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Ministry Report on 2020

Your generous financial support helped us reach people for Jesus in several major outreaches in 2020.

Like many people, our year got off to a rough start because of the coronavirus. We were scheduled to do a large evangelistic crusade in Ethiopia in March and twenty-four hours before I was supposed to get on the plane, the government of Ethiopia closed the border and we had to cancel the crusade.

It is tough to be a missionary evangelist when most countries are closed, so this year we focused on developing our online ministry. The www.kingministries.com website received a major upgrade and I was invited to preach at churches, pastor’s conferences, and television networks via Zoom on three different continents. I also helped to build an online Evangelism Masterclass for the Global Evangelist Alliance.

I spoke several times for the Evangelism Bootcamp with Christ for All Nations in Orlando, Florida. My students were sent out to Tanzania to preach in schools and marketplaces and over several months they were able to lead over 500,000 people to Jesus.

Doors began to open back up at the end of the year and in November we had a tremendous crusade in Kahama, Tanzania at the invitation of Christ for All Nations, the ministry of Reinhard Bonnke and Daniel Kolenda. At the crusade, a total of 13,457 people filled out decision cards.

In December, Ethiopia relaxed restrictions and we were able to reschedule the crusade that had been canceled. We drove nine hours across bumpy roads to an obscure village named Abuna. Thousands of people gathered together to hear the Gospel and many were saved and healed.

Another major project this year was the launch of The Evangelism Podcast. We have now recorded over 60 episodes interviewing full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith. The Evangelism Podcast is rapidly growing in subscribers and listeners. On YouTube our teaching videos received 19,523 views for a total of over 800 hours and we connected with thousands more on Facebook and Twitter.

I just published a new book called Proof: God is Real. I wrote this book in order to confront the spirit of atheism that has become prevalent here in America.

Our family was greatly blessed during 2020. Jessica enjoys teaching piano at home and being a K4 aide at Victory Christian School. Caleb, our ten-year-old, loves robotics, ice skating, and basketball at school. Katie Grace, our eight-year-old, has become an excellent pianist and one of the top students in her class.

2020 was a great year of ministry. We are so thankful for your love and your support. Without you we would not be able to lead so many of the lost to Jesus.

Jesus told the story of the shepherd who leaves the ninety-nine sheep to go rescue the one lost sheep. Our ministry is dedicated to searching for the one who is lost. We go to the least reached parts of the world to find the ones who are lost and we train other evangelists to search for those who need Jesus.

Your Missionaries,

Daniel & Jessica King

P.S. Next month, I am going to Sierra Leone for another Gospel crusade and to train local evangelists. Your gift this month will help us reach people for Jesus in West Africa. Thank you for your generosity!

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