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Music Evangelism

Zach Blickens & Cyprès | Using Music to Draw People to Christ

In this podcast episode, Daniel King interviews musician Zach Blickens, the leader of the music group Cyprès. They discuss the power of music in evangelism and how it can be used to draw people to Jesus. Zach shares his journey of discovering his musical talent and his calling to use music to spread the message of Jesus. He emphasizes the importance of being intentional about sharing the gospel through music and not just focusing on praise and worship. He highlights the significance of involving his family in the ministry and the importance of balancing family and ministry.

Learn more about the band Cyprès: https://cypresmusic.com/


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus. Today I have a very special guest, world renowned musician and leader of a great music group called Cyprès, Zach?

Zach Blickens (00:16):
Yes sir.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:21):
Well, thank you so much for joining me on the Evangelism podcast.

Zach Blickens (00:24):
Yeah, no, it’s a privilege to be here and it’s been great hanging out with you in Laos, Cambodia, and Thailand, which is where we’ve been.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:30):
Yeah, this has been a wonderful three country tour and in all three countries I’ve really seen God use you and your daughter. Praise Jesus. And your wife is here to just, God has used you in such a tremendous way through music. Praise God as a tool for reaching people. Praise God. Talk to me a little bit about how God can use music to evangelize.

Zach Blickens (00:54):
Well, it’s interesting. I got my start in worship right? That was God rescued me and basically I discovered worship. I discovered that I was a musician beforehand trained. I was actually trained in opera, which is crazy, but we’re a pop band now. We don’t sound like that. And I got my start and one of the things that God used was worship. And it’s just this awesome focus. And throughout my journey with Jesus, he just began stirring in my heart that I just knew he began to speak to me and I just became convinced that he had called me and my whole family, the vision spread to my whole family was to actually just set foot on every nation and used music in the spoken word to present the message of Jesus. And I think music is this incredible, incredible tool. I mean, because the reality is everyone likes music, everyone likes different kinds of music.

And it’s interesting, when we started out, we kind of started as kind of a little more traditional, almost like almost like a folk influence worship when we would go out. But I started to realize that there’s an incredible power that comes when you can. We’ve switched over kind of to pop almost in EDM kind of sound. There’s something powerful that happens when you can draw this crowd, engage people, and just basically our goal is to throw the biggest party in town. And it does incredible things as far as actually drawing people, but also music when it’s focused on Jesus. And when you can be intentional with that, it can actually draw hearts to Jesus. So we look at ourselves as the way John the Baptist came saying, prepare the way for the Lord. Our heart is to prepare hearts and minds and draw people for the message as it’s shared the simple message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. So I actually think that for us, I know it’s what we’re called to, but I think that music is an incredibly powerful tool. It’s got to be intentional. And there are a lot of things, there are a lot of mistakes we’ve made and a lot of things we’ve learned over the years. But I think music has an incredible power to draw. People

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:47):
Talk to me about how musicians can be intentional about sharing the gospel, because sometimes musicians get up, they sing their songs and they say, I want everyone to just say, praise Jesus. And they think that is enough of the gospel. But really you have the audience, you should take the opportunity to really communicate how someone can be saved. So what advice would you give to a young musician who maybe wants to use their music in evangelism?

Zach Blickens (03:19):
Sure. And I think that’s a really good question and a really good distinction because the truth is obviously there are lots of functions in the body of Christ. Like I said, there’s discipleship in the church and all that stuff. But our job as the church, the way I see it’s two things. It’s to introduce people to Jesus and it’s to help raise them up as disciples and teach ’em how to follow Jesus. And everyone’s different. But for us, we are convinced that it is crucial to use this for evangelism. And I think what’s really interesting is that I didn’t know that when I started, I didn’t have that conviction. I just knew that I was supposed to go play music. And also that I was a speaker, I talked about Jesus. But early on I felt like God spoke to my heart and challenged me that every time we will play any show, as long as God opens the door and God says yes, but we have to someone even in our writer, that someone in every show has to share the simple gospel. And for me, I just started out of that conviction, started sharing the simple gospel. I mean, it’s simple, right? It can be 30 seconds, it can take three hours, but it can also be 30 seconds. Alright,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:24):
Give me the 32nd version of the

Zach Blickens (04:26):
Gospel. Sure. 32nd version. And I think it’s so beautiful and this is the way what I’ve boiled it down to, but I think there is a God, he’s good. He created us for a relationship with him. That’s the first thing. The second thing that’s really important is to know that every single one of us Bible says all have sinned and fall short to the glory of God. So we’ve separated ourself from God by the bad things, the sin we’ve done. And obviously the good news, the gospel is that God, when he looked at us in that situation, broken and separated it, instead of judging us like we deserved, he sent his son Jesus to die and pay a price that only he could pay. He died, he rose from the dead in order to purchase our forgiveness, our freedom, and our reconnection with God. That to me is the simple gospel.

And for us, it’s also important to say it really is easy to say yes to. Gs as AB, C, admitting we are broken, believing Gs is who he says he is. He’s God, he rose from the dead and calling on his name, committing our lives to him. So that to me is the simple gospel and we’re passionate that that be shared by somebody every single time. And once I started doing that, I started seeing people come to Jesus and I was like, oh, maybe I’m an evangel. I was like, it was that sort of thing. But for me, I think if as we grow in our comfort in sharing that, I feel like one of the biggest things we can do is, especially in these big festivals, is to remember that the whole purpose of this festival is to introduce people to Jesus. And there is a speaker, you or Keith Cook or Reed Saunders or some of these other amazing communicators, their job is to seal the deal, is to give the invitation and all that stuff.

And we can either look at it as it’s about us and hey, thanks so much for coming. Or we can take the attention that we have gotten from the people and we can point it to Jesus and we can point it and say, whatever you do, don’t miss this message. And I feel like that one simple shift of it’s not about me, it’s not about me being a rockstar, which is always tempting, but it’s about this message. I feel like just that simple shift is a massive thing young musicians can learn and do. And we’ve gotten incredible opportunities just because that’s our commitment, if that, does that make sense?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:29):
One of the things that I really like about your ministry is you’re a team player. You don’t come with a big ego, which sometimes musicians deal with

Zach Blickens (06:39):
That. We all fight it, we all, yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:41):
But you recognize that you have a part in the presenting of the gospel using the music to draw people and then working together with other communicators. And you have been really a part of the team of On the Go, which is the ministry of Keith Cook for quite a few years. And one of the things I think is so valuable is mentorship and coming under the wing of someone who’s experienced in evangelism to help us to sharpen our message and get better at presenting the gospel. So with your long relationship with Keith Cope, what are some of the things that he’s helped you with that have made you a better evangelist?

