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Monthly Archives: June 2022

Lee Saalfeld | Knowing Him in Cuba, Ecuador, & Colombia

Lee Saalfeld is being used by God in Cuba, Ecuador, & Colombia. Today he shares about how to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit when you face dangerous and challenging situations.

About Lee Saalfeld: Following high school, Lee joined the U.S. Navy. After three tours in Vietnam as a Hospital Corpsman, he returned to the U.S. to continue his service in the naval reserves. He retired after 28 years, as a Senior Chief Petty Officer. Lee graduated from the University of Nebraska–‐Lincoln in 1975 with a B.S. degree in pre–‐medical studies. After serving many years in hospital administration, he founded an insurance/retirement planning business, retiring (again) in 2011. They both dedicated their lives to Jesus Christ in August, 1997, and completed their Bible school training in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Lauren and Lee were ordained in 2005, then founded Knowing Him Ministry, a 501(c)(3) not–‐for–‐profit corporation. This is a project–‐driven ministry with over 95% of donations being used directly for ministry projects. They have ministered many times in Cuba, Mexico, Colombia, Panama, the San Blas Islands, Honduras and the United States. The KHM International headquarters has been relocated to Branson West from Cuenca, Ecuador. Lauren’s ministerial focus is on teaching, evangelizing and sharing God’s healing love. She received a Bachelor of Ministry Degree in Christian counseling, completed her Masters in Christian counseling and is currently finishing her doctoral degree thesis in The same.  She has been equipping believers through pastoring, counseling and missions for over a decade. Lee and Lauren served as the Senior Pastors of Misión Palabra de Vida Church in Cuenca. Lauren served as the past president of the national organization for the churches. They are serving as National Directors, Ecuador for the International Convention of Faith Ministries, and assisting at the international level, as well. From 2011 through 2016 Lee’s ministry focus was in the Amazon jungle region of E. Ecuador, making more than 100 trips to the area and planting two new churches there. They started 7 Bible schools in Ecuador. Their passion is to encourage and train pastors, teachers and making disciples for the equipping of the Body of Christ throughout South America and the United States. Lee and Lauren are currently serving on staff at Lakewood Church in Branson West, Mo. Lauren is a licensed Pastoral counselor, teacher and missionary. Lee serves in evangelism and is also a missionary. They reside in the Branson area.


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Lee Saalfeld is being used by God in Cuba, Ecuador and Columbia. Today he shares about how to follow the leading of the holy spirit when you face dangerous in challenging situations,

The Evangelism Podcast Host (00:24):
Welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies, and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary and evangelist Daniel King.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:49):
Welcome to the evangelism podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. I have a very special guest with me, Lee Feld Feld. Thank you for joining me today.

Missionary Lee Saalfeld (01:02):
It’s a pleasure brother Dan, I, I just after going to Cuba with you, I’m looking so much forward to doing this interview with you.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:10):
You have been a missionary for many years. You’ve been working in Ecuador, in Cuba and Columbia recently, how did you originally become a missionary?

Missionary Lee Saalfeld (01:21):
Well, we were when my wife and I accepted Jesus in 1997, August 3rd, actually in Branson air or Branson west, Missouri. And the pastor there would always bring in these guest speakers and the late Jim Zekel came to the church several times and he spoke about missionaries and my wife and I looked at each other after the second visit and said, that’s us, we’re missionaries. That’s what our calling is.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:48):
And then what steps did you take in order to actually go to the mission field?

Missionary Lee Saalfeld (01:53):
Well like I said, we got born again in 1997, in 1999. The Lord spoke to me very clearly and said, I am sending you to the Spanish speaking countries. And I said, Lord, I don’t speak Spanish. And he says, I didn’t say you speak Spanish. I said, I’m sending you to the Spanish speaking countries. And so I have done now, including my numerous trips to the jungle in Ecuador, I’ve done 173 give or take mission trips all to Spanish speaking countries.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:22):
Wow. That’s amazing. And for quite a few years, you were down in Ecuador and working even out in the jungles with some of the, the people out there. Tell me a little bit, what was Ecuador like?

Missionary Lee Saalfeld (02:34):
Well in a, in a, in a phrase Ecuador living there for seven and a half years was like living in the United States in the 1950s. That’s what it reminded me of how we got there. We had several people prophesy that we would go there in, in 2010 and before we really had a dream and a vision that we would be living and going as missionaries permanently in Columbia. So when Ecuador came up, it was we knew it was neighboring to Columbia, but we didn’t know much about it, but the city was actually named to us where we would be. And so we sold our house, we sold our cars, we sold everything, gave our furniture away. And with two cases in a backpack, we, we went to Ecuador in obedience to what the Lord was telling us to do.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:19):
Now you’re actually writing a book about an experience that you had in Ecuador. And you came to me about a year and a half ago, maybe two years ago. And you just showed me an outline of the book that God had placed in your heart. And then just a, a couple of nights ago, you gave me a flash drive and said, Daniel, now the book is written. And so I was able to encourage you a little bit with the, the writing and, and talk to me a little bit about that process of of writing the book and, and

Missionary Lee Saalfeld (03:53):
Well it was actually, I believe it was three years ago that you and I went to Cuba together and spent about two and a half weeks there, I believe. And as I recall, and before I went to Cuba, I had, I had been in Columbia and came back to United States and then met you. And we went into Cuba. And before I got to Cuba, the Lord says, when you return from Cuba, you will write the book that I have planted in you from the, my time in the jungle in Ecuador.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:22):
All right. Just really briefly give me a short synopsis of the book. What happened? What’s the big event in the book?

Missionary Lee Saalfeld (04:29):
Well, the big event is a 23 hour period that took place on December 28th, 2015. When I had an accident in the jungle with my car. It was a van actually. And two people died and I was held responsible by the indigenous people and they took the law under their, under the indigenous law’s hands. And they, they put me on trial that night for the death of one of, one of the, one of the family members. And my judge and jury were six members of this Schwar group, the father daughter, two aunts. And I believe there was uncle and a brother and they were my jury and, and judge. And if they gave me thumbs down, I was dead. There was 150 men warriors there that were standing around with machete in one hand and a candle in the other, cuz there was no lights out there and there was a dead body laying there in the road and they were judging me whether I was responsible for this and the, if I, the thumbs would’ve been down those machetes would’ve cut me to ribbons.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:37):
And so you listened to the holy spirit, the holy spirit helped you in that situation. And obviously you weren’t killed. You survived.

Missionary Lee Saalfeld (05:45):
Obviously I’m here. Aren’t I <laugh> in the flesh right here. Yes, it was when I was in the, in the police car and that truck actually was a little pickup. I had handcuffs on and, and I was, and the pastor who was with us from the United States said to me, he grabbed my arm before we got in the car and he said, Lee, two things. He said, one, you did nothing wrong. Cuz he was in the car when the accident happened. And he said, the number two is always pray in the spirit. And so that’s what I was doing is I was riding in the, in the police truck. And I was praying in the spirit. The policeman says, what are you doing? And I says, I’m praying. And he says, I don’t recognize that that’s not Spanish. That’s not English.

Missionary Lee Saalfeld (06:25):
And I says, I’m praying in the spirit. You probably do not understand it. And so as we stopped at the scene, as we returned to the scene, the policeman came, was coming around to get me outta the backseat. And I heard the holy spirit speak to me very clearly. He said, what do you need now? And so I said, I need Spanish now, better than I’ve ever spoken it. And I, I had no idea what the situation was involved. I didn’t know why I was being returned there. I didn’t know anything about that. And as he took me out of the car, I saw what was before me. And he grabbed me by the arm and said, speak to him, the six people, family members that were lined up there. And if I hadn’t been able to speak Spanish as clearly, and as well as I did for that next 10 minutes, I wouldn’t be sitting here.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:17):
God has also opened up doors for you to go into the nation of Cuba. For, in some ways Cuba is a very closed nation, but at the same time, people are very hungry for God in the nation of Cuba. And so tell me a little bit about your most recent trip to Cuba and some of the doors that, that, that God is opening up

Missionary Lee Saalfeld (07:41):
There. Oh yes. We just returned from Cuba last month. My wife and I went down on direction of the holy spirit. He said now is the time go. And so we went in, we had our papers and everything in order within three weeks and we were in Cuba again. And it was a perfect timing. We did not have a religious visa this time. And we spoke we, we met a person who we had, or we met up with a person who had met earlier on an earlier trip. His he was a, a Bishop over a group of 84, 85 churches in Cuba. And so we stayed at his, his house and, and preached in his church. And we just had a, you know, a tremendous time with him when we bonded so closely with him.

Missionary Lee Saalfeld (08:26):
And he introduced us to some other people who were involved in a new movement in Cuba with the non-denominational or independent churches, it’s brand new. They’ve only been in existence for not very many years. I don’t know exactly, but not many they’re growing very quickly and they have a lot of people have joining them because they’re able to preach as the holy spirit directs them, not as man is directing them. And this is a whole new way of thinking in Cuba. And we joined up with a leader. We met the leader in, in, in, in invited by him to speak to his leaders. And we spoke on the holy spirit. The movement was incredible. Three different women came up in prophesied and said that we are part my wife and I are part of the movement of the, the, the revival that is breaking out in Cuba, starting in east of the island and, and moving westerly.

Missionary Lee Saalfeld (09:19):
And so we’re returning there again in November this time with a religious visa the doors were the trust and the confidence was really tremendous for us this time, because this was actually our 22nd visit to Cuba. And people don’t go back there that often <laugh> normally only most people go once or maybe twice, but we’ve been there over the last 20 20 years, 22 times. And we spoke only about the holy spirit. The people we spoke this time were primarily born again, full believers, and they were so hungry for the word of God, based on the teach, the, the teachings we, we shared with them on the holy spirit. We didn’t even preach how and why you should re baptize with the holy spirit. We just told ’em the benefits and the, and how wonderful it is. Quoted some scriptures like you know, that in like Romans 8, 26, you know, we talked to ’em about that a bit and several other scriptures.

Missionary Lee Saalfeld (10:15):
And, and, and I says, do you want, this? Is this what you’d like to have? And they’d say, yes, yes, they’d stand up and shout. And we didn’t even have to go through any processes. All I would say is there’s only three things required at this point. You have to be a believer and we’ve already had the alter call for salvation. 100% of you are eligible. Now, all you have to do is believe and receive it. And they were so hungry, I would say 80% time after time started speaking in tongues, clearly without any real instructions, just letting the holy spirit work through him. It was, it was so beautiful.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:48):
We have a lot of people who listen to the evangelism podcast who are missionaries working on the mission field, and you’ve worked on the mission field for a long time. And you’ve faced dangerous situations, difficult situations, situations where there was lack situations where there were disputes among different believers. And so you’ve learned to listen very closely to the holy spirit and allow him to, to lead you and, and guide you in ministry. And, and so talk to someone who maybe is, is on the mission field a a about how to tap into the holy spirit wisdom that you need in order to stay on the mission field.

Missionary Lee Saalfeld (11:32):
Well, it’s important that we realize right up front that the holy spirit that lives in us and we’ve given the authority to guide us, is that you surrender to him. You know, I, I spent 28 years in the military and I understand obedience. And, and when he speaks or gives you that small, quiet, urging you obey and do what he says, that’s important. We first have to be obedient. We don’t question it. We know that it’s the right thing that we’re hearing, you know, and sometimes it’s, it’s a lot more direct depending on the situation, but most of the time, it’s that still quiet voice. And you say, well, how do you recognize him? It just feels like you’re hearing him in every cell in your body. It doesn’t, it’s not an audible normally sometimes at very seldom. It is, but it’s, it’s that at that ction we speak about, it’s just, this is right.

Missionary Lee Saalfeld (12:22):
It seems right in acts chapter 15, three times there, it says, he says, it seemed right. It seemed the holy spirit was doing this, and that’s the word I like about it. It seems right in Spanish. We were, we set it all the time down there, pot. It seems right. And that’s, that’s how it is. And you know, example that when it was a real, a real audible voice when I was in the jungle in Ecuador, it was it was in an area that there were no other missionaries. And, and we would go out to the, the far, far villages. We had to, we had to get to many of ’em by a river. That was nearly, I mean, it was, it was the bridge going across it. If you walked, it was nearly a quarter mile and it was very large river.

Missionary Lee Saalfeld (13:04):
And when it rained, the river was full, it was dangerous. There were rocks in there. It was rapids areas. And one time we were returning from a village and we were in these little dugout canoes, and, and we had all of our equipment in there. Our speakers, everything was with us. And I had two other missionaries with me. One was from Ecuador and the other was from the United States and we get in the boat and it starts raining and the water is coming down and falling in the boat. We couldn’t get it out and BA it out fast enough. And our boat was probably only an inch, inch and a half above the water. And, and, and, and they said, what do we do? What do we do? Do we throw the speakers overboard? Should we throw all the equipment? And I said, holy spirit, what do we do?

Missionary Lee Saalfeld (13:42):
What do we do? And right away, I heard very clearly pray in the spirit. That’s all he said, pray in the spirit. And so I said, don’t worry about it. Just start praying in the spirit. And all three of us did. And we, and the driver, just all of a sudden makes a turn and shoots across the river, gets over to the other side, the wide river. And we safely made it back. But it, it was, it was nothing we could do. We could keep bailing water, but we were gonna lose that race. We, we prayed in the spirit, we were obedient and that was what we were supposed to do. And he would get us safely there.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:13):
Give me some more stories about times when the holy spirit spoke to you.

Missionary Lee Saalfeld (14:19):
Well, on this trip to Cuba we prepared and, and had all of our equipment together. And we, we take in about 60, 70 pounds of, of medical supplies antibiotics that, that they only read about. They never seen. And, and we, we got a very good source of them from, in, you know, from Tulsa and we, we get the medications. And and, and so we, what we do with those is we, we sponsor a children’s leukemia hospital. We work with them and, and, and get that to the hospital and it saves lives. But we, the praying for is probably more important. I, I believe so. And as we were getting ready, we, we get closer to the time. And I had said, holy spirit, what, what messages, what do you want me to talk about? And I kept hearing it’s okay, just be calm.

Missionary Lee Saalfeld (15:04):
I’ve got it under control. I just, that’s what I felt day after day after day. And I really didn’t as we went to Cuba, cuz once you get there, your activities in Columbia and other places, as you well know this as traveling internationally yourself, you don’t have time to prepare messages when you get there, you have to have it inside you or on paper before you get there. And so I just kept, you know, I had peace. He just says, it’s okay, I’ve got it under control. And we got in there on Thursday and Friday, the next day we took off and we went and stayed at the Bishop’s place. And we were gonna, and Sunday comes and since we didn’t have a religious visa and we were visiting, I just was calm about it. And 30 minutes before the service starts, he says, I’d like you to share today a message.

Missionary Lee Saalfeld (15:47):
And I, and I hadn’t prepared any messages yet. And he says, I I’ll, I’ll maybe 10 minutes. And then he comes back to me. He says, well, I’m only gonna speak a little bit. You take half the service. And then, so I quickly wrote out on a piece of paper. I says, holy spirit, give me the message. And I just made some quick notes. He, he just dropped it down on me and because he said he had it under control, gave me the message. And then when he gets up there ready to speak, he only, he only speaks 10 minutes and he gives me the service <laugh>. So if I hadn’t counted on the holy spirit in that situation, I mean, I, he gave me the correct message. We had a baptism with the spirit and everybody who was not speaking in tongues, it was virtually a hundred percent of everybody left and it was the right message. It was listening to the holy spirit

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (16:31):
Right now. We are at convention together, the international convention of faith ministries. Yeah, I CFM. And you are one of the, the international directors for them and, and helping to plant different chapters in different nations. And so you’ve brought a whole group from Columbia and from Chile and from other countries. Talk to me a little bit about the conferences that you’ve put together in Columbia and Ecuador. And for those listening, maybe share what I CFM is all about and, and why someone should be involved. Sure.

Missionary Lee Saalfeld (17:09):
This ICF M was formed in 1979 by pastor Kenneth Hagen and 16 other pastors that in met in Tulsa and said, we have discovered this faith message we’re preaching it. We’re put in intent ministries and many people are healing. They were going out from Tulsa to many areas and they said, what, what do we need to do as a group to take this message to the world? And now we are here. Now we’re here 43, 44 years later. I took that seriously what our forefathers said. And so as a missionary, I’m really honored to be a part of I C F M to be taking this message of faith to the nations. And so my wife and I oh, about three or four years ago, after serving as the national directors in Ecuador we moved back and to the United States. And so they asked me to be if I would be the international associate director. So I travel and do three, four missions trips a year, and I’m always preaching on faith. I do, I, you know, my message like yours is salvation baptism with the spirit and divine healing, you know, that’s keep it simple, keep it straight and, and and, and see the results as the holy spirit has got the open doors to,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:22):
Let me just ask you a question on the mission field. Do people need faith?

Missionary Lee Saalfeld (18:27):
Oh, absolutely. As missionaries. Oh my goodness. I wouldn’t go without the holy spirit or with faith. And the two are like this it’s holy spirit faith. And so it fits together like a glove. It fits together like the holy spirit inside you. And

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:39):
How does the, the faith message impact the, the people that you’re ministering to in these different countries? Well,

Missionary Lee Saalfeld (18:46):
I, if, you know, you can preach on faith and, and, you know, it says in, in Romans eight, 17, no yeah. 10, 17, I’m sorry. <Laugh> 10, 17. It says faith comes by hearing. So we’re, we’re carriers of the faith message and, and, and we we’re job is to increase their level of faith so they can receive, and salvation is the greatest, greatest act of faith. We can, we can actually be a part of

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:13):
Amen. Well, the name of your ministry is knowing him. Yes. And if someone would be interested in having you and your, your dynamite wife, Lauren, come to their church and share some stories about missions how could they get in touch with you? Well,

Missionary Lee Saalfeld (19:30):
Our, our email address, the best way to reach us is L Feld icloud.com. That’s L S a a L F E L D, which is our last name, icloud.com. We will respond immediately to that. Right now our website is not up. So we are, we’re not operating through that. We have a phone number in, in Branson. You can call me at (417) 559-0959. And we’ll be glad to discuss anything with you on that. And and, and our, our PO box that we receive all our ministry mail is, is PO box 6, 4 58 in Branson, Missouri O at 6 5, 605. And so that’s our address, phone number and, and our email address.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (20:19):
All right. I coach a lot of evangelists and help them out with different things. And so one thing I would like to say is you need a website, so you can cover all that just on, on one website, and then your, your, your book is coming out soon. And, and so people will be able to get your book and, and read stories about the, how God sets you free in one of the worst situations someone could be in.

Missionary Lee Saalfeld (20:44):
Yes, the book is entitled the, the machete and the cross. And thanks to you. We have the cover designed, it’s been written. I’m very, very pleased with that. And you’ve reviewed the book and I’m getting ready to send it to a publisher. So the holy spirit spoke to me about the book. Once again, after he directed me to have it written and thanks to you brother Daniel for coaching me through the early stages of it and how to set up everything, the way I, the way it was done properly. And, and I’m really honored for the nice words you said about the final version. The Lord spoke to me again, as I said, and he said to you will not sell this book. You will, you will take only offerings for the book. And every offering that comes in will go into the ministry into knowing him and making him known and be used for soul winning activities.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:38):
Awesome. Well, I’m excited that I was able to be a part of, of helping to encourage you to, to write the book. Thank you. And thank you so much for being on the evangelism podcast. I, I really hope very soon to be able to go back to Cuba with you yes. To go to Columbia, to go to Ecuador. There’s so many different places that are hungry for more of God. And so I look forward to being with you somewhere on the mission field against it. So I add

Missionary Lee Saalfeld (22:02):
One more thing in Columbia in, in last year in October, pastor Nelson, Navarro from the church that he’s over the church Rayma and in Bogota, it’s a very large church. He has a missions team there that he’s in this in training 43 students in his church that are training to be missionaries. And so I’m really kind of a coach. When I go down there, I’m leaving in three weeks to spend six weeks down there, coaching these new students, taking ’em out in the field and teaching them about missions in the, in the wild, you know, in the rough areas, terrain some of ’em be jungles. Some of ’em be pretty, pretty tough areas. And while we’re doing this, we there’s this one village we go to it’s called Veta for 42 years. That village was under the control of the far, which is the communist regime in, in Columbia.

Missionary Lee Saalfeld (22:50):
And it’s a dangerous area. And I was the first person to return there from the United States in 42 years last year. And while I was there, I had this vision that this was an area that would be an excellent area for training and raising up missionaries. And it turned out that the pastor of the church, our Arsenio had the same vision and Nelson pastor Nelson also had the same vision. And so we had gotten together, we did a really, really good interview with pastor Arsenio and how he was in when he was in the park before and how the Lord changed his life. And so we we’ve determined that we’re going to build a missions training center there to bring international missionaries, primarily from the Spanish speaking countries of south and central America to this area, train them up and send them not only out to Columbia, but to the other back to their countries, other countries as the Lord sends them and, and directs ’em in their visions. So we’re, we’re, we’re working when I return. We’re gonna be looking at how we can put that together and make it work to build this international missions training center right out there in the near jungle areas.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (23:54):
That’s awesome. Well, praise the Lord. That’s a wonderful vision, and I know it will have a big impact on south America. So brother Lee, thank you, God bless you.

Missionary Lee Saalfeld (24:04):
It is a pleasure. Thank you. Thank you for the opportunity.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (24:06):
Thanks so much for listening today. I am excited about telling people about Jesus. And I want to invite you to be a part of helping us to rescue people from hell and take them with us to heaven. There’s two things you can do to help. First of all, can you go find the evangelism podcast on apple iTunes and leave us a positive review by giving a review, you will help other people find these valuable resources about sharing our faith. And second, would you become a financial partner with king ministries? Every single dollar that people give us enables us to lead at least one person to Jesus. And so that means for only $1, you can help start a party in heaven. And so today I want to invite you to become a monthly partner. You can start out for just a dollar, but if God puts it on your heart to do more, of course you can do more, but please go to king ministries.com and become a monthly partner with us today to help us to lead more people to Jesus. Thank you so much. And God bless you

The Evangelism Podcast Host (25:26):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit king ministries.com. Again, that’s king ministries.com.

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James Biddle | Joy to the World

James Biddle is the Community Outreach Pastor at Joy Church in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee. The church is led by Pastor Jim Frease who has a vision to take Joy to the World. On today’s episode, James shares several innovative ideas for taking Christ to your community.

Joy Church Website: https://joychurch.net/


Outreach starts with the senior pastor. The pastor sets the culture.
In Acts 1:8, Jesus told us to start in our community (Jerusalem) then go to the world.
Take a 5 mile radius and draw a circle around your church. make it your goal that every person in that 5 mile radius will be aware that your church is there and that you care about them.
Outreach values driven by Pastor Jim Frease:
*Invest Invite Include
*Connection before correction
*Perception determines reception
*Generosity that breeds curiosity
* Always make a video of the outreach to show your congregation.
* Postcard Flyers quarterly and we train to invest invite include with matching invitation cards. Pray over flyers as evangelism. Make that next weekend really sharp.
* Outreaches are different than events. Don’t charge for any outreaches. Make it all free.
* Keep scattering seed. It takes time for the community to trust us.
Outreach Ideas:
1. Under $1500 (not heavy evangelism just focus on connections). We’ll see one or two salvations.  If one family comes to your church and starts tithing the outreach paid for itself.
Snow-cone outreach at park (pump it in advance)
Teacher breakfast $800 CFA
College breakfast Chickfila and coffee
Feed a group of 100 police or firemen
2. $2,500
Free community yard sale
Buy everyone’s Chick Fila for an hour. Have a team inside connecting.
Christmas toy for every new first time guests. 50 kids at $50 each gift. Have some candy and hot chocolate. Let your members use as an invite include opportunity to be saved.
3. $10,000
Gas card giveaway with free meals and car wash.
Welcome Basket outreach. Nice stuff, not cheap church stuff. Target new neighborhoods. $35 per basket. Gift card, coffee, mug, tea, snacks, church invite. Excellence doesn’t have to be expensive. It’s doing the best you can with what you have.
*Advertise with excellence but over deliver
*Good deeds but always be accompanied by the good news. We won’t do an outreach if we can’t at least invite people to church with an invite card.



Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
James Biddle is the community outreach pastor at joy church in Mount Juliet, Tennessee. The church is led by pastor Jim fries, who has a vision to take joy to the world. On today’s episode, James shares several innovative ideas for taking Christ into your community.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:32):
Welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary and evangelist Danielle King.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:56):
Welcome to the evangelism podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. I have a very special guest with me. James Biddle is the community outreach pastor at joy church in Mount Juliet, Tennessee. And so the church is led by pastor Jim fries, and he has a vision for taking joy to the world. And so it’s so nice to meet you.

Pastor James Biddle (01:24):
It’s good to meet you Daniel, and I’ve enjoyed connecting with you this week and I really appreciate your heart for the great commission, your heart for souls. And I’m just honored to be here and share a little bit about what God’s doing in middle Tennessee.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:37):
So tell me, how did you become the community outreach director there at joy church?

Pastor James Biddle (01:42):
Yeah. Thank you. So I’ve known pastor Jim for 20 years. He’s been a mentor spiritual father, and we were at Knoxville, Tennessee, and he called us in 2019 to come and serve. And it’s been an honor ever since. And so we’ve got a long term relationship with pastor Jim and we moved there to serve full time in 2019.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:01):
All right. You’ve given me some tremendous notes that we’re gonna talk about here. The first thing that you mentioned is the outreach starts with the senior pastor. The pastor sets the culture. Talk to me about how that works in your church. How does pastor Jim free set the culture for outreach?

