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Evangelism Explosion | John Sorensen

John Sorensen is the president of Evangelism Explosion, the ministry founded by Dr. James D. Kennedy. For fifty years Evangelism Explosion has been training believers how to share their faith and bringing people from unbelief to belief. Their goal is to multiply the number of believers sharing their faith by providing on-the-job evangelism training to people who will go on to train others.

Learn More About Evangelism Explosion: https://evangelismexplosion.org/



Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus. Today. I have a very special guest with me, John Sorenson from Evangelism Explosion, one of the greatest evangelistic ministries in the world today. Thank you so much for joining me.

John Sorensen (00:20):
Well, thank you. It’s wonderful to be here, Daniel.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:22):
So let’s talk about Evangelism Explosion. I remember when I was young, I was wanting to learn about Evangelism. Well, this is when I was a teenager. Oh, wow. I I got a hold of your green book Oh, sure. Written by Dr. D. James Kennedy,

John Sorensen (00:37):
Dr. D. James Kennedy.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:40):
I went through that and I read all the illustrations about how to share your faith. And that really shaped the, the early years of my preaching, trying to lead people to Jesus.

John Sorensen (00:54):
Well, you know, he loved Dr. Kennedy, loved illustrations cuz he was, they said they were like windows. They allowed people to see in. And you know, I can tell you from my own experience that, you know, I’d been around the church my entire life. My dad was a preacher. I can’t even tell you how many sermons I heard in my life. And yet it was for me, right in the middle of the chair illustration, we used a very simple chair illustration that for the first time in my life at 26 years old, I understood it wasn’t merely knowing about Jesus that saved someone. It was putting your trust, like we’re trusting in these chairs we’re setting in now. This is an act that we took that moment of trusting in Christ. That’s when we’re saved. And and boy, what a difference it made in my life. I, I got up the next day and I, I didn’t even feel the same. I I was a totally different person and all from putting my trust in Christ. And, and you know what? I’ve been in that mode since. I’ve been trusting in Jesus firmly only holy and my life has been changed.

That’s awesome. So let’s start at the beginning. Okay. Tell me your testimony and how you came to Christ.

John Sorensen (01:59):
Well, again, my dad was a pastor. I was around the church my entire life. I was in church nine months before I was born every single Sunday. And and did all the kinds of Christian things that people do. I even went to Bible college to be honest with you, not too far from where you are in Joplin, Missouri, at Ozark Bible College. And I know there must have been quite a number of Christian around me, but I wasn’t a Christian. I had no idea how a person knew for sure that they were going to heaven. So for me, it was actually when a, a man asked me those two diagnostic questions, do you know for sure you’re going to heaven? And I said, no, I don’t. I don’t know that for sure. I don’t know anybody that knows that. And then he asked me the second question, suppose you were to stand before God this very night.

And he were to say to you, John, why should I let you into my heaven? What would you say? And I remember Daniel, I thought about it, it was a profound question. I knew it was, and, and I said, but you know what? I think my answer would be, I’m a pretty good person. I try not to do too much wrong. I hope that the good things that I do outweigh the bad things that I do. And that question is so critical, because what it did was allowed me to understand what I was trusting in to get to heaven. Yes. Right. Once he shared the gospel with me, because he had asked me that question, he was able to say, now, a few minutes ago you talked about a particular person. In your answer, it was, I’m a pretty good person and I try not to do too much wrong.

And I hope the good there was an I you kept, it’s you, you have a savior. His name is John <laugh>. What I’m telling you is there’s a savior named Jesus, and you need to put your trust in him. And so for me, that day, it, it changed my life. And so eventually God called me into becoming part of that ministry. Now, Daniel, I would’ve told you if ever there was a person that would never have qualified as a witness for Jesus Christ, I’d have been on that list. You know, I mean, I was sure I couldn’t do it. I had tried. And every time I had tried, I just made the person mad that I was talking to, you know, I felt like I was gifted at taking a normal person and turning them into somebody that was just hopping mad, you know, with only a few minutes.

And, and yet it was through EE that I learned that I can actually share the gospel with others. And so that same experience that you had and by the way, I think most Christians are in this boat. You know, I think I I’ve seen all kinds of statistics and some as high as 96% of people who bear the name of Jesus have never one time led another person to Jesus. Maybe they tried it worked out badly the first couple times, so they quit trying. And I’ve heard all kinds of reasons that Christians give. They’re afraid. Some say, well, you know what? I’m gonna goof it up for the next person. You know, I’m gonna, if if I try and then I’m gonna mess it up, and then I’ll just push ’em away. I won’t actually bring them toward, well, here’s the thing. This is the truth.

