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Aaron Antillon | How to Use DISC to Reach People for Jesus

Aaron Antillon is a master trainer and coach in the DISC model of Human Behavior. He is an expert in different personality types and how they function. Today, we talk about your unique personality and how evangelists need to be aware of how to communicate effectively to different types of people.

Connect with Aaron Antillon on Linkedin. 


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Aaron Antillon is a master trainer and coach in the disc model of human behavior. He is an expert in different personality types and how they function today. We talk about your unique personality and how evangelists need to be aware of how to communi effectively to different types of people.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:35):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast with Dr. Daniel King or Daniel interviews, full I’m evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary and evangelist Daniel King.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:59):
Welcome to the evangelism podcast. I’m Daniel King and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus. And today I have a very special guest with me, pastor Aaron Antillon. He is an expert in D I S C. He’s a master trainer and coach of the disc model of human behavior. It’s a way of looking at different personality types, Aaron, thank you so much for joining me today.

Aaron Antillon (01:30):
Hey, it’s great to be with you. Daniel, I am excited because this is one of the things that I am so passionate about talking about.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:39):
Now, today, we’re going to talk about how to you disc in order to witness to people and to lead people to Jesus, you know, D different personality types have a different way that you have to approach them. Sure. And, and so every single person has these different personality types and what techniques work with one person may not work of another person. And so by understanding human behavior and understanding human personality, you can be better at interacting with people, reaching them, ultimately leading them to Jesus. So let’s begin Erin by talking about DISC, what is DISC?

Aaron Antillon (02:25):
Well, DISC is a measurement tool that med that measures individual’s behavior. You know, we all have different capacities for different things. We’re wired a little bit different. Some of us are a little bit more outgoing when we wake up in the morning, the natural all wiring on the inside of us is that we have an inward motor and it sounds like this. Mm mm. You and I are wired that way. We’re fast paced while there’s others that are wired, that they’re more reserved. Their inward motor sounds like this. Mm. And when they get excited, it’ll peak. Mm. But then it comes back to a level. Mm. Now, you know, one is not better than the other. They’re just different. And when we look to effectively connect with others, the first thing that we identify is the individual that we’re looking to connect with. Are they more outgoing or are they more reserved? So outgoing individuals have big gestures. They talk fast. They move very quickly. While those that are more reserved are a little bit more slower paced.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:48):
And here I am, I’m thinking, come on, Aaron, let’s get to the point. Let’s go. Why are you going so slow? But you’re trying to connect with different personalities, different

Aaron Antillon (03:56):
Personalities. So the first identifier is, is the individual that we’re looking to connect with more outgoing or more reserved. I realize that in any situation, it depends on the environment, but we’re looking for the best version of the individual, the natural best in highest use. The second indicator that we identify is, is the individual that we’re looking to connect with more task oriented or more people oriented. That’s a bigger bent to where disconnect occurs. You see Daniel, if I’m more reserved and you’re more outgoing, only thing that you need to do in order to connect with me is to slow it down. And I would need to speed it up. That isn’t that big of a deal. It said that 10 to 20% of conflict occurs between those that are outgoing. And those that are more reserved, not that big of a deal, but the big disconnect occurs between those that are task oriented. That their mindset is about function, process, procedure,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:09):
Getting things done,

Aaron Antillon (05:10):
Getting things done.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:12):
We, and they don’t care if they steamroll or over people, as long as the task is completed.

Aaron Antillon (05:17):
You and I know leaders that that fits their personality style. They’re wired that way. You and I have the natural wiring that we are wired that way. I was just sharing with you that I was on a call with a leading expert in this field. And on my call, he’s wired to where he’s more people oriented, touchy, feely relationships, Aaron sharing. And I called him and I got straight to the point. Let’s talk about the result that we wanna get. And he asked me this question, Aaron, has anybody ever told you you’ve hurt my thinking? I was like, no, that’s ridiculous. Who would ever say that? He goes, what do they typically say? They typically say you’ve hurt my,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:05):
My feeling,

Aaron Antillon (06:06):
My feelings. And so here’s the thing, Daniel, everyone communicates. But very few people connect. The goal of communication is not to get your point across. The goal of communication is to effectively connect with the individual. If I’m more task oriented and driven to where I’m more high tech. And if you’re more people oriented to where it’s more high touch, I have to make necessary shifts in order to effectively connect with you. So the first indicator that we identify is is the individual more outgoing or reserved? The second one is, are they more task oriented or people oriented? If you were to draw a circle. And if you were to divide the circle in half horizontally on the top of your circle, you would write outgoing on the bottom of your circle. You would write reserved. Then if you were to divide the circle again in the middle vertically on the left hand side of the circle, you would put task on the right hand, you would put people. So now we have four quadrants. You see the picture, are you getting the picture? Yeah. So we have the upper left hand quadrant of being outgoing and task oriented. We have the upper right, right. Hand quadrant being outgoing. And people-oriented, we have the bottom right. Quadrant as reserve. And people-oriented is this, is this clear? Yeah. And then the bottom left part of the quadrant as reserved and task-oriented, you know, in any situ in any circumstance, we really are a blend of all four styles. But let me explain what these four styles look well

