1 877-431-4276

Can You Come Do a Crusade in My Country?

King Ministries has ministered in nations all over the world and we would be honored to come to your country. Thank you for your invitation.

We receive dozens of invitations to come each year and we only have time to accept a few of the invitations. We decide which nation to visit based on several criteria:

First, we desire to do evangelistic events in areas where evangelism is greatly needed. Our primary goal is not to gather Christians together for a conference. Our goal is to preach the Gospel to the lost. We place a higher priority on doing crusades in areas where there are many non-believers.

Second, we always work closely with local churches. We look for places where there is unity among local churches and where there is strong desire to join together to do an evangelistic event.

Third, we follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. We take every invitation seriously and we pray to ask God where we should go.

So, if you want us to visit your nation, here are several questions that you can answer to help us decide to come to your area.

  1. Who is inviting us to come? What is the best way to contact you?
  2. Do you represent one church or an association of churches?
  3. Where do you want to do an evangelistic event?
  4. What are the primary spiritual needs in your area?
  5. What percentage of your area is Christian? What is the dominate religion in your area?
  6. When was the last time a large evangelistic event was done in your city? What were the results?
  7. Tell us about the need for evangelism in your city.
  8. Are the local churches willing to support the crusade financially?
  9. Are the local churches willing to support the crusade with volunteers?
  10. What dates are best to do an evangelistic event in your area? When is the best weather in your area?
  11. What are you asking our ministry to provide and what are the local churches willing to provide?
  12. How did you find out about our ministry?
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