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Christmas Wonderland Outreach

King Ministries was asked to lead evangelism teams for a Christmas outreach here in Tulsa, Oklahoma, every night from December 1-18. The vision for this outreach comes from Terry Henshaw. Years ago he was the missions director for Victory Church and now he leads CityServe Oklahoma with his family.

Their ministry transformed the entire second story of the Promenade Mall into a Christmas Wonderland. It is full of Christmas lights and decor, music and experiences for the family. In Santa’s workshop, children assemble a wooden yo-yo to take home. In another room is a Christmas Tree maze ending with Elsa, Anna, and Olaf characters. There is a petting zoo, a reindeer barn, and a huge room of model trains. The kids can meet Santa and Mrs. Claus and eat a Christmas cookie with hot chocolate.

The most important room in the whole place is the living Nativity scene where guests view a live enactment of the birth of Jesus – the Reason for the Season!

As families pass the living Nativity, shepherds beckon them through the ministry room where we have the opportunity to pray with them and make sure they are going to heaven.

That’s where my part comes in. I was asked to recruit and train soul winners to pray for every person that walks through. As families approach, children are invited to sit and are given a coloring sheet with a cradle, a cross, and a crown. As the kids color, we use those three elements to tell the entire family about the real story of Christmas.

Every night a different local church has volunteered to pray for people. Each evening I teach a new group of believers how to share their faith. This is an exciting opportunity for me, because an important part of our calling as an evangelistic ministry is to encourage and train believers to share their faith with the lost.

He Had Never Led Anyone to Christ

A few nights ago, a student from a local Bible college came to the Christmas Wonderland to help us pray and he told me he had never led anyone to Jesus. I taught him how to share the Gospel simply and easily.

A few minutes later a family with two teenage boys and a ten-year-old girl sat down at his table and she started to color. The Bible college student pointed to the picture of baby Jesus in a manger and said, “Did you know that Jesus was born two thousand years ago in Bethlehem? The reason Jesus came from heaven to earth was to help us have a relationship with God.”

Then he pointed to the cross and explained, “The problem is that sin separates us from God, but Jesus died on the cross to pay the price for our sins.” Finally, he pointed at the crown and said, “Jesus rose from the dead and He became the king of the universe. He wants to be the King of your heart.”

Then he asked the all-important question, “Would you like to make Jesus the King of your heart?”

All three children and both parents prayed with him to make Jesus their King. The student approached me with a big grin on his face. He exclaimed, “I just had the privilege of leading that entire family to Jesus!” This experience increased his confidence level so much that from now on he will be sharing his faith everywhere he goes.

The Fruit is Massive

The story of that family is just one of many. As I write this, we are still in the middle of the Christmas outreach but have already prayed with over a thousand and seen over two hundred people give their lives to Jesus!

My wife Jessica plays Christmas carols in the prayer room and our kids, Caleb and Katie Grace, are also participating in ministry. The outreach is also giving away wrapped toys and furniture to needy families so they can tangibly experience the love of God and a Christmas miracle.

The event lasts for eighteen days so I am treating it like a mission trip. It is so exciting to see that God saves people here the same way He saves people at our overseas crusades. It is time for revival in North America! Thank you. It is because of your support that we are able to lead people to Jesus here and around the world.

Your evangelist,

Daniel King

Check out the video: https://youtube.com/shorts/714qhvOiImw?feature=share

P.S. Christmas is a time for giving. Could you give a generous gift to help us reach people for Jesus?

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