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:09):
Before we get into explaining, I’m sorry. I’m fine. Before we get into the, the, the explaining each of these different styles. Sure. Let, let’s talk a little bit about like, how has this impacted you? Because before we say, yeah, this is what this is. Let’s, let’s see how this impacted you and how this changed your life.

Aaron Antillon (08:26):
That’s that’s great. Thank you for bringing me back into into this perspective and because this is a great story because you and I have known each other for many years, you’ve known me.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:39):
We’ve been good friends. You’ve

Aaron Antillon (08:40):
Known whenever I was in this place of Discontentment you and I had conversations about this to where I did not understand why I was not functioning in my best in highest use, but I’m pastoring a church. I felt I was being obedient to God, but yet I had very minimal effectiveness in pastoring, a church. And I have high effectiveness in leading and developing leaders and doing business. And so at the age of 40, on my 40th birthday, I woke up with that heart of Discontentment and I walk over into our bathroom mirror and I look at myself in the mirror and I talk to myself, you know, Daniel, I truly be believe that self talk can be your greatest asset or your greatest weapon. What is it that you’re saying to yourself? I believe that if you wanna change your life, you change what it is that you say.

Aaron Antillon (09:47):
I believe that if you really want to change your life, you change what it is that you say to yourself. So I ask myself this question, and for the first time, I’m really diving into a deep place of reflection. Up until that moment, I had been running from that place of reflection, probably scared of what it is that I would see, but I asked myself this question. I said like this, Erin, if you continue going down the same path at the same pace, will you arrive at your desired destination? And with tears immediately streaming down my face. I answered myself and I said, no, but I knew that I had to do something different in order to different results. You know, Daniel, I wasn’t involved in sin, uncon sin. I wasn’t cheating on my wife. I wasn’t stealing from the church. I wasn’t doing things, taking drugs, drinking any of those things that we would think that would bring that Discontentment, there was a gap between where it was that I was presently at at, and where it was that I felt that God truly had designed and destined for me to go.

Aaron Antillon (11:05):
I did not know how to bridge that gap. I’ve had spiritual leaders that will say, well, weren’t you praying? I was praying every day. I was even praying in the spirit every day and I’m not discounting the power of prayer and praying in the spirit. I was in the word and confessing the word I was doing. All that I knew to do. And I was standing on God’s promises, but there was still that discontent. And that’s whenever I came into alignment with the disc model of human behavior, that really taught me a lot about myself. You know, I believe that the highest level of leadership is not a position or a title. I believe that the highest level of leadership is self leadership. And I begin to dive in deep into the disc model in order to really understand myself. So

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:59):
You began to understand what was going on with your personality, and then that helped you to understand other people’s personalities and how to, to use your personality and the best way to interact with others.

Aaron Antillon (12:12):
Honestly, I wasn’t even concerned so much about others at that

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:17):
Point, just understanding

Aaron Antillon (12:18):
Yourself. I was trying to really discover myself. You know, it said that the greatest day in a person’s life is whenever they’re born. The second greatest day is whenever they discover why I was trying to discover who Erin is, what is my true best and highest use. And it came through the discovery of the dis model and I began to learn why I’m wired and why I think, and why I feel the way that I do. And it all made sense. I remember I took an assessment, Daniel, the assessment was so accurate. It was scary.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:58):
Okay. So let’s, let’s jump into what each of these things, the D I S C stand for. Yes. And, and then let’s talk about your personality type and my personality type. And, and so you’ve you explained this four quadrants. Yes. And, and so tell us what each of these quadrants feel like people that are in each quadrant.

Aaron Antillon (13:24):
Okay. Now here’s the thing. DISC is not a model to model cap. Anybody. It’s not a model to put an excuse or a crutch. It’s an empowerment is to empower you to effectively lead yourself and to lead

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:39):
Others. And nothing’s wrong with one personality type or another personality type, every different type has its strengths and its weaknesses. And so with whatever your personality is, you can have great strengths. And of course, every personality type has its, its is too. But by understanding it, you can overcome some of the weaknesses and, and operate in your strengths.

