Two words that are often used in Christianity are evangelism and discipleship. Some use these two words interchangeably, but they are actually two different things. Let’s take a look at what each of them is and how they are different.
Evangelism is the act of spreading the Gospel. It is telling people about who Jesus is and giving them a chance to respond to the Gospel by speaking with them and communicating God’s love to them.
Evangelism tends to be the start of someone’s journey in their faith. Through evangelism, many will come to hear the Gospel, some even for the first time, and either believe and want to know more, or continue on their way.
Whether we realize it or not, all Christians have been evangelized in some way. Whether it was a friend who told you about Jesus and the Bible, or you heard it on the street, that still is evangelism. It is simply the spreading of the Gospel message.
Discipleship takes evangelism a step further by taking someone who has been evangelized and now teaching them what it means to be a Christian.
The word ‘disciple’ means to be a follower or a student of some kind of philosophy or way of living. Think about the disciples in the Bible. They spent endless time with Jesus, learning from Him, hearing Him teach and adopting His ways in their own lives.
Another word for discipleship could even be mentoring. To disciple someone is to take them under your wing and live life with them, supporting them and building them up to be more mature in their faith.
Discipleship is, in fact, the great commission that all followers of Jesus were given when Jesus ascended into heaven:
“And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Discipleship was the final command that we were given by Jesus. It is to go and build people up in Christ to be strong believers and followers of Jesus, observing all that Jesus commanded us.
You could say that discipleship starts with evangelism. If someone were to come to Christ and then begin to learn what it means to be a Christ-follower from someone else, they would first be evangelized to accept the Gospel, and then begin to be discipled.
The reason why this is important becomes clear when we look at most churches today. Many churches today have nailed what it looks like to evangelize and bring people the Gospel. They’re having events where they preach the Gospel and they’re getting out into the community to witness to people and share their faith with others. However, many are missing out on the discipleship part.
This would be the equivalent of getting someone excited and interested in flying a plane but never teaching them how to fly. When they get behind the controls and get off the ground, when the storms come and they enter a cloud, they’ll, unfortunately, crash and burn.
This is what happens when we evangelize but don’t disciple. We are giving people new life by spreading the Gospel and getting them excited about following Jesus, but we aren’t teaching them how to actually do so. Instead, what often happens is that churches move on to the next evangelism event without discipling and helping those who were evangelized at the previous event.
This often creates a lot of confusion and doubt in many new believers’ minds as to their decision. Some may think that they just had to initially believe and can now go back to living the same way they were living before. Others may have doubt about the validity of the Gospel since they aren’t being helped to understand what to do next. When it comes to evangelism and discipleship, you simply cannot have one without the other.
So, let us get out and share our faith, but let us also disciple those who are learning and build one another up to be mature believers in Christ. Then those disciples can go and evangelize and disciple others, building the Kingdom as it was always meant to happen.
Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. He is often called “The Evangelism Coach.” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!
What is the Gospel? Especially in Christian spaces, this word gets thrown around quite a bit. However, there are many who don’t actually know what the word Gospel means. Does it simply refer to gospel music, or is it something much bigger? In reality, the Gospel is the greatest story ever told. The best part about the Gospel is that it’s true and has massive implications for your life.
The Gospel starts where all great stories start – in the beginning. According to the Bible, God created the heavens and the earth and as He created everything on the earth, He created humans in a different way than He created everything else. He created Adam and Eve in His image and commissioned them with the job to multiply, fill the earth, and rule over it. However, He had one limitation. They were not allowed to eat from one specific tree in the garden where they lived; this was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
However, they ate from the tree, regardless of what God told them, after being tempted by a serpent. Since they had disobeyed God and rebelled against their Creator, their eyes were open to the shame and guilt that came along with that act. The Bible calls this sin. Anything that goes against God and His prescriptions for humanity is classified as sin.
The thing about sin is that it is self-destructive. Our sinful tendencies have the power to destroy us because as we rebel more and more against what God has designed for us, we become more and more messed up. All you have to do to know that this is true is look around you at the world that we’re living in today.
With sin came death and other consequences, but God gave them hope that one day, a human would save humanity from sin once and for all and would crush the head of the serpent that had tempted them to sin in the first place.
The rest of the Old Testament in the Bible tells of how despite their sin, God desires to partner with humanity to redeem and restore His creation to its perfect state. However, this never really sees its completion because of the sinful nature of the people God chooses to partner with. Despite their acts of faith, they still are riddled with sin and make mistakes, rebelling against the One who created them.
Finally, the story comes to the New Testament. God has been silent for 400 years and the people are still waiting for the One who was promised all the way back in the beginning. Someone is still supposed to come and save them from sin and death once and for all.
At this time, a baby is born named Jesus who grows up to be a great teacher and leader in His community. However, He also claims to be the Son of God and the Messiah, the One who was supposed to save humanity from sin and death. Despite the many signs and wonders that Jesus displayed that showed He was who He said He was, the Jews still didn’t believe Him and desired to kill Him for blaspheming against God.
So, they arrested Him, put Him on trial, and crucified Him, all while mocking Him, spitting on Him, and ridiculing Him for His claims. However, this was all part of God’s plan. What was special about Jesus’ life is that He never sinned. He never rebelled against His Creator and in doing so, His death provided the perfect sacrifice that was needed to atone for the sins of the world.
Through Jesus’ death on the cross, God was able to forgive the sins of all humanity once and for all. Yet the story didn’t end there. Three days after being killed and buried, Jesus was resurrected. He not only conquered sin, but He conquered death as well and paved the way for us to also have life not only now, but for eternity.
What Jesus did by dying and rising again is the true story of the Gospel. The Bible says that when we know and understand what Jesus did and have belief and faith that what He did was true, we can be saved. We can be saved from our sin and from death, and we can be granted life by the blood of Jesus for now and for eternity. No longer do we have to suffer or fear judgment by God. Instead, we can bask in the glorious life that Jesus brings and spend eternity in His presence.
That is the miraculous story of the Gospel.
Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. He is often called “The Evangelism Coach.” Daniel loves helping churches grow, and inspiring believers to share their faith with the lost. To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!
Evangelism is a big word and frequently people do not know what the word means. In the Christian space, we often use big words that can be difficult to actually understand in their entirety. Words like sanctification, justification, or propitiation aren’t exactly used in our everyday language, but they are important to understand as they relate to Christianity. We’re going to be taking a look at one of these words and see what it truly means in the context of our Christian lives. So, what is evangelism?
Evangelism, at its core, is the act of spreading the gospel or the good news of Jesus Christ. The gospel is the message that our self-destructive sin separates us from God and that in order for us to be reconciled back to God, Jesus, the Son of God, was born as a human, lived a perfect life for 33 years on this earth, and died on a cross to take the punishment for our sins. Three days later, He rose again from the grave, defeating death, and paving a path for us to also have divine life for eternity through Him.
Evangelism is communicating this good news to others. Since this is good news and it has the power to save people’s souls, we shouldn’t keep it a secret. In fact, Jesus, before He ascended back to heaven, gave us a mission to take this message to the entire world so that everyone might have life. Technically, He was charging us to evangelize to the entire world.
Interestingly enough, you may notice that within the word ‘evangelism’ is the word ‘angel’. Whether this was intentional or not, it adds another layer of understanding to the word since in the Bible, angels act as God’s messengers. Throughout the Bible, we see many instances of God sending a message to certain humans through an angel. Similarly, we now act as God’s messengers for the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are to go to people and deliver God’s message of truth, grace, and abundant life for now and all eternity.
Some people may wonder if evangelism is a must or if only certain people are called to evangelize. After all, many people are extroverted and enjoy talking to people. Others are introverted and prefer not to go and talk to strangers about such issues as religion and beliefs about eternity. So, is everyone called to evangelize?
The answer is… yes! Everyone is called to evangelize, whether you’re introverted or extroverted. When Jesus left this earth, He commissioned all His disciples to go and spread the message of His gospel to the ends of the earth. However, He didn’t leave them without some help. He also sent the Holy Spirit to assist them in their mission and to guide them into all truth.
If you are uncomfortable with evangelizing or sharing the gospel with people, remember that you aren’t alone. If you are a born-again true believer of Jesus, you have the Holy Spirit inside of you who is called the Helper for a very good reason. In our times of need, He gives us the right words to say to bring people to God. You don’t have to rely on your own personality or knowledge when you evangelize because God is right there with you through His Spirit. He will take care of you and help you when you need it.
What we also must understand is that the call to spread the gospel is not one that should be undertaken merely out of duty, but out of love for people. Jesus said that the most important commandments are to love God and love people. Sharing the gospel and evangelizing is a way of loving people. In fact, it is the best way that we can possibly love people.
If the gospel is true and Jesus is the only way to true and eternal life for now and all eternity, shouldn’t we want to communicate that truth to people out of love? Evangelizing is the highest form of love to others because it is, in effect, an attempt to save their soul by the power of Christ.
So, don’t think of evangelism as something you have to do. Think of it as something that you get to do. Take time to thank God for partnering with you in His plans to reconcile and redeem humanity to Himself. Rely on the Holy Spirit as you evangelize and in your obedience, God will help you and protect you as you are communicating His message to the rest of the world.
Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. He is often called “The Evangelism Coach.” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Bryan Citrin wrote the book, Wild Expectance: which explains how to Start Living Your Life How God Designed It. On today’s episode of the Evangelism Podcast, we’re going to discover how to activate the power of wild expectance in your life.
Evangelism Podcast Host (00:32):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies, and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary, and evangelist Daniel King.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:56):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus. Today I have a very special guest with me, Bryan Citrin. He is the author of a brand new book, which hasn’t even hit the market yet, but you are going to want to get a copy of this book, it’s called Wild Expectance. Bryan Citrin, thank you for being with me today.
Bryan Citrin (01:18):
Thanks so much, Daniel. I’m excited to be here.
All right, so Brian, you’ve been writing this book and I’ve actually been talking to you about it, and we’ve been doing all kinds of things, getting ready for the, the publishing of this book. Um, kind of talk to me about how God put this book in your heart.
So I feel like, you know, God has been dealing with me for a long time just to write down crazy wild God stories for my life, because my life is anything but typical. You know, I was living in Los Angeles for 12 years doing campus ministry at ucla and then usc I was taking countless trips to Haiti. I’ve been there 28 times, six mission trips to Vietnam, but also alongside of all my mission work that I was doing, I was running a business. And I remember I was speaking at this marketing conference for chiropractors, actually, and I was talking to ’em about marketing, and I thought God really strongly convicted me that I have so much more in me than just talking about how to run a marketing for a doctor. And, uh, and I had all these crazy, wild stories in my heart that I knew God wanted me to get out into the world. And, uh, you, within 30 days, I started writing the book in its official
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:34):
Capacity. And so you talk about lots of crazy God’s stories in this book. And of course, everyone who is serving God, they want to experience everything that God has for them. What can your reader get if they read this book?
Bryan Citrin (02:52):
Well, number one, they’re gonna have greater vision for the life because God has such a powerful plan for each and every one of us. But many times when we look on television, maybe we see the, the famous evangelist, the famous pastor, they’re speaking and they’re preaching, and you say, well, maybe God has a big plan for them, but not for me. Uh, maybe God has a big plan for that entrepreneur, but not for me. And it’s really to elevate people’s vision for the life, but then also provide a very practical tools, how each and every person can hear from God for themselves in their everyday life. And then by stepping out in God’s leading that we can enter into wild, crazy adventures that you couldn’t even fathom that God already has prepared for us, that we just have to learn to hear his voice and step out into them.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:33):
Now, you’ve done a lot of missionary work in the nation of Haiti. How many times have you been to Haiti?
