Christine Morgan is called by God to have a worldwide evangelistic ministry. She has been doing zoom crusades in Pakistan and recently traveled there to preach her first big crusade in person. On today’s episode we ask the question: Can God use woman to impact the world?” You will be inspired as you hear Christine’s testimony of how Jesus saved her and made her an evangelist.
Learn More About Christine Morgan:
Christine Morgan, a woman called by God to be an evangelist, shares her testimony and experiences in spreading the gospel. She has been conducting Zoom crusades in Pakistan and recently traveled there to preach her first in-person crusade. She discusses the impact of her ministry and the challenges she has faced. She emphasizes the importance of women in evangelism and shares her belief that God can use women to reach and minister to people. Christine also talks about her training at Oral Roberts University and the gospel message she shares with audiences, particularly in Muslim-majority countries. She encourages listeners to support her ministry and shares her confidence in God’s presence and power in her evangelistic work. The podcast host, Daniel King, invites listeners to leave positive reviews for the Evangelism Podcast and to consider becoming financial partners with King Ministries to support their evangelistic efforts.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Christine Morgan is called by God to have a worldwide evangelistic ministry. She’s been doing zoom crusades in the nation of Pakistan, and recently traveled there to preach her first big crusade in person. On today’s episode, we asked the question, can God use women to impact the world? You’ll be inspired as you hear Christine’s testimony of how Jesus saved her and made her an evangelist.
Evangelism Podcast Host (00:41):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary, and evangelist Daniel King.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:05):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus. Today I have a very special guest with me, Christine Morgan. Thank you for joining me on the Evangelism Podcast.
Christine Morgan (01:18):
Thank you for having me here today.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:20):
Alright, so you are called by God to be an evangelist. Tell me a little bit about the opportunities that God has been giving you for evangelism.
Christine Morgan (01:30):
Well, for almost the past two years we’ve been doing a lot of work exclusively in Pakistan as God has opened doors for us to do monthly zoom outreaches in rural areas to Muslims and Hindus. And we’ve been seeing about 80% of the people attending these meetings receiving Christ and over 50% being healed. And so we’re having great opportunities to go into unreached areas and preach the gospel.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:59):
So Pakistan is the second largest Muslim nation in the world by population, and so it’s a huge harvest field. How did you get started doing these Zoom crusades?
Christine Morgan (02:12):
Well, an opportunity came about during CID when we weren’t able to travel into the nations. And I had a friend on Facebook and he was looking for people to preach zoom crusades and zoom meetings. And so I just started doing that faithfully on a monthly basis.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:33):
Well, you have seen great results there. And then just recently you actually went to Pakistan. How was that different actually being there in person than doing a Zoom event?
Christine Morgan (02:46):
When you’re there in person, it’s more exciting of course, because the crowd and the people, you could see their reaction, you can see their engagement, and you get to really see the whole picture when you’re doing it on Zoom, you might just see a crowd or a few specific faces in the crowd, but when you’re there you can see the whole crowd of people. You could see the response, you can see them crying or lifting their hands. So it’s really amazing to see God touching lives.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:15):
And so you were there working with my friend John Javid and his wife Rachel. I’ve been to their church compound there in Lahore and they have King television, which I think is a great name for a TV station since my last name is King, I wish I had that name. But tell me a little bit about their ministry and what your impression has been working with them.
Christine Morgan (03:44):
Their ministry in their heart is to reach the unreached. Of course, they have a great work in Lahore King television. John and Rachel are doing a great job just reaching people on a weekly and daily basis. They have several television programs that go out throughout different countries and nations. And so it’s not just to the people they’re trying to reach in the who they are also going out into other countries doing crusades, preaching in churches, but they do a lot of work in Lahore, but also they work freeing people that have been, they’re working as slaves in brick kilns. They work to help the poor and the disadvantaged, but they really have a heart for the unreached and that’s why I like working with them.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:34):
And so your ministry is focused on evangelism. What’s the name of your ministry?
Christine Morgan (04:41):
The name of the ministry is Worldwide Evangelistic Ministry.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:44):
I think that covers about everything Jesus said, go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. And so you figured you’d just cover everything, do a worldwide evangelistic ministry. And what was it that made you know that you were called to evangelism?
Christine Morgan (05:01):
Well, so growing up we didn’t attend church a lot. We went kind of like on Easter and on Christmas and we knew about God, but I was really confused about how God could love someone who was a sinner or unworthy and I didn’t have a good representation of the love of Christ and that Christ receives us as we are. So I really struggled with purpose and identity in my younger years and people would come up to me and tell me that God loved me. And I was like, okay, but what does that really mean? How could God love someone like me? And then I came to a point where I had been through cycles of depression and suicide and I really didn’t understand purpose in my life. And I came to a point where I just surrendered to the Lord. Nobody prayed for me. I was at a church service and I just knelt down in the row and I said, God, people tell me that you’re love, that your joy, that you’re peace, and I don’t have any of that, so obviously I don’t have you.
So the Lord just came into my life and just set me on fire. And really it was just like a joy and excitement and just life opened up to me and I had hope. And for the first time I really felt like that I had some kind of purpose in life. And just from the moment I got saved, I started doing street evangelism, prison ministry, homeless outreach. I mean, I would do it at my church. I’d go to another church that did homeless outreach or prison outreach. And so I was just involved in just going out. It’s like when you find that joy and you experience salvation, you just want to go out and tell everybody like, Hey, you can receive this too. And so really for the first few years, that’s all I really did. I mean, I went to church, but I did a lot of evangelism and just whether it was using tracks, just I used to put packs of food in my car and if I see someone homeless, I’d pull over and tell ’em Jesus loved him. And I think it kind of freaked my family out because it’s like I pulled over on the side of the road and I get out and I start talking to homeless people and they’re just like, oh my gosh, I can’t believe you did that in Houston. You could have disappeared and we never see you again, but God just put that passion to relate to people and to reach people. And so I started just by doing that within the church.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:37):
And so how old were you when you had that encounter with Jesus?
Christine Morgan (07:39):
I was 24.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:41):
So you were already an adult, but you immediately jumped into telling everyone you could about Jesus. Someone said that evangelism is like one starving man who found bread going and telling all the other starving men where they can find bread. And so then later you came to Oral Roberts University to get some training. What was that experience like? What did you get from your time at Oral Roberts University?
