It is traditional to make resolutions for the New Year. Usually people make a resolution to lose weight, or to earn more money, or to stop doing a...
My grandfather was a veteran, my father is a veteran, I have two uncles who are veterans, and my sister serves in the military. I am thankful for...
What is the world's population? How many people in the world are unreached? What percentage of money given to missions is actually used to reach unreached people groups? Population...
Happy Juneteenth Day. June 19 (called Juneteenth) is now known as America’s second independence day. The holiday was virtually unknown until Joe Biden signed a law in 2021...
Merry Christmas from the King Family! Our family recently went to Branson and took this old fashioned photo of us dressed in Victorian clothing. The picture reminds me of...
Below are some of the best resources on evangelism that have been written by my friends. Reading these top books on evangelism will be a transformative journey that...
Happy Mother's Day! In today's post, I want to share with you a sermon I like to preach on Mother's Day about two famous mothers... A Tale of Two...
Patrick (Late fifth century-461) is known as the Apostle of Ireland. Patrick was not the first missionary to Ireland, (he was preceded by Palladius) but he is the...
The ABC's of Salvation are an easy way to remember the Gospel message. This method is a great way to share the Gospel with children who are currently...
St. Valentine is a historical figure who is famously associated with the celebration of Valentine's Day. Born in the 3rd century, St. Valentine lived in a time of...
King Ministries was asked to lead evangelism teams for a Christmas outreach here in Tulsa, Oklahoma, every night from December 1-18. The vision for this outreach comes from...
Revival in America? We have seen God save thousands of people in over seventy nations around the world. But often when I visit churches here in North America, people...
Today, we are celebrating our independence in the United States of America. On July 4, 1776 the Congress of the thirteen united States of America signed the Declaration...
Your generous support is helping us raise up a new generation of young people who are called by God to be nation shakers and world changers. Last month I...
Hi! This is Jessica King. This year on February 4, my husband Daniel King turns 44 years old. Can you help me CELEBRATE his BIRTHDAY? There are two things...
Happy New Year! Whatever you do in life, I encourage you to do it with all of your might and never stop chasing your dreams. In the next twelve...
Before we enter the New Year, would you give a donation to help us lead people to Jesus in the hardest to reach nations on earth? There are only...
Everyone loves Thanksgiving...and Black Friday...and Cyber Monday...but my new favorite day is #GivingTuesday. Giving Tuesday is the day people choose to be generous by giving to their favorite...
What are you thankful for today? I am thankful for friends and family, breath and health, food and provision, purpose and passion. I am thankful that you are...
King Ministries has ministered in nations all over the world and we would be honored to come to your country. Thank you for your invitation. We receive dozens of...
What is the difference between those who are successful and those who are unsuccessful? Why are some personalities so irresistible? What drives people to achieve great things? The...
As I write this I am climbing Pike’s Peak in Colorado Springs, CO. I am climbing with a group of fifteen people. We woke up at 4:30 this...
Imagine a group of friends gathered together on the porch of your mansion in heaven. You have eaten a scrumptious meal and as the food settles, the group...
1. Intercession is standing in the gap. Ezekiel 22:30 "I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on...
In 1859, Charles Darwin wrote a book entitled “The Origin of Species.” Although this book destroyed the creationist viewpoint in the minds of many modern day scientists, there is something...
Personal development is “intentional, deliberate growth and advancement.” Before one can lead others, one must lead oneself. The best indication of being able to lead oneself is continual daily...
A stewardship is a trust. A steward is “one called to exercise responsible care over possessions entrusted to him or her.” We’re stewards over our time, our talents, and...
The minister is first called to minister to the Lord.“Now take Aaron your brother, and his sons with him, from among the children of Israel, that...
Have you ever experienced an “Oh, my God” moment? I’m not talking about saying this in a flippant and irreverent way, but in the most profound sense of the term. Recently,...
1. Proof-Positive Miracles prove the reality of God’s existence. Mentally, I questioned the existence of God, until I began seeing miracles. The problem with this is...
In Africa there are many ant colonies. One ant colony was regularly attacked by a rogue elephant. Every time the ants finished building their colony, the elephant would...
My wife Jessica likes going to garage sales on Saturday mornings...here are some of my thoughts about an estate sale we visited recently. Visiting an estate sale is depressing....
On May 29, 1953 Edmond Hillary became the first human in history to reach the peak of Mount Everest, the tallest mountain in the world. His achievement stands as...
The word, “transformation” means “a sudden and complete change.” Let me give you some examples of transformation: When a caterpillar becomes a butterfly. When winter becomes spring. When night...
Acts Chapter 2 Gives Us 39 Signs of a True Revival Revival begins with the HOLY SPIRIT. “When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all...
