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Global Day of Youth Evangelism | Dare 2 Share Live with Greg Stier

November 9, 2024 is going to be a global day for youth evangelism and you are invited to participate. Greg Stier from Dare to Share has put together an app called “Life in Six Words” and a series of training videos that will help young people to share their faith. It is all free and today on the Evangelism Podcast we talk about how you can be involved in this worldwide outreach.

Learn More About the Event: https://www.dare2share.org/events/live/


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
November 9th, 2024 is going to be a Global Day for Youth Evangelism and you are invited to participate. Greg Stair, from Dare 2 Share has put together an app called Life in Six Words and a series of training videos that will help young people to share their faith. It’s all free. And today on the Evangelism Podcast, we talk about how you can be involved in this worldwide outreach.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:39):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary, and evangelist Daniel King.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:04):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King. I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. I have a very special friend with me, Greg Stier from Dare 2 Share. Thank you so much for joining me,

Greg Stier (01:16):
Daniel. It’s great man. So glad to be here. Last time we were together was in South Korea and you and I and about 23 others hit the road, hit the streets and did some evangelism. It was awesome

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:26):
And it was really a tremendous time. We were at the Uzon Conference on world evangelization and out of 5,000 participants, we managed to get 25 to go out with us and share with people. And I remember we had about 53 gospel conversations and presentations and eight people that responded in a positive manner to the gospel message that we shared with them.

Greg Stier (01:56):
And remember the miracle we’re trying to have that first gospel conversation and the guy couldn’t speak English very well and a guy came out of nowhere who was an 18-year-old who knew a little bit of English, but he translated for us and he wasn’t even with the event. He stayed with us for what three hours and got so excited that he wanted to continue to do evangelism with his friends on the streets of South Korea.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:21):
And I think what God did in his life was actually probably the most significant part of the entire time. He got a chance to share his faith. He was discipled some while we were there and he became enthusiastic about talking to people about Jesus. It was really amazing.

Greg Stier (02:39):
And I got to see Daniel firsthand do evangelism. And I just want to tell you, this is a guy that isn’t just talk about it on a podcast, he does it and he gets right in and shares the good news with a big smile on his face. And the joy of Christ is all over him. So testify to Daniel King, man, it was awesome.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:58):
Well, that’s what it’s all about. Alright, Greg, you have an exciting event coming up. I mean, your ministry Dare to Share has been challenging people to share their faith for many years now, and you have this exciting event that you’re trying to get people all over the world to participate in it. Tell me about it.

Greg Stier (03:20):
Yeah, it’s called Dare to Share Live. And so we’ve trained millions of teenagers and adults for the last 33 years. We used to do big mega events and bring students in and train ’em and equip ’em and unleash ’em. And once we decided, Hey, it’s time to go global, we said, you know what? Let’s make it on demand. Let’s make it a day of global youth evangelism. Let’s provide the inspiration. So I got key speakers from around the world. We do a drama, there’s training, and then the key part is everybody’s equipped. And then they go out, students go out, adults go out, share the gospel, and there’s City. We give them all the tools. We have a life and six words app for them to be able to share their faith. It’s in 24 different languages. They’re trained, equipped, and then they go out and then they come back and share stories.

And on the app you’re able to see stories from around the world of teenagers, from Nigeria to Nevada, from Dubai to Denver, sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. It’s completely free. It is an English, Spanish and Portuguese. And so man, if you’re in a country that where the students speak English, just do dare to share live English, Spanish or Portuguese, go to Dare to share live.org, sign your group up, it’s free and it walks you through the steps. And November 1st you’ll download the videos. And November 9th is the Global Day of Youth Evangelism. And if you’re not able to participate, would you be praying for these tens of thousands of teenagers around the world getting trained, equipped to mobilize to share the gospel on November 9th?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:59):
And so this is a big initiative specifically for November 9th. And tell me what you’re hoping to see happen around the world as people participate.

Greg Stier (05:11):
Well, we did it last year on November 11th, and I’m going to tell you what we saw was teenagers in Nigeria where it’s the fifth most persecuted nation in the world, going out and sharing Christ on the streets, calling their friends or Muslim friends in Sharon Christ, Argentina. We had another 3000 students going out, Sharon Christ, wherever across the United States. It was awesome and really, I mean brought tears to my eyes because you can scroll through the hashtag on the Life in six words app and see teenagers from around the world risking everything to go out and share the good news of the gospel. But they’re equipped. It’s not just inspiration and go, it’s like we train you. How do you bring it up? How do you share Christ? How do you explain the gospel? How do you bring somebody to a point of decision? So it’s highly inspirational, it’s very practical and what really makes it work is going out and like we did in Luanne Daniel, we hit the streets with the gospel and you come back just like we did. Then we came back and we all shared stories. These youth groups share stories, but they also hear stories from around the world from other teenagers. And so for a teenager in Lincoln, Nebraska where there’s 20 kids in the room, they may feel, well, there’s not a lot of us. But then they realize, man, there’s not tens of thousands. There’s thousands of tens all over the world sharing Christ. And so our vision ultimately is to see this happen in every country so that every teen everywhere can hear the gospel from a friend.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:48):
So if my friends who are listening want to participate in this worldwide outreach on November the ninth, where can they find more information? Where can they sign up and get involved in what’s happening?

