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Evangelism in Central America

Gerald Bogantes | Dia 1 (Day 1) in Costa Rica

Gerald Bogantes, an evangelist from Costa Rica, has a vision for reaching the youth of Costa Rica and Latin America with the gospel. On January 1st every year, he hosts “Dia Uno” (Day One) to call the youth of Costa Rica to repentance and unity. This event has grown from 4,500 attendees in the first year to over 10,000 in attendance across multiple countries. On today’s episode of the Evangelism Podcast, we learn about how God is moving in Central America.

Learn more about Dia Uno: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100068739000519 


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King. I’m excited about telling people about Jesus Today. I have a very special guest with me, Gerald Bogantes from Costa Rica. Thank you for being on the Evangelism Podcast.

Gerald Bogantes (00:12):
Oh, thank you, Daniel. It’s such a privilege to be with you and with all the people that are watching

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:19):
You. And I have been friends for a long time. I went down to Costa Rica many years ago and you helped to translate for me.

Gerald Bogantes (00:28):

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:29):
Over the years you’ve actually translated for many great men and women of God who have come to Costa Rica. Who are some of the people that you get to translate four?

Gerald Bogantes (00:38):
Well, Tia Osborne, imagine that’s such a blessing to have been his translator also. Well, I was, and I am still the translator of Cindy Jacobs, Tommy Tini. I even translated from Kenneth Copeland when he came to Costa Rica. Well, many more. Tommy Barnett from the Dream Center and many, well, Marilyn Hickey, even Tia Osborne’s daughter, Laona Osborne was the last one that I translated for.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:12):
Wow. So what a privilege. You get to be the voice for all these great men and women of God. But God has given you a tremendous vision for Costa Rica. And the name of your event that you do every single year is Thea Uno, which means day one, and you always hold it January 1st. Talk to me about Dia Uno.

Gerald Bogantes (01:36):
So Dia Uno is a vision from the Lord that the Lord gave me when I was in my home, I was in the living room and in 2009 the Lord spoke to me and said, Gerald, I want you to call upon the youth of Costa Rica. And the funny thing is that he spoke to my heart about a specific date, which was January the first, 2011. So imagine it was two years beforehand. So it was a crazy date because

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:01):
How old were you when you received that vision?

Gerald Bogantes (02:04):
Well, I was, I guess in my late twenties, something

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:07):
Like that. So you were young, but you were called to reach young people.

Gerald Bogantes (02:11):
Exactly, exactly. And at that moment, I didn’t have a leadership role at national level like I do now. So it was crazy for a young kid to call upon the youth of Costa Rica and to do it in a date, which was really a need is not necessarily the best states to do something because of New Year’s. But the Lord spoke so clearly to my heart that I had to obey his voice. And the Lord even spoke to me about the event’s name called Day one, Theo. And he finally told me about had to do with unity. So I just began to seek the wisdom of different leaders and pastors, and they said, yes, we believe it’s from the Lord because it’s centered in prayer and unity, but why don’t you change the date or maybe do it in a Saturday or whatever. And I just said, I have to be faithful to what the Lord said to me. And some of them really didn’t have a lot of faith. You can’t

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:09):
Have diare.

Gerald Bogantes (03:12):
Yes, exactly. And yeah, the is not only day one, not only it’s the first day of the year, but it’s a day of unity that we are one. And there’s many examples in the Bible of not only of unity being part of revival, like Acts chapter two verse one, but also in Nehemiah chapter eight verse one, it says that they were together as one. So when we were about to do the first day one event in 2011, some pastors said, at most you’re going to have 200 young kids, but praise the Lord. We had 4,500 kids in our first day, one.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:50):

Gerald Bogantes (03:50):
And from that day on every single 1st of January, every year we did day one. I say we did because with the pandemic we had to stop. But now we’re going to do it again next 2025 for January 1st. So we’re going to continue. And the good thing is that the Lord is expanding that vision to other countries now. So it’s a blessing.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:14):
Wow. So how many is the most that you’ve ever had at a day one event?