Aaron Antillon (14:02):
Absolutely. Absolutely. So the outgoing task oriented individual, that is what we call the dominant style. That’s the D

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:11):
So the D is the outgoing task oriented. Yes. Person. Who’s one wants to get things done.

Aaron Antillon (14:17):
Yes. So the D stands for dominant. Now all four personality styles all have a blind spot and the blind spot for the dominant personality style is that they can be defiant Daniel, you and I have a lot of D in us. Have you ever can you attest to that, that in times?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:41):
Yeah. I, I mean, I have a very strong leadership personality and, and when my wife, Jessica and I were engaged to be married, we did counseling with pastor Greg Frazier in Warrenville Alberta, up in Canada. And he was, he was counseling us. And he said, as part of your counseling, I want you to both take the, the DISC personality test. So both me and Jessica, we went through the, the disc and I came out high D yeah. Which is very dominant. And what’s interesting is my wife also has Heidi usually opposites a track, but in our case we were attracted to each other cuz we liked what we saw in each other. And so I’m very leadership oriented. My wife, Jessica’s very leadership oriented and, and it’s great in some ways, because as long as we are headed in the same direction, we can take over the world.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:38):
Right? Like we can accomplish big things for God. We can do big crusades. We can raise a lot of money. Like we are task oriented. We’re like get stuff done. But if we’re headbutting, if we’re are coming at each other, man, two ramps, it’s fireworks. And, and yeah, it’s like two ramps coming together and then we don’t get anything done, you know, because you know, I I’m strong and she’s strong and it just butts heads. And, and so we have to work on that in our marriage. But having that understanding even before we got married, helped us to understand one another’s personalities. And, and so both of us have similar strengths. But we also have similar weaknesses too. Sure. Like the way we’re wired we’re we’re not super good at like counseling people through problems like of evangelists. Typically aren’t evangelists like are like, like you’re having problems with, with drugs. Well, just stop. It just don’t do it. Don’t go, you know, you know where, whereas like someone who’s more pastoral would say, oh, tell me about it. How did this happen? You know, what can we, and they’re very soft and, and calm and, and evangelists end to be like slap you upside of the back of the head and say get going. I don’t care how you feel. Let’s

Aaron Antillon (16:57):
Go, go and sit no more.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (17:00):
Yeah. Okay. So, so D is dominant. Talk about, I,

Aaron Antillon (17:04):
Well, let me share a couple of strengths. Yeah. With the D yeah. Some of the strengths are DS are, strong-willed just like what you said, we’re determined. Mm we’re independent. We’re optimistic. So typically DS use these strengths, but here’s a key point here. A key concept is that any strength pushed to an extreme becomes a weakness. That’s why I had said the blind spot for the dominant can be that they can be defiant. It’s a strength that’s pushed to an extreme, but let’s move on the outgoing people oriented individual. Do you see that within your own style? Can you, can you attest to that?

Aaron Antillon (17:56):
Going and then, okay. Okay. So the outgoing, people-oriented the word that describes the outgoing people-oriented individual is that they’re inspiring. These ind vigils are the life of the party. Now each of the four personality styles, we all have basic needs and the basic needs are different for each of the four. Whenever you’re looking to motivate, whenever you’re looking to empower each of the there’s different things that you need, the outgoing task or the dominant, they need challenges, choices in control. Maybe you have family members listener. Maybe you have family members that they’re dominant personality styles, and you’re telling them, come on, you have to get it done. You have to do it my way. See if you don’t give them challenges. If you don’t give them choices, if you don’t give them control, then there’s gonna be a continual budding of the heads. Well, what if these dominant individuals in my family are my children.

Aaron Antillon (19:08):
I’ll give you an example. I’m going back to the dominant just because I wanna share this story. My daughter Ashlyn that you’ve known since she was a couple, maybe two years old, Ashlyn’s a dominant personality style. She’s a lot like me so much like me, it’s scary. And so Ashlyn would always have an issue going to bed. And I would say, Ashlyn, you have to be in bed by 10 o’clock. Your lights have to be out. So she would have her lights out, but she would make it clear. She’s not asleep. She would say going to sleep before 11 is for the week. She would say that even whenever she was a little girl, five, six years old, she would say, I don’t take naps that’s for the week. And so when I learned about the model of human behavior, and I learned that dominant individuals, that they need challenges, choices, and control.

