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5 Steps For Leading Someone to Jesus

Who do you know that needs Jesus? Do you have friends and family that you are praying will be saved? When was the last time you witnessed to a total stranger?

Leading people to Jesus is something every believer can do. In today’s letter, I want to give you a simple, five-step plan for ministering to those around you.

You can become a master soul winner! Our example is Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well. Her story is found in John 4. If we will imitate Jesus, then we can have the same impact He had.

5 Steps to Leading People to Jesus

  1. Initiate a conversation.Jesus was tired and hungry. It was very unusual for a Jewish man to speak with a Samaritan woman, but Jesus stepped outside of His comfort zone and started talking to her by saying,“Give me a drink.” If you never talk to anyone, you will never be able to lead anyone to Jesus. Be friendly and strike up a conversation with those around you even if they are not the normal type of person you would chat with.
  2. Turn the conversation toward God.Jesus started talking about“living water.” In every conversation you have an opportunity to focus on what God has done for you. If Jesus is inside you, then Jesus will come out of you. After you start a conversation, look for ways to share your testimony. Recently, I was on an airplane when a man walked down the aisle and said to me, “Excuse me, sir, is this seat saved?” I said, “No, but I can tell you how you can be saved.” What was I doing? I was turning the conversation toward heaven.
  3. Listen to the Holy Spirit.Jesus said,“You have had five husbands and the man you are living with now is not your husband.” Instantly, she knew He was a prophet. Jesus had never met her before, how did He know this intimate information? Jesus was listening to the Holy Spirit. If you will listen to the Holy Spirit, He will give you supernatural insights that will help you find the doorway into the innermost hearts of those you meet.
  4. Love People.The Samaritan woman tried to start a spiritual argument. She said,“We worship on this mountain but you Jews worship in Jerusalem.” Jesus could have argued with her but instead He showed love to her and continued to focus on the truth. Has anyone ever argued with you about religion? Our goal is not to win arguments; our goal is to win souls. When someone tries to argue with me, I listen politely. By listening, I show that I care. It has been said, “People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.” After I listen, I keep going back to the truth of God’s Word, with a spirit of love
  5. Reveal Jesus.The Samaritan woman said, “I have heard that the Messiah is coming.” Jesus replied, “I who speak to you am He.” Jesus revealed Himself to the woman. Revealing Jesus is the last step to leading people to God. This is the strategy my wife and I use when we preach on the mission field. We never say anything negative about the local religion; instead we tell people about Jesus. The more people see of Jesus, the more attracted they will be to God.

In our Soul Winning Festivals, we tell the crowd what Jesus did in the Bible; we share testimonies about what Jesus is doing today; then share what Jesus can do for them. Usually, by the time we give the altar call, 90-95% of the crowd responds to the salvation invitation. Our goal is to make Jesus irresistible. Jesus said, “If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto Me.” 

Tell people what Jesus has done for you! I believe God will touch many people through your testimony. Because Jesus ministered to the Samaritan woman, her whole village came to meet Jesus. When you impact one person’s life, you can potentially change an entire family or community. I encourage you to follow this five-step process and lead people to Jesus in your everyday life. If every believer will do his or her part, we can get the whole world saved.

This is an excerpt from Daniel’s book, You Can Become a Master Soul Winner.

About Daniel King

Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

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