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Dave Jones | How to Develop a Strategic Plan for Your Ministry

Why is it important for you to have a strategic plan for your ministry? What is a strategic plan? What elements are in a good strategic plan? Today I interview Dave Jones from the Luis Palau Association. He is an expert in strategic planning…

David has served with the Luis Palau Association for 42 years in numerous leadership roles including the Global Network of Evangelists (GNE). David coaches GNE members in evangelism, strategic planning, organizational development, board governance, finance, media relations, and opportunities for ministry collaboration. David is a member of the Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA), Evangelical Press Association (EPA), National Religious Broadcasters (NRB), and the Society of Professional Journalists. He has served on the CLA faculty as well as the NRB’s Television Commission. David has served on the boards of over a dozen international Christian ministries and currently serves on the boards of Need Him Global and SAT 7. He frequently consults with nonprofit organizations. Since 1997 David has served as Executive Director of the Palau Foundation for World Evangelism. He and his wife Gayle are members of Village Church where David has served as an elder. David & Gayle make their home in Beaverton, Oregon. They have two daughters and four grandchildren.

Questions for Dave Jones: 

  1. You’ve helped quite a number of ministries with their strategic planning.  What is strategic planning?
  2. What happens when we do not plan?
  3. How does strategic planning relate to fundraising?
  4. What is SWOT planning and why is it important?

Join the Global Network of Evangelists: https://www.evangelist.global 

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Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Why is it important for you to have a strategic plan for your ministry? What is a strategic plan? What elements are in a good strategic plan today? I interviewed Dave Jones from the Luis Palau association. He’s an expert in strategic planning, and he’s going to answer all your

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:23):
Jesus said, go into all the world and preach the gospel. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host missionary and evangelist Daniel King. Welcome to the evangelist

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:59):
As a podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus. And I’m also excited about coaching other evangelists and helping evangelists to become everything that God has called them to be. And one of the important parts of building a ministry is strategic planning, thinking strategically about your mission, about your goals, about your focus, about your core values, all the elements that go into strategic planning. And today we have an expert in strategic planning with us, Mr. David Jones. Thank you so much for being with me today.

Dave Jones (01:38):
Well, Daniel, it’s good to be with you, my friend, so appreciate you and appreciate these podcasts. So thank you for the privilege of being with you today. Thank you.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:47):
So Dave Jones is with the global network of evangelists. It’s a ministry of Luis Palau association. Louis plow of course, is a great evangelist. Originally from Argentina now lives in Portland. He’s done evangelism all over the world and they really have a heart for helping other evangelists. And they’ve had an organization now for quite a few years called the NGA, the next generation Alliance, raising up the next generation of evangelists. And now they’re transitioning the next generation Alliance into the global network of evangelists. And the goal is to, to build a network of networks, people all over the world who are interested in evangelism. And I’m very honored to be a part of the, the council for the global network of evangelists and, and Mr. Dave, you’ve really helped in developing that vision. Thank you for being here.

Dave Jones (02:45):
Well, thank you again, Daniel. Yeah. Good to be with you. And it’s really important topic. Strategic planning. It’s an area where a lot of evangelists and Christ centered organizations do welcome. Some, some help. They rec they, they recognize the importance of it and they want to do a good job.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:03):
So you’ve helped quite a number of ministries with their strategic planning. Let’s start at the beginning. What is strategic planning?

Dave Jones (03:13):
Well, you know, it’s, it’s a disciplined process where we’re an organization determines why it exists, where it’s going and how it’s going to get there. It’s, it’s a written statement. I think that’s one of the things a lot of ministries failed to do. They fail to recognize that a street change plan needs to be, needs to be in writing and it needs to be a living document that helps drive decision-making it’s, it’s, it’s simply a, just a written statement about, you know, why the ministry exists and where it’s going and, and how, how you’re going to get there. It’s I mean, it’s a roadmap prior, prior to these things, they all were, you get asked for directions somewhere, and someone actually talks to you and tells you how to get from point a to B, you know, in the old days they had these crazy, you know, printed maps, your younger viewers will know what I’m talking about.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:18):
You’re, you’re really starting to date yourself. I just ask Siri where I’m supposed to go. So, so what are some of the, the fruit of not planning if people don’t have a strategic plan, what does that do to their organization?