We as Christians actually can participate in leading our friends, our relatives, our work associates, our neighbors, and yes, even strangers that we meet, we can be part of, of sharing the gospel and leading others to Christ. And, and once we do it, to be honest with you, I can tell you that very first time that I was part of seeing, I can even tell you the guy’s name, I could describe the night you know, all the things about it. It was such an impactful moment in my life when God used me to lead someone else to Jesus Christ. And wow, that changed everything, you know? And in many ways, I would tell you, the ministry of EE has changed my life a number of times. The first in me coming to Christ, obviously that was a pretty big change. Secondly, in leading others to Christ, I never thought I could do that. And then thirdly, I found there’s even something more fun than leading people to Jesus until you might say there’s nothing more fun. Well, there actually is, there’s one thing more fun. And that’s training other people how to do that <laugh>. And when you start having spiritual grandchildren, spiritual great-grandchildren, when somebody, and again, I’ll tell you the, I can tell you the first time that my first trainee calls me up and says, I just let somebody to Jesus and listening to her excitement. And by

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:08):
The way, that sense joy that

John Sorensen (06:09):
Comes it, it is joy. And, and every single Christmas I get a letter from Marge. She was my very first trainee, her and another gal named Gwen. But anyway, every Christmas I get a letter and Marge to tells me every single person she has led to Christ this past year. Wow. And I get the joy of being, it’s, it’s like over 400 people at this point that I get to be part of, even though it was Marge who led

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:31):
Him to, can I share with you a testimony? So Sure. I have a son. His name is Caleb. He’s 13 years old. He just became a teenager. So we’re praying for wisdom, how to raise a teenager. Well on Saturday of this week, he went with one of my friends, his name is, is Ron Hood. And, and, and Ron has a great heart for evangelism. He took a, a truck, like a, like a trailer, and he wrapped it and it says

John Sorensen (07:01):

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:02):
Are you going to heaven? Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>, two questions, reveal the answer. Yeah. And then he asks the same two diagnostic questions that someone asked you. And, and so anyways circuit writers from YWAM came to Tulsa and they’re doing some outreaches. And they were doing an outreach. And so my friend Ron Hood, he brought his truck to their outreach. And my son loves hanging out with his son. And so my son was sitting there in the truck asking every person who came by that, that two diagnostic questions. Awesome. And he was so excited. My wife was asking him, you know, what’d you learn today? He says, I can be an evangelist just like my dad. Dad is so and so. I’m so proud of him for being out there, sharing his faith. Yeah. Using those two diagnostic questions. Yeah. Which are a very simple method anyone can ask. And it just opens up a conversation, and then you can start to share the

John Sorensen (07:54):
Gospel. Amen. And they’re really not that hard to ask. And you know, we, we’ve got actually a number of what we would call questionnaires, questions you can put in front of those questions that, that make it very easy to have a ver just a regular normal conversation with a person that you meet. Turn that into a spiritual conversation through the use of just some basic questions like we learned. You know, you’re talking to somebody and, and they talk, they’re talking about their life. How’s your life going? What do you do? It’s very easy for you to say at some point in the conversation, well, it sounds like your, your life’s going pretty good. Or maybe you would say the opposite. You know, whatever it is you, whatever it is. And then you can say, you know what, I, I’m gonna ask you a kind of a funny question.

Scale one to 10, if you had to quantify your life, if 10 were the very best life ever, and one were the, the the worst life ever, where are you at today? And people don’t have any trouble answering the questions. I commonly hear 5, 6, 7. And you’re able to say, now can you tell me some of the things that make up that? Why is it a five or why is it a six? And they’ll tell you, usually they’re temporal that they mentioned, I’ve got a good job, you know, I’ve got this. I I have, I live in a nice house, you know, I’ve got a good girlfriend or whatever that happens to be. Yeah. But usually those are temp and you can say, but what that allows you to do now is you’ve started a conversation where now you can share a little of your testimony.

You can say, you know what the truth is, and think about this. It’s true. Before you came to Christ, you, you were a lower number than you are now. That, that you’re a Christian, whatever that is. And I can say, honestly, I used to be a one, but now that I, I know a guy shared with me this great news, I’m now a 10 every day. I know that sounds braggadocious, but it’s the truth. I used to be a one, now I’m a 10. Would you like to hear how that happened? I’ve never had somebody say, no, I’ve never, not one time. Wow. And so then I go, well, you know what, here’s what he shared with me. Five key things. And this is what you learned when you’re reading that green padded book. Yeah. There are five key. And you know, most people would say, traditionally, the gospel contains four things that, that really like it or not.

It’s, it’s truth that you have to hear and understand, respond to. Right. The, the gospel, these aren’t ee things. These are ju this is the gospel that everyone since Jesus’s ascension have agreed these four things. You have to understand where we are as humans. Right. The Bible says something very particular about us. It’s not all that complimentary. We’re sinners. We have all broken our relationship with God. Right. We’ve created this distance and divide through a thing called sin. You have to understand that now, you know, many people would agree they’re sinners. They don’t understand the scope of it, though they don’t get the degree in which they’re a sinner. The, the, the second thing that you would really need to understand is what’s God re God’s reaction to that? How does he feel about sin? Can’t he just push it under the carpet or something?

Well, no. Yeah. The very nature of God tells the city abor sin. And, and he, he, his his eyes are too holy to even look upon it. So that, that’s a real problem for us. On one hand, God loves us, but on the other hand, he cannot stand us sin. So what did he do? Well that leads us to the person of Jesus Christ, who he is and what he did. He is the God man. And what did he do? He came from heaven to earth. He lived an absolutely perfect life. He traded places with me. Right. This is the great substitute. And, and so that now I can be right before an all holy God, he took on my sin and died as if it were his own. It wasn’t his, but, and, and made a way for me to be right before God.

