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Danger on the Mission Field | Daniel King

On today’s episode of The Evangelism Podcast we hear stories about danger on the mission field. Evangelist Daniel King shares stories of the most dangerous situations he’s ever faced when preaching the Gospel. We read Psalms 91 and as you listen you will learn about God’s plan to protect you even when you are under attack.


Jace Gustin (00:00):
On today’s episode of the Evangelism Podcast, we hear stories about danger on the mission field. Evangelist Daniel King shares the most dangerous situations he has ever faced while preaching the gospel. We read Psalms 91, and as you listen, you’ll learn about God’s plan to protect you while under attack.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:30):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies, and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary, and evangelist Daniel King.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:55):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King. I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. I have a very special guest with me, Jace Guston. Thank you for joining me on the Evangelism Podcast

Jace Gustin (01:08):
And I’m glad to be here.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:10):
Alright, so Jace, you have just started an internship with King Ministries and you have a great heart for missions. Where are a couple of the countries that you’ve been to so far?

Jace Gustin (01:23):
So I’ve really just been to Guatemala and Brazil.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:27):
And you had a great time in both those countries.

Jace Gustin (01:31):
Yes, we’ve seen a lot of people went over for Christ.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:34):
And so you have a heart to go to the mission field to tell lots of people about Jesus.

Jace Gustin (01:40):

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:40):
And we’ve been talking some about what God has put on your heart. Do you have any questions about the mission field?

Jace Gustin (01:50):
Yeah, so I wanted to ask just one big question and it’s that, what was the most dangerous trip you’ve ever been on?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:00):
The most dangerous thing that we’ve seen on the mission field? That’s a great question. Well, first of all, I don’t think we should be too worried about going to the mission field. In Psalms 91 11, it says that God gives his angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways. And one time there was a missionary who said that there are no closed doors just as long as you don’t care whether you come back. And that’s true, we can go anywhere because we know that if we were to die, we are going to go to heaven. And so we don’t worry that much about the danger. Of course, you don’t want to tempt God. And so we take proper precautions. And over the years we’ve seen a variety of dangerous situations, but God has always protected us. And when I think about danger in the mission field, I really like to remember the example of Reinhard Bonnke, the great missionary evangelist from Germany. And one time he was doing a crusade in the nation of Sudan. And at that time, Osama Bin Laden was living in Sudan. He was the same one who attacked America on nine 11 and knocked down the World Trade Center. And at that time he was in Sudan. And when he heard that this evangelist was coming to Sudan to preach the gospel in cartoon, he actually sent threats by email to the offices of Christ for all nations. And so everyone was wondering, do we shut shut down the big festival?

And his staff, they’re wondering what would happen being threatened by this terrorist. And this is what God said to Reinhard. God said, you are Satan’s prime target for destruction, but you are my prime target for protection. I like that.

And so even when Satan threatens to attack us, even when he tries to come against us, we can know that we are under the protection of God. He wants to take care of us. Alright, so dangerous situations on the mission field. My parents were missionaries in the country of Mexico. And so we grew up working in the streets of Juarez, Mexico right across from El Paso, Texas. And every single week we would go across the border from El Paso into Juarez and we would minister on the streets. And of course in Juarez there’s a lot of different drug wars. At one time, Juarez, Mexico was one of, it was the number one murder capital in the world. So more people were being murdered per a hundred thousand people in Juarez than any other city on earth. And so it was dangerous. And so one time as my father was preaching in a church up on a hill, I wanted to go out in front of the church and invite people to come in. And so I went down the hill and started talking to a group of teenagers that were there and one of the teenagers, he was part of this Mexican gang drug gang, and he was angry that we were there preaching about Jesus. And so he reached in his pants and pulled out a pistol

And pointed it right at my forehead and told me to never come back to the neighborhood. And I didn’t really know what to do. I was just a teenager at the time.

Jace Gustin (06:13):

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:14):
Scary, it was a little scary. But what I did is I went and I handed him a flyer and said, you’re invited to come to the meeting. And then I turned around and went back up the hill. And in wars, Mexico, we always saw God do great results, but sometimes people threw stones at us. I remember one time my father was preaching in the dump area in wars. There was this dump that people would go and they would dig through the trash in order to find tin cans in order to recycle, to make money. And so they’d support their entire family just going through the trash. Well, we would go to the dump and we would preach. And one time we were there preaching, and again there was a group of teenagers and they picked up some stones and they started throwing them at my father.

