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Monthly Archives: April 2024

El Salvador

Report from Santa Ana, El Salvador

God moved in a powerful way in our recent crusade in Santa Ana, El Salvador. The local soccer stadium was packed full of people who were hungry for God.

Hundreds of local churches participated in our outreach. We asked every church in the city to bring one or more buses to the crusade. Our plan was to fill half of each bus with church members and the other half of the bus with people who need Jesus. Two months in advance, church members throughout the city made a list of seven unsaved people to pray for and to invite to the crusade.

When the stadium doors opened, people poured through the gates. I preached a crystal-clear Gospel message about how Jesus died for our sins. When I gave the altar call more than two thousand people streamed forward to make a decision to follow Christ.

The follow up for these new believers began immediately. On the bus on the way home, each church member who invited someone who got saved used the time to pray with the new believer and to begin the discipleship process. The local pastors were excited to see so many people from their neighborhoods get saved.

The Power of Partnership

Our crusade was one part of impacting the entire nation of El Salvador. I am on the board of the Global Evangelist Alliance. Evangelists from around the world have joined hands together to impact entire nations. With the leading of the Holy Spirit, we chose El Salvador as the first nation to target.

The outreach kicked off with a powerful pastor’s conference. Over 4,000 pastors from all over the nation of El Salvador came together to make a commitment to reach every person in the nation for Jesus. Our team of evangelists, led by Evangelist Nathan Morris, decided to do seven crusades in seven different cities throughout El Salvador. My assigned city was Santa Ana.

The local churches in Santa Ana caught the vision and in the months before our team arrived, they did over thirty neighborhood crusades in our region to reach the lost.

I invited my pastor, Paul Daugherty, from Victory Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma (our home church) to partner with us for this crusade. Victory Christian School (where my kids go to school) brought 138 students to El Salvador for a week of ministry before the crusade.

The team of young people ministered in schools and neighborhoods. Before the crusade even started they ministered to 7,091 people, witnessed 1,230 salvations, had 38 confirmed healings, distributed 92 boxes of food, and had 62 baptisms.

Pastor Paul Daugherty hosted a Pastor’s Conference and over 800 leaders from the surrounding area came to be encouraged. I preached on the Fire of God and Pastor Paul preached on the Keys of the Kingdom. We had a powerful time of impartation at the conference as we laid hands of all the pastors and their wives.

The Victory Team helped to lead worship at the crusade and the teenagers performed dramas on stage. Pastor Paul preached on the first night of the crusade and I preached on the second night. Both nights we saw a great harvest of souls.

Many of the people who came were sick and praying for a miracle. One of the highlights on Pastor Paul’s night was when a crippled man stood up from his wheelchair and began to walk for the first time in many years. When I preached, God opened the ear of a man who was deaf in his left ear.

Can We Reach Everyone for Jesus?

Is it possible that every person on earth could be reached with the Good News of the Gospel in our generation? This is an audacious goal but I believe the answer is “YES!” Jesus told us to go into ALL the world and that’s what we want to do. We want to give every person on earth the opportunity to hear about Jesus.

We have teamed up with the Global Evangelists Alliance, a network of evangelists from all over the world who are dedicated to preaching the Gospel to everyone. Our goal is to mobilize men and women of every race, nationality, and language to win the world for Jesus.

In early 2024, over a four-month period, leading evangelistic ministries from around the world united in El Salvador to reach the entire nation for Jesus. As we joined together in unity, we saw God do amazing miracles.

  • Our team of 14 evangelists did crusadesin the seven largest cities in the nation: Sonsonate, Ahuachapán, Santa Ana, Zacatecoluca, San Francisco Gotera, San Miguel, and San Salvador.
  • We worked with 38 different denominations and pastor’s associations.
  • A total of 6,590 churches participated.
  • We preached the Gospel face-to-face to a total of 2,190,580 individuals.
  • A total of 34% of the nation of El Salvador heard a clear presentation of the Gospel.
  • 227,899 people made a decision to become a follower of Jesus Christ.
  • Over 165,000 completed a discipleship program after the event.

Best Part of the Trip

One of the team members was my fourteen-year-old son Caleb. I was proud of him because he raised most of the money to go on this mission trip by raking leaves and shoving snow in our neighborhood.

During the crusade, we asked the young people to help us pray for the sick during the healing prayer. My son, along with a group of eighth graders from his class prayed for a five-year-old boy who was born with club feet. As they prayed, my son started to cry.

Caleb came to me and said, “Dad, I am crying but I don’t know why I am crying. I never cry.”

I explained to him, “Son, God is allowing you to feel the emotion He feels when He sees hurting people. Jesus had compassion on people and He is giving you the same compassion for the boy you are praying for.” Caleb’s tenderness was an answer to prayer for my wife and I. We have been praying for our teenage boy to have a soft heart towards God and it was so good to see God touch his heart in such a profound way.

Do You Have Compassion for the Hurting?

Caleb’s experience reminds me that all of us need to have compassion for the lost and the hurting. I pray every day that God would fill my heart with compassion and today I pray that God would give you more compassion for others. Thank you for your heart to help those who are hurting!

Your Missionary Evangelist,

Dr. Daniel King

P.S. Can you help us with the cost of our next Gospel Crusade? Click here to give a donation. 


Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

Paul Daugherty | Victory Church Has a Heart for Missions

In this podcast episode, Evangelist Daniel King interviews Pastor Paul Daugherty from Victory Church. They discuss the importance of missions and reaching out to communities. Pastor Paul shares how Victory Church has a long history of being involved in missions and sending young people on mission trips. They talk about the impact these trips have on teenagers, as they are stretched to share the gospel and experience the needs of others. Pastor Paul also emphasizes the importance of starting small and mobilizing the resources and people available to reach out to the lost. He shares some of the outreach activities Victory Church does, such as passing out groceries, ministering at nursing homes, and hosting productions to reach the unchurched.

Join Victory Church for an online church service: https://victory.com/


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus. Today I have a very special guest with me, my pastor, pastor Paul Daugherty. Thank you for joining me on the Evangelism Podcast.

Pastor Paul Daugherty – Victory Church (00:12):
Yes, sir. Honored to be with you.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:13):
Now we are here in El Salvador. Yes, sir. Santa Anna. And tonight is the first night of a big gospel crusade and we are so honored that Victory is down here helping us and partner with us for this crusade. Thank you for being here.

Pastor Paul Daugherty – Victory Church (00:30):
Come on. It’s who we are. It’s what we’re excited about. And I’m sitting here with my hat on my T-shirt, shorts. It’s 96 degrees in El Salvador, back home in Tulsa. It’s probably 40 degrees, but we’re excited for tonight. We’ll be dressed up in our suits. We’ll be out there ministering to the people, and our team is excited. We got 138 teenagers. We brought from Tulsa from our church just to El Salvador. We have another almost a hundred plus that are out in other places. So altogether 253 teenagers, we brought from our church on missions to Greece, parts of Florida, and then big majority of them right here in El Salvador to partner with you and to be a part of Vista Evangelistic Outreach.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:15):
And we are so excited about what God has been doing through these young people from Victory Christian School from eighth grade all the way up to 11th grade is here with us. Yes sir. And my son Caleb, he’s in eighth grade at Victory. He’s been there ever since kindergarten, and he came on this trip and so he’s been out ministering in the schools, helping to deliver boxes of food to some poor people. I heard a testimony about him yesterday. He knocked on one door and gave them a box of food. It was his turn to pray for the family. And there was one woman, an older grandma in the house that wasn’t able to walk very well. And so my son, 14 years old, he said, can I pray for you? And he prayed for her and she lifted her crutch up in the air and started walking back and forth. And the team leaders were actually really excited and gave me the testimony. Then I asked him, he was like, yeah, she was healed.