And then that leads us to the very final bit of that. If that’s all true, and it is, how do you get it? There’s, there has to be a moment when you appropriate that to yourself. And we understand from scripture that that’s called faith. And that’s that thing we were talking about when I put my trust in Jesus. That’s, that’s saving faith right now in ee we add a fifth item to that so as to not have to start the conversation on the bad news. You’re a center. You know, you can go try that right now. Go out on the street and just up to people and you are in a center, and you’re gonna find that some

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:56):
People, it’s a good way to start an argument.

John Sorensen (11:57):
That’s, it’s a good way to start an argument if you don’t wanna start an argument now, it’s, it’s, it’s true, by the way. It’s not an untruth. Instead start with the fact that heaven’s an absolutely free gift and it’s something that God wants to give to you. And so we start the conversation on heaven is an absolutely. So I was able to say, even in that first conversation, there are five things that I learned about how a person can know for sure. This is what changed my life from a, a one to a 10 was understanding these five things. And I’d say, say this, Daniel, you know, I’m, I am an extreme introvert, so I don’t your viewers, I, I don’t know. I’m sure that’s not what they think. It’s the absolute truth given the opportunity. I’ll go into a room and read a book every time by myself. So if God

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:43):
Can use an introvert like you That’s right. He can use anyway.

John Sorensen (12:45):
And that’s the truth. And, and, but it’s turned into one of the greatest joys of my life. And so I’ve decided to be different because I love seeing people come to know Jesus. And it’s become so such a an addiction for me. <Laugh> using that word in the positive way God has so invaded my life is to understand I can be used by him, he will he’ll use me. And that I get this immense joy of seeing people’s lives change. And there is no greater miracle. People love miracles. There’s no greater miracle than watching somebody go from death to life right in front of you. And I mean to tell you it’ll change some things.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:27):
Amen. And so one of the strengths of evangelism explosion is that you are training people how to share their faith. Yeah. Talk to me about that process and some of the results that you’ve seen. Yeah. From really equipping introverts and people who have never shared their faith before. How do you take someone who doesn’t know how to share their faith and and help them become competent Yeah. At talking to people about

John Sorensen (13:54):
Jesus? Well, the simple answer is through mentoring. You know, the model of EE is a one-on-one or a one on two discipleship model. EE is actually not an evangelism program. It’s a discipleship program where we’re discipling people in how to share their faith. Right. And so, if you are my training in ee, we’d go out together sometimes 7, 8, 9, 10 times, depending on which tool or product that we used with ee. But, but let’s say it seven times. And I can tell you, I’ve watched this happen thousands of times. The first time you don’t say anything, you know, I’ve taught you this basic outline that I just shared with you, grace, man, God, Christ, faith. And I’ve said to you, now, watch how I use that. Watch how I start the conversation. Just watch. And so this time you don’t actually have to say anything. We go out, we meet somebody, we have a conversation.

Maybe we’ve invited a friend to come join us for coffee. And and you watch how this happens. So then the next time I say, now Daniel, you saw what I did. Probably the shortest section that we did was on the, on God. It’s, it only takes about 30 seconds to say it. You, I’ve, I’ve shared with you what it is, the Bible verses you’ve learned them, the story you learned, the two main points that he’s loving. But also just, you know what, when we come to that spot, I’m gonna just say, you know what this comes into sharper focus when we understand what the Bible says about God. Now Daniel, would you mind sharing what it is that we know about God? And then you are just going to give it a go. And if you mess up, or if you start getting to the point where you forget something, just still look at me and smile and I’ll pick it back up and, and I’ll tell you what the nick, you do that.

Then the next time I say, you know what, just keep going. Go on into Christ and go on into faith. And, and I’m telling you that by about the fourth or the fifth time that we went out together in an incredibly safe way, because never were you put on the spot if you messed up, you just looked at me and smiled and, and I just picked it back up. Little by little, you would’ve picked up all of the pieces and learned to have that conversation. And so usually it happens around the fifth or sixth or seventh time, a person will look at me and go, I don’t need your help. I got this. I can do this. And so that’s the cool thing. And if I’ve given it to you in an understandable enough way, you can then turn around and pass it on to the next guy. And for us, this is called spiritual multiplication. And it’s the greatest joy that we as Christians get to have this side of heaven.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (16:14):
And now you’ve multiplied all over the world mm-hmm. <Affirmative> and, and you have evangelism, explosion people. And how many countries now? Well, we

John Sorensen (16:22):
Were the first Christian ministry to be in every single nation of the Earths Wow. Back in 1996. And we still are. And we have about 150 nations or so on earth that we are substantially working in every day. And the rest we do things in, but, you know, not as often or whatnot. But so he’s a and we’re in over 400 different denominations of the church. So that’s the, I love that the church can agree on the gospel and can can even go out together. We were just, we just did an event in Santa Ana, California, and I wanna say there were 12 different denominations that were there. And, you know, they’ve decided they’re gonna do their evangelism training together as a group, all these different churches and denominations showing up, learning to share the gospel and going out together.

