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Monthly Archives: January 2023

Frankie Cortez | Raising Up Influencers for Jesus

Do you want to be an influencer for Jesus? Frankie Cortez is a graduate of the Christ for All Nations Evangelism Bootcamp. God has given him a vision to raise up social media influencers who can share the Gospel with a sight and sound generation. On today’s podcast we talk about why it is important to evangelize online and give you some tips for maximizing the impact of your social media.

Website: https://www.promisesinternational.org/ 


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Do you wanna be an influencer for Jesus? Frankie Cortez is a graduate of Christ for All Nations evangelism. Bootcamp. God has given him a vision to raise up social media influencers who can share the gospel with a sight and sound generation. On today’s podcast, we talk about why it’s important to evangelize online, and we give you some tips for maximizing the impact of your social media. Plus, Frankie is going to share some stories from the different countries that he’s been working on, and you’ll hear about what God is doing in Egypt, in Pakistan, in Brazil, and in Ukraine. Let’s listen.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:54):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies, and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary, and evangelist Daniel King.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:19):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus. Today I have a very special guest with me, Frankie Cortez. Thank you for being on the Evangelism Podcast.

Frankie Cortez (01:30):
Thank you for having me.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:32):
So let’s talk about how we first met you were a student at the Christ for All Nations Evangelism Bootcamp in Orlando, Florida. And tell me, what did you learn going through the Evangelism Bootcamp?

Frankie Cortez (01:48):
Yeah, so I had the amazing opportunity to be part of the Evangelism Bootcamp at Christ for All Nations. Danielle King was actually one of my teachers. I learned how to organize crusades, how to plan them, how to preach at them, and then ultimately how to roll that out.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:02):
Well, I love pouring into other evangelists and helping people who have a passion for the great commission and going to nations all over the world. And so, do you remember some of what I taught in, in the sessions that we were together?

Frankie Cortez (02:18):
I yes. I remember you had systematic plans on how we can actually do this. I remember you had 300, I think it was 316 steps to be an effective evangelist. And I specifically remem I think it was number 17, is Find a Wife. I still haven’t found that one yet. <laugh>,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:33):
Absolutely. Well, when I found my wife, it really helped me out as an evangelist. Just gave me more credibility. But, uh, that, that plan that you’re, you’re talking about, I have, uh, a list of how to start a ministry and it’s because people kept coming to me and asking me questions like, well, how do I start a ministry? What do I do in, in order to start taking donations from, you know, how do I share my vision? And, and I kept getting the same questions over and over again. And especially like, like, how do I write a book, Daniel, you’ve written like 25 different books. How do I write my first book and how do I raise money for my ministry and how do I book speaking engagements at churches? And, and I kept getting all of these questions and, and so finally I decided I’m just gonna put one spreadsheet, all the answers to every question I get.

And so now if people ask me a question, I just send them a link to their spreadsheet and I have resources there. And I love coaching people that gives me a place to, to start coaching them in evangelism and helping them to become more effective in the ministry that God has called them to. And so if you’re listening and you’re interested in being coached in evangelism or being coached in how to start a ministry, uh, reach out to me and, and we’ll talk about doing that. All right. So Frankie, since you graduated from the the Evangelism Bootcamp, you’ve gone to a bunch of different places around the world and you’ve seen God do some amazing things. Kind of walk me through that journey and what you’ve seen God do.

Frankie Cortez (04:04):
Yeah, so it was amazing. The Evangelism Bootcamp showed me how practical it is to just duke Mass Gospel campaigns for right after our, our bootcamp, we had the opportunity to go to Tanzania. We were able to kind of apply what we learned by going to gospel outreaches on trucks where basically we would preach on trailers of semi trucks and we would go to different places around. I was in Moto Godo in Tanzania, and we would share the gospel and we would in marketplaces and on the streets, and we would see many people come to Jesus. We would go into schools and we would share the gospel to many thousands of children. We would give her that to Jesus. I also, within the last year, had the opportunity to travel to many different countries, um, like Pakistan and Brazil and Poland, uh, Mexico, Egypt, where I was able to have these big giant campaigns and bring in just the harvest of thousands of souls.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:55):
Yeah. Tell me about the details of, of some of these events. You went to Egypt, what did you do in Egypt?

Frankie Cortez (05:02):
Yeah, so in Egypt, Egypt was very special in history. They’ve never actually had a mass gospel campaign in, in the Egypt history. I can’t say the C word cuz that one’s actually a bad word over there. But it was amazing. Two weeks before, um, our crusades started, we’ve been planning for an entire year and the biggest church in the city is actually set on fire. 40 people dying over 50 people are injured. And it was like, what do we do? God, is this something that we move forward or is it something that you want to maybe push ahead or something like that? God said, we want you to push forward, I want you to go and I want you to do this crusade. So we had to find a brand new location in a different part of the city in Cairo. And we found actually a Muslim military base in the middle of the hood in Cairo, Egypt.

And God poured out his spirit. So Daniel, you know, the marketing budgets for some of these, sometimes the marketing budgets are 10, 20, 30, $50,000, depending, you know, where you are. I remember in Cairo, Egypt, an event like that has never been done. So we put in about a thousand dollars of marketing. Day one, we had 5,000 people on the field, and by day five we had over 50,000 people on the field because God’s glory showed up, miracles, signs and wonders happened. People were literally coming up to us saying that they had dreams of Jesus and they were leading ’em to our event.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:11):
Wow. Well, when you have the Holy Spirit working with you, you don’t need much of a budget. And so that’s amazing. Did, did you know the, the first evangelist to ever go to Egypt was Mark who wrote the Gospel of Mark. And the story is that he went to Alexandria, which was founded by Alexandria the Great. And when Mark went into Alexandria, um, his shoe was, uh, it, it was a leather sandal and it had fallen apart as he traveled. So he went and found a shoemaker, and the shoemaker was, was fixing his shoe. And as he was working on it, the owl that he was working on, the leather slipped and went right through his hand. And right then Mark laid hands on him, prayed for him, and the shoemaker was healed. And so the mark became the first bishop of Alexandria. And then when he was martyred, they tied him some to some chariots and dragged him through the streets. And that’s how he died for Jesus. Uh, the, the shoemaker who got saved that day, when he was healed, he became the second bi bishop of Alexandria. And to this day, the Coptic Christians in al in Egypt, they traced their spiritual heritage back to Mark the writer of the Gospel of Mark. And so what a great thing that you got to go and be an evangelist in the footsteps of Mark. Yeah. And then you also went to Brazil. What’d you do in Brazil?

Frankie Cortez (07:43):
Yeah, so in Brazil we, we taught and trained on evangelism. We had a fire con a fire camp. So basically what that is, it’s a week long evangelistic training where we take a small group of 50 to 60 young people or old people, but they’re very interested in going forward in evangelism within their local country. So we trained about 50 evangelists there and we, and then we sent them out to the streets to apply what they learned. And we were raising people up out there.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:05):
And you also went to Pakistan. What’d you do in Pakistan?

Frankie Cortez (08:08):
Yep. I, um, total in Pakistan, I’ve done four gospel campaigns where we saw tens of thousands of people come to Jesus crowds of 20 to 30,000 people, uh, miracles, signs and wonders happen. And we’re really seeing just God descend on some of these countries that people are like, is not possible. We’re, we’re still gonna go.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:25):
That’s absolutely amazing. Now how old are you?

Frankie Cortez (08:28):
I’m 25 years

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:29):
Old. So 25 years old. You’ve already been to a bunch of different countries. You’ve been seeing God to amazing miracles. And then, uh, you also recently worked in Ukraine. The, the, the war that’s been going on in Ukraine is absolutely horrible. Uh, what were you doing when you went there?

Frankie Cortez (08:47):
Yeah, so I went with my friends, uh, Slavik down, he has a ministry in Ukraine. So what basically what we were doing is we have, we, we had teams that were coming in from the United States, from Seattle, Florida, different parts of the United States. And they were going into Ukraine from both Poland and Romania. And they were going in and they were sharing the gospel, providing humanitarian aid help for the people cuz it’s just a very sad situation that’s happening. So what we were doing, we were actually raising teams up and teaching them how to evangelize in these places, how are we gonna roll out the humanitarian aid work? So we’re we’re also, we went to go shoot a documentary to kind of document what’s actually happening and what God is doing within the country. And that’s coming out pretty soon as well.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:26):
Wow, that’s amazing. Alright, just a few days ago I was on a Zoom call with you, with a bunch of other evangelists who had graduated from the Evangelism Bootcamp and they were all coming together to talk about how to be kingdom influencers on social media. So we’re talking about Instagram, we’re talking about TikTok, we’re talking about Facebook, YouTube, and any other social media platform that people are on. And your vision was to activate these evangelists to go and share the gospel on these different platforms. So, so talk to me a little bit about what God has put on your heart in this area of raising up kingdom influencers for social media.

Frankie Cortez (10:21):
Yeah, it’s amazing. So the Lord kind of put this, um, desire on my heart to see people reached online. So there’s 8 billion people on the earth and 5.8 billion of those are internet users. About four, a little over 4.5 billion of those are social media users. So the biggest people group in the world are internet users. So it’s now how are we gonna actually use the internet to reach people for the kingdom of God, because that’s where the people are. Many times we want to reach people in, in the way that we’ve always done things and now we’re living in a generation and a time where maybe those things are, are not as effective as what as when, how it was long time ago or some of those things we can keep doing. But we can also add social media to that. So the Lord gave me a vision about going on social media and really sharing the gospel, but not just sharing the gospel, but raising up a team to share the gospel online as a unit and creating some type of alliance or some type of collaboration of a group of us to make our own individualistic channels, but then kind of come together, collaborate, give each other feedback so that we can be effective in reaching people on social media.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:26):
So God’s given you this vision to reach out on social media and, and I think this really is a, a vision that that comes from God because like you said, we need to go to where the people are. And so sometimes people think about missions as going on a missionary trip. You, you go over to Africa, people are in Africa, you go to Asia. But nowadays, so many people are spending so much time on social media. I have two kids, they love spending time on the screen. And so we have to limit how much screen time they have cuz they’ll just sit and scroll through different things and watch YouTube videos. And, and so as a parent, it’s kind of, it is kind of scary because who knows what they’re watching, but I think that Christians need to be a voice in those places where, where people are.

And, and so frequently you see people there spending time just watching videos on their pH their phone, and they’re, they’re listening to content and we have to go to where they are and then we have to present the, the gospel message. Now something that you said earlier really stood out to me. We were talking about how there are a lot of Christian influencers that talk about good Christian topics, but there’s very few people that preach the gospel. So talk to me about the difference between an influencer and someone who is intentionally trying to lead people to Jesus.

Frankie Cortez (12:51):
Yeah, so there, there’s many amazing Christian influencers out there. Um, um, many with very good doc and many with amazing heart. They’re reaching out to the church, they’re building up the saints, which is amazing. Keep doing that. But what I don’t, I don’t see many, um, influencers that are Christian that are actually going out to reach the loss. Specifically, I’m going to do social media because I want people to know Jesus. I want people to come to the place of repentance. I want people to come into I don’t know Christ, who I know Jesus now.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:22):
And so one of the things that the Christ for All nations Evangelism Bootcamp really does well is teaching people how to present the gospel. And so just give me a nutshell, what is the gospel, Frankie?

Frankie Cortez (13:37):
Yeah, so this is the gospel. Many times we, we, we know the gospel mentally, but we leave out some parts. So this is the gospel. Sin separates us from God. There’s no way we can get to God because of our sin. That’s the problem. But this is the answer. Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, came down to this earth lived life, look every single one of us, but was without sin. And you know, the, the religious people at the time, they hated him. They killed him, they mocked him, and they hung him on a cross. And Jesus died. But the story doesn’t end there. The Bible says that Jesus rose from the dead and now he’s alive and he’s living and he’s wanting to give us eternal life. Jesus prayed an ultimate price for us that we couldn’t pay ourselves. There’s nothing we can do to earn our salvation. But Jesus came, died, rose again to give us eternal life. And the Bible says, if we repent and believe the gospel, we can have eternal life today.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:27):
Amen. Well, I hope if you’re listening, you don’t know Jesus right now, you’d cry out to Jesus and ask him to save you. And if you will call on Jesus, he will save you from every sin and give you a brand new start. All right, Frankie, let’s talk about some of the, the different platforms that are available for, for social media influencers and just kind of talk me through some of how people be effective on these different platforms. Cuz every platform has a slightly different nuance, different things that they’re looking for, different algorithms. And so let’s start with Instagram. How do you think someone could use Instagram to share the gospel?

Frankie Cortez (15:04):
Yeah, so Instagram seems to really want to be competing against TikTok right now with reels. Reels is what they’re pushing in the past, um, they pushed a lot of graphics, a lot of photos and stuff like that, but it seems like we’re in a place where they’re really pushing Instagram reels. And for those of you that don’t know what Instagram reels is, their short form videos just like TikTok, where you basically have 60 seconds or less to get your messes across. And if it’s anything longer than that, you lost them. And you have about five to 10 seconds in the beginning to grab their attention. And if you don’t grab their attention within five to 10 seconds, you’re pretty much gone. So it’s how do we effectively grab someone’s attention, the five to 10 seconds, and then keep their attention for the rest of the, the remaining time, which is 50 seconds longer.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:44):
All right, so now let’s, you mentioned TikTok. Talk to me about TikTok. How can we reach people on TikTok?