One of them hit my father on the head and he started to bleed, but he just kept preaching. And so that was kind of the example that I followed. And we’ve had people throw stones at us in different countries. I was in Ethiopia one time and in Ethiopia it’s about 30% Muslim. And so we were in an area that had quite a few Muslims in it. And I remember I was going out, passing out flyers, inviting people to come to the festival and there were a group of teenagers that got in my face and they started yelling at me and one of them knew a little bit of English and he started just getting in my face, why you say three gods? Why you say three gods, which he’s referring to the Trinity. Christians believe in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, three unique beings together as one Godhead, three and one, one and three. That’s the way it has to be.

But Islam thinks that saying that there’s three gods is a blasphemy against the one true God, which Christians do believe in one God, but one God in three beings. And so they’re really mad at that. And I was quickly surrounded by a group of maybe 20 or 30 of these young Muslim boys and they were all yelling at me. And so I got out there just as quick as I could. Again, I invited them to come and many of them came. Then we were in Lalo, Chile, Ethiopia, and there was a Muslim mosque that was right next to the festival grounds. And so the imam of the mosque, he called people to come and pray five times every day. And his speaker was really loud and he turned it all the way up so that everyone could hear. But we were there for a crusade.

So our speaker was much louder than his speaker. And so as we drove by the mosque on Friday night, which is normally when people would go to the mosque, we noticed that out in front of the mosque, there were only 10 slippers there. So all of the people that would normally be at the mosque, we suspected they were probably at the festival with us. And so on Saturday night, they were really upset that we were there. So as we were driving past the mosque, somebody from inside threw a massive stone, probably about the size of a watermelon

And threw it over the fence and hit the side of our vehicle. And so it made a loud of bang when it hit and we’re like, what was that? And so we looked out and okay, well they were just throwing rocks at us. So we got stoned and we didn’t do anything, but we figured that the devil was mad that so many people were getting saved at the festival. By the way, we sometimes call what we do crusades in some countries it’s a crusade, but for Muslim nations we would call it a festival because of course the word crusade has a bad connotation for Muslims because during the Middle Ages, the people doing the crusades, they came and attacked Jerusalem, the Christians. And so we don’t call it a crusade, we call it a festival. Okay? So we’ve had, let’s see, one of the early events that we participated in was a crusade in Iquitos Peru.

Iquitos is in the jungle of Peru, right on the Amazon River. And so we actually rented a boat one day and went up the Amazon River and stopped at every village. As we passed by, we saw on the bank there was a little village. So we stopped, went and preached to the village and then went to the next village and preach. And so in Iquitos, when we first got there, they said that right now there’s a lot of unrest in the city. We said, well, why is there unrest? And it was the local teachers were rioting. And the reason they were rioting is because they hadn’t been paid in like a year. And so the government owed them lots of money and the government kept promising, oh, we’re going to pay you. We’re going to pay you next month. Don’t worry, we’re definitely even pay you next month.

But they never got the money. And so finally the teacher’s union shut down all the schools and they announced that they were going to hold riots. And so all of these teachers and all of their friends and their whole families, they were going through the city and we were scheduled to have the crusade right in the main plaza in Iquitos. And they warned us, they said, tonight is the big night where they’re planning to riot. And so they said, just be ready to shut down the crusade at any moment if people come. And so I was there preaching in the center plaza in Iquitos, and we heard reports that this riot was on the way and it was like 10 blocks away. And I said, well, is it bad? And I said, well, they’re taking sticks and breaking windows of the shops along the way.

Some of the people are starting fires. And I said, yeah, that’s pretty bad. And so I said, well, keep me informed if it comes close. And so then we got the report, okay, now they’re nine blocks away. Now they’re eight blocks away. And so as they’re coming down the street, all the shops were closing. They had garage door type things out in front of the shop. And so they pull the garage door down and so that their windows wouldn’t be busted. And someone came up behind me and they’re like, preach faster, preach faster. They’re only five blocks away now. And so I got as quick as I could to the altar call, and when they were four blocks away, I told the entire team, get on the bus and head back to the hotel. Just leave one car for me. And so we had a big crowd.

