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Monthly Archives: April 2022

Simone Puccinelli | Educating Children in Uganda

Simone Puccinelli is the founder of Simone’s Kids, a ministry dedicated to educating children in Uganda. She started the ministry while she was still a college student and now they are responsible for educating over one thousand children every school day. Today you will hear the amazing story of how God has helped her build this powerful ministry and you will hear about how her children are being trained to share their faith.

Support Simone’s Kids: https://www.simoneskids.org/


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Simone Puccinelli is the founder of Simone’s kids, a ministry dedicated to educating children in Uganda. She started the ministry while she was still a college student. And now Simone’s kids is responsible for educating over 1,000 children every school day. Today, you will hear the amazing story of how God has helped Simone build this powerful ministry, and you’ll hear about how her children are being trained to share their faith.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:43):
Welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies, and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary and evangelist Daniel King.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:07):
Welcome to the evangelism podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. We have a very special guest with us, Mrs. Simone Puccinelli thank you so much for being on the evangelism podcast.

Simone Puccinelli (01:21):
Thank You for having me here. I’m very excited.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:24):
Simone has been a friend of our family for many years. I think we originally met you on a trip to Jamaica. Maybe we met your family.

Simone Puccinelli (01:36):
Okay. Yeah, I would probably have only been about like eight years old. So I don’t remember exactly. You’re

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:42):
Not ate eight any longer, but

Simone Puccinelli (01:43):
I don’t remember, you know what? Because me and your brother are about the same age. And I remember when we were like five or six, you came out to our house. Me and your brother were five and six years old. So I’m pretty sure I was pretty, I don’t remember our family not being friends. So,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:02):
And you are a very impressive young lady because God put it on your heart to start a ministry, which is called Simone’s kids and you are helping children in the nation of Uganda. So tell me about that. How did you get interested in helping children in Uganda?

Simone Puccinelli (02:25):
Well Daniel, I was really as a child drawn to helping other kids in need. And when I would hear those stories, it was just something that my heart was really drawn to, to be compassionate towards. And when I was 12, actually got the call to be a missionary. And so I, you know, begged my parents to let me go on mission trips. And I actually went on a mission trip with you when I was in middle school to Haiti in the Dominican Republic.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:58):
I remember that trip to Haiti. That was a, a great crusade. Thousands of people came, but it was a very difficult trip. I remember that the food was horrible. It was hot. The living conditions were horrible. They told us that the, the chicken that we were eating, our marathon running chickens, it was like eating beef jerky. It was not like soft KFC chicken,ubut uyou went on the mission trip with us and

Simone Puccinelli (03:24):
I did, and we endured the heat and I was still a gymnast back there. So I got to do flips and make the whole crowd very excited. And I witnessed a lot of miracles firsthand and like that was hard, but, you know, I loved it. And so I went on more trips to Africa and just really got involved with learning from others how they do ministry, how it works logistically. And then in college, I got connected with a couple in Uganda through a connection that I did know, and basically they had been born and raised and were local people trying to help out the street, children in their community. And God just really laid it on my heart to help them. And so I went over there and saw the need and saw God’s heart and for the kids’ lives. And I saw the, you know, the enemy really coming in and trying to tell them that they were worthless and, you know, basically kill still and destroy their lives and just, I could not do it cuz God wanted, you know, God wanted me to do it. So that’s how it was birthed.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:38):
Now, when God first put it on your heart to give money, to help children in Uganda, how much were you able to raise like the first month that you tried to, to raise money?

Simone Puccinelli (04:51):
So the initial email conversations was around $500 to cover the rent for the building. So the school could stay open. The, the couple had started.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:02):
And at that time you were still a college student.

Simone Puccinelli (05:05):
I Was a sophomore in college.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:06):
And so raising $500 is phenomenal, is huge for a college student.

Simone Puccinelli (05:12):
It, so I would say it, it took me several months, three, three or three or four months. Yeah. Yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:17):
And now the school has grown there. Many teachers you have over a thousand children now is that? Yeah.

Simone Puccinelli (05:26):
So when I got there, we were probably working with like 60 to 80. I didn’t get a official head count back then. And now we are working with over a thousand children

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:36):
And how many teachers are helping to teach the,

Simone Puccinelli (05:39):
We have 120 staff and they’re all local.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:42):
And where is Simone’s kids located in Uganda?

Simone Puccinelli (05:46):
It’s in the district of NA Coste. And so that’s really north of the capital central, the central ish area, but it’s in a remote village.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:57):
And so paint a picture for me. What does the ministry look like now there on the ground in Uganda now you started with just a, a little tiny school. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> but it’s growing. So, so just paint a picture for me. If someone was to visit your school, what would they see?