Frankie Cortez (15:48):
So I think TikTok is honestly the greatest vi uh, social media. It’s just so as far as virality, it’s just so easy to go viral. What I, what I’ve seen when I’ve talked to major influencers, they, they tell me that if I post three times a day every single day for a month, you pretty much blow up. And TikTok is short form content just like Instagram reel. So everything needs to be under 60 seconds. You need to grab people’s attention within the first five to 10 seconds, and then you need to keep them for the rest of the 50 seconds.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (16:17):
Alright, give me a hook for a a TikTok video. If you want to tell someone about Jesus on TikTok, what is the first sentence that you’re gonna use to hook them? Gi Give me two or three hooks.

Frankie Cortez (16:29):
Just say something super crazy. Did you know that Jesus is not the Savior of the world? And you’d be like, what? That doesn’t make sense. And then you hooked him and then you kind of say, he’s not the savior of the world. If you don’t, if you don’t receive it, it’s like I give you a check. And if, and if you don’t actually cash the check, you don’t actually have salvation.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (16:45):
Yeah, that sounded like heresy there for a second. It did. It did. Oh, and, but it definitely got my attention. Okay. <laugh>, I was about ready. Kick you off the, the Evangelism podcast for heresy. Alright, so, so TikTok and then YouTube. Talk to me a little bit about who YouTube.

Frankie Cortez (17:01):
So YouTube is very interesting because they’re both long, there’s long form content, and they’re short form content. So YouTube actually started shorts, which they’re competing against Instagram reels and TikTok, but then they have the long form content and what they’re known for, which is amazing. So long form content is maybe 10 minutes of video. Short form content again is like 60 seconds. Now,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (17:22):
Who would you say is the most famous YouTuber right now,

Frankie Cortez (17:26):
Mr. Beast.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (17:28):
And what did Mr. Beast do in order to become famous on YouTube?

Frankie Cortez (17:34):
Yeah, so what Mr. Beast did is he looked up the algorithms. He, he really studied what worked, what didn’t work. He looked up what the people wanted, and as he looked up what the people wanted, he began to do trial and error. Okay, if I try this, let’s see if this works, because like statistically it should, but if it doesn’t, let’s kind of tweak, tweak, tweak, tweak. And then he just found his niche, he found his, his kind of vein, and he moved forward with it. And now he’s the greatest YouTuber out there right now.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:02):
And so you’re thinking about this from a, a gospel standpoint or an evangelistic standpoint. And what I really like about your idea of bringing together kingdom influencers is that by working together, we could replicate some of the success that Mr. Beast has had by doing the same thing in the, the kingdom realm. And so what he did, he had a group of friends, a mastermind group, and every day they would talk together, they would critique one another’s videos, they would see what was working, what wasn’t working, what was good at getting views. And he was obsessive about it, tweaking every single little video until it was perfect and looking for creative ideas, creative ways. He loves giving away money. And, and so what Mr. Beast saw is that his early videos didn’t get many views, but as he got better and better, they got more and more views. And so I think if we had a Christian Mastermind group, we could achieve amazing success and, and really catch the attention of people that need Jesus.

Frankie Cortez (19:12):
100%. And this is the point of the group that we created, is that we are creating a group where we can build each other up. We can kind of talk to each other, what worked, what didn’t work. We can kind of give constructive criticism for one another. We can say, this is what we think would reach the most amount of people. And it’s really thinking outside the box. It’s like, let’s do something that we haven’t done before. Let’s try to, you know, look outside of the box and maybe do some of the Mr. Beast type content, but bring it into the gospel and see people saved.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:38):
Hey. Amen. Well, if you’re interested in being part of a group of Christian influencers who are sharing the gospel, uh, reach out to us. Let me know, or, or you can contact, uh, Frankie, uh, what is your website if someone wants to donate to your ministry or find out more about you? Frankie, what, what’s your website?

Frankie Cortez (19:58):
Yeah, if you want to contact me, you can go to promises international.org. Again, promises international.org.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (20:05):
So I’d encourage you go support Frankie, help him go and preach the gospel around the world. And if you want to communicate the gospel on social media, I encourage you to start making videos. Start using your voice to reach out. Today’s generation is a sight and sound generation. They’re on all the social media, media platforms. So if we wanna reach them, we need to start thinking strategically about how to use social media to present the gospel. God bless you. And thank you so much, Frankie, for being on the Evangelism Podcast.

Frankie Cortez (20:42):
Thank you for having me. Are

Evangelism Podcast Host (20:43):
You called by God to be an evangelist? Do you wanna lead millions of to Jesus? Do you desire to be trained in the practical side of building a ministry? Then check out the Daniel King’s School of Evangelism. Learn how to be an effective evangelist from Dr. Daniel King’s 20 plus years of experience. Daniel King has done crusades all over the world in over 70 nations and has seen over 2 million people give their lives to Jesus. But it wasn’t easy. There was no crusade school. So Daniel traveled the world learning from and observing top evangelists, noticing how they successfully won souls for Christ. Now he wants to share decades of knowledge and experience with you. Topics of the Daniel King School of Evangelism include what is an evangelist, how to be a master soul winner, how to given ultra call, how to organize a crusade, how to raise money for your ministry, and much more. If you wanna be an evangelist, but don’t know where to start, the Daniel King School of Evangelism is for you. Enroll today in the School of Evangelism by going to Daniel King ministries.com/evangelism.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:44):
Thanks so much for listening today. I am excited about telling people about Jesus and I want to invite you to be a part of helping us to rescue people from Hell and take them with us to heaven. There’s two things you can do to help. First of all, can you go find the Evangelism podcast on Apple iTunes and leave us a positive review by giving a review. You will help other people find these valuable resources about sharing our faith. And second, would you become a financial partner with King Ministries? Every single dollar that people give us enables us to lead at least one person to Jesus. And so that means for only $1, you can help start a party in heaven. And so today I want to invite you to become a monthly partner. You can start out for just a dollar, but if God puts on your heart to do more, of course you can do more. But please go to king ministries.com and become a monthly partner with us today to help us to lead more people to Jesus. Thank you so much, and God bless you.

Evangelism Podcast Host (23:05):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches, visit king ministries.com. Again, that’s king ministries.com.

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Khon Khan | Turning Killing Fields Into Harvest Fields

Pastor Khon Khan leads a network of churches in Cambodia. This nation of 17 million people is 97% Buddhist. In the 1970’s, the Khmer Rouge killed over two million people. But today, with God’s help, these killing fields are becoming harvest fields. Today we talk about how to reach Buddhists with the love of Jesus.

Connect with Khon Khan on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SokhonEMA


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:01):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus on this podcast. We love talking about evangelism, and so make sure that you subscribe and keep listening, because every single time we have an episode, we hear great stories of what God is doing around the world. Today I have a very special guest with me, Pastor Khan, from the Nation of Cambodia. Thank you for being on the Evangelism Podcast with me.

Pastor Khon Khan (00:35):
Okay. So thank you very much for having me here, pastor Evangelist Daniel King.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:42):
So brother, it is so wonderful to have you here, and I have been praying for the nation of Cambodia. It’s a nation of about 17 million people, and according to the STA statistics, 97% of Cambodia is Buddhist and follows the teachings of Buddha. But you are there being a shining light for Jesus in the midst of great darkness. So tell me a little bit, what is God doing in the nation of Cambodia?

Pastor Khon Khan (01:17):
Okay. I would like to say about how God is doing in Cambodia, but I just gave a bit background in the past the gospel come to Cambodia about hundred years ago, but at the time it’s through the Catholic priest during the French colony because our country was under colonized by friend about 90 years. So at the time, the gas ball is so close at the time. But just recently, I think back, starting from 1993, after we have election by prime what temporary government by un so we have the freedom to preach gospel. However, from that time, even though we have freedom to preach gospel, but still the community or the local authorities still close to us. However, recently few years later, we have much freedom now to God, Pandora, even our prime minister is open for us to, to preach gospel in Cambodia. Even our prime minister come to talk in the Christian group leader as well. So that mean he have a heart open for the US even though to speak gospel everywhere, even the public place places. Yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:43):
Now I heard that you actually now have a position in the government. Tell me about that and what the influence of that allows you to do.

Pastor Khon Khan (02:54):
Yes, actually, I, now I can say that I am not, can say that I, I have a position called undersecretary of state in the Ministry of cause and religion. So through this position that mean I have the, the right to meet the higher high ranking people and tell them about Jesus. Also, I can go from place to place that people like give me a respite of me so that it’s easy for me to tell people about Jesus. So it’s really influence from that. Yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:27):
And so I heard that I am supposed to call you your excellency <laugh> because you are a man deserving of great honor. Well, your excellency, I I think the, the greatest title that we can have is that of Servant of Jesus Christ. And you are a servant of Jesus, and you are a wonderful pastor. Tell me about the, the, the churches that you have been planting in different parts of Cambodia and and how does that happen?

Pastor Khon Khan (03:58):
Yes, actually we plan now we, they have 155 by last year. So we plan 100 and 55 churches in Cambodia. So how we do it, we do it like, you know, I train, I train the new pastor and leader so that they can go out, they can go out to the mission field to plant the churches, to bridge gospel in the villages. Also, we do it through a community hub. Sometime we do the water, well thriller, we thrill the village that there is no gospel. We go and partner with the local authority, and then we drill the well there and we ask them to plant a church here. So they open for us because we help them and they open for us to pray gospel and plant a church. They, they help us as well. Yeah. So this is the way that we come and plant the church in the villages. Yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:57):
I love the idea of planting wells because people need fresh water, and Jesus said let all who thirst come to me and drink. And the lady at the well, in Samaria, in John chapter four, Jesus talked to her about living water. And so we give them the fresh water, but then also are able to give people the living water that comes straight from heaven.

Pastor Khon Khan (05:28):
Yes, that’s right. Amen. Yeah, because we not just only give only physical water, but also through that we can give them the living water as well. So because they’re spiritual for the word of God. Yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:45):
Now, tell me about some of the, the outreaches that you do. I, I know that you’ve been involved in Christmas, in Cambodia, and you have been talking to people about Jesus at the, during the time of the birth of Jesus. What do those outreaches look like?

Pastor Khon Khan (06:02):
Yes. For the Christmas outreach, normally we do it the Christmas gift to the children in the rural village. So we we gather the children in the village to come together. We tell them Jesus story. We treat them song, and we present them the gift because we said that this is just only the gift physical gift just last a few day, or, you know, short time, but especially the love of God. That is the really gift for, for them. Jesus is the gift for them for eternal life. So for Christmas, we, we do that. We get the ring, also, we do the Christmas outreach by do Christmas celebration. We invite people, come together to one place, we serve them a meal, and then we can have opportunity to tell them about the Lotis, subscribe during that celebration. Yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:54):
Now, tell me some about your testimony. How did you become a believer in Jesus, and then how did you become a pastor?

Pastor Khon Khan (07:02):
Okay. back in 1998, I was away from my house because I was an I I, my, I am an orphan, a mother license, mean I don’t have mother because my mother passed away in 1994, and my father remarried. And then I don’t like my stepmother, so I have to live home to live in a Buddhist temple to serve the monks Buddhist mon. And then finally I end up in another town. I became the bad boy, or I can say the gangster in 1998. So in 1999, I feel that I want to study English with foreigner, because I know English a little bit already. So I want to study English with the foreigner, so that I want to be interpreter, but the place that I come to study, which is Filipino missionary, the church, so I come to study there.

However, before I don’t like to, to go to the church to study there, because I, I don’t like Christian. I hate Christian. I even Christian. I want to fight Christian and I stone the church. So, but finally, if I don’t go there, I don’t have money to study outside. So I force myself come to study, attend the class, and the class. It is not an earn English class. At that time, it was the Bible class. So I attend the Bible class, however, I don’t care the Bible class or whatever, because I want to learn English. I want to speak English.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:39):
Your English is very good. You speak wonderful English now.

Pastor Khon Khan (08:43):
So through that, through that the church require all the student come to church every midweek service, prayer meeting, and Sunday service. So I love to listen to my my pastor preaching so that I can learn English. So I keep coming on every Sunday, every midweek service I nonstop. So after five months later, I realize that after I read the Bible, and I, I, I find out especially from the Bo Man chapter three, verse 23, that for all have seen. So I look at to myself, oh, I have seen, because I, I was a bad boy. Yeah. So that’s why from that time, early of 2000, I accept the Lord Jesus s Christ as my personal Lord and Savior is through coming to the English class. Yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:33):
Wow. And then how, how do you become a pastor?

Pastor Khon Khan (09:36):
Oh, yes. So when I was an believer, I had to be a, a teacher because I want to teach people. So when I become Christian, and after I study the Bible class in my, my church, we, so it, God revealed to me God want me to be the pastor to shepherd the people who are lost. So that’s why from that time, I pray that, Lord God, after I finished my high school, and I will continue the Bible school so I can become the pastor. So I finished my high school in 2002 and Bible school in 2004. So through that, first I serve in my church, but finally God called me out from my church to plant my own ministry, which is called Evangelical Fellow evangelical Mission Association.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:26):
Wow. Yeah. Well, let’s talk a little bit about Buddhism, because you said that you are an angry Buddhist. Yeah. You even want to throw stones at the Christians. You’re kind of like the Apostle Paul. He watched Stephen be stoned. He was there at the stoning of Stephen, but then he had an encounter with Jesus and gave his whole life to, to serving God. Yeah. And, and so here you were, you were an angry Buddhist, but the love of Jesus touched your heart. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. And I think that it’s very interesting looking at the, some of the, the differences between the Buddhist religion and the, the Christian religion. Of course, Buddha he was enlightened, and I got to go to India and see the tree, it’s called the, the Bode Gaia tree that they say that Buddha was sitting under mm-hmm. <Affirmative> when he was enlightened.

