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Assemblies of God

Paul Fraser | Multiplying Churches in Canada

Paul Fraser is in charge of Championing, Training, and Resourcing Disciple-Makers for the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC). He leads the Multiply Network which mentors and trains church planters across Canada. Their goal is that every Canadian will have an access point to the gospel. Today we talk about what God is doing in the nation of Canada!

How are you helping churches to multiply?
What church growth strategies are working in Canada right now?
What trends does the PAOC see happening right now in your network of churches?
What do see are the challenges and opportunities for reaching people for Jesus in the Canadian context?

Learn More About the Multiply Network: https://paocmultiply.com/

Learn more about the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada: https://paoc.org/


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Paul Frazier is in charge of championing training and resourcing disciple makers for the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC). He leads the Multiply Network, which mentors and trains church planters across Canada. Their goal is that every Canadian will have an access point to the gospel. Today we talk about what God is doing in the nation of Canada.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:41):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies, and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary, and evangelist Daniel King.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:05):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus Today. I have a very special guest with me, Paul Frazier. Thank you so much for joining me on the Evangelism Podcast.

Paul Fraser (01:19):
Hey, thanks for having me.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:21):
All right, well let’s start at the beginning. Can you tell me a little bit about yourself and what you do?

Paul Fraser (01:29):
Yeah, so been in ministry now 25 years. Went to Bible college right outta high school and got married early. Went right into ministry, pastor in a local church, worked at a Christian school for a bit as a campus pastor. Ended up working at a regional district office as the district youth director and eventually kind of not aged out, but then kind of moved on to running our church, planting for our district, among other things. And now I work at the P A U C national Office as the National Church Multiplication Coordinator, which is the sister organization to Assemblies of God, us, and get an opportunity to work with some of the best leaders pioneering, entrepreneurial coming from all over the world to help us reach people in Canada through church planting. So it’s, it’s a great job. Love doing it. Lots of travel, get to meet some great people. So just really enjoying this season of ministry.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:30):
Yeah, the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, the P A O C is just a great organization. About how many churches are in the P O P O A C right now?

Paul Fraser (02:42):
Yeah, so we would, we would have about somewhere around 1100 or maybe, you know, 10 80 to 1100, somewhere in there of self-governing churches at probably another 150, 130, somewhere in there. We’re, we’re somewhere around 1200 altogether with satellite campuses, self-governing churches, and right across Canada. And we have eight districts. And so, yeah, it’s really, it’s, we’ve had a great, we, we just turned a hundred years old in 2019 and you know, had tremendous growth for the last 20 years or so. Just been plateauing, incrementally growing. So within the last 10 years we’ve had a really big push on church planting and just seeing some really fun, great results from that.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:33):
And so you’re leading the multiply network and I really like what it says on your website that your goal is that every Canadian would have a, an access point to the gospel. And so talk to me a little bit about kinda what God is doing in Canada, what opportunities you see, and then what challenges the church in Canada is facing right now.

Paul Fraser (03:59):
Yeah, great, great questions and thanks for referencing that cuz that is, that is our big tagline. If, if you don’t have a burden for the lost, you shouldn’t be planting a church. Like we’re not just looking to have more services for church people. There has to be a real sense of Yeah, like your church, your people, your social media, your everything could be an access point to the gospel for people to find Jesus, to have that life transforming love affect their life. And we’re in a interesting I don’t know where you’re listening from in the world today, cause I know these podcasts, the world just made is so much smaller. But in Canada, we, you know, we’ve lived in a post kind of Christian age for you know, I don’t know, maybe 20, 30 years. It depends who you, depends who you ask.

And so it’s great because on the one hand, people don’t have a lot of history of like, well, you know, I got hurt by church cuz I, you know, I did this and that. But it’s like, there’s a real sense of like curiosity. You know, there was a time in Canada probably just like the US where 90% of Canadians went to church. Of course that was the early 19 hundreds and everyone went to church on Sunday. It was kind of cultural and everyone did that. And now, you know, right around that 10% or a little less in Canada. So we really see a need for fresh expressions, new ways to reach people far from God and and to work with younger leaders who have a different call maybe than what I had and what my parents had and are like, are being creative and, and getting excited about trying new things and experimenting.