Pastor Paul Daugherty – Victory Church (02:11):
Oh my goodness. How cool is it though, that you get to go on, you get to do your normal crusades because you do this all the time, every year you do multiple evangelistic crusades. But I think it’s cool that you get to be with your son, with his school teamed up with your evangelistic ministry and your church. Is this the first time that’s happened or has it happened before?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:32):
I think for seeing someone get healed when he prayed for them, this might be the first time. That’s

Pastor Paul Daugherty – Victory Church (02:38):

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:39):
I mean, we’ve always encouraged him to pray for the sick, but just it changes a young person’s life when they see God work through them. And Victory has actually had a long history of being involved in missions. My parents, Robert and Susan King, they graduated from Victory’s Mission School back in 1988, and they went to Mexico, come on and started hosting groups that came from Victory Christian Center in Juarez in Juarez, Mexico. I went, yeah, they hosted it for like 13 years in a row. I remember there used to be these big groups of young people that would come down. We’d take them running through the streets of Juarez. And Victory has always believed in missions and especially in sending young people out on these mission trips. Why is this so important to victory, to be so involved in missions?

Pastor Paul Daugherty – Victory Church (03:31):
Even as I’m looking at the teenagers right now around us, and if you’re listening to this podcast, you can’t see it, but we’re surrounded by teenagers that are all around the hotel area, and I love seeing their joy. I love seeing them come alive. They come on these trips and they forget about trying to look cool in front of their friends. They forget about all the drama back home that happens in middle school and high school, just boyfriends, girlfriends, even just academics. The focus is totally about sharing the gospel and something happens when they are stretched and pushed to go and pray for someone who’s sick, pass out food, share their testimony, lead someone to Christ. It challenges them to think beyond themselves in such a supernatural way. And they come alive. It’s like they wake up, their eyes are open to life being so much more fulfilling when they are a part of the Great commission. And our church has been doing this, like you said, my parents started Victory in 1981, Billy Joe and Sharon Darty and your parents were a part of one of those first years of missions training ministry that my parents began many years ago and we still do today. We

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:41):
Trained. It’s neat. There’s a second generation now and even a third generation. Third generation. Because you brought your son on this mission trip

Pastor Paul Daugherty – Victory Church (04:47):
Too. Yeah, my parents trained your parents who trained you, who’s trained your son, and now I’m training my kids. And it’s amazing to see the generational impact. The church has been around for 43 years. The school started the same year as the church. And when the school began, my dad said, Hey, we’re going to train students up, not just to know math and English and science, and not just to play sports, but also to go on mission trips. And so we have chapels every week at our school, but then we have mission strip opportunities and we really start sending kids on missions in sixth grade and all the way up to 12th grade every spring break. They’ve been doing that since the eighties, the nineties, the two thousands. And now here we are in the 2020s. And so I think over the last 40 years, we’ve probably sent, not exaggerating any numbers, we’ve probably sent 5,000 teenagers on spring break mission trips over the last 40 plus years.

And then from those 5,000 hundreds of thousands, if not millions, impacted by their obedience to share the gospel all over the world in countries like Greece and El Salvador, Republic, Haiti, Ireland, England, China, Singapore, and as teenagers go out, my life was changed. I went to Juarez in sixth grade and I worked with your parents, sharing the gospel, going with my grade. We had probably 50 kids from our class that went, and our lives were forever impacted because we got to share the hope of Jesus. We passed out beans and rice, we did dramas. And your parents showed us what it looks like to really give our lives to the people with the gospel that lived in Mexico. We went to a place, I’ll never forget, called Garbage City in Juarez, an area where all the people lived in garbage.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:38):
They would go through the garbage just to find food to

Pastor Paul Daugherty – Victory Church (06:40):
Eat, and they didn’t have shirts. A lot of these kids didn’t have shoes. They were running around in their underwear. And I remember just my heart broke and I was like, if this is the only reason I come on missions, it’s just to be reminded of how blessed I am to live where I live and to have a heart of gratitude and to break off any feelings of complaining or entitlement. I think that’s another big huge win for parents who send their kids on missions trips with victory is of course the kids are going to be stretched to share the gospel, the boldness of Jesus Christ. That’s a forever game changer. But the other part is their eyes are going to be open that 95% of the world lives on less than $2 a day, and so much of the world is impoverished. And when these American teenagers who have five pairs of shoes in their closet, they have have a good pillow, they have a good bed, air conditioning, a heater.

When they come to places where there is so much poverty and these kids don’t have a bed and they don’t have even a pair of shoes, it breaks their heart in a healthy way. And it reminds them the world is bigger than Oklahoma. The world’s bigger than America, and they need Jesus. And we need to live with generosity. We’re blessed to be a blessing. So I think there’s so many benefits of getting our teenagers on mission trips. I mean, it just is endless. And we’re now rotating our kids. We have five kids, a 10-year-old, 8-year-old, 5-year-old, 4-year-old, and a 2-year-old. And we’re rotating which one gets to go on missions each time I go out. So I’ve taken my oldest, I’ve taken my now 8-year-old, I’ve taken my 5-year-old, and eventually I’ll take our 4-year-old, 2-year-old as they get older. But it’s awesome getting to take them on missions.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:18):
Well, I’m so thankful for the heart that you have permissions and the heart that victory has had permissions for so many years, and I just want to personally say thank you because victory, when my parents went out as missionaries, victory started supporting them on a monthly basis and they helped to support them every single month for over 30 years. And in this day and age of so many churches, I think sometimes have lost the vision for missions. Victory is really special because you’ve kept this vision for missions, this vision for helping support missionaries. And so victory to this day continues to support missionaries all over the world. You’ve planted over 2000 Bible schools that are ongoing in different nations around the world and continuing to have impact. I mean, I remember I was in Ethiopia a couple of years ago and I was sitting and drinking coffee.

I heard someone talking about a Bible school and I talked to them and it was a victory Bible school that they had started after your father had visited Ethiopia in the middle of Ethiopia. And I just found him in the middle of nowhere, and I went and preached for them that day. It was really cool. That’s amazing. And so your father, pastor Billy Joe Dougherty was a great pastor, but he was also a great evangelist. Yes, sir. And he had a great heart for evangelism. I remember when I was 14 years old, I got to go to the Olympic Stadium in Russia at that time. He was doing a series of 18 months of crusades in Russia in St. Petersburg. And so when I was 14, I remember seeing thousands of people running to the altar call. And that had a big impact on my life, and it really gave me a vision to believe God, to bring people to Jesus. And to this day, that time that I saw the people rushing to the stadium in St. Petersburg, it makes me tear up when I think about it and say, oh God, do it again. Come on Jesus. I want to see people hungry for Jesus that come running up for altar calls.

Pastor Paul Daugherty – Victory Church (10:26):
Come on Jesus.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:27):
And so victory has, you have a great heart for evangelism, and it’s not just foreign missions, but you also have a great heart for reaching people in Tulsa. And so we have a lot of pastors that listen to this podcast. What would you say to encourage pastors who want to reach out to their communities and then reach out to the world?