And so when I saw that, I, I began to study some of, of what what Buddha thought. And, and, you know, he, he had the, these four truths that he discovered mm-hmm. <Affirmative>. And the first truth was that all is suffering. That everything is, is suffering that everything in the world it, it causes suffering. And then the second, second truth was that this suffering is caused by desire. That if you want some, like for example, if, if you want a car, you see somebody who has a beautiful new car mm-hmm. <Affirmative>, and you begin to be jealous, then you feel bad mm-hmm. <Affirmative> on the inside because you want the car that they, well, you start to suffer because you want what they have. And then so all is suffering that suffering is caused by desire. That then the third truth is that the way to rid yourself of suffering is to rid yourself of desire.

And then Buddha taught an eightfold path to help people to rid themselves of desire. And, and when Buddha was born, he was a prince. Yeah. Yeah. And one day he was being carried down the road. He looked out through the curtains, and he saw a beggar man who had leprosy sitting beside the road. And he had never seen anything like that because he was, he was a prince. He was grew up with great wealth. And when he saw that, that really impacted him. And, and that’s where he went on his search for truth. Now, what’s really interesting is that Jesus also dealt with suffering. And when Jesus saw a leper, man, you remember what Jesus did? Yeah, yeah, yeah. He healed the leper. Yeah. He took away the leprosy. It is beautiful. And then Jesus sat under a tree in the garden of Gase. Yeah. And he be God. He said, you know, take this cup of suffering away from me. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>, but he says, but if it be your will,

Pastor Khon Khan (13:40):
Not my will,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:41):
Not my will, but yours be done. Yep. Yeah. And so Jesus actually went to the cross and he suffered so that we could be set free from suffering. Hmm. Jesus took stripes on his back. Yeah. The sin of the whole world was put on him. They put a crown of thorns on his head. Jesus suffered so that we could be set free from suffering. Jesus died so that we could have eternal life. And I find that very interesting because the, the, the, the problem that Buddha was confronting is a very real human problem. I mean, people suffer. Suffering is very real. It hurts. Mm-Hmm. But Jesus came with a solution to the problem of suffering. Yeah. What do you think about that?

Pastor Khon Khan (14:31):
Yeah. I sing

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:32):
That it’s am am I right when I’m describing some of the teachings of Buddha? I don’t, I’m not Buddhist, so I don’t know, but maybe you know more

Pastor Khon Khan (14:39):
Yes. Actually that that is right. But the way that Buddha try to try to help the people out of dusk, there is four thing. One about he want to help people because some kind like people have to be born and grow up, get old born, get get born and getting old and sickness and die. So this is Buddha thing about his first thing that he want to try. How, how to get out people from that thing. Yeah. Because why people have to be born sickness all and die. But when he suffer himself a lot in order to find a way, finally, he said that he cannot, cannot take out the people, the nature of people from all of these. That’s why he throwing that he tried to do something else, he said, he’s not a God. This is what the Buddha said.

He’s not God, but he can solve what is right, what is wrong, what is good to do, and what is not good to do. So that’s why Buddha said that we cannot depend on him. We have to depend on ourself. Yeah. We have to depend on ourself, not depend on him. But he said that let the people who follow him need to Risa wait for another God who is the, the real God who bring peace to the world and who can help bring love to the world. So this is what Buddha one people not look to him, but to another God who come later after him. Yeah. So this is what Buddha’s teaching Yeah. Telling the people. Yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (16:30):
What do you say to a Buddhist who may be like, you, does not want Christianity? Maybe even would say that I don’t want a, a religion from the west, from the white man. What would you say to somebody who is Buddhist, but you want to present the hope of Jesus to that man?

Pastor Khon Khan (16:59):
Actually what we can say, Buddhist or Buddha Isk the leader of one religion. So if we compare the word religions, it mean that religion, Chas leader teaching. So all religion, most religion teach people what is the good thing to do? What is the bad? But religion cannot say people. So what we come to tell you to come, to tell you, the creator of the world, the one who create everything, and the one who can help us, and the one who die on the cross, and not just only die, but he resurrected from the dead. So this is what we can tell them, that Jesus is not one of the religion. Jesus is the God of the world. Jesus is the savior of the world. So we believe in Jesus, not mean that we change the religion from Buddhism to to believe in religion of Jesus, but we believe in the personal of the Lord Jesus, who is the real God. So this is the way that we present the gospel to the people of give hope to the people. Hmm.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:05):
That gives such wonderful hope. Yeah. And, and really, that, that is what the, the message of Jesus is. He brings hope. Yeah. To those who are hopeless. I remember I was in the nation of, of Myanmar mm-hmm. <Affirmative>, and of course there’s many Buddhist temples in Myanmar, big beautiful golden temples. And I was outside one of the temples, and there was a, a man who had a, a cage full of birds and an an old Buddhist man, and his wife came, they, they bought two birds. They paid money, they bought two birds mm-hmm. <Affirmative>. And then they take the birds out of the cage, and then they, they let the birds go free. Yeah. And I asked, why, why did they do that? And someone explained to me, he was like, well, you know, maybe they’ve done some bad thing. Mm-Hmm. And so now they want to do something good in order to, to make up for what they did that was bad. And so by setting the bird go free mm-hmm. They’re doing a good deed to make up for a bad deed. And the problem is that as humans, the Bible says, all have sin. We’ve all done so many things that are bad. Yeah. And no matter how many good things we do, we cannot balance the scales. It’s impossible to be as good as God.

Pastor Khon Khan (19:23):

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:24):
But that’s what Jesus does for us. He lived a perfect life. And then the, the Bible says that the punishment for sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ. So Jesus, he died on the cross to pay the price for our sin. And now by trusting in Jesus, we can be made perfect before God. Yeah. And he takes away all of the bad deeds that we’ve done. And He, he gives us his righteousness. That righteousness means to, to be standing right in to be good before God. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. And that’s what Jesus does. Yes. He brings hope. Yeah. That’s right. Where releasing a bird can never get you to heaven. Yeah. <laugh>. But Jesus can take you to heaven.

Pastor Khon Khan (20:12):
Yeah. That’s right. Yeah. So that is wonderful. Yeah. Because only Jesus, as he said, that he’s the way, the truth and the life. So if people don’t come to him, they cannot take hope for their life. Yeah. Actually, normally people who believe in Buddha, they don’t have hope at all. They just, you know they sometime they know, but because they said that is because of their tradition, their forefather, when they was born as a Buddhist believer. So they just follow, but they don’t understand, clearly understand what they believe. So what they see, they just follow. And sometime for back in Cambodia people know that Christian are good, Jesus Christ are good, but they said that they cannot stop. They cannot give up their religion. Because if they give up the religion, their parent or their grandparent or relative will get angry with them sometime like that. So they can say, Jesus is a, a good Jesus, good. Or can give her, or can give the, but the hard thing, when they want to come to believe in Jesus sometime their parent, their relative criticize them. Yeah. So, Jesus, only Jesus is the hope for the people.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:29):
Amen. Yeah.

Pastor Khon Khan (21:30):

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:31):
Well, I’m so excited to hear that Jesus is working in the nation of Cambodia. You are raising up leaders, training pastors, planting churches, preaching the gospel. And I encourage you to continue in in that. I believe that Jesus loves the nation of Cambodia.

Pastor Khon Khan (21:53):

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:53):
And I believe that God is going to send a great move of His Holy Spirit to Cambodia. And I believe that every person in Cambodia needs to hear about Jesus and have the opportunity to, to give their lives to Jesus and to receive the salvation that comes through Jesus. So I have a question. A lot of the people who, who listen to this podcast mm-hmm. <Affirmative> if, if they wanted to, to pray for Cambodia or come to Cambodia is is there opportunities to do that? What what should they be praying for for the nation of Cambodia?

Pastor Khon Khan (22:29):
Okay, so days before, and answer your question, I, i dunno what it is term called, but I say that my heart is to turn killing field into how Westfield, why Wow. Why I said turn killing field to how Westfield, because the, he, I was bad history last in 1975, up to 1979, we were under the Khmer Rouge that that communist kill their own people amongst, when amongst 1 million people, they kill at least two to 3 million people. So that’s why if you go there, you can see a lot of bond that they college and keep in one place. So this is what I want to see Cambodia turn back to God. So there are many opportunity that if anyone want to come and minister to Cambodia, we either can come to do the, you know, we can do the public evangel, public evangelism, or we call crusade, or we can do pastor leader training or do some outreach as community help through

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (23:44):
That. We can, maybe someone wants to help dig a well…

Pastor Khon Khan (23:46):
Dig a well or maybe help build a community school. Or maybe they can, you know, like there are many opportunity because there are needs, many needs there in Cambodia. So, and all those need through that, we can bring hope to the people through what we can have. We can have the way to reach out the people also. Yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (24:11):
Amen. Yeah. Well, I agree with you that we need to turn the killing fields into harvest fields. Amen. And I believe that Jesus can do that. And I pray for a great harvest of souls in the nation of Cambodia. Let’s finish today by praying for Cambodia, okay. And lifting up the people of Cambodia. Yes. To Jesus. Would you pray for Cambodia? Brother?

Pastor Khon Khan (24:34):
Okay. Dear heaven, father, thank you Lord for this opportunity that we come together and we share about what is God doing in Cambodia. And thank you Lord for evangelist Daniel King for help me to share here. So Lord God, now I lift up Cambodia to you, Lord God, that you will turn the killing field into the harvest wheel and turn the heart of the people in Cambodia from believe in religions and come back to the through God, which is the Lord Jesus Christ, who die on the cross for Lord God, I pray that God will bless the people and send more laborer to come to Cambodia to have or to the mission, feel their Lord. Because we need more people come to work alongside with us in order to bring the gospel of salvation to the hopeless people. Lord, thank you Lord, that you love us and you care for us. And your Christ is abandoned also. Lord. Now I am praying also for those who are listening the podcast today, Lord, that they will be touched by what we have been sharing, Lord God, so that they can pray for Cambodia as well. Lord, I pray to you that you will do great thing in Cambodia before you are coming. This can time, Lord, in the name of Jesus we pray, amen.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (26:04):
Amen. Amen. Well, brother, thank you so much for being on the Evangelism Podcast. I appreciate

Pastor Khon Khan (26:09):
It. Amen. Thank you for this opportunity. Yeah,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (26:13):
God bless you.

Pastor Khon Khan (26:14):

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Kevin Hardin | Building Destinies in America and Asia

Kevin Hardin and his wife Karen Hardin lead Destiny Builders. For many years they have worked in China and other parts of Asia. Now God has given them a mandate to transform politics, government, and culture here in the United States through prayer. On today’s episode we talk about some of the cultural differences between the east and the west. If you ever want to minister in China, you need to listen to our conversation.

Learn more about Destiny Builders: https://destinybuilders.world/

Connect with the City-by-City Prayer Network: https://city-by-city.org/

Connect on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DestinyBuilders.World/ 


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:04):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus. Today I have a very special guest with me, Kevin Hardin. Thank you for joining me on the Evangelism Podcast.

Kevin Hardin (00:16):
Glad To be here with you, Daniel.

So you have been working in Asia for many years now. Yes. Let’s start at the beginning. How did you originally go to Asia to start ministering?

Kevin Hardin (00:31):
Oh, long story short, huh? Okay. Well, as an O R U student, I’d graduated, I’d gone to O R U, felt called there, Oral Roberts University and just had a love for God after graduating, was very involved in my church in Tulsa, which was Victory Christian Center. And just very loved God, just serving God through the church. Reaching out to other singles at the time and, and then all of a sudden I feel like God spoken to my heart one of the few times. It wasn’t an audible voice, but it was a voice that I actually feel like God was said to get ready to go. I said that was all he said, but I knew because of the, at least the path that God had been leading up me, he meant international missions. I just knew that. And I, he never gave me a very far in advanced notice, like when I was 15, called to missions or anything like that.

It’s just I grew up loving God and, and going to a Christian university, involved a church and, and all he had to say was, get ready to go. And I started preparing. Now, what that meant was I had to figure out, because I’d gone to, at Wallace, student at Oral Roberts University, I had gone on a couple of summer mission trips to Asia Singapore, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka. Two of those locations was primarily Chinese people. So when, when he said, get ready to go, I remembered back then when I was on the trips, like I could come back. I’ve, to the Chinese people, I felt like, I felt like that’s what, you know, connected with my heart. So naturally, I, that was the first place I assumed, somehow reaching out to the Chinese people. And as I researched and prayed, found out the way to go to China was to teach English. So that’s kind of where that journey began. In 1989, I moved to China as an English teacher.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:23):
And then at what point did you and your wife get married?

Kevin Hardin (02:27):
One year later? We were already dating when I lefthalfway through she visited me in China and, and we got engaged. Then I was told by her friends later that if I had, didn’t, didn’t Enga hadn’tpropose to her at that time, they were gonna come find me. So I’m glad I did. But we were, came home three weeks in that next summer we were married. Three weeks later I had her in China. So.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:53):
And so your wife Karen Harden is a powerful woman of God. Yes. And ministers right alongside you. You really minister together. And the name of your ministry is Destiny Builders. Yes. Tell me what, what’s the meaning behind that and, and why do you call it Destiny Builders?