Once three demons were arguing about how to prevent people from being saved.The first demon said, "We will remove the promise of reward by telling people there is...
You will never believe what was covered up for 100 years. Recently, I read this wonderful story: “The Washington Monument (169 meters tall) in Washington D.C. was started in 1848...
When Jesus saw the crowds of people, He had compassion on them. He said to His disciples, "Look, the fields are ready for harvest, but the laborers are few. Pray...
Once there was a farmyard where a chicken, a cow, and a pig lived. One morning the chicken had an idea. The chicken said, “Brock, bock, let’s make...
From: Angelic Building & Construction (AB&C Team - Sector 6) To: Head of Mansion Construction Subject: Heavenly Real Estate Boom ______________________ During the fourth quarter, there has been a rapid increase in soul...
Why do you serve the Lord? We do not serve God for temporal rewards like recognition or promotion; we serve for eternity! When we get to heaven, each...
How are you using your words? Are you using your words to attack people or to build God’s kingdom. Words are important because they can be used for...
A Short Story By Daniel King It was a boring day at Hell’s check-in desk. Only a teenage drunk driver and a Hindu guru had checked in so far....
Focus is your most powerful weapon and a lack of focus can be your most dangerous enemy. Focus is either a destiny maker or a destiny breaker. Your...
Motivation is “The inner power pushing one toward taking action, driven by desire, passion, and ambition.” Another definition of motivation is “the reason one has for acting or...
Recently, I visited Sequoia National Park in eastern California. There one can see the largest living tree (by volume) on earth. Here are some of the lessons I...
The greatest treasure in heaven is a soul. Despite the golden streets, beautiful mansions, gemstone foundations, and pearly gates, the most valuable object in heaven is a...
Change is inevitable. One thing I can guarantee you is that this year will be different than last year. Nothing is as permanent as change. Nothing is more permanent than change. Change is...
Bang, bang! In my dreams, I wondered what the noise was. Bang, bang, bang! Suddenly I woke up. What was the banging noise this early in the morning? Sleepily, I...
Initiative is “Recognizing and doing what needs to be done without being asked or coerced.” Initiative is seeing what needs to be done, and doing it. An employee...
In the world today, there are 7.6 billion people. Already this year, there have been 27 million births and 11 million deaths which equals a population growth of 16 million new...
Are You Fishing for Men? Darrell W. Robinson wrote this parable in his book, People Sharing Jesus: "Now it came to pass that a group existed who called themselves fishermen. And...
“…Be not bitter…” (Colossians 3:19). One of the last times I spoke to Pastor Billy Joe Daugherty I was sharing about one of the crusades we had recently completed. Pastor...
"Snake!" I yelled “Stephen, get in here quick.” My brother ran in, “What’s the matter?” “I was laying on the floor, drifting off to sleep, when I felt something crawl along my...
"Can we go too fast in saving souls? If anyone still wants a reply, let him ask the lost souls in Hell." -William Booth Is hell a real...
Who do you know that needs Jesus? Do you have friends and family that you are praying will be saved? When was the last time you witnessed to...
The Bible says in Matthew 5:16, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.”...
This is the story of a late, lamented squirrel. When I was in college someone played a joke on my dorm. One morning we woke up and found a...
Only One Life by C.T. Studd “Two little lines I heard one day,Traveling along life’s busy way; Bringing conviction to my heart, And from my mind would not depart; Only one life,...
Do you feel an urgency about leading people to Jesus? I still vividly remember a dream I had several years ago…YOU WILL BE INSPIRED by this dream to...
1. God does not know anyone that He does not love. The Bible says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whosoever believth...
You have probably heard the phrase, "What you don't know can't hurt you."Recently, Jessica and I were driving when we heard someone say this phrase on the radio. Jessica...
Life is a journey. It is like a walk of a thousand miles. Every day is a step which must be taken. The journey begins at birth and...
1. The Harvest is READY. “The harvest is ripe...” (John 4:35). 2. The Harvest is BIG. “The Harvest is plentiful...” (Matthew 9:37). 3. The Harvest needs LABORERS. “The Laborers are...
In honor of Gordon Lindsay, the founder of Christ For the Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas, I am posting a poem he wrote on my blog. The Call of...
Friendship is one of the greatest gifts God gives us. Everyone needs a friend. Life without a friend is boring and meaningless. Everyone needs someone that they can...
On April 17, 2021, my mother, Susan King, went to heaven. She was surrounded by her children and grandchildren all singing worship songs. As I reflect on her...
Being a traveling minister is not easy. Over the years, I have seen what successful traveling ministers do to be successful. Here are seven things you should do...
Before you step onto the platform to preach, ask yourself these questions to make sure you are ready. 1. Am I spending time worshiping the Lord, praying, and reading...