Simone Puccinelli (06:13):
Well, right now, if they visited to campus, they would fall find a primary classrooms and bathrooms that were big and nice and spacious for the students. A big, nice area for preparing food, a medical clinic, a library, a two story library. They would also find a high school with science labs and two giant dormitories. So the high school students actually live on campus and, you know, office buildings. And so we really kind of do like a holistic care for our students.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:50):
And how many teachers are there

Simone Puccinelli (06:53):
Specifically teachers? I think that’s around 70 to 80.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:58):
And so it starts 20 staff all the way from how, how old is the youngest and how, how far up the grades do you go?

Simone Puccinelli (07:06):
So we have three preschool grades. So we have a three year old class, four year old class and five year old class. And then it goes up through the high school, the way it works. It’s almost like an associate’s degree. So we’ll have, we’ll have up to the age of 20, 21 years old.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:20):
And so now some kids have gone through your program for, for many years mm-hmm <affirmative> and are you helping to put them into a university and, and get fully educated?

Simone Puccinelli (07:31):
So the past three years or so, we’ve been building a like university fund and putting money aside for that. And we have 21 students in, in college.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:41):
Wow. And so this is growing by, by leaps and bounds and has really been through your, your faith and effort and just sharing the vision with people to, to help the, the kids in Uganda. What is it that really motivates you to do all of this for the kids Uganda?

Simone Puccinelli (08:02):
To me and my, why is that? I truly believe that everyone deserves to understand and feel loved. And the, the most important love to feel is Jesus Christ loved. So <affirmative> creating an avenue and that’s what the school is for our child to be able to like for us to reach that child cuz we serve orphan and extremely poor children. And so if the teachers and the staff and myself can be that light of love and make that connect and with someone that has never actually experienced love, cuz you know, most of them like have been abandoned or their parents died. And so they’re outcast in society. And so they really are depleted of that experience. So my why is just for one more child to get to experience loved being

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:58):
Loved, which is such a, a great method for evangelism. This is the evangelism podcast. And so we’re always talking about different ways of, of reaching people, but really it comes down to loving people. Mm-Hmm, <affirmative> wanting to show the love of Jesus to people. And have you seen some results in the, the lives of the kids? Are they serving the Lord

Simone Puccinelli (09:21):
<Laugh> yes. I, I have one personal experience of when we got to be there on the ground for two months of seeing this child, having like the depleted look versus the like bright look. And you could just tell all the difference of a child that’s loved and unloved and this child actually ended up passing away around the age of six. So I can’t really give a testimony that they’re like grown and serving the Lord, but there’s so many students that like come back and are just like, you know, so thankful that for their experience at our school and receiving, you know, that guidance. And so yes, I would say they are being transformed

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:03):
And your school has really become a light for the entire community. You’re mm-hmm, <affirmative>, you’re impacting more than the, just the children’s lives. You’re also able to have a positive impact on the, the parents, a community. And you really believe that it takes a whole village to raise a child. Tell, tell me what you mean by that.

Simone Puccinelli (10:26):
Yes. So Simone’s kids, we have a, a giving program and we, we call that group the village because we believe it takes a village to raise a child. And so we, we believe that also on, you know, on the ground in Uganda and the fact that we, we need the teachers, if we need the guardians and anyone in, in their lives pouring into their lives to create, you know, a, a good result in that child’s life. And to give them a chance to actually break out a of that poverty cycle and not just give an amount that, you know, helps them survive through this time. We want to give them the tools that they’re gonna need as an adult to find a good spouse, to be a good spouse, to be a good parent, to, you know, be a good employee or, you know, be ethical business person if they start a good job. So we’re are really thinking about their future and what we can put in their lives today to, to help them succeed tomorrow. And but the way people, you know, stateside and around the world can get involved and, and be a part of that impact is, is joining the village for us because

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:35):
So if someone is listening right now and they want to be involved and to help you help these children in Uganda, how can they be involved? What they can, they do to be a part,

Simone Puccinelli (11:47):
Well, become a part of the village <laugh> so, you know the village, we really see as true partners and them doing the work. So if someone has a heart for children in need and want to do that work and wanna make that part of their life story, they can join us and becoming a part of the village, giving, you know, a at $25 a month and be supporting the children in this, in this journey they have. And the recurring giving is, is so important because it doesn’t just say like, I’m gonna give to this cause, or I’m gonna give to evangelism. And this one time recurring giving says, I, this is what I want to be a part of my life story. I want my life story to be like, you know, I, I was caring for orphans. That was part of my life journey. A one time gift is good, but recurring gifts say, this is what I want to be a part of my,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:53):
Yeah, this is pure religion to care for widows and orphans. And so by caring for these kids, you’re actually doing what is so close to the heart of God. And so I want to encourage you, if you’re listening, go to Simone’s kids.org, mm-hmm <affirmative> S om, O N EES Simone’s kids.org and become a partner join with Simone and helping these children in the nation of Uganda. This is good ground. Our family yeah. Have been good friends for, for many years. And, and I’ve been watching Simone over the years build up this vision and, and it’s just so many amazing to see what God is doing through you. Let, let’s talk a little bit about the, the personal side of mm-hmm <affirmative> being a missionary and being in ministry not only are you helping to run Simone’s kids, right. But you’re also a wife, you’re a mother, right. You have two little children who you’re respons for. And so what is that like balancing, running a ministry, very successful ministry, and also being a wife and a parent.