Kevin Hardin (03:12):
Well, we, we had actually been another ministry name for much of the time. Over 30 years that we’ve been in ministry was actually specifically China focused. We called it China call cuz that’s what we felt we had was the call. But as God began opening up and broadening us, the name didn’t quite still fit to be in other places. So as we prayed, we, we just felt like God was calling us to, to be destiny builders, cuz we are, we’re here to build, rebuild, build up people and help them to find their destiny in God. And because that’s so much is what this lost world is, struggles with. They don’t know their destiny. They don’t know their identity. So that’s a big part of, I feel, feel like what we are, our ministry is called to do.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:58):
So when you went to China as an English teacher, you were there teaching English, you learned a lot about their culture. Your ultimate purpose was to be a shining light in the midst of great darkness. Talk to me a little bit about the spiritual conditions in China and, and what it’s like talking to people about God there.

Kevin Hardin (04:21):
China traditionally had been a Buddhist country primarily, but after the communists took over, they, they for the most part had done away with religion under the very strict mouth Chairman Maza Dong when he was in charge and, and other communist leaders. But the, as the nation began to open up with some more, some, some leaders that wanted to open China up to the West or to some more open ideas, and not just be this closed off country like North Korea still is things begin to blossom more society wise as far as the economic of China’s cities and areas. They, they begin to just prosper and develop, you know, and that, that’s, that’s like God, you know, he’ll when God’s allowed to come in, he, he likes to open up, open us up and prosperous and, and just provide just a much more amazing opportunity.

So as China did begin to open up, now, they weren’t open to Christianity or religion, but they were very interested in to develop their nation. They recognized the international language was English. So they, they allowed and invited foreign teachers to come to teach English and some other, some other areas. But English was the big area because they knew that that was the international language. So for many, many years, couple of decades at least foreign teachers was the, the preferred way to bring in a lot of this development and then in investment and business opportunities. Well, but to come in and just share the gospel with ’em, this was the easy way. And you still had to be careful how you shared. You couldn’t just openly be preaching to the students. We, we were able to, as long as it applied to us, we could share our life.

We could share about who we were, which was very much revolved around God or around a holiday since it was English class, which is the language, especially from the West. We could talk about Western holidays and if it applied to a Western holiday, which Christmas had a great story, we could tell, told all about the birth of Christ, the purpose of Christmas what what was all about. Even students acted out the Christmas story as part of their English class. Or we could show the Jesus film as part of our Easter holiday. There were ways that we could share, but the, but the Chinese people, they were hungry and they wanted, they, it was a very atheistic country as far as being taught from the government and their education system. But they were hungry. And especially after a major event, the very end of the eighties where the government cracked down on some student protests and activities, this, a lot of the people of China became very disillusioned with their government.

At first, they thought their government was ev, you know, wonderful and ev but after that, they were very disillusioned and they went searching. Now, eventually, that searching led many of them to the Lord, often through the influence of their foreign teacher. So the, the foreign teachers played a major role in many of the current churches that are, at least in the cities, the rural churches maybe not have been directly as affected by the, the English teachers, but, but many of the city churches were, and many of the pastors at, and churches that started in the nineties, they’ll often say, I’m a believer because of my foreign teacher. Now later, less and less dependence on foreign teachers for English as China and the students and their program English programs became better. There was less of a that need for English teachers. But

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:20):
How long did you live in China?

Kevin Hardin (08:23):
I physically lived full-time in China, seven years. But the remaining part of the, my 30 plus years, I was going back and forth every year, several times into China leading different types of ministry teams.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:36):
And you actually learned quite a bit of Chinese,

Kevin Hardin (08:39):
My wife and I, when we lived there, we were, we had studied to an advanced level. I can’t say that I’m at advanced level anymore, but while we were still living there and actively using it all the time we both were, I was better at speaking and listening. My wife was better at reading and writing. She’s, she’s a writer by trade. And she, so we had both of our strengths, but it, it, it helped a whole lot, you know, even just to learn a little if you’re,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:05):

Kevin Hardin (09:05):
It helps

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:06):
A lot of people who listen to the Evangelism podcast, they, they want to go to different parts of the world and they have a vision for, for telling people about Jesus. But I think here in the West, we don’t really understand how different some cultures are. We, we, we understand that there’s differences between culture, but really there, there’s a lot of, of differences between the culture that we have here in the West and the culture in the East. What are some of the, the cultural differences that you noticed and that people should be aware of?

Kevin Hardin (09:39):
A whole lot of them as far as compared to east and west, very, very different from the traditional Westerner, you know we have a lot of families, of course, in America that are from the east or from from the Hispanic world, the, the Asians and Hispanics, and probably most of besides Europe, and well, at least besides America, they’re very family minded. That’s a very, very important, and the family is not just your mom, dad, and kids. That’s the nuclear family. As we describe it as a, as a new invention of just recent history. And it’s, it’s not really the right and appropriate definition of family. The family includes our extended family, includes our grandparents and uncles and aunts and cousins. And, and that, I believe that’s way God intended. You know, we’re, we’re tho those eventually, you know, as you read history and the Bible, those eventually became nations when they came as one family and, and that, yeah.

So Asia is very family oriented now. A lot of the Western influence and a lot of modern life and television and internet has changed a lot of that tradition. The every generation, they lose more and more of that as the young, as young people, children see, especially western shows, Western ads, they, they, they start adopting some of those things, but, but very family oriented, oriented. And elders are the ones who really should be respected. And they are really the, the leaders of the home and leaders of the family. When we were living in China we had our, we had our youngest fir, we had our first child there in China. But we had very, very close Chinese friends that they had brought us into their family. They made us part of their family. And, and the grandmother or our friend’s mother called me her American son.

And it was just such an honor to be embraced by them and by their by their family. And, but when that mother, when our friend’s mother passed away, and I was able to be, be part of the, the funeral ceremonies and the family events related, but since my wife had just had our baby, she had to stay home in, it was middle of a very cold winter, so she couldn’t be. But after the meal, after the funeral, what, what struck me was now that we called her dma, which is means old mom or big mom, <laugh> the word same big can mean old. So, but it was just a respectful term. When she passed away, the old next oldest person in the family on was now one of my friend’s, older sisters. She was now the senior member of the family. And they, when I told my friends, you know, I need to go now.

I gotta be help my wife with our new baby. They said, okay, you need to come and tell this elder sister out of respect. You went to the older person and you explained to them I must leave now. You know, and things like that. That’s how you gave honor to the person that was seen as the, the elder of the family. And I thought that was just very interesting to me and just really shed some, some light. And part of the culture, again, respecting honor related to honor is authority people in a position of authority, not just family position. We, and we worked at a university and we were teachers or language students. If we came into a room that had, some of the teachers, especially if they were our teacher, even if we were older than them, they were in the position of teacher that meant they had an honored position related to us or the principal, or the, the president of university, the dean of the department.

If I saw my friend over here to one side, and I went to them and talked to them first, when all these other more positions of honor were in their room, I would be very dishonoring to them. I should first acknowledge the people of honor and the highest first talk to the school president, greet him, at least say hello, you know, and then the others. And then finally maybe to my friend, that was the way they honored. So just our idea of giving honor and receiving honor is, was very important in that culture. And that’s where when we as Westerners, we go into their culture and we don’t know these things, they’re gracious, but it still leaves a very bad taste. And they really notice if you, if you do know those things, and if you really honor their culture and honor their, their people, by even just understanding those important things,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:36):
I think our culture could learn a lot about honor. Yes. And about respecting people that are older. Our culture tends to celebrate youth. We celebrate individuality. And being in a culture where you, you honor the wisdom of people who have been around for a while, yes. That’s something very valuable.

Kevin Hardin (14:58):
Yes, we’ve lost a lot of the understanding of honor in our culture.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:03):
My wife is actually full Chinese blood. She was not raised culturally Chinese. Both her parents were, were from China and grew up with more of a Chinese culture. But she grew up with more of a, a Canadian culture. But since I got married to her, I’ve been introduced to some pieces of, of Chinese culture. I learned how to use chopsticks and <laugh>. Yes. She took me to real, authentic good food restaurants. Yes. To get some good food. And you know, I, I really think that, that God loves the nation of China. Yes. And God has a, a destiny and a plan for China over a billion people, many who need Jesus. And I think that when people talk about the, the in time harvest of souls and people coming into the kingdom of God, I think a time will come where God will open up China to, to be completely open to the gospel.

I mean, we, we’ve seen that in other nations in the past where they were closed, but then in a moment, they were opened up. And so I, I really think that the, the church needs to prepare for that day. And so I’ve even started to prepare. I’ve been translating one of my books into Chinese just, just getting ready. I, I haven’t given away to anyone yet, but I’m just getting ready because I know the day will come where God will open up doors. And you know, I was watching the, the Olympics a few years that ago that they had there in, in Beijing, and they did such a beautiful job putting on the Olympics. And, and they, they built the Bird’s Nest stadium right there. Such a beautiful stadium. And I was thinking, you know, that would be such a wonderful place to go and to preach the gospel someday. Yes. And I, I’m asking God, that in my lifetime Yes, yes. He would make that happen.

Kevin Hardin (16:57):
Amen. We’ll agree with you. You know, that China was actually getting more and more open. It was the believers could openly worship and, and share their faith. Often they were getting bolder and bolder doing some street evangelism even. And even though officially it was still a communist country, as China was allowed to develop economically the people did experience greater and greater freedom under the current leadership. He started shutting things back down almost to the degree of, of Chairman Mazak back in fifties, sixties, seventies. And I hope that’s not the end, you know? But the one good thing potentially about that, when China was so shut down and all, all, and most of the pastors were in prison, that’s when the church grew more than anything, grew exponentially just under that persecution. And even though the churches of many of them are now being shut down buildings, torn down, pastors imprisoned right now, pretty aggressively the last few years, even under the cover of Covid Crisis, they, the, the authorities are using that to, to imprison many I believe that God’s still, the Holy Spirit’s still gonna do the work, even if it’s during this period of what appears to be being shut down by, by the government.

But, but we know, and many of the believers, like they, they’ve expected it. They know that it could happen anytime. Anyway. So many of them, and the pastors have prepared their hearts for the time. They’ve, they’ve experienced more tribulation just as much as I think the Bible and Revelation talks about the Great tribulation. Many of their people have already ex have already and are currently experiencing that. And so we, we need to remember them be praying for them. As Paul mentioned in one of the verses of, of his letters remember, remember those in chains, and that’s the, the Persecuted church, whether China or the Middle East or other countries let’s remember to be praying for them. And also just that the church, God, the Holy Spirit’s gonna still work through the, the people.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:20):
Let’s take a moment to, to pray for them right now, would you?

Kevin Hardin (19:23):
Sure. Well, heavenly Father, we just worship you. You are our God. You’re the Creator. And Lord Jesus, you’re the king of kings. You’re the Lord of all lords, including the nation’s Lord God that persecute your people. And Lord, we declare that your kingdom come, your will be done in each of the nation’s, Lord, each of the ethnic groups, Lord, the nationalities in the name of Jesus Christ, we bind the lion spirits of the darkness that would try to steal, kill, and destroy. We bind the, the deception that would try to scare people from you. Lord God, we thank you Lord, that you’re just causing those Lord God that are facing persecution just to be resolved, to stand all the more Lord God for your glory, all the more for your gospel, all the more Lord God, to, to reach out to the lost around them in the name of Jesus Christ. And Lord, we do pray that you, you will have mercy on those that are suffering. Lord, use them even in the prisons. Use them, Lord God, open the hearts of prison guards and tormentors and interrogators, Lord God, in the name of Jesus and the leadership of the nation. Lord God, we pray that the eyes of their understanding are open, that they know what the hope of their calling is in you, in the name of Jesus Christ. Thank you Lord.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (20:42):
Amen. Well, I believe in the power of prayer, and I know that you do too. Destiny Builders is also really involved in stirring people up to pray Yes. For the United States of America. Yes. And so you’ve launched an initiative city by city, and you are challenging people to pray for our government, pray for the politics here in the United States because, you know, China needs Jesus, but the United States needs Jesus. Yes. Just as much. Yes. And so tell me a little bit about how you and your wife Karen, are raising people up here in the United States to, to pray for this nation.

Kevin Hardin (21:23):
I believe it was just before the 2020 election, my wife and another ministry friend, they were talking and they just felt empowered and led to, they, they know the story of when Adam interceded for Sodom and Goor for because of lot his nephew. And he was interceding with, with God for the very wicked city. And he, he came down to God, if there’s 10 people, will you spare the city? Well, my wife and her friend, awesome, powerful ministers that they are, they said, if we could find 10 people in every city to pray for their city, then God surely will save that city. And that has been the start of this initiative that if we can raise up at least 10 people in every city praying for their own city, that God will bring revival and save their city, and then ultimately our whole nation.

So they begin immediately to send out weekly email. It, it shares an issue that we’re gonna focus on, and then it leads in a written prayer that people can pray as they receive their email that they can pray it. And so that we’re united in the prayer because it’s, it’s not just prayer points, but usually it’s a prayer declaration. And that is, people read it, they’re reading the same thing that everyone else said in the network. We’re praying the same, same word scriptures, the same, same principles. And it’s, it is, they’re usually super powerful prayers. My my wife writes all of them now, and it, it, I’m, I’m impressed most weeks when I’ve read it and I thought, babe, you’ve done it again. But many of the issues are, are, are specific city focus or school spec. We say we’re praying over the school boards of our city, we’re praying over our city council, or we praying over the nation.