Pastor James Biddle (02:20):
Yeah, absolutely. It, it has to begin with the senior leader. They have to carry the vision. They have to fund the vision. They have to be fully committed to being a soul winner and people do what they see, people model that. And so our church is a tremendous outreach church because our pastor is an outreaching pastor. He is witnessing to people, sharing his faith at restaurants, not only in a mass alter calls, but he’s actually doing it one on one. And so the pastor has to be fully sold out to leading this, to modeling it. And it has to be a focus of your church and you have to fund it. You have to allocate finances for it.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:57):
Talk to me about acts one eight and how that influences how you reach out.

Pastor James Biddle (03:01):
Yeah, we, we believe acts one eight where the Bible says you shall receive power. After the holy spirit comes upon. You you’ll be my witness in Jerusalem, Judea Samaria, and then all the parts of the earth. And we believe that Jerusalem is our community. And so pastor Jim has such a heart for the community. We, we do a lot of world missions. You are a world evangelist. We do a lot of missions different countries, but we start in the community. We’ve drawn a five mile radius around our church and we’ve said, we’re gonna own that five mile radius. And so what we found out Daniel is the more we impact our local community, the more resources we have to reach the world. And so it starts in the community.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:46):
Let me give you some phrases here. And then you tell me what they mean. The first one is invest. Invite include,

Pastor James Biddle (03:53):
Invest, invite, include something. You’ll hear all the time in our church. We say it, every service we say it all the time. That’s for our people to invest in those that we don’t know. You have friends and family. We don’t know you work with people. We don’t know, invite them to come be a part of joy church. And when they show up, include them in the process, make ’em feel like family.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:15):
Another phrase is connection before correction. What does that mean?

Pastor James Biddle (04:20):
Yeah. We always want to connect first. And if you look at Jesus in John chapter four, the woman at the well, he connected with her, they connected over the water. Jesus was thirsty. She had water, there was a connection. And then he was able to help her be corrected to the gospel.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:37):
Why do you think that’s important in the, the modern day church? Cause sometimes people, it seems they, they have finger wagon, religion. They’re, they’re yelling at people and correcting the whole world saying here, all doing it wrong. But why is connection so important?

Pastor James Biddle (04:53):
Well, there was a survey done a while back about what people thought about churches. And they said they were judgemental and irrelevant. And so our pastor has led us and taught us that we’re to tell people how good God is. God is not mad at them. We say in our church, if you feel a stomach, it opens a heart. And so we want some kind of a connection. We wanna earn a voice. We wanna earn their trust. Before we just try to give ’em the gospel. We want that genuine connection because we love them and care about them. And it opens tremendous doors for the correction of the gospel.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:24):
I heard your pastor say another phrase yesterday. When he, he preached here at the, the I CFM conference perception, determines reception.

Pastor James Biddle (05:33):
Yeah. So we do a lot of outreaches that change how people perceive the church. Again, if you ask people, what do you think about church? Well, Christians are hypocrites. They’re judgemental, they’re relevant. So we do a lot of things in the community to change how people view God to change how people view the church. Because if we change how they perceive us, then they’ll receive our message that we have.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:57):
And here’s another phrase, generosity that breeds curiosity.

Pastor James Biddle (06:01):
We wanna be so generous that people ask, why, why are you doing this? We, we are always giving away things. One thing that’s important to us is at outreach events. We never charge. We will sometimes charge for events, but when it’s an outreach, we never charge. We give away everything. We wanna be so generous. We wanna be known for that. And it really breeds. Curiosity, why are you doing this? Why would you give this away? Why would you do this? It’s because God loves you. And we love you. And it really does breed. Curiosity.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:34):
What are some ways that your church gets people in the church ex excited about the outreach and, and wanting to participate?

Pastor James Biddle (06:42):
Yeah. Well, number one, you talked about this always video. We video everything and that’s because video tells a story, we’ll say, Hey, we did an outreach. You all, weren’t all there. So we’re gonna show you about it. Every week, during time and offerings, we share about the outreaches that we’ve done. We do a quarterly postcard mailer. We actually do old fashioned postcard paper stamp. We mail it. You may not be able to do this right now, but you can start on some level. We mail a postcard to everybody in our county. We do it four times a year. And, and so

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:15):
What would be on one of those postcards? What, what are you advertising?

Pastor James Biddle (07:18):
Yeah. And it, it, it, the catch phrase is, are you tired of enduring life? Do you wanna enjoy life? It gives our service times. It tells us what we do. And we just keep that in front of people. And we try to pick a fun creative cover. So people look at it, you’ve got about three seconds. When somebody gets a postcard, are they gonna trash it or keep it? So we brainstorm as a staff, we pick a really good loving, encouraging image. And then we do some other media that ties into that. And that’s one way that we, we drive traffic into the door.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:49):
Now your church has several different types of outreaches that you do. Okay. And in your notes, you’ve given me some $1,500 ideas for outreaches, some $2,500 outreaches, and then some, some $10,000 outreach. And not everyone who’s listening has a church that’s as big as joy church, but in a small church, you can do a small outreach that, that doesn’t necessarily have to cost a huge amount of money. So let’s just go through the list. Yeah. Starting with the, the $1,500 outreaches. What, what’s one of the, the outreaches that you do that may not cost that much, but still has a big impact.

Pastor James Biddle (08:30):
Yeah. And think excellence that doesn’t have to be expensive. Excellence is doing the best you can with what you have. And so you may not have a lot of resources, but you can do some of these things. So one thing that we do is we’ll find a local park and we’ll call in advance and rent a ice cream truck, or a snow cone truck, or an icy truck. And we’ll have them come out to the park. We’ll set up tables and chairs and canopies give a two hour window and we’ll buy everybody’s snow cones. And you can do that for a thousand dollars. You can serve 250 to 300 people, free snow cones, thousand bucks, couple of canopies, couple of tables, couple of chairs. And it’s a tremendous way to invite people to your church.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:13):
Now, yesterday, you were explaining to me why you put out canopies and chairs.

Pastor James Biddle (09:18):
Yeah. We’re trying to be thoughtful to the guest. You know, if you’re doing snow cones in a park, it’s probably summer, it’s probably hot. So you wanna create some shade for the people standing in line. You want to create that environment. And then we put out canopies and tables and chairs, cuz we want to create a place for people to stay. If they sit down, we can have our team connect with ’em and love on ’em. Now, Daniel, these are not heavy evangelistic outreaches. We’re not gonna get 30 people saved at these outreaches. We might have one or two salvations. These are more connection. These are more perception, outreaches. And over time they fold into what your church does in the community. And every single time we have families come back. And if you have one family come to your church, get plugged in, start tithing. That outreach paid for itself. Now we don’t do that to get them to come and tithe. But in a practical sense, one family gets plugged into your church. That outreach essentially costs you no money and you reach a family. And so we try to provide those connection opportunities with our team.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:22):
And so you view this more as an investment. You’re not spending money, you’re investing money, getting people saved, and then they’re coming back and bringing resources to the

Pastor James Biddle (10:32):
Church. Yeah. And we are unashamed that our ult we don’t have an ulterior motive, but we have an ultimate motive. That’s what pastor Jim says. We don’t have an ulterior motive. We have an ultimate motive. And that is to get people back into the church. And we’re not ashamed about that. That is God’s model for discipleship. And so we’re always inviting people to come and be a part of what God is doing.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:53):
All right. Gimme some more ideas for that first price tier.

Pastor James Biddle (10:58):
So find a local school, connect with a principal and say, Hey, on the first day of school, when the teachers are coming back, we wanna bring Chick-fil-A breakfast to your teachers. You’re talking a hundred teachers, maybe 110, 115 at the most. That’s a pretty good sized school. So for 700 bucks, you can get, Chick-fil-A go to a wholesale club and get granola yogurt, orange juice, and just show up and bless the teachers with breakfast. On the first day of score, you will be their hero and it’s 700 bucks.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:29):
What else?

Pastor James Biddle (11:31):
Well, something else that you can do is you can go to a local college. We’ve got a university in our area and we connected with some folks there and we’ll go down on a Thursday morning. It cost about a thousand bucks. We’ll buy Chick-fil-A. And we’ll say for two hours, come by and get free. Chick-Fil-A you need some students there. Let ’em get on Facebook, Instagram, Hey, come get some Chick-fil-A a thousand bucks. You can feed students on a college campus. Chick-Fil-A give ’em some coffee and you can make some amazing, amazing connections because you love them. You’re serving them, you’re connecting. And then you invite them to come to church.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:03):
Who else could you feed?

Pastor James Biddle (12:05):
Yeah. So don’t stop there. What about police? Firemen? You could literally have every fireman in your community. Maybe not your city if you’re in a big city, but if you’re in a small town, like we are, we have a hundred people in our police department. I can feed a hundred people for a thousand bucks. If I’ve got a really good team that will cook it and prepare and get volunteers engaged, you could host the firemen and say, Hey, we don’t have a fireman, appreciation lunch, have them on your campus, serve them a really nice meal, no junky meal. Make it really, really nice. Get your best cooks your best volunteers, put your best foot forward. And these people will notice that you care and you do this over time. Over time, over time, people start to realize, wow, this church cares about the community.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:49):
Now bump it up a notch. One of the significant outreaches that your church does is a garage sale. Te tell me about that and how that works.

Pastor James Biddle (12:59):
Yeah, so we do a free yard sale every year. And our church people start months in advance, saving stuff, collecting stuff. And we, we have everything donated to the church two weeks before cuz we don’t have a lot of storage. And then on a Saturday we’ll set up all these items, televisions, refrigerators, clothing, toys, all donated by our church, family and people. Our church family knows and we give it all away. Every family gets one big ticket item, you know, 30, 40, $50 or higher it’s TVs, computers, printers. Every family gets one big item. And then depending on our stock everybody else who comes in, every person gets 10 items and then they might get five items of clothing. Just depends on how many things are donated and we’ll have hundreds and hundreds of people come to this and we feed ’em and this does cost more.

Pastor James Biddle (13:55):
You’re gonna spend two to $3,000 on food and things like that. And we, we clean every item. We check every item, we check, every zipper. We check. Every button takes a lot of volunteers. This is not a really expensive outreach, but it takes a lot of energy. It takes a lot of manpower and I’d be happy to share more. If they contact me online, I’ll give you all the details, everything that we do, but we give it all away for free. And it’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen. People start calling the office in July, Hey, y’all having a free yard sale because people will wait in line sometimes overnight to get washer’s dryers, things like that. And Daniel that’s the best part at the end when they go through the checkout line where recount, how many items they have, we have a prayer tent. They have to exit through the prayer tent, cuz it’s not just about good deeds. It’s about the good news. And we pray with ’em. And the biggest one we did last time before COVID we had 53 decisions for the Lord through that prayer tent. And it was amazing

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:50):
What a tremendous harvest, what a great blessing that is. And I know every angel in heaven, rejoices when one person gets saved. And so to have 53 come to Jesus in one weekend, what a tremendous blessing. All right, let’s bump it up to the $10,000 level. You had an idea at $10,000. What was

Pastor James Biddle (15:09):
It? Yeah, so we just did this because gas prices are very high. If you’re watching this in the future, I hope gas prices have come down right now. They’re very high. So literally last week for two hours, we advertised it like crazy. And this was not for our church. People we advertised. This is not for you. You have to train your folks. Outreach is not about us. So tell your neighbors, tell your friends, this is invest invite and include. We bought $250 gas cards. And we said the first 200 families that come on campus, you get a free gas card. So they circled around our parking lot. And then we had a free car wash. We washed close to 200 vehicles. We had all of our teenagers out serving. We were washing cars. We have all this food. We were cooking. We have a mobile kitchen.

Pastor James Biddle (15:56):
It’s like a food truck, but you can do it with a grill or anything like that. We fed everybody. We had our outreach center open and it was absolutely amazing. I believe 21 people gave their heart to the Lord in line before they even got into the gate. Five people accepted Jesus as they were waiting in line to even pull into the parking lot. And we just trained our team to connect, connect, to share. And it was amazing, but that that’s a more expensive thing, but, but you can plan to do that even in the future and, and save and budget for those

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (16:26):
Things. I was thinking that if gas prices go up too much more, it might double your cost to do that outreach.

Pastor James Biddle (16:33):
Yeah. And, and you know, we’ve done that before, but the reason we did $50 is cuz we wanted it to be noticeable. We wanted our community to notice, wow, we wanted the wow factor, not in a prideful way, but in a way that says this church is actually really trying to meet a tangible need. And we were honored to do that. We understand not everybody can do that. We’re honored to be able to do that, but that’s a $10,000 outreach.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (16:57):
You also have welcome baskets that you give to people. Are, are those for people who visit the church?

Pastor James Biddle (17:03):
Yeah, that’s a great question. So we actually go in and blanket neighborhoods, we’ll find a newer neighborhood that has two to 300 homes in it. And we’ll put together a really, really nice basket. Now they, this is a, an expensive, this is a $10,000 outreach, but you can do this on a much smaller scale. So we’ll go into a neighborhood and we’ll make a really nice 30 to $35 basket. We put a $10 Panera or Chick-fil-A card in there. We put really premium coffee. We put a nice Tumblr. We put some Yankee candle. We put some really premium tea, some Linor chocolates. I mean, we put a lot of nice stuff in these baskets and we’ll take a team of 40 people and we ding and dash, we just set ’em on their door and leave. We don’t knock. We don’t walk around. So this is not an outreach where people get saved, unless you just bump into somebody walking around. But this is a connection outreach. What happens is we’ve had this over and over again, Daniel people will come to our church and they, they were saying, we were just talking about, we need to find a church. We were just praying about a church and we came out and boom, there’s your basket. Every single time we do this, people come to church and it’s a blessing.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:10):
I like what you said earlier. You said that good deeds must Al always be accompanied by good news. Yeah. And, and so how do you communicate good news with people? If they come to one of these, one of these things, how do you train your people to share the good news? Yeah.

Pastor James Biddle (18:28):
Pastor Jim’s heart is that we’re moving people forward in the gospel. We’re not, it’s not a social gospel. We’re not just trying to meet needs. So it might be as easy as giving an invite card. That’s okay. Some events we do some outreaches. We do. We’re only allowed to give them an invite card. We turn down opportunities because we can’t invite people to church. We’re not interested in just sponsoring the high school down the road so they can have a better sports field. We want to get people into the kingdom of God. So we train our team thoroughly on to connect to love and, and we teach ’em the Romans road. We teach ’em how to offer, to pray for people. Hey, is there anything I can pray with you about? And that opens so many doors and just be friendly, just be nice and be excited about what God’s doing in your church and at a minimum, give them an invite card at a minimum. Ask if you can pray with them.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:19):
That’s awesome. Well, James, it’s so exciting to hear what joy church is doing to, to reach out to the world. And I really love the, the joy to the world that you’re taking joy to the world and, and, and going outside the walls of the church in order to, to minister, to people. And so if you’re listening and you wanna know more about joy church and, and what they’re doing to reach out to people, you can find them at joy, church.net pastor Jim freeze. And I’m sitting here with James Biddle. Thank you so much for being a guest on the evangelism podcast.

Pastor James Biddle (19:56):
Daniel, I’m honored to know you and I love what you’re doing. Keep it up. Keep helping churches keep equipping and empowering, and you’re doing a big thing and you make a difference and we’re honored to be able to share today.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (20:08):
Thank you. Thanks so much for listening today. I am excited about telling people about Jesus. And I want to invite you to be a part of helping us to rescue people from hell and take them with us to heaven. There’s two things you can do to help. First of all, can you go find the evangelism podcast on apple iTunes and leave us a positive review by giving a review, you will help other people find these valuable resources about sharing our faith. And second, would you become a financial partner with king ministries? Every single dollar that people give us enables us to lead at least one person to Jesus. And so that means for only $1, you can help start a party in heaven. And so today I want to invite you to become a monthly partner. You can start out for just a dollar, but if God puts it on your heart to do more, of course you can do more. But please go to king ministries.com and become a monthly partner with us today to help us to lead more people to Jesus. Thank you so much. And God bless you

Evangelism Podcast Host (21:28):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit king ministries.com. Again, that’s king ministries.com.

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Brad Sullivan | Developing a Vision for Your Church

Pastor Brad Sullivan leads Surge Church in Mobile, Alabama. He is a third-generation preacher and he has a heart for reaching his community and the world. In today’s episode you will learn about the power of having a vision.

Brad Sullivan’s Website: https://bradsullivan.org/

Surge Church: http://surgechurch.tv/


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Brad Sullivan leads Surge church in Mobile, Alabama. He is a third generation preacher, and he has a heart for reaching his community and the world. In today’s episode, you will learn about the power of having a vision for your church.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:28):
Welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies, and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary and evangelist Daniel King.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:53):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. I have a very special guest pastor Brad Sullivan from Surge church in Mobile, Alabama. Thank you for being with me today,

Pastor Brad Sullivan (01:07):
Daniel, what a joy it is to be with you. God bless you, man.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:10):
And I so much appreciate you and Surge church. Your church has been supporting me for the last several years. Few years ago, you invited me to come down and, and speak. And ever since you’ve been very faithful in helping us go to different nations around the world and, and preach the gospel. So thank you for sewing seeds into evangelism. Oh,

Pastor Brad Sullivan (01:32):
It’s our pleasure. You’re doing a great job. You’re a great asset to the kingdom of God and your heart, your spirit you’re anointing, we just feel is worth sewing into, and we’re just excited to be a part of the harvest that God is using you to to reap in these last days.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:49):
Your church really believes in reaching out to the community around where you are in, in Mobile, Alabama. Tell me a little bit about the, the philosophy of your church towards soul winning and leading people to Jesus and, and reaching out to the community.

Pastor Brad Sullivan (02:07):
Well, you know our church, we are in an area of west mobile. It’s called the Daws community. It’s about, it’s a bedroom suburban area of mobile, and it’s like two miles outside the city limits. And so we have just over the years, labored a lot in the community. And so we’ve become like a community hub. We we’re blessed to have the acreage, so that helps we have a 20 acre campus. And so, man, my goodness, I don’t, I don’t know where to start. Daniel spent so many years we’ve been laboring in the community, but we started a business network from the local businesses years ago, as in 2011, as a community started really growing more people were moving out west businesses were popping up and one day I just had this, this idea came to me to start a business network.

Pastor Brad Sullivan (02:54):
And we started that. Then we started the dolls community’s Christmas parade and that’s been going now for, in 2012. So I mean, it’s almost 10 years now and it brings out thousands of people. We stage it on the grounds of the church. We’ve worked with the schools our churches of voting center. We have ball fields, baseball fields where local teams and little league teams will use it for practice. We’ve become almost you know, our main auditorium has become an event center for so many like different ceremonies and events. It’s just been, I don’t know because of that though, it’s giving us a lot of influence and it’s given me as a pastor way more influence than I would have just preaching every Sunday inside the walls of the church.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:43):
Now you’re actually a third generation preacher and the church was started by your father, a great man of God at Jerry pastor, Jerry Sullivan. And then a few years ago, he started to pass the church over to you. And now your father has gone on to heaven. Mm-Hmm <affirmative>, but you are continuing the church. But in that process of taking over the church, you, you took the old name, which, what was the old name of the church. It was

Pastor Brad Sullivan (04:12):
Living word church,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:13):
Living word church. And, and you switched it over to surge church. Talk to me about that process of rebranding it, why you decided to call it surge church and what type of impact that’s had.

Pastor Brad Sullivan (04:26):
Yeah, well, I took over the church in 2015. I was born and raised raised in the church and traveled, you know, I’ve been traveling in ministry, doing a lot of missions, work myself over the years, but when I became the pastor of the church I, I about even though I grew up in the church and I was established ministry by the time my dad turned it over to me, I was already preaching more than he was anyway. But I just being the pastor, I, I, I waited a few years and a couple years I was just establishing myself as a lead pastor. And then about two years in the Lord began to deal with me about what is this church gonna be in the future? You know, this is what it has been, but what’s it going to be?

Pastor Brad Sullivan (05:07):
What is the vision gonna look like? And so it was about a two year journey, Daniel of just praying, seeking God, writing vision, mission, and values. Because we, we actually didn’t set out to change the name of the church, cuz a lot of times what happens and if there’s any pastors watching, this will be great information. What happens is they’ll fill the need to make a change. And what they’ll do is just change the name of the church, but it’s really the same church. Just put a and just put a new name on it, but what you have to do you want, if you’re gonna change the name of an organization or a business it needs to be born out of the vision, not just slapping a new name on it. It’s gotta be born out of where you’re going. And so we really sought God long time for vision and mission and what our values would be as a church.

Pastor Brad Sullivan (05:51):
And then we read acts 2 42 through 47 hundreds of times during that timeframe about the culture of that first church after Pentecost. And it was something about their life together that we were just like kept focusing on it was their life together. The Bible says, and one night in a dream, the Lord just woke me up and it was like, so clearly their life together created a life beyond limits. And I just sat up in bed. I was like live beyond limits. That’s it. So once we had the it was a arduous two years of just praying and seeking and writing and rewriting vision. Once we came to that live beyond limits, then the very last thing we did was actually choose a name and we kept coming to surge because surge means a rapid increase forward to try to find one word that would encapsulate the phrase live beyond limits.

Pastor Brad Sullivan (06:38):
And I, I would just say though, for any minister pastor or even a business person, I’d be watching, you know, you have to change, you have to adapt and culture, doesn’t ask permission to change. It just changes. And we sometimes are resistant to change, but look, we don’t change. The Bible tells us, Paul said to hold fast to the traditions of your faith. He didn’t say hold fast to the traditions of how you express it. And we have to stay relevant. And relevance is simply the, you know, the permission to speak to the culture. And so our goal was to like, let’s pick a name, let’s have a, let’s simplify the name. You know, we live through the air of Christian centers and outreach centers and all these different fads and all these, you know, really long names. Everything

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:23):
Has like 12 initials.

Pastor Brad Sullivan (07:25):
Exactly. You know,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:26):
And no one knows what it is.

Pastor Brad Sullivan (07:27):
If your church name will not fit on the side of your church van, you might want to consider <laugh>. But anyway, it’s a bad joke. But our, our goal was let’s come up with a name that when Christians ride by, they’re gonna know it’s a church, but when the unchurch drive by, they’re gonna be like, Sege, what is that? And so that was really the essence of it. And so once we did that, then that’s allowed us to now begin to start working on reshaping the culture of the church to fit the, the new era. Well, we still have the DNA of who we were from when my dad founded it. But you know, as the leader now, the next season had to be born outta my spirit. And so that’s what, you know, that’s where surge church was born.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:12):
And I love how you’re describing the process of building the vision. It wasn’t something quick that happened. It’s over a period of time. So talk to me about some of the elements of your vision and then how that drives the, the ministry that the church does.

Pastor Brad Sullivan (08:29):
Well, it’s all based upon that phrase, living beyond limits, it’s encouraging people that you can have a surge. It’s funny, Daniel it’s like once we I, I took me a while to, to, to land on surge because we were, we were researching words that would, you know, kind of encapsulate live beyond limits. Surge just kept popping up because it means a rapid increase forward. Well, my wife loved it immediately. It took me some months, but I just wanted to have a witness because, you know, when you’re changing the name of something and my dad at the time was still on staff with us and he was fully behind what we were doing, but you only got one shot to make it right. It can be a hu big, it can blow up in your face. So I wanted it to be a God thing, not just a, a theme we were doing.

Pastor Brad Sullivan (09:09):
And but we didn’t know that it was gonna be a surge of C <laugh> and a surge surge became a buzzword for all the wrong reasons, you know, but it really is just based upon that live beyond limits to tell people, you know, your life can change. It doesn’t have to stay the same. You can break through to another level. You can experience a surge of God’s power and grace in your life. And so, you know, when we re re just kind of established a vision statement, we try to repeat our vision in as much as we can. And I would’ve really encouraged leaders. Don’t, don’t apologize for repeating your vision over and over whether or not.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:44):
So what’s your vision?

Pastor Brad Sullivan (09:46):
Well, our vision is the whole statement. I should be able to give that to you about heart, but I did notice you have surge church website up in your web browser. If we go to that and you’re putting me on the spot here but our, we envision a church that is changing lives through the message and power of Jesus Christ and making disciples to live beyond limits something along those lines, look at it. How close was I? We envisioned a church that’s changing lives to the message of power of Jesus Christ and mobilizing. I missed that one believers to empire our community and the world by living life beyond their limits. So I, I was really close. And so

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:23):
You have to repeat the vision over and over again until people even in the church say, ah, pastor, we’re tired of hearing it so much, but you just keep repeating it and, and drawing pictures of it and, and communicating.

Pastor Brad Sullivan (10:37):
Yeah, I think pictures are really huge after we a couple of a few months after we, we, and we made it a big deal. I mean, we went, we swung for the fence when we rebranded and, and did the launch, we kind of kept it a secret. We kept promoting something big’s coming. So we already had the legal, all the legal things done in the background. It wasn’t just like doing business as living word church. It was, it was changed legally. It was the, actually the, the, we, we trademarked the name and the logo and the icon. I mean, we did, we did all of our bases covered before we launched. Cuz what happens is a lot of times you see it in churches, they have nightmare scenarios where they I know one going around the mountain to your question, but this is just good information because what happens is in some cases, men will, pastors will change the name of their church and then there’ll be some type of trademark issue or whatever.

Pastor Brad Sullivan (11:28):
And then they have to go back and change it again. And so we made sure we had every T cross, every I dotted, I would really encourage people for you thinking about changing your business name or your church name to make sure you have all the legal things done before you announce it. So we went really big, but shortly thereafter though, Daniel, we came, we came up with a picture and we took our past and it showed our church back in the old days, our present where we are now, and then just a picture of this auditorium with huge screens and everything, our future. And just the, and it’s just for the point of showing people that, you know what, we’re, we’re gonna surge. We’re gonna keep moving forward and everything. We thank God for our past. We appreciate our present by, Hey, we’re, we’re not gonna say satisfied.