Simone Puccinelli (14:05):
I believe it’s really about just spending time in prayer and looking at what obedience looks like for your life. And then God giving grace and providing and doing work where you can’t do the work. So because I also suffer with chronic illness. And so sometimes God calls me to rest, or God calls me to be at home with, you know a child. And so it looks like I’m not then being able to like 40 hard hours a week, but then, you know, God supplements, you know, the gifts and the time and multiplies what I do do as it. And then, so like, I don’t have to put in the 40 hours or doesn’t have to look like what the world thinks it needs to look like. And so to me, putting my family first, putting God first, like spending time with him is the most important, not like not putting any idols before him that meaning, you know, my time and my conveniences and then putting my family and then the ministry God takes care of, you know, what, what’s his, and ultimately it’s, it’s his ministry and he’s allowing me graciously to steward it here on this earth.

Simone Puccinelli (15:26):
And so I just, every, every time there’s a life change or maybe I’m sick for a week. We may get like a $10,000 donation and I may have made 30 phone calls and not raised any money. So really God, <laugh> you say, balancing all this, God just keeps taking me back probably where he takes most people of like, do you trust me? Do you trust me? Do you trust me? And is really hard place? You know, I feel like my whole life God wants me to just trust him and have faith in him and his plan. And just through every, you know, like my husband is trying, you know, gone through this, going to med school and we’ve had to, you know, have faith and trust of where he’s gonna be a resident. And if he’s gonna get to the next step and with both children, they were both through adoptions is having to have faith for him to build our family. And just faith for him to take care of the ministry. And yeah, I have to have a lot of faith. <Laugh>

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (16:29):
Well, you’ve taken what God has given you, this, this small vision mm-hmm, <affirmative> of helping a small group of kids and it’s growing and growing and growing. Yeah. And now you have a big vision impacting over a thousand kids every single day in, in Uganda. What’s the, the vision for the future. I know you have some more projects that God’s put it on your heart. What, what do you see happening in the future for Simone’s kids?

Simone Puccinelli (16:57):
Well, we have a campaign going on called big vision, big impact. And so we’re looking at prosing 50 to a hundred acres and using that to build out a state ofthe art high school state, ofthe art vocation in school and taking our current campus, which is about 10 acre, eight to 10 acres, and doubling the size of our primary school. And so being able to have 600 students instead of 300 students at the primary school, and then at the high school, just making it, making it a better experience for the, and being able to, instead of having a big, large dorm for 300 boys to live in, building out maybe homes of 12 boys per home, and getting like fam you know, mentor families in there to take them through the four years of high school, more being able to focus more on discipleship and one on one pouring into their lives. And so we’re looking at that being like a 300, 3.5 million project,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:00):
Well, that requires some, some big faith, but I believe God will provide right. And you’ll be able to do all that and, and even more. And I, I really believe that what you’re doing is so significant because these children that you’re training you’re, you’re, you’re training them in the things of God you’re imparting Christian principles into their lives. You’re, you’re speaking life into them in, into a, a situation where often there is poverty, where, where is no hope you’re, you’re bringing hope. Mm-Hmm, <affirmative> in the midst of this, this situation. And I believe that out of your school, God is going to raise up students that will be future leaders in the nation of Uganda that could someday be president of Uganda. We always

Simone Puccinelli (18:47):
Say, we’re raising the next president. That’s our, what, that’s what we speak over our skull. <Laugh>

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:53):

Simone Puccinelli (18:53):
We blame

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:54):
It. Amen. And, and I think it will happen like, like you’re, you’re giving them top-notch education, helping them mm-hmm <affirmative>, but also giving them the, the spiritual component so that they can be close to God and to have that, that spiritual relationship with God.

Simone Puccinelli (19:10):
And, and one thing like, you know, evangelism, one thing that we really do at the high school is also teach evangelism and, and teach them how to be missionaries. And so there’s teams that go to the prisons, the local prisons, and do skits and pray for them. And then we have teams that go on like a monthly basis to different hospitals and go and pray for all the sick and see healings, and really just kind of try to encourage them to go to even deeper villages. So you know, we live in a remote village, but there is even deeper levels of remote villages where, you know, it’s only a mut huts, you know, there isn’t even access to get power. Like we, we work with families that don’t have electricity or running waters or run room houses, but there’s like places where that they wouldn’t even have access to connect to something like that. You know? So there’s, there’s deeper levels. And, you know, just, you know, when I go over there and then able to like share with we just really encourage them that, you know, they’re local and they’re Ugandan and missionaries from other countries and, and evangelists from other countries are great, but they can make that connection deeper than we can being from that country. If they’re willing to be missionaries to their own country.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (20:30):
I, I really feel like the holy Spirit’s giving me a vision right now of your school being a light and shining light throughout Uganda, but even to the surrounding nations mm-hmm <affirmative> and in areas that God’s gonna raise up, even kids that will be missionaries out of your school, that will go to Southern Sudan, which in many ways is even poor than Uganda is and scarier and, and Rwanda and Congo and Kenya and Tanzania. I mean, there there’s so much that God wants to do in that part of Africa and even up into Northern Africa. So you’ve got South Sudan, but then you’ve got north Sudan, which is mostly Muslim all the way up to Egypt. That entire region desperately needs the gospel. They, they need the hope of Jesus Christ. And, and so I, I just feel like the holy spirit is giving me a vision of your school shining light to that entire region of Africa.

