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How to Take a City for God | Evangelist Daniel King

How can we take a city for God? As evangelists we want to take cities and regions and nations for the Kingdom of God. But as we find out today in an Old Testament story, sometimes it is not easy to take a city for God. Recently I was asked to give a devotion to the organizing team for a crusade in Gandajika, Congo. On today’s episode of The Evangelism Podcast, you will find out that the people who take cities for God are heroes in heaven.




Evangelist Daniel King (00:00):
The devotion that I want to talk about is how to take a city for God. I’ve gone to many different cities around the world and we do big evangelistic events, and our goal is to take the city for the kingdom of God. The city I want to talk about is the city of Jerusalem. Jerusalem is very significant. It is the capital of three different major religions. The Jews claim it, the Christians claim it, and Islam claims it. And so Jerusalem is known all over the world. But what made Jerusalem famous, it’s not a port city. Usually the famous cities of ancient times were port cities where the ships would come bringing goods. It’s not on a river, it’s up in the mountains. It’s hard to get to. So what made it famous? The thing that made Jerusalem famous was King David decided to make Jerusalem the capital of his kingdom when he decided that he didn’t own it.

It was known as the city of Jab bbis, and it was owned by the Jbu, the Jebusites. And so how did King David come to own the city of Jab bbis? The story is found in two Samuel chapter five, verses six through nine, it says, and the king and his man went to Jerusalem against the Jebusites, the inhabitants of the land, who spoke to David saying, you shall not come in here, but the blind in the lame will repel you, thinking David cannot come in here. Nevertheless, David took the stronghold of Zion. That is the city of David. Now, David said on that day, whoever climbs up by the way of the water shaft and defeats the Jebusites, the lame, the blind who are hated by David’s soul, he shall be chief and captain. Therefore, they say the blind in the lame shall not come into the house.

Then David dwelt in the stronghold and called it the city of David. And David built all around from that region inward. So the city of Jab bbis was on top of a mountain. It was surrounded by high walls of stone. There were large wooden gates that guarded the only entrance to the city. When David and his men arrived, the gates were slammed shut, and it was impossible for anyone to enter the city. The men of jab were extremely confident. The Jebusites felt safe. They were hidden behind their eye walls of stone, and they began to make fun of David. They stood high on the walls and they shouted down, you cannot enter here. They said, even if the only soldiers in the city were deaf and lame and blind, you would not be able to enter. And so they’re taunting them from the walls. I don’t know if you remember the Monty Python in the search for the Holy Grail. There’s a group of French soldiers on top of a wall, and they’re making fun of the knights who come. You remember that scene? I don’t remember what they said, but it was funny at the time. Does anyone remember to quote it? You know what they say? You are a monkey. You are so smelly.

I mean, that’s what the Jebusites were doing. They were standing on the wall saying, oh, you can never take our city. It’s impossible for you. You are so stupid. We are here in the city. Even if every one of our soldiers was dumb and deaf and blind, you would not be able to take the city. But somehow, perhaps through a spy, David heard about another way of entering the city. It was a tiny water shaft that extended from the valley all the way up the mountain and came out in the middle of the city of jab bbis. And so here was a flaw in the city’s defenses, a tiny chink in its impenetrable armor. And David said, I am tired of these heathens making fun of me in saying that even the blind in the lame could defeat me. And so David gathered his men together and he promised who whoever climbs up by way of the water shaft and defeats the Jebusites, he shall be chief and captain.

And so for many years when I read this passage, I thought of a water shaft with fresh water going down to a well. And I had this picture of a soldier climbing up with his sword strapped to his back and his shield. And as he climbs, there’s a little bit of moss on the wall and the water is splashing in his face, but he manages to climb all the way up this water shaft, and he comes out at the top in the middle of the night, pulls out his sword, and begins slashing and takes the city. That’s kind of the picture I always had of this story. But as I studied this passage, I discovered that there are several commentaries that suggest that my picture of old fresh water well is not entirely accurate. Instead of being fresh water, it’s possible that this water shaft was actually a sewer.

And that’s why the Jebusites thought that it was impossible for anyone to climb up this water shaft. What’s in a sewer? It’s full of trash. It’s full of bones from dead animals, it’s full of feces. It stinks to high heaven. It’s full of rats flies and creepy crawly bugs. Climbing the water shaft would require more than just physical strength. It would also require a strong stomach and a stopped up nose. And so never in their wildest dreams did the Jebusites imagine that someone would climb up the sewer, who would push their way through the trash and waste altogether in a cramped up space. They didn’t imagine that it would be possible for anyone to attack the city through this sewer shaft. And so imagine the slime. Imagine the smell climbing this shaft would make you want to gag, and it would make you feel like you’re going to throw up.

By the time you reach the top, you would not be in the mood to fight a battle. Your sword handle would be slick in your hand. This attack was not a picnic, but sometimes in order to take a city for God, you have to go through waste. I don’t want to be too crass, but what would you call it? I mean, it’s waste feces, poo dung shit, kaka, stinky. It doesn’t matter what words you use, the reality is foul. And so David was surrounded by mighty men, but this mission required someone who was exceptional to lead. Usually climbing through the sewage is not heroic. It’s a job for a trash man. So who would step up to take the lead? Who would lead David’s men? Who would win the award that David was offering to the person who could take this risky climb? In 1 Chronicles 11:4-6, we find the name of the chief who volunteered for the job.