Zach Blickens (07:24):
Oh my gosh. I mean, I’m so grateful. I feel like in my life I’ve been given the incredible, the answer to cry of my heart. He’s given me such incredible fathers, and Keith has been one of those fathers. And for me, I feel like I came in as definitely as a worship artist and communicator, but really I feel like I learned everything. And honestly, as a young up and coming evangelist when I started and stuff, I feel like one of the most valuable things for me was to first of all hear the wisdom that comes from him and not think that I have all figured out. I might have had a lot of experience in the church, or maybe not, which I did, but I didn’t have any experience in the street. And I’ve told people I feel like everyone should have to learn the way I did, which is basically you get thrown on the street in Africa and say, you have five minutes, earn your crowd, share Jesus and give a call.

Don’t lose your crowd. And I feel like it’s terrifying, terrifying, but just facing that and being given those opportunities. And so I feel like humility is one of the crucial things in, and you have to choose humility because you always think that’s when humility really is so evident is when you think you know what the best way is and you have someone experienced and you have to say, you know what, I’m going to trust you on this. And so I feel like that learning from the experience and then learning how to interact with the pastors and learning how to all those things, I feel like it’s been crucial. But I feel like I learned just I was just a baby and I feel like I learned everything from being able to surrender and say, okay, God, you’ve given me this mentor. Let me learn from him. And there’s just so much, so different being, it’s so different when it comes to engaging the crowd, drawing the crowd, doing that stuff. It’s so different from what we’re used to, whether it’s played in a secular, whether you played in clubs or whether you’ve played in church. It really is different. And I’ve learned a lot. I learned everything.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:19):
Another thing I really like about you is that you involve your entire family in the ministry. Your daughters have been singing with you, you’re writing songs together as a family. Your wife is right there right alongside of you helping singing and doing an administration. Why do you feel it’s important to involve the family in the ministry that you’re called to?

Zach Blickens (09:42):
My gosh, actually the short, I don’t know, I’m kind of stumbling over my words because for me it’s like this is my dream.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:54):
It really comes out of you, it’s part of you.

Zach Blickens (09:57):
It’s like we didn’t necessarily go into this being like, okay, we’re going to involve the family. I just love my family so much. And we all developed a desire to travel and go out. And so Kayla, who is basically our lead singer, she’s my youngest daughter and she has been doing this since I think she was 11 years old. And we just go like, Hey, let’s come to Africa or whatever. And so it started that way and then the girls on their own struggled through their own things and prayed. But basically this vision that God gave us, gave me has become theirs. And Kayla just heard God at a young age being calling toward evangelist as an evangelist. And then so we’ve started throwing her in. She’s now just an incredible communicator and it’s just basically, it’s a dream come true for me, but I wouldn’t know. How do you involve your family? I’m just like, love ’em, walk through ’em, have grace and the tough things and do that. How

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:55):
Do you balance family and ministry?

Zach Blickens (10:59):
I think for us, one of the most important things we could do to answer that question is for me, what we do is really, really awesome. And it’s incredible privilege, but it’s also exhausting. For example, I love this country. It’s also the hottest place I’ve ever been in my life. So humid and hot and beautiful, but it’s exhausting. And so one of the things that we felt God kind of challenged us to do early on, and my oldest daughter really challenged me in this, was really to not just talk about Sabbath but to arrest that season of intentional rest, but to really do it. So I feel like one of the most valuable things we can do is when we go on the field we go hard, but then one those times in between the tours and things like that, we really prioritize allowing ourselves to be recharged and refreshed and be a family.

The other thing I think is so important is the intentionality of loving conflict. And that is not fleeing from conflict, getting our stuff right, because there’s so many things, especially on the road that can offend us or hurt us or I tell people in production in the studio, there’s a lot of tears and a lot of them are mine because we’re all sensitive, we’re all musicians and all those stereotypes are kind of true, but the intentionality of just going and saying, Hey, this hurt me. Can we walk through this? And processing that forgiving and repenting and clearing those relationships. I think that all those things are, especially in the fire and the heat of what evangelism is, it’s really high pressure.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:29):
Now how many countries have you your family been to so

Zach Blickens (12:33):
Far? Yeah, so as far as we’ve been to a lot more than this, but this is Cambodia right now is country number 40.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:40):
Wow. Congratulations.

Zach Blickens (12:41):
Amazing. Yeah. Praise Jesus. And so over that time, you might not know about the band in America, but I tell people in a couple of small villages in Asia we’re rock stars, but it’s been hundreds of thousands of people we’ve gotten a chance to be in front of and share Jesus with. And we’ve seen tens of thousands of people come to Jesus probably more by this point. And I tell people it’s like I get to see things in a week that sometimes people might not get to see in a lifetime. And I do not take that for granted. I love watching people come to g. I love people coming from death to life, seeing that. The other

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:12):
Day we were in Thailand and we went to a prison, there were a thousand prisoners there. And you grab their attention singing a song about the goodness of God. Yeah, praise God. Let’s finish this interview up with a few bars from, so good. Can you just do a little

Zach Blickens (13:32):
Bit for us? So the English version goes, you

Cyprès (13:34):
Are so good, so good. You are so good, so good. You are so good. So good to all.

Zach Blickens (13:42):
And that’s the English. And we usually translate, I think we’ve translated in that in probably 30 different languages. And it’s so simple. It’s a song that it’s not even on Spotify anymore. I don’t think it’s on YouTube anymore. We originally did it and then we kind of pulled it as it was from our old catalog, but it’s been a song that has gotten a lot of mileage. So I praise God

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:01):
That’s a fun song. And I thought it was great at the prison because just pointing people to the goodness of God.

Zach Blickens (14:08):
And what we say too, it is become part of our thing that we say, right? But it’s the saying we have that God is good all the time. What’s so powerful about that is that God’s good when we’re doing well, but God’s also good in our brokenness. God’s also good. He’s good. He doesn’t change depending on how we are. And he’s so constant. He’s so good. And so we love to sing that. And it’s so funny seeing prisoners in prison. They’re our captive audience, but they’re in a dark, tough spot. They’re incarcerated. But to still in that prison see them being like, you are so good and giving that glory to God. It’s just such a powerful thing to see.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:45):
So if someone wants to hear more of your music or find out more about you or maybe support you on one of your mission trips, help send you to one of these countries. What’s your website? What’s your YouTube channel? How can they find your music?

Zach Blickens (15:00):
Yeah, so our name is Cyprus. It’s actually spelled, it’s pronounced like the English, but it’s spelled like the French and that’s important. So it’s one E and one s. So it’s C-Y-P-R-E-S. And our website is Cyprus music.com. And our YouTube channel is YouTube at slash whatever cypress music. And so yeah, we would love to check us out and every time I do like to say it’s important to people if you do like our music, if you don’t, cool, great, that’s fine. But if you do like our music and the message, then anytime that you can share that with a friend or repost it or something like that, or just follow us on Spotify or anything as simple as that, it really does help us to reach people eventually with the message of Jesus. And that’s what we’re absolutely committed to do. And you can, if people are listening and they’re interested, please pray for us. Pray for Daniel. And it’s been a privilege hanging with you and actually seeing, we’ve been in the Crazyness, we’ve been together

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:56):
Facebook friends for a while, so now we get to hang out and I mean now we’re good friends. We’ve been three countries.