Greg Stier (07:00):
Yeah, just go online to Dare to share live.org. That’s the number two Dare to share live.org and register and it’ll walk you through the steps. So what you need to do is very simple, and again, the videos which you’ve already filmed pre-filed, the videos are available November 1st you download those and English, Spanish or Portuguese, and then November 9th you gather your students and you show ’em the videos. You can have your own worship band if you’d like and everything else you can make it a big, big event or it could be 10 of you in a room and then you go out and share Christ and it is awesome. It is really, really cool.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:45):
So a youth pastor could use this to equip his young people in order to share their faith or someone who leads a small group of young people or even a young person who’s listening. If you’ve got a group of friends and you want to go out and do some evangelism, they can use this to equip themselves and how to share their faith. And then to go out and actually lead someone to Jesus.

Greg Stier (08:08):
And I would say even if you’re an adult and you say, I have an adult small group, adults need to lead the way. We just did a research project. The number one impact on whether a teenager shares the faith is if they have adults in their lives that are actively sharing the faith. So it’s something you could do as adults, college groups. We have a ton of college groups doing it. What’s really, really cool is yesterday I was backing out, I was on the other side of town, I was backing out, this is not cool, I almost hit you guys. I was talking on my phone. That was a bad move. I got out, I thought they were angry, I was going to apologize, and I knew one of the guys, and he’s a ministry guy that used to go to Dare to Share and he’s like, Hey, this guy trains teenagers how to share the gospel.

And this other guy who I’d never met goes perfect. He goes, I have an 11-year-old, she started a bible study on our public school campus with 25 other 11 year olds and they want to share their faith but they don’t know how and I didn’t know what to do, so show me what to do. And I said, dare to share live. And I explained it and he’s like, yes, dare to share live going to be led with a group of 25 11 year olds on November 9th here in Denver, because I almost hit a dude, almost hit her dad with a car.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:21):
Well that’s awesome when God can turn something like almost hitting someone into an opportunity to get people involved in witnessing. Alright, so you have mentioned several times this app that you’ve developed life in six words that’s available wherever apps are downloaded, just life in six words.

Greg Stier (09:46):
Yeah. If you go to your app store and just look up life in six words, it’s the numeric six life in six words, and you can download it again. It’s in 24 languages and growing. And what’s cool is you go through the app and you put your six words in, and when you want to share the gospel, you just ask someone, how would you describe your life in six words? And they choose from words like relationship, freedom, fun, god, meaningless, happiness, family struggles, adventure, money, purpose, routine, broken pain. And then you, after they push the words, you ask them, tell me why you chose those words. You hear their story and people just open up and then you say, can I share with you my words and I have my words and that’s how I share my testimony. Then can I share with you God’s words? And it’s just a simple gospel acrostic that it is like a digital track. If you can swipe and read, you can share the gospel using this, and you get all the way through and it spells gospel and then you ask ’em at the end, are you ready to trust Christ? If they push yes, water comes out and baptizes them, no, that’d be cool. That doesn’t happen, but that’s a later update. We’ll have that, but it’s a really, really simple way to share the gospel. Just go on your app store life in six words.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:10):
One of the things I’ve noticed is that a lot of people don’t really know what the true gospel is. And we had some conversations about this when we were out looking for people to talk to in South Korea, but just take a moment and share what is the gospel? What do people really need to know about the gospel?

Greg Stier (11:29):
Yeah, so you and I talked about an illustration. I use a ladder versus a chair. So most world religions have a ladder approach. You got to climb, you got to stop or try or cry. You have the 10 commandments of Judaism, you have the doctrines and covenants of Mormonism. You have the five pillars of Islam. You can go on and on eightfold path of Buddhism. There’s that. You climb, only Christianity is a chair. Well, there’s no rungs to climb. It’s not about you trying or turning or giving or I mean it’s about resting, sitting, relying on the finished work of Christ. When you put your faith alone in him and what he’s done for you on the cross, you’re saved. And that is a mind blowing because our flesh wants to climb. But Jesus said, you have to humble yourself. It’s not about what you can do, it’s about what he has done.