His name was Joab. And so Joab lifted his hand and he said, I will be the one to climb up this sewage shaft. I will be the one that will go first in the city. And he grabbed some of the other mighty men of David, and he grabbed and said, come on guys. We can do this. We can work together. We can get up there and we can take this city. And so Joab was a hero. And because he was the one who ascended the shaft later, David appoints him as the leader of all of his armies. And so taking a city for God requires heroes. It’s not easy. It’s not a stroll through the tulips. It’s not just a walk in the sunshine. Coming to a city like Ganja, dika requires sacrifice. Sometimes it’s hot. Sometimes when you take a city, it’s cold. Sometimes you have to take a cold shower out of a bucket. Sometimes it’s smelly. Sometimes you have to use an outhouse. Sometimes the road is bumpy. Sometimes there are mosquitoes. Sometimes you have to leave your wife and children at home for long periods of time. Sometimes there’s conflict. Sometimes there’s not enough money, and you have to bargain for everything.

Sometimes you have to sleep on a hard bed or even a hard floor. My bed over in Muji Maya, it was a nice room, but the bed had slates in it. It was very uncomfortable. Sometimes you’re sick. Sometimes you have to go for a long period without eating food. Sometimes you’re thirsty. Sometimes you have a gun pointed at you. I’ve had that happen to me in a couple of different countries in Pakistan. One time we were shot at. But in order to take a city, you have to be willing to go through dumb. Taking a city requires hard work in sacrifice, but the man or the woman

Who is willing to make the sacrifice to take a city will receive a great reward. And so I want to tell you today that each one of you are heroes. Some of you have been coming with C fan for many, many years, and that’s one of the greatest things about Christ for all nations is the years of dedication that people have given to it. And it’s not easy. When you read Reinhard Bonnke’s autobiography, there have been sacrifices, even people that have died. If you listen to Brother Winnie, he tells the stories of traveling across parts of Africa and some of the adventures he’s gone on would make a great blockbuster movie. It’s not been easy what CA has done, but that is what is required in order to take a city for God. It’s required your sacrifice to take ganja dika.

And for that, you are a hero. And I want to say thank you to each one of you for your sacrifice, for the effort you put into this, and not just this one. Some of you were here last week. Some of you are going to be here next week. We’re going to go from this city. We’re going to take the next city. We’re going to take all of Congo for Jesus. We’re going to take all of Africa for Jesus from Cape Town to Cairo. Do you know how audacious it is to say we’re going to take 50 cities in one year for Jesus? Never been done before, never even been attempted. But 50 different decap events. I mean, this is historic, but what are we doing? We are taking cities for Jesus Christ and we couldn’t do it without you. And so thank you. Let’s pray together.

Dear Heavenly Father, I want to say thank you for the heroes who are in this room. Thank you for their sacrifice. Thank you for the effort that they put into ganja and into Congo and into the other cities where crusades are happening. And Lord, I pray that because of them being willing to go through the challenges of operating in a nation like Congo, Lord, I pray that you would give them a great reward that just like Joab became the captain of all of David’s armies, he received a great reward. Lord, I pray that you would reward each one of my friends, my brothers, every staff member that’s here. Lord, I pray that they would receive a great reward. The type of reward that only comes through you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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How to Tell a Crusade Story

An important part of communicating is learning how to tell an effective story. Storytelling is a powerful tool, one that even Jesus used through his parables and the gospels. In this episode, we’ll talk about how to tell a story well at a crusade, and how to use it as a tool to be more effective in your evangelism.



Evangelism Podcast Host (00:00):
An important part of communicating is learning how to tell an effective story. Storytelling is a powerful tool, one that even Jesus used through his parables and the gospels. In this episode, we’ll talk about how to tell a story well at a crusade, and how to use it as a tool to be more effective in your evangelism.

Evangelism Podcast Announcer (00:29):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary, and evangelist, Daniel King.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:53):
Alright, let’s go to the next session here. How to tell a story. I think this is an important part of communicating is learning how to tell a story. In our culture. In the Western culture we tend to think in terms of lists. So you’ll have like a, B, C, 1, 2, 3. But in many other cultures around the world people communicate more through stories than what we do in our culture. The western culture is designed to be ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba like that. But in other cultures, you tell a story, let people discover truth in the story. And you’ll notice that in the Bible. Jesus frequently told stories. He says, there was a farmer who went down to his field. The he’ll talk about the birds of the air. He, he says, there was a man who went on a long journey.

Jesus was always telling stories. And so I think stories are an effective way to communicate the gospel. And Jesus didn’t even always explain the meaning of his stories. Sometimes his disciples had a quorum, says, what does that mean? And Jesus would explain to the disciples, but tells the story and let people figure it out. And so I, one time I, I saw a magician, and the magician just loved doing all of his tricks and everything. And, and like he did a 20 minute show, and he probably did like a hundred tricks in that 20 minute show. He was pulling handkerchiefs out of everywhere and, and everything. And he did lots of amazing things in his show, but it was nothing he did was very memorable. Then I saw another magician, and this magician did just one trick, but he kind of told a funny story with it.