Pastor Brad Sullivan (12:10):
We’re gonna keep moving forward towards our future. And you know, when Abraham was struggling with his vision, what did God tell him to do? He said, look up and count the stars. And if you can number them, so will your descendants be? And so one of the things that we try to tell our people and I tell leaders this a lot when it comes to vision is that, Hey God, when God speaks, he doesn’t just use words, pictures come out of his mouth as well, because he understands the value of a picture because picture conveys a vision. You know, when Joseph dreamed of rulership, he saw a picture of it. And so if you don’t get a picture of your, of your future, your present might be permanent. And so we tell our church, look, that’s not, we’re not satisfied with that. We want, we want to do more, be more, make a more impact, reach more people. So we’re not gonna be just sit here and be satisfied with where we are.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:59):
I believe that every pastor should do at least one mission trip every year, just to see what God is doing in different countries around the world, just to get a feel for the, the amazing thing that God is doing overseas. And also that helps to, to season their preach and giving them some good stories to share and casting out demons. And, and, and I know that you have a heart permiss missions and you’ve done a lot of traveling to different parts of the world. Where are some of the places that you’ve done out outreaches

Pastor Brad Sullivan (13:29):
To? Well, I mean, I’ve traveled ex I’ve been to India nine times, Philippines, eight times. I’ve been in Africa four, five times. I’ve been to Europe Singapore, Hong Kong, central America, south America. So I’ve been on five of the seven continents. And I think too, for a pastor, one of the things that’s so valuable to get outside of your world is because what happens is we grow up in certain cultural, a Christian cultural context. And I, I, one day several years ago I was preaching Daniel in Singapore at a spirit filled Filipino Anglican church. It was like, go figure. And it’s

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:16):
The amazing thing is God works the same in every culture.

Pastor Brad Sullivan (14:19):
Exactly spirit filled Filipino Anglican church in Singapore. And you just sit back and think, you know, who would’ve, I would’ve never even thought it that exists, but it just goes to show you that the church is huge. It comes in all shapes and sizes and colors. Jesus is the head of the church and he has an amazing way of weaving this tapestry of diversity into the global unified body of Christ. And I think that’s so valuable for a pastor because you’re talking about vision and leading your church forward. You know, the church is so big. It’s bigger than what you, you may know, it’s bigger than what you’re used to. It’s bigger than what you, his maybe culturally have seen church as. And you know what, you can grow, you learn from it, you grow from it and it’s, it’s, it expands you. And if the leader isn’t expanded, then he’s not gonna be able to bring, you know, visionary thinking to his congregation.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:18):
Being a pastor right now is extremely difficult. The world has just gone through C, which had lots of challenges. Mm-Hmm, <affirmative> there are lots of disagreements politically, and then you have economic challenges and there there’s so many demands and, and, and pools on a pastor. What advice would you give to other pastors to stay strong and to, and continue in their calling in the midst of what really is, is a very difficult task.

Pastor Brad Sullivan (15:52):
We have the saying in our church, Daniel, that we repeat so much, actually I repeat it more than the vision statement or, or our vision because it’s just a great reminder. It’s very simple, but it is very profound and it’s almost becoming ingrained in our congregation’s mentality. And we’ve actually just recently put it on the sticker form for people to take, but it’s wake up, be faithful and go to bed. And if you’ll just,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (16:17):
If you just do that for 40 or 50 years, you’ll make it. If you’ll

Pastor Brad Sullivan (16:21):
Just get up and be faithful, now you can get up and be faithful just to be stuck in your routines. But if you’ll be faithful to do what God’s told you to do, and every season, you know, you’re gonna look back and find out, you’ve come a long way. You know Noah had to build an arc for a long time, but he finished, you know, Charles Spurgeon once said by perseverance, the snails made it to the arc. You know, it’s kind of a funny Quip of, of conveying a powerful principle, but I would say, you know, just stay, stay fateful, stay the course, and, but be willing to adapt and to change. The fact is, again, things change, culture changes. You can sit here and say, well, what people ought to be doing, or you can find ways to go adapt so that you can reach people where they are.

Pastor Brad Sullivan (17:06):
You know, you can even fight it and lose, or you can, again, you’re not compromising your message or beliefs. You’re just showing an adaptability. COVID forced everybody to adapt. And so after we, after we changed our church over to surge and look here, we are about two and a half years in as surge. We’re still building what surge is going to be trying to reshape a culture around that, that whole thing. But a few months after that, I told some of our team members one day before a service and a team huddle, I said, look, guys, we made change our name again to CCC with constantly changing church. And I only said that as a, just as a joke, but serious joke to put in their minds that you know what, we’re not gonna be blessed. God, <laugh>, we shall not be moved from the you know, we we’re gonna change whatever needs to be changed.

Pastor Brad Sullivan (17:56):
And this is where I would encourage any leader, whether you’re a business leader or pastor or whatever, if you’re leading anything that is be married to your vision, do not be married to your strategies. You know, what, what happens to churches when they get stuck in this? Like going back into the eighties when it’s 20, 22 is because for so long, they’ve been married to their strategy. How we do it, bless God, this is how we’re gonna do it. But what that shows is you’re not married to your vision. You’re married to your strategy of how you do something. But when that strategy no longer works, you have to be willing to divorce it and get a new strategy. You never divorce your vision. You marry your vision, but you need to divorce strategies and be, get rid of things. If it doesn’t work, get rid of it.

Pastor Brad Sullivan (18:42):
You know? And, and be honest with people like that way. Sometimes I think pastors flight, they have egg on their face. They’re like, Hey, we’re gonna try this if, but don’t work, don’t work. You know, that way you’re up front. And it shows people, it gives people confidence in you that, Hey, you’re willing to blaze the new trails. You’re willing to push forward. You’re willing to try new things and they’ll, they’ll buy in with you and they’ll support it. And I think that’s powerful and just making tweaks and, and making improvements, solve, finding ways that you can improve even down to the way your building looks, find a little thing. That’s just, it might be something small, but every so often they come in, they see something different. I think it’s important. You know, Walmart, I don’t know if you know this, but Walmart changes the shade of blue in their buildings and stuff, you know, in their logo every so many years.

Pastor Brad Sullivan (19:26):
And it’s so subtle that you wouldn’t even be like, oh wait, it’s a different blue. It’s just a subconscious. It just shows you that they’re changing. They’re adapting. They’re, they’re willing to tweak anything right down to, we’re gonna tweak the color blue. You know what I’m saying? And I think as pastor, sometimes because we, we, we hold fast to our, our doctrine sound doctrine and, and, and the word of God, but we don’t have to express it the same way all the time. You know, we can find new ways to express it, new ways to get it out, just like you’re doing with technology.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:59):
And we’re looking to reach a new generation. So we use whatever tools and ideas that communicate the best with a new generation.

Pastor Brad Sullivan (20:08):
Absolutely. Absolutely. And pull your kids in on it. You know, I think that’s important. You know, my, when we were rebranding the surge, my kids were young. They’re 16 and 11 now, but they were a little younger then they kept it a secret, you know, <laugh>, I was shocked. They were able to keep it a secret until we had the big reveal one Sunday, but I, I had them pulled in on the logo designs, what colors, you know, us making them a part of it because you know, kids today are much more brand conscious because they’re on Instagram, they’re own TikTok. They, and so they’re really brand conscious down to how things look, how things are supposed to look what looks good, what doesn’t look good. And so I would get their opinions. Even at that younger, like 13 years old, I was getting my son’s opinion.

Pastor Brad Sullivan (20:54):
You know, what, what do you think of this? You know, because very brand conscious. And so, Hey, you know, there’s a business side to church, right? And so I think branding is important. And when you have a brand, you, you, you really promote that brand. But then we have to I think what we try to communicate, well, our team is that there’s a brand, then there’s a brand experience. That is what people, when, when they may come to your church because they see a brand, right. But when they come, they need to have, what, what is the brand experience you’re gonna have? And the brand experience will either create brand loyalty or they’ll, you know? So it’s kinda like when Amazon came out back in the day, no one knew what Amazon was. They thought it was like the, the Amazon river in south America. Right. But when people started liking Amazon later, they put that smile in their logo. What they, that was, they were, they were, they were conveying a brand experience that people were having. And and that created brand loyalty. And so I know that doesn’t sound spiritual and churchy, but it’s practical. And I think in a post COVID world, it’s important to think like that so that, yeah,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (22:04):
I think every church should look at everything they’re doing in through the eyes of a new visitor, rather than someone who’s already been there forever. They already know where to park. They already know where to take their kids to nursery. They already know what sit their seat. They’re gonna sit in, but a new visitor may not know where the restroom is. So you need to put up a sign so that they can find the restroom and find the nursery. And, and if a church can think through that and create, like you’re saying the brand experience, that they feel comfortable all the way through

Pastor Brad Sullivan (22:37):
That’s right. And that’s kind of a business way of saying, saying it, but it’s just the truth. I mean, this is how businesses think. And I know Walmart takes a lot of hits from people, you know, there’s jokes about Walmart, but Walmart’s pretty, if you look at ’em, they’re very impressive. Our local Walmart right down the street from our church had me come a few years ago. I think it was like 2018 when they launched the new online story. And I, and I, I gave a talk in a debt prayer of dedication for the first day of the grand opening, but I was just kind of seeing the process, seeing their plans. I was blown away. And it showed me that, that you know, Walmart was not going to let Amazon get the best of them. They were staying ahead of the curve. They’re like, all right, if Amazon’s delivering, we’re gonna deliver. Now, you can’t even rent a minivan or a 15 passenger van anywhere because Walmart, Amazon have ’em all rent <laugh>, but it just showed me, Walmart was willing to be on the cutting edge and change and adapt where other businesses weren’t, you know, it was like, who would’ve thought that Kodak would’ve ever ceased to exist, but Instagram put ’em out of business, you know, or, you know

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (23:42):
Yeah, I think I read that Kodak had the opportunity to be, have one of the first digital cameras and decided not to, because they thought it will hurt our business. If we allow digital pictures. And now everybody takes digital pictures and Kodak is nowhere to be found. That’s

Pastor Brad Sullivan (24:00):
Right. And, you know, look at blockbuster, remember back in the day, you, you had to be kind and rewind. You had a 50 cent charge. If you didn’t rewind your VHS, but I mean, Netflix on streaming and you know what it, when, when, when society change, when culture change and the church refuses to change, church is shut down and there’s a lot of churches that are shutting down. And so you have to be like, Hey, this is God’s ministry. And we got to adapt. We gotta learn. We gotta grow. We gotta do better. And we’ve gotta be forward thinking. And, you know, a pastor has to think, you know, you know, a decade down the road, you know, all the, you asked me earlier about influence and things that we’re doing. We’re about to launch a food ministry outreach in our, in our, in, through our church that we actually are hoping to grow it, to become something that can be mobile. It can move around our community. We could set up and do few distributions and prayer tents and things like that for, to reach people and to help people. But you know, I have been laboring in the community outside of, you know, just,

Pastor Brad Sullivan (25:12):
Just, even in a civic way for so long that I, I, I really started heavy in 2011. And then when I started the Christmas and it sounds crazy a Christmas parade, but man, that parade has been so successful, brings out so many thousands of people it’s given me so much influence. And, but it’s been years of doing this and it wasn’t, I didn’t do it in a way that, you know, cuz sometimes preachers are famous for trying to wor get people into their church. I just did it for the love of community. I didn’t do it in any way to, to try to, to use it as a tool of gaining people in our church. We, we, but it was just sewing and sewing and sewing into the community. Now I’m reaping the influence of it. I mean, politicians line up to try to get into our church when it’s election season, you know, I mean, it’s just, it’s been really remarkable to see how the influence is just in the last year and a half, just really blossomed across the city really. But it’s just been those years of sewing and, and for, for a pastor, he has to think long term like that a 10 year strategy or a, you know, what’s he anyway.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (26:14):
Yeah. You don’t wanna do something that makes the whole community mad at you. You wanna reach out, even if people don’t agree with you, reach out and be serve the community, be a blessing

Pastor Brad Sullivan (26:24):
That’s right. And if you just love them and win ’em with win them with kindness and generosity and serve <affirmative> they’ll, it’ll prove for them that you’re legit and that you’re genuine and that you’re doing it for the good of everyone, not just, Hey, been a community, prosperous, a church prosperous. And I just think that there, you know, and I even had a word from a pastor a few years ago, said that the Lord’s saying that he’s gonna give you influence with politicians. And I’m like, okay. I mean, it’s happening, you know, and I don’t even know what the end game of that is. It’s just, you know, but there’s still value for a pastor. You know, back in the day, a church was the cornerstone of its community. It was the meeting place. It was the community center. The pastor was respected.

Pastor Brad Sullivan (27:10):
His voice meant something. And that’s been taken away in society today. And if we can find unique ways to get that back, there’s still something to have an influence with politicians, to have an influence in the community, to be a voice and a figure in your community as a pastor, that’s a big deal in today’s world. And you just have to find a unique way in our community. We are outside the city limits just outside. So we could build that in that suburban area. Other people, you meant to find a different way of doing it, but there’s ways of, of getting your influence in the, in the community that just preaching every Sunday to, to the same people is not gonna, is not going to acquire that kind of influence.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (27:53):
Well, I really appreciate your insight. Absolutely tremendous. And if you wanna find out more information about pastor Brad Sullivan or invite him to come speak at your church, go check out surge church.tv, and you can find out more information about him and, and I just so much appreciate you and your church. Again, thank you for supporting king ministries and helping us to go to different nations around the world. You guys are much appreciated and thank

Pastor Brad Sullivan (28:20):
You. Thank you, Daniel. And whenever we, we announce in church, you know, when we talk about the, the different ministries we do it regularly, the missions outreaches that we support. I mean, almost every time when we mention Daniel King ministries, applause breaks out because people see what you’re doing and we appreciate it and we love you. And I would, I’m also available for leadership talk. So if anybody would be interested in talking about these things and talking through these things for churches, and I would be glad to glad to do that.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (28:49):
Awesome. Thank you for being on the evangelism podcast.

Pastor Brad Sullivan (28:52):
You Daniel, God bless you.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (28:53):
Thanks so much for listening today. I am excited about telling people about Jesus. And I want to invite you to be a part of helping us to rescue people from hell and take them with us to heaven. There’s two things you can do to help. First of all, can you go find the evangelism podcast on apple iTunes and leave us a positive review by giving a review, you will help other people find these valuable resources about sharing our faith. And second, would you become a financial partner with king ministries? Every single dollar that people give us enables us to lead at least one person to Jesus. And so that means for only $1, you can help start a party in heaven. And so today I want to invite you to become a monthly partner. You can start out for just a dollar, but if God puts on your heart to do more, of course you can do more. But please go to king ministries.com and become a monthly partner with us today to help us to lead more people to Jesus. Thank you so much. And God bless you

Evangelism Podcast Host (30:13):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit king ministries.com. Again, that’s king ministries.com.

Please subscribe to The Evangelism Podcast with Evangelist Daniel King

Roberts Liardon | The Evangelistic Heart of God’s Generals

Roberts Liardon is the author of God’s Generals. He is a church historian who studies why great men and women of God succeeded and why some failed. Today we talk about how God’s Generals were used in the area of evangelism.

Roberts Liardon’s Website: https://www.robertsliardon.org/

Buy God’s Generals: https://amzn.to/3HLeAWB


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Roberts Liardon is the author of God’s Generals. He is a church historian who studies why great men and women of God succeeded and why some failed. Today we talk about how God’s generals were used in the area of evangelism.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:29):
Welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies, and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary and evangelist Daniel King.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:53):
Welcome to evangelism podcast. I’m Daniel King. And I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. I have a very special guest Roberts Liardon. He is the author of God’s Generals, a whole series of books about great men and women of God. And he looks at why they succeeded and why they failed. Roberts, It’s wonderful to have you with us today. It’s good to be with all of you. I’m excited to be here and to be a part of the podcast. It’s wonderful. So we are very thankful for your life in ministry. My wife, Jessica Shen King, she actually went to your Bible school out California student. Yes. Spirit Life Bible College. Yeah. And I think she arrived when she was just 17 years old. So she was very young and, and she was trained up in your ministry, learned how to pray in the holy spirit, learned how to preach the gospel.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:47):
And then she, after she graduated, she got sent out on a couple of church plants that you’re you’re you’re of church plants that your, your, your church was sending out. And then you did operation 500 and you sent out missionaries to countries all over the world, which greatest thing I’ve done so far in my life that, that part Albert island is probably the most significant thing. Cause the Lord spoke to me, send your graduates overseas and pay for it. It’s one thing to send to everybody, but they have to raise their own money. But we raised millions to send 500 and their families all overseas and stayed for a year. Some would stay for two, but she was a part of that young. And my wife told me that she, she never really felt called to missions, but she got caught up in the peer pressure.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:32):
All her friends were going to the mission field. Yeah. And she said that at that time you were teaching that every Christian should at least give a year to the mission field. And I still believe that <laugh> absolutely. If the Mormons can do it, if I, we, Christians can do it too, you know? Yeah. And so she just got caught up in it and she got sent to India. All her friends got to go to Indonesia, which she really wanted to go to Indonesia cuz there was a Starbucks there, but she got sent to India when she landed in India, she only had $20 in her pocket and she went to your mission space. And the first thing they did, they put her on her train and said we booked you a Bible school to preach at. And she went with a friend on a train hours and days across India and they got to the Bible school and they told her you’re gonna be teaching three times a day for the next seven days.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:27):
And she had never preached or taught anything before. Well how’d she do? Well, I guess she did well. So there she was, she was in India with your ministry and about six months into it, she was laying on a concrete floor, just a thin mattress. The electricity had gone off. And so the, the fan was not working. She had 60 mosquito bites on her body. Oh Lord. And she was just thinking, I, if I can just get through my hero ministry, I can go back to the United States, be a worship leader at some church somewhere <laugh>. And God spoke to her that night and said, Jessica, this is the life that I’ve called you too. And so she was excited because God had spoken to her, but also like, God I’ve got mosquito bites all over, but she was obedient to the voice of God. And so she got up the next morning and she emailed her leadership at operation 500 and said, I commit to come back for a second year. Wow. And she’s been working in missions ever since. And so I actually met her on the mission field after she was with you. She went with pastor Peter younger. Great evangelist. Yeah. And I actually met her at one of his precincts, but I never would’ve met her if she hadn’t obeyed the, the voice Robert’s letter to go to the, the mission field.

Roberts Liardon (04:46):
My, my view then, and now is Bible school students. The hardest day is the day they graduate. What are we gonna do? And whether most of those students, I knew were not called to be in full-time missionary work, but they could go for a year and start with doing that. And they’ll make, ’em a better Christian, a better American and everything. And these kind of stories. I hear all the time. Cause we had some backlash, I didn’t pause. And I said, you’re going, or you can leave the school. That’s how strong it was. And it was the, the greatest thing I did and it changed all their lives. And most of ’em came back and began to work in churches or build churches, became the missions directors of the churches. So it was exciting to see the fruit. And I should say to all the students who they’re watching and to your wife, when I go overseas to preach, I meet people that the students who got saved Spirit-filled, healed, delivered, kept a person manipul every single time. So some of those students may not realize that they were out there working, but the fruit of it still remains. The people they got saved are still saying the pastor’s still preaching. And that’s, that’s exciting to see it. Wasn’t a waste of the year and a waste of millions of dollars.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:53):
Well, it continues to bear fruit in my, in my wife’s life. For sure. So thank you. So let’s talk about God’s generals. You’ve written some amazing books. Let’s start at the beginning. What made you be interested in studying the lives of these great men and women of God?

Roberts Liardon (06:12):
Well, I hadn’t encounter with Jesus. It kind of started the whole thing, but then I became intrigued in a very passionate way. Why did God choose this person? And then if you did, what was their call? What did they do? How did their life live? What was if they let a revival? What happened after revival was over, not just the revival, what happened to their life? And it begin me on a journey to know these people. In the days I started writing and teaching God’s generals, nobody cared about revival history, or these people. We would know captain Coleman’s name or Smith Wigglesworth name. And they didn’t care like today. There is a huge move of people in Christian that want to know. But when I started writing and studying, nobody cared. The older people I would interview would cry sometimes because I was the first one who ever asked ’em about what they saw, who they were with.

Roberts Liardon (07:02):
And, and, and they would give all this memory. And then they would give me stuff, pictures, artifacts, and things from the person or the reliable movement. And I began a collection by accident of all that stuff. But that’s how it, it began. It became cause the Lord told me, studied the lives of my generals, know why they succeed and why they will fail because they’ll come a generation will want to know what I will show you if you’ll do what I tell you to do. And so that was the opening line of that visitation. And so I did my part study meant read books, study meant talk to people, study meant hunting a fact down that may take you six months to find, but you gotta hunt it down. And I understood the word study because in my family, there was three of us going to school, my sister and I, and my mother, she was working on her master’s and her doctorate eventually. And so we were always in libraries. And so that helped me. Cause now we do it on our phones and computers back then you had to go to the library, do the card catalog, go find the book microfish was the big new thing. And so that’s where I began. And it has grown into the books and the teachings around the world.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:11):
Now your mother was at the the Oral Roberts University, Holy Spirit library. Is that right?

Roberts Liardon (08:17):
Yes. She, she, she and my dad went there the year. The university opened in 65. I was born in 66. She graduated from there and then she went back and worked at the university in the medical library during the city of faith time period. She cause she was in the LRC, the, the library, I had access to the holy spirit research center. So I would go up there. And in those days I could say, I touched every book in that library cuz I looked at it or read it. And I, they hired me to be one of the librarians in the summer. Cause I knew more about the collection than the librarian did. So, you know, that’s how detailed I was and they would call, they would even call me after I don’t during the school. Yeah. I go back to school, they had to call me and say know, where’s this at? Or what story is this? And they were still using my understanding and that’s where they discovered me and began to have me teach at 15 in their seminary as a special guest on the generals.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:08):
So when I was going to oral Roberts university, I worked for the holy spirit library. Oh God. And so this was years after you and you had donated a bunch of your material, your cassette tapes to the library. And so my job actually, I was paid to do this, to listen to cassette tapes and then write up a short synopsis so that they could catalog. Can you do that for me? And so I did that for hundreds of your tapes and your resources, so, okay. I, even though I didn’t go to your Bible school, I, I listened to a bunch of people. Wow. That’s great.

Roberts Liardon (09:38):
I didn’t know that.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:40):
Yeah. So let’s talk about God’s generals, okay. Specifically in the area of evangelism. And so I’m an evangelist. My, my passion is telling people about Jesus and you’ve looked at these through several different prisms and, and looking at why they’re successful, but let’s, let’s focus in on the evangelistic aspect of the ministries and let’s just start going down through them. Where, where would you like to start? What,

Roberts Liardon (10:05):
Well, let me just say this as an opening, everybody in my series was a personal soul winner. So part of being a great leader, there is that aspect that they all have that. And even when they’re famous, they still do that. So that I’ll get that as an opening statement. So we’re gonna be a great evangelist or a great Christian. We haven’t have to be a soul winner and it’s a part of our lifestyle. It’s not just something we put on. It’s something that we live and that’s how it was. So who would you wanna talk about? I’ll let you choose.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:31):
Well, let’s start with your, your first book. My first one. Okay. With the, the, I would say these are the, the holy spirit empowered evangelist. And so talk about John Alexander Dowie what, what made him successful as an evangelist?

Roberts Liardon (10:45):
Well, John Alexander Dowie used healing to bring many souls to Christ. He back was 18 hundreds Australia when the first began to happen and there was a plague going through Australia, like the pandemic kind of thing, but a little bit more intense. And a little baby was dying. A child was dying and he was called to pray for, and he got healed and that began his healing ministry. And he realized that healing brought all kinds of people to Christ and he’d used that. So that would be the way that he began, his salvation kind of ministry was that the healing gift came and worked. And remember back then we didn’t believe in healing back then we known it was possible. So he was kind of the pioneer of that in a very large way. And that he brought thousands of Christ through the miracles. And that’s what, how he did it.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:33):
What about Marie Woodworth-Etter

Roberts Liardon (11:37):
Well, she’s another wonderful lady. Back when women preachers were not as acceptable as they are today. And she again had a, she had a tent and she traveled around central parts of the central states of America and then, you know, other places, but mainly the central part. And she would get up and do tint preaching, go into a town, set up a tent and start with 20 people or whatever, and then grow to a couple thousand or whatever it was. And she also had a unique demonstration of the spirit of her life, where the Holy Spirit would hit the room and people would go into TRAs, both believers and nonbelievers, the park, I just hit ’em and and then miracles too. So she was very adamant about giving alter calls that that was the first and most needful miracle in a person’s life, which she had all that aspect. But she was one of those two preachers back in the day when it was really rough and tough.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:30):
What about FF Bosworth? Healing evangelist,

Roberts Liardon (12:34):
Brother Bosworth. I mean, everyone we were speaking about has used healing. Was it re to rich? I think said that heating is the dinner bell of salvation. And so if you understand what dinner bells are, you’re on a farm and it’s time for dinner and you’re out in the fields and you hit the bell, you all come in to have dinner. And so the dinner bell to salvation was healing where people saw the healing. And so Bosworth was very successful. He actually got healed himself. He was sick and died and he was on a train to go see his family goes, he thought I’m gonna be dead in just a few months. I wanna see my family and gets healed and he didn’t know any other brother that believed in it. And he found one of Dow’s magazines and ah, there’s somebody.