And I just think that’s a hoot. I I love seeing that and kind of unity happen around the gospel. But yeah, so ee works all over the world, and we trained this past year just at 2 million people to be witnesses for Christ. Wow. Just at 2 million little over 900,000 children, ages four or fourth grade, fifth grade, sixth grade, 9, 10, 11, somewhere in that range. And then about 1.1 million adults that we trained how to share the gospel. And and they went out. And in the process of going out, led 17 million people to Christ. Now here’s the thing. I cannot qualify, you know, you learned e ago use it all the time. That’s nowhere in my number. I I, there’s nowhere I can account Yeah. For people that were trained in the past, you know, that use it in their life, but you know, aren’t in some method to give it report.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:03):
Yeah. And at my home church, a victory church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, it’s an independent, charismatic church. We have an EE group. They go out and they tell people about Jesus. They love that. And just go into the apartment complexes nearby and knock on the door and, and, and start witnessing to people as

John Sorensen (18:19):
We Yeah. No, I’ve actually heard of, of this church, and I’ve heard stories about what God’s done through y’all for years and for a long time. And I praise God for you. Yeah. Thank you.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:30):
Yeah. So I have a question. You know, times are changing very quickly. Yeah. And today’s generation still deals with the sin problem, but they’re asking different questions than we’re asked 50 years. Yeah. Or even 20 years ago. How are you navigating Yeah. Changing culture and, and changing media and the, the different landscapes of, of how to share the gospel.

John Sorensen (18:55):
Now, firstly, I’m gonna say this quickly, the gospel hasn’t changed and people haven’t changed. The lost really haven’t changed. Now they’re asking different questions, which is what a very good, good word that you said, lost are still lost. The gospel still is the only method by which lost people get saved. But period, full stop. And Jesus, when he stood on that hill in Galilee, looking out at all of the generations and all the lives, the, the people groups and the ages that would come, he’s the one that prescribed this idea to us. Right? And so we know it’s relevant, we know it’s valid. Now, that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t do everything in our power to be as culturally relevant as we can possibly be. And so, to answer your question, we’ve changed, we have a number of tools that we’ve developed through time. XE is a, a for, for generation X and Y instead of it being more of a legal argument which is kind of like what I’d heard, that’s far more of a relational argument based on John 10, 10, Jesus saying, I’ve come that you may have life to the full.

What does that mean to have abundant life? And what is it that stops us from having that? Well, we know that that’s when we have broken this relationship with God. And of course that’s called sin in, in, in, but we don’t talk about sin in the same way. Now I will tell you this, we’re in the process right now of developing a new tool for high school age today, and that’s forcing us to have conversation about identity and about, you know, all things that we’ve just never had to talk about in the past before. But that being said, please, anyone listening, please, please believe this is true when I’m telling you there’s an openness to the gospel today that we’ve never seen in 60 years of ministry. And so I would encourage people, do not believe anybody who tells you it can’t be done today. We’ve seen so in the history of ee you know, in the seventies, and you’ve gone out to do questionnaires out on the street, and, and typically if you would’ve approached 10 people, one of those 10 would let you share the gospel. This is the seventies. Do you know what it is today? It’s six out of 10 today. Wow. On the street.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:05):
And so that’s showing more openness in today’s generation towards

John Sorensen (21:09):
Than has ever been in the last 60 years of this ministry. And, and, you know, and we’ve proven that not just in places like the Southeast in America, we’ve proven that in, in, in the northeast. We’ve proven that way out west in the, in the southwest west and in the northwest part of the United States. We’ve done these Equiped America events all over the United States. That number rings true. We, we actually did a full on study with lifeway to see if it was just our experience, or if it was, if, if a researcher could find, and you know what they found? Six out of 10 Americans are open hearing the gospel. Wow. At 5.1% from an absolute stranger. They’re willing to hear it. But here’s the last thing that I, I, I would encourage Christians to understand. When we put the, i, the the idea into that study about them searching it out on the internet and reading a website, the, the interest in evangelism went down dramatically.

So it is this one-on-one, or it’s this personal explanation. The other thing that was in the study that really surprised us was that four out of the 10 that had come to Christ said they never would’ve sought it if somebody wouldn’t have approached them. That the point being, it was so critical that a friend started that conversation. Now, look, you, you can either believe what I said or not. It’s up to you if you’re willing to try it. All you have to do is to go up to 10 of your friends and ask this question. I just heard this crazy person today who said, six outta 10 people are open to having a spiritual conversation. And I, I just have to tell you as your friend, I, I’m, I’m a believer, but I’ve never thought to ask you if you want to have a conversation about spiritual things, are, are you open to that?