Pastor Paul Daugherty – Victory Church (10:48):
Well, I think one, just the importance of doing one thing at a time, starting one day at a time with what you have. If you’re a pastor of 20 people in a rural town, and you may not have all the resources that a large church like victory might have, but you still have resources, you still have 20 people that could be mobilized to be evangelistic minded. And so mobilizing who you have and what you have to use for the gospel and for the advancement of bringing hope and compassion, people need Jesus. And so whether your town is a thousand people or 10,000 people or a hundred thousand people, there’s a percentage of those people that have not yet given their hearts to Christ and need hope. There’s a percentage of those people that are dealing with loneliness, depression, suicidal thoughts, addictions, and they’ve drifted from God.

And so how do we go after them? I think what I would encourage pastors with is be consumed with that lost sheep. Be thinking about that. Lost sheep. Of course, we want to disciple the 99. We want to give our hearts and lives to the people that are in the church and equip them, but we don’t want to forget about the people who aren’t here yet, the people who haven’t accepted Christ and the people who are not inside church yet. And so I would just encourage pastors, think about what you could do every week to mobilize your people to go and share the gospel telling them like, Hey, let’s use our social media. Let’s use our platforms on YouTube. Let’s use our voice at work. Let’s share the gospel. Let’s get some invite cards to our church. Let’s get some witnessing tracks, and then let’s pass out groceries for our church.

We’re always passing out groceries. We’re doing all types of different physical outreaches to our city, cleaning up parks, showing up and ministering at nursing homes, showing up to apartment complexes where there’s tons of boys and girls. And we will set up a sound system and we’ll just do a pop-up children’s church service, pass out candy, pass out, invite cards to church, and then pray with families. And through those outreaches, it brings in that lost sheep, that person who’s not yet right with God, not in church. A couple of big things we do every year is an Easter production and at Christmas production. And then we do some different carnivals that we do for our city. And we use these as tools to evangelize, to witness to people who are not really following Jesus, don’t know Jesus, haven’t given their hearts to Jesus, and whatever we can do to get them in the doors.

And so we’ve got a big one coming up next week for Easter, and I don’t know when this will be aired, but on the week of Easter this year, 2024, we’re going to be doing six really big half film, half live production like services with 300 cast members. And what we’ve said to people in our church is this isn’t for church people, this is for unchurched people. Now, if you’re a church person, come but come with somebody who’s not in church. Bring somebody with you. Invite your family members. If you don’t know anyone who doesn’t know Jesus, go find someone. Use your social media. Tell people to tune in online. And our goal is not to entertain Christians. Our goal is to reach the lost. So we try to tell the story of Jesus in a creative way. We use all kinds of dance and music and Broadway like production and then film these days.

So many people are reached through movies and through shows. That’s why I’m thankful for some of the great Christian movies and shows out there that are trying to tell the story of Jesus. And no one’s going to be able to do it perfect in the eyes of a religious person. And I think we have to let go of that. I think at the end of the day, we need to go. Are we talking about the cross? Are we talking about resurrection? Are we giving people a opportunity to accept Jesus in their heart and repent of their sins? If we’re doing that, then all the other stuff, the way it’s done, the music the day and all that stuff, we just need to not make a big deal out of. Because if we’re getting people saved, that’s what counts. And giving them really an invitation to know Jesus died for you.

Jesus rose from the grave for you. Jesus cares about you. And so our church does that. And last year we had probably a thousand people get saved in Tulsa through those outreaches. And then we had tens of thousands of people who weren’t in church who came back for the first time and attended a service. And whether they got saved or not, a seed was planted. And so that seed grows in the water and what Paul and Apollo say, but our prayer as a church is we’re going to do anything and everything to reach the lost and disciple the found to go and reach the lost.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:20):
Amen. Well, thank you so much for your heart for missions. We’re so grateful that you are here in El Salvador with us. Thank you for bringing over 130 teenagers down here. What a blessing they are. And it is really changed some of their lives. I was thinking about last night, there was a baptism service and some of the team members that came said, I want to rededicate my life, or I want to dedicate my life to Jesus. And right in the pool, right behind us over here, you started to baptize them. And so it is changing their lives forever. And they will remember that for many years to come. And I believe these teenagers will, some of them will become missionaries, some of them will be pastors evangel. They’ll have a heart for evangelism, they’ll support evangelists, they’ll support missions. And so it’s really significant what Victory Church is doing. So Pastor Paul, thank you so much. Appreciate you. Appreciate and thank you for being on The Evangelism Podcast.

Pastor Paul Daugherty – Victory Church (16:18):
Hey, thank you so much.


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The Pentecostal Movement in Sweden | Josef Maxson

Josef Maxson, a representative of the Pentecostal movement in Sweden, discusses the history and growth of the movement in the country. He explains that the Pentecostal movement began in Sweden in 1907 and spread through Baptist churches. The movement grew rapidly under the leadership of Lewi Pethrus, with over 55,000 members after 20 years. Currently, there are around 440 Pentecostal churches in Sweden with 18,700 members. Maxson also highlights the missionary legacy of the Pentecostal movement, with Sweden having sent out more missionaries per capita than any other country. He mentions the impact of Swedish missionaries in countries like Liberia and Bangladesh. Maxson emphasizes that missions are still a key focus for the Pentecostal movement in Sweden, especially among young people. He shares his personal experiences of witnessing the power of the Holy Spirit in missions and the inspiration it brings to his work. The interview concludes with a prayer in Swedish for a new move of the Holy Spirit in the Pentecostal churches of Sweden.

Learn more about the Pentecostal Movement in Sweden: https://www.pingst.se/english/


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King. I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. I have a very special guest with me, Josef Maxson from Sweden. Thank you for joining me today.

Josef Maxson (00:12):
Thank you. So nice to be in your podcast.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:15):
Well, we are here in Guinea, and we have been having a wonderful gospel campaign, and you came with one of the evangelists who’s here, and it’s been absolutely wonderful to get to know you. And you are actually working right now with the Pentecostal movement of Sweden. And so over the years, God has done really amazing things through the Pentecostal movement in Sweden. Let’s just start at the beginning. How did Pentecost come to Sweden?

Josef Maxson (00:54):
Yes, so I mean, the Pentecostal movement have been in Sweden since around 1907. So I mean, it started on Ausa Street and some years later it went first to Norway with a man called Barat. And in Norway it was a man called Ros. And he went there for a Bible school and to hear this Norwegian preacher preach about what’s happening over on Asa Street, and I mean the movement started to spread in the Scandinavian and mostly in the Baptist churches. So Lewi Pethrus, I mean, he gets to this teaching and he starts to preach it, and more and more people are listening to him and he starts ministering in a church in Stockholm, I think around this time also in the Baptist Church. And in this new Pentecostal movement, you don’t, meaning at that time you needed to be a member in the church. You took the holy communion.

And this was, I mean, they didn’t like this fault anymore. They wanted to, I mean, everybody could take the holy communion if you are a believer. So then this congregation that Levi Pets was pastoring, they decided to break up from the Baptist movement in Sweden, and they started their own church, so to say. And in that time, you can say the Pentecostal movement started in Sweden when they broke laws and they choose to be on their own. And then it continue in many different Baptist churches, but also people started new churches. So I think the first 10 years, it was around 50 churches that started that connected to the Pentecostal movements, so to say. And the founder in Sweden is Lewi Pethrus. So he was pastoring this church for nearly 50 years, and he was, the Pentecostal movement in Sweden shouldn’t exist without him. He was a real apostle and entrepreneur.