Dave Jones (04:34):
Yeah, I mean, without, without a plan, obviously there’s, there’s a lack of focus evangelist. I like to seize every opportunity without a written plan to run those opportunities. Through some framework, a planning framework, you just, you’ve got a huge lack of focus and direction. I believe it also limits it will place limitations on growth because it makes fundraising difficult when you don’t have a specific plan with quantifiable defined goals and results. It makes fundraising difficult. It creates disorganization too, especially, you know, for the, for the board and the board needs to be engaged in strategic planning, but creates a lot of disorganization because no, one’s too sure where, where the company or the ministry is heading. There’s it also, I mean, without a plan, it’s difficult to make decisions because you’ve got no real framework to make those decisions.

Dave Jones (05:42):
And I mean, I mentioned fundraising with, without, you know, some specific quantifiable goals and without a written plan, it, it hurts it places, limitations on what you’re talking to your about, which, which obviously hurts, hurts, hurts fundraising. I think the other thing too, without constantly working on your strategic plan organizations don’t know when it’s time to reinvent themselves or change maybe the methodology of, of doing things. I mean, the mission doesn’t change methods or methods do change. We certainly have seen that last in recent months as the world pandemic forced a lot of ministries to shift gears and do a lot more with digital evangelism so that, you know, planning a decision like that requires a shift in, in in direction and methodology. And that’s part of, you know, strategic planning know when it’s time to sort of reinvent yourself, but what are some of the benefits of doing strategic planning?

Dave Jones (07:00):
Well, it definitely, it provides focus. And I think it’s easy for, you know, a lot of Christian leaders. They have that entrepreneurial spirit, they’re visionary, they dream big dreams. They want to seize every opportunity and without a plan, you’ve got it just, it’s just difficult to make, make decisions. You’re kind of all over the, all over the map, as they say. I think it also, it definitely helps teamwork both with your, if you have a paid staff, your volunteers, your board, prayer partners, a plan where everybody’s on the same page and knows where you’re going is huge. I mean, imagine like a F well, this magical football game where the quarterback calls a play and, you know, the Senator says, Oh, I don’t like that play. I don’t want to snap it on three. I think I’ll snap it on to where the rider wide receivers is.

Dave Jones (07:54):
I don’t like that pass round. I think I’ll do something different. You know, you got to get everybody on the same, same page and the same, the same play. So I’ve been a written plan. Does give you some context and framework for making decisions, problem solving. I think it also makes it easier to create job descriptions for your board for your volunteers, for your staff. The, the, the orchestra, as they say, the orchestra now has one conductor and everybody is playing off the same song sheet, which is the written strategic plan. It definitely improves fundraising. No question about it. Cause you’re, you’re asking, making specific asks for specific goals and it just, it really facilitates of fundraising. I think the other thing a written plan done, right? It forces you to concentrate on your strengths as an organization, as an evangelist, as a ministry and, and, and reduce the, the weaknesses which is, which is also really important. And then I, I think it also forces you to address those really critical questions, like in light of the times and light of where we’re are right now, where do we want to be in 12 months, 24 months. And how are we going to get there?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:16):
So as you sit down to build a strategic plan for your ministry, there, there comes a hierarchy of planning. So at the top of the pyramid, you would have beliefs and then under that you would have values. Then you would have the mission of the organization. Then you would have some vision and objectives. Then you would set specific goals that you’re trying to accomplish, and then you would have policies and procedures and then specific activities and action plans for bringing it all to happen. So kind of talk us through that, that hierarchy and why each one of those are important. Like, like why is it important to first know the beliefs of your organization,

Dave Jones (10:02):
Lisa, those absolutes those almost like parcels CRE those they’re theological in nature. They’re, they’re in cement. They’re, non-negotiable, you’ve got to agree on what I mean for most organizations that they would call that their statement of faith. And it’s really important to document what are your beliefs? And like I said, once adopted, they should, you might review them from time to time, but with most organizations, the, the statement of faith it’s in cement and, you know, 10, 15, 20, 30, and the case of the organization I worked for 50 years later, we still have the same statement of faith. So, but it’s important that your constituents and prayer partners, I mean, it’s important that to know what, what your beliefs are, values are important to what,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:01):
Well, let’s, let’s talk about beliefs for a second, like in my organization, we’re evangelistic in nature. And so the core foundation of our belief is that Jesus is Lord, and that every person has sinned and needs to cry out to Jesus in order to receive salvation for their sins. And we have been given a task, a mandate to go and to tell people about the salvation that comes through Jesus Christ. So that is our, our core belief. And we evaluate everything that we do based on that, that belief. And, you know, that’s a basic Christian belief, but, but we have adapted that for our organization. Okay. And so then out of that comes values, talk about values next.