Aaron Antillon (20:00):
I changed my language with her and I said, Ashlyn, you can go to sleep whatever time that you want. As long as it is before nine o’clock, I’m giving her a choice, whatever time it is, you wanna go to sleep? She’s sharp. She’s not dumb. But she said, okay, and now she’s turning in. And now, because it’s her choice at what time? Why? Whenever you give dominant individuals, challenges, choices, and control. That’s a fuel, that’s a basic need. Just like fish need water. And we, human beings need air. They need challenges, choices and control. So I had to say that back, going back to the dominant, but now for the inspiring, the inspiring individuals, they’re the life of the party.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (20:55):

Aaron Antillon (20:56):
They’re the life of the party. They’re the party starters. You know what their basic needs are, approval recognition, popularity. If you have these individuals on your team, maybe in your church, maybe a part of your evangelism outreach team and you, and you would say, well, these individuals do not focus on the details. It’s because they’re not wired to focus on the details. They’re wired to be the party starter. They’re wired to keep everything going and keeping it fun. So empower them on your team to do those particular roles. What do you, what do you think, how do you feel about that Daniel?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:43):
Yeah. An evangelism team definitely needs that inspiring personality tight because they can gather people together. The evangelist wants to go out and gather as many people together. And, and so usually I, I think if you can have someone who’s a D who’s kind of leading the group and getting everything going, but then you get some eyes out there to say, Hey, let’s gather up. Everybody let’s have a party, let’s have a block, hard, let’s do something. And, and, and so it’s, there’s can really be good teamwork between people who have the vision, but then you need those people that are inspiring and, and really want to go out and, and, and relate to people.

Aaron Antillon (22:27):
You know, there’s strengths. The strengths of these individuals is that they’re friendly. They’re compassionate, they’re talkative, they’re enthusiastic. They make everything look bigger and better than what it really is. If you need your vision to be talked up, you share your vision with the inspiring style, because they’re gonna really talk up your vision, but you know, what can be the blind spot for these individuals

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (22:57):
That party never stops?

Aaron Antillon (22:58):
Well, they can be illogical exactly that the party never stops.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (23:03):
They’re joking around when someone’s trying to be serious.

Aaron Antillon (23:06):
They’re at the altar and the spirit of God is moving. They’re at the altar and they’re over here, Joe getting around and goofed off. That’s the illogical part. But an empowering leader understands how to effectively empower others to operate in their best and their highest use under control, their optimistic, how control their unrealistic under control their spontaneous, but out of control, they’re impulsive. What we really need in whatever style is our predominant style is that we need balance. Now realize this. We are a blend of all four personality styles based on whatever the demand is. But what we’re talking about at this point is our best and our highest use the way that we’re naturally wired. Because if you and I were to go to the game tonight, we’re probably gonna be in the role of an eye. Hey, let’s just have fun. Let’s enjoy life. We may not even talk about ministry and evangelism. We probably will, but we’re gonna talk about it while we’re having a lot of fun. Why? Because that’s the right environment. But in the best flow, in the best wiring, the inspiring style is involved is optimistic is persuasive. They’re the party starters for your team, even for your family. What do you think? How do you feel about that?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (24:46):
Yeah, we all love eyes. All right. Let’s talk about S the supportive part of this model of human behavior. What does an S do and how do they act?

Aaron Antillon (25:00):
Okay. Now I’m gonna change my tone. Okay. On the outgoing, because that’s the, D’s in the eyes. They’re fast paced. They’re upbeat.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (25:09):

Aaron Antillon (25:11):
On the S and the seed. They’re the reserve style. So I’m gonna change my tone. Speak a little bit softer.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (25:19):
Why are you speaking softer?

Aaron Antillon (25:21):
Because that’s what best connects with the supportive style.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (25:26):
So S stands for supportive

Aaron Antillon (25:29):
Support that they’re reserved, and they’re people oriented. Another word that S stands for is sweet. Look at here’s. Another one serve Stable, secure Their strengths. They can remain calm, even under pressure. They’re dependable. They’re very easygoing. They’re trustworthy. If we’re talking about ministry, I like to say it like this. The DS are the hands of the ministry. The are the mouth of the ministry. The SS are the hearts of the ministry, And the CS are the feet.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (26:26):
Okay. On the SS. What are some of the, the weaknesses?

Aaron Antillon (26:30):
The weaknesses is that they can lack initiative Under control. They’re relaxed, But out of control, they can lack initiative.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (26:43):
So they, they don’t go out and start something themselves.