And so I’m really grateful that I get to be a part with them, provide maybe the banks of the river <laugh>, you know, for some of these young leaders that wanna do something like, hey, let’s, let’s, let’s do that, but let’s also have some structure. Let’s also have some of this. And so the opportunities here are, I actually think people are open to spirituality. There’s an openness to prayer, there’s an openness to hearing what you believe. And so, you know, used to be, you know, evangelism was, you know, very different. It was, you know, how I kind of described it in Canada was, you know, invite people to church. The pastor invites them to Jesus. And if we’re on the ball, we invite them into our life. And that’s, that can still work, that there’s nothing wrong with that. But I think maybe a more effective model is maybe invite them into your life.

You invite them to Jesus. And then church makes so much more sense. Like when I ch mean church, I mean the Sunday gathering. So I just think there’s an opportunity for people every day living on mission, you know, reading the great commission as, as you go about your day make disciples. And so there’s a lot of like yeah. So there’s a lot of opportunity out there. And I would say the obstacles are probably the same. Most places that there’s a hardness of heart scriptures tell us that the God of this world is blinded the eyes of man, and so they just can’t see. And so we, so we bump into those things. There’s an apathy at times within our church culture, perhaps that’s a bit more consumer, less about cause. And so, you know, I get concerned about that. I get concerned about when people think all I need to do to be a Christian is attend church regularly, give and volunteer, and then I’m fulfilling, you know, my role. And I just think, no, Jesus, Jesus is also concerned about some other things about you living on mission every day, 24 7. He’s Lord all the time. So I think we bump into the same obstacles. I mean, we could talk culturally even from this, even though Canada and the US are right next to each other, there’s some significant change, you know, differences in thinking there. Yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:59):
What are, what,

Paul Fraser (08:00):
What do you say?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:00):
But I would say see are some of the differences between the United States and Canada as far as church culture and, and, and reaching out to people. I, I’m, I’m very interested in this because I, I’ve actually been praying a lot for Canada. My wife is Canadian. She grew up in Morville, small town right outside of the Edmonton area.

Paul Fraser (08:23):
I know where that is.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:23):
And yeah so I met her in the middle of Africa. She was a missionary girl sent out from Canada. And so God brought us together. And since I’m married to a Canadian now our ministry is is an official charity in Canada, king Ministries Canada. And, and so every year we go up to visit her family up in Morville. And I, I usually preach at different churches in, in different parts of Alberta and in other parts of Canada. So I’ve really been praying for Canada. I’ve been praying for revival to come to Canada. But as an American, you know, it’s, it’s easy to be perceived as being too pushy. I think Americans tend to be more pushy than Canadians and Canadians. They don’t like that. And so what are, what do you see are some of the differences between America and in Canada?

Paul Fraser (09:16):
Yeah, like it, we have a big, like a big value on individuality, you know, so we would, and I don’t know if this is true anymore, but when I grew up, you know, going to high school, it was kind of like Canada was this multicultural individualistic, you can, you can be whatever you need to be, however you need to be. But in the US it was, and so we called that, you know, the multiculturalism of Canada. And then a bit of a, and of course in the US this has changed significantly since I’ve been to high school. But just kind of that melty pot where it’s like, no, if you moved to the US you’re American. But in Canada you would be like, you know, African Canadian or you know, you’re from, you’re, you’re, you’re from Spain, but you’re also Canadian. But so there’s, there’s a sense of individuality.