Simone Puccinelli (21:33):
That’s amazing.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:35):
And so I

Simone Puccinelli (21:35):
That’s really encouraging.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:37):
Amen. So I encourage you Simone, keep up the good work. Thank you. God’s hand is on you and I believe the, your best days are still to come. God has more for you. And so if you’re listening and you want to help the children of Uganda, if you wanna help educate them, you want to help feed them right now, go to Simone’s kids.org. Mm-Hmm, <affirmative> find out more about Simone. You can find out some information about her and about the ministry. See some pictures of the beautiful kids. They’re so beautiful. Yeah. And they’ve got such beautiful face. I mean, they’re, they’re so good looking in, in that part of Uganda. And, and so go to the website, Simone kids.org, and find out how you can be involved. You can support them, even there’s possibilities of going over there on trips, even looking for people who have a heart for teaching to go and teach. And so there’s lots of ways that you can be involved in helping the children in Uganda.

Simone Puccinelli (22:30):
We’re even looking for full-time missionary stuff.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (22:33):
<Laugh> yeah. So

Simone Puccinelli (22:34):
There’s, that’s their call. I won’t call me <laugh>.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (22:37):
All right. Well, thank you so much, Simone, for being on the evangelism podcast. It was great having you here today.

Simone Puccinelli (22:42):
Thank you so much, Daniel.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (22:44):
Thanks so much for listening today. I am excited about telling people about Jesus. And I want to invite you to be a part of helping us to rescue people from hell and take them with us to heaven. There’s two things you can do to help. First of all, can you go find the evangelism podcast on apple iTunes and leave us a positive review by giving a review, you will help other people find these valuable resources about sharing our faith. And second, would you become a financial partner with king ministries? Every single dollar that people give us enables us to lead at least one person to Jesus. And so that means for only $1, you can help start a party in heaven. And so today I want to invite you to become a monthly partner. You can start out for just a dollar, but if God puts on your heart to do more, of course you can do more, but please go to king ministries.com and become a monthly partner with us today to help us to lead more people to Jesus. Thank you so much. And God bless you

Evangelism Podcast Host (24:04):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit king ministries.com. Again, that’s king ministries.com.


Please subscribe to The Evangelism Podcast with Evangelism Coach Daniel King

Spring Break Mission Trip to Orlando, Florida

Your generous support is helping us raise up a new generation of young people who are called by God to be nation shakers and world changers.

Last month I had the privilege of being a team leader for Victory Christian School’s sixth grade mission trip.

This was a special experience for me because when my parents were missionaries in Mexico, we hosted Victory’s sixth grade mission trip for thirteen years in a row.

When I was a teenager, I remember running through the neighborhoods of Juarez, Mexico and inviting people to come hear about Jesus. During this week of intense ministry our family would lead up to fifty outreaches in a single week. Over the years thousands of people received salvation. In fact, much of my passion for soul winning can be traced back to when we hosted school groups in Mexico.

This year my son Caleb King is in sixth grade and it was his turn to go on a mission trip. I volunteered to be a group leader.

The school group was sent to Orlando, Florida. For the last several years, I have been traveling to Orlando to teach at Christ for All Nations Evangelism Bootcamp. One of the graduates built a mobile stage and put together a team that is doing monthly evangelism in the low-income neighborhoods of Orlando. Our team partnered with his team from the evangelistic ministry of Christ for All Nations to reach several neighborhoods with the Gospel.

Someone asked me, “Why would you go on a mission trip to Orlando, the home of Disney World and Universal Studios?” The reality is that even a place like Orlando is a mission field. If we are going to see revival here in North America, we need to make a deliberate effort to evangelize here in our own nation.

As we took our team of sixth graders out into the neighborhoods of Orlando, we met families from Mexico, Venezuela, Panama, the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Brazil, Haiti, and Jamaica. We attracted them to our outreach with music, games, bouncy houses, cotton candy, popcorn, and snow cones. My son Caleb’s favorite part of the mission trip was running the snow cone machine. I think he ate one snow cone for each he gave away!

Our team of sixth graders did plays and dramas on the stage. In each service, several young people gave a testimony. At the end, one of the Evangelism Bootcamp students gave a Gospel message and people got saved.

