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How to Avoid Burn Out in the Ministry

1. Take time for refreshment.

– Go to Conferences, read books, etc. Feed yourself.

– Don’t wait until you are already approaching burnout to recharge. Example: A dead car battery

  1. Prayer and Fasting

– We often burn out because we need a spiritual breakthrough.

– Fasting can be more refreshing then the best leadership conference.

– Put it on your agenda on a regular basis.

  1. Out Source…train up others to take responsibility.

– If others can do it, why are you trying to do it?

– If you think you have to do it all, all the time, you will burn out.

– Don’t take other people’s monkeys on your back.

  1. Take some time off for fun.

– Take a vacation…a Sabbath. Even God took a day to rest.

– Enjoy your times off.

– You cannot save the entire world by yourself.

– It is trendy to have full booking…but sometimes you are more effective doing less.

– The problems will still be there when you get home.

– Take time for your family…what value is it to gain the world and to lose your family?

– You are FIRST priest and prophet for your own family…before being a minister to others.

– You only have twenty years to be with your children…they need you.

  1. Success is a journey…not a destination.

– We are running a marathon, not a sprint.

-Run at a pace you will be able to hold all the way.   Rabbit and the Turtle.

– Slow and steady gets the job done.

– You are called to preach with your acts and deeds and words…you are not called to save people…that is God’s job. Don’t try to be the Messiah to everyone…but you can point people to the Messiah.

– Don’t try to take everyone’s burden all the time.

– Bill Cosby said, “I do not know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everyone.”

  1. Admit that mistakes happen to everyone.

– We are not perfect, neither are the people around us perfect.

– In a end of the year business report, it is the BOTTOM LINE that counts. Some things in the report will be a plus, and other things will be a minus…but in the long run, it is the bottom line that counts. We may have some successes and some failures, but because God is on our side, our bottom line will always be positive.

– Reinhard Bonnke…once had a failed feeding program.

– If your horse is dead, for goodness sake, DISMOUNT. If something has failed, move on.

– The question is not “Are you going to fail.” The question is “How will you handle failure?”

– There are some mountains you will not be able to conquer.

– Failure is not a failure unless you fail to learn from it.

– Man at a company loses millions…boss is asked if he would fire him…Boss says, “Why would I fire him and waste millions of dollars worth of training?”

– The BOTTOM LINE is not number of souls saved….for God, the BOTTOM LINE is obedience.

About Daniel King

Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

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