the crusade. When we prayed in the name of Jesus, when I’m in a big crowd or crusade like that, I can’t touch anybody. I can’t touch everybody because we touch one person. Everyone wants to touch him. So if I stay the whole night, I can’t touch everybody like some 20,000, 30,000, 50,000, 200,000 people, my crusades. So I was like, okay. I D I spread, put your hand where your sickness is in the name of Jesus. When I pray, I’m going to blow your hand to let her handle you in agreement and the inches of the water. What we me is going to touch you and you be healed.

Bishop Patrick Mmuokebe (08:25):
When I prayed this prayer to whom I says, she put her hand where the problem in the heart part of God came and he was shaking chicken, chicken. When I was praying. And after that, she feels like her fire [inaudible]. I used to loop. There was no fire. So she went home, wake up in the morning. That’s the end of the pain. Went to the doctor, touched, touched nothing, examine everything, no more pain. The cancer is gone. And she came to testify. The whole people, we are so happy people. We are jumping on a Joycean because I tell people this miracles are to draw souls to Christ. Miracles is not advertised. The preacher miracle is not advertised. The program. Miracle is authorized Jesus to let people know that Jesus is still the same yesterday, today, and forever. And what he did yesterday, he can do today. And that’s how people are so excited. We have people come in. Hundreds of people come in every day, every day for one week, thousands of people where there to be blessed by the part of God, by the word of God,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:23):
Over the course of your ministry, how many people have given their lives to Jesus because of your,

Bishop Patrick Mmuokebe (09:30):
Well, I would say is uncountable in the Nim that sometimes when I go on programs, I may not be able to record everybody. You know, like I said, in May 20th of 2016, I was alive on TBN. Mindy started that said we reached 118 inches over a hundred million people watch us live. And after that, I caught oughta call and asked me to give their life to Jesus. So I don’t know how much of the media, so Buddha watch me alive. I remember when they give their life to Jesus, you know, but what I know is that one of micro cities in Nigeria in 2002, we have 50,000 documented salvations in a desk who said Sunday to Sunday. And one crew said every night, wherever have a hundred thousand people. People came from everywhere and we have documented decision card for 50,000. Plus I come to the program after end of the program.

Bishop Patrick Mmuokebe (10:21):
So where I was sitting, literally thousands of meters of people come to Jesus Christ. And we continued to go. I was in India in 2019, this November, we have incredible thousands of people. We have touched many of them here. And there was a mine that the first person I prayed for my guest, even just Francis Xavier, who was with me, Haiti, who said does the last few weeks ago, he, when we come in, he said, that’s their family for 80 years, they’re married. No Chinese doctors have done everything to help them. They spend thousands of dollars in doctors. He said, please, will you pray for them? They want you to come and pray, but it has some testimonies of miracles that happen and they’ll prepare food. And where come. I said, okay. I went there to pray for them. When I was there. I said, by the Holy spirit in one year, today, it child, we cry in this house. Miraculously, not because of what doctors have done, but because of what God who sent me to India have spoken exactly one year to have that boy to that, that child was born last October, then about, so God is fitfully and God’s the answer prayers.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:24):
What evangelists have really influenced you? What have you learned from other evangelists?

Bishop Patrick Mmuokebe (11:31):
They forced the evangelists that impressed me so hard is TL Osborn

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:35):
Of course, Dr. Osborne is a great missionary evangelist from right here in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Bishop Patrick Mmuokebe (11:40):
Yes, sir. In 1986, after I was up here at the minute 85, I heard about him through a book I read and I wrote him. He sent me his book, healing, the sick, they live in classic. Then I saw pictures of crusades. So he did that African another wall. And that has been impacted my life. I’ve listened to him. I’ve been with him and I’ve been in his crusades and I vetted Africa to been in the public. He came in 2005 and we have a wonderful time together before he went to be with the Lord. So TL Osborn is number one, number two, Reinhard Bonnke in 1987 for his false crusade in Nigeria, I was there and there, the final goal was born in the mid two more to go to full-time. After I, in that meeting, I decided to go full time. January 4th, 1988, I went full time with the Bible school to become a full time. Preacher, God.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:32):
God told me one time that “the mission field shall become a mission force.” And for many years, people have viewed Africa as a mission field and many missionaries from the United States and other places have, have gone to Africa to preach the gospel. But now it’s amazing because God is raising up great preachers from Africa, great evangelists that are very bold in sharing their faith that are bold in sticking to the scriptures. And I think now missionaries from Africa are being sent out to, to other nations. What advice would you give to someone from Africa? Who’s called to be an evangelist

Bishop Patrick Mmuokebe (13:18):
Man of God. You are very, very, very perfectly correct. I’ve said this about 15 years ago, the last would be the first and the fourth would be the last. I believe that the last gospel we preach by Africans. Amen. Why? Because they’re the last of course, the sons of, you know, unsolved, Heim, shim, Jeff ethanol that story. But anyway, what do I say is exactly what God is doing? The mission field has become the mission force because when Christianity come to Nigeria to re Christianity in the 1960s and seventies, it came with reality of power of God through read through. [inaudible] tell us what, in 1957, he wasn’t named, but I don’t Nigeria. It has over 500,000 people came over 40 crippled and blind people got healed. I got delivered till I was born 1957. I was not born yet. So people that were there, like my spiritual mentor [inaudible] he was put on people that were impacted.

Bishop Patrick Mmuokebe (14:20):
And that crew said almost every body that was in that crew said at that time that I sit up believers, be called grid, men of God, today that God used it in Nigeria and Africa, I said, Oh, and I want to set this. God has given the African people the burden to carry the reality of the gospel of Jesus with the power of the Holy spirit, to other nations of the world. I said to people that did see that America saw in Nigeria is affecting the whole world right now because the two days that the church and never die and the church can never die. They get off hell. I never stopped the church. If the church is good, we can hear it gets stronger. That if you’re going to struggle, you get to church very soon. When he leave Africa, you go to China because China is rising up to power for right now where the gospel of Jesus Christ. So I believe if you have black minds to the people, if you’re a black man, this is your time to cut it. The anointing, this is your time to create the presence of God. This is your time to preach the gospel with authority and audacity because it works.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:19):
You mentioned Benson Idahosa, who is in heaven now, but he was a great evangelist from Nigeria. And you said that he mentored you in some ways. What did you learn from Benson?

Bishop Patrick Mmuokebe (15:32):
He inspired my faith. The first time I met him, when I was in Bible school, 98, did he come to bridge in my locality, the authority and the audacity that come out of his message and the miracles I saw changed my life forever. I know that if tell us when he’s doing it, he’s a white man. You know, can the heck. And he’s doing it. He’s a white man, but for me too, after reading about these wonderful people for 98, five seven, and see a black man, but you’re busy. And I was standing in front of me, manifesting disempowered on top of the Holy ghost. I was like, Oh, if I can do it and brought out with, to tell you by the grace of God, I’ve done it in many countries to the glory of God, I’ve challenged, DiMasi hate to face to face.

