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Rhema Evangelism

Jeremy Gall & the Gall Family | Supernatural Faith for Evangelism

On today’s episode of the Evangelism Podcast, Evangelist Daniel King interviews the Gall family, Jeremy and Joscelyne and their son Coen.  Listen as they share stories on how God has given them supernatural faith for evangelism. Today you will learn your provision won’t come until you take a step of Faith. There’s no better time to step out into your ministry than now!  

  • The Gall family has been involved in full-time evangelism for over 20 years, traveling to 28 states and 9 countries, with a focus on Russia.
  • Jeremy Gall felt called to be an evangelist from a young age, and the family embraced this calling together. Their children have been immersed in ministry from a young age.
  • The Gall family shared testimonies of miraculous healings and provision that have sustained their ministry over the years, including a deaf man’s hearing being restored.
  • They emphasized the importance of mentorship, stepping out in faith, and relying on God’s provision rather than natural circumstances when pursuing a calling in evangelism.

Learn more about Jeremy Gall: https://www.jeremygallministries.com/ 


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:03):
Hallelujah. Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King. I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. I have some very special guests with me, the gall family. Thank you for being with me today.

Jeremy Gall (00:16):
Oh man, we’re so excited to be here.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:17):
So we have Jeremy and Joscelyne and Coen, and you all are involved in evangelism, the whole family. So tell me a little bit about how you got started serving Jesus.

Jeremy Gall (00:33):
Yeah, so where do we start? So we’ve been 20, 22 years. We’ve been traveling full time and before that I worked with another evangelist. I’m sure we’ll get into the details of that later. And yeah, 28 states. I think it’s been in nine countries so far. Most of our overseas time has been in Russia, made a lot of trips and just excited to, wouldn’t trade places with anybody in the world. Love what God has called us to.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:58):
How did your family first know that you had a calling for evangelism?

Jeremy Gall (01:03):
Yeah, that’s good. We’ll, probably all I know myself, I was maybe eight, nine years old and my grandmother, Roman Catholic grandmother, we were going to bed at her house. I was staying over her house for the night and she said, what do you want to be when you grow up? And she gave me the classic choices, fireman, policeman, doctor, lawyer, a little bit of white collar, a little bit of blue collar. I said, I want to be an evangelist. And she’s like I said, Roman Catholic. She thought it was Roman Catholic. She thought I said Los Angeles. She said, you can’t be a city. She said, then I started to explain as much as younger, that’s not white collar or blue collar. That’s clergy collar. Right, right. A whole different collar. Exactly. She said, I was actually younger than that. I was probably closer to four or five.

She said, oh my God, this is in the eighties. I’m 50. So she said, you mean those guys on tv? You don’t want to do that? She said she was horrified. She was horrified. And here we are all these years later. But it was funny. That just came out of my spirit. I never thought it, I didn’t go around talking about it. And it wasn’t until I was in college that I was like, oh yeah, this is God’s plan. And it was when I was in college that I started leading. I went to secular school, I went to art school actually before ministry. We both did. We met in art school and I was doing a Bible study and God led me, I actually did, the first time I ever preached was an evangelistic campaign on the campus ever preached. And besides the Bible study,

Joscelyne Gall (02:35):
He threw his own party.

Jeremy Gall (02:36):
Yeah, threw my own party. And it was right in that season that I was like, oh yeah, this was God’s plan all along. So that’s when I realized I was about 19 years old and yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:46):
Wow. So Ms. Jocelyn, how long have you been married now and what is it like being called together in ministry?

Joscelyne Gall (02:55):
Let’s see. So we have been married.

We have been married. Is it 20?

Jeremy Gall (03:02):
It’ll be 27

Joscelyne Gall (03:04):
This year. Seven this year.

Jeremy Gall (03:04):

Joscelyne Gall (03:04):
26 now. 26 right now. 26 years. You asked me the wrong question. I am the one that’s worse with numbers. I feel like I am always like, how old am I? I just feel like I’m still, I don’t know, maybe 22, something like that. It just stopped right around that time and I’m like, I dunno. But yeah. So what was it, so how long been

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:25):
Married? So how have you been married and then what is it like being in ministry together as a family?

Joscelyne Gall (03:31):
Yeah. No, it’s wonderful. It, there is nothing that I could possibly suggest hire, if you’re called to it, you will not be fulfilled in any other role. I mean that’s really how it works. No matter what you try, no matter what the world has to offer, if you are called to the ministry, if you are called to be an evangelist, there is nothing that will possibly satisfy you. So you might as well just surrender and say, okay, I’m doing it because everything else will be miserable. But we love it. It was definitely a, it’s different raising kids on the road. It’s different. We had to do a little things differently than some families. We end up, I think Cohen, he was potty trained literally in our van driving from place to place. How

Jeremy Gall (04:27):
Old was he in Jamaica?

Joscelyne Gall (04:28):
He was four months old. Four for his. He was dedicated into America.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:33):
That’s the way to be raised, right? Part of the family is to be part of the ministry. Absolutely.

Joscelyne Gall (04:38):
We had him laying hands on the six since they were tiny. I think he was like three the first time he prayed over me and I saw a change. I came home from a Mother’s Day service and we just always believe you teach everybody, everybody is called to lay hands on the sick and see them recover. So I’m from the time they’re little, the simplest prayer is boo boo go in Jesus’ name. And so that’s what they knew. And I came back from a church service and I’d been standing commanding this headache to go. It just kind of came over me, but it was really serious. It was almost a migraine kind of headache. And I was laying on the couch and he just comes over and sees that I’m not looking normal and he puts his hand on me and says, boob boo, go in Jesus’ name. And instantly the headache left and that was it. And I was like, oh, so if God can use a three-year-old, he can use all of us.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:35):
He was immersed in it. Yeah,

Joscelyne Gall (05:37):
Immersed in it from the beginning. Yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:39):
Alright, hand the microphone to your son. Tell me what are you doing for Jesus right now?