He had everyone in the audience laughing and, and stuff. And even though the trick that he did was very simple, people remembered it and loved it because of the story that this magician told. And so the magician who did like the hundred tricks he did, what sometimes preachers do, sometimes preachers go and they’ll say, you know, this Greek verse means that, and that Greek word means that. And let me tell you what this commentary says. And you know, they’re so impressed with all the knowledge that they have, and they’re trying to impress the audience that they forget that the goal is to communicate the gospel to people, to, to, to, and, and to get it down into their heart. And stories are an effective way to do that. So here’s some keys to telling a story. I know the story. Don’t read the story. Know the story.

Give your story a good introduction. Give the story some good narration. Use dialogue pause and pace. Use sound effects when telling the story. Involve your audience in the telling of the story. And then make a, a great application with the story. And a specific story with details is more powerful than just a general story. And, and so if I’m sharing a healing testimony, I will turn it into a story. One time I went to Ethiopia, it’s about 30% Muslim, but the part of the country that we were in had a higher percentage of Muslims than that. And so as we were going out into the neighborhoods and we were putting up posters and, and banners for the crusade, there was a group of young Muslims who came and they were tearing down the, the posters. And then they actually started a riot and they threw a brick through the front windshield of our publicity vehicle.

And the police were called. And they said that our team had started the riot. And so 17 of our Ethiopian team members were thrown into jail, and we had to get a lawyer to, to get him out the next day. And so the first night of the crusade there, there weren’t very many people there because nobody knew about what was happening because all the posters and the banners had been torn down. But I said, God, you have to do something there. This crusade is gonna be a failure because nobody knows about it. And so the second night, there was a man, his name was Mohammed, and Mohammed was a cripple. He had a cane, and he dragged his leg like this, and he would walk with his leg through the city, and he was known for going and asking people for money. He would always stand right on the main street there.

And he would drag his leg, go up to the cars, ask people for money, go door to door. And so he was known all throughout the city. And that night, as we preached and said, Jesus wants to heal you, Jesus touched mohammad’s leg. And he began to move it. And he took his cane and held it up in the air. And he took a small step. Then he took another step, and he started running back and forth. And he started saying, Jesus, he healed me. Jesus healed me. And he came running up on the platform holding his cane up in the air and said, Jesus healed me. And we said, what’s your name? He said, my name is Muhammad. And everyone in the crowd knew that he was a Muslim. And so word began to spread that Jesus was healing Muslims. And so the next night, the crowd size doubled, and then the next night it doubled again.

Then the next night it doubled again. And by the last night of that festival, we had over 50,000 people, many of the Muslim coming to hear about Jesus for the first time. Why? Because Jesus had touched Mohammad. Yeah, the cripple. And so I’ll, I’ll tell a story about how Jesus healed someone in another country or in a, you know, from last night, and then say, Jesus wants to do the same thing for you. Yeah. And so rather than just saying I’ve seen thousands of people saved and healed, I’ll tell the story of one individual. Jesus changed that individual’s life and that individual because his life was changed. It gives people hope to believe for their life to be changed. And so it’s far more powerful to share specific stories, specific details, that it is to say these, these big general statements. People, when they discover the truth in the story, they don’t argue with it because it’s their discovery.

And so there, there’s a story about Reinhard Bonky. One time he was on television and they asked him, brother Bonky, do you think women should be allowed to preach? And he could have gone into a long theological discussion about that, but I think he just said, correct me my story. But he just said, if I was drowning, I would not care if it was a man or a woman who threw me a life preserver. That’s right. Now that’s a one line story. There’s details in it. You have a picture of a guy in the water drowning, going down for the third time in a man or a woman on a boat holding a life preserver, trying to, that’s a one line story. And with that story, nothing more needs to be said. That’s good. And people, you, how, how can you argue with that? I mean, you know, you could have given a long theological explanation like, well, you know, maybe women can God can use women.

I don’t know. But there’s the possibility. No, just a simple one line story. Boom. It created truth that people could understand. And so I, I noticed that later on here brother Kalinda included some stories and these are great stories that, that you found to, to include. And one of them is about a little boy who has a boat. So let me tell you how I would tell the story of the boy with a boat. Once upon a time, there was a little boy named John, and John had a pocket knife, and he loved a carve wood. And one day he decided, I’m gonna make a boat with my pocket knife. So he went, found a beautiful piece of wood, began to carve that wood with a pocket knife until he had carved a beautiful little boat. He found some paint, and he very carefully painted the boat, bright blue with red little windows, put a sail on the boat, and that was his prized possession.

He would take that little boat down to the river and every day he would play with the boat in the river. He would put the boat up at the top of the little stream and it would go down, avoiding the rocks. But one day when he was out there, it had rained the night before and the river was a little bit higher than it normally was. And so the boat, instead of coming back to shore, it kept going and the boat was lost. And he cried. He loved his little boat. He had made it with his own hands. And here the boat has lost. And he was so sad because he’d lost his boat. A couple of weeks later, he was in town and he walked by a store and he noticed in the window of the store was a boat. And he looked at it, it looked just like his boat.