We’re praying over different things that relate to our cities or the nation as a whole, and always focusing on bringing about revival to those cities. So every week it’s been going on for at least a couple of years. Now, every week on Monday mornings, we send this out. If you’d like to sign up, you can go to city by city prayer.org, city by city prayer. One word is.org. And there’s a place you can sign up and you’ll receive the same email that we’ve already got over 4,000 people on this every week praying with us. So

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (23:57):
Yeah, I’d encourage you to go and sign up for the prayer emails. I get emails from the hardens all the time, and it always reminds me to, to be praying. And so I appreciate them so much. Now, we actually had revival happen here in Tulsa. God opened the door for Mario Marillo, who’s a, a great evangelistic heart Yes. To come from California here to, to Tulsa. And also Flashpoint was involved from Kenneth Copeland Ministries. And you guys helped to invite them here and facilitate and we’re part of the team that we’re, we’re putting it all together. And it really was amazing what God did, because for two nights it packed out the maybe center on the, or Roberts University Yes. Campus. Yes. Which was just amazing. The people were hungry for God. When Mario Morillo gave the altar call, people streamed down, it instantly filled up the altars. There was no room for counselors to even pray for people because just so many people were hungry for God. Yes. And, and I was in the audience. I was talking to some people that they weren’t Christian, they were more interested in the political side of things, but they came and they heard the gospel. Yes. And it was powerful. What God

Kevin Hardin (25:16):
Did. It was we had every, each of those two nights, we had 10 to 12,000 people come to the stadium there. And I believe we had a total of three to 4,000 actually respond to the altar call when, when Mar pastor brother Mario a gave that invitation. It was very powerful. I believe it was. We saw, we really believed it was going to be a catalyst to begin some new things across the nation, not just our city. Tulsa has a, a very rich heritage for the gospel, for, for just spirit empowered ministry. And it, it, we did feel like that was a key in the start of this, this move for revival. And Brother Mario Morere, he is such a powerful evangelist, dynamic. His

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (26:03):
Heart beats for evangelism. Yes. Everything he does is

Kevin Hardin (26:06):
God begin to use him in words of knowledge and healing in a greater and greater way. More recent, and we’re believing for, for more of these type events, they, they have continued into other cities. But I believe it’s just the very beginning.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (26:24):
Amen. Well, I believe that God wants to send revival here to America. So you took a moment to pray for China. Now let’s pray for America and just pray for revival. Dear heavenly Father, we thank you for the great outpouring of your spirit that we saw here in Tulsa, Oklahoma when Mario Marillo came and, and gave the altar call, and thousands of people came forward to receive Jesus. And Lord, we pray that we would see that in cities all over this nation. Lord, we ask you to pour out your spirit upon the United States of America. We need you. Lord, I pray that you would turn the hearts of people back towards you. Turn the hearts of politicians back towards you, government officials. We lift them up. And Lord, we pray that your standards of righteousness would be established in this nation and that people’s hearts would turn towards you. In, in that we would see revival. Lord, I pray for all those lukewarm Christians that have drifted away from you and even stopped going to church during times of covid. Lord, I pray that you would bring them back. Yes. In that people would be on fire for you. Yes. In that we would see a mighty outpouring of your Holy Spirit upon this nation. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Kevin Hardin (27:43):
Yes, Lord. Amen.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (27:45):
Well, brother Kevin, thank you for being on the Evangelism Podcast. It’s great to have

Kevin Hardin (27:48):
You. It’s honored, Daniel.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (27:49):
Thank you. Now, if you, you mentioned the, the city by city.org website. People can find out more about you guys there. If someone wants to support the ministry that you’re doing in Asia or wants to help to support the Prayer Network, how can they find out more information about you guys?

Kevin Hardin (28:07):
Our main website is Destiny builders.world Destiny Builders Do World.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (28:14):
Wonderful. Well, I encourage you to go support this ministry and thank you brother Kevin. God bless you.

Kevin Hardin (28:20):
Thank you.

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Christmas Wonderland Outreach

King Ministries was asked to lead evangelism teams for a Christmas outreach here in Tulsa, Oklahoma, every night from December 1-18. The vision for this outreach comes from Terry Henshaw. Years ago he was the missions director for Victory Church and now he leads CityServe Oklahoma with his family.

Their ministry transformed the entire second story of the Promenade Mall into a Christmas Wonderland. It is full of Christmas lights and decor, music and experiences for the family. In Santa’s workshop, children assemble a wooden yo-yo to take home. In another room is a Christmas Tree maze ending with Elsa, Anna, and Olaf characters. There is a petting zoo, a reindeer barn, and a huge room of model trains. The kids can meet Santa and Mrs. Claus and eat a Christmas cookie with hot chocolate.

The most important room in the whole place is the living Nativity scene where guests view a live enactment of the birth of Jesus – the Reason for the Season!

As families pass the living Nativity, shepherds beckon them through the ministry room where we have the opportunity to pray with them and make sure they are going to heaven.

That’s where my part comes in. I was asked to recruit and train soul winners to pray for every person that walks through. As families approach, children are invited to sit and are given a coloring sheet with a cradle, a cross, and a crown. As the kids color, we use those three elements to tell the entire family about the real story of Christmas.

Every night a different local church has volunteered to pray for people. Each evening I teach a new group of believers how to share their faith. This is an exciting opportunity for me, because an important part of our calling as an evangelistic ministry is to encourage and train believers to share their faith with the lost.

He Had Never Led Anyone to Christ

A few nights ago, a student from a local Bible college came to the Christmas Wonderland to help us pray and he told me he had never led anyone to Jesus. I taught him how to share the Gospel simply and easily.

A few minutes later a family with two teenage boys and a ten-year-old girl sat down at his table and she started to color. The Bible college student pointed to the picture of baby Jesus in a manger and said, “Did you know that Jesus was born two thousand years ago in Bethlehem? The reason Jesus came from heaven to earth was to help us have a relationship with God.”

Then he pointed to the cross and explained, “The problem is that sin separates us from God, but Jesus died on the cross to pay the price for our sins.” Finally, he pointed at the crown and said, “Jesus rose from the dead and He became the king of the universe. He wants to be the King of your heart.”

Then he asked the all-important question, “Would you like to make Jesus the King of your heart?”

All three children and both parents prayed with him to make Jesus their King. The student approached me with a big grin on his face. He exclaimed, “I just had the privilege of leading that entire family to Jesus!” This experience increased his confidence level so much that from now on he will be sharing his faith everywhere he goes.

The Fruit is Massive

The story of that family is just one of many. As I write this, we are still in the middle of the Christmas outreach but have already prayed with over a thousand and seen over two hundred people give their lives to Jesus!

My wife Jessica plays Christmas carols in the prayer room and our kids, Caleb and Katie Grace, are also participating in ministry. The outreach is also giving away wrapped toys and furniture to needy families so they can tangibly experience the love of God and a Christmas miracle.

The event lasts for eighteen days so I am treating it like a mission trip. It is so exciting to see that God saves people here the same way He saves people at our overseas crusades. It is time for revival in North America! Thank you. It is because of your support that we are able to lead people to Jesus here and around the world.

Your evangelist,

Daniel King

Check out the video: https://youtube.com/shorts/714qhvOiImw?feature=share

P.S. Christmas is a time for giving. Could you give a generous gift to help us reach people for Jesus?

Why is it Urgent to Share the Gospel?

There are several reasons why it is urgent to share the Gospel:

  1. Time is short: The Bible teaches that this life is temporary and that we will all stand before God one day to give an account of our lives (Ecclesiastes 3:1, Romans 14:12). Because of this, it is important to share the Gospel message as soon as possible, so that people have the opportunity to respond to Jesus before it is too late.
  2. People are lost without Jesus: The Bible also teaches that all people are lost without Jesus and that we are all in need of salvation (Romans 3:23). Sharing the Gospel is an act of love and compassion, because it offers people the opportunity to be reconciled to God and to have eternal life through faith in Jesus.
  3. The world needs the Gospel: The world is filled with pain, suffering, and injustice, and the Gospel provides hope and healing for these problems. Sharing the Gospel with others allows us to be a part of bringing this hope and healing to the world.
  4. God commands us to share the Gospel: Finally, it is urgent to share the Gospel because God commands us to do so. In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus tells his followers to “go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” This passage, known as the Great Commission, is a clear command from Jesus for believers to share the Gospel with others.

There are many good reasons to share the Gospel with others, and it is important to be faithful to this calling and to do so with a sense of urgency.


Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. He is often called “The Evangelism Coach.” Daniel loves helping churches grow, and inspiring believers to share their faith with the lost. To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

Is Evangelism a Spiritual Gift?

Evangelism is often considered to be a spiritual gift. In Romans 12:6-8, the apostle Paul lists evangelism as one of the gifts of the Spirit: “Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching; the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads, with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness.”

This passage suggests that evangelism is a special ability or talent that God gives to some believers to help them share the Gospel message with others. The gift of evangelism is often accompanied by a passion for sharing the Gospel and a desire to see others come to faith in Jesus.

However, it’s important to note that evangelism is not just a spiritual gift, but also a calling and a responsibility for all believers. In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus tells his followers to “go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” This passage, known as the Great Commission, calls all believers to share the Gospel message with others, regardless of whether or not they possess the spiritual gift of evangelism.

While the spiritual gift of evangelism may be given to some believers, all believers are called to share the Gospel message and to participate in evangelism in some way.

Who is Daniel King? 

Welcome to the ministry of Evangelist Daniel King – international evangelist and dedicated servant of Jesus Christ.

For over 20 years, Daniel has traveled the world sharing the message of Jesus and bringing hope and salvation to people from all walks of life. His passion for sharing the love of Christ is contagious, and his powerful and engaging presentations have inspired thousands to turn towards God and experience the transformative power of his love.

Whether he’s speaking to a large crowd at a conference or ministering to individuals one-on-one, Daniel’s message is always the same: that Jesus is the answer to the deepest needs of the human heart, and that through faith in him, anyone can experience true joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

If you’re looking for a powerful and inspiring evangelist to bring the message of Jesus to your community, look no further than Daniel King. Contact us today to book Daniel for your next event and be prepared to be inspired and transformed by the love and grace of Jesus Christ. Call us today: 877.431.4276 or visit https://kingministries.com.

How to Lead Your Family to Christ

Leading your family to Christ is an important and rewarding task. Here are some steps you can follow to lead your family to Christ:

  1. Pray for guidance: Before you begin, take time to pray and ask God to guide you and give you wisdom as you seek to lead your family to Christ.
  2. Model a godly lifestyle: One of the most effective ways to lead your family to Christ is to model a godly lifestyle. This includes living out your faith in your daily life, being a good role model, and setting a positive example for your family to follow.
  3. Share your testimony: Sharing your personal testimony with your family can be a powerful way to share the Gospel message. Tell them about how you came to faith in Jesus and how your life has been transformed by your relationship with Him.
  4. Have regular devotions: Set aside time each day or week to read the Bible and pray together as a family. This can be an effective way to help your family grow in their faith and learn more about God.
  5. Invite your family to attend church: Invite your family to attend church with you and participate in worship and other church activities. This can help to expose them to the Gospel message and give them the opportunity to learn more about Jesus.
  6. Be patient and loving: Leading your family to Christ is a process, and it can take time. Be patient and loving as you seek to share your faith with them, and be open to answering their questions and concerns.

By following these steps and being led by the Holy Spirit, you can lead your family to Christ and help them grow in their faith.

Who is Daniel King? 

Welcome to the ministry of Evangelist Daniel King – international evangelist and dedicated servant of Jesus Christ.

For over 20 years, Daniel has traveled the world sharing the message of Jesus and bringing hope and salvation to people from all walks of life. His passion for sharing the love of Christ is contagious, and his powerful and engaging presentations have inspired thousands to turn towards God and experience the transformative power of his love.

Whether he’s speaking to a large crowd at a conference or ministering to individuals one-on-one, Daniel’s message is always the same: that Jesus is the answer to the deepest needs of the human heart, and that through faith in him, anyone can experience true joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

If you’re looking for a powerful and inspiring evangelist to bring the message of Jesus to your community, look no further than Daniel King. Contact us today to book Daniel for your next event and be prepared to be inspired and transformed by the love and grace of Jesus Christ. Call us today: 877.431.4276 or visit https://kingministries.com.

Why Are Both Evangelism and Discipleship Important?

Evangelism and discipleship are related but distinct concepts in Christianity. Evangelism refers to the act of sharing the Gospel message with others and inviting them to follow Jesus. It is focused on reaching out to people who do not yet know Jesus and helping them understand and respond to the Gospel.

Discipleship, on the other hand, refers to the process of helping believers grow in their faith and mature as followers of Jesus. Discipleship involves teaching believers about the Bible, helping them develop their relationship with God, and equipping them to serve and share their faith with others.

In other words, evangelism is focused on reaching out to those who do not yet know Jesus, while discipleship is focused on helping believers grow in their faith and become more like Jesus. 

Both evangelism and discipleship are important for the growth and health of the church, and they often go hand in hand. As believers share the Gospel with others, they can also help new believers grow in their faith through discipleship.

Who is Daniel King? 

Welcome to the ministry of Evangelist Daniel King – international evangelist and dedicated servant of Jesus Christ.

For over 20 years, Daniel has traveled the world sharing the message of Jesus and bringing hope and salvation to people from all walks of life. His passion for sharing the love of Christ is contagious, and his powerful and engaging presentations have inspired thousands to turn towards God and experience the transformative power of his love.