So we get offended easy. So that’s why we get, sometimes when people get, we perceive as pushy, it’s like, whoa, hey, can’t we all just get along here? And it’s like, so I find the directness of like, at least in churches being d it’s easier to be direct. I find it’s easier to have conversations with people in the us I think it’s like, honestly, when I travel, I was down for conferences twice this year already. And just sitting down at tables talking with people, it’s just like, wow. Like, they’re just so easy. And because we’re individualistic, we feel like we don’t wanna talk to people about our personal lives or faith and we don’t wanna offend. That’s like, like the cardinal sin of being. And so if you offend, you always say, you know, I’m sorry there’s a, you know, we always get Canadians like just, they’re so apologetic because we’re always offended it. So I think we, I’m

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:00):
Sorry for being sorry so much <laugh>. I’m sorry for being so

Paul Fraser (11:03):
Yeah, like, I’m sorry for being sorry. And I’m sorry that it offended you and all of those things. And, but when it comes to church planting we’re one-tenth the size of the US And so when sometimes the books get written from a US perspective saying, oh, your launch team needs to be this many people and you should have this many people on Sunday. And you know, this is how fast. And you hear the stories of like, yeah, we started in our garage and we grew to 500, you know, in six months. And those stories happen because the population density is, is different. There I think there’s a bit more openness maybe to, to coming to a Sunday gathering where there’d be less in Canada. And we just find like a 500 person church in Canada is like bordering on large. Like if you’re 500 person, you’re so times 10, that’s a 5,000 person church Yeah.

In the us. And so I think we always feel a little like, like, you know, just we’re the little brother for sure in that. And so we kind of resist some of the, you know, US strategies for church planning cuz they just don’t jive the same. So I think we grow a little bit more organically in our thinking and we’re less like big box store structure. I think we’re a little bit more agile, we’re able to explore things a little bit different. Of course those are huge generalizations and, but that would just be some of my takes as I go to church planning conferences and leadership and different things like that as it relates to church world. But, and send some of the cultural differences there as well.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:37):
Yeah. So in the Canadian context, what are you doing to help churches to multiply and grow?

Paul Fraser (12:49):
Yeah, so obviously sharing the vision of church multiplication the opportunity for us to reach people far from God, I, I try to remind a church planter as they’re like trying to figure out banking and trying to figure out structures and finances and all these things and teams. And I try to remind them like, Hey, picture that first person that gets saved on a Sunday. Or, you know, you know, someone says from your, your core team, they got like picture that. And so keeping the vision of why we’re doing it is really important when a church planter or somebody, and again, I think church planting is one of the most effective ways in North America to reach people far from God. I think there’s a lot of status that would support that. Even the eyeball test for me as I go around different churches and compare size of church and look at their stats year over year to an existing church that there are more salvations that happen in a church plant.

But, you know, keeping the vision in front of them, keeping it like, this is why we’re doing it. We’re, we’re not. Just like, one of the things that I think maybe church planting 20 years ago was built more around, we’re planting a service, not a church. Like let’s just plant a gathering. And then, because that was a really effective way to reach people. And it was. But I think less and less certainly post covid, we’re seeing like regular attendance to a church now be 2.2 times a month. And we’re seeing boomers not come back to church. And, and gen Xers specifically are two groups that just are not, they’re not coming back millennials with young families and Gen Xers or sorry, gen Z. They seem to be, you know, finding their way back to, you know, houses of worship in, in, in churches.

But yeah, man, I, I think, I think just keeping the vision in front of them, like this is why we do it. And this is, and, and if you went on a website too, I think somewhere else we try to exist to take the guesswork out of it to help churches because they don’t have time to read all the books, they don’t have time to do all the training, they don’t have time to do all the steps that are needed to help get a new disciple making community going. So we try to come alongside them and support them. We’re, we want to come alongside their vision, their idea, but we, but obviously we wanna share like, yeah, we, we need to be like planting churches cuz we’re closing churches not to the, and at least in our POC tribe we’re slightly outpacing our closures with new starts and that’s just not, we’re not gonna reach Canada incrementally. It’s gotta be this multiplication, exponential thing. And so sharing the vision of like, you can start a church, you can do it, maybe it’s micro church, maybe it’s a campus, maybe, you know, it’s an organic grow where you look at a town next to you and you start an alpha and you know, everybody can kind of do something. Everyone can be an access point to the gospel. And so we just try to share that vision and get them and equip them and train them as best we can.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:57):
Now I, I really like the fact that you are mentoring in coaching church planners. So kind of talk me through that process. If you have a, a young man of God who comes to you and says, I it’s really been on my heart to, to start a church, I really feel a call to, to be a ministry, to be a pastor. How would you encourage him to, to plan a church and then walk him through the process? How, how long does that process take and and what are some of the things that you’re telling him?