Gerald Bogantes (04:19):
Well, I would say the thing is that obviously the first one was amazing because it was almost 5,000 young kids. But to tell you the truth, I think we can, we have more than that if we include the countries where we have done it in Costa Rica, in Venezuela, in Ecuador at the same time. So maybe 10,000.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:42):
Wow. And at day one, what is the focus of the event you’re inviting young people and then what are you talking to them about? What is the spirit saying?

Gerald Bogantes (04:57):
Since it’s mostly targeted towards Christian kids, it’s not too much as an evangelism, but what we do is we motivated, we challenge them to have a lifestyle of evangelism. And really what we do is a day of repentance and humility and just coming before the Lord and saying, Lord, we want to give our lives back to you, and we want to also consecrate the whole year for the Lord. It’s like the first fruit. And after day one, what we have seen is that some of these kids, they have gone into a deeper relationship with the Lord. They want to do evangelism with their churches. And that’s part of what we do after day one. We do evangelism, outreaches. We call upon the youth to do evangelism, outreaches with their schools, with their high schools and also amongst their communities.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:53):
Talk to me about evangelism in Costa Rica. Costa Rica is a very unique country, very special country. It has no army. It’s a very peaceful country. It’s very beautiful. A lot of tourists love going down there to see ecotourism. It is got beautiful beaches and stuff, but I would say in some ways it’s more secular than some of the other central American countries. So what are some of the unique challenges of evangelism in Costa Rica? And then what are you seeing God do in evangelism?

Gerald Bogantes (06:29):
Yes. The thing is that compared to central America, Costa Rica has maybe, I don’t know how to say it, but in a sense of people are better off in a sense. And when prosperity comes to a nation, sometimes they forget the Lord a little bit. And we have seen that in a sense of people not being so much in fire for the Lord, maybe they’re not suffering so much of poverty. So they’re like, okay, maybe God is just something that I can put a little perfume here and there a little religious ity in me on Sunday morning. That’s it. So when you have Jesus as just something that you put on Sundays, it’s not a God for you. So maybe you see money being a God. And that’s what we fight against a little bit of the religious spirit or maybe just secularism coming in. We have seen some of the kids saying, well, we don’t need as much religion shot down our throats.

So the way we have fought against that is just telling the kids what we need is revival. So what we need is getting on fire with the Lord. And we have seen great results when we just tell it as it is to the kids and say, do you want to really have the fire of God in your heart? Do you want to see signs and miracles? Do you want to pray for the sick? And they’ll recover. And when they see how God uses them, then they are really on fire with the Lord. And they do want to continue in love with the Lord. But you have to be definitely sold out for the Lord. If you want to do something. Costa Rica, you can’t go just and paint a little bit of religion on the Costa Ricans or the Kos are as they call us, you need to be on fire and you’ll see results.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:28):
And so what is the message that God has given you for young people?

Gerald Bogantes (08:34):
Well, the message is one of revival, obviously for the people that they don’t know, the Lord, obviously the message of salvation, the message of love. But for the church itself, for the young kids, what I tell them is that you have to be on fire for the Lord. And just to condense it in a phrase is when you have inner fire, you have outer love. If you have the fire of the Lord, the glory of the Lord inside of you, that is going to come out some way. And the best way is to love others as yourself with the preaching of salvation. So what we have done is we have gone to the universities, and I am also an attorney, so I had to go to university. So I know the secular arena. And even when I was in my university years, we did a drama in front of 800 of my classmates and I was dressed up as Jesus in front of them and I was like, Lord, I’m going to do it for you.

So I’m going to go all out. And I preach to 800 of my college professors and classmates and people respect that. People respect that. So my message to the youth and to people that hear me is that if you are on fire for the Lord, your life is going to be transformed. You’re going to have the greatest adrenaline spiritually speaking, and it is going to be the best life that you could have. So I really am a preacher that speaks about the love of God, but also that fire of God. We need to be like that prophet that has fire in his bones.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:11):
And so are you still practicing law or are you full-time in the ministry?