It was a little bit dinged up and, and banged and some of the paint come off. But he looked at it and he recognized that was his boat. And so he ran into the store and, and found the store owner and said, Mr, Mr, you found my boat. And the guy says, well, I bought this boat from someone who brought it in. And the little boy says, can I have my boat back? He says, yes, I’ll be happy to give you your boat back if you pay me the money that I’m charging. And so the little boy, he was so sad cuz he had no money. And so he said, how am I going to get $5 in order to buy back my boat? I made that boat, now I have to buy it back. So he went and began to work. He found chores. He knocked on his neighbor’s door and says, can I sweep your yard? And he worked very hard until he had saved up his $5. Then he ran back to the store and he says, now can I buy back my boat? And the store owner says, here you go. Here’s your boat. And he looked at it and all the paint had come off. So he very carefully repainted it until it was in perfect condition once again.

In the same way that little John had this boat. It’s just like how God created. You See, John made this boat. Well, God made you. John loved his boat. God loves you. God loves you so much. He wants to have spent time with you. And just as this little boat went down the river and John went and spent time with his boat, that’s what God wants to do with you. But we became lost because of sin. Sin was like this mighty rushing river that took the boat away. And we became lost. And God was so sad because he doesn’t want us to be lost. He wants us to be found. But then Jesus found us again and he paid a high price. He shed his blood to us back. And when he bought us back, he found that we are broken in some ways. But just as John took out his little paintbrush and fixed the boat, now Jesus wants to fix you.

He wants to heal your body. Now look at that sermon. What did TL Osborne say are the four things you need to have in every message. God’s creation, Satan’s deception, Christ substitution, or redemption. You can preach all four of those points from the story of the little boat. All four of those boats are there in that story. All four of those points are there in that story about the boat. And, and so by sharing that story, you kind of capture people’s attention. They wanna know what, what did John have? And then you can take the story and you can apply it to their lives and, and turn it into a gospel illustration.

School of Evangelism Ad (12:47):
Are you called by God to be an evangelist? Do you wanna lead millions of people to Jesus? Do you desire to be trained in the practical side of building a ministry? Then check out the Daniel King School of Evangelism. Learn how to be an effective evangelist from Dr. Daniel King’s 20 plus years of experience. Daniel King has done crusades all over the world in over 70 nations, and has seen over 2 million people give their lives to Jesus. But it wasn’t easy. There was no crusade school. So Daniel traveled the world learning from and observing top evangelists, noticing how they successfully won souls for Christ. Now he wants to share decades of knowledge and experience with you. Topics of the Daniel King School of Evangelism include what is an evangelist, how to be a master soul winner, how to give an altar call, how to organize a crusade, how to raise money for your ministry, and much more. If you wanna be an evangelist, but don’t know where to start, the Daniel King School of Evangelism is for you. Enroll today in the School of Evangelism by going to Daniel King ministries.com/evangelism.

Daniel King (13:49):
Thanks so much for listening today. I am excited about telling people about Jesus, and I want to invite you to be a part of helping us to rescue people from Hell and take them with us to heaven. There’s two things you can do to help. First of all, can you go find the Evangelism podcast on Apple iTunes and leave us a positive review by giving a review. You will help other people find these valuable resources about sharing our faith. And second, would you become a financial partner with King Ministries? Every single dollar that people give us enables us to lead at least one person to Jesus. And so that means for only $1, you can help start a party in heaven. And so today I want to invite you to become a monthly partner. You can start out for just a dollar, but God puts it on your heart to do more. Of course you can do more, but please go to king ministries.com and become a monthly partner with us today to help us to lead more people to Jesus. Thank you so much, and God bless you.

Evangelism Podcast Announcer (15:09):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches, visit king ministries.com. Again, that’s king ministries.com.

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How to Open a Crusade Sermon

Have you ever wondered how to open a crusade sermon effectively? It’s important to capture the attention of your audience from the very start, but it’s surely easier said than done. In this episode, we’ll talk about how to effectively open a crusade sermon and how to set up the rest of your sermon for success.



Evangelism Podcast Host (00:00):
Have you ever wondered how to open a crusade sermon effectively? It’s important to capture the attention of your audience from the very start, but it’s surely easier said than done. In this episode, we’ll talk about how to effectively open a crusade sermon and how to set up the rest of your sermon for success.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:29):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary and evangelist Daniel King.

Evangelism Podcast Anouncer (00:53):
When you’re opening up a crusade sermon, the goal in the first 30 seconds to a minute is to take a big group of individuals. They’re hungry, they’re tired, some of them are excited, some of them are curious. They, some of them come wanting miracles. And so you got a lot. Some of them are teenagers that are doing drugs on the outskirts of the crowd. I mean, you’ve got all kinds of people. Your goal when you open up the crusade sermon is to pull all the people together and to create an audience and, and to capture their attention. And so I think like your first 30 seconds up on stage are powerful. When I get up on stage first thing I say hi, my name is Daniel King. I’ve been to over 60 nations around the world, but my favorite country is Orlando. I love Orlando.

This, this has, Orlando has such beautiful people. God loves Orlando. So, you know, so I’ll create some humor there. They, they like hearing about themselves, how beautiful they are. So everyone raise your hand up in the air. Can you hear me In the back of the crowd over there? Can you hear me way back there? If you can hear me, wave your hand at me. If you have a good sound system, you know they can hear you, but I, I’m not actually asking if they can hear you. What I’m doing is I’m trying to get their attention and make sure those people over there on the back of the crowd. So, you know, over here, back here, Elijah, can you hear me over there? Wave your hand at me if you can hear me. Yeah. Hey, hey, everyone, lift your hand up. We’re gonna pray.