Coen Gall (05:44):
Yeah, so recently, well I’ve been going to Rama, I’m on my second year there. And while I was there I was working at the NRC and I met somebody there who, him and his wife pastor or used to pastor a church in China and they’re both from there and it was all underground and now they’re just here going to Rama and training. And he invited me to this church that he was going to on Sunday nights and his wife was teaching Mandarin there. So I would go early and I’d do that with them. And I had been doing that for a while and they came to me and asked if I wanted to help teach their church back in China, English over Zoom. And so I was like, sure, of course. But the goal of it was to use it for ministry.

Jeremy Gall (06:41):

Coen Gall (06:42):
Evangelism in particular. And I was like, sure, let’s do it. Yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:47):
So you’re teaching a church in China English and using it to share Jesus.

Coen Gall (06:54):
Exactly, yeah. So what we’ve been doing is we’ve been teaching it through and there’s a couple of us doing it. There’s descent, Hagen is one of ’em who’s doing it with me and we’ve been doing this for coming up on now over a year, right? Well, a little less than that maybe. I think we started a few months after I started going to the church, so

Probably half a year, maybe something like that. But it’s just been really great. And what we do is we are going through the Bible and we’re reading it with them and then we teach ’em English through whatever we’re reading and then I’ll preach on whatever it is that we’re reading out of. And then our goal is to have them invite people to hear the gospel and maybe it’ll kind of be teaching ’em English, but that at the same time, the real goal is to get the word to ’em and get them saved. So it’s been really great. I’ve really enjoyed it.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:50):
That’s awesome. Well you guys went to Rama and then you traveled with David Horton for a

Jeremy Gall (07:56):

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:57):
And then you went over to Russia and taught for Rick Renner great ministry there in the Slavic nations. Amen. Yeah. And so tell me a little bit, what has God taught you through this whole process of being at Rama and then with Brother David Horton, a great evangelist and then with Rick Renner?

Jeremy Gall (08:19):
Yeah. What do we got? Six hours. Alright, let’s do it. So

Right, so we come out to Rama. I was in art school and it was in art school. We met and then that was when I was like I said, I realized this is God’s plan for my life. He’s called me to be an evangelist, come to Rama, went to the evangelist group, graduated second year, so I’m getting close to the end of second year and we’re scheduled to go home. I was preaching a little bit before I went to Bible school, so I’m itching to get started talking about learning things and I’m itching to get started and my dad had vacation time to come help us move home. This is like I said, 2000 and I worked downtown at the One Oak Building downtown Tulsa, and I was a security guard. So I’m watching monitors, had a lot of time to walk around and pray and I’m looking at these monitors and God spoke to me and said, fellowship with evangelist and mentoring, just these random words.

Wasn’t even a sentence, wasn’t even an idea. What do I do with that? Right Fellowship with evangelist and mentoring. I was still in school about to graduate, go back to school and another student named Charlie Elliot comes up to me and he says, you ought to check out this David Horton guy. He’s starting a fellowship with evangelist and he’s big on mentoring. I’d never heard of David. He wasn’t at the school anymore, it was 2000. He had his own ministry. I’d never heard of him. I’d heard of his dad, but he wasn’t teaching there anymore. I didn’t know who he was, but he says, you ought to check out this David Horton guy. He is starting a fellowship with evangelist and he’s big on mentoring, so of course I’m like, yeah, I better check him out. We went, he had a school at the time called Priority one out on Skelly Drive here in Tulsa.

I think there was, I don’t know, seven or eight of us in the class, and several of us have gone on to full-time evangelism and we were just in tears as Jerry O’Dell would come and teach there and Stephen Steinle and David would teach of course. And it was just a great time of, it was something I really needed and learning. It was something like, I know you’re doing some mentoring and it was that finishing step that I didn’t realize I was ready to just launch out and do it. But working with another evangelist, closely interning, if you will, with another evangelist, it was essential.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:30):
What were some of the things that you learned?

Jeremy Gall (10:32):
The spirit of faith, you know, it could learn the concepts of it. You could understand that you could check the boxes, but just being around it and watching it work, just seeing somebody do it.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:48):
Yeah. There is something special about the faith of an evangelist.

Jeremy Gall (10:51):
Yeah, yeah. And to see somebody operate in the gift that you’re called to operate in, I think it’s essential. You get around it and it’s already in you, right? But you’re like, yeah, that’s it. That’s right, that’s right. Yeah. Yeah.

Joscelyne Gall (11:04):
There’s nothing like it. We sat in the first class, we had never met him. We had never seen him preach. We just knew from

Jeremy Gall (11:10):
That word. First time we heard him preach was in his school and we were in his school.

Joscelyne Gall (11:14):
We were like, we have to be there. So we just sat in that first class and we heard him start speaking and we just sat there with tears just pouring down our face, just tears

Jeremy Gall (11:23):
Said, this is right.

Joscelyne Gall (11:24):
This is where we’re supposed to be. This is we’re supposed to be, this is what we’re supposed to be doing. It was just so supernatural and so much of it’s like the practical, how toss do you, yeah, that sounds all good and nice. You feel called to do something and then you go out and you preach to everybody and it’s like, but how do you go from step A to that? There’s so many parts to fill in there and I just think that can look so big and so daunting to people and they’re like, I’m just praying in my little room and I’m supposed to go preach to millions. It’s like how do you get from there to there? I think that really helped

Jeremy Gall (12:02):
Us fill

Joscelyne Gall (12:03):
In those details and go from step to step to step.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:07):
What do you think are some of those steps that someone who’s listening who feels called to be an evangelist has that vision to reach millions and they’re starting to say, okay, what are some of the steps I need to go? What are some of the things you’ve learned over the years?

Jeremy Gall (12:22):
Yeah, I think that working with an how it is, there’s always going to be some exception. There’s going to be some person that God raises up on to make a hard, fast rule. But I think mentoring, we see it with Jesus. We see it with Paul and Timothy, and I just think that working with somebody for a while who’s called to do what you do, I know I needed it. And to grow up a little bit in that, see how it operates before you launch out. I think that’s a great step. And then just principles of just determine what God’s called you to do. And then Oral Roberts used to say, seek no more the confirmation of the flesh. Just confer, no, I forget his exact wording. Confer not again with flesh and blood. Something to that effect. And once you’re called to do it, just

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:11):
Basically don’t let anyone talk you out of what God told you to do.