Bishop Patrick Mmuokebe (16:20):
And many of them said they would kill me. I said, bring it on because it will kind of knock. If I said before you come to, came in, right. Your wheel, because we don’t kill me. If I don’t die, you die. Because when you bring the sword, the highest sword will be there to challenge you assault. And I don’t think you can stand, go. So, or doesn’t have the authority. The boldness he has, which came from God, because if you know his life story, when he was bought bet bunk, he wants to be thrown away in a trach because he was not Britain. He thought he was dead. The father said, Hey man, where is nothing? I would have songs that I was sick. It was sickly. But God, the devil wants to destroy him from China. But God raised him up to become a mighty force. Almost every ministry you’ll see today in Nigeria, big ministry. So I called in about Nigeria now a hundred thousand $650,000. We all came out of it. The house

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (17:10):
God is no respecter of persons. He is a respecter of faith. And so any man, no matter what color, what religion, what place they’re from, if they will put their faith in God, God will use them for his glory. And so brother, you are a great example of an evangelist. You are a great African evangelist and I pray that God will raise up many more people, men and women of God, just like you. Thank you so much for being on the evangelism podcast. Could we finish with you praying for our listeners, please pray for them. Father in the

Bishop Patrick Mmuokebe (17:50):
Name that is above every other name, the name Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He who appeared and change and transformed my life and give me the power and authority to do December. His name. I come to declare, Oh God, that you bless every man. Every woman that is watching and listening to us right now that the momentum of your presence will be made available to them. That wherever they are, you begin to touch them, your spiritual life, their financial life, the material life, the marital life, their children, their husband, or children or wife, let your glory be revealed to them. Let them begin to connect to the supernatural power that is available today for winning souls. While your watch says he, that wind sowed his Weiss, let them become Weiss in the spirit and let it become active in reaching out, bringing source to the kingdom. Father bless them as they come to know that you are. Will you say you are in your woods in Jesus’ precious name? Amen. Praise the Lord. Amen. Thank you, Bishop. My prison. Be blessed. Hey, thanks so much for listening.

Evangelism Podcast Host (18:54):
Could you do me a favor? Go to Apple iTunes, find the evangelism podcast and leave us a review. That’ll help other people who are excited about evangelism to find this podcast. God bless you

Evangelism Podcast Host (19:07):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit King ministries.com. Again that’s King ministries.com.


Benjamin Gabriel | Businessman from the Middle East who Loves Jesus

Benjamin Gabriel (not his real name) is from the Middle East. He has been a highly successful businessman but now he is passionate about Jesus and  excited about telling people about the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

He was sent to prison for becoming a Christian.

He was beat up for preaching the Gospel.

Key Quote: 

If you read the Koran, you will find that Islam is a very controlling religion.


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Benjamin Gabriel. That’s not his real name is from the middle East. He has been a highly successful businessman, but now he’s passionate about Jesus and excited about telling people about the father, the son, and the Holy spirit.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:16):
Jesus said go into all the world and preach the gospel. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord. Welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King where Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary and evangelist Daniel King. Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:52):
Hi, I’m Daniel King and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus. Today. We have a special guest Benjamin Gabriel. Now that’s not his real name. It’s a pseudonym. He is from the middle East, and you’ll recognize from his accent that he is from over there. But I can’t even tell you what country he’s from because his family still lives there. And they would be in danger. He’s been a highly successful businessman, done very well in business, but his heart, his passion is for reaching people for Jesus brother. Thank you for joining me today.

Benjamin Gabriel (01:33):
Thank you very much. And I’m honored to be here, pastor Daniel.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:38):
So tell me about your life as a businessman. You’ve made lots of money in your lifetime, but now you have a heart for preaching the gospel and telling people about Jesus. Tell me how that came

Benjamin Gabriel (01:52):
To be my life, my whole entire life. Since 1987, it’s still, what are they called for to reach the unreached people and to present Christ as the real Messiah, the one who comfort you, the one who saved you and through, I want to, I started being in business at the age of six years old. Believe it or not. I was six years old. When my daddy took me to work for him. At the age of 12, I was running two businesses. I had a horrible childhood with my father, an absolute the worst image of fatherhood. I forgive my dad. I love him. That’s what I learned. That’s why I learned that in Christianity, that the father God, but so much healing in your heart that you can live and forgive the people that hurt you. And I found so many things in Christianity that helped me out to reach the business side and my life I’ve been in all over the country.

Benjamin Gabriel (03:02):
I mean all over the country, meeting people, I mean, billionaires, millionaires people, I don’t know the, the know how much money they have. And in the last 26 years of my life, it’s been ma I’ve been a missionary in my field and a very successful businessman. I took one of the business. I ran to number 11 over the whole entire country. And I say very humbly, nobody before me in this state, I live in and nobody after me still beat that record ever. Nobody ever. And that glory is to God because God was with Joseph. Because of that, he was a successful man. Seeing the Bible, you can see a lot of promises from God that he will bless everything you touch, just believe just except him in your heart as a personal savior. Jesus Christ is the true God. He is the one that said I am the life that there was a reaction and the who believe in me will be resurrected.

Benjamin Gabriel (04:13):
They will never die. Why? Because he saves your spirit. He saves your soul. He saves your body. He saves all of you. And then that in his day he will come and take it to the everlasting life. He is alive. Jesus Christ is alive. Then in my business, I did this and I I’ve, I’m always bald. I I’ve never been scared of anyone. I mean, none. I prayed for customers. I prayed for employees. God gives me a world of knowledge about people suffering financially can pay their mortgage. I obeyed God. And in my thigh, I obeyed God in everything I do every morning. I said, God, I want it to be with me because without you, I can do nothing. But with you, father, God, I can do everything. I was able to preach the word of God in a very intelligent way and spiritual way to them.

Benjamin Gabriel (05:15):
Iffiest to the Muslims, unbelievers, Hindu. I mean all the religions of the world. Have I seen life said absolutely, absolutely. One of my businesses that I I’m sorry. One of the places that God told me to go on work, I work for probably $3 a month, but it wasn’t the money. It was the mission that I was on. And in this particular place, God said there’s 25 souls. I have ordained them. I have anointed them. I love them. And I want you to share my love to them. I said, God, you got to teach me. And I God so much because God, the father, God, the son and God, the Holy spirit. And without the Holy spirit, this is the mechanism of the Trinity. The Holy spirit came to me and taught me wisely. How to reach the unreached people. And all of a sudden, I, you know, the lunch hour or the 30 minutes lunch, I, I started with one person.

