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Monthly Archives: May 2021

Christina Perera | A Passion for Revealing Jesus

Christina Perera has a passion for revealing Jesus. I was a guest on her podcast recently and we had a fascinating conversation about how to reveal Jesus to atheists. I shared with her the five steps for revealing Jesus found in the story of Jesus’ encounter with the woman at the well. Today I decided to let you listen in on her podcast about Revealing Jesus.

About Christina Perera:

Christina is a revivalist, speaker, and author whose passion for Jesus spreads like wildfire.  She is called as an evangelist of the gospel of Jesus Christ inviting all to the table of grace. She seeks to encourage, build and unite the bride of Christ as well as to bring her into the revelation of the finished work of the cross.

Website: https://christinaperera.org

Listen to The Evangelism Podcast with Evangelist Daniel King…


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:01):
Christina Perera has a passion for revealing Jesus. I was a guest on her podcast recently, and we had a fascinating conversation about how to reveal Jesus to atheist. I shared with her the five steps for revealing Jesus found in the story of Jesus’s encounter with a woman at the well today, I decided to let you listen in on her podcast about revealing Jesus.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:27):
Jesus said, go into all the world and preach the gospel. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord show. Welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King we’re Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host missionary and evangelist Daniel King.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:04):
Hi, this is Daniel King and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. I’m going to take you with me into the studio. As I’m interviewed on the podcast of Christina Perrera, her podcast is named revealing Jesus, and I love talking about revealing Jesus. Here we go…

Christina Perera (01:26):
Hey everybody. Thanks so much for tuning into this week’s episode of revealing Jesus with Christina Perera. I am your host, Christina, and I am so excited to have you with me here today. I’ve got an amazing treat for you on the line. I have an incredible evangelist. He has been in full-time ministry for 20 plus years, and he is ministered to millions all over the nations of the world. Today I have with me here, evangelists, Dr. Daniel King, welcome to the program, Daniel. Wow,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:05):
Christina. It is so wonderful to be on the program with you. Thank you so much. I love your mission of revealing Jesus because when we revealed Jesus, it is so special when people get to start that relationship with God.

Christina Perera (02:22):
Oh, well, I’m so honored to have you with me here today. I just, I love your heart. I love your ministry. You found it. Is it king international ministries,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:33):
Ministries international. And I am a missionary evangelist. I’ve gone to over 70 nations preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. And we’ve seen over 2 million people pray with us for salvation in our altar calls. And so I am passionate about revealing Jesus to the world.

Christina Perera (02:56):
Oh, I love that so much. I can tell this is already going to be a really fun conversation because I’m all about Jesus. I I’ve told our listeners so much about you. Is there anything that maybe you’d like to tell them, maybe something personal just to help them get to know you?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:13):
Yeah. My parents were missionaries in the country of Mexico. They moved there when I was 10 years old. And so I grew up working with them in Mexico, but my heart, my passion was always for evangelism. And so when I was young, I would read the books of TLR born or Roberts, Billy Graham Reinhard Bunky, and look at the pictures of all the people that they had led to Jesus. And when I was 15 years old, I was reading a success book. It said, if you want to be successful, you need to write down your goals. And one of the goals that this success book said would be good for young people is to try to become a millionaire by the age of 30. But I realized that because of my upbringing as a missionary in Mexico, that money was not what was important to me.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:01):
What was important was souls. And so at the age of 15, I wrote down, I Daniel King want to lead 1 million people to Jesus. Before I turned 30 years of age, instead of trying to become a millionaire, I wanted to lead a million heirs into the kingdom of God. And so God started opening up doors in different nations. And I’m excited to tell you that before I turned 30 years of age, we had successfully led over a million people to Jesus in a, in a salvation prayer. And now we’ve gone over the 2 million mark and I was asking God recently what comes next? I felt like God’s sake go for a million souls every single year. And so that is my passion is going to the least reach parts of the world, places where there’s many Muslims, there’s Hindus even here in America, where there are atheists and reaching the Henrique, telling them about Jesus and bringing them into a relationship with God.

Christina Perera (04:58):
Oh, that’s so amazing. I love that goal. I think, yeah, as young people, it’s easy to get caught up and the systems of the world, but I love that you were able to, to look at that and say, oh, that, that goal is too small for me. You know, because I, I I’ve, you know, I’ve seen so many times in the world where people will achieve the big job they’ll achieve, you know, the millionaire status, but then what do they do? They find that they’re empty. I love that you took that goal and you made it something for God. How is that? Is that been, how has, how has that been fulfilling in your life? What has that done for you?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:41):
Oh, well, when I look at the picture of someone that needs Jesus, there’s something in my heart that just goes out to them. You know, Jesus told us in mark 16, 15, go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. And so as Christians, we are called to go and to reach the loss, to, to tell people about Jesus. And so when I see a picture of a family member, I often ask my friends and partners to send me pictures of their family members that they’re praying for that need Jesus. And I begin to pray for them. And when I see their picture, it just really moves me to, to, to pray that God would send someone across their path to introduce them to Jesus, or when I see a picture of people in different nations around the world. And if you go to my website, king ministries.com, you can see hundreds of pictures of individuals that have been saved in our services. Testimonies of people whose lives have been changed. Pictures of people who, who have received healing testimonies, their, their bodies were sick and Jesus supernaturally healed them. And, and all of those pictures, I look in the eyes of the people and it just gives me such compassion. You know, it says when Jesus saw the crowds of people, he was moved with compassion. And so my prayer every day is that my heart would be filled with the same compassion that Jesus felt for people.

Christina Perera (07:12):
Yes. And so has that major life way more abundant and fruitful and meaningful than simply following the ways of the world as, as a young kid?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:27):
Yeah, absolutely. An investment in souls is an investment in eternity. Like people are often asking like, you know, where should I put my money to get the best return for retirement? But really, if you think about all of eternity, our life here on earth is very short, but eternity is forever. And so when we invest in souls it gives us a tremendous return and an eternal return. And so that becomes a, what is important is investing in those things that are going to last forever and ever, you know, so many things here on earth are temporal. You buy a new car, you love the smell of the new car, but then after a, while it wears off and you, you get a fender bender or you get a scratch on the side of the car and you don’t want that car anymore. Well, that, that is a temporal blessing, but eternity is so long that I think that we should keep our focus and our passion, our prayers on how to effect all of eternity.

Christina Perera (08:36):
I love that, you know, I, I have such a heart of an evangelist and I always, when you first started speaking, I kept hearing that verse, he who wins souls is wise. And I like how you equated that almost to investing. So you took what could have been an opportunity you to go out into the workforce and invest in the ways of the world, but you saw it as an opportunity to invest in the kingdom of God and invest in eternity. And, and I think that’s really beautiful because you’re right. You know, we get that new car, a get that new thing or whatever, and we’re happy about it. But then there does come a day where we want something new. And for me, you know, working in the kingdom of God is, is, has been really fulfilling in a way that really nothing else was.

Christina Perera (09:27):
I always think about Jesus when he was, do you remember the story of the woman at the well, and he was so tired. He sat down, his disciples, went into town to get food. And they came back. By the time they came back, he had ministered to the woman at the well, and he S and he was refreshed. He was revived. And his disciples were like, where did you get food from? And he was like, I have food that you do not know of. My food is to do the will of my father in heaven. And, and even though work in the kingdom is work. We receive receive, even now in this life that we lead, you know, a refilling back of the Lord into what we’ve poured out. And I love that about Jesus. He’s, he’s so beautiful. Even, even when we pour out for him, he’s pouring back into us so much more. Have you seen that play out in your life?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:34):
Yeah, absolutely. Let let’s, let’s talk a little bit about that passage of the, the woman at the well it’s found in John chapter four. And I think it’s really interesting what Jesus does in relating to the woman. And there’s so much that we can learn from his example. You know, he was so tired. He got up early in the morning, he walked and now it’s noontime and he’s hungry. He sends his disciples into the town to get food, but he sits down by the well, but he’s thirsty. Well, here comes this Samaritan woman. And the first thing Jesus says to her is, will you give me a drink? And so he starts a conversation with her. And so I really think that’s the first step to people leading others to Jesus. You know, as believers, we often want to lead others to Jesus, but we don’t know how, but I think the first step is just to open a conversation and to start talking to people.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:29):
And if you don’t talk to them, you’ll never be able to lead them to Jesus. And then the woman says, will you give me a drink? And then Jesus starts talking about living water. So he turns the conversation towards the things of God. So the first step is to start a conversation. The second step is to turn the conversation towards God. And so you can start a conversation talking about weather or talking about the good deal you got at the store, but then look for an opportunity to turn the conversation towards the things of God. If Jesus is inside of you, Jesus is what’s going to come out of you. So if you have a water balloon and you prick the water balloon with a pin, water is going to come out the same thing. If you’re full of Jesus and you start talking to someone, Jesus is going to come out of you.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:17):
And so Jesus starts the conversation. They turn to the conversation towards God, but then he taps in to the holy Spirit’s help in order to minister to him. So he says, go call your husband and come back. And she says, I don’t have a husband. And Jesus says, that’s right. When you say you don’t have a husband, you’ve actually had five husbands. And the man you’re living with now is not your husband. And so Jesus had never met her before. He didn’t know anything about her, but he, he listened to the holy spirit and the holy spirit gave him what we would call a word of knowledge about her situation to help him to minister to her. And so I think that’s the third step to leading people to Jesus is to listen to the holy spirit. The holy spirit will give us the words to say and give us the leading the guiding to say exactly the right thing to help someone come to Jesus.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:12):
And then this woman does something that’s very interesting. A lot of people do it. They, they start a spiritual argument. You start witnessing to someone or telling them about Jesus and they want to argue with you. And Jesus doesn’t really argue with her. He just continues to love her. And he says, God is spirit and true worshipers must worship him in spirit and in truth. And so our goal is not to win arguments. Our goal is to win souls. And so even if people try to start a spiritual argument, it’s important to continue to love them. And then the thing I love that Jesus does, that is just perfect for talking about on your podcast, that the woman says, I know that Messiah is coming and Jesus declared I who speak to you, am he? And so Jesus revealed himself to the Samaritan woman. And that’s what your podcast is all about is revealing Jesus to people. And so if we want to bring people to God, what we have to do is we have to reveal Jesus. The more we can introduce people to Jesus, the more likely we are to bring them into a saving relationship with God, the father,

Christina Perera (14:26):
I love that so much. I, you said so many things that got me so excited. So number one, starting a conversation. You know, we lead street teams out on the street and I always tell people, you know, we don’t start with tracks. We don’t start with, you know, that kind of thing. We just start with a human connection, a human conversation, and what I’ve found in my experiences that people names believe it or not. They have stories, they have backgrounds, they have experiences. And when we start with that human connection, you know, then we, we can earn the opportunity to really then bring Jesus into the conversation. I love that Jesus was, Jesus was all about loving people. That was his main agenda, you know? And he, and he does that with the woman at the well, and he uses the holy spirit to speak to her. You know, a lot of believers out there. What would you, how would you help them use the holy spirit to speak, to potential people, to witness to what’s one thing you found in your past to help you do that?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:37):
Yeah. I actually wrote a whole book in order to answer this question, it’s called you can become a master soul winner, how to lead people to Jesus. And so that book can be found on our website, king ministries.com and also on Amazon, you can become a master soul winner by Daniel King. And in the book, I talk about some of the, the different fears that people face when they’re witnessing. I also give them some things that they can say to make it easier for them to start conversations. And so I love encouraging people to look for opportunities, to share Jesus with people, even if it’s something simple, like going on Facebook and sending someone a message and saying, Hey, I want you to know that I’m praying for you today. And then that can open up a conversation to begin talking about the things of God. And so there’s so many different ways that we can use to reach out to the loss, just our family members, our friends, or coworkers, even people on the other side of the world. There’s, there’s ways that we can, if we’ll begin looking for them, that we can tell people about Jesus and help bring them to having a relationship with God.

Christina Perera (16:52):
Mm. I love that so much. And you know, one of the things I’ve found about ministry is it’s, it’s wonderful to have, you know, these goals for ourselves, but it’s also important that we empower and we raise up the next generation of, of, of evangelists going out into the world, you know, and I love that you, you wrote that book and of course I will put links to your ministry and all of that thing in the sh in the show notes. So people can definitely you’re welcome. I can check that out there. So, but it’s, I think it’s wonderful that you’re raising, helping to raise up the next generation. Cause I’ve felt that, you know, as a burden as well to just help continue to send people out into the world and, you know, telling people about Jesus and, you know, the most beautiful thing I’ve found about having a living relationship with Jesus is that we all have a story and we all have a way to connect to another person. And we can use our stories of where God has brought us from to help then as, as a doorway into the lives of others. What’s what’s a really good story about where God has brought you from. Yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:07):
I want to talk about raising up the next generation because that is something that’s so important. I have had the opportunity the last couple of years to teach at the evangelism bootcamp, which is hosted by Christ for all nations led by Daniel Kolenda. The, the ministry that was founded by, by the great evangelist Reinhardt Bunky. And so last year they had 50 students this year. They had a hundred students and we go and teach them how to preach the gospel, how to have a compassion for the loss, how to clearly communicate the gospel. And so right now, those evangelists that we trained this year are in the country of Tanzania, in they’re going out into the marketplaces. They’re going from school to school all across the nation of Tanzania, working on setting up large evangelistic crusades in, in the last two weeks, Christina, they have led over half a million people to Jesus.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:13):
A team of a hundred evangelists has led over half a million people at Jesus over a two week period. And so all over the world, people are hungry for God. They are ready to come to Jesus. If someone will just go and tell them about Jesus. And so that’s why I so love your ministry. You’re, you’re raising people up to, to even go out to the streets and show love to people into bring Jesus revealed Jesus, to those who are hurting the most. I just love what God is calling you to do and what your ministry is.

Christina Perera (19:48):
Oh, thank you so much. Well, it’s, it’s a pleasure and it’s an honor. And you know, if you listen to, you know, what I, what I write when I preach what I teach, I just really believe Jesus is worthy of it all. I I do what I do out of an abundance of gratitude. And I’m just in awe in a wonder, in an absolute, ridiculous love that he first loved me with. And you know, I think when we, I, I love, I love what you’re equipping and it’s so funny because before we talked, I was like, if you have testimonies from Tanzania and I had no idea, that’s where you guys were working at, wow, that is so cool. Actually

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (20:34):
Be going to Tanzania. I just bought my plane tickets yesterday and we’re doing a, a large evangelistic campaign in a city where we’ll have anywhere from 40 to 50 people each night coming to hear about Jesus. And I go to different nations, all the world just recently, I was in Ethiopia and we did a large crusade. One night, we had about 7,000 people there. And I preached on the paralyzed man who was let down through the roof. And I remember that when I finished the sermon, I saw some people that left the back of the crowd. And as a preacher, you always kind of feel bad when people leave like that because, oh man, I did a bad job preaching, but I saw them leave. But then like 10 minutes later, I saw those same people come back and they were carrying a bed.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:26):
And so the same way that the four friends brought someone on a bed to Jesus, they brought a bed and carried it over across the top of the crowd and laid that bed right in front of the platform because the person that they brought needed healing. And so we prayed and God did a tremendous miracle. I, I was in February, I was in Sierra Leone in Africa and we were in a little village. There was a boy, he was about seven years old and he was deaf in his left ear. And I told all the people, I said, take your hands and place it on your potty, your Bart body, where there’s pain. And, and so does the mother of this little boy, she took her hand and she placed it on her son’s ear. And we were praying for the sick. And as we were praying a black growth or like a black rock fell out of the boy’s ear into her hand.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (22:25):
And she said it was gross. She shook it off her hand and it fell to the ground. And then she tested her boys hearing in her boy that had been deaf for two years in that year was completely restored. He was able to hear, and he showed in front of the whole crowd that he was able to, to hear. And in every one of the CRA the village are clapping and dancing and shouting because they knew that God had done a miracle in that little boy’s life. They all knew him. They knew the problem that he had had. And so it was really a creative miracle as we were praying, God caused this growth to fall out of his ear, into his mother’s hand. And so we’ve seen miracles like that and all over the world. And, and, and what I like to say is that miracles are like the dinner bell that draw people to the banqueting table of heaven.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (23:16):
And so when people see the miracles, they, they, they see what Jesus is, is doing. It reveals Jesus in a very tangible way to them. And then people are willing to give their lives to Jesus, even people that, that are from other religions, Muslims, and Hindus, and, and other religions, they see the miracles and they say, wow, Jesus is real. I need to meet this Jesus. And so I’ve got all kinds of pictures and testimonies on my website, king ministries.com. You know, if people want to go there and look at all the pictures, they can see videos, you can see the miracles with your own eyes, what God is doing in different parts of the world.

Christina Perera (23:57):
Oh, I love that so much. You know, I, I love that Jesus is still so relevant today. You know, some people try to make him not relevant, or, you know, he’s not healing, or he’s not doing miracles. Like as long as humanity has a need, Jesus is still reaching out. He’s still healing. He’s still loving. He’s still ministering. He’s still calling us at the well, you know, he’s still revealing that he sees us and he loves us. And despite everything, isn’t that beautiful. It

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (24:34):
Is beautiful. And I like how Jesus at the well, with the Samaritan woman, he ministered to this woman. And she was a woman that had a lot of problems in her life. I’ve done some research into that story. And I found out that back then women would go to the well to get water either in the morning or in the evening. And they would all go together like today. You know, girls always go to the bathroom together. Well, back then, they always all went to the well together. They would gossip and they would talk while they were getting water. Well, this woman was there at the well at the noon time when the sun was high in the sky by herself. And it was because she had had five husbands. And the man she was living with was not her husband. She had stolen half the men in the village.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (25:18):
She had broken her relationships, but it was that woman who was hurting, who was broken, who needed love that Jesus was able to reach out to. And when he ministered to her, it changed her life. She ran back into the village and said, come and see a man who told me everything I ever did it. And she brings the whole village back to meet Jesus. And then it’s really interesting to the response of the, the disciples they had. They went into the village, but they didn’t bring a single person back to meet Jesus and Jesus, you can tell he’s a little bit upset at them. He says, lift up your eyes. Don’t you see the harvest? You say four more months until the harvest I tell you, the harvest is now, the harvest is ripe. And I think that’s what Jesus would say to us as a church today that the harvest is ripe. People are ready to come to Jesus. If we will just go and tell them about Jesus and I actually have several resources that I give away for free about reaching people for Jesus. So, you know, on my website, king ministries.com, if people will go there and, and give me your email address I will send you free of charge. Several of my eBooks about witnessing, about evangelism, about reaching people for Jesus, just tools will help you to, to lead other people to Jesus.

Christina Perera (26:48):
Nice. I love that so much. That’s beautiful. And, and it’s interesting because you know, that that woman at the well really became the first to be AngelList, but it,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (26:59):
And she’s a woman evangelists. God can use women evangelists.

Christina Perera (27:04):
Yes, absolutely. And you know, I think, you know, it’s not the gender that matters the male or the female. It’s, it’s the heart who’s encountered Jesus. Yeah. Those are the hearts. That’ll like you said, run into the village and bring others back better than these

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (27:22):
12 professional preachers. The 12 disciples that followed Jesus. I mean, they had seen Jesus do all of these miracles. They saw Jesus open blind eyes and heal the sick. And you, you know, there were people in the village that, that needed healing and they didn’t bring anyone back to Jesus. They didn’t say, Hey, oh, there’s a cripple man. You need to come and meet Jesus and he’ll heal you. No, but there’s one woman. She goes into the village and, and she manages to get the entire village to come and meet Jesus.