Christine Morgan (08:07):
So I came into Oral Roberts University knowing that God had put a call on my life for ministry and to preach the gospel. I think I was saved about two months when the Lord just told me he had called me to go around to the nations and preach the gospel. And I really couldn’t comprehend that or how to do that. And so when I went to ORU, I signed up, I majored in evangelism and minored in missions. And so it really gave me a foundation and a focus to learn how to take my passion and direct it to reach people with a greater capacity.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:44):
Now, what were some of the things you learned in the evangelism major at ORU? Who were some of your favorite professors or what lecture stands out to you as something that really inspired you?
Christine Morgan (08:58):
Yeah, I had an underground undergrad professor named Carrie er. She lives here in the Tulsa area and she used to be a youth pastor, but she was over the youth, the evangelism, some of the missions programs. And she was creative and she really inspired me and she encouraged us to use our individuality and our personality to share with people the gospel. And so that made me think outside of the box of regular religion or regular denomination and really to be like, okay, God gave us personalities and he gave us certain giftings, and we can use that in such a way that we can reach a wide variety of people and that we’re all not called to reach the same person, but we all have unique giftings and that we can tailor that and use our passion to serve the Lord and reach the lost.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:53):
Now, I was on Twitter now called XA few days ago, and there was a debate among some churches saying that women should not be allowed to preach, but when you look worldwide, over 50% of the body of Christ is female. Actually in many countries it’s a much higher percentage. You’ll go to a church and a huge percentage of the audience is female. And so how do you think God wants to use women to reach out and minister to people? Can God use a woman evangelist?
Christine Morgan (10:30):
Absolutely. And this is a great question because what most people don’t realize is in China, 90% of the pastors are women. And so while the men go to work, and some are wives and mothers, but the driving force to pastors in China and the underground church movement is women. And so I’ve been going into other nations and other countries and I see women with a heart and a passion to serve the Lord and to see people one to Christ. And so there’s a global movement of women that are ready to rise up and take their place. They want to serve the Lord. They have the passion. They might not have the education or the experience, but they’re willing to do what the Lord is asking them to. And so I see a great fire, especially in the young people, but in women, men are being used as well, but it’s time for the women to rise up globally and there’s a whole movement coming forth where God is going to begin to use women in a powerful way.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:33):
Now you have launched your worldwide evangelistic ministry and it’s not easy to start a ministry. What have been some of the challenges that you’ve had to overcome as you’ve started to launch out into the evangelistic call that God has on your life?
Christine Morgan (11:51):
I think one of the hardest things sometimes we don’t know how to do all the administration. And so launching out into a 5 0 1 C3 in 2014 was a way that we could get people tax receipts without running the money through my local church. And so stepping out and learning how to just file for a 5 0 1 C3, it took a lot of prayer. I said, okay, holy Spirit, we’re going to do this together. And I had to research what different terms meant, what they were asking and what the Lord taught. We were able to do it. And then just navigating even fundraising, how do you go from people realizing this isn’t just like, Hey, you’re going on a missions trip, but this is a calling, this is a ministry. It’s something that is full-time. It is like your career. And so I’ve had to educate people that we’re not just doing puppets and skits, we’re actually out there preaching the gospel and that we could be killed, we could be jailed, we could lose our life. And so what we’re doing is going out there and doing the full gospel and we’re preaching, we’re seeing miracles, we’re casting out demons. And so one of the challenges has been to get the body of Christ, to see that gospel work goes beyond ditch, digging, doing skits and drama, which are all great in evangelism, but that it’s a ministry in, it’s a calling. It’s not just a hobby.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:25):
Now you say you’re preaching the gospel. Can you give me the gospel in a nutshell? What is the gospel when you go and you’re in front of an audience full of Muslims and you’re trying to communicate the gospel to them, what do you say?
Christine Morgan (13:42):
Well, I start out with that God created men and women in his own image because he wanted to have a relationship with us. He wanted to be able to fellowship with us, and that sin broke our relationship with him. And so basically, I tell them how sin keeps us from God because he is holy and he is pure, but sin separates us. And then I talk about how he had a plan to bring us back to himself and to right relationship and restore our identity and our fellowship through Jesus Christ. And so I use it as a way to say, you were created to be in relationship and fellowship with God, and he loves you and he wants to be in right relationship with you again. And so it’s not condemning, it’s not saying you’re so sinful. It’s saying we all have a broken relationship with God, but we can be restored back to the Father. And so I think that is something that opens people’s hearts and minds to the gospel.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:49):
Christine, it’s really wonderful, have the opportunity to interview you. We have a lot of people who listen to the podcast, who have a great heart for supporting missions and supporting evangelists. And so if someone wants to help you with your evangelism, how can they find out more about you? What’s your website?
Christine Morgan (15:10):
The website is worldwide
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:15):
Alright, so I encourage you, if you’re listening, go find out more about Christine Morgan. She is bringing a living message to a dying world, and she is passionate about evangelism. What’s one last story or thought you’d like to share with our listeners?
Christine Morgan (15:36):
I get people all the time that tell me, you must be so brave that you go to the nations. And I really don’t think of it like that. God has taught me that I’m never alone when I go to the nations that he’s always with me. And so sometimes I’m a little nervous because I’ve never been to a country or I don’t know the people, but I go knowing that God has called me to go, and so therefore I’m not scared because I know that I’m doing the will of God. I’m in the will of God and he’s with me. And so I have so many people that they’re just amazed that I can go to these nations, whether I go by myself or with a team, and I just go, even if I’m nervous, I just do it. And God is always faithful to show up and show out and be with me every step of the way.
