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Missions From A-Z – From America to Zambia

Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega. Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet and Omega is the last letter. Jesus is the beginning and the end. He loves every nation on earth, from A to Z. I have ministered in many countries, but Zambia is the first nation I have ministered in that begins with the letter Z. To me, going from America to Zambia was symbolic of our desire to follow the command of Jesus to “Go into all the world.”

Our outreach to the city of Ndola was led by the Global Network of Evangelists, a ministry of Luis Palau. The goal of this outreach was to reach out to every level of society in the city. The outreach was a great success. Over the course of a week, we ministered face-to-face to over 141,373+ people in Ndola during the Love Zambia Festival with 24,474 people giving their lives to Christ, including 271 recommitments. I am thankful for Desmond Henry and the staff of the Global Network of Evangelists for organizing all the ministry.

Outreach to the Government

When I arrived, we had the privilege of meeting the Provincial Minister of the Copperbelt region. He reports directly to the President of Zambia. The main export of Zambia is copper. Half of the world’s copper comes from the mines in this area.

I shared a story about the great evangelist George Whitefield who once ministered to the coal miners of England. He stood outside the mines and preached and as the coal miners got saved their tears made white tracks down their cheeks. So many miners got saved that the donkeys who worked in the mines were confused about whether they should stop or go because so many of the miners stopped cussing. I told the Provincial Minister that we would pray that God would send the same revival to the miners of the Copperbelt region of Zambia.

The Provincial Minister welcomed us to preach the Gospel in Ndola. He told us that the President of Zambia has declared that Zambia is a Christian nation! He asked us to pray for the economic growth of the region, but he said that the greatest battle that needs to be won is the spiritual battle. He lifted his Bible in the air and said that everyone in his region needs to read and obey the Word of God.

Outreach on the Streets

A pickup truck with a small sound system and a generator is all you need to attract a couple hundred kids for a mini-Gospel festival. We sent these Gospel trucks out to many locations around the city each day.

At one street meeting, when I gave an altar call a woman named Mika Chanda came forward. She fell to her knees, lifted her hands in the air, and cried out to God. Tears streamed down her face as she repented for her sins. God touched her and by the time we left she was smiling.

My goal is to lead a million people to Jesus every year. A million is a big number. But you have to remember that every number represents a face, a name, an individual. Heaven is celebrating that Mika Chanda had an opportunity to hear about Jesus and respond to His love.

Outreach to the Young People in the Schools

Zambia is full of young people. Zambia has more than 4.8 million young people aged 15-35. They represent 36.7% of Zambia’s population. That’s why we visited schools to proclaim the Gospel to children and teenagers. Our school outreach was led by Kubamba, a team of young adults from Kenya. They lived in Zambia for four months and ministered at over one hundred schools.

At each school, they encourage the young people to make the right choices in life. They use music from a live DJ to get the kids excited. Then they do a drama about how Jesus can set people free from every kind of vice and addiction. The drama begins with a young man who is being called by Jesus. But soon he is distracted by a girl who encourages him to listen to secular music and to promote himself on social media. Then he is tempted by a man who offers him money. Next comes drinking alcohol and addiction to drugs. He gives into the temptation of pornography and sexual promiscuity. A witch does witchcraft over his life and he is attacked by thoughts of depression and suicide. The entire time an actor playing the part of Jesus is calling him. Finally demons come to torment the man. Jesus steps in and fights the demons and overcomes the devil. Jesus takes all the man’s sins and places them on Himself and gives the man a sign that says, “Saved.” When the school kids see the drama their hearts are open to give their lives to Jesus.

Outreach to Business Leaders

We asked the local churches to invite business leaders and young professionals from across the city to a lunch meeting on Friday. They gathered in the ball room of the hotel we stayed at and we fed them lunch. Since young professionals consider appointments and schedules to be of great importance, I preached to them a message I originally heard from Evangelist Daniel Kolenda about the importance of the calendar. Here’s what I said to them:

Did you know that God has a calendar for your life? Who wants to know what is on God’s calendar for your life? In Ecclesiastes 3:2, it says, “there is a time to be born.” So God knows the day of your birth. Your birthday is written on God’s calendar.

Hebrews 9:27 says, “It is appointed onto man once to die.” This means that death is not an accident. Death is an appointment. The day and the time of your death is written on God’s calendar.

There is another day written on God’s calendar for your life. It is the day of salvation. Would you like to know which day is written in God’s calendar for your salvation? If you could peek over God’s shoulder and look at his calendar for your life it would say, “Today is the day of your salvation.”

In 2 Corinthians 6:2 the Bible says, “now is the day of salvation.” It does not even say, “TODAY is the day of salvation.” It is more urgent than that. It says, “NOW is the day of salvation.”

If a man is drowning in the river, he does not need to be saved sometime today. He needs to be saved NOW. This is how important salvation is to God. He says, “NOW, not just today.”

How can you tell if you are hearing God’s voice? God always says, “NOW.” The devil always says, “Tomorrow” because the Devi knows a secret. Tomorrow does not exist. Tomorrow is just an idea. You do not have tomorrow and you may not ever have tomorrow. All you have is this moment. Right now.

There are people in hell right now, not because they said, “no” to Jesus, but because the devil convinced them they could say “yes” to Jesus tomorrow. But tomorrow never came.

Today is your day of salvation. Now is the time for you to be saved. When I gave the altar call, many of the business leaders gave their lives to Jesus.

Outreach at the Love Zambia Festival

Jesus made His disciples “fishers of men.” As evangelists we are fishing for souls. Every fisherman knows that in order to catch fish you have to use the right bait. In order to reach young people we used soccer, bike tricks, juggling, music, and bouncy houses to get people to come hear the Gospel. As everyone partied, we preached the Good News about Jesus.

Thousands of people responded to the message and gave their hearts to God. After the people prayed for salvation, they were met by councilors who helped them to fill out a decision card and gave them a copy of the Gospel of John.

One elder lady broke into tears when she received the Gospel of John. Holding it close to her heart, she exclaimed, “Surely God has not forgotten us.” There is nothing better than bringing hope to those in desperate need of it.




Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

The Democratic Republic of Congo

Gandajika Gospel Crusade

It was the biggest crowd in the history of our ministry. How big was the crowd? What message caused thousands of people to come to Jesus? What are the three biggest miracles God has ever done? Watch this video above to find out. Tears came to my eyes the first time I watched it.

Power to Preach the Gospel

To preach the Gospel you must have POWER…first you need the power of the Holy Spirit but you also need the power of a generator to run the sound system. Yesterday, our generator got stuck in a muddy rut in the road so the crusade team was scrambling to find a replacement.

In the town of Gandajika, Congo DRC they were able to find only one generator powerful enough to run the sound system. But the generator was built into a little building designed to protect it from the rain. So our crusade director had to rent a shovel truck to lift the roof off the building and then to lift the generator out of the building to put it in a dump truck to haul the generator to the crusade.

Tonight I preached on the paralyzed man who was LET DOWN through the roof. But for this crusade I have a new story about a generator that was LIFTED OUT through the roof. To make a crusade happen we must often go to great lengths and fight great battles, but this is the first time we have literally lifted the roof off a building.

As I preached on the paralyzed man we had an actor play the part in an illustrated drama. The bed he was laying on was carried to the stage by his four friends. The sight of the bed being lifted above the heads of the crowd attracted lots of attention. The friends laid the bed at the front of the platform and we read the story from Matthew 9. Jesus says three things to the paralyzed man.

Strengthen Your Heart

First Jesus said, “Be encouraged.” The local language of Gandajika translates this verse as “Strengthen your heart.” Jesus encouraged the man because he was sad, worried, and lonely. I told the people, “Jesus wants to encourage you tonight. Jesus wants to strengthen your heart. Jesus will take away your sadness and give you joy. He will take away your worry and replace it with hope. He will remove your loneliness and give you His presence.”

Your Sins Are Forgiven

Second Jesus said, “Your sins are forgiven.” I explained, “Jesus came from heaven to earth to forgive our sins. Everyone has sinned and the price for sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ. Jesus dies on the cross to pay the price for our sins and tonight Jesus wants to forgive your sins.”

Get Up, Take Up Your Bed, and Go Home

Third, Jesus healed the man’s body. Our actor on the stage stood to his feet and began to dance. “I’m healed!” he shouted. The entire crowd clapped because they were excited to see that Jesus is a healer. After the drama was over, I prayed for three things.

First I explained the greatest miracle is when Jesus forgives your sin. “If you want Jesus to forgive your sin, lift your hand,” I told the crowd. Across the field, thousands of people lifted their hands. I led them in a prayer of salvation. Our counselors immediately got to work recording the names of the people on decision cards so the local churches can follow up on them later.

Second we prayed for emotional healing and third we prayed for physical healing. Many people were touched by God and we had a variety of testimonies to share with the people.

Let the Little Children Come

Here in Congo ministering to children is unheard of. Typically, pastors tell the kids to sit in the back of the church and to be quiet. So when we announced we were doing a “Children’s Festival” at the crusade grounds on Friday morning the children began to cheer.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me.” That’s exactly what happened. The children came running from all over the city. They had big smiles on their faces.

We sang with them. We played games. We had a dance competition. Several of the graduates of the Christ for All Nations Evangelism Bootcamp told stories to the children. Hidden in each story was a Gospel truth. Repeatedly, the children heard the message, “Jesus loves you!”

Before I became known as an international evangelist I was a children’s minister. In my teenage years I dressed up as a clown as a tool for reaching children for Jesus. So, even though I am here to preach at the crusade I jumped at the opportunity to juggle for the children. As I threw balls high into the air, the kids laughed and clapped.

I balanced a pole on my finger. The key to keeping it balanced is to look at the top of the pole. I told the children, “If you keep your eyes on Jesus, your life will stay balanced. But if you take your eyes off Jesus, your life will fall apart.”

Then I told a story about a monkey who lived in the jungle. Some monkey hunters trapped the monkey using bananas. In the same way, Satan uses a sin trap to capture us. But Jesus came to set us free from the trap of sin. All the children shouted, “Jesus sets me free!” After the altar call, we gave each child a mini-book written by Daniel Kolenda. The book uses fun illustrations to teach the children how to follow Jesus.


The Father of Hugs and Kisses

On the third night of the crusade I preached on the Prodigal Son. The story is one of three stories found in Luke 15. First is the story of man with one hundred sheep. He loses one and he leaves the 99 to look for the one. Then there is the story of a woman who has saved ten silver coins. When she loses one, she searches the house until she finds the lost coin. Finally, is the story of a lost son.

In this story Jesus reveals God the Father to us. Many people think of God as an angry judge who is ready to condemn people who sin. But Jesus reveals that God is like a father who is searching for his lost son.

The son asks for his inheritance and then he wastes the money by living a sinful lifestyle in a faraway land. The son runs out of money and is stuck feeding pigs. He remembers his father and he decides to return home and beg for forgiveness. But as he walks the long road home he wonders if his father will be angry at him.

But the father (who represents God the Father) is out in front of his house looking for his lost son. He sees him coming from a long distance and the father runs to his son. The son falls to his knees in shame, but the father lifts him up and gives him a hug and kisses him. He gives his son his coat and puts his shoes on his son’s bare feet. He puts a ring on his finger and calls his household together to celebrate the return of his son.

In this story, Jesus reveals the Father of Hugs and Kisses. I told the crowd, “God is not angry at you. God loves you. God is looking for you.” I asked the people, “Will you come home to the Father’s House tonight? Will you turn away from your sin and come running home to your heavenly Father?” The crowd shouted “YES!” and I led them in a prayer of salvation.

Jesus said that all of heaven rejoices when one sinner gets saved. Tonight thousands of people came home to their heavenly Father and heaven is rejoicing!


I Will Pour Out My Spirit on All People

We invited all the local pastors and church leaders to a Fire Conference on Saturday morning.

Here in Congo many of the churches do not believe women can preach. Because of this religious doctrine, they have silenced half of the body of Christ. Also many of the pastors are older because they tell the young men they are not old enough to preach the Gospel.

