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Monthly Archives: July 2024

Chance Walters | Best Chance to Receive Christ

Evangelist Chance Walters joins Daniel King on the Evangelism Podcast to discuss his passion for sharing the gospel. Walters shares that his passion for evangelism came from his own salvation experience and serving with Teen Challenge. He has been involved in various types of evangelism, including street preaching, door-to-door evangelism, and school assemblies. Walters also discusses his experiences in Pakistan, where he has witnessed God pouring out His Spirit.

Learn more about Chance Walters: https://chancewalters.org/

Check out the EMT (Evangelist Missionary Training) School: https://chancewalters.org/emt/



Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King. I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. I have a very special guest with me. Chance Walters. Thank you so much for joining me.

Evangelist Chance Walters (00:10):
Thanks Daniel. It’s my joy. We

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:12):
Are together at a conference in Indonesia where we’re talking about reaching everyone on earth with the gospel of Jesus Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit. And you have been an evangelist for many years. You’re passionate about reaching people for Jesus. Tell me a little bit about where that passion came from. How did you get started telling people about Jesus?

Evangelist Chance Walters (00:37):
Well, Daniel, that’s a great question. I was in jail. I was 23, my fourth DUI didn’t have anywhere to go, and I stepped into Sandhills Teen Challenge on April the 29th. I went to sleep and I woke up. I walked into a chapel service and I got saved. I was raised in church. I tell people the best drug, the best drug I’ve ever done is my parents drug me to church. And so I was kind of born you to church. Yeah, I was born and raised in church, but I wasn’t looking for God, but God was looking for me. And at 23 years old, I encountered the love of Jesus and the largest, most successful faith-based recovery home in the world. I had never heard of Teen Challenge, but there’s Teen Challenge centers all over the world. But they were there when I needed them the most, and I got saved.

I tell people I made a commitment. I made a commitment to graduate that program, and a year later I felt called into ministry. I love to say somebody helped me and now I want to help you. I want to help the next person. But I got saved and my spiritual father was an evangelist and I served him. I was in the program for a year, but then I stayed on staff and I served him for three years. I signed up for a six month internship and it turned into three years and traveling church to church, school to school, doing school assembly, sharing my testimony. It got in my DNA and I just love to see people get saved. There’s no greater thing to live for, I don’t think.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:25):
Amen. It’s always exciting to see someone give their life to Jesus. So tell me a little bit of some of the different types of ministry that you’ve been involved in. What type of evangelism? I mean, there’s many different types. Some people go out on the street and preach, some people are going door to door, some people are preaching big crusades. What types of evangelism have you done over the years?

Evangelist Chance Walters (02:47):
Well, I love my journey because people ask me, chance, who are you? What do you do? They want to put a label on you and me. I’m like a denominational mutt. I was born Baptist, if you will. I went to Teen Challenges and Assembly of God affiliated program. Then I went to Lee University, the Bible School, which is Church of God. So I’ve just kind of bounced around, but I just love the global church and I’ve been able to serve in different capacities. Before we started our nonprofit, before we launched our evangelistic ministry, I served on staff at a local church as youth pastor and associate pastor. And so looking back, I’m so glad that I had these stepping stones, if you will. So I have a greater perspective of the church and a deeper respect for people and their positions. And so I’ve been a part of all different types, as you say, of evangelism. For me, it all started in a nursing home and I was in Bible school. I would go to a nursing home and preach on Sunday mornings at 8:00 AM and I’d just be laying hands on everybody, but it was my Jerusalem. It just kind of started at home and sharing my faith with my family. I’ve watched my whole family tree get saved. I’ve watched so many of my old friends that I usually get high with. They got saved. And so it’s just been this journey of just growing in my faith.

And so I don’t think it’s everything. I don’t think there’s one answer. I think it’s just starting where you are. And I love the tagline of the conference that we’re at right now. Reaching everyone requires everyone, and

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:42):
Amen. You’re good friends with Teron Anaya, who is also a friend of mine working in the nation of Pakistan. I’ve been there several times to Pakistan with Tamran. You’ve been there several times with Tamran and the United Family, have been dear friends for many years. Love him. In fact, I’ve interviewed Tamran on the Evangelism podcast. So if you’re interested, go back and find his episode and if you want to hear about what God’s doing in Pakistan, but tell me some of what you’ve seen God do when you’ve gone to Pakistan.

