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If you had to describe your entire life in only six words, what would you say?
There was a trend on the Internet a few years ago, started by SMITH Magazine, for people to write their memoirs in only six words. Here is what I think various Biblical characters and famous Christians would write about their lives if they only had six words to use.
Biblical Characters
Adam: “I lost garden by eating apple.”
Noah: Saved from flood by building ark.
Abraham: Trusted God, Father of many nations.
Moses: I said, “Let my people go!”
Joshua: Marched around Jericho, took Promised Land.
David: I killed giant, became Israel’s king.
Obed-Edom: God blessed me because of faithfulness.
Solomon: Built Temple, married too many wives.
Jonah: “Have you heard my fish tale?”
Esther: “I’m born for such a time.”
Daniel: “I pray lions are not hungry.”
Mary: “Thy will be done unto me.”
Jesus: God’s Son, died for your sins.
Peter the Apostle: Followed Christ, Denied Christ, Preached Christ.
Paul: Persecuted Christians, Encountered Christ, Wrote N.T.
John: The Disciple whom Jesus loved. Revelation.
Thomas: “Doubt no longer, I touched Him.”
Church Historical Figures
Polycarp: “How can I blaspheme my Savior?”
Constantine: Pagan; saw vision, converted Roman Empire.
Jerome: Translated Bible into Latin, became Saint.
Martin Luther: Nailed revelation: Solo Scriptura, Solo Fide
John Calvin: “I was destined to write this.”
George Whitefield: The apostle of the English empire.
Jonathan Edwards: Sinners in hands of angry God.
John Wesley: Fiery preacher who founded Methodist denomination.
Modern day Preachers
Billy Graham: Preached the Gospel, Thousands accepted Christ.
Oral Roberts: Healing ministry, Built university, seed-faith.
Rick Warren: Purpose-Driven Preacher returns church salary.
Bill Hybals: Seeker-Sensitive Church reaches unchurched people.
Ed Young: This memoir should be really creative.
Benny Hinn: “You can be healed!” “Sing choir.”
Marilyn Hickey: Covering the Earth with the Word
Joyce Meyers: Life is hard, you can overcome.
Reinhard Bonnke: “All of Africa shall be saved!”
Joel Osteen: Father Died; “Your Best Life Now”
Joseph Prince: It is by GRACE you’re saved.
David Barton: Founding fathers were Christian, America strayed.
My Life
If I had to summarize my life up until this moment in only six words, this is what it would probably be.
Daniel King: Rescued Millions of Souls from Hell
What would you say about your life if you only had six words?
Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!
If you have a question about King Ministries or about Daniel & Jessica King, please send me an e-mail: daniel [@] or give us a call at: 1-877-431-4276.
Can You Come Do a Crusade in My Country?
Can Daniel King Come Preach in My Church?
Can I Go on a Mission Trip with You?
How Long Does It Take to Organize a Crusade?
What Countries Does King Ministries Minister In?
How Can I Donate to King Ministries?
What Type of Humanitarian Aid Does King Ministries Give?
The “Work” of the Evangelist
You may not know how much work it takes to do a Gospel Festival. Often it can take from eight to twenty-four months in advance to plan an event. The process begins with visiting a nation for the first time in order to meet with local believers. On this trip, we are looking to see if the local churches are hungry for a move of God. We look for someone who has a passion for evangelism who is willing to work with us to impact a nation. We look for a good location for holding a Gospel Festival. This location needs to be accessible to the local population, big enough to handle a large crowd, and available for us to rent. We meet with local officials in order to discover what permits are required to hold an event.
After we find the right people to work with, we put a date on the calendar for the Festival. Then we start to mobilize the local churches. We begin by inviting local pastors to be involved. Getting pastors to work together in unity is often like herding cats but is essential to the success of an outreach.
Once the pastors are committed, we start training local believers in evangelism. We do workshops on how to lead people to Jesus, how to invite friends to church, and how to counsel new believers.
A couple of months before the festival, billboards go up. We make the advertising friendly and exciting so that non-believers will be attracted to the event. We emphasize that the Gospel Festival is open to everyone and is free of charge to attend. Our goal is to not to have a meeting of believers; our goal is to lead the lost to Christ. Since we are fishers of men, we look for bait that is attractive to the people we are trying to reach. Music, miracles, and food for the hungry all serve as effective bait.
One month before our team arrives, we start running radio and television advertisements. Teams of young people from the local churches visit every neighborhood and put up posters, hand out flyers in the markets, and hang banners across the streets. Church members personally invite friends, co-workers, and family to the event.
A couple of days before the event begins, the sound system, platform, and lighting is set up and tested. When our team arrives we do interviews with local new stations and meet with government officials.
Finally, the week of the outreach arrives. Our goal is to impact every level of society. We do outreaches to schools, to business people, to children, to women, and to the youth. Over the course of a week of ministry, we minister face-to-face to thousands of people and many people pray with us for salvation. We put literature in the hands of every new believer and the churches begin follow-up on all the decision cards.
As you can imagine, all of this work requires a big investment of time and resources. The local churches provide the manpower and ministry partners like you provide the money to make it possible to impact an entire city with the Gospel. We usually take a picture of the huge crowd on the last day of the Festival to show you the result of all the hard work. Someone asked me, “Why do evangelists always show pictures of a big crowd?” I answered, “Each face in the crowd represents a person who has had an encounter with God. We work for months for that one moment when a single soul responds to Christ and the Gospel message.”
Thank you for helping us to change lives for eternity! It is because of your financial investment that we are able to do the work of an evangelist. Click here to help us with our next event.
I recently finished my Doctorate of Ministry degree at Oral Roberts University. I used our recent Brazil crusade as my research project and I did a survey of a random cross section of people at the crusade. The project was designed to give a snapshot picture of an evangelistic crusade. The goal was to discover who came to the crusade, why they came, and what impact the crusade had on the city.
Here are some of the stats from the crusade. Caicó, Brazil has a population of 66,246 people. The nine evangelical churches in the city have 1,357 believers which equals about 2% of the population.
How Many People Were Saved? 82.6% of the crowd repeated the prayer of salvation with me. 641 people filled out decision cards. This represents a 43% increase in the number of Christians in the city.
Did Miracles Really Occur? 48.7% of the crowd reported that they arrived with pain in their bodies. 78.5% of those who came with pain in their bodies felt better after the healing prayer. Of the 182 people on Saturday night who answered “yes” to the question of whether they arrived with pain in the their bodies and said that they felt better, 176 (96.7%) “strongly agreed” or “agreed” that they had received a miracle.
Was the Crusade Worthwhile? 100% of the pastors agreed that the crusade was worth the time, money, and preparation.
How Many People Did We Impact? Our team ministered to a total of about 7,792 people at the crusade. Our three-day soul winning conference was used to train local believers in how to pray for the sick, cast out demons, and lead people to Jesus. By the third night of the soul winning conference, 485 believers were in attendance. The church where the meeting was held was completely full and we filled the street in front of the church with chairs for the overflow crowd. 792 young people attended the youth concert. 504 children were in attendance at the children’s festival.
Who Came to the Crusade? 39% of the crowd was male and 61% was female. The average age was 38.
How Did People Hear About the Crusade? Of the people who responded to my survey, 163 heard about the meeting from a friend. 79 were invited by a family member. 123 saw a poster. 132 received a flyer. 84 saw an advertisement on Facebook. 41 learned about the meeting on Instagram. 63 responded to a message on WhatsApp. 127 heard about the meeting on the radio. 39.74% of those personally invited to the crusade came which shows how important it is to have local church involvement in the crusade.
Why did People Come to the Crusade? 460 people responded to the question “Why did you come to this meeting?” 107 said, “My friend invited me.” 77 said they were curious about what was happening. 44 wanted to hear the music. 116 said they needed a miracle. 106 said they wanted to see miracles. 61 came because their pastor told them they should come. 112 came because they are curious about God. 6 did not know why they came and the rest gave some other reason why they came. These “other” answers include: Jesus called me, to seek the presence of God, because I am an evangelical, because I wanted to, because my wife invited me, I came to seek God, because I had a need, and because someone asked me.
How did people come to the crusade? 182 respondents came by car (38.6%). 42 came by public transportation (8.9%). 52 came by church bus (11%). 129 came by motorcycle (27.4%). 4 came by bicycle (0.8%). 59 walked (12.5%). 3 came by other means of transportation (0.6%).
Were the crusade attendees people who regularly go to church? 457 people responded to the question, “How often do you attend your church?” 23 said they never attend (5%). 57 said they attend 1-2 times per year (12.5%). 18 said they attend 6-12 times per year (3.9%). 44 said they attend 1-2 times each month (9.6%). 78 said they attend every Sunday (17.1%). 237 said they attend 2 or more times each week (51.9%).
Are those who got saved willing to go to a church for follow up? 80 people “strongly agreed” they would be willing to visit a church (37.2%). 111 “agreed” they would visit a church (51.6%). 14 were not sure if they would visit (6.5%). 9 “disagreed” that they would visit a church (4.2%). 1 “strongly disagreed” that he would be willing to visit a church (0.5%).
I’m sorry if I overwhelmed you with numbers in this post but the truth is that numbers are important. God even named a whole book in the Bible, “Numbers.” The reality is that every number represents a story. Every statistic stands for a person. At the crusade in Caicó, Brazil many people were touched by God, saved, and healed. You played an important part in making that happen! Thank you for your prayers and your giving.
There are two thoughts that drive everything we do as a ministry.
Thought #1: One Chance for Every Person…to hear the Gospel.
Oswald Smith said, “No one has the right to hear the gospel twice until everyone has had an opportunity to hear it at least once.” Every person on earth deserves to hear the truth about what Jesus accomplished on the cross at least once in his or her lifetime.
The world’s population recently exceeded seven billion people. Less than a third of these people (2.1 billion) are Christians. The world is a giant harvest field with many millions of people who have never heard the Gospel message.
In North America, there is a church on almost every corner; on television we watch multiple channels that offer 24/7 Christian programming; and Christian books and Bibles are readily available. But when we go to Pakistan, India, Indonesia, or the heart of Africa, we have the opportunity to preach to people who have never had a chance to hear the Gospel.
We want to go to the unreached, the unconverted, to those who have never heard, to people who have never read the Bible or sung a worship song, who do not know the story of Moses in the Bulrushes, Daniel in the Lion’s Den, Jonah and the Whale, or Jesus. We want to minister to people who bow their knees to strange gods, who offer incense to idols, or worship the sun, moon, and stars. Our mission is to visit the hardest-to-reach places of the world in order to rescue people from hell.
If we don’t go, who will? If we don’t preach, how will they hear? If we don’t give them an opportunity to hear the Gospel, how can they be saved? No one should ever die without hearing about what Jesus has done. This is why we do Gospel Festivals. We want to save the lost, offer salvation to sinners, and reach the unreached.
Thought #2: One Task for Every Believer…to Share the Gospel.
The second part of what we are called to do involves inspiring believers to be involved in evangelism. This is why we always do a Soul Winning Conference for pastors and church leaders in conjunction with every Gospel Festival.
Jesus told His disciples to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every person (Mark 16:15). This is an assignment for every believer and until we finish our assignment we should not get distracted with any lesser priorities.
Imagine a boss is telling his employee to make twenty-five sales calls before he leaves for an important meeting. When he returns, he asks the employee to give him a report. The man reports, “I made coffee, checked my e-mail, vacuumed the office, and organized my desk.” The boss asks, “Did you call the people I asked you to call?” The employee replies, “No, I was too busy doing other things to do the task you assigned me.” If the employee continually makes excuses for not doing his job, eventually he is going to get fired. Sometimes, the church is so busy doing good activities that we forget about our assignment from heaven to tell the world about Jesus.
As believers, each of us is called to be involved in fulfilling the Great Commission and in taking the Gospel to the world.
Can You Invest in World Evangelism?
I am often asked, “How much does a Gospel Festival cost?” But, a more important question is “How much is a Gospel Festival worth?” What is it worth to rescue 10,000 people from an eternity in hell? What is it worth to publicly proclaim Jesus in a city that has never heard the Gospel? What is it worth to inspire hundreds of local churches to care about evangelism? The cost of doing a Gospel Festival is usually about $1 for every person we are able to reach but the value of this investment is infinite! Could you make an investment this month for the sake of leading the lost to Christ? Thanks so much for helping us reach the world! To give, click here.
Three months before I started college I was in the middle of my prayer time when God spoke two words to my spirit that deeply impacted my life. God said, “Be diligent.” Two days later, I spent some time with John Tasch, my children’s pastor when I was young. As he encouraged me, he spoke the same message, “Daniel, as you start your studies, the word of the Lord for you is to “be diligent.” A few days later, another mentor, Pastor Billy Allen gave virtually the same message again when he was praying over me. Within a one-week period, I received a message from God and two confirmations of the message from people I greatly respected. At first, I thought this was a short message from God that only applied to my first semester but it turns out the instruction to be diligent was for my entire four years of college and even beyond. Now, many years later, as I reflect upon this word from God, I realize that God gave me a Word of Wisdom at a crucial time in my life.
This is the key to promotion.
Proverbs 10:4 “The hand of the diligent maketh rich.” (KJV)
Proverbs 10:4 …diligent hands bring wealth (NIV)
Proverbs 10:4 (NKJV) He who has a slack hand becomes poor, But the hand of the diligent makes rich.
Proverbs 12:24 “The hand of the diligent will rule, But the lazy man will be put to forced labor.”