And his church grown a lot the coming year during the twenties and the thirties. And I mean, he was a road model for a lot of pastors. And what he said, they listened to him, so to say. And I think after 20 years there was over 55,000 members. And then they decided around between the wars like 1,930 to build a new church. And they built a church for, I think it was four, 4,000 attendance. And this was the biggest, not stadium, but city hall or church building, church building, or the biggest building to gather people in at that time in the northern part of Europe. So it was really big

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:49):
Building. They had big faith

Josef Maxson (04:53):
And I think it was the biggest for nearly 30 years or something.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:58):
So the Pentecostal movement has continued to grow and is now very mature. And you serve on the staff with the Pentecostal movement. What’s your position?

Josef Maxson (05:09):
So my position is head of communication. So I work with the marketing with the social media, our webpage, but also a lot connected to our events, leader events, pastors network, summer conference and youth conference, and different kind of campaigns during the year. We do a lot of advertisement around Christmas and during the Easter in the secular media to tell about Jesus and so on. So it’s a lot of different parts. We have a magazine coming out fourth time every year.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:54):
And so approximately how many churches and how many members would be considered Pentecostal now

Josef Maxson (06:03):
In the Pentecostal movement in Sweden, it’s around 440 churches right now, and the member is 18,700.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:14):
Wow. And so for a country the size of Sweden, that’s quite good.

Josef Maxson (06:20):
Yeah, it’s the biggest. In Sweden, we have had a church for over a thousand years, the state church, but the other churches called Free Church Free Churches. So this is the biggest dominations among the free churches, of course. I mean when it was as big as it was over 100,000 members, but it’s still the biggest dominations.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:47):
And so what is the spiritual atmosphere like in Sweden? As you mentioned, Christianity goes back a thousand years, but in that type of atmosphere, sometimes people’s love for Christ grow cold. And so what are the opportunities that the Pentecostal church sees and what are some of the challenges that you feel you’re facing right now?

Josef Maxson (07:12):
I mean, the Pentecostal movement was growing on until 1980s or something, and then this slowly started to getting down in numbers. But the last 10 years we have seen that the Baptist number have been going up, and we’ve seen a lot of new churches planting, I mean, to Sweden. We have a lot of refugee have been coming in the last 50 years, but especially the last 20 years. And they start new Pentecostal churches only in Stockholm, the capital. It had been started over a hundred new Pentecostal churches the last 10 years.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:57):
Wow. And do they come under the umbrella of the Pentecostal movement?

Josef Maxson (08:00):

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:01):
Of them or some of them stay independent.

Josef Maxson (08:02):
Some of them stay independent, and some of them come into the umbrella. And we are working quite hard to get them in. I mean, some of them don’t know for many years that it exists a Pentecostal movement or domination to be part of. So we work to them to get them in, and we see a lot of growth during that process.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:28):
Let’s talk about the missionary legacy of the Pentecostal movement, because I’ve been all over the world and I have seen the impact that missionaries from Sweden have had in different parts of the world. And so this last week I was in Foya, Liberia, right across the border from where we are. And there is a hospital, a school, a beautiful church building and a radio station and some other buildings that were built by Swedish Pentecostal missionaries that came back in the late 1940s, early 1950s and stayed there all the way up until the war. The big war happened in Liberia. And it is just amazing. The Pentecostal legacy continues today we’re working with my friend Billy Bimba, and his father was led to Jesus by one of the Swedish Pentecostal missionaries and pastored there for many years. And now his children and his grandchildren continued to minister in Liberia. And I’ve seen that in different places. I was just not too long ago in Bangladesh. And there’s a church there that has been supported by the Pentecostal movement, and it’s growing by leaps and bounds in a very unreached area. What are some of the other stories of impact that the Pentecostal Church of Sweden has had through the missionaries you’ve sent out?

Josef Maxson (10:01):
I mean before or when many of the churches started in the early 19 hundreds, before you built a church building, you send out missionaries or before you had your own pastor, you send out missionaries. So it’s really in the Pentecostal congregation in Sweden’s DNA to send out missionaries. And I mean, the impact is enormous. It’s hundreds of millions of Christians who have been coming through Swedish missionaries. And I

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:39):
Heard that at one time per capita, Sweden sent out more missionaries than any other country on earth.

Josef Maxson (10:45):
Yeah, that’s true. So I mean, I think we had started churches, the Pentecostal movement in Sweden has started churches in over a hundred countries all over the world. And I mean, most of them we have good relationships with today. And even if the work has been changed a bit, we still do a lot of work through our humanitarian organization. And we have a mission organization works with the media like radio and tv, and also a lot of congregation, they have their own relationships with different congregations and dominations and countries. And so to say, so I mean, a lot is in the history, but we still works a lot around the globe

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:37):
Today. And would you say that missions is still part of something that the churches want to support and want to be a part of?

Josef Maxson (11:44):
Yeah, I should say that’s one of the keytones in the Pentecostal movement. It have been, and it’s in the future also, but of course I should say it have been the last 30 years. They have been going down a little bit. But the last 10 years, it’s growing quite a lot. And especially among the young people, they got new burning heart for missions in all different ways and to build relationships, and you want to reach out with the gospel. I mean,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:17):
Let’s talk about your burning heart for missions because you’re from the Pentecostal movement of Sweden, but this week you are here in Giga, do Guinea. And this morning, of course, we were at the fire conference with all the leaders from the city, and we were preaching on the Holy Spirit, laid hands on them. Many of them spoke in tongues for the first time. Many of them were filled with the Holy Spirit. Several even had demon manifestations that demons came out and the bad spirits came out, and then the Holy Spirit came in. And so it is really beautiful to see, but what is it that drives you as a young Swedish Pentecostal to go out on the mission field?

Josef Maxson (13:01):
I mean, the experience for myself is one important part of it to learn, to get a sense of the history of mission send out from Sweden, but also to see, I mean, unreached people getting to know Christ today. I mean, I’m growing up in a old church where you tell a lot of stories how it was back as many years ago. Sure, yeah. But it’s so interesting to go out now

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:37):
You have a fresh story just from this morning a few hours ago.

Josef Maxson (13:40):
Exactly. Exactly.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:42):
And even last night, we saw miracles. You were taking pictures of the people that were healed. There was one deaf woman and her ear was opened. One woman who was blind in one eye, her eye was open and you were taking pictures of them. And so now you have fresh stories that Jesus is still working today.

Josef Maxson (13:58):
And my normal work is a lot about how do we do missions in Sweden and to sometimes every year go out and to learn and to see how other do and what’s happened around the world. It’s getting me very inspiring. And to see that unreached people get to know Christ, even today, it gives a lot of hope when you work with Swedish teenager. And also to see how we can learn from different cultures and so on. And also to go out to meet people who have been infected about them. The earlier missionaries from Sweden, I mean, I went to Bible school in China, and we was out on the countryside, and then a man come in front of us, me and my friend who was there, and he thanked us, and he was crying like, thank you that you bring the gospel to me and my family over a hundred years ago.

And I mean the missionary who sent to China, I mean, this was in the late 18 hundreds. This was one way ticket to go to China from Sweden. You packed everything. You leave everything behind because you had some burning heart to tell the gospel. And I mean, to hear that and to understand that and to see that with my eyes, it’s getting me a lot of inspiring to continue my work. And then how can I both be helping in the mission doing around the world, but also how can we do a better work in Sweden? And I mean, it’s the next generation growing up. They have a hunger for something. In many years, it was hard to preach the gospel in Sweden because a lot of the youth said, I don’t want to hear. I don’t believe in God. I’m an ageist. But today you belong or belong for something and you want to hear and you want to experience spiritually chi and so on. That’s quite interesting to see what’s happening in the coming years. Yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (16:13):
Amen. Well, I believe that every Pentecostal church is always praying for revival. And so let’s finish the interview today by praying together that God would pour out his spirit upon the Pentecostal churches of Sweden. That new fire would come, that new growth would come, and a new heart and passion for missions would come. And so can you finish? But instead of praying in English, can you pray in Swedish, pray for the Swedish Pentecostal Church to experience a new move of the Holy Spirit in this modern time?