Jeremy Gall (13:14):
Right. Once you’re called to do it, come hell or high water, do it

Joscelyne Gall (13:18):
Because they will. They’ll try.

Jeremy Gall (13:20):
Yeah. And trust God as your source for all of it. For finances, for open doors, for guidance, for connection, learn to leave heavy on God. Evangelism is miracle work. Every aspect of it. Conversion is miracle work. It’s not like teaching in a school like in an academy teaching somebody math. It’s conversion is miracle work. Evangelism is miracle work. Every aspect of it is miracles from open doors to not just the signs and wonders, not just the signs that confirm the word, but a lost person getting saved. That’s miracle work. So just get comfortable walking on water.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:59):
So you’ve been traveling around the United States here and you’ve seen God do some tremendous miracles. Share with me some of the miracles that you’ve seen.

Jeremy Gall (14:09):
Something with evangelism, and I always try to really make this an important point. I grew up here and I grew up in the church like you and I grew up here. Well, miracles really happen on the mission field. You want to see miracles, go to the mission field. I just always had a problem with that. I thought, well, if miracles happen on the mission field, then sick people in the western world, we better buy ’em plane tickets. If you need a miracle, you better get to India or Africa or Pakistan. Why are we even praying for people here? Let’s get ’em to wear miracles happen. The other thing is, where is the mission field? Can you show me on a map? Is there a border that once you cross, you’re there? So we always make it a point that miracles don’t just happen on the mission.

Miracles happen where Jesus said, whosoever believeth in me the works that I do what they do also. And where you believe in Jesus. And I think this is important now that Jesus said to a man in the Bible, he said, you people will not believe unless you see signs and wonders. And we need to turn things around in our nation. We need in the western world in general. And there is no other model than preaching the word with signs following. That’s not a developing nation model. That’s the model. So anyways, we’re preaching to the choir here. I know with your evangelist group. But so some things we’ve seen, I haven’t seen anything. And we’ve ministered in Vietnam and Honduras and Jamaica, a lot in Russia and haven’t seen anything in another nation that out was greater than things we’ve seen here. Once we were ministering up in years ago, ministering up in New England, conservative staunch New England.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:43):
It’s a mission field up there,

Jeremy Gall (15:44):
Right? Yeah. Rhode Island. We’re in Providence, Rhode Island, and a woman got out of a wheelchair who hadn’t walked in 43 years, pushed her own wheelchair in Rhode Island and we were ministering in Des Moines, Iowa. A woman was there who had had a stroke. Her name was candy. And we prayed for her on a Sunday night and she walked in and she shuffled. She shuffled in. She couldn’t see very well. She had had the stroke four years earlier. Somebody was guiding her up to the front. She’s just shuffling all the mental things that come with stroke damage. She had short memory problems and things like that. She shuffles up to the front and we pray for her and command in Jesus’ name. And she says, yeah, I feel a little better. She says, I feel like I could move a little better. She’s picking out people on the front row.

I could see people on the front row and she’s naming people she could see. I said, God’s working in your body. Can you come back tomorrow night? This was a Sunday night. Can you come back tomorrow night? She says, well, I can’t drive. Well, who would give her a ride? Somebody raises her hand, bring her tomorrow night. She shuffles out and they’re helping her. She walks in the next night, 100% whole. Her vision is whole. She’s walking. She had seen her doctor. It was perfect timing for a doctor’s visit. We prayed for a Sunday night. Monday, she had a doctor’s appointment. He tested her. She went from 95% nerve damage to 0.001% nerve damage. And his name was Dr. Palmer. He was so shocked that he called her pastor. The doctor called her pastor and said, this is a miracle that took place. So she walks in whole normal. Well, Jesus is the same here as he is in Pakistan or India. Praise God. One that one more. We share one more. Go for it. One that I love to share just because of the dramatic of it and it just kind of illustrates how we need it right now in this country, is we were ministering down in Augusta, Georgia where we had actually seen Matt and Susie Judge Church in Augusta, Georgia, a good news church. And we’d actually seen a revival breakout there. We went down for a week and ended up staying two months. Wow. And it’s interesting. Preaching

Joscelyne Gall (17:51):
Every night.

Jeremy Gall (17:51):
Preaching every night. The church was started out of a David Horton tent meeting, and Susie Judd, her maiden name’s Kennedy, Ralph and Martha were on Brother Hagen’s board. So they got a lot of history, this church down there and in Augusta. So we went down to do a week of meetings. It ended up being two months. We came back the next summer and did two months, and this might’ve been our third year down there with them, that this story happened third

Joscelyne Gall (18:13):
Or fourth year.

Jeremy Gall (18:14):
And it was an amazing thing. There was people going out on the streets and there was just as many miracles happening on the streets as in the services. There was a woman who got a 14-year-old girl, got a guy out of a wheelchair on the street. It went out in street teams, but

Joscelyne Gall (18:30):
Deaf ears opening on the street,

Jeremy Gall (18:31):
On the streets. In Augusta. In Augusta, Georgia. So one of the stories that happened though, I think it was the third year we were down with him, that pastor’s daughter had invited, a pastor’s daughter, had invited this young guy, 21-year-old guy to go jet skiing with him and come on, he’s living in Charleston. Come into town for the weekend, go jet skiing. So they drag him to church on Sunday morning. They wake up, he came in Saturday night, they wake up Sunday morning to go to church. He’s like, I don’t do that. He’s an atheist. I’m agnostic maybe. And he says, I don’t do that church thing. That’s your thing. They said, no, you’re going to church. They drag him to church. Almost literally. You’re going to church. He comes Sunday morning. I wasn’t speaking Sunday morning. They were doing a conference. It was another guy, a friend of mine, Greg Barber. He was pastoring in Colorado at the time. He talked about how he got filled with the Holy Ghost and this made an impression on this. The guy’s name was Vinny, this 21-year-old guy who came, made an impression on him. He’s like, my god, these people really believe this and

Joscelyne Gall (19:30):
You guys are crazy.

