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How to Minister at Schools

On today’s episode of the Evangelism Podcast, I talk to James Moore from Gift of Faith Ministries. He’s about to go on a mission trip to the nation of Brazil, and in Brazil he’s going to have the opportunity to share the gospel in a school setting. We talk about how to share the Gospel to school kids. If you’re interested in being effective at sharing the gospel to a group of school children, keep listening.

Subscribe to the Gift of Faith YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@GiftofFaithMinistries


Evangelist Daniel King (00:00):
On today’s episode of the Evangelism Podcast, I talked to James Moore from Gift of Faith Ministries. He’s about to go on a mission trip to the nation of Brazil, and in Brazil he’s going to have the opportunity to share the gospel in a school setting. So on today’s episode, we’re going to talk about how to share the gospel to school kids. If you’re interested in being effective at sharing the gospel to a group of school children, keep listening.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:43):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary, and evangelist Daniel King.

Evangelist Daniel King (01:07):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King. I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. I have a very special guest with me, James Moore. Thank you for joining me on the Evangelism Podcast. Thank you, sir. Okay, so James, you have been coming over to my house about once a week for the last several weeks, and we’ve been talking about evangelism and God has really put it on your heart to preach the gospel. Tell me a little bit about your father, the ministry that he had and what God’s put on your heart.

James Moore (01:46):
Well, my dad always growing up was a missionary to Africa and India and the Philippines. And he had a pretty amazing miracle ministry and he was very into evangelism as well. He did pretty large crusades in Nigeria and Uganda, and many thousands of people would get saved and several hundred healed and it was always a really big influence on me. And he passed last year, but God has really been calling me to continue his work in the world.

Evangelist Daniel King (02:23):
And so how did you hear about me?

James Moore (02:27):
I was actually recommended to by one of my dad’s best friends, mark Swagger.

Evangelist Daniel King (02:34):
And so Mark Swagger is a great evangelist, good friend. He has been involved in evangelism for many years. He did some great evangelist events over in the nation of India and God actually gave Mark swagger a vision to train up evangelists in India. And he had the whole plan put together. He was going to send out two by two. He was going to give each one a truck and a little sound system. He had their uniforms designed everything, and right as he was about to put this into practice, he tried to get into India and they wouldn’t let ’em in, which happens kind of frequently for some evangelists just because of visa issues. And so he was never able to implement that vision for India. But I think that that was an idea that came from God and it shall surely come to pass. The idea is that God gave Mark swagger. We’re not giving up on them, they will come to pass. Okay. So James, mark swagger recommended that you came to me and talk to me about your motivation, why you wanted to learn about

James Moore (03:49):
Evangelism. Well, God has been calling me to do evangelism my entire life. Several times when I was young, God would give me a vision or a dream regarding that and very obvious call from the Lord about it. And in the last couple years especially, so the same thing, several dreams and visions regarding evangelism and really strong burning desire to help save the lost and set people free from illnesses and demonic possession and different things like that, but more especially about evangelism. And it’s something that I don’t have a lot of experience in. So I was really grateful when Mark recommended me to you.

Evangelist Daniel King (04:34):
And so as we’ve been talking, God gave you a name for your ministry. What’s the name that God gave you?

James Moore (04:40):
It’s Gift of Faith Ministry.

Evangelist Daniel King (04:41):
So Gift of Faith Ministries. And so we’ve been talking about what ministry looks like, what this evangelist, that calling upon your life could look like. And one of the very exciting things that’s happened is you started a YouTube channel and the videos that you’ve been putting up on there have been very successful. What have you seen happen with some of your teaching videos?

James Moore (05:09):
Well, the Lord’s gave me word specifically for certain videos and people responded to watched it. One man told me that it really convicted him when he watched it and he said God made him click on it. He saw that it was about the Lord and didn’t want click on it. God made him and he did. And then he ended up being really convicted by the Holy Spirit and got down on his knees and cried out to God for he actually received Jesus because of one of my videos. And that was really encouraging. And several other people have said similar things that just God drew them. Like Jesus said, if I be lifted up, I’ll draw all men unto me. And he was drawing their heart to him through some words that he told me to say, which I was really excited about. And I mean I’ve had that happen just one-on-one in person, but all this is really new to me with videos and groups of people.