Josef Maxson (16:47):
Absolutely. Absolutely. Yes…

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (17:24):
Amen. Well, thank you Joseph for being on the Evangelism Podcast.

Josef Maxson (17:29):
Thank you. Thanks Having me.

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Humanitarian Outreach in Burkina Faso | Samuel Ouedraogo

Samuel Ouedraogo, a pastor from Burkina Faso, discusses his background and the work he is doing in his country. He explains that his father, also a pastor, raised him to serve those in need, and he now leads a social work organization called Word of Hope. The organization focuses on healthcare, education, and farming, with the goal of helping people have a relationship with Jesus Christ. Ouedraogo shares testimonies of lives impacted by their work and discusses the challenges of reaching people in a country with a large Muslim population and ongoing terrorist attacks. He invites listeners to get involved in helping to reach West Africa for Jesus.

Learn More About the Ministry of Sameul Ouedraogo: https://www.paroledespoir.org/


Evangelist Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus. Today I have a very special friend with me, Samuel Ouedraogo from Burkina Faso. Thank you for being on the Evangelism Podcast.

Samuel Ouedraogo (00:12):
Thank you for having me,

Evangelist Coach Daniel King (00:13):
Brother Samuel, you are from the nation of Burkina Faso. That’s right. And you are reaching many people in the nation of Burkina Faso. Tell me a little bit about your background and how God brought you to the point where you are now.

Samuel Ouedraogo (00:30):
So thank you, Dr. King for having me here. It’s a joy for me to do this broadcasting with you. So my name is Samuel Ouedraogo and I am from Burkin Faso and I live in a capital called Ouagadougou. So background, I was born in a Christian family. My dad is a pastor, but he has a unique childhood. So while he was a child, my grandfather passed away and at that time he was in the primary school. So a few days later, the death of my grandfather, they chase him out from school. So he didn’t get any chance of finishing his primary school. So during those difficult time, the Lord called him into the ministry. So he raised us up with some tools into serving the needed one because he was one of them. So that’s how we grew up as a

Evangelist Coach Daniel King (01:37):
Family. Your father pastors a church in Burkina Faso, and it’s an Assembly of God church. And he has influence in the Assemblies of God throughout all of West Africa here. And so what do you see God doing during this time in Burkina Faso?

Samuel Ouedraogo (01:54):
So the Lord hasn’t done with Burkina Faso and he is doing great things. It’s true that my country is going through difficult time because we are under terrorist attack. So the current president usually say that we are at war against the terrorist, but that doesn’t stop us preaching the word of God. So in my country right now, we have three different ways of showing the love of Christ, of preaching the word of God. The first one is door to door evangelism. The second is crusades in those cities where there is not some issues. And the third one is through social work. And this is what we’re doing. So we have, of course, my dad is a pastor of the Assembly of God, and while he was pastoring the Lord gave him the vision of studying a social work called Para Depo. And within Para Depo, we are able to reach thousands of children, thousand of people for the Kingdom of God.

Evangelist Coach Daniel King (03:03):
And so you are helping to lead this social work and you work in several different areas. Tell me about the work that you do.

Samuel Ouedraogo (03:14):
Yeah, so after my studies in the United States, while I was there, I wanted to finish quick my studies so I can go back and help my dad with the ministry because he was very busy with the Assembly of God because at that time he was the superintendent of the Assembly of God, of Burkina Faso and the President of the West African Assembly of God and the Vice President of the entire continent of the Assembly of God. So when I finished my studies, I went back home. So the three areas we

Evangelist Coach Daniel King (03:45):
Work. Now, your studies, you were at Oral Roberts University.

Samuel Ouedraogo (03:48):
Of course, I went to Oral Roberts University.

Evangelist Coach Daniel King (03:50):
That’s the same university that I’m a graduate of. That’s, and so you came and got your learning and kept your burning as we like to say at ORU. But what were some of the things you learned during your time at ORU?

Samuel Ouedraogo (04:04):
Oh, I learned so many things. I did like Chapelle, it has brought to my spiritual life to a certain level. And also I took one class called Spirit and Empower Living, and the teacher was President Billy Wilson. And I have learned a lot about the Holy Spirit, which has helped me grow my intimacy with the Lord and also having friends, Christian friends around me. It has also helped me have a solid foundation.

Evangelist Coach Daniel King (04:45):
So you went to ORU, then you came back to Kinno Faso, and you started working in the area of social work. Yes. And there’s several different areas that you’re working in. Tell me about those different areas of social work.

Samuel Ouedraogo (05:03):
Our ministry is called Word of Hope in English. And within Word of Hope, we have three different areas. So the first one is healthcare. When it comes to the healthcare, we have a big hospital in the city in the capital of Ouagadougou where we have about 100,000 a year. So the vision over there is to provide medical healthcare to the community while showing the love of Christ to the community. And within the medical center, we have a chaplain every day from 7:00 AM to seven 15, we start the day with a little of devotion and we pray for the patient. So everybody gather the doctors, the patients, and then we pray. And after that, the chaplain will go to the hospitalization rooms and pray for the patient. So we have a lot of testimonies about people who have been healed through the prayers. So that’s what we do.

Evangelist Coach Daniel King (06:00):
That’s very interesting coming from Oral Roberts University, that you have that paradigm of ministry because Oral Roberts was one of the first to teach the theology that prayer in medicine should be combined. That we believe in medicine, that all healing comes from God. And God can use doctors, God can use medicine to heal people. But along with medicine, we also bring the healing power of God. And when you combine the power of medicine with the power of prayer to together, it brings healing to people. And so I think this is a very appropriate ministry for a graduate of or university to lead, to go into the hospitals, to pray for people to show the love of Christ. Yes. Okay. What’s the second?

Samuel Ouedraogo (06:45):
So the second is education. So at the education level, we have a primary school, high school and college. So at the primary school and high school, the vision is to make leaders who have the fear of God into their heart for the entire continent of Africa. So we recruit unfortunate kids, orphans kids, displaced children, all over high country. And we take them to our boarding school in where we feed them three times a day. We educate them the word of God, and we also teach them general education. So from age of six, seven years old, by the time they leave, they have a high school degree in their hand ready to go to college.

And at the university level, the college level, the vision of the funder is to give the opportunity of those surrounding countries, Muslim countries, to have a place to pursue their university education within Wago. So that’s what we do when it come to the education level. And then we have farming and agriculture. But before I talk to that, I come to the farming and education. We also have a vocational training center where we teach young girls who don’t want to pursue their general studies. We give them the opportunity to be trained into sewing, hairdressing, and also cooking. And so we train them and then we send them back to their areas so they can be helpful. And while the kids are in the compound with us at the boarding school, we also teach them how to raise pigs, how to raise cows, how to feed them, how to milk the cows, and also how to do gardening. So we teach them how to do vegetables so that when they go back, they can be helpful to their communities.

Evangelist Coach Daniel King (08:49):
And so you are working in the hospitals, you’re working in education, and then you’re working in farming and training people in how to raise different kinds of food. And ultimately your goal is to help people to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. And so what do you feel are ways to reach out to people in Burkin Faso? There’s a lot of challenges. Like you mentioned, there have been recent terrorist attacks in Burkin Faso. And so because of that, there’s potential danger. But in the midst of great darkness, Jesus still shines bright. So tell me a little bit, how does Jesus shine in the hearts of people? You have some testimonies of people’s lives who have been impacted.