Just ask that question. And if you find that none of your friends are, well then, you know, I was wrong. If you’re seeing what, what we were seeing all across the country, you’re gonna see six of your friends go, you know what? I really would like to have that conversation. Now. Listen, ask good questions like your son was doing, Caleb, way to go ask questions and listen to their answers and then build on what it is that you’ve heard. And, and the most important thing is, as a believer, please be ready to share some of the things that are going on in your life that is why you are so in love with following God. You know, be willing to share testimony about what God’s doing in your life and, and how he’s given you joy and how he’s given you peace, and how he’s given you patience and, and you know, all these things which he promised he’d give you. By the way, if you don’t have those, you need to call us. And we’re gonna help you come to know Jesus. Because if you have Jesus in your life, he’s given you amazing things that you can talk about as you share your faith.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (24:01):
That’s awesome. Well, if someone is listening and they want to learn more from some of the resources that you have, or they want to get trained by one of the evangel evangelism explosion trainers, or maybe even to help support your ministry, what is your website? How can they access more information about

John Sorensen (24:22):
It? Well, that’s, that’s awesome. So if you come to evangelism explosion.org you’ll find all of our training tools and you’ll find when they, those trainings are, and you can kind of let us know you’re interested and we’ll connect with you. The, the study that I mentioned, we put on a website called equip america.org. So if you go to that, go down to the bottom, you’ll see the live way study. You can download the whole study and read it for yourself. Every single question we ask and what the answers were. And so, you know, and then every day I put tools up on a, a, another, a third website I’ll mention called Share life.today, share life.today. Every day I put tools up there like this week we’re focused on memorizing God’s word. Well, what would that look like? And how would you share that with a friend? Something like that. And so we’re constantly putting tips up there, just little encouragements about how you can share your faith. And so people can use those absolutely free. And our, we get joy when we see Christians become bold witnesses for Jesus.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (25:21):
That’s awesome. Well, thank you so much for being on the Evangelism Podcast.

John Sorensen (25:25):
It is my joy. Thanks for doing the podcast.

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Bill Sikma | A New Era for Evangelism Explosion

Bill Sikma works with Evangelism Explosion, the ministry founded by D. James Kennedy. On today’s episode of The Evangelism Podcast he shares several effective stories for communicating the Gospel.

Website for Evangelism Explosion Resources: https://evangelismexplosion.org/

Listen to a previous episode of The Evangelism Podcast when we talk about Evangelism Explosion: https://kingministries.com/podcast-episodes/pat-kendall-evangelism-explosion-in-the-local-church/


Evangelist Daniel King (00:00):
Bill Sikma works with Evangelism Explosion. The ministry founded by D. James Kennedy. On today’s episode of the Evangelism Podcast he shares several effective stories and methods for communicating the gospel.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:27):
Welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary and evangelist Daniel King. Welcome

Evangelist Daniel King (00:52):
To the evangelism podcast. I’m Daniel King. I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. I have a very special guest bill Sigma. He is with evangelism explosion. Thank you so much for being with me.

Bill Sikma – Evangelism Explosion (01:06):
Yeah, thanks for having me.

Evangelist Daniel King (01:07):
So evangelism explosion is known all over the world. It was started by James Kennedy who wrote a green book called evangelism explosion. And that has been used to train so many people around the world in how to share their faith. Can you tell me a little bit about how the whole ministry got started and, and what impact it’s had over the years?

Bill Sikma – Evangelism Explosion (01:34):
Yeah. it’s really been a transformative ministry where James Kennedy was actually dwindling down in the size of his church and his wife was even saying, I think I’m gonna have to go down to the church at the end of the street, because we went from 45 to about 12 and we gotta come up with another plan and he got invited to go to a different church to speak. But what he found out that there was an individual there that actually said, well, we’re gonna take you witnessing. And he said, what? And he went out to learn how to effectively share his faith, but more so he saw the tremendous fruit that came from that time witnessing. It was, he had a tool to take back to train people. And he told the remaining people of the church said we’re gonna change the world.

Bill Sikma – Evangelism Explosion (02:32):
And from that, they literally changed the world one person can’t, but through the spiritual multiplication of discipling people and how to share their faith, by giving them a pattern as in second Timothy one and two, it talks about having the sound pattern of teaching and also entrusting it to faithful men and women who will train others, who can train others. And through that, they saw this multiplication just spread. And before, you know, it, all these other churches are going, what are you doing to make your church just explode and grow so fast? And that’s where evangelism explosion was really birthed out. And he started training other pastors how they can train and equip, lay people how to effectively share the gospel. And so, yeah. Now, now what is considered classic EE is that tool that was being used back in the day, but we have tools from hope for kids, exce prison, EE deaf, EEE, all sorts of things to fulfill the vision of every nation, equipping every people group and every age group to witness to every person. So we believe if you can believe in Jesus, you can share Jesus, but not just stop there. We want you to have the tools to be able to train others who can train others.

Evangelist Daniel King (03:54):
So what is your position with evangelism explosion and how did you get involved in this vision?

Bill Sikma – Evangelism Explosion (04:03):
Yeah, so really I have a passion just to equipping the next generation. So I work a lot with youth and young adults and training younger pastors in evangelism to give them the tools they need to reach this next generation I’m involved in overseeing our tool XE. And we’re actually working on building some new tools right now. That is gonna be just top of the line stuff to equip this next generation. And I get real excited about leading different short term mission trips as well for them. You know, my story is God grabbed a hold of my life in college. And I grew up in church and knew things about God, but really didn’t live for ’em. And I had an experience May 15th, 2011, that my life was transformed. And I was all in for Jesus. I felt called a ministry to take the gospel to the nations, but there’s a big problem.

