Gospel Festivals Lead Thousands to Christ
Our goal is to lead 1,000,000 souls to Jesus every year!
Due to the spiritual revival in many developing nations, Gospel Festivals are one of the single most effective tools of evangelism.
At each of our Gospel Festivals:
- We are believing for more than 50,000 people to attend each night.
- Thousands of souls will be saved!
- Miracles will prove that Jesus is alive.
- Local churches will provide thousands of counselors to disciple new believers.
Your giving makes it possible for us
to change lives for eternity.

Leadership Training
Equips Pastors for
Church Growth
Our Goal is to Promote Long-Term Church Growth by Training Leaders! During each of our crusades, we endeavor to impact each level of society in our target city with leadership conferences. Pastor’s Fire Conference: Every pastor is blessed and encouraged as they receive an impartation from the Spirit. Businessmen’s Meeting: Christian businessmen share Biblical principles for accumulating wealth with the movers and shakers of the business world. Children’s Fiesta: Clowns and puppets minister in this special service for the leaders of tomorrow. Women’s Luncheon: Anointed woman impart timely wisdom and fun fashion tips. Youth Concerts: Over 50% of the world is under the age of 20. In order to lead a nation to Christ, we must reach the young people through methods that are relevant.
Your gift of $1,000 helps us train 1,000 leaders.
Give NOW!
Literature Distribution
Books for New Believers
At each of our Gospel Festivals, we print and distribute thousands of pieces of literature to new believers. This is an important part of following up on the new believers. “Welcome to the Kingdom” teaches the new believer the basics they need to know in order to live a successful Christian life. In the back of the book is a tear-off decision card that helps the local churches to follow up on the new believers. We have given away over 600,000 copies of this book in many different languages.
Some of the topics the book covers include:
- God Loves You
- You can be Healed
- Sin Separates us from God
- You can be Filled with the Holy Spirit
- Jesus Died for Your Sins
- You can Enjoy Abundant Life
- You can be Saved
- You can have Faith in God

Humanitarian Relief
Feeds the Hungry
Around the world, people live in abject poverty. Children starve. Masses die from a lack of medicine. Freshwater is unavailable. Food is scarce. Orphans struggle for existence. We cannot preach the Gospel without demonstrating the love of Jesus in practical ways.
Our goal is to bring practical relief to the poorest nations of the world. In addition to preaching, we provide food for hungry bellies and love for empty hearts.
- Tons of food have been given away in Africa and in Central and South America.
- Over 100,000 Christmas presents have been shared, free of charge, with the poorest of the poor in Juarez, Mexico.
- We dig water wells as part of our “Living Water” campaigns.
Come on A Mission Trip
We stand just moments away from our next nation-shaking crusade mission trip.
I am absolutely thrilled that God has directed you be part of the missions experience of a lifetime! Together we will change an entire city! Your willingness to take a step of faith and obey the Great Commission in Matthew 28 will make a mark on eternity that will never be erased! You are about to have one of the most unforgettable experiences of your lifetime.
Paul the Apostle told us “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” then he continues, “How can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?” (Romans 10:14). How can these people who have never heard about Jesus be saved unless we go preach to them? The world is waiting to hear the message we will bring them.

Thank You for Helping Us Lead
People to Jesus!
Your prayers and financial giving
makes it possible
This ministry is funded by faithful monthly partners and supporters just like you. Your prayers and financial giving makes it possible for us to take the life-saving and miracle-working power of Jesus Christ to people around the world.