Evangelist Peter Kalagi from Uganda has been involved in extensive evangelism efforts across Uganda and other parts of Africa, including street preaching, feeding programs, and revival meetings. He had a powerful encounter with Jesus at the age of 14 that led him to pursue full-time ministry, though he initially resisted this calling. Peter Kalagi is now focused on a campaign called “I Am a Soul Winner”, seeking to inspire and equip more Ugandan believers to engage in evangelism and reach the lost.
Learn more about Peter Kalagi: https://enjiricenterministries.org/
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King. I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. I have a very special guest with me, Peter from Uganda. And can you please say your last name?
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (00:13):
Peter Kalagi
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:15):
Okay. So tell me, what are you doing for God in Uganda?
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (00:21):
I do the work of evangelism.
I evangelize, we do quite a number of things. We do capacity building, we do street preaching, we do kids feeding, we do revival, prayer summits. And we recently, we started a fellowship in Ginger City where we have over 400 plus people come. We meet once a month, every second years of the month. And this is also a platform where God is redefining Destin of so many believers in the city of Jinja. And we believe that being that Jinja is where the source of the nano starts from Uganda, it goes all the way to Egypt. So I believe that there is a great move of, God is going to hit the entire continent of Africa, and God is changing the trend before, especially in Africa, we’ve been receiving the gospel from the Europe, from guys like you. They’ve been coming to Africa. And you remember that the Ledan bank said that Africa shall be saved. And I believe that God is raising missionaries from Africa to Europe now. So I believe that there is a great move of God that is hitting Uganda and it’s going to go across the continent of Africa. Yes sir.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:50):
And so tell me, how did you know that you were called to be an evangelist? What’s your testimony?
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (01:57):
My testimony at the age of 14, Jesus appeared to me. I was staying with my auntie from the side of my mom. I lost both my parents when I was young. I grew up with a strange, strange way. Life wasn’t that easy for me at all. I ended up being a houseboy in a family where I felt that they were going to take care of me. So Jesus appears to me at the age of 14, and I remember that entire night, the full night, like an overnight when I woke up, they told me, Peter, you’ve been praying the entire night. I’m like, I’ve been sleeping. No, we had you pray all night. And guess what? I was seeing a vision of Jesus. I was like, when? Every time I talk about it’s like it happened yesterday, five minutes back. So God called me in two minutes at the age of 14.
And that it’s one of the challenging moment for me because I didn’t want to go and do ministry. I didn’t want to just be in ministry. So after some time I started going to church, a local church. I was staying in a village called Kenya. That’s where I was raised up. So I started joining a local church, but later alone, I wanted to do business. So I quit the ministry staff. I’m like, I don’t want this stuff. Let me maybe make money. I supported Venice till 2016. You know what happened? I went to one of the Arab countries to make money. I almost died from that country. I won’t mention the name. I was poisoned. I repented and I told God, if you ever give me a chance, please, I will serve you the rest of my life.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:46):
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (03:47):
God saved me from those country countries. And then I went back to Uganda. Surprisingly, when I left Uganda and went to that country, by the time I came back, they had broke into the house where I was staying. I lost almost everything. I went back to zero. So I discovered that I cannot run away from the coal. I said, God, now you have me. What do you want me do? So he came me a ministry, which I’m running right now in G Center and G stands for Gospel Center. So through that ministry, we reaching out to the schools, reaching out to the community, to the slum areas where people are not willing to go. And even during Covid, I was moving from Uganda to Kenya, Tanzania, those countries I was doing evangels, even in Covid. So
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:36):
You’ve been evangelizing in many parts of Africa?
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (04:38):
Yeah, many parts of Africa.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:40):
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (04:40):
Yeah, even Arab countries as well.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:44):
Wow. And what do you see God doing
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (04:50):
In these countries where I’ve been going?
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:52):
Yeah, share with me some testimonies of what God has done.
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (04:56):
I remember one of the scenarios when I was in Tanzania, I happened to preach in one of the churches and God connected me to a family. When you go, Jesus met this lady on the well. And the conversation went far and far. And then the lady discovered that this is a prophet. And then she went and brought other staff, other people to hear Jesus. So for me, when I was in Tanzania, I met a bishop. God connected us in a molecular way. So he went to his church, preached there, God performed miracles, signs, and wonders. And then I used to meet people and someone came for prayers. Well, we are praying. He said, Papa, pastor, can you pray for my mother? My mother lives in the us. I’m like, okay, no worries. So they call the mama in the us or when I was talking on the phone, I said, mama, I see you.