Aaron Antillon (26:46):
They don’t start something themselves,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (26:47):
But they’re willing to follow someone who

Aaron Antillon (26:50):
They’re willing to support a vision. And they’re willing to support a vision long term as evangelists that are looking to build supporters and draw in supporters. These are the soft spoken heart to heart kind of talks that you’ll have with these individuals. And you would need to slow down your pace and talk one on one for, in the crowd in talking to them because they’re softhearted when they’re under control. But when they’re out of control, they can be easily manipulated under control. They’re great listeners, but out of control, they’ll stop communicating under control their system, but out of control, they can be slow. And I say the same thing. What we really need is balance. What we really need is balance the blind spot in this particular personality style is that they could be susceptible. They have a really, to of times saying, no, you know why? Because they have such a big heart because they do not want to offend anyone. You know, Daniel, I truly believe this everyone communicates, but very few people connect. If you were to raise your voice and say, I want this done, and I want this done. Now you can speak to me that way and I’ll get up and I’ll start moving and I’ll start looking and finding a way to get it done. But if you speak like that to a supportive style, what’s gonna happen is that they’re gonna up.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (28:48):
I’ve done that before her I’ve talked the wrong way to people. And they’ve gotten in very offended.

Aaron Antillon (28:55):
And you know, when I was pastoring and

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (28:56):
I was like, why we’re trying to get it done.

Aaron Antillon (28:59):
When I trying

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (28:59):
To get the test

Aaron Antillon (29:00):
Done, when I was wire me, I was sharing this with you. When I was pastoring. One of the things that I would say is we’re moving forward with, or without you,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (29:09):
People were like, okay, you are going without me. And then you’re wondering, where are all the

Aaron Antillon (29:13):
People I’m like, Lord, where are the people? Why did you send me UNC uncommitted people? They’re not UNC uncommitted. I was not effectively connecting with them. And I missed it. I missed, I believe that there’s well, meaning God called God anointed ministry leaders that have missed the connection that have MIS connecting with other leaders. You and I know some, you and I have been connected with others.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (29:48):

Aaron Antillon (29:49):
And they’ve hurt. They’ve hurt the people that God called to their ministry.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (29:56):
Unintentionally UN good

Aaron Antillon (29:57):
Intentions with great intentions,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (29:59):
But still not under are standing. How different personality types work. It, it just causes offense sometimes. All right. Let’s, let’s go to the last one. The C personality. What does C stand for?

Aaron Antillon (30:14):
Well, the C stands for cautious. The cautious style. Be careful. Be careful measure twice. Cut. Once the cautious style is both reserved in task oriented.

Aaron Antillon (30:30):
They’re cautious. Another word that describes the cautious, the sea style is that they’re competent. We see a lot of attorneys, a lot of doctors, you know doctors have been accused for having issues with their bedside manners. Well, they didn’t even ask me, how’s the family going, doing, but how would you like it? If the doctor engages in so much conversation that he says, now, what hip are we replacing? Are we taking out your heart or your longer your kidney? Cuz he is engaged in conversation. He’s focused on the task and he wants to be reserved. And he wants to measure twice. Cut once to make sure that it’s done accurately, specifically the blind spot for the cautious styles that they could be cold. Let me share with you the strengths because I like to focus on the positive side. The strengths is that they’re very gifted. They’re very analytical. They’re sensitive, they’re perfectionist. They deal with a high level of excellence Under control, their very orderly, but out of control, they can be compulsive under control. And I like this. They’re logical, but out of control, they can be critical. Ouch

Aaron Antillon (32:07):
Under control, they’re teachable, but out of control, they can be easily offended. Remember this? And I go back to it. What we really need is balance in whatever personality style is. Our predominant style. What we need is to remain more under control than out of control. One of my big discoveries, one of the big aha moments was whenever I identified that I had been living the majority of my life out of control. And then I begin to think through the people, starting with my own wife and my own children and those that I love the most that I trust the most and that I’m spending the majority of my time with how I had UN intentionally hurt them. And I made a commitment to the Lord and I said, Lord, from this point forward, I’m taking a deep dive. I’m gonna better Aaron, whether anybody else reciprocates.

Aaron Antillon (33:14):
And even I wasn’t looking for people to meet me halfway. I said, I’m going all in, whether it’s reciprocated or not, because I want my words to bring forth healing. I want my words to bring forth a restoration. I want my words to bring forth hope, much easier said than done, but it had to come through having a system. And I call this my system for success. Being a system that has enabled me success. You know, Daniel, from my point of view, success is not a number. It’s not a place. It’s not a title. Success in my world is arriving at my desired destination, fulfilling the purpose that God called me to operating on all cylinders, living in my best in highest use. And I said, now what I’m gonna go all in. You know what? Quite frankly, it took my wife probably about two years to believe it because of all the years, somebody just asked me my wife and I just celebrated 24 years of last month. And they asked, how long have y’all been married? Well, we’ve been happily married about 16, 17 years. What? I’m sorry, we’ve been happily married about six or seven years. We’ve been married though 24 years because I had missed that. She was the opposite. She is the opposite style than I, and I had spent all those years hurting. The one that God had given to me to complete me.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (34:59):
What personality type is your wife?