Roberts Liardon (13:17):
And so he goes to Zion to see Dowie. And so long story short, he gets involved, learns the heating ministry, becomes a Pentecost, all that, and becomes very successful in his, his salvation. And it gave us back healing, brought people to the Lord. And I’d have to say that it seems to be one of the most effective ways that I’ve seen historically that salvation comes when somebody that is crippled and they saw it or they knew it and now they’re not, it opens their heart. It opens their mind to accept the thought that Christ is real. And I need him and it’s one of the most people and Jesus was a healer. He was a healer and a deliver. And, and so healing is a big part of bringing people to salvation and

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:01):
Philip, the evangelist acts chapter eight. Yeah. He had miracles as part of his ministry. Yeah. In, in reaching the, the city in Samaria there. So I had a great conversation with T.L. Osborn about how he started doing mass prayer for the healing. Yeah. And before Dr. Osborn, he said, no one was doing that. And it actually came out of a conversation that he had with FF Bosworth cuz William Braham was holding a campaign. And for some reason Braham was not able to come. So FF Bosworth was doing it and he invited TL Osborne as a young man to come and to participate in it with him. And so they were having a conversation in, in, in Bosworth had this idea. What, what if we prayed for all the sick at the same time? Because at that time I think Braham was bringing people up one on one. He would lay him

Roberts Liardon (14:58):
Three, four o’clock in the morning. He was exhausted. Poor guy. Yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:02):
And, and so, so Bosworth had the idea. He says, you know, if we, if we give a altar call for salvation, explain how Jesus saves and then pray a prayer with them. How many of them would be saved? And Dr. Osborne said, well, all of them would, could be saved. And he says, well, if we invite all the sick up, do a mass, explain to them how Jesus can heal and then do a mass prayer for them. How many of them can be healed? And, and so they they, he planted this idea int Osborne’s mind. Mm. And so then Dr. Osborne was going to Jamaica and he was doing a crusade there. And they were trying to lay hands individually on each person, but there were just too many people. So then he had idea. I said, I’m gonna use Gordon Lindsay’s idea and give a ticket to each person, a prayer card. And he gave that to the police to distribute. But a couple days later he found out it wasn’t working cuz the police were actually selling the carts <laugh> so he said, that’s not good. Good story. Yeah.

Roberts Liardon (16:10):

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (16:10):
<Laugh> and, and, and so then he said, I’m gonna try Bosworth’s idea. And so he prayed a mass prayer for the sick and many people were healed that night and that became his modus operandi throughout his entire ministry. And, and then Dr. Osborne, his example has trickled down to the body Christ. Now everybody does it. Yeah,

Roberts Liardon (16:29):
I am. It it’s great. I mean, brother Bosworth wrote the great book called Christ. He had the classic book on divine healing. Everybody should read it, they don’t have it. But Osborne was the, to me, he was one of the greats that America did not know, like they would know or Roberts and they should have, but he spent his life in the unreached people, groups of the world and his assistant son-in-law in those days, Jerry Odel told me the story that he went into, he blind school and every one of the people were healed and he brought him the crusade and the whole town was changed. And so this is healing and evangelism. And I think it’s very powerful that we continue to, but I always loved the story. He went to the blind school and we all were healed. Have you got through preaching, praying just for them. And it changed. We need that again.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (17:17):
Amen. And it’s coming again. Yeah. Okay. Let’s talk about Aimee Semple McPherson. Oh

Roberts Liardon (17:23):
Well you can great

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (17:23):

Roberts Liardon (17:24):
Event. You can spend hours on her. She was a soul winner Parx salon. And she was out to get people saved. She was a personal soul winner. And then she and her crew saved and she was mainly, well again, the heating factor was the draw that brought people. And then she also used her preaching skills for art of skills, cuz she says, people are not a degree entertained. They’re not gonna come back and they’re not gonna listen. So she was very dramatic in the way that she would speak and teach, which brought people’s attention. And then she trusted that what she said and the holy spirit would move on them. She was probably the Billy Graham of her day. Cause most people would, would know him and relate to the science crowds of America. And she went overseas a lot too, but her evangelism, she in LA, she would knock on doors, send her students out to do personal evangelism door to door and things like, like that. Yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:20):
Now I, I remember sitting in some of your classes on God’s generals and, and you talked about Angela temple, which she built and she did very elaborate production sometimes to attract call illustrated sermon. What were, what were some of those illustrated sermons

Roberts Liardon (18:36):
She would do illustrated sermons on Sunday nights and Hollywood would come to see what new things she was doing. So they could put into the new industry called film or movies. And so she would do like, for example, she’d do Jonah in the whale. So they created a big whale and she’d dress up like and walk out of the mouth of the whale in the stage. She would do Noah’s arc. And this was the funny one she brought, she, she knew the zookeeper of LA. So she had some of the animals from the zoo come in and was a part of the stage set, live animals and a Parro began to cuss right in the middle of her sermon. And so she turns around and tries to convert the parrot from being a bad cussing person. The crowd loved it. So she did things like that. She also had special days like the war started happening war two, she’d have military day and all the soldiers would come and they’d feed ’em and love them and talk. So she did specialized preaching for specialized groups. And so she that’s how she’d do it.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:35):
You have a book which you call the revivalist mm-hmm <affirmative> and it deals with D.L. Moody Billy Graham, Finney and some of the other earlier evangelists and the name of the book, you have it subtitled the revivalist. And so I was, I wondered, why did you name it? The revivalist instead of the evangelist Finney talked a lot about revival mm-hmm <affirmative> but Billy Graham probably wouldn’t call himself a revivalist. He probably would’ve said I’m an evangelist.

Roberts Liardon (20:05):
Yep. That’s what they were, whether they called themselves that or not. That’s why I called. So the, these guys you just mentioned did not work in healing like the group we just talked about. Yeah. So when you really church history, rev, reliable history, you’ve got two powerful groups. You’ve got those who believe what we call healing evangelism, which is more the scriptural of how things are done with Christ and the apostles heating, brought people to the church or to Christ. They were many just salvation preacher. They came and just preached the cross and your commitment to him. And it worked, there was an, an onion for that. That was Billy Graham. But these were all different characters. DL moody is one of my favorite in the book. Cause he, he was not really a guy that should have made it. He was called a country Bunkin he was, he talked funny.

Roberts Liardon (20:53):
He was probably dyslexic in some ways, because the reason why they call him the greatest layman, because he never would allow himself to be ordained because he couldn’t pass the catechism or the, the membership course to get in. And so he said, if I can’t pass it, then I’m not gonna take it. So he never really was ordained, but never a real preacher, never over, he had a tremendous impact. He preached, I think to a hundred million people before he died. Wow. Billy Graham preached at 215 million before he died. I don’t know. That includes in person that doesn’t include the TV world. And there were fewer people back then than there are today. So you, you know, deal died in 1899. And he preached that many in the 18 hundreds in person. So that’s a lot of work and big campaigns. One night he was preaching in, in Chicago where he was living and a child and a man got saved.

Roberts Liardon (21:42):
There’s only two people got saved that night. And so he was still left in the building and the janitor was sweeping. And so they started talking and he goes, I’m really disappointed. I only got, you know, two people, you know, saved. And the, the, the guy the, the janitor said, no, you got one and a half. He said, oh, I guess you, the child was the hand. He goes, no, it’s the way around that. Guy’s already half dead. That’s a whole life there. And that changed his view to even child evangelism. And I think there’s a need for that in our discussion and in our life today of child evangelism things catered to the children of their age understanding. So they can come to Christ when they’re still young. And he was a part of that. And, and doing that early in his ministry.

Roberts Liardon (22:25):
What about Jonathan Edwards? Well, he was the first grade awakening. He was a, he was an intellectual that did not resist or oppose the work of the spirit, many intellectuals because they’re academically sharp. They have a hard time relating to the manifest or the work of the spirit. He defended it. And so he was a, a man that God used. He actually his famous sermon sinner in the hands of an angry God was an accidental moment. He had preached that sermon Sunday of four and nobody reacted. It was just like, oh, whatever. So he goes out to a minister’s gatherer, another church and they ask him to preach. And I don’t think he was scheduled, but he had his notes from that sermon in his little horse section and pulled it out and began to preach it. And it’s, he began to preach. They beginning to wa and cry and grab a hold of the post.

Roberts Liardon (23:18):
Cause they thought they were dying and going to hell. And it helped birth that second wave of the great awakening and thousands came to Lord. George Whitefield and Jonathan Edwards that early era helped America become Christian. George Whitfield was the Billy Graham of the colonial era. He was more popular than the founding fathers and many of the things that he said in his sermons, the founding father’s papers would quote him or say it like the phrase we have on our money. One nation under God, George would, would get up and preach 10, 20, some 30,000 people. And he’d always declared that this is one nation under God, and it becomes the slogan on our money. And in many of our national documents, it came from a revivalist preacher who said, this shall be, and it became that and became our slogan. But those two guys helped America become Christian.

Roberts Liardon (24:13):
And in that moment with George Whitefield he carved out in the American conscience that we want a righteous Christian evangelist next to the president. Those two have always been up. You can see our day, the person’s in that office of Billy Graham. You go back and see Billy Sunday. There are generations who didn’t have that guy, but when we did, it was a better country, but there was that place that right next to the president, we want that men or woman of God. And, and we need to pray that it gets filled in this time. Cause

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (24:46):
I love the story about Ben Benjamin Franklin, who was friends with George Whitefield . Although Ben Franklin never necessarily became a, a believer. But he knew that Whitfield was good at receiving an offering. And so there’s a story about how he went to hear him preach, but he left his purse at home cuz he says, I’m not giving in the offering. And George Whitfield did such a good job asking people to give towards an orphanage that he had this turn to the person next to him and borrowed money to put in offering.

Roberts Liardon (25:19):
That’s great. Yeah. That, that’s true. Ben Frank and, and then we’re friends. The reason why we have George Whitfield sermons is because Ben Franklin tri in the newspaper and that’s where we got him today because not way to been lost to history.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (25:34):
Okay. Frances Asbury, is he in one of your books? Yeah,

Roberts Liardon (25:37):
He’s in the revivalist book. Asbury was one of the most significant men in American history. He was head of the Methodist revival movement here and the revival of the Methodist church. He rode horses everywhere. He was at days of the circuitt writer, preachers. And he would go and teach to somebody’s house. Or that’s three people. He might have a, another meeting of 25 people. You don’t have what you call the large crowd, but you have his consistently working the fields of harvest, which is a different kind of evangelism a ministry. Now he did have some, but not on the scale of Whitefield or Edwards, but he was significant in making sure the gospel went. As America began to go west, it had to go. And he was a part of, of doing that.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (26:26):
Charles fitty

Roberts Liardon (26:27):
Well, he could talk about him all day long. He’s he’s called a father of American evangelism. Revalism he came along at a time when we have a doctrine problem. Calvinistic belief that some have been chosen to be saved and others are not. So if you weren’t chosen by God to be, there’s no hope for you, but you don’t know. So you Haveli the Christian life just in case you were chosen so stupid. And so that’s kind of, I’m simplified. That’s kind of what they believed. Finn comes along. He was a lawyer who gotten insane and he had that lawyer mine. So he would preach to make the case. And so he keep on and said, it’s not that God won’t save you. It’s you go, won’t choose it. So it’s your will versus God’s will. So he broke the back of that feeding up this way.

Roberts Liardon (27:12):
If you were told your whole life, Daniel, you can never go to heaven. God didn’t choose you. And that’s what the preacher said. And you accepted that and you didn’t want to be lost. You wanted to be a part of God’s family, but for some reason you weren’t good enough. And then here comes Finn and says, that’s not true. It’s available to every man, if you will choose it, if you will accept it, when that happened, all those who had been rejected. Got it. And they held it dear. That’s why 85% of his converts stayed true to their conviction of salvation through their life. That’s better than Billy Graham or Roberts combined together. And, and Charles fitty would have, he that one of the secrets of his evangelism and revivalism was a guy named father Nash’s prayer warrior. And he would go into a town or an area and pray. And then when he felt like it broke it, though, he would send notice his time to come and Charles would come and have the, the revival meetings. So part of our mass evangelism has to be that prayer work in the spirit done before. So I hope that our evangels that are watching realize, you know, we can organize it. We can plan it. We can advertise. It’s all great. But don’t forget the spiritual work that’s required more so than some of the natural.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (28:29):
Yeah. I like what Reinhard Bonnke said, you need prayer and evangelism. They’re like two legs. You pray. And then you evangelize, you pray. And then you evangelize. If you’re only doing one or the other, it’s like hopping into one leg, you won’t go anywhere. It’s

Roberts Liardon (28:42):

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (28:43):
What about William Booth is a great

Roberts Liardon (28:46):
Salvation army army out of all the revival movements that I would like to have been part of it would’ve been that one and I’m a pentecostal so people go, oh, but William and Catherine Booth the salvation army in the eight middle, 18 years. Amazing. they were well, he, they met and dated through letters, him and his wife, Catherine, and she was sickly. So she stayed home. Most of her childhood and would do school from home and read lots of Christian books, Vinnie books, pur and early church pur and fathers, and became very astute in those ways. They get married and they get kicked outta the Methodist church because they, you love the, because they can’t bringing the wrong kind of people to church. Now, in those days you bought your pew, like the Smiths bought this pew, the Jones bought this. So you had your pew.

Roberts Liardon (29:35):
And so the pastor was telling, well, bring some more people to church you want to grow. And so they begin to bring the drunks, the hookers, meet to church and, and put on their row. Well, these people didn’t know how to be in church, so they would drink or eat. And they’d say to the one guy said the pastor, can you say that again? Freak out the whole church. So they were told by the pastor eventually quit bringing these kind of people to church. And that’s not the kind that we want. And it so offended them that they, you know, left and begin to do other things outside the structure. And it ended up in a tent meeting in east London that turned into salvation army and a Salvationist was one that went after soul’s first and utmost. And we both believed in healing, but he, he wrote a book on faith healings or a rare book, but he wrote one and cause one of his kids was in Zion with Dowing.

Roberts Liardon (30:32):
So he knew about all that. He said, I I’m not a, the book I read of his he’s for it believes it. He goes, but I’m not gonna do anything to overs shed of the preaching of salvation. That’s why he viewed it. And he changed the world by the gospel. The reason why people are a little awed with him is because he had social justice and salvation combined together. For example, the reason why we have a 10 o’clock break in our work in an afternoon, they call him tea breaks in England was because of him in the army. He saw people that were working 8, 10, 12 hours without a break. So that’s not right. So he began to fight and change the law. Then he noticed the little kids were working, you know, little eight, 19 year olds at the same time in bad conditions, got the child labor loss that we obey today comes from salvation army. So you have that aspect of it. He believed if a man’s stomach was empty, he can’t hear the gospel, give him the sandwich and then he’ll get saved. And so that was one of his philosophies. This other was when you go to a town, find the worst center and get them safe first and all the rest to come in. And that’s really how it worked.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (31:42):
I think merging social justice with evangelism would really appeal to today’s generation. Yeah. Which is very concerned about many social justice

Roberts Liardon (31:52):
Issues. The only thing with that is you cannot let social justice take first place. The gospel is first and social justice is second. And so I, I, I I’ll say it this way. I see how the enemy can flip that to where the enemy still stays in charge of controlling people’s lives. We feed them, we help them, but we don’t put the gospel first. So we need to be careful that as we do social justice and it stays second to the salvation of the soul,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (32:20):
Let’s talk about some of the people that you knew personally. What was it that made men of God like Lester Summerall or Roberts so effective in their ministries?

Roberts Liardon (32:32):
Well, one, they, they knew that was what they were called to do. And they had a surety about it. If you don’t have an absolute surety, if you are, then you will never rise to that. What I call the big platform you’ll rise to some other platform. It’ll be nice, but the surety or Robertson, but there was some, all, both knew who they were, what they were called to do. Now, they were called differently, but they had the same surety about that. And I don’t see that as strong in our generation, we have a lot, oh, I wanna be a preacher. Like I get it. But there has to come that absolute charity one is that they were also people that went for the whole world or Roberts was an evangelist. Some of was more of an episode. He built churches and did evangelism, but he did more things than brother Roberts or Roberts became the more popular one because of he did evangelism, but he went after it. And he knew it was there. He trusted God. And they all knew how to fight the devil, which a lot of times we don’t talk about, but if you don’t fight him, he will take over or begin to influence. So you have to always be on a war footing against darkness.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (33:45):
You’ve studied the sweep of church history and seen evangelism in the lives of all of these great men and women of God, their, their techniques, how they minister to people and how they delivered the gospel. And what do you think God wants to do in today’s time? Look, looking at the sweep of history and, and how God has moved evangelistically and brought people into the kingdom over history. Bring that into today. What, what do you think God wants to do today? Well,

Roberts Liardon (34:18):
I think we, we have to learn how to evangelize in a highly developed modern culture, which we’ve not done too well. We’re, we’re good with one on one food and bring ’em to the gospel. The big crusades like you do in parts of the world. The crusades find that don’t work here in the states. I mean, you can do ’em but you don’t get the same result

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (34:39):
And they’re super expensive.

Roberts Liardon (34:41):
<Laugh> I guess it’s true. So I think there’s a shift coming. I call it people, group missionaries, people, group evangelism. I see that today’s world America has become a mission field. In my lifetime, we’ve gone from a Christian nation to a nation that needs missionaries sent to her. So let the Africans come let the Koreans come let the people come to help us, but we’re gonna have to all evangelize.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (35:06):
Yeah. God told me the mission field shall become a mission force.

Roberts Liardon (35:10):
Yes, we, and come, come help us in America.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (35:13):
We need your

Roberts Liardon (35:13):
Help. We sewed our young men and women. Now it’s time to reap succumb. And, and when they come, you’re like Africans, when you come here, don’t become American. Pray like an African move. Like we need that fire kind of thing. But people group missionaries this, I think the same way that you’re called to the feel like you are. There are people in America, in churches who may not be called to India, but they’re called to a people group in our society here. For example, there’s the red hat lady society. There are UN wet mothers. There’s single fathers. There’s all kinds of people, groups. There’s the tattoo people. There’s the trans people today. We got all kinds of people, groups and the same way we receive calls to go to the nations. I believe the call to go to a people group is going to be the thing.

Roberts Liardon (35:58):
We’ll see rise in the highly developed modern cultures. And that way Evangelism is done by everybody. And everybody has a significant type of placement. Now, when you does that make sense? The people are no, you have to realize two folks. There are groups that have a taboo attached to them. Things that they do that’ll make the church go. Hmm. Now church, everybody Christ died for the taboo weirdos and the normal people he died for. All of everybody has a right to hear the gospel, do not come against people who God calls to go to the gay community or the trans community or the drug community where there’s taboos. Sometimes I’ve seen people go into these groups and well, what are you doing? Or you’re agree with them. You, you can’t expect to harvest until a seed of sun and you have to have enough guts to walk across these lines that have stigma and taboo attached.

Roberts Liardon (36:52):
So, so they can get safe like the gay community. You know, why is it so hostile? Well, it’ll probably be, cause the Jerry Falwell generation understood what was happening, that this was going on and they didn’t stay on their knee long enough to find a strategy, to help them get safe. All they did was dam and condemned and we have this hostility and that’s why it’s dark in that community and why there’s a resistance to the gospel because of how it was done in the seventies and so forth. It was, it was over reaction without the compassion and the strategy of God to bring hope, salvation and healing. And so the, when you walk across that line, the church should encourage you. The church should support you. If that’s your people group that you’re called to, you have to allow some people groups move faster toward the gospel.

Roberts Liardon (37:39):
Others are slow just like on the mission field. So you have to give people room and not persecute them. My joke is you need two shields of faith. If you go to a people group with taboo, need one in front, you need one behind goes, the church will keep from behind and the folks will coming from the front so you can go through it. But I think that’s, what’s coming. I already see it happening, but we need to preach it more. And we cannot be afraid to be a missionary to a people group that has a taboo until someone sews the gospel seat, there never can be a harvest and they keep getting darker because people won’t cross that border. For example, if you go to Newin priest to the naked people, nobody America gets mad about that. They’ll give you more money, go, go for it.

Roberts Liardon (38:23):
And, and, but you go to a people group with a cultural taboo, and they’ll almost kill you. It should be the same attitude from the beginning for these people. And so the enemy is going to try to keep that stirred up so that we won’t go there. But I always look for the people that are going to the rough folks in our society and encourage them and support them because they’re doing evangelism in this first class nations. The reason why like Africa, like Nigeria, there’s a great revival there today. One reason why everybody goes, cause they haven’t nothing else to do. I mean, part of the problem with our abortion culture is we have so many distractions and so many stuff going on and our little phones and everything. Some of the people in these parts of the world, they don’t have that. So the crusades and things work because I can’t go to a movie. There’s no movie Houser. Let’s go see Daniel. And so not on Belinda. It’s understand. There’s a difference. So when we come into this culture, we’re gonna have to learn how to, to deal with media and what I call the people group

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (39:25):
Missionaries. Yeah. Everyone’s spending time on TikTok and Facebook. And so you gotta go where they’re at.

Roberts Liardon (39:30):
Yeah. I can see a date. I don’t like anything that I’m about to say. So everybody understand this is I see the date coming when church will be online and people will come to special events in the west because they’re so busy. They don’t want to, they can watch the line. Now I don’t like that. I want you together. I want you to be there in person. But if that’s what’s coming, we need to get the shot of this and make sure that our media is sharp. It’s together. It’s organized. We can capture those people.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (39:58):
So what advice would you give to evangelists that are wondering how to succeed and how to avoid failing?

Roberts Liardon (40:05):
One thing don’t forget to preach across in Jesus and all you’re preaching. It’s amazing. Well, you start out preaching the simplest gospel message and then, and myself included this producing you’re preaching everything else, but that, and that’s what that message is a power to salvation. And don’t forget to preach the gospel in all you’re preaching is one of the big things. Cause then you’ll lose soul saving and the miracles won’t be, he confirms his word with signs following and that’s miracles. And that’s also salvation. So that’d be one to always have a follow up plan. When you have a baby, you can’t just leave it on the curb it’ll die. So we have to have an attitude and God will have different ways of doing it with different people. There’s not just one method, but a follow up program or a placement program. For those that get saved. Now what somebody in your big crew saves, it’s probably a little more challenging to take care of. At least the effort is made and see Africa should have been saved a long time ago. As many of these crews aids have gone there from here, the fifties,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (41:07):
And many of the nations in Africa actually have a higher percentage of Christians than here in America. Yeah.

Roberts Liardon (41:12):
Yeah. And they’re actually great. But, but the thing is the discipleship of the Christian life

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (41:18):

Roberts Liardon (41:18):
Was, was weak in, in years. But today in Africa, a new, the great church is now alongside the great crusade. And that did happen. I was in Nigeria back in when I was in my thirties. And the Lord said, you will not come back to Africa until the church is as big as the crusade. Well, I didn’t know. I thought I’m never going back to Africa. So I went back about four or five years ago to Nigeria and to Ghana. And I saw churches as big as a crusade. I preached in a church that has a hundred thousand seats in it. That’s a big deal, a church, a building, but that’s not the biggest church in Nigeria. That’s just a biggest building. The redeem church about 2 million people or so.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (42:04):
Yeah, I’ve been to their church building. It’s bigger than a football field. It just goes on and on and on. Yeah.

Roberts Liardon (42:09):
It’s, it’s amazing. So you see that and this to me is exciting because now when people get saved, they’re gonna be discipled in those churches. And that was a weakness years ago, even in the Osborn era, they didn’t have strong churches in those. They did the crusades, people got saved, but the, the, the growth of the gospel or the steadiness of the gospel, wasn’t as strong as it is today, which is a great sign.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (42:33):
Well, brother Roberts, thank you for being on the evangelism podcast. Loved it. So wonderful to get your insights into these great men and women of God. And I’d encourage you. Go get the God’s General’s books by Roberts Laden. It will be a tremendous blessing to you and you’ll learn so much more about these great men and what I’ve

Roberts Liardon (42:52):
God, thank you for having me Daniel on, tell your wife a big hello for me.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (42:54):
Thank you.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (42:56):
Thanks so much for listening today. I am excited about telling people about Jesus. And I want to invite you to be a part of helping us to rescue people from hell and take them with us to heaven. There’s two things you can do to help. First of all, can you go find the evangelism podcast on apple iTunes and leave us a positive review by giving a review, you will help other people find these valuable resources about sharing our faith. And second, would you become a financial partner with king ministries? Every single dollar that people give us enables us to lead at least one person to Jesus. And so that means for only $1, you can help start a party in heaven. And so today I want to invite you to become a monthly partner. You can start out for just a dollar, but if God puts on your heart to do more, of course you can do more. But please go to king ministries.com and become a monthly partner with us today to help us to lead more people to Jesus. Thank you so much. And God bless you

Evangelism Podcast Host (44:14):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit king ministries.com. Again, that’s king ministries.

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Bryan Citrin | Ministering on the University Campus

Evangelist Bryan Citrin describes how he tells people about Jesus on an unreached mission field – the university campus.

Website: supportbrian.org


Bryan Citrin (00:03):
My name is Bryan Citrin. I discovered that I had a gift of the evangelism of my life because everywhere I go everywhere, I’ve gone as, as a kid. And even now I feel compelled to talk to people. And so God is putting in me a national tenacity to talk to strangers. And when I find myself talking to these strangers, I always somehow,uwant to turn the conversation spiritual because I realize that I might be the first genuine Christian they ever met. And this might be my time. This might be my hour to share a gospel with them. And if I don’t in some way, add value to them, I may never see them again. And they may never have another chance.

Bryan Citrin (00:37):
I’ve done a lot of mission to work in Haiti. And the work that I’ve done there is we work with a children’s home in the village of Fondue. And when we’re there, what we do is we help sponsor education scholarships to locals in the village, as well as invest in economic development. We put on church services for the locals. We also put on different feeding programs in the evenings on this last trip. We brought 28 people down to Haiti. This is my 13th trip to go down to this village. And it’s really exciting because we go to the same place over time. And so we’re able to see these kids grow up and see very real change in their life as we’re to pour them spiritually as we help them financially. And spend time with them.

Bryan Citrin (01:23):
I am a missionary that’s completely donor backed by a team of people across the country,uwhether it’s individuals, churches, or organizations. And so since I joined the mission field in 2009, I have been backed a hundred percent by donors and people can get, come on board and be a part of my support team by visiting my website, which is www.supportbrian.Org.