Evangelist Daniel King (06:04):
Well, you’ve been doing a great job, you’re just pulling out your cell phone, giving a little message, whatever God put on your heart for that day. And some of those videos have really gone viral. What’s the most views that one of the videos has gotten so far?

James Moore (06:20):
I believe one of ’em was about 1600 views.

Evangelist Daniel King (06:24):
I mean that’s amazing because anyone would want to preach to a crowd of 1600 people. And so by putting this video up, having impact on 1600 people and then what’s the average number of people that are watching each video?

James Moore (06:40):
Right now it’s around 500.

Evangelist Daniel King (06:44):
Yeah, that’s great. So God’s already giving you an outlet for the calling that he has upon your life. And really that’s something that’s brand new. I mean you’ve just been doing it for a little while now, but God’s already giving you great fruit on YouTube. And so now something very exciting is happening. You are going on your very first gospel crusade and you are going with one of my evangelist friends, Adam Smith. He’s been working down in Brazil for many years now. How do you know Adam Smith?

James Moore (07:24):
He’s actually married to my sister.

Evangelist Daniel King (07:26):
Okay. Yeah. And so he married your sister. How long have they been married now?

James Moore (07:32):
About a year and a half I believe.

Evangelist Daniel King (07:34):
Okay. Because when I first met Adam years ago, he wasn’t married at that time. So it’s exciting that he met your sister and he invited you to come on this crusade. Yes sir. And so you’re going to go down and what are you expecting to happen? You told me that you’re going into the Brazilian state of Seattle,

Evangelism Podcast Host (07:56):

Evangelist Daniel King (07:57):
I’ve been down there. And what are you expecting to happen while you’re there?

James Moore (08:03):
Well, I know Adam has planned to set up a big stage in ua, the city there. And I know my sister and I are going to go into several schools, quite a few schools, I believe several schools a day for several days and preach a gospel message to the children there. And I’m so glad they’re so open to receiving us in all those schools. And it sounds like it’s going to be a pretty tight schedule with lots of schools. And we’re also going to be handing out some food to the needy in several areas.

Evangelist Daniel King (08:36):
Yeah, I’ve been down to Brazil quite a few times, love going into the schools down there. And so when you came to Knight, your question was basically about going into these schools and what to do in going into the schools. So let’s talk about that a little bit. When you go into a school, it’s a great opportunity. Like here in the United States, usually the schools would not allow you to preach the gospel

Because here in the United States there’s this idea, I don’t think it’s an idea actually found in the Constitution, but you’ve got separation between church and state. It’s kind of something that secularists have imposed upon government and trying to keep people away from God. And so they say there’s no religion, therefore only having their religion of secularism in the schools here in America. But in many countries it is possible to go into schools. And so the last few years I’ve been invited to teach for Christ for All Nations by Daniel Kalinda. They have their evangelism bootcamp and they’re training up their students to preach evangelistically. And in many countries, God has opened up doors for the students, the evangelism students from the bootcamp to present the gospel in youth crusades, often with school kids. So let’s kind of talk about the process. If you’re going to a school, first of all, you go in and hopefully they will give you the opportunity to speak to an assembly of all the students together.

So first you would go and meet with the principal of the school, they’d probably greet you and you can ask, can we gather all the kids together and an assembly? And in most schools, that’s something that they would probably do about once a day to say the national pledge and to have announcements for the day. So they’re used to coming together in assembly. And so you ask them where to go, you set up your equipment. If you’ve got a little sound system, you get everything set up and then you ask permission to start the meeting. And then the first thing you should do is to honor the principal and the teachers that have invited you there. And so you get all the students to clap for the teachers that, wow, it’s such an honor to be here. I want to say thank you to the headmaster and to the teachers for allowing us to speak.

Let’s give them a great round of applause for what a great job that they do. So you start out by honoring the teachers, and that’s good. That will make the teachers like you if you get the kids to honor them. And then you introduce yourself, Hey, my name is James, I’m from the United States. We’re so happy to be here, introduce any of the team members who are there with you. Then you would pray a short prayer. And so you encourage the kids to all be quiet, everybody quiet down and listen, I’m going to pray and invite God to this place. And so then you should pray a short prayer. And then what I would do is I would tell a story, right? Won’t you say amen with a prayer? Tell a story that grabs their attention and then use the story to present the gospel to them.