Evangelist Chance Walters (05:14):
Well, God is pouring out his spirit in Asia. We’re in Asia right now. I think we heard last night 65% of the world’s population is right here in Asia and God’s doing something. I minister all over America. I’ve been to 49 states. I’m missing North Dakota.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:34):
You got to go there. There’s got to be someone in North Dakota that needs Jesus.

Evangelist Chance Walters (05:38):
Amen. And I’ve been to 36, 37 nations, but probably my favorite place to go is Pakistan because people are hungry for the gospel. Mass crowds coming to experience miracles, always say, Muslims are my special guests. I mean, they come to pray and they come for healing and God meets them right where they are. When Tamron opened the door for us to go to Pakistan, we’ve hosted Crusades and a lot of different places. But when Tamron and I met, sparks began to fly. He had been praying for eight years. God sent me back to Pakistan and we met. He lives about 20 minutes from me, and it’s just been a great experience to see what God is doing in that nation. But we’re in Indonesia right now, the largest Muslim nation in the world, but Pakistan is the second largest Muslim nation in the world. And we have to believe Daniel, that God’s raising up evangelists and missionaries in Pakistan to send them into the Middle East. I believe that. Amen. Yeah. This something is about to spark in the Middle East and we’re going to see this billion soul harvest that everybody’s talking about. It’s got to happen there. So that’s where most of the people live. And so now

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:05):
You just recently did a crusade with my friend Alejandro Hondo Arias, who I met in Costa Rica at a TL Osborne Crusade. He was probably about 12 years old at the time, known as a boy preacher of Costa Rica, but now he’s a great evangelist. And Alejandro set up crusades in about 20 different countries this year at Pentecost. And you did one crusade in Dominican Republic, the city of San Francisco. What did you see God do in Dominican?

Evangelist Chance Walters (07:38):
Well, I believe that the key to the Great final Harvest is unity is the missing link. If we would all come together for the sake of the gospel, there’s nothing that we could not accomplish as the church. And I love the initiative that they launched this year as the P 24 initiative. Their goal was 10 countries, 10 crusades with collaborating with 10 different ministries, reaching a hundred thousand souls. And I think they came close to their goal.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:14):
Okay. Maybe I misspoke. Spoke about 20, but 10 is great. Okay.

Evangelist Chance Walters (08:18):
I’m sorry.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:18):
No, it’s good.

Evangelist Chance Walters (08:19):
I like

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:20):
What a blessing evangelists, but I was just talking to Werner Al with the Go Movement, and I think this year they want to expand from the time of Easter into Pentecost This year they want to expand and do more countries. So I think that’s what I was thinking of.

Evangelist Chance Walters (08:39):
You’re right.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:41):
But you’ve also done stuff down in Brazil, lots of different places. Give me some testimonies, some pop testimonies from different parts of the world.

Evangelist Chance Walters (08:49):
I know I’ll give you a testimony from our most recent gospel crusade in Pakistan. My definition of revival is when God comes down

And when God comes down, there’s nothing that’s impossible. And we’ve just seen so many miracles, David, Daniel. People ask me all the time, why doesn’t God do miracles in America? And God does do miracles in America for those who believe. And it’s the same God. He’s the same Yesterday, today, forevermore and miracles. Matter of fact, if you’ve never seen a miracle, I tell people to go look in the mirror because you are a miracle. And the greatest miracle is salvation. And it seems that we’re living in the greatest harvest in the history of the world. Many times we get stuck and we can’t see the forest because of the trees. We’re just so busy in our own little routines. But when you look at what God is doing on a global scale, and I think that’s what we do as evangelists, is we get to see what God’s doing across the board. And we’ve just seen so many miracles. I mean, the blind eyes open, the deaf they hear. I think we’ve seen more demons manifest here recently. That’s what I wanted to say in the most recent Pakistan crusade. It just seems that when God comes down, that I think the devil knows his time is short, and he’s doing all that he can to deceive us, but we know the truth.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:45):

Evangelist Chance Walters (10:46):

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:47):
So if someone’s listening and they want to find out more about your ministry or maybe even support you and help send you to the nations, what is your website that they can find out more information about you?