I gave the altar call and lots of people prayed with us for salvation. And I said, amen. And dismissed the crowd and our crowd left the plaza going this direction as the riot of teachers was coming in from the other direction. And so they stayed there all night long. They tore tires off some of the cars and set them on fire and had bonfires. And so we got all that on video. I told my cameraman, I said, go get some video of it. This is good video. We can show people what’s happening. But as the right is coming in one side of the plaza, we said, amen. People got saved and we left and no one was hurt in ketos Peru. Alright, so one of the scriptures that I really like to think about in times of difficulty is Psalms 91, which is a psalm that talks about how God will protect us. So Chase, why don’t you read through Psalms 91, and as you’re listening, I want you to think about how God has plans to protect us even in the most difficult situations. Alright, go ahead.

Jace Gustin (15:44):
Yes. So we have it here. I’m starting from verse one.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:48):
Yeah, it’s starting in verse one of Psalms 91.

Jace Gustin (15:50):
Alright, so it says, he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I’ll say of the Lord, he is my refuge and my fortress, my God, and who my trust. Surely he will save you from the Fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence, he will cover you with his feathers. And under his wings you’ll find refuge. His faithfulness will be your shield and your rampart. You’ll not fear and terror of the night, nor will the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (16:31):
Alright, let’s take a break there. I’m thinking of another story. So I was in Goma Congo, and that’s where I met my wife Jessica. So she was a festival director. She was actually helping to organize and set up festivals. And I was a young evangelist, and so God took me all the way over to Goma Congo, right on the board of Rwanda and Congo. And it was at that festival that I met Jessica, but the conditions were really difficult. Goma has an active volcano and it had erupted a few years before we were there. And so lava covered half the city. And as you’re walking through the city, you could see iron bars sticking up out of the ground of windows of the houses that used to be there. And so the lava had come, covered the houses, but the iron bars from the windows were sticking up out of the ground and the lava made everything super dirty.

By the end of the day, you would basically be completely black and you would go back to the hotel and take a shower and it would take maybe five or 10 minutes for the water to wash all of the dirt and the black lava dust off of you. And that part of Congo is very rough. There’s a lot of different groups that are rebelling against the government gorilla groups. And so as the sound truck was coming to that location, it passed through an area where there were gorilla groups that were in control. And so they tried to stop the truck, but we gave instructions just keep going. And so as they passed the truck, they took a shot at the truck and when it arrived, it had two bullet holes in the container of the truck and one of the local leaders who was helping to sponsor the event, he was a colonel in the army of Congo.

And so he says, don’t worry, don’t worry. He says, we will protect you. And I went and preached to this church. He was a colonel, but he also had a church. He was a pastor. And as I was preaching for him, I noticed that in front of his Bible, he had three cell phones, which it’s very poor there in Congo. So to just have one cell phone is a big deal. But he had three of them. And I said, why do you have three cell phones? He’s like, that’s my personal cell phone. He says, that’s the cell phone that the Army uses if they want to call me. And I said, what’s the third one? He says, that cell phone was given to me by the president of Congo. If he wants to reach me, he says, I want you to make sure that you always have this phone so I can reach you anytime I want to call you.

So he had a direct line right to the president of Congo and he had a group of soldiers and he says, I’ll send my soldiers to the festival to protect you. So a lot of his soldiers were very young, like 14, 15 years of age, and they all had full armor with these big guns and everything, AK 40 sevens. And when the evangelists came to the field, they would run along beside his car to get us there to the platform. And then they stood around the platform, the entire service. And I was a little scared because I have a 14-year-old son and he loves swords. And the other day he threw a sword onto a bed and cut up one of the sheets. And my wife was like, don’t you know how to handle a weapon responsibly? I can’t imagine my 14-year-old son with an AK 47. But here you have these 14, 15-year-old teenage boys that are in the Congo military protecting us at the

Jace Gustin (21:04):