Dave Jones (11:50):
Yeah. And values. Most organizations might have six or seven values. I mean, values might be things like excellence, prayer, innovation, integrity. I mean, there’s a lot, there’s probably a hundred different things that could be values, but what are the, what are those five or six really, really key key values. That again are pretty much in some that innovation may be one, a collaboration may be one, but they help again define who you are, that the, the culture of the organization, these, that these are, these are values that are just like non-negotiable it’s really important to have a conversation with the leadership of the the ministry, the board, what, what are our five or six really key values? For a lot of, a lot of ministries, you’ll see things like integrity, accountability excellence. And it’s important that they’re just not a name only

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:00):
It’s easy to say you value, integrity, but you gotta live it.

Dave Jones (13:04):
Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Yeah. And, and, and the interesting thing is I know of a handful of big companies that had some that failed. They had horrific failures a couple of routes even around a business now. And I, I, I asked myself if they had really adhered to it, they’d really followed their core values. Would they still be in business today? I think for a couple and they probably probably would be. So, yeah, you don’t, you wonder if it was just a PR ploy or yeah. You don’t want to just agree on some values and then stick them in the file cabinet. They really need to be part of the culture. Right.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:45):
And then comes mission. What is the mission or the purpose of the organization?

Dave Jones (13:50):
Yeah, the mission is, you know, you gotta answer the question why you exist. I mean, the simplest way to do a mission statement is just to say, this organization, this ministry exists to, and you need to succinctly and specifically answer that question. I, I, I do find I mean, most today, especially because strategic plan, I mean, when I got into ministry there, wasn’t a lot of conversations about strategic planning. There wasn’t a lot written about it. That was, I got in ministry 42 years ago. I mean the last decade, especially last 15 years, lot of great, great material books, booklets seminars webinars. There’s a been a lot out there on strategic planning. You talked about the, you know, the pyramid, Daniel, the pyramid of, of planning and you’re, I would suspect your audience, people viewing this. They probably have done a pretty good job at the top half of the pyramid.

Dave Jones (14:52):
They can clearly tell you their beliefs, their core values. They can tell you what the mission statement is, why they exist. It’s when you start getting, moving down the pyramid, if things get a little more the planning process towards fall falling apart you guys, you’ve got to come up with, you know, some of those big, those big objectives that you’re pursuing and determine, you know, what, what, what are the outcomes, if you’re successful in accomplishing these objectives? You know, what outcomes, what changes are you bringing about in society? And then you’ve got to, you’ve got to drill down and get to some, those, those goals. I mean, you’ve got to come up with, you know, the common word is the, you know, smart goals and you know, specific, measurable, attainable, relevant time bound, you know, that the caustics smart. You’ve I think a lot of evangelists, they, they’re pretty good at, cause they’re visionary. They’re pretty good at the top part of that pyramid. But when it starts coming up with those smart goals, it gets a little starts getting a little challenging. They they get a little bored with it. And then, you know, then coming up with some action plans to accomplish those goals, then the process really starts with

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (16:18):
Vangelis. Always said, we’re going to reach the whole world, but you know, w we’re going to like, okay, now how do we bring that down to something specific we’re going to do this week to reach somebody for Jesus.

Dave Jones (16:29):
Yeah, exactly. You know yeah, I mean, taking that vision and evangelists are very visionary, very passionate about winning people to Jesus. But you’ve got to take the time to come up with those very specific goals. And the great thing about that too, Daniel, it enhances your prayer life. It really does. And it gives you a specific story to talk to your donors. I mean, it really helps fundraising. I mean, you know, someone who says, Hey, I’m going to Ethiopia this year, we’re going to do three missions. We’re going to train 5,000 believers in friendship evangelism. We’re trusting God for 50,000 decisions for Christ. We, we plan on, you know, dating 20 water Wells in areas where they got no clean water. I mean, when you start putting specific numbers, specific action plans, specific goals in place, one out of say, it enhances your prayer life.