I was impressed by the faith of the sixth-graders as they gathered around kids and adults, laid hands on and prayed for them. Afterwards, we captured the names and addresses of those who got saved so that a local church can follow up on the new believers.

At one neighborhood outreach, I saw a group of four African American teenagers. They watched from afar but after a while lost interested and started to walk away. I quickly grabbed them and asked if they would like to give their lives to Jesus. All four teenagers agreed to pray with me for salvation. Now those four teenagers will be with us in heaven. It is moments like these that make evangelism worthwhile.

Whether I get to lead a person to Jesus one-on-one or have the opportunity to pray with thousands of people in a mass salvation prayer at a crusade, I get excited when people decide to follow Jesus. This is what ministry is all about. We have the privilege of making an eternal impact in people’s lives.

It was an amazing feeling to be able to introduce the next generation of young people to the joy that comes from being a soul winner. When we returned from the trip, my wife Jessica asked Caleb what he learned. He said, “Mommy, I learned that telling people about Jesus is what I want to do.”

Thank you for sending me to the nations and thank you for helping us raise up a new generation of young evangelists. Your generosity is helping us to plunder hell to populate heaven!

Your Missionary Evangelist,

Dr. Daniel King

Calvin Hunter | AMPED up for Jesus

Calvin Hunter is a young evangelist who is traveling to cities across America to reach people for Jesus. His ministry is called AMPED and they use music, bouncy houses, and extreme sports to attract the lost. As you listen to today’s podcast, you will be inspired by his passion for Jesus and his passion for reaching people for heaven.

AMPED = Awakening Mankind’s Powerful Eternal Destiny

For more information about Calvin Hunter visit: https://www.swordministries.org/

Big Idea: When you answer the CALL, you have to give it your ALL.


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Calvin hunter is a young evangelist who is traveling to cities across America to reach people for Jesus. His ministry is called amped and they use music, bouncy houses in extreme sports to attract the lost. As you listen to today’s podcast, you will be inspired by his passion for Jesus and his passion for reaching people for heaven.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:37):
Welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King were Daniel interviews. Full-Time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary and evangelist Daniel King. Welcome

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:01):
To do the evangelism podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. I have a special guest with me, Calvin hunter. He is the director of amped ministries and through their ministry. They’re going to communities all over the United States, telling people about Jesus, Calvin, thank you for being with me today.

Calvin Hunter (01:23):
Thank you, sir. Great to be here,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:25):
Calvin. What does the word amped mean? Tell me about how you came up with that.

Calvin Hunter (01:31):
So AMPED means Awakening Mankind’s Powerful Eternal Destiny. It is a vision that God put on our heart to go into the cities across America, to stir up the people, to see the destiny and the call that God has for their life, for them to, to start walking in that full potential that God has for them.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:53):
Can you tell me about some of what you’ve done recently?

Calvin Hunter (01:58):
Yeah. recently with amped, I was actually just in Houston, 10 Xs, where we took we worked at the local church there and we took people out on the streets and we did one-on-one street evangelism with the people there in Houston and reached over a thousand people face to face with the gospel. My wife and I personally did, and a span of about 10 dates. And so that was something that we did recently was the one-on-one outreach because every person, as you know, is called to do the work of an evangelist. Everyone has an anointing, has been given the gift of soul winning.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:37):
So tell me, what is that, What does that look like doing one-on-one evangelism? What are you saying? What responses are you getting from people?

Calvin Hunter (02:47):
Yeah, you know, I would say with one on one evangelism, it looks very different for each person at times. You know there is a pattern I personally like to stick with the place of, like, the Bible says that the goodness of God leads me to repentance. So with me, I like to stick with the place of letting people know that number one, Jesus loves them. So I always start a conversation, letting the person know, Hey, I want to tell you something today. I, to tell you that God loves you and he has a plan for your life. And so I always start the conversation with letting them know that Jesus loves them. You say, well, why would I start the conversation that way? Well, for me, it’s very personal because in 2012, when I first started soul winning, I remember I went to a nursing home and there was a lady in the nursing home and she was about 82 years old and I came up to her and that was the first thing I said. I said, Hey, ma’am I want to I’m here today. And I just wanna let you know that Jesus loves you and that God has a plan for your lives immediately. 82 years old living in the middle of America, you know, the Bible belt of America, the Bible be of the world and tears start running down her eyes. And she says, no one has ever said to me that Jesus loves me.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:11):
Wow. So it was a revelation for her,

Calvin Hunter (04:14):
Yes. Revelation for her. And I think that we need to know that we think we’re, you know, and I’m talking to the Amer Evangel specifically. Cuz I believe that it’s maybe not. So in people’s minds around the world as much, but in America we need to know there are people around us. They don’t know who Jesus is and they don’t know that he loves them. And to just so that seed is the beginning of every can be the starting point of them having a relationship with Jesus.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:45):
Yeah. You’ve also organized large events getting lots of different churches involved. I remember a couple of years ago you did a great outreach in Spartanburg. Tell me about what God did there.