Bryan Citrin (03:39):
28 times.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:40):
28 times ministering to the people in Haiti. And Haiti is a crazy country to minister in. And then you’ve also been to Vietnam, which is one of the communist countries that’s still left over from the days of Communist empire. And and how many times have you been to Vietnam? Six
Bryan Citrin (03:59):
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:59):
And, and so you’ve been pouring your life out on the mission field. You’ve been serving God on the college campus here in the United States, going to Haiti, helping the poor kids down there, going to Vietnam, preaching the gospel there. Uh, and you’ve also been an entrepreneur, so you’ve been building business in order to fund the vision and the mission that, that God has for you. And so tell me some of these crazy stories. Give me one that was just absolutely wild that God did in your life.
Bryan Citrin (04:35):
I think one of my favorite stories was when Mc Hammer drove me home after the American Music Awards,
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:41):
MC Hammer, the the famous American musician. Yes. All right. And, and so he drove you home from the Music awards. How did that happen?
Bryan Citrin (04:50):
Well, it, it was, it was a crazy series of events. There was like 20 things that had to happen that that built up to him actually driving me home. Um, but more importantly than that though, was what happened after he drove me home. I’d never met Mc Ham before, and, um, God somehow got us into the after party of the American Music Awards. And, um, but even before that, um, I was gifted, um, two VIP tickets to the American Music Awards. And then, so I got into the show, and then somehow I got into the after party because we met somebody sitting in front of us at the show that that got us into it. And through that process, I met Eny Hammer at the after party, and my, my friend had left that I rode with over to the, uh, the award show. And, uh, me, Andy Hammer happened to have a mutual acquaintance.
Um, and in that process, I, um, I was hanging out with him and, uh, and then as the night kind of wound up, uh, I need a ride home. And I asked him if, if I could catch a ride back with him to the area which I lived at, because I knew he was staying near where I lived at, and he allowed me to ride with him. So praise God, he didn’t leave me hanging in, uh, two miles from Skid Row in downtown Los Angeles. And, um, but then after that evening, I remember I was walking, um, to go get some tacos. Actually, there was a late night taco truck that’s kind of near where I lived at, and I was just walking to get some tacos just reflecting upon how crazy that night was. And these 20 things that happened that resulted in McHam drive me back.
And as I was doing that, I passed somebody and I felt like God wanted me to minister this man and even give him, um, some of the money they had in my wallet and to help him. And I did. And in that process, I was not only able to pray for him to rededicate his life to the Lord, but he actually, uh, received the Holy Spirit, and it was powerful. And as I was reflecting on the night, I heard the voice of God, um, very clearly speak to me. And he told me that was nothing compared to all those things that had to happen for empty hammers driving home.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:55):
So you had to have 20 coincidental things that happened over the course of a night in order for you to have this absolutely amazing experience that anybody would’ve loved to have. And you know, we might look at it and think that it’s a coincidence, but your hypothesis is that God is actually behind these so-called coincidences and he’s actually doing miracles on your behalf. And, and it’s because you have tremendous faith in God in what you term wild expectance. Is that, is
Bryan Citrin (07:31):
That right? Absolutely. Absolutely.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:34):
And so, talk to me about how your readers will be able to activate wild expectants in their own lives so they get to meet cool people and do cool things.
Bryan Citrin (07:44):
Well, even before that, I think it’s important for the, the listeners to, um, the really glean, you know what? God spoke to me as I was, I was walking back, uh, after I administered that man. God said that was nothing compared to all those things that had to happen for mc a to drive me home. But then he said, but that, that was something that was nothing, but that, that was something, me taking time out the minister to this guy, you know, on my way to the taco truck, you know, give him some money and pray with him and God’s eyes. That was the most important thing, way more important than those 20 other things that had to happen for that night to line up. And, and what that means is like God cares about those around us. God cares about us taking the time out and, and here is still small voice and minister to the those, to our left, those store.
Right? Maybe it’s, you’re going to the grocery store, maybe it’s on your way to work or whatever, God’s, God’s guiding us. And as you begin to hear God’s still small voice. I’m not saying that he’s actually speaking to you in a very loud, booming voice, but it may be a very thank thought. But as you learn to hear God through his still small voice, as you learn to hear those faint thoughts as you learned to hear that and step out on it, then God’s gonna start entrusting you with more and more and more. And because I was able to, to hear the voice of God, I was able to hear him as he was guiding me in the, for that whole night to, to play out. But maybe just maybe that whole night played out the way it, it was supposed to like that just so I could minister that guy, um, afterwards. And a, a mentor of mine once said to me that the voice of God can come as a sudden awareness followed by unique conviction. I’m gonna say that again. The voice of God can come as a sudden awareness followed by a unique conviction. And so maybe you have that sudden thought and that sudden thought that sudden awareness is actually God’s speaking to you. And if you step out on that thought, it’ll transform your life forever.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:52):
Now, another story that you tell in this book I really like because it, uh, features Daniel King, who’s a famous evangelist who goes all over the world telling people about Jesus. That’s me. You actually have a story in here about, uh, about me on page 1 73. So I’m, I’m pretty excited to, to get a story in your book. But, uh, tell me about that story and how that, uh, unique coincidence happened.
Bryan Citrin (10:19):
So that was a great story. I was in the jungle of Haiti, um, and I was preparing for a message. I was actually gonna be talking on the Holy Spirit. And as I prepared the talk in the Holy Spirit, you came to mind. I just got down to watching a podcast, um, from another prominent evangelist. Um, and they’re talking about their school evangelism. And as I was watching this podcast praying about, um, how I should, you know, you know, preach on this topic, you came to mind. So I texted you and you just happened to be coincidentally in the middle of speaking for that school that that other person was talking about. So literally, like I’m in the middle of, of Haiti. I’m watching, I’m watching like a video, and then they’re talking about their school evangelism. And then I text you and you’re like getting ready to speak for them. And then you were able to share some of your, um, some of your methodology, whatever you’re preaching on the Holy Spirit.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:16):
Yeah, I remember that you were planning to speak on the Holy Spirit that night, and, uh, you asked me about my best sermon on the Holy Spirit. And so I shared it with you, and now it became your best sermon on the Holy Spirit. Yeah. And so I freely give my sermons away. You can have it and anything you can do to bring people to Jesus or the Holy Spirit.
Bryan Citrin (11:34):
And now that sermon’s in this book,
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:36):
And now it’s in the book, and so now people all over the world are gonna hear it. All right? So your goal is to turn this book into a New York Times bestseller, and that’s something that God has put in your heart. And so you are actually doing a, a major launch where the book will be released. What day will the book be released?
Bryan Citrin (11:59):
February 21st, 2023.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:00):
Okay. So February 21st, 2023. So it’s not even out yet, but it’s already up on Amazon and people can pre-order it. Yep. They can go into their local Barnes and Nobles like their local bookstore, and they can pre-order it.
Bryan Citrin (12:15):
Uh, I sure hope so. We’re trying to get ’em in there.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:17):
We’re we’re getting them in there. And if people will go and ask, of course they will be yes in there. And, and so this book, uh, I’d encourage you go on Amazon and look for Wild Expectants by Brian Ciran, and you can pre-order the book, and then as soon as the release date comes, it’s going to be shipped to you. It’s gonna be a beautiful hardcover book, one that you’re going to love having on your bookshelf, uh, is gonna make you look smart if you have this book on your bookshelf. And, uh, I encourage you to read it because you will be able to activate God’s wild expectance in your life. And, uh, Brian, you come with so much experience on the mission field ministering here in the United States on, on college campuses and just raw faith. Another thing that you’re doing is launching a new non-profit. Tell tell me about the name of your non-profit and what that’s gonna be. It’s
Bryan Citrin (13:14):
Called Ministry Funding.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:15):
Ministry Funding. And so this is going to be a nonprofit specifically designed to raise funding to put into evangelism into world missions. Is that right?
Bryan Citrin (13:25):
That’s absolutely correct.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:26):
And I’m very excited about that. Um, you know, it’s just so neat seeing how God is, is increasing your influence and bringing new relationships into your life. Uh, I’ve actually been friends with Brian for, for quite a few years now. And, and it’s neat how God takes us from glory to glory to glory. And so just recently, uh, you got engaged to a beautiful girl. Tell tell us about that.
Bryan Citrin (13:54):
Yeah, so the secret for all those who are watching or listening that, uh, are single is write a book that’s the secret. Um, and so in the pro writing a book, I, uh, I sent it over to a, a close friend of my cousins and close friend of my cousins. I asked her to read the book because I wanted her perspective on it, because I know women read books more men. And so I wanted to make sure it had good female appeal. I didn’t know in that process that we were gonna fall in love. And so the secret is write a book and be blatantly honest and be very, very truthful about who you are and you will attract, um, who you are.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:30):
Okay? So I’m not promising that you, if you buy this book, you’ll find a spouse, but it’s a possibility. It is a possibility. Uh, if you activate this principle of wild expends in your life, uh, you may find the person that God’s calling you to marry. And so the, the girl that you propose to, uh, Chelsea Perry, she is a girl that I went tou with. She, we were, were in Greek class together, and her parents pastor, a wonderful church over in St. Louis. And she’s a a powerful woman of faith, and you’re a, a man of great faith. I think that once you guys get married, it’s going to be absolutely amazing, uh, what God’s gonna do through you. You’re gonna be a powerhouse couple. All right, so tell your listeners, uh, if they want to get the Wild Expectance book, how can they get it?
Bryan Citrin (15:23):
So if you actually go to wild and pre-order it on there as opposed to Amazon, you can get the PDF today.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:29):
Oh, you can get the pdf? Yeah,
Bryan Citrin (15:31):
You can. So if you buy, if you get the hard back actually on my website, as opposed on Amazon, you actually will get the hard back, which will come out in February, but then you’ll get the PDF immediately and you can start reading it, um, tonight. All
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:45):
Right. So go to wild and get yourself a copy. Brian, thank you so much for being on the Evangelism Podcast. I appreciate
Bryan Citrin (15:53):
It. Hey, thanks so much for having me on
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:55):
Here. Thanks so much for listening today. I am excited about telling people about Jesus, and I want to invite you to be a part of helping us to rescue people from Hell and take them with us to heaven. There’s two things you can do to help. First of all, can you go find the Evangelism podcast on Apple iTunes and leave us a positive review by giving a review, you will help other people find these valuable resources about sharing our faith. And second, would you become a financial partner with King Ministries? Every single dollar that people give us enables us to lead at least one person to Jesus. And so that means for only $1, you can help start a party in heaven. And so today, I want to invite you to become a monthly partner. You can start out for just a dollar, but if God puts it on your heart to do more, of course you can do more. But please go to king and become a monthly partner with us today to help us to lead more people to Jesus. Thank you so much, and God bless you.
Evangelism Podcast Host (17:15):
For more information about how to share your faith, or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches, visit king Again, that’s king
Doug Lucas edits the Brigade Today website and e-mail list. The goal is Brigade is to identify and promote resources and people that can help Christians fulfill the Great Commission. If you are involved in telling people about Jesus internationally, you will benefit every time the Brigade e-mail hits your inbox.
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Read more about Doug Lucas and his mission work:
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Doug Lucas co-edits the Brigada Today website and email list. The goal of Brigada is to identify and promote resources and people that can help Christians fulfill the great commission. If you are involved in telling people about Jesus internationally, you will benefit every time the Brigada email hits your inbox.