Benjamin Gabriel (06:21):
I said, Hey, let’s pray over the food. Then let’s pray to the heavenly father. God, just God, because they believe that they’re God, it’s like art. It’s a fake God, but this is not what we’re talking about today. It’s a fake God. Please study the Koran. It’s a very controlling religion. When a religion tell you that if you ever doubt the Bible, if you ever doubt the I’m on, you’re going to go to hell. Versus the Christ said, search all the books to find a reason for your belief. Anyway, then I started working there and the guy said, I would pray five times a day. I can do this. And I told him, my faith is, God is unlimited. You will leave that. He said, yeah. I said, then you can talk to him. He said, you think I can. I say, yeah, you can watch what I will do.

Benjamin Gabriel (07:17):
And I prayed my thank God and the joy of God and the peace of God was all over me. And he go and pray because he never done that. He, the prayer is a repeating prayer. Five times a day. It doesn’t change. It’s the same prayer, five times a day. And you can talk to God because in the Koran it says it can’t, you can’t talk to God period. End of the story. And if you do talk to him by accident, he’s not going to talk to you. Who are you the thought for him to talk to you? Anyway, then I shared the shared about God, the father with him as the Holy spirit commanded me. And then I start believing that God will do something. And he one gets saved and born by the Holy spirit and baptized by the Holy spirit. Then our lunch hour, this people see us sitting together and we have a very wonderful time together.

Benjamin Gabriel (08:12):
Then two people, three people, four people. It became literally exactly what God told me. 25 people received Jesus Christ as a personal savior. Number 25 was a lady. Am I going to mention her name? Because whatever, but I told her as I discipled all of them, you can’t, you can’t. I know that you have so much joy because now you born again. And the Holy spirit is upon you and God talking to you. And you’re going to enjoy a true person relationship with the true God, God, the father, God, the son and God, the Holy spirit and the Holy spirit will fill you up with so joy that you can comprehend. And she didn’t listen. And with a sail heart that she got decapitated by her own fiance for believing in Jesus Christ. It broke my heart very bad. And at that time, the, the, the man that was the big boss of this place and he came to me to purchasing.

Benjamin Gabriel (09:19):
I said, I need human office. And I went to his office and he said, brother you’re talking about Christ to people. I said, yes, I am. I’m talking about the father God. And he said, you know that I can report you right now to the secret police and all of the brotherhood and your life will end. But the fact that your mother and father are very willing, well known in the city. And I know them personally, I’m going to just fire you and don’t ever come back here. I did that. And I lived the place that God commanded me to go there and do his work. God has

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:13):
Moved tremendously in your life. And it’s amazing where God has brought you to. And I know that your testimony is very long. You could spend a long time sharing everything that God has done, but just share with us a little bit about how God has brought you to where you are today.

Benjamin Gabriel (10:33):
I walked into church and I stood in the end of the church and the pastor was preaching and I understood zero from what he, he let us, he was afraid of me. I don’t know. The church just started one after the other leaving because it’s how I looked. And toward the end, which is, I still don’t know. I still don’t know how this happened. I still don’t know it’s the power of God because I seek the God all my life. I wanted to know where the truth is. And I did walk by this particular church so many times, and every time I walked by it, there’s people shouting and they’re happy, happy the other religion nobody’s happy. I mean, nobody has happiness in their heart, zero. I mean, they get out of bed at two in the morning, three in the morning and in their heart, they’re cussing God, why you make it?

Benjamin Gabriel (11:37):
They were doing all this. But anyway, on some of them are grateful because you know, it’s just taught. I mean, I wish I have the time to share with you about the country addiction and that book, how many mistakes and I can prove it to you from that book that Jesus Christ is the son of God. Anyway, toward the end, he he asked if you want to receive Jesus Christ as a personal savior, come to the front. Now this is, this is what I don’t understand. And I still don’t get it. How did I go to the front? I didn’t, I don’t know. I mean, I still questioning. God is like, did you push me? Did you actually carry me and make me go to the front? What happened that day? And all the, the leaders in the church and the pastor prayed for me and all the sudden I’m crying like crazy.

Benjamin Gabriel (12:31):
We’ll talk on this, this particular time. It was four hours, snot and tears. And it was like a pub under me and I’m crying. And I’m like, all the sudden I, while I’m crying, I stopped. And it was, it was a vision. I was in the desert where there is no food, no water. And I was a baby. I was just a baby. And Christ came from heaven, was amazing, peaceful, light, and amazing peace. He put upon me for the first time in my life. I experienced peace, not excit and depression. And that’s the God that I worship. He will heal you from all the depression of the past and anxiety to taking steps toward the future. That’s the God we worship. And all of a sudden I had peace that I’m not kidding you. It is overwhelming peace. And his hand that he held me, he hugged me.

Benjamin Gabriel (13:35):
And he said, you are mine. I’m going to anoint you. I’m going to be with you all the days of your life and not, you’re not going to save hundreds of thousands. You’re going to save millions of life in your lifetime. Oh, what? The experience or the presence. And I, without a doubt in my mind, without a doubt, I knew Jesus Christ is the son of man. The son of God. He is part of the Trinity, the father, the son, the Holy spirit. And they are one, not three as others belief. And my life was so touched that that night I wanted a house and I couldn’t sleep. I start like one, I have a Bible list. That’s almost 40 years old, but I’m going to stop reading the Bible. And the Holy spirit came to my room and I couldn’t stop crying about all the sins and all the things I committed in my life, including converting to Christian, to fam.

Benjamin Gabriel (14:40):
And I cried. And I said, God, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I will do whatever it takes to bring them back to you. I want it be your servant. And from that point on my life was never the same. You know, when I went to prison, I was so thankful to God. I actually praise the God said, man, this is amazing. I get persecuted for the name of Christ. When I got beat up for preaching the gospel, I was so happy because he said, come to me all your burden and have heavy heart. And I will give you freedom. I will give you peace. Jesus Christ is a personal savior and he is alive. Not like the other religion. The guy is dead. He died. He’s gone. What do you worship a lifeguard? Or you follow a dead one, dead, dead with a whole bunch of idols inside his coffin. I mean idols. Why would a guy guide sin from God, be among idols. I wish I have the time to destroy that book. I really do.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:47):
What is it that is unique about Christianity that makes it so attractive to you.