Paul Fraser (16:29):
Yeah, so we, we have you know, church planters who kind of jump into our pipeline either at the district level or at a national level. And one of the things that, there is a book some years ago written by, I’m just trying to look for it on my shelf to get their, I think it’s called The Honest Guide to Church Planting by Tom Bernardo. And I get them to read that book and if they still want to plant churches, like after reading that book, then it’s like, okay, that’s like a good first step and literal, legit, that’s what I’ve done. I’m like, please read this book because it’s honest. Like, hey, the people you start with won’t be the people there in three years. You know, and you know, this is gonna happen, this is gonna happen. People say they’re with you and then won’t.

And then new people will come with new ideas and try to shift the vision and you know, all those things. And so if you read that, that’s great. But so we try to get them like, ah, tried to get them to realistically look at not an ideal world like dream world, that this is what, you know, I hear all the church planting stories and everything’s gonna be like this. Like it’s actually hard work, it’s a grind. Making disciples isn’t easy reaching people far from God and getting into that culture. So I try to get, you know, try to figure out, okay, how serious are you about it? Have you read this book? What do you think? So we talk about that. But as we go through the coaching there, there’s also an assessment that needs to happen. It’s not just good enough that you’re called, there’s a certain skillset set that you’re gonna need for a certain, you know, whatever model of church planting.

So we walk them through pre-assessment and then we walk them through a formal assessment after that. That would then kind of kick in some coaching. It would kick in some training. And you know, to do most launch model churches, you’re looking at about nine to 12 months. Cuz there’s fundraising that needs to happen. There’s training, team development, finding space leasing, all those things. So I try to you know, try to get them thinking like, if you want to start in September, you’re going to need, you know, really to be hitting it pretty hard in January. Now some guys start a year out and I think if you get your team meeting too early, you’ll lose a bit of steam when you actually need it in launch season. So there’s this like balance of like, yes, I want to get the team on board, but I don’t wanna start too early.

Cuz our launch is still nine months away. So yeah. But it’s usually about nine months in and monthly coaching I’m available. Our district lead teams or multiply network lead team is available to answer questions. And so what makes our movement a little interesting is it’s not standardized. Every district has a different process. So I try to learn all the processes and then just come alongside them. We’re working on talking about standardizing some things, but you know, we’re literally, the multi-network is here to serve them. And so whatever we can do to help them, we do. But yeah, I actually am a certified life coach and so this is just really up my alley and I love doing it and just really helping, helping them get from where they are today to where they want to be. That’s just a real big dream of mine.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:47):
Yeah, coaching is so valuable. You can either learn from your mistakes or you can learn from someone else’s mistakes. And so a coach can help you avoid some of the, the big mistakes that that might be made. What are some of the, the mistakes that church planners sometimes make that you can help them to avoid?

Paul Fraser (20:06):
Yeah, so I think, I think starting to early with a team, that that is definitely one leaving fundraising too late is another thing where you don’t say, yeah, you know, I’m working on building the team. It’s like, have you talked to any donors yet? Have you talked to your district? Have you talked to churches that might, oh no, yeah, I’m gonna get to that. And you know, we try to build in to their training, like have one conversation a week, nine months out. Because sometimes it takes two or three or four or five meetings before a donor feels comfortable. Like, oh, this is actually gonna go. And one of the important things that we try to drill in is like, hey, donor confidence is critically important. So have good reporting, have good, all of that. I would say what’s a, what’s another mistake that that planters, oh, they try to do too much on their own and they don’t rely enough on team.