And so I am confident in that I’ve grown in my faith and in my confidence to say, Hey, it doesn’t matter where I go. I’m not alone. And then another thing is that when I pray for the sick, I can be bold and pray for the blind to see and the deaf to hear, because I have nothing to prove. All I do is I’m the vessel and he’s the healer. And so the great thing is I tell people, you can pray for all kinds of miracles because we don’t have anything to prove. Jesus said he would back up his word. He said he would move through us and that he’s the healer. And so that we see miracles in salvations and so many amazing things, but it’s all because we choose to be vessels that he can use.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (17:08):
That’s awesome. Well, thank you Christine, so much for being on the Evangelism Podcast. All
Christine Morgan (17:12):
Right, thank you. Are
Evangelism Podcast Host (17:14):
You called by God to be an evangelist? Do you want to lead millions of people to Jesus? Do you desire to be trained in the practical side of building a ministry? Then check out the Daniel King School of Evangelism. Learn how to be an effective evangelist from Dr. Daniel King’s 20 plus years of experience. Daniel King has done crusades all over the world in over 70 nations and is seen over 2 million people give their lives to Jesus. But it wasn’t easy. There was no crusade school. So Daniel traveled the world learning from and observing top evangelists, noticing how they successfully won souls for Christ. Now he wants to share decades of knowledge, experience with you. Topics of the Daniel King School of Evangelism include what is an evangelist, how to be a master soul winner, how to give antar call, how to organize a crusade, how to raise money for your ministry, and much more. If you want to be an evangelist, but don’t know where to start, the Daniel King School of Evangelism is for you. Enroll today in the School of Evangelism by going to Daniel King
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:14):
Thanks so much for listening today. I am excited about telling people about Jesus, and I want to invite you to be a part of helping us to rescue people from Hell and take them with us to heaven. There’s two things you can do to help. First of all, can you go find the Evangelism podcast on Apple iTunes and leave us a positive review by giving a review, you will help other people find these valuable resources about sharing our faith. And second, would you become a financial partner with King Ministries. Every single dollar that people give us enables us to lead at least one person to Jesus. And so that means for only $1, you can help start a party in heaven. And so today I want to invite you to become a monthly partner. You can start out for just a dollar, but if God puts it on your heart to do more, of course you can do more. But please go to king and become a monthly partner with us today to help us to lead more people to Jesus. Thank you so much, and God bless you.
Evangelism Podcast Host (19:35):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches, visit king Again, that’s king
Jabran Inayat is the founder of Mission Asia, a satellite TV network that aims to reach over a billion people with the Gospel across South Asia. Today we talk about what God is doing in Pakistan.
Learn More About Mission Asia:
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Jabran Inayat is the founder of Mission Asia, a satellite TV network that aims to reach over a billion people with the gospel across South Asia. Today we talk about what God is doing in the nation of Pakistan.
Evangelism Podcast Host (00:28):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies, and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary, and evangelist Daniel King.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:52):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus. Today I have a very special guest with Me, Jabran Inayat. Thank you for joining me on the Evangelism Podcast.
Jabran Inayat (01:03):
Thank you so much, my privilege to be on the podcast, and it’s wonderful. I am excited to talk something special today.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:12):
Your family is great friends with my family. The Inayat family has been working in Pakistan, and then there was some persecution and you had to leave. And so your father went to California. I’ve been to his house in California. Your brother Temran. I was with him in Pakistan just a couple of weeks ago. He lives out in North Carolina. And you’re living in Norway. That’s right. And in Norway you have a wonderful ministry called Mission Asia. Yeah. Tell me, what is Mission Asia doing?
Jabran Inayat (01:49):
Thank you so much for the friendship that we have in the Lord. Mission Asia is a satellite Christian TV channel, and the vision is from Acts 2:11, that everyone here the wonderful works of God in their own language, the vision for Mission Asia is to reach in our own language. And and the vision is for 1 billion people who speaks Urdu, Hindi and Punjabi. That’s the vision to reach to people in their own language because that’s the, that’s the heartbeat that people who are praying, people who are listening and they are reaching, they, they want to be reached. They have never heard the gospel. So this is our vision that we reach by satellites, and we have incredible response where the Lord has been done in last two years in pandemic. We have started that first September, 2020, we were on the satellite.
Jabran Inayat (02:44):
And now as we’re sitting here in two years, we have been on the s we have seen incredible response. The calls has been coming, and people who have been receiving Jesus Christ in Corona time, sitting in their home, watching tv, watching live programs, and you know, that’s the, that’s the heart that we have seen. And it’s because of the gospel. Gospel has the power, the anointing comes on the gospel. So when we have preached the gospel, we don’t have to say many other things to people in Pakistan or about Islam. We have Bible to preach and, and, and that’s the word of God. So we thank God for this vision. We thank God that your program is on Mission Asia. You have listed the office there in, in Pakistan, Asia, the call center. And that is the reason that we have seen, whenever we are doing the live programs, it has been mostly 2000 calls, a recorded calls that we have experienced in one and half hour program.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:44):
Yeah, it was absolutely amazing. I got to visit the offices. I, I saw where all the video editing is done, and then where the call center is, where prayer partners will pray with people who are calling in. And many of the people who call in are asking for prayer. Some of them are asking for a Bible. Some of them are sharing testimonies. What are some of the, the testimonies of lives that have been changed?
Jabran Inayat (04:11):
Yeah, the, because it’s a, it’s it’s a live programs that what we have experienced that every Thursday it’s we call it live prayer program. It’s on Thursdays. And me and her wife, gta, she’s on the program and we, we receive live calls and we pray for the people. It’s ministering to the people. One of the testimony we have seen, it was a guy, a, a Muslim name, a Muslim guy that was watching. And, and he told me it is the story last year, It was a story last year. And he told me that he has been watching Mission Asia Channel. And he told me that he has been reading all the books. He was not a Christian, he was a Muslim guy. And he said that he has been reading all the books. He has been, you know, searching everything.
Jabran Inayat (04:59):
But he has came on a point and he has been watching actually the programs in his own language. And he understood. And he called me, I talked within 58 minutes, he called me from Pakistan and I talked with him 58 minutes. And, and I asked, I went to into the deep questions. I said, What is the reason why you want to receive Jesus? So he told that he has tried everything, but there is no peace in any other thing. There is no peace in any other religion. Jesus has a peace. So I prayed with him and then later on, I mean, he told me that I want to take a baptism. And I said, It is just you. And, and then he said, No, it’s, it’s my family. And I thought that maybe it’s four people. And then he said, It’s, it’s our entire family.