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:05):
And then they took it upon themselves to make sure that the crowd didn’t get too unruly. And so the evangelist would say, who needs a miracle? Everyone would raise their hand and even some people that were sick would start running forward to the front and these teenage soldiers with their AK 47 would grab a whip and start to whip people to stay back from the platform and say, no, please don’t hit the people. Don’t hit the people. And they’d be whipping them and say, get in line, stop being unruly. But then I noticed that one of these 14 year olds kids, he didn’t have an AK 47, he had a surface to air missile and a big missile on his back. And I was thinking, if any helicopters attack our crusade, we’re going to be okay. We got our surface to air missile and he stood at the back and just looked important there with his service to air missile. And it felt a little dangerous because of these military guys that were there. But this verse, you’re just reading, it says that I whatever slings and arrows, you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day. And so even though we were shot at in Congo, we didn’t worry because of Psalms 91. Alright, keep reading, let’s start there.

Jace Gustin (22:36):
From seven,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (22:36):

Jace Gustin (22:38):
Eight a thousand may fall at your side, 10,000 at your right hand.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (22:44):
Alright, let’s talk about this. A thousand may fall at your side, 10,000 by your right hand. I was in Juba Sudan, and this was right after a civil war between what is now North Sudan and South Sudan had just ended. And so we were literally the first Christian organization that went in after the war ended. And lots of people were hungry because they’d been fighting and not much food had been able to get in. And so for the crusade in Juba, we bought 10 huge trucks full of food in Uganda and drove them up to Juba to give away. And so these were huge dump trucks. Each one filled with corn and rice and I think we brought some soap and some cooking oil, just different materials. All in all, it was like 53 tons of food. It’s a lot to give away to people. And the people were hungry. And so we were thinking, okay, if we pull up at the crusade grounds and start giving out this food, there’s going to be a riot. How can we give it away?

And we came up with an idea that we’re going to distribute the food to the churches that participated in the crusade. And then we were going to give away coupons at the crusade. So anyone who came to the crusade could get a coupon. And then on Sunday morning they could go to a Sunday morning service at one of the local churches and if they went, then the local churches would be able to give out the food. And so that kept it from being a big riot at the crusade grounds. But I was one of the team members at this crusade in Juba, and I was assigned to give away the coupons at one of the gates. So we had it in a football stadium or soccer stadium. And so people would come in one of the gates, and it was my job to give everybody who came in the gate a coupon.

And someone asked me, what is the coupon for? And I said, oh, later on you’ll be able to take it to the church and get some food. And so when they heard that there was going to be food, the people started rioting for the coupons. And at first it was like a dozen people yelling and then suddenly it was a hundred people yelling. And then suddenly it was like 2000 people pushing, trying to get a coupon. And people were pushing and yelling and grabbing for them. And I was trying to politely give everyone, I think you already got one. And so finally I had to take the entire batch of coupons I had and I threw it as far away from me as I could way up in the air. And so the coupons went everywhere and I went running in the other direction so that I could save myself. And so even though there are people falling down on the crowd, a thousand at one hand, 10,000 at the other hand, I survived passing out coupons for free food. Alright, keep reading.

Jace Gustin (26:42):
Alright, so yes, but it will not come near you. You’ll only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked. If you make the most high, your dwelling, even the Lord who is my refuge, then no harm will befall you. No disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (27:14):
So we actually have angels that are guarding us. I’m thinking about Pakistan. We’ve done quite a few different crusades in Pakistan. And I remember one of the first events that we did there, everybody that came to our event had to pass through a metal detector. They were worried that someone might bring a bomb to attack people. And then the police came and they put sharp shooters on all the houses surrounding where the festival was going to be. And most of these policemen are assigned by the government to protect us as foreigners because the government doesn’t want an incident. But these guys are Muslims. And so one night there was a Muslim policeman, his name was Muhammad Nassim, and he was blind in one eye that night Jesus healed him. And this policeman who had a big gun, he actually came to the platform to testify and says, I was blind in my left eye, but tonight when you prayed to Jesus, Jesus opened my eye and now I can see.