Proverbs 13:4 The soul of a lazy man desires, and has nothing; But the soul of the diligent shall be made rich.
Some people want God to bless them, but they don’t want to do anything.
Proverbs 21:5 “The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plentyness, but the thoughts of the lazy tend toward want.”
(Proverbs 21:5 NKJV) The plans of the diligent lead surely to plenty, But those of everyone who is hasty, surely to poverty.
Proverbs 27:23 Be diligent to know the state of your flocks, And attend to your herds;
“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments, and that bridge must be crossed every day. – Jerry Grillo
Diligent means you do something day after day after day.
Deuteronomy 6:17 You shall diligently keep the commandments of the Lord your God, His testimonies, and His statutes which He has commanded you.
Deuteronomy 28:1 “…if you diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments which I command you today, that the Lord your God will set you high above all nations of the earth.
Psalm 119:4 You have commanded us To keep Your precepts diligently.
Proverbs 8:17 I love those who love me, And those who seek me diligently will find me.
2 Timothy 2:15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Paul tells Timothy: 2 Timothy 4:9 “Be diligent to come to me quickly”
The grace approach to diligence:
Some people might say, “I live under grace, so I don’t need to be diligent. If anything is going to happen, it is not going to happen because of my work, it will happen because of what God does.” But when we look at Scripture, we find that even under grace, we still have to be diligent.
Hebrews 4:11 Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall according to the same example of disobedience.
2 Peter 1:10 Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble;
2 Peter 3:14 Therefore, beloved, looking forward to these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, without spot and blameless;
God is a rewarder of the diligent.
Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!
Here are seven reasons why you need a mentor in your life.
Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!
Character is who you are on the inside. Character is what you do when no one is watching. The things you do on a daily basis will continue to be the things that you do in the midst of a crisis or an opportunity. Character is the moral compass that charts the course to your destiny.
Your gift can take you to the top, but only your character can keep you there. Gifting builds, character maintains. Talent and ability can bring success, but character will make you successful.
Character begins in your heart. Never get beaten on the inside, because it will only be a matter of time before you will be beaten on the outside. “Above all else, guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life” (Proverbs 4:23).
Preachers fall when their gifting supercedes their character. Over the years there have been many ministers who have been found lacking in the area of character. I’m sure you can think of several names. Each of these men are talented and charismatic but they ended up hurting many people and the kingdom of God because of a lack of character. Gary Alaniz said, “Anointing is Ability….Character is Dependability.”
Preaching a powerful sermon matters little when your lifestyle does not match your advice. Actions speak louder than words. What you do speaks so loud I cannot even hear what you are saying.
Don’t bring shame to His Name. A reputation takes a lifetime to build and it can be destroyed in an instant. Character is the only thing that stands between you and public failure. Never do anything behind closed doors that you would not want your mother watching on the nightly news.
“Lying lips are abomination to the Lord: but they that deal truly are his delight” (Proverbs 12:22).
“The just man walketh in his integrity: his children are blessed after him” (Proverbs 20:7).
“For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith” (Romans 12:3).
“Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God” (2 Cor. 7:1).
“Moreover I will establish his kingdom for ever, if he be constant to do my commandments and my judgments, as at this day” (1 Chron. 28:7).
“So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God” (Romans 14:12).
“But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more” (Luke 12:48).
“But people who are not aware that they are doing wrong will be punished only lightly. Much is required from those to whom much is given, and much more is required from those to whom much more is given” (Luke 12:48 VERSION?).
A double-standard is only acceptable to a hypocrite.
What you are should determine what you do. What you do should never determine what you are.
You can change your character by changing your habits.
Iceberg principle – its what is below the surface that sinks you. Work to develop your self-discipline, emotional security, core values, and sense of identity. You must be bigger than your gift.
“Reputation is what men and woman think of us. Character is what God and the angels know of us.” – Thomas Paine
“Character is much easier kept then recovered.” – Thomas Paine
“If you can be bought at any price, you will be.” – Leonard Ravenhill and Toymakers Dream
Charles Spurgeon, “Character is always lost when a high ideal is sacrificed on the altar of conformity and popularity.”
Wrong is wrong even if everyone else is doing it. Right is right even if no one else is doing it.
Champions are not made in the ring, they are merely recognized there.”
“Challenges not only build character – they reveal it.”
Image is built by money, but reputation is built by work. Eventually your reputation becomes your image. Our reputation is His reputation, its not our works but His work. We are made in His image. The image we project should be his image. Image creates a first impression, reputation forms a lasting reputation. Image is who you say you are, reputation is who you really are. No amount of money can rebuild an image destroyed by a bad reputation. Image is what people see. Character is what you and God sees.
Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!
Michael Duseau is eighty-four years young. He has a Doctorate of Clinical Psychology and he ran a successful real estate business. But at the age of forty-nine, he launched out into ministry and has now done amazing things for God in Nigeria, Russia, Sierra Leon, Libera, and many other places.
Michael Duseau leads Word of Power Ministries. You can reach him at:
Questions I ask Michael Duseau:
What did you learn from T.L. Osborn?
Why did you leave a successful business to go to Bible school?
What should the evangelist know about psychology?
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Michael Duseau is 84 years young. He has a doctorate of clinical psychology and he ran a successful real estate business. But at the age of 49, he launched out into ministry. And now he’s done amazing things for God. In Nigeria, Russia, Sierra, Leone, Liberia, and many other places. Today, we listened to his story of what God has done through him.
Evangelism Podcast Host (00:25):
Jesus said, go into all the world and preach the gospel. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies, and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary and evangelist Daniel King. Welcome to the evangelism podcast.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:03):
I’m Daniel King. And today I have a very special guest, Michael Duseau . He is from Word of power ministries, and he has been serving God in ministry for many, many years. He is now 84 years old brother Duseau thank you so much for joining me today.
Michael Duseau (01:24):
Yeah, well, I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to meet you. Number one, and to be able to send out the word to someone who’s listening to this, that it will affect their life forever for good. So,
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:37):
So tell me a little bit about how you got started in ministry, because you were very successful in business in real estate and in construction, you also have a doctorate in clinical psychology, so you were very successful, but when you were 49 years old, you decided to sell everything and go to Bible school and go into ministry. How did you come to make that decision?
Michael Duseau (02:04):
Well, very shortly, I honored my contract that I had with God that my brand new son who was born wearing eight pound, six ounces could not eat anything. And he was dying. And miraculously I surgeon came and I was up in Vermont and operated on my son. But while he was operating, I made a deal with God and I don’t, don’t get mad at me. Then a lot of places where people make deals with God long as their heart is true. So I said Lord I don’t deserve to live, but my son does. So if you let him live, I will honor what I said I would do and become a priest, a Catholic, because I was raised Catholic until I learn more and go back and become a minister and serve you and serve Jesus and do what I promised I would do. So
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:02):
You, you made a deal with God because your, your son did not die. He lived,
Michael Duseau (03:07):
He’s healthy as a horse. He’s an athlete. He teaches tennis and soccer. He’s brilliant. He’s got, and he’s, he’s just a good, very good man. He has only one son. Okay. But he’s he’s good.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:21):
So you came here to Tulsa, Oklahoma, and you decided to attend a victory Bible Institute with pastor Billy Joe and Sharon Doherty. And your ministry was, was influenced by them by graduating there. And then also you had an association with Dr. TL Osborn, the great missionary evangelist from here in Tulsa. What, what did you learn from T.L. Osborn?
Michael Duseau (03:50):
From T.L. Osborn I learned that you have to live outside the box while you are being a man of God and you are following the Bible. You have to be free enough and loose enough to be able to explore other possibilities than what you have been taught. Keeping yourself honest and straight with a word of God and what it says and what we call the good book. His soul was the most obviously open minded person I’ve ever seen in the ministry. And he’s the one who started an open air evangelism wing in Africa. And when I went to Africa, all they had to say was, I studied with T. L. Was born and they say, come on, mate, what do you want to teach? What do you want to preach? Uyou just go right ahead. They,uBenson Idahosa, Archbishop Benson, you know, Benson Idahosa,and in Africa sat down his Bible school. So my wife, Janice and I could teach because we are from TL. Osborn.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:56):
Benson Idahosa was there in Nigeria and had a tremendous ministry in Beneen. And I’ve actually had the chance to go over there and stay in his house. This was after he died, but to meet Mrs. Margaret, his, his wife, and to this day, they still have over 5,000 churches across Nigeria and other parts of Africa that are under their ministry. Benson Idahosa was an amazing man of faith. Great faith. What are some of the memories you have of Benson Idahosa.
Michael Duseau (05:31):
Benson Idahosa was a man who did not take no for an answer. When he walked, I told an airplane and it was full. He just said who wants to give up their seat for Jesus? And 12 people were to get up and walk off the plane. I mean, that’s power, that’s love that’s commitment. That’s being know what is to dominate in, in the secular world. But mostly I remember that he, hadn’t no thoughts about his background. The fact that he was picked up out of a dump by a teenage girl, as an infant and God saved his life that way. And then he never looked back and I never once heard him say about how he came out of the dump or how he came out of things were so bad and terrible and everything else. He just looked forward. Look at that. I’ve been in that, that could, the jewel, he built, I’ve lived in his home over there, like you did. He just kept looking forward and, and no one dared, okay. Question what he was saying. Cause he always connected it to the word of God. That’s what I learned from him. Don’t try to teach something. You don’t, you have not lived, he would say you have to live it. And boy, he sure did live it.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:49):
So your first mission experience was there in Nigeria or right after finishing Bible school. But since then you’ve traveled to many different countries and you’ve been establishing churches, building churches. You’ve been to Russia Sierra Leone, Liberia, and many other places. Tell me about some of the, the churches that you’ve established.
Michael Duseau (07:15):
Well, if I was the first church I establish it was in a Bo town, which is the second largest city in Sierra Leone, right after Freetown town. That’s right. Thank you. And I went there, I got there cause I was invited there. Someone I, someone heard about what I did in Nigeria and said, we wanted you to come here. And it was this young man who had a small Bible study and you know, Stephen FOYA who, by the way, has pastored the church. I’d built there for the last 10 or 11 years, very successfully. So I went there to just have a crusade, right. And we did when we did, we had a tremendous miraculous events. And then I decided that we took over that, that a little Bible study he had and started looking for a leader to plant a church because I am a church planter and a Bible school planner and an orphanage builder. So I’m always looking for who is the leader that God has put in my path that I can pass on what I have gotten from Billy Joe Doherty, tell Osborne, Kenneth Hagan at all these people that I’ve studied thoroughly. Okay. I want to pass it on. Okay.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:35):
Yeah. So you’re have a background in construction. Oh yes. And so you don’t just establish churches. You also work to, to build them tell me about some of the, the building projects you’ve done over the years.
Michael Duseau (08:52):
Well, the first one we built was in Botox. Okay. In Sierra Leone. All right. And of course they didn’t, they didn’t happen there. They were meeting under a tree. He has little Bible study under a tree. All right. And when I got there, I went to the Bible study and I said I watched what he was doing. And he gave him a free hand to teach what he wanted to teach. And then would credit take critique what he was doing. But then I said, we need to build a church here. Okay. Because I was told by the Holy spirit that this is the man that you’re going to, that you should be building up. Okay. So what we did was we actually built a bamboo church, but it was a hundred feet long and 40 feet wide. And it lasted almost three years until the wind blew it down.
Michael Duseau (09:39):
Well, but then when I came back, I saw that the church was just about gone. I said, well, it’s time to build an American church. Let’s get some sand and cement. And land was given us by the mayor of Sierra Leone, which was his uncle. So we got the land. We love with it. All we poured, made the concrete pad then started making our own concrete blocks with boys five and six year old carrying blocks on their head, the women mixing the cement and concrete and we built a beautiful 120 foot, 45 foot wide beautiful church concrete. Okay. And with iron black iron wood tresses Trestles up, up in the roof. So that thing will be there when Jesus comes back. So we been in an American church that it was going to last and that would be attract people. Okay. Well with windows fans and everything that we needed, because in that building is the church, the Bible school and the orphanage.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:40):
I like your, your strategy. I’m always interested in the strategies that people use to, to reach people. So it sounds like you, you started out with some, some crusades and then he was already having a little Bible study and then you build the church, starting with bamboo, then turn it into concrete blocks, but then also including a orphanage and then a Bible school. And so you’ve established several Bible schools in different parts of the world. Why do you feel that it’s important to start Bible schools?
Michael Duseau (11:14):
Well, it’s the old saying about, you better teach a man to fish than just give him manifestation because he’s, he’s gonna have his hand out, like he’s on welfare and want to just keep being fed. Well, that’s not where I’m on an author. We’re on this earth to give okay. To acquire, but to give, okay. And the civil war that they have between Liberia and Sierra Leone killed 240,000 people.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:41):
What years was that war being fought?
Michael Duseau (11:45):
Whoa is it’s tough when I have to go back and see, when was I aware? This was after Nigeria. So Nigeria was 80, let’s say 87, 88, 89. This was in 89.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:03):
And, and were you there in Sierra Leone and Liberia working during that time when the civil war was being fired?