So you wanna make sure you have a team, develop your team, spend time with them take time to think through your discipleship pathway. That’s huge. Like what is it? And if I walked into your church day one, could your core team tell me the next step? Like what’s the next step in discipleship? Are they aware of your discipleship pathway? Cause I ask pastors all the time, Hey, do you guys have a discipleship pathway? Yes we do. Great. Does anyone know it? Like, is it functioning? Is it clear? Do, does your board know it? Does your your team know it does, you know, so we don’t wanna be planting churches that don’t have disciple making culture. So I drill down like, you tell me someone walking off the street who’s never heard the name of Jesus before and get them to be a leader in your church.

What’s the process? And that’s, that’s the kind of thinking I really, really want to have in our new churches that we start, is that disciple making culture. Cause I think we overlook it and think, well, discipleship will just kind of accidentally happen. No, no. What’s the intentional process, steps training that you need to build this culture in your church? That’s critically important. And yeah, and it’s, and just, I think people get excited about having space and thinking that it’s gonna be theirs forever. And the reality is you’ll move probably several times before you’ll find a more permanent space. And, and you just gotta be okay with the, you gotta be okay with flexibility. We try to drill that in, don’t be too rigid, don’t try to get too worked up about how things aren’t moving. So there’s a, I don’t know, just off the top of my head, those are some of the things that I think through and try to help planters think through.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (23:02):
What would an ideal discipleship process look like? I, I think that’s a great question. If you have someone coming off the street who doesn’t know Jesus and, and you wanna bring them through their relationship and eventually become a leader in the church, what are some discipleship processes that you’ve seen that, that you really think other churches should, should emulate?

Paul Fraser (23:25):
Yeah, so this is probably the most, probably the most simple one that I, that I, I’ve created with our, our training. It was, it comes from actually Dr. Howard Hendricks years ago, and I can’t remember where, if I was at a conference or I heard it on a tape. Remember when we used to have tapes, you could have a tape.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (23:42):
That was a long time ago.

Paul Fraser (23:44):
That was a long time. Like back

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (23:46):
When Jesus walked on the earth. Yeah,

Paul Fraser (23:48):
<Laugh>. Yeah. So I think he captured something that was really, really important. He talked about characteristics of a disciple. So I’m not, I don’t care how this gets done, I don’t care where it gets done. I just want to ensure that that person walking off the street has these three things that are being built into them. The characteristics of a disciple, again, from Dr. Howard Hendricks, first one, are you a learner? So you need someone to ensure what that this new person is. What are they learning? Second thing, who are they following? So do they have, and again, now today with content being so accessible, you actually have to get into people’s lives. Like who are you listening to? Like who are you, what podcast? Like, but to have someone just walking with them again, dec decide you can’t disciple from a distance very well.

You’ve gotta be, there’s a proximity piece. So what am I learning? Who am I following? And then there needs to be evaluation of what’s being reproduced in my life. And I think we need to spend a little bit more time on that thing, making sure that the people we’re discipling are producing the fruit of the spirit. So we actually go through it with them. How’s your love level, joy, peace, patience, kindness. Because when you’re connected to Christ, you bear this, you don’t have to work hard. So this is a, this is a telltale sign that you are connected to Jesus if this fruit is growing in your life. So you ask questions like, how’s your patience level with your kids? Not great. Okay, how do we fix that connection to Jesus? Great. how’s your, you know, how’s your self-control not great? Okay, great.

How do we fix that connection to Jesus? And so we can, we can use those characteristics as a way, and again, that can have through small groups one-on-one. I think Sunday mornings can play a huge part in that on the teaching and inspiration, that type of thing. And then at some point they turn from learner follower, reproducer to a teacher leader and multiplier. So when you, when you’re, when you feel like you, what am I learning? Who am I following? What’s being reproduced in my life? Then, then we ask you to be a teacher. What are you teaching? How are you leading and what are you multiplying in others? So there’s that, there’s that you start as the student, but at some point the discipleship process should lead you to you know, teacher leader and then multiplier. So I try to, I say I don’t care how that shows up, but are those characteristics being built into the culture of your church? And if they are, then there’s a good chance that a discipleship culture is being developed, but it does take time.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (26:42):
Do you find that you need different strategies for different parts of Canada? Like when you go to Alberta, Vancouver, there’s some really big churches, some really amazing churches, then you go to like Quebec and it’s under 2% Christian. I mean, it’s really like a mission field. Yeah. Over there are are, are you developing different strategies for different parts of Canada?