Jeremy Gall (19:31):
Yeah, you guys are kind of crazy. Believe in speaking in tongues. And he was really disappointed that he didn’t get to hear somebody do it, praying the Holy Ghost

Joscelyne Gall (19:42):
Because they ushered everyone out to do it in a back room. Yeah, just

Jeremy Gall (19:46):

Joscelyne Gall (19:48):
And he’s like,

Jeremy Gall (19:48):
What? Get he disappointed?

Joscelyne Gall (19:50):
See it? What is this speaking in tongues thing? What’s it sound like?

Jeremy Gall (19:53):
And then they announce a miracle service for Sunday night. So he gets dragged Sunday morning, he asks to come Sunday night. So he comes Sunday night, 21 years old, cool guy about 10 years ago, right? And so he is sitting there and we’re praying for people and people are bending over doing things they couldn’t do before. And he’s seeing things happening. I preached on, what did you come for that night? They came to Jesus to hear him be healed. So what did Vinny come for? He came, he wanted to hear somebody speak in tongues and he wanted to see what these crazy people actually believed. They really believe this stuff. So we’re praying for people and we hear later, he tells us this story. He’s thinking in his own mind, he says, it seems like these people are sincere, but it’s not enough to change what I believe is his private conversation.

In his mind, if God’s really speaking to this, he’d know I was here and he’d know what was wrong with me. He said, and what he was thinking of specifically that was wrong with him was he was deaf in his left ear. Doctors had removed a tumor when he was 15 years old. It left him deaf. They knew it would leave him deaf in his left ear, and he had no feeling it was numb to the touch because of nerve damage. So he says, if God’s really speaking to this guy, he’d know I was here and he’d know what was wrong with me. Now at that moment, of course, not knowing any of this, I said, wait, I forgot to minister to ears. Now this will help you got a lot of ministers listening. I’m telling you, it was not like thus sayeth the Lord. I’m just thinking, oh, it’s like, oh, I forgot to turn off the oven or something. That’s just how it came to me. It seemed very natural at the time.

Joscelyne Gall (21:28):
Well, and you were in the middle of a closing prayer,

Jeremy Gall (21:31):
Literal. I was wrapping up the

Joscelyne Gall (21:32):
Service. You literally were saying, Lord bless ’em as they get home that there’s just keep ’em safe driving. That’s the kind of prayer he was praying. And then he is like, wait a minute.

Jeremy Gall (21:41):
Wait. I forgot to minister to ears. Got to kind of dealt with me about ears earlier during the day. And I said, oh man, I forgot to do that. And it just came to my memory, seemed very natural, very normal. But then I started, well no, there’s somebody here and there’s another aspect of it. There’s somebody here and there’s something blocking your right ear. I said, now Vinny, like he said, it was his left ear. I probably said right ear like three or four times and just how perfect God is. I don’t know what happened between me saying right ear and the skeptic who is deaf in his left ear. He’s not the guy who’s there saying, oh, I hope it’s me. He’s a skeptic. He’s basically kind of like, well prove it. If it’s real, you

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (22:16):
Got the wrong ear.

Jeremy Gall (22:17):
Right, right, right. And he did not think, well, this guy’s not me. He’s got the wrong no. He’s like, yeah, he’s talking to me. He’s talking to me. Right. And so I said, well, I’m just going to command in Jesus’ name, and those ears will be open. And didn’t ask anybody to come up, just prayed commanded in the name of Jesus’ ears, be open. And he said later we heard the story. He said at that moment it was like static on a radio coming in. And he just heard a little bit of static in his ear and he said, pop, his ear popped open. He said he was chewing gum. He was so shocked that he swallowed his gum. He was so blown away by what happened. And I give an invitation for people to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. He got born again. He didn’t come forward. He just did it in his seat and he prayed. He’s terrified. He doesn’t say anything to anybody. Not to the people who bring him to the meeting or anything. We go,

Joscelyne Gall (23:05):
Did you say what he heard?

Jeremy Gall (23:06):
Oh, the first thing he hears when the hearing came in, he said, was the woman sitting next to him praying in the Holy Ghost out of his ear that was formally deaf

Joscelyne Gall (23:14):
When he came.

Jeremy Gall (23:15):
That’s a Pentecostal story right there, man. He wanted to know what it sounded like. First thing he heard when his deaf ear opens was so he’s terrified. And I go back to the pastor’s office, the pastor Matt’s office, Jo, he finds Jocelyn finally. He’s like, I got to tell you what happened. And he tells this story. She comes and gets me. She says, you got to hear this.

Joscelyne Gall (23:36):
I’m like, pause, please.

Jeremy Gall (23:37):

Joscelyne Gall (23:37):
Going to want to hear this.

Jeremy Gall (23:38):
You got to hear this. She comes and gets me from the office. I come out, I said, Vinny, that’s incredible. He tells me this story. I, God opened his deaf. I said, can I pray for you? And I don’t mean just can I pray just about for God’s doing something in your life? He said, no, no, no. He holds out his hand. It’s like this. He’s shaken like a leaf. He’s terrified. He said, this is a lot for me. I said, yeah, I guess you woke up that morning an atheist and went to bed with your deaf ear opened up. That’ll shake up your

Joscelyne Gall (24:07):
Worldview. That’s a lot.

Jeremy Gall (24:09):
Yeah. Well, he went on with God did get filled with the Holy Ghost himself. But yeah, that was in Augusta. That wasn’t in Pakistan or Moscow or Yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (24:19):
Well God works the same no matter where he is.

Jeremy Gall (24:21):
Same Jesus. Same Jesus. Amen.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (24:24):
Alright, I got another question for Cohen here. It’s been said that God does not have any grandchildren. He only has children. And so when you’re young, you serve God because your parents drag you to church. And a lot of people have drug problems. They got drug to church a lot.