Gerald Bogantes (10:15):
I’m still practicing law, but really I do it as a tent making process. And the Lord has allowed us to even do ministry almost without any type of restriction. So it’s a blessing. If the Lord ever tells me to leave the practice aside, I’ve done it before. I have quit my job before and I’ve done it to serve the Lord. But in this moment, the Lord has allowed me to even give testimony using my law practice and to finance the ministry. So in this moment, I can go with you to campaigns and I can go with different, like today we are talking from outside the country. For two weeks I’ve been outside just preaching and teaching.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:02):
Yeah, we’re at a great conference in Korea. In Korea it’s called the Billion Soul

Gerald Bogantes (11:08):

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:09):
And they are calling the body of Christ to reach a billion people for Jesus.

Gerald Bogantes (11:16):

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:16):
So it’s great being here because we’re around lots of ministries that have big vision, but then also very humble people that are in the villages of India or Bangladesh just ministering. And so it’s been very encouraging being here just to see how God is using so many different people, but all of us can unite around this vision of reaching the world for Jesus.

Gerald Bogantes (11:40):
Yes, and I love it. So the Lord has allowed me to even have this ministry of law practice because I can see that also as a workplace ministry. And that has allowed me to be here for two weeks already. And thank God I don’t have any type of hindrance in that sense. So I also encourage people that they don’t need necessarily to have maybe a salary from a church to say that they are full-time ministries. They can be full-time ministries, whatever the way the Lord finances them, if they give it all to the Lord, they’re in full-time ministry.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:18):
Amen. What would you say to evangelists in Latin America? One of the themes that we heard last week at the Uzon conference this week too, is that the mission field shall become a mission force. And we see this here in Korea because Korea went through a war where north and South Korea were divided. And at the end of the war, Korea was very poor, extremely poor people working out in the fields, growing rice. And I would say Central America, south America has a lot of poverty like Korea did at that time. But a large number of people here turned to God. And now over 30% of Korea is Christian. And I would say being here, it’s a very modern country. God has really blessed this country, beautiful buildings, everything is clean. The people here are very blessed.

Gerald Bogantes (13:23):

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:25):
They have, Korea has now sent out missionaries all over the world. In fact, after the United States, I think Korea is now the number two missionary sending country in the world. I think God wants to do the same thing for Latin America because Latin America has lots of

Gerald Bogantes (13:44):

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:45):
The churches of Latin America, they know how to pray. They have so much fire. And now prosperity is coming to Latin America. I mean, it’s very vibrant, it’s very alive. Economies are growing, but it’s very important that the church doesn’t forget Jesus in the midst of it. But I think what God wants to do is to start raising up more and more missionaries from Latin America that will go to other countries and preach the gospel. What do you

Gerald Bogantes (14:16):
Think? Yes, exactly. I think that if we just see how the Lord is prospering, a country is not just for our own benefit and prosperity and better roads and better economy. No, it’s because of our prayers and just asking the Lord to prosper a country. But it’s mostly to finance the last wave of evangelism and missionary work. And I think we’re in the last day, so we need to see the times. We need to be the sunset bicycler that they knew the times and they knew what Israel had to do. And we need to understand the times. These are the last days we need to, yes. If the Lord prospers us, yes, we have to use those funds to finance the ministry and to do evangelism and to do crusades and to have these outreaches. So really the time is ripe. And we have seen sparks of revival, not only in Costa Rica but in Latin America, and we have to be sure that we take advantage of this revival because this is the last harvest. And I don’t know if we’re going to be here for many years in the sense of the Lord, maybe he is going to tardy a little bit more, but we have to live as if the Lord is coming in two weeks.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:37):
Amen. One of the speakers, I forget who it was, but they said, we are marata people, which the word Marta means come Lord Jesus. And so we are eagerly awaiting the second coming of Jesus Christ. And I think Jesus is coming soon, but the greatest harvest of souls in history will happen in just the next few years. And what’s exciting is we are the generation that gets to participate and gets to be a part. And I think this is a very special

Gerald Bogantes (16:08):
Generation. Yes, I love it. And you and I, we were here in Korea evangelizing in the streets, and we have seen results. And people are so open, they really want to have genuine and sincere conversations. If you are genuine in your faith with the Lord, people want to, they see through that. They see if you’re genuine. They see what you have is real. And when you have something that is real and something that is good, they want it also. And I have seen that for my desire for the youth of Latin American, obviously for all the ages, but specifically for the youth, is for them to know the gem of high praise, which is Jesus and for them to share it. If you have that beautiful encounter with the Lord, we have to share it as much as possible. So that’s why I commend you for everything you do.