Evangelism Podcast Host (00:36):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies, and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now, here’s your host missionary evangelist, Daniel King.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:01):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus. Today, I have a very special guest with me, Doug Lucas, thank you so much for joining me on the Evangelism Podcast.
Doug Lucas (01:14):
It’s an honor to be here, Daniel. Thanks
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:16):
Brother Doug. For many years I’ve been receiving emails in my inbox.
Doug Lucas (01:23):
I’m so sorry from, please forgive me,
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:26):
Brigada… these emails are full of very important resources for missionaries, for people involved in missions, for people who have a passion for the Great Commission. Tell me a little bit about Brigada and, and what the focus of these emails are.
Doug Lucas (01:49):
Sure. I was serving as a worker in the, what we would now call the former Soviet Union, uh, back in 1991. And I would see these, uh, refugees that would come in from Central Asia building homes and the place to which they were returning. And when they did, so they would work as a team, as a unit, and they would even pass the buckets of concrete or whatever to more the foundations in a kind of a brigade form and in the language that they were using. The word was, uh, briga and it stuck with me that they were, they were doing a kind of a bucket brigade. It all worked together toward this common cause. And when I came back, uh, shortly afterward, I was asked to lead the run up to a big missions convention that was trying to create a lot of, uh, momentum toward finishing the task of world evangelization. And it, uh, it led me to, to kind of think about doing that together across churches, across streams, across orgs. And so I propose, well, why don’t we start, uh, this conversation between each other, uh, maybe just a weekly, uh, some kind of weekly thing that could bring us together. And we got really good, uh, reinforcement from a ton of other people in several circles and started up in 1995, uh, with that idea. And it’s been weekly ever since Daniel, and that’s where we got the name Brigada.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:12):
So if someone is a missionary or passionate about world evangelism, who wants to be involved in the Great Commission, why should they go and sign up to receive emails from you? What, what are some of the benefits that they would receive?
Doug Lucas (03:40):
Brigada. It’s a, an eclectic, uh, collection of resources for people that are both goers and also sins for people who are active in cross-cultural work overseas, as well as those who are advocating and praying for the great commission to be accomplished in sending countries. And so I think that they could, they could end up liking it because out of every week’s, uh, version, hopefully they’ll take away at least one new resource or conference or some kind of, uh, uh, you know, app or idea or trend, maybe some new piece of information that they can get. And it’s, it’s a free resource at the end of each year. We ask folks, uh, if they wanna participate by, by pitching in on the expenses, and we raise just exactly the expenses we need, and we don’t take any extra money. Uh, if people gave money, I, I suppose we need to return it or put it toward the next year, but that’s never happened beyond the minimal expenses that are need just to run it. And it’s always, uh, it’s always been a lot of fun. It’s been going weekly since, uh, January 95. People have told me before that it might be the longest weekly easing on the internet of any kind. I don’t know if that’s true, but some people told me that.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:59):
Well, I’m really impressed with all the work that you put into this and how much you’ve helped so many different people that are involved in the Great Commission. I really like what you, you say that it, these are hacks for the Great Commission. And so let’s talk about like some of the different hacks that you’ve put out in the last year or so. What are some of the different features and articles that would really help missionaries? Uh, more recently,
Doug Lucas (05:28):
Some of the, some of the ways that Brigada is sort of different than maybe another typical eine is that one of the things we do is we throw out a sample of something that we found that works, and then we say, have you found something better in this particular genre? So we might throw out an example of, say, a website that short-term teams can use as a way to build their momentum before they go and, uh, you know, have you found something better? Well, the next Brigada user might comment, yeah, but this one lets them raise funds. And the funding goes through the, through the, through the website, and they only charge 2% for the funding. And then the next guy gets on and says, this one lets them raise funds and it’s one and a half percent plus, they also do newsletters. The people are sitting.
And so what you get is this kind of aggregated set of knowledge about particular genre. And we’ve done things about, for example, travel agents and travel services. We’ve done, uh, trip cancellation insurance policies, which ones are the best we’ve done, uh, what are the best ways to start new churches and multiply groups and multiply disciples, and where’s the best place to learn about that? And what’s the best book about it that you could read? Um, what’s a, an agency that helps you raise support and trains you how to raise support as a missionary? Well, what’s an agency that trains the people that train people to raise support? You know, all the, all the apps and the services for not only the kind of retail goers, but also kind of the wholesale ciders that operate at the, at the cinder level. We have a lot of folks who are very popular in the Misso Nexus world and the, the world of finishing the task and the world of, of, uh, Bible translation and a lot of folks that are kind of out of the old days of what we used to call the Association of Church Missions Committees.
We have a lot of local churches involved and a lot of international people. At one time, I think a guy did a survey about 10 or 15 years ago and found that half of regatta’s readership are international workers in places like Europe and Africa and Asia, Australia, New Zealand, all around the world, since it’s a lot of fun and it’s kind of a global stream that says, let’s get this done.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:59):
Well, if you’re listening and you have a heart for missions, I’d encourage you to go to and sign up today. And you can also look at past archives of recommendations for various services that are really beneficial that, that missionaries need to know about. It is very important to, to know best practices and which websites and which apps are the best ones to work with. And there’s no time for one person to keep up with everything. But through Brita, you can have recommendations from a wide variety of people who are out there in the field working. And so that’s, that’s it: Now, Mr. Doug, you are very involved yourself in the great commission and leading people to Jesus, uh, through, uh, your, your ministry team expansion, uh, which can be be found Could you tell us some about the, the overall vision and, and, and mission of, of what you’re doing? Buratta is just one part of that, but, but talk to me about, uh, what you’ve been doing, uh, around the world for so long.
Doug Lucas (09:10):
Thanks. Thanks, Daniel. Brigada is kind of like crowdsourcing missions information and trends and resources, but that, that, that’s not how I’m paid. You know, my day job is actually to work at team expansion where I serve as a president. We have about 400 full-timers in 50 countries. And what we all do is try to make and multiply disciples and churches among unreached people. So when I try to write Brigada , um, I’m writing as a practitioner myself rather than as some marketing person that’s trying to start some website that I can someday develop into a full-time gig. I have no, you know, designs at all to try to do websites full-time. It’s kind of moonlighting on the side to try to share kind of one beggar telling another beggar where to Find Bread. Team Expansion is a mission organization in its own right. That started in 1978 in a little prayer meeting in a, in a dorm room.
And we all signed our names by different countries on the map. And, and, uh, the rest is history. I started out at the lawyer’s office from day one as the, as the president has somehow gotten stuck with the job ever since. And I’m always willing to hand it off to anybody else that wants it, but nobody else has wanted it yet. And we keep growing and we keep, uh, learning. Most of our workers are involved in simple practices that reproduce. We don’t have large, for the most part, large institutions and, and big properties. Were just simple reproducing disciple making movement strategies in, uh, unreached areas. So mostly among Muslims, Hindus, Buddhist, atheists, animus, those are the places where we work. We’re based with the Louisville, Kentucky have a little 61 acre campus here where we, uh, spend time praying and, and do retreats and training people to be able to go in the missions is what we do.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:04):
You have a tremendous focus on reaching on reach people groups and reaching every tribe, nation people with the gospel. What are some of the, the things that you’re finding are most effective at reaching into sometimes very difficult areas to, to talk to people about Jesus?
Doug Lucas (11:26):
You know, Daniel, the thing that’s helped us the most is just simply embracing the tools, the practices, the strategies of disciple making movement, uh, strategy. So dmm, and you could sum those up into, uh, maybe, uh, a handful of practices, a lot of prayer for, for the lost, uh, focusing on helping people obey rather than simply trying to transfer academic content. Um, trying to share a lot about my story or God’s story. In other words, abundant evangelism just everywhere. And just, just always involved in sharing that story, uh, training other people to do the same. That’s a big emphasis in disciple making movement strategy. And then, uh, gathering people into groups, small groups that would utilize discovery, Bible study type, uh, approaches, uh, three-thirds groups, some people call. And so focusing on simple reproducible groups as a means of being the motor for church growth.
And then, uh, I guess multiplying those groups and focusing on multiplication instead of just me always thinking that I have to be the one that adds, making sure that I’m trying to train this new believer so that she or he can multiply as well, and trying to do that out to many generations. And then, uh, focusing on growth among all those people so it’s not, uh, a mile wide and an inch deep, but instead everybody’s growing deep roots and reading a lot of scripture on applying it. So that’s kind of what we’re focused on. That would be the simple practices we would recommend. And
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:06):
Now on your website, it talks about statistics on unreached people groups and, uh, is, as I said, 7.84 billion people in the world today. I think now, maybe a few days ago I heard we’ve gone over 8 billion people, right? It says that there’s 17,409 known people groups, and 7,402 of those groups are considered on reach. K kind of explain the criteria for why one group would be considered reach and another group might be unreached.
Doug Lucas (13:38):
Yeah, it’s a great question. We, uh, have largely followed the kind of the industry norm of saying that an unreached people group would be a significantly large grouping of individuals who perceive themselves to have an affinity. They are perhaps linked by a, an ethnic or a language, uh, likeness with each other. And it’s like the largest number of individuals through which the gospel could flow before it encounters a barrier of understanding or acceptance. So what that means is you could use basically one simple strategy, and it could flow as fast and as hard and as long as it could go. But when it hits that wall of the next language group, then it might take a different, uh, startup in that next language group. Well, that would be defined as an unrich people group. And if you use that definition, that’s where we get those, uh, numbers that you mentioned, probably 7,000 or so, it’s hard to be exact, but around 7,000 groups that still don’t have a viable chance to know about Jesus.
And the typical statistics that you’ll hear used are somewhere between 2% or 5% or less of that group would, would claim to be, uh, an evangelical Christian of any kind. So they’re, they’re basically, by self definition, are they claiming to be a follower of Christ and active in doing that? Well, if that statistic is 2% or less, and if the place where they live doesn’t have some kind of a nominal Christian, uh, followership anyway, like a, a giant, you know, kind of cloud of Catholicism or some kind of, uh, adherence of Christianity, then that people group probably has essentially zero chance to hear about Jesus, you might as well say. And those are the groups, uh, through whom we focus now in this day and age, talking about literally right now in these years, we’re kind of adding in the idea of focusing on unreached places as well. So it’s gonna be unreached people and places as we go forward. That’s kind of the direction in the future. And the places would be simply, you know, districts or states or villages that don’t have a church. So people couldn’t hear about Jesus there either.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (16:04):
And why do you feel that it’s important for the church to pray for unreached people groups and then to, to start to engage them? A lot of people when they first start getting interested in missions, they might go on a short term trip to, to Mexico. And of course there’s, there’s lots of, of churches in Mexico, but why, why should the church care about these outreach people groups, and why should we put resources towards that area of outreach?
Doug Lucas (16:29):
It, it is, uh, a great, great question, Daniel. I’m glad you asked first because of course, we want the church to grow into all those peoples and places because it’s the vision that, uh, John records in Revelation seven. You know, it’s the promise of the end of the ages. In fact, was it Matthew 24 14 or so, we’re told that the gospel will, you know, be spoken and preached to every person, and then the end will come, um, the every nation, and then the end will come. Well, the, the expectation is that God is sort of leaning against the guardrail of heaven waiting for something to happen, and he’s waiting for apparently every single nation to have had a chance to hear. And then revelation seven, the vision will happen. All people’s, all nations, all tribes will be gathered and there’ll be representatives from every nation and tribe standing before his throne in a white robe.