We’re gonna pray. We’re here on a soccer field. On this soccer field, there have been many soccer games. And in those soccer games, there have been winners and losers. Why? I tell you tonight that on this field, there is one winner. It’s Jesus Christ. And there is one loser. It’s the devil. We’re gonna start by praying to Jesus. Everyone raise your hand. Come on guys. Raise your hands. Raise your hands up in the air. Keep your hands up. Keep your hands up. Let me see you. Let’s pray. Dear God, in heaven, I cry out to Jesus. I pray that every person here who needs a miracle would receive a miracle. Tonight. We invite the power of the Holy Spirit to this. I pray that every person who needs salvation tonight would receive salvation in the name of Jesus. And everyone, wave your hands at me.

Come on, wave your hands at me. Now, this has two benefits. You’re getting people to respond, and it also gives your photographer an opportunity to get a good picture, <laugh>, okay? And so I tell my fa photographer, I say, I’m gonna get everyone with their hand up for 30 seconds. You, you get that camera out and click, click, click, click, click. Because we want to have good pictures to show our partners. Amen. And so there’s two of you on every team. One of you should be out there praying. The other one, click, click, click, click. Get some good pictures. All right? But what, what are you doing? You’re capturing the attention of the people, pulling them in, getting their attention and keeping their attention. So then when you begin to share the word of God, they will listen. I find that if you can get people to respond at the beginning, and then in the middle, I ask people to repeat my points.

Like I preach one message, the four greatest miracles in the Bible. Miracle number one, God created you. Everyone raise your hand at Pan Air and say, God created me. Come on everyone. Hold God. God created me. Miracle number two, God loves me. Everyone hold your hand up in the air. Say, God loves me. God loves me. Miracle number three, God saves me. Come on, everyone saves me. God saves me. Fourth miracle, God heals me. Everyone say, God heals me. And so I’ll get them to repeat that throughout the sermon. And I find if I can get them to, to respond to me at the beginning, respond to me in the middle. When it comes time for the altar call, they will respond to the altar call because you’ve been preparing their hearts to respond and receive Jesus. And that’s the goal.

Evangelism Podcast Host (04:49):
Are you called by God to be an evangelist? Do you wanna lead millions of people to Jesus? Do you desire to be trained in the practical side of building a ministry? Then check out the Daniel King School of Evangelism. Learn how to be an effective evangelist from Dr. Daniel King’s 20 plus years of experience. Daniel King has done crusades all over the world in over 70 nations, and has seen over 2 million people give their lives to Jesus. But it wasn’t easy. There was no crusade school. So Daniel traveled the world learning from and observing top evangelists, noticing how they successfully won souls for Christ. Now he wants to share decades of knowledge and experience with you. Topics of the Daniel King School of Evangelism include what is an evangelist, how to be a master soul winner, how to give an altar call, how to organize a crusade, how to raise money for your ministry, and much more. If you wanna be an evangelist, but don’t know where to start, the Daniel King School of Evangelism is for you. Enroll today in the School of Evangelism by going to Daniel King ministries.com/evangelism.

Daniel King (05:51):
Thanks so much for listening today. I am excited about telling people about Jesus, and I want to invite you to be a part of helping us to rescue people from Hell and take them with us to heaven. There’s two things you can do to help. First of all, can you go find the Evangelism podcast on Apple iTunes and leave us a positive review by giving a review. You will help other people find these valuable resources about sharing our faith. And second, would you become a financial partner with King Ministries? Every single dollar that people give us enables us to lead at least one person to Jesus. And so that means for only $1, you can help start a party in heaven. And so today I want to invite you to become a monthly partner. You can start out for just a dollar, but if God puts it on your heart to do more, of course you can do more. But please go to king ministries.com and become a monthly partner with us today to help us to lead more people to Jesus. Thank you so much, and God bless you.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:11):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches, visit king ministries.com. Again, that’s king ministries.com.

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Tamran Inayat | Gospel Vision for Pakistan

Tamran Inayat has organized over one hundred crusades in the nation of Pakistan which is the fifth largest nation in the world with the world’s second largest Muslim population. He lives in North Carolina and he is helping American churches to reach out to the international community. You will learn how your church can reach refugees and immigrants who come to your city.

Learn About Mission Asia: https://missionasia.org/

Connect with Tamran Inayat on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tamran.inayat.77


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Tamran Inayat has organized more than 100 crusades in the nation of Pakistan. Today, we talk about what God is doing in this nation, which is the fifth largest nation in the world. The second largest Islamic country in the world. Tamran also lives in North Carolina and he is helping American churches to reach out to the international community. And so we’re going to talk about how to evangelize among the international community in the United States.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:48):
Welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith. They’re powerful testimonies and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary and evangelist Daniel King.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:12):
Welcome to the evangelism podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. I have a very special guest with me, Tamran Inayat from the nation of Pakistan. Thank you for being on “The Evangelism Podcast.”