Christina Perera (27:49):
I love it. Love it, love it so much. Like, you know, just that one encounter with Jesus. It’s, it’s beautiful. So yes. Thank you so much for mentioning those resources. And again, I will totally put them up on the show notes for our listeners to help them get there. And that’s beautiful because I think sometimes we run a, we want to run into the village, but we’re not always sure how, you know, and I think just realizing that our own starting place with Jesus, our own, our own moment of the well is our starting point, you know?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (28:27):
Yes. Ma’am. Yeah. I’d like to mention another resource that I just published. That that’s really been on my heart lately. It’s, it’s a brand new book called proof. God is real. And I wrote this book specifically to help people to reach atheists. And the reason I wrote it is we go to all these different nations around the world and we see thousands of people pray with us for salvation. But I began to ask God, what can we do to reach people here in the United States? And I was at one little church in Missouri, and this mother came up to me and she was crying and say, please, could you pray for my son? And I thought her son was sick or something. So I said, let’s pray. And I said, what’s the matter he was saying? He said, well, he started looking at some videos on YouTube and following some atheists on Twitter.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (29:18):
And because of that, he has decided that he is an atheist. He was raised as a Christian, but now he’s decided to be an atheist. And so my heart just broke for that mom and I began to, I asked her for his phone number. I reached out to him and ministered to the, to the son. But then because of that, I began to research. What can we do to reach atheist people that in our own society that have decided that there is no God, they’re looking for proof that there is a God. And if they don’t find proof, they’re willing to turn their backs on Christianity. Even young people sometimes raised in Christian homes, they go to college, they face someone who has a few doubts and then they decide to turn their back on God, because they don’t have proof that God is real.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (30:06):
And so that’s why I wrote the book proof. God is real because I want to reach atheist here in America. And I also want to help protect our young people to inoculate them against the spirit of atheism. And so if you know someone who’s an atheist, this would be a great book to get for them. Or if you have a a young teenager in your home and you want to give your teenager reasons for why we believe this would be a great book to put in your teenager’s hand, before they go to college, they need to read it before they leave for college. And so that book proof God is real. It’s available on my website, king ministries.com, or you can find it on Amazon, just look for proof. God is real by Daniel King and you’ll be able to find it. But I, this is hot off the president is something that’s really on my heart because we need to do something to reach the people here in America. Yes, God is working in different nations around the world. But when you look at what is happening here in America, it just breaks the heart of God. And I believe we need a new great awakening of people turning back to God here in America. And I believe that that God can do it. He will do it. But he needs us to, to go after atheist and to love them back into the kingdom of God.

Christina Perera (31:26):
Yes. And, you know, I always tell people that one of the greatest mission fields is right here in the United States. I’ve just found there such people may have been raised in Christian homes, but they’ve never encountered a real Jesus through the power of the holy spirit. And I think that that is one of the best ways to inoculate against, you know, some of that, some of that thinking, you know, it’s hard, it’s hard to say to somebody, you know, that God’s not real when you’ve encountered them, encountered him yourself, you know, nobody could ever say to me, you know, Jesus doesn’t exist. That’d be like, dude, you’re crazy

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (32:06):
Because you know, you have a relationship with him.

Christina Perera (32:10):
Exactly. And just encountering him, just like that woman dead at the well, through the power of the holy spirit and him seeing and her seeing that, that, that she is known and loved anyway, despite her failings is so powerful. And it’s beautiful. Before we go, is there anything that you would like to pray for our just bless them and encourage them? It would be amazing if you’d like to. Yeah, absolutely.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (32:44):
We have talked today about the Samaritan woman at the well that, that Jesus ministered to and talked about people who are atheist and talked about people in different nations that don’t know Jesus, but what I’d really like to pray for, for your listeners is, is anyone in your life that doesn’t know, Jesus, maybe it’s a family member. Maybe it’s a friend. Maybe it’s an aunt, uncle, whoever it is. If you would just speak their name out loud to God right now, and let’s lift them up to God and, and pray for them to be saved, pray that Jesus would be revealed to them. And I believe that that as we pray, our prayers will be powerful and that God will send someone across their path. And so let let’s pray. Dear heavenly father, I pray for all of Christina’s listeners right now.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (33:39):
Lord, I pray right now, as you’re listening, just speak the name out loud of the person, you know, that needs Jesus, your family member, a friend, someone that is close to you, someone that has turned away from God, just speak their name out loud right now, father, I pray that you would bring someone across this person’s path that would reveal Jesus to them. And Lord, I pray that these atheists, these people that have turned away from God would come back to God that they would come back to the father’s house, that they would turn back to Jesus Lord. I pray that you would make yourself real to them, that they would have a divine encounter with Jesus, with the holy spirit. And Lord, I pray that you would give us the passion in the boldness to be a witness, to, to tell others about Jesus, fill our hearts with your compassion Lord, that we would have the same compassion that Jesus felt when he looked at the people who were lost and helpless like sheep without a shepherd father, fill our hearts with compassion for the loss today, and use us to bring many people to Jesus in Jesus name.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (34:57):
Amen, man, man, I’m so glad to have the opportunity to pray for you today. You know, I’m passionate about leading people to Jesus. If you want to help us lead people to just go to my website, king ministries.com, and you can find lots of information about how you can be a part of helping us to lead people to Jesus in order to go to different nations around the world often it’s expensive to do crusades. And so we have partners and friends that help us out. And, and I’ve found that for every dollar that people give us, we’re able to lead at least one person to Jesus over the course of our ministry. Every time someone’s given us a dollar, we’ve been able to lead at least one person to Jesus for that. And so I ask people, I say, if you could just give $1 a month, if you just become a like for $1 a month, you could be responsible for starting a party in heaven every single month. And so I ask people, you know, just go to my website, king ministries.com, you know, give at least $1 a month. You know, some people can give more, but if you could do at least $1, you could have a massive impact in someone’s life for eternity. So man, Christina, thank you so much for, for inviting me on the podcast. It’s, it’s such a privilege to talk to you today.

Christina Perera (36:10):
Thank you so much for being here with me today. And I hope, and I pray that this has blessed our listeners and I hope it’s encouraged them to just take their stories and encounter people, right, where they are.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (36:23):
Thanks for listening to The Evangelism Podcast today. I want to ask you to partner with me, to help lead people to Jesus for as little as a dollar a month, you can be responsible for helping us lead at least one person to Jesus every single month. Over our 20 years of ministry, we’ve found that it costs an average of about $1 for every person that we’re able to reach. And so if you could just go to king ministries.com and partner with us for at least $1, just $1 partner with us to help us lead people to Jesus. Imagine for a dollar you can be responsible for starting a party in heaven every single month. And would you do me a favor go to apple iTunes and leave this podcast a review. Your positive review will help other people who are excited about evangelism to find this show. Thanks so much. And God bless you

Evangelism Podcast Host (37:26):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit king ministries.com. Again, that’s king ministries.com.


Do Lal | Missionary to Myanmar

My friend Do Lal is being used by God to reach people for Jesus in Myanmar, also known as Burma. This nation of 54 million people is 89 percent Buddhist and it has 135 distinct people groups, many of them are completely unreached. Today he shares about innovative ways he is reaching out to the people of this nation in the middle of the 10/40 window.


How did you start doing crusades in Myanmar?

What fruit have you seen in Myanmar?

What was it like to leave your job as a car salesman and launch out into ministry?

How are you using the Internet to reach people in Myanmar?

How many unreached people groups live in Myanmar?

What does John 3:16 mean to you?

What happened when a witchdoctor put poison in your tea?


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/do.lal.9


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
My friend Do Lal us being used by God to reach people for Jesus in Myanmar, also known as Burma. This nation of 54 million people is 89% Buddhist, and it has 135 distinct people groups. Many of which are completely unreached today. He shares about innovative ways he is reaching out to the people of this nation in the middle of the 10/40 window.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:27):
Jesus said, go into all the world and preach the gospel. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary and evangelist Daniel King.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:02):
Welcome to the evangelism podcast. I’m Daniel King and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. I have a very special guest Do Lal is from the nation of Myanmar. Thank you so much for being with me today.

Do Lal (01:18):
Thank you brother Daniel. Thank you very much. I’m so blessed.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:21):
Well, let’s start by talking about how we became friends. You have a son whose name is go. Yes. And he is friends with my son, Caleb ever since they were both in preschool together. And so one day both of us were attending parent teacher day at victory where our kids were both in school. And I sat next to you and you introduced yourself. And, and I introduced myself and I asked you, where are you from? And you said, you’re from Myanmar. I said, Oh, I always wanted to go to Myanmar because I’m a missionary. And I want to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature and every nation. And you said, well, why don’t you come to Myanmar? What prompted you that first time to invite me to come to Myanmar?

Do Lal (02:14):
That that moment is like I’ve been questioning God a lot to going to full time or in a [inaudible]. but I don’t know how to go in when, and, but I, my grandpa and my dad, they already in the ministry, they are being in there. but for me, it’s like always want to be there and doing something for the pupil for Jesus. And, but I know it and I need someone and it will be partner. And I’ve been praying for that during this time. And when you bring it out with you, praying for me and my, and I also asked in God that he will be or when I can, the new and how so you are my prayer answer. So, so good to

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:00):
Be an answer to prayer. And I find that when, when people start praying and say, God helped me to go into full-time ministry. God makes a way for that to happen. It’s that time you were actually a car sales menu or just working normal jobs, selling cars, but you were a little bit dissatisfied. You wanted to help people, not just sell cars, but to help people make their way to heaven, to change their eternal destinies. It is. And so you and I went together to Myanmar your father, there is a pastor has a wonderful ministry. Your grandfather was a ministry in Myanmar as well. And your father’s name is go, your name is Do, and then your son is Go. So Go Do Go. Yes. but you invited us to come to the city where your father lives. And we went in and did a crusade there. What do you remember about that crusade? It’s just

Do Lal (04:01):
For my life and my my whole life that is first time that I saw a large crowd that you, or first time that I host that much, or like in drew during, or, or everything that I did my whole life, that is one of the largest crowd that it’s just every night miracles and wonders happen, and pupil coming more and more and Dade and night seminar and the campaign it’s, it’s so amazing. First time that I saw that, like that happened in my whole life. So it just so problem what it call and so good for me that make me too hungry guru more for Jesus. And that is the first step that makes me, I’m going to do this for my whole life.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:58):
Really caught a vision for preaching the gospel and bringing people to Jesus. I remember that that was a really wonderful crusade. God did many miracles, even some young teenagers that were drug addicts say came off the street. They say prayed to Jesus, Jesus set them free from drugs. It was tremendous. We also had a little bit of opposition in that crusade. I remember the last night, there were some teenagers that were Buddhists and, and maybe they were, they were mad that some of their friends had gotten set free from drugs. And so they started to throw rocks and stones and actually had a little riot. And your uncle was there trying to protect the gate. And one of the stones hit them on the head. And we went to the hospital the next day to visit him because he was really quite seriously injured.

Do Lal (05:55):
He was in a hospital for five days up to that. He able to discharge from the hospital.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:02):
Yeah. And so your family has really paid a price for preaching the gospel there in Myanmar. And I’m so proud of you because you took that experience, doing that first crusade and use it. I want to do more crusades in Myanmar. And so you started inviting other friends. You actually quit your job here in Tulsa, and you joined why wham, you went out to Kona, Hawaii and went through the discipleship training school that has which what a great place to go. Beautiful. Yes, yes. And you, you decided to launch out full-time into ministry and you’ve been doing other crusades since that, that first crusade that, that you and I did together. Tell me some of the crusades that you have organized and what God has done in those events.

Do Lal (06:53):
I mean, it just, before we doing the first campaign or the first crusade you call in me and my, you and I, and Kevin, Kevin stock that our friend yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:03):
Going to start from team extreme, he’s also works with Y wham and has a team of, of strength guys who rip up phone books and lift heavy things and

Do Lal (07:15):
Frying pan, or you rip

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:17):
A frying pan and hammer or twist it up. Yeah, there, there, there, there blow up hot water bottles. And, and of course, people love to come see those feats of strength, but then along with every feat of strength, they preach the gospel and tell people about Jesus. Yes. So before

Do Lal (07:34):
The first campaign that we did I saw it, the full American hand is raising and I’m in the middle of that in my vision where I’m praying in ORU prayer tower. And I did seven days fasting and prayer and ask the Lord what he wanted me to do for for me and my, and for moderate pupils. I mean, out of country. And I saw the tons of little like heals and Valley fool. He was a Valley harvest, beautiful coming back to Jesus and former can hand raising my hand. And I didn’t know what is that men, but Opta, we, when, to me and ma you and Kevin for America and become to American racing, like I felt like they raised me up to do these. And I really felt that his his, his first step and it just gave me, teach me a lot.

Do Lal (08:26):
And also it encouraged me to go in more so to debt. I saw him visa in the first campaign that we did, and I totally understand what is that reason mean for American hand, raising my hand. And from that started hungry for a gospel. And I want to see in our country for more campaign and I praise and honor the Lord. And I felt to join in Weiwei before I joined Weiwei on, we did it three, four auto campaign. And why one, we did a five, six, seven, eight, nine camping, total Woodway one. So it’s like, everything’s, every time is different, every location, but anytime we want to do campaign and me and my pupils who are hungry, they are ready for Jesus. And people come up in a phone and willing to give their life to Jesus and people got healed. And that meant me excited. And so right still today, I really want to go back and do campaigning again. And, but all that happened right now, it just kind of stopped me and then stopped me here.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:40):
Yeah. So how many campaigns have you done since that first campaign that we did together?

Do Lal (09:46):
17 total in 14 different locations and yes,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:50):
That’s amazing 17 campaigns, many different places across Myanmar. Approximately how many people total do you think have come to those 17 campaigns? Do you know? It’ll

Do Lal (10:04):
Be 300,000. Wow.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:06):
Yes. So in our first event that we did, it really wasn’t that big. We had maybe about 8,000 people. So since then you caught the vision and over 300,000 people in Myanmar have come to hear the gospel. Many people got saved, many miracles. Yes. many tremendous things happen. And you’ve also recently started to develop a very innovative way of reaching out to people in Myanmar. And it’s using your Facebook page. Tell me a little bit about that. Yeah.

Do Lal (10:43):
That is I want to give a credit to whoever started that. But, but he don’t want to bring it up his name in a public, but I will give him a credit who started his one of my friends is in from us and he walked in some kind of engineering and cyber, and he find out the idea that that he can like the business pupils using advertised system, like the ad system in Facebook and YouTube. And he kind of realizing that, and he try it like some out of country seven years ago and he selected locations and that it’s all working. And when we look at me and my every 5 cents can read like a thousand pupil would every 5 cents.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:28):
Wow. That’s amazing. Like here in the United States, Facebook advertising is pretty expensive. I mean, you could pay a dollar for every click here in the United States, but in Myanmar, there’s probably far fewer people that are using the platform. So it’s much more economical. So for 5 cents you can have a thousand people see the ad. That’s amazing.

Do Lal (11:55):
So when we spent a hundred dollars from the app, we put in a Facebook advertise system and we pay a hundred dollars. It can reach up to almost 2 million pupil and we put it up like one month and we selected the locations with a Goggle Google map until we select the location. Everyone that use Facebook in that area have to see that advertised gospel. So when they open up their Facebook, even though they don’t want to see it, they cannot skip it. They have to seeing it, that gospel man.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:30):
And not just once, but over and over and over again the whole, my whole month.

Do Lal (12:35):
Or like pupil mocking and playing with that day kind of mad at some Buddhism. And they kind of upset, but some Mo like two third of them are hungry to know more and accept Jesus Christ. And they replied back. They willing to accept Jesus Christ through message. And we have also seven teams in the nation right now 40 Bupa it’s team. We put it like five and some kind of a team leader. Totally. We have like 40 pupils walking every day. And we sent him out the golfs gospel message, advertise system after the customer, what they call the pupil rest bond. And we applied it back with

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:18):
Can you start a conversation with them? You begin to talk to them and is it all on, on Facebook or do you also use telephone to reach people we can do as a WhatsApp.

Do Lal (13:28):
Okay. Right, right now. But we use only Facebook and it’s fine

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:33):
Starting a conversation with them. And, and maybe it’s somebody who’s never heard about Jesus before, but you can begin to share the good news about Jesus share Christian songs with them. Yes. And what a tremendous impact that has had, how many people do you think have seen those advertisements and then how many people have responded

Do Lal (13:58):
Right now? It just 3 million pupil already seeing it seen last year that we start doing it. And almost one years now, during this one year period, three millions in a nations, Burmese, people already seen it. And we see like 70,000 people bore very impressive and like three thousands already accepted Jesus Christ for their Lord and savior through that. So it’s a very,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:22):
You’ve trained up these teams yes. About 40 evangelists in different teams and different places around us that are actively every day evangelizing using the power of the internet. You know, Jesus said to become fishers of men. And in order to catch fish, you need to use a net. So I think God created the internet just for evangelists to use. You know, sometimes you can go preach on the street corner, but you can also use technology in innovative ways to reach people, even in nations, that that often are closed, that are very difficult to go into is, can have an impact using the internet. And so I thank God for every tool we have available to us. Yes. It’s amazing that that even people here in the United States could invest in reaching people and me and Martin. And it doesn’t take very much, just a few hundred dollars. You can have millions of impressions. It is

Do Lal (15:24):
A hundred dollars. You can read up to 2 million pupil through Facebook. So it’s just like,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:32):
So you have launched out into full-time ministry. You’ve made that commitment to serve God, you have a family. How many children do you have? Four children, two boys, two girls, two boys, two girls. So that’s a huge step of faith to do that. Talk to me a little bit about how that has happened and how God has honored your faith.

Do Lal (15:54):
Well that is a huge challenge. I mean, it’s, I’ve been considering and thinking about my family since August 14, 2015, God, and I encounter with the Holy spirit that night horror spirit raped me out, what it call whole night crying for the source and crying out. And my whole life had changed from there. And I see the way that I, the way that I see the war and the way that I see things, and I believe God has given his eye for the pupil of Myanmar and our pupil group in a word. So up to death, I’d been like thinking and ask the Lord, God, I want to go serve you. But when I look at my family is kind of a challenge with the children’s and live in America as Asian America, what they call a Burmese America first generation.

Do Lal (16:49):
And so I don’t look in my family, but I really want to go, but I have no idea how I’m going to live like it. So I’ve been thinking the whole year’s of 2000 fifteens and also the whole year almost uptight thinking about 2015, January, 2016, February, 2016, March, 2016, that March 16, 2016, that morning med two eight. And I think Luke NEI talking about that one guys Oxy, Jesus, I think I think it just, the guys told to Jesus and Jesus, I want to follow you, but first let me bear in. My dad died. Jesus. I want to follow you. But first let me talk with my family, that, that kind of Bible verse, that Bible verse hating me in that morning, March 16, 2016, Wednesday morning. And I up my Bible in Carlo salesmen, my office in South point Chevy, you know, and I opening up and then what I look at, I read it before, but that morning it’s like, it seemed like that Bible verse pointing me.

Do Lal (18:03):
You always saying, no, I, I w I, I invite my disciplers when I invite them. Some are denying like against what I invite. But summer that one, my disciple work, all of them saying yes, right away in the midst of they are aware, they yet I called Matthew. He’s a tech collector. He’d say, yes, I’ll follow you. Are you willing to follow me that morning? Or are you going to keep saying, my kids are still so young and I might still need to pay you keep saying like that, or are you going to follow me? I felt that morning. And I I’m calling. I called my wife and I talked to her and I asked her how you think, honey? And she said, I felt these. So so long, it’s up to you. And I believe God provide provided. So from there I quit my job. I told my manager today’s my last day, without giving 20 days notice from there, it’s kind of a challenge, but every month God is faithful and God is providing until today.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:08):
Yes. Wow. What a tremendous miracle. And you have a vision to say, organize lots of ministry for the nation of Myanmar. I remember the last time we were there I went a second time to do a crusade in, in Tetum about a year ago. And when we were there, you showed me a piece of property where you have a heart to, to, to build a facility, to reach out to young people. And, and you’re actively doing ministry in, in the nation of Myanmar. You along with your father. Tell me some about what your you want to do.