Whether he’s speaking to a large crowd at a conference or ministering to individuals one-on-one, Daniel’s message is always the same: that Jesus is the answer to the deepest needs of the human heart, and that through faith in him, anyone can experience true joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

If you’re looking for a powerful and inspiring evangelist to bring the message of Jesus to your community, look no further than Daniel King. Contact us today to book Daniel for your next event and be prepared to be inspired and transformed by the love and grace of Jesus Christ. Call us today: 877.431.4276 or visit https://kingministries.com.

How to Open a Conversation About Spiritual Things

Here are ten questions that can help open a conversation about spiritual things:

  1. What do you believe about God?
  2. How do you think we can know what is true about God?
  3. What do you think happens to us after we die?
  4. Have you ever had a spiritual experience or felt a connection to something larger than yourself?
  5. What brings you hope or meaning in life?
  6. Have you ever struggled with doubts or questions about your faith?
  7. How do you think we can have a relationship with God?
  8. What do you think is the most important thing in life?
  9. Have you ever read the Bible or any other religious texts? What do you think of them?
  10. How do you think we can find peace and contentment in life?

By asking open-ended questions like these, you can encourage the person you are talking to to share their thoughts and feelings about spiritual matters, and create an opportunity for further conversation and exploration. It’s important to approach these conversations with respect and an open mind, and to be willing to listen and learn from the person you are talking to.

Who is Daniel King? 

Welcome to the ministry of Evangelist Daniel King – international evangelist and dedicated servant of Jesus Christ.

For over 20 years, Daniel has traveled the world sharing the message of Jesus and bringing hope and salvation to people from all walks of life. His passion for sharing the love of Christ is contagious, and his powerful and engaging presentations have inspired thousands to turn towards God and experience the transformative power of his love.

Whether he’s speaking to a large crowd at a conference or ministering to individuals one-on-one, Daniel’s message is always the same: that Jesus is the answer to the deepest needs of the human heart, and that through faith in him, anyone can experience true joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

If you’re looking for a powerful and inspiring evangelist to bring the message of Jesus to your community, look no further than Daniel King. Contact us today to book Daniel for your next event and be prepared to be inspired and transformed by the love and grace of Jesus Christ. Call us today: 877.431.4276 or visit https://kingministries.com.

How to Give an Invitation to Follow Jesus

Giving an invitation to follow Jesus is an important part of personal evangelism. Here are some steps you can follow to give an invitation to follow Jesus:

  1. Share your testimony: Before you give the invitation, it can be helpful to share your personal testimony with the person you are speaking to. This can help to establish a connection and create a sense of authenticity and credibility.
  2. Explain the Gospel message: After you have shared your testimony, explain the Gospel message in simple, clear terms. Explain that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose again, and that through faith in Him, we can have forgiveness of our sins and eternal life.
  3. Invite the person to respond: After you have shared the Gospel message, invite the person to respond. You might say something like, “If you are interested in learning more about Jesus and what it means to follow Him, I would be happy to talk with you further about it.”
  4. Be patient and respectful: As you give the invitation, be patient and respect the person’s decision. If they are not ready to make a commitment, that’s okay. Continue to pray for them and be available to answer any questions they may have.
  5. Follow up: After you have given the invitation, be sure to follow up with the person. This could involve continuing to pray for them, answering any questions they may have, or connecting them with resources or people who can support them in their journey of faith.

By following these steps and being led by the Holy Spirit, you can give an invitation to follow Jesus in a way that is respectful and effective.

Who is Daniel King? 

Welcome to the ministry of Evangelist Daniel King – international evangelist and dedicated servant of Jesus Christ.

For over 20 years, Daniel has traveled the world sharing the message of Jesus and bringing hope and salvation to people from all walks of life. His passion for sharing the love of Christ is contagious, and his powerful and engaging presentations have inspired thousands to turn towards God and experience the transformative power of his love.

Whether he’s speaking to a large crowd at a conference or ministering to individuals one-on-one, Daniel’s message is always the same: that Jesus is the answer to the deepest needs of the human heart, and that through faith in him, anyone can experience true joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

If you’re looking for a powerful and inspiring evangelist to bring the message of Jesus to your community, look no further than Daniel King. Contact us today to book Daniel for your next event and be prepared to be inspired and transformed by the love and grace of Jesus Christ. Call us today: 877.431.4276 or visit https://kingministries.com.

What are the Motivations for Personal Evangelism?

There are several motivations for personal evangelism, including:

    1. Love for God and for others: One of the main motivations for personal evangelism is a deep love for God and a desire to honor Him by sharing His love with others. This includes a desire to share the good news of the Gospel with those who may not know Jesus, and to help people experience the same joy and peace that we have found in Him.
    2. Obedience to God’s command: Another motivation for personal evangelism is the desire to be obedient to God’s command to share the Gospel with others. In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus says, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” This passage, known as the Great Commission, calls believers to go out and share the Gospel with others.
    3. A desire to see others come to faith: Personal evangelism is also motivated by a desire to see others come to faith in Jesus. As believers, we have experienced the transformative power of the Gospel in our own lives, and we want others to experience that same transformation.

Who is Daniel King? 

Welcome to the ministry of Evangelist Daniel King – international evangelist and dedicated servant of Jesus Christ.

For over 20 years, Daniel has traveled the world sharing the message of Jesus and bringing hope and salvation to people from all walks of life. His passion for sharing the love of Christ is contagious, and his powerful and engaging presentations have inspired thousands to turn towards God and experience the transformative power of his love.

Whether he’s speaking to a large crowd at a conference or ministering to individuals one-on-one, Daniel’s message is always the same: that Jesus is the answer to the deepest needs of the human heart, and that through faith in him, anyone can experience true joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

If you’re looking for a powerful and inspiring evangelist to bring the message of Jesus to your community, look no further than Daniel King. Contact us today to book Daniel for your next event and be prepared to be inspired and transformed by the love and grace of Jesus Christ. Call us today: 877.431.4276 or visit https://kingministries.com.

How to Use Your Personal Testimony to Witness

Your personal testimony can be a powerful tool for sharing the Gospel with others. Here are some steps you can follow to use your personal testimony to witness:

  1. Pray for guidance: Before you begin sharing your testimony, take time to pray and ask God to give you the words to say and to lead you to the people who need to hear your story.
  2. Consider your audience: Think about the person or group of people you will be sharing your testimony with. What do you know about them? What are their beliefs and attitudes towards faith? Knowing your audience can help you tailor your message and approach to their needs and interests.
  3. Practice your testimony: Before you share your testimony with others, it can be helpful to practice telling your story out loud. This can help you get comfortable with the words you will be saying and ensure that you are able to share your story in a clear and concise way.
  4. Keep it simple: When sharing your testimony, it’s important to keep things simple and focus on the key points of your story. You don’t need to share every detail or go into lengthy explanations. Just share the highlights of your journey and how your relationship with Jesus has made a difference in your life.
  5. Be authentic: It’s important to be genuine and authentic when sharing your testimony. Don’t try to put on a show or exaggerate your story. Just be yourself and share your story from the heart.
  6. Share the Gospel: As you share your testimony, be sure to include the Gospel message. Explain how Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose again, and how we can have forgiveness and eternal life through faith in Him.

By following these steps and being led by the Holy Spirit, you can use your personal testimony to witness to others and share the Gospel message in a powerful and effective way.

Who is Daniel King? 

Welcome to the ministry of Evangelist Daniel King – international evangelist and dedicated servant of Jesus Christ.

For over 20 years, Daniel has traveled the world sharing the message of Jesus and bringing hope and salvation to people from all walks of life. His passion for sharing the love of Christ is contagious, and his powerful and engaging presentations have inspired thousands to turn towards God and experience the transformative power of his love.

Whether he’s speaking to a large crowd at a conference or ministering to individuals one-on-one, Daniel’s message is always the same: that Jesus is the answer to the deepest needs of the human heart, and that through faith in him, anyone can experience true joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

If you’re looking for a powerful and inspiring evangelist to bring the message of Jesus to your community, look no further than Daniel King. Contact us today to book Daniel for your next event and be prepared to be inspired and transformed by the love and grace of Jesus Christ. Call us today: 877.431.4276 or visit https://kingministries.com.

How to Use an Evangelism Survey

An evangelism survey can be a helpful tool for understanding the attitudes and beliefs of people in your community, and for identifying opportunities to share the Gospel with them. Here are some steps you can follow to use an evangelism survey effectively:

  1. Determine your goals: Before you start using the survey, consider what you hope to accomplish. Do you want to understand the spiritual needs of your community? Are you trying to identify opportunities to share the Gospel with specific groups of people? Having clear goals will help you focus your efforts and make the most of the survey.
  2. Develop your survey questions: Next, consider what you want to learn from the survey. You may want to ask about people’s religious beliefs, their familiarity with the Gospel message, or their openness to exploring faith. Be sure to ask open-ended questions that will allow people to share their thoughts and feelings in their own words.
  3. Distribute the survey: There are several ways you can distribute the survey, depending on your goals and the resources you have available. You might ask people to fill out the survey in person, send it out via email or social media, or use an online survey tool to collect responses.
  4. Analyze the results: Once you have collected responses to the survey, take time to review and analyze the results. Look for trends or patterns that can help you understand the attitudes and beliefs of people in your community.
  5. Use the results to inform your evangelism efforts: Use the results of the survey to inform your evangelism efforts. If you find that people in your community are receptive to hearing about faith, consider ways to share the Gospel message with them. If you find that people are hesitant or skeptical, consider how you can address their concerns and build relationships with them.

By following these steps, you can use an evangelism survey to gather valuable insights and inform your efforts to share the Gospel with others.

Meet the Evangelism Coach

Welcome to the ministry of Evangelist Daniel King – international evangelist and dedicated servant of Jesus Christ.

For over 20 years, Daniel has traveled the world sharing the message of Jesus and bringing hope and salvation to people from all walks of life. His passion for sharing the love of Christ is contagious, and his powerful and engaging presentations have inspired thousands to turn towards God and experience the transformative power of his love.

Whether he’s speaking to a large crowd at a conference or ministering to individuals one-on-one, Daniel’s message is always the same: that Jesus is the answer to the deepest needs of the human heart, and that through faith in him, anyone can experience true joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

If you’re looking for a powerful and inspiring evangelist to bring the message of Jesus to your community, look no further than Daniel King. Contact us today to book Daniel for your next event and be prepared to be inspired and transformed by the love and grace of Jesus Christ. Call us today: 877.431.4276 or visit https://kingministries.com.

Is It Ever Too Soon to Share the Gospel?

It is generally not too soon to share the Gospel with others, as long as it is done in a way that is respectful and appropriate. The Gospel message is a message of hope and salvation, and it is something that can be shared with people at any stage of life.

However, it’s important to approach evangelism with sensitivity and to consider the individual circumstances and needs of the person you are sharing with. Some people may be more receptive to hearing about faith and may be ready to explore the Gospel message in more depth. Others may not be ready to hear about faith or may not be interested in exploring it at this time. In these cases, it can be helpful to continue building a relationship with the person and to pray for them, rather than pushing the Gospel message on them.

Ultimately, the timing of when to share the Gospel with others will depend on the individual circumstances and needs of the person you are sharing with, as well as the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It’s important to be led by the Spirit and to approach evangelism with love and compassion.


Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. He is often called “The Evangelism Coach.” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

How Does the Holy Spirit Help Us Evangelize?

The Holy Spirit is an important part of evangelism and can guide and direct our efforts in a number of ways. Here are a few ways the Holy Spirit might direct evangelism:

  1. By leading us to the people who need to hear the Gospel: The Holy Spirit can guide us to the people who are most receptive to hearing the Gospel message, whether that’s through specific encounters or by prompting us to be more intentional in sharing our faith with those around us.
  2. By giving us the right words to say: The Holy Spirit can give us the words to say when we are sharing the Gospel with others, helping us to communicate the message in a clear and compelling way.
  3. By confirming the truth of the Gospel: As we share the Gospel with others, the Holy Spirit can confirm its truth in the hearts of those who hear it, helping them to understand and believe in Jesus.
  4. By empowering us to be bold and courageous: The Holy Spirit can give us the courage and strength we need to share our faith with others, even in difficult or challenging situations.
  5. By providing comfort and encouragement: The Holy Spirit can comfort and encourage us as we share the Gospel with others, helping us to persevere in our efforts even when we face rejection or opposition.

Ultimately, the Holy Spirit is an invaluable partner in evangelism and can guide and direct our efforts in countless ways. It’s important to pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance and to be open to His leading as we seek to share the Gospel with others.

Who is Daniel King? 

Welcome to the ministry of Evangelist Daniel King – international evangelist and dedicated servant of Jesus Christ.

For over 20 years, Daniel has traveled the world sharing the message of Jesus and bringing hope and salvation to people from all walks of life. His passion for sharing the love of Christ is contagious, and his powerful and engaging presentations have inspired thousands to turn towards God and experience the transformative power of his love.

Whether he’s speaking to a large crowd at a conference or ministering to individuals one-on-one, Daniel’s message is always the same: that Jesus is the answer to the deepest needs of the human heart, and that through faith in him, anyone can experience true joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

If you’re looking for a powerful and inspiring evangelist to bring the message of Jesus to your community, look no further than Daniel King. Contact us today to book Daniel for your next event and be prepared to be inspired and transformed by the love and grace of Jesus Christ. Call us today: 877.431.4276 or visit https://kingministries.com.