And so after you tell the story, then you connect the gospel to the story clearly by asking the kids to choose to believe in Jesus and then to repent. And so there’s many different things that we can talk about with kids, but the main purpose of being there is to share the gospel. And so the word gospel means good news, and it is the good news that even though every human has sinned and that there is a price that must be paid for sin, Jesus, the Son of God died on the cross to pay the price for our sins, but he didn’t stay dead. He rose from the dead. And today Jesus is alive and the Bible says that everyone who calls in the name of Jesus will be saved. And so do you want to call on Jesus right now? And so you bring the kids to a point of decision to where they have an opportunity to say yes to Jesus and to repent from their sins.

Then after you ask them to make that decision, then you lead them in a salvation prayer. And then you take an opportunity to explain to them what salvation is and what just happened in their life. Then you can mention the Holy Spirit, pray for them to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit and then explain the power that comes from the Holy Spirit. You can pray for people to be healed. If the Lord leads you to do that, and then you say, thank you so much for having me, you ask them to clap for your translator, who’s there with you? And then you can finish up by singing a song or something. And so that’s how I would typically do a school assembly. But the key is to have some good stories that really help you to communicate the gospel. Now, when you think about Jesus, what are some of the stories that you think about that Jesus told

James Moore (15:01):
Being a good shepherd and how he would leave the 99 and go and help the one lost sheep? And I dunno, anytime that I’ve shared the gospel with someone, it’s been on a one-on-one basis, and it was something that the Lord would lead me in what to say. And so it’s kind of new for me to speak to a whole crowd, especially children about this sort of

Evangelist Daniel King (15:29):
Thing. And so are you a little bit nervous or how are you feeling about this opportunity? Well, I’m excited. It is

James Moore (15:38):
Not something I have a lot of experience in.

Evangelist Daniel King (15:42):
Alright, so let’s talk about some stories that you can potentially use to minister to the kids. Okay, so I’m going to talk loud because when I talk to kids, I talk loud. But the first thing I would do is I do something to grab the attention of the kids. Like, Hey boys and girls, I’m so excited to be here. If you’re happy today, I want you to wave your hand at me. Everyone wave your hand at me. And so the reason I do that is to get them to respond, to grab their attention, and then to get the audience to start acting. So if you’re happy today, just wave your hand at me. I’m so happy to be here. I want to tell you a story. How many of you like stories? If you like stories, I want you to wave your hand at me.

If you want to hear a story today, wave your hand at me. Alright? And so everyone, they’re waving their hands like, okay, I want to tell you a story. Once upon a time, right here in Brazil, there was a very smart teacher and this teacher was the smartest teacher in all of Brazil. And let me tell you about this teacher. This teacher was able to answer every single question he was ever asked. And so students would come up and ask the teacher a math question, and the teacher would always know the answer to the math question. They would come and ask the teacher questions about history. And no matter what period of time in history they’re asking about, the teacher always knew the right answer. Sometimes the kids would come up and ask a question about geometry or something that they were studying. In one of the classes, the teacher always knew the right answer.

And in that school there was a little boy and he was also very smart. He says, my teacher always knows the right answer, but I’m going to ask him a question that he can’t answer. And so this was his plan. He says, I’m going to go out into the garden behind the school and I’m going to catch a little butterfly and I’m going to run with the butterfly to the teacher, and I’m going to ask the teacher, teacher, teacher, teacher is the butterfly in my hand alive or dead? And this was his plan. If the teacher said The butterfly is alive, he was going to crush the butterfly in his hand and says, no, you’re wrong, it’s dead. But if the teacher said the butterfly is alive, or if the butterfly, if the teacher says the butterfly is dead, he was going to open his hand and let the butterfly fly away and prove that the teacher was wrong.

And so that’s what he did. He went out, he caught a butterfly, he went running into the classroom. He said, teacher, teacher, teacher, I have a question for you. Is the butterfly in my hand alive or dead? And the teacher stroked his beard like this and he said, Hmm, boys and girls, I want you to pretend like you have a long beard, stroke it right now and say, Hmm, how do you think the teacher is going to answer the question? And the teacher was a very wise teacher. And so he looked at the little boy, he says, little boy, he says, you are a very smart student. He says, the choice of life and death is in your hands, boys and girls. Today I want to talk to you about the choice between life and death in the Bible, which is God’s book, it gives us two choices, it gives us a choice that leads to life and it gives us a choice that leads to death, a choice that leads to blessing and a choice that leads to cursing.