Jeremy Gall (24:44):
That’s good.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (24:46):
But then at some point you have to make a decision to choose to follow God. And so where were you in your life, where you made that decision that you’re going to serve God? Not just because your parents are but for yourself?

Coen Gall (25:02):
Honestly, that’s a great question. Honestly though, for me it was really early. I really believe that they did a great job making it so that we had a relationship with God ourselves. Like they said, they made us a part of everything with ministry and things like that. And because of that, I believe it really made it not even be that drastic of a thing. Like, oh, I’m choosing to follow God. It was very much like I had a relationship with God very early on. And with because of that, even feeling called was very, very early on and all that sort of stuff. And I believe that that’s really the key to it, is making sure that they have a relationship with God themselves by having them involved. And I think that was something that was with me. I was always involved. And so I don’t really know if I really have a specific point where I’m like, oh, this was when it happened. Talk

Joscelyne Gall (25:58):
To me. When did you get saved though?

Coen Gall (26:00):
Well, I got saved when I was like

Joscelyne Gall (26:02):

Coen Gall (26:02):
Three. And I got filled with the spirit when I was like four.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (26:07):
That’s a great testimony. I’m very similar. I’ve got saved at three. I was filled with the Holy Spirit when I was four.

Jeremy Gall (26:13):

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (26:14):
God. Called into the ministry at five, preached my first sermon at six, became a missionary with my parents at 10. I wrote my first book at 14 What? And then started doing Crusades when I was about 20. And so I love it. It’s great. I love because I got a headstart on everybody else. That’s good. Alright, so talk to me a little bit about what you feel God is doing among generation Z and then the younger generation, the generation alpha. It seems like there’s been a shift where like Gen X, which I’m probably Gen X, there was a lot of skepticism towards the things of God, but it seems that with Gen Z, there is genuine hunger for real spirituality. Not necessarily what we find in the church, but people are hungry for something. What do you feel God wants to do among your generation?

Coen Gall (27:15):
I really believe that, that people are getting excited. Just like you said. I think that people there, they’re done with just plain old empty religion and they’re ready for something real and going to Rama meeting like-minded people. I’ve really seen that. And I’ve met a lot of people that are just ready to step out into ministry and do what God’s called them to do and really be real with it, not just some empty religion. And I really believe God’s doing something. I really believe that everyone’s been saying we’re getting close to something big with God. And I believe that people are starting to feel that. And God’s starting to place people into the positions they need to be. And I believe that’s starting to happen with this generation and even the generation after. And honestly, I mean people are as excited, like you say. I could just tell. And I’ve got friends who are also feeling called to be evangelists and stuff. And I’m hearing this and I’m like, this is great. Other people who want to see miracles and the loss saved. And I’m like, that’s awesome. That is awesome.

Joscelyne Gall (28:27):
What about the lost? The Lost? Have you

Coen Gall (28:30):
Noticed that among the Lost?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (28:31):
What about the Lost?

Coen Gall (28:32):
Yeah. No, I mean I feel like it’s the same as every generation that when it comes down to it, some people are going to resist it. But when it comes down to it, miracles are what always cut through. And I think miracles work, they always have. They worked in all those healing revivals and they’ll work today. And I believe that this younger generation, it’s not going to be some new thing that’s going to reach them, but it’s going to be being the Bible kind of believer and being the Bible kind of evangelist pastor, et cetera, et cetera, which is bringing miracles, which is bringing healing, which is bringing what God wants us to do. I mean, we see the great commission, we see go into all the world and preach the gospel. And then what do we see? We see the plan for how we should carry that out. And that’s miracles. That’s miracles. And then we see the disciples acting out on the Great Commission. It says that signs and Warners confirmed the word Jesus was with them, with signs and Warners confirming the word. And I believe that that’s what’s going to reach this generation. And I believe that’s what springs up that hunger for them. Amen.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (29:41):
Alright, give the microphone to your mom. You mentioned miracles and one of the things that every evangelist needs is miracles of provision. It always takes a lot of resources in order to be in ministry, to do ministry. What are some of the divine miracles of provision that your family has seen?

Joscelyne Gall (30:01):
Well, I’m going to start with when we first stepped out into ministry. So I had my daughter. My daughter was a 1-year-old, and Jeremy was working night shift and he was interning with or working with David. David, but it was like a volunteer position. And so he would go out here and there and do a weekend with him somewhere and then come back or teach in a conference all the morning sessions or something. And so anyways, David came to him. So we’re working with him, we’re doing all of that. And David comes to him and he says, I’ve got a specific meeting that I’m going to,

Jeremy Gall (30:52):
This is April, 2003.

Joscelyne Gall (30:55):
And he says, I would love for you to come, but it’s just not in the budget to get you there and all that. He’s like, but if you can get there, if you can fund your own way, you can preach in all the sessions and everything.

Jeremy Gall (31:08):
We were in Tulsa and the meeting was in Roanoke, Virginia.

Joscelyne Gall (31:13):
And at this time when Eden was about one, I started seeing, it’s getting to be close. We’re getting to be about at the time, just sensing it, sensing it, just sensing it. That in prayer and everything that we’re going to be stepping out full-time pretty soon. And so just every time he would leave for work, I would just claim and I would say, thank you, Lord, that we are in full-time ministry. Because you could start seeing the grace starting to lift. You know what I mean?

Jeremy Gall (31:43):
Which is important for an evangelist, easier to have, be bivocational as a pastor, a little more difficult when you got to leave for large amounts of time. But

Joscelyne Gall (31:53):
Yeah, yeah. So he invited us to go, you get back from that meeting with him and you come and tell me, and you are sitting at the couch, maybe kneeling at the couch, praying, laying

Jeremy Gall (32:04):
Something, laying on the couch. Yeah, I remember.