Do Lal (19:46):
Yes. what I look me and my God is giving, as I said, God has given me his eyes. What I looked Myanmar I seen as Myanmar for Saudis has like a Brit, me and my is holding the most important country in Southeast Asia. When I, when I look today where it’s 10 40 windows and where’s the most unreached pupil is next to me and ma like Bangladesh, India, China, Taiwan, Taiwan, and everywhere. When we look at, and when I pray to me and my God is showing me the way the land. Yes. And the more you change in Myanmar, the impact will come into Saudis, Asia, China, and India. And I seen it very important to change me and ma so when I look at two things, one like one nations or a country, we need to change from a next generation from kindergarten to high school, high school to call each and all generations.

Do Lal (20:51):
So I find out, and God is giving me some strategy how we can train, train and change the next generation. So we start making some we call a sport ministry. And also we have school that is, is kind of often school. But when you call orphan is like three different kinds of offerings. Some are no more parents. Some are single parents, some are both parents, but they all have a hard time to go in a school or their own budget. But we provide two seasons in night class and they, we hire nine teachers, some kind of ministry. We have like five different ministry. We running, helping the community. And also we have food packet care, food packet cares, giving out. As we given out, we share. So we training and sending out and also sharing with the community and my heart. It changed me and ma to become Christian nations and becoming a ascending nations. So as me and my become a Christian nation, God would change the urine pupil and to go out to the next country like India and China and Bangladesh and Thailand and Laos that ceramic.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (22:07):
So me, Omar can become a light to that entire region of the world. I believe that’s possible. Myanmar in many ways is very odd unreached. There are tribes in Myanmar that have very few Christians that would be considered unreached people groups. And so last time that we went, we, we went to a museum in Yangon, and I remember up on the fifth floor of the museum, they had different displays from the different ethnic people, groups, different language groups in Myanmar, and each different ethnic group has a different costume, has different cultural practices. They look different, they speak different language. They are uniquely different. And there’s actually over a hundred different distinctive groups. Yes.

Do Lal (23:04):
GMR, yes. A hundred, 135,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (23:07):
135. So that’s a lot. And some of the tribes in Myanmar have turned to Jesus. So, so what’s your ethnic background? What’s your tribe? Zomi Zomi. And so the zoomies, yes. They were reached by some Baptist missionaries back in the late 18 hundreds. Yes. And to this day, many zoomies are serving the Lord. And, and in fact many of them live here in, in Tulsa, Oklahoma. There’s about 15,000 Burmese people here in Tulsa. Many of them are Zomi that came here, fleeing religious persecution over the last 50 years. Yes. And so, so some tribes, you know, you would have 30, 40, 50% of the people in the tribe that are Christian, but there are other tribes in Myanmar that there is not a single church in there,

Do Lal (24:05):
Which group by 58, five are not hearing about Jesus yet in a nascent mid-May.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (24:12):
And so I’m really praying that God will raise up those who are reached yes. To reach out to these other people. So thank God for these missionaries that came in minister to the Zumiez back in the late 18 hundreds. But now I think that like the, the, the Burmese people that are here in Tulsa, they have a responsibility to raise up missionaries, send them back to Myanmar. Yes. And even also to, to help with funding the gospel, sending it back to me, EMR. Yes. Because somebody paid for those missionaries back in the 18 hundreds. Yes. So come to me, Omar. Well now we have Burmese people that are doing very well here in Tulsa. They drive nice cars. They like driving nice cars. And you know, they’re, they’re, they’re very successful. They work very hard. They’re a great blessing to, to America. But now I think God has blessed them and they can be a blessing back to the nation of Myanmar. Yes. Who will reach those unreached people, groups, someone needs to go. And so I believe God will raise up people from within the Burmese community here in America to go to Burma and to preach the guy

Do Lal (25:34):
Possible. Yes. And that it’s, I agreed that. And also ongoing training under my dad organizations from Zomi Baptist conventions they have a mission organization called Gaetan mission. They sending out like 78 full-time mission evangelism. What do you call their full timer ongoing right now? And they winning every day soul winning and also our ministry in my dad and me. We have a mission school. We call Asian international mission school. We training 40 next generation youth people hungry for the gospel. So through Junes and also in in Atlanta, they training. And also they go out and going out practical every weeks and everywhere they yet. So it’s just ongoing right now. I’m so excited. What is God going to do in a nascent of Myanmar?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (26:33):
I really love what your father is doing. Raising up missionaries. These are Burmese missionaries that are being raised up and in Burma to go out to the reached tribes of Burma. And most of their support comes from within Burma and from the Burmese churches from around the world. Yes. Which is a miracle it’s, it’s really amazing that God is doing that. It easily

Do Lal (27:01):
Beautiful. Yeah. God is providing. Yeah. Yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (27:06):
I love John three 16. He has an evangelist. What has God been sharing with you about John three, six

Do Lal (27:13):
16? I mean, it’s just, I one, I, I mean, John three 16 is as I’m going up in increasing family. I memorize that verse when I was little. I, I believe every Christian Love that verse and I’m in it just like, it’s always been a verse in my life that, but during this time as, or pandemic and what happened in my life and what it’s, I’ve been through, what is bringing through in my country, what is going on wrong? So the more I things and di and ask the Lord, and first I find out who is God, I’m starting there. Who is God? And like, I’m like, keep thinking the suns and moon and all kinds of creation. And I found in the Bible, God is like Sue bright and no one allowed to see, or no one can see it. God is super powerful. And even Moses say, I’m Sue scare. And I’m an Israel I told Moses, please tell your God, stop making that noise. We will be die if we hear that noise again in a Bible. So God is when I, when I think about who is God, and that sends come out, God is a God that God is a God Kings up King.

Do Lal (28:40):
And he is our creator. He is controlling. Everything’s his Mo the most powerful God that he created us. So the more I think it’s something that’s come out somewhat the greatest, the greatest God, there’s a lot of gods in the, or like pupil believe in different system, but he is the greatest. He is our creator. So the greatest doing something to a pupil, what he did, what he does is that great testing, John three 16, God. So loved the world. First. He did. He does lop. Sue laugh.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (29:34):
God loves the world. So laugh. So love. God loves me, Omar. Yes, God loves me. And God love

Do Lal (29:42):
Me. And so love. And because he’s so loved, he questioning himself and what it can do for these unique pupil, beautiful pupil, all the prize that will be matched with only, only my B only son will be matched their parts. So he gives the great test, give to us one of the only that he have the greatest gift up to debt, whoever belief, and he give the greatest fake. So whoever have that greatest fate and believe have the great test life, which mean internety life it turn into life is not like something that we are feeling cold yesterday and feeling warm today and heart yesterday. Good. A little bit better today. Internally live it all the time. The same in good life with Jesus and with God, I think it’s what I’ve been through in this is like God Sula the war. And he gave his only son and who served believe or have internety life. That is just speak to me a lot. So,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (31:11):
Amen. That is a good verse for, for every evangelist. Now, right now the nation of Myanmar needs

Do Lal (31:20):
A lot of prayer. Yes.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (31:22):
There is a lot of political turmoil going on. If you watch the news, you can see us some of what is happening there. And so if you’re listening today, I would encourage you to pray for the nation of Myanmar. Yes. Pray that there would be peace in Myanmar. Yes. Pray that the gospel will continue to spread, pray that there would be open doors to be able to share the gospel with people, pray for protection for the servants of God that live there in the nation of Myanmar. Yes. And I’d also encourage you to pray for my friend dough with me. He has a heart for me, Omar. He is actively working to, to minister in Myanmar to, to coordinate different groups that have a heart for ministry in Myanmar. And so even though there’s political turmoil, the gospel continues to move forward. Amen is still, and I’d encourage you. If you have a heart for me, Amar, get connected to DOE. If you want to support him, support his family, I’d encourage you to get connected to him. I’ll put a link to his Facebook page in my, my website, so that can connect to him. I heard that one time which doctor put poison in your tea? What happened?

Do Lal (32:47):
Yes. that is right. That is 2018 at blue. First outreach DTS team from Y one corner. Then we went to Myanmar and [inaudible] and mounting and kind of him heme liars villages in Nepal. If anybody hear or see it before. So small village, 35 household, and we are hosing 18 villages together in that relay. We inviting people from a wrong that’s surrounding village. So eight, 10 religious 18 villages coming together in that village. There is a witchcraft doctor that we didn’t know, and we did his first night. We arrive. And when we arrive, before we arrived, we are about to arrive that village life 4:30 PM. But the witchcraft doctor already know ahead. We are coming. So he make it something. And I think he can literally make some water to becoming that water. So it had kind of jungle village.

Do Lal (33:59):
When you have a bad winter the road become a muddy and you cannot drive in a car and our car is stuck and a lot of your people are helping us. And even they post, we able to enter into a village 11:00 PM at night. So with beak rains and bigs kind of storm and Woodmont, all of our shirts wet and so cold, almost freezing. So the time the local people providing us local milk tea with a small cup and kind of would milk and smell good and hot. And that moment is so good. And I even told him, this is the best tea ever that I’ve ever tasted in my whole life. This is the best tea. And I didn’t know that that witchcraft doctor is there. So he put a poison in that night and the next day he come and meet us in a morning with a smiling face and kind of checking what had happening around here.

Do Lal (35:01):
So that day we starting at 10:00 AM for what’s it called a seminar. So the morning session, two of my friend did it and optimal and says that I’m about to start doing giving out people a whole authority believer of God, like how, how, like authority of believer. And I’m about to share that. And the moment I am about to share what I prepare and I fold the horror speech saying that the horsepower is telling me that there is someone doing witchcraft. I like Sue string in my money. That’s maybe what? Maybe for my flesh or no, it’s just like a lot of people that seem like very excited for Jesus. So maybe, maybe my thought, and I’m trying to pray over it, but again, it’s coming again. So I’m like, okay, God, I’m here. Just me, whatever. So that moment I felt to us, everyone, and I let everyone like closing their eyes and asking them, no one raised their hand.

Do Lal (36:03):
If anybody doing witchcraft stuff or anything, please raise your hand. No one raised their hand and opposite that people look at you. Like you are like getting the of knowledge in a local, small village. Everyone eyes look at you like in something kind of wrong looking, you know, like, what is wrong with this guy? Something I’d have to dead. I let everyone bow and Aston again. And no one raised their hand. I’m like, God, I knew it. That is you. But what happened? No one raised their hand. Did I just make it up? No, I didn’t make it up. I know this from you Lord. I’m like, okay, maybe no one here, maybe somewhere. So as I’m continuing doing my preparations, my no. And going back and my no, try to give them a similar, I personally, five minute, but that is the longest five minutes I ever felt I can go with.

Do Lal (37:05):
It’s something it stopping me. And like, I try to talk, my throat is di I try to do it. I can get it. And even though my notes becoming like blinking, boring, and I can’t really add. I’m like, what kind of feeling is at the moment, God, what should I do? And I felt inside of me saying, just let it finish today. So I’m S I’m about having another 45 minutes to go, but I let finish that on the time. Then I tell everyone soon as you guy from a different village, let have fellowship time, good time. And we’re going to finish by here. So I just pray. And Lily’s everyone up to everyone gone. That was scrapped. Dr. Wood here is coming from the back until me, my friend, everything, what you had share that is me. You know what, yesterday I put an, a poison in your tea.

Do Lal (38:06):
I would like to ask your forgiveness. Every time I did something that is happened instantly. Like I saw it in front of my eyes, but today I know I, and I knew it. My witchcraft is kind of powerful, but your God is more powerful. I want to trust that. And I want to believe, can you pray for me and me? And two of my DTS team leaders, we over for him. And we went to his house and we give hemo chins. And he brought down all of his witchcraft stuff. And I have a video here with me today’s and from that day he gave his life diseases. And till today is make a difference. And he he leave a life with Christ and wow,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (38:58):
In Mark 16, Jesus says, if you drink any deadly thing, it shall not harm you. So the witch doctor tried to put poison in your tea, but it didn’t affect you. You just drank it and said, wow, that was the best tea I ever had. And then the next day you were preaching, gave the word of knowledge that there was someone doing witchcraft. No one responded until after everybody left. Yes. As men came up and said, no, that was me. I was trying to put a curse on you. I was trying to kill you to witchcraft against you. And he got saved because of that and destroyed all of his witchcraft items. What a tremendous testimony. Now, God also did a great miracle for you last year. You were in the hospital because of Corona virus, but you survived. It is praise the Lord about that miracle. Yes. I’m only in the hospital for two months. Wow. Only two months.

Do Lal (39:57):
Yeah. I mean, it’s just kind of hard with four kids and my wife and, you know, it’s just very, very I mean, it’s rare that virus is, but you know, Jesus, he’s the same yesterday, today and forever. I would say that. It’s just what I was eating this. I won’t make it today. Everyone pray for me. I know it’s sometimes

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (40:18):
I rang every day. I was praying every day for you. Because as like, God, we need DOE we need dope. You’ve given us such a vision for the nation of Myanmar. And I’m so happy to see you now healthy and strong in front of this.

Do Lal (40:33):
Yes. Thank you for all the prayers that from around the nations, that all my good friend and believe in diseases and crying out together. And without that prayers, I’m not going to make it today’s. And I mean, it’s just, again, doctor giving up my life and they call my wife and they told har, this is what we can do. We put ventilator, we could put at moon missions. I don’t know what his moon mission is kind of really, but they call an animal, but it just wherever put using their body for is, is kind of the tough. So opt to debt is still the same. And they told my, my doctor told my wife, his lungs was frozen for 48 hours and not working at all. We try to do it our best, but seemed like he not gonna make it. So we want to let you know that, be ready for whatever, going to be as nicely, but it’s deep and heartful horror.

Do Lal (41:35):
But that moment see cried out to the Lord and see challenge God and everyone that from around the nations, a friend like Daniels, you and a friend from COVID-19, a friend from the part of friend from Pakistan Brazils and not different nations. And [inaudible] my parents, my church back home, everyone crying out to God. The doctor tried to remove the next day, my tubing system that helped me bread. That makes me alive. They decided to remove the next day, the same day that our early in the morning, four 30, my lungs was frozen for 48 hours, but it’s coming back alive, like 40% that day. So Jesus is doing something in a miracle. I knew he’s still moving and he’s still make it different. And I knew it’s. I also saw that to laugh one and my or to call honor pupils in my loved one are gone because of COVID. I don’t know what is going to wrong, what has happened, but I would say, God is not finished with me yet. And he’s still have a plan for you and me. What America? A man. Yes.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (42:55):
Brother Do, Let’s finish up with a prayer for the nation of Myanmar. Yes. Would you lead us in a prayer for, for the gospel to be able to reach these 135 people groups in the nation?

Do Lal (43:09):
Yes. Before we pray, I’ll brief Sharon about me and mommy and my is 54 millions pupil populations and 89% of Buddhists of the whole populations increase. And it’s like 7.5% for the populations. And Muslim is like 2.3%. And so otters or a hundred percent or Hindu Ziems and not a religion. So as we praying for me and my me and my is a very strong war, Buddhism nations. So please pray for that pupil or encounter with Jesus. Yes. Let’s pray just to God. Are we praying for the nation of Myanmar right now? And thank you Jesus, for what you’re paying for the prize for everyone in these art. And I’m so thankful of what you’re doing then for me and my pupil. And right now I pray men must still be safe in the name of Jesus revival happen in Myanmar right now. And father God, I pray everyone everywhere they at right now, there’ll be in cornering.

Do Lal (44:19):
Why would you Lord? And right now I pray for everyone that is staying in under these crisis situations up to pandemic. And after this going wrong with military COF and what is happening in Myanmar right now, I pray for everyone. There’ll be get peace and joyful life and revival in a nascent Myanmar in Jesus name. Amen. Well dope. Thank you so much for joining me today. And we will continue to pray for Myanmar and I know the day will come where we will be able to go back to Myanmar and see God do amazing things there. God bless you. And thank you for being on the program. Thank you very much. God bless you. Thank you

Evangelism Podcast Host (45:07):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit King ministries.com. Again, that’s King ministries.com.



Mike Signorelli | Giving Atheists Proof God is Real

Mike Signorelli is the founder and lead pastor of V1 Church in New York City. He used to be an atheist but a friend led him to the Lord over the course of a year. In today’s podcast, we talk about my new book designed to rescue atheists from hell. The book is called Proof God is Real.

Website: www.mikesignorelli.com 

Proof God is Real is a great book to give to atheists and it is a good book to give to your teenagers before they leave for collage so they will not lose their faith the first time they hear someone challenge Christianity.