Evangelist Chance Walters (10:57):
Just real simple. Chance walters.com. And we have a podcast that’s called On the Revival Road. It’s kind of our tagline, where in the world are the Walters is. And so we’re on the Revival Road, and that’s our podcast. You can check it out. And we have an email blast. If you go to our website, you can put in your email. And we send out email every Wednesday with just an update of where we’re at and what God’s doing. Very

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:25):
Cool. And you also have a training program for evangelists. Tell me about that.

Evangelist Chance Walters (11:32):
We do. It is called the EMT School. God spoke to me back in 2020 and all the churches closed. We were seeing so many people get saved. I mean, for the evangelists, it was the heyday. I mean, the world was just perturbed and we were preaching, and so many people were getting saved and with the Holy Spirit. And I prayed, God, what do we do with all these people? Because my schedule, everything was canceled, all my trips. So I was at home and we were ministering locally, and we saw so many people give their life to Jesus that I was praying, God, how can we disciple these people? And he spoke to me and he said, I want you to start the Evangelist Missionary Training School. And so that’s what we did. It’s nothing new.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:18):
I like the name EMT, evangelist Missionary Training. What a great blessing.

Evangelist Chance Walters (12:22):
Yeah. When somebody’s in trouble, who do they call? E-M-T-E-M-T, they show up on the scene. And so it’s been fun. It’s a three month school to help you become more confident in sharing your faith. Just real simple. All that’s on our website.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:38):
Awesome. Well, thank you so much for being on the Evangelism Podcast. I love hearing your story and just love your heart for Jesus. It’s awesome.

Evangelist Chance Walters (12:45):
Thanks Daniel. You too. I love to see what God’s doing through your ministry. And you don’t know this, but I’ve listened to a lot of your podcasts episodes. Oh,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:53):
Really? Wow. That’s

Evangelist Chance Walters (12:54):
Great. So if you’re listening today, share this. Be an evangelist and share this podcast.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:01):
God bless you.

Evangelist Chance Walters (13:02):


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Tim Hall | Evangelism in Oceana

In this episode of The Evangelism Podcast, Evangelist Daniel King interviews Tim Hall, an evangelist from Australia. Tim shares how he got started as an evangelist and the challenges he faced along the way. He emphasizes the importance of trusting God for finances and not waiting until you have the money to book a crusade. Tim also talks about his recent trip to the Solomon Islands and the amazing things God did there. They discuss the potential for evangelism in Thailand and the need to make every second count for God.

Visit Tim Hall’s website: https://www.timhall.com.au/


Evangelist Daniel King (00:00):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King. I’m excited about telling people about Jesus. Today. I’m with a very special friend, Tim Hall, great evangelist from Australia.

Evangelist TIm Hall (00:10):
Great to be on your podcast, Daniel.

Evangelist Daniel King (00:13):
So brother Tim, tell us how did you get started as an evangelist?

Evangelist TIm Hall (00:20):
Right from the word go. I saw the power of God and I met a guy that was, I don’t know how he was going. He was full on for God. He gave me some books on prayer and fasting by a guy called Franklin Hall. And I read about fireballs coming into rooms and lightning flashing out of these things and all these manifestations. And I went to a couple of meetings and I saw demons coming out and bodies going everywhere. And I went and I was an artist. See, I was a bit of a crazy artist and a mad drinker and I thought, oh, I want to be in this stuff. Some people get nervous to have manifestations of God in their church. I just saw it and I went, oh wow. This is what I want. I want to see this stuff and I want to carry this stuff. I want to be in the thick of it, right from the word go. So I met this camel guy called Camel, and we started fasting two days a week.

Evangelist Daniel King (01:19):
You said, I met a camel. I was like, I thought you were going to say you met your wife,

Evangelist TIm Hall (01:23):
An Indonesian guy called Camel. Okay. And he was into fasting and prayer. So we would fast two days a week and on Saturday we’d pick up hitchhiker. That’s how I started picking up hitchhikers. We picked up weirdos, we picked up strange people and probably risky, but every Saturday picking up hitchhikers, that’s how it started. And I was a high school teacher and I just wanted God. And so I’d go down the river, walk along the river, and I would fast two, three days a week and most weeks, two or three days. And I’d walk down the river every night for four or five hours, walk up and down the river crying out. The guy didn’t know what I, I’d have demons attack me. I would tell ’em where to get off in old language and I didn’t really know quite how to deal with them.