Benjamin Gabriel (15:55):
That’s a big question. And I’ll do the best to answer the fact that you can talk to God. You can talk to God any time. You don’t have to have five times of prayer. And I wish I have the time to share with you. Why it’s five times not 50 as God told the guy anyway, but you can talk to God. And the beautiful thing about it. It’s not like the other, all the other religions. Oh, I mean, when I say, Oh, I mean, all of them, all of them, none of these gods talk back to you. They have no power, none because they are the he’s alive and he’s, this is alive. And he will talk back to you. And through the Holy spirit, he will give you power to do things that incredible, super natural things that you can do. The Bible is alive.

Benjamin Gabriel (16:53):
The word of God is still alive and he wants to touch your heart. He wants to bring you to his kingdom. He was sick. All the wilderness, all the fear, all the anxiety, all, everything that is stopping you from being who called you to be, God is opening his arm today. And he wants you to come to his kingdom. He loves you so much. And I say the truth in love. He sent, he sent the part of the Trinity Christ, the son, the Messiah, the son of God to die for your sense. Then you can go through Christ as the righteousness of God, not condemned by your sins. You don’t have to work like the other religions say, you have to work for your salvation and no guarantee for Ghana, which is the garden of no guarantee. None, zero, because God is a deceiver. What a funny thing.

Benjamin Gabriel (17:53):
How will you believe that? But our God wants you. Once you receive him, your book is written in the book of life. That’s why I love Christianity. That’s why I have a passion for Christianity, the gods so much. He loved the world that he gave his only begotten son for you. Why don’t you take the step of faith right now in Jesus’ name? I break anything, stopping you from taking a step toward the things of God is study for yourself. Read for yourself. He asked us to read the books to have evidence for all. Believe he didn’t command you not to read nothing and be controlled by one book and accept them as his personal savior. I promise you life will change their happiness. You’ve been looking for all your life. That joy, that peace will never come with money, authority and power will never, ever come.

Benjamin Gabriel (18:45):
He’s the only one that said before you with the sentence, the heaven that I will leave my peace to you will not like the peace, the word give, but overwhelming peace and the Holy spirit on fire. You want the Holy spirit. You, when God started speaking to you as how you do it, you accept Jesus Christ as a personal savior. That’s what I love about this Bible is still alive. He still can listen to you. And all of a sudden, when you receive him, this is what the Holy spirit will come right with him because he said, I am leaving and I have to leave to send the helper. And the Holy spirit will assist you as why God is the father. God, the son and God, the Holy spirit and the Holy spirit is where you at right now in Jesus’ mighty name,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:33):
Brother. Thank you so much for sharing. I love your passion. If you’re listening and you have been stuck in religion, trying to make God happy through your works right now, I’d encourage you to cry out to Jesus. That’s right. Ask Jesus to save you, brother. Would you pray a prayer with my listener right now? Who wants to give his life to Jesus has been stuck in religion, but right now wants to cry out and experience a true relationship. A life with Jesus Christ,

Benjamin Gabriel (20:07):
Totally father God come to you. And the name of Jesus Christ. He said everything. Everything you ask the father in my name happened. He said if two and three gathered in my name in agreement that the prayer will be answered. And we’re praying to you, father God through the Holy spirit. Oh, Holy spirit. You are so powerful. Oh, Holy spirit. You can change lives right now. We are so welcoming you among us. Come and start moving with power. I pray right now in the name of Jesus

Benjamin Gabriel (21:01):
Through the, what they call their self Christian. And they have no relationship with you, non father, God, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ

Benjamin Gabriel (21:14):
The Holy spirit father, God will start touching their lives in a different way. Try them to your body, to the church where they can see the Holy spirit moving. God is still alive. God hears about you. Oh God. I, I see somebody, somebody right now is suffering with drugs. I mean, right now you are listening and you are suffering with drugs and God is standing you right now. Get in your knees and ask me, and I will heal you in Jesus mighty name

Benjamin Gabriel (21:53):
Jesus name. I see another woman. She is so, Oh gosh, she’s so down on herself because of all the abuse, sexual abuse G when through God is telling you, forgive your enemies.

Benjamin Gabriel (22:08):
The biggest commandment to love the Lord, your God, from all your heart, all your mind, all your understanding and love your neighbor as yourself. This will all, all the apostles, all the profits. That’s what he said. This is it all the old Testament, the new Testament. This is, and this is the greatest thing it can do. And I’m telling you for give them that you shall be forgiving and you can walk in the freedom of Jesus Christ. You are no guilt. There is no shame, father God. I pray to the nations that they don’t believe in the Trinity of God. Nothing is impossible for my mighty God, nothing. I mean nothing. And I pray right now, father God, but the nation for Africa, I see the blood of Jesus Christ is wiping the whole entire city under the blood. That is as massive at knowing thing from the head all the way to the end of Africa.

Benjamin Gabriel (23:12):
I see God right now, raising the church in America in Jesus mighty name, don’t fight God like Paul don’t fight God. You might not be Christian. You might be Muslim or Confucius or Hindu or Buddhist. Don’t fight the voice in you that is telling you read the Bible. And in the Bible, you’re going to find, answer for everything because the Holy spirit will help you to light up your mind. Like Paul, the apostle said, he said open their eyes. They are blind eyes. They can see they have eyes, but they can’t see. I pray for the God that you opened their eyes of understanding that your world will shine and the salvation will come. Nothing is impossible for you for their God, because you’re the alpha and Omega. And you are a loving God. Yes, you’re a loving God. Not in the other book. Not one time said that the God of love.

Benjamin Gabriel (24:13):
I think our book, he’s a loving God. He wants to love you. He wants to, he wants to you to love him back. He wants to trust you, and he wants you to trust him with your life. Because when you give him your life, your prosper and be in good health, psychologically, mentally, physically, you’re going to go into paradise on earth because God is with you. And when God is with you, who can be against you in Jesus’ mighty name, we pray and we expect miracles and testimonies to be happening in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen. Amen. Thank you for being on the evangelism podcast. Thank you very much, just honor.

Evangelism Podcast Host (25:03):
Hey, thanks so much for listening today. Could you do me a favor? Go to Apple iTunes, find the evangelism podcast and leave us a review. That’ll help other people who are excited about evangelism to find this podcast.

Evangelism Podcast Host (25:20):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit King ministries.com. Again, that’s King ministries.com.