Michael Duseau (12:11):
We were in Liberia at the time, rather than Sierra Leone. And we were held up in a Baptist retreat house. And at night you could hear right at the Tet budget at the Tet. Well, those are not mice running around the room. Those were people with automatic machine guns, firing and war was still going on. Yeah. We were there during that time and there was a 50 caliber machine gun right out front of that, of that wall. See, I’m, I’m an ex U S army man. Also, I can tell you what, what weapon is firing. So, and so in any case, we were there during that time and you don’t go out, you know, after dark unless you’ve got some very important thing to do. So that was in, and that led to our first church in in Liberia. Wow.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:57):
I mean, I remember some of those reports from the war in Sierra Leone, where people were having their arms chopped off their legs were being chopped off. I mean really horrible things. But now it’s, it’s more peaceful, which I’m happy about because I’m actually about to go to Sierra Leone and we’re going to be doing a crusade and, and then training up some evangelists and we have a strategy for planting some churches in an area that doesn’t have any churches. So I’m very excited about that, but this will be my first time to Sierra Leone to tell me some about the culture and that the people there in Sierra Leone,
Michael Duseau (13:37):
Well, the culture is still tribal. There is no national culture in these West African nations. And that’s what caused the civil war that killed all these 240,000 people. But the, I was after they got the war done in Liberia the, a woman became president of Liberia between and she, we worked with her and my wife has spent almost 30 years teaching blind. That was her profession. So we, we made contacts and brought a container of equipment over for the school for the blind over there. All right. So that’s, and we, we do other things and just have, have crusades, but sure. We, we have our crusades, but then we look for like there was no school for the blind in, in this country. Well, there was the beginning of one, but we filled a giant container, got a sent over free by Firestone rubber is a I’m syllabus. And this man, if I can get something for free for the Lord, I’m going to get it okay. In a week we sent a container to Russia containers through Africa and we, we are able to get everything done by just using the word of God.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:58):
Yeah. Another part of your, your ministry that I’m really interested in is the fact that you have a doctorate in clinical psychology. You don’t run into many ministers that are also trained in clinical psychology. And I think it’s something that people would benefit from knowing a little bit more about psychology. What are some of the things that from your, your background, as in clinical psychology, that, that you think evangelists should know about psychology,
Michael Duseau (15:33):
Number one, learn to identify the problem. And you, you can only learn that by learning the symptoms by learning the Cutler cultural background. Okay. And when you first you identify the problem for residents, are we talking about psychotherapy say psychosis from a a bad upbringing? Are we talking about a deep depression? From there, the, the situation they’re in right now I broken a marriage self mutilation. All these things are caused by someone else affecting that person, the person showing the symptoms is the person who was being used and abused by another person. Who’s not showing the symptoms of, of any psychological problem. It’s like they’re being scapegoated okay. In their family. And there’s usually if you have three or four or five children in one family and they’re born pretty close together sooner, it happens very often that one of them is going to be the scapegoat that gets all the blame for things.
Michael Duseau (16:44):
So you have to, which is on healthy. Yeah. You have to go through the family history, but you all do that. Once you identify it, then you go to the Bible. And I, I, as I said earlier, in our private conversation, I can trace every form of cycle, like that little says back to the words of the Bible, the words of Jesus, the apostles. Okay. And the profits, a and R man, and in, in a proverb, in Psalms the solution is there, the solution is there for broken marriages, a solution is there for a psychosis demon, ology we’re living in a most demonic time in really pretty much in history. I have any that’s going on now. It’s not political. It’s not psychological. It’s deemed monic. Okay. And because the spirits are running havoc in this country and, but they’re using psychology as a neuro excuse that’s that’s, that’s not what, what does, what does it, yeah. We wrestle
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (17:50):
Not against flesh and blood, but against every principality in the powers of darkness. And so I think that’s really important to remember. I think it’s really key. What you said is that all of the different psychological cures, and in ways of, of helping people, you can trace that back to the Bible. And the Bible actually speaks to every different kind of problem that humans can have. There’s nothing.
Michael Duseau (18:19):
I learned that firsthand when I went to a victory, a victory Bible Institute at the time, and I tried using my, my, my carnal psychological means of counseling with the same meager of success of three to 4%. That’s like putting a bandaid on a gunshot wound. Okay. so then when I asked the Holy sprit, I said, what’s going on here? I’ve sold everything I own. We’re here at the Bible school. We’re committed to the rest of our life to serving why can I get some success, some real success here. Okay. And in my heart and my mind, the Lord said, what are you using to counsel? I said, what? I’ve been taught? I’m in the field of psychology. Yeah. But then, then I’m taking. Yeah. But I am in Bible school. So the Holy spirit said counsel from the Bible.
Michael Duseau (19:12):
And I said, you mean to tell me everything that I’ve been taught is in the Bible. He told me himself counsel from the Bible, it’s in the Bible. So naturally I got, you know, I I’d love to do research. Well, I got on it. I mean, like fleas on a dog. I was on it. All right. And then I started using, how do we count? What did Paul say about my riches? What does it say? What in Judaism? What parts of Judaism can you use? All right. And I started using those 5%, 10%, 20%, one in five, two and five. Pretty soon if I was missing one, it was a one out of 10 that it was missing. Wow. Once I got them on believing that the solution is not psychology, but I understood what we had here was either a male dominant situation or a female dominant situation, or a family that has a witchcraft in, in, in the past.
Michael Duseau (20:14):
And now it’s coming out as a, as a psychological problem. But it really is a difference of seances and, and all this kind of terrible stuff. And that, that brings in a family curses. And they can run on for generation after generation with nothing done about it. And they think it’s psychology. I mean, psychiatry gets a bad rap sometimes. Yes, the percentage of cure C, but the curing in psychology is that you get rid of this problem and you never have the problem again. Well, we can, we can help to function socially, which they were not functioning, but not at the, you know, cure. It’s gotta be divine. It’s gotta be the word of God. It’s gotta be the Holy spirit, because that way it’s done once. And for all, and all they have to do, should they feel they’re starting to slipping back is go to what you were taught by your Christian counselor. Go back to the word. He taught you, go back to what you changed in your life. Okay. And bang. They come right back. They get strength and strong again. So
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:18):
Jesus has an excellent track record of helping people to be cured. It’s not 4% is what is way better than that. And I’ve seen many people whose lives have been completely turned around and changed by the power of God’s word. And when I, when I preach, I often do focus on the, the, the emotional aspect of healing. Like one of my favorite sermons is Matthew nine. The, the paralyzed man who was let down through the roof, Jesus says three things to him. He says, take heart, which means be encouraged. And he says, son, your sins are forgiven. And then he says, get up and walk. And so I think it’s very interesting. Matthew is the only one of the three synoptic gospels that, that has the words of Jesus saying, be encouraged or take heart. But I think that’s very interesting because Jesus encouraged the man before he forgave the man sins. And before he healed his physical body, but Jesus encouraged them because Jesus cares about what’s going on in our, in our mind. And the psychology of, you know, that man probably was depressed and sad and lonely. He’s laying there all day paralyzed, but Jesus healed him mentally and emotionally before he started dealing with the sin and the, in the physical problem of the man
Michael Duseau (22:39):
And EV every time I would counsel someone Christian Wise, I would always be sure they understood, listen, you are forgiven. All you have, and God has buried that sin in the deepest ocean of the world. And he said, he’s never going to remember it. So I don’t want you to remember it and just get out of that mess because God has taken you out of that mess. You are a healed sealed for a given son or daughter of God, and don’t let anybody put you back in that box. Amen.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (23:13):
While your latest project is to go to the land where Jesus walked to Israel in the city of Jerusalem, then they’re three and two to you have in your heart to start a Bible school there to tell me, tell me about that project.
Michael Duseau (23:27):
Well, actually we have started the Bible school there, but the point is that there is a particular political organization, which purposely seeks out ministers who are trying to initiate Bible schools or Protestant churches and expelled him from the country. Now that is a fact which I’m, I’m sure of. So we have to, you have to progress, but help or ask of a good couple of rabbis who can tell you where the pitfalls are. All right. So yeah, we went there, my wife and I went there twice. I’ve been there three times where I got, I got things started a man from India tool who was taking care of the situation. We had six or seven students at one point. And then because unfortunate, my wife became ill ill enough that I had to take her and bring her back to the States.
Michael Duseau (24:27):
So a tool is still kind of a holding the Fort, but our six or seven, a two until down to three because number one, the teacher’s not there. Number two, they can’t get firsthand answers to their questions. You know, yes, we’re sending them a lot of CDs and information from TL, from Billy Jo, Charles cabs, Kenneth Hagan and Canada Copeland. They’re getting all that stuff, fed to them. Okay. But without ask, answering their questions, after they get the presentation, they lose the benefit of it. They lose the belief in what they just heard, because they have questions like that. This group, we have a with the seniors the, the, the group I have right now is about the hard sayings of Jesus, the hard sayings of Paul alleged discrepancies in the Bible. And when I walk in everyone who comes is going to get one of these books by Josh McDowell.
Michael Duseau (25:24):
Cause cause just take their first page. And it talks about, well, what is it? Okay, what’s the problem. And there 65 different questions here that cynicals have, but the answer is there, but we don’t use that, that we use their personal experiences. Well, right. But I have, I have over 300, 400 books in personal library about, this is one that I’ve used consistently, along with the hard sayings of Jesus, heart sayings of Paul and alleged discrepancies in the Bible. But most people won’t ask the question because I’m sorry to say most people who are teaching have done enough research to perhaps teach the class, but not to answer the hard questions. Why does bad things happen to good people? How can of all loving God allow an infant to be killed in a car accident. People have those questions, but they don’t have the courage to ask the question because if they ever broached that question at some other place or they either got laughed at, or it’s near that or said the well, well, just, you’re just supposed to believe. Just, just know don’t ask questions, just believe again. And I say, no American people, they’re not stupid. They’re not going to just believe they want an answer. That makes sense.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (26:46):
You’ve been in ministry for a long time, 33 years, 33 years. What type of advice would you give to young people who are just starting out in ministry?
Michael Duseau (26:58):
Two things. If you really think that you have a calling of God, first of all, you asked the Holy spirit. Okay. Zariah. I want to be sure I have the calling of God. And you can should say I understand that fasting is very good to be in contact with the whole spirit of God. Should I fast? And the Holy spirit will just held them in their heart. Yes or no. Like when I had to find out where I was going, when I graduated, I knew I wasn’t evangelist, but I didn’t know where I should go. What country? What, what? So I, and I asked the Holy spirit and I said, should I fast? He said, yes. I said, how long? He said three days. I said on what? Just water. So I passed the three days and just water that at two 30 in the morning, on the fourth day, I said, okay, Holy spirit.
Michael Duseau (27:40):
Now we made a deal. You will say that you, you would tell me where I was going. I said, no, tell me, how do I get started? Where am I going? Okay. And then I listen. Well, I do have learned to listen anyway. And he said, three words, go to Nigeria. Now my best friend in Bible school was Ambrose Atoka who was from Nigeria, but I had no desire to go to Nigeria. I grew up in a, in an all white neighborhood city with one African family. And I knew nothing about that culture. So I said Holy spirit. Yeah, sure. I’ll will. But how do I get started? Who do I contact? How do I get into a country? I said, could you tell me a little more than just go to Nigeria? Okay. And then of course I showed up and listen, which is most important thing you can do when you’re praying. Yeah. And then he said, go to Nigeria.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (28:37):
He tells you the same thing again, twice,
Michael Duseau (28:40):
Three times, Daniel, three times he said, go find I said, I think I’m pushing my luck. I think I better just
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (28:49):
Take what I better just go anyway. You can find a go, just go.
Michael Duseau (28:53):
Everything just fell in line. Wow. That’s
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (28:55):
Awesome. Well, thank you so much for sharing some of your story, brother, Michael too. So it’s a privilege to have you on the evangelism podcast. I really appreciate your ministry and all the amazing things that you’ve done for Jesus over the years we ain’t finished yet. You’re not finished yet. Well, Jerusalem. Amen. Well, thank you so much for being with us today for that.
Michael Duseau (29:20):
It’s very much appreciate the invitation. I really enjoyed myself. God bless you. God bless.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (29:25):
Thanks so much for listening to the evangelism podcast today. If you want coaching and how to be a more effective evangelists, get in touch with And could you do me a favor? Go find the evangelism with Daniel King on iTunes and leave us a review. Your positive review will help other people who are excited about evangelism to find us. God bless you
Evangelism Podcast Host (29:54):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit King Again, that’s King
Bishop Patrick Mmuokebe is from the nation of Nigeria. When he was 19 years old, he saw a vision of Jesus four times. Ever since, he has dedicated his life to preaching the Gospel and he has now visited 51 nations to tell people about Jesus.
Key Quote:
Miracles are to draw souls to Christ.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Bishop Dr. Patrick Mmuokebe is from the nation of Nigeria. When he was only 19 years old, he saw a vision of Jesus four times ever since he has dedicated his life to preaching the gospel. And now he’s visited over 50 nations telling people about Jesus.
Evangelism Podcast Host (00:22):
Jesus said, go into all the world and preach the gospel. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King we’re Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary and evangelist Daniel King. Welcome to the evangelism podcast.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:01):
I’m Daniel King and I am excited telling people about Jesus. Today. We have a special guest. He is a evangelist from the nation of Nigeria, and he has now traveled to over 51 nations around the world, preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to large crowds of people at the age of 19 Bishop Patrick McGee, baby had a vision of Jesus, not just one vision. He saw Jesus four times. So brother, tell me how that vision of Jesus impacted your life.