Bryan Citrin (01:46):
The way I am reaching people on the university campus is through weekly church services, weekly prayer meetings. We have weekly Bible studies. We also have weekly outreach events, whether it is an official event that we had planned on like a Friday night or an unofficial event. But one of the really, really important ways to really connect with students on a weekly basis is through our weekly outreach tables. And so multiple times a week, we have different tables on campus where we’re giving out free books. We might be giving out free coffee or bagels and it’s whatever, whatever it is, we’re looking for different ways that we can give out something to these students and serve the general population. But also while we’re serving the students, we’re building genuine relationships with them. And through these relationships, we’re able to then invite them to different hangout events, invite them to church services and just invite them to do life with us, cuz people like to hang out with people they’re friends with.

Bryan Citrin (02:41):
And so we really are striving to seek genuine relationships with these college students. I would say the main key for reaching people on the university campus is being very, very intentional about caring for them as an individual, instead of just seeing them as like a number amongst the masses of unsafe people on the college campus, taking a very intentional interest in getting to know them as a person and in reaching out to them and inviting them to, to hang out and be a part of your life. Students come from all 50 states are represented and there’s over 150 nations actually on the campus. UCLA is one of the most populated campuses in terms of international students. I feel the most strategic mission field in terms of reaching people from other countries is actually the United States because over 70% of the world’s future leaders are already here in United States studying on our campuses.

Bryan Citrin (03:34):
And so we’ve seen students from Saudi Arabia, students from China, students from Japan, Brazil, and all over the world, get involved in our ministry and come to our church services. I remember a few years ago I was hanging out near campus and I saw some students from Saudi Arabia and I was able to connect with these students from Saudi Arabia and invite them to some of our events. And and through that, they connected me to a student from Japan. And if you guys, I don’t know if you’re familiar with this, but Japan is one of the most secular nations in the world. And so he connected me to his Japanese friend and I invited him to this Thanksgiving outreach that we had. And he ended up coming and bringing a bunch of his friends. But but through that experience, he started coming to our weekly church services and he started bringing his friends and he became a Christian.

Bryan Citrin (04:23):
Many of his friends became a Christian and at one service, we had nine people from Japan sitting in a row right next to me. And it’s all because, you know, I connected with these Saudi raving students and then, and reached out even farther and asked if they knew anybody else that might be interested in getting involved in some events, the best technique for approaching people in terms of talking about something spiritual is that I like to ask people what their spiritual background is. That is such an UN offensive term because some people they might have been turned off by the church. They might be turned off by the term Christianity, but when you ask somebody what their spiritual background is, first off, I might be a Zen Buddhist for all they know. And so if they were offended by a Christian in the past, that is, you know, that doesn’t tie you over into who I am as a person.

Bryan Citrin (05:13):
And so I ask them what their spiritual background is and just continue to ask them questions because people love to talk about themself and, and, and I ask them questions. I can kind of get a feel for what they believe in where they’re at. And then through that, then I can then invite them to one of our events or invite them to a service in a non offensive way of inviting them. Because I, I kind of know a little bit about them as a person, I would say one of the most challenging things that I’ve ever experienced on campus is because as we’ve been on the campus for a long time and, and we have longevity on the campus. And so we’re there every single week on the campus, administering the students, serving the community. But sometimes people come in that don’t really, you know, wanna work with the local body of Christ on the campus.

Bryan Citrin (05:56):
And they just come in for a day and, and cause a ruckus and they might come in and they’re, they may be like cussing everybody out or, or like yelling at everybody. And there’s like a huge mob of angry college students in the center or campus. And then we’re at our weekly outreach table that just happens to be right next to the angry mob when the someone’s on like this angry, you know, campus ran tour. And then we didn’t have to pick other pieces after they leave. And then they may be turned off by Christianity because they might have said something that didn’t really reflect the gospel, but, or even more so their method wasn’t necessarily rooted in love. Now what they may be saying may be true, but it’s not necessarily tactful. And so it’s, it’s not necessarily what you say, but it’s also how you say it.

Bryan Citrin (06:42):
And it’s important that we’re spirit led in evangelism because you can say the very same message in two different ways and have two very different results. Yeah. I would just like to challenge each and every one of you, that’s watching this video to be very, very intentional about evangelism because we are all called to be evangelists. God is just looking for people that are willing to position themself in the right place at the right time to talk to the right person. And one thing that I’ve found on UCLA campus that has been very effective is just going into the union and grabbing some food and, and just praying to God and ask who I should sit next to. And just being led by the holy spirit, because not one time as someone said, no, I can’t sit next to him. And so I would just go and find somebody even by themself and ask if I can join him for lunch.

Bryan Citrin (07:28):
And instantly at that moment, I have a one on one with them because they’re eating, I’m eating and, and they’re gonna be there for 20 minutes. I’m gonna be there for 20 minutes. And at that point, I just ask them questions about themself because people love to talk about themself, but they never get an opportunity to really talk about themselves because everyone else is so busy talking about themself. So by showing a genuine interest in somebody and just ask them questions enables me to, to develop that relationship with this stranger, but then invite them to an event that we might have.


Matthew Helland | Prophetic Evangelism in the Red Light District of Amsterdam

Matthew Helland reaches out to prostitutes in the Red Light District of Amsterdam using prophetic evangelism. On this episode of The Evangelism Podcast you will learn how to activate the gift of prophecy in your life as an evangelist.

Website: http://www.prophesyandheal.com



Matthew Helland (00:03):
Hello. My name is Matthew Helen, and together with my wife, we are pastors to the men and women who work in Amsterdam, red light district sex industry. Well my wife and I, we planted our church in Amsterdam. And last year we handed that over to our associate pastors. And now we’re focusing primarily on, on working with people who work in the red light district there in Amsterdam, primarily Spanish speaking, men and women who are there in that industry. And aside from that, I do a lot of training. I do a lot of training and I do a lot of traveling training churches and individuals, how to grow in prophetic ministry, how to grow in words of knowledge, how to grow in, in healing and what I like to call power of evangelism. In fact, recently I just published my first book, which is prophecy and heal, the sick, how to grow in prophecy, words of knowledge, healing, and power of evangelism.

Matthew Helland (00:56):
So this is about seven years that I’ve been experiencing growing and training in this. This is, these are testimonies about how God has used me in Europe, how God has used me in different parts of the world, but also stories about how God’s power has, has, has changed my life. Beginning with my, my testimony, my birth, I, I was born with cerebral palsy. I was never supposed to walk or talk. I should be sitting in a wheelchair, but when I was six months old, my aunt in California sent to prayer cloth from California to Chile, the country where I was born in, and my mother sewed it to my pajamas in a, within a one month’s time, I was totally healed cerebral palsy. So the, the story of, of divine healing and that God heals begins with my birth. And I can only say with great gratefulness to God that he healed me and that I’m alive is, is simply a miracle sign and wonder, I, I am a sign and wonder, and I, I really believe that signs and wonders should always always follow.

Matthew Helland (02:01):
Whenever we preach and teach about knowing Jesus, you call it prophetic evangelism. I like to call it power evangelism because it’s using not just the prophetic, but also words of knowledge healing using the gifts of the spirit to be, to be able to initiate an encounter with somebody in, in Holland most people on the street do not believe in God. I think that’s pretty general. Most people in Europe do not believe in God, specifically in Western Europe because they are so well off and they think they do not need God. So this leads me that many times when I go to the street, I’ll, I’ll, I’ll ask people and I’ll say, Hey, can I tell you what I see in you? Or do you have any pain in your body? And being able to initiate a conversation with a word of knowledge that’s accurate, or with a, with a healing, just makes it a lot more easy to talk about Jesus Christ, to individuals who otherwise think they don’t need Jesus Christ and are not interested in him.

Matthew Helland (02:59):
I think one of the best examples of this is going to psychic fairs. What I’ve seen in the last 10 to 15 years is that there’s been a huge change in Europe. And I think this is, I know this is the United States as well, is that there are people who want some people call ’em secular mystics or, or spiritual atheists. They don’t believe in God, but they believe in something. And the, the whole thing about atheism has kind of lost its luster because now there’s, there’s a huge generation of young people in Holland, for example, who are, have a good education, good jobs, but are burnt out because they have no purpose for their lives. And so what I’ve seen is that many times when, when I talk to strangers on the street and I’m able to use a healing or a word of knowledge for their life than it, just so much easier to be able to share more about Jesus because and, and I think what’s real important here also is just to define a few, a few terms.

Matthew Helland (04:01):
When you say prophecy prophecy, a lot of people don’t understand prophecy. They have an old Testament paradigm of prophecy that prophecy is, is, is an old Testament profit with a big sticks and you repent or, or, or, or you’re good to hell. That is not a new Testament paradigm for prophetic ministry or evangelistic ministry. Instead new Testament prophecy, according to first Corinthians 14, three is strengthening, encouraging and comforting people. According to revelations, 1910 prophecies all about worshiping God for the, the spirit or the heart of, of, of prophecy is testifying or the testimony of Jesus. So when I speak about doing prophetic ministry, I’m, I’m speaking about reflecting Jesus to people and, and listening to Jesus and listening to them and, and seeing how God can open doors and open hearts to be able to demonstrate, not just talk about, but demonstrate the reality of Jesus Christ, old Testament, prophecy the, the prophet, it was only certain individuals who could hear the voice of God only at certain moments.

Matthew Helland (05:10):
And again, the old Testament was a lot more bringing judgment such as Jonah saying, you’ve got, you know, a month or, or more to repent. And then destruction is coming. Also in the old Testament, if a profit ever made a mistake, he needed to be stoned. Fortunately, the new Testament, we find that everybody can prophesy. And when I say prophecy prophesy, I’m not just talking about telling the future because foretelling is a legitimate part of the prophetic ministry, but also forthtelling or telling what the heart or the mind of God is. So in the new Testament, we see that whenever someone stands up to, to prophesy, according to first Corinthians 14, it says that everybody should test and judge first Teston five, 19 through 21 speaks about testing, prophetic words and holding onto what’s from God or holding onto what is good and whatever we don’t understand, we leave on the side.

Matthew Helland (06:03):
So once again, there there’s a total different paradigm that we have between the old Testament and new Testament prophecy, just like there is a totally different paradigm between the old covenant and the new covenant. And what we find is according to acts two 17 and 18, Peter stands up and says that in the last days, God will pour out his spirit upon all flesh and all sons and daughters, everybody servants. So the wealthy, the poor, they can all prophesy. They can all hear God’s voice and give other people messages from God. So it’s real important that everybody realize that hearing God’s voice is not just for certain individuals, but everybody who is a son or daughter of God can hear God’s voice. Because Jesus said that he is our good shepherd and that the sheep hear his voice. He calls us by name.

Matthew Helland (06:53):
So this ability to hear the voice of God is something that’s very important for everybody to cultivate and everybody to, to, to learn. If they truly want to be able to follow Jesus, I, I understand that people are, couldn’t be afraid of false prophets. But just like there’s false profits. There are real profits. And there are also false teachers. There’s also false pastors. There’s, there’s all kinds of false things, but so what’s important to realize is that the, if there’s a false, that means that there’s also a real in each, in these ego chapter 13, verse five, we read a very important differentiation between false profits and real profits. And here he’s actually condemning the false profits. And this is what he says. You have not gone up to the breaches in the wall to repair it for the people of Israel, so that it will stand firm in the battle on the day of the Lord.

Matthew Helland (07:45):
So here we see three things that false prophets we’re not doing that all true profits are called to do the first thing that says you have not gone up to the breaches in the wall. That’s a picture of standing in the gap or being an intercessor. That’s a person who stands in, in a wall and says the enemy’s not gonna come in. And if they come in, they come over my dead body. So a true prophet is somebody who’s gonna pray. I I’ve heard it said that every, every prophet is an intercessor. Not every intercesor is a prophet, but every prophet is an intercessor. And it’s, it’s truly through prayer. In fact, all mature prophets that I know are, are men and women who are, are great men and women of, of, of prayer. And this means that we’re not interested in, in, in, in raising up our own ego.

Matthew Helland (08:32):
In fact, the greatest prophet of the new Testament, John, the Baptist said, Jesus must become greater and I must become less. So it’s not about making ourselves greater. It’s about making Jesus great. And because I spend time with Jesus, I get to hear his voice just like I spend time with my wife or with my children. I know when it’s their voice. I know when it’s them talking. So it’s, it’s normal to hear the voice of Jesus. And, and even like, for example, the pastel, John, what was he known for? He was known for laying his head on the chest of Jesus. And that’s where we find our authority. It’s an intimacy with God. It’s the intimacy with God, hearing his voice, studying the Bible, fasting, praying. These are all things that we develop the, our intimacy with Lord in order to develop our identity, that we are sons and daughters of God.

Matthew Helland (09:24):
And through developing that identity, we grown spiritual authority. So that it’s, it’s something that’s rooted and grounded in a love relationship with God. In fact, no one should prophesy if they don’t love God and love people and also love themselves. So the first mark of a true prophet is that their, their ancestors, secondly, it says stand in the wall to repair it for the people of Israel. It’s real important that the, the prophetic ministry has to do with, with restoration and repairing and healing healing in the body of Christ. In fact, it’s very clear in, in first Corinthians 14 that the prophetic ministries and ministry that builds up. And if there’s anything that the church needs today is we need individuals who build up the church, who, who love the church. And a true pro true prophet will bring restoration, will bring love.

Matthew Helland (10:18):
In fact, I, I even know true prophets, one of a friend of mine, his name’s on Beto. When he first began his prophetic ministry, he used to pick people out in the audience and say, you there, you’re committing adultery, come repent. You there you’re on drugs, come repent. God wants to change your life. And God really told him he had to stop that because the new Testament ministry of prophecy is not to bring condemnation, but it’s to bring mercy and it’s to bring love. It’s the ring healing. And, and this is why people that perhaps have a prophetic gift who have not been mentored, who have not been trained. They make big mistakes, but, but the Bibles seriously says here that a true prophet will, will stand in the breach for other people will bring reparation healing restoration so that, so that it will stand firm in the battle on the day of the Lord.

Matthew Helland (11:09):
The third thing that they do is is that they prepare people and they create a safe place where they can be nurtured, where they can grow, but also so that they can fight the battles. Where do we find this? We find this also in first Timothy one 18 that says Timothy, my son fight the, the good battle that was given to you. In fact, let me take a moment and just read that so we can see the context of this. What’s so amazing about this is that the Bible, the new Testament is full of references to, to the prophetic ministry and full of scriptures that a lot of people have read over or never seen because because this is a ministry that unfortunately is not well understood today. This is what it says, Timothy, my son, I’m giving you this command and keeping what the prophecies once made about you, so that by recalling them, you may fight the battle.

Matthew Helland (12:06):
Well, and to be honest with you, every one of us have had moments in our lives where we’ve had difficulties and we had not known what to do. And it’s been somebody that’s called us or prayed for us that have, has given us a strength to continue to, to battle, to, to, to fight the good fight. One of my favorite examples is, is a young woman who is in Amsterdam. And I, I told her, God says, Europe welcomes you. You are welcome to Europe. And the next week she was in London in the airport and they said, sorry, you don’t have the right visa. You can’t come into Europe. And she was taken to a little back room in the back and she started taking her fist and started saying, Europe welcomes me, Europe welcomes me, Europe welcomes me, Europe welcomes me. And five minutes later, somebody from immigration comes and says, you don’t have the right visa, but welcome to Europe.

Matthew Helland (12:55):
And that’s just a, a great example of how a true prophetic word, a word from God enables us and not only brings healing but it also gives us a strength to fight the good fights the, the battles that God has for us. Yeah. I, along with many other people differentiate different levels of the prophetic ministry. And we can find this, first of all, that the spirit of prophecy, we find this in revelations chapter 19 verse 10, where it speaks about that the, the, the, the heart of ministry worship God for the, the, the, the, the spirit of prophecy is testimony of Jesus. And we find in places such as in first Samuel chapter 10, first, Samuel, I believe is 19 where Saul would come into a, a school of prophets or a group of profits. And he would begin to prophesy.

Matthew Helland (13:47):
Well, in fact, in one of those accounts, three soldiers who wanna come get David, they run into that group and they start prophesying. And so at this level, this, this basic level, the spirit of prophecy, anybody can prophesy again. Another biblical example is first Corinthians 14, where it says, when everybody in the church is prophesying, somebody will come in from the street that’s that doesn’t know Christ. They will prophesy the, the, the secrets of their hearts. Then they will fall on their knees and say, God is truly among you. And the way that the spirit of prophecy is activated, and I’ve seen this many times is whenever there is like just a strong spirit of worship, where everybody just feels like the presence of God is tangible, and it’s easy for everybody to get a picture or a word from God.

Matthew Helland (14:35):
But the second place where I’ve seen the spirit of prophecy be activated is whenever you have someone like me or someone who has a strong, prophetic gift and they say, okay, guys, we are, we are gonna ask God for a picture. We’re gonna ask God for a word. I think the classic example I like to tell is, is I went to youth group once in Holland is when I was looking at all of them. I came to speak about prophecy, and everybody kind of looked at me as if I had a, like a third eye on my forehead, like pro what’s wrong with him. So anyways, I, I tried to explain prophecy and, and before I, I even started one young woman, I brought with me she had her arms crossed like this, and she said, I want to know if God really exists.

Matthew Helland (15:18):
You know, so I I saw that there was no faith in the room, but as there was no faith in the room, I just stepped out and I started prophesying. And I, I pre that over everybody in the room and eyes in the room popped open as God began to speak to me, give words from their past their president and their future. And that the faith level in that room shot up. So high that by the end of the evening, the woman who, who was saying, I wanna know if God really exists. She was getting pictures and words from God. And she had tears running down her face and she was experiencing God. And like a week or two later, I got to baptize her in water, which, which is wonderful. But the, the crazy thing about this is that there were even people there that, that were were Muslims were from other faiths and Jesus was speaking to him as well.

Matthew Helland (16:06):
And so this is what is so cool. God is always speaking, but we’re not always listening. And whenever there is a, a strong pro anointing or presence of God, then it’s very possible that the, the spirit of prophecy can be there so that everybody there can hear God’s voice. The second level of prophecy is, is, is the gift of prophecy. Now this is found in first Corinthians 12, where it speaks about nine different gifts of the holy spirit. And what’s real important to hear also to realize that it’s not, that we own a gift or have a gift. It’s more, that God is a generous God who likes to give gifts through us. And the, the cool thing about this is that if, if you have a gift of prophecy which by the way, many times, all of these different gifts run together, one with the other, because I never know when I’m necessarily giving a word of knowledge or a word about the future or a healing or discernment of spirits.

Matthew Helland (17:01):
But what what’s cool about this is that I don’t need worship music to give a prophetic word. I can be on the street at a supermarket Walmart at a quick trip at a, at, at a brothel in the red light district. I can be at a psychic fair among people doing a bunch of witchcraft and things. And I can deliver a word from God to people, and I don’t need a special anointing or, or, or anything special like that. So that’s, that’s the gift of the prophecy is that you, you can deliver a word from God at any moment at any time, and you don’t need a special set of conditions. Now, just because you may have a gift of prophecy does not make you a profit. In fact, there are many people that have that God uses with a gift of prophecy, but they’re, they’re not primarily called to be a prophet.

Matthew Helland (17:49):
They’re called to be a teacher or a pastor or a businessman because these are not limited just to people in, in full-time ministry. What is a profit? A profit is someone who can operate at a higher level of authority. It’s important here. And, and this is really important that I say this right now, is that when you first start stepping out and growing in the gift of prophecy, you need to just focus on first Corinthians 14, three, which says strengthening, encouraging, and comforting people just strengthen, encouraging comfort people. Don’t tell them who they’re gonna marry. Don’t tell ’em when they’re gonna die. Don’t tell them how many kids they’re gonna have don’t. And especially, don’t say, God told me you’ve gotta marry me, because that can be very manipulative. And that could be God, but it also could be your own desire.

Matthew Helland (18:37):
But back to the, the difference, the levels there has been much manipulation. And in fact, I, I write in my book about charismatic witchcraft. When people try to get their own will done by using God’s name, we wanna avoid this. And how do we avoid this? Just have people focus on, on strengthening, encouraging comforting people. God says, I love you. God says, you’re my dearly beloved son. That’s a word that’s always right. That’s a word that you can always give to people. And I’ve seen people in, in Budapest and Barcelona and Amsterdam and Kiev and major cities of Europe begin to cry because people are not used to hearing the love of God. And the ministry of prophet is a ministry of loving people. It’s a ministry of, of, of, of giving God’s truth in his words, in, in a way that’s loving.

Matthew Helland (19:24):
Now back to the ministry of, of, of, of the prophet there are many prophets who do not call themselves prophets, and that’s okay, because all a prophet is, is a friend of God. But whoever is called to the ministry of a prophet will be able to function at high levels of, of telling the future that can happen. Spiritual warfare, bringing breakthrough. In fact, this is one of the things that the ministry of the prophet does. The ministry of the prophet brings breakthrough into a place. We planted many churches in this region of, of Oklahoma, Missouri of Arkansas. And I remember my brother would get a prophet to come and travel with him. And that prophet would bring breakthrough and the supernatural would breakthrough mightily. And, and I have seen how, when I deliver a word from God to somebody, and I don’t know anything about him, a great example of this, I just found out about this last week.

Matthew Helland (20:20):
But last year I was here briefly and I walked to a man and I started telling him all about his business and what God was gonna use him for. And what I did not know was that God had given an idea for a business and he’d lined up all of the financing, but that weekend he’d prayed and said, God, I need to know if you want me to do this or not. And then he happened to meet me. And I happened to turn to him and start, describe to him exactly what his business was, what he was planning and what God was gonna do. And he has since then launched that business. And again, I knew nothing about that business, but I allowed God to use me as a mouthpiece because that is what a prophet is. He’s a mouthpiece, he’s the hands and feet of, of God to the world.

Matthew Helland (21:09):
And actually this is something that, that God caused all of us to be his friends and, and being able to share his words and his power to the people around us. I, I believe with all my heart and, and the way that I define prophecy, not just telling the future, but strengthening, encouraging comforting people. I believe with all my heart, that everybody who’s a follower of Christ can hear God’s voice and everybody can can prophesy. I think that the, the best way to explain it, or, or give an example of it is my own children. Last week where at IHOP and house of pancakes, and I had everybody in IHOP go ahead and sing happy birthday to my son. And he just wanted to climb under the table like, oh, they’re singing happy birthday to me. And then two people came and gave him $20 bills.

Matthew Helland (21:53):
And he looked at me and said, dad, let’s go prophesy over ’em. And, and for my kids, it’s very normal to be, to, to, to get a word from God or a picture from God to people and go strength and encourage and comfort them. And so the way that, that, that I break down in fact, why don’t I just do it now, if you open up your Bible to the book of Proverbs chapter four here we see three classic ways that you can hear God’s voice and that you can deliver a word to somebody else. Proverbs chapter four verse 20 says my son pay attention to what I say, turn your ear to my words. The first way that we prophesy is knowing God’s word is scripture. In fact, I say to everybody, you wanna prophesy, read your Bible, pray every day, growing that intimacy with the Lord, don’t be a lazy person who just needs to go to a prophet to get a word from God every day, God speaks to me through his word.

Matthew Helland (22:48):
So the first way that we prophesy is someone is we ask God for a scripture. We ask God for a Bible story or a worship song. So like the cameraman behind me, I don’t even know him, but I’ll just go and ask God for a word for him. So God will you just gimme a scripture for this man. And immediately what it, what I just, I think of that scripture that says those who believe in me will have rivers of living water flowing out of them. And what’s your name? Shane Shane Shane the Lord has called you to a ministry of, of, of being not only filled with the holy spirit, but of flowing out of the holy spirit. And I see you just like, even in the future training people in holy spirit and empowered ministry. And I see you not only working with media as you’re doing now, but I also see you communicating and speaking things to the lives of people, because you just said everyone who believes in me, they will have rivers of living water flowing out of them.

Matthew Helland (23:43):
And, and again, I see the Lord using you, not only here in, in this area, but I also see him using you internationally. And that the Lord is just gonna, he he’s, he’s cultivating and he’s forming things inside of you. And you’re learning from other people such as Daniel King. But I, I see you just grabbing your, your, your Eagles wings and, and soaring, and that the Lord’s gonna use you mildly to equip other people in spirit empowered ministry. Now, what, what I often do when I, when I give a word to someone I say, does that make any sense to you now realized I, I could be relaxed in delivering that word. I didn’t have to say, so says the Lord thou my child, you can speak in king James’s version, but God doesn’t always speak in king James’s version. We can be very relaxed about when we prophesy.

Matthew Helland (24:29):
And, and so what I just did to him is, is I gave him a scripture and I encourage, I strengthened. I comforted him. And then the next verse do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart. The second way that God speaks to us is through visions or, or pictures or dreams. And, and you don’t have to be weird about this. Just ask God for a picture. If I were to say, do you see three yellow bananas? And, and the knife going through these three yellow bananas, you’d say, yeah, I can imagine that. And so God can speak to us through our imagination. Now I realize the evangelical Protestant church has, has kind of thrown the baby out with a bathwater when it comes to dreams and visions and the supernatural because of abuses. Let’s not do that.

Matthew Helland (25:17):
<Laugh> in fact, a, a huge percentage of the Bible is prophetic words is visions and dreams. And God did not stop speaking to us 2000 years ago, just because we got the Canon scripture. No, he continues to speak to us this way. And, and I can tell you stories. Oh, about three weeks ago, I was in Orlando in the airport. And I I’d spent some time just waiting for my family. And I was just silent, silent, just waiting before the Lord. And I walked into the Sam night store and I started talking to the guy there. And all of a sudden, I just looked at him and said I see you as an engineer. And I, I started telling more things that I saw on him, and I asked him, so, so what are you studying? And he looked at and he said, oh, I’m studying to be an engineer.