Dave Jones (17:36):
But to now, you’re now you can, when you’re talking to a donor, you’re giving them a, this is why I need your financial support and help and prayers. Will you help us accomplish these specific goals? So I mean, strategic planning and fundraising do go hand in hand. I mean you know, after that, there’s, there’s, there needs to be at once the action plans are in place, obviously you’ve just, you’ve got to, I mean, day to day, you got to track this thing that you modify it. It’s gotta be when you come up, once you come up with your plan, it’s gotta be a living dynamic document. Now that’s something you do just for the sake of having done the exercise and then you stick it in a file cabinet and you don’t reference it again until 12 months later, we’re at an annual board meeting someone on the board says, Oh, what’s our strategic plan again.

Dave Jones (18:27):
Oh yeah, let me have, let me have someone go to the file cabinet and grab it. One of the questions I get asked a lot to Daniel now, now that there’s, so there’s a wealth of great material on strategic planning available. You know, people realize a little what planning models, the best. And my answer to that, the model is that that’s the best is the one you’re going to, that you’ll use. I mean, it’s the model that makes sense to you that you’re not going to just stick it, you know, the document of file cabinet, but it’s going to be a living dynamic document. So there are a lot of great models out there. Find one that makes sense. And and then implement it.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:07):
The models that I really like was from a book called master planning by Bob Beale. I went through this a few years ago and it was really an excellent source of how to do strategic planning. Peter Drucker also has some excellent stuff on managing a nonprofit organization. Basically anything that Peter Drucker wrote is probably good to go through. And like you said, there’s a lot of other resources that are out there.

Dave Jones (19:34):
Yeah. And again, I would hope all of your podcast, viewers and followers, especially if they’re a leader of an organization would slow down, hit the pause button. And if they, if they haven’t done any reading or studying or looking into strategic planning that they would do so fine, find a, find a model or find a book, then just find something makes sense to you. I think one of the mistakes too, I’ve seen, I know I, I can think of organizations that they’ll bring in a, a consultant oftentimes pretty pretty hefty expense. And they’ll impose a model on the organization that just isn’t welcomed it. I mean, it doesn’t make sense to, to the leader and and they go to all the trouble to try to put a plan together based on a model that’s just not a good fit. So models are just models.

Dave Jones (20:38):
They’re just tools. So actually I, I was in a workshop, a few, it’s funny. I teach this stuff I love going to workshops about because you always learn something new. I was in a workshop a few years ago and the the teacher, he had a, he, he said, here’s how you can do a one-page strategic plan. And I thought, wow. And it was brilliant. I mean, it was just absolutely brilliant. I’ve used it with you know, some of the evangelists I work with cause it, it was simple, but it wasn’t simplistic. And I mean, what I liked about it is there on one page at Eden, you know, tape above your laptop or you know, by your desk, there’s the plan. And it just, you know, it enhances your prayer life and, and and it gives you again, like I said, it gives you some specifics to share with, you know, with your prayer partners.

Dave Jones (21:37):
I, I love it. I, I mean, I get a lot of prayer letters, missionary letters. I, I love it when I get a letter from a missionary that spells out some of their quantifiable goals. I know I, I’m a numbers guy and Hey, there’s another wrong numbers. There’s a book in the Bible called numbers. You know, there’s, you see a lot in the Bible belt, quantifiable results. So there’s nothing, nothing wrong about quantifiable results, but I love it when I get a prayer letter and the evangelists or the missionary, you know, are sharing some real specifics, specific, measurable goals that they’d like you to pray about. Maybe consider funding as a book, as opposed to a, I, this you’ll laugh at this. This is a true story. Years ago, I got a missionary letter, right. And I laugh every time I think about it.

Dave Jones (22:27):
It was, it was the saddest thing I ever read in my life. I mean, it just, the whole thing was negative. The children were sick. The dog had worms. They couldn’t afford a veterinary. And I’m thinking what, I’m sorry, your dog has worms, but you’re a missionary. I mean, you did you share Christ this month with anyone? Did you plant any churches into disciple staple? Anyone? Did you do any trainings? You know, so I think one of the real great benefits of Evan, a written plan, it it does facilitate fundraising and enhances your prayer life. No question about it. Yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (23:08):
Helps you to keep going. Even when the dog has worms,

Dave Jones (23:14):

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (23:14):
The tools that could be used in strategic planning is doing a SWOT analysis, which looks at strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Could you tell us a little bit about what a SWOT analysis is and why it is important to do one for you?