Bishop Patrick Mmuokebe (01:40):
Praise be to God is a pleasure to be here today, to share with you what great things God is doing in the now they visioned that I had impacted my life because it took me from smoking drugs, from Ganga five boys from living in this, you know, lifestyle of Michael Jackson, because I was playing him. I used to dance this Cobra dance like him. It was my mother and my idol. And but after that experience, when everything changed from that moment, I began to tell Jesus is alive. I told my family and my friends, people around me that say I’m crazy or mad. They said that, you know, does not appear to anybody anymore. I said, buddy, that he spoke to me. He said, I am Jesus Christ. This is a life on power. They couldn’t understand. My family was like, I’m going crazy. They wouldn’t take me to psychiatric hospital to look at my brain too much.
Bishop Patrick Mmuokebe (02:30):
I’m still walking. But I said, Oh, he’s real well. Within three, four, five months of coming and talking to me in four different times, everything changed my life. Miracles, healing began to happen. Cancers heal people. I pray for say that heal. Everybody began to notice that God is really doing something. And then I knew that God called me to preach the gospel to others, with the testimony of Jesus Christ. Because the testimony of Jesus is the power of the Holy spirit. And it is what brings change to people today. People don’t believe that Jesus is real. So don’t believe that Jesus is arrive. Some don’t believe that Jesus is who he say the word of God he is, but I’ve been to 52 different countries. I’ve talked to people, millions of face to face with healings of cancer. Also HIV AIDS with doctors, reports, ballerinas that doctors can never be healed, healed people that are going through poverty, being financially empowered miraculously by the vision of Jesus Christ. As I said that I’m a preacher and also a witness of his power today.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:36):
Oh, you’re from the nation of Nigeria. Yes. How did you first become an evangelist? Was your first crusade there in Nigeria?
Bishop Patrick Mmuokebe (03:45):
Yes. My first crew said, I’ll try it. It was in Nigeria. I in March, 1998, five, as I said, I smoked drink with my gangs and even love match. It didn’t be Monday night. I came home to sleep as usual. I wake up in the morning, looking at the street of my house, thinking about what I’m going to do that day. And as I shared my book on my messages, you know, suddenly I look like this on my left-hand side, Jesus was standing there. When I saw him, I want to run away. I couldn’t run. I want to move. I want a little move. I want to say, who are you? I couldn’t open my mouth. The glory. And the power of his presence is beyond human description. Nobody can describe the awesomeness and the greatness of who Jesus is. And from that moment, everything changed for me.
Bishop Patrick Mmuokebe (04:28):
When he spoke to me, I went to the restroom and tears were coming out of my eye. I feel like a burden lifted from me. I decided that day I gave my life to the Lord. I came out of the restroom and began to preach this Sunday. My crusade started December month because I was a colleague baptized, but I was a baby as Patrick, but I never take a church serious. I don’t believe in God at temple that God does exist. That churches lit in blue Bible is of the bad people, that churches, just a organization like lottery club and other clubs. But after that experience and encounter, I began to preach the reality of Jesus. I went to the Reverend father, told him about Jesus, who appeared to me. I went to so many people telling them that Jesus is real because it was so real. To me, it changed my life. I would say I’m trying to stop smoking. I used to smoke 20 stick or pencil, midnight hedges in two hours with my gang, my friends, I used to drink six bottles of beer CCL. And it came beer, all kinds of beers. But instantly after he spoke to me, the desire for sex desire for dancing, disco, the desire to smoke and drink, everything died instantly. And I began that day to tell people that Jesus can change lives. Instantly.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:42):
You started your ministry there in Nigeria. How did the door open for you to start to go to other nations?
Bishop Patrick Mmuokebe (05:49):
It was a miraculous intervention because in 1991, the Lord came to me and said, I’m taking, I’m sending you to Bennett Republic and took a Republic to possess the land by the Holy spirit. By then I was a pastor going to Bible school in Nigeria, in Abba and pastoring the church because the church I was pastor was founded by about six years ago by a pastor, a leader who had issue with the church because of some, you know, you have some moral issue like fornication with two members of the church ladies. And they went to church, find out he and I went by not the church. I was in Bible school as a student, a few months into geology, two years theological school. And I saw demand. One of the elders I was passing by the voice said to me, go and minister to him.
Bishop Patrick Mmuokebe (06:36):
I said, I don’t know him. What would I tell him? He said in his shop, in his business office, then the first one said, it’s dead for three months. Every time I passed there, I had the seven voice final. I go in and talk to him. He told me that that same week, the Lord told me to go is the wind. The pastor left that they have no pasta that he one meal time. And he said, please come and preach for us. I went there and preach. After I flipped reaching, the whole of the church says, can you be our pastor? That’s how I become a pastor going to school. I was like 23 years old. You know? So going to school, preaching pastor in the church, become the senior leader with the assistant pastor, working with the other guy being on that. Me. And that’s how I started pastoring. And the Lord said to me, go to Benin Republic and Togo in 1991 to preach the gospel. And I went, that was the first day I left the country to go and preach this country’s miracles, healings, deliverance. And from there we have seen so saved by the part of God.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:28):
So you went first to Togo and Benin, and now you’ve gone to so many different nations around the world. Recently you were in the nation of Haiti. Tell me what miracles did you see God do in Haiti,
Bishop Patrick Mmuokebe (07:42):
In Haiti, we have a lot of testimonies. So for healing, for example, there was a woman that has a heart problem. The doctor says that they’re going to give her a new heart or something. And she’s in pain. She’s suffering. Like she kept to the crusade. When we prayed in the name of Jesus, when I’m in a big crowd or crusade like that, I can’t touch anybody. I can’t touch everybody because we touch one person. Everyone wants to touch him. So if I stay the whole night, I can’t touch everybody like some 20,000, 30,000, 50,000, 200,000 people, my crusades. So I was like, okay. I D I spread, put your hand where your sickness is in the name of Jesus. When I pray, I’m going to blow your hand to let her handle you in agreement and the inches of the water. What we me is going to touch you and you be healed.
Bishop Patrick Mmuokebe (08:25):
When I prayed this prayer to whom I says, she put her hand where the problem in the heart part of God came and he was shaking chicken, chicken. When I was praying. And after that, she feels like her fire [inaudible]. I used to loop. There was no fire. So she went home, wake up in the morning. That’s the end of the pain. Went to the doctor, touched, touched nothing, examine everything, no more pain. The cancer is gone. And she came to testify. The whole people, we are so happy people. We are jumping on a Joycean because I tell people this miracles are to draw souls to Christ. Miracles is not advertised. The preacher miracle is not advertised. The program. Miracle is authorized Jesus to let people know that Jesus is still the same yesterday, today, and forever. And what he did yesterday, he can do today. And that’s how people are so excited. We have people come in. Hundreds of people come in every day, every day for one week, thousands of people where there to be blessed by the part of God, by the word of God,
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:23):
Over the course of your ministry, how many people have given their lives to Jesus because of your,
Bishop Patrick Mmuokebe (09:30):
Well, I would say is uncountable in the Nim that sometimes when I go on programs, I may not be able to record everybody. You know, like I said, in May 20th of 2016, I was alive on TBN. Mindy started that said we reached 118 inches over a hundred million people watch us live. And after that, I caught oughta call and asked me to give their life to Jesus. So I don’t know how much of the media, so Buddha watch me alive. I remember when they give their life to Jesus, you know, but what I know is that one of micro cities in Nigeria in 2002, we have 50,000 documented salvations in a desk who said Sunday to Sunday. And one crew said every night, wherever have a hundred thousand people. People came from everywhere and we have documented decision card for 50,000. Plus I come to the program after end of the program.
Bishop Patrick Mmuokebe (10:21):
So where I was sitting, literally thousands of meters of people come to Jesus Christ. And we continued to go. I was in India in 2019, this November, we have incredible thousands of people. We have touched many of them here. And there was a mine that the first person I prayed for my guest, even just Francis Xavier, who was with me, Haiti, who said does the last few weeks ago, he, when we come in, he said, that’s their family for 80 years, they’re married. No Chinese doctors have done everything to help them. They spend thousands of dollars in doctors. He said, please, will you pray for them? They want you to come and pray, but it has some testimonies of miracles that happen and they’ll prepare food. And where come. I said, okay. I went there to pray for them. When I was there. I said, by the Holy spirit in one year, today, it child, we cry in this house. Miraculously, not because of what doctors have done, but because of what God who sent me to India have spoken exactly one year to have that boy to that, that child was born last October, then about, so God is fitfully and God’s the answer prayers.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:24):
What evangelists have really influenced you? What have you learned from other evangelists?
Bishop Patrick Mmuokebe (11:31):
They forced the evangelists that impressed me so hard is TL Osborn
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:35):
Of course, Dr. Osborne is a great missionary evangelist from right here in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Bishop Patrick Mmuokebe (11:40):
Yes, sir. In 1986, after I was up here at the minute 85, I heard about him through a book I read and I wrote him. He sent me his book, healing, the sick, they live in classic. Then I saw pictures of crusades. So he did that African another wall. And that has been impacted my life. I’ve listened to him. I’ve been with him and I’ve been in his crusades and I vetted Africa to been in the public. He came in 2005 and we have a wonderful time together before he went to be with the Lord. So TL Osborn is number one, number two, Reinhard Bonnke in 1987 for his false crusade in Nigeria, I was there and there, the final goal was born in the mid two more to go to full-time. After I, in that meeting, I decided to go full time. January 4th, 1988, I went full time with the Bible school to become a full time. Preacher, God.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:32):
God told me one time that “the mission field shall become a mission force.” And for many years, people have viewed Africa as a mission field and many missionaries from the United States and other places have, have gone to Africa to preach the gospel. But now it’s amazing because God is raising up great preachers from Africa, great evangelists that are very bold in sharing their faith that are bold in sticking to the scriptures. And I think now missionaries from Africa are being sent out to, to other nations. What advice would you give to someone from Africa? Who’s called to be an evangelist
Bishop Patrick Mmuokebe (13:18):
Man of God. You are very, very, very perfectly correct. I’ve said this about 15 years ago, the last would be the first and the fourth would be the last. I believe that the last gospel we preach by Africans. Amen. Why? Because they’re the last of course, the sons of, you know, unsolved, Heim, shim, Jeff ethanol that story. But anyway, what do I say is exactly what God is doing? The mission field has become the mission force because when Christianity come to Nigeria to re Christianity in the 1960s and seventies, it came with reality of power of God through read through. [inaudible] tell us what, in 1957, he wasn’t named, but I don’t Nigeria. It has over 500,000 people came over 40 crippled and blind people got healed. I got delivered till I was born 1957. I was not born yet. So people that were there, like my spiritual mentor [inaudible] he was put on people that were impacted.
Bishop Patrick Mmuokebe (14:20):
And that crew said almost every body that was in that crew said at that time that I sit up believers, be called grid, men of God, today that God used it in Nigeria and Africa, I said, Oh, and I want to set this. God has given the African people the burden to carry the reality of the gospel of Jesus with the power of the Holy spirit, to other nations of the world. I said to people that did see that America saw in Nigeria is affecting the whole world right now because the two days that the church and never die and the church can never die. They get off hell. I never stopped the church. If the church is good, we can hear it gets stronger. That if you’re going to struggle, you get to church very soon. When he leave Africa, you go to China because China is rising up to power for right now where the gospel of Jesus Christ. So I believe if you have black minds to the people, if you’re a black man, this is your time to cut it. The anointing, this is your time to create the presence of God. This is your time to preach the gospel with authority and audacity because it works.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:19):
You mentioned Benson Idahosa, who is in heaven now, but he was a great evangelist from Nigeria. And you said that he mentored you in some ways. What did you learn from Benson?
Bishop Patrick Mmuokebe (15:32):
He inspired my faith. The first time I met him, when I was in Bible school, 98, did he come to bridge in my locality, the authority and the audacity that come out of his message and the miracles I saw changed my life forever. I know that if tell us when he’s doing it, he’s a white man. You know, can the heck. And he’s doing it. He’s a white man, but for me too, after reading about these wonderful people for 98, five seven, and see a black man, but you’re busy. And I was standing in front of me, manifesting disempowered on top of the Holy ghost. I was like, Oh, if I can do it and brought out with, to tell you by the grace of God, I’ve done it in many countries to the glory of God, I’ve challenged, DiMasi hate to face to face.
Bishop Patrick Mmuokebe (16:20):
And many of them said they would kill me. I said, bring it on because it will kind of knock. If I said before you come to, came in, right. Your wheel, because we don’t kill me. If I don’t die, you die. Because when you bring the sword, the highest sword will be there to challenge you assault. And I don’t think you can stand, go. So, or doesn’t have the authority. The boldness he has, which came from God, because if you know his life story, when he was bought bet bunk, he wants to be thrown away in a trach because he was not Britain. He thought he was dead. The father said, Hey man, where is nothing? I would have songs that I was sick. It was sickly. But God, the devil wants to destroy him from China. But God raised him up to become a mighty force. Almost every ministry you’ll see today in Nigeria, big ministry. So I called in about Nigeria now a hundred thousand $650,000. We all came out of it. The house
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (17:10):
God is no respecter of persons. He is a respecter of faith. And so any man, no matter what color, what religion, what place they’re from, if they will put their faith in God, God will use them for his glory. And so brother, you are a great example of an evangelist. You are a great African evangelist and I pray that God will raise up many more people, men and women of God, just like you. Thank you so much for being on the evangelism podcast. Could we finish with you praying for our listeners, please pray for them. Father in the
Bishop Patrick Mmuokebe (17:50):
Name that is above every other name, the name Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He who appeared and change and transformed my life and give me the power and authority to do December. His name. I come to declare, Oh God, that you bless every man. Every woman that is watching and listening to us right now that the momentum of your presence will be made available to them. That wherever they are, you begin to touch them, your spiritual life, their financial life, the material life, the marital life, their children, their husband, or children or wife, let your glory be revealed to them. Let them begin to connect to the supernatural power that is available today for winning souls. While your watch says he, that wind sowed his Weiss, let them become Weiss in the spirit and let it become active in reaching out, bringing source to the kingdom. Father bless them as they come to know that you are. Will you say you are in your woods in Jesus’ precious name? Amen. Praise the Lord. Amen. Thank you, Bishop. My prison. Be blessed. Hey, thanks so much for listening.