And so I said, what’s your name? He said, my name is Muhammad Nasim. And so of course everyone knew that he was a Muslim and the word spread that Jesus was healing Muslims. Another time I was going to Pakistan Ann, and the week before I went, I ministered at a church in Rockwall, Texas and God spoke to the pastor’s wife there in Rockwall that their church was supposed to be praying for us and God actually gave her a vision. And in the vision she saw that we were in danger and guns were being pointed at us. And so she said, we commit as a church to be praying for you. So we went, we were preaching and saw great results. The local imam came, stood in the back of the festival, saw all the people that were being healed by Jesus, and he went to his moss the next day and told everyone, Jesus is healing the Muslim people.

So if you want to be healed, go and the prophet Jesus will heal you. And so even the imam was encouraging people to go, but there were some that were not happy that we were there. And so on the last night as we were leaving this festival, we were out in the middle of this village, kind of in the middle of nowhere, and we were leaving on this dirt road that passed through some fields. And the bishop that we worked with, he suddenly told our driver drive faster because there was a suspicious car that was following us. And so this bishop, he’s a little elderly, and during the festival he would always kind of fall asleep on the platform when I was preaching, but then he would nod off and I’d get to a good point in my sermon, and then he would suddenly wake up and say amen and pretend like he hadn’t been sleeping.

But anyways, this bishop, he told the drive faster. So we sped up and this car that had five young Muslim guys who looked suspicious, it sped up and was following us. And so up ahead of us, suddenly there was a bicycle motorcycle, not a bicycle, a motorcycle that was parked in the middle of the road. And the guy who had the motorcycle, he had a handkerchief and he was trying to get us to stop. And the bishop told the driver, he says, just drive around him, just keep going. So we swerved into the field, drove around him and kept going. And as we passed him, the guy took a rifle off his shoulder and he shot at us. Bam.

We thought the driver was driving fast before, but now he really stepped on the gas. So he’s doing really fast. And the bishop’s wife, she started to pray in tongues at the top of her voice. She was just praying really loud. And then the bishop’s daughter, she had a baby that had just recently been born. And so she was scared. She thought her baby had been shot. And so she was freaking out and what are we? And so my wife was there with me, my wife was pregnant with Caleb at the time, and I was very proud of my wife. She started to minister to the daughter and saying, it’s okay, your baby’s okay, don’t worry, you weren’t shot. And then I was looking out the back window and trying to figure out what was happening, and this car was still following us with these Muslim young in it.

And so my wife, she was ministering to the daughter and then she kept turning to me and pulling me down and saying, if they shoot someone, they’re going to shoot the white face, so get down. And so she’s ministering to them. And of course I wasn’t listening to my wife, I was pulling, I kept looking out the back window. She kept pulling me down and ministering to the daughter. And then I looked over at the bishop and I didn’t know it, but the bishop had been carrying a pistol the entire time. And so he pulls this pistol out of his pants and he’s waving it around the car. And I don’t know much about guns, but I know you’re not supposed to point it at me. And so I’m like, Bishop, don’t point that thing at me, point it out the window, don’t point it at me.

And he’s waving the pistol all over, yelling at the driver, drive faster, drive faster. And this car is following us. And so we’re all praying and my wife is ministering to the daughter and then pulling me down and I wasn’t listening to her. And so we drove like this for like 20 minutes and then finally we were able to get off the dirt roads onto the main road, make some turns, and after 20 minutes we lost the car that was following us. I knew everything was going to be okay. When I looked over at the bishop and he had put away the pistol and he had fallen back asleep, that’s when I knew everything was going to be okay. But the amazing thing is, is that when we got back to the United States, the church from Rockwell called us and they said, we were in the middle of our Sunday morning service and we felt like we were supposed to pray for you guys.

So we stopped singing our praise and worship songs and we spent 20 minutes praying for you guys. And we figured out the time difference between Texas and Pakistan. And the very time that they were prompted by the Holy Spirit to pray for us was the time that we were in danger in Pakistan. And so the principle here is that if God prompts you to pray for someone, sometimes you’ll think of someone that you haven’t thought of for a long time and suddenly you’re like, why am I thinking about my Aunt Molly? Well, maybe it’s because your Aunt Molly needs prayer right now.