Jabran Inayat (05:44):
My brothers there. And there were 15 people. There were 15 people together. It’s one of the testimony that I’m telling what the Lord is doing, and I believe that this is the last time, this is the end time when God is doing his work, when because of his word, we have seen that incredible hunger is there in the people of Pakistan and, and in all over the world, the hunger is there. What is the truth? And there is only one truth. And Jesus is the truth. He is the life. And you, we have seen that kind of miracles, that kind of life changing testimonies because that’s a big miracle when, when someone gave their life to Jesus. That’s the biggest miracle in the life. So we thank God the response is incredible good. And that’s why we have seen the satellite. We have seen calls coming from India because we speak in, or we speak in Punjabi, we speak in Hindi language.
Jabran Inayat (06:39):
These three languages are our focus. And we want to reach our people, even though wherever, if they’re in us, we have ip, TVs, people watch the programs on IP TVs like Apple TV and RO car TV and, and Amazon and every, every platform that we are there. So we thank God for the vision that God has given, but it is, it is the vision to work together with churches, work together. This network is not, is just for one church. It’s a network open for everyone who has a heart, who has a vision to come together for people in Pakistan. And we thank God, God has been faithful in everything what he has provided. It’s a very costly thing. But the Lord is the source. He has been giving, he has been providing, he has been showing what he has. And he said in his word, what I have what you have started in spirit, it will be not in finished, in, in flesh. So we thank God that the vision is growing more. We have seen many testimonies what the law is doing in the network.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:42):
And so in order to reach people in these areas, you have the, the air battle. Yeah. And you also have the ground battle and you’re actually working in both areas. And so in just a couple of weeks you’re going to, to go to Pakistan and they have recently experienced flooding. Yeah. That has covered 70% of, of Pakistan. 70% of the people there have been impacted by the floods. And so people are hungry. Some of them are starving. They, they have lost all of their possessions if their house was covered by the water. And so tell me, what are you going to do to help reach these people that are hurting? Yeah,
Jabran Inayat (08:30):
It’s a very sad story. It’s but I have seen in the crisis, Christ has been all always glorified. This is the time when we have seen there is an unreached area in Pakistan that, that is very difficult to reach people with the love of Christ. No churches there, there is no campaigns. You cannot do anything. And we have already partnership with other churches together. We have already helped more than thousand families with the food. That was our first, you know, aid. Because initially the need was hunger ness was so much people were starving. So in the start, it was that we have helped together with the churches, together with the partners, help more than thousand families. We gave them floor and rice and sugar and, and we bought, you know, mosquito nets because of that the, the water, because of the, the flooding, it was diseases, malaria mosquitoes has came.
Jabran Inayat (09:27):
And you know, I have, I know some stories. Children’s had been died because of that. So the compassion of Jesus in our hearts, it is that we are there to help. The church is there to help when there is a need there. And it is not just we are helping, we are just sh showing the love of Christ in action. And I believe in coming times that this unreached areas, I I speak by faith now that in unreached areas, I believe that now when they are in need and as a church, we are going there and and giving them food, giving them what their need is. But the, but the most important need is Jesus. And we are sharing the love of Christ also. So we are already planning to do some of the things in Bloche stone, in, in, in the areas in sin.
Jabran Inayat (10:15):
We have already, our teams are there, they are on the field. This time when they were there, they have borrowed the, the, the small boots. They went into the places. They worked really hard. They were themself on the risk because mosquitoes and other things. But I thank God that the vision that God gave us, it is inside the team also. And they’re working hard. So I ask people who are listening, pray for us, help us stand together with us, that we can reach these unreached areas that was not possible. But crisis can bring Christ in these areas.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:54):
There’s a lot of evangelists and pastors who listen to this podcast. And if someone is interested in putting their television program on your network, you actually have the ability to translate it into ou, into air, someone’s TV program in Urdu. What is your, your website or how could someone get in contact with you if they’re interested? Maybe someone is listening and would be interested in helping to support this unique outreach to the nation of Pakistan. How can they find more information about you? Yeah,
Jabran Inayat (11:30):
They can go on Facebook, just write Mission Asia. Other information is there. There’s a website called mission, mission And they can go onto the website, the email is there and, and they could search jabon ani. So our, our contact details are there so they can contact us and help us and pray together in this time. Because it is not only the, the financially help that we will, you know, give, It is a spiritual help that we want. And the people who wants to do programs, and they have, it’s a open, open heart. I mean, whatever the Lord has, you know, asked them, Let’s work together. Let’s, it is this channel. I feel it’s heart to heart that we know you are. 15 years ago, we had a relation and you had a heart there. Your parents had a heart there. You did.
Jabran Inayat (12:21):
I mean, that’s why I said Brother Daniel King, it’s open, come and do. And because it’s a Buffet TV channel, it’s a 24 hour tv and it’s the on set light. And we are, the Lord is providing, Lord is giving. But we need, I mean, people who, who have, I mean programs or if they have heart to con connect with us, we can send the programs in Pakistan. They will dub I do myself translations and you know, help us to reach many, many people because the gifts that the Lord has given, it’s is the body of Christ. It’s one beats thousand, but two beats, 10,000. That’s my heart. To work in a unity, to work in synergy, to work together for the kingdom of God. And as we are here in Turkey with many different ministries. But the aim is one, the prayer of Jesus in John chapter 17 is to God for his disciples, that they will be one and people will see that they are my disciples.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:19):
Amen. Tell me about how this vision got started. It’s a big vision. You, you have a desire to reach this entire region in the 10 40 window. Yeah. How did, how did that happen when you were young? What did God put in your heart that made you want to reach people who were lost? Yeah.
Jabran Inayat (13:45):
Yeah. When I was 16, 17 year old, and from that time I was finding in my life I was, I got saved. And I was finding in my life, where is my call? What is, because that’s very important. And I fell in my heart that I have evangelistic call in my heart. We start doing campaigns with many, many different evangelists. We start doing, I mean, we seeing things are happening. And then in 2007, we had a TV in Pakistan. It was a very small TV station. God put it on my heart. I was inspired not by any Christian channel, I was inspired by another Muslim channel. I watched the, the name of that channel was a peace channel. And when I watched that, the guy on their channel, he was just interpreting wrong Bible. And it was a Muslim channel. So when I saw that it’s inside of me zeal, I, I felt that if this guy, what, what, He’s not speaking right.