There’s no way we can have that vision accomplished until we go to all those places. Then a secondary vision is we know that when the gospel does travel there, people can have peace and they can be happier. And in general, life picks up, you know, they have a hope, and that’s important. But then a third reason we do it is because Jesus said to, I mean, it’s just a simple command. In Matthew 28, for example, uh, 1920, Daniel Jesus said, make disciples of all nations. And you know, that word for nation is not the word that we would have expected it to be in English. If we were to use the word nation today, we think of a political nation, but the root word back then, it was a word that’s more likely would’ve been translated ethnic group. In fact, they didn’t even have political nations like we have today back in Jesus’ time. So these would be tribes or casts or kindreds. And if Jesus said, make disciples of every ethic group, you know, teach them to obey what I’ve told them to do at every ethic group, I just figure we ought to be about it. We ought to be doing it.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:43):
Amen. Well, if you want to learn more about reaching on reach people groups, I encourage you to go to team, find out more about Doug Lucas and about reaching unreached people groups. And if you wanna support reaching Unre people groups, I encourage you to go and support their ministry. Mr. Doug, thank you so much for being on the Evangelism Podcast. I appreciate it.
Doug Lucas (19:07):
It’s an honored, Daniel, thank you for doing it and wish you best in, uh, all of the stuff that you produce. Thank you for the work that you do.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:34):
Thanks so much for listening today. I am excited about telling people about Jesus, and I want to invite you to be a part of helping us to rescue people from Hell and take them with us to heaven. There’s two things you can do to help. First of all, can you go find the Evangelism podcast on Apple iTunes and leave us a positive review by giving a review, you will help other people find these valuable resources about sharing our faith. And second, would you become a financial partner with King Ministries. Every single dollar that people give us enables us to lead at least one person to Jesus. And so that means for only $1, you can help start a party in heaven. And so today, I want to invite you to become a monthly partner. You can start out for just a dollar, but if God puts it on your heart to do more, of course you can do more. But please go to king and become a monthly partner with us today to help us to lead more people to Jesus. Thank you so much, and God bless you.
Evangelism Podcast Host (22:55):
For more information about how to share your faith, or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches, visit king Again, that’s king
Jared Buswell is on the board of Favor International, a ministry founded by Carole Ward. The ministry was birthed in South Sudan and Uganda during a time of war when the rebel Joseph Kony and the Lord’s Resistance Army were killing and kidnapping. The ministry started as a prayer movement and has grown into a Book of Acts turning the world upside down movement. They send out teams to host portable Bible schools and thousands of people in Africa have been impacted.
Check out the Favor International Website:
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Jared Buswell is on the Board of Favor International, a ministry founded by Carol Ward. The ministry is birthed in South Sudan and Uganda during a time of war when the rebel Joseph Kony and the Lord’s Resistance Army were killing and kidnapping, the ministry started out as a prayer movement and has grown into a book of acts turning the world upside down movement. They send out teams to host portable Bible schools and thousands of people in East Africa have been impacted.
Evangelism Podcast Host (00:31):
Jesus said, Go into all the world and preach the gospel. Everyone who calls in the name of the Lord shall be safe.
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies, and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary, and evangelist, Daniel King.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:06):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus. Today I have a very special guest with me, Jared Buswell, and he is with a great ministry called Favor International. Thank you so much for being on the Evangelism Podcast.
Jared Buswell (01:24):
Thank you, Daniel. It’s an honor to be
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:25):
Here. Now, our friendship goes back to when both of us were at Oral Roberts University. I graduated about 20 years ago, and we just recently reconnected at the U Homecoming. Yes. And I was hearing about all the amazing things that you are involved in ministry in Africa, and I’m so delighted to get to hear more about what you’re doing.
Jared Buswell (01:53):
Yes. Well, I’m excited to share. The Real stars and heroes are African missionaries, the indigenous missionaries who are led by God and compelled by the love of Christ to share the gospel with their neighbors and the far off places of the
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:07):
Earth. Let’s talk about Favor International. It’s actually a ministry that was founded by Carol Ward. Yes. And you are on the board of that ministry, and you’ve been very involved over the years in raising funding for the ministry and also helping to implement best practices for the ministry in Africa that takes place in Uganda and in South Sudan and other parts of Africa, which we’ll talk about. But kind of give me the quick synopsis of how the ministry got started with Carol Ward.
Jared Buswell (02:44):
Okay, yes. So we have the 32nd version, and we could do the 30 minute version as well. So in 30 seconds, there is a brutal demonic war in Northern Uganda. Started by, not started by, but continued, made famous by Joseph Coney and the Lord’s Resistance Army. The lra, as a lot of people know, up to or around 50,000 child soldiers were abducted, trained, and brutally traumatized to traumatize others. And this is a demonically motivated and inspired war, just a trolley on a choli. There’s no political sense to it whatsoever. There’s no political solution. The Uganda government can’t solve it. God solved that war a prayer, an organic prayer movement ended that war and favor of God ministries as it’s known locally, formed out of a house of prayer and a public prayer movement. During that time, from around 2002 is when they first started gathering at the House of Prayer.
By 2006, the war was over. A lot of events transpired in between. Then during that time also, a lot of people were moved by the spirit to bring the gospel into the prisons or into let’s start a school, or we need to care for these orphans who have no parents anymore. And so all these little different ministries just started out of a house of prayer. And without funds and without supplies. God divinely provided the ability for this small organic group of leaders to see the book of Acts open up and an organization was started. The Ugandans themselves said, Carol, you need to go back to the states and tell what God has done. And Carol had gone to sow her whole life and to stay permanently in Uganda. She did not want to go back, but God led her to go back and continue telling these stories that people in America wanted to start an organization. She said, Great, You do what you do here. I’ll go do what I do there, and we’re gonna see God’s kingdom come in as we’ll be done. So things got rolling and I came into the mix in about 2011.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:54):
Let’s talk a little bit about the importance of prayer, because this whole ministry really started as just a prayer meeting in a house, and now it is impacting that entire region of East Africa. So talk to me about the importance of laying a foundation and prayer and missions. Yes.
Jared Buswell (05:17):
So prayer and missions are absolutely essential together. I personally know this is, I personally know a many American missionaries who are well trained, called by God, equipped, financially supported, committed, who go with their whole families to live full time in a foreign context. And within two to three years, they’re back in the States having been beaten up by spiritual warfare and other things going on. And besides the lack of training in some of the spiritual warfare aspects of things, and this is all denominations, this is not a particular denomination I’m talking about, but prayer is laying our whole lives down before God and his will and seeing what he does through us. And when we’re entering into what God’s already doing, there’s a whole level of success there. Unless the Lord builds the house, we labor in vain and we really have to watch him build it. And so as we pray, we pray for his purposes, we pray for the people around us, we pray for situations, then we see God open those doors and unlock things that he wants to open up. And so it’s absolutely imperative for the Lord to be moving first before we go into the territory he’s already bought and purchased, and then we just go in and claim what he’s already won.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:43):
Now favor International has a variety of strategies for vo, both evangelism and for discipleship. You’re working in Uganda, you’re working in South Sudan, you’re sending out teams to other parts of Africa. So talk to me about some of the strategies that you’re using to both evangelize and disciple.
Jared Buswell (07:08):
Yes. So the main bread and butter Ministry of Favor is something called the Portable Bible School. And this comes from the inherent need in Africa for strong theological training for access to the word of God, but also knowledge as to how to use and apply the word of God to everyday situations such as raising your kids, maintaining a healthy marriage in addition to being a pastor, reaching the lost and training the next generation. So we bring in at least a minimum of two indigenous missionaries who live in a village full-time for two months and full-time Monday through Friday, nine to five. The students, the enrolled students are being trained in the Word and the ways of God. They’re all trained to be pastors. They’re all trained to be leaders. There’s no difference between the professionals and everybody else. We train everybody. And these villagers who would’ve had no access to a school, much less a theological education, maybe have never even seen a Bible in person graduate with their own Bible or an oral Bible if that’s required in their language.
And a healthy church is either revitalized or newly planted in that context, oftentimes multiple, if it’s near city, there may be multiple denominations coming together for this training. Our guys are intentionally nondenominational so that we can serve the local population in any language and in any denominational background that they’ve been exposed to in the past. But the kingdom of God comes in and there’s just revival in the city and the whole city life, the village life now centers around that healthy congregational planting. Now for the next several years, we follow up with longer term unique development. So our portable Bible schools are underneath a larger department ministry that we call Reap, R E E P, which stands for the Rural Evangelism and Empowerment Project. And so that REAP program encompasses the portable Bible schools, which are linked to other ministries such as women’s empowerment or church building, construction or adult literacy centered on the word of God.
So there’s many, many different ministries that have been moved by the spirit of God that are linked in strategic way in a long term transformation of a village. So we’re looking at changing a nation through transformed hearts, not just doing social aid. Everything is gospel centered. First and foremost, there has to be heart transformation, but heart transformation occurs best when the whole village transforms at the same time, when whole families enter the kingdom at the same time and pass on that heritage to their children and their children grow up knowing the kingdom of God from a young age.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:05):
And last year, how many of these portable Bible schools did you send out?
Jared Buswell (10:11):
Last year? We completed close to 150 portable Bible schools,
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:18):
And each one would have two people going and living in a village for at least two months.
Jared Buswell (10:23):
Two full-time missionary staff,
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:24):
Full two. But these are missionaries from Sudan or from Uganda? Yes, yes. And so you’re sending them out indigenous missionaries, they’re going into a village, two months living there and teaching every day?
Jared Buswell (10:36):
Yes, they are. In addition to additional teachers with specialty skills, whether in health or in marital counseling or other skills. So we have traveling teachers, and we do this all in strategic waves. So we have, it’s very complicated getting missionaries out to areas where there’s very little roads. We have to fly missionaries, different places. They’ve got to foot it walking, but the term they use is footing it over through the bush into a village, and we drop them off. So we might have a truck go, Okay, we’re made relationships with these four villages, we’re gonna drop you off, boom, boom, boom, boom. All your schools are gonna start at the same time and end at the same time. And we transport food, Bibles, diplomas, everything in a strategic and efficient way.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:21):
And talk to me about the evangelism component of what you’re doing. How are you evangelizing people who maybe from an animus background or up in Sudan, Muslims? Of course, yes. You have Sudan, <affirmative>, which is mm-hmm. <affirmative>, mostly Muslim, and then South Sudan, which has a higher percentage of Christians. How are you actually evangelizing?
Jared Buswell (11:45):
Yes. So the Africans themselves are bringing the gospel, and it happens in a multitude of ways. So a lot of times, sometimes our men go again based on prayer, based on the direction of the spirit. We need to go now to this specific village or tribe. So there’s that call from the Holy Spirit. Oftentimes we’re invited by the government, so we’re going into areas where there’s tribal warfare or there’s been Civil War or other kinds of strife. And the government has heard the reputation of this organization. And so they say, Hey, we’ve got this problem between this tribe and this tribe. Can your team come in and do something about it? Or it happens with the schools. The schools have to shut down because of a demonic manifestation of some disease or something. But it’s really demonic oppression, just really shutting down. The teachers can’t teach, so the government or businesses or schools call us to come in.