Dave Jones (23:32):
I’m a huge fan of SWAT analysis. So like you said, the acronym or the caustic, SWAT SWT strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. So the strengths and weaknesses, an internal examination, you’re, you’re looking at the, your document of the strengths of your ministry and how you’re going to make sure they continue to be strengths and how you’re going to maximize those strengths. And then on the other side, you’re looking at what are the weaknesses, what are those areas that we really need to shore up that we need to make an improvement on? What are those weaknesses that are basically hurting our ability to accomplish our strategic plan? What I’ve worked with organizations on the SWAT analysis. I definitely spend time. Okay. Once there’s agreement, these are the weaknesses. Okay. What’s our plan. How are we going to, if I come back a year from now, how are we going to make sure this weakness isn’t on this list anymore?

Dave Jones (24:32):
What are we going to do to eliminate it? And whatever the situation problem is, what, you know, turn it into a strength rather than a weakness. So that’s the internal analysis, the ex the other side of it opportunities and threats. Yeah. What are, what are the opportunities out there available to the ministry that you need to really seriously look at and seize and take take advantage of the threats. I mean, oftentimes the threats, there’s not a lot you can do about it, but acknowledging that they’re there. I think one of the threats right now for evangelists is universalism. There’s just seems to be a growing this growing view, especially in, in America that because God is a good God which he is that in the end, everyone’s going to go to heaven. So why do we need evangelists? Why didn’t we need to preach the gospel? I mean, you know, in the end, it’s all gonna work out well, that’s, that’s a, that’s a serious failure.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (25:34):
It’s a stake in the heart of every evangelist. Why are you needed?

Dave Jones (25:38):
Yes. And I’ve had, I mean, I’ve had sincere, especially young people say that to me, my response usually is, do you really believe that? And they say, absolutely, yes, I do. And I said, well, if you really believe that, then God’s not a good God. And then they look at me kind of in shock. And I said, well, why would a good loving father have his son crucified on a cross? If it wasn’t necessary to me that that’s, that’s horrific. That’s terrible. That’s not, what’s good about that. So I mean, people make these people make these statements well being insincere, but you know, sincerely wrong. But I mean, you know, other threats that are out there, the economy could be a threat. There’s all kinds of threats. Sometimes you can minimize that threat. You can deal with it. I mean, you know, sometimes you can’t, but you need to be aware that these threats are out there cause they could have a negative impact on your ability to accomplish the mission.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (26:37):
Well, what other advice would you have for someone who wants to put together a strategic plan? How long should they sit down and think through it? Is this something that needs to be done yearly or is it something you do every few years?

Dave Jones (26:52):
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I think I do like the idea of putting a two year plan together, but you need to, it needs to be a living dynamic document that you’re constantly tweaking looking at reviewing because I mean, conditions, change things happen. Listen, I mean, when, when COVID hit, I guarantee a lot of strategic plans were, were messed up. I mean, suddenly, especially for evangelist, she couldn’t do live events. You couldn’t travel to certain countries. I mean, you know, just, you know, a lot of strategic plans at that point just went out the window and people had to start all over. I think the, one of the positives of that is churches, missionaries, ministries, evangelists. They really stepped up in the area of digital evangelism, I think had it not been from COVID, we it’d probably be another five years from now, before the church is at where it is today.

Dave Jones (27:46):
And there were in terms of digital evangelism. But yeah, it needs to be a dynamic living document. It needs to be I think, I mean, worst case scenario, it needs to be updated at least annually. But I, I think there’s good reason, you know, three, four times a year, look, look that thing out. It, frankly, you need to be looking at it almost like weekly because you need to track progress against it. Evaluate how are we doing? Especially on those quantifiable goals, you gotta be measuring what, what you do. You just don’t sit down 12 months from now and say, Oh, let’s let’s measure how we’re doing on these things. So yeah, it needs to be a V a real active, active dot document that helps drive your decisions. Awesome. And it enhances your prayer life. That’s the fun thing about it now, you’re, you’re going to the Lord now with some really specific dreams. I mean, you know, you just any, and I think it enhances the prayer life of your donors and your, your prayer partners. Now they’re joining you in praying about some very specific things that you want to accomplish as an evangelist, you know, as opposed to, Oh, pray for us. We, our goal is to win the loss. Oh, okay. Could you be a little more specific? I mean, I get it, you’re an evangelist, you know, which

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (29:19):
We’re going to this country and we’re doing a two year program to plant 20 churches in this region and we need this amount of money to be able to get it started. Yeah. All of those things really help with the fundraising aspect.