Calvin Hunter (05:00):
Yeah. And in, in Spartanburg, South Carolina, we ended up gathering over 30 churches together and we had over, we reached over 10,000 people with the gospel, brought together six different evangelistic ministries as part of our team and preached the gospel. And the town’s only about 90,000 people. And we reached over 10,000 people within one week. And what we did was we did men’s men’s conference women’s conference. We did prison ministry. We had youth outreaches. We went to the schools, I had, we had the BMA ex guys do tricks and team extreme breaking bricks and bats. And we preach the gospel in the schools to the different schools that would let us in. And, and then we invited everyone out into a park where we had even more activities, bounce houses food that was given away and preached the gospel throughout the whole day in the park had different. A lot of times I like to work with, I like to bring the churches together. So they’re all showing the unity of the body of Christ. You know, so we had different worship teams there, different rappers and artists and everyone was sharing their testimony and preaching the gospel throughout the whole, the whole main day in, in the event there in sparing part.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:28):
I remember when you were preparing for that, you had come with me on a mission trip down to the nation of Belise, where we did a mass of one day outreach to the entire nation of least 10 different crusades happening all at the same time. And you helped to organize and to set that up and you were so excited because everything we did in Belize, like we did a, a conference for businessmen, you said, oh, I gotta do a conference for businessmen in Spartanburg. And we did something for the young people you’re oh, I gotta do one of those for, for Spartanburg. And then we did a children’s outreach. You’re like, oh, I gotta do a children’s outreach. I gotta have some strength teams. I gotta have some, some extreme sports. And so that’s one of the things I really like about you, every idea that you saw, you immediately thought about how you could put it into practice in reaching people for Jesus. And now you’re doing the events and, and you have several planned coming up over the, the next few months you have bouncy houses, a, a sound system. Tell me about the, the outreaches that you have coming up.

Calvin Hunter (07:30):
Yeah. So coming up, we have over seven churches coming together in Springdale, Arkansas, we’ve rented a rodeo O and so we’re gonna have a big worship night on Friday night, all the churches are coming together, gonna do a big worship night, preach the gospel. And then on Saturday we’re gonna have bounce houses. We’re gonna have team extreme there, the BMX BMX guys there, and we’re gonna, we’re gonna, I’m gonna come a few. I’m I’m actually going down there here April 15th and I’m gonna be taking two people on the streets, teaching them about one-on-one evangelism and going out in the streets and evangelizing with them. And then coming back again, this will be June 1st through the fourth for the main outreach where we’ll go street evangelizing and the Massa crusade as well. And so we’re excited, but you know, to go back with the Belize thing, it is very true.

Calvin Hunter (08:24):
I think a lot of people, and, and I was already going, the Lord had spoken to me about Spartenburg and he had said to go into the city and to do the outreach. And so I was being obedience of the Lord. And then when I got connected and I got to go to Belize, I got to see everything that was going on. And I think that’s where faith has to kick in for the young evangelist, for the person that’s going. You, you’ve got to have the faith. When you see certain things to be like, you know what? I can do this. I can do this. You gotta believe to do the impossible. If you can’t believe to do the impossible, you’ll never try, but you gotta believe. And so you gotta, don’t ever lose the belief that you can shake a city don’t ever lose the belief, you know, as an evangels that you can change a nation, because that was our belief.

Calvin Hunter (09:09):
We went to believes. We said, Hey we can see all the beliefs here, the gospel and how, how many did we reach over a hundred thousand people during that, during that span. And, and I got to travel the whole country during that time, working with you and had my little brother with me, Daniel. And that was just amazing because that’s what it’s all about. It’s all about. And I got to learn a lot, you know, seeing under you learning and Evangel. And I got to take that and apply that in my own crusades and my own outreaches. And I still apply that same, same information I had today. I, you know, the simplicity of the gospel, you do an illustration that I love and you do it again. And again, I’m pretty sure anyone that’s seen you preach has seen it, but you know, you talk about the pastor that got up and he prayed for, for the one soul and he got the one soul and then the other pastor got up and he prayed for a guitar.

Calvin Hunter (10:00):
Well, that pastor got his guitar. Then that pastor and his one soul, they prayed for another soul. And that’s the thing we gotta, we gotta keep praying for the harvest and we gotta keep going and reaching the harvest. And so that is what is on my heart. A book, you know, by Tia Osborn, recently, soul winning. I mean, if anyone’s on here, they gotta get that book, get Daniel King’s books on soul winning and get that book on soul winning. If you’re not a soul winner, get the book, read the book, get fired up for Jesus. Cause it’s all about the kingdom.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:34):
You know, God is a generational God. He’s the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. And one of the reasons that you have such a fire for evangelism is you come from a, a rich history of evangelism. Your father, Warren hunter is a good friend. He’s a great evangelist. And even in South Africa, your, your grandfather the preach, the gospel. And, and so talk to me a little bit about what you’ve learned from these previous generations and what you think God wants to do with our generation.