Evangelism Podcast Host (18:54):
Could you do me a favor? Go to Apple iTunes, find the evangelism podcast and leave us a review. That’ll help other people who are excited about evangelism to find this podcast. God bless you
Evangelism Podcast Host (19:07):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit King Again that’s King
King Ministries Job Description
Missions Director
Are you excited about short-term missions? Do you have strong leadership and motivational skills? If so, you might be the person we need to be a mission director.
– Must live a life that exemplifies biblical values
– Attend and be a member of a church that believes the same foundational principles as King Ministries.
– High school diploma
– Excellent verbal and written communication skills
– Highly self-motivated
– Detail-oriented and able to handle multiple priorities
– Able to work overtime on an “as needed” basis
– Possess a “can do” and “whatever it takes” attitude
– Provides solutions
– Consistent learner
– Develops marketing materials to promote mission trips.
– This will be accomplished through on-line videos, telephone meetings, meetings, and printed material.
– Coaches missionaries through the process of writing and sending out fund raising letter.
– Encourages missionaries throughout the fundraising process through phone calls and e-mails.
– Verifies that each missionary hits each fundraising deadlines.
– This includes helping missionaries get passports and visas, booking plane tickets, and arranging hotel, transportation, and food for the trip.
– Coordinates prayer and devotions each day of mission trip.
– Coordinates ministry activities for the group.
– Responsible for caring for team needs.
– Responsible for developing and implementing a plan for each ministry site.
– Responsible for all disciplinary situations that might arise.
King Ministries Job Description
Festival Director
Are you excited about traveling internationally? Are you passionate about fulfilling the Great Commission? Are you skilled at organizing events? If so, you might have what it takes to be our Festival Director.
King Ministries International is an evangelistic ministry that has ministered through large evangelistic events in over sixty nations and led over two million people to Jesus.
As the Festival Director, you will be responsible for traveling internationally and organizing large city-wide and nation-wide evangelistic events.
– Must enjoy traveling.
– Strong organizational and leadership skills.
– Must be detail oriented.
– Must be able to cast vision to pastors and leaders.
– Must be able to relate cross-culturally.
– Ability to speak more than one language is a bonus.
– Must live a life that exemplifies biblical values
– Attend and be a member of a church that believes the same foundational principles as King Ministries.
– High school diploma
– Excellent verbal and written communication skills
– Highly self-motivated
– Detail-oriented and able to handle multiple priorities
– Able to work overtime on an “as needed” basis
– Possess a “can do” and “whatever it takes” attitude
– Provides solutions
– Consistent learner
– Builds and maintains relationships with international leaders.
– Goes on a pre-trip to determine spiritual hunger of target city.
– Develops and maintains relationships with local pastors.
– Coordinates all details of the event with local government leaders.
– Provides detailed accounting of all money spent.
– Motivates churches to be involved in the crusade.
– Recruits and Mentors young people who will be involved in the set up of the crusade.
– Negotiates sound system
– Arranges for platform and lighting.
– Arranges for printing and distribution of all marketing material for the festivals.
– Books hotel, transportation, food, and ministry opportunities for mission team.
– Sets up a pastor’s conference along with every evangelistic event.
King Ministries Job Descriptions
Design Artist / Video Producer
Are you a top-notch design artist and video producer? Are you excited about world evangelism? If so, you might be a good match for King Ministries.
King Ministries International is an evangelistic ministry that has ministered through large evangelistic events in over sixty nations and led over two million people to Jesus.
As our Design Artist and Video Producer you will be responsible for developing digital content that will change lives around the world.
Two years applicable working experience in editing and production
Strong portfolio of work
Proficient in:
Adobe Dreamweaver
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Premier Pro
Adobe After Effects
Adobe InDesign
Photography and Videography
Understands audio, video, broadcast, and web standards
Must have a good eye for design.
Must be able to follow instructions.
Must work quickly and efficiently.
Must have a heart for ministry.
Great at marketing skills.
Design and creative ability that matches KMI style and standards
Must live a life that exemplifies biblical values
Attend and be a member of a church that believes the same foundational principles as King Ministries.
Excellent verbal and written communication skills
Highly self-motivated
Detail-oriented and able to handle multiple priorities
Able to work overtime on an “as needed” basis
Possess a “can do” and “whatever it takes” attitude
Provides solutions
Consistent learner
– Follows “style-guide” of King Ministries in order to maintain a consistent brand image.
– Designs monthly partner brochures.
– Designs book covers
– Designs Teaching Series covers
– Designs social media posts.
– Shoots teaching videos in King Ministries studio.
– Edits teaching videos and crusade videos.
– Travels internationally with Daniel in order to capture video and photos.
– Manages and updates website
– Starts Grace blog and Outreach blog
– Updates blogs
– Manages posts on Hootsuite.
– Uploads videos to YouTube.
– Designs quotes for Insta-gram.
– Records, edits, and releases a podcast.
King Ministries Job Description
Partner Relations Director
Are you good at developing long-term relationships? Are you excited about raising money for world evangelism? If so, you might have what it takes to be our Partner Relations Director.
King Ministries International is an evangelistic ministry that has ministered through large evangelistic events in over sixty nations and led over two million people to Jesus.
Partner Relations serves as a point of contact with our Partners and Friends to provide support, encouragement, and prayer. Our Partner Relations Director is primarily responsible for implementing the KMI donor funnel and is responsible to FIND, WIN, KEEP, and LIFT partners.
Personal Skills and Qualifications:
Assists with developing marketing plans.
Proofreads all newsletters and e-mails.
Collects donor mail and does data entry for all donors.
Deposits all money in the bank.
Sends Thank-you letters to every donor.
Monitors all credit card giving. Reenlists all lapsed credit card givers.
Sends Welcome series of letters to new addresses.
Sends MillionHeir’s Welcome Packet to every new monthly donor.
Organizes two personal touches for each monthly donor and large gift donor each year (Gift, postcard, picture of crusade, book, etc).
Meets the basic customer service needs of callers.
Interacts with MicahTek for all database needs.
Provide customers with appropriate resources to help in their spiritual growth
Record the contact and transaction information in the computer system
Calls partners and prays with them
Maintains an up-to-date prayer list of all current monthly donors.
Prays for people who connect to our ministry by telephone or correspondence.
Follow up with people who have written or called for prayer
Prays over correspondence.
– Runs sales table at speaking events and encourages people to give us their contact information.
– Collects information on potential donors and enters it into data system.
– Sends follow-up letters to potential donors.
– Sends MillionHeir’s Club certificate to first-time donors.
– Identifies potential partners and invites them to dinner with Daniel & Jessica.
– Organizes two ministry banquets each year (Tulsa and Edmonton).
– Organizes one partner retreat each year.
King Ministries Job Description
Executive Assistant
Are you detail oriented and good at organization? Are you excited about world evangelism? If so, you might be a good executive assistant for Daniel King.
King Ministries International is an evangelistic ministry that has ministered through large evangelistic events in over sixty nations and led over two million people to Jesus.
The Executive Assistant for Daniel King will be responsible for organizing, encouraging, and motivating Daniel King.
Must live a life that exemplifies biblical values
Attend and be a member of a church that believes the same foundational principles as King Ministries.
High school diploma
Excellent verbal and written communication skills
Highly self-motivated
Detail-oriented and able to handle multiple priorities
Able to work overtime on an “as needed” basis
Possess a “can do” and “whatever it takes” attitude
Provides solutions
Consistent learner
Friendly voice on the phone.
Must work well with Daniel & Jessica King
– Coordinates a schedule for Daniel each day.
– Maintains a list of projects and the next step that needs to be done for each project.
– Coordinates lunch and dinner appointments for Daniel.
– Coordinates details of all of Daniel’s preaching engagements.
– Reminds Daniel of key tasks that must be performed regularly.
– Newsletter (Must be written and submitted by the 10th of each month)
– Weekly e-mails. (To be done every Monday)
– Daily blog posts
– Does errands so Daniel can stay focused on writing, speaking, and studying.
– Gives Daniel a weekly list of donors and their prayer requests.
– Writes personalized thank you cards.
– Calls and thanks partners.
– Calls pastors on Daniel’s behalf and asks for speaking engagements.
– Mails publicity packets to churches.
– Sets up Daniel’s speaking schedule.
– Books plane tickets
With each church that invites Daniel, the EA will mail/e-mail the following:
Immediately upon booking engagement
– Letter of confirmation that includes details of visit.
3 months in advance
– Bio, photo, video link,
– Ask for reimbursement of travel costs.
1 Month in Advance
– Who will be picking Daniel up from the airport? Cell phone of pastor. Cell phone of person picking Daniel up.
– Thank you letter.
– Ask if church will consider adopting us a missionary letter.
– Develops and maintains relationships with media personalities.
– Books TV and radio interviews.
– Mails copies of Daniel’s books to potential interviewers.
– Follows up and asks for interviews.
– Submits articles for guest blog posts.
– Coordinates press releases for Daniel’s books.
– Assists with checking the mail, recording donations, and doing bank deposits.
– Tracks all ministry expenditures.
– Keeps Quick books up-to-date.
– Requires an accounting from all employees for monies spent.
– Prepares a financial report for all overseas expenditures. Includes stapling receipts to the report.
– Assists with preparing 990 Report.
– Arranges details of yearly banquet.
– Invites people.
– Forms guest list.
– Arranges venue.
– Assists with details of event.
– Arranges details of yearly conference.
– Arranges details of yearly partner event.
King Ministries Job Descriptions
Marketing Coordinator
Are you passionate about online marketing and social media? Are you looking for an opportunity to grow creatively and professionally?
King Ministries International is an evangelistic ministry that has ministered through large evangelistic events in over sixty nations and led over two million people to Jesus.
As the Marketing Coordinator, you’ll be responsible for planning, directing, and delivering the online marketing of King Ministries International. You should enjoy and be skilled in email, social media, and online advertising.
4-year degree with focus on Marketing or Public Relations (or 2+ years of related experience and/or training).
2+ years of social media marketing experience
2+ years of online marketing experience
Verifiable examples of marketing successes and wins
Expert level skills in using and navigating social media networks’ native web apps and 3rd-party social media tools
Expert level skills in using 3rd-party email marketing tools
Skills in using Google Analytics, Google Adwords, Facebook advertising, and Bing Ads
Skills in using Adobe Photoshop
Knowledge of Daniel King’s messages
Impeccable attention to detail
Good understanding of math
Exceptional writing skills and can visualize as well as convey a message into relevant and interesting content
General Qualifications
Must live a life that exemplifies biblical values
Attend and be a member of a church that believes the same foundational principles as King Ministries.
Excellent verbal and written communication skills
Highly self-motivated
Detail-oriented and able to handle multiple priorities
Able to work overtime on an “as needed” basis
Possess a “can do” and “whatever it takes” attitude
Provides solutions
Consistent learner
The Marketing Coordinator is a creative, energetic and organized team member with the ability to conceptualize, strategize, create and manage multiple marketing, advertising, public relations and special event projects concurrently.
The Marketing Coordinator ensures that the ministry’s message and brand are consistent across all channels.
As the Marketing Coordinator at King Ministries International, you will be responsible for:
Managing our social media marketing strategy (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.).
Establishing an effective presence on our social media sites.
Growing engagement on our social media profiles.
Executing or overseeing all our social media activities.
Communicating in a professional, but relational social media “voice.”
Driving traffic to our websites using a variety of methods.
Optimizing our websites for search engines.
Improving our search-engine rankings.
Ensuring content appears high on search rankings.
Developing density of desired keyword on pages.
Analyzing and acting upon analytics.
Managing and developing pay-per-click advertising campaigns.
Creating Internet ads.
Monitoring our brands’ online reputation.
Soliciting audience feedback and optimizing campaigns accordingly.
Write and edit compelling marketing and short advertorial copy related to the vision and mission of the ministry.
Growing and managing email lists.
Designing and delivering emails.
Crafting nurture campaigns.
Integrating other online presences including social media outlets with email campaigns.
Developing and maintaining relationships with television and radio booking agents.
To perform the job successfully, an individual should demonstrate the following:
You are self-motivated, hungry for a challenge, and looking to make an immediate impact.
You are fully entrenched in social media culture and understand the fine line of managing a professional, but effective social media presence.
You want to work hard and be part of a fun, growing organization.
You have an advanced understanding of web technology and how it supports marketing.
You like writing and are good at it, and have strong proofreading capabilities.
You have strong marketing foundational knowledge.
You like to analyze complex business challenges and come up with creative ways to solve them.
You are organized and can work independently.
You challenge the status quo.
You respect and honor others.