So I used language that I’d used really before I’d. I was slowly being sanctified and I’d walk around and there’s demonic powers and I’m fighting through stuff and life just was this crazy adventure. And then all these kids at school started getting saved. And then I went to these fast seeking God. And anyway, I was really saying, God, I want to go to Bible college. But the Lord kept saying, no, I want you here. I want you to do something. So I’ve been seeking God really diligently and I was at my parents’ place and I saw this half house and it had archways three archways. It had hangers for clothes down the side. And I saw it exactly, and I was sitting in the chair looking, I’m going, what is this? It was my first ever vision. And the Lord said, that’s your house. I was living in that in a week 17 Stewart Street. And so God said, get these people together. I want you to start having meetings in the house. And so I said, well, what will I do? He said, just go and find people. I’ll bring people your way. So I was just witnessing and sharing. And we finished up with about a dozen people and I got ’em in for a meeting and we had this meeting in the house. And at the end of it I said, look, maybe 14 people, something like that. I said, stand up. I think God wants to do something. And the Lord said, ask me to come. I said, Lord Jesus, would you come in the house with that, the window, God hit everybody. The whole lot got poleaxed. The bloke knocked on the door, what’s happening in the house and came in and down. He went under the power of God. And the next couple of weeks, I think 13 members of his family got saved. And the next thing we got a church going, packing the lounge room out. I didn’t know what I was preaching. I’d open up the Bible, I’d go and fast and pray and go down the river and cry out to God for something. People would all fall over, we’d preach heresy, then they’d all fall over. And that was the start.

And that went on for a while. And then I’d go up to the church in Andrew Evans church up at the weekend. I’d take car loads, we’d take five, six car loads. We’d have meetings in the house Friday night. And then we’d go with this parade of cars, 50 Ks to 50 Ks to Adelaide and 80 Ks up there, 50 miles, whatever it is. And so we do that. And then a guy wanted to come and join me, rang me up. He said, I’d love to come and help you there. I’ve just come out of Bible college. I said, you come and run it. I haven’t got a clue what I’m doing. He said, no, you run it. So he came. He needed a house. It’s a long story, but we needed it on a Saturday. And a lady moved out of this property across the road that had big sheds in it. They moved in, she moved out and they moved in. And it was a place where aboriginal ministry had happened. And any rate, we did up all the sheds there and started a church. So I’m only saved 18 months, something like that

Evangelist Daniel King (05:39):
Already pastoring,

Evangelist TIm Hall (05:41):
Pastoring, but not knowing what I was doing plenty

Evangelist Daniel King (05:44):
Of. At what point did you figure out what you were doing? Have you figured it out yet or are you

Evangelist TIm Hall (05:48):
Still I’m still a bit the same and I’m still sort of chasing my tail a bit at 75, but it went really well. Then I got invited to go to a church as a outreach pastor, and that went all right for a while and then it just didn’t work out. And I went tiling roofs and pulled out of everything, got out of teaching and just tiling roofs. And Andrew Evans came to me at the biggest Pentecostal church in Australia and he said, Tim, he said, that’s Russell Evan’s father. He said, Tim, would you consider being my youth pastor? And I said, I would love to. And the Lord said, don’t do it until you’ve been away with me. So I took a bus up to a place called Lee Creek right up in the outback, got a lot in a light plane. I got them to drop me off.

And I stayed out in the bush for up in the mountains for 20 odd days just on my own out there seeking God and just really going after the things of God and came back. First meeting, God just poured his spirit out and the kids were screaming and deliverance and everywhere you walk, people were just going under the power. And the youth group exploded in 12 months from 70 to maybe three or 400, which was a huge youth group then. And that took off. And we did that for a few years. And then I went back to my hometown. God spoke to me to go back to my hometown and started meetings there. First meeting 160 in the church. And from there, just a lot of fasting and prayer. And I wanted to go on the road as an evangelist and this church kept inviting me and I said, no, I’m an evangelist.

I don’t really want a pastor. And God said, have you sought me about this? I said, no. And I went up to the mountains, fasted and prayed for a couple of weeks. And while I was up there, God said, I want you to take that church. That thing went berserk in 18 months from 70 to 700 and doors just started opening now and they’ve already been opening to go and preach everywhere. And now we were all over preaching. And then it was opening up into New Guinea and healing began to really flow. And once the miracles were happening and we started to see really significant miracles. And in many ways I feel like it was a little early for me to quite cope with, but it’s almost like you seek the gifts before you really got the character to handle it. And so when the doors were open, you start praying for the sick and seeing miracles and up into New Guinea and things went off there and it grew from there and it’s just kept growing.