Zach Blickens (16:03):
We sweat a lot

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (16:03):
Together. We sweat after you sweat a lot, then you’re good fit. You stick right here. Yeah, I love your music, but even more, I love your heart for Jesus. Oh, praise Jesus and your heart for reaching people. Oh, praise Jesus. Thank you so much for being on the Evangelism

Zach Blickens (16:18):
Podcast. Thank you so much for having me. And thank you for all you do and God bless you, brother. I really appreciate it. Thanks for what you do.


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Michael Sin and the Fourth Dimension | Impacting Asia with Music from Malaysia

In this podcast episode, Evangelism Coach Daniel King interviews Michael Sin from the band The Fourth Dimension, based in Malaysia. The band combines gospel and secular music to draw in crowds and share the gospel message. They travel around Asia, performing live concerts and also offer workshops on music arrangement and instruments. Michael shares how he felt called by God to take his music ministry outside of the church walls and reach the ends of the earth. He discusses the challenges of evangelizing in a majority Muslim nation and the restrictions on public evangelism. Despite these challenges, the band has seen a positive response from young people in churches and has witnessed a transformation in the spiritual landscape of countries like Thailand, Myanmar, and Cambodia.

Learn More About Michael Sin and T4D: https://www.facebook.com/T4Dministries/ 


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited to tell people about Jesus. Today I have a very special guest with me, Michael Sin from a wonderful band from the nation of Malaysia called The Fourth Dimension. Thank you so much for being with me today.

Michael Sin (00:16):
Thank You for having us here.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:17):
Now, tell me a little bit about what you do.

Michael Sin (00:21):
Well, basically, the T4D Ministry, it’s a music ministry, so we travel around to Asia countries to do live concerts, gospel concerts, but as in many gospel concerts, if it is this purely gospel concerts, people won’t come, especially in these parts of the world. So we mix gospel concerts with secular music. So with that, we draw the crowd in and then we inject the gospel message. So we travel around the ASEAN region doing live gospel concerts, and if an opportunity pops up, we will do worship workshop, drum workshop, keyboard workshop, music arrangement workshops and stuff like that. So we’ve been doing that for about seven and a half years.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:05):
Wow. What an amazing ministry and music. Thank you that you have. And so it’s really an honor to serve the Lord with you. We’ve just completed same

Michael Sin (01:14):

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:14):
A couple of days in Thailand, and now we’re in the nation of Laos, and it’s just so beautiful to see what God is doing. Tell me a little bit about how you got started doing this.

Michael Sin (01:27):
Oh, well, I was pastoring a church back in the late 2010 or so. That’s when I heard a voice and God says, I’m going to take you out of the church four walls and take you into the church without walls to reach to the ends of the earth, to the end Samaria, and to use your gifts and your talents to reach out to the world. So it was like asking God, what’s my gift and what’s my talent? And God says, music and I don’t have a band. And God says, I will give you a band. And that’s how the fourth dimension, the members came together by God’s divine appointment and we’ve got the whole jigsaw together and we clicked and reformed the band. And in 2013, somehow we got invited by Pastor Manop to a music festival in Thailand, Bette. And we made that a gospel music festival instead of just a secular music festival. And that’s how IGMF started back in December, 2014. And that’s what T 40 has been doing, actively participating with the IGMF movement. And while we are not in ministry, we also do corporate geeks back home in Malaysia. Well, to earn money and pay for fa.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:52):
And so the whole band is working on secular jobs? Yes,

Michael Sin (02:57):
We do. And

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:57):
Then also coming as the opportunities come.

Michael Sin (03:00):

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:01):
Wow. That’s right. Now you are from Malaysia, which is a majority Muslim nation, and so there’s actually a lot of restrictions on what you’re able to do. How do you reach out in that context?

Michael Sin (03:19):
Well, back home it is okay to evangelize as long as you stay within your four walls of the church compound. So you can have evangelistic rally in stadiums as long as the rally stays inside the stadium, and you can invite friends into the stadium or the church and do the evangelistic work within that compound on that basis, yes, you’re free to host any rallies, gospel concerts, and evangelistic meetings outside that you can’t.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:54):
And you have been doing events inside churches. And do you find that the young people like the music that you bring?

Michael Sin (04:02):
Oh yes. Like the church that I am attending right now, it is very next generation oriented

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:10):
In What church are you at?

Michael Sin (04:12):
Well, it’s in the Malay language. It’s called the Sid ur. It’s S-I-B-K-L in English. It is translated to Bono Evangelical Missions Church, BEM.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:25):
I’m so excited to hear about what God is doing here in Asia. There’s such a huge population here, so many people that need to hear some good news. And so what do you feel is God’s heart for Asia during this time?

Michael Sin (04:44):
I think not just Asia. I think God’s heart is for every part of the world. But since we are in Asia, I’ll just speak for Asia, and I think a lot of things are happening. And as far as the International Gospel Music Festival movement is concerned, we have been doing this since December, 2014, and we have seen a lot of things being transformed, like the landscape, the spiritual landscape of parts of Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia. Next week we are moving on to Cambodia. We are seeing things beginning to change, and the churches are more bold to proclaim Christ. It’s not a shame thing to say that I’m a believer because it’s cool to say that, Hey, I’m a believer. It’s cool for a Thai guy to come into a mall like this. Sorry, this is Tian. Okay. And to say, yeah, I’m a believer. I worship God and I’m not ashamed of it.

If you look back 15, 10, 15 years ago, if I’m a Christian here, I had rather not profess, I’ll just keep quiet. But today you see a lot of Christians and churches getting more bold to actually step forward and to profess their faith and to even evangelize and start to tell people, Hey, you got to have some of these too. And a lot of training is being conducted. People like you guys and other missionary bodies that are coming in and out of Asia to Asia, a lot of work is being put in. And I think it’s really awesome. And as far as we are concerned, the fourth dimension, we hope to move in the music landscape. Now music, we can do the very conventional way. Piano, hymns, again, we have moved out of that. We have got the drums coming in, and now we are moving out of that. We’ve got digital music coming in where we use sequences and backing tracks, and we use do software, and we do video, music, video and stuff like that. That’s what we are hoping to empower the local churches here to use technology in their worship session, to produce video music videos of their churches, of the new songs that they write, to write new songs of your native language. Don’t just sing what big names sing, sing Thai gospel songs, sing Cambodian gospel songs.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:32):
And so have you been writing some of your own songs?

