1 877-431-4276

The Need

The Soul Winner’s Alliance


The world recently exceeded a population of seven billion people. Less than a third of these people (2.1 billion) are Christians. The world is a giant harvest field with many millions of people who have never heard the Gospel message. In the body of Christ, God has ordained evangelists whose purpose is preaching to those who need Jesus.

Evangelists often feel isolated, out on their own, desiring to be used by God but often their gifts are not fully realized by the local church. Evangelists need a strong fellowship, a place where they can belong, receive encouragement, and where their gifts are embraced and honored. They need opportunities for the promotion of their evangelistic gift and ministry. There is a need for an organization that provides training and mentorship for raising up a new generation of young evangelists.

It is time for evangelists to form a “band of brothers” who are united in hearts and minds and committed to working together to finish the task of world evangelism. Evangelists are called to be on the frontlines leading the way for the church to complete the mission of bringing in an end-time harvest of souls.


The Soul Winner’s Alliance was created exclusively for evangelists. It’s a fellowship that provides networking, training, and partnership. Let us help you maximize your potential and propel you forward in your God-given gift. Join our network of esteemed evangelists and let’s work together as co-laborers, committed to lifting up the name of Jesus for the glory of God.

What does the Soul Winner’s Alliance offer experienced evangelists?
1. The opportunity to minister in new locations.
2. The opportunity to be part of strategically impacting entire nations.
3. The opportunity to increase your influence by training younger evangelists.
4. The opportunity to build relationships with other evangelists.


What does the Soul Winner’s Alliance offer new evangelists?

1. The opportunity to start your ministry.
2. The opportunity to receive mentorship and training.
3. The opportunity to build relationships with experienced evangelists.
4. The opportunity to travel to Gospel Festivals.
5. The opportunity to teach at Soul Winning Conferences and testify at Gospel Festivals.
6. The opportunity to preach at Gospel Festivals once your mentor feels you are ready.
7. The opportunity to develop as a minister through constructive feedback.



1. Fellowship with fellow ministers who are passionate about soul winning.

2. Networking: Access to our worldwide network of contacts and resources.

3. Licensing and Ordination as an evangelist.

4. Mentorship: Opportunities to travel, minister and receive mentorship with experienced evangelists in all types of ministry settings, including mass crusades, prisons, one-on-one evangelism, village, and pioneer ministry and more. We believe in giving training and experience to young and upcoming evangelists. Experienced evangelists are available to mentor beginning evangelists and to give them opportunities to travel with them on crusade trips and give them appropriate preaching and teaching opportunities. Also, internship opportunities are available.

5. Resources:
* Use of crusade and outreach tools designed to increase the effectiveness of your ministry.
* Free online teachings, downloadable evangelistic sermons, plus audio and video teachings.

6. Fund-raising resources, ideas, and support and discounted ministry tools. Receive extensive training on how to share your God-given vision and learn how to fund your projects.

7. Meetings: Local, regional and international seminars, workshops, and conferences. Meet and make friends with evangelists from around the world. Also, receive instruction from some of the leading evangelists and pastors in the world today. Plus breakout sessions for training in specialized types of evangelism.


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