Buy the Book:


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Mike Signorelli is the founder and lead pastor of V1 church in New York city. He used to be an atheist, but a friend led him to the Lord over the course of a year in today’s podcast. We talk about my new book designed to rescue atheists from hell. The book is called PROOF God is real.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:23):
Jesus said, go into all the world and preach the gospel. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King we’re Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host missionary and evangelist Daniel King.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:00):
Hi, this is Daniel King and missionary evangelists, and I’m passionate about leading people to Jesus. Recently, I was invited to be on a podcast with pastor Mike singer reli from V1 church in New York city. And we talked about how to reach atheists with the gospel. It was such a great interview that I decided to give it to you on my podcast. So here is pastor Mike interviewing me about my new book proof. God is real.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (01:35):
Hey, this is pastor Mike Signorelli, the lead pastor of V1 church coming at you live from Queens, New York city. I know you can’t tell cause over my shoulders, just a white wall and it usually I’m walking the streets of New York city going live. But I’m in studio today because I have a very special guests and I am so excited for him to jump in here in the next few minutes, Dr. Daniel King, I know many of you have a friends and family members that have stopped believing they’ve left the faith. We’ve even seen high profile theologians recently, renounced Christianity and walk away and post emotional videos where they’re crying and talking about how relieved they are, that they’re no longer a Christian. How many of you know that it is more important now than ever that we get the word out and that we confront the spirit of atheism? You know we know that we are fighting a spiritual battle and yes, we must be equipped on an intellectual level on an emotional level, but we cannot forsake the spiritual reality to what we’re seeing today. Guys, I know today is going to be off the charts and here’s why I am only 40 seconds in and we have 110 people watching already. But if this is a spiritual battle, I need everybody to do their part because we don’t have audiences. We have armies, okay. And all have a position and they all have an assignment. So here’s your assignment right now. I need you to hit the share button. If you’re a part of this army who believes that we need to put the truth out there for the entire world to hear and confront atheism because this spirit has robbed so many people of their destiny.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (03:18):
So many people have their calling. So many it’s ravaged families, and we’re going to make the devil pay today. Like we are literally going to fight back. We are not just a defensive army. You know, when you look at the the armor of God, it is not just defensive. We have the sword of the spirit we’re fighting back today. We have almost 200 people watching in the first two minutes. So I need you all to share right now. I’m serious. I need you to subscribe on YouTube, hit that subscribe button, hit the gray thumbs up, make it blue. And then on, on Facebook, any and every group that you’re a part of, like literally, if you’re a part of a mommy’s group in your neighborhood’s share this because we’re talking about atheism and there’s going to be moms in your neighborhoods that are a part of your Facebook mommy group that are like, you know what I used to believe, but now I don’t, I’ll check this out.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (04:11):
Maybe you’re watching right now because someone already shared guys is go time. We’ve got 200 people watching in the first two minutes. Come on. You know, let me just tell you, I want to prophesize just to start this thing off. Okay. And we need to start praying the prayers that sound like prophecy because that’s an activation of faith. Okay? I believe that during this broadcast, a spiritual blindness will, will be eradicated. That eyes will be opened. That scales will be removed. I mean, you guys know my story. I used to be an atheist myself and God, just miraculously and divinely connected me to a man named Lamont King black. This is his real name. And he was an Ivy league, educated theologian. I moved into a house during college. Didn’t even know that I was moving in with a theologian. I brought all of my worries, all of my concerns, all of my problems with scripture, the discrepancies that I saw to this man and over the course of the, of the year, this random guy that I moved in.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (05:16):
But how many of you know, there’s no coincidences in the kingdom of heaven, just divine confirmation, divine appointments. And over the course of the year, Lamont King black, this random guy moved into, but it wasn’t so random. Begin to take me on a journey of dealing with all of my questions, all of my concerns, all of the things that I struggled with in scripture. And I found myself one year later re rededicating my life to Christ. The rest is history. Now you guys know me as pastor Mike, so today’s broadcast. I’m going to prophesied. I’m going to declare it now. Before this broadcast is over, I believe that we will see in the chat, come on. People who are, are literally saying, I started this broadcast in atheist and I left a believer, a true believer. So we are on a mission today, guys.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (06:07):
And I want you to lift up your faith, like never before. Somebody says in the chat, look at this comment, a Saul becoming Paul, come on watching from Mississippi. I even saw some of the comments right now. I can’t even keep up with them. They’re going crazy. I even saw some of the comments right now saying that you jumped over to Facebook just to share and that you are and, and now you’re going back to YouTube. So some of you guys are, are such powerful warriors that you’re going over to Facebook, literally, just to share it to all your groups. And then you are coming back to Facebook or YouTube rather. So wherever you’re watching from now, thank you guys for texting and sharing. Man, this is going to be such a powerful broadcast today, man, we’ve already got almost 400 people within the first five, six minutes, which is so powerful.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (06:59):
I believe many more are coming in. Here’s the woman to do Dr. King Daniel King. I’m about to bring him in there. He is. And so here’s what I want you guys to do live at lunch family. I want you to give a warm welcome. I want to see the chat absolutely blow up. Dr. King is an international evangelist missionary. He’s spoken, I believe in over 70 countries. He’s an author. He is a powerful voice of the gospel to all people. And I just met him for the first time minutes ago. But I can tell you this, you are in for a treat today. So I want to see the chat go. Absolutely buck wild, crazy, welcoming him to the family today. Dr. Daniel King. Welcome.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:46):
Wow. It is good to be here with you. Thank you so much for having me on

Pastor Mike Signorelli (07:50):
Ma tell everybody where you’re watching from today.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:53):
I am in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and I am on a mission from God to lead atheist to Jesus Christ. I believe that God loves atheist. God wants atheists to go to heaven. And so we need to do everything we can to reach them and tell them about Jesus.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (08:13):
And I absolutely believe that he loves atheist because I was one of those atheists that he loved. Matter of fact, things to everybody in the chat for showing so much love to Dr. Daniel King. So you don’t tell me a little bit about this burden that you have for atheist. You know, where did that come from? What’s the origin story, you know how did that get birth in your heart?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:37):
Well, I am a missionary evangelist. I’ve traveled to over 70 nations around the world, preaching to people about Jesus. We’ve seen over 2 million people come to Jesus in our services, large evangelistic crusades like Billy Graham used to do. And we would go to Hindu nations and Muslim nations, and we would see God do tremendous miracles in those places. Then I came back here to America and I was speaking at churches here in America. And one time I was at this little church in Missouri, this, this woman came up to me. She says, please, please, can you pray for my son? I thought her son was sick or something. And so I said, well, what does he need prayer for? And he says, he is an atheist. He started watching videos about atheism on YouTube. He started following different atheists on Twitter and they influenced his thinking.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:33):
And my son who was raised in a Christian family, wandered away from God and I grabbed her by the hand and I began to pray for him. And then she gave me his, his blog site. I went and looked at it and it ended up having some, some conversations with him about Jesus and about Christianity, about why he felt pulled away from growing up in a Christian home, into becoming an atheist. And he asked some really good questions. And so I began to research, why is it that some people are turning towards atheism? And because of all these questions, I began to research. I wrote a book it’s called proof. God is real. And so many atheists are looking for proof. They want proof. They said, if you can give me proof that all believe in God, but without proof, I just dismiss all of it.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:23):
So I said, well, what proof is there that, that God does exist? And that Jesus Rose from the dead. So I took all that proof. I put it in this book in this book actually has a two fold purpose. The first purpose of the book is to lead atheists to Jesus, to help them come into a to knowledge that there is a God, that Jesus is his son, that Jesus Rose from the dead to pay the price for our sins. But then also I wrote this book for people that are raised in Christian homes, young men and women who maybe they went to Sunday school, their whole life. Then they go to college and they fall away from their faith because of the first time experiencing it and hearing different questions that would challenge their faith. And so there is a disease called atheism and we need to inoculate our young people against that disease, vaccinate them. And, and the way to do that is by reading this book proof, God is real well. I’m so good.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (11:26):
Glad you mentioned the book because here’s the reality. Our kids are being exposed to the YouTube videos because unfortunately the, the church didn’t get to him first, right? It’s like, you know, and what my story was being raised in, you know, really like a charismatic Pentecostal church where man, a lot of good hearted people, but they didn’t speak to matters concerning the intellect. And primarily we spoke about things, you know, emotional, overcoming conquering things in our life, getting free from things. But I didn’t know that the Bible could stand the scrutiny of, you know, scholarship. I didn’t know that there was an intellectual side and from my, my story, and this may be, I featured some comments. People were saying, you know, this is my kid. This is my son. You know, I have the same story. It was like, if in my mind, I literally said, ignorant people believe God exists and intelligent people don’t.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (12:23):
And that was when, when I became an adult, was that simple because I had that cliche experience where I went to a secular college and I took the biology courses. I actually had a girlfriend at the time who was a pre-med student. And so I took the bio courses with her and I had professors use their position at that college to tell an auditorium full of students. Literally, God doesn’t exist. Just like the movie I witnessed that God’s not dead type of experience if you guys have seen the movie, but that led me on a journey myself of really wanting to know whether things are real. And so for me, my story again, and I said it in the beginning of the broadcast was meeting this, this, you know, Ivy league educated scholar who said, no, actually the Bible can stand the test intellectually as well. And so, as you were compiling and researching for the book, what were some of the things that you looked at and said, okay, this just needs to be known people aren’t talking about this. Maybe they’re not preaching about it from their pulpits on Sunday, but I’m going to put this in the book. What are some, some highlights?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:30):
Yeah. So much preaching is emotional, which is wonderful. We need to love God with all of our hearts, but we also are challenged to love God with all of our mind. And so I think there is an intellectual side to loving God and in knowing who God is and in thinking. And so the three biggest questions that I think that our generation is asking today that I answer in this book. The first question is, is God there? The second question, does God care in? The third question is, do I dare to follow him? Now, the first thing we have to answer is God, there is he really there in before you can believe in Jesus or believe that Jesus died for our sins or that Jesus can save you first. You just need to accept that there is a creator who created everything, which we can see.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:26):
And so the first step is dealing with this question is God there. And then once you find out that God is there, then start to deal with the question. Does God care? Sure. Maybe there’s a God out there in the universe somewhere, but does he care for me as an individual that does he look at me or is he like a, a giant man looking down at an aunt? It doesn’t care about us as individuals. And I think the proof that God cares is in the life of Jesus, Jesus was God manifest here on earth and everything that Jesus did came from his father. And so when we look at the life of Jesus and the death of Jesus, and then the resurrection of Jesus, we can see that God does care for us as individuals. Then we come to that point where you have to make the decision.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:14):
Do I dare to follow him? Okay. Yes, there’s a God. Yes, he does care about me. Can I take that step of faith? And that’s a really difficult step to make, to, to, to actually trust God, to help us to save us. And so what’s really interesting is that all three of these questions are answered in one verse in the Bible, Hebrews 11, six says, without faith, it’s impossible to please God, because everyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who diligently seek him. And so this verse tells us that he exists. That answers. The question is God, there in this verse tells us he’s a rewarder of those who seek him. And that tells us he rewards people. So he does care about you as an individual. He loves you, pastor Mike, and he cares about you. That’s the reason he saves you. So, and then the third question, do I dare? Well, it says, well, faith, it’s impossible to please God. So we have to put our faith and trust in him. We have to say, God, I trust you for salvation and cry out to Jesus. They, Jesus saved me. And when we do that, then he saves us and he gives us the reality of his presence in our lives. That’s it.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (16:30):
I love this comment in the chat while you were breaking that down, Amy says I’m a biology major. And I see God under the microscope. I can’t deny him. And I know for me, there’s a quote that I often reference. It says like your first, your first gulp from the glass of science will make you an atheist. But if you drink the entire glass, you’ll believe in God. And for me, that was my story. It was like the first time I started to delve into science, I thought, Oh wow, God doesn’t exist. But the deeper I went on that journey, I began to discover that in fact, science is pointing to God. You know, we talk about the fine tuning of the universe and how, if we’re like, you know, one degree off in any direction, then we would either the planet earth would not be able to sustain life at either be too hot or too cold.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (17:19):
You know, we talk about astrophysicists like Dr. Hugh Ross that can say, Hey, when we, when we look at the cosmos, we see the intentionality of God. There’s just no way that this could be random. And he breaks down these very in-depth long mathematical equations, which we will not get into today. And so, as I continued my journey in science, I realized, wow, science was actually confirming what the Bible said the entire time. And just because my local church did it talk, it didn’t mean that there weren’t resources out there, like the book that you have. And so, you know, for me, the reason why we’re doing this broadcast, the reason why I have the YouTube channel, the reason why we have this book resource available today is because I’m reading dozens upon dozens of comments of many of you saying, this is my family.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (18:10):
This is my friend. This is my dad. These are the people in my life. Who’ve gone down that rabbit trail that they’ve watched these, you know, these, these videos. And I tell this to people all the time. My background is I actually have an English degree and I used to teach advanced placement composition and argumentation. And you can argue the wrong idea in such a way that it’s so convincing that you can deceive people. And we see, you know, Hitler did that. Whereas I clearly Hitler’s ideology was wrong, but he was so good at crafting an argument that he was able to convince an entire nation. And so we see that a lot of these YouTube videos, they’re, they’re so good at crafting an argument around deception. And I like how Dr. King, you, you pointed it back to the knee, the need for faith, because we’ve been teaching about the Holy spirit. And I’m telling you many of you watching right now that you cannot, you cannot do this on argumentation alone. I believe for me, I was able to get the information I needed, but I needed more than information. I needed revelation. And I believe that happened by the Holy spirit who is really breaking it down for me and wooing me. So what, what do you see you know, Daniel’s, you’re kind of on your journeys. How do you see the Holy spirit at work in the lives of people who struggle with their faith?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:34):
Absolutely. We need to have the help of the Holy spirit acts. One eight says you shall receive power after the Holy spirit comes upon you to be a witness to the uttermost ends of the earth. And for many people they’re wondering how can I reach in atheists? My coworker is an atheist and he’s just mad at God, or, or how can I reach my, my son or daughter who, who went away to college and came home and doesn’t believe in God anymore. How can I reach them? And so we need the power of the Holy spirit to, to know what to say. And I think it really begins by listening to people and finding out what their issues are, what they’re dealing with. Often when people become atheists, it it’s, it’s not an intellectual thing. They, they justify it intellectually, but often it’s because of deep, emotional issues.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (20:29):
Maybe they were hurt by the church. Maybe someone who is a Christian with a hypocrite and did something to them. And then they begin to justify these feelings by, by going to the intellectual side. And so sometimes people get, make a mistake of going too intellectual. It just trying to win arguments with people. But our goal is not to win arguments. Our goal is to win souls. And so that’s where the Holy spirit comes in. The Holy spirit is the one who gives us the wisdom of what to say, how to say it when to listen, when to gently share information. And so we have to listen to the Holy spirit because really it comes down to the presence of God helping us and bringing his presence into these conversations with atheist. And so we can’t come at reaching atheist from a position of intellectual superiority or trying to, to, to intellectually argue someone into Christianity that really works. We have to come at it from a position of love and acceptance and saying, God loves you. God has a plan for your life. And even if they reject the idea of God, say, you know, your creator has a plan for you. He created you with a purpose. And so this book will help people to share their faith in an intellectual way, but also with love motivated by the presence of the Holy spirit.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (22:02):
I love that so much. And I think it’s more important than ever that we show the love of Christ because you’re right, the hurt goes so deep. And once you put someone on the defensive where they feel like they have to actually defend themselves, now you’ve become adversarial. Right now, you’re in an argument. And for me, I’ve learned the importance of listening, being a good listener. You know, the funny thing is, and this is a tool I want to give to the different parents that are watching right now is even when you ask questions, you’ll get people to unpack what they think. I’ve actually had several situations with young people where I said, well, tell me what you believe. And the more questions I ask and the more they try to articulate it, the more they start to come to the realization that they have no idea what they’re talking about.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (22:49):
And I’ve actually been able to open people’s hearts to the gospel by just asking a more like, well, I want to learn, I want to learn your beliefs. I want to learn your perspective. Tell me what you think and the deeper they go. They get to this moment where they’re like, I have, I, yeah. I, I guess I never, and the Holy spirit has actually used that. And I don’t go on the attack mode in that way, but it’s just like, Hey, well, it sounds like you’re still trying to figure it out, you know, and I want to be here and I’ve had a lot of great opportunities with that as well. Hey, if you guys are really receiving from this, can you just drop a comment right now and just talk to us, let us know w you know, come on, this is so good.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (23:31):
I love these chat. Let me feature this comment. It says Dr. King, you have hit the nail on the head. Intellectual superiority and past hurt equals atheism so many times. So many times you see this, look at this Janice, Dr. King is speaking so much truth and how to witness the non-believers. Someone’s actually watching from Kenya right now. It’s so good to have you watching from Kenya, man. This is amazing. Someone says starting the conversation, my someones in no more and just didn’t know, man, I am so thankful for YouTube. I’m so thankful for Amazon. I’m so thankful for the books as resources like you have, because it’s just an opportunity to open up the door. You know growing up in, in a small, you know, just a small storefront church, it felt like it, you know, we had the Christian bookstores at the time and just so few limited resources, but we live in a time like never before where the resources are out there.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (24:30):
Marissa says this intellectually, my study of science for my master’s degree, led me to know that there was a divine design and we only discover of what God did, man. You know, I know you may not know this Dr. Daniel, but we actually have many members of the medical community that watch every day. As a matter of fact, a shout out to Diana, if you’re watching, she has a whole nurse facility and oftentimes at lunch, they put this broadcast on and we have we’ve even had doctors do surgeries while this broadcast was going, which I didn’t even know you could do that, but I’d rather have the word of God being declared during a surgery than anything. But I want to do this, if you’re all right with this I’d like to ask what questions you have. You guys have two men of God, two, two men that have devoted their life to studying and having conversations and declaring the word of God. So if there’s a question that you have in the chat, I love to create an opportunity for those questions to be answered. Is that, are you okay with trying to take a few questions?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (25:33):
Sure. Let’s go for it. And another thing I’d like to do is I’d like to pray for people who are atheist. And so if you know someone who’s atheist or someone who’s dealing with doubt, throw their first name up there in a comment. And in just a few moments, let’s pray for them and pray that God would make a way for you to reach people who are dealing with atheism.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (25:54):
Yes, absolutely. Unbelieving. So many of you have come to this broadcast on a daily basis, and you have seen me pray for people. Medically verifiable miracles happen right in the chat. It’s very hard to remain an atheist like in these kinds of environments. So many of you have received a word from God where I read your name from a screen and said something that there’s no way I could have ever known. And I’ve even met you in person, whether it was in California or Chicago at our events. And people came up to me, pastor Mike, there’s no way you could’ve known. And so I’ll ask you to do this put their name in there. We want to pray for them, but even tag them on social media, because something may or may be happening even in their heart. Even while they’re watching. Peter says, you know, Jacob, someone says my son, Tristin someone else says to Stephanie, I see these names.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (26:46):
We’re getting ready to pray. And I want you to just stir up your faith, tag them in the chat. Now come on. Somebody says, Travis, Eric crystal, these are precious lives. Yvonne says, pray for Larry. My brother come on, Melanie, just tag Latitia. Andrew, come on, look at all these names. This is incredible guys. It’s so important. It’s so important. We’re getting ready to pray here in a little bit, but before we pray, I want to take some questions. And here’s why I want to give the next couple of minutes for the people that you tagged to join into this broadcast. Because I believe that some of you who have come in doubting some of you who are in doubt, or maybe you’re like pastor Mike I know that God is real, but man, I was hurt by a pastor. I know God is real, but I allowed a couple of YouTube videos or whatever to, to rock me off of my foundation.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (27:37):
But man, I’ve seen too much and I need to come home. I want to create that space for you to say, that’s me. That’s me. So let me see if there’s any questions. Let me feature this one, this question it says, where do I go to find the in between a culture and the Bible and biblical history? Also, what do we say when people say that there’s lost books of the Bible. So Dr. Daniel King, what, you know, people oftentimes will say, you know, the book of Enoch, this loss book, how do I know people refute the Bible? Like where do we find good resources to really study the scriptures and study the Bible historically?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (28:17):
Well, first I’d recommend getting my book proves God is real. This will help you deal with many of the most common questions which are asked. And I think a lot of the questions that that people ask sometimes are red herrings. They’re, they’re, they’re not actually interested in knowing about the, the book of Enoch. They’re just interested in, in opening up a conversation. And so be patient with their questions. Say, if you don’t know, just be honest about it and say, I don’t really know, but let me, let me go look, you know, let me, let me look something up on it for you, but then just stay, keep that friendship going, keep that conversation going, you know, answer their question, but keep bringing people back to the, the big ideas that there is a God and Jesus is his son. And that Jesus loves you cares for you. He has a plan for your life, that it doesn’t matter what you’ve done in the past. You can have a wonderful future with Jesus that everyone who calls on Jesus will be saved from their sins. That Jesus died on the cross to pay their price for our sins and that he, he Rose from the dead. And so wherever people are, I’ll start with them with their question, but then I’ll keep trying to bring them back to the, the main truth, which is trying to introduce them to Jesus.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (29:38):
And I want to add to that because I want to tell story right now in this story, just a quick story, that was going to illustrate what Dr. Daniel King is saying. So I got invited to do a funeral for a Satanist one time. This is a true story. It was many, many years ago. And I showed up, you know, in a suit and I’m pastor Mike and I do this funeral service. Now, when I showed up this young, you know, this young woman had passed away tragically and on the television where a series of pictures of her, you know, in her entire friend group, all in black drinking, Jack Daniels whiskey, you know, and, and they’re living their life. And I thought this is probably one of the hardest funeral services that I will ever have to do in my life. And I was just trying to, to really do, do what the family wanted me to do because they were not Satanists obviously.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (30:32):
And when I got done with it I, I felt, I, you know, I saw all of the people you know, all the young people and they had, they were covered in tattoos and they were wearing, you know, they were goth. And I remember telling one of my friends at the time, I said, you know, I have tattoos from my time in my rock and roll days or whatever. I wish I would have showed up looking like them. I wish that I could have related to them more. And maybe they would, would’ve let their guard down. And he said something to me that was so powerful. He said, don’t think that you can add one ounce to the power of the gospel by your appearance. And I believe that I needed to hear that because oftentimes we think, well, if I could just look a certain way, or if I can sound, if I could just dial it in and say it perfectly, but we try to add to the power of the gospel by our appearance.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (31:23):
Or we try to add to the power of the gospel by our presentation, if I just know more scientific facts or more biblical historical facts and those things help. But I love what you’re saying, Dr. Daniel King, because it’s like, Hey, we don’t add to the power of the gospel. You know, because ultimately a Holy spirit is going to do it. So I, so many of you I think are paralyzed by like, Oh, but my son is so much smarter than me or my husband is so much smarter. They they’re, I can’t compete. No, you just keep bringing it back to the gospel because the gospel in and of itself is powerful because the Holy spirit will do it. I wanted to feature a comment real quick, and then we’re getting ready to pray. Here’s a question though. And this one, I know that I get all the time. I’d love for you to try to tackle. It says I’m new into dating and should I not be dating an atheist at all? There are so many good people, but they’re atheist. And I get this question all the time. Doctor, would you try to tackle this one? It’s a tough question.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (32:26):
Well, the Bible says do not be on equally yoked. And so if you are standing on a chair and there’s someone down below, what is easier to do for you to pull the person up to the chair or for them to pull you down from the chair. And I think there’s a real danger. Sometimes when people start dating atheist, they think, Oh, I’m going to be able to reach this person. And then they end up falling in love with them and have years of heartbreak because they’re still atheists. And so what I would do is stay friends with the atheist, lead them to Jesus, and then after they get saved, then start a relationship with them. Come on down