Michael Sin (07:35):
No, we have not. We have not.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:40):
I think it’ll come, God will give you some that will be a hit all over the world,

Michael Sin (07:44):
Kind of maybe moving towards that well as the spirit leads. But somehow maybe because we are so occupied with drawing the crowd in and then injecting the gospel, it has been working pretty well so far. So maybe that is why for us, there was no immediate need or calling to really to come up with our own materials. Maybe one day we certainly look forward to it. And as the spirit leads, and yeah, I mean, unless the lot builds, we would just belaboring in vain. So

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:23):
Let’s God now explain to me the meaning of the name, the fourth dimension.

Michael Sin (08:27):
Oh, that’s interesting. See, the fourth dimension is the spiritual dimension, the three dimension, the width, the depth, and the height is that the three D is what you can see, what you can touch. You know that this is solid. You don’t need faith to believe that this is a solid box. But the fourth dimension is the spiritual dimension that you don’t see, you can’t physically touch. You’ve got to experience it. You’ve got to encounter it. So we hope that the songs that we do will touch your heart, not just make you dance, but to also touch your heart and to impact you, and to make you reflect on the lyrics that you’ve been singing and to let it really sink deep in and to really get into the heart of hearts and let those tears just roll down. I mean, you can’t make tears. And if I see you have tears, I thank the Lord.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:30):
Yeah. Well, I so love your heart and I feel it is an honor to serve the Lord with you. Likewise. And it’s so wonderful to meet you. Likewise. Thank you so much for being on the Evangelism

Michael Sin (09:39):
Podcast. Thank so much. Thank you so much for this opportunity to share what we do, and we look forward to do more in the days to come.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:46):
Amen. All of Asia for Jesus.

Michael Sin (09:48):
Amen, sir. And all of

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:49):
Jesus for Asia.

Michael Sin (09:50):
Bless you. Amen. Bless you too.

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Manop Moonsri | Reaching the Youth of Asia with Music

In this episode of the Evangelism Podcast, Daniel King interviews Manop Moonsri from Thailand about the International Gospel Music Festival. Manop explains that the festival started in 2014 and aims to reach young people in Thailand and other countries through music. The festival takes place in shopping malls, attracting a broad audience, including those who may not attend traditional evangelistic crusades. Manop believes that music is a powerful tool for reaching young people because almost everyone listens to music. We talk about the opportunities and restrictions in different countries, such as Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, China, Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines.

Connect with Manop: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=501520132



Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus. Today I have a very special guest with me, Manop from Thailand. Thank you for joining the Evangelism Podcast.

Manop (00:12):
Yeah, and it’s good to be on your TV program.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:20):
We are in the nation of Cambodia right now. Yesterday we were in Laos, and then a few days ago we were in Thailand. And in each place we are doing a international gospel music festival, which is a vision that God has given you to help reach people for Jesus. So tell me a little bit, what is the International Gospel Music Festival?

Manop (00:47):
Yeah. International Gospel Music Festival started in Ette in 2014, but before that I already do a lot of music festival with different name. But then in puke I invite more bands from international, from different countries like Singapore, Malaysia, Korea, America, and NAMI Beer and a few other countries. So from Pke, I felt that this is a good method to reach out to the people in Thailand and other countries and the location that we choose with the Pke or in Bangkok or in Chiang Mai or in other places we use shopping mall because in the shopping mall there are many groups of people come to shopping. And the target, I mean of course the main target are the young generation. And I feel that with different bands and different messages can reach out to a broad group of people that some of them doesn’t go to the traditional kind of crusade or evangelistic crusade, but for the music festival, they are okay to listen and then to participate.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:08):
And so I really like this strategy. You’re taking the music festival into the mall, which is an attraction point for the entire city. Everyone knows where it is. Everyone comes there for shopping, and you are deliberately attracting young people who like music. And have you had some pushback from maybe older church members, more traditional members? What does the church think about this unique method of reaching?

Manop (02:41):
In some city, the leaders are very open and they understand the young generation, but in some city, they’re still not quite understand why we do what we do. And a lot of them feel that it’s wasting of time. But after we did one festival in that city, then they start to see that in the evangelist thing, we lost the generation between 15 years old and 25. But all these people, they come for our festival first, leaders start to see the important of having a music festival reaching out to this group of people.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:24):
Why do you think music is such an important tool for reaching young people?

Manop (03:30):
Almost every one of them will listen to music, whether pop or rock or reggae or hip hop or whatever style. International gospel music festival is not a gospel in a type of music, but it’s wider, a broader and all kinds of musics that in this world I can say.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:54):
Now you have been the go-to person in this part of Asia for production. You’ve helped Franklin Graham with some of his production. You’ve been with Dr. Billy Wilson from Empowered 21, and you have technical expertise. How did you get started in this area of production?

Manop (04:19):
Actually, I was study in technical college before I went to Bible school in Singapore. And after that I went to join YWAM and then come back to Thailand to start church planting. But while we are doing a lot of outreaches, I felt that we need a better system to do a better job for outdoor. So in 2000, in about 2001, I started to get into a more production because at that time I felt God is calling me out to the marketplace. So starting from a full-time pastor, get into a 10 making, we call business for the kingdom. And I started the production company to help with a group organization or churches that need support for production and keep upgrading our system until we become a distributor for speakers brand am mate from Spain. And we also doing some secular job just to get enough fun to continue our ministry. That’s how I started.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:38):
But really the core of what your heart is is evangelism.

Manop (05:44):

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:45):
How do you merge the music with evangelism

Manop (05:53):
In a traditional way of evangelistic meeting? We just have worship preaching and then other call. And a lot of people, I mean for some people I say 15 to 25, they don’t want to participate much in that kind of a traditional crusade. So in the secular music festival, in Tale or in Asia, they like to have lots of bands line up maybe 10 to 12 bands, and it’s for the long period. So I get the same idea and I add the messages or the testimony or the preaching in between the band so that the people don’t feel like, oh, I’m come here just to listen to the speaker speak about what they want to speak about their God or something like that. But the difference is when the band, when they’re singers, the singers that they shouting their testimony or even telling the gospel, they don’t feel like, oh, I got to listen to this speaker. Or even you have another speaker come in between the band. They still don’t have the kind of, what do you call it? They still feel easy to listen to it because they expect to listen to the band after these speakers. So in between 10 to 15 minutes we slot in speakers.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:31):
So instead of having a one hour preacher, you do music and then 10 minutes testimony, then music, then a little message, and then music, and then give people a chance to respond.

Manop (07:45):
So we break the message messages into small, smaller one in between the band. In a shopping mall, there are, if we do like six, for example, 6:00 PM or 4:00 PM until 10:00 PM there’s a lot of people that walk in and out. They might sit for the band that they like for one hour and they might walk away. So every hour there’s a new audience come in to the mall. So having a speaker speak 10 to 15 minutes, it is a slot. Releasing out to the new people is not the same audience for the whole day.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:22):
And throughout the day you’ll have maybe hundreds, even thousands of people come through and hear the music, even if they’re not all there at one time, they’re passing through. And sometimes the music fills the entire mall. Even the people who are shopping on the other side of the mall, they hear what is happening

Manop (08:43):
In some of the mall, if the light is banned, they’ll stop for maybe one hour and inspect the whole area. So it depend on the band as well.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:59):
Yeah. Let’s talk about Asia. There are millions of people in this part of Asia and it’s a huge harvest field. There’s lots of people that need Jesus. What do you think God wants to do here in Asia over the next 10 years?