You like having a variety of challenges and touch on all facets of marketing.
It never gets boring and you will be challenged to grow.
There are no work politics to sift through. Our focus is solely on teach, reach, and rescue.
Your attention to detail is impeccable. You produce a work product that requires little modification. You are almost a perfectionist.
You have a good understanding of math and can navigate numbers and formulas quickly when required.
You understand how to analyze metrics/data, and how to segment and report it in a logical fashion.
You are even tempered, understand how to interact with people, and have an over-the-top customer service attitude.
You check your ego at the door and are always open to constructive feedback.
You are an extroverted, very social person. You love interacting with ALL kinds of people and getting to know new people.
You are smart, creative, accountable, willing to go the extra mile, and really love what King Ministries International stands for.
King Ministries International has several job openings available. If you are interested, please e-mail Daniel King at: daniel [@] and attach your resume, current job status, as well as answers to the below questions. We will review your email and respond within a few weeks (due to Daniel’s travel schedule he is often out of the country).
KMI selects employees on the basis of their preparedness, ability, aptitude, communication skills, and personal qualities such as motivation and integrity. KMI does not discriminate with regard to sex, race, age, color, national origin, disability, or veteran status.
Available Jobs
Design Artist / Video Producer
Note: We also have internship opportunities available for those who are passionate about evangelism or who are interested in learning how to start a ministry.
Spend time in Praise and Worship “I will sing to the LORD, for he has been good to me” (Psalm 13:6).
Read the Bible (on your knees). Confess God’s Word. Meditate on God’s Word. Memorize scripture (Try to memorize a chapter, a whole book, or thirty scriptures on a specific subject). “Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful” (Joshua 1:8).
Pray. Speak in tongues.“… pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. (Ephesians 6:18).
Engage in Spiritual Warfare “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 6:12).
Repent of your sins. Repentance is the cornerstone of a fast. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you make a list of all your sins and confess them to God. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).
Make a list of everything you are thankful for. “Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good” (Psalm 118:1).
Forgive those who have hurt you. Make restitution to those you have hurt.
* “…when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins” (Mark 11:25).
* “Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us…” (Luke 11:4).
* “…If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him. If he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times comes back to you and says, ‘I repent,’ forgive him” (Luke 17:3-4).
Pray the Lord’s Prayer Meditate on each phrase. Jesus taught us to pray by saying, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen” (Matthew 6:9-13).
Surrender your life completely to God. “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God, this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is, his good, pleasing and perfect will” (Romans 12:1-2).
Meditate on the attributes of God. As you think about His love, grace, holiness, compassion, goodness, mercy, kindness, sovereignty, power, wisdom, and His faithfulness, you will draw ever closer to your Heavenly Father. Read through the Psalms for inspiration. “…Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. The LORD works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed…The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love …For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us. As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him” (Psalm 103:1-8, 11-13).
Document all the miracles God has performed in your life. Joshua asked the Israelites to make a large pile of stones as a memorial to the miracle of crossing the Jordan river (Joshua 4:7-8). We can build a similar memorial in our memory by making a list of all the all the wonderful miracles God has performed on our behalf.
Ask God to use you. Ask Him to reveal His plans for your life. Invite God to give you visions of your future. Ask God to show you how to impact the lives of those around you, your family members, your community, your church, your city, your country, and the world. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11).
Expect fresh spiritual insights; expect to be mentally, spiritually, and physically refreshed; expect to gain new confidence and faith in God; expect your prayers to be answered.
Keep a journal during your fast. “The LORD said to me, “Take a large scroll and write on it with an ordinary pen” (Isaiah 8:1).
Document the discoveries you have made about God. As I listen to the sermons of my favorite preachers, I often make notes in the margins of my Bible. One day I was overseas and accidentally lost my Bible. My heart sank as I remembered the thousands of discoveries I had documented within its pages. Fortunately, my Bible was returned to me. Immediately, I decided to type up a record of all my notes in case I ever lost my Bible again. I set aside a time of fasting in order to complete the project. With nothing on my desk but my laptop and my Bible, I went from Genesis to Revelation and typed up every sermon note in my Bible. This process was one of my spiritual highs as I reviewed thousands of wonderful truths God had revealed to me over the years. Now, I have a Word Document full of every secret I know about God’s Word.
Watch television
Be distracted
Physically exert yourself.
Give into the temptation to break your fast early.
Boast about your fast to others.
Go where you can smell food being prepared.
Try to Manipulate God The motive of your heart is more important than the length of your fast. Fasting is not a way to manipulate God into blessing you. God is good, He wants to bless you whether you fast or not. You cannot use fasting to twist God’s arm or to gain brownie points. You fast because you want to get closer to God, not because you are trying to get something from Him.
Fasting, in and of itself, is not what impresses God. Rather, it is the heart attitude that we cultivate during fasting that blesses God. If you fast with the wrong motives, you are better off not fasting at all. Here are some examples of people who fasted uselessly.
Jesus thought that fasting had become a hypocritical exercise for the religious leaders of his day. The Talmud tells us the Pharisees fasted every second and fifth day of the week, Mondays and Thursdays. Why did they fast on those days? According to them, it was because when Moses went up the mountain to get the Ten Commandments, he left on the fifth day of the week and returned on the second.
But there may have been another reason for their fasts. In Jerusalem, market day was on Monday and Thursday. The people were out on the streets on the days the Pharisees chose to fast, and the religious leaders made sure everyone knew they were fasting. They would dishevel their hair, put on old clothes, cover themselves with dirt and ashes, and actually put white chalk makeup on their cheeks in order to look pale. Then they would walk through the market places with pained, hungry looks on their faces so everyone could see how spiritual they were.
The words of Jesus addressing this type of hypocrisy were quite severe. “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men’s bones and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness” (Matthew 23:27-28).
This is why Jesus told his disciples, “When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you” (Matthew 6:15). Fasting is not for impressing men, but for impressing God.
What Should I Expect Before My Fast?
Before you begin a fast:
What Should I Expect During My Fast?
What Should I Expect During an Extended Fast?
The Psalmist said, “My knees give way from fasting; my body is thin and gaunt” (Psalm 109:24). For any fast over ten days, the body begins to compensate for the lack of food by using the fat that is stored in the body. Eventually, the body begins to feel weak and tired. This is why it is important to approach a fast wisely.
Every person will react differently to a fast, but here is a general guideline of what to expect from a fast.
Days 1-3: The first three days of the fast are the hardest. At your normal meal times, you will feel hungry. This is just your stomach complaining about what you are trying to do. Ignore it. As you feel hunger pains in your stomach, increase your fluid intake.
Days 4-10: You may feel weak for a time, but eventually your body will hit a plateau. Your stomach will shrink and you will stop feeling hungry.
Days 11-30: You will feel great during this period of your fast. It is not wise to engage in any strenuous physical activity, but you will feel good as long as you get plenty of sleep and water.
Days 30-40: The first ten days and the last ten days are the most challenging part of the fast. This is when your body runs out of fat to consume and you may begin to feel deep hunger pains of starvation. You will really need to rely on God for strength during this period. Some optional fruit juice during this period will give you strength to continue.
What Should I Expect After My Fast?
You should fast as long as God tells you to fast but use wisdom to not fast beyond your strength. Here are some options for different lengths of fasting.
One Meal Fast
Fasting for one meal is easy. Instead of eating at a regularly scheduled mealtime, use the time to pray and read your Bible. During a designated mealtime, sit down at your dining room table and open up your Bible rather than piling your plate with food.
Fasting for one meal is easy enough that even children can do it. Since kids have growing bodies, they should never go on an extended fast, but if they want to spend a special time with God, a one meal fast is a feasible option.
Some missions experts recommend setting aside one meal every week to pray for an unreached people group, or a particular country. One of my friends has committed to fasting every Monday during lunchtime in order to pray for the country of Afghanistan.
One-Day Fast
A twenty-four hour fast is the good length for your first experiment with fasting. If you have never fasted before, please do not stop eating for forty days for your first fast. It is best to start small and build up toward a longer fast.
My father used to fast from midnight to midnight, but he found himself staying up until after midnight in order to break the fast, so now he fasts from noon to noon. This is easier and perhaps a healthier way to fast.
Examples of one-day fasts in the Bible:
Three-Day Fast
The first three days of a fast are often the most difficult. A three-day fast is a real sacrifice that allows you to have time to develop a deeper relationship with God.
Seven-Day Fast
If you are seeking God’s will in a particular matter or if you want extra time to study God’s word intensely, this is the type of fast I recommend.
Fourteen-Day Fast
The men on the Apostle Paul’s boat fasted for fourteen days in the middle of a storm (Acts 27:33-34). Even though this fast was more because they were seasick then because they were spiritual, it is instructive to read about how Paul broke the fast. “He took some bread and gave thanks to God in front of them all. Then he broke it and began to eat” (Acts 27:35).
Twenty-one Day Fast
Daniel fasted in order to gain understanding and to humble himself. He wrote, “I, Daniel, mourned for three weeks. I ate no choice food; no meat or wine touched my lips; and I used no lotions at all until the three weeks were over” (Daniel 10:2-3). At the end of the twenty-one day period, an angel appeared to Daniel. The angel was sent from God at the beginning of Daniel’s fast but because of spiritual opposition, it took him three weeks to deliver God’s message.
Forty-Day Fast
This length of fast was observed by Moses twice (Exodus 24:18; 34:28; Deuteronomy 9:9, 18, 25-29; 10:10), Elijah (1 King 19:8), and Jesus (Matthew 4:2; Mark 1:13; Luke 4:2). I would not recommend this type of fast unless you are serious about seeking God’s face. Expect to be weak and tired after finishing. Because of spiritual pride or natural folly, some have made the mistake of trying to fast for longer than is physically wise. They have suffered health problems and in some cases have even died. It is best to begin by fasting for shorter amounts of time and work your way up to longer fasts.
There are no specific rules about fasting. There are as many different ways of fasting as there are people. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you as you decide what type of fast to embark on. Here are some different types of fasts:
The Complete Fast
In a complete fast, you do not eat any food or drink any water. However, you should never do a complete fast for longer than seventy-two hours or you will face serious health risks. This type of fast should be extremely rare. It is found in Deuteronomy 9:9, 18, Ezra 8:21; 10:6, Esther 4:16, Acts 9:9, Acts 27:33.
The Normal Fast
In a normal food fast, you stop eating food for a period of time and drink nothing but water. This type of fast is mentioned many times in the Bible. In a variation of the food fast, you continue to drink liquids like fruit juices, but eat no solid foods.
The Partial Fast
In a partial fast, you limit the type of food you eat for a period of time. The prophet Daniel went on this type of fast when he only ate vegetables and drank water, abstaining from all “pleasant meat.” Daniel refused to eat meat because it had been sacrificed to false idols. At first, his Babylonian guard did not want to change Daniel’s diet, but Daniel asked the guard to test him for ten days by feeding him only vegetables to eat and water to drink. Daniel said, “Then compare our appearance with that of the other young men who eat the royal food.” At the end of the ten days Daniel and his friends looked healthier and better nourished than everyone who ate the royal food. “…So the guard took away their choice food and the wine they were to drink and gave them vegetables instead” (Daniel 1:16). This type of fast is typically called the “Daniel Fast.”
God honors a “Daniel Fast” just as much as he honors a total fast. This fast is a good for those who fight a physical condition like anemia, hypoglycemia, or diabetes. It is also realistic for those who engage in lots of physical labor in their jobs. Other partial fasts include Elijah’s partial fast of meal and oil cakes in 1 Kings 17, and John the Baptist’s fast of nothing but locusts and honey (Matthew 3:4).
The Media Fast
In a Media Fast, you fast from things other than food that distract you from God. In today’s sight and sound generation, everything happens at the speed of light. Often television, music, and e-mail can become overwhelming. A break from these distractions can strengthen our relationship with heaven.
You can tailor a Media Fast to specifically fit your needs. For example, when I was a teenager my family was spending too much time in front of the television so my Dad decreed we were going to fast from TV for one month. The plug was pulled and the TV was turned to face the wall. For one month, we did not fellowship with that ol’ one-eyed-devil, the boob tube. Perhaps you could fast from listening to secular music, or from surfing the Internet, or from reading romance novels, or from watching the news, or stop doing other activities which have the tendency to inadvertently replace God in your life.
The Specialized Fast
In a specialized fast, you take something you enjoy and sacrifice it on the altar to God. You can fast from chocolate, meat, sweets, coffee, soda pop, or other non-essentials. By omitting a few items from your normal diet, you are reminded of your fast each time you crave those items. This will prompt you to pray instead of eating. Use your belly as a spiritual alarm clock.
Many Christians do this every year as they celebrate Lent which is a reenactment of Christ’s forty day fast. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and continues until Easter. During this time it is customary to give up meat, milk products, or other luxury foods. The tradition goes back to the early church who used the fast as a time to prepare for the celebration of Christ’s resurrection on Easter morning. Lent is a time for repentance, reflection, and rededication. My sister, Esther, has been fasting from soda pop for over three years. She decided to go on this specialized fast because she read that the sugar in soda can harm the body in the long run. In the middle of the second year of her fast, I tricked her into breaking her fast by replacing the water in her glass with lime soda when she was not looking. Mad as a hornet, she spit all the soda out of her mouth. She did not think my joke was funny. Now, she watches me closely to make sure I stay away from her cup.