Daniel Keith Amerine | Using Music to Preach the Gospel

Daniel Keith Amerine is a musician who has written a song called “Redemption is Here.” The song talks about the work Jesus did on the cross. It is the perfect song for an evangelist.
What is the difference between a performer and a minister?
How do you write songs?
Lyrics of the Song Featured in this Evangelism Podcast Episode: 
Title: Redemption is Here
Artist: Daniel Keith Amerine and Haley Joy Harris
Pure Waters of Your Love
Washing flowing through my heart
I give You everything I am
The power of Your Cross displayed
You came. You died. You rose again
Healing Waters, flood my soul
I’m forgiven
It is done
Christ is risen in Redemption’s power
It’s Your healing flowing down
In Your presence resting
Your sons and daughters know
Redemption is here
And Your fountain overflows
It’s healing for the nations
In Your waterfall
Redemption is here
Composers: Daniel Keith Amerine, Ann Ellen Jurasek, Timothy James Matthews, and Katrina Maria Matthews
Copyright © 2018 I’m Not Mine Muisc / BMI
CCLI Song Number: 7128691
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):

Daniel Keith Amerine is a musician who has written a song called redemption is here. The song talks about how our redemption comes through the work that Jesus did on the cross. It’s the perfect song for an evangelist.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:20):
Jesus said go into all the world and preach the gospel. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies, and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary and evangelist Daniel King. Welcome

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:56):
To the evangelism podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. I’ve got a special guest with me, Daniel, Keith [inaudible]. He is a musician and has written many songs telling people about Jesus Daniels. So good to have you here. Thank you for being on the podcast.

Daniel Keith Amerine (01:18):
Thank you. It’s great to be here.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:20):
So I actually know Daniel as Dan and we’ve been friends for quite a while. Do you remember how we originally met?

Daniel Keith Amerine (01:30):
It’s been a minute. Yeah. it was in 1991. We were on a mission trip from victory Christian school. I was an adult sponsor and he were 12 years old. We went down to Mexico across the way from El Paso. And it was an amazing week. As I remember it, there was 455 people that gave their lives to Jesus in a one week.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:56):
So my parents were missionaries in Mexico, in Ciudad Juarez, right across from El Paso, Texas. And we would go out on the streets of waters and preach the gospel. We would run from house to house door, to door, inviting kids to come to the church. And then we would minister to them and groups from all over the United States would come down and help us. And sometimes we would do five or six or seven services every single day, going out in the neighborhoods, just from church to church in over the course of a week, when a school group was there, we could minister to thousands of people. So what are some of the things that you remember about me back when I was 12 years old? That was a long time ago.

Daniel Keith Amerine (02:46):
Well, I remember you being fluent in Spanish and you were interpreting for me and the various other people as we are administering to those people. I was very impressed with that.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:56):
And what do you remember about Mexico? About what God did on that trip? Wow. How did it impact your life?

Daniel Keith Amerine (03:05):
Well, I got to give my first invitation with a microphone for salvation, with your dad interpreting for me and one of those services.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:14):
And if someone gets saved, when you gave the invitation,

Daniel Keith Amerine (03:17):
The count that you told me was that 100 precious little kids gave their lives to Jesus that night and later even became some many of them became Bible school teachers. Do you remember telling me about this?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:30):
I don’t. That was a long time ago as a minute later. Yeah, but I do remember you coming down and, and we’ve been friends ever since. And one of the things I really like about you and about your ministry is that God has anointed you in the area of music. And so ever since I’ve known you, you’ve been telling me about the songs that you’re writing, that you’re, you’re working on, that you’re recording. And so tell me a little bit about how you use music to minister, to people and to talk to them about Jesus.

Daniel Keith Amerine (04:07):
Well our father is the master artist. He’s the master architect. He speaks in rhythms and structures. And when we dare to listen to his heartbeat and what’s in his mind for what he’s doing, there’s nothing that can’t happen. It’s like it unlocks the miraculous for years. I’ve been saying that praise and worship music is environmental you minister. And the Lord fills the room because you partnered with him and new songs flow or new versions of songs flow.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:50):
One of the things I really love about music as an evangelist is it can create an atmosphere. A fake music can create an atmosphere for miracles. When you begin to worship God, the presence of God comes into the place. And when you play music, people’s hearts are open to give their lives to Jesus. They, the, the presence of God comes. Sometimes it’s a very weighty feeling. You can even feel it, come down into a room and people begin to respond to the alter call as the musicians get to start to play. And I think it’s really important. When you are a musician to realize that you are not supposed to just be a performer yeah. That you are a minister. Yeah. Talk to me a little bit about the difference between performing and ministry, because I’ve had this on several of our crusades. We have go, w we’ve gone to a different country.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:55):
And we had popular musicians from the country, open up for us. And the music attracts people, but sometimes they have the attitude of a performer and they get up on the platform in their performing. And it seems like when that happens there, there really isn’t much anointing. People get excited and everything, but there’s not an anointed, but then I’ve worked with other musicians. And when they begin to sing, the anointing of God comes. And yeah, there are miracles, there are signs and wonders. People are saved when they begin to. And so I think there’s a real difference between the performer and the minister musician. W w what are your thoughts on that?

Daniel Keith Amerine (06:45):
It comes down to identity brother, knowing who’s. We are leads to knowing who we are, or should I say who we are flows from knowing whose we are. We belong to him. We’re not just servants. We are sons and daughters. And for those who know how to just forget about what’s going here in this realm and just know their father, he loves touching people through that. It just makes a wide open portal in heaven. Not that we have to convince him to touch anyone. He doesn’t need convincing. He loves touching people. But if something about a rallying point, there’s something about when they choose to sing the lyrics that somehow it soaks into the heart. And it’s about identity. It’s about identity.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:46):
Now, recently, I heard the lyrics of one of the songs that you have written. And as I listened to the song, I was thinking to myself, wow, this song is the perfect song for an evangelist. And so that the name of the song is redemption is here. And so here’s some of the lyrics that you say, the bridge I’m forgiven. It is done. Christ is risen in redemptions power. Then you say, it’s your healing flowing down in your presence, resting your sons and daughters. No redemption is here in your fountain. Overflows. It’s healing for the nations in your waterfall. Redemption is here. And I love that because it’s talking about the redemption that we have in Jesus Christ. Here’s another verse, pure waters of your love. Washing flowing through my heart. I give you everything. I am the power of your cross displayed. You came, you died. You Rose again, healing waters, flood my soul. So tell me what you’re trying communicate

Daniel Keith Amerine (08:56):
Through this song. It’s not a song of begging our father. It’s not a song of trying to convince him of anything. It’s. If anything, it’s stating the truth, he accomplished it. I’m forgiven. It is done. Christ is risen in redemptions power. There’s no sales job here. Nobody can sell to God. The deepest words we can say to him are, yes. Oh, that’s one word. He knows us. We might as well surrender. And so there’s, there’s terms in here, pure waters of your love, washing flowing through my heart. I give you everything. I am. I love the transition, just float in me one day. And just, there’s a transition from the declaration to the submission, the declaration, to the surrender. And you see that in the first two, the first verse there. Well, let’s go ahead and take a listen to the song that you have written

Speaker 4 (11:53):
[Inaudible] [inaudible].

