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Malawi is one of the smallest nations in the world. It is located in southeast Africa and ranks 173 out of 188 countries on the United Nations Human Development Index because of poverty, high infant mortality, and low life expectancy (mostly due to the African HIV-AIDS crisis). The country is land-locked; it share a border with Zambia, Tanzania, and Mozambique. The majority of the economy is based on agriculture.

Despite all the problems the nation faces, Malawi is nicknamed “the Warm Heart of Africa.” The people are kind, willing to accept travelers, and the nation has never experienced a civil war between ethnic groups.

Report from Second Mission Trip to Malawi

Because of your prayers and support, I am excited to announce some amazing results in the nation of Malawi. I was invited by the Global Network of Evangelists and the Luis Palau Association to participate in their outreach to the nation of Malawi. On the team were nine evangelists from multiple nations. Here are the bottom line stats of what happened:
3 Cities: Mulanje, Luchenza, Balaka
Estimated Attendance: 60,000 over 9 days
1250+ Partner Churches
9 Festivals in 10 Days
6,082 Documented Decisions for Christ
3 Evangelism Conferences
2 Schools
2 Prisons
1 Orphanage
7 Marketplace Ministry Opportunities

Become All Things So Some Might Be Saved

On Sunday morning in the city of Blantyre, I was invited to speak in the first church ever planted in Malawi. The name of the church was St. Michaels & All the Angels Presbyterian Church and it was planted by David Livingstone, the great missionary explorer from the late 1800’s. The church was not named for some of the angels, it was named for ALL the angels. The service I ministered in was highly formal. The elite of society were in attendance. Many were wearing three-piece suits and ties. Of course, I wore a suit and tie also and had to ascend a flight of stairs to a raised pulpit in order to deliver my sermon. The message was well received and when I gave the altar call, over thirty people raised their hands to receive Jesus as their Savior.

On Sunday afternoon, I ministered in the children’s festival at Andrew Palau’s festival. To minister to the children, I dressed in a clown suit with funny multicolor hair and a giant bowtie. Thousands of children prayed with me for salvation.

In the morning, I wore a suit and tie, and in the afternoon I wore a clown suit. But, both times people got saved. It reminded me of what Paul said, I have become all things to all people, that I might by all means save some (1 Corinthians 9:22). Paul was willing to become all things to all people so that some might be saved. In the same way, I am willing to do whatever it takes so that some might be saved.

But look at the next verse. Paul writes, “Now this I do for the gospel’s sake, that I may be partaker of it with you” (1 Corinthians 9:23). Paul preaches for the Gospel’s sake and I love how he includes his partners from the Corinthian church in this verse. Paul is celebrating the people who have been saved in his ministry and he tells the Corinthian church they are also partakers in the preaching of the Gospel. This means that when I see someone get saved in Malawi, that you, as a supporter of this ministry, are partakers and participators in what God is doing.

 You make it happen through your prayers and your support. Thank you for your generosity! We cannot preach the Gospel without you.

Report from First Mission Trip to Malawi

The ministry of Luis Palau did mass evangelistic events in Mazuzu, Ntcheu, Blantyre, Zomba, the Dzaleka Refugee Camp, and the capital of Lilongwe. These six campaigns will include events for children, women, business and civic leaders, and large evangelistic outreaches. Our ministry was invited by the Next Generation Alliance, a ministry of evangelist Luis Palau, to participate in this nation-wide outreach to Malawi.

I was invited to preach at the Love Malawi Festival in the city of Mzuzu. The city is about a five-hour drive from the capital of Malawi and the population in this area is 175,000 precious people. Mzuzu is the capital of Malawi’s northern region and the Mzuzu University attracts students from across the nation.


Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

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