And so our missionary teams will bring in, just like Jesus, bring in healing the sick, restoring people to their right mind, and then proclaiming the gospel and teaching everywhere he went. And so our men and women, mostly men, are going around doing what Jesus did evangelizing first. And this just creates opportunities in open doors. Then we tell them that we have portable Bible schools that are free of cost. There’s no charge that can be followed up on, but that always follows up after an evangelistic event. We do crusades. There’s very successful and popular. We’ve got equipment to do that. We do smaller events, and so there’s different sizes of evangelistic events, but there is always some kind of evangelistic outreach. Or we’ll work with another ministry. If another ministry or another evangelist is coming through, we will partner up and provide the logistical support. And our men will provide a lot of that hands on and prayer support for God to have a successful event. The Gospels proclaimed people come to Christ, and it has to be immediately followed up with discipleship and training.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:04):
I’m Act actually very amazed at everything that favor International is doing. On the website, it talks about how you’re doing community development. You’ve got portable bible schools, trauma counseling, which because this area has gone through wars and a lot of attacks over the years, I I’m sure that’s very important. Yes, you’ve got the woman empowerment, church planning, church construction, and then in prayer of evangelism, you’ve got houses of prayer. You’re doing outreaches and crusades and then prayer mobilization. And then in education and discipleship, you have a primary school, you have a God’s Institute for Transformation Leadership Training Institute, then you’ve got radio ministries and Bible distributions, and then also economic empowerment where you’re doing agricultural business projects and retail and service business projects. So this is a multi-pronged ministry that’s doing and accomplishing a lot, and it takes a lot of resources to do something like that. So talk to me about the importance of sharing the vision with people and getting people involved financially in what is happening in Africa.
Jared Buswell (15:19):
Yes. So none of this happens without the power of God and without prayer and without practical fuel. Money is the fuel that went combined with the spirit and when combined with lives that are already laid down in love and in prayer to serve their fellow man, once you bring that whole combination together, then it’s explosive and great things happen and money is multiplied. So we see God take a hundred dollars, a thousand dollars, $10,000 and multiply it so many times over into so many lives changed and doors open, reputation protection. We have never lost a missionary due to violence in any of these spheres where we’re working. And so it’s just incredible to see that financial support. When I first started with favor, at one point I made a mind map, but I just was listening to all the things the team was doing. I hadn’t been to Africa yet, and I was talking with some of the African team virtually, and I was talking with Carol and I said to Carol one day, I said, Carol, there are at least 48 distinct ministries that Favor is doing. And we can’t, can’t talk to Americans about 48 different ministries
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (16:33):
Like pick one or two.
Jared Buswell (16:34):
We gotta pick a just one or two because for each, every time you talk to in honoring financial supporters and givers, it’s really important to have a clear business plan in place, written down a knowledge of if you were to fund this whole vision, what would happen? How long would it take, who would do it? Why does it work? Who’s accountable? And it’s just necessary to have a lot of pieces in place before you go talk to somebody and ask for financial support. So I said, Kara, we can’t ask for financial support for youth sports programs and for the medical clinics and for the radio station. And so after a lot of prayer and a lot of discussion for a long time, the team settled on let’s group everything into four broad categories. And so the REAP program that I described falls under the whole category of community development.
And our website reflects this. It’ll show what we do. We do four things. So we do community development, which is the whole outward push with holistic transformations. That includes evangelism, discipleship, and practical help. Again, that follows the transformation of the heart already. So this developing whole, transforming whole villages at a time is a community development. And that’s the outward push. Then what we call education discipleship are all the ministries that train and build up leaders from our home base. And what that looks like is we have schools, we have two home bases, one in Gulu, Northern Uganda where we started, and in Juba, South Sudan, which is the capital of South Sudan. So from those two headquarters, we have a school at each location, and we’re building a secondary school at each location. This was originally done to educate the orphans who were coming into our cares.
So other ministries that were either leaving the area because of the bullets or for a variety of reasons, were dropping kids off at our doorstep. And we didn’t have the financial support to just pay the tuition dollars at first to pay for these kids to get educated at other schools. So we quickly put our own schools together. And those are now, they’ve got 10, 15 years of history of great academic success and tons of stories. So we’ve got a school at each place. We’ve got a radio station at each, And this again came from the people, the heart of the people. So we’ve got Christian programming coming out of both Gulu, Uganda and South Sudan. The South Sudan station has boosters that are broadcasting and gospel even further out. And we’re hoping to get that daily programming all the way into Sudan proper, but through the airwaves.
So that’s been a long and powerful story to see God move in those areas. So that’s the education that education discipleship is the leadership development at home. We also have a leadership training institute, which is a university education that all our staff are required to go through. And now that’s open to the community as well for tuition to get professional kingdom based leadership training. So this is creating the next generation of leaders who then serve on the mission field and serve in the places of influence, whether in business or government or wherever God is gonna have them go. So that’s that. Another department, whole area is the prayer in evangelism. This is the fuel, this is the foundation of the whole ministry. So we have a house of prayer at each headquarters, but we have houses of prayer at most of the main hubs where our teams serve.
And this is what really blesses and protects all the work that God is doing. Our evangelism teams are housed within the prayer teams. So as far as the way the organization is structured, if you were to come onto favor i and give a donation, and if you were to devote it to prayer and evangelism, that’s supporting that specific, those departments that work together on both the whole evangelism side and the prayer side. Our prayer teams are full-time prayer warriors who not only man the House of Prayer, which is always open, 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM every day to the whole community and is a non-denominational community focal point for everybody of all walks of life to come and hear the word of God, pray, worship, experience, healing, miracles, revival breaks out every once in a while and they have to expand into evening services. And again, that’s totally a gift to the community.
And the community uses it, and it does not compete with the local churches. So it’s a very beautiful thing that God’s doing. So it’s prayer and evangelism. And then the newest area of focus is the economic empowerment programs, which has been on our heart for a lot of years, but we’ve had to seek out the capital funding and those kind of things to get agricultural projects started and other businesses sewing and training. And that also provides vocational opportunities for all the young students who are our family, who are growing up under our care. So it all works together in an efficient system.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:41):
Let’s talk about the role that you play. I’ve been reading a lot of business books lately, and one book that’s really good is called Traction. It talks about how there’s visionaries and then there’s implementers. Absolutely. And visionaries tend to be all over the place. They’re just really good at communicating vision. And usually a ministry is founded by a visionary, somebody who’s got big vision. We’re gonna go, we’re gonna impact lives, we’re gonna change people’s lives. But then there needs to be an implementer to come in behind the visionary, to really put flesh on the bones and kind of show what it’s going to look like, and then developing the systems that maintain it over the long term. And just listening to you, I feel like you probably are more of the implementer type in helping to build the business plan. And so talk me through what you do and what that process has looked like for this ministry. This is
Jared Buswell (22:43):
A very important principle for ministry, business and families. And it’s very important for people to watch how God has designed us to serve, in particular capac particular roles and capacities. And this observation that the eos Executive Operating System traction system, author noticed that in business, in successful business, there’s often a case where you have a strong, strong visionary who finds an implementer, a strong, strong implementer, they find each other. An implementer without a visionary is very useless and vice versa. But when the pair of them are together, big things happen. So I have been an implementer to Carol’s visionary. I’ve used the term before. I learned this language. I’ve always seen myself as an anointing, amplification. So there’s this anointing on our founder
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (23:39):
That could be the spiritual lingo for what’s a business term? Anointing. Anointing, amplification. That’s
Jared Buswell (23:45):
What we’re doing. And so that’s the language I’ve used internally. But I wanna share this. This is important. When I, I think I was about 19 years old, I was attending church regularly under a very strong visionary pastor. And I remember the Lord talking to me. I am a visionary actually by nature and design. I am full of visions. I’ve had to at many times just kind of quell and put down that part of myself. But I’m getting ideas all the time and just brilliant, creative things. So I see all this visionary capacity. But I remember when I was young, the Lord told me strongly, He said, Jared, you need to learn to serve me in what I’m doing now. Yes, I’ve given you ideas. Yes, I’ve given you a calling, but I’m moving right now through this man, and I need you to serve this man’s vision.
And Carol is out there, and she’s devoted her life to serving. She has beautiful messages on serving another man’s vision. She’s out there serving the Africans visions, the African missionaries are on fire and supported in doing what God’s called them to do. So it’s really their vision that we’re all supporting, and we strongly communicate to the whole US team the importance of our hearts being genuinely devoted to serving the visions of our African brothers and sisters, many of whom we might not have the opportunity to meet, but we’re here to serve them. So I’ve been for the last 11 years, serving our founder, serving the people she’s serving, and I’m serving another man’s vision, and I love it. And I know I’m a visionary, but that’s for a later time where God is moving now. I need to serve there now. And I think we all need to do that. When we all get all hands on deck, then God will move mountains.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (25:33):
Well, I really admire you finding a place to serve. Jesus said, the greatest in the kingdom is the servant of all. And I think sometimes in ministries, everyone wants to be the figurehead, but some people are gifted by God to do what you’re doing, <affirmative> and to help implement the vision. And I think if we had more people willing to do that, we could accomplish a lot more for God. All right. So favor international. You mentioned the website once, but let’s just mention a gift someone wants to help to support what you’re doing or see more about what you’re doing in Africa. What is the website where they can find out more information?
Jared Buswell (26:18):
Yes, the website is And it’s shortened, F A V O R I N T If you type in the whole name, you’ll also, it’ll forward you to favor i, but that’s our website.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (26:35):
Awesome. Well, Jared, thank you so much for being on the Evangelism Podcast. It was great having you here.
Jared Buswell (26:41):
Thank you very much, Daniel. It’s
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (26:42):
A pleasure, pleasure to see what God’s doing through you. Thanks so much for listening today. I am excited about telling people about Jesus, and I want to invite you to be a part of helping us to rescue people from Hell and take them with us to heaven. There’s two things you can do to help. First of all, can you go find the Evangelism podcast on Apple iTunes and leave us a positive review by giving a review. You will help other people find these valuable resources about sharing our faith. And second, would you become a financial partner with King Ministries. Every single dollar that people give us enables us to lead at least one person to Jesus. And so that means for only $1, you can help start a party in heaven. And so today, I want to invite you to become a monthly partner. You can start out for just a dollar, but if God puts it on your heart to do more, of course you can do more. But please go to king and become a monthly partner with us today to help us to lead more people to Jesus. Thank you so much, and God bless you.
Evangelism Podcast Host (28:05):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches, visit king Again, that’s king
Jeremy & Tara Richardson are called by God to be revivalists and to take Holy Spirit fire around the world. On today’s Evangelism Podcast you will hear the amazing testimony of how Jeremy got saved and hear about their journey as they launch Word and Power Ministries. They have a heart to reach Generation Z with an authentic encounter with God.
In this episode, you will:
Check out Jeremy and Tera Richardson’s Website:
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Jeremy and Tara Richardson are called by God to be revivalists and to take Holy Spirit fire around the world. On today’s evangelism podcast, you’ll hear the amazing testimony of how Jeremy got saved and hear about their journey as they launch Word and power ministries. They have a heart to reach generation Z with an authentic encounter with God. Here we go.
Evangelism Podcast Host (00:28):
Jesus said, Go into all the world and preach the gospel. Everyone who calls in the name of the Lord shall be safe. Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary, and evangelist Daniel King.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:04):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King. I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. I have a very special guest with me, Jeremy Richardson. Thank you so much for being on the Evangelism Podcast
Jeremy Richardson (01:17):
Evangelist Daniel, thank you so much for having me today. Honored to be with you guys.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:21):
All right, well let’s start at the beginning. You have a powerful testimony of how you got saved before you came to Jesus. You were living in the world. Tell me about your testimony. How’d you get saved?
Jeremy Richardson (01:34):
Absolutely. So I grew up going to church, sometimes Easter, Christmas, really in a religious background. And when I became a teenager, I never had an encounter with God. And if you get to your teenage years without an encounter with God, it’s like the enemy just catapults you into the darkness. And so that’s what happened to me. 13 years old, started drinking alcohol, getting addicted to drugs, just immoral lifestyle. And really I was lost and just looking for answers in the wrong places, looking for fulfillment. And so 13 years old, 14 years old, throughout my teenage years, just got deeper and deeper in the lifestyle of sin and darkness and lust and drugs and alcohol. And I remember when I was 16 years old, Daniel I was driving a car on my way to community service and I was would a felon at 16 years old, like I said, addicted to drugs and alcohol.