It’s like a test. Boys and girls, how many of you like tests? Well, this is God’s test for each one of us. And God says, I give you life or death, blessing are cursing. And then God gives us the answer to the test. He gives us the answer key. He says, therefore choose life. Now, let me tell you about the two choices we face. You see, there is a way that leads to life in that way is through Jesus Christ. How many of you boys and girls know who Jesus Christ is? Jesus is the son of God. And if you choose Jesus, it leads to life. But there is another choice. And this choice leads to death. And that is the choice of sin. Who knows what sin is? Sin is when we do something wrong. Boys and girls who can give me some examples of things that are wrong to do, lying, cheating, stealing, disobeying our parents, killing someone.

All these things are sin. And the Bible says that if you choose sin, you choose the way that leads to death. Because the Bible says that there is a price that must be paid for sin, and the price for sin is death. But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ. And so every single one of us have sin. We’ve all done things that are wrong. We’ve all lied, we’ve all stolen, we’ve all cheated. We’ve done something wrong in our life and we deserve to be punished. But I have good news for you. Everyone say good news, come on, everyone say good news. The good news is that Jesus, the son of God, he came from heaven to earth and he paid the price for our sins. He died on a cross to pay the price for my sin and for your sin.

But Jesus didn’t stay dead after three days, Jesus rose from the dead. And today Jesus is alive. And the Bible says that everyone who calls on Jesus will be saved. If you will call on Jesus right now, he will lead you to God’s life. And so I have a question for each one of you, boys and girls, do you want life or do you want death? Do you want to choose the way of Jesus or do you want to choose to go the way of sin? Do you want God’s blessing or do you want cursing? If you want to choose life, if you want to follow Jesus, lift up your hand right now. Everyone who wants to follow the way of Jesus, everyone who wants to follow the way of life, lift up your hand right now. I see many of you are lifting up your hands. How many of you want life? If you want to follow the way of Jesus, lift up your hand. And usually a hundred percent of the audience is going to lift their hand because I’m presenting a very clear choice. I’m presenting the choice between life and death, blessing, cursing Jesus or following the way of sin. And so you can see, and so you want to present a very clear choice

That people can make. And then I want to make the choice of going towards Jesus to be as attractive as I possibly can because some people may choose to go the way of death. They may choose the way of sin, but I want to use everything I can to try to convince them to choose to follow Jesus. And so you use your words to build faith in their hearts that they can choose to follow Jesus. And so if you want to follow Jesus, if you want to follow the way of life, lift up your hand right now. And many people will lift up their hands and then say,

Okay, now we’re going to pray. And I want you to say this prayer after me. I’m going to say the prayer first and then my translator is going to repeat it. And then I want you to repeat this prayer after the translator. And I want everyone to say it loud enough so you can hear it with your own ears. Everyone say this prayer with me, say, dear God in heaven, the transfer says it, then they say it usually the first time they won’t be very loud. Say, I can’t hear you. I want you to pray this prayer and to mean it with all your heart. Everyone say this together. Say, dear God in heaven, come on, say it.

James Moore (24:25):
Dear God in heaven,

Evangelist Daniel King (24:26):
I cry out to Jesus,

James Moore (24:28):
Cry out to Jesus.

Evangelist Daniel King (24:30):
Jesus saved me.

James Moore (24:32):
Jesus saved me.

Evangelist Daniel King (24:33):
I believe Jesus died for my sins.

James Moore (24:36):
I believe Jesus died for my sins.

Evangelist Daniel King (24:38):
I believe Jesus rose from the dead.

James Moore (24:41):
I believe he rose from the dead.

Evangelist Daniel King (24:42):
And today I choose to follow Jesus.

James Moore (24:45):
Today I choose to follow Jesus.

Evangelist Daniel King (24:47):
Today I choose the way of life.

James Moore (24:50):
I choose the way of life.

Evangelist Daniel King (24:51):
I turn away from sin. I

James Moore (24:53):
Turn away from sin.

Evangelist Daniel King (24:54):
I repent of every wrong thing I’ve done.