Joscelyne Gall (32:06):
And I’m like, what is he doing? So yeah, tell that part,

Jeremy Gall (32:09):
Just how that, so we were invited to go do this meeting, and at the time if I had stayed home and worked, we probably still needed God to really help us to have enough miracle to pay all the bills and without leaving and adding this trip across the country. This is 2003 where Yeah, new baby and were, so he asked me, he said, you could go, like she said, but you’ll have to pay. So it’s just not in our budget to cover it. Excuse me, travel expenses. So she sat out and praying on the couch, and you came out and said, what am I praying about?

Joscelyne Gall (32:42):
And he told me, and I was like, is it just money? Is money the only thing that you’re like, why haven’t you said yes to this? And he was like, well, yeah. And I’m like, no, money’s never a good reason to not do ministry. And it’s still the case, right? I mean, it’s never a good reason. I mean, if the God of all of the universe, the God that created the stars, we see the mountains. We see if he really is God and he is telling you to go do something, money should not be the thing to get in the way of that. I mean, that’s ridiculous. So we were just like, right. And so he’s like, okay, I’m going to call him. I’m going to tell him

Jeremy Gall (33:21):
She inspired,

Joscelyne Gall (33:21):
We’re going. And so yeah, you called to tell him. And then we went out and found our tires. Were flat.

Jeremy Gall (33:30):
It is just a funny thing. So she inspired me and I

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (33:33):
Said, you’re right. That was the devil. That was the devil. So then I go to work trying to deflate all the air out of your tires, deflate your spirit, tell you it’s true. Man, that’s a very real problem.

Jeremy Gall (33:46):
That Flat Tire was a real illustration of the devil’s attack, and I had to drive that car across the country. So yeah, she inspired me though. I’m

Joscelyne Gall (33:55):
Sorry it into one tire specifically, but yeah.

Jeremy Gall (33:57):
And that was that thing. She’s like, yeah, money’s not a good reason not to do ministry. I’m like, bless God. You’re right. We’re going. So I call him, I said, put me on the schedule. I’ll be there. We’re going then the flat tire. So

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (34:10):
A lot of people have that excuse. I’m too tired to be in ministry.

Jeremy Gall (34:14):
Yeah, yeah. No, it’s God or he is not. And my God, it’s a lifetime journey to realize how big he is and how much he’s able to do. And so the tire’s flat. I take it to a tire shop in town. They’re like, it’s fixed. Alright, great. Praise God. Then next night I go to work, I wake up in the morning, it’s flat again. Take it to another tire shop. They say it’s fixed. Same scenario, two times, two different tire shops. Two times my tires flat. I said, my Lord, not only have we committed to go across the country, I need new tires now. So we’re believing God for

Joscelyne Gall (34:47):
It to

Jeremy Gall (34:47):
Get us across the country to get us to this meeting. So we’re just praying. And my mom calls me, thank God my mom’s a believer and out of nowhere, and she says, what’s going on with your tires? Just that’s all. She says to me, what’s going on with your tires? I said, why do you ask? I’m, you’re not just taking a survey here. Why do you ask?

Joscelyne Gall (35:06):
We’re careful not to tip our hand around. I’ve just been

Jeremy Gall (35:08):
Praying for you in your tires. I’ve been thinking about your tires all week. And I said, well, mom, here’s what’s going on. And she said, well, I’ll get back to you. She called my grandmother, who was alive at the time and calls me back and says, well, we want to buy you a new set of tires. And I said, well, praise God. So then I saw, well, God’s in this. He’s helping us. It was a great encouragement to me, far greater than the value of just the tires. It was just the knowing that God is with this, he’s in this.

Joscelyne Gall (35:33):
Yeah, God was working. He was making things prepared for us. Do the trip.

Jeremy Gall (35:38):
Yeah. So we went out, drove out, packed up Eden and went out with David Horton and did this campaign with him. Yeah,

Joscelyne Gall (35:44):

Jeremy Gall (35:46):
Go ahead. Go ahead. Yeah, yeah. But then we went out there and did the meetings and it was hard getting out there, but it was good meetings. And then it was after we finished on a Sunday night, I preached a couple day sessions, helped minister to the sick and the Knights, and then we preached. The last meeting was on a Sunday night. Then we went out to a Pizza hut in Bradford, Virginia or Radford, Virginia, near Roanoke. And we’re sitting there at the table having pizza. It was David and Joseph, bro is crusade director at the time. Jocelyn and I were there and our daughter Eden and Cohen wasn’t born yet. And he says, well, how was your trip out here? And I start talking to him, well, it was pretty rough and this and that. And then he interrupts me while I’m answering his question. He interrupts me and he says, wait, I want to talk to you about your ministry. And just by the spirit, just by the posture and the intensity, I knew he was by the spirit. He said, I want to talk to you about your ministry. What are you waiting for? Why don’t you step out and see what God will do? And he exhorted us for an hour and a half. And we knew at that minute that we were supposed to step out into full-time ministry. He

Joscelyne Gall (36:48):
Said a few key things that were very, very pivotal for us. It was, what’s holding you back? You’re at this place now. He’s like, if it’s your couch getting in the way, you have a couch payment. Take your couch out in the backyard and burn it out. Burn it. He was just meaning, don’t let anything get in the way of what God has for you.

Jeremy Gall (37:08):
Yeah. He said a couple things just in that supernatural time of exploitation that I think would help any evangelists. One, you only need one meeting at a time. He said, you kind of think, well, I need a hundred or what I need. And he said, you only need one at a time. And then he said, there’s never a perfect time to step out. There’s never a perfect time. And he says, you guys, you’re young. You don’t have some kind of career. It’s easier for you than a lot of people. What do you got to lose if anything went wrong? You just go back and get another job. He is like, there’s never a perfect time to do it.

Joscelyne Gall (37:38):
And the step of faith always comes before the provision.

Jeremy Gall (37:40):
The step of faith always comes before the provision. And he just exhorted us for about an hour and a half. And I said, all right. I said, this is it. Jocelyn and I were both in a hundred period. We sat in the car, remember we were walked out. The crusade director, Joseph bro, gave us a Pentecostal handshake as we call it, a handshake with I think $20 in it, right?

Joscelyne Gall (37:59):
I don’t remember.

Jeremy Gall (38:00):
50 maybe.