Manop (09:21):
I mean, from my own opinion, I believe that the young generation, we come to know Christ more because their heart is open. And I can see, and even in my local church, the majority of people in my church are 80% of young generation. So I believe that God is bringing in the young generation to the churches and we have to go out and take them in, not waiting in a church for them to come in. So what I do is, apart from the music festival that I do, I also have a youth festival, one day festival where we bring in leaders and youth to come for the training, stir them up, and then send them out the coming February, we have one in Bangkok. And after the one day, one full day, the training or the festival, we will send them out to do prison ministries to do a smaller festival in other cities.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:31):
And I heard you’re actually bringing in Planet Shakers with Russell Evans?

Manop (10:36):
Yes. Planet Shakers have been coming to Thailand almost every year before Covid.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:42):
And so people here love them,

Manop (10:45):
People like the band. So that one day on the 20th of February, we’ll have something from 10:00 AM until 10:00 PM and then the last session will be Planet Shake concert.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:59):
Wow. I believe that will have a big impact.

Manop (11:03):

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:04):
How did you first come to know Christ? What’s your testimony? And then how did you develop a heart for ministry? Okay,

Manop (11:13):
I was grown up in the Buddhist family and when I was 12 years old, I got sponsors from World Vision because my family cannot help me to study. So World Vision adopt me and I go to church. So I accepted a lot during my time in with World Vision.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:43):
And then you went to ywam

Manop (11:45):
And after World Vision I graduated from high school and then I went to YWAM in Penang. Yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:55):
Are there opportunities for evangelists to come to Asia and to work here? Would you invite people to come?

Manop (12:05):
Yes. So there’s evangelists, it’s depend on their ki. So if they do a smaller group or big festival or music, they’re most welcome to join us in our festival in each month.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:25):
Wonderful. Your vision ultimately is to be doing festivals every month throughout different parts of Asia or

Manop (12:36):
Yes, hopefully. But to prepare for that is take a little bit of time. So I do it in different country and each country we network with a local church and with the people that have the same heart and then they do all the grow population and we will go in for three days festival and then move to another country.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:56):
Let’s talk about the unique challenges in different countries. Done a lot in a bunch, and every country has opportunities and every country also has restrictions. So we’ll start with Thailand, the country that you’re from, what is the opportunity and what type of restrictions are there

Manop (13:16):
In Thailand? There’s a lot of opportunity. For example, the mall now, they understand what we do and they open anytime for us to go in. So the problem is we don’t have enough people or enough resources to do all the shopping mall in other cities.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:36):
And you’d like to do many different cities.

Manop (13:40):
I like to partner with the local church. So if the local church ready to accept us, we will go in and help them to prepare and continue. Because if I go to the city where there’s no use as well, so I go to the church, to the city where the church are ready to do the follow-up after our event.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:03):
Now, a few years ago you were doing stuff in Myanmar? Yes. Now there’s been a change in government there. Is it possible to do something in Myanmar even

Manop (14:11):
Now? We can go back anytime, yeah. Okay. Because we are not having problem with the soldiers or any politics in Myanmar.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:20):
And we were just in Laos and they gave us some guidelines on what could be done there. But yet they still allowed the music festival.

Manop (14:31):
The music festival there. They’re still allowed. Yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:34):
Now we are here in Cambodia. We’re going to see tomorrow night. What

Manop (14:41):
In Cambodia? If you get a permit from the local provincial or the mayor, you are fine to do it. Yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:49):
And what about Vietnam?

Manop (14:52):
Vietnam, we working with local church and they apply for their own permit. So Vietnam is another country that is starting to open more for the gospel

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:05):
And Franklin Graham was just there and had a tremendous event. Just thousands of people came and it would be really wonderful to see God open up the door. Now China, have you ever gone to China is probably

Manop (15:20):
China. There’s a lot of underground churches that we network with, but we haven’t done any music festival there yet.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:29):
What about Malaysia?

Manop (15:31):
Malaysia? We can go anytime.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:33):
And have you done work in Singapore or Indonesia?

Manop (15:37):
We did Philippines, Malaysia,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:41):
Philippines. It is totally open. Yeah. You can do anything? Yes. Wow. Well, I really believe that God’s eye is on Asia and that we are going to see a great harvest of souls come into the kingdom of God throughout all of Asia. And I think God is also going to raise up powerful Asian evangelists like you. Amen. Who have a heart to reach this part of the world for Jesus.

Manop (16:07):
Praise God.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (16:08):
So thank you so much for being on the Evangelism Podcast.

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His Pop | Redeeming Music and Culture for Jesus

Today on the Evangelism Podcast, Daniel King interviews DSeven, a guest from South Korea who is part of a band called His Pop. The band aims to use popular music and dancing in the KPop tradition to share the gospel and to bring revival to the music culture.  Their vision is to bring popular culture back to Christ and the kingdom of God. They want to connect with the youth and use their music ministry to help young people know more about Jesus.

Connect with HisPop on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hispop_official/


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King and I’m excited to tell people about Jesus today. I have very special guests with me, His Pop. Thank you for being on the Evangelism Podcast.

Dseven (00:12):
Hello. Thank you

Translator (00:13):
So much. Thank you for inviting us.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:15):
Now you are from South Korea and in South Korea, K-pop is very popular, but you have taken the popularity of K-pop and brought it into the kingdom of God and you call your band his pop. What does that mean?

Dseven (00:38):
Popular culture.

Translator (00:45):
So our is, we want to use his popular music to talk about the gospel and then to bring revival to the music culture.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:58):
And so how did you have the vision to start His Pop?

Translator (01:14):
Because at first there’s a lot of culture right now about music, about many things. So our vision and we want to bring that culture back to Christ, to his kingdom.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:28):
How can we bring the kingdom of God into popular culture?

Translator (02:01):
So yeah, our vision also how to bring to the kids kingdom that actually of course when we doing a music of course about quality, about the skills is very important. But we want to use our life to worship him first. That what is our mission to do so that we to the music as well, that we want to bring that to the basic that is to lead Christ.

Dseven (02:30):

Translator (02:43):
So we want to use this mission, our ministry to connect with the youth, with the young generation that they can come and then they can know about Jesus more so that we have the heart for the youth. A lot that,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:00):
So how did you start this ministry?