Samuel Ouedraogo (09:42):
Yeah. Burkina Faso is a country I that I love, and it’s a special country. So as you mentioned, in the midst of darkness, we should shine because we represent Christ in the nation of Burkina Faso. Right now, we have approximately 1 million of people displaced families. So reaching those people through social work will be a good way of sharing the love of Christ and making them disciples because we have those displaced camps that we can go to and help those people don’t lose hope and let them know that Christ can be their helper and that he hasn’t done with them. And also, Burkina Faso is a Muslim country in the sense that more than half of the population is Muslim. So one of the strategy we have is door-to-door evangelism. We will go sometimes to a neighborhood and just knock the door and tell them we are here to shed the word of God.

If they accept, we’ll, shed the word of God. If they don’t, we ask them if they have any sick person in the house, we will pray for them. If they allow us, we pray and we leave. If they don’t, we close the door and we move to the next door. And we have major cities in Castle where crusades, high skilled crusades can be done, where we can have thousands of people gathering of people to share the word of God. So this can be a way of reaching more people in those measure cities. And as you said, we have testimonies. So the founder of Word of Hope has been putting pressure on me to recruit displaced children. And when those kids comes to the compound at the boarding school, they’re terrorized. When they hear a noise, they get panicked. So the work we have been doing is to a lot of prayer counseling and letting them know that this is a safe community. So at the end of the day, we’ll see that they have their confidence back, and that even becoming prayer warriors, praying for their parents, and also doing good at school. So we have a lot of testimonies.

Evangelist Coach Daniel King (12:19):
Wow. So as people are listening and maybe they have a heart to help per Keno Faso, maybe they want to help with your hospital ministry or some of the education or social work that you’re doing, what is a good website where they can find out information about you and maybe even get involved, pray for you, even give some funds to help out the people of Burkina Faso?

Samuel Ouedraogo (12:43):
Yeah, we would love to have some help. We would love to have people, Tim, come to Kin AFA and to help us reach the unreached and make disciples for the Lord. So a good website to get to know us will be www do ppo, P-A-R-O-L-E-D-E-R-P-O-I-R mean.org.

Evangelist Coach Daniel King (13:15):
Here. Spell that again.

Samuel Ouedraogo (13:16):
So www.paroledespoir.org. And I also have my email address that you can send me an email, which is O ns dot s@gmail.com.

Evangelist Coach Daniel King (13:44):
Wonderful. And so I encourage you, if God puts it on your heart to be a part of the ministry in Burkina Faso, I encourage you to reach out, be a part, and get involved in what God is doing in this nation. It’s landlocked in the middle of Africa, really, the heart of West Africa. That’s

Samuel Ouedraogo (14:02):

Evangelist Coach Daniel King (14:02):
But I believe that God is doing great things in Kinno

Samuel Ouedraogo (14:06):
Faa. Yes, yes, yes. So we are looking forward to having Dr. King with a team to help us reach the unreached.

Evangelist Coach Daniel King (14:14):
Yeah. Thank you so much for being on the Evangelism Podcast.


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Missionary from Ghana to Guinea | James Obeng

Daniel King interviews missionary James Obeng from Ghana, who is currently serving in Guinea. James shares how he became a missionary after receiving a prophecy about serving in a French-speaking country. Despite not knowing French, he learned the language and started doing evangelism and ministry work. James faced challenges in communicating with the locals but found ways to overcome them, such as using translation tools and working with a young boy who could translate for him. He also established a church in Guinea.  James credits his spiritual father, Evangelist Dag Heward-Mills, for inspiring him in his missionary and evangelistic endeavors. He learned from Dag Heward-Mills’ teachings about patience and perseverance in ministry. James also shares how he supports his ministry through various entrepreneurial activities, such as selling perfumes, farming, and baking bread. Additionally, he talks about his journey to finding a wife and how God led him to a Guinean woman named Fatima. Despite initial resistance, James followed God’s leading and proposed to her. The episode concludes with Daniel expressing his admiration for James’ faith and the impact he believes James will make as a missionary.



Evangelism Coach Daniel King  (00:00):

Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus. Today I have a very special guest, James Obeng. Yes. Did I say that right? Correct. From the nation of Ghana. Exactly. And we are actually in Guinea right now. And you have come from Ghana to Guinea as a missionary, and it’s a big mission field. I mean, Ghana, you go from an English speaking country to a French speaking country. Exactly. From a country that is majority Christian, to a country that is majority Muslim. Muslim, yes. And very different culture here. Yes. And so how did you become a missionary?

Missionary James Obeng  (00:46):

Wow, thank you. First of all, I became a missionary. By one day I was in school. That was when I completed junior high school. In the year 2006. We were youth and we used to go for prayers. So one day we went for prayer and the leader who was leading, he was a prophet and he gave me a prophecy that he sees me in a French speaking country. By then, I received the prophecy bets. I didn’t take it.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King  (01:21):

And at that time you didn’t speak any French?

Missionary James Obeng  (01:23):

I didn’t speak throughout my life. I didn’t go to any French school. So by then I never knew any French. And even when I got here, it was in Guinea here, I started learning French by the grace of God. Wow. So when I received the prophecy, it kept on three times. So we finished secondary by the grace of God. And when I finished secondary, I used to move in the church. I was by the grace of, I was the leader for the youth. So I did the little that I could in the church. And when I completed the secondary school, I got the chance to go to university. So in university too, we used to go to every Christmas we used to go to the villages to go and preach and stay there whilst our parents would be calling us, oh, come home, let us celebrate the Christmas together.


But we stayed in the villages and we used to win soul for Christ. So from there I was a member of Church of Pentecost. Since my childhood, that was where my mother sent me. So I grew up in the Church of Pentecost by James McKeon. So when I completed university and I came to the capital city, that’s Accra. I didn’t know which church to attend the area where I was staying. There were a lot of churches there. So I prayed to God one morning that, oh God, I want to go to church, but I don’t know where to attend. Lead me to where you want me to be. And lo and behold, I attended one of evangelist Dag Heward-Mills church, which is Morning Star Cathedral headed by Bishop Ka Bidden. So when I entered the first day, they had a meeting after church service to teach people how to go out and win souls and how to do something for God.


And it was something that always motivated me to do something for the Lord. So after the meeting the following week, I went back to the church and prophet called out for people who have completed university and who feel that there’s the call of God upon their lives. And I was someone who used to be shy. Anytime I see crowd, I didn’t want to push or go there. But I don’t know what happened. I found myself in front of the church and we were about 30 something people, if I 30 something people who went forward. And among all these people, prophet asked me whether I’m interested to come and work at the church as a receptionist. And I said, Hey. And we just finished university and we were posted to different places to go and do our national service. And it wasn’t possible. There were, it wasn’t possible to get transfer from where you were posted to come back to Accra, the capacity to come and do the service.


So when he told me, I said, oh, this one is very difficult. And he said, well, pray about it and start doing something because I felt that I want you to work with us here. So when I went back to the my station, I went to see the director for the health service, and the director to lo and behold, was a member of this same church, Morningstar. So went after explaining everything to her, she said, okay, if that’s the case, I’ll help you with a letter for release. And with that letter go to the National Service Headquarters and present that letter to them and they will see what they can do and by the great. So when I went there, everything went on smoothly and I was transferred from the town where I was doing my service back to Accra. So a month later, prophet told me that I should prepare.