Tamran Inayat (01:27):
Praise the Lord it’s honor and privilege to have here in this program. I’m so thankful. Reverend Dr. Daniel King to inviting me here

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:39):
Now, brother Anaya. And I have been very good friends for almost 15 years now. We came many years ago to Pakistan, had some wonderful crusades. But last time I was here my wife was pregnant with my son. He was the size of an apple and her stomach, and now he’s born. He is 12 years old. And so now God has brought us back to Pakistan and the ni Nia family has been such a wonderful blessing. Your father is in California. I went to his house and visited him. There. You are living now in North Carolina and your other brother, LeBron is living in, in Norway. And so I’ve visited him there in Norway. And so you have been a very dear friend to our family for many years,

Tamran Inayat (02:31):
Praise the Lord it’s honor for our, this friendship. And we are so thankful how God connects us and how God connect the dots and make the picture. And that’s true. The youngest evangelist we have in our home for mission field for the crusade field. And that was your son, Caleb, when he was in the size of apple. And we shared this story to many, many places that brother Daniel King and his wife, Jessica, when she was pregnant and they came here and that’s the love of Christ and passion for people to coming and preaching in this situation. And we are so thankful that your parents, they also came here in Pakistan with us and we stayed together. We did work together. It is always joy, joy, joy to work together, to see together. I’m so thankful

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:34):
Now your family has done many crusades in the nation of Pakistan. When you and your brother were younger, you used to climb the telephone poles to put up banners. You would go and work and organizing a crusade, and you would even sleep on the platform in the, the place where the crusade was taking place. And, and so what do you see that God is doing here in the nation of Pakistan?

Tamran Inayat (04:03):
Well, God’s hand is on Pakistan. God loves Pakistan, and we have never, ever seen that kind of revival in Pakistan, what God is doing. You know, crusades are such a wonderful tool to work in Pakistan because Pakistan is as a fifth largest country, biggest country in the world. Second largest country as a Islamic world. And crusade is the one of the best way to share gospel. And we’d done more than hundred crusades hundred crusade and missionaries. They were coming from all over the world with us here to do the crusade. And we remember that we were very young and we call that we raise up in crusade grounds sometime we sleep on crusade stage and we did everything from our by own hands to advertisement and to put the posters on the streets and knock the door and in white people for the crusades nights and preaching and translation and all that stuff.

Tamran Inayat (05:18):
And we feel that through that. So many people, they came to Christ from the crusade ground. And I can say that in our city festival Bard, which is the third biggest city of Pakistan, the majority ministries in Fest Labbad they came from that crusade grounds. What a joy, when you see that 15 years before you’ve done crusade in one area and one person after 15 years, and he come to you in your hotel room are serving there. And he said that I accept Lord Jesus Christ as am my savior on that crusade 15 years before. And now I am doing my own small crusades in the villages. Wow, that’s the joy.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:11):
Even here in this hotel that we are staying in the other night, we were eating dinner together and there was a little band. They were playing music. And afterwards the, the drummer came over to us and said, I went to one of the crusades. He says, I recognize you many for many, many years ago. And we began to pray for him. And then he went and got to one of the hotel workers and the hotel worker also came and said, oh, I also went to one of the crusades and I prayed to Jesus at the crusade. And so it’s just so wonderful to see the fruit that God has given you. Now this week, we have been having a wonderful time of ministry. We did a youth conference, we had a one crusade meeting. Then we did another crusade meeting, which you gave to me as a gift.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:05):
Then we also had a leadership conference. We’ve also been going to some of the house churches and, and ministering to the house churches. We, we also had the opportunity to spend some time with some, some widows in orphans. You know, the, the Bible says that pure on adultery, religion is when you go to the widows in orphans and, and spend time with them to encourage them. And so we were able to encourage them it. And so all this ministry this week, what impact do you think it will have on lives here in Pakistan?

Tamran Inayat (07:42):
You know, that’s important to do the crusade. And it was wonderful crusade. We have a, a very good successful crusade. And with that this time I was very excited for the youth conference. When I see hundreds and hundred youth, they are taking step and they, we can see that they are as a future missionary. They, I believe that they are going from Feba Pakistan to all over the world and bringing good news to America. How America was sending missionary right here in Pakistan. I believe that we need to be raised missionary from Pakistan. They can go also in Pakistan and I can see big impact with the through widows also. And then youth conference and leadership conference crusades, we can see in these days how God’s hand, we can see that salvation. We can see families are getting change and becoming close to God, churches, revival, and leaders. They are with the tears and broken hearts and humbling their self to the Lord. I can see this is revival. This is God’s move. I can see that God is bringing us back to as a, a first church hall. We can see as a first church, what the church was United and God’s hand was there. I believe that this time God is doing same hair.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:21):
Now, many years ago, when your family was here, working very hard in Pakistan, there were some threats against you. I remember when I came for one crusade actually someone took a rifle and, and shot at us. And, and so because of that your family had to, to flee and you have come to North Carolina in the United States, and it’s really wonderful that God has brought you there because now you are a missionary from Pakistan <laugh> to the United States. And, and God has given you a great ministry, a, a wonderful ministry in the United States, your brother, LeBron, he went to Sweden and God has given him a wonderful ministry in Scandinavia. Now he’s in Norway and God has just given him so much favor there. Even your father in California, he is preaching. I introduced him to one of my friends, Alvin Armstrong, and he goes to the church and ministers to the people.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:27):
They love him. He just, pastor Alvin Armstrong just texted me. And he says, oh my Dr. And I had said, his son is also in Pakistan. You should talk to him. I said, oh, I talk to him every day. <Laugh> he is translating for me, you know? And, and so God’s given you a wonderful ministry. And you’re, you’re still ministry here in Pakistan, but God has given you a great ministry in North Carolina, especially going to churches in the United States, in helping them to minister to the immigrants. The people that have come from many different nations as refugees, or, or come to, to get jobs in America and even helping to challenge the churches of America, to reach out to the mission field that is right beside them. So talk to me about what you do to help the churches in America, minister to people.