1. What is my purpose for inviting a guest speaker? Do not be haphazard about inviting a guest minister. Just because you met someone at a conference, or received...
On November 9, 1989, the Berlin Wall was torn down in Germany. When this hated symbol of Communism fell, the nations of the Soviet Union began to radically...
Once someone criticized my reading habits. They asked, “Why do you spend so much time and money on books? Do the books you read really help you? They...
A habit is any action or behavior that you do on a regular basis. There are both good habits (developed by good actions) and bad habits (developed by...
How do you measure #success? What goals have you set for your life? If you died today, would you consider your life a success? Dictionary definition of success: The favorable...
Everyone has the same amount of time in a day. You have exactly the same amount of time to spend today as everyone else who is alive. Time...
The mission of the church is missions and the goal of missions is building the local church. It is important for churches to have a heart for missions....
What does the cross mean to you? In this powerful sermon, Daniel King explains the importance of the cross for your salvation. You will be challenged to take...
From beginning to end, the Bible is a story about missions. In the beginning of time, God walked and talked with Adam and Eve, but then separated them...
1. Heresy Hunters waste my time. I only have 1,440 minutes in my day. If I spend lots of time with a heresy hunter, I have no time left for...
The city of Jerusalem is known around the world. Three religions; the Christians, the Muslims, and the Jews all claim that Jerusalem is a holy city. At first...
1. Take time for refreshment. - Go to Conferences, read books, etc. Feed yourself. - Don’t wait until you are already approaching burnout to recharge. Example: A dead car battery Prayer...
Evangelism is the primary task that Jesus gave to the early disciples and that task extends to the church today. Unfortunately, there has been some confusion as to whether...
This is my Bible. I have read through this book seven times cover to cover. The fastest I have read through my entire Bible is five days. I...
Even though God’s ultimate and perfect will is for His children to be blessed, since we live in a fallen world, God’s children still suffer. As long as we...
Loyalty is “consistently demonstrating support for something or someone.” It is “a strong feeling of support or allegiance.” Loyalty is one of the most neglected character traits in...
Have you ever lost your keys? Spent time looking for the remote? Ran out of clean clothes? Neglected to do something important? Forgot a friend’s birthday? Paid a...
Over the centuries, there have arisen many different religious philosophies and teachings that have been proposed by people who are looking for meaning in life. Yet Jesus transcends every...
Do you have a vision for your life? What are you aiming for in your ministry? What are you aiming for in your relationships? What do you want...
God gave you an assignment before you were born. God told Jeremiah, “Before you were formed in the womb, I knew you…I ordained you a prophet...
If you found a wallet laying on the sidewalk, would you return it to its owner? If one small lie on your income tax form would save you...
Today Evangelist Luis Palau went to heaven. He was a great evangelist and I am so thankful for his life and his example. In 1997, Luis Palau did a...
Your generous financial support helped us reach people for Jesus in several major outreaches in 2020. Like many people, our year got off to a rough start because of...
If I were preaching at a Gospel Festival in a foreign nation at Christmas time, this is the message I would preach. I hope this simple truth blesses...
Christmas is a time of fun. School is out and finals are done. The tree is up and the strings of lights are on the house. Presents are...
The image of jolly St. Nick has become entwined with the celebration of Christmas. St. Nick, often called Santa Claus, is usually portrayed as a chubby man with a...
Three Crosses I am struck by the story of the two thieves that were hung on either side of Jesus. “When they had come to the place called Calvary, there...
Exciting News! I just graduated from Oral Roberts University with my Doctorate of Ministry degree. Now I am officially Dr. Daniel King. This doctorate degree is the culmination of many...
My entire family gathered together last week for a family reunion. For one of our activities, we visited a full-size replica of Noah’s Ark in Kentucky. This recreation of...
The First Circle Represents God’s Design I believe God has a perfect design for every area of our lives. God has a plan for our families, our marriages,...
Jesus commanded His followers to go and share good news and this mandate is not canceled just because of a global pandemic. In fact, because of the challenging...
1. Bonnke was focused on his mission. Reinhard Bonnke’s mantra was “Africa shall be saved!” Over and over again, he repeated this four word vision, mission statement, and prophetic...
It is with great sadness that I heard Reinhard Bonnke went to heaven today. I have been inspired by his example and motivated by his fire. The first time...
Jessica King holding a child 1. Every human being is important because humans are made in the image of God. - “So God created man in His own image; in the...
Recently, John MacArthur told Beth Moore to "go home" because he does not believe in woman preachers. What do I think about woman preachers? I like what Reinhard Bonnke...
This month I was asked to be on the advisory board of the Next Generation Alliance (NGA), an organization dedicated to helping evangelists. Over 700 evangelists from a broad spectrum of...