I’ll be going for missions. And I said, if missions I love do evangelism, and when I see people coming to Christ, there’s this joy that comes to my heart. And Bishop Dag Heward-Mills has been some, anytime I see his crusade, the way people are crying, lifting up their hands, coming to Christ, there’s this burning, I don’t know how to explain it in ways, but I feel this desire and this hunger to also win. So for the Lord. So when he asked me to prepare, I said, okay, I will. So I started praying six months later, he said, it’s time. But initially he didn’t tell me the place where I’ll be going. He said, James, prepare. I think you’ll have to go to Guinea. I said, Guinea, I never knew the language that Guinea speaks, whether it’s a French or so. I went online and I checked, I said it French, and I’m someone who likes French. I’ve never studied French in my life. And that’s

Evangelism Coach Daniel King  (05:53):

What the prophecy came earlier, that you would go to a

Missionary James Obeng  (05:55):

French nation. Exactly. And it was exactly 10 years. When the professor came in the year 2006, and I completed university in the year 2017, and it was in 2017 that the professor started manifesting the grace of God. When he told me that, I started remembering, I say, oh, if that’s the case, I was afraid initially I say, I don’t have any French background, so how am I going to do this machine work? But I believed in that prophecy and I kept it in my heart and I wrote it in my diary. So I remember the prophecy and I said, oh God, if you are the one me working here, because the church had over 5,000 Sundays, over 5,000 people go to the church. So out of this 5,000, I was new. I was new in the church. The prophet didn’t know. My parents didn’t know me from anywhere, and he called me to work at the reception.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King  (06:52):

So how long have you been here in Guinea now?

Missionary James Obeng  (06:55):

I’ve been here for five years now by the grace of God.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King  (06:58):

And what were some of the challenges that you faced initially, and what have you seen God do while you’ve been here?

Missionary James Obeng  (07:06):

Initially when I came because of the French barrier, I had my phone. So when I want to talk to people, I pick up my phone, I go to translate Google, I’ll see the thing, the words in English, and the Google will translate it into French. Then I couldn’t read the French, so I gave it to the people around those who can read. Or sometimes I click on it, then the audio will play. So there was a name they called me, the pastor who uses his food to translate. That was in Wow. And it was a little challenging for me to communicate with people, but lo and behold, I got this. God brought this young guy who was 11 years old, he used to attend English school. So the mother went to see the mother through evangelism, and the mother said, oh, I can take the boy.


So wherever I used to go to the evangelism, I was with this boy, this boy will translate it in their local dilate. That was gey. So he was the one I used to move with and go told me that whatever he wants me to do, I should continue to do. I shouldn’t look at the barrier, which is the language. That’s the reason why the boy and everything, the thing is I have to have the desire and I have to do what he asked me to do. And through that, by the grace, I started picking it, picking it small, small. And there was this thing to that helped me. My senior pastor, who is Reverend Wanda, asked me to do something, not just come in without working on anything. So I brought some things from Ghana, and when I go out, I used to force to speak the French, communicate with them in the French language. So that was what helped me initially to start forcing with the French language, one by one, one by one, and also with the aid of the Google translator. So that’s where I started picking the French.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King  (08:51):

And so now you’ve established a church here? Yes. You planted a church? Yes. About how many people would come on a typical Sunday morning?

Missionary James Obeng  (09:01):

By the grace of God, our largest attendant has been 96.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King  (09:06):


Missionary James Obeng  (09:07):

We had a program called SW Sunday. It’s a program that my spiritual father, Bishop Dag Heward-Mills has been organizing, and we followed one day. So all the members, we told them, I try and invite someone to church because I realized that most of the people come with the mindsets of coming to receive their healing, the miracles and breakthrough. And after that, they go back to the world. Initially, that was the challenge that I encountered. Here, we’ll go out after preaching. Oh, God has been healing a lot of people. So when they heard that, oh, God is healing people in this church, they will come.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King  (09:46):


Missionary James Obeng  (09:48):

A day on that

Evangelism Coach Daniel King  (09:49):

Sunday, you’ve seen lots of miracles.

Missionary James Obeng  (09:50):

Exactly. So when they receive the miracles and they go home, and by the grace of God has been healing, a lot of people, God has been so after that, they refuse to come back to church. When you encounter, oh, I came to receive my healing, or I came to receive a miracle. So I’m a Catholic, I’m a Protestant, so I’ve gone back to my church. Meanwhile, they’ll be in the house, not going to church. So that was the challenge. And also for now, we are in our forties by the grace of God, and there’s a challenge here. Most of the people, those who are committed, they try to move from this city, go to a different place, look for money. They have a mining place called Sigrid, and also manna. So the youth who used to help committed a time will come and they be moving. So those are, the attendance have been fluctuating that by the grace of God for now we are in our forties.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King  (10:45):

So let’s talk about your spiritual father, Dag Heward-Mills. Exactly. He is an evangelist. He’s a great evangelist from Africa, from the country of Ghana, and he’s very well known all over Africa. He’s been having huge meetings, just as big a meetings as any American evangelist who would come. And people in Africa love Bishop Dag Heward-Mills. And so tell me some of what you have learned being under his ministry about being a missionary, about being an evangelist.

Missionary James Obeng  (11:20):

Okay, thank you. Evangelist Dag Heward-Mills has been someone who has been inspiring me a lot. I came into contact with the evangelist. That was in the year 2011. One of my colleagues in secondary school came to visit, and when he came, I was in the process praying and studying, and he told me that there is one man of God called evangelist that you were nurse. And he was in a university by then. I was in my first year in the university. And he said, oh, I would like to share some of his messages and his books with you. And I said, okay. So he shared some of his audios, preaches, and some books with me. And the message that touched me a lot was a message title, the word of my patience. And the evangelist thought on how God called people and how he, after speaking or giving them the prophecy, how it takes the duration, the way for us, it seems that it has delayed.


So the long time it takes before the prophecy come to pass. So I listened to how he spoke about Abraham and the promise God gave to Abraham. He said, you are the father of all nations, many nations. And it took 25 years for this promise to come to pass. He spoke about Jacob when Jacob was leaving his father’s house, when he had an issue with his brother and was going to his uncle. And the way it took long time over 20 years before he saw the prophecies and the promise of Welcom coming to pass, he spoke about David, how God told David that I have anointed you to be a king, and still he has to fight with soul. So the challenges that they went through. And he said, when God calls you, you have to be patient, to be frank. I dunno how to explain, but this message touched me.


And I used to always listen to that message. When I’m going wherever I’m going, I used to have a e piece and I had a Nokia phone, so the Nokia phone will be in my pocket when I’m sleeping, I listen to that message and it has been a message that I cannot forget. And I always encourage those that I meet. And by the grace of God, I’m trained that anytime God speaks to you or you receive a prophecy, be patient with God, do not rush. When you rush, you’ll be making a mistake and always believe in the way that God has spoken over your life. And also, I saw some of his crusades. It was my first time swinging some of his crusades. I used to see the crusades of evangelists, Han Bonky and bein and other men who got bes. It was my first time I saw the crusade by evangelist dark gold mills and how people were crying the way he has the zeal, the hunger.


