1 877-431-4276

Happy Birthday Daniel King – From Jessica King

Hi! This is Jessica King. This year on February 4, my husband Daniel King turns 46 years old. Can you help me CELEBRATE his BIRTHDAY?

There are two things you can do:

  1. Send Daniel a Birthday Greeting

I am putting together a beautiful presentation with greetings from all of Daniel’s friends and ministry partners. I will give this presentation to him as a birthday present. Simply reply to this e-mail to send a birthday message to Daniel.

  1. Help Daniel Reach People for Jesus

Since I live with Daniel, I get to see on a daily basis how passionate he is about leading the lost to Christ. I also see how much he values YOU as our ministry partner and how he prays for you and your needs.

Daniel’s idea of a great BIRTHDAY PRESENT is to be able to tell even more people about the Gospel. On Daniel’s birthday this year, he is on an airplane traveling to Thailand to speak to a couple thousand pastors and leaders. We are part of an effort to reach people for Jesus all over Thailand and we need thousands of dollars to make this outreach a reality. We need your help to reach this predominately Buddhist nation.

Will you help me honor Daniel’s passion for souls by giving a financial gift for soul winning?

Your birthday gift of $46 (representing $1 for each year Daniel has been alive), or perhaps you could give a gift of $460, or whatever amount God puts on your heart would be a huge blessing that will enable Daniel  to preach in one of the hardest-to-reach places in the world.

Please join me today in giving Daniel the best birthday he has ever had!

With Appreciation,

Jessica King

To give Daniel your birthday gift, click here or call our toll-free number: 1-877-431-4276.

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