Dave Jones (29:35):
And frankly, I mean, I don’t know if any foundation or major donor that would write a check to an evangelists or a ministry without having seen their strategic plan and they’re made it, there may be someone out there, but I mean, especially, I mean, foundations for sure. I mean, they, they want to know that there’s strategic plan in place. They’ll probably want to see your audit. They’re going to want to make sure there’s some, you know, financial controls. They’re going to know something about your board of directors, the leadership, these are good questions. They’re questions that keep us accountable, right? Yeah. Accountability is a good thing.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (30:20):
That’s wonderful. Well, Mr. Dave, thank you so much for joining me today. I appreciate you. And if you want more help with developing a strategic plan, go find the global network of evangelists website, and you can get more information on how to be an effective strategic planning as an evangelist there.

Dave Jones (30:42):
Yeah. Thanks. Yeah. Dan, we’ve got resources on a lot of these topics, we, as a, as an Alliance of evangelist we pull our members. What do you know, where do the critical concerns you have in, in ministry? And based on the answers we get, we try to create resources to help the evangelists, especially evangelists you know, get some help in those areas. And we’ve been doing, I’ve been doing this forever, the list, the list doesn’t change very much year to year. I mean, w what are the concerns? Number one, fundraising fundraising. And we’ll a hundred years from now, there’ll be number one. And every survey we’ve ever done, number one was money fundraising. But then, you know, what’s number two, three, four, five, six, and seven. It varies year to year, but typically it’s board development, strategic planning, organizational development marketing in beginning invitations.

Dave Jones (31:45):
I mean, there’s, there’s a, there’s a, you know, I, well, number one’s fundraising items two to 10, they might change an order year to year, but they’re pretty much the same, you know, same 10 issues pretty much every year that keep evangelist awake at night. But there’s help available and for your Daniel I’m thank you for mentioning a global network of evangelists for, especially the advantages, but anyone who’s viewing the podcast has got a passion or a heart for missions and evangelism. Love to have you connect with us. Joining joined the global network of evangelists. It’s free. Joining is free. We do a lot of collaboration serving together, sharing best practices. We’re, we’re a pretty, pretty close knit relational group of men and women. We’re a family. So anyone who wants to join the family of evangelists as welcomed, I know you’ve got an ally, you’ve got a fantastic Alliance of evangelists you’re working with as well soul-winners Alliance. So I’m giving you a plug, Daniel, anyone out there who isn’t part of the soul winters Alliance they need to, they need to join your Alliance brother.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (33:02):
Thank you. Well, I think that there’s a variety of different, great organizations out there, and we should try to be friends with everyone and, and draw circles of inclusion and, and be with others who have a passion for leading people to Jesus.

Dave Jones (33:17):
Well said, well said, yeah, I’m, I’m, I, I can tell by the color of my hair, I’ve been around a few years and I’m excited by the amount of collaboration I’m seeing, taking place among ministries. When I, when I got in ministry 42 years ago there was tremendous respect and admiration for different ministries. I mean, I th I do think we spoke well of each other, but we kind of all did our own thing. There wasn’t. I mean, there was some collaboration, but there just, there was a lot of collaboration when I started. And so I’m, I’m just, I’m very excited in recent years to see the amazing amount of collaboration taking place among ministries. It’s, I mean, I, I wholeheartedly believe you can reach more people more effectively when we, when we work together,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (34:07):
That’s true together. Everyone achieves more T E a M together. Everyone achieves more so well, thank you, Mr. Dave, for being on the evangelism podcast. Yeah. Thanks brother. Hi, I’m Daniel King. Thank you so much for listening to the evangelism podcast today. I love going around the world telling people about Jesus, but I can’t do it without people like you. See, every time we go to preach the gospel, we buy a plane ticket. We have to do advertising. We have to pay money to rent a sound system, and we found it takes an average of about $1 for every person we’re able to reach for Jesus. And so I’m asking people to go to my website, King ministries.com and give at least $1 a month, just $1 a month. That’s less than the cost of a cup of coffee for $1 a month. You can start a party in heaven every single month. And while you’re at it, go to Apple iTunes and leave the evangelism podcast. A positive review. Your five star review will help other people who are excited about evangelism to find this podcast. Thanks for listening. God bless you.

Evangelism Podcast Host (35:20):
If you want to know more about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit King ministries.com. Again, that’s King ministries.com.


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