And then you’re daring and you’re growing and you’re believing and fasting and praying, you still seek the Lord the same as you did. You still want the power of God. You try and stay as fresh as you can and you just watch it grow. And I think your faith grows and your daring grows to believe and your capacity to be for money just keeps growing. And where you could hardly scratch yourself to put a crusade together, now you start to have the confidence to do big crusades and bigger and take big stadiums and book ’em before you got the money.

Evangelist Daniel King (09:35):
Now how many crusades have you done in Papua New Guinea now?

Evangelist TIm Hall (09:40):
Minimum 50. Wow. We’ve had the national stadium seven times. We’ve had some great crowds up there. Crowds 80, 80,000, 60,000, 50 here. Some of the regions, 50 plus thousand, seen the dead raised up there, seen every miracle up there. And that’s been my happy hunting ground. But the whole South Pacific has been the passion. All the islands, there’s just something about the South Pacific. The first place I ever did a crusade was Guadalcanal in the Solomons. And we’ve just been back there. Guadalcanal was really a great place. And we went in there, started with a thousand, 2000 people. And after five days the stadium was just jammed to the doors. The power of God, cripples, getting healed, people getting off beds, sticks and stuff that you dreamed about. So it’s been progressive, it’s had its ups and downs. I’ve been through deep valleys. The mountains have been wonderful. The valleys have been pretty awful. But you keep growing. You just grow into it, I think. And many highlights.

Evangelist Daniel King (11:02):
So I’m still a young evangelist. In comparison to you, what advice would you give to younger evangelists?

Evangelist TIm Hall (11:12):
Stay very hungry in the spirit. If you want to go long term,

Keep your prayer life strong. Keep your word life strong, stay in the word. Don’t depend on yesterday’s anointing. Don’t run. I mean we’ve all got key messages. You’ve got your best ones, I’ve got my best ones. And they work wherever you go. But keep building. Keep building the word, keep feeding, keep developing messages you’ve got and keep in that place where you’re staying in that place of intimacy with him because it’s very easy to get too busy and run a little bit on yesterday’s manner. And then you get weary and then the joy goes out of it. When you’re weary and you’re pushing and you’re running on yesterday’s manner, which you’ve all done at times, the joy goes out of it. When the joy goes out of it, you better not in it. And so stay as fresh as you can, develop your prayer life.

And I suggest that every evangelist should at least once a year go away into a place for a few weeks, get away from everybody. I go up in the mountains, I’ve got places I go and go out there in the mountains and wait on God and hunger for God and don’t seek the gifts, just seek him and walk with him. And I find more and more that when I get out there now, it’s not about gifts or power or demonstration of the spirit, it’s about just love relationship. And I think if we can keep that love relationship sweet and strong and consistent, we can do this thing. And don’t get carried away with yourself. Don’t let your ego run ahead.

Don’t let success go to your head. Let success and failure deal with ’em both the same and with people. Stay humble, walk humbly. Keep a humble attitude. Always treat everybody like they’re more important than yourself when you meet people. Don’t be the person wanting to as an evangelist. Most evangelists try to. There’s a lot of competition in evangelism. I think if we can avoid that and work together, which is something I love with what we’re doing, walk humbly preferring one another, not wanting to be the be the kingpin of evangelism. I think we get that knocked out of us. We all want that at some stage. We all want to be the Rhine heart or we all want to be at some stage. But I think just all of us working together, keeping a loving attitude and helping each other and staying close with the Lord, walking with him and also knowing when to take a break and guarding your family.

When your wife starts to show signs of that she’s had enough of everything that’s going on, give us some time and take time, take weeks. And that’s hard because we’ve got to keep the finances rolling. We’ve got to keep everything but trust God too for finances. Don’t feel you’ve got to be out every weekend laboring and working to make money. Dare to believe God that money will come in from many sources and supernaturally and that comes be a giver, be a sower and dare to believe that the financial thing that God will supply. God spoke to me at one stage about the little woman with the bowls of oil and he said, you organize the bowls like stadiums. I’ll bring the oil, the finance and the power. Don’t wait until you’ve got the money to book the crusade. Book the crusade and then watch God bring the money, which is often,

Evangelist Daniel King (15:42):
It’s a little scary sometimes. But faith building,