So I preached on Acts 2 which tells about what happened on the Day of Pentecost. After the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit Peter began to preach. He quoted from the book of Joel, “In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit.” I asked the pastors, “Do you want God to pour out His Spirit.” They all shouted “Amen.”

I continued to read, “God will pour out His Spirit on all people.” I posed the question, “Do you believe God can pour out His Spirit upon all people? The pastors shouted, “Yes!”

“Your sons and daughters shall prophecy,” I read, “Your young men will see visions…Even on my servants, both men and woman, I will pour out my Spirit in those days and they shall prophecy.” I asked the pastors, “Do you believe God can use the women and the young men?” They pastors were a little hesitant this time, but a few replied quietly, “Yes.”

I told the story about the time Reinhard Bonnke was asked, “Do you think God can use a woman to save someone?” He replied, “If I was drowning, I would not care if it was a man or a woman who threw me a life preserver.”

I explained, “God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people.’ God can use your sons and your daughters if you will let Him.” I asked the pastors again, “Do you believe God can use the women and the young men?” This time they answered with more enthusiasm, “Yes!”

Then I invited two of the women evangelists who are on our team to share. Their names are Grace Smith and Anastasiia Dvoinikova. They both shared a powerful word and by the time they finished, the pastors were all shouting, “Amen.”

At the end of the Fire Conference we laid hands on every pastor and the fire of God fell.


Holy Spirit Night

Saturday night at the crusade in Gandajika was Holy Spirit night. I preached on the three greatest miracles in the Bible. Creation, Calvary, and Pentecost.

Creation: At creation is where we see God the Father’s greatest work. I told the crowd, “God created you. You are made in the image of God. You are God’s special creation.” I explained that God created the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, to be His friends. Every day God walked and talked with them in the Garden of Eden. But one day they disobeyed God and this sin broke their fellowship with God. I told everyone, “You were created to be God’s friend, but your sin separates you from God.”

Calvary: At the hill named Calvary, we see God the Son’s greatest work when Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay the price for our sins. I announced, “At Calvary, Jesus saved you.” Jesus, the Son of God, came from heaven to earth. Every day he walked and talked with His disciples. Then Jesus gave his life so we could once again have fellowship with the Father. The price for sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus. The crowd listened intently as I explained, “If you will call of Jesus, He will forgive your sin and you will be saved.”

Pentecost: The day of Pentecost is where we see God the Holy Spirit’s greatest work. One hundred and twenty disciples were gathered together in the upper room when suddenly a mighty wind began to blow. Tongues of fire rested on every head and they were filled with the Holy Spirit. Now, the Holy Spirit wants to come walk and talk with every believer.  I prayed for everyone to be filled with the Holy Spirit. As the thousands of people began to pray in the Holy Spirit, it sounded like the roar of a mighty lion.


Jesus Breaks Every Curse

People in Africa are intensely aware of the supernatural world in a way that the Western world often does not understand. They believe in curses and they often go to witchdoctors in search of a cure or a benefit. For example, a businessman might go to the witchdoctor and pay her to cast a spell upon his business rival. A barren woman might ask the witchdoctor for a potion to help her get pregnant. The witchdoctor makes money off of curses, so there is often a spiritual struggle when a Gospel crusade comes to town.

On Thursday night a witch doctor came to our crusade. She intended to walk through the crowd and place a curse on Christian believers. But as she walked around she found that her magic was not working. She stopped to listen to the message and she heard about how Jesus has the power to break every curse. She was convicted by the Holy Spirit for her evil ways of living and she decided to cry out to Jesus for salvation. She repented of her witchcraft and she was saved!

I pointed to two big barrels on the field and said to the crowd, “Tomorrow night we are going to burn every work of Satan. I want you to bring your juju beads, your witchcraft charms, and anything that represents your life of sin. We are going to burn everything in the barrels and send the devil’s curses to the fires of hell.”

The following night the former witchdoctor brought a paper with the names of all of her curses written down. She came to the front and threw the cursed paper into the barrel.

We doused the contents of the barrel with gasoline and threw a match in. Woosh! The fire burned hot. Our team of intercessors danced around the burning barrels and shouted, “Jesus! Jesus!”

From the platform I proclaimed, “Jesus breaks every curse. When Jesus died on the cross, He destroyed the power of sin and the power of Satan. Be free from every evil curse in Jesus’ name.”


Night of Blessing

The final night of the crusade in Gandajika was awe inspiring. The crowd size increased substantially. No one in the city wanted to miss the final night of the crusade.

The theme of the night was Deuteronomy 30:19 “I set before you life and death, blessing and cursing, therefore choose life!”

I gave the crowd a list of words. Some of the words were God words and some of the words were devil words. I asked the crowd to point up to heaven if a shared a God word and I asked them to point down to hell if I shared a devil word.

The first word was “LIFE.” Everyone pointed to heaven.

The second word was “DEATH.” Everyone pointed down. I explained that Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but Jesus comes to give us abundant life (John 10:10).

“BLESSING” It is a word that comes from God.

“CURSING” It is a word from the pits of hell.

The next word was “SALVATION.” Every index finger on the field pointed up. “SIN” Everyone pointed down. I repeated the word “SALVATION” and listened to my translator say the word in the local language. I tried to repeat it after him. I must have messed up my pronunciation bad because everyone laughed at me. “Do you think I should learn your language?” I asked. “Yes,” they all replied.

“HEALING” comes from God. “SICKENESS” comes from the devil. The people knew the right answer even though some theologians get this concept wrong.

“PROSPERITY” is from God. “POVERTY” is from the devil. “LOVE” is a God word, “HATE”  is a devil word.

I preached, “Everyone must make a choice. You can choose to go to heaven or hell. You can choose to trust in Jesus for salvation or you can walk away from God. There is a broad road that leads to hell and many people are following it. There is a narrow path that leads to God. The name of that narrow path is Jesus! If you cry out to Jesus, and turn from your sinful ways, you will be saved.”

“Do you want to choose to follow Jesus?” I asked.