Matthew Helland (25:58):
And so what happened was God was giving me information about him not to misuse it or abuse it, but to show him that God loved him. So the second way that God speaks to us is through pictures. So if you’re watching this right now, why don’t you go ahead and pause this if you can. And why don’t you go ahead and ask God, God, speak to me through a picture. Give me a picture, give me a word, go ahead and, and speak to me right now. And, and you might see something saying, well, what does that mean? That’s half the fun, because when God starts giving you pictures or dreams, you’ll see many times prophets in the Bible said, what does that mean? Then you begin the, the, the, the process of hermeneutics and what is hermeneutics that’s interpreting and applying a word, just like you, you, you do a scripture.

Matthew Helland (26:46):
So you do it with, with dreams and visions. You, you, you take a picture. You God, what does it mean? And Lord, how do I apply this to my life? And it’s not always simple. That’s why I’ve written a whole book. So in, in my book, I, I describe 10 guidelines for developing prophetic ministry. And it’s really important that we have guidelines whenever someone wants to grow in prophetic ministry. The first one is, is always prophesy lovingly. I learned from my parents that the most important thing that you you can do is not how good you can prophesy or teach or preach or, or, or heal the sick. The most important thing that you can do is love people. And the Bible says that that prophecy, new Testament, prophecies is strength and encouraging comfort people. So even when I may have a word, that’s a word to bring correction or a word that could it possibly be a warning, I’m still gonna bring it in a way that’s gonna strengthen and encourage and comfort people.

Matthew Helland (27:45):
In fact, the difference between condemnation, which is the, what the enemy does is that he brings truth. And then he tries to kill people with that. Whereas conviction will bring truth to somebody, but it will bring a way that gives them life and hope. In fact Jesus himself in the, in the first two chapters of revelation speaks to seven different churches in those churches. He all tells them a warning, but he always ends it with a promise and what rewards they can get if they obey him. So it’s really important that whenever we deliver a word from the Lord, whenever someone who’s prophetic sees something that they bring a word in a way that still is going to bring God’s love. And, and, and it’s important that, that you be wise when you do this. For example, I, I prophecy over a woman once I, I, I said something to the effect of, you know, I see like a hand and it’s like a spirit of fear that wants to control you.

Matthew Helland (28:40):
And in the name of Jesus, I just come against all fear and I speak life over you. She didn’t hear anything else. She only saw the hand and, and fear, and that stuck with her. And that, that was a problem. So that’s why it’s really important that you be very, very wise in what you say and how you say that so that you won’t make people scared, but that you will really bring God’s message in a way that that will build them up and, and, and do it in a way that, that, that truly is, is strengthening and encouraging and comforting. The second guideline is, do not isolate yourself, but work together in teams. This is probably one of the major problems I see with people that have a prophetic gift is that they they’re sensitive. They can get offended easily and they will isolate themselves.

Matthew Helland (29:29):
And that is not good for anybody. In fact, the example that we have in scripture is that profits always worked in teams or schools. And so I like to travel with other people so that we can, as iron sharpens iron so one man sharpens another, we can sharpen each other. We can grow in the gifts and there can be a transmitting of gifts of spiritual gifts from one person to another. There’s one profit from the UK that says that a self-made profit. It takes him about 20 years to develop the to his potential and the prophetic gift in the prophetic ministry. But if he’s trained, then it can take, instead of 20 years, it can take 12, 12 years. So there’s great acceleration, which takes place when you work together in teams, also great accountability, which is also incredibly important.

Matthew Helland (30:20):
Point number three, don’t be too dramatic when you prophesy. You don’t have to speak in king James version. Also smile, be relaxed. Don’t be unnecessarily weird guideline four, be sensitive for God and to people ask permission before you place your hand on someone, if you want to place for them pray for them. Be extremely sensitive regarding weddings, births, healings, and deaths be culturally sensitive when ministering in different culture than your own. As I, as I already said previously, if you’re in a, a cold culture where they don’t trust emotions tone your emotions down. But if you’re in a, in the south of the United States or in Africa, be as passionate as you want to, because that’s, that’s, that’s what those cultures appreciate, but be sensitive to people, to guide into people. Number five, never allow people to worship you the goal of prophecies to make Jesus great.

Matthew Helland (31:18):
And not yourself. Step guideline six, never give a prophetic word that is contrary to the Bible. The Bible is the word of God and prophecy does not come over scripture. No scripture is what we judge every prophetic word as Kenneth Hagen once said we do not live our lives according to prophecies. No, we live our lives according to scripture. So, so every prophetic word must be tested and must be submitted to what is in scripture. Someone once told me that it was God’s will that he was living together with his girlfriend and out, and, and, and not being married. That does not line up with scripture. We, we submit to scripture and not to the feelings that we may or may not have. Number seven, learn to give a prophetic word at the right moment in the right time. The Bible says that a prophet has control of him or herself in first Corinthians 1432.

Matthew Helland (32:15):
It’s important to learn, to give a word from God at the right moment. And at the right time, in fact, one prophet who trained me told me that 90% of what God shows you, you don’t necessarily need to say, instead of write in your journal, in fact, pray about it. Not everything that you know, or that the Lord gives you, do you need to say, and there are many words that sometimes I’ll receive from, from, from the Lord. And I will not give that publicly, but I’ll just pull somebody aside and share that in a private way. A, a classic way of this. I was in a church in, in Eastern Europe and all of a sudden I felt an evil spirit RO walk into the room. Now, the last thing I should do at that moment, say everybody, listen, an evil spirit just walked into the room.

Matthew Helland (33:05):
No, that was information for me to know at that time. And I just continued to focus on the holy spirit, focus on Jesus and kept doing what we’re doing. I took authority over that spirit and I, I prayed at that moment. And at the end of the service, I took the pastor aside and I just said, Hey, I feel like this spirit was here. And I really feel like this and this and this, and this was, was taking place. And he said, that’s true. What, what you’re saying? That’s true. That’s something that we have to deal with. And so it’s really important that you have wisdom to give a prophetic word at the right moment and the right time to the right person. Number eight, every prophetic word must be tested. Welcome feedback. When you minister in a church, you submit the authority to the local church.

Matthew Helland (33:50):
Prophets are servant leaders who help build up the church. Once again, we don’t compete against each other. We complete each other apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers should work together to equip the saints so that they can do the work of the ministry. Number nine, record, every prophetic word possible. I had a, a pastor who, who told everybody that I met some of his people and I, I prophesied told them that it was God’s time for them to leave his church. And I said, pastor, did you listen to the recording? Because I never said that. And I would never say that now, thanks that I, that was recorded. There was proof that I never prophesied. I never said that that was something that they interpreted in their own way. Again, people can say things that you said, something that you never said. So for the sake of your own safety, but also for the ability of later listening to what the prophetic message has been record, write it down or put it on your, on your smartphone and number 10, prophesy from faith.

Matthew Helland (34:50):
And not only from feeling sensations or emotions, the key scripture here is Romans 12 six, which is you as a gift of prophecy, does it, according to their level of their faith, you do not need an angel to sit on your head. You do not need to feel anointing. I’m all for feeling anointing, but we walk by faith and not by feeling. So I prophesy not by how I feel, but by faith, I believe that as I opened my mouth, God is going to speak Smith. Wigglesworth was once at a meeting where he was praying. And then he started speaking and prophesying over people. And it was like liquid fire coming out of his mouth. And they said, how do you do that? And his response was I, I begin in the flesh and I end in the spirit and that’s just like speaking in tongues.

Matthew Helland (35:43):
That’s just like praying for healing. That’s just like prophesying. Many times, we by faith step out and begin to speak. As it says in Psalms, open your mouth and I will fill it in Luke 10 and 12. It says that that when we’re before Kings and, and priests, when we don’t know what to say, don’t worry because the holy spirit will give you at that moment. What to say? It says that when we speak it’s, it’s not just us speaking, but it’s God speaking. First, Peter four 11 says that whoever speaks, speaks as if God himself is speaking through you. So the Bible clearly instructs us that we can speak words of God, to other people, but when we do it, we do need to do it in a way that’s, that’s humble in a way that honors people in a way that’s loving.

Matthew Helland (36:31):
And, and ultimately remember faith is spelled R I S K. You have to get out of your comfort zone. You have to say something which might look you may, may, may, may look, may seem like you’re really stupid. A beautiful example of this is, is Gary Best book. It’s naturally supernatural, where he tells about a vision where he had was where he was on diving board. And he looked down and there was no water in the swimming pool. And God says, jump. He’s like God, there’s no water in the swimming pool. That’s gonna hurt. God says jump. God, I don’t like pain. I don’t wanna jump. And finally he jumps and the moment he jumps, the swimming pool gets full of water. And that’s, it is that’s the same way it is with the supernatural first time I had a word of knowledge on television.

Matthew Helland (37:25):
All of a sudden I got pain right here. And I thought, oh no, this is the word of knowledge. What am I gonna do? Finally, with two minutes left on the, on the video or on the, on the camera. I said, okay, someone there has pain right here. And I believe God’s healing you when I was done. I was like, what did I just do? I mean, if you take a step of faith, you’re gonna feel stupid. But that, that that’s okay because it was actually the cameraman that at that moment got healed from his pain that he had right there. So if you wanna operate in the prophetic, if you wanna operate in the healing, in these things, that means that you will have to get out of your comfort zone. I know for example Daniel King is here with me. And every time that you stand up to say, God is going to heal.

Matthew Helland (38:13):
Now you’re taking a risk. You’re doing it by faith. And I’ve been in churches. For example, this last Sunday, I was in a church here in Tolson. I said, I believe God is going to heal 30 people in the next five minutes. And we started praying. And the first time we prayed, 12 people were healed. And I said, now we’re going for 30. Let’s do it again. We started praying again, that time 18 people raised their hand. I said, okay, we’re gonna do it one more time. And I believe that God’s gonna heal 30 people. And we prayed one more time. I said, okay, let’s do it again. And I counted. And there was 30 people waving their hands. If they had experienced a healing in their body, what did that take? It took faith. It took me taking a step of faith. Now, let me be real honest with you.

Matthew Helland (38:59):
Not every time I pray for healing, does everybody get healed? I’ve had meetings where it seemed like everybody got healed that I pray for. I’ve had meetings, maybe one, or nobody gets healed, but that’s okay because I can’t heal anybody. It’s God that heals. And my job is to step out and to love and to pray for people. So whether or not people get healed, whether or not all the words I give to people are accurate or not. It’s not about the signs and the wonders. It’s about Jesus. It’s about knowing Jesus, because Jesus said there will be people who will say, have we not prophesied? Have we not healed the sick? Have we not cast that demon? And you’ll look at them and say away from me, I never knew you. So if you want to grow in the prophetic, don’t focus on the prophetic, focus on Jesus, focus on loving him on speaking his word on strength and encouraging on comforting other people’s. And you’ll see how the, the, the supernatural can begin to become very natural and normal for you.

Speaker 2 (40:06):
Do you have any testimonies of how you use the gift of prophecy or word of knowledge, of course. And witnessing the people? Of

Matthew Helland (40:15):
Course. Yeah, let me, let me share a few testimonies here regarding using words of knowledge and, and using prophetic words. One of my favorite places do this, I don’t know if I’ve talked about it already, but is, is psychic fairs as psychic fairs, people are coming there looking for for information. And so what I’ll do is I’ll set up a table and I’ll set up a menu board. And on that menu board, I’ll write things like I offer healing, I offer spiritual advice. I offer dream and tattoo and name interpretation a workshop on how you can hear from my source. And I make it look as if I’m just another psychic, which I’m not a psychic I’m, I’m a, I’m a man of God. I call myself a seer. And in front of myself, I put a bunch of scripture cards and people ask are those terror cards.

Matthew Helland (41:12):
And I’ll say, ah, there’s something like that. But all it is is it’s God’s word. And so I’ll, I’ll tell people, well, go ahead. You know, this is my menu. And I operate from out my source and my source is Jesus Christ. And so what happens is, is just different examples. One little girl says, nah, I wanna know my future. And I said, Ooh, grab a grabs, a card, Jeremiah 29 11. I know the plans that I have for you to give you hope in the future. Another man from a radio program came to interview me and see if I was the real thing or not. And he said, I wanna know my future. And I said, well, grab a card. And there said, and you will be, and I will be your father. And you will be, my son says the Lord, God almighty.

Matthew Helland (41:54):
And this just opened the door for me to be able to share the gospel with him. I will give a presentation. And again, I do not use any churchy words or Christianity words, the Christian words, because that would scare people away because they think that the church does not have anything to offer them in a spiritual sense. One woman I baptized said, I knew the church had the father, the son, but I did not know you had the spirit. So what I’ll do is I’ll begin and I’ll tell stories about healing. And then I’ll say my source is gonna heal people now. And sometimes I’ll use the word of knowledge by saying, who has pain here, or who has pain there or who, whose name is possibly this. And then people will come forward. And, and as I begin to pray for people, people get healed.

Matthew Helland (42:38):
And then I’ll say, who would want to know who my source is? And then everybody in the room raises their hand. And then I start saying his name is Jesus Christ. And then I share the gospel about how God loved the world and we’re broken and came to heal it and how Jesus was broken on the cross. And he wants to take all our brokenness hurt pain and sin, and he wants to give us a new life. And I end by saying, who would like a personal word from Jesus Christ and everybody in the room raises their hands. Everybody wants prayer. Everybody wants a personal word from Jesus Christ. Whereas if I go to a psychic fair with a big black Bible and preach at people, nobody’s gonna want to talk to me. But if I become a Jew to the Jew or a, a Gentile or the Gentile, or, or reaching people in psychic affairs, the way that other people are doing it.

Matthew Helland (43:27):
And the cool thing is, is what I say is the way that I treat witches in psychics is I give em a hug. And many times Jesus heals them. And many times they send people to our table. And many times we have higher percentage of, of healings taking place, but what are we doing there? We’re simply loving people. And the other thing that I, that I, that I, where I work weekly in the red light district, and I love to be in the red light district when it’s dark and there’s lots of busyness and nearly every week, well, every week I get to pray with, with men or women in the prostitution. And, but what’s normal is that that I’ll come in and, and everybody will close their window and we’ll grab hands and I’ll start praying for him. And I’ll start prophesying over him.

Matthew Helland (44:12):
And I’ll who has pain and I’ll start praying for him and God will heal them there. And what is my message? My message is God loves you. He has a hope and a future for you. You are his dearly beloved daughter. And by the grace of God, we’ve been able to help some get out, but every week there’s there’s women or, or even some men that say, can you help me get out? Can you help me? Like one woman looked at me and said, you’re the pastor. And you’re gonna help all of us get outta here. And by the grace of God I don’t mean to be pretentious or arrogant in any way, but we want to continue to help serve these men and women in that place. But again, evangelism and prophecy is really not that hard. It’s all about loving people and loving God and trusting God that for a picture for a, a word, a scripture or something that when you look at somebody, you can say, you know, I see this or this, or, or I feel this or this.

Matthew Helland (45:11):
And, and, and if that word is accurate, which many times it is, then now you have instead of a small door to op talk about Jesus. You have a much larger door and opportunity to share about Jesus. One of my some of the people that I really enjoy ING to are, are people that are, are transgenders. And I’ve, I I’ve seen when I, when I go to their places of work, I, I don’t go there to condemn them or, or, or tell ’em off and I just go there to pray for them. And as I pray for someone, I can tell you stories about how all of a sudden, they’ll just start feeling like a warmth that goes over their body, or a pain that God heals them, or, or, or, or I might interpret a dream or, you know, something happens.

Matthew Helland (46:00):
And they’ll start asking me the hard questions. And I can’t always answer all the hard questions, but one thing I can do is tell them that God loves them and that he has a future for them and a purpose for them, for anybody that would say that that prophecy is not necessary. Because we have the Bible, I would say, read the Bible. The Bible says for Corinthians 14, one follow the way of love and eagerly desire, spiritual gifts, especially prophecy. The Bible says that we are to desire to prophesy that we are desire to heal the sick. He says again, in, in 1439, therefore my brothers and sisters be eager to prophesy and do not forbid speaking in tongues, but everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way. Whoever believes. And I, and I respect many, many wonderful men and women of God who have great respect for them, but the, the, the, the teaching of cessationism is a teaching that is based upon man’s experience and not upon scripture, because everywhere that we see that the scripture is preached, we see that lives are changed.

Matthew Helland (47:09):
We see that signs and wonders are normal. Let’s go to the ministry of Paul real quick. He says, for example, for Corinthians two my message in my preacher, where we’re not with wise and persuasive words, but with the demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power, all he knew was Jesus Christ, crucified, resurrected. And he was not going with wise words, but with power. And, and again, we turned to the book of Romans chapter, chapter 15, and here he says verse 17, through, through 20, it says, I glory in Christ Jesus in my service to God, I will not venture to speak of anything, except what Christ has accomplished through me in leading the Gentiles to obey God by what I have said and done, what did he do by the power of signs and wonders through the power of the spirit of God? So from Jerusalem, all the way around to lyric, I have fully proclaimed the gospel of Christ.

Matthew Helland (48:07):
The Bible speaks about us preaching the gospel with demonstrations. Jesus told us to heal the sick, to cleanse the dead lepers to, to, to, to raise the dead freely. We have received freely. Give that we say that miracles and signs and wonders have stopped because of the can of scription scripture is, is not only unscriptural. It is buying into the culture and the times of modernism, because modernism says that you’ve gotta be rationally, be able to explain everything the, the world that we live in. It’s, it’s actually a problem of, of, of, of worldview. John Wimber, he was the one who always spoke about worldview, and he said, the four things that Western culture teach us are, are, are, first of all, that we are actually deist or atheist. We believe that basically God created the world like a clock maker, and then let the world just continue to run without his daily involvement that, that, that we need to do things in our own strength, individualism that, that we have to have nobody tell us what we can do or not do materialism and rational that you shouldn’t be able, you shouldn’t trust anything that you don’t understand fully, but that is not the Bible of scripture.

Matthew Helland (49:29):
That is not the teaching of scripture. It says that he’s a God who does more than we could ever ask, think or imagine. And when we read the book of acts, when, when we read not just the book of acts and, and, but we read the pistols, we read the, the book of revelation. We read all of the Bible. We find a God who, who speaks through scripture, but he also speaks through dreams through visions. He speaks through prophets, he speaks through apostles. And so this whole idea of throwing out because of legitimate abuses, there are false profits, they’re all FARs teachers, but there’s also real profits. And there’s also real teachers. And there’s real apostles, many of who won’t call themselves a prophet or an apostle, but we need as much as we needed signs and wonders back then we need signs and wonders today.

Matthew Helland (50:28):
Why is it that people are going to psychics? And they’re going to, to, to, to other sources, because they believe that the church is, is only about teaching moral teachings and that they have no power. One woman came to me and said, I believe I have the gift of healing in my hand, but my church says that that doesn’t work. That, that, that, that, that’s not of God. And I said, well, come to my church because that’s what scripture says, that everybody who believes in Jesus can lay their hands on the sick and that they will recover. And so it’s really important that we do not base our doctrine upon our experience. If you have never experienced a healing that does not mean that God does not heal. In fact, he commands us to, he heal the sick by laying our hands on them. So I would, I would respectfully disagree with my brothers and sisters who believe that that in cessationism that God does no, no longer does healings and signs and wonders.

Matthew Helland (51:32):
And again, part of that reason is because I am a sign in wonder, I was never supposed to walk or touch, but by the Walker or talk, but by the, the power of God, God healed me of cerebral palsy. And the list can go on and on. There are many false teachers and false prophets and false pastors, but don’t throw away the baby with a bath water, because God still wants to heal. Still wants to do mighty things through his church, through his people today. If, if you wanna grow in the supernatural, let me just encourage you to grow on three things. The first thing is love. The second thing is faith, take risks, go find people who, who are doing this stuff. Go learn, go, go buy my book, prophesy and heal the sick. You can get that on my, on my website, prophesy, heal.com or, or on Amazon.

Matthew Helland (52:19):
There’s other good books. But third, stay humble. Please stay humble. And let me break down humility. Real quick. Humility is four things. According to Jonathan Edwards, a famous preacher, he said first humility is being content. If you’re prideful, that means you’re driven by fear or driven by emptiness, trying to prove yourself, be content as, as, as, as Paul said whether I’m rich or poor, I can do all things to Christ strengthens me. Second of all, humility is, is being friendly and kind and respectful to people who disagree with you. That’s being humble. Prideful means that you’re, you’re you’re disrespectful. You, you you’re mean to people that that don’t agree with you spend time with people that, that don’t believe like you that are of a different faith that are a different political opinion. Number three humility is, is is being teachable is being correctable.

Matthew Helland (53:18):
But if, if you’re, if you’re prideful, then you know it all, then no one can teach you anything. So, so remain, remain teachable and fourth, someone who is humble is, is someone who is, is secure. Whereas someone who’s prideful is highly insecure. And why, where is our source of, of security? It’s that we know that we are not what we do. We’re not what we have. We’re not what people think of us is that we hear the voice of Papa guy that says you are my dearly beloved son. You’re my dearly beloved daughter. I love you. And I please with you and learning to connect with that voice every day enables us that we can be that voice to other people. And to let them know that the gospel is about a God who loved the world so much, that he gave his son to, to die on the cross for us.

Matthew Helland (54:14):
And that, that is not just something from 2000 years ago, but that’s something of now that he wants to take our brokenness, our hurt and our pains and that because of the incarnation, because of what he did the, the, the, the son of God became a son of man, so that the sons of men could be sons of God. We can know God, because ultimately all prophecies about it’s about knowing God, knowing God and being his hands and feet to many people. So please remain full of love, remain full of faith and remain very humble whenever you operate in prophecy and any gifts of the spirit. Thank you. And God bless.

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Benny Moses | Evangelism in the Villages of India

Evangelist Benny Moses explains how he reaches people for Jesus in the villages of India.



Benny Moses (00:04):
My name is Benny Moses from Hyderabad, India. I’m an evangelist when I was very young, 20 years old, I, I don’t know anything about emissions. Some of them, my brothers, who came to my church, who was doing evangelism and asked me to join with them a couple of days, I took her off my work and joined with them, and I started to distribute tract and sell literature and share the gospel the way I know. But these brothers are enraged. Me. The Lord has called you for ministry. And I resent my job when I was 20 years old and joined with an, a mission organization and getting a training, how to share the gospel while I’m I’m doing my ministry. I attended a, a, a Koolaid where one brother from Australia sharing about the lost ones. And the Lord started to speak to me from a ation chapter, three words, 27.

Benny Moses (00:58):
And through that word, I confirmed the Lord has called me to be an evangelist. And I’ve been doing that one last 33 years, even though I was working with the different organizations as an administrator or leader, but still my heart was the least the lost one. Therefore I made a programs, not not to people to work to reach the last one in, in India. I I like evangelism in two ways. One is a personal evangelism. Another one is a house to house visa evangelism. Plus we can do open evangelism, some villages in India. I go to different churches and call the villages for two days of training program. And I train them how to share the gospel, how to share the testimony. And I divide them by two by two and send to the villages and they go house to house and share about the faith.

Benny Moses (01:51):
And the method I use is of five points. God man, sin, Jesus, and judgment. And you can explain full gospel using these five points and they will do they’ll go to house to house and share the gospel in this method and share the testimony also how they come to know the law. I went to a church and of course the pastor together, 15 ERs. After that training, I give them a goal for reaching five people for a year, each one, catch five. They went back to their re places. Along with the job. They start to share the gospel with the colleagues using these five points of methods and they want to, they started to come to the church and within three months, 45 people added to the church. And within one year around 75 people came to the church and one man as a pastor cannot bring these 75 people.

Benny Moses (02:50):
But when he trained 15 billers, they brought these billers to the church. A great revival and pastor was extremely happy about it. We have some opposition, some villages, even some houses, they won’t accept us. Some persons, they completely reject. They have a great misunderstanding that Jesus is not a Asian is a Western God. And therefore some places we have a great system. And if I do have full calls for Bible colleges, I cover 15 subjects, church planning, church growth, introduction to the gospel part is a message of gospel. The method of gospel, the qualification of evangelist, the how to get out of the fear and shy of sharing the gospel. Door-To-Door evangelism, personal evangelism, Ary, evangelism, literature, evangelism. And I covered this subject five days in Bible college. But if I do for <inaudible>, I do it for two days, that seminar is just for how to share the gospel.

Benny Moses (03:55):
They only need to know how to start, how to end, how to approach a person, how to begin sharing the gospel. Sometime people share their testimony in the beginning and share the gospel. Sometime after sharing the gospel, they share their testimony and they ask them to come to the church and people just to come to the church to listen the word of God, strain them these five methods points. They know how to share. Therefore, the shy is not there. Fear is not there because they know the methods. The most of them are, did not know the methods. Once they learn the method, they don’t fear. They say you have a life, which is God wants to use for your is glory. And you, now we can do it because boldness, because you know how to start an out end in that way, I encourage them.

Benny Moses (04:42):
And I tell them each believer call to be an evangelist because Bible says, go, Jesus said to his disabled, go and make a discipl. It’s not for only the pastor, but for every believer, everyone who knows Jesus Christ personally, they can share, but did not know how to start, how to end, but the methods help them to get rid of the fear and shine. The main things. The believers has a very negative idea that this share in the gospel is a duty of a pastor. It’s not my duty. Therefore I want to delete that thought from the mind and train them to share the gospel and they can do wherever they are placed. Maybe they’re government office, maybe in a private company, maybe they’re doing daily wages wherever they are. They can share the gospel. In that way, more believers can be trained and more believers can share the gospel.

Benny Moses (05:34):
In that way, the India can be reached train believers for evangelism. I made a program called beep believers, evangelism, equipping program, acute them for the evangelism, a equipping means, train them up. How to start, how to approach a person, how to share your testimony. And when they are, when we train believers, definitely without fear and shy, they’ll be able to win the souls. That is the main method I feel. And this person, because India has a lot of oppositions and lot of problems, we cannot have big, big Cru sets in India, but still we can have it. But I, I believe that more believers need to come for this ministry as not as a full-time ministry, but along with the job they can do it. Evangelism is the only best to work in a Christian work Christian ministry. You can do, you can do anything. There’s nothing wrong on that. But under, unless you see the last world, if you are not having a vision, your ministry has not success.