Calvin Hunter (11:06):
Yeah. You know I’ve learned it’s, it’s so amazing because my great grandpa was a missionary in South Africa. My grandpa is even he was diminished here over there, but now he does missionary in the nursing homes in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where he has sees miracles in the hospitals all the time. So he’s also a missionary in, in that setting. And then my dad, you know, traveling the world and I would say, you know, I learned, I learned about that. Love. I learned about the thing that I learned from all of them the most is the love of God. Every time they went out and did something, they always did it with the love of God. They never did it angry with people, or they always did it totally in love with Jesus and always saw, they were always full of joy. They just, everywhere that they went, my grandpa, my great grandpa, my dad, everywhere they go.

Calvin Hunter (12:02):
They’re always exuding the love of God to everyone that they’re around. And as I travel with my dad, I would see that he, he exuded the love of God, but you also taught me different things. As, as, as a minister, you always have to maintain a relationship with God. You can never think, oh, I’m doing the work of the ministry and not have that personal relationship with the Lord. So I always, I watched him with my dad specifically, where he would spend time in the word and in prayer every day, if we were overseas, it was, there was always spreading that time in the word and in prayer. And that was the foundation. You know, you’ll you, if you gotta, your time in the word in prayer is valuable. And I think for anyone that’s young in ministry, you need to remember that. Don’t just get caught up in doing the work of ministry, cuz then you’ll burn out and we don’t want you to burn out. We want you to continue to go strong. You know that this year it’ll be 10 years of me being full-time in ministry. I have not worked a secular job ever again in the last 10 years for 10 years, I’ve had the honor and the privilege to travel the world and preach the gospel. And the circumstances are always different. You know, when I was not married, I slept on the floor. I up in cars, you know, whatever, whatever it was

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:16):
Now that you’re married. It’s a little bit tougher to do that. I remember when I got married to my wife, Jessica, suddenly my hotel bills went up because in, in my, my food bills, she wanted to go to nicer restaurants than I ever did by myself. I’d go to McDonald’s. She’s like, let’s go to that nice restaurant over there, but God still provides.

Calvin Hunter (13:35):
Yeah. And many times when you’re traveling by yourself, you know, people will feed one person. But then when you got like 2, 3, 4 other five people with you, there’s no, there’s no feeding in that. You know, but you know exactly God does provide. And that’s one thing that I’ve seen now being with my wife, I, I wish it’d be great to maybe us do a podcast some time, but we’ve come together now in this place of unity where we’re both saying, okay, we’re going to reach the gospel. We’re going no matter what. And that’s another thing I learned from my parents is no matter what the cost, no matter when, no matter where, no matter why we choose to serve God and we choose to be obedient to him. And some people they’re like saying, oh, I want to be, I want to be led by the Lord to go get people saved.

Calvin Hunter (14:20):
I’m waiting for the holy spirit to speak to me or some magic little bell to ding and ring over someone’s head. But it’s like, no, like the word of God is inspired by the holy spirit. He’s spoken. He wrote it down. He’s already spoken to us to go into all the world and preach the gospel he’s already into us. And so that is what I learned from them as well is you’re, you’re, you’re called, you’re called to go. And you, you have the choice. You can answer it or not. And so that’s what I learned from them. When you answer the call, you gotta give your all. Cause if you don’t put your all in the call, you’ll be in trouble. You’ll run shipwreck.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:55):
When you answer the call, you gotta give your all, I like that.

Calvin Hunter (14:58):
That’s right.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:00):
In fact, I’m gonna put that in my, my notes on, on my website, under every podcast, I put notes in a transcript of what people say it’s valuable. And I think that’s one of the most valuable things that you’ve said is when you answer the call, you have to

Calvin Hunter (15:18):
Give your all,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:19):
Give your, all, give your all for Jesus. So talk to me about inspiring young people. When you do your outreaches, you get a lot of young people involved and a lot of young people helping do you see God doing among a younger generation

Calvin Hunter (15:36):
Man with the, with the younger generation, they are people that are just waiting to hear. And once they hear they get ignited and they’re, they’re ready, they’re ready to run everyone that I talked to the younger generation, some of them, you know, especially with those that have, that have been in the church before, it’s like, they’re waiting, they’re waiting to connect with someone. They’re waiting to connect with a community or a family. And the second that they get plugged into that family, their potential is unleash because there’s such a, an, an energy to the younger people that once they get it, they become zealous and they’re ready to run with it. You know? And so I see that is if we will go after the younger ones, you will, you will see that the holy spirit will change their life completely. They’ll set them free they’ll and, and you, and they gotta be discipled, but they’ll run with it.