You are in Maryland. Say, how did you know? Yes, I’m in Maryland. I’m like, you even have twins. Instant word of knowledge. God has been giving you word, instant word of knowledge. You meet a person, you tell them they’re in the first name. And that has been opening doors for me. Most of the people that have been discouraged, wounded, abandoned, and God, just you bump into someone they don’t know, you speak to them and you give them word of knowledge and then they open up. So now, every time I go to Tanzania, that family hosts me because of that word of knowledge that
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:33):
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (06:33):
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:35):
What a great testimony. Now, just recently, Christ for All Nations came to Uganda and did a De Capitalis event, which is multiple
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (06:47):
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:48):
In different cities. And so I teach every year at the Evangelism Bootcamp that Daniel Kalinda leads with the Christ world Nations. So many of the graduates from the Evangelism Bootcamp went to Uganda. I just finished doing a crusade in partnership with Christ for all nations in Congo. And while I was there, I was hearing so many stories of what God had done in Uganda, and they were just sharing so many testimonies. So I wanted to hear about the miracles and what you saw God do through the eyes of an evangelist from Uganda.
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (07:27):
Yeah. First and foremost, for the first time in history, Chan, they’ve been celebrating 50 years of adversely
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:35):
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (07:36):
In ministry and also,
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:38):
And their goal is to do 50 crusades all over Africa, from Cape Town to Cairo and Reinhard Bonky many years ago, had a vision of Africa, washed in the blood of Jesus. And so like you mentioned earlier, he said all of Africa should be saved. And so to celebrate 50 years, they’re doing 50 crusades this year. And how many took place in Uganda? There were quite a
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (08:03):
Few. 17.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:04):
17. Just in Uganda?
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (08:06):
Yeah, just in Uganda.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:06):
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (08:07):
And it was first time. It was the first time to have such s happening. And Uganda being not like any other country, most of the areas we had distant were far five hours drive, six hours drive. They were not just closed to each
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:26):
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (08:27):
So the team, the standard coin, had to fly in these whole cities in order to accomplish
The assignment. So I’ll talk about the tremendous move of code that happened. First and foremost, the first engagement I was given because I knew Chan, but I never worked with them. And I have coordinated several events work of God in Uganda for other ministries in Kenya and Uganda. So a friend of mine that I went with on a mission in Kenya is the one who connects me, recommends my name to one of the senior directors of Chan. So they needed to have a father’s meeting, a father’s gathering in Kampala to meet all the fathers. And it, it’s not easy. Most we’ve been having challenges where fathers are crashing with one another. So I came on board, they had a list. I’m also come up with a list. So we started to strategize paying a cut service to each one of them. And surprisingly, by the grace of God for the first time in history, for the first time in history, to have all of them in one room, even those that were busy, they had to send their,
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:42):
It was a miracle.
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (09:43):
It was a miracle. Actually. One apostle greater apostle called me and said that, you know what, this is not even a miracle. It is awanda
Because they have never seen it. And that is one of the greatest move of SI that brought in Uganda. First of all, they brought reconciliation, they brought peace, love, and harmony in the board of Christ. And it went all over the news, pastors, bishops meeting in one place. So after that, God opened up the hearts of Ugandans and pastors, including the church of Uganda. And every denomination came on board, not for any other business, but for the souls and for the sake of the gospel. And I even the C can say this, for the first time we had the government, the statehouse being involved in the crusades, they offered, the statehouse offered transportation for Daniel Lander. They offered, they cleared the trucks, the VIP, the treatment, everything and the impact, even rain action. Let me say this. The guys who were serving as some of them were serving in the army. And what they have been promoted, yes, they’re been promoted to those who came to serve. Those who are moving with dk, they are promoted right now.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:08):
They saw what God was doing
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (11:11):
After two weeks, three weeks here, a guy in the news being promoted by the president. That’s an anointing that came with Chan. And not only that, the wind, there is a wind that has been growing all over Uganda whereby there is an awakening of evangelism. Every church, the pastors, the bishops, denominations have been a awakened to evangelize. You hear, everyone is talking about evangelism. You go now to Kampala, you go to every east, west, north, south. Everyone is talking about evangelism. There is a move and any hunger that cannot be moved, people they own fire to evangelize.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:53):
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (11:54):
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:55):
Wonderful. And so what do you see God doing? Lots of people were saved at the Christ for all nations. Crusades
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (12:02):
Over, I don’t want to give wrong, but over 200 plus.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:08):
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (12:08):
Over 200 plus
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:10):
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (12:11):
Yeah. 200,000,
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:12):
200,000. Yes. 200 is not very much, but 200,000. Praise the Lord.
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (12:17):
Yeah. 200,000 plus.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:19):
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (12:20):
Because people came on, all crusades, people came.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:23):
Wow. So what role did you play? How did you get to help out?