Jabran Inayat (14:48):
He’s not telling right things. If he can, you know, do on tv, why not? We can do that. Vision had started in 2007. We started something and you know, it was hundreds, hundred thousand people we were reaching that time. And then the persecution came, then the vision just diffused and we have to leave the country. And I came in Sweden and then I just felt that, I don’t know if we can do, if we cannot do, But then after I’m, in some years, when I was in Sweden, another channel asked me and called me and they said, Do you want to work together with us? And we want to do, you know, work in Asia and we want to work in Pakistan. That was the time when I just felt that again, that I can see that light. I can see that how we can reach many, many people without knocking doors.
Jabran Inayat (15:34):
We are into their homes. And, and from that years, we have seen incredible move of God. And, but for from two years, we are more focusing in, in especially when the Lord has opened a door for us to start a mission Asia, a settle Christian TV channel. We are, we are actually focusing more now in these areas. We have response from India. It’s not only just Pakistan. We have wonderful response from India. My wife name is Gita. They think that she’s from India. You know, Gita is is a holy Bible holy, holy book for Hindus. And they think she’s from India and I’m from Pakistan. It doesn’t matter for us. We are from Hammond. And you know, that’s, that’s the main thing. People are getting saved in India. People are getting saved. And because of the language, we speak Hindi and Udu.
Jabran Inayat (16:19):
And you know, that’s how the vision started. And my wife together, when we have decided that we have to seven days, we were praying and fasting, me and my wife, we were praying and fasting and everything. When you start something, when it is birth in prayer, when it’s birth in fasting, God is, God is there to help you and, and provide you. And, and it, it cost a lot. It was 150,000 Norwegian Crowns, it is $15,000 or $20,000 you need every month to pay everything. And we said, How could we do it? We didn’t have a single throne, we didn’t have anything, but the Lord has put it in our heart. We had a house, We have sold that house. The Lord has put it us that we could use that money for some of the places, for some of the thing.
Jabran Inayat (17:04):
And then Lord was blessing. Lord was giving us, you know, David, when he gave for the temple, it was his private money also. God has given him favor. He had given his money also. So I believe nothing belongs to us. Everything belongs to him. Our heart, our money, our houses, our shoes, our cars, it’s all belongs to him because it’s his birth in us. It takes one second that we will be died. So if something happened today, my money or my home or my car, it doesn’t, doesn’t help me anything. Only the thing I can take to heaven, it’s my soul and it’s someone that I bring into heaven is that’s I can bring. So that’s how it birthed. God has been so faithful and I believe that people who are hearing it, someone is hearing and you are thinking that how this will happen. Mary said the same thing to Angel, how this could happen, but you know, as the Holy Spirit will come upon you and then you will birth and his name will be Jesus. I believe there’s a vision that is, that is birthing inside of people and God will use you, someone who’s watching be bold and take a step of faith, and God is there to provide because he is the source.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:23):
Amen. Well, thank you so much for being on the Evangelism podcast. I’m so excited to see the fruit that God is going to bring through Mission Asia. The Lord bless you, and we appreciate you so much.
Jabran Inayat (18:38):
Yeah, thank you so much for having me. I really appreciate your time and God bless all the people. Thanks a lot. God bless you.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:44):
Thanks so much for listening today. I am excited about telling people about Jesus, and I want to invite you to be a part of helping us to rescue people from Hell and take them with us to heaven. There’s two things you can do to help. First of all, can you go find the Evangelism podcast on Apple iTunes and leave us a positive review by giving a review. You will help other people find these valuable resources about sharing our faith. And second, would you become a financial partner with King Ministries. Every single dollar that people give us enables us to lead at least one person to Jesus. And so that means for only $1, you can help start a party in heaven. And so today I want to invite you to become a monthly partner. You can start out for just a dollar, but if God puts on your heart to do more, of course you can do more. But please go to king and become a monthly partner with us today to help us to lead more people to Jesus. Thank you so much, and God bless you.
Evangelism Podcast Host (20:03):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches, visit king Again, that’s king
Tamran Inayat has organized over one hundred crusades in the nation of Pakistan which is the fifth largest nation in the world with the world’s second largest Muslim population. He lives in North Carolina and he is helping American churches to reach out to the international community. You will learn how your church can reach refugees and immigrants who come to your city.
Learn About Mission Asia:
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Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Tamran Inayat has organized more than 100 crusades in the nation of Pakistan. Today, we talk about what God is doing in this nation, which is the fifth largest nation in the world. The second largest Islamic country in the world. Tamran also lives in North Carolina and he is helping American churches to reach out to the international community. And so we’re going to talk about how to evangelize among the international community in the United States.
Evangelism Podcast Host (00:48):
Welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith. They’re powerful testimonies and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary and evangelist Daniel King.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:12):
Welcome to the evangelism podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. I have a very special guest with me, Tamran Inayat from the nation of Pakistan. Thank you for being on “The Evangelism Podcast.”
Tamran Inayat (01:27):
Praise the Lord it’s honor and privilege to have here in this program. I’m so thankful. Reverend Dr. Daniel King to inviting me here
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:39):
Now, brother Anaya. And I have been very good friends for almost 15 years now. We came many years ago to Pakistan, had some wonderful crusades. But last time I was here my wife was pregnant with my son. He was the size of an apple and her stomach, and now he’s born. He is 12 years old. And so now God has brought us back to Pakistan and the ni Nia family has been such a wonderful blessing. Your father is in California. I went to his house and visited him. There. You are living now in North Carolina and your other brother, LeBron is living in, in Norway. And so I’ve visited him there in Norway. And so you have been a very dear friend to our family for many years,
Tamran Inayat (02:31):
Praise the Lord it’s honor for our, this friendship. And we are so thankful how God connects us and how God connect the dots and make the picture. And that’s true. The youngest evangelist we have in our home for mission field for the crusade field. And that was your son, Caleb, when he was in the size of apple. And we shared this story to many, many places that brother Daniel King and his wife, Jessica, when she was pregnant and they came here and that’s the love of Christ and passion for people to coming and preaching in this situation. And we are so thankful that your parents, they also came here in Pakistan with us and we stayed together. We did work together. It is always joy, joy, joy to work together, to see together. I’m so thankful
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:34):
Now your family has done many crusades in the nation of Pakistan. When you and your brother were younger, you used to climb the telephone poles to put up banners. You would go and work and organizing a crusade, and you would even sleep on the platform in the, the place where the crusade was taking place. And, and so what do you see that God is doing here in the nation of Pakistan?