Pastor Mike Signorelli (33:09):
Is so good. So yeah, I completely agree. I just wanted you all to hear it from someone else. Okay.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (33:17):
Sometimes it’s really hard to be in a dating relationship with someone who doesn’t have the same beliefs as you. And so if you’re going to be with someone and you’re going to live a godly life you need to make sure they’re on the same page of the Bible as you are.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (33:33):
Absolutely. I just want to, I want to speak to, you know, a lot of you, I was jokingly telling Daniel before we started that many of you call me Papa SIGs, you know, cause my last name is Cigna rally and I’m really like a spiritual father. And I want to speak to many of the daughters that are watching right now. Many of the sons, you know, spiritual sons and daughters, I show up every day, noon Eastern standard time. I’m going live. We’ve built such strong relationships. And I just want to say, don’t believe the lie that there are no other believers out there. You know, the dating field does it doesn’t have to be your mission field. And you actually, you need to believe in faith that God’s going to bring that person your way. So don’t compromise. And, and, and, and don’t try to convince yourself that you can make it right, or you can justify it because they have it in every other area. Matter of fact, the Bible says, seek first the kingdom, and then all these other things will be added onto you. And so just seek first the kingdom and find yourself somebody who’s also seeking the kingdom first and all the all those other things will be added. Okay. Are you mad at me? Don’t be offended.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (34:41):

Pastor Mike Signorelli (34:42):
Here’s what I want to do though. I want to create a little bit of space for the Holy spirit to minister, because you may be watching and somebody tagged you and you’re like, why in the world did they tag me in this? I have no idea who this baldheaded dude in, in Queens, New York city is you know who this guy, Dr. Daniel King is like, why am I even watching this? I believe that you may have stumbled upon this broadcast by divine appointment. And maybe just because a pastor hurt you, or maybe because other preachers have used the name of Jesus to make money or get famous. Maybe because you watched a couple of YouTube videos that confused you on your faith, or maybe you were just burned out by religion. Maybe you went to a parochial school where they forced religion on you and put a bad taste in your mouth.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (35:29):
I, I just want to bring you back to the place where none of that, none of that can silence. Jesus, who speaking to you now through the Holy saying, I love you. I have a destiny for you. I have a plan for you. I have a purpose for your life just because your mom forced you to go to church, just because you know, your dad maybe forced. You doesn’t mean that that God is not real. And I believe in this moment right now, he’s ministering to somebody who’s been struggling. Maybe it’s a father wound. Maybe it’s a pain or hurt in your life, but there’s healing right now. And some of you have been on the brink. Like I want to, I want to encounter God. I know he’s real well, he’s here real right now. And he’ll use a broadcast like this. If that’s you, would you just drop a comment and say, I want to come home. That’s me, pastor Mike, come on. I know we’ve got hundreds of people watching right now. And I believe that there’s, this is a divine appointment. If that’s you, will you just drop a comment and say, me it’s me right now. I want to come home. Maybe you’ve been doubting. Maybe you’ve been struggling with your own doubt because you’re just sick and tired of church people, but don’t let church people stop you From coming into a relationship with Christ from knowing your heavenly father right now. So just drop a comment and say, that’s me. Cause we’re getting ready to pray right now. That’s me. Maybe you just needed a confirmation. Maybe you needed somebody. Oh man, come on. Look at this. Vicky says, that’s me, pastor Mike. Janet says, that’s me, man. You guys are gonna make me cry. Come on that somebody else look at all these cards,

Speaker 4 (37:02):
Comments that’s me right now. That’s me, man. I live for this.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (37:08):
Come on. Danielle says, I want to come home. Joy says that’s me. Y’all I’m John. I’m literally getting ready to cry. This is so powerful. I did not expect that many people. It’s so real. I want to come home to

Speaker 4 (37:19):
Our real home. Wow. Me. Come on, come on

Pastor Mike Signorelli (37:25):
Formation. So many of you, this is powerful. I’m just featuring your name’s on the checks. I want everybody to see on the screen, across Facebook, Periscope, YouTube. This is what digital revival looks like in the middle of the day in New York city, you could be doing anything. Many of you tuned in, and this is a Holy spirit divine appointment. Look at this, come on guys. Just continue to share this broadcast. This is going to happen for the next several days. We’re getting ready to pray. But when I ask you to share into your Facebook groups, when I asked you to text the link, this is why we do this. Because for the next two, three, four days, people are going to keep commenting me. Come on. For many of you who sow into the ministry, this is what you’re sowing into. Look at this. Even on YouTube, it says me, who else I want to come home, please.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (38:09):
You know, Dr. Daniel King is getting ready to lead all of you to Christ. I’m going to turn it over to him in a few. But I wanted to just, I just wanted to just set it. Look at this Kim on YouTube. Me, come on, guys, keep, keep on commenting. This is what we do this for. Somebody says me, I’m coming home. Some of you for the first time, some of you you’re rededicating, come on. Somebody says, my mom is crying. Wow. This is so powerful. Listen. There’s no, there’s no music. There’s no, there’s nothing emotionally provoking you. This is just the Lord. This is the Holy spirit drawing you to him right now. Somebody helped me count what some, one of our team members to all the people who said, that’s me go in and count it. I want to get a count of how many people are coming to Christ. Guys. This is powerful. Keeps here. Now we’re getting ready. Man, look at this. Somebody says, get him, Jesus. Wow.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (39:09):
Well th this is absolutely amazing. And the thing that I was amazed at as how many people earlier were posting the names of atheist, sons, and daughters or friends that they are praying for, this is a real issue in our country. And I think this is what God wants to do. God loves atheist. God loves people and they’re desperately crying out for proof. And so I’m going to pray that God would reveal himself to you right now. Maybe you’ve had doubts. Maybe you’ve wondered. Is there really a God? Can I really trust Jesus? Is there really someone who, who loved me so much that he, he died to pay the price for my sins? Or is that just really religious made up junk? Well, if you’ve had those doubts right now, I’m going to pray that the presence of God would come with you right now and would fill the place where you are at.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (40:04):
And I believe that if you will cry out to Jesus, Jesus will save you from your sin. The Bible says that all have sinned. All of us have made mistakes. And the Bible says that the price for sin is death. But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ. Jesus. He died on a cross to pay the price for all the mistakes that you and I made, but he didn’t stay dead. After three days, Jesus Rose from the dead. And today Jesus is alive. He is not dead. He is alive and he will meet you right where you are at. And he will give you a wonderful future. And so right now, if you want to come home to God, the father, if you want Jesus to become a reality in your life, I’m going to lead you in a simple prayer. And I want to ask you to just repeat these words after me.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (40:57):
Just repeat them loud enough that you can hear them with your own ears. And as we say these words, I believe you’re going to feel the presence of God. And when you feel the presence of God, you will have all the proof that you need. That God is real. So let’s pray right now. If you want to know that God is real and you want Jesus to save you. Just say this prayer with me. Say, dear God, in heaven, I cry out to Jesus. Jesus save me. I believe there is a God. I believe Jesus on the cross for me, I believe that Jesus Rose from the dead God helped me to overcome. Every doubt helped me to overcome my unbelief. I choose to believe in you. Jesus saved me now. A men, amen. You someone who’s an atheist. I’d encourage you. Go get them a copy of this book.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (42:00):
Proof. God is real. This will answer some of the questions. This will help you to answer their questions. I’ve also got the study guides. You can get the book. You can get the study guide, go to my website, King ministries.com. And I want to help you with reaching people. I’m a missionary evangelist. I go all over the world, telling people about Jesus. And I know that God cares about the atheist in your life. And so if you want to reach them for Jesus, go check out the book. Proof God is real. It’s on amazon.com. Go to my website, King ministries for help on how to reach people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. I want to pastor Mike.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (42:40):
I, yeah. I just want to tell everybody how thankful I am for Dr. Daniel King and his ministry to all of us today. And you know, just such a powerful, powerful call in his life. I mean, look at how many people came home. Here’s the thing. I, I’m asking that somebody from my team get a tally of how many people said me, how many people read dedicated or dedicated their life to Christ in this chat, in this, in this broadcast? Because it was insane. I mean, just seeing the names, I mean, so many of the comments where I’m crying right now, my mother’s cry right now. My dad’s crying right now and I was just watching it go by. And here’s the thing. I know that there’s many more of you that still have questions and it’s a journey. You know, a lot of times we have to, we have to be aware, come on, hear me that this is a journey.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (43:28):
Jesus himself said, nobody builds a house without first calculating the cost. And so when you’re laying that foundation, go on your journey, get the book study and know that you know, that you know that you’re building a firm foundation. So today is was awesome. Like I absolutely off the charts. I’m just, I’m, I’m so encouraged to see how many people on a Tuesday afternoon here in New York are getting saved through this broadcast. We want you guys to stay connected though. It’s so important that you stay connected. You guys can see the chat just going by right now. Why don’t you guys just put a big, thank you to Dr. King in the chat right now, so he can see and I just want to give an opportunity for you guys to you know, find the book, find the resource we’ve been pinning, the comments in the chat so that you guys can go out and get that and just go on your journey, go on your journey.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (44:24):
One thing I love about this family, this spiritual fam that we’ve got is you all love to learn. You love learn. You love to take notes. One of my favorite things every day, really, as I come out of the broadcast and I see your guys as notebooks and I S you know, it’s just, and I get to see your notes from each day because you’re so hungry to learn. And so man, this is so amazing. Well, Hey, I’m going to spend a few more minutes with you guys. Dr. Daniel King. Thank you so much for being a part of the broadcast today. This was off the charts.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (44:58):
Wow. Well, thank you so much for having me on, make sure you go and get Proof God is real. Check out my website, King ministries.com K I N G King ministries.com. And if I can do anything to help you reach people for Jesus, I want to do that. Pastor Mike Love what you’re doing. Thank you so much. It’s such a privilege to be on the podcast with you today. God bless you. Awesome. Thanks so much for coming out. I’ll see you soon.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (45:27):
Thanks so much for listening today. I am excited about leading people to Jesus. And I want to ask you to partner with me, to help me lead people to Jesus. You know, over the course of our ministry, it’s taken an average of about $1 for every person. We’ve been able to preach the gospel to, as we go to different nations around the world, we invest money in renting a sound system, plane tickets, printing literature in order to follow up on the new believers and for every dollar that people have given us, we’ve been able to lead at least one person to Jesus. And so what I’d like to ask you to do is to go to my website, www.kingministries.com and become a monthly partner. If you could give just a dollar a month, give $1 a month to help us lead people to Jesus. You could be responsible for starting a party in heaven every single month. The Bible says that all of heaven rejoices when one sinner gets saved. So there’s no better use for a dollar than to lead someone to Jesus. So go to my website and become a partner today. You can start with just a dollar a month, just $1 a month, or you could give more whatever God puts on your heart, but please join with me and help me to reach people for Jesus.

Evangelism Podcast Host (46:50):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches, visit King ministries.com. Again, that’s King ministries.com.


One Life to Live, ’twill Soon be Past, Only What is Done for Christ will Last

Only One Life

by C.T. Studd

“Two little lines I heard one day,Traveling along life’s busy way;
Bringing conviction to my heart, And from my mind would not depart;
Only one life, ’twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last.

Only one life, yes only one, Soon will its fleeting hours be done;
Then, in ‘that day’ my Lord to meet, And stand before His Judgement seat;
Only one life,’twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last.

Only one life, the still small voice, Gently pleads for a better choice
Bidding me selfish aims to leave, And to God’s holy will to cleave;
Only one life, ’twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last.

Only one life, a few brief years, Each with its burdens, hopes, and fears;
Each with its clays I must fulfill, living for self or in His will;
Only one life, ’twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last.

When this bright world would tempt me sore, When Satan would a victory score;
When self would seek to have its way, Then help me Lord with joy to say;
Only one life, ’twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last.

Give me Father, a purpose deep, In joy or sorrow Thy word to keep;
Faithful and true what e’er the strife, Pleasing Thee in my daily life;
Only one life, ’twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last.

Oh let my love with fervor burn, And from the world now let me turn;
Living for Thee, and Thee alone, Bringing Thee pleasure on Thy throne;
Only one life, “twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last.

Only one life, yes only one, Now let me say,”Thy will be done”;
And when at last I’ll hear the call, I know I’ll say ’twas worth it all”;
Only one life,’ twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last.”


Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

Rescue the Lost | A Dream About This Generation

Do you feel an urgency about leading people to Jesus? I still vividly remember a dream I had several years ago…YOU WILL BE INSPIRED by this dream to save people from hell. Here’s what happened…

In my dream I was standing on the edge of a massive highway. It looked like sixteen lanes of traffic were flying by at breakneck speed. Out among the traffic, there were hundreds of people.

The people on the highway were ignoring the cars and going about their normal business. Some were goofing off. Girls gossiped and flirted with some guys playing basketball. One group set up a TV in the middle of a lane and played a video game. A collage kid was sitting on the ground intently studying a book. A young girl was quietly dancing to music on her headphones, facing away from the traffic and narrowly avoided being hit several times.

The people were oblivious to the traffic. From time to time, a car would zoom by at 90 mph and smash into someone. The body would flip through the air and land bloody and beaten up. Few of the people seemed to notice. Occasionally they would look at the body and weep for a moment, but they quickly went back to what they were doing.

I stood at the edge of the highway and yelled for the people to get off the road. I pleaded and implored them until my voice was hoarse. No one listened. They were as oblivious to me as they were to the traffic.

Next to me stood an angel. I asked him what was happening. He replied, “This generation is living in danger and they don’t even know it. Many are dying and going to hell, but they are so captivated with the distractions of the world that they have no idea what danger they are facing.” I asked, “What should I do?” The angel replied, “Rescue them.”

I knew the angel meant I should go out on the highway and talk to them, but I was scared. The cars were going so fast that it looked impossible. But if I did not try, everyone on the road would eventually die.

I tentatively walked out to a teenage girl who was close to the edge of the road. I tapped her on the shoulder. I took the headphones out of her ears and began to talk to her. After I explained the danger she was in, suddenly she noticed the traffic, as if she had just woken up. Immediately, she rushed for the side of the road. As she stepped over the line that marked the edge of the road, I saw Jesus appear.  He greeted her with a hug and then she walked off hand-in-hand with Jesus.

Encouraged by this result, I ran from person to person telling them to get off the road. Some listened; others did not. I began to gather small crowds of people and talk to them. Sometimes whole groups would suddenly wake up, realize the danger and run for the side of the road. Other times, I would see someone at the edge of my crowd wander off only to be hit moments later by a speeding truck. A few argued vehemently that there were no speeding cars and despite my best efforts to show them the bloody bodies and to get them to see their peril, they denied there was any danger.

Every time a person was rescued from danger, I saw Jesus meet him and they walked off together.

Suddenly I woke from the dream. I sat up in bed with sweat pouring off my body.  Now years later, the dream is still fresh in my memory. I recall the horror I felt watching the people wander around in heavy traffic. I remember the joy I felt when I rescued someone.

The memory of this dream vividly reinforces my mission in life. I am called by God to rescue people from certain death and to give them eternal life.

You can help rescue people from danger! You can help lead people to Jesus!  Would you partner with us to save the lost? Your financial gifts allow us to rescue thousands of people from hell.


Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

3 Things God Does Not Know

1. God does not know anyone that He does not love.
The Bible says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whosoever believth in him shall not perish, but shall have eternal life” (John 3:16). God loves the entire world. God loves you. God believes you are a beautiful person and He wants you to have eternal life. Will you accept God’s love?

2. God does not know anyone who has not sinned.
The Bible says, “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Everyone has messed up. Sin is when we decide to do things our own way instead of God’s way. “The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23). There is a price that must be paid for our sin. The price of sin is death. Jesus Christ paid this price by dying on the cross for our sins. God gave His Son as a gift so we could have eternal life. Do you want eternal life?

3. God does not know any way to get to heaven except through Jesus.
Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). The only way to get to God is through Jesus. The Bible promises, “That if you confess with you mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9). You have sinned. Your sin separates you from God. Jesus died to pay the price for your sin. If you make Jesus the Lord of your Life, God will give you eternal life.

Would you like to make Jesus the Lord of your life? If so, pray this prayer right now. “Dear God in heaven, I am sorry for sinning. Please forgive me. I make Jesus Christ the Lord of my Life. Thank-you for giving me eternal life. In Jesus name, Amen.”


Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

What You Don’t Know Can’t Hurt You…is NOT True

You have probably heard the phrase, “What you don’t know can’t hurt you.”

Recently, Jessica and I were driving when we heard someone say this phrase on the radio.

Jessica turned to me and commented, “You know, that’s not true when it comes to the Gospel.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“If a woman in Africa does not know Jesus, and she dies, then her lack of knowledge will hurt her for all of eternity.”

“Jessica, that’s a tragic thought,” I said, “I’ve never heard that before.”

She continued, “If a man does not know Jesus is a Healer, then he continues to live with sickness in his body. If a family does not know that love, joy, and peace can be found in Jesus, then that family continues to live in strife.”

She finished by saying, “If people don’t know, they can’t believe.”

What you don’t know…can hurt you!

Hosea 4:6 says, “People are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” It’s true. People who have not heard that Jesus saves are destined to an eternity in hell. This fact is a great tragedy but at the same time it creates a great urgency in my heart. If I do not go preach the Gospel, who will?

In North America, there are many opportunities for people to hear about Jesus, but in some parts of the world, the Gospel has barely penetrated. Oswald J. Smith, a Canadian pastor said, “No one has the right to hear the Gospel twice, while there remains someone who has not heard it once.” This is why it is so vital for you to send us to the least reached parts of the world. The world must hear about Jesus.

What about my father?

I am reminded of a tribal woman in Ethiopia who cried after she accepted Jesus as her Savior. She said, “This is wonderful news! I am so happy to learn about Jesus.” But she then asked a question, “My father died one month ago and he never had an opportunity to give his life to Jesus. What will happen to him?” Her question captures the urgency I feel today. For every person we reach, the Gospel is good news. But for those who don’t hear the Gospel, it is a tragedy. Carl F.H. Henry said, “The Gospel is only good news if it gets there in time.”