Bill Sikma – Evangelism Explosion (05:04):
I had no idea how to share my faith and where to even begin. So I was fumbling around maybe if I just bring my Bible to my college campus and start at the beginning, I had no idea what I was doing and I didn’t need another sermon or a talk on telling me to share my faith. I already felt guilty because I wasn’t doing it. But the main reason was I was never equipped. And I said, God, please show me how to do this. And by the grace of God, we had a guy in our church by the name of Randy Bowman, who was training and equipping people in a small group through the tool of evangelism explosion. And it was there where I received equipping and how to share my faith and what, I didn’t know what just a little bit of equipping would do within a few weeks.

Bill Sikma – Evangelism Explosion (05:57):
I was inside a youth prison in juvenile hall, substitute teaching, as I was seeking out, what is God’s call in my life or what ministry and what position there’s many great ways to go into ministry and share the gospel. But what specifically did he want me to do? And I put in a practice in the wreck yard, what I learned while some guys were playing basket, I talked to the guy by the name of Matthew and I shared with him what I learned through the EE course and there in the wreck yard, I gotta pray with Matthew and see him want to begin his relationship with Jesus. And I was like, this is incredible. And from there, that just was the catalyst where I started to confidently share my faith. And I never thought I’d be in a place to be able to help someone else be able to share their faith.

Bill Sikma – Evangelism Explosion (06:49):
And now it’s so exciting to see people come up and say, bill, I was able to share with my best friend or my grandpa or my dad. It’s just so heartwarming to see it’s I don’t need to be everywhere and be the one sharing, but it’s them. And then to watch them, I remember this kid by the name of Zeke, we’re at the mall and we’re training some youth how to share. And he became so confident and he’s leading the other youth to Christ and all the other youth are going, I wanna be like Zeke and be able to share, and we’re at a shopping mall and he just goes, Hey guys, follow me. I’ll show you how. And it just made me think of Jesus when he says, come follow me and I’ll show you how to fish for men. And so watching that was that proud moment and to see how the EE tool just was a sound pattern, to be able to give the tools, to be able to replicate. So he knew how to train others and they had the best conversations with different youth in that shopping mall to lead them to Christ.

Evangelist Daniel King (07:54):
Now we’re here at together 2022. It’s a great initiative here at the cotton bowl in, in Dallas, Texas led by Nick hall with pulse ministries. And they’re doing a great job, just getting people excited about sharing their faith and praying for, for God to move in this nation. And, and so you were involved in helping to train some of the young people that have come here. Tell me a little bit about how you did that training and, and what you tell people when you’re trying to encourage them to share their faith.

Bill Sikma – Evangelism Explosion (08:29):
Yeah. So we had a great workshop yesterday where we taught them the different points of the, the gospel message. And we often talk about that. It’s easy to learn and hard to forget. And so we, we really make it simple. The gospel message is very simple and it doesn’t Rob from the power of it. But the main thing is you cannot learn something by sitting around the table and talking about it. So what we did today is go out and put into practice what we learned in a classroom setting. So we call that on the job training or connect activities. In fact, 70% of learning comes from practicing what you’ve learned by putting it in a practice through, on the job training. But 90% of learning comes from having to teach someone else how to do it. So that’s when the rubber hits the road.

Bill Sikma – Evangelism Explosion (09:23):
So today was so exciting to take a lot of the people who came to our workshop yesterday to say, Hey, let us show you what it actually looks like in person, cuz sometimes things seemed canned or scripted and the same way when you’re learning to play the piano or instruments, things could be very mechanical, but you gotta learn those basics. So you can just turn loose and play this masterpiece, but you start with these basic skills. So they gotta see what that looked like in person today, where we talked to so many different staff workers here at the event, security guards, seeing many people come to faith in Christ and them overwhelmed and thankful for what we shared with them. And in fact, walking out towards McDonald’s and just being out there, just watching the, the different groups and engage people in conversations was just so amazing.

Bill Sikma – Evangelism Explosion (10:17):
And you know what? We often overlook just people who identify as Christians. And those are some of the best people we can talk to. A lot of them are struggling with, I don’t know, am I good enough? Did I do enough? Does God love me? What they’re missing is the core message of that gospel. So for instance Luana was one of the event staff that we talked to and she thought, oh yeah, you know, I would, you just pray for me so I could just be stronger in the word and you know a stronger believer and she had all those church words and then we asked her what Luana, you know, could we just ask you the spiritual question? What would you say to God if he asked, why should I give you eternal life? Or why should I let you into my heaven?

Bill Sikma – Evangelism Explosion (11:05):
What would you say? Well, it’s because I’m doing good deeds. You know, I’m doing, I’m doing these good things and I’ll spread the word and doing all these church things. And it was a great opportunity to share with her. It’s not about what you can do, but it’s about what Jesus has done for you on the cross. And it’s us putting our faith in Jesus. And so we were able to go back and say, Luana, does that make sense? Remember when we began this conversation, you told God, it was about all your good deeds and all these good things that you do, but do you see it? None of that, that it’s about putting your faith in Jesus. And then after that, that’s what causes us to wanna live for him and do these things. She’s like, yes. Now I see. So, you know, do some of these people make a first time decision to really transferring their trust to Christ alone? I don’t know. Or maybe it’s a reassurance and they didn’t know how to articulate it. That’s that’s not my job. I, I really don’t care, but I just hope that they have that understanding of the gospel message and the biggest home run of, of that is all the people who gotta see what just happened, where they went, oh my goodness. That’s exactly what they learned. And I could see myself having that conversation. When I go back home with my friends.