James Moore (24:58):
I repent of every wrong thing I’ve done

Evangelist Daniel King (25:00):
And I turn to Jesus

James Moore (25:02):
And I turn to Jesus.

Evangelist Daniel King (25:03):

James Moore (25:04):
Jesus, I want to follow you. I want to follow you

Evangelist Daniel King (25:08):
All the days of my life.

James Moore (25:09):
All the days of my life.

Evangelist Daniel King (25:11):

James Moore (25:12):

Evangelist Daniel King (25:13):
Everyone say hallelujah, say amen. And so you would bring them to a point

Of praying, the prayer of salvation, and then you can take them into talking about the Holy Spirit. Right before Jesus went up into heaven, he promised to send a helper, someone to help you every day. And his name is the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit wants to come and dwell inside you. He wants to walk with you and talk with you every day. If you want God to give you the gift of the Holy Spirit, wave your hand at me. I’m going to pray for you. And when I pray, if you will receive this gift from God, God will fill you with the Holy Spirit. Dear God in heaven, I pray that you would fill every boy and every girl with the gift of the Holy Spirit. I pray that you would walk with them and talk with them every single day. Lord, I pray that they would have all the fruit of the Holy Spirit in their lives, that they would have love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, self-control. And Lord, I pray that every single person here would have the gifts of the Holy Spirit in their life. And I pray that they would follow Jesus and be filled with the Holy Spirit every single day in Jesus name. Amen. And I want you to clap your hands for my translator. He’s done a very good job. And now let’s sing a song together to celebrate what God has done. Alright, so talk to me, James, what do you think about that story and how do you think kids would react to that story?

James Moore (27:08):
Well, I’m sure it’s age dependent, depending how old they are, depending how you would present it. I know when I got saved when I was six, it was a real turning moment. It wasn’t just like somebody had me repeat some stuff and that was it. I remember that day to this day when I was six in a Reinhardt Bonky meeting and I was so excited and I ended up prophesying some. So I know that that’s a very valid moment for those people and it’s just something I need to work on and learn about all those aspects of what you were talking about.

Evangelist Daniel King (27:43):
I tell another story about a little monkey. So once upon a time there was a big jungle. And in that jungle there were lots of monkeys. And in the jungle there were also some monkey hunters. And so what the monkey hunters would do is they would get a box and they would cut a hole in the box. The hole was big enough for the monkey to stick his hand in. But it was small enough that once the monkey grabbed the bait, the monkey couldn’t escape from the box. And so the monkey hunters would put something in the box that monkeys love. Boys and girls, what do monkeys like to eat? And what do you think the answer is? What do monkeys like to eat? Banana bananas. That’s right. The monkey hunters would get some bananas, some yummy delicious bananas, and they’d put those bananas inside the box.

Now the smart monkeys, they knew that that box was a trap. But boys and girls, there was always a stupid monkey. That’s right. There was always a stupid monkey. And that stupid monkey would come out and he would smell the banana and he would look at the banana and he would want that banana so much. And so he would look around. He didn’t see the monkey hunters, so he reached his hand into the box and he grabbed the banana and then he couldn’t pull his hand out. He was trapped by that box. And boys and girls, did you know that monkey was stupid? He would sit there with his hand inside of the monkey trap until the monkey hunters come and trap him. Now, boys and girls, that monkey trap is not just a monkey trap, it’s also a sin trap. See, sin works exactly the same way.

Sometimes sin might look attractive, sin might even smell good, but if you grab a hold of sin, you’ll be trapped. Now boys and girls, what does the monkey have to do to get out of the monkey trap? All he has to do is let go of the banana. What does he have to do? Say let go of the banana, let go. All he has to do is let go of the banana. But boys and girls, that monkey will hold onto the banana until the monkey hunters come and trap him. And boys and girls, sin works exactly the same way. If you hold on to sin, you’ll be trapped by the devil. But if you’ll cry out to Jesus, if Jesus will set you free from the trap of sin. And so right now, if you want Jesus to set you free from the trap of sin, I want to pray together. If you want Jesus to set you free from the trap of sin, just lift up your hand to heaven and let’s pray together. And the kids lift up their hands and then you lead them in a prayer of salvation.