Some have questioned God for allowing the lost to perish. But, God has done everything He needs to do in order for the entire world to be saved. God gave His Only Son as a sacrifice to make salvation available for all of humankind. Right before Jesus returned to heaven, He commanded all who follow Him to “preach the good news” (Mark 16:15). If someone has not heard the Gospel, the fault does not lie with God, the fault rests on the Church. It is our responsibility to take the good news of Jesus Christ to the world!

Charles Spurgeon wrote, “Someone asked, ‘Will the heathen who have never heard the Gospel be saved?’ It is more a question with me whether we, who have the Gospel and fail to give it to those who have not, can be saved.” This puts the responsibility right back in our laps.

How can they know, unless we tell them?

God has chosen to use us, you and me, to take the Gospel to the world. “For whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent?” (Romans 10:13-15). How many people are participants in this verse? Let’s count them.

  1. The unsaved person who needs to hear.
  2. Jesus, the One whose Name brings salvation for those who believe.
  3. The preacher.
  4. The person sending the preacher.

Who are these four people today? The world is full of unsaved people. Jesus is ready to save. Jessica and I are willing to go and preach the Gospel. You are the fourth person.

Jessica and I cannot preach to people unless we are sent. Who does the sending? You do! You see, without your help, we cannot go to those who desperately need to hear about Jesus.

Will you send us to the unsaved? Will you join with us to make a difference? Will you help us reach people who are dying and going to hell? Thank you for your faithful giving. Every time you give, you help us change an eternal destiny.


Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

Daniel King’s Doctoral Research – Appraising the Impact of an Evangelistic Campaign in Caicó, Brazil: Is Mass Evangelism Effective?

Appraising the Impact of Mass Evangelism | Doctoral Project by Daniel King

I recently finished my Doctorate of Ministry degree at Oral Roberts University. I used our recent Brazil crusade as my research project and I did a survey of a random cross section of people at the crusade. The project was designed to give a snapshot picture of an evangelistic crusade. The goal was to discover who came to the crusade, why they came, and what impact the crusade had on the city.

Here are some of the stats from the crusade. Caicó, Brazil has a population of 66,246 people. The nine evangelical churches in the city have 1,357 believers which equals about 2% of the population.

How Many People Were Saved? 82.6% of the crowd repeated the prayer of salvation with me. 641 people filled out decision cards. This represents a 43% increase in the number of Christians in the city.

Did Miracles Really Occur? 48.7% of the crowd reported that they arrived with pain in their bodies. 78.5% of those who came with pain in their bodies felt better after the healing prayer. Of the 182 people on Saturday night who answered “yes” to the question of whether they arrived with pain in the their bodies and said that they felt better, 176 (96.7%) “strongly agreed” or “agreed” that they had received a miracle.

Was the Crusade Worthwhile? 100% of the pastors agreed that the crusade was worth the time, money, and preparation.

How Many People Did We Impact? Our team ministered to a total of about 7,792 people at the crusade. Our three-day soul winning conference was used to train local believers in how to pray for the sick, cast out demons, and lead people to Jesus. By the third night of the soul winning conference, 485 believers were in attendance. The church where the meeting was held was completely full and we filled the street in front of the church with chairs for the overflow crowd. 792 young people attended the youth concert. 504 children were in attendance at the children’s festival.

Who Came to the Crusade? 39% of the crowd was male and 61% was female. The average age was 38.

How Did People Hear About the Crusade? Of the people who responded to my survey, 163 heard about the meeting from a friend. 79 were invited by a family member. 123 saw a poster. 132 received a flyer. 84 saw an advertisement on Facebook. 41 learned about the meeting on Instagram. 63 responded to a message on WhatsApp. 127 heard about the meeting on the radio. 39.74% of those personally invited to the crusade came which shows how important it is to have local church involvement in the crusade.

Why did People Come to the Crusade? 460 people responded to the question “Why did you come to this meeting?” 107 said, “My friend invited me.” 77 said they were curious about what was happening. 44 wanted to hear the music. 116 said they needed a miracle. 106 said they wanted to see miracles. 61 came because their pastor told them they should come. 112 came because they are curious about God. 6 did not know why they came and the rest gave some other reason why they came. These “other” answers include: Jesus called me, to seek the presence of God, because I am an evangelical, because I wanted to, because my wife invited me, I came to seek God, because I had a need, and because someone asked me.

How did people come to the crusade? 182 respondents came by car (38.6%). 42 came by public transportation (8.9%). 52 came by church bus (11%). 129 came by motorcycle (27.4%). 4 came by bicycle (0.8%). 59 walked (12.5%). 3 came by other means of transportation (0.6%).

Were the crusade attendees people who regularly go to church? 457 people responded to the question, “How often do you attend your church?” 23 said they never attend (5%). 57 said they attend 1-2 times per year (12.5%). 18 said they attend 6-12 times per year (3.9%). 44 said they attend 1-2 times each month (9.6%). 78 said they attend every Sunday (17.1%). 237 said they attend 2 or more times each week (51.9%).

Are those who got saved willing to go to a church for follow up? 80 people “strongly agreed” they would be willing to visit a church (37.2%). 111 “agreed” they would visit a church (51.6%). 14 were not sure if they would visit (6.5%). 9 “disagreed” that they would visit a church (4.2%). 1 “strongly disagreed” that he would be willing to visit a church (0.5%).

Buy a copy of Daniel King’s Research Project on Mass Evangelism

I’m sorry if I overwhelmed you with numbers in this post but the truth is that numbers are important. God even named a whole book in the Bible, “Numbers.” The reality is that every number represents a story. Every statistic stands for a person. At the crusade in Caicó, Brazil many people were touched by God, saved, and healed. You played an important part in making that happen! Thank you for your prayers and your giving.

One Chance for Every Person…to hear the Gospel

There are two thoughts that drive everything we do as a ministry.

Thought #1: One Chance for Every Person…to hear the Gospel.

Oswald Smith said, “No one has the right to hear the gospel twice until everyone has had an opportunity to hear it at least once.” Every person on earth deserves to hear the truth about what Jesus accomplished on the cross at least once in his or her lifetime.

The world’s population recently exceeded seven billion people. Less than a third of these people (2.1 billion) are Christians. The world is a giant harvest field with many millions of people who have never heard the Gospel message.

In North America, there is a church on almost every corner; on television we watch multiple channels that offer 24/7 Christian programming; and Christian books and Bibles are readily available. But when we go to Pakistan, India, Indonesia, or the heart of Africa, we have the opportunity to preach to people who have never had a chance to hear the Gospel.

We want to go to the unreached, the unconverted, to those who have never heard, to people who have never read the Bible or sung a worship song, who do not know the story of Moses in the Bulrushes, Daniel in the Lion’s Den, Jonah and the Whale, or Jesus. We want to minister to people who bow their knees to strange gods, who offer incense to idols, or worship the sun, moon, and stars. Our mission is to visit the hardest-to-reach places of the world in order to rescue people from hell.

If we don’t go, who will? If we don’t preach, how will they hear? If we don’t give them an opportunity to hear the Gospel, how can they be saved? No one should ever die without hearing about what Jesus has done. This is why we do Gospel Festivals. We want to save the lost, offer salvation to sinners, and reach the unreached.

Thought #2: One Task for Every Believer…to Share the Gospel.

The second part of what we are called to do involves inspiring believers to be involved in evangelism. This is why we always do a Soul Winning Conference for pastors and church leaders in conjunction with every Gospel Festival.

Jesus told His disciples to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every person (Mark 16:15). This is an assignment for every believer and until we finish our assignment we should not get distracted with any lesser priorities.

Imagine a boss is telling his employee to make twenty-five sales calls before he leaves for an important meeting. When he returns, he asks the employee to give him a report. The man reports, “I made coffee, checked my e-mail, vacuumed the office, and organized my desk.” The boss asks, “Did you call the people I asked you to call?” The employee replies, “No, I was too busy doing other things to do the task you assigned me.” If the employee continually makes excuses for not doing his job, eventually he is going to get fired. Sometimes, the church is so busy doing good activities that we forget about our assignment from heaven to tell the world about Jesus.

As believers, each of us is called to be involved in fulfilling the Great Commission and in taking the Gospel to the world.

Can You Invest in World Evangelism?

I am often asked, “How much does a Gospel Festival cost?” But, a more important question is “How much is a Gospel Festival worth?” What is it worth to rescue 10,000 people from an eternity in hell? What is it worth to publicly proclaim Jesus in a city that has never heard the Gospel? What is it worth to inspire hundreds of local churches to care about evangelism? The cost of doing a Gospel Festival is usually about $1 for every person we are able to reach but the value of this investment is infinite! Could you make an investment this month for the sake of leading the lost to Christ? Thanks so much for helping us reach the world! To give, click here.

Are You Diligent?

Three months before I started college I was in the middle of my prayer time when God spoke two words to my spirit that deeply impacted my life.  God said, “Be diligent.”  Two days later, I spent some time with John Tasch, my children’s pastor when I was young. As he encouraged me, he spoke the same message, “Daniel, as you start your studies, the word of the Lord for you is to “be diligent.” A few days later, another mentor, Pastor Billy Allen gave virtually the same message again when he was praying over me. Within a one-week period, I received a message from God and two confirmations of the message from people I greatly respected. At first, I thought this was a short message from God that only applied to my first semester but it turns out the instruction to be diligent was for my entire four years of college and even beyond. Now, many years later, as I reflect upon this word from God, I realize that God gave me a Word of Wisdom at a crucial time in my life.

Diligence: having or showing care and conscientiousness in one’s work or duties.

This is the key to promotion.

Proverbs 10:4 “The hand of the diligent maketh rich.” (KJV)

Proverbs 10:4 …diligent hands bring wealth (NIV)

Proverbs 10:4 (NKJV) He who has a slack hand becomes poor, But the hand of the diligent makes rich.

Proverbs 12:24 “The hand of the diligent will rule, But the lazy man will be put to forced labor.”

Proverbs 13:4 The soul of a lazy man desires, and has nothing; But the soul of the diligent shall be made rich.

Some people want God to bless them, but they don’t want to do anything.

Proverbs 21:5 “The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plentyness, but the thoughts of the lazy tend toward want.”

(Proverbs 21:5  NKJV) The plans of the diligent lead surely to plenty, But those of everyone who is hasty, surely to poverty.

Proverbs 27:23 Be diligent to know the state of your flocks, And attend to your herds;

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments, and that bridge must be crossed every day. – Jerry Grillo

 Diligent means you do something day after day after day.

Deuteronomy 6:17 You shall diligently keep the commandments of the Lord your God, His testimonies, and His statutes which He has commanded you.

Deuteronomy 28:1  “…if you diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments which I command you today, that the Lord your God will set you high above all nations of the earth.

Psalm 119:4 You have commanded us To keep Your precepts diligently.

Proverbs 8:17 I love those who love me, And those who seek me diligently will find me.

2 Timothy 2:15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Paul tells Timothy: 2 Timothy 4:9 “Be diligent to come to me quickly”

The grace approach to diligence:

Some people might say, “I live under grace, so I don’t need to be diligent. If anything is going to happen, it is not going to happen because of my work, it will happen because of what God does.” But when we look at Scripture, we find that even under grace, we still have to be diligent.

Hebrews 4:11 Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall according to the same example of disobedience.

2 Peter 1:10 Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble;

2 Peter 3:14  Therefore, beloved, looking forward to these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, without spot and blameless;

God is a rewarder of the diligent.

Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.


About Daniel King

Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

Is Jesus Walking With You on Your Journey?

Life is a journey. It is like a walk of a thousand miles. Every day is a step which must be taken. The journey begins at birth and ends at death. You begin the journey with nothing, and end with a million memories. On this journey, wishes are fulfilled, wrong turns are taken, and adventures are experienced. At times the scenery is beautiful, and sometimes the view is ugly, but it is always different. Every step brings new ideas, fresh feelings, and unique friends. Life is a journey and we are the travelers.

There is a friend who would like to travel with you. He would love to talk with you while you walk, he would enjoy playing with you as you explore, and he would like to help you over the rough spots on your journey. His name is Jesus.

Since the beginning of time, God has desired to walk with man on this journey called life. Every evening, God would walk with Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. They would talk about the events of the day and God would answer their questions. Being the first man and woman, they would have had many questions. Why did you create us? What do you think we should name that one animal with the long nose and the big, floppy ears? Why does this woman you created talk so much? What is it like to be God? Why can we not touch those two trees in the middle of the garden?

God walked with man. What a concept this is to the human mind. The infinite creator fellowshiped with finite man. The all-knowing mind desired to speak with freshly created beings who had little knowledge and less wisdom. Not only did God tolerate walking with man, He desired to do so. God was searching for friendship, relationship, and love. God was the perfect manifestation of love, but what good is love if there is nothing to love? By walking with humans, God showed His love for them.

But, humans spurned His love by disobeying Him. By eating from the tree He had forbidden them to eat from, humans broke the relationship they had with God. Since God is holy, He can not walk in the presence of sin. Because of this broken trust, God’s heart was broken. Through circumstances thrust upon Him by others, God was no longer able to walk with man.

The story of the Bible is the history of God trying to restore a relationship with the human race. Periodically there would arise a man who would love God enough to walk with Him. For example, Enoch walked with God (Genesis 5:24), until he walked his way right into heaven. Noah walked with God (Genesis 6:9), and God saved him when all the unjust were destroyed in the flood. Abraham was invited to walk before God (Genesis 17:1) because he loved God. The greatest promise of God to the Israelites is found in Leviticus 26:12, “I will walk among you and be your God, and you will be my people” (this promise is repeated to Christians in 2 Cor. 6:16).  God’s greatest desire is to walk with His children.

In order to restore His relationship with man, He sent His only Son Jesus to earth in order to walk with man once again. For thirty-three years, God walked with mankind. He experienced life’s journey, he saw the sin, touched the sick, and felt injustice. Some men did not want God to walk among them so they crucified him to a tree. Jesus died, was buried, and rose again to make a way for us to walk with God for all of eternity. By dying for our sins, Jesus made it possible for humans to walk with God again.

After Jesus arose, he appeared to two men on the road to Emmaus, but they did not recognize him. For hours he discussed prophecy and current events with them, but they did not know who he was. Finally, when they stopped for dinner, they recognized him. When he disappeared, they turned to one another and said, “Did not our hearts burn within us as he talked with us on the road?” (Luke 24:32). How many Christians today have Jesus walking right beside them and never recognize that fact?

God wants to walk with you. Will you talk with Him? Will you walk with Him? Or will you be like the two men on the road to Emmaus who did not know who was walking with them?

No matter what you are going through, God is walking right beside you. The Psalmist wrote, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me” (Psalm 23:4). If you remember the story of the “Footprints in the Sand,” you will remember that the times when it looked like there was only one set of prints in the sand were the times when Jesus was carrying the troubled person.

God wants to have a relationship with you. For centuries, He has been trying to restore the intimacy He had with Adam. Will you walk with God? Will you recognize Him walking beside you? A walk of a thousand miles begins with one step, make sure Jesus is walking with you when you take that step. When you reach the end of your journey, you will be glad that you did.


Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

8 Facts About the Harvest

1. The Harvest is READY. “The harvest is ripe…” (John 4:35).

2. The Harvest is BIG. “The Harvest is plentiful…” (Matthew 9:37).

3. The Harvest needs LABORERS. “The Laborers are few…” (Matthew 9:37).

4. The Harvest requires our PRAYERS. “Pray…for laborers…” (Matthew 9:37).

5. The Harvest belongs to GOD. “The Lord of the Harvest…” (Matthew 9:38).

6. The Harvest is EVERYWHERE. “Lift up your eyes and look at the fields…” (John 4:35).

7. The Harvest numbers in the MILLIONS. “Swing the sickle for the harvest is ripe…Multitudes, Multitudes in the valley of decision.” (Joel 3:13-14).

8. The Harvest needs us to become INVOLVED. “Jesus called his disciples and gave them authority…” (Matthew 10:1).

We are Soul Winners! Our goal is to lead 1,000,000 people to Jesus every year. Thank you for caring about the harvest. Your financial support and prayers are what allow us to work diligently in the harvest fields of the world. Thank you for helping us reach people for Jesus.

About Daniel King

Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

The Call of the Harvest

In honor of Gordon Lindsay, the founder of Christ For the Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas, I am posting a poem he wrote on my blog.

The Call of the Harvest

By Gordon Lindsay

Sunrise and skies are fair

A day begins without a care:

A day for joy, a day for leisure,

A day for thrills, a day for pleasure.

Youth is merry, youth is gay;

The great Grim Reaper is far away.

But there is a call, ‘tis the Master’s voice:

“I need you today; may I be your choice?

A harvest is waiting and fields are white,

Will you join the reapers in the morning bright?

Awake, O youth to the heavenly vision:

Multitudes – multitudes in the valley of decision.”

Morning sun high above the earth;

A cry of distress in the midst of mirth.

Heathen are born and heathen die;

Is there none to hear their cry?

“Oh yes,” said the youth, “count me as one,

To help in the harvest till the day is done.”

(Yet he lingered on for a little more fun.)

High sun and high noon;

“You’ll be hearing me soon.

I’ve married a wife; I’ve property to see,

Five yoke of oxen acquired by me.

I’ll soon heed the call and join the band

Ready to give the reapers a hand.”

(But he tarried on; he’d a bargain in land.)

Afternoon sun and afternoon light,

The golden orb hastened its flight.

Conscience still heard; memory daunted.

Wealth he’d acquired, yet more was wanted.

(Many were the possessions he proudly


House and barns, lands and farms,

Streams and ponds, stocks and bonds,

Chickens and hogs, forest and logs,

Sheep and cows, thoroughbred sows,

Crops and flax, meadows and haystacks,

Orchards and cherries, vineyards and berries.

Day was waxing and day was waning,

Still the rich man was entertaining.

For a sinister voice had spoken and said,

“On with the fun; on with the dance;

Make merry while you have a chance.

You’re a man of the times – ten feet tall.”

To conscience he said, “Time yet for the call.”

So a little more folly, and a little more fun.

(And the hours slipped away until there were none.)

Sun rise to sun fall;

The day was wasting on the western wall.

Hands still busy with a thousand things,

As evening descends and curfew rings.

The day has faded into twilight red,

As multitudes hastened to join the dead.

“I am ready; I am ready,” said the man at last.

But shaking hands could not hold fast.

Hair unnoticed had turned to gray,

Still he thought it was yesterday.

Alas, harvest past, it was too late to save.

Those who had gone to a Christless grave.

Where is the silver, where is the gold?

Where are the possessions to another sold?

Where are the sheep that grazed on the hill?

Where are the cattle that drank from the rill?

Where are the barns that were filled with plenty?

Where are the thoroughbreds, one hundred and twenty?

Where are the heirlooms, where are the treasures?

Where is the laughter; where are the pleasures?

Where are the parties; where is the wine?

Where are the delicacies and the dinners so fine?

Sun sunk low and night descending,

Summer gone, and the harvest is ending.

Oh, for a chance for time extended.

(A wasted life was never intended.)

Sun fall and moon rise

What is left of the rich man’s prize?

Go out through the valley to yonder hill,

And see the marble standing still

Treasures offered in heaven; but he took instead

The cold reward of the unsaved dead.

And what of us who live today?

This is our hour; let us not stay.

A call to harvest till it shall end.

Work now, work fast, reap, my friend.

New dawn and sun rise,

To the faithful, the Master will give the Prize.