He said he, no matter nowhere is far for the gospel to reach. So that because of that, no matter what it takes, he try to sacrifice, make sure the gospel go. And also he wants all the villages. He said, the men of God go to the big, big cities, but there are towns and villages where people cannot afford to go or to hear the gospel. So no matter where you are, the gospel must reach you. And it was, we have to go to those places, we have to go to them. He said, those people, every town and village, every town and villages, we have to be there. And they said, Jesus went to the towns and villages so we don’t have to be in the towns only, but in the villages to reach the poor. Because he came to preach the gospel to the needy and the needy people, most of them are the poor people. So as we preach to them and they come to Christ, there’s this joy. I watch one video and I realized how they were Muslims and how it was in Covo, how the people were crying, weeping, and in fact, I couldn’t stand. I also started crying and I said, God, give me this grace. I want to reach out no matter where they are, to go and preach to them. And that’s how I started.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King  (15:31):

It takes great faith to be a missionary. Yes. Did anyone support you when you were starting to be a missionary? Were there churches or individuals that helped to support you? How do you support your ministry? At least in the beginning?

Missionary James Obeng  (15:47):

Okay. When I came initially, it was a bishop, Bishop, prophet Rabin. He’s the bishop for the address of Kadesh Kosh. So he used to send us support and other thing. But when I came, he told us that to be a missionary and to survive, you must try and do something on your own.


So whatever you can do, try and do it on your own to survive. And that’s something that the evangelist has been encouraging us with. That wherever you go, do not put it at the back of your mind that, oh, people have to support me. And when it happens that you try and rely on the people instead of putting your faith in God in order. God is the one who has sent you there. So whatever that we can do. And he used the way he said Abraham was a missionary. Abraham moved to different nations, and as he went, he was working to survive.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King  (16:48):

And so what have you done to work to survive?

Missionary James Obeng  (16:51):

Okay, thank you. I used to, initially I was selling perfumes and other things from Ghana. I realized that Guinea loves things from Ghana. So I started with perfumes and some mosquito repellent cream, some clothes, long sleeves. So I used to sell them in farm. And when I came here to, I realized it was not working here. So I started by farming. And also I started, what’s the name? Baking bread, doing some juice. Wow. So for now

Evangelism Coach Daniel King  (17:25):

It And are you still doing that now?

Missionary James Obeng  (17:26):

Yeah, the bread. I still doing the bread that

Evangelism Coach Daniel King  (17:29):

Wow. Yes. Now God has given you a great blessing while you’ve been here. Yes. You met a girl and you asked her to marry you. And so now God has brought you together and she’s beside you. Tell me, what is her name?

Missionary James Obeng  (17:46):

Her name is Fatima ob.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King  (17:49):

Okay. And she’s a beautiful young lady. Yes. And tell me about how you met her and how you asked her to marry you. Okay.

Missionary James Obeng  (17:59):

When I was coming, initially I was single. So it was in 2020, I went back to Ghana and my senior pastor James, it’s not good for you to be single on a mission field. And I was someone who was afraid to propose to a lady why? I didn’t want to give my word a promise and fill the person. So it was very challenging for me to propose to a lady. So when they told me, I said, okay, I’ll pray about it. And there was this lady when I was in Ghana, she used to come and help me at the reception. When I’m busy, I’ll ask her to sit at the reception and help me. So when I came, when I went back to Ghana, I proposed to her and she had said, I said, let’s pray to go so that the will of God will come to pass. So when I came back in 2020 and we were still doing courtship and doing marry school, but it got to a time, I realized the lady was afraid deep in her heart, he was afraid to come for missions because she used to hear about,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King  (19:02):

This was a girl from Ghana?

Missionary James Obeng  (19:03):

Yes. This was a girl from Ghana. And she used to hear about how missionaries suffer the way their wives still suffer, the challenges. And sometimes when I’m

Evangelism Coach Daniel King  (19:12):

Talking, and she didn’t want to suffer,

Missionary James Obeng  (19:14):

She didn’t want to suffer. Sometimes when I’m talking with her and I tell her about the challenges that I’m going through, she becomes discouraged in terms of finances and other things. So when it happened, I told our bishop that, oh, to be frank, the lady is trying to pull back. And she said, okay, if that’s the case, we should separate. And when we separated, to be frank, it was very difficult for me because I wanted to get married. And also I realized being a missionary and single wasn’t easy. So I prayed to God and my mind was always in Ghana that I wanted to get a Ghanaian woman. My senior pastor in Zel, Corey told me that, James, I think you have to get a woman here. I said, rev, no Guinea. I don’t want marry in Guinea. Our bishop in Corner Creek also mentioned, I said, my mind was fixed and I wanted a Ghanaian woman.


So one day our bishop came to Guinea for mission to come and visit us. And when he came, he called me one day and he said, James, do you mind marrying a Guinean woman? I said, Bishop, as a Guinean, it has been a fight. I don’t want to marry here. I want to marry from Ghana. He said, well, you have to pray about it. So as I was praying, it’s like God made me go blind the same way I dam slipped. My mind was fixed. And I realized that was my challenge. My mind was fixed to marry a Ghanaian woman. So one day I prayed a certain prayer. There was this friend of mine who asked me. He said, God told him to inform that I should first and pray for three days, drive first. And then it was my first time and my prayer was, father, let your will be done in my life and everything that I do.


And after that prayers, three days later, a bishop called me and told me about this marriage stuff. And I said, oh God, I don’t want to marry from Guinea, but if it’s your world, that job will be done. I want to hear your word, and I want a word from, because I don’t want to make a mistake. I’ve had challenges of marriages because of that, I have trusted you and I have put my faith in you that I don’t want to make a mistake. So one day I was praying and I received a from God. And I said, okay. I wrote a Rima, what both told me concerning my marriage, concerning this lady. I receive an assurance. And there was these friends that I pray with, Rima, took him from their prophecy, came from them, James, you’re going to get married, but you have to be flexible.


I said, Hey, flexible. Okay. So one day I had a dream. After that four days, the fourth day I had a dream and I realized that’s my bishop who came from Ghana, one of my spiritual fellow. He gave me a gift. And that gift, I didn’t see the gift, but I was very excited. And I went back to him. I said, oh, Bishop, thank you very much for this gift. To be frank, I’m blessed. This gift has transformed my life. So after that, in the morning when I woke up and I was praying, I received within my heart, the gift that you need is the suggestion that the bishop has given you, has given you, if you will take it, it’ll become a blessing. That’s the marriage. So I said, wow, three. The first one was the assurance from me. The second one was from the prophet that I pray with, and the third one was the dream. And I said, okay, if that’s the case, father later will be done. I don’t want to fix or be rigid and refuse to flow with you, that here will be done. So that was where I got in touch with the lady. We started chatting and I realized that the chemicals, the connections started,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King  (22:50):

The chemistry was good. The

Missionary James Obeng  (22:51):

Chemistry. The chemistry was good. So I took a risk and I went to Corner Creek to go and visit her. And it was my longest journey ever in my life, moving from here to Corner Creek. And the car goes forward on the road, and I said, this risk that I’m taking to go and see a woman, that the prophecy came back, that oh, become and be patient. And when I go there, to be frank, I was very excited to meet her. I felt this peace and this joy and meeting this lady, I chatted with her. And that was where I proposed Wow, the grace of God.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King  (23:30):

And so God brought you together. And I believe that God’s hand is on the two of you together. Exactly. And you’re going to make a big impact. I’m so impressed with your faith coming as a missionary and what God is doing through you. And I think God has many more amazing miracles to do in your life. Amen, brother James, thank you for being on the Evangelism Podcast. I appreciate it. Thank you

Missionary James Obeng  (23:55):

Very much. I’m so honored to be here and to be with you. God bless you so much. Bless you. Amen.


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