Evangelist Daniel King (12:21):
That’s outstanding. You mentioned that when you taught yesterday, you taught them to just share a, a simple gospel. Can, can you share that with me? If, if, if you’re sharing with someone, a simple gospel message, what would that sound like?

Bill Sikma – Evangelism Explosion (12:35):
Yeah. Well, we talk about, you know, having some great engaging questions and oftentimes we think witnessing about, what am I gonna say next? But witnessing has a lot to do with, what am I gonna ask next? And it’s very important that we listen to other people and ask some good engaging questions to them. In fact, we, we often are very big on asking permission even before we engage in a conversation like that. We don’t want to be, you know, accused of trying to force something down their throat. So we might just say, Hey, would it be okay if I asked you some deep life questions or some spiritual questions? Is that something you’d be okay with? Sure. Go ahead. And, and then stepping in into those, you know, some of the questions we ask are on a scale one to 10, how fulfilling would you say your life is?

Bill Sikma – Evangelism Explosion (13:28):
It really gets people believing you don’t have to even acknowledge that there’s a God to answer some of these questions. And then we ask them, well, why is it a seven? Tell me all about that. And they’re able to share a lot about what they value in life. And then we ask the question, well, if God was more a part of your life, would that move that number up down, stay the same. And then we get to find out what their view on God is, and then to transition to some deeper questions and ask, well, could I ask you this question? Have you came to that place in your spiritual life where, you know, for certain you have eternal life or would you say that’s something that you’re working on and then to ask them, you know, if you found yourself standing before God, anywhere to ask you, why should I give you eternal life?

Bill Sikma – Evangelism Explosion (14:18):
Or why should I let you into my heaven? What would you say? And 95% of the people are gonna say, well, I’m a good person. I’ve, I’ve done more good than bad. And okay, well we share five simple things with them. And we talk about the thumb represents our first point and our thumb is pointing up like a, a hitchhiker looking for a free ride. And our first point that we’re gonna share with them is that, well, you know, eternal life is a free gift and there’s nothing we can do to earn it or deserve it. We have some different stories, illustrations to elaborate on that and to share Ephesians two, eight and nine. And that right away connects with people to just go, wow, that was completely different of how my mind thinks and a transition to say, well, what stops us from having this gift?

Bill Sikma – Evangelism Explosion (15:06):
And that is what the Bible says about us as human beings, mankind, we’re all sinners. And we cannot save ourselves. And we connect with some other stories and share about Romans 3 23, that we all fall short of that God’s perfect standard and we’re all sinners. And then we transition to say, well, how do, how do we think God will react to us sinning against him? Well, God on one hand is loving and doesn’t want to punish us. But on the other hand, he’s just God and must punish sin. So there’s a tension there so we can share Roman 6, 23, some other verses, but we go in to share, well, how does God solve that tension of his love and justice? And that’s where we go in to talk about Jesus and the good news, what he did for us. And we shared that, you know, Jesus came from heaven to earth.

Bill Sikma – Evangelism Explosion (15:58):
He lived a perfect life. He died on the cross and rose from the dead to pay for sins and offer this gift of eternal life that can start now and go on forever with him and share John three 16 and some other great verses. And one of the most powerful things we have is sharing what we call the record book of sin or the substitute story, using our cell phone illustration to show them where they can visualize how their sin separates them and God, and how Jesus takes that and substitutes and, and gives us his perfection for our imperfection. All

Evangelist Daniel King (16:38):
Right. Can you tell me that story?

Bill Sikma – Evangelism Explosion (16:40):
Yeah, sure. I’m gonna have to use my phone to so I can share that. So,

Evangelist Daniel King (16:45):
So is it an app that’s that, that you guys have?

Bill Sikma – Evangelism Explosion (16:48):
We do have an app called EE helps. It’s just on the apple phone right now we’re working on building out our digital resources. So let’s let this left hand here, represent us and let’s let this right hand here represent God. So this right hand is over this left hand and, and God designed us to be in this relationship with him and experienced this abundant and full life. But let’s let this phone here represent a movie of our lives. Although there’s a lot of great things, I’d be proud like, Hey, check this out. I’m glad it’s black right now, cuz I wouldn’t want you to see the screen of all the things I’m ashamed of the sin I’ve done in my life. The bad thoughts that I even have. It’s all recorded here and you see that’s a barrier between us and God, God loves us, but he hates our sin and that’s that barrier separating us from God and God loved us so much.