Also, Daniel around the nations, and we need you in Costa Rica. So please come. I want to be your translator, but I really think that we need to learn from people like you, from your ministry, king ministries, and thank you also because you today gave us a great teaching on evangelism and resources. And I think it’s part of what we need. And I want to tell you, you didn’t tell me to say this, but I want to ask the sponsors of your ministry and those that join forces with you to continue to do that because we need ministries like you and many others to continue to have that last harvest, to sow that last harvest for the Lord.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (17:39):
Amen. Well, thank you, Gerald. Let’s finish by praying for God to send revival to Latin America. And could you pray for, but pray in Spanish?

Gerald Bogantes (17:53):
Yes. I love it. Thank you. Ate Jesus.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:27):
Amen. Thank

Gerald Bogantes (18:29):
You so much. Your best.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:32):
Okay, that’s good. That’s good. Thank you so much.

Gerald Bogantes (18:36):
All right, now.

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Panama is the pathway between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. When we visited this beautiful nation we witnessed many miracles as God touched the people.


Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!


Check out these pictures of a pastor’s conference in Leon, Nicaragua.


Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!


Evangelist Daniel King gave away over half-a-million salvation books in the nation of Honduras. Trained counselors at eighteen massive Gospel Festivals throughout Honduras distributed the books to new believers. This massive distribution of literature was part of “One Nation, One Day,” a nationwide outreach to this Central American country.

The book entitled “Welcome to the New Honduras” covers the topics of salvation, healing, the Holy Spirit, faith, and how to walk with God. In the back is a decision card that will be filled out by each recipient and given to the local churches so they can follow up with the new believers.

Daniel King has visited sixty-three nations around the world and seen over one million people receive salvation in his services, but this is the biggest outreach he has ever participated in. He says, “We are asking God for the entire nation of Honduras to hear the good news of Jesus Christ in just one day. Many different ministries are joining hands together to make this unprecedented evangelistic outreach possible. God is calling us to work together to change an entire country. It is amazing what can be accomplished for the kingdom of God if we do not care who gets the credit. No logos. No egos. Just Jesus.”

Eighteen evangelists joined together to conduct Gospel crusades in the capital of every state in Honduras. Almost two thousand short-term missionaries invaded the nation for a week of ministry making this one of the biggest mission trips in history.

The president of Honduras personally invited the teams to come. The legislature of Honduras passed a law declaring the day of the outreach to be a national holiday. The missionaries have been invited to visit every public school in the nation to present the Gospel. Two hundred doctors and nurses will be offering free medical exams. Eighteen containers of food have been shipped to Honduras. Almost five million meals will be given away to poverty stricken people.

Honduras was chosen for this outreach because of the great need in the country. According to the Associated Press, the largest city in Honduras is the murder capital of the world. 1,218 people, an average of over three people every day, were killed in 2012 in San Pedro Sula. This violence is caused by drugs, criminals, and gangs. It is hoped that this massive proclamation of the Gospel will cause a decrease in crime and change the future of Honduras.

The goal of reaching an entire nation for Jesus was birthed twelve years ago when Daniel King and his friend Dominic Russo were both students at Oral Roberts University. Sitting together in a dorm room, they started dreaming about what it would take to present the Gospel to every person in a nation in one day. Now, under the leadership of Dominic Russo, this dream has become a reality. Other ministers involved include John Bevere, Tommy Barnett, Myles Monroe, Kari Jobe, Tommy Tenney, Sharon Daugherty, Mark Chironna, Jack Myers, and Rick Ciaramitaro.