Paul Fraser (27:05):
Yeah, I think we need to, certainly you make a a great point about Quebec being francophone less than it’s, I think it’s less than 1% evangelical. So when you think about like our, our Western hemisphere, it’s one of the darkest places like void of evangelical gospel witness it, it’s Quebec and there’s just a different culture and mindset there. So yeah, I think there has to be a different strategy for our francophone family and and province. I think there’s a different strategy that’s needed for suburban, urban, and rural. So it’s not just one cookie cutter, here’s how it works. And all of those mean something different. So an urban center in Saskatchewan, for example, is I think Saskatoon is maybe 400,000 people that would be urban for Saskatchewan. Okay. What’s urban in Toronto is, you know, 11 million people in the GTA area.

So there is a huge difference when we talk urban from district to district, rural, either rural, like in Ontario, they think like a rural town is like 15 or 20,000, but rural in Alberta or Manitoba or Saskatchewan might be 150 people. So there, you’re right, we have to contextualize this for each province. And then as you break it down for each part of the province, like Northwest Territories for example, like up there, like Candace’s got this massive land mass, and, but I think there’s like, ah, don’t quote me on it, maybe 60,000 people in all of Northwest territories. Like it’s just really spread out in time. So you need a different church planting strategy and mission strategy for that too. So the diversity, the different kind of Canada and Maritimers are different than West Coast and I mean, it would be the same in the US wouldn’t it?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (29:19):
Yeah. And the East coast is very different than Oklahoma where I live. It, it’s very much more of a, a mission field and it takes a whole different thick skin to go and witness all the heathens that live over there that maybe don’t have a, a tradition of, of knowing God. I mean, here in Oklahoma even people that go to church, you know, they, they grew up in church at least. So they know something about God, right?

Paul Fraser (29:45):
There’s a Christian memory. Yeah, there’s a Christian memory, right? Yeah,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (29:48):
Yeah. Another unique opportunity I think you have in Canada is there are so many people coming to Canada from many different parts of the world. Yes. Where Canada, yes, for many years has sent missionaries out all over the world. But now God is really bringing the mission field to you, and especially in Edmonton. I mean, you’ve got people of every different culture and, and language and different foods that you can eat. And so that’s a, a unique opportunity for the church to, to reach out cross culturally and, and cross language groups. And God is, is bringing you and I people that need Jesus

Paul Fraser (30:28):
And, and, and people who know Jesus. That’s the other thing. Like we, some of our best church planters that we’ve had in the last five years moved here in the last five years. Like they’ve, they’ve planted multiple churches or it, it, so you know that Luke 10, two Lord, you know, send workers, send workers into your harvest fields. And we are reaping the, the efforts, the, the missional heart of missionaries going overseas to you name the country. And, and God has used, you know, those decades of faithful ministry to raise up people who have now come back to Canada, excuse me, to help us reach people far from God. So yeah. So not only are there like, I think 300 or 400,000 people are immigrating to Canada from the wor around the world every single year. So that is a huge opportunity. But many of them are coming already faith-filled believers, spirit empowered believers, and come here and go, how do we help you reach Canada?

We’re gonna help you reach those from Afghanistan who are being brought here. We’re gonna help you reach and, and you know, those from Pakistans or India. India and, and, and from Africa and you just Europe and you just go through the list and you just are so thankful that God cares enough about Canada, that he’s raising up people from all over the world to come here. We’re so honored. And I’ll be honest with you, our biggest growing edge of church planting is our cultural language group pastors. And they, they bring this apostolic gifting and heart that is such a blessing to us. If we had more time, I could tell you stories of what God has done through them and how they’re impacting their country still through online ministry. So they’re here in Canada, planting church is seeing fruitful ministry and are still leading at home, seeing great things getting up in the middle of the night to preach at their church Sunday morning. Amazing. Like it’s just the, these, these wonderful leaders, men and women are gifts to us and we thank God for them.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (32:41):
That’s awesome. Well, brother Paul, thank you so much for being a guest on the Evangelism Podcast. Let’s finish up today by praying for the Nation of Canada. You know, if you’re listening, you wanna know more about the, the p ooc and the Multiply network, you can go to www.paocmultiply.com and find out more information. But let, let’s just finish up by, by praying for God to pour out his spirit upon the nation of Canada and from sea to shining sea. I, I see God pouring out the spirit upon all of Canada.