Joscelyne Gall (38:01):
Yeah, maybe.

Jeremy Gall (38:01):
And that was the first offering to Jeremy Gall Ministries. And

Joscelyne Gall (38:06):
He hadn’t even talked about it yet.

Jeremy Gall (38:07):
Hadn’t even talked about it yet. He just felt led to do it. And so we sat in the car and I said, well, are we doing this? We’re sitting in the car and Yeah, I’m going back to Tulsa. I’m putting in my two weeks.

Joscelyne Gall (38:19):
And I said, that’s exactly what I was going to say.

Jeremy Gall (38:20):
Yeah. So we go back to Tulsa from this meeting, put in two weeks. And those, yeah, I still live by those phrases. Step of faith always comes to, before the provision, there’s never a perfect time to do what God tells you to do. And so we go back, I put in two weeks. I’ll never forget, my boss, my manager at the time, he said, will this decision be financially advantageous to you? I said, absolutely. Absolutely. I quit my job, put in that two week notice without one meeting on paper, not one. I didn’t have family in ministry. I didn’t know anybody in ministry. I mean, I knew people in ministry, but I mean some network that I could rely upon,

Joscelyne Gall (38:58):
There was no one close. You could be like, Hey, would you do me a favor? I

Jeremy Gall (39:00):
Knew David. And in fact, so I put in those two weeks, I get a week into that two week notice, and I’m starting, fear is trying to get you put in your two week notice. I’m one week into two. I’m still at zero meetings one week into two. And I remember I was sitting at work at that desk working security, and I started to write down the names of the three pastors I knew, and I wrote ’em down. And in my mind, human reasoning is so ridiculous. I’m thinking, how many times would I have to preach for these three guys to be in full-time ministry? And so I write down these three guys names, and as I do, the Lord spoke to me distinctly, one of the strongest ways he ever has. And he said, I mean these words, I did not call you to make a decision based on natural circumstances.

I called you to take a step of faith to activate a miracle. And I was like, okay, A miracle’s different. You can’t figure it out. You can’t reason it out. It’s a miracle. So I said, all right. This is a miracle. I’m not going to write down and try to reason it out. This is a miracle. So we’re in miracle territory here. I said, all right. I made the adjustment in my heart, in my mind. A couple days later, a guy calls me. He went to Rama with me, and I told him that I was stepping out into ministry, but I didn’t tell him that I, I talked to anybody about it or anything. I just said, Hey, we’re stepping out. We made the decision. We’re excited. He was a real close friend of mine.

Joscelyne Gall (40:30):
He was in the evangelist

Jeremy Gall (40:31):
Us, Jeremy Kna. He was in the evangelist group with us. So I had told him, he calls me a couple of days after the Lord spoke to me when I was writing down, trying to reason out the miracle. And he calls me and he says, Hey, I talked to my pastor. He’ll have you in Never ask him. He was working at a church in Elkins, West Virginia, church of God. And he said, my pastor said, I’ll have yin. He said, what do you have open? I said,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (40:54):
Well, let me check my calendar. Exactly. Right, right, right, right, right. How’s next weekend?

Jeremy Gall (40:59):
That’s exactly what I said. That’s exactly what I said. And I approached it exactly like you did. Well, let me look, brother and see, I think I could squeeze you in. So he says, what do you have open? I’ll never forget that. What do you have open? I have nothing, but I only have open at this time. It’s only open.

Joscelyne Gall (41:18):
The rest of my life is open.

Jeremy Gall (41:21):
It’s all open. And I said exactly what you said. How about next weekend? He said, I’ll ask him. Yeah, yeah. Come on out. So that was it. I finished my two weeks. We left with one Sunday morning, Sunday night meeting. You worked all night meeting on paper

Joscelyne Gall (41:34):
Before we left.

Jeremy Gall (41:35):
Yeah. Yeah. And just drove out

Joscelyne Gall (41:37):
All night. And then instantly we had to drive right out right afterwards. And

Jeremy Gall (41:42):
That was it.

Joscelyne Gall (41:42):
It was a bit crazy. I mean, we didn’t even stop till we changed Eden’s diaper in the car. We did everything in the car on the, to just get to that first meeting,

Jeremy Gall (41:52):
Flying. Yeah. And so we get there Sunday morning, Sunday night. There was some things that, it was funny. First thing that happened, I had a little bit of detail. We’re praying for the sick. I gave an invitation the morning. It was a decent 70, 75 people in rural West Virginia. My point being that there was definitely somebody there that needed healing, gave an invitation for people to come forward. Nobody comes forward. I talked to the pastor between services, and I’m like, well, nobody came. Nobody wanted ministry. I’m like, everybody’s fixed up. I said, praise God. I said, that’s good. I said, I am laughing with them, trying to get a feel for what’s going on. He says, well, my people are backwards. Nobody wants to be first. So I’m praying in the afternoon before the night service, and I’m thinking of TL Osborne Prayer and Mass. I’m like, well, I’ll just pray for ’em in their seats.

Nobody wants to come forward. We’ll do that. So night service comes, and again, who wants to be ministered to? Nobody moves, nobody comes forward. I said, alright, plan B, we’re going to pray a mass. I’m going to pray for you right in your seats, right where you’re at. And we ministered to people and testimonies. Then, oh man, I was in a car accident five years ago or whatever, and I couldn’t move. I could move my neck. And then now, who would like to have hands? Like now people are coming down, we’re praying for people. And pastor. Then after towards the close of the service, he said, old school who would come back tomorrow night, we’re only scheduled for Sunday morning, Sunday night. He says, who would come back tomorrow? People raise their hands. So now we got a Monday night meeting. And so we preached that Monday night meeting, and this is before we had a cell phone. Some people did, but we didn’t have a cell phone yet in oh three. And we get back from that Sunday night service or Monday night service, the one he added. And we get these calls from these pastors that we had never heard of, that we never, Hey, when could you come and preach for me? And it was somehow through my friend and his family and that word, this

Joscelyne Gall (43:44):
Family that knew other people, that knew other people. I mean, we still don’t know the exact line of how it all happened.