About Daniel King

Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

How to Make Friends

Friendship is one of the greatest gifts God gives us. Everyone needs a friend. Life without a friend is boring and meaningless. Everyone needs someone that they can sing with, cry with, and dream with! Aristotle once said, “Nobody would wish to live without friends, even if he possessed all other good things.”

Friendship is the basic form of human relationships, but it has been sadly neglected. Ask yourself these questions. Do you have any good friends? How many friends have you made recently, people whose company you really enjoy? Are you always ready to make a new friend?

The best way to have a friend is to be a friend. Clay Trumbull asserts, “Friendship by its very nature consists in loving, rather than being loved. In other words, friendship consists in being a friend, not in having a friend; in giving one’s affection unselfishly and unswervingly to another, not in being the object of another’s affection, or in reciprocating such an affection.”

Since God is the best friend a person could ever have, we should model our friendships on how God treats us. He is ever-loving, patient, and kind. He listens to us far more than he talks. He never stabs anyone in the back with negative words. No matter how many steps we walk away from Him, it is only one step back. God loves us, not because we are lovable, but because He is loving. Jesus told his disciples, “You did not choose me, but I chose you” (John 15:16). Do not wait for someone to choose you as a friend, instead, find a lonely person and become their friend.

A perfect example of true friendship is found in the Biblical account about David and Jonathan. They first met each other right after David had killed Goliath. Jonathan was the king’s oldest son, he was the heir-apparent who was loved by the people. Suddenly, the young, upstart David appears and the people’s devotion is transferred to him. Jonathan has the right to be angry, jealous, and resentful of David’s success. Instead, Jonathan unselfishly recognizes David as someone noble and special. He takes David to heart and they become covenant friends. In the midst of trouble, when Saul wants to kill David, Jonathan remains his friend. Even when the crowds begin shouting for David to become king, Jonathan remains devoted to him. No wonder, David said that the friendship was “passing the love of women.” Few things in life are greater than a true friend.

Here are some keys to being a good friend. Be sincere. Be honest. Keep secrets. Sympathize with your friends in times of hardship, and rejoice with them in their accomplishments. Be willing to invest time, energy, and money in your relationships. Go the extra mile. Be courteous. Avoid careless words that can damage a friendship. Dream together, play together, cry together, and celebrate together. “A friend loves at all times” (Proverbs 17:17).

Friendship requires an investment of time, energy, and emotion. If you help others at their point of need, they will be available to help you when you need something. Being a friend is like having a bank account, you can not continue to make withdrawals, unless you also make deposits. “Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13).

Dale Carnegie, in his classic book, How to Win Friends and Influence People, offered six principles for making people like you. First, become genuinely interested in other people. Second, smile! Third, remember that a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language, so remember the names of those you meet. Fourth, be a good listener by encouraging others to talk about themselves. Fifth, talk about other people’s interests, not about your own. Finally, make other people feel important – and do it sincerely.

Never, ever, ever marry someone who is not your friend. Physical attraction and romantic ideals are great for a honeymoon, but a good marriage is based on friendship. As Lord Byron said, “Friendship may, and often does, grow into love, but love never subsides into friendship.”

Choose your friends wisely. You will become like the people you hang out with. You will pick up their habits, say their pet words, and echo their opinions. I can tell what kind of person you are by looking at the friends you spend time with.

Friendship should be for life. A fair-weather friend is hardly worth having. Why make friends with someone who will leave at the first hint of trouble? Seek friendships that will last.

Just as “iron sharpens iron; so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend” (Proverbs 27:17). Find friends who will challenge you to greatness. Find someone who excels in an area where you are weak, so you will be strengthened by associating with them. I believe one should have many friends, but I think that a man will be able to count his great friendships on only one hand. George Washington advised, “Be courteous to all, but intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence. True friendship is a plant of low growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to the appellation.”

“There is a friend that sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24). This friend is Jesus, the only one who will never turn from you. Whenever you feel you are friendless, run to Jesus, because he will forever be your friend. When Jesus came to earth, He did not pick the high and mighty to be his friends. Instead, he called himself “the friend of publicans and sinners” (Luke 7:34). He does not care what you have done, where you have been, or why you have sinned. He will not judge you, he will accept you just the way you are. No matter what happens, you will always have a friend in Jesus, who promised, “You are my friends if you do what I command” (John 15:14). My prayer is that you will follow in the footsteps of Abraham who was called the “Friend of God” (James 2:23).

May we all be able to say, as Shakespeare said, “I am wealthy in my friends!”

About Daniel King

Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

The Legacy of Susan King, My Mother

On April 17, 2021, my mother, Susan King, went to heaven. She was surrounded by her children and grandchildren all singing worship songs. As I reflect on her life, I am grateful to God for her example. She was such a tremendous influence on my life and I am thankful for all the time and love she invested into me.

There are many things I admire about my mother’s life.

  1. She was a great Christian.

My mother exemplified Christian living to her family. When she was a child, she memorized lots of Scripture and those verses sustained her as a believer. Her favorite verse was, “Trust in the Lord with all her heart, and lean not on her own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6). She taught me to pray, to read the Bible, and to worship God. She faithfully read through the entire Bible every year. When I was a child, she read a Bible story to me every night. She walked in forgiveness and kindness. She lived a true Christian life and glorified Christ through her words and her actions.

  1. She was a great mother.

She always loved her children and sacrificed for us. She cooked us meals, washed our clothes, changed our diapers, disciplined us, loved us, cheered for us, and encouraged us. I am grateful for her years of sacrifice. Her labor has not been in vain. Her five children and five grandchildren are a wonderful legacy, a living memorial to her love.

  1. She was a great wife.

For many years, my mother exemplified being a loving wife. She remained committed to my father through thick and thin. The word “divorce” never crossed her lips. She chose to love my father in spite of the challenges that every marriage goes through.

  1. She was a great teacher.

I am grateful that my mother homeschooled me for all twelve grades. I remember my first semester at Oral Roberts University; I was worried about being able to make good grades. But I quickly discovered that my time as her student prepared me well for college. Now I have a Doctorate of Ministry and much of my success has to be credited to her account. For the past eleven years, my mother has been teaching students in Afghanistan.

  1. She was a great missionary.

My parents served God faithfully as missionaries in Mexico for twenty years and then they moved to Afghanistan, one of the most difficult places in the world to minister. They lived sacrificially and gave their lives in order to lead people to Jesus. My mother was always generous and compassionate. Every Christmastime in Mexico we would do large evangelistic outreaches. My mother loved giving away pieces of fruit and Christmas gifts to the children we ministered to.

My father did most of the preaching, but my mother labored behind the scenes to make the ministry possible. Her commitment to putting out a newsletter every month without fail is what kept the ministry going.

She also led a missionary prayer network for over forty years. Her labor has resulted in thousands of prayers ascending to heaven. I am sure there will be a multitude of people in heaven because of her intercession. This makes me thankful for people like you who pray for our ministry.

  1. She was a great friend.

My mother remained friends her whole life with people she met when she was three years old. This is a testament to her commitment to friendship. When I was a teenager, she kept a prayer board on the wall of our living room with pictures of all of our friends. We prayed for them every day. Today, I continue to pray for my friends like you.

  1. She was a great peacemaker. She told us, “kindness is the rule.” She always worked to keep peace between her children. She always looked at the best in each person.

I am inspired by my mother’s love for Jesus and her love for others.

Crying but thankful,

Evangelist Daniel King


About Daniel King

Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

7 Things a Traveling Minister Should Do

Being a traveling minister is not easy. Over the years, I have seen what successful traveling ministers do to be successful. Here are seven things you should do if you want to survive as a traveling minister.

1. Become an expert in some subject. Don’t be a jack-of-all-trades, master of none.

  1. Be clear about your mission and vision. The clearer you are, the more you offer. You will fit some churches, and not others. Do not try to please everybody. Your uniqueness will open doors and close doors for you.
  1. Seek relationships, not just preaching opportunities.
  1. Live a life above reproach.
  1. Give value and you will receive value.
  1. Respect the authority in the house. If you are given 30 minutes, don’t take 45. If you are asked to take up the offering a certain way, obey.
  1. Be a sower. Go to a church to give, not to take.

About Daniel King

Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

8 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Preaching

Before you step onto the platform to preach, ask yourself these questions to make sure you are ready.

1. Am I spending time worshiping the Lord, praying, and reading the Word of God?

  1. Am I prayed up and ready to go?
  1. Do I need to repent from any sin in my life in order to flow in the anointing?
  1. Is the attitude of my heart right? Am I doing this to exult the Lord or to exult me?
  1. Am I being an example by praising the Lord, clapping my hands, dancing, praying in tongues?
  1. Am I spreading joy and enthusiasm?
  1. Is every individual important to me?
  1. Have I put the study and prayer into my message which the audience deserves?

About Daniel King

Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

7 Questions a Pastor Should Ask Before Inviting a Guest Speaker

1. What is my purpose for inviting a guest speaker?
            Do not be haphazard about inviting a guest minister. Just because you met someone at a conference, or received a letter in the mail, or a phone call is not a good reason for inviting a guest speaker? What is their area of expertise?  What is their anointing? What do I want them to deposit in my congregation? Most pastors receive far more requests for their pulpit than they can possibly fulfill. You must be selective and purposeful in your choice.

            Do people in your church need healing? Do they need encouragement? Do they need teaching on tithes and offerings? Do people need training to be soul winners? Do your families need advice on parenting? Do you want to have a training seminar for business leaders?

            What area can your guest speaker help your church? Don’t bring in a guest minister just because you like them or because you feel “led” or because they are going to be in your area. Be purposeful about who you invite.

  1. Do I have a proper blend of the five-fold ministry gifts ministering in my church.

            Paul mentions five ministry gifts in Ephesians 4:11; the apostle, the prophet, the evangelist, the teacher, and the pastor. Every minister has a dominate gift they flow in. No one walks in every gifting. Yet, every church needs to be exposed on a regular basis to a variety of the gifts.

            What does your guest speaker offer that you do not possess? Some are financial deliverers. Some are anointed to heal the sick. Some are great at teaching on faith.

            Every congregation has needs. One person cannot meet all these needs. Marriages must be strengthened. Physical bodies need healing. A passion for the lost must be imparted. Solid exegetical teaching should be given.

            The typical church has between 104-208 services every year. The pastor will wear himself out trying to study for so many different sermons. The pastor does not have the time to become an expert in every subject area the congregation needs to hear.

            One pastor told me, “If my congregation needs to hear a message, I’ll preach it to them.” There are many different areas of expertise. A traveling minister has the opportunity to become an expert. They can devote a lifetime to studying one subject. They can preach the same sermon repeatedly until it is perfected. A pastor cannot hope to reach the same level of expertise on a subject in only a few days of study.

            No pastor can say everything. God gives individuals life messages. My best sermon that I have preached 500 times is guaranteed to be better than a pastor’s average sermon that he studied for a few days between Sunday and Wednesday.

            As an evangelist, I am gifted to motivate people to be passionate about soul winning. I speak from my years of experience and from a well of passion. I am also gifted to get people healed. I have seen thousands of miracles in countries all over the world and I know God wants to heal the sick. If you need a seminar on “Leading the Lost to Christ” or a Healing Revial, give me a call. But, if you want teaching on end-time prophecy, call someone else.

            It is smart for the pastor to bring in guest ministers who offer a lifetime of value. I think pastors should sit down at the beginning of the year and make a list of who they want to bring into their church and what subjects need to be covered over the course of a year. Put dates on the calendar for guest speakers.

            Dr. Rutland shared a story about a farmer who has hundreds of acres of wheat. Every year the farmer rents a combine harvester in order to bring in the harvest. It does not make sense for him to own a combine because the machine is so expensive. A traveling evangelist is like a combine harvester.  The church does not need him all the time, but the church should bring him in for special harvest times.

            A general practitioner doctor does not hesitate to bring in a specialist to consult on a patient’s case. Pastors are like doctors with a family practice. They are good at prescribing medicine for common ailments, but they should invite outside speakers to come from time to time who are specialists in certain areas.

  1. Can I afford to bring in this guest?

            Jesus said a wise man must count the cost before building a tower (Luke 14:28). What will be the expenses of inviting a guest? Can you cover travel expenses? Honorarium? Will you take up an offering? Does your guest need to be guaranteed a certain amount? Can you put money aside over a period of several months in order to bring in a higher caliber of guest minister?

  1. Can I afford NOT to bring in this guest?

            Does my congregation need to hear what this guest speaker is preaching? One pastor was struggling to get people in his church to tithe. After he brought in a minister who specialized in teaching about Biblical finances, tithing in his church increased by 65%. The guest minister was able to say things credibly that the pastor was not able to say himself.

            Guest ministers can say things the pastor cannot say. They can say things in a way that pastor cannot say them. Sometimes guest minister can say things in a different way then the pastor can say things. Variety is the spice of life.

            Quality costs. You get what you pay for. Some ministers may require a bigger investment to invite to your church, but in the long run they are worth their weight in gold.

            Evangelists are anointed to cause churches to grow. If an evangelist visited your church and gave you an offering of ten thousand dollars, would you have him back. Well, if ten people get saved in his services and start tithing, the church income has grown by much more than $10,000.

  1. Do I trust this guest minister?

            The wrong minister can mess up your church. Thirty minutes of bad preaching can take years to fix. Does this minister have a proven track record? Do they have integrity and character or do they just have a nice brochure? Will this person give or take from my church? Will my church be better off or worse off after their ministry?

  1. Can I advertise properly and motivate people to attend the services?

            It is disappointing when no one comes to a service. Most often this stems from a problem with the promotion of the event. Have you properly informed everyone of the dates and times of the services? Have you made it a special occasion or does it just sound like church as usual? Have you emphasized the guest minister’s qualifications? Why should anyone from your congregation take time from their busy lives to come hear this minister?

            A guest speaker is an opportunity to promote the church big in the community. If you turn it into an event, more visitors will come out of curiosity. In one church, the first time they ever had an overflow crowd was when a guest minister came.

  1. Who do I need a relationship with?

            God wants us to build relationships with other men and woman of God. One of the greatest dangers in ministry is isolation; not having someone who can speak into your life. Who can you call for encouragement? Advice? Correction? To talk about an idea? To vent about problems?

            No minister should be an island onto himself. Sometimes a guest minister should be invited more for the pastor than for the congregation. Ministry can be lonely. We need the encouragement and support of other ministers. Inviting a guest minister is a great way to build a relationship.

            Churches need to sow seed into other ministries. How can you ask your people to give if the church does not give to another minister? Your harvest is dependent on the seeds you sow.


About Daniel King

Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

Lessons from the Fall of the Berlin Wall

On November 9, 1989, the Berlin Wall was torn down in Germany. When this hated symbol of Communism fell, the nations of the Soviet Union began to radically change. What are some lessons from this historic event?

1. Every Wall Will Fall 
From the early ‘50’s until the late ‘80’s, godless Communism was at war with Christianity. From the middle of Europe to the edge of Asia, there was a vast swath of land where the Name of Jesus could not be lifted up. Churches were closed, christians were persecuted, and faith was attacked. But then in a moment, the wall was down and the Iron Curtain was torn apart. 

For decades, it seemed impossible for the Gospel to penetrate into communist areas, but in an instant, the situation changed. Only a few years after the Berlin wall fell, I stood in front of the Museum of Atheism in St. Petersburg, Russia and preached. Hundreds of people stopped to listen without fearing a visit from the KGB. 

Today we face many new walls in the world. Islam has erected a wall around the Middle East in order to prevent Muslims from hearing the Gospel. China is open to doing business with the West, but still restricts people from freely following Jesus. Secularism here in our own nation continually tries to strengthen a wall of separation between church and state. 

Eventually, the walls that we face today will fall. One day, every knee will bow before the majesty of God. I believe that in my lifetime, the wall of Islam will fall just as hard as the wall of Communism fell twenty years ago. The time will come when we will be able to freely preach the Gospel in every corner of the earth. 

2. When Walls Fall, the Church Must Be Ready.
When the Berlin Wall fell, nations closed for decades were suddenly open to the Gospel. Some ministries were ready and immediately took advantage of the newly-opened doors, but far too many missed the opportunity. 

I fear today that the body of Christ is not ready for new walls to fall. Would we be able to disciple one hundred million new Chinese believers? What would we do if we could suddenly plant churches in Saudi Arabia? What if the trade embargo around Cuba was lifted? Who is ready to go into North Korea? Could we care for ten million Muslims who decided to become Christ followers? 

When walls fall, there is an opportunity for sharing the Gospel that must not be missed. Immediately after World War II, General Douglas MacArthur sent a telegram to the churches of America asking for missionaries to come to Japan. Only a handful of missionaries responded. Today, Japan has adopted the Western principles of democracy and free trade, but the Church is still weak in Japan. They adopted everything about our culture, except our religion. What would have happened if ten thousand on-fire believers had gone to Japan immediately after the war? I think Japan would be a Christian nation today. 

In Japan we failed, but in Ethiopia history tells a different story. When Communism fell in Ethiopia two decades ago, the nation was only 3% evangelical Christian. But, because of the efforts of many missionaries, today over 20% of the population are evangelical believers. This success can be duplicated in other nations if the Church is ready when the walls come down. 

3. We Can Bring Walls Down. 
The Berlin Wall fell because of President Ronald Reagan’s bold demand, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.” Ronald Reagan stood against the tyranny of Communism, and because of his refusal to give up, a great battle was won for freedom. 

When Joshua faced the thick walls of Jericho, God gave him a plan to bring those walls down. We face many ideological, political, and cultural walls today, but God has a plan for bringing down those walls. We must go to closed nations, preach where Christ is not known, use technology to reach an internet generation, and look for creative new ways to communicate age-old truth. If we will continue to obey God, then the walls we face today will fall down.

About Daniel King

Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

The Power of Reading

Once someone criticized my reading habits. They asked, “Why do you spend so much time and money on books? Do the books you read really help you? They thought my reading is a waste, that reading many books on one subject is redundant, that reading many books is foolishness.

Here is my response:

Readers are leaders.

The person who does not read is as ignorant as one who cannot read. Five years from now you will be exactly the same as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read. Charles Spurgeon said, “If you fail to make use of the brains of other men you prove you have no brain of your own.”

What is the value of spending an hour with a great man? What would you pay to hang out with George Bush or George Washington? What would it be worth to spend an afternoon with Oral Roberts or Smith Wigglesworth? What would you ask Warren Buffett or Bill Gates?  By reading their books, you visit the greatest people in history.

Great men have stored fifty years of their experience and wisdom between the covers of a book. It would be foolish to ignore the accumulated knowledge of their career. For a small investment of $20 I can learn in an hour what it took them a lifetime to discover. Though they are dead, I can talk with them in my head.

What you eat turns into your body, what you read turns into your mind. You become like those you associate with. I can choose to be satisfied with the minds of the lesser men who surround me or I can listen in on the Great Conversation of the greatest minds in history. Why do some people spend more money on their clothes then they do on their mind?

We quote, “The wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous.” Where is the wealth of the wicked? In a bank? In their possessions? No. Their real wealth is hidden in their knowledge of how to make money. The wealth of the wicked is stored in books and Christians have ignored and insulted them.

Tim Redmond writes, “Here is an astounding fact, readers make more money, a lot more! According to a number of recent studies (United States Department of Labor, Survey by Yahoo! Chief Solutions Officer Tim Sanders and Business Majors), leaders who read at least 7 business books a year earn over 2.3 times more than those who read only one book per year. Why? One reason is that they have a constant flow of new ideas and strategies they can use to help their careers, their teams and their companies.”