And so when the Holy Spirit prompts you to pray for someone, it’s probably because they’re facing a situation and they might be in danger. And so this church, they prayed for us at the exact time that we were in danger. So sometimes we need to be very sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit because he will bring people to our remembrance. He’ll prompt us to pray for people. And so now sometimes I’ll think of someone, why am I thinking of that person? Well, it’s probably because God wants me to pray for them. I’ll take a moment to just cover them in prayer. Alright, let’s keep reading.

Jace Gustin (35:57):
They will lift you up in their hands so that you’ll not strike your foot against a stone. You’ll tread upon the lion and the cobra. You’ll trample the great lion and the serpent, because he loves me, says the Lord. I’ll rescue him. I’ll protect him for he acknowledged my name. He’ll call upon me and I’ll answer him. I’ll be with him in trouble and I’ll deliver him and honor him with a long life. Will I satisfy him and show him my salvation?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (36:41):
So one time we were in k Myanmar, Burma, and we were doing a three night festival there. And as we were preaching, there were gang members who got saved. They were addicted to drugs, and they actually came up and threw all their drug paraphernalia up on the stage and we’re crying out. Jesus set me free. And so Jesus was setting them free from being addicted to drugs. And on the last night of the festival, the gang that was selling drugs in that neighborhood, they came and they attacked the brother of my crusade director who was helping me to organize that event. And they threw rocks at him and picked up sticks and beat him. And they hurt him so severely that he went to the hospital. He was in the hospital for several days. He had blood streaming from several cuts on his head, his face and his back was really bruised badly.

And we don’t know if he was attacked because they were Buddhists who were mad that we’re preaching about Jesus or because they were gang members who were mad that we are setting people free from drugs. We’re not quite sure why he was attacked, but he was attacked. And so there is potentially danger when you preach the gospel, but God also has special protection for you. Another time I’m thinking about my mother and father. So after 20 years as missionaries in Mexico and Juarez, which as I said earlier was the murder capital of the world for a period, then I kind of joke around and says it got too dangerous for them in Juarez. So they decided to go somewhere else and the place they decided to go was Kabul, Afghanistan, which probably is even more dangerous. But I was so proud of my parents. They went and they were in Kabbala, Afghanistan, and they taught at a school there.

But they had some friends that they went to their house for prayer meeting. They were very close friends of my family. And they had a son and a daughter who went to the school that my parents taught at and were actually the son and the daughter. They were in classes with my brother who was teaching there. Well, the Taliban attacked this family and it was in the middle of the day. They attacked the house where they lived. They used rifles and machine guns to attack their house, started throwing grenades. And so my mother and father, they lived just a couple of blocks away and you don’t really know what’s going on, but suddenly you hear all the gunshots and the grenade blasts going off. And so my mother and father didn’t have anything to do, but to get under their bed and to pray. And so they stayed there for several hours because the Taliban attacked and then the Afghan military was called and they attacked the Taliban.

And so all day long my parents were hiding under their bed listening to the bomb blasts, grenades, the rifles going off and just praying. And it wasn’t until later that they found out what happened. The Taliban came in and they killed several Afghans there that this man had been working with. They killed the father and they killed the son and the daughter, both teenagers and the mother escaped because she wasn’t there at the time. But she had to come in to the hospital, the morgue, and identify the bodies of the father and her son, her daughter. And as she’s identifying them, the Afghan doctor was really surprised and said, why are you so peaceful? Usually if someone has a family member who dies, they’re freaking out, they’re crazy. And she was able to minister to the Afghan doctor in the morgue say, I can have peace because I love Jesus.