“Yes,” roared the crowd. I led them in a prayer of salvation and the councilors moved through the crowd giving books to all the new believers.

Everyone chose blessing instead of cursing. At the end of the evening, we burned two barrels full of the curses of witch doctors. Then I prayed a powerful prayer of blessing over the crowd. “You are blessed, blessed, blessed!” The whole crowd went home full of God’s blessing and thankful that the crusade had come to their city of Gandajika.


Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

El Salvador

Report from Santa Ana, El Salvador

God moved in a powerful way in our recent crusade in Santa Ana, El Salvador. The local soccer stadium was packed full of people who were hungry for God.

Hundreds of local churches participated in our outreach. We asked every church in the city to bring one or more buses to the crusade. Our plan was to fill half of each bus with church members and the other half of the bus with people who need Jesus. Two months in advance, church members throughout the city made a list of seven unsaved people to pray for and to invite to the crusade.

When the stadium doors opened, people poured through the gates. I preached a crystal-clear Gospel message about how Jesus died for our sins. When I gave the altar call more than two thousand people streamed forward to make a decision to follow Christ.

The follow up for these new believers began immediately. On the bus on the way home, each church member who invited someone who got saved used the time to pray with the new believer and to begin the discipleship process. The local pastors were excited to see so many people from their neighborhoods get saved.

The Power of Partnership

Our crusade was one part of impacting the entire nation of El Salvador. I am on the board of the Global Evangelist Alliance. Evangelists from around the world have joined hands together to impact entire nations. With the leading of the Holy Spirit, we chose El Salvador as the first nation to target.

The outreach kicked off with a powerful pastor’s conference. Over 4,000 pastors from all over the nation of El Salvador came together to make a commitment to reach every person in the nation for Jesus. Our team of evangelists, led by Evangelist Nathan Morris, decided to do seven crusades in seven different cities throughout El Salvador. My assigned city was Santa Ana.

The local churches in Santa Ana caught the vision and in the months before our team arrived, they did over thirty neighborhood crusades in our region to reach the lost.

I invited my pastor, Paul Daugherty, from Victory Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma (our home church) to partner with us for this crusade. Victory Christian School (where my kids go to school) brought 138 students to El Salvador for a week of ministry before the crusade.

The team of young people ministered in schools and neighborhoods. Before the crusade even started they ministered to 7,091 people, witnessed 1,230 salvations, had 38 confirmed healings, distributed 92 boxes of food, and had 62 baptisms.

Pastor Paul Daugherty hosted a Pastor’s Conference and over 800 leaders from the surrounding area came to be encouraged. I preached on the Fire of God and Pastor Paul preached on the Keys of the Kingdom. We had a powerful time of impartation at the conference as we laid hands of all the pastors and their wives.

The Victory Team helped to lead worship at the crusade and the teenagers performed dramas on stage. Pastor Paul preached on the first night of the crusade and I preached on the second night. Both nights we saw a great harvest of souls.

Many of the people who came were sick and praying for a miracle. One of the highlights on Pastor Paul’s night was when a crippled man stood up from his wheelchair and began to walk for the first time in many years. When I preached, God opened the ear of a man who was deaf in his left ear.

Can We Reach Everyone for Jesus?

Is it possible that every person on earth could be reached with the Good News of the Gospel in our generation? This is an audacious goal but I believe the answer is “YES!” Jesus told us to go into ALL the world and that’s what we want to do. We want to give every person on earth the opportunity to hear about Jesus.

We have teamed up with the Global Evangelists Alliance, a network of evangelists from all over the world who are dedicated to preaching the Gospel to everyone. Our goal is to mobilize men and women of every race, nationality, and language to win the world for Jesus.

In early 2024, over a four-month period, leading evangelistic ministries from around the world united in El Salvador to reach the entire nation for Jesus. As we joined together in unity, we saw God do amazing miracles.

  • Our team of 14 evangelists did crusadesin the seven largest cities in the nation: Sonsonate, Ahuachapán, Santa Ana, Zacatecoluca, San Francisco Gotera, San Miguel, and San Salvador.
  • We worked with 38 different denominations and pastor’s associations.
  • A total of 6,590 churches participated.
  • We preached the Gospel face-to-face to a total of 2,190,580 individuals.
  • A total of 34% of the nation of El Salvador heard a clear presentation of the Gospel.
  • 227,899 people made a decision to become a follower of Jesus Christ.
  • Over 165,000 completed a discipleship program after the event.

Best Part of the Trip

One of the team members was my fourteen-year-old son Caleb. I was proud of him because he raised most of the money to go on this mission trip by raking leaves and shoving snow in our neighborhood.

During the crusade, we asked the young people to help us pray for the sick during the healing prayer. My son, along with a group of eighth graders from his class prayed for a five-year-old boy who was born with club feet. As they prayed, my son started to cry.

Caleb came to me and said, “Dad, I am crying but I don’t know why I am crying. I never cry.”

I explained to him, “Son, God is allowing you to feel the emotion He feels when He sees hurting people. Jesus had compassion on people and He is giving you the same compassion for the boy you are praying for.” Caleb’s tenderness was an answer to prayer for my wife and I. We have been praying for our teenage boy to have a soft heart towards God and it was so good to see God touch his heart in such a profound way.

Do You Have Compassion for the Hurting?

Caleb’s experience reminds me that all of us need to have compassion for the lost and the hurting. I pray every day that God would fill my heart with compassion and today I pray that God would give you more compassion for others. Thank you for your heart to help those who are hurting!

Your Missionary Evangelist,

Dr. Daniel King

P.S. Can you help us with the cost of our next Gospel Crusade? Click here to give a donation. 


Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!


Iringa, Tanzania Rings With Shouts of Joy

By Evangelist Daniel King 

Greetings! I am reporting from the frontlines of Gospel Evangelism. We are in a battle for the souls of men, women, and children. I am happy to report that Jesus is the Winner!

When I arrived in Iringa, Tanzania, I saw hundreds of posters, billboards and banners advertising a Christ for All Nations Gospel crusade. The bright colors immediately caught my eye, and I knew the city was ready for a move of God. The setup for this crusade was done by graduates of the CFAN Evangelism Bootcamp. As an instructor at the Evangelism Bootcamp, I was proud to see their diligence and dedication produce results.