Jeremy Gall (43:51):
When can you come and preach for me? How about next Sunday? Sure. How about another pastor? How about Sunday after next? Yeah, that was Mother’s Day, I remember. And it was a miracle. It was God say, I didn’t call you to make a decision based on natural circumstances. Take a step of faith to activate a miracle. And that would be to share. This isn’t just for us. This isn’t, oh, how special the galls are, but God backs whoever he calls and whoever’s listening today,

Joscelyne Gall (44:15):

Jeremy Gall (44:16):
Back you up. If he’s called you to do something, he’ll help you. And don’t figure out your own resources or what you could do. Me writing down the names of those three pastors, it’s like, well, how much money do I have to do what God’s called me to do? How much connections do I have? How much ability do I have? We can’t depend on our own ability. I can’t do what’s required of an evangelist and myself that’s not in the physical makeup of Jeremy Gall. That’s from God. And if he’s called you to do something, he’ll provide. He’ll open the doors, he’ll make the way. He’ll back you up. And I could testify. He’s faithful to those he calls. Amen. Praise God.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (44:53):
Amen. Well, if someone’s listening and they want to invite you to come to their church or maybe support your ministry, how can they find out more information about you? What’s your website?

Jeremy Gall (45:05):
We’ve got jeremy gall ministries.com. Right? Is it.com? Yeah. I should know better than that. And Facebook’s great. We’re on Facebook. Jeremy Gall Ministries is on Facebook, and we could keep on contact with that. No problem.

Joscelyne Gall (45:17):

Jeremy Gall (45:18):
Instagram. All of the above.

Joscelyne Gall (45:20):
Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (45:21):
Awesome. Well, let’s finish by praying for those who are listening. Yes. Would you just pray that God would give those listening, the spirit of faith to be an evangelist, praise God, and to trust God for provision, to trust God for miracles and to just have that spirit of faith that it takes to stay in the ministry?

Jeremy Gall (45:43):
Yes. Let’s pray. And thank you so much for having us today. This has just been an honor and a blessing to be with you. Yeah. Father, we just thank you that you are faithful. God, you are such a faithful, faithful, father Lord. You are still calling people into the ministry today. You’ve not stopped and you’ve not stopped calling Evangelist. I’m sure there’s young and old men and women from all different races and nations out there listening today and whenever they’re listening to this, that Father, you’ve called them, you’ve called them, and you’ve got a plan for them. And Lord, we ask you to rise up big inside of them by your Holy Spirit and Father to help them, empower them to believe you for great and mighty things. Father, we ask you to be seen in their life in a mighty way. Lead and guide them.

Father, encourage them, Lord, in the call that you’ve called them to do. Father, I thank you that you don’t have a plan for destruction or embarrassment or just failure. But Father, you’ve got to plan for their success. You’ve got to plan for them to be fruitful, and you’ve got to plan for them to be fulfilled. And Lord, I thank you that they can trust you because you’re trustworthy. They can rely upon you because you’re reliable, and they could depend on you because more than anything in this world, more than any natural framework, father, they can count on you. And Lord, we thank you that those listening today, that feel, yeah, I’ve got a call. I know God’s called me to do something. I know God’s called me to evangelism, specifically, Lord, we thank you that you’re able to bring it to pass just like Abraham.

It may seem impossible for them today. They may be looking at the circumstances of their life and they look like Sarah’s womb and they look like Abraham’s age. And it looks like there’s no way that what God has spoken to my heart could come to pass. But we count you faithful today, father, we say you’re well able to do that what you promised you would do. And Father, we just come on. And Father, we just know on behalf of the loss that we need every one of us to be in position doing what we’re called to do. We need to fulfill our part to the lost and dying of this generation. And Lord, we thank you that you’re able to bring it to pass in our lives in Jesus name.

Joscelyne Gall (47:58):
Lord, I just ask you, father, that you would just deal with these people right now. Just give ’em the steps, the next step that’s right in front of ’em. They might not see just the whole entire staircase yet. They just might see maybe that next step that they have to take, whether it’s, I’m going to volunteer with this ministry. I’m going to hook up with this church. I’m going to join this prayer team here. I’m going to start going out and evangelizing just on my own on the street, whatever that might look like. Lord, give them the steps. Just cause them to see what’s next. In Jesus’ name. I thank you, father, as they continue to obey, as you keep giving them specifics, that next step, they’ll get the next one and they’ll get the next one, and they’ll get the next one, and they’ll get the next one. And they’ll look back 20 some years down the road and they’ll be like, wow, look where I am now. Look how God did this. Look how God put us in the ministry. I thank you, father for just supernatural

Coen Gall (49:01):

Joscelyne Gall (49:02):
Hallelujah. On those called to be evangelists. I pray Father, for grace on families in Jesus’ name. Family is so often the reason that people don’t step out and do evangelism. And I just pray for a supernatural dose of grace, supernatural ability, Lord, to come that just all of a sudden things are just lining up. All of a sudden people’s thoughts are changing and oh, maybe I would like to travel more often. Maybe I could teach, maybe homeschool the kids if necessary. Whatever needs to happen, Lord, to get them there, I pray, God, you do what needs to be done. Hallelujah. You prepare every family member, because every family member is perfectly placed in that family. They will each be grazed for what you have called them to. And I ask you, father, for just, I thank you, Lord. They will be safest in the path of your will, Lord,

Jeremy Gall (49:51):
Thank you Jesus.

Joscelyne Gall (49:52):
They will be safest in the path of your will, Lord, get them to where they are supposed to go. Give them boldness to preach your word as they ought to preach. Lord, stretch forth your hand to heal. And Lord cause signs and wonders to be done by your holy child, Jesus, in their life, in their ministry. In Jesus name,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (50:11):
Amen. Amen. Amen. Well, thank you guys for being on the Evangelism podcast. Thank you. Thank you so

Joscelyne Gall (50:18):
Much. Thank you so much. This was a joy.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (50:20):
Thank you very much. All right.


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