And Jesus. He died to save them from their sins. And because they believed in Jesus, they’re going to go to heaven. And if you will cry out to Jesus, you can go to heaven too. And so even right after this woman was seeing the bodies of her martyred husband and son and daughter, she had tremendous peace because of the prince of peace, Jesus whom she served. And so even in very difficult situations, we can have peace. Another time we were in Jammu, India and we actually had a situation where we set up a tent to do our festival in and a bunch of Hindus came and they rioted and they tore down our tent. And so they had 30 people who came in and they started marching around the place where we’re going to have our festival and basically saying, this is a Hindu nation and you are Christian, you can’t be meeting here. And they were acting very radically. So the pastor that we were working with, he went to the police to report the situation, say We have a permit. We were supposed to do a festival in this place, but they tore down our tent,

Jace Gustin (43:44):

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (43:45):
Tore down all the poles. And the policeman who was taking his report, he says, oh, I know what happened. He said, how do you know? He says, well, I was there. I was one of the people protesting. So they’re reporting this to the policemen. And the policemen had been one of the people there who was helping to tear down the tent. So the policemen weren’t able to help, but then a miracle happened. There was a local politician who came, and he was actually the head of one of the political parties that normally would be against Christians, but he heard that they tore down our things. And he came and he says, I don’t think this is right. And this politician, God really softened his heart. And he came to us and he says, the Hindus, they have their festivals and no one stops them. The Sikhs, they have their festivals and no one stops them.

He says, why shouldn’t the Christians be allowed to have a festival? And so he says, I’ll give you a place in town and you can have your festival there. And so we went from the outskirts of the city to he moved us right into the middle of the city, into this big hall that was normally used for weddings and that type of thing. And so we were able to have our festival there because God gave us favor with this Hindu politician. And many people were touched by God in that place. So there’s lots of potentially dangerous situations, but there are also great miracles that God does when we are obedient to him. And so I think it’s important to remember that we don’t need to fear, we are protected. God puts his angels in charge of us. And we read here in Psalms 91, these great promises of God, of what he can do to protect us, to help us. And ultimately we know that God will protect us here on earth. But even if something was to happen to us here on earth, we would go immediately upon death to be with God in heaven for all of eternity. Alright, let’s just finish by praying for protection. Jace, pray for my friend who is listening to this right now is maybe worried about going to the mission field. Just pray that God would protect our friends and that no harm would come to anyone on the mission field.

Jace Gustin (46:43):
Alright, well, father, we just invite you to be in our lives and that Father that in wherever we go, let it be guided and directed by your Holy Spirit so that wherever we are, we know that you are with us, that you are guiding us, and you’re just bringing us into the places that you have prepared to reach people for your name, for your glory. And Lord, just give us just the divine knowledge of where to go and what to say and how to act, and that we know and trust that you’ll carry us through it and protect us. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (47:29):
Amen. Thanks for listening to the Evangelism podcast.

Evangelism Podcast Host (47:33):
Are you called by God to be an evangelist? Do you want to lead millions of people to Jesus? Do you desire to be trained in the practical side of building a ministry? Then check out the Daniel King’s School of Evangelism. Learn how to be an effective evangelist from Dr. Daniel King’s 20 plus years of experience. Daniel King has done crusades all over the world in over 70 nations and has seen over 2 million people give their lives to Jesus. But it wasn’t easy. There was no crusade school. So Daniel traveled the world learning from and observing top evangelists, noticing how they successfully won souls for Christ. Now he wants to share decades of knowledge and experience with you. Topics of the Daniel King School of Evangelism include what is an evangelist, how to be a master soul winner, how to give an altar call, how to organize a crusade, how to raise money for your ministry, and much more. If you want to be an evangelist but don’t know where to start, the Daniel King School of Evangelism is for you. Enroll today in the School of Evangelism by going to Daniel King ministries.com/evangelism.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (48:35):
Thanks so much for listening today. I am excited about telling people about Jesus, and I want to invite you to be a part of helping us to rescue people from Hell and take them with us to heaven. There’s two things you can do to help. First of all, can you go find the Evangelism podcast on Apple iTunes and leave us a positive review by giving a review. You will help other people find these valuable resources about sharing our faith. And second, would you become a financial partner with King Ministries. Every single dollar that people give us enables us to lead at least one person to Jesus. And so that means for only $1, you can help start a party in heaven. And so today I want to invite you to become a monthly partner. You can start out for just a dollar, but if God puts it on your heart to do more, of course you can do more. But please go to king ministries.com and become a monthly partner with us today to help us to lead more people to Jesus. Thank you so much, and God bless you. For

Evangelism Podcast Host (49:56):
More information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches, visit king ministries.com. Again, that’s king ministries.com.

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