I believe God has a perfect design for every area of our lives. God has a plan for our families, our marriages, our sex lives, our money, our work life, and even our entertainment. God has a design for every area of our lives.
The problem is that something inside us wants to do things our own way instead of following God’s plan. Far too often, we run away from God’s perfect design. The Bible has a word to describe running away from God’s design and that word is “sin.”
When people sin against God’s design, they end up in a place of brokenness. This is tragic because brokenness really hurts. The brokenness of human life is real and is something that every person can relate to. Whether you go to church every Sunday or whether you have never gone to church your entire life, you probably know what it is like to experience brokenness either because of your own choices or because of the choices of someone who has hurt you. Brokenness can come from bad relationships or from something internal. People get addicted, depressed, discouraged, worried, they feel used, or they feel empty.
When people find themselves in a place of brokenness, they look for a way to fix themselves. We start looking for a solution for the pain we feel. We go on a search for a way to numb the pain, to escape the depressed feeling, and to get out of the place of brokenness. The problem is that we just get more and more broken. The feeling of brokenness lets us know that something needs to change. The feeling of being messed up and frustrated and disgusted with life drives us to look for change. But after we try different ways to escape the brokenness, we quickly realize that we can’t change ourselves, and we start looking for someone to help us change.
The Bible actually has a word for change and the Bible word for change is the word “repent.” When we come to a point where we realize we cannot change ourselves, we realize we need God’s help. This feeling drives us to our knees to ask God to help us change.
The Bible has a solution for the problem of brokenness and its called, “The Gospel.” Gospel is a Bible word that means “good news.” This is the good news, that God loves us so much that when He sees us in our brokenness he does not leave us there. Two thousand years ago, He sent His own Son Jesus to come and live a perfect life. Jesus never departed from God’s perfect design. Jesus never sinned. He loved people. He cared about people. He healed people who were hurting, and He spoke up for people who were broken.
But one day, when Jesus was about 33 years old, some evil men crucified Him to a cross. They put nails in His hands and feet and a crown of thorns on His head. When Jesus was hanging on the cross, God put the sins of the whole world on Jesus, including your sins and my sins. His body was broken so that our broken lives could be fixed.
Jesus died on the cross, but He did not stay dead. The good news is that after three days, Jesus rose from the dead. This miracle resurrection proved that Jesus is the Son of God and that He has the power to forgive our sins.
So, if we truly want to experience change, we have to believe in Jesus. The Bible word for believing in Jesus is the word “faith.” We have to believe that Jesus rose from the dead and we have to put our faith and trust in Him. By faith, we believe that Jesus is our Savior and that He can rescue us from our brokenness.
When we turn away from our sins and turn to Jesus, God does a miracle in our lives. He restores us to His original plan for our lives and we become whole. When we cry out to Jesus, He fixes everything that is broken and gives us the ability to pursue God’s perfect design for our lives.
Even if you are one thousand steps away from God, it is only one step back. No matter what you have done or what mistake you have made or how broken your life is, God is waiting for you. Once you become a believer is Jesus, you come full circle all the back to God’s perfect design for your life.
Please, use this illustration to share “good news” with the people around you! The Bible has a word for a person who shares “good news” and that word is “evangelist.” That’s what I am and what you can be too.
Click here to download the picture
Click here to download a file for printing stickers. I order my stickers from HERE.
Click here to download a Powerpoint presentation you can use to teach others.
Source: Jimmy Scroggins, lead pastor of the First Baptist Church of West Palm Beach, Florida developed this as a witnessing tool for his congregation.
Thank you for sending us to the Philippines to preach the Gospel. Because of your generosity; pastor’s were encouraged, young people caught the fire of God, and souls were saved. This was our first trip to the Philippines and we loved it.
Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!
Percentage wise, we see just as many miracles and salvations here in America as we do overseas. Almost every Sunday that I am not out of the country, I am preaching at a church in America. I believe that God wants America to experience a new Great Awakening. Here are videos from outreaches we have done with local churches in America.
Spring Break Mission Trip to Orlando, Florida with Victory Christian School
Local Church Outreach in Glenpool, OK
Door to Door Witnessing in San Fransisco, California.
Mobile Evangelism Truck in Tulsa, OK
Witnessing at a Tattoo Festival in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!