Translator (03:09):
Even like now you see we all look really shining like that, but not we just start at the small trade. We start at the small trade. That’s time. We have only eight people and then the top leader who lead the team, his pop that he had the vision and they just like three people and then worship, ship the Lord together in Korean actually the top leader, the leader who lead us, he actually, he is the producer. Yeah,

Dseven (03:55):
Speaking in Korean

Translator (03:58):
Yeah. He used to make a lot of music for Korean music

Dseven (04:06):
Speaking in Korean

Translator (04:09):
And then he meet Jesus, he met Jesus and then he started to have a vision and so he started to doing a ministry like this. And then he also gather some B Boy

Dseven (04:28):
Speaking in Korean

Translator (04:29):
About the street dancer a lot. So why he bring them together, together, together. Also, he originally Bboy as well. Yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:39):
Wow. And now you’re living in Thailand. You’ve come as a missionary from South Korea to Thailand and you have some dancers from Thailand who are working with you. How did you decide to leave South Korea and come to Thailand?

Dseven (05:11):
Speaking in Korean

Translator (05:11):
2009. First time in Thailand, only just for the

Dseven (05:21):
Speaking in Korean

Translator (05:33):
So yeah, at first it just, his boss come from soccer, Korea for a charter mission for one month, and then they got a vision and heart for Thai people. That’s why they commit to come to Thailand because back in Korea, actually they are full-time surf in ministry. So that’s why they all come together in Thailand. And this year is the 11 years already.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:14):
Wow, wow. I’m so impressed with your passion for God and your heart to reach people for Jesus. It’s so beautiful to see. Thank you. And I believe that God is looking at Asia right now and God wants to see a great harvest of souls. He wants to see many people in Asia come into the kingdom of God. What do you hope to see God do over the next 10 years in this part of the world?

Translator (06:59):
Actually as a human, maybe we see, oh, it’s a lot of whole ing and there’s so many things that bake style and there’s a lot of idols right now in this

Dseven (07:16):
Speaking in Korean

Translator (07:21):
And right now we are in the fallen world and there’s a lot of things that turn into things that never be before. So yeah, of course we expect only on God because of right now even everything is going down and they seem hopeless, but because we trust in the Lord. So that’s why we try to try our best to prepare and so do many things. The one who can change is not us, but only God can change. So that’s why we want to step by step from that and hope that God, we do one day in his time.

Dseven (08:28):
Speaking in Korean

Translator (08:28):
Right now we are living in.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:31):
Wow. Well, it is such an honor to serve God with you. I am so happy to meet you, and thank you so much for being on the Evangelism podcast. God

Dseven (08:43):
Speaking in Korean

Translator (08:46):
Thank you so much.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:47):
Thank you so much. That’s good.

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DJ Moz | Kubamba Youth Movement in Kenya

DJ Moz leads the Kubamba Youth Movement in Kenya. These young people are using upbeat music and dance to reach school children with the Gospel. You will be amazed and inspired as you listen to his story of how DJ Moz went from DJ to evangelist!

Connect with Kubamba on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Kubamba.Tv/


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus. Today. I have a very special guest with me, DJ Moz, from a tremendous ministry in the nation of Kenya named Ku Baba. Yeah. Thank you so much for joining me today.

DJ Moz (00:17):
Thank you, Daniel. Thanks for having me over. So,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:20):
Tell me a little bit about your ministry and, and what you do. I I was just exposed to your ministry yesterday. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>, I went with some of your team members out to one of the schools here. Mm-Hmm. Near Embu. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>, Kenya. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. And you had a team of young people Yeah. That went into the school. They had some kick in music. It was that they had a DJ who was playing music Yeah. And they were all dancing. Yeah. And they captured the attention of the kids. Yeah. And then they ministered to them led them to Jesus. Yeah. And it was so beautiful to see what God was doing. And this is just one of, of many different teams that you

DJ Moz (01:00):
Have. Yeah. Yeah. First man, I love your energy. <Laugh>. Guys need to know, just waking up, you know, it’s excellent, man. You should join Kuku Bamba <laugh>. You have the right energy for it. So but thank you for having me on your podcast. So what Ku Bamba does, and first let me explain what Ku Bamba means, just in case for guys are wondering what’s, yeah. What’s Ku Baba? Ku Baba is a slang word from Swahili. So young people in Kenya you know, people have different lingos, you know in their, from their ba in their community. So we have a language that’s called Shang, and Shang is the language young people use. So it has like Swahili and English and Chinese and Indian. Like, it has a mixture of things. And so KU Baba is a word from that, and it means something catchy, something attractive, something cool.

And you know, God allowed us to start this 23, 23 years ago. And what you got to experience yesterday, it’s not something that we really had sat down and planned. And we are like, you know, this is what we you know, when we look back and see what God has allowed Ku Bamba to do, it’s not something we are sat down and strategized and say that this is exactly what we want to do 23 years down the right down, down the road. It’s just how God opens up your eyes and shows you what can happen. But a background is I’m a DJ by profession. I love music. And I used to work in the clubs. I got saved when I was still in the clubs. And I’m a product of music. Like music has had a, a significant influence in my life.

And so Ku Baba is pretty much built around music like urban gospel music. So we so when I became a believer I started looking for gospel music. That was the kind of music that I used to play in the club, something that would relate, I could relate with. And I was happy to come across, you know, albums from guys like Kirk Franklin and Mary Mary, and there was an amazing gospel hip hop crew called Cross Movement. I don’t even know if you remember them. They were like our Wutang clan at that time. And there was Toby Mac, you know, just come across the album by d dc talk that had, that’s called Jesus Freaks Now, that Jesus freak was like, man, I like this title. You know, that’s who I want to be. And so when Ku Baba started you know I believe in my heart that God, you know, God showed me that I needed to go back and reach out to my younger brothers and sisters who in the clubs and, you know, because I’d seen the impact the music had had on my life and their life.

And see how we can drop them in.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:24):
So, all right, now I want to take you live to the festival from last night so you can hear the music and feel the energy that Ku Baba brings when they minister.

DJ Moz (04:21):
And so I just, you know, when I became a believer, I told God, this is the gift that you’ve given me. I’ll give it back to you and use it for your glory. And so of course, you’re a new believer. The church doesn’t know what to do with you, the club where you’ve come from, they don’t know what to do with you. So you, they’re stuck somewhere in the middle, but was a beautiful journey. And I thank God that when he opened the first door for me to get on, let me say, let me let me say radio was a key significant part because media influences lives. So when that opportunity came up for me to get into radio May 15th, 2000, it was a turnaround point, not just for my life, but for the lives of many young people, because young people said, listening to the show and engaging and listening to what was you know, to loving the music, they’re like, oh, man, I can’t believe there’s such cool gospel music. So as they’re

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:13):
Doing that, so you didn’t really go into ministry having a specific plan of what you wanted to do. You just had the opportunity to do a radio program. Yeah. And you had a love for music mm-hmm. <Affirmative>. And you started bringing the gospel music Yeah. Here to Kenya. Yeah. And young people started listening to it, and their lives were changed. I just come from

DJ Moz (05:32):
The clubs. So I have, and before that, I’ve never been to church for nine years, so I have no idea what ministry is. In fact, ministry was a term that I’d never heard. And I come from a Presbyterian background, which is very,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:44):
They don’t have your type of music in the Presbyterian

DJ Moz (05:47):
Church? No. My church my mom’s church where we used to go when I was growing up had no guitars and keyboards and things like that. Those were things of the world. <Laugh>, you can imagine I’m a DJ from that kind of having come from that kind of background. So but you know, the, what, when young people are engaging with this kind of music man, I can’t, from the first day when I did the altar call, you know, just inviting young people to come and experience what I had experienced through Christ, the listeners would call and giving their lives to Christ. And it, it was amazing. And so as this, as this continued, we’re like, okay, a couple of my friends now came and joined me a year later. And we said, okay man, what do we do to, to continue engaging with these young people who are listening to us on radio?

