Humanitarian Relief
Join Us to Feed the Hungry
Around the world, people live in abject poverty. Children starve. Masses die from a lack of medicine. Freshwater is unavailable. Food is scarce. Orphans struggle for existence. We cannot preach the Gospel without demonstrating the love of Jesus in practical ways. We have found that people cannot hear the Gospel if their bellies are empty.
Can you help us bring practical relief to the poorest nations of the world?
In addition to preaching, we provide food for hungry bellies and love for empty hearts.
- Tons of food have been given away in Africa and in Central and South America.
- Over 100,000 Christmas presents have been shared, free of charge, with the poorest of the poor in Juarez, Mexico.
- We dig water wells as part of our “Living Water” campaigns.
Your giving makes it possible to genuinely touch lives.

King Ministries | Feeding the Hungry
Testimonies of Humanitarian Relief
Rebuilding a House in Haiti
An earthquake in Haiti devastated Daniel Vallon, the translator for one of our crusades. His house was severely damaged when the earth shook. For several months his family was forced to live in a tent. Due to the generosity of a Canadian church, we were able to send him money to rebuild. He used the money to fix his house and the house of his neighbor.
Giving Away Water Filters in Guatemala
I was ministering in the Central American nation of Guatemala. Our team had the opportunity to visit the poorest of the poor in an obscure village far off the beaten path. The water source for the village is a lake that people drink from, do their laundry in, and use to water their animals. Because of the unsanitary conditions, many people in the village suffer from various diseases. Our team gave away 35 water filters to the families in the village so that their children would have clean water to drink. As we preached the Gospel in the village, 53 people prayed with us for salvation! The ministry we worked with has planted a church in the community in order to follow up on the new believers.
Giving Food and Medicine in Belize
During our massive nationwide outreach to Belize, our team gave away over 270,000 free meals to the children of Belize and we donated $350,000 worth of free medical supplies to the sick.
Christmas Gifts in Juarez, Mexico
The mother, her 6-year-old son, and her 10-year-old daughter grabbed my attention. They lived in a tiny shack made of wooden pallets and cardboard boxes. They were cold and hungry on the day before Christmas. Right away, I handed the mother two sacks, one full of beans and another full of rice. We gave each member of the family a coat. I found a brown teddy bear with a red ribbon around his neck and handed it to the girl and then I gave a brand-new soccer ball to the boy. These toys were the only gifts they would receive that Christmas. Before they went home, I gave each of them a bag filled with peanuts, candy, an orange and an apple.
Over a twenty year period, my family gave away over 100,000 Christmas gifts in Juarez, Mexico. We call our outreach: “Fiesta de la Navidad” (Christmas Celebration). Today, the need in Juarez is greater than ever before. Because of drug gangs, violence has hit an all time high in the city. CBS News reported that “Juarez has become the murder capital of the world.” The need is great.
Digging Water Wells in India
I was in a village in India where I saw a dirty irrigation ditch. Next to the ditch were cows and chickens. Children were drinking dirty water from the ditch. It was such an amazing experience to give that village a freshwater well. Now, the children will drink clean water for the first time in their lives.
Statistics about the need for clean drinking water:
- 1 in 8 people worldwide do not have access to safe and clean drinking water.
- Nearly a billion, 884 million people do not have access to clean and safe water.
- In developing countries, as much as 80% of illnesses are linked to poor water and sanitation conditions.
- 443 million school days are lost each year due to water-related diseases.
- Half of the world’s hospital beds are filled with people suffering from a water-related disease.
- The average container for water collection in India, the jerry can, weighs over 40 lbs when full.
- Almost two-thirds, 64% of households rely on women to get the family’s water when there is no water source in the home.
- Nearly 1 out of every 5 deaths under the age of 5 worldwide is due to a water-related disease.
The need for freshwater is one that can be met. We can dig a water well for an investment of only $1,400.
When we drill a fresh water well, the sign over the well says, “‘He who comes to Me will thirst no more.’ – Jesus Christ” We pray that as the villagers come to the well for freshwater, that many of them will discover the living water that only Jesus can give.