Daniel Keith Amerine (15:19):

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:19):
I love that song. Tremendous. What a great song, Daniel. I think you are anointed by God to write music, to lead people, to Jesus. Really? You are a musical evangelist. And so when I heard the song, I decided that it was so good that I wanted to use it for a music video from a report from one of our recent crusades in the nation of Ethiopia. And you very graciously gave permission to, to be able to use it. Thank you so much for that. And I think that the music video is going to be really powerful as people listen to the words and then visually see redemption coming to the nation of Ethiopia. So Daniel, you you’ve been using music to lead people to Jesus. Tell me a little bit about what God has been saying to you

Daniel Keith Amerine (16:20):
Recently. I love to step back and listen to the bigger picture of what he’s doing in a service in a moment, in, in a room, in a hillside, in a city. And I love to speak his truth over that. I want to, I want to drill in and hear his heart and proclaim it. It flows in music. It flows into writing. How do you yet

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (16:54):
The idea for a song, talk to me about the process of writing a song. How does that work?

Daniel Keith Amerine (17:00):
I’m really grateful for smartphones. We didn’t use to have recording devices that are sitting in your pocket, ready to grab and record anything. But ideas hit me all the time. There was a tragedy, a terrorist attack in Paris in November of 2015. And that was a Friday night. The next morning I woke up in a vision. I was seeing Paris. The Eiffel tower was there. I was in the streets and people are climbing over rebel and there was crying, terrible suffering. And they were trying to figure out life. Then I heard this rushing roaring flood coming from behind us. And then as I turned, I saw this golden liquid just rush. It was like at least five feet deep. And it just rushed through the streets. As it hit people, their faces went from despondent, depressed, terrorized to a smile as they looked up to the lover of their soul and the father was moving and power in that city.

Daniel Keith Amerine (18:10):
And as I came out of that vision, I was like, Whoa. And then suddenly I heard the melody. I felt the words and the words just flowed for the chorus of this song. The verse actually was around 2004. I was worshiping one time and I had these, these lyrics hit me for the, the verse, but that was sitting on a shelf all this time. And then back in 2018, I got some friends of mine together and I was trying to figure out a verse for the song. I didn’t know yet the verse was going to pop off the shelf later, but this is actually a co-write. It was mostly written by me, but three friends of mine, Annie drastic Tim Matthews and his wife Katrina, Katrina Matthews. We had a great time talking one night and they didn’t. I mean, they came up with some neat musical ideas, but what was really cool was the bridge of the song was the product of our conversation.

Daniel Keith Amerine (19:17):
It was like, it just flowed from concept to concept, to concept the declaration of I’m forgiven. What do you say about that? Well, you, you realize it, it is done. There’s so many people walking around who are forgiven because God forgave us, but they don’t believe that’s done. So we might as well speak the truth, speak what you believe Christ is risen in redemptions power. So in that discussion, the concepts flowed, and then I was on a road trip to record some music at a good friend’s house down to Houston. And it was kind of crazy. I’m driving on the highway and suddenly all three things just snapped together. Like it was a little snap together models. I was like, what? I almost had to pull over and write stuff down. It was great. And I’m sure.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (20:10):
Well, I love that story of how the different pieces of the song came together. One piece you wrote years and years ago, and then God gave you a vision. And another piece of the song came together and then working together with your friends, putting it all to music. And so it doesn’t just pop into existence. It’s something that you’ve worked at God has helped you to create over the years. And so I think it’s just a tremendous song. So it’s a available on Apple iTunes. If you liked the song, go and download it from Apple iTunes, and it will be a blessing to you. So Daniel, thank you so much for being on the evangelism podcast. I appreciate it. Thanks brother. Appreciate it being here. God bless you. Hey, thank you so much for listening to the evangelism podcast. Could you do me a favor? Go to the evangelism podcast on Apple iTunes and leave us a review that will help other people who love evangelism to find this show. Thank you so much. God, bless you

Evangelism Podcast Host (21:16):
More information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit King ministries.com. Again, that’s King ministries.com.


Missions Director

King Ministries Job Description

Missions Director

 Are you excited about short-term missions? Do you have strong leadership and motivational skills? If so, you might be the person we need to be a mission director.



– Must live a life that exemplifies biblical values

– Attend and be a member of a church that believes the same foundational principles as King Ministries.

– High school diploma

– Excellent verbal and written communication skills

– Highly self-motivated

– Detail-oriented and able to handle multiple priorities

– Able to work overtime on an “as needed” basis

– Possess a “can do” and “whatever it takes” attitude

– Provides solutions

– Consistent learner



  1. Responsible for recruiting people to go on mission trips.

– Develops marketing materials to promote mission trips.


  1. Responsible for Training Missionaries who go on trips.

– This will be accomplished through on-line videos, telephone meetings, meetings, and printed material.


  1. Responsible for guiding Missionaries through the process of fundraising for their trip.

– Coaches missionaries through the process of writing and sending out fund raising letter.

– Encourages missionaries throughout the fundraising process through phone calls and e-mails.

– Verifies that each missionary hits each fundraising deadlines.


  1. Responsible for coordinating details of taking missionaries on trips.

– This includes helping missionaries get passports and visas, booking plane tickets, and arranging hotel, transportation, and food for the trip.


  1. Once we are in-country, the mission director is responsible for leading the team.

– Coordinates prayer and devotions each day of mission trip.

– Coordinates ministry activities for the group.

– Responsible for caring for team needs.

– Responsible for developing and implementing a plan for each ministry site.

– Responsible for all disciplinary situations that might arise.

Festival Director

King Ministries Job Description

Festival Director

Are you excited about traveling internationally? Are you passionate about fulfilling the Great Commission? Are you skilled at organizing events? If so, you might have what it takes to be our Festival Director.

King Ministries International is an evangelistic ministry that has ministered through large evangelistic events in over sixty nations and led over two million people to Jesus.

As the Festival Director, you will be responsible for traveling internationally and organizing large city-wide and nation-wide evangelistic events.


– Must enjoy traveling.

– Strong organizational and leadership skills.

– Must be detail oriented.

– Must be able to cast vision to pastors and leaders.

– Must be able to relate cross-culturally.

– Ability to speak more than one language is a bonus.

– Must live a life that exemplifies biblical values

– Attend and be a member of a church that believes the same foundational principles as King Ministries.

– High school diploma

– Excellent verbal and written communication skills

– Highly self-motivated

– Detail-oriented and able to handle multiple priorities

– Able to work overtime on an “as needed” basis

– Possess a “can do” and “whatever it takes” attitude

– Provides solutions

– Consistent learner



  1. Organizes International Gospel Festival Events.

– Builds and maintains relationships with international leaders.

– Goes on a pre-trip to determine spiritual hunger of target city.

– Develops and maintains relationships with local pastors.