Tamran Inayat (11:28):
Well, when we move from here to America, actually the place where we born and raise, we never want to leave this place, but there’s only option that we have to move from here to leave this country, go anywhere. God bring us in America. And when we were in America, we were desperately praying that God, why, why you bring us here? Why we are here? And then with a lot of prayer and tea, as we understand that there is purpose, although we don’t want to leave Pakistan, but we understand there is purpose behind that. And we become to know that in America, there is international community. There is a refugee community. There is so many people, they are coming in America from all over the world. And in, in our neighbors also where we live North Carolina in high point, we have seen that thousand and thousand internationals are there. And they are living here in America now in our neighbors, more than 10 year, 20 year, 30 years, maybe more than that. But we become to know that they never ever heard gospel.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:41):
Now that’s a big surprise because North Carolina, there are churches on every street corner. It’s the state of Billy Graham. Yes. And you say that in North Carolina, there are people that have been there for 30 years and no one has ever shared the gospel with them.

Tamran Inayat (12:59):
Yes. In the Bible belt area, where we have churches on every corner, they never heard gospel. And we it breaks our heart. And we understand that’s the reason God bring us here, that we can share the love of Christ to them. Also, we feel that what’s the reason they never heard the gospel. We figure out that there is reason there is huge gap between believers and then that international community. There is huge gap. We feel our role is that we need to bring both community to gather because we are having as a Pakistani experience also. And now we are in America and we are having American experience also. And we need to bring both community to gather. And if we can bring both community to gather, we can better way understand to each other, that who they are, why they are here, how we can share gospel with them. For that. I love to share that there is several things. There is some ideas or some things that, which we are doing to bringing the both community togethers.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:08):
And so if you go into an American church and you start to encourage them to reach out to this international community, that that God has brought the mission field to us in America, what would you tell the church to help them to minister to these people?

Tamran Inayat (14:27):
Well being as a church, what’s the greatest command for, for us, the love God, and love your neighbor. That’s the big thing we can see. And as a church, we don’t have to see that our neighbors, they are not looks like us, or they don’t speak like us. And that’s why that’s not our target area. No, when they are our neighbor, God send us, God send them to our neighbor. The only reason they are internationals are here in America. The only reason is this, that we can share the love of Christ to them. But there’s several reason how we can engage with them. I believe that ministry begins with a smile, go in your neighbors, whether they’re not looks like you go and give them smile. Ministry will begins from you from there. Go and shake hand, introduce yourself, know who they are. You can talk about sports. You can talk about culture. You can talk about food. You can make friendship with them. And then you will see who God will give you opportunity to, to share gospel with them. Once you start to loving them.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:45):
You know, my parents have worked for many years in the nation of Afghanistan. And now that everything in Afghanistan has fallen apart, many Afghans have come to the United States as refugees. And my father has been working very hard to help many of the Afghans that have come to Tulsa over 900 Afghans now live in the state of Oklahoma. And so we have been encouraging churches to reach out to them and to help them and even help them in practical ways, like getting a driver’s license, helping them to find a house, helping them to find language lessons, helping their children to do well in school. And even there is one girl she was pregnant. And so every week my wife was taking her to the hospital for her checkup. And then once the baby was born taking the baby to the hospital. So there’s so many ways that churches in the United States can really reach out to the international community and help them and show the love of Jesus to people. You know, someone living on this side of the world in south Asia, it might be very hard to reach them with the gospel. You know, it takes a lot of work and, but the United States, if God brings them there, they’re living right next door to you. Exactly. And it is like, God has brought them to you so that you have the opportunity to help tell them about Jesus.

Tamran Inayat (17:19):
Exactly. Yeah. You know, that’s why, what we encourage to the local church, haha. And difficulties going from America to Afghanistan or Pakistan or Bangladesh, any other third, one countries, dangerous countries. You need passport, you need ticket, you need visa and travel and learn that culture. How God make things easy for us and bringing that people in our neighbors engage with them, talk with them. We sometimes love to do the Easter ag hunt and inviting international community. And then talk with them, share gospel with them. Christmas gathering, it can be happen. It can be backpack, school, whatever we do in our churches in local churches, in America, as a mission, things in our streets are giving water bottle. All these things can work for the international community because they are also waiting that someone can come to us and show the love and love is the biggest bridge. So many time people, they may think that this language barriers, I believe that there is no language barriers, language, maybe it’s bridge. Maybe you don’t know other people, their language and they don’t know your language. But love language is the biggest language.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:45):
The love language is the biggest language. I love that you also reach out to people through Facebook every Tuesday night, you have a Bible study on Facebook and at first you thought it would just be a few people from North Carolina that would watch. But now people from all over the world are watching. Tell me about the, the ministry that you are doing through Facebook.