Is Evangelism a Process or an Event?

Evangelism can be both a process and an event. It can involve a series of ongoing efforts to share the Gospel message with others and encourage them to follow Jesus. This can involve building relationships with people, engaging in conversations about faith, and providing support and encouragement to those who are exploring Christianity.

At the same time, evangelism can also involve specific events or campaigns that are focused on sharing the Gospel with a larger audience. These might include evangelistic crusades, evangelistic outreaches at festivals or public events, or other efforts to share the Gospel with a wider group of people.

Ultimately, the most effective evangelism efforts will often involve a combination of both ongoing efforts to share the Gospel with individuals and specific events or campaigns that are focused on reaching a larger audience. It’s important to approach evangelism in a way that is authentic and sensitive to the needs and interests of those who are being reached out to, and to be willing to adapt and adjust your approach as needed.

In addition to the strategies mentioned above, there are a few other things that can be helpful in growing your church:

  1. Providing opportunities for spiritual growth: Offer opportunities for members to grow in their faith, such as small groups, retreats, and classes on various aspects of the Christian life. This can help keep current members engaged and attract new people who are interested in deepening their relationship with God.
  2. Encouraging and equipping members to share their faith: Help members understand the importance of evangelism and equip them with the tools and resources they need to share their faith with others. This could include training sessions, materials, and support in finding opportunities to share their faith.
  3. Praying for growth: Remember to pray for the growth of your church and for the people you are seeking to reach. Ask God to open doors and to bring people into your church who are seeking Him. Pray for the Holy Spirit to work in the hearts of those who hear the Gospel message, and for the courage and strength to share that message with others.

For Evangelism Coaching, call Daniel King 

Welcome to the ministry of Evangelist Daniel King – international evangelist and dedicated servant of Jesus Christ.

For over 20 years, Daniel has traveled the world sharing the message of Jesus and bringing hope and salvation to people from all walks of life. His passion for sharing the love of Christ is contagious, and his powerful and engaging presentations have inspired thousands to turn towards God and experience the transformative power of his love.

Whether he’s speaking to a large crowd at a conference or ministering to individuals one-on-one, Daniel’s message is always the same: that Jesus is the answer to the deepest needs of the human heart, and that through faith in him, anyone can experience true joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

If you’re looking for a powerful and inspiring evangelist to bring the message of Jesus to your community, look no further than Daniel King. Contact us today to book Daniel for your next event and be prepared to be inspired and transformed by the love and grace of Jesus Christ. Call us today: 877.431.4276 or visit https://kingministries.com.

How to Plant a Church

Planting a church can be a rewarding but challenging process. Here are some steps you can follow to plant a church:

  1. Pray for guidance: Before you begin the process of planting a church, it’s important to seek God’s guidance and direction. Spend time in prayer, asking God to lead you and give you wisdom as you consider planting a church.
  2. Gather a team: As you begin the process of planting a church, it’s important to gather a team of people who can support and assist you. This might include other church leaders, members of your community, or people who have a passion for evangelism and outreach.
  3. Identify a target audience: Consider who you want to reach with your church. Are you looking to reach young families? Seniors? Singles? Knowing your target audience will help you tailor your message and approach to the needs and interests of the people you are trying to reach.
  4. Develop a plan: Once you have a sense of your target audience and the resources you have available, begin developing a plan for planting your church. This might include identifying a location, developing a budget, and creating a timeline for key milestones.
  5. Launch your church: Once you have a solid plan in place, it’s time to launch your church. This might involve hosting a launch service, inviting people to attend, and building relationships with members of your community.
  6. Stay focused on your mission: As you plant and grow your church, it’s important to stay focused on your mission and the people you are trying to reach. This might involve adapting and adjusting your approach as you learn more about the needs of your community, and being open to new opportunities for outreach and evangelism.

Planting a church requires patience, persistence, and a willingness to adapt and learn as you go. By following these steps and seeking God’s guidance, you can be a part of starting a new church that has the potential to make a positive impact in your community.


Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. He is often called “The Evangelism Coach.” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

How to Grow a Small Church

Here are some tips for growing a small church:

  1. Focus on outreach: Make a concerted effort to reach out to the community and invite people to your church. This could include hosting events, participating in local service projects, and being intentional about inviting people to attend your church.
  2. Offer engaging and relevant programming: Make sure to offer programming that is relevant and engaging to your target audience. This could include worship services, Bible studies, youth groups, and other activities.
  3. Create a welcoming atmosphere: Make sure your church is a welcoming place for visitors. This includes having a friendly and helpful greeting team, providing a welcoming environment, and making sure to include newcomers in the life of the church.
  4. Provide excellent customer service: Make sure to provide excellent customer service to all members and visitors. This includes responding promptly to inquiries and concerns, and being proactive in addressing any issues that may arise.
  5. Use social media and other digital tools: Utilize social media and other digital tools to reach out to potential members and keep current members informed about church events and activities.
  6. Partner with other organizations: Consider partnering with other organizations, such as local schools or community groups, to reach out to new people and collaborate on projects and events.
  7. Focus on member retention: Make sure to focus on retaining current members by providing opportunities for them to get involved in the life of the church and by addressing any concerns or issues they may have.


Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. He is often called “The Evangelism Coach.” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

How to Grow Your Church

There are many ways to grow your church, including the following:

  1. Reaching out to the community: Consider ways to connect with people in your community, such as hosting events or participating in local service projects. This can help raise awareness about your church and attract new members.
  2. Offering engaging and relevant programming: Make sure to offer programming that is relevant and engaging to your target audience. This could include worship services, Bible studies, youth groups, and other activities.
  3. Creating a welcoming atmosphere: Create a warm and welcoming atmosphere in your church. This includes having a friendly and helpful greeting team, providing a welcoming environment, and making sure to include newcomers in the life of the church.
  4. Providing excellent customer service: Make sure to provide excellent customer service to all members and visitors. This includes responding promptly to inquiries and concerns, and being proactive in addressing any issues that may arise.
  5. Using social media and other digital tools: Utilize social media and other digital tools to reach out to potential members and keep current members informed about church events and activities.
  6. Partnering with other organizations: Consider partnering with other organizations, such as local schools or community groups, to reach out to new people and collaborate on projects and events.
  7. Focusing on member retention: Make sure to focus on retaining current members by providing opportunities for them to get involved in the life of the church and by addressing any concerns or issues they may have.


Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. He is often called “The Evangelism Coach.” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

How to Welcome a Visitor to Your Church

The best way to welcome someone to your church is to approach them with a warm and friendly greeting, such as “Good morning” or “Welcome to our church.” Make eye contact and smile, and use their name if you know it. Offer assistance if they seem to need it, such as directing them to the restrooms or coffee area, or introducing them to other members of the congregation. You can also provide them with a church bulletin or any other materials that might be helpful.

It’s also important to be patient and understanding, especially with those who may be new to the church or unfamiliar with its customs and traditions. Remember that church greeters are often the first point of contact for visitors, so it’s important to make a good impression and create a welcoming atmosphere.

Finally, be sure to thank people for coming to the church and encourage them to come back again. It can be helpful to offer information about upcoming events or activities that might be of interest to them.


Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. He is often called “The Evangelism Coach.” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

Tips for Church Greeters

Here are some tips for church greeters:

  1. Wear a warm and friendly smile. Your smile is one of the first things people notice when they enter the church, so make sure it’s welcoming and genuine.
  2. Make eye contact and greet people with a friendly greeting, such as “Good morning” or “Welcome to our church.”
  3. Use people’s names if you know them, or ask for their name if you don’t. This helps create a sense of community and personal connection.
  4. Be attentive to people’s needs and offer assistance if needed. For example, if someone is looking lost or confused, offer to help them find their way or answer any questions they may have.
  5. Remember that church greeters are often the first point of contact for visitors, so make sure to give them a warm and welcoming experience. This could include providing them with a church bulletin, directing them to the restrooms or coffee area, or introducing them to other members of the congregation.
  6. Be patient and understanding, especially with those who may be new to the church or unfamiliar with its customs and traditions.
  7. Lastly, be sure to thank people for coming to the church and encourage them to come back again.


Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. He is often called “The Evangelism Coach.” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

Do I Need an Evangelism Coach?

There are several reasons why someone might want to have an evangelism coach:

  1. Improved effectiveness: An evangelism coach can help individuals or groups become more effective in their efforts to share the gospel with others. A coach can provide guidance, support, and training to help evangelizers better understand how to communicate the message of Jesus in a way that is clear, compelling, and respectful.
  2. Overcome obstacles: An evangelism coach can help individuals or groups identify and overcome obstacles that may be preventing them from effectively evangelizing. This could include fear, lack of confidence, or a lack of knowledge about how to share the gospel. A coach can provide guidance and support to help individuals or groups overcome these challenges and become more effective in their evangelism efforts.
  3. Personal growth: An evangelism coach can also help individuals or groups grow personally and spiritually as they engage in evangelism. Through coaching, individuals can learn how to better listen to and understand the needs and concerns of those they are trying to reach, and how to better articulate their own beliefs and values.
  4. Increased impact: Finally, an evangelism coach can help individuals or groups increase the impact of their evangelism efforts. By providing guidance and support, a coach can help individuals or groups develop strategies and approaches that are more effective in reaching and persuading others to adopt a particular belief or way of life.

An evangelism coach can be a valuable resource for individuals or groups who are seeking to share the gospel with others and make a positive impact in their communities and the world.

Why Should You Ask Daniel King to Be Your Evangelism Coach?

Welcome to the ministry of Evangelist Daniel King – international evangelist and dedicated servant of Jesus Christ.

For over 20 years, Daniel has traveled the world sharing the message of Jesus and bringing hope and salvation to people from all walks of life. His passion for sharing the love of Christ is contagious, and his powerful and engaging presentations have inspired thousands to turn towards God and experience the transformative power of his love.

Whether he’s speaking to a large crowd at a conference or ministering to individuals one-on-one, Daniel’s message is always the same: that Jesus is the answer to the deepest needs of the human heart, and that through faith in him, anyone can experience true joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

If you’re looking for a powerful and inspiring evangelist to bring the message of Jesus to your community, look no further than Daniel King. Contact us today to book Daniel for your next event and be prepared to be inspired and transformed by the love and grace of Jesus Christ. Call us today: 877.431.4276 or visit https://kingministries.com.

Why Should Christians Evangelize?

As Christians, we are called to share the good news of Jesus with others. Evangelism, or the act of sharing the gospel with the intention of persuading others to adopt a particular belief or course of action, is an important part of our faith and a fundamental aspect of our mission as followers of Christ.

There are many good reasons for Christians to evangelize. First and foremost, we are commanded by Jesus himself to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). This charge is not optional; it is a fundamental aspect of our identity as believers and an integral part of our mission as the Church.

In addition to being a commandment from Jesus, evangelism is also a way for us to fulfill our purpose as Christians. God created us to bring him glory and to serve as his ambassadors on earth (2 Corinthians 5:20). By sharing the gospel with others, we are able to fulfill this purpose and bring glory to God through our witness.

Evangelism is also an act of love. When we share the gospel with others, we are offering them the opportunity to experience the love, grace, and salvation that God has made available to us through Jesus. We are not just sharing a set of beliefs or ideas, but rather we are offering others the chance to have a personal relationship with the living God.

Finally, evangelism is an act of obedience. When we follow Jesus’ command to share the gospel with others, we are demonstrating our faith and trust in him. We are showing that we are willing to be obedient to his will, even if it means stepping out of our comfort zone or facing challenges and obstacles.

In conclusion, evangelism is an important and necessary aspect of our faith as Christians. It is a way for us to fulfill our purpose, demonstrate our love for others, and be obedient to God’s will. So let us not be afraid to share the gospel with others, but rather let us be bold and courageous in our witness, knowing that God is with us and will give us the words to say (Luke 12:11-12). So, let’s go and evangelize with confidence, knowing that God is with us and will give us the strength and courage we need.

Are you interested in evangelism? 

Welcome to the ministry of Evangelist Daniel King – international evangelist and dedicated servant of Jesus Christ.

For over 20 years, Daniel has traveled the world sharing the message of Jesus and bringing hope and salvation to people from all walks of life. His passion for sharing the love of Christ is contagious, and his powerful and engaging presentations have inspired thousands to turn towards God and experience the transformative power of his love.

Whether he’s speaking to a large crowd at a conference or ministering to individuals one-on-one, Daniel’s message is always the same: that Jesus is the answer to the deepest needs of the human heart, and that through faith in him, anyone can experience true joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

If you’re looking for a powerful and inspiring evangelist to bring the message of Jesus to your community, look no further than Daniel King. Contact us today to book Daniel for your next event and be prepared to be inspired and transformed by the love and grace of Jesus Christ. Call us today: 877.431.4276 or visit https://kingministries.com.

Why Do People Hate Evangelism?

There are several objections that people might have to evangelism, which is the act of attempting to persuade others to adopt a particular belief or course of action:

  1. Intrusion: Some people may object to evangelism because they feel that it is intrusive or disrespectful to try to persuade others to adopt a particular belief or way of life. They may view it as a violation of their autonomy or privacy.
  2. Coercion: Others may object to evangelism because they believe that it involves using pressure or manipulation to try to get others to conform to a particular belief or behavior. This can be seen as a form of coercion, which is generally considered unethical.
  3. Disagreement: Some people may object to evangelism because they disagree with the beliefs being promoted. They may view them as misguided, incorrect, or even harmful.
  4. Prejudice: Some people may object to evangelism because they hold prejudices against the group or individuals doing the evangelizing. This could be based on race, religion, nationality, or any other factor.
  5. Past experiences: Some people may object to evangelism because of negative experiences they have had in the past with evangelism or evangelizers. They may have encountered individuals who were aggressive, judgmental, or dismissive of their beliefs and feelings.
  6. Different values: Finally, some people may object to evangelism simply because they hold different values or priorities than those being promoted. They may view evangelism as an attempt to impose the values of one group on another, rather than as an invitation to consider and explore different perspectives.

