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Spring Break Mission Trip to Orlando, Florida

Your generous support is helping us raise up a new generation of young people who are called by God to be nation shakers and world changers.

Last month I had the privilege of being a team leader for Victory Christian School’s sixth grade mission trip.

This was a special experience for me because when my parents were missionaries in Mexico, we hosted Victory’s sixth grade mission trip for thirteen years in a row.

When I was a teenager, I remember running through the neighborhoods of Juarez, Mexico and inviting people to come hear about Jesus. During this week of intense ministry our family would lead up to fifty outreaches in a single week. Over the years thousands of people received salvation. In fact, much of my passion for soul winning can be traced back to when we hosted school groups in Mexico.

This year my son Caleb King is in sixth grade and it was his turn to go on a mission trip. I volunteered to be a group leader.

The school group was sent to Orlando, Florida. For the last several years, I have been traveling to Orlando to teach at Christ for All Nations Evangelism Bootcamp. One of the graduates built a mobile stage and put together a team that is doing monthly evangelism in the low-income neighborhoods of Orlando. Our team partnered with his team from the evangelistic ministry of Christ for All Nations to reach several neighborhoods with the Gospel.

Someone asked me, “Why would you go on a mission trip to Orlando, the home of Disney World and Universal Studios?” The reality is that even a place like Orlando is a mission field. If we are going to see revival here in North America, we need to make a deliberate effort to evangelize here in our own nation.

As we took our team of sixth graders out into the neighborhoods of Orlando, we met families from Mexico, Venezuela, Panama, the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Brazil, Haiti, and Jamaica. We attracted them to our outreach with music, games, bouncy houses, cotton candy, popcorn, and snow cones. My son Caleb’s favorite part of the mission trip was running the snow cone machine. I think he ate one snow cone for each he gave away!

Our team of sixth graders did plays and dramas on the stage. In each service, several young people gave a testimony. At the end, one of the Evangelism Bootcamp students gave a Gospel message and people got saved.

I was impressed by the faith of the sixth-graders as they gathered around kids and adults, laid hands on and prayed for them. Afterwards, we captured the names and addresses of those who got saved so that a local church can follow up on the new believers.

At one neighborhood outreach, I saw a group of four African American teenagers. They watched from afar but after a while lost interested and started to walk away. I quickly grabbed them and asked if they would like to give their lives to Jesus. All four teenagers agreed to pray with me for salvation. Now those four teenagers will be with us in heaven. It is moments like these that make evangelism worthwhile.

Whether I get to lead a person to Jesus one-on-one or have the opportunity to pray with thousands of people in a mass salvation prayer at a crusade, I get excited when people decide to follow Jesus. This is what ministry is all about. We have the privilege of making an eternal impact in people’s lives.

It was an amazing feeling to be able to introduce the next generation of young people to the joy that comes from being a soul winner. When we returned from the trip, my wife Jessica asked Caleb what he learned. He said, “Mommy, I learned that telling people about Jesus is what I want to do.”

Thank you for sending me to the nations and thank you for helping us raise up a new generation of young evangelists. Your generosity is helping us to plunder hell to populate heaven!

Your Missionary Evangelist,

Dr. Daniel King

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