On the first night of the crusade, I preached that “Everyone who calls on the Name of the Lord shall be saved.” During the altar call, people all over the field raised their hands to receive Jesus. A total of 4,703 people filled out decision cards which was a great start to the crusade. When we prayed for the sick, cripples lifted their crutches into the air and started to walk. A crippled woman was the first to come on the platform. She lifted her crutch high and began to dance. A 12-year-old girl with “brain abnormalities” was completely healed. A woman who visited a witch doctor seeking a cure announced, “The witch doctor was not able to heal me, but tonight Jesus healed me!”

On the second night, Daniel Kolenda arrived in Iringa to preach. Christ for All Nations is doing five crusades in five different cities in Tanzania at the same time in an effort called Operation Decapolis. It was an honor to be invited to participate in this historical event. Evangelist Kolenda preached on three spiritual laws found in Romans 8:1-2. The Law of Sin will pull you down all the way to hell. The Law of Death will destroy you. But the Law of Salvation will lift you up. He shared a great illustration. Imagine you are holding a Bible in your hand and you let it go…it will fall because of the Law of Gravity. But, if your hand is under the Bible, it will not fall. In the same way that the Law of Gravity pulls things down in the natural world, the Laws of Sin and Death pull us down spiritually. But the nail-scarred hand of Jesus catches us and lifts us up to heaven. The Law of Salvation is greater than the Laws of Sin and Death. Thousands of people responded to his message, and they cried out to Jesus for salvation!

We found the city of Iringa to be ripe for harvest. One morning I went out with one of the sound trucks into the city center. The sound truck is a small pickup truck with two big speakers, a generator, and a sound board. As the truck drives around populated areas, the speakers blast an invitation to come to the crusade. I stood in the back of the pickup and waved to people. They quickly recognized me from my picture on the poster. A crowd gathered around the truck, so I grabbed a microphone and began to preach. Right there in the marketplace across from the fruit stand, I led five hundred people to Jesus. Afterwards they promised to bring their families to the crusade.

Another night, we invited people to drop their witchcraft items and juju beads into a large barrel. We lit the contents on fire. Flames leapt fifteen feet into the sky. We took authority over every demonic spirit. Demons began to manifest. I saw a woman fall to the ground and roll around in the dirt. She was being controlled by a demon. Some ushers lifted her up and carried her to a tent that is set aside for casting out demons. We called it “The Snake Pit.” Pastors prayed for her, and she was delivered. When she came out of the tent she was smiling because Jesus set her free.

On the fifth and final night of the crusade, I preached once again. I asked how many people were there for the first time and almost half of the audience raised their hands. My message was on the three greatest miracles in the Bible: Creation, Calvary, and Pentecost. These are the three greatest miracles for your life. God created you. God saves you. God empowers you. At Creation, we see God the Father’s greatest work. At Calvary, we see God the Son’s greatest work. At Pentecost, we see God the Holy Spirit’s greatest work. The people were delighted to hear they were made in the image of God, saved by the blood of Jesus, and could be filled with the fire of the Holy Spirit. We prayed for people to be baptized in the Holy Spirit and many people shouted for joy as they were filled with God’s power.

Over the five nights of the crusade, attendance each night was between 20,000-32,000 people. A total of 15,715 people filled out decision cards. I stand in amazement at the awesome things God did in the city of Iringa.

Thank you for helping us reach people for Jesus in Tanzania!

God Moves in Kahama, Tanzania

By Evangelist Daniel King

Christ for All Nations, the ministry founded by Reinhard Bonnke and now led by Daniel Kolenda, invited me to minister at a Gospel Crusade in Kahama, Tanzania. 

This year, I had the privilege of teaching fifty students at the Evangelism Bootcamp hosted by Christ for All Nations. Now these students are on the ground putting into practice the lessons they learned in the classroom. As an evangelism coach, I am so proud of them for reaching people for Jesus. 

The students are visiting hundreds of local schools in Tanzania to preach the Gospel. 

They are taking evangelism trucks into the streets and marketplaces to tell people about Jesus.

Plus they are organizing a great Gospel crusade in Kahama, Tanzania (one of five crusades taking place in Tanzania over a two week period). 

For several months they prepared for the crusade by putting up posters, banners, billboards, and passing out flyers. 

They organized the local churches and trained counselors. Everyone in town has heard about the event. Now it is time to preach the Gospel. 

I preached a simple gospel message and thousands of people responded to the altar call. 

God performed many miracles. 

Over the week in Kahama, a total of 13,457 people filled out decision cards as an indication of their decision to follow Christ. Now the local churches are following up on these new believers to make them disciples. 

Thank you for your financial support. It is because of your generosity that we are able to go tell people about Jesus.

Excitement Fills the City of Kahama

By Evangelist Daniel King

I landed in Tanzania on Sunday and was greeted by the CFaN team. Despite my jet lag, it was an exciting moment to step foot in this nation for the first time. On my plane were many of the technical engineers who come from different nations around Europe to run the sound and lighting systems for each crusade. The team is highly experienced in doing crusades with CFaN in Africa, but this time is different because they are splitting up and each going to different cities. Doing multiple crusades in multiple cities at the same time presents new challenges to overcome.

After an overnight stay in Dar es Salaam, our team took a much smaller plane to Kahama. We were greeted upon our arrival by Lukas Repert who has been living in Kahama since August in order to organize the crusade. He was one of my students at the Evangelism Bootcamp in the spring, and now it is amazing to see him organize his first crusade event. He has been working hard to secure permissions from the government, build relationships with local pastors, distribute publicity material around the city, and to train counselors to help follow up on new believers.

As we drove from the airport into the city, I could see already that this was going to be a great crusade. The city was covered in posters, banners, and billboards all announcing the crusade. I heard sound trucks driving around telling people about the event. I felt an urgent anticipation in the city.

We stopped by the crusade grounds where the platform was in the process of being assembled. One team was hard at work digging a trench to bury electric wires from the generator to the sound system. Another team of local workmen were helping to erect a light tower so the field would be well lit.