Evangelist TIm Hall (15:46):
You’ve been there many times when you know that you’ve got a week to find 75 grand or something like that or more. And you are looking at your accounts and you begin to say, Lord, it looks like you’ve got another opportunity to come at five to 12. And I mean we are talking the same subject. We know and I mean, you know what I’m talking about, but that financial thing you’ll learn to trust. And when it’s not happening, don’t get despondent. Don’t let yourself get down. Just trust him. His provision. If he’s organizing what we’re doing, he’ll provide. And just that, I think if ever I’ve had a point where I don’t worry about the account the last couple of years, up until then, I think I was always a bit anxious. He kept us through the whole of the lockdowns in Melbourne and I was able to finance other ministries right through that time. And I was amazed. I said, God, I dunno how we did that. And the last few years, God’s provision has just gone to another level. But it grows, doesn’t it? You watch it grow. And where you used to panic, get really nervous, beating your head against the wall wondering, how’s this going to happen? You settle back and then you go, Lord, you’re unbelievable. And it’s a rest. We’ve entered a rest even though it’s hectic.

That’s a long way around that question.

Evangelist Daniel King (17:37):
Some great wisdom there. You just returned from the Solomon Islands. We did. I saw some amazing pictures of what God did there. Tell me a little bit about what happened just a few days ago.

Evangelist TIm Hall (17:51):
Yeah, the Solomons, I love the Solomons for an American Guadalcanal is so significant. It’s so significant because it was a beachhead in World War ii. You had Rebel, which was a magnificent naval base that the Japanese had set up and they were aiming to set up a big airstrip that would’ve given ’em control. They probably could have taken Australia with that. New Zealand, Australia, it’s a very strategic area, certainly China are looking at it very seriously, that region. And we had the door open to go back and I feel like God’s bringing me right back in circles of places I’ve been. So had a friend in there and we were setting it up before Covid. I was hoping it would be a bigger crusade. It wasn’t massive. The biggest I’ve done there is probably the stadium was full. We didn’t even have room for an Alta, the first one, this is my fourth there. I worked with a guy who set everything up, did a very, very good job. And I financed him to go in, set it up, get around the key people, and it was very anointed. We had a great team on the ground and tremendous miracles.

A lot of deaf mutes. In fact, we were over on Gizo, which is the island where John F. Kennedy was. And it was a little bit, sometimes deaf ears are hard. You’ve probably had nights where you’re really taking authority to bust deaf ears. It was very simple. It was just one after another, deaf after deaf. And the miracles over on Gizo Island, which just one after another. It was the easiest flow of miracles I’ve been in for a long time. I thought, God, is this where it’s going? There was no struggle. Everything we touched was getting healed. And so I guess over the course of the time we had on Gizo, which is a population 10,000, I dunno how many it reached on the last night I flew here, but I’d say it had to have been over half the island or more. And I would estimate that we probably had half the island come to Christ. So it’s not a massive crusade. 5,000, that one. The first one was about 12 or 14 and we were probably seeing three or 4,000 a night getting saved and tremendous healings. It was just the South Pacific is, you haven’t been down there yet, but it’s just beautiful, the weather.

Evangelist Daniel King (20:35):
My wife lived in Papua New Guinea for a whole year as a missionary and loved it. Loved the people. They’re beautiful people. And so I’ve had a great desire to come. And actually other day we were talking, he said, Daniel, you got to come to the South Pacific. And so I’m praying that God will make that happen.

Evangelist TIm Hall (20:52):
We need to do something. I would like next year to take the, I had talk with Daniel Calender about, we talked the possibility, I dunno if that’s going to eventuate or not, but I’m talking to maybe Daniel, maybe C fan coming in. That would be great. And it’d be good to take some of the regions and get some of the guys from here. We’ve just got to know it’s ready and we’ve got to do a bit more research. It’s just opening up. But I’d love to have you come in and some of the other guys that

Evangelist Daniel King (21:27):
I’ve talked to, yeah, there’s some great C fan evangelists that have gone through the Evangelism Bootcamp that are from Australia. My friend Andrew Scarborough is coming

Evangelist TIm Hall (21:38):
To the conference tomorrow. Andrew contacted me tonight. Yeah, he’s is a wonderful guy. You know him. Yeah,

Evangelist Daniel King (21:44):
He was one of my students at C Fan

Evangelist TIm Hall (21:47):
Andrew. Andrew is.