Who is Evangelist Daniel King? 

Welcome to the ministry of Evangelist Daniel King – international evangelist and dedicated servant of Jesus Christ.

For over 20 years, Daniel has traveled the world sharing the message of Jesus and bringing hope and salvation to people from all walks of life. His passion for sharing the love of Christ is contagious, and his powerful and engaging presentations have inspired thousands to turn towards God and experience the transformative power of his love.

Whether he’s speaking to a large crowd at a conference or ministering to individuals one-on-one, Daniel’s message is always the same: that Jesus is the answer to the deepest needs of the human heart, and that through faith in him, anyone can experience true joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

If you’re looking for a powerful and inspiring evangelist to bring the message of Jesus to your community, look no further than Daniel King. Contact us today to book Daniel for your next event and be prepared to be inspired and transformed by the love and grace of Jesus Christ. Call us today: 877.431.4276 or visit https://kingministries.com.

How do I become a Great Evangelist?

Becoming a great evangelist involves a combination of spiritual gifts, personal qualities, and practical skills. Here are a few key steps that may help you become a great evangelist:

  1. Seek the leading of the Holy Spirit: The most important step in becoming a great evangelist is to seek the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit. As you pray and seek God’s will for your life, ask him to give you a passion for sharing the gospel and a clear sense of his calling for your life.
  2. Develop your relationship with God: A strong relationship with God is essential for any evangelist. Take time to cultivate your relationship with God through prayer, Bible study, and fellowship with other believers.
  3. Learn about the gospel and the Christian faith: In order to be an effective evangelist, it is important to have a deep understanding of the gospel message and the teachings of the Christian faith. Take time to study the Bible and to learn about the foundations of the Christian faith.
  4. Practice evangelism: As you seek to become a great evangelist, it is important to practice sharing the gospel with others. This may involve one-on-one conversations, small group gatherings, or mass evangelism events. As you practice evangelism, you will develop your skills and confidence in sharing the gospel with others.
  5. Seek training and mentorship: Consider seeking out training and mentorship from more experienced evangelists or Christian leaders. This can be a valuable way to learn from others and to grow in your skills as an evangelist.

Remember, becoming a great evangelist is a journey and it will take time and effort. Be patient and trust in God’s timing and guidance as you seek to grow in your evangelistic ministry.

Who is Daniel King? 

Welcome to the ministry of Evangelist Daniel King – international evangelist and dedicated servant of Jesus Christ.

For over 20 years, Daniel has traveled the world sharing the message of Jesus and bringing hope and salvation to people from all walks of life. His passion for sharing the love of Christ is contagious, and his powerful and engaging presentations have inspired thousands to turn towards God and experience the transformative power of his love.

Whether he’s speaking to a large crowd at a conference or ministering to individuals one-on-one, Daniel’s message is always the same: that Jesus is the answer to the deepest needs of the human heart, and that through faith in him, anyone can experience true joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

If you’re looking for a powerful and inspiring evangelist to bring the message of Jesus to your community, look no further than Daniel King. Contact us today to book Daniel for your next event and be prepared to be inspired and transformed by the love and grace of Jesus Christ. Call us today: 877.431.4276 or visit https://kingministries.com.

Can a woman be an evangelist?

Yes, it is possible for a woman to be an evangelist. The Bible does not place any restrictions on women serving as evangelists, and there are examples of women in the Bible who played significant roles in spreading the gospel and leading others to faith in Jesus. For example, the New Testament mentions several women who were involved in evangelistic ministry, including Phoebe (Romans 16:1-2), Priscilla (Acts 18:26), and Lydia (Acts 16:14).

In the modern Church, there have also been many women who have served as evangelists and have had a significant impact in sharing the gospel and leading others to faith in Jesus. Women have often played important roles in evangelistic ministry, both as evangelists themselves and as support staff or volunteers.

It is important to note that the role of an evangelist is not limited by gender, and both men and women can serve effectively in this capacity. The most important qualification for an evangelist is not gender, but rather a calling from God and a passion for sharing the gospel with others.

Who is Daniel King? 

Welcome to the ministry of Evangelist Daniel King – international evangelist and dedicated servant of Jesus Christ.

For over 20 years, Daniel has traveled the world sharing the message of Jesus and bringing hope and salvation to people from all walks of life. His passion for sharing the love of Christ is contagious, and his powerful and engaging presentations have inspired thousands to turn towards God and experience the transformative power of his love.

Whether he’s speaking to a large crowd at a conference or ministering to individuals one-on-one, Daniel’s message is always the same: that Jesus is the answer to the deepest needs of the human heart, and that through faith in him, anyone can experience true joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

If you’re looking for a powerful and inspiring evangelist to bring the message of Jesus to your community, look no further than Daniel King. Contact us today to book Daniel for your next event and be prepared to be inspired and transformed by the love and grace of Jesus Christ. Call us today: 877.431.4276 or visit https://kingministries.com.

What is the Difference Between an Evangelist and a Pastor?

In the Bible, an evangelist and a pastor are two different spiritual gifts or roles that are mentioned in the New Testament. Here is a brief overview of the main differences between an evangelist and a pastor:

  1. Role: An evangelist is someone who is called by God to share the gospel with others and to lead them to faith in Jesus. An evangelist may be involved in personal evangelism, mass evangelism, or both. A pastor, on the other hand, is someone who is called by God to shepherd or lead a local church or group of believers. Pastors are responsible for the spiritual care and oversight of their flock, including teaching, counseling, and shepherding.
  2. Function: The primary function of an evangelist is to share the gospel and to lead people to faith in Jesus. The primary function of a pastor is to provide spiritual leadership and care for a local church or group of believers. This includes preaching, teaching, and providing pastoral care and counsel.
  3. Authority: An evangelist does not typically have the same level of authority as a pastor within a local church. While an evangelist may be respected and influential within the Church, they do not typically have the same level of responsibility or oversight within a local congregation. Pastors, on the other hand, are typically responsible for the spiritual direction and leadership of a local church.

It is important to note that the roles of evangelist and pastor are not mutually exclusive, and some individuals may have both gifts or roles. Additionally, the gifts of evangelist and pastor, like all spiritual gifts, are given by the Holy Spirit and are meant to be used for the benefit of the Church and for the glory of God.

Who is Daniel King? 

Welcome to the ministry of Evangelist Daniel King – international evangelist and dedicated servant of Jesus Christ.

For over 20 years, Daniel has traveled the world sharing the message of Jesus and bringing hope and salvation to people from all walks of life. His passion for sharing the love of Christ is contagious, and his powerful and engaging presentations have inspired thousands to turn towards God and experience the transformative power of his love.

Whether he’s speaking to a large crowd at a conference or ministering to individuals one-on-one, Daniel’s message is always the same: that Jesus is the answer to the deepest needs of the human heart, and that through faith in him, anyone can experience true joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

If you’re looking for a powerful and inspiring evangelist to bring the message of Jesus to your community, look no further than Daniel King. Contact us today to book Daniel for your next event and be prepared to be inspired and transformed by the love and grace of Jesus Christ. Call us today: 877.431.4276 or visit https://kingministries.com.

What is the Difference Between an Evangelist and a Prophet?

In the Bible, an evangelist and a prophet are two different spiritual gifts or roles that are mentioned in the New Testament. Here is a brief overview of the main differences between an evangelist and a prophet:

  1. Role: An evangelist is someone who is called by God to share the gospel with others and to lead them to faith in Jesus. An evangelist may be involved in personal evangelism, mass evangelism, or both. A prophet, on the other hand, is someone who is called by God to speak on his behalf and to communicate his message to others. Prophets often received revelations or messages from God, which they would then communicate to others.
  2. Function: The primary function of an evangelist is to share the gospel and to lead people to faith in Jesus. The primary function of a prophet is to communicate the message of God to others and to interpret his will and purposes. Prophets may also serve as counselors, advisors, or teachers.
  3. Authority: An evangelist does not typically have the same level of authority as a prophet. While an evangelist may be respected and influential within the Church, they do not typically have the same level of direct revelation or divine guidance as a prophet. Prophets are often seen as having a special connection to God and as being uniquely equipped to speak on his behalf.

It is important to note that the roles of evangelist and prophet are not mutually exclusive, and some individuals may have both gifts or roles. Additionally, the gifts of evangelist and prophet, like all spiritual gifts, are given by the Holy Spirit and are meant to be used for the benefit of the Church and for the glory of God.

Daniel King, the Evangelist 

Welcome to the ministry of Evangelist Daniel King – international evangelist and dedicated servant of Jesus Christ.

For over 20 years, Daniel has traveled the world sharing the message of Jesus and bringing hope and salvation to people from all walks of life. His passion for sharing the love of Christ is contagious, and his powerful and engaging presentations have inspired thousands to turn towards God and experience the transformative power of his love.

Whether he’s speaking to a large crowd at a conference or ministering to individuals one-on-one, Daniel’s message is always the same: that Jesus is the answer to the deepest needs of the human heart, and that through faith in him, anyone can experience true joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

If you’re looking for a powerful and inspiring evangelist to bring the message of Jesus to your community, look no further than Daniel King. Contact us today to book Daniel for your next event and be prepared to be inspired and transformed by the love and grace of Jesus Christ. Call us today: 877.431.4276 or visit https://kingministries.com.

What is Passive Evangelism?

Passive evangelism refers to the process of sharing the gospel or witnessing to others in a more subtle or indirect way, rather than through direct or overt evangelistic efforts. Passive evangelism may involve living a life that is visibly different from the world around you, or it may involve speaking about your faith in a natural or organic way as you interact with others.

Passive evangelism is sometimes contrasted with more active or aggressive forms of evangelism, such as personal evangelism or mass evangelism, which involve more overt efforts to share the gospel with others. Passive evangelism may be more suitable in certain contexts or with certain people, as it can be less threatening or confrontational and may be more effective in building relationships and trust.

It is important to note that passive evangelism is not a substitute for more proactive forms of evangelism, and it should not be used as an excuse for avoiding more direct efforts to share the gospel with others. However, it can be an effective complement to more proactive evangelism, and it can be an important way to live out the command to be salt and light in the world (Matthew 5:13-16).

Who is Daniel King? 

Welcome to the ministry of Evangelist Daniel King – international evangelist and dedicated servant of Jesus Christ.

For over 20 years, Daniel has traveled the world sharing the message of Jesus and bringing hope and salvation to people from all walks of life. His passion for sharing the love of Christ is contagious, and his powerful and engaging presentations have inspired thousands to turn towards God and experience the transformative power of his love.

Whether he’s speaking to a large crowd at a conference or ministering to individuals one-on-one, Daniel’s message is always the same: that Jesus is the answer to the deepest needs of the human heart, and that through faith in him, anyone can experience true joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

If you’re looking for a powerful and inspiring evangelist to bring the message of Jesus to your community, look no further than Daniel King. Contact us today to book Daniel for your next event and be prepared to be inspired and transformed by the love and grace of Jesus Christ. Call us today: 877.431.4276 or visit https://kingministries.com.

What are the Two Types of Evangelism?

There are various ways to categorize different types of evangelism, and different people may use different criteria for classifying them. However, one common way to categorize evangelism is to divide it into two main categories: personal evangelism and mass evangelism.

  1. Personal evangelism: Personal evangelism refers to the process of sharing the gospel with individual people or small groups of people, typically through one-on-one conversations or small group gatherings. Personal evangelism can involve sharing your own personal testimony of how you came to faith in Jesus, answering questions about the Christian faith, and inviting others to consider the gospel message.
  2. Mass evangelism: Mass evangelism refers to the process of sharing the gospel with large groups of people, typically through large-scale evangelistic campaigns or events. Mass evangelism can involve preaching the gospel in public places, holding evangelistic meetings or crusades, and using media (such as television or the internet) to reach a wider audience.

Both personal evangelism and mass evangelism can be effective ways to share the gospel, and the appropriate approach will depend on the context and the needs of the people being evangelized. Some evangelists may focus primarily on one approach, while others may use a combination of both personal and mass evangelism in their ministry.

Why Call the Evangelism Coach?

Welcome to the ministry of Evangelist Daniel King – international evangelist and dedicated servant of Jesus Christ.

For over 20 years, Daniel has traveled the world sharing the message of Jesus and bringing hope and salvation to people from all walks of life. His passion for sharing the love of Christ is contagious, and his powerful and engaging presentations have inspired thousands to turn towards God and experience the transformative power of his love.

Whether he’s speaking to a large crowd at a conference or ministering to individuals one-on-one, Daniel’s message is always the same: that Jesus is the answer to the deepest needs of the human heart, and that through faith in him, anyone can experience true joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

If you’re looking for a powerful and inspiring evangelist to bring the message of Jesus to your community, look no further than Daniel King. Contact us today to book Daniel for your next event and be prepared to be inspired and transformed by the love and grace of Jesus Christ. Call us today: 877.431.4276 or visit https://kingministries.com.

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