You receive that by faith, and so I dare to share. We use that simple gospel acrostic. God created us to be with him. O is our sins separated us from God. S his sins cannot be removed by good deeds. P is paying the price for sin. Jesus died and rose again. He is everyone who trust in him alone, his eternal life and hell is life with. Jesus starts now and forever. And that’s the gospel that we kind of train students in. And right in the center of it is a bloody cross in an empty tomb that Jesus paid the price in our place for our sin and he rose victorious from the dead and through faith alone in him we have life. And that is repentance. When you change your mind about trusting in the ladder and trusting in yourself and you put your faith in Christ alone, you rest on the finished work of Christ.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:18):
Yeah, religion always says, do you have to do this? You have to do that. But when Jesus died on the cross, he said, it is finished. And so true. Christianity says, done, done, done. Jesus accomplished everything that needs to be accomplished on the cross, and now we rest in it. We can sit down because we don’t have to strive or strain or work really hard in order to earn anything. All we have to do is accept what Jesus accomplished for us on the cross.

Greg Stier (13:47):
Well, and Daniel, what’s so cool about that is once you get that and you understand the grace of God and you receive it by faith, then you actually want to go all in and I’m going to run up and pick up my cross every day and follow Christ. Not because I have to be saved. I’m grateful and it’s a whole different motivation, man. I’m jacked to pick up the cross. I’m pumped up. Let’s go because I’ve received the free gift of eternal life. And now it’s like I told a guy one time, I was in a mall, talked to two gang guys. One dude was big, he was jacked, and the other guy, he wasn’t interested in listening. So I talked to the big guy and he was in a gang, and I said, I went through the gospel and he understood. I said, does that make sense?

He goes, yeah. I go, would you put your faith in Christ right now? He goes, yeah. I said, where are you going to go when you die? He goes, heaven. I go, how do you know because you live a good life. He goes, no, Jesus died from my sins. And I go, okay, then you’re in the family, so you got it. But then I said, let me ask you a question. If I had a million dollars in a duffel bag and I gave it to you as a free gift, would you take that free gift and then punch me in the face, push me to the ground, Goodfellas boots, stop me, spit on me and walk away? And he goes, no, I’d buy you a hamburger, man. Go. Okay, why? He goes, because I’m grateful. I said, God is just giving you something better than a million dollars.

He’s giving you the free gift of eternal life through faith in his son, yours simply by faith. Now you’re going to spit in his faith, you’re going to serve him. He goes, I’m going to serve. I go, why? Because you have to, because you’re grateful. He goes, because I’m grateful. Right? Then he got it. Serving Christ, surrendering Christ is a response to that free gift of eternal life. After we receive it, then we get the privilege and opportunity of going all in for Jesus because we are grateful. And that’s a whole different thing than religion.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:29):
Amen. Well, I am grateful, and if you’re listening, you’re grateful for what Jesus has done for you, then you will want to share that with others. And so November 9th is the big day. I encourage you to participate in it, get out, share your faith, and one more time, give us the website where people can sign up. I want you to go there right now, sign up and get involved. Download the video training and the information. Get the app on your phone so that you can be better at sharing your faith.

Greg Stier (16:02):
Yeah, it’s just dare2sharelive.org. That’s the number two. Dare2sharelive.org.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (16:10):
So go sign up right now and participate November 9th this year and worldwide, I believe God will give a great harvest of souls. Greg, thanks so much for being on the Evangelism podcast.

Greg Stier (16:23):
Thanks my brother.

Evangelism Podcast Host (16:24):
Is there evidence for God’s existence? How do we really know Jesus was raised from the dead? Can we trust the Bible? Do miracles happen? Does God care about me as an individual? In Dr. Daniel King’s book, proof God is real. You’ll find the answers to these three vital questions and more Is God there? Does God care? And do I dare to follow him? In his powerful, easy to read book, Daniel provides seven convincing proofs of God’s existence. You’ll learn about the evidence of cause. Design, logic, morality, scripture, miracles, and religious experience with proof God is real. You’ll read about topics like, was Jesus the son of God or just a crazy preacher? If God does exist, is he interested in your life? If God is there, why do bad things happen to good people? In proof, God is real. Daniel King shows you, God is there and he cares for you. Plus how to take a leap of faith and start a relationship with a God who deeply loves you. Order proof God is real today by calling 1-877-431-4276 or find the book on Amazon.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (17:28):
Thanks so much for listening today. I am excited about telling people about Jesus, and I want to invite you to be a part of helping us to rescue people from Hell and take them with us to heaven. There’s two things you can do to help. First of all, can you go find the evangelism on Apple iTunes and leave us a positive review by giving a review, you will help other people find these valuable resources about sharing our faith. And second, would you become a financial partner with King Ministries. Every single dollar that people give us enables us to lead at least one person to Jesus. And so that means for only $1, you can help start a party in heaven. And so today I want to invite you to become a monthly partner. You can start out for just a dollar, but if God puts it on your heart to do more, of course you can do more. But please go to king ministries.com and become a monthly partner with us today to help us to lead more people to Jesus. Thank you so much, and God bless you.

Evangelism Podcast Host (18:48):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches, visit king ministries.com. Again, that’s king ministries.com.

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