Aaron Antillon (35:01):
A CS? And I’m a di.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (35:04):
So, so explain that people have a one quadrant that they are strongest in. And then a secondary,

Aaron Antillon (35:12):
A lot of times there is the only way to really identify if there are some people that they’re even such thing as a level blend

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (35:20):
That they’re, they’ve got some of everything that,

Aaron Antillon (35:22):
That they’re right in the middle with everything.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (35:25):
So, so the other day I told you that I was a di and I, I seem to remember when I took the test. That that’s what I was. But you immediately said, no, Daniel, I think you’re a DC. Yes. And, and it’s because I’m meticulous. I like giving lists. Like I’m, I’m very studious. So that’s the, the DC. And, and I think what happened is that I wish I was an I, and sometimes I try to fake being an I, but my real personality is the DC. See?

Aaron Antillon (35:57):
Yes. And I, I, I would agree with you on, on that. Because even, even whenever we are talking about parties starting and things like that and moving in that area, you’re like no, we’re not going that way.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (36:10):
Let’s let’s accomplish something.

Aaron Antillon (36:12):
Let’s accomplish the task, let it get it. Let’s get it done and see, and that’s

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (36:17):
Where you’re gonna laugh. I didn’t even do a super bowl party this year. I didn’t even go to a super bowl party. I was like, I was like, I don’t, I got something I gotta do that night.

Aaron Antillon (36:25):
Well, I had been upset of course, because of the Cowboys loss and throughout the whole playoff season, I’m like, I’m not going to any super bowl party. I’m not even gonna watch it. But of course I had to go to wild wings and I had to be in the middle of all the hoopla to watch the super bowl because of my high eye. I didn’t care who won. I was upset.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (36:46):
So you, what did you say your wife was? She’s

Aaron Antillon (36:49):

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (36:50):
Okay. So how does someone like you a di relate to a CS?

Aaron Antillon (36:56):
It takes a lot of, and understanding the model. That’s more than a segment. That’s a year of teaching and coaching and training. That’s a packed question there.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (37:09):
Let’s, let’s talk about how to reach people that have yes. These different personality traits. So as evangelists, we are called to be fishers of men. Yes. And for every different type of fish, there is a different bait or lure that would be used. So if you’re going ocean fishing, you’re gonna use a different bait than if you’re in a stream fishing for a, a salmon or, or, or something. And, and, and so you want to use the appropriate bait to reach different personality styles, and that can relate to how you share stories in your sermons. It can relate to the speed that you preach in. It can relate to whether you are giving personal anecdotes or giving statistics like different ways of communication, help to connect with different personality types. And, and even some people might need more of the one-on-one touch than being in an audience. Absolutely. And, and, and so let’s talk about these, these he’s four different person like, like how would you reach someone who is a dominant personality, a D type personality who’s driven. Maybe it’s a businessman who is highly accomplished. They make lots of money. You go into their office. They say, you have three minutes with me. What do you wanna say? How would you communicate with them about Jesus in that three minutes?

Aaron Antillon (38:45):
Okay. Here’s a couple of things with the dominant style. What they want from you is they want you to be brief, be brilliant to the point and be gone. You said the three minutes, you hit it right on target. But here’s what it is that they want. Most of all, they want results. Tell me how your program, tell me what you have to offer is going to get me results. And what are those results? The question that they want answered is what you can write that down. If you’re listening, you can, you can write that down. The question that they want answered is what and what they what’s want.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (39:30):
What do I get out of it?

Aaron Antillon (39:31):
What are the results? What is the results that I’m going to get from this? When you’re selling to ’em? When you’re Asking them to marry you, what’s, what’s the benefit. What’s the result.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (39:47):
And the evangelist is God’s sales person. It’s

Aaron Antillon (39:50):

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (39:51):
Salesperson. So we, we, we are selling, we’re selling Jesus. We’re

Aaron Antillon (39:53):
Selling Jesus. Tell people what the result is, the peace of mind, the joy, unspeakable, and full of glory, the eternal ticket to heaven. That’s the result, the eye, the inspiring style. They want recognition. So even whenever you’re selling Jesus to them, one of the things that it would be okay to do is to name drop. You just got through leading their best friend or their spouse to the Lord. One of the terms.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (40:32):
So a testimony might be

Aaron Antillon (40:33):
Powerful. A testimony of someone that they admire a testimony of AE would be a great example. You’re in a sense name dropping. One of the things that I use is whenever I’m selling, whenever I’m connecting, I use this term just like you. I just sold this product to a leader. Just like you. I just led this person to Jesus and know what they remind me of someone. Just like you, just like you is a phrase that is a great connection with them. Why? Because they want to do what is popular. Their need is the recognition, the approval and the popularity. They’re gonna go by the popularity vote because remember, it’s all about the people. It’s all about the people. They

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (41:31):
Wanna be part of something.