And then you can explain concepts of repentance. What does it mean to repent? It means to turn away from your sin. And so you turn away a life of doing things that are wrong and turn towards Jesus. And Jesus sets you free. So the gospel can be broken down into several different points. And so there’s different ideas that you can communicate. And you probably in one school setting, you wouldn’t communicate every idea, but the components of the gospel are, sin is bad. We can’t save ourselves the idea that your valuable to God, that Jesus took our place, that we need to put our faith in Jesus, that we need to come to a point of making a decision that Jesus has power over the devil. Will you become a Christian? And then the urgency of salvation. So each one of those is a concept that you could build a message for children. And so you look for a story. So the first concept that I mentioned is that sin is bad. Okay? How do we establish the idea that sin is bad? Explain what sin is and then give the good news that you can turn away from sin. Can you think of a good story to talk about how sin is bad?

James Moore (32:49):
Well, I mean there’s lots of stories in the Bible you could choose, but kind of the wise man building his house on a rock rather than on saying you’re placing your life on shaky ground rather than Jesus.

Evangelist Daniel King (33:02):
Yeah, so that’s a great story. I mean, you could build an entire sermon around the story of the wise man who built on the rock and the foolish man who built on sand. And so you would tell it as a story When Jesus communicated truth, he always communicated through stories.

And it’s because stories are more memorable than just facts. Like in the West, we kind of always have point a, point B, point C, point D, and that’s kind of how we think. But in a lot of cultures they often communicate truth through stories and then people can discover the truth hidden within the story. And so if I was talking about the concept of sin is bad, I might tell a story about my son Caleb, when he was younger, when he was about six years old, one day my wife made some chocolate chip cookies and it’s filled the entire house with the smell of chocolate chip cookies. And do you like chocolate chip cookies? I mean, everyone loves chocolate chip cookies just to smell them. And so if you like chocolate chip cookies, boys and girls just rub your stomach say. And so I am interacting with them, getting them to respond to think and imagine these chocolate chip cookies.

And of course my son at the age of six, he wanted to eat a chocolate chip. So he came into the kitchen and says, mommy, mommy, it smells so good. Can I have a chocolate chip cookie? And my wife said, no, Caleb, these are for dessert after dinner, we’re going to leave them here to cool on the stove and we’re not going to eat them until after dinner, so don’t touch the chocolate chip cookies. And so then she went in the other room, and before long here comes my son, six years old, and he’s crawling on his knees into the kitchen and he is going to sneak a cookie. And so he crawls in and then he reaches his hand up to the top of the stove, he grabs himself a cookie and then quickly stuffs it in his mouth and he eats it. And then that first cookie was so good, he went and grabbed a second cookie, stuffed it in his mouth, and right then my wife came back in the room and he’s got crumbs coming out of his mouth, a mouthful of chocolate chip cookie, just Caleb, I told you not to eat the chocolate chip cookies.

Did you eat one of the cookies? And he’s still chewing crus going like, no mommy, I didn’t eat any cookies. And she’s like, no, you are sinning. First you disobeyed your mother, I told you not to eat the chocolate chip cookies. And now you’re lying. You’re saying you didn’t. When the evidence is clear, you’ve got crumbs on the floor all over your mouth and chocolate chip cookie in your mouth. Not only did you disobey your mother, you also lied to your mother and see boys and girls that day, my son Caleb was sinning. He disobeyed his mother and he lied to her and because of that he was punished. And the same is true when we do things that are wrong, when we sin, it separates us from God and we deserve eternal punishment. We deserve to. The Bible says the price for sin is death.

We deserve to pay the ultimate price for doing things wrong. And so by telling a story like that, you get people to think about the concept of sin and then to think about it in their own lives. And then from thinking about the concept of sin, you can bring them into a place where you’re talking about how Jesus sets us free from sin. Alright, so another gospel concept would be the idea that we can’t save selves. So there’s another great story about a monkey. One time there was this monkey in the forest and his mother says, you can play anywhere in the forest but don’t play near the quicksand. If you fall into the quicksand, it’s going to pull you down and you’re going to die. So one day, guess what the little monkey did? He decided to go play in the quicksand. And sure enough, he got stuck and he knew that if he called for help, his mother would come, but then he’d be in big trouble for disobeying her and falling into the quicksand.