Calvin Hunter (16:37):
They’ll run. They don’t have any, they’re not gonna, they’re not out here trying to figure out all the theological doctrines and everything. But when they get it, they can take the simplicity of the word and run with it, with fire. And I see that, I see the younger people getting the word of God and running with it. They’re running with it. And even now I see young people gathering around me, young families, younger, the younger generation you could say, and, and we’re, we’re like, where do you wanna send us? God? Where do you want us to go? And so that’s what we’re believing. We’re believing like, God, wherever you want us to go, we’ll go. And we’re just out here. We’re just ready to run with the gospel.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (17:14):
That’s awesome. Because

Calvin Hunter (17:15):
That’s that, that’s everything to us. You know, the world is trying to offer so much. The world has so many different ideas and things that it tries to offer. And we’ve, we’re like, no, that, that stuff has no taste compared to the kingdom of God. It has no taste compared to the things of God, the video games, the TV stuff, the movies, all that stuff that is trying to cloud people. But, but the young people they’re sitting there and they’re not satisfied. The more social media, the Instagram, none of this is satisfying them. The only thing that can satisfy them and bring them true. Liberty and joy is Jesus.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (17:51):
Amen. That’s

Calvin Hunter (17:52):
We see it when they get Jesus. They’re they’re come. They’re getting they’re coming off. Everything.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (17:58):
Amen. Yeah. Well, I wanna say thank you, Calvin, for being on the evangelism podcast. If you’re listening and you want to help Calvin hunter to do his AMPED outreaches to the young people of America and to reach entire cities for Jesus all over America then I’d encourage you to support him. Your, your website is sword ministries.org. Is that the best place for people to go to support?

Calvin Hunter (18:30):
That is the best place. Yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:31):
Yeah. So SwordMinistries.org go there and, and give a gift helped Calvin hunter to reach people for Jesus. He’s doing an amazing job going out and a reaching the, going after the, the hungry, spiritually, hungry young people of America. It’s so valuable what you’re doing, Calvin.

Calvin Hunter (18:59):
Thank you. Yeah. And you know, we’re believing I was sharing with you too. Like right now we’re believing to purchase a brand new camper, $40,000. My wife and I, cause we were wanna take that camper and go from like Maine to Florida and just go every two weeks to a new city, preaching the gospel. And so, you know, if there’s anyone that’s listening, that’s connected to any of those regions, we would love to help you. Or you’re like, you wanna go out soul winning. We would love to come and tag team together with you. You know, I never was a soul winning there until someone else went out with me, they said, come with me, I’ll show you how a soul win. Next thing I know, 40 people were saved. And so it’s always like that. Sometimes you just need someone to come alongside, you, walk with you. And next thing you know, your life will never be the same again. You’ll be become, you’ll see souls everywhere you go.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:48):
Amen. And that’s what

Calvin Hunter (19:48):
You did with me. I went to Belize with you. Like I came alongside of you. My life has changed. I can never look at evangelism the same way and I can’t do it the same way. I see it in a bigger picture that we can go further than ever before as well.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (20:02):
Amen. Well, I believe that God wants to bring revival to America and it’s going to take ministers and people like you, that will go after the lost go after revival and, and, and get people fired up. And so Calvin you’re doing exactly the, the right thing. You’re you’re right in the middle of God’s heartbeat for people.

Calvin Hunter (20:25):
Amen. Thank you. Yeah. You know, Jesus came as something I shared on Sunday is what did Jesus come to do this seek and save that which was lost. And that is, I feel like that that’s the father’s heartbeat seek and save, seek and save.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (20:42):

Calvin Hunter (20:43):
Everyone is called to seek and save and be a part of that.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (20:46):
Amen. Well, let’s finish up the, the podcast with a prayer Calvin for people that have a heart for evangelism. Could you just pray some holy spirit fire for, for anyone who’s listening that wants to be more on fire for sharing their faith with others?

Calvin Hunter (21:04):
Yes, Lord father. I just think you for everyone that is listening, I thank you for everyone that is connected to this podcast. Thank you father. God, they, they would be encouraged. So they would be uplifted father. I thank you, Lord, that you give them a passion for the lost and a hunger for the things of God father. I thank you, Lord, that you would ignite this passion even for a, in their region, that they would see that they don’t have to go overseas to Africa or go to Brazil or Belize the father, God, that they would see that the harvest is right there. Next door to them. The harvest is right there in Walmart. The harvest is all around them that you would open their eyes, that they would see the harvest that just as the Eagle lifts its eyes and looks into the sun and the oil drops over its eyes who can see the fish beneath the water father.

Calvin Hunter (21:53):
I think you Lord that their eyes would be open to see the fish beneath the water. I thank you Lord, that they would have a harvest of souls that Amos 9:13, that and the Plowman would overtake the Reaper that as they go and start sewing seed, they would see a super pre natural harvest of souls. And I thank you Lord, at that, those that are doing this, even now that Lord, you would encourage them that they would not grow weary and well doing, but father God, that they would know that they can continue to go, continue to go give them strength, father, God, give them a greater boldness to preach the word. And thank you, father God that they go, they go anointed. They go full the glory. They go full of the joy of the Lord this day in Jesus name. Amen.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (22:37):

Evangelism Podcast Host (22:39):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches, visit king ministries.com again, that’s king ministries.com.


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