And I was lost and I was driving my dad’s car and as I’m on my way to the community service on drugs, I’m smoking in the car and I get lost and I’m speed up really fast and I make a U-turn at an intersection and as I’m making that U-turn right in the middle of an intersection, not paying attention at all, I leaned over in the car cuz I was turning and I felt the hand pushed me on my left side and it pushed me over in the car and a truck slammed into me going 50 miles an hour, totaled the car, pushed me 30 feet from the intersection and I got outta the car without a scratch on me. And I remember looking at the faces as I got outta the car in amazement, people were putting their hands on their face. How is he getting outta the car?
What happened? This is amazing. But the hand of God protected me. And what happened is my dad had gotten saved and I was a teenager, started praying for me and my brother and God miraculously just was protecting my life when I was living this lifestyle. And then when I was late in my teenage years, I remember just selling drugs, having money, just didn’t have to work a job because I had money. But I became dissatisfied in that lifestyle, Daniel. And what happened was I cried out to God and I said, I remember going, laying on my bed before I went to sleep at night saying, God, if you’re real, reveal yourself to me for about two weeks. I prayed that prayer and my dad was dragging us to church during that time. And I remember one Sunday right in the middle of praying this prayer, he took us to church and the preacher was talking about heaven and hell. And when he got to the altar called something came all over me in my seat, which I knew later it was the Holy Spirit of course. And I was frozen in my seat and I couldn’t move. And he gave the altar call, but I didn’t go down because I couldn’t move. And that night I surrendered my life to Jesus and got radically saved. And then shortly after that got filled with the Holy Spirit, turned my back on the world, turned my back on sin and never looked back.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:13):
Wow, what an amazing story. And now you are in full-time ministry. How did you discover the call of God that’s on your life?
Jeremy Richardson (04:22):
That I love that question because that is something that’s just burning on the inside of me. I remember when I got saved, there was this intense desire on the inside of me to share Jesus, this intense desire on the inside of me to experience the presence of God. One side tasted of the presence of God. I realized all the drugs and alcohol was a counterfeit. It was just a counterfeit. So when I got saved and experienced the presence of God, I quickly knew God has a divine purpose just inside me. There was a divine purpose. I knew there was a heavenly race for my life. And I prayed that prayer. I said, God, I, here I am, I don’t know much, but send me. So at the job I was working at when Bible school, I started getting people saved, telling people about Jesus. But right when the Lord outta Bible School led me into business for a few years, God bless us in business, that was a great time. And then shortly after that he launched us into where we serve on staff at the church for five and a half years as pastors.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:17):
And that’s actually where we know you from is Victory Church here in Tulsa, Oklahoma. You were serving as their campus pastor out in Manaford and did a great job out there. I know that that is a thriving congregation now that that’s been growing and increasing and your kids are actually in school with my kids. And so my wife is a preschool aide at Victory. And so I think she’s had some of your kids in her class.
Jeremy Richardson (05:49):
She has Miss Jessica, we call her, has done a great job. She’s a great teacher. And I believe Anna Bell and Jackson, my two youngest both had her in pre-K.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:58):
All right, well hopefully they got ready to launch out into their academic career there in pre-K. Okay, so Jeremy you were at Victory for the last few years and now God’s been speaking to you to launch out <affirmative> into this ministry that God has called me to. And that takes a big step of faith to really come to a point where you’re launching out and actually Victory is a great launching ground. A lot of people come and they’re on staff at Victory for a few years. And Victory has birthed more ministries, I think, than almost any other church because they launch people out and send them out. And some of the people that used to be on staff at Victory now run some of the greatest ministries in the world. But talk to me about that process of what God has been speaking to you <affirmative> and how you’ve gone through this step of faith to now launch out and tell me what comes next. What is this ministry that God’s called you to going to look like?
Jeremy Richardson (06:55):
Absolutely. So we’ve had these desires in our heart for years to go to the nations for evangelism really to see the power of God touch lives cuz that’s what happened to my wife and I. She was facing 25 years in prison. Jesus miraculously came into her jail cell. She got radically saved. But what happened to both of us was that the tangible presence of God touched our lives, set us free. And so the greatest desire in my heart is seeing people touched by the anointing, touched by the Holy Spirit and experience God. The Lord spoke to us years ago and said, Jeremy, people will leave your meeting saying surely God is real. And we have encountered him tonight. And so that’s been our focus, our mission for years is that people would encounter the presence of God. So as we were serving on staff at Victory, which we had the privilege to do, it was such a blessing, such a privilege to serve, to help pastors Paul and Ashley to help pastor Sharon for years drive the vision of reaching the world through victory.
But we have these desires stirring in us and we believe that one day God was gonna launch us into those things and we just wanted to be faithful, continue serving. But in March of this year, Daniel the Lord, I was sitting in the parking lot and I had a vision. And without going into all the detail of that vision, it was like the timeline of our lives flashed between us before us. And I saw the race of heaven for our lives. And I felt in my spirit that God was saying, I’m preparing you to launch out. And of course we were getting ready to start our summer camp and my wife and I were the camp directors as well. So we thought, well surely it’s, it’s not gonna be before camp. So we finished strong with camp during the summer, 2300 kids came through camp.
It was amazing. But when we got into August in September, we just had that witness inside of our spirit as the Holy Spirit leads people that it’s time to launch Genesis 12, one for us. And that’s what the Lord spoke to me is that Jeremy, as you launch out Genesis 12, one, the Bible says that God said, Get outta your country from your father’s house to the land that I will show you. And I circled the get out part, and I was telling our kids the get out part comes before the I will show you part. So we knew that as we took a step of faith, that God was just gonna meet us, God was gonna show up. And so when we did that just about six, eight weeks ago it was amazing how opportunities started coming, relationships started coming. God started speaking things to our heart about upcoming events that he wanted us to start pioneering and start moving towards really with the focus of first Restonians one, five, where Paul said, Our gospel did not come to you in Word only, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit into much assurance.
And the story goes on in first Exonians one that you see how the Bible says they turn to God from idols to serve the living and true God. And that’s what I believe that God’s called us to do, Daniel is to just be obedient to him, to be a vessel for him, to bring the power of God to the next generation, to young people, to youth, to our generation as well, to the nations of the world, that people would have true encounters with the living God and be equipped by the Holy Spirit, the gift of the Spirit, and then go out and win souls in their daily life.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:49):
So as you’ve launched out in ministry, you’ve already been doing some revival nights, you’ve been going into some communities here in Oklahoma and gathering people together. And then you’re already planning a missions trip this spring to Arizona. So talk me through what do those revival nights look like and what is God doing? Absolutely.
Jeremy Richardson (10:13):
I’m glad you asked because it’s been so exciting. It’s been amazing to watch what God is doing. And when we were at Manford, when we were at the Manford campus, we had anywhere from 25 to maybe 40 ORU students that were driving out every Sunday. And they had such a hunger and a thirst on the inside of them. And so what was happening is that we just had an amazing move of God out there in Manford, which is about an hour away. And so once we stepped out in this new season, we felt to do these revival nights, which was really a focus on the Holy Spirit, the ministry of the Holy Spirit, and then being equipped by him to go win souls in your daily life. And so we thought, okay, we’re gonna do the first one. And amazingly, 50 people showed up at our house and we did worship.
And really we just flowed with the Holy Spirit when my wife and I preached some of the messages we’re talking about right now, just preached on the fire of the Holy Spirit and how God is gonna answer by fire in this next generation. And it was amazing to see people’s hunger and thirst and getting touched by the Holy Spirit. I had some students come up to me and say that they’ve never fallen out in the spirit before, not that it’s about falling out, but they were experiencing a true encounter with the presence of God. And I say this sometimes as the Lord put it on my heart, that when a teenager gets touched by the Holy Spirit, when an adult gets touched by the Holy Spirit, no one’s gonna talk them out of the holy. No one’s gonna talk them out of believing in Jesus as people come up in this next generation. So that’s the desire of a heart is to see people touched by the power of God and then take that touch on their lives and go and share it with others. And that’s happening on these Sunday night revival nights. And we’re believing that they’re gonna happen as we go to these cities, to different cities. And as you mentioned, the missions trip next spring. Yeah.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:50):
Let’s talk about this generation because it seems like this generation faces challenges like no other generation <affirmative>. When you think about all of the influences that come on social media, on TikTok, the issues that this generation is dealing with, they’ve got so many different pressures. What do you think it’s going to take to really see a move of God, a great awakening among this generation?
Jeremy Richardson (12:20):
Yes. You’re asking all the questions that are stirring so deeply in me. I believe with all my heart, it will take the demonstration of the Holy Spirit in power. And that’s what Paul said in First Corinthians chapter two. He said, My preaching and my teaching was not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the spirit and the power. And we found that out with young people that I can’t tell you how many young people came up to have come up to us in this last season or when we were young adults, pastors years ago and said, I’ve never truly tasted of the presence of God. I never really experienced the presence of God until tonight, but I grew up in church. And it’s amazing that when young people truly encounter the presence of God, the power of the Holy Spirit, it awakens them to the reality of God.
Maybe they’ve heard about God growing up, but they’ve never truly experienced him or encountered him. And I feel like God is more willing to encounter them than we realize or given credit. And I think we’ve just gotta give God, we’ve gotta give him space. We’ve gotta give the Lord space to work, to move and to let him touch the young people that are coming up in this next generation. And we found that when we give God opportunity to move, he moves. And young people get touched, but answer your question specifically, the depression, the atheism, the humanistic mindsets, all those people getting kind of stuck in their heads. I believe that’s breaking off of people. And I feel like we see that in the book of Acts. We see that in first eons chapter one, that by the power of God, people can move from stronghold of the mind to an encounter of God in their spirit.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:53):
And give me some testimonies. What have you seen God do in the lives of individuals that you’ve ministered to give me something that God’s been doing recently?
Jeremy Richardson (14:04):
Yes, Yes. Well, there’s a couple that come to mind. There’s a couple that come to mind and one of ’em, there’s a young adult named Spiff, and that’s kind of his short name. He’s from Ukraine and he is a young adult, mighty man of God. And I remember when he kind of came into our lives in this last season, how the power of God was touching his life. The Holy Spirit was becoming more real to him, and even personal evangelism was being birthed on the inside of him. And I remember him coming with us on a personal evangelism trip and he was like, I don’t know. Can you witness as someone like this, can you just share Jesus with someone on the street and them actually get born again?
And through what happened with him getting touched by the Holy Spirit, touched by the fire of God, and then going out and winning souls, it was amazing. He as a totally different person, he witnesses about Jesus everywhere he goes. In fact, if you go anywhere with sp, don’t have a calendar, don’t have a timetable because he is gonna be witnessing someone. He’s gonna be laying hands on someone and he believes that God’s called him to be a missionary too, back to Ukraine and back to Russia. And so that’s one and another one, there’s a gentleman named Mike that we’ve recently connected with. He’s been coming to these revival nights on Sunday nights, and he and his wife came the first night. I didn’t know them. They were actually from Michigan. And they heard about what was happening and actually came down, which was amazing. They heard about some of these services and actually wanted to come down from Michigan.