Evangelist Daniel King (21:49):
And so I think we could put together a good team to bring in some good evangelists and

Evangelist TIm Hall (21:55):
Well, we will have a think about it. We are going back and we’re going to chew on a few things for next year. There’s a lot happening, isn’t there? Yeah, there’s a lot going on. Are you looking at Thailand?

Evangelist Daniel King (22:08):
Yeah. So we’re here at this Everyone conference where we’re talking about reaching everyone on earth with the gospel before 2033, the 2000 year anniversary of the Great Commission being given by Jesus and the first day of Pentecost. And so our movement has adopted Thailand as the next country we want to target. And I’ve been in meetings all day to day just talking to different people that have influence there and have done things there. And I think there’s great potential.

Evangelist TIm Hall (22:43):
Did you see the stuff with that village? With all the baptisms

Evangelist Daniel King (22:50):
That made me cry? I mean, we saw a video of a village in Thailand that had over 1200 baptisms of people that gave their life

Evangelist TIm Hall (22:58):
To do. Didn’t they take two days or something to baptize them?

Evangelist Daniel King (23:01):
That’s a lot of baptism.

Evangelist TIm Hall (23:02):
They just kept coming.

And that’s a village can imagine. When I remember yesterday we talked, I think it was yesterday or the day before, whatever it was. And I felt God speak to me and say, you don’t have to work out how we’re going to take this percentage of the population light. The fire fire’s got its own mind. And if you looked at those people being baptized, a fire just broke out there. And all it takes is Australia, we have bush fires and they can start real easy, but all of a sudden you’ve got a wall of fire, a hundred feet high on a 200 mile front, 200 miles moving at 50 or 60 miles an hour with fireballs going ahead of it, consuming everything a devouring fire. And Zechariah 12 verse six says, in that day, I will make the clans of praise or the governors of Judah, like a shovel of white hot coals cast into the dry sticks. And I feel as though the dry sticks are everywhere now waiting for us to just go and light fires and

Evangelist Daniel King (24:22):
Well, the harvest is ripe.

Evangelist TIm Hall (24:24):
It is.

Evangelist Daniel King (24:24):
It’s time to go after the harvest. Jesus is coming soon. We need to make every second count for God

Evangelist TIm Hall (24:30):
Very soon. I love what you do. I feel like we’re just getting to know each other, Daniel, and I love the way you get into it. You just quietly get the job done. And I’m a fan of you. Well, thank you. I’m a real fan of the way you go about things and just to share on your podcast. Pretty nice. And I thank you for that opportunity.

Evangelist Daniel King (24:55):
Well, thank you. Alright, let’s finish up by, if someone wants to find out more about your ministry or even support one of your crusades, what’s your website? How can people find

Evangelist TIm Hall (25:06):
You? Just www.timhallwhatever.com.

Evangelist Daniel King (25:12):
Tim, search for Tim Hall.

Evangelist TIm Hall (25:14):
Tim, just Google Tim Hall Ministries. You’ll find it.

Evangelist Daniel King (25:17):
Yeah. And you’ve got some great resources on there. I know you have some great books you’ve

Evangelist TIm Hall (25:21):
Written. I’ve just written another book. Okay. I’ve written four books. I’ve written one on the first 40 years. Giant Killers is probably the one that sold the most, and Armed and Dangerous a whole opening up of Ephesians. And I did a kid’s book, which is a crazy kid’s book, which is pretty funny. And it’s all alliteration with moan cartoons. And it was really for moan grandkids. But it’s gone everywhere. And I’ve just written one on the book of Daniel.

Evangelist Daniel King (25:54):
I need to read that. Daniel’s always been one of my favorite Bible characters.

Evangelist TIm Hall (25:56):
I’ll send it to you. I’ve done everything. All the illustrations are done with ai. And I really believe that. Somebody said, what does your eschatology do to your missiology? And for me, my eschatology tells me Jesus is so close and that drives my missiology to run. I’ve never run.

Evangelist Daniel King (26:20):

Evangelist TIm Hall (26:20):
And that book is geared to giving people something that’ll answer the questions that people ask. So I’ll send you some.

Evangelist Daniel King (26:28):
Thank you. Well, thank you so much for being on the Evangelism Podcast.

Evangelist TIm Hall (26:32):
Absolute pleasure. I hope it was okay. God bless you, everybody.

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