Tamran Inayat (19:14):
You know, when we were in North Carolina and reaching the small group of people in North Carolina pandemic had said, we were just stuck in home and we were thinking that what we can do in this situation, we have to do. And that’s the most needy time when we need to do something, we cannot stay in home. Me and my wife, Farra we are having two kids, Samuel and a Manville in our home. We decide that that’s the time when we need to be really engaged with people. And we are just in home. We were, we were thinking that we have four P letter P and what’s that one is that we have a heart of prayer and preaching and then we have a place and then we have some people also, and then fourth piece, we have fun.

Tamran Inayat (20:06):
Let’s connect all these things together and we can do as online services, Facebook let’s use your face Facebook. And we start the online services from right there. And, you know, internet is internet. I was thinking that few people from North Carolina, they will watch our online services. We did very first event and there was like a, probably close to thousand people they watch. And many of the majority of them, they were from Pakistan because internet is everywhere and they watch and we feel that it works. And then we decide that we need to go the next week again. And then next week again. And then next week, again, from that time, till now every week, more than 5,000 people that join our Facebook live service.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:04):
Wow. What a tremendous ministry. And you’re reaching 5,000 people every week. How much does it cost you to do that?

Tamran Inayat (21:12):

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:13):
<Laugh>. So what a great blessing, what a great way to reach out to people. And maybe you’re listening and you have a heart for evangelism. You’re wondering, how can I get started? Maybe you don’t even have any money to do anything. Well, here God is, is using Tamran for $0 every week to reach 5,000 people. What a great blessing that is,

Tamran Inayat (21:37):
Praise the Lord. You know, that’s encouragement for us are for many other ministries that God can do everything and nothing is hard for him. And we have seen here in Pakistan, we have seen in America, we have seen in our lives, in our ministry that when we see that might be, we have less resources or maybe no resources, but when we are willing to do anything, to serve him, to work with him, and that is time of obedience to trust on him, to obey on him and lean yourself in the crusade night, you were preaching about trusting and about believing and how the example you was giving about, or the chair that when we sit on the chair, we need to lean ourself there that it can hold us and God will hold our future. Our ministry’s future, our family’s future, whatever burden we feel we need to put in God’s hand because he cares us.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (22:54):
Amen. Well brother Tamran and N your family is very good friends with my family. We love you very much. And we are so encouraged by what God is doing through your ministry, both in North Carolina, thank you for coming as a missionary to the United States. The United States needs you because we need revival. There are so many people in the United States that need Jesus. And I’m also just so excited about what God is doing through your ministry here in Pakistan. God is continuing to move. Many people are coming to Jesus. And so you are a great man of God. Thank you for being on the evangelism podcast.

Tamran Inayat (23:34):
Very, very, thank you to having me here and it’s honor and privilege, and thank you for this friendship. And thank you for your obedience to be here in Pakistan. I’m so thankful for you. So thankful for Jessica and for your son and daughter and whole family. It’s what a friendship and what a ministry to gather. And I’m so thankful that you came here in Pakistan to do the work of the Lord. Jesus Christ. Thank you for your heart, for Pakistan to winning the soul for the Lord. Jesus Christ, because his last word should be our prosperity.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (24:13):
Amen. Amen. Thanks so much for listening today. I am excited about telling people about Jesus. And I want to invite you to be a part of helping us to rescue people from hell and take them with us to heaven. There’s two things you can do to help. First of all, can you go find the evangelism podcast on apple iTunes and leave us a positive review by giving a review, you will help other people find these valuable resources about sharing our faith. And second, would you become a financial partner with king ministries? Every single dollar that people give us enables us to lead at least one person to Jesus. And so that means for only $1, you can help start a party in heaven. And so today I want to invite you to become a monthly partner. You can start out for just a dollar, but if God puts it on your heart to do more, of course you can do more, but please go to king ministries.com and become a monthly partner with us today to help us to lead more people to Jesus. Thank you so much. And God bless you

Evangelism Podcast Host (25:35):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit king ministries.com. Again, that’s king ministries.com.


Can You Come Do a Crusade in My Country?

King Ministries has ministered in nations all over the world and we would be honored to come to your country. Thank you for your invitation.

We receive dozens of invitations to come each year and we only have time to accept a few of the invitations. We decide which nation to visit based on several criteria:

First, we desire to do evangelistic events in areas where evangelism is greatly needed. Our primary goal is not to gather Christians together for a conference. Our goal is to preach the Gospel to the lost. We place a higher priority on doing crusades in areas where there are many non-believers.

Second, we always work closely with local churches. We look for places where there is unity among local churches and where there is strong desire to join together to do an evangelistic event.

Third, we follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. We take every invitation seriously and we pray to ask God where we should go.

So, if you want us to visit your nation, here are several questions that you can answer to help us decide to come to your area.

  1. Who is inviting us to come? What is the best way to contact you?
  2. Do you represent one church or an association of churches?
  3. Where do you want to do an evangelistic event?
  4. What are the primary spiritual needs in your area?
  5. What percentage of your area is Christian? What is the dominate religion in your area?
  6. When was the last time a large evangelistic event was done in your city? What were the results?
  7. Tell us about the need for evangelism in your city.
  8. Are the local churches willing to support the crusade financially?
  9. Are the local churches willing to support the crusade with volunteers?
  10. What dates are best to do an evangelistic event in your area? When is the best weather in your area?
  11. What are you asking our ministry to provide and what are the local churches willing to provide?
  12. How did you find out about our ministry?
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