And they came to the service that night and they were sitting in the very back and God gave me a word about something specific going on in their life. And I call ’em out from the very back, laid hands on and the power of God minister to them. They fell out in the spirit. And just the whole night, it was like the presence of God was just washing over them and imparting certain things into them. Well, he sent us this long text the next week, so this is just have been about 10 days ago that where he was ministering at a homeless outreach and God had really stirred some passion, some desires and some fresh fire on the inside of him. And he was witnessing as someone and he laid hands on him, and this guy just fell out in the spirit, was touched by the presence of God.
And he got up and he was like, Oh my goodness, God is real. God touched my life today. He surrendered his life to Jesus and got radically saved. And so Mike sends us this testimony just amazed at how God flowed through him. And that’s what it’s about. Daniel and you, you’re a huge believer that you’ve been preaching this for years, that if people can get touched by the fire of the Holy Spirit, if people can get a reality of Jesus on the inside of them and then share that with others, God can flow through anybody to bring deliverance and salvation.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (16:37):
Amen. Well, you’re launching out in this new ministry, and if someone is listening and they really have a heart to help you and maybe even invite you to come preach at their church or to come for an opportunity for ministry, how can they find out more about you? What’s your website?
Jeremy Richardson (16:55):
Yes, absolutely. So our website is word and power, word and power And on that website, you can contact us, you can read a little bit about my, more about wife and I and our four kiddos and just see some pictures and some upcoming events that we have going on. But you can also partner with us. There’s ways of partnering on there or just simply contact us. We are in a season where we would love to come and be a blessing, wherever God sends us, wherever God opens a door that we have a witness about, we are ready to come and serve people to love God, love people, and carry the gospel.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (17:29):
That’s awesome. Well, let’s finish up this Evangelism podcast today with revival right here. There’s a lot of people listening who they have a passion and a heart for evangelism, especially for seeing God move here in America. Yeah. And would you just pray a prayer, a revival, fire prayer for everyone who’s listening, that we would see more of the Holy Spirit’s, fire and power in our lives?
Jeremy Richardson (17:58):
Absolutely. I’d love to Father in Jesus’ name. God, we thank you for this time, for this moment. Lord, I thank you for every single person listening, Lord, and that will listen truly. It’s not on accident, Lord, that you’re calling them, you’re drawing them and that you want to use them. Father, I pray you would stir up a pure desire on the inside of every single person that hears this podcast, Lord, or that people that hear about through other people, Lord, you would stir up a pure desire on the inside of them. Lord, you said, if they’re hungry and thirsty for righteousness, we will be filled, filled with your power, filled with your presence, and filled with a vision to reach the world around us. Father, I thank you that you also said in the last days you would pour out your spirit on all flesh and that your sons and your daughters shall prophesy.
Lord, I pray you would pour out your spirit of fresh and the cities of America and our schools and our colleges upon young people upon generation Z. Lord, awaken them and raise them up, Father to win souls, to make an impact in their generation, to make an impact in the nations of the world. God, I pray that there’s someone listening right now, Father God, that they’ve been, they’ve been doubting, They’ve been questioning the call of God in their life. Maybe they’ve even been drifting away from, and I pray you would reignite them right now in Jesus. Amen. Rekindle that desire. You are called of God. You have a calling on your life. God can use it. God will through flow through you. The gifts of the Spirit will flow through your life to bring deliverance to the world around you. In the name of Jesus. Father, thank you for awakening America to the call of God again in Jesus name.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:25):
Amen. Well, I am in full agreement with that prayer. I do pray for revival to come to this generation here in America and around the world. Brother Jeremy, thank you so much for being on the Evangelism Podcast with me.
Jeremy Richardson (19:39):
Evangelist Annual is such an honor to be with you today. Thank you,
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:41):
Bless you. Thanks so much for listening today. I am excited about telling people about Jesus, and I want to invite you to be a part of helping us to rescue people from Hell and take them with us to heaven. There’s two things you can do to help. First of all, can you go find the Evangelism podcast on Apple iTunes and leave us a positive review by giving a review. You will help other people find these valuable resources about sharing our faith. And second, would you become a financial partner with King Ministries. Every single dollar that people give us enables us to lead at least one person to Jesus. And so that means for only $1, you can help start a party in heaven. And so today I want to invite you to become a monthly partner. You can start out for just a dollar, but if God puts on your heart to do more, of course you can do more. But please go to king and become a monthly partner with us today to help us to lead more people to Jesus. Thank you so much, and God bless you.
Evangelism Podcast Host (21:03):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches, visit king Again, that’s king
Billy Bimba is an evangelist from rural Liberia in West Africa. In 1986, he attended the Reinhard Bonnke Fire Conference in Zimbabwe. His life was transformed and ever since he has been on fire and he preaches about Jesus all over Africa. On today’s podcast you will hear about how God healed him from cancer and about how God has used him raise up spiritual sons like Rob Enge.
Connect with Billy Bimba:
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Billy Bimba is an evangelist from rural Liberia in West Africa. In 1986, he attended the Reinhard Bonnke Fire Conference for evangelists in Zimbabwe. His life was transformed, and ever since he’s been on fire and he preaches about Jesus all over Africa. On today’s podcast, you will hear about how God healed him from cancer and about how God has used him to raise up spiritual sons that are continuing to impact the world.
Evangelism Podcast Host (00:44):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies, and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary, and evangelist Daniel King.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:12):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus. Today I have a very special guest with me, Evangelist Billy Bimba. Thank you so much for being on the Evangelism Podcast.
Billy Bimba (01:26):
Thank you. I am so excited to meet you and to have this opportunity to be on your podcast and to share my experiences since, uh, God saved me and called me to ministry.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:38):
Now, Evangelist Billy, you have been an evangelist for many, many years now. Yes. You were born in Liberia. Yes. And God has called you and anointed you to take the gospel around the world. Tell me a little bit about your testimony and how you became an evangelist.
Billy Bimba (01:59):
Praise the Lord. I was, uh, born in Liberia, the northern part of Liberia, um, in the largest country from Liberia is, uh, Lofa County. And I was born in foyer district. That’s where, um, Jesus met me and saved me. And, uh, it was under the Swedish Pentecostal mission that was established there and a church. And my dad happened to be the senior pastor of that church during the great revival that broke out there when the Swedish Pentecostal mission sta established there. That was, that was when I received Christ through the preaching of the Swedish missionaries that that started u uh, youth services for the young people in the rural era of Liberia.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:41):
Now, how old were you when you gave your life to
Billy Bimba (02:43):
Jesus? Oh, I would say I was probably 14 years old. Okay. Yeah. 14 years old. So God arrested me when I was in the very early age because he had a great plan for using me in the earth. So I was, I received Christ 1972 and 74, I received a baptism and the Holy Ghost. And man, from that time forward, it was just an explosion in my life. I began doing village evangelism. I began to go from village to village, and I started, um, establishing teams to go with me. So who could go to villages, to towns and preaching the gospel everywhere. It was like a daily thing. One week after the other month after month, I was having this burning desire. We didn’t have vehicles to do that. No bicycle, no mo a motorbike to do that. We would go mine sometime 20 miles, sometime 30 miles, and sometime we’ll cross over to the border between like, uh, Liberia and se Leon and Guinea. So I started evangelism at a very early age.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:45):
And tell me, what are you seeing that God is doing in Africa?
Billy Bimba (03:50):
Africa is right now at a place I, this, it seems that God is shifting a move to Africa. It’s like there’s a concentration of God’s effort to bring source out of darkness into the kingdom. I mean, everywhere I look around, there’s people that are going there to do, to do evangelism, to preach, to start churches, either to equip pastors, to, to equip evangelists. I just recently came from Zambia, uh, one day to do a church girl conference. And man, the Holy Ghosts was moving so powerfully. The, the young pastors, the older pastors, they were just pouring into the meetings and God was just transforming their life through the team that I carried there, they were teaching and I was preaching revival as well, and salvation healing. And they were just on fire. And they immediately, before we left the bishop who was our host, he said, This month I’m gonna have evangelism all over my city. In, in Luaka. Before we left here, he already organized a, a great evangelistic efforts. I mean, and they were before even we left, they started, they started evangelism. So Africa is really ready right now. There’s a level of expectancy, there’s a level, there’s a shift right now in evangelism in Liberia. I mean, in, in Africa as a whole. I believe that this hour is a special hour for the harvest in, in Africa as a whole.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:22):
One of the things I love about African evangelists is you are full of red hot fire, full of the Holy Spirit, enthusiastic about preaching the gospel all over the world. And in years past, people from the United States and from Sweden went to Africa as missionaries. Yes. But now God is raising up Africans Amen. Who are full of the Holy Spirit Yeah. That are bringing Holy Spirit fire. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> to, uh, the parts of the world where they’re used to send out missionaries. And so you have now come to the United States, and you’ve been here in the, the United States
Billy Bimba (05:57):
For since 1993 for,
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:59):
For quite a while now. Yes. And, and tell me, what have you done in the area of evangelism here in the United States? You’ve built lots of relationships.
Billy Bimba (06:06):
I’ve built a lot of relationships God has really connected me with churches. Like when we came as refugees, we settle in upstate New York and in upstate New York. God gave us a lot of connection with churches there, pastors. And we began to preach in 10 meetings. We saw so many, we saw so many souls saved during the 10 meetings. The revival, so many souls save. I mean, America is ripe for the hav. And you know, you just mentioned you send missionaries. Yes. Hundreds of years. You send missionaries to Africa. But you know, what you saw is what you read. I believe there’s a ho there’s hope for America, regardless of what is going on. I believe there’s hope for America, because there are, number one, Africans are praying for America. And two, there are sincere remnant dedicated Christians in America that are praying for this nation.
So no matter what the enemy is trying to do, we will win because our gospel is the power of God onto salvation. And I’m so happy that I met you, that you are on fire. And when I saw your pictures of the countries, the Lord is touching through you. It’s just excite me. I can’t wait to bring you to our country Liberia so we can, you know, work together and spread the gospel. But there’s hope for America, no matter what they say. There’s hope. Because this gospel we preach is the power of God onto salvation.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:24):
Billy Bimba (07:25):
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:25):
You and I have a mutual friend. He works for Christ for All Nations. Oh, yes. He is the personal assistant to Evangelist Daniel Kolinda. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, who is the successor to Reinhard Bonke, great evangelist, leader of Christ for All Nations. And so our mutual friend, his name is Rob Enga. And your ministry actually had an impact on him. Tell me that story…
Billy Bimba (07:51):
To God be all the glory. I went to visit, uh, I was invited by his local pastor, his mom, local pastor, and uh, and I had a revival service there. And one of those, in one of those services, Rob Enge, the laws saved him, deliver him and set him free. And he was transformed in a, I mean, just like God just did it in one second. Rob was transformed. And after Rob became a Christian and born again, he wanted to just follow me. He said, I want to follow you. I want to carry your back. Whatever you want me to do, I want to go with you. So I said, Rob, I wanna, I want you to stay with your local church and get inside house training. And he said, Whatever you say I’m gonna do. So I said, Okay, Pastor, let Rob Enge stay here for some time and serve in the local church.
Immediately I give you an assignment. I said, Rob, you are supposed to clean all the bathrooms in this church. He said, No problem, I’ll do it. And the pastor told me every Friday, when young people are going out, you know, messing up their life, that’s the time Rob took to clean all the tallest, to clean all the, you know, to make the place look ready for services. And when I called the pastor to check on him in Tulsa, I was living here in Tulsa. I called the pastor, Pastor Bob, How is Rob doing? He say, Man, you can’t believe it. Rob is doing a tremendous work in the church. God’s using him. He’s cleaning the toilets, his bathroom. Sometimes when I go in to look after him, I can almost see my face in the commod. That’s how diligent he is. So we kept the relationship going, and later on, my wife and I decided to go and visit.