And so the little monkey, he says, I can pull myself out. And so he grabbed a hold of his ear and he started to pull on his ear as hard as he could and he is pulling on his ear. But boys and girls, no matter how much he pulled on his ear, did you know that he was not able to pull himself out of the quicksand? You see, sometimes we think that we can save ourselves. We think if we can make enough money, we can buy our way into heaven. We think that if we’re good, if we do enough good things, that God will let us into heaven. But the truth is that no matter how hard we try to save ourselves, there’s no way for us to pull ourselves out of a place of sin. The only way to get out of the quicksand is if Jesus comes and throws us a lifeline.

And so today, Jesus is here, and you might be stuck in the quicksand of sin, but Jesus is here to throw you a lifeline. Everyone reach up at your hand and grab a hold of the salvation rope, the rope that Jesus is throwing to you. Do you want Jesus to pull you out of a life of sin? And if you want Jesus to set you free from a life of sin, say yes and let’s pray. So you bring them to a place of salvation. Like another concept is the idea that you are valuable to God. And so I tell a story about this one time, and by the way, all these stories, you’re welcome. I give them to you, you’re welcome to use them. You’re adapt them to yourself and use them to communicate the truth of the gospel. So one time I went on a mission trip with a friend and my friend, this was his first mission trip and he was so excited about going on the mission trip before we left, he went to the store and he bought an expensive camera and he loved this camera so much.

He also bought a nice pouch that he could hang on his belt to put the camera into. And so as we were traveling through the country, everywhere we would stop, he would jump out and he’d pull out his camera and he’d start taking pictures. And then when we’re in the car, he kept saying, stop the car. Stop the car. I said, what’s wrong? What’s wrong? He says, look at that beautiful mountain. I want to take a picture. So he’d jump out of the car, go and take a picture of the mountain, and then we drive a little bit farther. Stop the car, stop the car. I said, what’s going on? He says, look at those beautiful flowers. And he’d jump out and he’d pull out his camera and he’d take a picture of the flowers. And so that camera was so valuable to him. He took lots of pictures.

But then we went to this little village. And in that village there were no restrooms. And so he had to use the restroom and all they had was an outhouse. And so he went into the outhouse. And as he was using the outhouse, guess what happened? The camera that was in the case on his belt, it fell out of the case and into the hole. He’s like, oh no, my camera, my valuable camera. What’s happened? His heart was broken. Here is beautiful, valuable camera is there way down below. And you know what my friend did? He loved his camera so much. He thought his camera was so valuable with one hand he held his nose and with his other hand, he reached down into the hole. He reached down as far as he could all the way down into the filthy mess. And he was just able to reach the string on the edge of the camera.

And he pulled it up and he was so happy he had rescued his camera and he said, got lots of baby wipes and wiped it all off. And soon it was as good as new. And he was willing to reach down into the mess to rescue his camera because his camera was valuable to him. Now, boys and girls, I want you to know that you are valuable to God. God loves you. God cares for each one of you, and God made you in his image. And because of that, you are valuable in the eyes of God. And so it doesn’t matter what situation you’re living in, maybe you are living in a life of sin. Maybe you are living in a family where there’s lots of abuse. Maybe you’re in a situation where everyone around you is doing things that are wrong. But I want you to know that you are so valuable to God that God is reaching down from heaven into the filthiness of our sinful lives and is reaching down to rescue you because God believes that you are valuable and he wants to save you.

Everyone lift up your hand to heaven and say, I am valuable. Everyone say God wants to rescue me from a life of sin. And boys and girls, no matter what type of life you’re living, God wants to reach down from heaven and rescue you right now. If you want God to rescue you, just lift up your hand to heaven and let’s pray together that God would rescue you. And you take the so. So you have this big concept that you are valuable to God. And then you go and you look for a story and you start to ask the Holy Spirit, holy Spirit, give me some good stories. Give me some good ways of communicating truth through stories. And it can be a Bible story. It can be a story that you made up a story like one of these stories I’ve told you today. But you tell the story and then use the story to bring them to a point of praying to Jesus. What do you think?

James Moore (44:17):
Yeah, I think that’s a great thought process. I can definitely see what you’re saying about Jesus speaking in parables and telling people from stories and it’s very effective. And especially for children. I could see that. Yes sir.

