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Free Prayer Booth at the Tulsa State Fair

Revival in America?

We have seen God save thousands of people in over seventy nations around the world. But often when I visit churches here in North America, people ask me, “Do you think God could do something like that here at home?”

 In Acts 1:8 Jesus told the disciples, “You shall receive power after the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem [the disciple’s own city], in all Judah [the region the disciples lived in], in Samaria [the country next door], and to the uttermost ends of the earth [everywhere else]. Jesus wants us to be a witness in our own cities, in our own regions and countries, in nearby nations, and ultimately, we are called to take the Gospel around the world.

 That’s why I have been praying and asking God for opportunities to reach people for Jesus right in our own backyard. God wants to move overseas, but He also wants to move in North America. Even when traveling far and wide, we must not neglect our neighbors who need Jesus.

Free Prayer Booth at the Tulsa State Fair

We just finished hosting a Free Prayer booth at the Tulsa State Fair. The results were amazing! Here are some of the numbers that tell the story:

  • 11 Days of Outreach
  • 132 Hours of Ministry
  • We engaged in a total of 1,001 conversations about God.
  • Our team prayed with 1,844 people.
  • We led 479 people in a prayer of salvation.
  • 60 people testified they received a physical healing.
  • A total of 318 volunteers came to help us pray.
  • 2 Sunday morning church services for Carnival workers.

International volunteers at this outreach came from Peru, Russia, Myanmar, Nigeria, Uganda, Eretria, Canada, England, Germany, Puerto Rico, and Brazil. We also had people who came to volunteer from Colorado, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Kansas, Texas, New York, Florida, and of course, Oklahoma. 

The Continuing Impact of the Free Prayer Booth

Many of our volunteers at the Free Prayer booth were teenagers or college students who had never had the opportunity to lead a person to Christ before. We used the Free Prayer booth as a way to train these young people how to share their faith. Now that they have seen God move through them, they will continue to be bold in telling people about Jesus.

Now that the Tulsa State Fair is over, I have a vision for this type of outreach to occur at State Fairs across America. We have proved this model of ministry works. We are in the process of writing a manual that we can use to inspire and train churches and ministries across America to do this same type of outreach.

 Testimonies from the Tulsa State Fair

The first day Kevin Wagner saw Michael smoking drugs near the tent behind us. Two days later, he approached our booth with tears in his eyes. He started weeping and said, “My mother just died yesterday.” It turns out that he had been trying to mask his heartbreak by the use of drugs the day before she died. The team at our booth consoled Michael and shared the Gospel with him. We told him, “Jesus gives us hope in the midst of heartbreak.” We asked him

 to give his life to Christ and he was eager to do so. We spent time ministering to him and he left with the hope of heaven in his heart and comfort from his mother’s death. By being out here, we were there when he faced a big need.

Across the street from our prayer booth was a bathroom. Robert, the bathroom attendant, heard our messages for eleven days. Several people from our team prayed with him. He asked us to pray for his wife who suffers from a stomach problem. That night he went home and laid hands on her stomach, and his wife was healed.

Jonathan Cowerd asked a man if he needed prayer. The man yelled, “No, I need to go to the bathroom” as he rushed towards the restrooms. Five minutes later the man came back and said, “Actually, I do need prayer, there is a lot of bad stuff going on in my life.” Jonathan prayed with him and he accepted Christ as his Savior.

Joshua Wagner shares, “Nate was the last person I prayed with on Friday night. Nate accepted Jesus as His Lord and Savior for the first time! Not only that, but he also got delivered from alcoholism. He had just bought a huge, overpriced beer that was completely full. After he got saved and delivered, I told him he didn’t need that beer any longer, and he happily agreed, and together we threw the full beer in the trash!”

Thank You!

It is because of your generosity we are able to do outreaches like the Free Prayer booth. Your gift this month will help us write a manual so we can empower other churches and ministries to do their own State Fair outreaches. Click here to give a financial gift today. 



If you want to host your own Free Prayer booth, our team has written a manual to help you figure out all the details:

Download the Free Prayer Manual

Download the Free Prayer Logo 

Download the Free Prayer Follow Up Book

Download the Free Prayer Flyer

Download the Three Circles Witnessing Sticker 

Download the Free Prayer Results Sheet 

Download the Free Prayer Decision Card



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