We went back and then the mom and the pastors said, It’s time for you to take Rob. We say, we need Rob now to come on the road with me. So Rob actually is my son. He, he was birthed out of my ministry. And God gave me the grace, my wife and I, to receive him as, you know, as if he was my biological son. I, we took care of him. We help him guide him, pray for him. And I said, Rob, you’re gonna be my assistant. He said, No problem. He drove me all over the United States, here, everywhere I went to do camp, uh, Crusades revival. Rob was the one who was serving, driving and doing everything, taking appointments and making sure that everything is okay before I preach. So Rob is, is, is, is a gift from God to the kingdom of God. And I’m so blessed to see him serving as an executive assistant to this wonderful brother whom I have met, which is Brother Daniel is one of the most humble men of God I’ve ever seen. I have met Daniel and he took good care of me when I went to Florida. I’m so grateful that God, you know, move him on to go and serve Daniel. And I believe his future is greater, better than what he can see.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:38):
What a tremendous testimony, you know, Jesus said, If you’re faithful with the small things, that’s it. I will place you in charge of many things. That’s Rob. And so now, uh, Rob Inga is helping to reach literally millions of people all over the world, the ministry of Christ for all nations. They’re sending evangelists all over Africa and other parts of the world. They’re, they’re going and doing youth crusades and all that. Wow. They, they are having such a tremendous impact. And it all started with just cleaning the bathroom <laugh>. And, and, and you trained him how to be a personal assistant. And now God is using him in such a tremendous way.
Billy Bimba (11:17):
I mean, I, God was just using me to train. I never had somebody from another culture get saving my ministry and train. He was the first American, you know, to, for me to serve because that you, you understand culture difference. If it’s an African, I know the culture, but he, he was going against everything in his, in his culture. But he was men. He was serviceable, he was open to God, whate. I mean, Rob would sleep on the floor, Rob would sweep, love, would, would wash, Rob would pray. As long as I want him to pray, he would pray. Whatever we told him, he did it. And I’m not surprised that God has elevated him to that. You know, at one time I sent him to Africa. I said, I’m want to test him. Let him go to Africa and represent me. And when they, he went to Africa to book enough Faso, the president of the, uh, of the assembly of God, then who’s not our father, he who’s not in law, to my daughter, he called me and said, Man, the drop is a very, very diligent, humble and and powerful man of God.
When he came here, he did everything you told him to do. And he went beyond, you know? So I’m very grateful to go and give God all the glory that he brought us, our ministry in his life, and, uh, that he’s, uh, developed now. He’s a great man of God.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:34):
Let’s talk a little bit about your testimony, cuz you were attacked by Satan with cancer. Yes. But now you look very healthy. You look very whole. <laugh>. Tell me, what did Jesus do to set you free from cancer?
Billy Bimba (12:48):
I was attacked. I was attending Oral Robert University and I was almost about to graduate and I got hit with cancer the first time and they say it was a lymphoma. So I was to the point of death and my wife, Queen Elizabeth, she’s a prayer warrior. She’s decided like, I’m gonna pray for my husband. I don’t believe it’s time for him to go. God has plenty your work for him to do. I’m gonna stand with God to get this thing out of his body. And she is also an herbalist. So she was praying and using her, praying and using herbs. And God gave us a direction to go to Mexico in South America. I mean, uh, Mexico right across the border with San Diego went to Oasis a hope for treatment. And while we’re there, I went for treatment. It turned into a mission field.
The owner of the hospital said, I read your record. I found out that you are an evangelist. And these patients that are coming from all over the world, they don’t know Christ. I always come and give them Christ yet. So today you are gonna preach for me. I said, Wow. My wife came and told me, say I sick. I mean I was sick. And then my wife said, You thought you came here for treatment. But today I was told by the, the, the, the owner of the hospital that he wants you to preach his chapel. I said, Okay. I pray to the Lord. The Lord said, Go and do it. And when I stew on that platform, I was so thin and so sick, I I stew on that platform, the power of God hate me. I began to preach and miracles started happening. People’s lives were just transformed.
After this, after the service, a Buddhist was in the service, came to my wife. He said, Hey, Mrs. Biber, can you, can I talk to you? Miss be said? Yes. He said, I was in the meeting yesterday when your husband was preaching, I’m a Buddhist, I’m not a Christian, but what he had to say, Touch my heart. Can you please come and pray for my mom? And then we said, Okay, before we pray for your mom, we want to introduce Christ to you. She sat down, she received Christ and went, and we pray for her mom. Those were some of the miracles that were happening in the, the hospital and the patient. And all these patients now are going bring, I mean all the, uh, the caregivers that carry their patients were in the meeting. They were bringing their, their, their, their patients out of the, their room, their their hospital room to come to my room to for prayer.
This was the miracle that was happening. And then the pastor in Mexico, who was a chaplain in that hospital, when he saw the move of God, he said, I’m a pastor in town here. I work in this hospital, but half my church, the move of God that is in this hospital, I would like you to come and preach in my church. I said, This is crazy here what God is doing. So I said, I told my wife, what can we do? She said, Well, let’s go. We went there. I, I mean, two months, you could see two months. I mean, my stomach was. So I went in, preach and people, God bless people, God deliver. And it just, the story went on and on and on and on. And at the end of the day, and an American missionary who was in that survey was so touched with what God was doing in that service.
He said, I know you came here for treatment and you are sick. We just had an earthquake in that part of, uh, Mexico, way down in the Border of Mexico. The pastors are devastated. I believe your ministry’s going to encourage them. Can you imagine that? We drove how many hours, honey? We drove about two, three hours in the Border of Mexico. We went there 110 degree. So hot. And I mean, they have to open all the doors in the, in the building because in the church building, because there’s no way you could, you could stand the heat preached under that intense temperature and the power of God move, miracle took place. And then we drove back to the states. So these are someone saying God was doing in Mexico, and God just opened that door. And many, many people were riched with the, with the gospel through the hospital and, and the church that I minister to.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (16:41):
Wow. Well, let’s talk about Africa. You were born in Liberia. Yes. You have ministered in Sierra Leone, in Bukino Faso ,Guinea, many Pakistan, many other places, Sweden, and Africa. But, uh, what is it that God has put on your heart? Tell me about your vision for reaching people for Jesus in Africa.
Billy Bimba (17:03):
I really believe that through the local church, we can have good substantial evangelism. We can go out there and have these cru says, and hundreds or thousands of people show up. We believe that building the, and strengthening the local pastors in any region is God’s strategy for, uh, uh, uh, preserving the harvest. Because when you build relationship with pastors and show them how important they are in their region and work alongside with them when you go and harvest, they’re the one that going to preserve the harvest. Yeah. So one of the strategy for Africa is I like to, I like to build relationship with pastors. I like to encourage pastor, I want to help them, them to see the bigger vision, just, just than just their local church that God has called them to, to carry the kingdom further than their local church. And, and, and when we do that, we do the intrude, the seminars, they are build up, They see the vision, they are excited.
So when we do the crusade, people get safe. Now they can, they can disciple those people. So in Africa, I’ve seen that when you go make pastors your best friends, help them encourage them, pray with them, and, and share the vision that God’s giving you, enriching their community for them. When you do that, when you leave that place, there’s going to be greater testimony to the glory of God. So right now for me, as your question is God is specifically calling me to back to Africa, but my base is Liberia right now, my wife and I in preparation, trying to raise support to go back so that we can reorganize things because I got sick with cancer and got miraculously heal me. I mean, have cancer in my lung, cancer in my, in my small power, cancer in my boom boom, marrow cancer in my bones. I was a dead walking man. Hard. I was alive for these two and a half years. It’s only the resurrection power that was sustaining.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:01):
And now Jesus has healed you
Billy Bimba (19:03):
And I touched my body.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:04):
And you’re gonna go tell everyone what Jesus has done.
Billy Bimba (19:06):
Yeah, man. That’s what I, I immediately, the doctor released me. I went to booking a Faso, thousands of people in, in churches, buildings, in cities, two cities. We, we, we touch in Burkino Faso, God moved so mindly in science and wonders and, and we have created a base there to reach the francophone countries in West Africa. But Liberia is going to be my concentration. And in next coming, uh, yes,
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:31):
If someone is listening and they want to help to support your ministry and help send you to Liberia and to the rest of Africa, what is your website? How can they find out more about you?
Billy Bimba (19:43):
They can go to
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:53):
Okay, So that’s B I L L y. B I M B A, Billy Bimba. Well, it is so wonderful to have you on the Evangelism podcast. I love your passion for Jesus. Amen. Your enthusiasm for serving him. And I know that God is going to do amazing things through your ministry in the years to come.
Billy Bimba (20:14):
I wanna mention one more thing. I want to give the credit to, to who the credit belonged to. I thank God for, uh, uh, uh, late Reinhard Bonnke when I started my ministry in the ruler eras of Africa. He didn’t know me, but I, somebody who saw what God was doing through me, send my name to South Africa to Reinhard Bonnke. And he pray over the names that were, you know, presented to him. And I was choosing as one of these delegates, participant of the fire conference that took place 19 19 86 in Zimbabwe. Wow. In Zimbabwe. American preachers came. European preachers came. That’s what, that was my first time I saw Kenneth Copeland. That was my first time I saw Mohan, and, and saw African preachers from Rhema. It was just an awesome conference. It was there. God really transformed my evangelistic ministry.
Reinhard Bonnke released the anointing upon the evangelists, and he said, Right now under this tent, I want you to go and practice any sick person you find. Lay your hand on them. I met a person whose nose was black on this side. He could only, they could only breathe through one nursery. And I lay my hands and the stuff came out and the person began to breathe normal right in the tent. The fire fell in that tent. From that day when I came home to Africa, Miracle started happening in Liberia in our home church. One of our church worker daughter was scraper, and the missionaries were having a, a meeting. And God spoke to me to go and pray for that, for that young lady. And she got, she got raised up and I saw some cripples, some blind. It was just an awesome fire that I, that, that ran Bonky ministry released into my life.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (22:01):
What a great testimony. You know, I have read stories about that great gathering of evangelists in Zimbabwe in 1986.
Billy Bimba (22:10):
I was there,
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (22:11):
But it’s so wonderful to hear the testimony of what God has done. And all these years later, you continued to have that same fire for
Billy Bimba (22:17):
Eventually Oh man. It’s just going on and on and on. Wow.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (22:20):
Yes. Well, Brother Billy Bimba, you are a great evangelist. It is so wonderful to meet you and to hear your story. Thank you for sharing today on the Evangelism
Billy Bimba (22:30):
Pipe. Thank you so much for having me. Jesus. Bless you.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (22:33):
Thanks so much for listening today. I am excited about telling people about Jesus, and I want to invite you to be a part of helping us to rescue people from Hell and take them with us to heaven. There’s two things you can do to help. First of all, can you go find the Evangelism podcast on Apple iTunes and leave us a positive review by giving a review. You will help other people find these valuable resources about sharing our faith. And second, would you become a financial partner with King Ministries. Every single dollar that people give us enables us to lead at least one person to Jesus. And so that means for only $1, you can help start a party in heaven. And so today I want to invite you to become a monthly partner. You can start out for just a dollar, but if God puts it on your heart to do more, of course you can do more. But please go to king and become a monthly partner with us today to help us to lead more people to Jesus. Thank you so much, and God bless you.
Evangelism Podcast Host (23:54):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches, visit king Again, that’s king