Benny Moses (06:46):
Success of your ministry is reaching the lost world. The Lord gave me a vision to start a mobile team. Well, team have one automobile vehicle with the Cuban of public’s addressing system, LCD projector for a film show, maybe little vessels for cooking. And they go to we can have a two people on the team. They go to a local church, maybe where there’s a 50 or 60 billers and they can stay in that in the church. Before beginning the ministry, I will go and train the billers, how to share the gospel billers. Evangel. Doesn’t make you in program and billers can join the team and go to different villages, go house to house person, to person and share the gospel evening. They can screen the film man of conversion, which acted by Indians and that through that movie, they can also come communicate the gospel for a day three to five.

Benny Moses (07:48):
Villages can be covered in a short time and per a month around 750 to 800 villages can be covered. If they work 25 days per a month, one year, you may have more than 800 to thousand villages can be covered. I, I, I only need a vehicle. The Lord provided me LCD projector. Maybe I will make it a sponsorship for a public addressing system. I do need a big system, a small system where we can cover a hundred to 200 people. That’s more than enough. Then we can buy some cooking vessels for buds can cook, but most of the churches will provide food for two people. That’s not a big problem. And maybe we need a gas money for a month to run. Then maybe we like to support $7,200 for two brothers who are serving the Lord with us. That’s my vision. If you have a vehicle new brand vehicle, 15 years, we can run without any much problem. I’m guaranteed that 10 years, we don’t need to do any maintenance. Therefore, we, we are safe on spending money with the short money we are reaching millions.

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Ayelen Saavedra | Evangelism at Christ For the Nations

Christ for the Nations in Dallas, Texas has a rich history of evangelism going back to the early days of the Voice of Healing movement with Gordon Lindsay. In this video, you will learn from the evangelism director of CFNI, Ayelen Saavedra. She explains how the students of CFNI are reaching out through tent crusades on the campus of CFNI and at Mardi Gras in New Orleans.

Connect with Ayelen Saavedra: https://www.facebook.com/aye.saavedra.7 


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:04):
Hi, I’m Daniel King and I’m here on the campus of Christ for the Nations in Dallas, Texas. And I’m with Ashlyn, who is from Argentina. She is the evangelism director here on campus. And so I’m gonna ask her some questions about what God is doing through Christ for the nations in the area of evangelism. You’re here at Christ for the nations. Yes. In Dallas, Texas. What do you do here at

Ayelen Saavedra (00:31):
Christ for I’m over at the evangelism department? I teach evangelism. I lead the crusades. I lead weekly outreaches and mostly mission trip within the United States.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:41):
And you’re just showing me some of these pictures from different crusades that happened in the history of Christ for the nations, which Christ for the nations was rooted in the evangelistic ministry of Gordon. Lindsay, looking at some of these, these pictures, we’ve got one from Puerto Rico. We’ve got one of another evangelist in a tent crusade. This is amazing. What is CF and I doing today to continue that legacy

Ayelen Saavedra (01:10):
Or, and Lindsay started his minister at early age. He started putting crusades. He gathered the funny story is like he gathered a few friends and he bought it. He, and that’s how we started doing crusades. Massive miracles were happening. So that’s our legacy. Our legacy is born in revival in, in evangelism, in crusades, in salvations over for more than 150 tens in those days. So everything started by the boys of healing, which was the main purpose was to announce all the miracles that had taken place. So the voice of healing and a couple of years later, it, it transitioned into Christ for the nations. We are currently leading Alridge every week. Every Monday, every single week.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:49):
What type of outreaches do you do?

Ayelen Saavedra (01:51):
We do street evangelism. We do homeless. We do jail and prison. We do high school. We get into high schools. We preach the gospel. We have literally service inside the high school, local high school. We work with one and nearby, which is 50 minutes away. I don’t wanna say the names just for sake of information, but it’s one of the top 10 high, biggest high schools in America. Not only high school, but also homeless. We go there every week. We have street evangelism four times per week, where we take our students to the streets, literally to bridge the gospel, even one-on-one setting or in a, in a group setting, like kind of more like a, as a corporate alre. Also we do two main big outreach per, per semester. One of those is Mardi GRA, and we’re here in the fall doing every four.

Ayelen Saavedra (02:38):
We, we do that. We’re starting to do this this year and we’ll continue to do this every year. We put a 10 and it just, it just, it, it is massive. Last year 40 people was, I mean, it got safe. One. We had, we had one boy who couldn’t walk. He came in and Walter, and then he, he just received the power of the holy spirit. And then he just stand up and he began to run outside the tent and he said, mama I’m healed. And he was crying. It was, it was amazing. We, we have miracles like crazy here and enclave, like many people say that, nothing, nothing, you know, there there’s nothing going on in enclave. This is poverty is one of the most dangerous places in Dallas, but we are seeing the power of God moving in a tremendous way.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:25):
Yeah. So Christ for the Nation’s campus is right here in the middle of Dallas, in the Oak cliff community. And there are lots of people right here that need Jesus. And so you’re reaching out to them. Yeah. Now you’re, you’re going to be doing a, a tent crusade coming up. Tell, tell me about the tent crusade, what you’re

Ayelen Saavedra (03:42):
Doing. Yeah. I’ll leave these photos a little bit here, but we’re putting the tent. Basically. We are expecting one types of people to show up, to hear the gospel. We’re gonna feed them. We’re gonna have training in gospel in the afternoon from two to five. And then from five to seven, we’re gonna give food. We’re gonna have a blessing in store. We’re gonna give close to the community. And then at seven, we’re gonna start the crusade. We’re partnering with different churches up room, Trinity, joy, church, family, C different churches that are partnering because we cannot do this crusades without the hub of the local churches. So beside partnering with local churches, we’re partnering with ministries as well. We’re, we’re working with YM kna with sacred writers with time to revive in Texas different other organizations, evangelistic organizations, we’re starting we’re starting the 45 days praying 45 days of praying and fasting and evangelization every day.

Ayelen Saavedra (04:39):
And we’re dividing OC cliff sections. We’re doing a map and we’re dividing those sections. We’re working with local churches in order to, to prepare for, for the 10th crus se that’s, that’s the way that we’re doing. We’re giving flyers. We’re, we’re visiting every church, many churches. We started last weekend. We’re visiting many churches on the weekend. We’re promoting the event. We’re saying invite a non-Christian invite a coworker, invite a friend, invited somebody from college, from high school to the 10 to experience God, if you need a miracle, if you need prayer, if you need, if you just need something from God to show up and we’re gonna get wild in worship, but we’re also gonna preach the gospel in a simple way that will reach masses to, to the kingdom of God.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:21):
So I saw some, some flyers here that you’re passing out for the tank revival. Could you tell me how you’re passing these out and what you’re doing

Ayelen Saavedra (05:28):
Now? Absolutely. Well, one of the technics is just to do a straight evangelism. So we are, you do this. It’s says let’s party because the 10 revival

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:35):
Let’s party, the greatest party of all time. Yeah. Music, food VIPs. It’s already paid for a real party that lasts for he forever heaven. Wow. That’s

Ayelen Saavedra (05:46):
Awesome. It’s preadmission. When we put the tent it’s it’s gonna be in the midst of Halloween. Wow. So we even put in fire says like demo on party or exorcism life, free entry. Like we’re doing different creative ideas to invite people because it’s in the middle of Halloween. Who’s gonna go to like a cheese stand. You know, sometimes we use the word Jesus on the fire, but sometimes we don’t and it’s like, oh, what’s it. You be, I mean, you be surprised of how many people are, feel more like, curious about like the spirituality rather than just the name. Right. But then we just do it three evangels and we invite them. You want me to show you the way that we do? Yeah. In a practical way. Hey, hello. How are you? This is my name. ASHN I wanna invite you.

Ayelen Saavedra (06:30):
We’re having 10. We’re having this event. We’re gonna give food. It’s gonna be good. Please show up. And this is the event. It’s gonna be October 30, October 31st or November 1st and 7:00 PM. But if you come at five, we’re gonna give up. We’re gonna give food. We’re gonna give clothes and I, I would love to have you, and I believe we’ll have a great time. And if you have any need, if you have, if you need prayer, please come. I’m sure that, that your prayers will be answered. I, I have a high expectation for what’s gonna happen. Something like that. It’s just very fast.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:05):
Yeah, that’s great.

Ayelen Saavedra (07:07):
So this is some of the flyers that we used to evangelize because it doesn’t say the tent. It doesn’t say any event in particular. So we use this even in Mardi GRA, or even when we do a straight evangelism or homeless or high school, because it cause attention. And if you see the back of the, the fire says, here’s how you get in admit, you need to Jesus, God, son, as for forgiveness, for all, you done run against him and the people. If you really want, God’s help in your life to have eternal life, then pray simple, pray, God, we’ll hear you, forgive you and help to bring help to bring about a change in your life. And this is kind of the, the, the short prayer that we put in the flyer. Jesus, I need your help and forgiveness. Forgive me now and cleanse me, come to my heart and gimme new life.

Ayelen Saavedra (07:49):
Thank you for hearing my, and thank you for answering my prayer. Amen. Wow. It’s a very simple prayer that we put there because people said, okay, I wanna pray for you. Can I pray for you? Or you need prayer. Okay. We can pray together. You know, we don’t push the, our student to say, tell them to repeat a prayer after me, because sometimes they don’t even feel like it. Sure. And I mean, by repeating a prayer, people don’t get saved. They get saved, but acknowledge the name of Jesus and asking him as their Lord and savior. So we don’t push our students to repeat a simple prayer that they don’t even feel like repeating it. We push them. Okay. Can I pray for you? Okay. I can pray for you, but can, can I teach you how to pray? And this is a way that you can pray, but it, it has to come up from the heart. What, what you need is Jesus. And then you will preach the gospel.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:33):
So here on the wall, behind me, there’s pictures from Mardi GRA, which is a huge party in new Orleans that takes place every year. And you’re doing evangelism reaching out to the, the people who come to party at, at Mardi. GRA, tell me about that.

Ayelen Saavedra (08:50):
Yes. In Mardi GRA this is a festival that is taking place every year by, by the end of February, beginning of March, one, people, especially young people gather in those streets of Mar in terms of new Orleans to party, to drink, to, to just to take drugs just to, just to lose theirself. And we go there, we take a voucher for students. Every year we take around 100, 150 students to the street of Mardi GRA. It’s crazy because the people go there and they they’re just there to party. And then suddenly we have the signs here that says, for example, free destiny. And, and they was like, oh, read my destiny. Because there is a lot of people that are on the streets that actually work as their car tellers that they’re just working. They get, you know, they get money for doing that. So we take our students and we utilize the gift of the holy spirit, like prophecy, like words of knowledge.

Ayelen Saavedra (09:43):
So we, we have signs that says free destiny. That’s one of the ways that we preach the gospel. And then it was like, oh, they, they will. I come to you, you have a sign. And maybe you part with, with the team of two or three, and then say, okay, read my destiny. I’m here. Or they, they can even give you, they give you their hands and say, read my destiny. And then they utilize our kids, our students, kids, as I did with, you know, with the good heart, our students utilize the gift to the holy spirit. And then we gonna prop over them and say, okay, this happens to you last year, you had a family problem. You, you, you are sick. You, you have a pain in your back right now that, that you are using the words of knowledge, like it’s related with the past or the president, but they, then they ask, okay, tell me about my future.

Ayelen Saavedra (10:24):
And they say, okay, if you give your life to the Lord today, he will change your future. He will give you hope. He will give you a life and life and a boom. He will take away the pain. So we preach the gospel through those kind of techniques. There’s no one technique. We have utilize many techniques. We just have, we have science that says different things. For example free hub. Do you need to hug? Do you need prayer? We we’re just creative. Not only the time we use science, we also have teams of, of 12 people that go inside the street of Mardi GRA. And 1, 1, 1 person it’s designed to be the IOR for that night. So what the others are preaching one person’s it’s within those teams, praying for the ones who are evangelizing and preaching. Then we have another person who is with a guitar.

Ayelen Saavedra (11:10):
Each team has their own worship leader in their own worship songs, their worshiping and people might come and say, oh, can I give you some money to worship? Because it’s, it’s crazy. It’s wild out there. Ma GRA. And we put some songs of, they sing worship songs of people come. And when in the midst of that, we preach the gospel, like in more massive way. Then we have another techniques of, we just go to restaurants and we, we, we minister to the workers because they work all the time. If you can imagine, like they, they, you know, they, they go and party, they drink, they go to bars like to four or five in the morning, even at eight in the morning, they people still partying. So it’s, it’s just, it’s just, it gets wild. Our students go there and preach the gospel, love those broken heart.

Ayelen Saavedra (11:52):
And so I had one testimony from last year. I wanna share very quick, this, I never seen this in my life. I’ve seen miracles. I’ve seen crazy things. People coming to Christ, but this is what I’m gonna tell you right now. I’ve never seen in my life. It was this girl. She was completely Aly. She was completely, I’m sorry. She was completely drunk. She was, she was, she was, she was passed out and I said, I’m gonna preach the gospel. And I had a team with me two people with me and I was a struggling. My mom’s like how I’m gonna preach the gospel if she’s like, she’s lost in her mind. But the whole spirit said to me, every seed is worth it. Every city is worth it. So amen. I went and I preach the gospel. I was with a team. We prayed for her. And after that, she, she began. So she, she start being sober again and she began to whip and cry. And we asked her, did you understand what we just did for you? Which, which is, did, did you remember what we just talked? And she said, yes. I cannot believe that today. My life has been changed because I met Jesus. Wow. And she will. So again, so every the drunkenness disappeared.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:59):
So Jesus saved her and sobered her up

Ayelen Saavedra (13:03):
Rather in the middle of the party, in the middle of the, the drunkenness in the middle of the chaotic atmosphere.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:11):
And what are some other results that you you’ve seen from there? Like how many people does your team minister to over the course of the ministry and party?

Ayelen Saavedra (13:19):
Well, we said that average, we get to pray like two, we pray for two, 2000, 3000 people. And then we last time the results were, we got 170 salvations. Wow. Within one day then many miracles like we had stomach, okay. Problems just being here, right there. A person who was having like a, like a thing in the neck just disappear right there in the, in. I want you, I want you guys to think that Mardi GRA is not like a church setting only like in normal street. It, I mean, it’s wow. It gets Crowdy. It’s noisy. It’s just like you are in the middle of a, of a club. So it’s kind of hard sometimes to pick. So you gotta pull the person a little bit outside the sound, outside the music in order to establish a conversation. But in the midst of that in the midst of that one, my million people from around the world to go there to party, God is bringing hope through his people.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:19):
Wow. That’s so beautiful. Now I saw you have some postcards here where you’re, you’re telling students about it and it will happen this year, February 21st to the 25th. Tell me about how you are training the students and how you’re getting them ready, because it’s pretty intense spiritually to go and administer in a, in a situation like that.

Ayelen Saavedra (14:39):
We, we do prep meetings every week seven months prior to the trip. And we, we do, we do interviews for every application, cuz not all are called to microgram because of the if, if, if there are students who are still dealing with, with some things struggling with some addictions, we cannot take them into this kind of atmosphere because it’s gonna be more hard for them in, in, in a medium or long term. So we wanna make sure that the people that we, we take to preach the gospel and this kind of they’re free, they’re solid. They have a good foundation. Because you know, you, there are people really getting naked in, in the streets and just completely just our law. So when I take people that are, are going through this process of preparation, we teach them how to evangelize.

Ayelen Saavedra (15:30):
We give them, we give them different techniques on how to approach in these kind of settings. We, we have a manual that we grad in. And we, we put their everything related with the spiritual, emotional and physical preparation because we’re gonna be walking a lot throughout the days and throughout the nights. So the trip is five days. So if you can imagine from Dallas to new Orleans and then preaching every, every night, the people get tired and it is not an easy task because when you are with a lot of people around you and you’re preaching the gospel through hours and hours in the morning, in the afternoon, in the night, it takes a preparation, not only in the spiritual and emotional, but also in the physical real. So we do that seven, seven months prior to the trip and we interview everybody can go through a process of interview for the process of mentorship, one on one and through our leaders too, in order to get there prepared and ready with bold, with authority and release the power of God in, in, in, in this festival Mardi GRA

Evangelism Podcast Host (16:37):
Daniel King is on a mission to save 1 million souls a year, but he can’t do it alone. Would you consider sewing a financial seed today to give, please visit www.kingministries.com.

Please subscribe to The Evangelism Podcast with Missionary Evangelist Daniel King.

Chas Stevenson | Evangelism in the Local Church

How can the local church effectively be involved in evangelism? How can the pastor motivate his congregation to witness to the lost? What are the best ways for a local church to evangelize? In this episode, Pastor Chas Stevenson from Houston Faith Church answers these questions…and more.

Houston Faith Church Website: https://www.houstonfaithchurch.com/the_pastors

Stevenson Ministries Website: https://www.stevensonministries.org/ 


Pastor Chas Stevenson (00:03):
My name is Chas Stevenson. I’m with Houston Faith Church. I’m the pastor there. My wife and I been pastoring for 14 years before I was an evangelist. I was a Christian and being a Christian meant that I was filled with the holy spirit and able to witness. And so I started trying to catch up to all the other Christians fishing for men. I found out that Jesus said, follow me that I’ll make you a Fisher of men. So just as a baby Christian, I thought I could, I gotta start doing this. And it was a little scary at first, but I, I felt the obligation to Jesus, to practice fishing and to fish for men and to catch men. And then I realized so few Christians are actually doing that. And when I felt the call to ministry, I went ahead and prayed through and found a certain aspect that I could help churches.

Pastor Chas Stevenson (00:52):
And so I would approach churches that I can help. All of your churches members become the Christian. They were meant to be and help them begin to share their faith with others and have better success than ever before. So that was how I felt Christianity or being a Christian crossed into getting everybody involved in evangelism. I think the secret to the, to the world harvest the secret to changing your nation, your state, your city, your community is found the secret to the whole thing is found sitting right in the church seat. His name is the believer. The believers is the key to everything. All right, when we take surveys in churches, we ask how many of you came to Christ through television and maybe one out of a hundred hands will go up. How many of you came to Christ through radio? Usually zero, these days out of a hundred came through radio.

Pastor Chas Stevenson (01:44):
How many of you came to Christ? Because a believer shared their faith with you. 90% of the hands go up. And then some people raised their hand. How many of you got saved in a church? And so the other 10% are done in church. The believer is the key. 90% of people that are saved, get saved through the witness of a believer. Even if it’s a parent or a friend or a relative, the believers is the one that’s been spreading this gospel all along. Anyway, even though I know that television does, does get some saved, they do a good job teaching, but that’s not the secret to the harvest. It’s not the key to really evangelism. So in our church, we, once we find the solution to evangelism is in the chairs, usually in Christians who have lost their purpose, Christians so often sit there for years frustrated, not, not knowing what to do.

Pastor Chas Stevenson (02:34):
What am I called to do? I’m waiting for my call. I’m waiting for my door to open. Where’s my title. What position can I have? What’s my grace. What’s my gift. And then that goes on for months and years. And they just sit there kind of stagnated when the truth is, if they have the holy spirit, they’re ready. If they know one scripture they’re ready, or we could say this, if they’re saved, they’re ready. The lady that Jesus got saved at the well, she ran on day one, didn’t know anything about anything. Except I found the Messiah. She ran got the whole half of the city saved and the other half came to Jesus and got saved one day. She evangelized the whole city because she found the Messiah. And so really the secrets there, it’s, it’s about keeping that as, as the, the vision, the focus, the emphasis that every one of us here are obligated, responsible, and able every Christian in the church, able to reach others tomorrow for the Lord, Jesus Christ, you know, in, in a natural way, sheep bear sheep shepherds, don’t bear sheep, but sheep bear sheep.

Pastor Chas Stevenson (03:38):
And so we can’t rely on the pulpit, even though there was a time when that was most important, we can’t rely on the pulpit to win all the souls. Okay. It’s great. If you bring a center to church, hopefully they’ll hear the message you get saved, but I found just as many or more get saved after the service with the believer in the car, driving away from church, that Believer’s important. He’s the one that needs to lead people to Jesus, even if they didn’t respond to some altar call. And so we can’t rely on the leaders to get everybody saved. Every Christian should be a healthy enough sheep to lead someone else to Jesus. So if you think about it, a female sheep, who’s not barren in the natural. There’s something wrong. Who’s not barring sheep. A female sheep should bear some sheep. And if not, they’re gonna get eaten, right?

Pastor Chas Stevenson (04:26):
You gotta, you gotta produce here. So Christians who aren’t barring sheep, there’s usually something wrong there not to put people down, but there’s something spiritually wrong, not, not healthy that the pastor or the shepherd has to recognize. I gotta get my sheep healthy so that they will naturally bear sheep out there. Some of it’s so simple but we’ve exempted so many for so long. We’ve exempted so many Christians because they didn’t feel the quite the boldness, right? I’m not the extrovert. And so I can’t do that kind of thing. Oh, we, we turn every introvert into a disciple. I mean, into a, into a Fisher of men. And it’s beautiful to see even the non extroverts be able to share their faith. One on one with some friend over the coffee table and it’s Glos or strangers. I mean, we’ve got introverts approaching strangers, handing a track, leading them to Jesus.

Pastor Chas Stevenson (05:17):
So everything we do is kind of designed to empower the believer and remind the believer. And there’s a little bit to that, but the secret is the believer. Absolutely. We don’t have an evangelism class where we’re expecting everybody to come to and train for 12 weeks and then send you out to the streets to knock on doors. That’s what we don’t do, cuz that’s way too intimidating and too scary. And it only touches about 2% of the people, only those who are already interested in the evangelism really come to that. The rest think they’re exempted. Okay. So the key is this. The key is to present the true commission of Jesus Christ as if it applies to everyone, everyone after the holy spirit and power has come upon, you’ll receive power and you shall be witnesses that’s for everybody. So we have to dispel a lot of the myth that peop people have been under for quite a while.

Pastor Chas Stevenson (06:09):
Christians have just been mistrained in just little inconsistencies with scripture, thinking that an evangelist is, is who wins souls. And I’ve discovered that an evangelist and a soul winner are two different things. They could be the same. They’re not necessarily the same, a soul winner or a Christian witness is one who leads others to Jesus. An evangelist is an office that someone stands in that has a different grace, a special grace for mass crusades and or reminding the church of their great commission. But that’s an office to ed to five, the saints, remember in Ephesians four he gave all five offices for the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry. And so the evangelist is designed to Edify the church. Whereas the believer is designed to win a sin, even though certainly the evangelist would have an extra grace and power and anointing to do mass things and crowd things.

Pastor Chas Stevenson (07:06):
And with, with gifts of the spirit on purpose to lead many, many to Jesus, but that’s different than a witness. And that’s where we’ve lost a lot of people, they think, well, I’m not an evangelist. I can’t do that. Wait don’t you aren’t you able to talk at lunch with a friend about different things? Yeah. I can do that. Well then you can share Christ at lunch with a friend. And so that’s where the same thing with like prayer ministry. We’ve said that, well, they, they have a special anointing to pray and they have a special anointing to win souls. So we’ll send them on their own. I don’t really feel called to the prayer group or the street group and that’s okay, but we can’t exempt everybody else. Let them think. Well, I’m not, everybody’s supposed to pray. There’s no gift of praying and there’s no gift of soul winning.

Pastor Chas Stevenson (07:52):
You realize that there’s no gift of soul winning ever mentioned in the scripture. The gift is the holy spirit. And he’s been given to everybody to present Christ with authority and with a lively, you know, resurrection power. And so the whole thing is, is dispelling some of these rumors another rumor I was thinking of is some people have been taught that you’re only supposed to be led when sharing your faith. Like I’m gonna wait till the holy spirit leads me before I ever say anything. You’ll be waiting a long time. You’ll be waiting a lot. And if you really want to be led, if you really want to be led, just read mark chapter 16, where it says go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. And you can just stop right there. He said that to you and I didn’t, he, every believer needs to realize he said that to.

Pastor Chas Stevenson (08:41):
So for the rest of my life, all, all I need to do is tell every single person the gospel and I will have obeyed the spirit. I will have been led by the spirit because he led the, the writing of the scriptures, right? So we have to start somewhere. So instead of having a red light on all the time, waiting for it to turn green, where God says, now you can preach the gospel to somebody, have it on green and be willing and ready to tell everybody until it turns red, that’s a whole different perspective. Isn’t it? And then there’s the fears and the uncertainty and the intimidation of in a conversation. So we, we help everybody get through that, but there’s some secrets in the church that over time everybody can come along there. You know, we do at our church have a monthly evangelism event that we get U different people to lead.

Pastor Chas Stevenson (09:30):
Whatever is on your heart. Well, I want to go to the park and do an outreach. Okay. Everybody can go to the park with you. We’ll have anywhere from 10 to 40 people go on these events. And we encourage some of the young Christians about it that, Hey, if you’ve never done this and you’re a little scared go to one of these and hide behind somebody don’t, you don’t have to say a word, do anything you can just watch. And before the day’s over, they’re like, wow, this is so easy. It’s so easy to lead others to Jesus. How do you do it? You ignore the ones that don’t want Jesus and you, and you’d spend time with ones that do, this is not about you arguing Jesus. And this is where so many people, they back off office. Like, I don’t know how to argue.

Pastor Chas Stevenson (10:10):
Jesus. You’re not supposed to do that. You’re just looking out there for the ripe ones. Right? Think about how many times the word of God’s liken to the seed and the farmer to the believer of the preacher, right? What does a, what does a farmer do when he plants? Let’s say tomatoes, farmer, plants, tomatoes in the ground and waters and waters and waters and takes care of. And he doesn’t do, he doesn’t try to pull a fruit day. One. He just waters and waters and waters. And he doesn’t try to start pulling green tomatoes. If the tomatoes not rip, don’t pull it. I mean, I know some people want the fried green tomatoes, but if the tomato’s not right, don’t pull it. It’s too hard to pull. It comes. You know, you pull in the vine, you’re ripping things, your, your, your hands get all smelly with vine juice.