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (12:28):
Surprising. I don’t know. Dunno how I can say this, but I was almost everywhere. I was almost everywhere. Everything that was happening in computer, we are stuck. Peter, the visa. My visa has linked, someone is coming at the airport. Peter, the police is not doing this, Peter. So for the first time in my life, I had never worked like that. And I wasn’t doing it for money. I wasn’t doing it for pay. People think that, oh, maybe I was paid money to do this. No, I am committed to the work of the Lord. And I made sure that the work of God moves on smoothly, even when my body was, because I reached a point when I was sick, I fall sick. I was on drips. But even the drip could not stop me to go and do ministry. Even when that’s how serious it was. I had to make sure God, Uganda, I was standing there for my country and for the sake of the gospel and for the sake of Africa because I ended up serving everywhere.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:32):
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (13:33):
Yes sir.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:33):
And so even though you weren’t paid, God will reward you for that and he will give you great fruit in your ministry.
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (13:40):
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:41):
Because that same anointing will come upon your life.
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (13:44):
Yeah. Yeah. Because why did I bring out that? Because most people, when they see big ministry coming, they think of money. They don’t think of winning souls. You get my point. So for me, I was, I’m fully persuaded and focused on winning the lost owe my energy because God is our great reward. You get my point? Because if I didn’t do that, I wouldn’t have met you because that’s the connection. You don’t know how many people have been calling me like, oh, you’ve been working with si. We saw you take this. And because God looked at my heart, it was pure. It wasn’t about anything.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:24):
Talk to me about the future. What visions and dreams has God put in your heart? What would you like to see God do through your ministry?
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (14:34):
First and foremost, in 20, in 21, when we are crossing, I think we are coming to 2022. God spoke to me to print out T-shirts written on. I am a solo winner. So we are running a campaign written called I Am a solo winner campaign. Like the book you’ve written?
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:59):
Yeah. I wrote a book called Soul Winner or Soul Winning. And we’ve given thousands of those books away all over the world. But just trying to stir up people to have a passion for soul winning. Yes.
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (15:10):
Now it’s almost the same because God told me, just do that. We’ve printed over 1065 T-shirts, those T-shirts. We go on the streets. We’ve given them out in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, us and other countries. But God told me to print 20,000 of them.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:32):
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (15:33):
So we do that. And people that have been shying away from winning the Lost, when they put on that T-shirt, someone just feel like, I want to go win a song. I want to go win a song. So we are running that campaign every day. I have a team of over 100 people, like guys that are ready that we do. We meet in Jinja, even other places. But mainly now I’m putting a base in Jinja because we started, we launched a fellowship there and on every before the fellowship on Monday, we go on the streets of Jinja. We cover over 17 streets with evangelism, solo winning, going to the streets and the churches joining. It’s a platform that brings everyone to go and win. The lost people are not settling, they are not just now focused on, they are small congregation. They want more to come because there is more. When we go out and we win them, they come to our churches. So that is one of the areas that God has called me. And by his grace, we are pushing on that. And then I am building leaders that are kingdom-minded people who are Kingdom-minded people are willing to go to Egypt. People are willing to go to Pakistan for the sake of the gospel. And this is going to happen in Uganda. God is going to use Ugandans to go to these Arab countries and Europe to bring a revival.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (17:10):
Amen. Well, if someone’s listening and has a heart for Uganda, how can they get in touch with you? What’s your website?
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (17:18):
The website is ww dot jeri center
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (17:27):
Com. You might have to spell Jeri. How do you spell
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (17:29):
It? Jeri. It is E-N-J-I-R-I-C. Center.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (17:41):
And then Center?
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (17:42):
Yes. And then.org
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (17:45):
Center ministries.org?
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (17:47):
Yes. Judy
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (17:49):
Center Ministries Do org.
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (17:51):
Org. Yes. Thank
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (17:51):
You. Okay, wonderful.
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (17:54):
I’m also on the Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (17:59):
Wonderful. Well, brother,
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (18:02):
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:02):
So exciting to hear what you’re doing in Uganda. I celebrate with you,
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (18:06):
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:07):
Thank you so much for being on the Evangelism podcast.
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (18:10):
Amen. I’m humbled. Thank you so much.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:13):
Yes, sir.
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (18:13):
Yeah. Thank you so much for the work you’re doing, and I believe that this is a movement that God is steering up advantage across the globe to move out. I just loved when you’ve been sharing with us, I just loved everything because there is an anointing of multiplication. Like we are deprecating ourselves in so many nations. And this is going to happen. You, you’ll be hearing testimonies upon Testimon. Why? Because God is raising an army that is going to go and win the lost.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:51):
Evangelist Peter Kalagi (18:52):
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:52):
Well, thank you. God bless you. Bless you too.