Tamran Inayat (04:03):
Well, God’s hand is on Pakistan. God loves Pakistan, and we have never, ever seen that kind of revival in Pakistan, what God is doing. You know, crusades are such a wonderful tool to work in Pakistan because Pakistan is as a fifth largest country, biggest country in the world. Second largest country as a Islamic world. And crusade is the one of the best way to share gospel. And we’d done more than hundred crusades hundred crusade and missionaries. They were coming from all over the world with us here to do the crusade. And we remember that we were very young and we call that we raise up in crusade grounds sometime we sleep on crusade stage and we did everything from our by own hands to advertisement and to put the posters on the streets and knock the door and in white people for the crusades nights and preaching and translation and all that stuff.
Tamran Inayat (05:18):
And we feel that through that. So many people, they came to Christ from the crusade ground. And I can say that in our city festival Bard, which is the third biggest city of Pakistan, the majority ministries in Fest Labbad they came from that crusade grounds. What a joy, when you see that 15 years before you’ve done crusade in one area and one person after 15 years, and he come to you in your hotel room are serving there. And he said that I accept Lord Jesus Christ as am my savior on that crusade 15 years before. And now I am doing my own small crusades in the villages. Wow, that’s the joy.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:11):
Even here in this hotel that we are staying in the other night, we were eating dinner together and there was a little band. They were playing music. And afterwards the, the drummer came over to us and said, I went to one of the crusades. He says, I recognize you many for many, many years ago. And we began to pray for him. And then he went and got to one of the hotel workers and the hotel worker also came and said, oh, I also went to one of the crusades and I prayed to Jesus at the crusade. And so it’s just so wonderful to see the fruit that God has given you. Now this week, we have been having a wonderful time of ministry. We did a youth conference, we had a one crusade meeting. Then we did another crusade meeting, which you gave to me as a gift.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:05):
Then we also had a leadership conference. We’ve also been going to some of the house churches and, and ministering to the house churches. We, we also had the opportunity to spend some time with some, some widows in orphans. You know, the, the Bible says that pure on adultery, religion is when you go to the widows in orphans and, and spend time with them to encourage them. And so we were able to encourage them it. And so all this ministry this week, what impact do you think it will have on lives here in Pakistan?
Tamran Inayat (07:42):
You know, that’s important to do the crusade. And it was wonderful crusade. We have a, a very good successful crusade. And with that this time I was very excited for the youth conference. When I see hundreds and hundred youth, they are taking step and they, we can see that they are as a future missionary. They, I believe that they are going from Feba Pakistan to all over the world and bringing good news to America. How America was sending missionary right here in Pakistan. I believe that we need to be raised missionary from Pakistan. They can go also in Pakistan and I can see big impact with the through widows also. And then youth conference and leadership conference crusades, we can see in these days how God’s hand, we can see that salvation. We can see families are getting change and becoming close to God, churches, revival, and leaders. They are with the tears and broken hearts and humbling their self to the Lord. I can see this is revival. This is God’s move. I can see that God is bringing us back to as a, a first church hall. We can see as a first church, what the church was United and God’s hand was there. I believe that this time God is doing same hair.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:21):
Now, many years ago, when your family was here, working very hard in Pakistan, there were some threats against you. I remember when I came for one crusade actually someone took a rifle and, and shot at us. And, and so because of that your family had to, to flee and you have come to North Carolina in the United States, and it’s really wonderful that God has brought you there because now you are a missionary from Pakistan <laugh> to the United States. And, and God has given you a great ministry, a, a wonderful ministry in the United States, your brother, LeBron, he went to Sweden and God has given him a wonderful ministry in Scandinavia. Now he’s in Norway and God has just given him so much favor there. Even your father in California, he is preaching. I introduced him to one of my friends, Alvin Armstrong, and he goes to the church and ministers to the people.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:27):
They love him. He just, pastor Alvin Armstrong just texted me. And he says, oh my Dr. And I had said, his son is also in Pakistan. You should talk to him. I said, oh, I talk to him every day. <Laugh> he is translating for me, you know? And, and so God’s given you a wonderful ministry. And you’re, you’re still ministry here in Pakistan, but God has given you a great ministry in North Carolina, especially going to churches in the United States, in helping them to minister to the immigrants. The people that have come from many different nations as refugees, or, or come to, to get jobs in America and even helping to challenge the churches of America, to reach out to the mission field that is right beside them. So talk to me about what you do to help the churches in America, minister to people.
Tamran Inayat (11:28):
Well, when we move from here to America, actually the place where we born and raise, we never want to leave this place, but there’s only option that we have to move from here to leave this country, go anywhere. God bring us in America. And when we were in America, we were desperately praying that God, why, why you bring us here? Why we are here? And then with a lot of prayer and tea, as we understand that there is purpose, although we don’t want to leave Pakistan, but we understand there is purpose behind that. And we become to know that in America, there is international community. There is a refugee community. There is so many people, they are coming in America from all over the world. And in, in our neighbors also where we live North Carolina in high point, we have seen that thousand and thousand internationals are there. And they are living here in America now in our neighbors, more than 10 year, 20 year, 30 years, maybe more than that. But we become to know that they never ever heard gospel.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:41):
Now that’s a big surprise because North Carolina, there are churches on every street corner. It’s the state of Billy Graham. Yes. And you say that in North Carolina, there are people that have been there for 30 years and no one has ever shared the gospel with them.
Tamran Inayat (12:59):
Yes. In the Bible belt area, where we have churches on every corner, they never heard gospel. And we it breaks our heart. And we understand that’s the reason God bring us here, that we can share the love of Christ to them. Also, we feel that what’s the reason they never heard the gospel. We figure out that there is reason there is huge gap between believers and then that international community. There is huge gap. We feel our role is that we need to bring both community to gather because we are having as a Pakistani experience also. And now we are in America and we are having American experience also. And we need to bring both community to gather. And if we can bring both community to gather, we can better way understand to each other, that who they are, why they are here, how we can share gospel with them. For that. I love to share that there is several things. There is some ideas or some things that, which we are doing to bringing the both community togethers.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:08):
And so if you go into an American church and you start to encourage them to reach out to this international community, that that God has brought the mission field to us in America, what would you tell the church to help them to minister to these people?