The following day, I went with Paul, another Evangelism Bootcamp graduate to visit local schools. Before the crusade even begins, the team has gone into every school in the region in order to tell the students about Jesus. Our first school assembly was at 7am and in the course of the day we visited nine different schools and had the opportunity to minister to a total of 3,341 students in both primary and secondary schools. In each school we communicated a clear Gospel message and we found the students were eager to pray with us for salvation.

On Tuesday I asked my driver to show me around town so I could take some pictures. We visited the local market place and passed out flyers. I found that everyone in the city has heard about the event. One woman at a fruit stand saw my face on the flyer and she asked if I was one of the speakers. She was so excited to hear that I was and I gave her a personal invitation to come to the crusade. She promised to bring her whole family. A Muslim man asked me if Muslims are allowed to come to the event and I assured him that Jesus loves Muslims and that Muslims are most welcome to come. He said he would be there. I also visited a local ranch where cattle with long horns are bought and sold. There were twenty young men taking care of the cows. I gave them all flyers and invited them to the crusade. I took the opportunity to preach a short message to them and all of the young men prayed with me for salvation.

I climbed on the back of one of the five sound trucks that is driving all over the city announcing the crusade. A generator provides electricity and big speakers blast a jingle inviting people to the crusade. I grabbed a microphone and with the help of a translator I gave people a personal invitation to come to the crusade. As we drove through the center of town, I saw people dancing to the upbeat music we were playing and when I waved at them, they waved back enthusiastically.

On Wednesday, it was time for counselor training. Hundreds of counselors came to the field and the crusade director explained to them the process for giving books to all the people who will get saved at the crusade. He gave them instructions to help the new believer fill out the decision card in the back of the book. He said, “Please, treat these decision cards as if they are gold. We use the decision cards to follow up on all the new believers.”

There is anticipation throughout the city. The stage has been set. Now we are eagerly waiting to see what God will do this week in Kahama, Tanzania.


The Devil is Frustrated in Kahama, Tanzania

By Evangelist Daniel King

The first day of the crusade in Kahama, Tanzania started with a parade of cars, motorcycles, three wheeled taxies, and a host of singing Christians marching through the center of the city. Paul Mauer and I sat in the lead vehicle and waved. The Christians smiled at everyone in the street and invited them to join the parade as we marched toward the crusade grounds. The highlights included a man who made a hat and a poncho out of crusade posters and a car that was completely covered in posters except for a tiny portion of the windshield for the driver to see through.

As the parade arrived at the crusade grounds, the music started. People rushed forward to secure a good spot near the platform. Spirits were high as the band led the people in high-energy songs about Jesus.

Bishop Emmanuel, the crusade organizer for Kahama, greeted the people. Then the commissioner of the state arrived along with other dignitaries. The commissioner officially welcomed CFaN to the city and he said, “I will be the first to receive a miracle tonight.”

Paul Mauer took the platform and preached a message on “The Two Doors.” One door is a devil door and the other door is the Jesus door. He asked the people, “Which door do you want to go through?” Everyone shouted, “The Jesus door.”

When Evangelist Paul gave the altar call, thousands of people responded. The councilors quickly captured the information of those who accepted Christ and a total of 3,024 decision cards were filled out.

The moment Paul started praying for the sick, demons began to manifest in the front of the crowd. A woman threw herself to the ground and shrieked loudly. The people around her were distracted from the prayer but the deliverance team arrived and carried her to the “demon tent” also known as “The Snake Pit” in order to pray for her. No sooner was the demon possessed lady out of sight when another lady in the front of the crowd started to shriek. It was obvious the devil was trying to distract people from the prayer. Again, the deliverance team carried the woman to the tent. This happened several more times and it quickly became obvious that the devil was frustrated at his inability to distract from the meeting.

Paul continued to pray for the sick. When testimony time came, several people came up to the platform to share that Jesus had healed them.

Overall, it was an excellent first night for a crusade. The people of Kahama are hungry for the Gospel.

Rain, Go Away in the Name of Jesus

By Evangelist Daniel King

Today’s crusade meeting was scheduled to begin at 2pm, but at one o’clock rain was falling from the sky. The Christians knew that people would be hesitant to come if it was raining, so they started to pray. Slowly, the sky cleared and soon the rain completely stopped.

The music was powerful and anointed and everyone danced as they heard the sound of the drums and the keyboard. All the songs were upbeat and specifically chosen to build faith in the people to receive from Jesus.

When I arrived at the field, I felt the expectation and excitement of the people. They were ready for miracles.

We were pleased to welcome Peter Vandenberg, the executive vice president of Christ for All Nations. He has attended hundreds of crusade meetings across Africa and it was an honor to have him sit in the front row as I began my sermon. After a few minutes, he stood up and walked around the perimeter of the crowd in order to carefully count the number of people who were in attendance, a task he has performed many times before.

Tonight I preached on the paralyzed man who was let down through the roof. In Matthew 9, Jesus said three things to him. First, Jesus said, “Be encouraged.” Second, Jesus said, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” Third, Jesus said, “Get up, take up your bed, and go home completely healed.” Jesus healed the man spirit, soul, and body.

As I preached, five actors did a drama about the story. One man pretended to be paralyzed and his four friends carried him on a stretcher through the crowd. They brought him up on the platform and laid him right in the front. The crowd watched to see what would happen.

I preached, “Jesus saw the faith of the four friends. Tonight Jesus is looking for someone who has faith.” I asked the crowd, “Do you have faith in Jesus tonight?” They waved their hands and shouted, “Yes!”

I told the crowd that Jesus encouraged the man because he was sad, worried, fearful, and lonely because of his sickness. In the same way that Jesus encouraged the paralyzed man, I told the crowd that Jesus wanted to encourage those who are sad, worried, fearful, and lonely. Smiles broke out on the faces of the people as I shouted, “Be encouraged!”

Jesus also forgave the man’s sins. The reason Jesus came to earth was to forgive our sins. He died on the cross to pay for our sins, but He did not stay dead. After three days he rose from the dead. Now, Jesus is alive and He says the same thing to you as he said to the paralyzed man, “Your sins are forgiven.”