And one of them said, you know, he’s calling Gush. He said, you know, why don’t you go to the high schools? And so we went to high school and the impact, you know, those alliance girls, the impact was incredible. The young people dancing to the music. So, of course, I’m a dj, so, and dancing is a big thing in Africa. So the kids were dancing. The music helped us break the barriers, and we shared the gospel and the kids gave their lives to Christ in the droves. And it also helped that I had a cool dance crew that had met along the way that called All Lova who were amazing guys. And so together with the logo, we say, going around to the schools and then ano a music artist some of the few gospel music artists were say, rising up at that time.

They would come alongside us and join us to go for these tours. But it’s incredible. And I’m really glad that God opened up our eyes to allowing us to see the opportunity that lies in the high schools. The good thing about music, and I was, I was sharing with you yesterday, is music breaks barriers. I mean, it crosses borderlines. And, you know there’s one person who said the word, one good thing about music is when it hits you feel okay. And you know, music carries you through places and you know, it brings out emotions. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. But if you have godly music, the spirit of God moves. And, you know, he just you know, he, he changes. You start singing you from the inside out and the music carries you through those spaces when you’re going through a difficult time or when you’re having a good time.

And David, in the scriptures, you remember there’s a time when King Soul would be tormented and David would play the music and he would settle, king Soul would calm down. That’s the power of music. And so I’m so grateful that you know, God allowed us to use music. And we say the music is our tool of influence as Ku Bamba because we have seen the power of music. And now through this journey, as you got to experience yesterday in the high schools, I mean, the energy is electric. It’s just like being in a concert, just a smaller concert.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:36):
The energy was absolutely huge. Everyone was dancing, they were celebrating. Yeah. But then I noticed that when the gospel was shared, everyone quieted down. Yeah. And they listened very, very intently. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. And the message that your young evangelist was there Yeah. Speaking mm-hmm. Went right into their hearts.

DJ Moz (08:54):
Yes. And the good thing is, and you thank God that, you know, once you’ve done that concert you’ve connected with them, you’ve bonded with them, you are now, they’re now that now feel like, man, I can listen to these guys. And we don’t take it for granted that they would actually sit down and listen to us because they don’t have to. You need to remember that among some of those kids who are sitting in that space, some of them are Muslims, so this, this should be offensive to them. But they do sit down and they listen to the gospel. And what we’ve gotten to experience is young people from different religious backgrounds coming and accepting Christ as their Lord and Savior. And so, and that’s the beauty about what sees that God has allowed us to do. And that we can be able to share the gospel with them in a manner that’s relevant in a timely way.

And they can be and hopefully they’re like, man, this Jesus, who these guys are talking about, I want to have a relationship with him and some of the young people who I dunno if it’s Erica, who was sharing yesterday at the school that you went to. Erica was a crazy kid. You know, in high school he gave his parents drama, <laugh>, he was kicked out. He was, I think he was expelled from five different high schools. Wow. Just from being truant or being rebellious. And so when he shares, when he goes in that pulpit or on that platform and shares with the young people he’s experienced, ’cause he was there where they are. And some of them are thinking about being rebellious. You know, they’re able to see their lives you know, through the guys who they’re seeing on stage ministering to them.

So I’m very grateful again, to see what God has allowed us to be able to do. And and maybe Daniel should let you know that the other thing is now seeing other other people from, you know, young people from other African countries reaching out to us and saying, man, we’ve been following you guys for a while. Wow. And we’ve started doing something similar to what you guys are doing in our country. Man we just wanted to know that what you’re doing is going beyond your borders, <laugh>. Like it was, it was interesting about maybe three years ago getting a getting a, a message from some young guys from Burundi who were doing exactly ministry, like how we started here, about 20, 20 something, 23 years ago. But I was so happy because that journey is so fulfilling. Like, they would go and set up their sound system in the, in the community, like in the marketplace, and they do a gig for the people in the market and share the gospel. You know? So it’s just encouraging them and telling them, man, where you, what you guys are doing right now is exactly where we started.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:32):
Wow. Yeah. Let’s talk about your team. How many team members do you have?

DJ Moz (11:36):
So I have about team of 69 that’s including myself and <inaudible> are the co-founders. We, 69 people,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:42):
And the team divides up into several different groups about how many would go into one school at a time.

DJ Moz (11:49):
So we have about 10 people per team who go out and so we have about, we have six vans. Okay. like you got to see the there’s some big vans, they’re called, you know, the Mercedes printers or the Volkswagen Crafter vans. So 10 people per team. But then when we get to a place like here in bu, where we are this time around is we also do get a couple of people from the community coming alongside us in advance to go to, to go to the schools. Because once we’ve been to a school, it’s the local churches that follow up with with the young people who give their lives to Christ. And what we try to do is we take the names of every single young person who gives their life to Christ. And we follow up with them now beyond that, like on social media and also sending them messages of encouragement. And, you know, we’ve come up with that like a discipleship plan for the young people. And it’s the same young guys who you see going around in the high schools from the teams. They’re the ones who who check on them during the holidays. They’ll come and do a gig for the young people in the communities here. So we try to make sure that we are always constantly engaged with the young people.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:57):
Yeah. I was very impressed yesterday mm-hmm. <Affirmative>, because you collected the Twitter and Instagram and TikTok Yeah. Handles for all of the students Yeah. That were in the school. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. And so that allows you to continue to have influence Yes. In their lives even after you’re gone. Yeah. You can disciple them mm-hmm. <Affirmative> 30 seconds at a time on TikTok.

DJ Moz (13:24):
Yes. And you know, the thing is, that’s the, that’s their world right now. That’s where they, they’re gravitating towards. That’s how they, those are the new communities that they’re making, that they’re building. And that’s a new space of influence for them. And so we try to be intentional being in the spaces where they are. And and I think I’m really glad that the church is also waking up and realizing that we cannot ignore those spaces. And so, man, we cannot afford not to be with them on those social media platforms.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:54):
Let’s talk about results. Last night you were sharing with me that about a year ago you set a goal of reaching 425,000. Yeah. Students. It

DJ Moz (14:06):
Was about two years ago.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:07):
Two years

DJ Moz (14:08):
Ago. Yeah. We wanted to reach out to 450,000 students by June of this year.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:12):
Okay. Yeah. And so you’ve just completed that time period, and you’ve looked at your numbers. What results have you seen in this two year period? Oh man,

DJ Moz (14:22):
<Laugh>, it’s unreal. It hit me, so hit me Good. Because you don’t even realize it. But we had just crossed the 1 million mark.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:35):
Wow. So you more than doubled more than initial goal. Yes. 450,000. Yes. You’ve already hit a million.