Evangelist Daniel King (44:34):
Yeah. So you have another concept like the need for faith. Like what is faith? Faith is a big word. There’s a lot of meaning in the word faith. So how do you communicate faith to a child? Well, you could ask a child to come forward and have him sit down in a chair, stand up, sit down, stand up, sit down and say, boys and girls, when this young man sits down on the chair, he puts his trust in the chair. He believes that the chair is going to be able to hold his weight because he has faith that the chair is not going to break. Now, the word faith means trust. It means to put your trust in God. And so when you put your trust in God, you’re saying, God, I believe that when I rest in you that you will hold me up, that you will hold me.

And so the boy has faith when he sits in the chair. And you can put your faith in Jesus today. You can know that he will hold you up, that you can trust him to do what his word says that he will do. And so when I ask you, do you want Jesus to save you, you need to put your faith in Jesus. Do you believe that Jesus can actually save you? If you believe that Jesus can actually save you, lift up your hand and we’re going to put our trust in Jesus and ask him to save us today. And so you look for a little illustrations and stuff. So, alright, so you’re going next week, you’re preaching at some schools. I believe God will lead you and guide you and help you to do that effectively and give you some messages that will be effective for the children that you’re ministering to. And let’s just finish up the podcast today by praying for your trip.

James Moore (46:40):
Yes sir.

Evangelist Daniel King (46:40):

You. Alright, give me your hand, James. Let’s pray together. Dear heavenly Father, I pray for James as he heads down to the nation of Brazil. Lord, I pray that you would be with him as he ministers in the schools that he’s going to, and as he sees this great gospel crusade with evangelist Adam Smith. Lord, I pray that you would be with him, that you would speak through him. And Lord, I pray that many young people would come to know you as their Lord and Savior because of the ministry that he’s doing in the schools. Lord, I pray that you would open up great doors for him to be able to share the gospel, both one-on-one with people and in the schools and everywhere he goes, Lord, I pray that he’d be a shining light in the midst of great darkness. And Lord I that during this trip that you would deposit something significant into his life and that he would be able to lead many people to you. And Lord, I pray for you to begin to mold him and help him to be the very best evangelist he possibly can be. In Jesus’ name, amen. Amen. Amen. Alright, James, be blessed. I’m excited to hear. Maybe we’ll have to record another podcast after you get back. You can tell us what God did

James Moore (48:04):

Evangelist Daniel King (48:05):
The nation of Brazil. Amen. Thanks for being on the Evangelism Podcast. Thank you, sir.

Evangelism Podcast Host (48:10):
Are you called by God to be an evangelist? Do you want to lead millions of people to Jesus? Do you desire to be trained in the practical side of building a ministry? Then check out the Daniel King’s School of Evangelism. Learn how to be an effective evangelist from Dr. Daniel King’s 20 plus years of experience. Daniel King has done crusades all over the world in over 70 nations and has seen over 2 million people give their lives to Jesus. But it wasn’t easy. There was no crusade school. So Daniel traveled the world learning from and observing top evangelists, noticing how they successfully won souls for Christ. Now he wants to share decades of knowledge and experience with you. Topics of the Daniel King School of Evangelism include what is an evangelist, how to be a master soul winner, how to give an altar call, how to organize a crusade, how to raise money for your ministry and much more. If you want to be an evangelist but don’t know where to start, the Daniel King School of Evangelism is for you. Enroll today in the School of Evangelism by going to Daniel King ministries.com/evangelism.

Evangelist Daniel King (49:12):
Thanks so much for listening today. I am excited about telling people about Jesus and I want to invite you to be a part of helping us to rescue people from Hell and take them with us to heaven. There’s two things you can do to help. First of all, can you go find the Evangelism podcast on Apple iTunes and leave us a positive review by giving a review. You will help other people find these valuable resources about sharing our faith. And second, would you become a financial partner with King Ministries. Every single dollar that people give us enables us to lead at least one person to Jesus. And so that means for only $1, you can help start a party in heaven. And so today I want to invite you to become a monthly partner. You can start out for just a dollar, but if God puts it on your heart to do more, of course you can do more. But please go to king ministries.com and become a monthly partner with us today to help us to lead more people to Jesus. Thank you so much, and God bless you.

Evangelism Podcast Host (50:32):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches, visit king ministries.com. Again, that’s king ministries.com.


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