I grew up in Juarez, Mexico. My parents were missionaries and my childhood memories are filled with helping them minister to children who lived in the garbage dumps. These children would dig through the trash looking for bottles and cans, anything they could sell to make money so they could eat. I’ll never forget one day when I saw a little girl run through the trash with bare feet, stepping on glass and debris infected by diseases. With that memory branded in my heart, I became obsessed with the idea of helping children by giving them food and clothing and also share the hope and purpose that comes from Jesus Christ. I dedicated my life to rescue people, not just from a life of poverty, but also from an eternity in hell.
Over the last twenty years, we have given away over 100,000 Christmas gifts to the children of Mexico in our annual Christmas Toy Giveaway. We have done over one thousand smaller evangelistic events (500-1,000 people) in Mexico. Please pray with us for revival to sweep this beautiful nation.
Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!
This month I was asked to be on the advisory board of the Next Generation Alliance (NGA), an organization dedicated to helping evangelists. Over 700 evangelists from a broad spectrum of Christianity are members of the NGA. By serving on this board, I will be able to encourage and train evangelists. Because of this new opportunity, your support of our ministry will be multiplied in a mighty harvest of souls around the world.
If you are an evangelist, I encourage you to join the NGA. Click here for more info. The Next Generation Alliance is led by Evangelist Luis Palau, who is known as the Billy Graham of Latin America. When I was fourteen years old, he came to Juarez, Mexico to do an evangelistic festival. I was invited to minister to 7,000 children at his KidsFest. It was partially his example that put the dream in my heart to be an evangelist.
Luis Palau shared a powerful message on evangelism recently. He read from 1 Corinthians 9 and made three big points.
Paul writes, “For when I preach the gospel, I cannot boast since I am compelled to preach. WOE to me if I do not preach the gospel!” (1 Cor. 9:16)
What drives this idea of “WOE?” We feel “WOE” because we do not want to make God upset. We feel “WOE” because our hearts are moved with compassion for the lost. We feel “WOE” because we know the losses are only a footstep from hell.
As an evangelistic ministry, we feel compelled to preach the Gospel. We preach the Gospel because we love the lost. We will not give up preaching the Gospel no matter how hard it is or what obstacles we face.
Paul continues, “I have made myself a slave to everyone, to WIN as many as possible. To the Jews I became like a Jew, to WIN the Jews. To those under the law, I became like one under the law…so as to WIN those under the law. To those not having the law, I became like one not having the law…so as to WIN those not having the law. To the weak I became weak, to WIN the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.” (1 Cor. 9:19-23)
Five times in this passage, Paul mentions the word “WIN.” He says he wants to WIN as many souls as possible. He becomes all things to all people so that he can save people from hell.
The word “WIN” implies warfare. Evangelism is the epitome of spiritual warfare. When we preach the Gospel, Jesus is the winner and the devil is the loser. Winning is important to God.
As evangelists, we use our words to persuade people. We can never have enough converted. We still have more people to reach for Jesus. We are in a battle and we want to WIN the fight for every soul!
Paul writes, “Do you not know that in a race all the runners RUN, but only one gets the prize? RUN in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not RUN like someone running aimlessly…” (1 Cor. 9:24-25)
Four times, Paul mentions the word “RUN.” We RUN to get a prize. Paul preached for a reward. The Lord motivates the soul winner with the promise of a reward.
An evangelist is always on the RUN. We are in a hurry. We RUN to the next place to preach the Gospel. We RUN as fast as we can because time is passing quickly. When God opens up a door, it is important for us to RUN through the door before the door closes.
We need to take advantage of open doors. We do not dare give up preaching no matter how hard it is. We continue to RUN because there is an everlasting crown that is waiting for those who WIN the lost.
So, in 1 Corinthians chapter 9 we find these three important words: WOE, WIN, RUN. Today I encourage you with these three sentences that motivate me:
WOE if we preach not the Gospel.
WIN as many as you can.
RUN through every open door.
Thank you so much for all you do to help us to WIN souls and to RUN to the nations! You are so valuable to us and we appreciate you.
Excited About Reaching the Lost,
Daniel King
P.S. In a few short weeks, we leave for our next Gospel crusade in the Buddhist nation of Burma (Myanmar). We still need funds to pay for this outreach. Will you help us rescue people from hell with the Good News of Jesus Christ? I’ll be waiting to hear from you. Thank you for your generosity!