Aaron Antillon (41:32):
They wanna be a part of something. They wanna see something. That’s something that’s bigger than them. And so that’s the big thing. The great party. Maybe even whenever you come to Jesus, all of heaven is rejoicing. There’s a party going on and they’re celebrating you today. That’s a big thing that resonates realize it doesn’t have to resonate with, but it resonates with them. Now, the S it’s all about the one on one relationship. It’s all about the relationship. And you don’t have to do anything boisterous, anything flamboyant, but the sincerity and the relationship, they’re gonna be able to spot if you’re a phony or not.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (42:21):

Aaron Antillon (42:22):
Since you connect

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (42:22):
With them sincerity with that, it’s flashy, it’s presentation that they like, right. It’s someone who is, is real with them, right. The genuineness. And

Aaron Antillon (42:32):
Even if you’re doing a crusade, and if it’s geared towards a particular style, a particular personality style, you identify, what is that need of the particular style and you gear and you set your presentation up to connect with that particular style.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (42:54):
Yeah. I, I think if you’re preaching a sermon, it might be worthwhile to go through the sermon and you could even highlight different areas of your notes with the different colors that correspond to these different say yes. Say, okay, this part of the sermon is gonna connect with dominant people. Yes. This, this story is that I’m gonna share is really gonna connect with, with people who are eyes that, that want inspiration, that this, and then, you know, I’m gonna slow down here and I’m gonna look people in the eyes and I’m gonna give them some of the genuine testimony from my heart to connect with the S and then I’m gonna give some facts and figures so that the, the CS can think through it and make sure that it all, all makes sense. Exactly. And, and you can, and you can structure your sermon in such a way that you can relate to different people. Cause I think one of the mistakes people do, they, they, they start by preaching sermons that would mu that would best reach their personality type. Exactly. But not everyone in the audience is gonna be your personality type. Exactly. You’re gonna have D front types of people. And so you have to intentionally think, how am I gonna reach this type of person? Or how am I gonna reach that type of person? Let

Aaron Antillon (44:09):
Me give you a great stat. Let me give you a great stat, because this would be relevant. The deeds represent about 10% of the population for you sees you’re gonna love this stat. The eyes represent 20 to 30%. So realize the D and eyes are your outgoing style. So if you’re outgoing, if you’re fast paced, if your presentation is loud, boisterous, flamboyant, all the pyrotechnics and all that. You’re only reaching about 40% at max of the outgoing individuals, because the season, the SS and the CS are not going to connect with that. Now the SS represent about 35% of the population and the CS, because of course it has to be right. They represent 25% of the population. So you see that the reserve represents 60% and the outgoing represent 40%. So if you’re to gear your presentation to where you don’t know who the gen who’s in the general audience, if you’re to slow your presentation down, speak a little bit softer, make more eye contact, nice gestures and soft smiles, very intentionally.

Aaron Antillon (45:33):
You’re probably gonna connect with the larger percentage of the population that’s in your audience. You and I were talking yesterday, and I was telling you just about some techniques whenever I’m walking through the crowd. And I’m speaking that whenever I’m in the front of the auditorium, because we would say that those that are more outgoing are probably racing to be in the front. I’m a little bit more animated. And my gestures are bigger. My smiles are bigger. I even do some touches, but as I make my way towards the back of the room, I soften my tone.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (46:13):
They’re sitting in the back. Cause they don’t really want someone to come and touch ’em

Aaron Antillon (46:16):
They don’t, they don’t. And that’s the real, and that’s the reality of it. Yeah. They’re, it’s not that they’re safe. Look at. We would say what would we say that, that the back row is reserved for who

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (46:33):
The cool kids,

Aaron Antillon (46:35):
For those, for those that are UN not interested or those that not you, maybe, maybe it’s those that are more reserved. My wife is more reserved when we go to church. I like sitting in the front, but because I know that if I sit in the front, she isn’t gonna follow me. I sit more closer to the back, but shouldn’t you follow me? I’m the man. I’m the husband. I’m the leader of the home. Absolutely I am. But I’m looking to effectively connect with her. So let me make that necessary adjustment. What do you think? How do you feel? So

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (47:13):
Talk to me a little bit more about the, the C personality. You said that D’s ask what eyes look for. Recognition,

Aaron Antillon (47:22):
SS, eyes, ask who

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (47:24):
Relation. They ask, who eyes ask, who, what do SS ask

Aaron Antillon (47:28):
For, look at this? How,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (47:30):

Aaron Antillon (47:30):
How can I best

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (47:31):
Serve? You? See, I’m asking because, you know, I want all my ducks in a row. Absolutely. The Best’s a C coming out. I think. Absolutely. What does CS ask?