Paul Fraser (33:20):
Come on.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (33:21):
Go ahead. And so

Paul Fraser (33:22):
You want me to pray? Yeah, go for it. Yeah. So, God, God, thank you for this podcast. Thank you for Pastor Daniel who just is willing to find and connect and bring great voices together to hopefully share and inspire, teach and learn about what you are doing today and what you wanna do in the future. And so I thank you for this podcast, bless it and bless him as he continues to travel all over. And just, just preach your word and see so many lives transformed by the moving of your spirit. But we do think of Canada today from as was mentioned, C to C to C. We have three of them that are surrounding Canada. And I pray God for a heart that would turn back to you. There are wells of, of strong Christian foundation. There are there’s a history that God, this was a Christian nation at one point.

And so wherever people are whatever they’re listening, however they’re listening to this right now and whenever they’re listening to it, that there was, there would be an agreement for you to do something special in Canada. God, I believe that if Canada wins, the world is gonna win. A Canada that is sending a Canada that has got kingdom culture is going to help impact the world. And God, I thank you for what you’ve done in the last a hundred years in poc. But I pray our former years, God, that that our future years would be better than our former years. And we had great years, but we’re believing that there’s even better days ahead. So God, we together in agreement, pray for all those in Canada. Over 30 million people who don’t know you as Lord and Savior, we pray God, that even in this next decade, we would see a mighty move of your spirit sweep across this nation. And we thank you for Canada and we thank you that it’s got a great place in the world to be an impact for you. And we ask all this in your name. Amen.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (35:32):
Amen. Well, thank you for being on the Evangelism podcast.

Paul Fraser (35:37):
Thanks so much for having me.

Evangelism Podcast Host (35:39):
Are you called by God to be an evangelist? Do you wanna lead millions of people to Jesus? Do you desire to be trained in the practical side of building a ministry? Then check out the Daniel King’s School of Evangelism. Learn how to be an effective evangelist from Dr. Daniel King’s 20 plus years of experience. Daniel King has done crusades all over the world in over 70 nations and has seen over 2 million people give their lives to Jesus. But it wasn’t easy. There was no crusade school. So Daniel traveled the world learning from and observing top evangelists, noticing how they successfully won souls for Christ. Now he wants to share decades of knowledge and experience with you. Topics of the Daniel King School of Evangelism include what is an evangelist, how to be a master soul winner, how to give an ultra call, how to organize a crusade, how to raise money for your ministry, and much more. If you wanna be an evangelist, but don’t know where to start, the Daniel King School of Evangelism is for you. Enroll today in the School of Evangelism by going to Daniel King ministries.com/evangelism.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (36:40):
Thanks so much for listening today. I am excited about telling people about Jesus, and I want to invite you to be a part of helping us to rescue people from Hell and take them with us to heaven. There’s two things you can do to help. First of all, can you go find the Evangelism podcast on Apple iTunes and leave us a positive review by giving a review. You will help other people find these valuable resources about sharing our faith. And second, would you become a financial partner with King Ministries? Every single dollar that people give us enables us to lead at least one person to Jesus. And so that means for only $1, you can help start a party in heaven. And so today I want to invite you to become a monthly partner. You can start out for just a dollar, but if God puts it on your heart to do more, of course you can do more. But please go to king ministries.com and become a monthly partner with us today to help us to lead more people to Jesus. Thank you so much, and God bless you.

Evangelism Podcast Host (38:01):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches, visit king ministries.com. Again, that’s king ministries.com.


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