Finally, Jesus said to the man, “Get up and go home completely healed.” The actor playing the part of the paralyzed man began to move. He stood to his feet. He took a step and another step. Then he began to run back and forth across the stage shouting, “Jesus healed me!” The crowd erupted in applause.

I gave the altar call and thousands of people responded by raising their hands. They all wanted Jesus to forgive their sins. After I led them in a salvation prayer, the counselors gave each new believer a book and recorded their names on a decision card.

Then I prayed for the sick. First I prayed for emotional healing and Jesus encouraged the hearts of many people. Then I prayed for physical healing. As I rebuked every pain and sickness, miracles broke out across the crowd. Across the crowd, over a dozen crippled people lifted up their crutches and began to take steps of faith.

The first woman to come to the platform to share her testimony was carrying her crutch in the air. She said she was unable to walk for ten years but now Jesus had healed her. The band began to play music and she danced with her crutch lifted high.

The second testimony was from a young girl who had an enlarged heart and was unable to run for over a year. The music started and she ran back and forth to show that Jesus had healed her.

The third testimony was a woman with pain in her stomach for three months and pain in her shoulder for over a year. She told the crowd that both problems were healed.

The fourth testimony was from a woman who was paralyzed for one year and nine months and was unable to walk. Her neighbor brought her to the crusade on public transportation and she was healed. Her face had a big smile as she danced with the crowd.

The fifth testimony was another person who was paralyzed and was healed. It became clear that the theme of all the miracles tonight were of paralyzed people who were being healed. I preached on a paralyzed man being healed by Jesus and then Jesus proved He is still alive by healing many paralyzed people in Kahama, Tanzania.

The sixth testimony was of a woman with terrible back leg pain for four years. Because of the pain, she went to the doctor for expensive injections. Now she can walk pain free. There were many more people lined up to testify including a woman who was deaf whose ears were opened and another woman who was blind whose eyes are now able to see.

Right as the testimony time was finished a drizzle of rain fell from the sky. God had held back the rain all the way to the end of the crusade. The crowd pulled out umbrellas and went home happy because of everything God is doing in Kahama.

Send Rain to the Farmers and Not to the Crusade

By Evangelist Daniel King

The third day of the crusade in Kahama, Tanzania started with rain. As the music began, there were only a few people close to the stage. Everyone else was huddled around the edges of the crusade grounds trying to find shelter from the rain under overhanging roofs.

We began to pray, “God, please send rain to the famers, but not to the crusade.” Soon, a breeze stirred and pushed the rain clouds away. When the people saw the clear sky, they left cover and ran forward to find a good spot on the crusade grounds.

I preached on the Four Greatest Miracles in the Bible. I held up my Bible and proclaimed, “This is God’s book. In this book is the history of many miracles, but tonight I will share with you the four greatest miracles contained in this book.” As I preached, actors on the stage did a little drama about each point.

Miracle #1 – God Created You. In the beginning of time God created the first man and woman. He walked with them and talked with them. God created them to be His friends. But one day, they sinned and this broke their relationship with God. This is why God hates sin.

Miracle #2 – God Loves You. Even though we have sinned and disobeyed God’s commands, God still loves us and wants to have a relationship with us.

Miracle #3 – God Saves You. God sent His Son Jesus Christ from heaven to earth. Jesus was born to a virgin named Mary. He grew up and walked the dusty streets of Israel. He had twelve disciples and He walked with them and talked with them. Then Jesus died on the cross but He did not stay dead. After three days, He rose from the dead. Now Jesus is the bridge between heaven and earth. He is the only way to get to heaven. Everyone who calls on the name of Jesus will be saved.

I led the crowd in a salvation prayer. Thousands of people prayed with me for salvation. By lifting their hands, they indicated they were ready to turn away from sin and to turn toward Jesus. After the salvation prayer, the counselors gave away copies of Reinhard Bonnke’s book, “Now that You are Saved” to all the new believers. Then I talked about the final miracle.

Miracle #4 – God Heals You. The same Jesus who healed people two thousand years ago is alive today and ready to heal you. I was the first to pray for the sick. Then I turned to three of the Evangelism Bootcamp graduates and gave them the opportunity to pray for the sick. It was their first chance to speak from a crusade platform. They prayed with fervency and when it came time for the testimony time, it was obviously their prayers were effective because many people lined up to give a testimony.

A woman who had pain in her legs for ten years was healed. A man who had a stroke three years ago and who needed a cane to walk was healed and he lifted his cane high into the air as he shouted “Jesus healed me!” A woman with double vision was healed and she cried because she was able to read the Reinhard Bonnke book. A woman with stomach pain, high blood pressure, and shoulder pain was healed of all her ailments. A girl had to take injections in order to eat, but Jesus healed her two nights ago and now she can eat without pain. There were three woman who were all healed of deafness and ringing in the ears. A woman had blurred vision and was unable to see the faces of her children but she said Jesus healed her. A woman was carried to the meeting by her parents and another woman had a hip problem. Both were healed and are now able to walk and even dance.

The crowd danced and shouted with joy as they heard each testimony. I asked the people to come on the final night of the crusade to hear Evangelist Daniel Kolenda and to bring a friend. Anticipation is high in the city of Kahama, Tanzania to see what miracles God will do on the final night of the crusade.

Almost Eighty Million People Saved Since 1987

By Evangelist Daniel King

On the final night of the Kahama Gospel Crusade, Evangelist Daniel Kolenda spoke on three spiritual laws. The first two laws are the laws of sin and death, but the third law is the law of salvation. He gave an illustration using his Bible. If he holds the Bible up in the air and drops it, it is pulled down by the natural law of gravity. This is an example of the laws of sin and death. But, if his hand is under the Bible, it does not fall. This is what the law of salvation does. It keeps us from falling to destruction.