– Coordinates all details of the event with local government leaders.

– Provides detailed accounting of all money spent.

– Motivates churches to be involved in the crusade.

– Recruits and Mentors young people who will be involved in the set up of the crusade.


  1. Responsible for Technical Details of each Gospel Festival

– Negotiates sound system

– Arranges for platform and lighting.

– Arranges for printing and distribution of all marketing material for the festivals.


  1. Arranges all details for Mission Team.

– Books hotel, transportation, food, and ministry opportunities for mission team.


  1. Organizes Leadership Training

– Sets up a pastor’s conference along with every evangelistic event.

Design Artist / Video Producer

King Ministries Job Descriptions

Design Artist / Video Producer

 Are you a top-notch design artist and video producer? Are you excited about world evangelism? If so, you might be a good match for King Ministries.

King Ministries International is an evangelistic ministry that has ministered through large evangelistic events in over sixty nations and led over two million people to Jesus.

As our Design Artist and Video Producer you will be responsible for developing digital content that will change lives around the world.


Two years applicable working experience in editing and production

Strong portfolio of work

Proficient in:

Adobe Dreamweaver

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Premier Pro

Adobe After Effects

Adobe InDesign

Photography and Videography

Understands audio, video, broadcast, and web standards

Must have a good eye for design.

Must be able to follow instructions.

Must work quickly and efficiently.

Must have a heart for ministry.

Great at marketing skills.

Design and creative ability that matches KMI style and standards

Must live a life that exemplifies biblical values

Attend and be a member of a church that believes the same foundational principles as King Ministries.

Excellent verbal and written communication skills

Highly self-motivated

Detail-oriented and able to handle multiple priorities

Able to work overtime on an “as needed” basis

Possess a “can do” and “whatever it takes” attitude

Provides solutions

Consistent learner



  1. Design Work

– Follows “style-guide” of King Ministries in order to maintain a consistent brand image.

– Designs monthly partner brochures.

– Designs book covers

– Designs Teaching Series covers

– Designs social media posts.


  1. Videos

– Shoots teaching videos in King Ministries studio.

– Edits teaching videos and crusade videos.


  1. Travel

– Travels internationally with Daniel in order to capture video and photos.


  1. Websites

– Manages and updates www.kingministries.com website

– Starts Grace blog and Outreach blog


  1. Social Media

– Updates blogs

– Manages posts on Hootsuite.

– Uploads videos to YouTube.

– Designs quotes for Insta-gram.

– Records, edits, and releases a podcast.

Partner Relations Director

King Ministries Job Description

Partner Relations Director

Are you good at developing long-term relationships? Are you excited about raising money for world evangelism? If so, you might have what it takes to be our Partner Relations Director.

King Ministries International is an evangelistic ministry that has ministered through large evangelistic events in over sixty nations and led over two million people to Jesus.

Partner Relations serves as a point of contact with our Partners and Friends to provide support, encouragement, and prayer. Our Partner Relations Director is primarily responsible for implementing the KMI donor funnel and is responsible to FIND, WIN, KEEP, and LIFT partners.

Personal Skills and Qualifications:

  1. Must be able to communicate clearly and accurately in written and oral communications.  Excellent writing skills are essential.
  2. Experience in development and/or working with volunteers preferred.  Must be creative and have excellent interpersonal and customer relations skills.
  3. Must understand the importance of building life-long relationships between the ministry and its friends.  Serve as an advocate within the ministry for donors and friends.  Must be able to successfully manage multiple tasks simultaneously, meet deadlines and pay attention to details and accuracy.
  4. Must have experience working with word processing and spreadsheets.  An understanding of database segmentation, prospect identification and professional fundraising experience strongly preferred.
  5. Professional appearance and demeanor required.  Must be a self-starter and must be able to take initiative to be successful in this position.  Must be an excellent communicator with professional interpersonal skills and have the ability to work well with diverse constituencies.
  6. Experience with event management.


  1. Helps with marketing for King Ministries.

Assists with developing marketing plans.

Proofreads all newsletters and e-mails.


  1. Responds to donors.

Collects donor mail and does data entry for all donors.

Deposits all money in the bank.

Sends Thank-you letters to every donor.

Monitors all credit card giving. Reenlists all lapsed credit card givers.


  1. Maintains a good relationship with current partners.

Sends Welcome series of letters to new addresses.

Sends MillionHeir’s Welcome Packet to every new monthly donor.

Organizes two personal touches for each monthly donor and large gift donor each year (Gift, postcard, picture of crusade, book, etc).

Meets the basic customer service needs of callers.

Interacts with MicahTek for all database needs.

Provide customers with appropriate resources to help in their spiritual growth

Record the contact and transaction information in the computer system

Calls partners and prays with them

Maintains an up-to-date prayer list of all current monthly donors.

Prays for people who connect to our ministry by telephone or correspondence.

Follow up with people who have written or called for prayer

Prays over correspondence.


  1. Cultivates new partners for King Ministries.

– Runs sales table at speaking events and encourages people to give us their contact information.

– Collects information on potential donors and enters it into data system.

– Sends follow-up letters to potential donors.

– Sends MillionHeir’s Club certificate to first-time donors.


  1. Organizes partner events.

– Identifies potential partners and invites them to dinner with Daniel & Jessica.

– Organizes two ministry banquets each year (Tulsa and Edmonton).

– Organizes one partner retreat each year.

Executive Assistant

King Ministries Job Description

Executive Assistant 

Are you detail oriented and good at organization? Are you excited about world evangelism? If so, you might be a good executive assistant for Daniel King.

King Ministries International is an evangelistic ministry that has ministered through large evangelistic events in over sixty nations and led over two million people to Jesus.

The Executive Assistant for Daniel King will be responsible for organizing, encouraging, and motivating Daniel King.



Must live a life that exemplifies biblical values

Attend and be a member of a church that believes the same foundational principles as King Ministries.

High school diploma

Excellent verbal and written communication skills

Highly self-motivated

Detail-oriented and able to handle multiple priorities

Able to work overtime on an “as needed” basis

Possess a “can do” and “whatever it takes” attitude

Provides solutions

Consistent learner

Friendly voice on the phone.

Must work well with Daniel & Jessica King



  1. Keeps Daniel focused.

– Coordinates a schedule for Daniel each day.

– Maintains a list of projects and the next step that needs to be done for each project.

– Coordinates lunch and dinner appointments for Daniel.

– Coordinates details of all of Daniel’s preaching engagements.

– Reminds Daniel of key tasks that must be performed regularly.

– Newsletter (Must be written and submitted by the 10th of each month)

– Weekly e-mails. (To be done every Monday)

– Daily blog posts

– Does errands so Daniel can stay focused on writing, speaking, and studying.