Bill Sikma – Evangelism Explosion (17:50):
He sent Jesus down from heaven to earth to live a perfect life. And the Bible says that we all like sheep have gone as stray. Each one has turned his own way, but the Lord has laid upon him, the iniquity or sins of us all. So where’s our sin. Now it’s on us. It transferred from us. Sorry. Our sin is on Jesus. It transferred from us to Jesus, where he took our punishment. He cried out the phrase. It is finished, paid in full where he took all of our past present and future sins. And he removed those sins from us, paid for him and he rose from the dead and he ascended into heaven to where that sin barrier’s gone. We can now have a relationship with God. And the famous Bible verse sums that up for God. So loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him shall perish but have everlasting life.

Bill Sikma – Evangelism Explosion (18:50):
So we unlock that by faith. So we, we can only receive that through faith, but here’s what saving faith is not saving faith. Isn’t just head knowledge where we know things about God in the Bible and things like that and saving faith. Isn’t just temporary faith where we cry out to God in a jam just when we need him just soon to forget him. But true saving faith is trusting in Jesus Christ alone for our eternal life. And so that that’s really the key where people get that. And there’s one story illustration I like to share with that faith section. And that’s, you know, let’s suppose we’re out on a boat where fish and having a great time and we, we didn’t pay attention, but the weather started to change and our little boat could not handle ways, but soon the way started to get bigger.

Bill Sikma – Evangelism Explosion (19:44):
And it just crashed over our boat and our boat breaks into pieces. And there we are grabbing a piece of wood. We’re barely keeping afloat. We’re hoping something’s gonna come and save us. And luckily the coast guard comes out and calls out to us, Hey, grab a hold of our life preserver. And so they toss this ring to us. What would be the logical thing to do, keep holding onto our piece of wood, hoping will maybe drift ashore or should we grab the life? Preserver? The only logical thing would be is grab the life preserver. And if I was to write a word on that board, I would write the word self we’re all trusting in ourself, maybe our own efforts and our feeble attempt to kick to shore and get there. And maybe that’s all of our, well, I’m trying to help serve the homeless or be a good person or give money to the church or do all that.

Bill Sikma – Evangelism Explosion (20:40):
Those are good things, but they can’t save us. And that life preserver, I put the word Jesus on that only Jesus alone can save. We have to let go of trusting in our own works and our own effort and transfer it to Jesus alone. And the moment we do and grab a hold of that, we will be saved. That’s what gives us our relationship with him. And then I would ask, you know, does that make sense to you? Remember when we began this conversation, you said, well, I’m trying to do my best, but do you see that that’s like hanging on onto that piece of wood and that you need to put your faith in Jesus alone? Yeah. Well the, the question I believe God would want me to ask you is, do you wanna have that relationship with Jesus and receive this gift of eternal life with him that will start now and go on forever with him.

Bill Sikma – Evangelism Explosion (21:31):
And then from there, if they say, you know, I’m, I’m not quite ready. I need to think about that. We could pray for them or if they go, yeah, well we’d just walk them through and just not make this a flippant decision, but let them know, Hey, well this is one of the biggest decisions of your lives. Let me break that down. So we walk through the response section of emit believe and commit and help them really understand the decision they’re gonna make. And from there helping just launch them into that relationship with Jesus.

Evangelist Daniel King (22:02):
Those are both excellent illustrations. I really like the illustration with the cell phone. I thought you were gonna show me an illustration on your cell phone, but you’re actually using the cell phone as part of the illustration. So, so very creative now, evangelism explosion has lots of resources, lots of ideas and stories that they developed over the years. What’s a website that people can go and get more information to connect with you and connect with the ministry.

Bill Sikma – Evangelism Explosion (22:30):
Yeah. I actually have been handing these out. Well, I thought I had some left, but we have our website, EE works.org can share more about our resources and we also have share life.university is a tool where it just is a simple five week training tool to just get started in the basics. We have equip america.org/together. 22 will also just give some digital resources that they, they can look at of what we shared today of those questions that they can begin just asking those simple questions that will launch them into a gospel conversation and some other digital resources to review on that as well.

Evangelist Daniel King (23:22):
Well, thank you so much for being on the evangelism podcast. If you’re listening and you have a heart for evangelism, there’s great training available through evangelism explosion. I encourage you to connect with them and get trained and, and, and go out with an experienced, witnesser learn how to share your faith and, and I believe it will bear great fruit in your life. So thank you so much for being on the evangelism podcast.

Evangelism Podcast Host (23:47):
Thank you for having me.

Evangelist Daniel King (23:49):
Thanks so much for listening today. I am excited about telling people about Jesus and I want to invite you to be a part of helping us to rescue people from hell and take them with us to heaven. There’s two things you can do to help. First of all, can you go find the evangelism podcast on apple iTunes and leave us a positive review by giving a review, you will help other people find these valuable resources about sharing our faith. And second, would you become a financial partner with king ministries? Every single dollar that people give us enables us to lead at least one person to Jesus. And so that means for only $1, you can help start a party in heaven. And so today I want to invite you to become a monthly partner. You can start out for just a dollar, but if God puts it on your heart to do more, of course you can do more, but please go to king ministries.com and become a monthly partner with us today to help us to lead more people to Jesus. Thank you so much. And God bless you

Evangelism Podcast Host (25:08):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit king ministries.com. Again, that’s king ministries.com.

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