DJ Moz (14:42):
We’ve already hit a million. Wow. God is good. God is good. And it, it reminds me of, you know, when Jesus Christ says that the open your eyes, the fields are white, the harvest is plenty, but the laborers are few. That’s very, very real with what we are experiencing. And I know there’s some people who might be like, you know it’s responsible what you guys are doing, but be like, man, Jesus Christ said that the harvest is plenty, but the laborers are few. All we are doing is harvesting what we need are more laborers in. And what we also do need is for the church to rise up and to come and walk along and be able to disciple the young people and not just here, you know, it’s happening all over the world, like sitting with you and you’re telling me that you’re planning to go to El Salvador and you know, God is opening those doors. Think about the highway that’s gonna come.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:33):

DJ Moz (15:34):
You know? And so some really, my mind is blown away. And I know we are just starting off in terms of so we, we, we, as we were dreaming about what to experience in the next two years, the 450,000 we’re believing in trusting God that by 2030 we will see. Because when we’re coming up with this plant, it was in 2019, then Covid hit <laugh>. So our plans were delayed by like two years. When we were dreaming, we wanted to reach out, wanted to see 10 million young people coming, giving their lives to Christ through our ministry. And from what we’ve seen we know that in order for us to get to those numbers, we need to reach out to at least 20 or 30 million young people through the school tour that you’re seeing. And so I know that we are just starting off, but it excites me because I’m like man, that number, God has shown us that it’s actually possible, it’s achievable. It’s not by power, it’s not by might, but by his spirit. But then the other thing is we can never sit and settle because Africa has a population of 1.3 billion people. Daniel, out of the 1.3 billion people, 70% are below the age of 30.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (16:46):
It’s a very young continent. It’s a very young, young. So if you want to reach this continent for Jesus, you have to have a strategy for reaching the young people.

DJ Moz (16:53):
Exactly. So if and even to break it down farther, 41% are below the age of 14.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (17:02):

DJ Moz (17:03):
So if you’re not speaking to this young generation, then who are you speaking with? But I share those numbers just to, just to highlight that even though we are thinking of reaching out to 13 million young people, that’s like an a drop in the ocean. Yeah. Because there’s such a huge population of young people to reach out to. And so my prayer is that that God would raise more and more ev you know, evangelists and you know for more churches to be planted where we can be able to do life together with the young people who are giving their lives to Christ. And maybe even a bigger challenge is to challenge those who are listening to the podcast that don’t just listen to the podcast. I believe that God has called each and every one of us to be actively involved with sharing the gospel.

Otherwise how will they come? Amen. You know, how will they come? And so for those who are listening to the podcast, I just want to say you know, just do not look down on what you have or the spaces that God has placed you in, where God has placed you. He was intentional to place you there because there are people who need to see your lifestyle being lived out of about being a believer. You have an opportunity to share your faith with people when they come and ask you, what’s different about you? Why do you do things this way? Those are such good opportunities to be able to share the gospel or when you do life with them, when you celebrate birthdays with them, or you know, when they’re having weddings or when they’re going through a difficult time, your presence just being there speaks a lot. And they’ll be like, you are different from other people. What’s happening in your life?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:31):
Amen. Yeah. Well, it’s impossible to do what you’re doing without partnership. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>, I see that you are partnering with Love Kenya Festivals with Andrew Palau. Yeah. You’re also partnering with One Hope. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>, you’re distributing some of the literature from One Hope. Yeah. And Rob Hoskins leads such a great ministry. Yes, yes. And I saw even you’re partnering with the First Lady of the Nation of Kenya. Yes, we

DJ Moz (18:57):
Are <laugh>

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:58):
What a tremendous privilege. And so she’s opened up doors into the schools. Yes. Yes. And, and it’s impossible for, for you to do what you do without partnership. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. And so for people who are listening mm-hmm. <Affirmative> who maybe want to invest in helping to reach the young people in Africa mm-hmm. <Affirmative>, they, they want to become maybe a, a partner, a friend mm-hmm. <Affirmative> with your ministry. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>, how can they find out more about you?

DJ Moz (19:24):
So they can log into our website that’s www.kubambateens.com.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:29):
Alright. You’ll have to spell Ku Bamba so people can find it.

DJ Moz (19:33):
It’s K U B A M B A. That’s Kuku Bamba and teens like teenagers teens.com.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:40):
Yeah. Mbba teens.com. Yes. And so I encourage you, if, if you want to help reach young people here in Kenya, and now you’re expanding, you want to go to other nations in Africa. Oh bro. I encourage you to, to find out more about DJ Moz. Yeah. And, and support this ministry because what a tremendous impact that you’re having. Thank you. I mean, this team over a million people now. It’s unreal Minister too. <Laugh>.

DJ Moz (20:05):
It’s unreal. And I’m really excited about, you know meeting and just hearing what’s happening and the beauty about working together with like global network of evangelists is meeting fellow evangelists, you know, being able to encourage each other and be able to rally each other around and just see how the great work that God is doing out there. I believe that God says, the Bible says that, you know, we’re seen abound, grace abound even more. And so the world is getting more darker, but then grace is even more readily available. And the thing is, God will never stop pursuing people to their last breath. He’s intentional. He’s intentional man. And the way that God turns people’s lives around is through individuals like you, like me and others who are out there reaching out. And so again, my great call to, you know, again, people who are listening to this podcast is, man, the harvest is plenty.

Whether it’s one that’s a celebration in heaven or whether it’s a million, that’s a celebration in heaven. We just need to be intentional and to engage with God in the task that he’s calling us to do. And we are not alone, bro. You know, God is with us. And if God before us, man, we’re more than conquerors who can be against us, we can be able to raise that culture that we call the culture of the unashamed of in where we’re not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Because the Bible says every knee will bow. So it’s not a matter of if, but when.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:36):

DJ Moz (21:36):
And every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Let’s give people the opportunity to do now, to do that now while they’re on this side of the sun. Yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:45):
Wonderful. Thank you. Well, thank you so much for being on the Evangelism podcast.

DJ Moz (21:49):
No, thank you so much, man. And keep, keep doing the work that you’re doing. Keep this podcast going on. And I’m really grateful for the platform and the opportunity to be part of this.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:58):
Yes, sir. I’m bless

DJ Moz (21:59):
You now. God bless You too, sir. Thank you, man.


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