Nigeria is the most populous nation in Africa and it was here that we did a Nigeria Evangelism Conference. The evangelists came from eleven different states in Nigeria and from several surrounding countries. Hundreds of evangelists gathered together to learn how to preach the Gospel with signs and wonders following.
Nigeria is about 50% Muslim and 40% Christian, with the remaining 10% practicing indigenous religions. Most of the Muslim population lives in northern Nigeria. In the last few months, Islamic terrorists in northern Nigeria have burned churches and killed Christians. These Muslim areas represent a huge harvest field that desperately needs to hear about Jesus. That’s why we held our evangelism conference in the city of Ede, a city that is 90% Muslim.
As these evangelists preach the Gospel, thousands of people will be saved. I am so thankful that God gave us the opportunity to train these precious men and woman of God. They will go to villages that I will never go to and preach to people I will never meet on this side of eternity.
Here is the story of one of the preachers who attended the conference.
The Story of Abdulkereem
Abdulkereem was born a Muslim. One day an evangelist walked down his street at 6 o’clock in the morning preaching the Gospel. She proclaimed, “Jesus is Lord. Heaven is real. Hell is real. You need to repent and make Jesus your Lord and Savior.” Abdulkereem tried to cover his ears with his pillow. He was angry with her for preaching the Gospel. She preached every morning for two weeks straight, and than stopped. He would never see her again. But, he continued to hear her voice in his head. Eventually, he visited a local church and become a Christian believer.
Today, he is known as Pastor Festus Alilu. When he heard about our Nigeria Evangelism Conference, he knew he had to attend. He drove over eight hours to hear me teach about evangelism and to learn about how to effectively reach out to his community. Pastor Festus is now inspired to go back to his hometown and reach out to other Muslims.
Please pray for thousands of souls to be saved as these evangelists venture out to preach the Gospel in unreached areas.
Thank you! I was able to travel to Nigeria and host an evangelism conference because of your giving. You helped us impact the nation of Nigeria. Only heaven will know the fruit of this conference. Your participation will be celebrated in eternity.
I knocked on the devil’s door, and no one answered.
Our 2nd Annual Nigeria Evangelism Conference attracted evangelists from across the nation of Nigeria. We trained these evangelists to rescue people from their old lifestyle of worshiping false gods. Here is a video about my visit to a sacred forest.
Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!