The Fasted Lifestyle
In a fasted lifestyle, you maintain disciplined eating habits over a long period of time. If you do not rule your appetite, your appetite will rule you. Eating a few hundred calories less each day will result in long-term weight loss over the course of a year. Since your body is God’s temple, you should keep it in as good of shape as possible.
The Nazarites lived a fasted lifestyle. They dedicated their lives to God by committing to a restricted diet and made a vow to never drink wine or eat anything made of grapes (Numbers 6:4). You can maintain a fasted lifestyle through self-discipline by taking smaller portions, not finishing everything on your plate, eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, and avoiding unhealthy, fat-filled, high cholesterol foods.
I think they should call fasting “Christian Anorexia.” When I fasted for forty days, I lost thirty-five pounds! What a wonderful diet! Do you want to lose weight? Stop eating! Guaranteed to work or your money back! Fasting is not actually a good way to maintain weight loss. It is possible to lose large amounts of weight quickly when you fast, but your metabolism goes into starvation mode and when you start eating again your body stores fat in order to prepare for another period of famine. This is similar to the yo-yo effect many experience when going on diets. They lose lots of weight and quickly regain it when the diet is over. The answer to this problem is a fasted lifestyle.
The Corporate Fast
In a corporate fast, an entire congregation or group of people or even an entire nation fast at the same time. There are many examples of corporate fasting in the Bible: Samuel declared a corporate fast of repentance for worshiping false idols (1 Samuel 7:5-6), King Jehoshophat called all of Judea to a fast when enemies were approaching (2 Chronicles 20:3-4), Esther asked her uncle Mordecai to have all the Jews in Suza fast (Esther 4:15‑16), Ezra asked the people to fast for protection before going on a long journey (Ezra 8:21-23), the returned exiles fasted and repented after hearing the word of God read (Nehemiah 9:1-3), Joel encourages the nation to declare a corporate fast of repentance (Joel 1:14, 2:15-15), Nineveh went on a corporate fast after Jonah prophesied to them (Jonah 3:7), all the prisoners, sailors, and soldiers on Paul’s ship fasted for deliverance from the storm (Acts 27:33-37).
Recently, my friend, Pastor Billy Allen asked his entire church to fast and pray for one week. No one was forced to fast and each person made private commitments to God concerning which days he or she fasted. The pastor reported that almost the entire congregation participated and that the church received tremendous spiritual blessing in the weeks that followed the fast.
Another friend, Pastor Dominic Russo asked his church to fast for a period of forty days. Each member of the church was asked to give up something during that time. One church member called Pastor Dominic and reported, “Pastor, this fast has been really good for me. I decided to stop drinking alcohol during the forty days.” Surprised that one of his congregation had a drinking problem, Pastor Dominic could just say, “Well, good for you.”
There are many benefits of a corporate fast. First, corporate fasting helps unify a church for a common purpose. Those who pray together, stay together. Second, corporate fasting facilitates corporate repentance for corporate sins. Third, a corporate fast releases a corporate anointing. Fourth, there is an element of positive peer pressure during a corporate fast. Fifth, everyone who fasts in a corporate fast shares the blessing of the whole. In Matthew 10, Jesus told the story of the laborers in the fields. The ones who worked all day received the same payment as those who only worked one hour. In a corporate fast, some may fast many days and others may fast only a few meals but they will all share alike in the benefits of fasting together.
Are you facing a crisis in your life? Is there a problem in your family? In your country? Is there a crisis in your financial situation or in your physical body? Do you desperately need wisdom?
Years ago, my father faced a physical crisis. His body began to show symptoms of diabetes, which is a hereditary disease in his family. He decided to petition God for healing by fasting for three days. At the end of the fast, he threw up a foul substance; it was a symbol of the demonic power that was attacking him. After the fast, he was completely healed and never struggled with diabetes again.
Fasting during a time of crisis show God you are serious about getting your prayers answered. Here are some examples of people who fasted during times of crisis in the Bible.
D.L. Moody said, “Be humble or you’ll stumble.” One of the greatest dangers for believers is spiritual pride. I have to continually check my motives, my thoughts, and my attitudes in order to beat down the ugly head of the dragon called ego. Pride slinks in subtly. Before you know it you become proud of how humble you are. Fasting is the greatest spiritual weapon for curing the spirit of pride.
Fasting humbles you fast. Seven days without food makes one weak. Suddenly, you cannot rely on your own strength and you are forced to rely on heaven for strength.
Fasting is a vote for God, against your flesh. Your spirit and your flesh are at war with each other over which will control your life. The mind screams, “Eat, sleep, and procreate,” while your spirit quietly whispers “Spend time with God.” Fasting weakens the voice of your flesh and increases your sensitivity to the voice of God. When God’s Spirit controls your spirit, you have the strength to control your emotions and physical desires. Disciplining the body helps discipline the soul.
King David become so puffed up during the middle of his reign that he committed adultery with another man’s wife, and then had the man killed. But, when Nathan the prophet pointed out his sin, David immediately became contrite before God. Remembering this event, he sings, “…I wept and chastened my soul with fasting…” (Psalm 69:10 – NKJ). In another psalm, David writes, “[I] humbled myself with fasting” (Psalm 35:13).
Because of David’s humbleness, God forgave him. He promises to forgive and heal us too, “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).
The Bible says, “God gives grace to the humble” (Proverbs 3:34). God loves the humble, but He opposes the proud. The Lord says, “This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word” (Isaiah 66:2), and again, “The LORD sustains the humble but casts the wicked to the ground” (Psalm 147:6). Ultimately, you will be humbled. The choice is yours. Will you humble yourself or wait to be humbled forcefully?
Imagine, a proud servant enters the presence of a king and refuses to bow. What will the king do? He will order the guards to arrest the man and throw him into a dungeon until he learns some manners. But, a humble servant bows down and prostrates himself before the king. The ruler takes his hand and lifts him up, exalting him in front of the whole kingdom. James said, “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up” (James 4:10). Peter repeats this idea, “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time” (1 Peter 5:6).
Jesus also taught this concept. He said, “For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted” (Matthew 23:12). One time, Jesus used a child as an object lesson. The disciples felt they were far more important than little children, but Jesus said, “…whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:4). Do you want to be great? Then humble yourself!
When Jesus fasted, Satan came to him and said, “Turn those stones into bread.” The devil was a little less confident in my level of faith, he figured I would have laughed at him if he had suggested that I eat rocks. So, he tried a different approach. As I was driving down the road, I saw a sign for a fast-food restaurants and the devil tempted me, “Daniel, turn those dollar bills into hamburgers.” When I fast, I find that not only do I become more sensitive to God’s voice, I am also able to recognize the devil’s voice more clearly.
Temptation is something everyone faces. “Things that cause people to sin are bound to come” (Luke 17:1). Being tempted is not a sin, the sin occurs when we give into temptation. Fortunately, God has given us the tool of fasting to help us resist temptation.
Temptation is nothing but a gaudy ordainment painted with fool’s gold. It promises much and delivers little. Paul said, “If you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall! No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it” (1 Corinthians 10:12-13). The way out will often be revealed to you when you are fasting.
When Jesus was in the desert on his forty day fast, the devil tempted him with the same three temptations he had used on Adam; the lust of the flesh (turn these stones into bread), the lust of the eyes (jump from the temple), and the pride of life (bow to me and I will give you the world). Jesus may have been weak physically, but the fast made him strong spiritually. Satan never had a chance because Jesus was powered up after spending so much time with His Father.
Here are some verses that will help you resist temptation.
* “…live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature” (Galatians 5:16).
* “…do not give the devil a foothold” (Ephesians 4:27).
* “Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes” (Ephesians 6:11).
* “When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death” (James 1:13-15).
* “Through these he has given us his great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires” (2 Peter 1:4)
My worst bout with Satan came at the end of my first forty-day fast. Throughout the forty days, I had worked diligently on writing my book “Healing Power.” For hours every day I searched the scriptures for promises about God’s ability to heal. I studied the books and videos of great healing evangelists. I memorized scriptures about healing. Finally the book was completed just as my fast was coming to an end.
Unfortunately, I made an unwise decision when breaking my fast. Instead of recovering slowly by sipping soups, I visited a waffle restaurant. My stomach had shrunk. I took only two bites of a waffle, a sip of milk, a sliver of egg, but it was too much for my body to handle. Three hours later, the most severe pain I have ever experienced in my life hit my stomach. I could barely breath. I curled up in a ball, racked with pain.
For seven days, I laid on my bed and suffered. The entire time, Satan was shouting in my ear, “Healer, heal yourself. You wrote a book on healing, but you can’t even get yourself healed. God’s word does not work. Your healing ministry is over before it even began. Give up. God cannot heal you.”
I know the devil is a liar, but it was so hard to ignore him. I rocked back and forth in pain, and confessed healing scriptures. I squeezed each word out of my mouth in between groans, “I…aaaa…am….ohhh…the God….owwww…that heals…” Satan just laughed at me.
I faced intense temptation during this time. You think thoughts when you are in pain that you would never think when healthy. I was wondering if God is real, if He does miracles, if I should even be in ministry, if I should kill myself to stop the pain? But, I kept quoting scripture, just like Jesus did when he was faced with temptation and I came through victorious!
I was hesitant to share this story with you because I do not want to scare you away from fasting. If you use wisdom when breaking your fast, there is no reason you should get sick like I did. The point is that fasting will give you strength to overcome temptation.
In India, during the best part of my sermon, a woman started manifesting a demon. Her tongue flicked in and out her mouth, she hissed, and started to sway like a cobra. The whole audience became distracted by the disturbance. I continued to preach and as the translator was repeating my words, I began to pray under my breath, “You foul demon, in the name of Jesus, come out of her.” With a loud screech, the demon left and the woman gave her life to Jesus that night. My fasting and prayer prepared me for this confrontation.
In Nicaragua, a crowd of fifty thousand people filled the field. In the front row, a woman started screaming, her face a grimace of ugliness. I got the attention of my friend Emmanuel and pointed to the lady as if to say, “Take care of it.” He took a running leap off the front of the stage, put his hands on either side of her head and spoke directly to the demon, “Shut up! Shut up in the name of Jesus!” Immediately, the demon was silent. We took the woman around the back of the stage, cast the demons out of her, and led her to Jesus. When she returned to testify she had a beautiful smile on her face. The reason Emmanuel had the boldness to confront the demon is because he had spent time in prayer. He knew the power of Jesus was much greater than the power of any demon.
When Jesus was on top of the Mount of Transfiguration, a man brought his demon-possessed son to the disciples. Because of their lack of faith, they were unable to cast out the demon. When Jesus returned, He cast out the demon and rebuked the disciples. Then He gave them a secret weapon that would help them cast out demonic powers. Jesus said, “This kind [of demon] does not go out except by prayer and fasting” (Matthew 17:21).
Have you heard about the evangelist who misunderstood this instruction? God spoke to him, “I want you to fast and pray.” But, the evangelist thought God said, “I want you to pray fast.” You should have seen him trying to cast out demons. His prayers were faster than lightening. He laid his hands on fifty people in two minutes, spitting a dozen prayers out of his mouth every ten seconds.
Jesus tapped into the power of fasting during his forty day fast. When Jesus finished fasting he “…returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit” (Luke 4:14). No demon was able to resist him. There are some spiritual tasks that can only be accomplished through fasting.
Satan is like a roaring lion, seeking prey to devour. If you pray not, you will be preyed on. Fasting produces the necessary faith to defeat every attack of Satan. Fasting is actually one of the most powerful tools we have available in our spiritual war.
Nevertheless, we can defeat the devil even without fasting because Jesus lives inside of us. A preacher was ministering in Africa and a man in one of his services began to manifest a demon. When the minister tried to cast the demon out, the devil began to mock him, “I’m the type of demon that cometh not out but by fasting and prayer.”
“Oh, no,” thought the man, “I have not fasted recently, I can’t cast out this demon.” He started to feel condemnation for not having fasted.
Then the Holy Spirit rose up inside him and reminded him that believers do nothing from their own strength but only through the grace of God. The preacher spoke to the demon, “You evil spirit, I have not fasted recently, but I know someone who fasted for forty days and nights and in his name, the name of Jesus, I command you to come out.” The demon-possessed man was instantly set free.
In the middle of the famous Sermon on the Mount Jesus teaches about three foundational truths for the believer; giving, praying, and fasting. Many churches preach about the first two, but neglect the third truth. Twice in the sermon, Jesus told the disciples, “When you fast…” (Matthew 6:16; 17). Jesus assumed all his disciples should fast.
Jesus did not say to His disciples, “If you fast…,” instead He said, “When you fast…” So, obviously he expected us to fast. If Jesus appeared in your bedroom and gave you an instruction, would you obey him? “Of course I would,” I can hear you saying. Well, Jesus specifically said His followers would fast after He returned to heaven, why do so few believers follow His command? Thousands in the church casually wear WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?) bracelets, but when it comes to fasting not many follow His example.
Jesus fasted at the beginning of his ministry for forty days. It is probable that He continued to fast regularly during his stay on earth because He casts out demons which He says only come out through fasting and prayer (Matthew 17:21). Jesus also promised to continue a partial fast by not drinking the fruit of the vine until His return (Luke 22:18).
Since Jesus fasted, we should fast. Jesus said, “No servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him” (John 13:16). If Jesus used fasting to prepare for ministry, we should use fasting to prepare for ministry.