Isaiah 66:8 asks, “Can a nation be saved in a day?” The leaders of “One Nation, One Day” believe that for the first time in history, this prophetic question asked over four thousand years ago will be answered with a resounding “Yes.” They are asking God for the entire nation of Honduras to be changed in one day.

Report from Copan

Report from Intibucá

God is moving in Honduras. At an evangelistic event this past week in the state of Intibucá, our team witnessed an unprecedented openness to the Gospel among political, educational, and church leaders.

We visited the chief of police in Esperanza and prayed for him. He was so moved, he invited us to return the next morning to speak to the police in the city. Fifty policemen stood at attention as I preached and we prayed with many of them to receive salvation. The local fire department helped set up the platform for our festival. Teachers and city administrators attended our leadership conference. The wives of two different mayors came to our women’s conference. A congressman attended our youth event.

The governor of the state of Intibucá attended our leadership conference and the festival. As the evangelistic event drew to a close, the governor came to the platform, knelt down on his knees, and cried out to God. He publicly repented for the sins of the people and asked God to bless his state.

Eighteen months ago, I participated in a nationwide event in Honduras called “One Nation, One Day.” It was inspired by Isaiah 66:8, “Can a nation be saved in a day? Can a country be brought forth in a moment?” Eighteen evangelists joined together to conduct eighteen Jesus festivals in the capital of every state in Honduras. Over 2,000 missionaries flooded the nation to demonstrate the love of God in tangible ways through medical brigades and food distribution. The outreach was featured on the front-page of every newspaper in Honduras as the nation turned toward God. I gave away 520,000 books to people who prayed with our team to receive salvation. The fruit of this amazing outreach continues today.

For example, the city of San Pedro Sula has been known as “the murder capital of the world” for the past several years. The city has been plagued by drug and gang related violence. Since the recent invasion of missionaries, the military in Honduras claims that crime in the city has gone down by 60%. Suicide dropped by 15%. According to the FAO, extreme poverty in Honduras has dropped by 3.4%. In the past few months, several notorious drug dealers in Honduras have been apprehended and sent to the United States to face trial. Corrupt politicians have been thrown into jail.

Previously the teachers of Honduras have frequently gone on strike. But last year, all the schools in Honduras completed the entire school year without any teachers going on strike. This is the first time in twenty-five years that school children in Honduras have received a full two hundred days of education.

Two years ago, I visited Honduras and witnessed serious crimes. I saw an SUV riddled with bullet holes with blood on the front seat. A church usher, who worked as a taxi driver, was murdered the night before I preached at his church. But, on this trip, the streets felt safe and the nation was peaceful. While there is much that needs to be done, the nation is headed in the right direction.

The church has been unified and pastors from different denominations are working together. Last Sunday, I preached for Misael Argeñal, the pastor of La Cosecha, the largest church in Honduras. He says, “For many years the pastors of Honduras have prayed for our nation. We are so happy to see the nation of Honduras turn toward God.”

Last year, Honduras voted in an election. The two main candidates included Juan Orlando Hernández, a man who looks favorably upon the church, and a socialistic candidate who is aligned with Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro. In past years, elections in Honduras have produced violence and great disharmony but this time, the election process was peaceful and United Nations observers certified the results. The socialistic candidate received 28.8% of the vote but lost to the man who loves God.

On October 25, 2014, Juan Orlando Hernández, the president of Honduras and his wife knelt down publicly and prayed for the nation. This is the first time in history that a president of Honduras has humbled himself before the nation and cried out for God’s blessing to be upon his people. For over two hundred years, the United States of America has experienced prosperity because of the prayers of our first president George Washington who frequently declared days of fasting and prayer for the entire nation. In the same way, the prayers of the president of Honduras will bring the favor and blessing of God upon his nation.