Tamran Inayat (14:27):
Well being as a church, what’s the greatest command for, for us, the love God, and love your neighbor. That’s the big thing we can see. And as a church, we don’t have to see that our neighbors, they are not looks like us, or they don’t speak like us. And that’s why that’s not our target area. No, when they are our neighbor, God send us, God send them to our neighbor. The only reason they are internationals are here in America. The only reason is this, that we can share the love of Christ to them. But there’s several reason how we can engage with them. I believe that ministry begins with a smile, go in your neighbors, whether they’re not looks like you go and give them smile. Ministry will begins from you from there. Go and shake hand, introduce yourself, know who they are. You can talk about sports. You can talk about culture. You can talk about food. You can make friendship with them. And then you will see who God will give you opportunity to, to share gospel with them. Once you start to loving them.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:45):
You know, my parents have worked for many years in the nation of Afghanistan. And now that everything in Afghanistan has fallen apart, many Afghans have come to the United States as refugees. And my father has been working very hard to help many of the Afghans that have come to Tulsa over 900 Afghans now live in the state of Oklahoma. And so we have been encouraging churches to reach out to them and to help them and even help them in practical ways, like getting a driver’s license, helping them to find a house, helping them to find language lessons, helping their children to do well in school. And even there is one girl she was pregnant. And so every week my wife was taking her to the hospital for her checkup. And then once the baby was born taking the baby to the hospital. So there’s so many ways that churches in the United States can really reach out to the international community and help them and show the love of Jesus to people. You know, someone living on this side of the world in south Asia, it might be very hard to reach them with the gospel. You know, it takes a lot of work and, but the United States, if God brings them there, they’re living right next door to you. Exactly. And it is like, God has brought them to you so that you have the opportunity to help tell them about Jesus.
Tamran Inayat (17:19):
Exactly. Yeah. You know, that’s why, what we encourage to the local church, haha. And difficulties going from America to Afghanistan or Pakistan or Bangladesh, any other third, one countries, dangerous countries. You need passport, you need ticket, you need visa and travel and learn that culture. How God make things easy for us and bringing that people in our neighbors engage with them, talk with them. We sometimes love to do the Easter ag hunt and inviting international community. And then talk with them, share gospel with them. Christmas gathering, it can be happen. It can be backpack, school, whatever we do in our churches in local churches, in America, as a mission, things in our streets are giving water bottle. All these things can work for the international community because they are also waiting that someone can come to us and show the love and love is the biggest bridge. So many time people, they may think that this language barriers, I believe that there is no language barriers, language, maybe it’s bridge. Maybe you don’t know other people, their language and they don’t know your language. But love language is the biggest language.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:45):
The love language is the biggest language. I love that you also reach out to people through Facebook every Tuesday night, you have a Bible study on Facebook and at first you thought it would just be a few people from North Carolina that would watch. But now people from all over the world are watching. Tell me about the, the ministry that you are doing through Facebook.
Tamran Inayat (19:14):
You know, when we were in North Carolina and reaching the small group of people in North Carolina pandemic had said, we were just stuck in home and we were thinking that what we can do in this situation, we have to do. And that’s the most needy time when we need to do something, we cannot stay in home. Me and my wife, Farra we are having two kids, Samuel and a Manville in our home. We decide that that’s the time when we need to be really engaged with people. And we are just in home. We were, we were thinking that we have four P letter P and what’s that one is that we have a heart of prayer and preaching and then we have a place and then we have some people also, and then fourth piece, we have fun.
Tamran Inayat (20:06):
Let’s connect all these things together and we can do as online services, Facebook let’s use your face Facebook. And we start the online services from right there. And, you know, internet is internet. I was thinking that few people from North Carolina, they will watch our online services. We did very first event and there was like a, probably close to thousand people they watch. And many of the majority of them, they were from Pakistan because internet is everywhere and they watch and we feel that it works. And then we decide that we need to go the next week again. And then next week again. And then next week, again, from that time, till now every week, more than 5,000 people that join our Facebook live service.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:04):
Wow. What a tremendous ministry. And you’re reaching 5,000 people every week. How much does it cost you to do that?
Tamran Inayat (21:12):
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:13):
<Laugh>. So what a great blessing, what a great way to reach out to people. And maybe you’re listening and you have a heart for evangelism. You’re wondering, how can I get started? Maybe you don’t even have any money to do anything. Well, here God is, is using Tamran for $0 every week to reach 5,000 people. What a great blessing that is,
Tamran Inayat (21:37):
Praise the Lord. You know, that’s encouragement for us are for many other ministries that God can do everything and nothing is hard for him. And we have seen here in Pakistan, we have seen in America, we have seen in our lives, in our ministry that when we see that might be, we have less resources or maybe no resources, but when we are willing to do anything, to serve him, to work with him, and that is time of obedience to trust on him, to obey on him and lean yourself in the crusade night, you were preaching about trusting and about believing and how the example you was giving about, or the chair that when we sit on the chair, we need to lean ourself there that it can hold us and God will hold our future. Our ministry’s future, our family’s future, whatever burden we feel we need to put in God’s hand because he cares us.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (22:54):
Amen. Well brother Tamran and N your family is very good friends with my family. We love you very much. And we are so encouraged by what God is doing through your ministry, both in North Carolina, thank you for coming as a missionary to the United States. The United States needs you because we need revival. There are so many people in the United States that need Jesus. And I’m also just so excited about what God is doing through your ministry here in Pakistan. God is continuing to move. Many people are coming to Jesus. And so you are a great man of God. Thank you for being on the evangelism podcast.