I recently heard a preacher say, “Everything I need to know is in the Bible. I don’t need to feed on worldly wisdom by reading other books.” Yet, this preacher is facing problems a few minutes with the right business book could solve. God can speak to you as you read secular books.

Critics of reading might quote Ecclesiastes 12:12, “Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body.” Even the wisest man in history makes some mistakes when he is backsliding. Solomon’s proverbs continue to teach today…because he wrote them down…in a book.


God came for a season…but left a book for eternity. Jesus is the Word…a book. The first thing you will see when you get to heaven is the Book of Life. In the KJV of the Bible, the word “book” is mentioned 188 times, “writing” is mentioned 91 times, “reading” is mentioned 70 times. We know God writes (Exodus 31:18), Jesus writes (John 8:8), God tells His prophets to both read and write (Jer. 30:2, Ezekiel 2:9), God expects angels to read (Rev. 2:1). Why look down on an activity God obviously values so much?

Paul wrote to his spiritual son Timothy, “Until I come give attendance to reading (1 Timothy 4:13). Later he wrote, ““The clock that I left at Troas bring it with you and the books that I left, but especially the parchments.” (2 Timothy 4:13).  Paul wanted his books more then anything else. He knew his wisdom depended on his reading.

The greatest invention in history was Gutenberg’s printing press. The printed page has done more to spread the Gospel then any other technique. Printing made democracy possible, education for the masses possible, and economic innovation possible.

From books I learn history…lest I repeat the mistakes of the past. From books I feed my creativity. In books I feel the soul of humankind. In books I discover myself…from the heights of triumph to the depths of despair experienced by others. Reading carries me to different worlds (past, future, and imagined) from the comfort of my couch. By reading I live vicariously…I learn from other’s experiences, thoughts, actions, impressions, mistakes, victories, and defeats.

Because of their lack of reading, Christians are continually impressed with recycled ideas, stale thoughts, and poor writing. One preacher spent twenty minutes telling me about his revelation from God…word-for-word from one of the best-selling business books at the time. If I was not an avid reader, I would have been impressed with what God was “revealing” to him…as it was, I felt he did a poor job presenting the original material. Another Christian success speaker makes a living doing seminars teaching principles from business books pastors are too lazy to read for themselves. One Christian fiction series about the second-coming of Christ is extremely poor writing, yet believers buy the books by the millions…I am convinced they like the books because they have never read a well-written secular book. Christians should demand excellence from their own…instead of accepting drivel. The only way to know if a book is well-written is to be well-read.

Before writing my book on healing, I read hundreds of books on healing. Recently a prominent minister said my book on healing is the best he ever read. Would my book have achieved this level of excellence if I had not read all those other books? I think not. My reading of healing books made me an expert on healing, my reading of business books will make me an expert in business, my reading of bibliographies will make me an expert in history. As a world traveler I cannot afford to be ignorant of foreign cultures, ideas, religions, and history.

In response to the accusation, “You can not afford to read as much as you do,” I reply, “I cannot afford NOT to read as much as I do.” The only thing standing between me and my future is my ignorance. My ignorance bothers me everyday…the only cure is reading.

Unfortunately 7 of 10 books that are purchased are not read. 1 out of 10 are only read past the first chapter. If you read a book a year, you will be smarter than ninety percent of the population. If you will read a book a week on any given subject, in five years you will be the world’s greatest expert on that subject. Your difference creates your value.

The books I read yesterday make me who I am today…they determine my value to society. Today’s reading will inevitably lead to tomorrow’s promotion. You will never be worth more than your library.

Reading isn’t the only way to learn, but it may be the best way. Other (slower) ways of learning (experience, conversation, TV, browsing the Internet, etc.) exist and many people use them but a book contains more raw knowledge in a small space then anything else and can be accessed quickly.

About Daniel King

Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

How to Develop Good Habits

A habit is any action or behavior that you do on a regular basis. There are both good habits (developed by good actions) and bad habits (developed by bad actions).

Most of the actions you do on a daily basis are habitual. Today you will most likely do the same things you did yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that. Tomorrow you will have exactly the same results you have today, unless you change your habits.

Your life is the sum of all your habits. Every area of your life has been shaped by your habits. Habits, both good and bad, create who you are.

My health is the result of my habits.

My wealth is the result of my habits

My books are the result of my habits.

My weight is the result of my habits.

My friendships are the result of my habits.

My productivity is the result of my habits.

First, you form habits, then habits form you. After you develop a habit, you become a servant to that habit.

When I first started writing, I was a horrible writer. But I decided to spend one hour every day typing on my computer. At first it was torture, but eventually I started to get better. Now, I have written fourteen books mainly because I forced myself to develop the habit of writing.

A habitual action becomes a well-worn groove in your mind. Like an old fashioned record player where the same song plays every time the needle drops, your mind eventually plays the exact same tune over and over again. As a sign said on a particularly bumpy road, “Pick your rut carefully, because you will be in it for the next two hundred miles.”

If you are satisfied with your life, congratulations, you have good habits. If there is some area of your life you are no happy with, change your habits.

The good news is that habits can change. Mike Murdock says, “Anything you do twice becomes easier to do again” Experts say, “If you do something continually every day for thirty days, it will become a new habit.” Small daily changes will eventually add up to huge changes over the course of your lifetime. Tiny stones thrown on a pile in time become a big mountain.

How to Change Your Habits

The best way to begin changing your habits is by changing your thinking. “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…”(Romans 12:2). The pattern of this world is a set of habits. This pattern of habits is often called the rat-race of life. It is composed of the continual search for another dollar, the lusting after wrong things, the coveting of a neighbor’s worldly goods, or the search for adventure; all of these things form a pattern of habits. People wake up in the morning, and they race through the day, thinking only of themselves, and then they fall into bed at night without accomplishing anything. Every day, God is not acknowledged, and the person continues to live a life of sin, day in and day out, for an entire life.

A change of habits will only come with a change of mind. This change of mind must occur through God’s word. The only way to renew your mind is by knowing God.

When you renew your mind with God’s word, you begin to think like Jesus. When you think like Jesus, you act like Jesus. Suddenly, habits change. The worldly pattern of lying, cheating, stealing, coveting, and hatred is suddenly transformed.

A new set of habits begins to form in the place of the old habits. The habit of loving others, the habit of being thankful, the habit of worshiping God; these are the habits of a person whose mind has been renewed by the word of God. Focus shifts from, “me, me, me” to “God, God, God” The question changes from “What do I want to do?” to “What does God want me to do?”

What Does the Bible Say About Habits?

  1. God has a habit of being merciful.“Look upon me and be merciful to me, As Your custom is toward those who love Your name”(Psalm 119:132 NKJV).
  2. Daniel had a habit of praying 3 times every day (Dan 6:10). He continued this habit even when it put his life in danger.“Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went home. And in his upper room, with his windows open toward Jerusalem, he knelt down on his knees three times that day, and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as was his custom since early days”(Daniel 6:10 NKJV).
  3. Jesus had a habit of going to the synagogue on the Sabbath.“So He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read”(Luke 4:16 NKJV).
  4. Jesus made a habit of spending time with His Father.“And when He had sent the multitudes away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray. Now when evening came, He was alone there”(Matthew 14:23 NKJV).
  5. Paul warned against those who form bad habits.“Besides, they get into the habit of being idle and going about from house to house. And not only do they become idlers, but also busybodies who talk nonsense, saying things they ought not to”(1 Timothy 5:13 NIV).
  6. The writer of Hebrews told us to form good habits, like going to church.“not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching”(Hebrews 10:25 NIV).

About Daniel King

Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

How to Be Successful

How do you measure #success? What goals have you set for your life? If you died today, would you consider your life a success?

Dictionary definition of success:

  1. The favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors.
  2. the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like.
  3. a successful  performance or achievement: The play was an instant success.
  4. a person or thing that is successful: She was a great success on the talk show.

Dictionary says #success is “The favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors”

Dictionary says #success is “The attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like.”

World says #success is: driving a FAST car. God says success is: Taking time to FAST and pray.

World says #success is: bedding many women. God says success is: Loving your wife.

World says #success is: Having lots of money. God says success is: Giving lots of money.

World says #success is: Being famous. God says success is: Being yourself.

World says #success is: Living in your dream home. God says success is: Having a mansion in heaven.

God says #success is: making it to heaven.

God says #success is: fulfilling your purpose in life.

God says #success is: hearing “well done, my good and faithful servant.”

Success is the result of three things:

  1. Accountability: Our relationship with God and our sense of accountability to him.
  2. Perseverance….there is no substitute for this…we must walk the vision out…it is not all fun and games…we will overcome some obstacles.
  3. Attention to Detail…we have to concentrate…stay focused on what your goal is…

– If we get off track…everyone will get off track…if you get discouraged, everyone will get discouraged.

#Success never happens overnight. People who are an overnight success often say it was a really long night.

#Success is not a one-time event, it is a process.

#Success is more in who you are, not in what you do.

Even mistakes can be turned into #success if you learn from them.

Top Secret of Success: Perseverance…if you don’t give up, you will eventually be successful.

Just because you failed once does not mean you are a failure.

Moses was a stutterer and murderer.

David was a peeping tom.

Peter was a cussing fisherman.

Michael Jordan was cut from his junior high basket ball team.

Walter Cronkite, when auditioning was told that he did not have a good voice for TV.

Fred Astaire on his first dance audition, they said, “he can only dance a little bit.”

Don’t let success go to your head, or failure go to your heart.

Failure is a one-time event. Don’t let it determine who you are.  Dr. George Washington Carver said: “Ninety-nine percent of failures come from people who have a habit of making excuses.”

Ask God for #success and He will give it to you.

Genesis 24:12 (NKJV) Then he said, “O Lord God of my master Abraham, please give me success this day, and show kindness to my master Abraham.”

The secret of your success is found in God’s Word.

Joshua 1:8 (NKJV) This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”

God gives you good #success (Josh 1:8), the world’s success may not be so good (Ex: drug dealers, gamblers, businessman who loses family)

Success comes from God.

Job 6:13 (NKJV) “Is my help not within me? And is success driven from me?”

Job 30:22 (NKJV) You lift me up to the wind and cause me to ride on it; You spoil my success.”

The Richest Man in the World discovered that wisdom brings success.

Ecclesiastes 10:10 (NKJV) If the ax is dull, And one does not sharpen the edge, Then he must use more strength; But wisdom brings success.”

Serving God brings success, walking away from God is the beginning of failure.

2 Chronicles 26:5 (GWT) [Uzziah] dedicated his life to serving God in the days of Zechariah, who taught him to fear God. As long as he dedicated his life to serving the LORD, the LORD gave him success.”

When you pray, ask God to give you success.

Nehemiah 1:11 (GWT) Lord, please pay attention to my prayer and to the prayers of all your other servants who want to worship your name. Please give me success today and make this man, King Artaxerxes, show me compassion.” I was cupbearer to the king at this time.”

Stand firm in your knowledge that God will give you success.

Nehemiah 2:20 (GWT) “The God of heaven will give us success.”

When enemies attack or criticize, know that your #success is guaranteed by God.

Nehemiah 2:20 “The God of heaven will give us success”

Never be afraid to ask God to give you success.

Psalm 118:25 (GWT) We beg you, O LORD, save us! We beg you, O LORD, give us success!”

Never be afraid to aggressively ask God to give you #success.

Psalm 118:25 “We beg you, O LORD, give us success!”

Obeying God will give you success with both God and man.

Proverbs 3:1,4 (GWT) “My son, do not forget my teachings, and keep my commands in mind…Then you will find favor and much success in the sight of God and humanity.”

Obeying God will give you #success with both God and man.

Proverbs 3:1,4  “You will find much success in the sight of God and humanity”

About Daniel King

Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

Do I Need a Mentor?

Here are seven reasons why you need a mentor in your life.

  1. A mentor will save you from making mistakes.You can either learn from your mistakes or your can learn from the mistakes of your mentor. Learning from your mentor is much easier.
  2. A mentor will open doors you are unable to open.
  3. A mentor will protect you from your own weaknesses.
  4. A mentor will save you from wasting your time.God puts mentors in your life to help you learn faster.
  5. A mentor will encourage you when you are discouraged and correct you when you are overconfident.
  6. A mentor’s lifetime of experience can save you years of heartache.
  7. A mentor will prepare you for battles you do not know you are scheduled to face.

About Daniel King

Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

Am I Using My Time Wisely?

Everyone has the same amount of time in a day. You have exactly the same amount of time to spend today as everyone else who is alive. Time waits for no man.

We each have:

7 days a week.

365 days a year.

24 hours in a day.

1,440 minutes in a day.

86,400 seconds in a day.

You only have so much time, so spend it wisely. Recognize the value of your time. Wise King Solomon understood the importance of time, when he said, “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:1 NKJV).

Time is more valuable than money. If you lose your money, you can figure out a way to earn more but if you run out of time, everything is over. You can get money back, but you can never get time back.

Time is the most valuable asset you have, but it is only as valuable as you make it. Hamburger flippers trade their time for $10 an hour; lawyers trade their time for $350 an hour. The way time is used separates the rich from the poor. The difference between an impoverished person and a wealthy person is how they use their time. Using time wisely is the secret of the wealthy.

Broke people abuse time.

Needy people misuse time.

Losers are those who do not use their time wisely.

Opportunities follow those who use their time wisely.

Time is our currency here on the earth. We trade time for money (paycheck). We trade time for relationships. We trade time for knowledge. What are you trading your time for? How are you spending your time?

What are the time wasters in your life? What steals your time? What do you need to eliminate from your life?

What is robbing your time?

            – Spending time with people who have no vision or goals.

            – Television, news, entertainment, paperwork, goofing off.

            – People who play all the time.

            – Being around critical people.

            – People who want what you have but do not do what you say.

            – People with self-defeating habits

            – People who are always late.

            – People who are unorganized.

Who steals your time? Who do you need to eliminate from your life? There are four types of people with whom you can spend your time.

  1. Add-ers – People who add to your life.

            My wife Jessica is an example of someone who adds to my life. She makes me happy, gives me pleasure, and encourages me. She adds value to my life.

  1. Subtract-ers – People who subtract from your life.

            These are people who waste your time. I have a friend who talks non-stop. If he calls me, it is impossible to get off the phone in less than an hour. He never talks about issues of significance or importance; he just likes to hear himself talk. I finally stopped answering his calls because he kept wasting my time.

            Another person called me and asked if he could come stay with me for a week. He just wanted to “hang out.” He wanted me to take him to see a movie and to go to the mall. I told him not to come because I did not have a week to waste on entertaining him. His time was worth little, but my time is valuable.

            If you do not fight for your time, other people will steal your time.

Who is a time thief in your life?

            – Time thieves have confusion in their lives.

            – Time thieves always have problems.

            – Time thieves have no focus.

            – Time thieves do not give you anything of value.

If you don’t respect my time, I am not going to give you any more of my time.

  1. Multiply-ers – People who multiply your life.

            A mentor can multiply your effectiveness. There are only two ways to learn: through your mistakes or from the mistakes of others. Following the advice of a mentor can cut ten years from your development.

            One of my favorite ministers focuses on wisdom. When I go to his conferences, I am inspired to do more for God. When I listen to him, I get ideas that will help me achieve my purpose in life. An hour of listening to him motivates me to accomplish more.

  1. Divide-rs – People who divide you.

            These are people who deliberately and maliciously attempt to distract you from your focus. They actively try to cause conflict between you and others.

            One time, someone opened an e-mail address that was similar to mine. He started e-mailing people negative comments but signing my name. This caused me to lose several relationships because this person deliberately tried to cause division.

Your time is a seed. Use your time as a seed. You can never achieve your dreams, your purpose, or your assignment until you learn how to sow the miracle seed of time.

What you have in life is the result of the time you have sown. How do people sow their time? A body builder trades time for sculptured muscles. A master musician spends hours practicing the piano. The athlete practices until he is the best. A doctor trades eight years of his life in order to learn how to diagnose a disease.

Anything of significance in your life will require time. Investing time is the only way you can gain something you want.

People say, “I wish I had more time” but no one ever received any more time by saying this.  Start using the time you have more wisely. You will never find time because it isn’t lost. You can only decide to use your time in valuable ways.

You can never get more time, but you can maximize the time you have. Learn to master your time, or your time will master you. Develop time consciousness. Work on Time Management skills.

  1. Plan long term. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. People who set goals are much more likely to be successful than those without goals.
  1. Use calendars, clocks, lists, and timers.

            My mother is obsessed with calendars, clocks, lists, and timers. She makes a list of things to do everyday and she sets her timer for specific amounts of time in order to accomplish her tasks. When I was growing up, I never understood why. I often rolled my eyes and made fun of her because of her love of using timers. But now I understand. Her focus allowed her to be successful at raising five children.

  1. Plan your day.

            When you wake up in the morning, make a list of the six most important tasks you need to accomplish. Start with the most important.

  1. Invest in your dreams

– Are you spending time on making your dreams come true?

– How much of your time are you willing to invest in order to build a great dream or future?

– How much time are you willing to invest to research and gather info about your dream?

– How much time are you willing to invest in planning every day of your life?

Your time should be focused on your strengths. Use your most alert time to do the most important things in your life. For example, the most valuable hour in my life is my first hour of being awake which is when I am most alert. I often devote this hour to writing because it is when I do my best work. Later in the day when I am more tired is when I devote time to washing the dishes or organizing my office. I save less important tasks for when I am tired.

Ask yourself these questions several times each day:

Am I using my time wisely?

Is this what I want or need to be doing right now?

Am I working on something urgent or something important?

Where can I best invest my time in order to maximize my income?

Some things are urgent, but not important. Other things are important but not urgent. The best use of your time is to use it doing things that are important.

What are some important (but non-urgent) things you should do with your time?

– Read

– Exercise

– Educate Yourself

– Build Relationships

– Family – Children spell love as T-I-M-E. You can give your children video games and roller skates, but what children really want from daddy and mommy is time.

If you don’t want or need to be doing an activity, STOP. By eliminating unproductive activities from your life you will discover more time for doing what you really want to be doing.

About Daniel King

Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

7 Levels of a Missions Minded Church

The mission of the church is missions and the goal of missions is building the local church. It is important for churches to have a heart for missions. Here is a diagnostic test you can take to discover how your church is doing.

Where does your church fit on the scale of missions minded churches? How can your church move up a level?

Level 1: No missions heart. Little exposure to missionaries. Does not support any missionaries or give any platform time to talking about missions.

Level 2: Invites a missionary to speak at least once each year. Sends an occasional offering to missionaries.

Level 3: Has adopted one or more missionaries and supports them on a monthly basis. Talks about the Great Commission from the platform. Exposes people to missions literature through a missions bulletin board, map, or mission table. Pastor may go on an occasional short-term mission trip.

Level 4: One Sunday each month is Mission’s Sunday. Receives a monthly offering for missions. Regularly invites missionaries to share updates by video or in person at church Bible studies and/or on the platform. Provides at least one opportunity for people in the church to go on a short-term mission trip each year.

Level 5: Church has adopted multiple missionaries and develops long-term relationships with them. Regularly prays for missionaries. Provides multiple opportunities throughout the year for church businessmen, staff, and young people to go on short-term trips. Has a yearly missions conference.

Level 6: Church has a Bible school that trains people to be missionaries. Church trains, sends out, and supports multiple full-time missionaries. A significant percentage (5%-15%) of the church budget is devoted to missions. Church may have adopted a particular nation or people group to focus efforts on.

Level 7: Church has a world-wide Apostolic vision for growing the body of Christ. Church reproduces itself on multiple continents by planting Bible schools and churches. Speaks mission vision to the body of Christ and develops strategy for world evangelism.

About Daniel King

Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

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