When asked about the impact of the “One Nation, One Day” outreach, the president of Honduras stated, “First of all, it was a spectacular day for Honduras. I assure you there has never been a moment in history with so much passion and unity for a single purpose. It was a blessing for Honduras. It was like an awakening. From that point forward the spirit of the Honduran people has changed. Before that, everything was negative. Now people are more enthusiastic, more motivated. I’m also thankful to God because after the elections the investors that did not want to invest before started visiting the banks. They are investing in this country. I also feel there are more police and operators of justice and more commitment to have integrity…We are seeing many people from other nations come to invest because they see Honduras has changed. That for me is the fruit of something that was cultivated on that day.”

Can a nation be changed in a day? The evidence in Honduras suggests that the answer is a resounding, “Yes!”



Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!


Report from Village Ministry in Guatemala

This past week, I was ministering in the Central American nation of Guatemala. Our team had the opportunity to visit the poorest of the poor in an obscure village far off the beaten path. The water source for the village is a lake that people drink from, do their laundry in, and use to water their animals. Because of the unsanitary conditions, many people in the village suffer from various diseases. Our team gave away 35 water filters to the families in the village so that their children would have clean water to drink. As we preached the Gospel in the village, 53 people prayed with us for salvation! The ministry we worked with has planted a church in the community in order to follow up on the new believers.

After our village crusade, I came back to Guatemala City and preached in an upper-class church on Sunday morning. The church is full of lawyers, doctors, and the elite of society. God touched these people the same way He touched the poor people in the village. As I was thinking about the two different types of ministry I had the privilege of doing in Guatemala, God gave me a powerful revelation.

I have been studying the book of John and I was struck by the contrast between John Chapter 3 and John Chapter 4. In John 3 we discover the story of a man named Nicodemus who visited Jesus in the middle of the night. In John 4 is the story of Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well.

Two people met Jesus, but these two people were completely different.

* Nicodemus was a Jewish man; she was a Samaritan woman.

* Nicodemus was a ruler of the people; she was an outcast.

* Nicodemus was a Pharisee; she was a five-time divorcee and adulterer.

* Nicodemus was rich; she was poor.

* Nicodemus was theologically trained; she only understood folk religion.

* Nicodemus was influential with lots of friends; she was a nobody with no friends.

* Nicodemus was well-studied; she was unlearned.

* Nicodemus was respected; she was disdained.

* Nicodemus came in the middle of the night; she met Jesus in the middle of the day.

* Nicodemus wanted knowledge; she wanted a drink.

* Nicodemus knew Jesus was a teacher from God; she discovered He was the Messiah.

Yet despite their differences, Jesus reached out to both of them. He revealed Himself to both of them. Jesus provided a way for both of them to be saved. Both of them needed Jesus!

Today, the same is true. Both the rich and the poor, the men and the women, the young and the old, the lowest to the highest, the kings to the peasants, the influential people and the nobodys, the down-and-out and the up-and-out, they all need Jesus. From the richest billionaire in his mansion to the poorest farmer in Africa who sleeps on a dirt floor, every person has a God-shaped-hole in his or her life that desperately needs to be filled.

To Nicodemus, Jesus said, “You must be born again” (John 3:7). To the Samaritan woman, Jesus said, “If you knew the gift of God…He would have given you living water” (John 4:10).

To Nicodemus, Jesus said, For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). To the Samaritan woman, Jesus promised, “Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life” (John 4:14).

In Guatemala, I ministered in the village to people like the Samaritan woman, and I ministered in the city to people like Nicodemus and God moved both times. God loves everyone and He blesses everyone no matter what level of society they live in. As we gave the life-saving water filters away, I was reminded about how Jesus gave the Samaritan woman the gift of living water. Just as Jesus told Nicodemus to be born-again, we told the people how they could be born-again into God’s kingdom

Every person needs Jesus. He is willing to meet us whenever we come to Him, whether by day or night, in sickness or in health, in poverty or with wealth. Jesus wants everyone to experience eternal life!

Report from Ministering to Firefighters in Guatemala

Daniel King goes to Guatemala and does an outreach for local firefighters.


Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!


Costa Rica

Witness the miracles as God moves in Costa Rica.


Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!


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