When Jesus was on earth, the disciples did not fast like the religious people did. Some people came and asked Jesus, “How is it that John’s disciples and the disciples of the Pharisees are fasting, but yours are not?” Jesus answered, “How can the guests of the bridegroom fast while he is with them? They cannot, so long as they have him with them. But the time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them, and on that day they will fast” (Mark 2:18‑20). In this story, Jesus clearly indicates to his disciples and their critics that after His ascension to heaven, fasting would be part of the normative experience of every Christian. We should continue to fast until our bridegroom returns in bodily form. After the marriage supper of the lamb, we will never need to fast again because we will be physically present with our bridegroom for all of eternity.
Right after I graduated from college, I decided to fast for forty days as a way to launch my ministry. My main motivation for doing this was because I wanted to be like Jesus. I figured if fasting was a good idea for Him, it was a good idea for me. It was my way of showing myself I was serious about going into the ministry. Those forty days were extremely difficult. I felt like giving up hundreds of times. I expected the days to be full of glory, instead, I was weak and hungry. But, I successfully completed the fast. Since then, as is common for every minister, problems and difficulties have tempted me frequently to quit the ministry. But, every time I am tempted to give in, I remember the lessons I learned during my first forty day fast. I will not give up, the world needs me too much.
At times, it may feel like your prayers are bouncing off the gates of heaven. No matter how much you pray, it seems God is not listening. One possible reason for this situation is hidden sin in your life.
Sin is rooted in the desire to please oneself rather then to please heaven. God’s first command to Adam and Eve was to fast from the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The first sin in the history of mankind was their refusal to fast from the forbidden fruit. By eating, the first man and woman became slaves to their own desires. Sin entered the world when Eve “took and ate” (Genesis 3:6). Salvation came when Jesus said “Take, eat, this is my body” (Mark 14:22). When we fast, we deny our physical desires in order to have communion with God. Fasting is a symbol of our hope to reenter paradise.
God is perfect and it is impossible for Him to tolerate sin in any form. Because of our sinful condition, it is unacceptable for us to approach the throne room of God Almighty based on our own merits. Our best efforts are flawed, imperfect, and dirty in the sight of God. The only way for us to enter God’s presence is by having our imperfections covered by the blood of Jesus. Therefore, before we can intimately connect with God, we need to repent.
As long as we keep unconfessed sin hidden in our hearts, all fasting and prayer will be ineffective. Here are some verses which illustrate this truth.
* “If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened” (Psalm 66:18).
* “Surely the arm of the LORD is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear” (Isaiah 59:1-2).
* “We know that God does not listen to sinners. He listens to the godly man who does his will” (John 9:31).
During your fast, the Holy Spirit will prompt you to repent of various sins and sinful tendencies.
Sins of Commission and Omission
There are two types of sins that are worthy of repentance. The first type is a sin of deliberate disobedience (sins of commission). The second type is an unknown sin rooted in ignorance of God’s commands (sins of omission). Sins of commission are bad things you have done. Sins of omission are good things you have failed to do.
An example of a sin of commission would be seeing a speed limit sign and deliberately ignoring it by speeding. A sin of omission would be forgetting to renew your car’s inspection sticker. In the first example, you are deliberately committing a violation of a law. In the second, even though you are not breaking the law on purpose you are still breaking the law by forgetting to do what the government requires.
A sin of commission would be gossiping about a friend. A sin of omission would be to fail to speak up in defense of a friend when someone else is gossiping behind her back.
A sin of commission would be stealing from the offering plate at church. A sin of omission would be failing to pay your tithe as God commanded you to do.
Jesus commanded us to preach the Gospel so if we are not sharing the good news with people we come in contact with in our daily lives, we are committing a sin of omission. Even though we have done nothing overtly wrong, we are sinning by omitting an important component of our Christian walk. Failing to do what we should be doing is just as much of a sin as deliberately disobeying the Ten Commandments.
List of sins we should repent from:
According to one early church document, here are some areas God may lead you to repent in: personal failings, generational weakness, sinful tendencies, and deliberate sinful behavior by you. fornication, uncleanness, wantonness, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, jealousy, rivalry, hatred, anger, envy, bitterness, injustice, debauchery, gluttony, readiness to accuse, wrath, disputes, the love of money (which is the root of all evil), foolish talking, gossip, dissensions, ill-will, rage, falsehood, drunkenness, revelry, buffoonery, boisterous laughter, backbiting, insinuations, clamor, abuse, insolence of speech, malice, inventing of evil, talkativeness, babbling, threatenings, gnashing of teeth, jarring, blows, perversions of the right, laxness in judgment, haughtiness, arrogance, ostentation, pompousness, boasting of family, of beauty, of position, of wealth, quarrelsomeness, eagerness for victory, disloyalty, retaliation, overreaching (which is idolatry), love of display, vainglory, love of rule, assumption, pride (which is called death, and which “God fights against”).
Facts about repentance
The Day of Atonement (also known as Yom Kippur) was the most important day in the life of the Israelites. The word “atonement” means to cover over, to purge, to cleanse, and to make reconciliation. The Day of Atonement was a consecrated time of asking God for forgiveness. Only on this day was the High Priest allowed to enter the Holy of Holies. All the Israelites were commanded to fast as a sign of their repentance.
“The LORD said to Moses, “The tenth day of this seventh month is the Day of Atonement. Hold a sacred assembly and deny yourselves and fast, and present an offering made to the LORD by fire. Do no work on that day, because it is the Day of Atonement, when atonement is made for you before the LORD your God. Anyone who does not deny himself and fast on that day must be cut off from his people. I will destroy from among his people anyone who does any work on that day. You shall do no work at all. This is to be a lasting ordinance for the generations to come, wherever you live. It is a Sabbath of rest for you, and you must deny yourselves and fast. From the evening of the ninth day of the month until the following evening you are to observe your Sabbath” (Leviticus 23:26-32).
Let us watch the Israelites as they solemnly celebrate the Day of Atonement. (Read Leviticus 16). Since the night before, the entire nation has been fasting. At the break of dawn, thousands gather around the Tabernacle as the High Priest prepares to atone for their sins for another year.
The High Priest begins the day by washing himself. Then he dresses in a plain white robe. Normally, he wears luxurious blue robes embroidered in beautiful colors, a jeweled breastplate, and a golden headpiece, but on this day, he puts on the simplest of clothing. When he is ready, the priest sacrifices a bull as a sin offering for his own sin. Before he can represent the nation, he must offer atonement for his own mistakes.
He carries some of the blood from the bull and enters the holiest place, where God dwells. He passes the Holy place (which contains the golden candlestick, the table of shewbread, and the altar of incense) and enters the Holy of Holies that only contains the Ark of the Covenant. This is a small chest with a lid made of solid gold. This lid is called “The Mercy Seat” or “Throne of Mercy.” Attached to the lid are golden statues of two cherubim (angels).
Hovering above the Mercy Seat is the tangible presence of the living God. The priest sprinkles the blood on the mercy seat seven times to make atonement for his sins. If God forgives him, he can walk out a clean man but if God refuses to accept his atonement he will drop dead where he stands (Remember the movie Indiana Jones and the Lost Ark?). Because of this a long rope is tied to his ankle so his dead body can be pulled from the tabernacle for burial.
After he finishes atoning for his own sins, the priest prepares to atone for the sins of the entire nation. Two goats are chosen to provide a sin offering for the people. The priest places his hands on the head of one of the goats (symbolically transferring the sins of the nation onto the goat) then he kills the goat. The blood is taken into the Holy Place and sprinkled on the Mercy Seat.
Underneath the Mercy Seat are the Ten Commandments that God gave to Moses. These are the commandments the people have broken. God sees their sin and His justice demands punishment. The priest sprinkles the blood of a substitute, innocent sacrifice in order to cover the sins of the people. Now, God does not see their sin, instead He sees the blood of the sacrifice which was killed in their place. “On this day atonement will be made for you, to cleanse you. Then, before the LORD, you will be clean from all your sins” (Leviticus 16:30). The second goat is set free in the wilderness symbolizing another year of freedom from God’s wrath for the nation of Israel.
All of this was a foreshadow of Christ’s work on the cross. Every human being has sinned and God’s justice demands payment. Jesus served as a substitute, as an innocent sacrifice when he died on the cross. He became our High Priest when he sprinkled His own blood once and for all time on the Mercy Seat. Now, our Day of Atonement comes when we accept Jesus as our Savior.
How does this ancient day and its rituals relate to our lives today? We still sin and we still need our flaws covered by the blood of Jesus. On the Day of Atonement the people fasted as a symbol of their humbleness before God as they waited for their sins to be forgiven. Fasting serves as a powerful sign of our dependence upon Christ for the forgiveness of sins. So, if there is a sin in your life that you want to repent for, fasting helps prepare your heart for the process
I recommend a personal day of atonement. Set aside a day to fast specifically for the forgiveness of your sins. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any hidden sins in your heart. This can be a wonderful time of release and cleansing.
After Jonah preached to the evil city of Nineveh, the King of the Ninevites declared one of the greatest fasts in history. Not only did he command his people to fast, he also decreed that every animal (dogs, cats, sheep, horses, oxen) should fast (Jonah 3:7). The purpose of the fast was to repent of the city’s wickedness. From the least to the greatest in the city, everyone put on sackcloth and ashes and stopped eating in order to cry out in repentance for all of their sins. God heard their cries and forgave the entire city.
During a crusade in Africa, I was approached by the chairman of the Prayer and Fasting Committee. He told me, “The Fasting Committee refuses to pray for your crusade unless you pay us one dollar every day.” In that country, a dollar is a large sum of money. I was taken aback by the question and I explained that they should be praying, not because I was paying them, but because they were Christians who wanted the lost to be saved. I do not think God is impressed with purchased prayer.
I asked the chairman, “Why does the fasting committee want to be paid?” He explained they needed money in order to buy food to eat. I laughed, “But, you are the fasting committee, you are not supposed to be eating food.” He did not have much of an answer for that. Fasting is not something to be done casually; it is a tool for shaking the heavens and increasing your spiritual authority.
The first thing Paul did after meeting Jesus on the road to Damascus was to go on a three day fast (Acts 9:9). Later, before the Antioch church ordained Paul and Barnabas as ministers, they all fasted and prayed. After they heard God’s voice, they laid hands on them and sent them out as missionaries “So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off” (Acts 13:3). As Paul traveled to churches, he followed the same pattern before ordaining elders (Acts 14:23).
Here are Paul’s instructions to ministers, “But in all things approving ourselves as the ministers of God, in much patience, in afflictions, in necessities, in distresses, In stripes, in imprisonments, in tumults, in labours, in watchings, in fastings; By pureness, by knowledge, by longsuffering, by kindness, by the Holy Ghost, by love unfeigned” (2 Corinthians 6:4‑6 – KJV).
Paul also said, “…when I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Corinthians 12:10). Fasting makes us physically weak, but this causes us to lean on God for strength. When we are physically weak, we become spiritually strong! When fasting is added to prayer, spiritual power increases!
God will turn your physical fast into a spiritual feast. “This is what the LORD Almighty says: ‘The fasts of the fourth, fifth, seventh and tenth months will become joyful and glad occasions and happy festivals for Judah…’” (Zechariah 8:19).
The world is not a safe place. On the news every night, we see stories of kidnaping, murder, theft, and rape. In modern times, we need God’s protection like never before. Fasting is one way to ask God for protection.
After Ezra rebuilt the temple when the seventy year captivity of the Jews ended, Artaxerxes, the king of Babylon decided to honor God by giving Ezra tens of thousands of dollars worth of gold and silver to provide for the temple’s needs. Ezra faced a problem. In between Babylon and Jerusalem were many bandits and enemies who would be delighted to steal the gold. Ezra did not want to ask the king to provide soldiers for defense because he had explained to the king about how God protects His children.
So, Ezra decided to fast in order to ask God for protection during a journey. In his words, “There, by the Ahava Canal, I proclaimed a fast, so that we might humble ourselves before our God and ask him for a safe journey for us and our children, with all our possessions. I was ashamed to ask the king for soldiers and horsemen to protect us from enemies on the road, because we had told the king, “The gracious hand of our God is on everyone who looks to him, but his great anger is against all who forsake him.” So we fasted and petitioned our God about this, and he answered our prayer” (Ezra 8:21‑23). During the journey, God did protect them and they arrived in Jerusalem safely.
When I travel overseas, I often face unsafe conditions. I visit countries where Christians are hated, where theft is common, and where sickness is a constant threat. Before I go, I do my best to make sure I am spiritually prepared to face the challenges. Often I will spend time fasting, praying, and confessing Psalm 91 over my life. It is a great comfort to know God’s angels are watching over me.
Behind the scenes of everyday normal life, there is a huge spiritual battle being fought. As Paul said, “…our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 6:12). Our prayers can make the difference between spiritual victory and spiritual defeat.
Prayer and fasting on this earth has tremendous effect on the spiritual battlefield. Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven” (Matthew 18:18). Martin Luther said, “None can believe how powerful prayer is, and what it is able to effect, but those who have learned it by experience.” Even if we do not see the effects of our prayers, we can be assured that our prayers are helping win the victory.
Five minutes of prayer is like a hand-grenade launched in the devil’s direction. An hour of prayer is like an artillery shell aimed at Satan’s camp. But, fasting is our top-secret weapon for defeating the enemy. Bill Bright says “[Fasting] is the spiritual atomic bomb that our Lord has given us to destroy the strongholds of evil and usher in a great revival and spiritual harvest around the world.”