Aaron Antillon (47:39):
Why do you ask that question, Daniel?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (47:42):
Do they ask why?

Aaron Antillon (47:43):
Why do you ask?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (47:44):
Because I’m a, got some C in me

Aaron Antillon (47:47):
CS, ask why, you know, Daniel, I used to, even in conversations that you and I would have, you would ask me why, why are you thinking this way?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (47:58):
I have a curiosity in my personality to want to figure things out and, and to understand what is going on and the

Aaron Antillon (48:06):
Way that I would translate it, look at this the way I would translate it is he’s trying to trap me. He’s trying to highlight my inadequacies. He’s trying to identify that I did not properly or effectively research this, but you were asking me why in order to get to the root cause. So that way you could help bring some so, and seeing that’s where everyone communicates, but few connect. And there was a disconnect there. And I would wonder why is Daniel challenging me like that? And you’re like, thinking I’m not challenging. And that

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (48:44):
Wasn’t my, that wasn’t my intention at all. I’m trying to help you, but in your personality type, it was interpreted that way. All right. So D ask what eyes, ask, who S is, ask how and CS ask, why, why

Aaron Antillon (48:58):
They ask, why not, why in order to trap you, but when they’re under control, why so that way they have the clarity on how they can best serve.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (49:10):
That’s awesome. And

Aaron Antillon (49:11):
Help take the organization to an next level of excellence.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (49:16):
I feel like you could discuss all of these different types for hours on end. And in fact, you have several training courses where you teach people how to understand DISC and how to understand themselves and how to use it to, to relate to others. You you’re actually a master trainer. Yes. In coach, in the disc model of, of human behavior. And you have a bunch of resources available for people who want to understand disc better. And you, you wrote one resource on how to win with people by using DISC. And you’re willing to give that

Aaron Antillon (49:55):
Free gift. It’s a gift to our

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (49:56):

Aaron Antillon (49:56):
Today, a free gift on our website.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (49:58):
Awesome. And so what’s your website and how can someone get this extremely valuable resource, how to win with people by using disc, just

Aaron Antillon (50:06):
Go to LegacyLeadership.academy, And at very top, you’ll see an area that says free gift and just click on that link and just put in your name and your email address, and you’ll get an immediate download of that resource.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (50:23):
And on your website, you have information about how to receive additional training. Yes. In, in this,

Aaron Antillon (50:30):
We have certifications, we have in-person events at some of the nicest resorts in America. And so our next training is in Destin in Florida. We’re gonna go on a missions trip to the Windham, Emerald grand on April 2nd through the, I’m sorry, April 3rd through the sixth at the Windham Emerald grandest. And we’re going to just go in and learn more about the model of human behavior and how we can serve others and empower leaders while we’re there on the beach, just loving Jesus and loving each other.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (51:04):
That’s awesome. It sounds like it would be a lot of fun. All right. Well, thank you so much for being on the evangelism podcast. I think this information is extremely valuable for evangelists to think about and how they’re communicating to these different personality types and, and styles of, of communication. So, Erin, you’re a good friend. I appreciate you. This was so valuable, so much extremely valuable content. Thank you for being on the evangelism podcast. Well

Aaron Antillon (51:36):
Thank you for having me.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (51:37):
Thanks so much for listening to the evangelism podcast. I am excited about telling people about Jesus and we could not preach the gospel with out your help. Over our years of ministry, we found that we’re able to reach one person for Jesus, for every dollar that people give us. And so that means that if you would give us $1, we could start a party in heaven. In fact, I’m asking people to join our partnership program and give at least $1 every single month to help us to lead more people to Jesus. This is the greatest investment of your dollar that you can make. It’s the only investment that’s gonna matter 10,000 years from now. So if you would like to help us lead people to Jesus, please visit king ministries.com and help us lead people to Jesus today. God bless you

Evangelism Podcast Host (52:37):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit king ministries.com. Again, that’s king ministries.com.


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