When Daniel Kolenda gave the altar call, a total of 4,737 people responded by filling out decision cards. When this number is added to the other numbers of people who have been saved this week, it pushes Christ for all Nations closer to a significant milestone. Since 1987, CFaN has been counting decision cards and before this week, the total number of decision cards filled out equaled 79,957,136. This week, the total number of decision cards filled out at CFaN crusades officially approaches the eighty million mark and with two more crusades next week, we will surely go over eighty million! We rejoice that almost eighty million people have made a decision to follow Christ through the ministry of Christ for All Nations.

Daniel Kolenda also prayed for the people to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Across the field, people began to speak in tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.

As Daniel Kolenda prayed for the sick, demons began to manifest. Members of the deliverance team grabbed them and carried them to the demon tent, also known as the snake pit. There the deliverance team cast out the demons and led the newly free people in a salvation prayer.

Several graduates of the Evangelism Bootcamp were invited by Daniel Kolenda to help pray for the sick. As they prayed, many people were healed and the stage was full of testimonies by the end of the evening.

The final night of the crusade in Kahama Gospel Crusade was the best-attended night. It had the most salvations, the most healings, and the most people filled with the Holy Spirit. Tonight was a great success!



Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!


Montego Bay, Jamaica

Jessica and I got married on April 21, 2007 in St. Catharines, Ontario. The ceremony was held at the church where Jessica worked. After the reception, we flew to Edmonton, Alberta for another reception with all her friends on that side of Canada. Then we went to Hawaii for our honeymoon. The week after our honeymoon we flew to El Paso, Texas where I grew up and held a wedding reception for my friends there. Then we came to Tulsa and had our fourth and final wedding reception. Since we were flying all over the place, most people did not give us gifts because they knew we would not be able to transport them. Instead, they gave us cash. 

Two weeks after our wedding, we flew to Montego Bay, Jamaica to do a crusade in the Cricket Stadium. We took all the cash from our wedding receptions and used it to pay the bills for the crusade. The cost of the crusade was considerable and even after using all of our wedding money, we were still $20,000 short. To our relief, a local businessman from Jamaica walked into our crusade office and gave us a check to cover the balance. 

We took a team of thirty students from Oral Roberts University with us for the crusade in Jamaica. But, since we had just gotten married a couple of weeks earlier, we did not spend much time with them. In fact, the only time we poked our heads out of the hotel rooms were when we were scheduled to preach. For the most part, we were still on our honeymoon. After preaching at the crusade, I prayed for all the people, and then I announced that I needed to leave quickly so that I could go lay hands on my wife. 


Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!



Kupang, Indonesia

I am excited to share with you about our Gospel Festival held recently in Kupang, Indonesia. At this outreach we witnessed a powerful demonstration of God’s love being poured out upon the city and God performed incredible miracles of salvation and healing.

Kupang, Indonesia, is a vibrant city located on the western tip of Timor Island in Indonesia. It serves as the capital of East Nusa Tenggara province and is known for its picturesque coastal views and lively urban atmosphere. The city boasts a rich cultural heritage with a blend of indigenous Timorese traditions and influences from Portuguese and Dutch colonial history. Kupang’s bustling markets, friendly locals, and scenic waterfront make it a charming destination. Our Gospel Festival was held in a plaza at the waterfront at the foot of a beautiful lighthouse.

The Gospel Festival Almost Did Not Happen

Twenty-four hours before our Gospel Festival in Indonesia was scheduled to start, we did not know if it was even going to happen. The problem was the lack of a permit. To host an outdoor event in Indonesia the government requires churches to get official permission. This permit cannot be obtained locally. It has to be issued in the capital city of Jakarta. Our team applied for the permit long in advance, but because of bureaucratic red tape our permission was delayed.

The problem is that the churches are not permitted to do any advertising until they have the permit in hand. If they put up any posters or banners without the permit, the local police will take down the advertising. So, not only did we not know if we could do the event, but we were unable to do our normal level of marketing.

But, right in the nick of time, we received word that the permit had been issued! Halleluiah! We leaped into action to start advertising. Sound cars immediately started driving around the city of Kupang announcing, “If you need a miracle, come to the Gospel Festival and Jesus will heal you.” All the Christians started texting invitations to people on WhatsApp, a popular messaging application. We used Facebook advertising to tell people about the exciting event.

Even with the last-minute advertising, we were blessed because the location of our event is in a public square right in the middle of the city. The plaza is located right next to the ocean and it is popular place for young people to hang out as the sun goes down. Many people come to this location to eat, to walk along the beach, and to spend time with their friends.

As our music team played upbeat songs, people were attracted from near and far. They enjoyed watching our choir of young girls waving flags and playing tambourines. After the music attracted everyone’s attention, a local leader opened the event by striking a gong. All the pastors released doves into the air. Once the birds were set free, I preached about how Jesus can set sinners free. When I gave the altar call, many people gave their lives to Jesus.

Jesus Sets People Free

Each day at the Gospel Festival, the message of Jesus Christ was proclaimed with boldness and clarity. Hearts were touched, and lives were transformed. The Holy Spirit moved among the crowd. Many people responded to the call of salvation and accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. It was a moving experience to see so many come forward to the front, surrendering their lives to the One who loves them and who died for them.

In addition to the salvations, we also witnessed many miraculous healings. By the power of Jesus, individuals were healed of various physical aches and pains. People who had been suffering for years walked away disease-free, and others experienced a restoration of health that only God can provide. These testimonies of healing are a testament to the living power of Jesus Christ, who continues to work signs and wonders among us today.

We are grateful to everyone who prayed for and supported this event. Your faithfulness and prayers played a crucial role in making this festival a success.

Jogjakarta, Indonesia

Watch Daniel King in the nation of Indonesia as he reaches out to Muslims who need Jesus. At our Gospel Festival in Jogjakarta, Indonesia we were in the shadow of a Muslim Mosque. Our message was clear. Only Jesus can save people from their sins. When the name of Jesus was mentioned, some Muslim leaders became upset and a riot almost started. But despite the opposition, many lives were changed forever!

Deli Tua, Sumatra

Kisaran, Indonesia

Daniel & Jessica King went to Kisaran, Indonesia for a Gospel Festival.


Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

Costa Rica

Witness the miracles as God moves in Costa Rica.


Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!


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