Pastor Chas Stevenson (11:00):
On the other hand, when the tomato turns red or starts to turn red, it’s easy to pull it. You just kind of tap it and it’ll fall off in your hand. Same thing with soul winning. You don’t force the green ones that aren’t ready yet. All you’re doing is looking for ripe ones. How do you know if it’s a ripe one? You ask them, would you like to receive Jesus today? If they say, no, you say, okay, bye-bye or you tell ’em some nice things or whatever, but you don’t spend time on those that aren’t ready. Makes it easy. Doesn’t it? So there might be 10 people that aren’t ready. You’re looking for the one that is ready. The scripture says that to that the Lord ordained such that that should be saved, right? I think every day there’s a group that’s ordained and ready to be saved.

Pastor Chas Stevenson (11:42):
We’re looking for those. So when we do our outreaches, we’ll preach to a thousand people and 50 will be saved. We did it. We didn’t fail 950 times. We succeeded a thousand times preaching and telling is success. Planting a seed is success. So we, we have to remember, don’t expect everybody get saved and look at your successes as those that you reached. Okay. One final thing for pastors. There’s this feeling about evangelism that if we’re gonna do an outreach, we’re doing it so that we can get people into our church. I found that as a, almost a hundred percent failure rate, maybe that’s exaggeration, but it’s a high failure rate. Okay. Especially when you’re leading people to Jesus, if you’re doing an event and, and making a big deal and showing people your church, maybe you get some church members, but those who receive Jesus on the streets, don’t normally go straight to the church where the person was that saved them, or that led ’em to Jesus.

Pastor Chas Stevenson (12:46):
Okay? So you can’t expect that otherwise everybody will be discouraged. Wow. We’ve led all these people to the Lord. And nobody came to our church. We have, what are we doing? You need to look at it that way. You’re planting seed, where you don’t reap. Somebody else will reap where you sewed. But if you’ll to get involved in that, then God will let you reap where you didn’t sew. And so don’t look at it as I have to get them in my church. Typically, when a person gets saved or a center gets saved on the streets or out in public their first thought is I’m gonna go to church with so, and so my friend who’s been asking me to go for years, my aunt, they run to somebody familiar. Who’s going to a Christian Church. Okay. You can encourage ’em to do that. They’re not gonna go with a stranger.

Pastor Chas Stevenson (13:31):
So outreach to strangers, don’t expect them to, to come into your church and, and just flock in because you were out there getting ’em saved. That’s one of the myths that kind of, you know, put the, put the breaks on evangelism. It looks discouraging. Don’t feel like that. Look at it. As we succeeded, we reached everybody in our city and that’s our goal. Reach everybody in our city. As a senior pastor, I think there’s one key ingredient to causing evangelism, to explode and continue in any local church anywhere. And it does depend on the pastor. It does depend on the leader because he kind of runs the show, runs the meeting and keeps whatever vision he’s got going. He’s the one. So here’s, here’s the secret really? And it happens in our church. We, we get this working in our church and it’s amazing the results we see, I call it the four year principle.

Pastor Chas Stevenson (14:25):
And, and what I do is I, I look back at the book of acts after Jesus departed, after he sent the holy spirit, after they were filled and started the ministry what was the local church? What did it look like on day one? What did it look like on week two? When people would come to church? What did the four year sound like? Okay. what was the conversation at church? It certainly about the news of the day or the, the sports teams or anything like that, which that’s all, that’s fine. But because of the excitement around this gospel and the resurrection of Jesus, I think the conversation in the foyer was something like, Hey, what did y’all do this week for God? Hey, did you hear about Peter and John at the gate? They got that guy healed. Yeah. I heard about that.

Pastor Chas Stevenson (15:11):
That was awesome. Hey, listen, what I did, I, there was these teenagers walking by on the street. I led him to, I told him about Jesus being resurrected. They didn’t know that he got resurrected. And then I baptized him in the, in the pond right there, man, what did you do? What did you do? And we’re doing what he said. So there was this whole, we obeying Jesus conversation. I just have a feeling. That’s what happened at least for a while. At least until Jude said, come on, you guys earnest Lee contend for that faith. It was once delivered to the saints. Remember that? And so that aspect just kind of reveals. We need some convers, some right conversation in church. All right. So what we do at our church or what’s so I think it could be anywhere is we have a time, every service to mention the works we do for God.

Pastor Chas Stevenson (16:00):
Whereas a lot of churches will have testimony time. What did, what, what did God do for anybody? Did anybody wanna testify? We specifically say, what did you do for God this week? Anybody wanna say, and people will begin to say what they did at work. I passed out a track. I talked to my friend, I made a phone call. I led the so. And so to the Lord, how many of you led someone to Jesus? What’s our soul count? Did we convert anybody this week? Did we turn anybody to Christ this week? And I’ll look through the congregation in one hand and another hand. How many, how, where at, where did you, where did you get ’em saved at? And so we’ll have four or five, almost every service saying I did this. I led someone, my coworker, my dad, you know, I prayed for the sick.

Pastor Chas Stevenson (16:44):
And so now all of a sudden, the whole congregation’s thinking what who’s doing, what I thought it was, you know, that’s where you just dispel the rumor that the pastor does all the works, right? And so if, if church members look around saying, if she can do this, I can do this. And so this spreads, and, and it’s just a little 32nd, 62nd moment in the church, but it reveals the emphasis we’re placing on true evangelism, every church service. It seems most pastors spend a few minutes talking about tithes and offerings. Isn’t that right? Sure. Give a scripture testimony, talk a little bit, encourage people to give. At least you’d have a time for offering. The question is why do we do that? Well, because we know money is required. It’s important for the local church to continue to isn’t it. Well the people know that’s important, how they know that’s important, cuz we talk about it every week.

Pastor Chas Stevenson (17:50):
If we would just kind of take a step back and think of what’s most important to heaven, even though money’s important, it’s the great commission it’s reaching the whole wide world. And so the most important thing is spreading this gospel and then raising up saints, discipling people. We ought to talk about it all the time. So along with the ties in offering, and that’s really one of the best times to do it, one of the best times to talk about soul winning is while the offering’s being collected every once in a while, stop the offertory song. And while the buckets are getting passed, talk about soul winning, let people share their stories to each other. That’s how fire spreads. You have to let people say and talk and then fire can spread. And so it’s, it’s really the five minute charge or the 62nd charge.

Pastor Chas Stevenson (18:40):
All it is is just a consistent reminder. Every week. Sometimes we do it twice a week. Our midweek service, same thing. We’ll have a time shared stories every once in a while on a Wednesday night, somebody will have a question. You know, I was talking to so and so, and they had, they presented this to me. What am I supposed to say to that? So I’ll get a little teach time in there of, of explaining how to approach questions or hens or sins or naysayers or whatever. But the, the point is that we need to talk. We need to emphasize it somehow, not the whole message. Don’t do a six weeks course that you only do once every five years, then you miss everybody keep this as part of the life of the church. Otherwise the evangelism will, will, will die back down to nothing.

Pastor Chas Stevenson (19:23):
And so, and, and we need evangelists coming through to remind us, there’s a special thing that when evangelist says it, they just fire people up about it. And so we need the evangelist gift in the local church, which I think is a, is a missing element of many churches because we’re thinking, oh, evangelists get people saved. And I know that in my congregation, there’s not so many people and I can give an altar call myself, why do I need the evangelist? You need the evangelist because Jesus said you needed the evangelist and he needs to come through your church to motivate people and remind people of the great commission. So pastors do have some responsibility here and I’d say one more thing to pastors. If pastors, aren’t also being a witness every day, everywhere they go, how are their people gonna follow that? If the pastor’s into music, the people are into music.

Pastor Chas Stevenson (20:08):
If the pastor’s into, you know, Bible study, the people are in the Bible study. If the pastor’s a big prayer, the people are prayers. If the pastor’s a real witness for Jesus, the people will start following the pastor ought to have a story. Every once in a while, one preacher long ago said that if pastors would start winning souls every week, they wouldn’t have to have a book of illustrations every Sunday <laugh> to prepare their message. And so this has to become reality that leading others to Jesus is what Christians do. We are fishers of men. All of us are fishers of men. And the fact is most Christians aren’t fishing very much. Maybe once a year, they’ll find the perfect opportunity to fish and that’s not acceptable. So pastors have to get some of these things ironed out so that we don’t let people become the dead sea.

Pastor Chas Stevenson (20:56):
You can’t just keep, keep pouring into people if they can’t give it out. So, you know, if you don’t have any exit rivers, you just get stale. And so many Christians are unhappy. We found the happiest. Christians are the soul winners we found the most faithful are the soul winners. And that’s what makes it all go around. I think that’s the most exciting thing about it all is that we were all in the same thing together, which is impacting the world for Jesus. One of our visions at the church is that every believer has a vision for worldwide evangelism and personal evangelism. So I’m not negating worldwide evangelism and missions and big crusades and stuff like that. But I also want people to have a personal vision for evangelism. What can I do? And everybody, every single Christian can do this stuff, but we talk about it.

Pastor Chas Stevenson (21:48):
So we get ’em testifying. We have a sole goal of individual witnessing and that’s where we find the biggest success. So we, we see church members slowly but surely over six months, sometimes a year after about a six month period, many people come up to me and say, I finally said something. I said, God bless you at work. And then another six months goes by. And they said, I finally gave a track down. And a little bit later, they said, I finally led someone to Jesus and I couldn’t believe it. It was so easy. I just shared my heart and I cared about ’em and they wanted to receive Jesus. Right? And so it takes time and we don’t pressure people or make people feel guilty or act like they have to go knock on doors or go to the streets. Even though we do have outreaches, we don’t act like that’s the only thing we do. The main thing we do is everybody’s a witness tomorrow after church. I can’t go where you go. So you have to, you have to take care of all the people where you’re at. So that’s the key is giving ’em a vision and a purpose for, for lifestyle evangelism, wherever you are.

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The Love of Christ for Iran | Elam Ministries | Dan & Carmen Hale

On today’s episode, we talk with Dan and Carmen Hale who work for Elam, a ministry that is taking the love of Christ to the Muslim nation of Iran. They share amazing stores about how God is moving and Christians are flourishing even in the midst of persecution.

Website: https://www.elam.com/ 

Podcast: Jesus Speaks Farsi 


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
On today’s episode of the evangelism podcast. We talk with Dan and Carmen Hale, who work for ELAM, a ministry that is taking the love of Christ to the Muslim nation of Iran. They share amazing stories about how God is moving and Christians are flourishing. Even in the midst of persecution.

Bible Verse (00:25):
Jesus said, go into all the world and preach the gospel. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:36):
Welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies, and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host missionary and evangelist Daniel King.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:01):
Welcome to the evangelism podcast. I’m Daniel King. And I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. I have two very special guests. They are Dan and Carmen Hale, and they are representatives of ELAM ministries, which is a tremendous ministry that has focus on the nation of Iran. And so God has been doing amazing things in Iran. Yes. Thank you so much for being with me.

Dan Hale (01:29):
Amen. Thank you, Daniel. Thank

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:31):
You. So tell me a little bit about the ministry and what Elon ministries does.

Dan Hale (01:38):
Okay. So Elon ministries to begin Daniel, our tagline is the love of Christ for Iran and beyond, but you know, our focus is Iran reaching Iranians, discipling, guiding people to be leaders. It’s an indigenous church and, and the idea of Iranians, you know, reaching their countrymen, taking them through a discipleship process and then ultimately guiding them to be disciple makers who will reach others and guide them to be disciples.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:09):
And so Iran is one of the largest Muslim nations in the world. When most people think of Iran, they, they think of the Muslim oppression that’s there. And so it’s a very difficult nation yes. To, to work with. What are some of the strategies that you are using to tell people about Jesus in this nation, which is often considered to be like a closed nation?

Dan Hale (02:39):
Yeah. So Daniel Iran first is a nation of about 82 million people. It’s about the size of Alaska and maybe 1%, maybe a little bit more, some people may even say 2% Christians, but it’s a Shiite Muslim nation. And so the idea of providing scriptures, so taking scriptures into the country, distributing them, obviously we won’t talk about how that’s done, but, but praise the Lord it is done.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:08):
And so your ministry is actually taking the, the Bible in their local language, which I understand is Fari

Dan Hale (03:15):
Fari. Yes.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:16):
And, and so you’re taking fare Bibles into the nation of Iran and, and distributing those to people who your ministry is in contact with.

Dan Hale (03:25):
Amen. Yes.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:26):
That, that’s so wonderful. And, and then you’re also training leaders from the church in Iran. So people are getting saved and then you’re training them. Talk to me a little bit about that. What, what does the training look like?

Dan Hale (03:41):
So, you know, for security, we may not talk about a lot of details of the training, but the idea of pouring into leaders, obviously zoom during the pandemic has been super beneficial. You know, the idea of pouring into people, you know, again, you know, we want to, to raise up leaders who can be mentors, but, you know, the, the primary goal is to help people to be disciples, but ultimately to be disciple makers. So duplication multiplication, Carmen, what is it you say all the time about,

Carmen Hale (04:16):
I say, when I speak in the churches that the church growth in Iran is by multiplication, not addition.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:28):
And so, so many people are getting saved that it’s actually multiplying the church of Jesus Christ there. Yes,

Carmen Hale (04:35):
Yes, yes, yes. In, in huge ways. Yes.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:39):
Wow. It, and that, that’s absolutely amazing. It’s so wonderful to hear that God is, is working among Muslim populations. Yes. And what, what are some of the ways that, that God is impacting Muslims? I know that Jesus died for Muslims. He died on the cross so that Muslims could be saved. He loves Muslims. Jesus loves Muslims. And I always say, I love Muslims too, because God loves Muslims. I love Muslims. I’m sure you guys love Muslims. Amen. And, and Jesus is saving Muslims. Talk, talk to me about that. What, what type of encounters are Muslims having with the living Jesus Christ you

Dan Hale (05:16):

Carmen Hale (05:17):
You know when Jesus choose to rich to people, it doesn’t matter how he does it. When I was living in Iran, it was an open country during the, before the, you know, during the SHA time.

Dan Hale (05:33):
So before the 1979

Carmen Hale (05:35):
Revolution. Right.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:36):
Wow. So you were actually living there way back

Carmen Hale (05:38):

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:39):

Carmen Hale (05:40):
I, I did. Yeah, that was

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:40):
Before I was born. That’s amazing.

Carmen Hale (05:42):
I, I, Daniel, do you have to say that? Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. I’m so proud to be to have the privilege to live there. And, and I saw Iran at that time and Iran now who would have imagined that Iran will have the fastest growing church in the world today. Yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:04):
It’s really amazing that in a persecuted nation where sometimes Christians lives are in danger. Yeah. That God is working even in those places.

Carmen Hale (06:15):
Yes. That’s throughout the Bible. There’s stories of persecution and that’s when the church tribe and that’s exactly what happened to Iran in these days.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:27):
So talk to me a little bit about ELAM ministries and how it got started and, and how it’s developed over the years.

Dan Hale (06:37):
Okay. I’ll start. So I pointed to Carmen because Carmen was there 30 years ago, Elon was foreman in 1990. And she was there when, when it got started. But you know, the idea of starting small, you know, at the time of the revolution, there were maybe 500 believers from a Muslim background at that time. So it’s a very small group and, and so much pressure and, and, you know, would the church wither and die, but no, the church has thrived in, is growing. And people are meeting and, and small groups and lives are being transformed.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:15):
That’s so wonderful to hear miss Carmen, can you give me an example of someone whose life has been transformed by Jesus share, share with us a testimony of something that God has done?

Carmen Hale (07:28):
Yes. I think of a, a young man that was put in prison for a crime that he has done. And while in prison, someone else shared Christ with him because obviously there’s a lot of Christians who have been put in prison. What are their crimes is that they have left Islam and follow Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior. So back to this young guy, when he finished his sentence, he came out and he search high and low. Where can I get this new Testament in far sea? He’s been talking, he couldn’t stop. You know, Daniel, I have to tell you that I have never seen a, a, a group of people that are so bold. And so courageous. It’s illegal to be talking about outside Islam, religion. Now,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:27):
When we say that it’s illegal, what are some of the consequences that could happen? If someone is caught talking about Jesus,

Carmen Hale (08:36):
You will be put in prison

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:38):
And, and are there lives in danger? Would

Carmen Hale (08:40):
They be, oh, yes.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:42):
Be in or tortured,

Carmen Hale (08:43):
Or even in killed. I know several people that have been killed pastors that I’ve known big leaders in churches, in Iran that were killed for their faith.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:54):
I really love what one of the church fathers said, Tertullian, He said that the, “The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church.” Yes. And when people are so dedicated to serving God yes. That they are willing to give their lives even willing to, to shed their blood. Yes. For the sake of Christ. Yes. In that place, every drop of blood that falls into the ground has the potential to become a church plant.

Carmen Hale (09:26):
So I want to go back to the story that I wanted to, to tell you this young man who was released from prison, he was believer he was Muslim when he goes in and then come out Christian. And then he starts sharing the gospel with his family, with his relatives and friends. And then he starts high and low because people were so interested to know about this. Jesus Christ, not as a prophet, but the God, the true God. And so he ordered Bible. He, he, he found us in the website and said, ELAM, can you please send me 10 copies of the new testaments in Fari? And then he distributed it and then he could not stop talking about this.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:13):
And so your ministry was actually able to send Bibles in yes. To, to, and they got to him. Yes. And, and then he started sharing that with his friends.

Carmen Hale (10:23):
Yes. And I won’t go into the details, how he got it because it’s, it’s, it’s dangerous, but there’s a way of doing it. God gave wisdom to our people. And then, so this man was picked up by the police of the activities that he was doing. And he put him in prison. And while in prison, again, he’s sharing and prisoners comes to Christ. You know, it’s a, no, it’s a win-win situation. The government don’t like people to become Christians. And yet they put them in prison and then prisoners, including notorious criminals, get to know about Jesus Christ. Then he comes out

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:04):
And you have a captive audience. They have nothing to do, but

Carmen Hale (11:07):
Listen to Jesus about Jesus. I love my Lord. Jesus Christ. He’s just so, so good. And so he comes outta prison after serving several weeks of the of his sentence and he called ELAM again and said, can you send me a hundred copies of these Bibles? And it’s just, it just goes on and on and

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:29):
On. Wow. So he started with 10 Bibles. Yes. Use those and then was asking for a hundred Bibles. Right. That’s the multiplication you were talking about?

Carmen Hale (11:37):
That’s multiplication, I’m talking

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:38):
That’s times 10. That’s amazing. Yes. Well, do you have any other stories of people whose lives have

Carmen Hale (11:43):
Been transformed by Jesus? We have evangelism tools and also safari

Dan Hale (11:55):
You, me to, so we have a discipleship program, which we call SFAR, safari.org is the website for that. Yeah. Mm-Hmm, <affirmative>, it’s available in Persian and English and Safara is the root word for safari. So safari.org without the I safari with, so it’s a one-on-one discipleship program. So I I’ll give you an example the first hundred days. So the first hundred days of a new Believer’s life to guide them through the process, mm-hmm, <affirmative> of becoming a disciple and evangelism and also ultimately a disciple maker. So one of our people was discipling someone with Iran and and so taking him through the process during the discipleship time, that person distributed 100 new testaments and he led 17 people to Christ. And so he personally, as I understand discipled two of those and the others, other people pitched in and helped to disciple them. So again, we’re seeing multiplication.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:53):
That’s amazing. And so the ministry is training leaders, doing church planning, passing out scriptures, media, discipleship. You also do ministry for, for women and men and, and marriage ministry. You’re reaching out to children and youth, you’re distributing books and, and resources, and even working with refugees as they, they come over to, to other nations. And, and the ministry originally is from the United Kingdom, but now you’ve spread to, to many different countries around the world. Where are some of the countries that, that you guys are, are working in,

Dan Hale (13:30):
You know, Turkey, Greece, you know, all over Europe. Yeah. Different countries in the middle east, but you know, Greece and Europe, lots of refugees there, refugees and Turkey, really a great opportunity.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:43):
What a tremendous blessing. Now, if someone’s listening and they have a heart for the nation of Iran, mm-hmm <affirmative> and they have a heart for reaching Muslims with the gospel, maybe they’re interested in, in supporting your ministry, what, what’s a way that they could find out more information about what you do. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> or even possibly support you in the ministry. Mm-Hmm

Dan Hale (14:09):
<Affirmative>. So the place to go is our website, Elam.com. You can always remember that, you know, at Pentecost, the different people groups were there a as the brother shared the partan, the Meads and the Elamites Iranians were there at Pentecost, Shirley.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:29):
And so that, that’s where the name of the ministry comes from. Yes. Is actually from the Bible. Yes. And so Iranians were there on the day of Pentecost. Yeah. Worshiping God. Yes. So that’s in their own language,

Dan Hale (14:40):
That’s a historical name for Iran and

Carmen Hale (14:42):
Nico signed up there.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:44):
Wow. And, and so elam.com and, and then you have a tremendous podcast. Tell me about the podcast that

Carmen Hale (14:51):
You have. Yes. The, the podcast is Jesus speaks Fari. Fari is the language in Iran, and I promise you, you would be so hooked to it because we have people who would, who have been in prison and they talk about their faith and their the work that they have done in prison as even as they come out. And

Dan Hale (15:15):
So Carmen far, she was the very first, he did the first part tell them right. Very quickly. About far she

Carmen Hale (15:21):
Bar, she was a leader in Iran and Christmas, 2010, they have taken about 60 plus of our leaders and members of the church and put them in jail. And some of them were released in matter of weeks and months and some, a year or two, but far, she was in prison for five years. And while he was in prison, he had ushered so many, many prisoners to Christ and he continues to serve very powerfully in the Iran region today. Amazing testimonies he share again, it’s Jesus speaks fare.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (16:10):
Yeah. So if you like podcast, if you like the evangelism podcast, go look for Jesus loves fare podcast. Jesus

Carmen Hale (16:17):

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (16:18):
Jesus Speaks Farsi Podcast, and you will enjoy the, the stories that they tell about what God is doing in that part of the world. Let’s finish up today by praying for the entire Muslim world. Mm-hmm, <affirmative> specifically the nation of Iran and let’s pray that God would move in the nation of Iran. Daniel, would you lead us in a prayer for that part of the world? Yes.

Dan Hale (16:48):
We come to you and, and father, we pray Lord that, that you will continue to do what you’re doing, that you would appear in visions and dreams, and people would have amazing God experiences Lord throughout the Muslim world. I think about Indonesia and I think of India. And I think of throughout the middle east, you know, Iran in particular Lord, that you would do something amazing Lord, that you would touch people’s hearts, continue to open their hearts Lord, and that you would have someone walk up and, and share them, you know, a gospel or you know, that you would do things to draw people in Lord. And that people would be mobilized to evangelized. Disciplers would be mobilized Lord, and we pray for more and more multiplication throughout throughout the Muslim world, Lord, that that many would hear the gospel message Lord, that they would find the gospel on the internet Lord, that they would find, you know, a worship ministry or, or, or preaching ministry, or maybe specifically toward women or men and Lord that you would use all these moments that that many would see the, the gospel light that the light of the gospel will shine bright and many will know you as Lord and savior and ultimately be disciple makers.

Dan Hale (18:07):
We give you all the glory Lord in Jesus name.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:10):
Amen. Amen, Lord. I pray for the nation of Iran. Lord, we pray for the entire Muslim world. And Lord, I pray that you would raise up more laborers who would work in this part of the world. Lord, I, I pray that even someone who’s listening right now that you would put it on their heart to reach out to Muslims and, and to start learning how to share the gospel with Muslims and, and Lord, we pray that you would raise up mighty men and women of God that would be trained in how to share the gospel and that they would be bold in their faith. Lord. We pray for those believers who have already come to you in the nation of Iran. Lord, I pray that you would strengthen them, encourage them, give them boldness today to share their faith with those around them.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:03):
Even in very difficult circumstances. And, and Lord, I lift up the ministry of ELAM to you, Lord, I pray that you would just bless the ministry and give them all the resources that they need to do what you have called them to do in Jesus name. Amen. Amen. Thank you guys so much for being on the evangelism podcast. The Lord bless you. And we will be praying for the nation of Iran and I’m praying that someday I will be able to go. I, yes, I’ve been praying for Iran for many years. Jesus name. Yes. And I’ve been asking God to send me there. And I don’t know if it’s possible right now to, to do a big meeting, but you know, I, I believe the time will come. Mm-Hmm, <affirmative> where even Iran will open up to the gospel and we’ll be able to see not just in ones or twos, people getting saved, but we could see thousands of people. I’m asking God to send me there someday to preach

Dan Hale (20:01):
Brother Daniel. Not, not now, but today you’re a step closer.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (20:06):
Amen. Amen. Well, God bless you guys. And thank you for being on the evangelist podcast. Thank you. Thanks so much for listening today. I am excited about telling people about Jesus. And I want to invite you to be a part of helping us to rescue people from hell and take them with us to heaven. There’s two things you can do to help. First of all, can you go find the evangelism podcast on apple iTunes and leave us a positive review by giving a review, you will help other people find these valuable resources about sharing our faith. And second, would you become a financial partner with king ministries? Every single dollar that people give us enables us to lead at least one person to Jesus. And so that means for only $1, you can help start a party in heaven. And so today I want to invite you to become a monthly partner. You can start out for just a dollar, but if God puts it on your heart to do more, of course you can do more. But please go to king ministries.com and become a monthly partner with us today to help us to lead more people to Jesus. Thank you so much. And God bless you

Evangelism Podcast Host (21:30):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit king ministries.com. Again, that’s king ministries.com.

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