Tamran Inayat (23:34):
Very, very, thank you to having me here and it’s honor and privilege, and thank you for this friendship. And thank you for your obedience to be here in Pakistan. I’m so thankful for you. So thankful for Jessica and for your son and daughter and whole family. It’s what a friendship and what a ministry to gather. And I’m so thankful that you came here in Pakistan to do the work of the Lord. Jesus Christ. Thank you for your heart, for Pakistan to winning the soul for the Lord. Jesus Christ, because his last word should be our prosperity.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (24:13):
Amen. Amen. Thanks so much for listening today. I am excited about telling people about Jesus. And I want to invite you to be a part of helping us to rescue people from hell and take them with us to heaven. There’s two things you can do to help. First of all, can you go find the evangelism podcast on apple iTunes and leave us a positive review by giving a review, you will help other people find these valuable resources about sharing our faith. And second, would you become a financial partner with king ministries? Every single dollar that people give us enables us to lead at least one person to Jesus. And so that means for only $1, you can help start a party in heaven. And so today I want to invite you to become a monthly partner. You can start out for just a dollar, but if God puts it on your heart to do more, of course you can do more, but please go to king and become a monthly partner with us today to help us to lead more people to Jesus. Thank you so much. And God bless you
Evangelism Podcast Host (25:35):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit king Again, that’s king
On the first night of the Festival, I welcomed everyone by saying, “We welcome our Christian friends. We welcome our Catholic friends. We welcome our Hindu friends, and we welcome our Muslim friends.”
Word began to spread that Muslims were welcome and on the second night of the festival many Muslims were scattered throughout the crowd. As the Word of God was preached, they listened intently. Then miracles began to happen. Men and women began jumping to their feet and announcing that Jesus had touched them. We invited them to the platform to testify.
The first woman to speak had been paralyzed on her right side for ten years. She demonstrated her healing by lifting her arm high over her head. Then she shocked the crowd by saying that she was a Muslim. “Who healed you?” we asked. “Issa ul Masih healed me! Jesus Christ healed me!” she exclaimed.
The next person to testify was also a Muslim, and the next, and then another. Out of thirty people who came to the platform to testify of healing, over two-thirds were Muslim.
The news that Jesus was healing Muslims spread like wildfire. The next night, the mullah from the local Mosque came to the Festival. He had heard that Jesus was healing Muslims and he told his entire mosque to attend the Festival. We gave him a seat of honor next to the pastors on the platform. When I began to speak, the Muslim leader stood up and put a rose garland around my neck and publicly thanked us for coming. The pastors were very excited, as this was unusual.
As the preaching began, thousands listened intently to every word as we explained that sin separates us from God and Jesus is the only way to heaven. When the invitation came for the people to receive salvation, almost the entire crowd prayed to ask Jesus to forgive their sins.
On the final night of the Festival, the size of the crowd increased again. Many more Muslims and Christians were healed by the power of God.
Sunday: Mute Boy Speaks!
Last Sunday I arrived in Pakistan at 4:00 am, weary but eager to see what God would do these next 2 weeks. After waiting 90 minutes, my contact finally arrived to pick me up and take me to my first service in Lahore. While ministering on soul winning, I told the story of John Hyde, a pioneer missionary in Pakistan over 100 years ago. I shared 5 steps to lead someone to Jesus, using the story of Jesus’ encounter with the woman at the well.
That afternoon we drove two hours to the city of Gujranwala where I met up with my father and mother, and then held an evening service in the village of Botala Genda Singh. 200 people listened intently as I preached on the paralyzed man who was let down through the roof.
A teenager was broght to me by his mother. She explained that he was mute and he could not speak since birth. We prayed for him and he began to speak and imitate the noises we made. God had loosed his tongue!
Monday: Gas Runs Out Before Testimonies Do
On Monday we traveled to the village of Machrala. It was a long journey on dusty dirt roads through fields of rice. It felt like the middle of nowhere, but when we arrived over 600 people were waiting to hear the Gospel. I preached on the four greatest miracles in the Bible. The villagers clearly enjoyed the message and almost every person responded to the altar call for salvation. The service took place inside a church courtyard, but we heard reports that a group of Muslim mullahs were standing on the other side of the fence in the darkness listening to every word.
So many people were healed that night, our generator ran out of gas before we were able to hear all the testimonies! Even with the courtyard plunged into total darkness, the people continued to praise God for what He had done.
Tuesday: Sialkot, the Epicenter of Revival
On Tuesday, we split up to fight on two battle fronts at the same time. My parents traveled to the village of Qila Dedar Singh where they ministered to over 700 people. My father preached on loving God with all your heart, mind, soul, and body.
Simultaneously, I preached at the historic Sialkot Convention, a yearly gathering of church leaders and believers. The convention began in 1904 when revival spread throughout Pakistan from the epicenter of Sialkot. This year’s theme was “Peace” and I preached about how God gives complete peace in spirit, mind, and body through the completed work of the Cross.
Wednesday: A Gunshot Rings Out
On Wednesday night, we held village festival in Chan Da Qila. At the last moment the police made us change the location of the festival because our first location was near a dark wooded area. The police were worried that militants could hide in the trees and attack the crowd. But, even though the location was changed last minute, over 800 people gathered. I opened with a story about my friend who dropped his precious camera into a toilet and had to rescue it. I told the people that God values us so much that He reached down into the filthiness of sin to rescue and redeem us.
The miracles kicked off with a woman who was partially blind demonstrating that she could see. Another testified that she had been at the previous night’s service where my father preached. She had a tumor in her belly, but as she slept the tumor disappeared. She returned to give God glory publicly!
As I was finishing the service, a shot rang out and fireworks exploded into the sky. At first, my translator said that one of our policemen was celebrating, but then our festival director rushed us off into a nearby house. We hid for 45 minutes before driving away down back alleys. Word came that our guards had seen a suspicious looking car headed toward our service. They fired a warning shot and the car turned around and quickly raced off.
The next morning, the head of the local Pakistani Intelligence appeared at our home and began asking questions about the incident. He took a copy of our passports and told us we had to have 24-hour police protection. As I write to you now, two policemen are in the guesthouse nearby.
Thursday/Friday: Jesus Heals
On Thursday, I spoke at the Sialkot Convention again and encouraged the 5,000 believers to be bold soul winners. On Friday both my father and I spoke at the Sialkot Convention during the afternoon. The crowd had swelled to over 7,000 people plus thousands more outside the main tent. I preached on the woman with the issue of blood and my father preached on Psalm 91. I asked everyone who had received a miracle to stand to their feet. Over 100 people across the tent stood up to show that Jesus had touched them!
Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!