  1. Partner Relations

– Gives Daniel a weekly list of donors and their prayer requests.

– Writes personalized thank you cards.

– Calls and thanks partners.


  1. Booking Churches

– Calls pastors on Daniel’s behalf and asks for speaking engagements.

– Mails publicity packets to churches.

– Sets up Daniel’s speaking schedule.

– Books plane tickets


With each church that invites Daniel, the EA will mail/e-mail the following:

Immediately upon booking engagement

– Letter of confirmation that includes details of visit.

3 months in advance

– Bio, photo, video link,

– Ask for reimbursement of travel costs.

1 Month in Advance

– Who will be picking Daniel up from the airport? Cell phone of pastor. Cell phone of person picking Daniel up.


– Thank you letter.

– Ask if church will consider adopting us a missionary letter.


  1. Publicity

– Develops and maintains relationships with media personalities.

– Books TV and radio interviews.

– Mails copies of Daniel’s books to potential interviewers.

– Follows up and asks for interviews.

– Submits articles for guest blog posts.

– Coordinates press releases for Daniel’s books.


  1. Accounting

– Assists with checking the mail, recording donations, and doing bank deposits.

– Tracks all ministry expenditures.

– Keeps Quick books up-to-date.

– Requires an accounting from all employees for monies spent.

– Prepares a financial report for all overseas expenditures. Includes stapling receipts to the report.

– Assists with preparing 990 Report.


  1. Event Coordinator

– Arranges details of yearly banquet.

– Invites people.

– Forms guest list.

– Arranges venue.

– Assists with details of event.

– Arranges details of yearly conference.

– Arranges details of yearly partner event.

Marketing Coordinator

King Ministries Job Descriptions

Marketing Coordinator

Are you passionate about online marketing and social media? Are you looking for an opportunity to grow creatively and professionally?

King Ministries International is an evangelistic ministry that has ministered through large evangelistic events in over sixty nations and led over two million people to Jesus.

As the Marketing Coordinator, you’ll be responsible for planning, directing, and delivering the online marketing of King Ministries International. You should enjoy and be skilled in email, social media, and online advertising.


4-year degree with focus on Marketing or Public Relations (or 2+ years of related experience and/or training).

2+ years of social media marketing experience

2+ years of online marketing experience

Verifiable examples of marketing successes and wins

Expert level skills in using and navigating social media networks’ native web apps and 3rd-party social media tools

Expert level skills in using 3rd-party email marketing tools

Skills in using Google Analytics, Google Adwords, Facebook advertising, and Bing Ads

Skills in using Adobe Photoshop

Knowledge of Daniel King’s messages

Impeccable attention to detail

Good understanding of math

Exceptional writing skills and can visualize as well as convey a message into relevant and interesting content


General Qualifications

Must live a life that exemplifies biblical values

Attend and be a member of a church that believes the same foundational principles as King Ministries.

Excellent verbal and written communication skills

Highly self-motivated

Detail-oriented and able to handle multiple priorities

Able to work overtime on an “as needed” basis

Possess a “can do” and “whatever it takes” attitude

Provides solutions

Consistent learner


 The Marketing Coordinator is a creative, energetic and organized team member with the ability to conceptualize, strategize, create and manage multiple marketing, advertising, public relations and special event projects concurrently.

 The Marketing Coordinator ensures that the ministry’s message and brand are consistent across all channels.

 As the Marketing Coordinator at King Ministries International, you will be responsible for:


  1. Social Media

Managing our social media marketing strategy (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.).

Establishing an effective presence on our social media sites.

Growing engagement on our social media profiles.

Executing or overseeing all our social media activities.

Communicating in a professional, but relational social media “voice.”


  1. Web Traffic

Driving traffic to our websites using a variety of methods.

Optimizing our websites for search engines.

Improving our search-engine rankings.

Ensuring content appears high on search rankings.

Developing density of desired keyword on pages.

Analyzing and acting upon analytics.


  1. Web Advertising

Managing and developing pay-per-click advertising campaigns.

Creating Internet ads.


  1. Public Relations

Monitoring our brands’ online reputation.

Soliciting audience feedback and optimizing campaigns accordingly.

Write and edit compelling marketing and short advertorial copy related to the vision and mission of the ministry.


  1. Email Marketing

Growing and managing email lists.

Designing and delivering emails.

Crafting nurture campaigns.

Integrating other online presences including social media outlets with email campaigns.


  1. Booking Publicity Opportunities for Daniel King.

Developing and maintaining relationships with television and radio booking agents.



To perform the job successfully, an individual should demonstrate the following:

You are self-motivated, hungry for a challenge, and looking to make an immediate impact.

You are fully entrenched in social media culture and understand the fine line of managing a professional, but effective social media presence.

You want to work hard and be part of a fun, growing organization.

You have an advanced understanding of web technology and how it supports marketing.

You like writing and are good at it, and have strong proofreading capabilities.

You have strong marketing foundational knowledge.

You like to analyze complex business challenges and come up with creative ways to solve them.

You are organized and can work independently.

You challenge the status quo.

You respect and honor others.

You like having a variety of challenges and touch on all facets of marketing.

It never gets boring and you will be challenged to grow.

There are no work politics to sift through. Our focus is solely on teach, reach, and rescue.

Your attention to detail is impeccable. You produce a work product that requires little modification. You are almost a perfectionist.

You have a good understanding of math and can navigate numbers and formulas quickly when required.

You understand how to analyze metrics/data, and how to segment and report it in a logical fashion.

You are even tempered, understand how to interact with people, and have an over-the-top customer service attitude.

You check your ego at the door and are always open to constructive feedback.

You are an extroverted, very social person. You love interacting with ALL kinds of people and getting to know new people.

You are smart, creative, accountable, willing to go the extra mile, and really love what King Ministries International stands for.



Job Positions Available

King Ministries International has several job openings available. If you are interested, please e-mail Daniel King at: daniel [@] kingministries.com and attach your resume, current job status, as well as answers to the below questions. We will review your email and respond within a few weeks (due to Daniel’s travel schedule he is often out of the country).

  1. Describe your aspirations and why you are applying to King Ministries.
  2. Describe your relationship with Jesus Christ and include the name of your church and pastor’s phone number whom we can contact for a recommendation.

KMI selects employees on the basis of their preparedness, ability, aptitude, communication skills, and personal qualities such as motivation and integrity. KMI does not discriminate with regard to sex, race, age, color, national origin, disability, or veteran status.


Available Jobs 

Marketing Coordinator

Design Artist / Video Producer

Partner Relations Director

Executive Assistant

Festival Director

Missions Director


Note: We also have internship opportunities available for those who are passionate about evangelism or who are interested in learning how to start a ministry.


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