At all of our crusades, we see God do amazing healing miracles. Our crusade in Gandajika in the Democratic Republic of Congo was no different. Here are some testimonies from people who were touched by the power of God.
Today on The Evangelism Podcast, Daniel King interviews Bret Sipek, a Christ for All Nations Crusade Director, about their recent successful crusade in the Democratic Republic of Congo. They discuss the challenges and miracles they experienced during the organization of the crusade, including the logistics of transporting equipment and the overwhelming response from the people. You will learn the secrets of organizing a successful crusade in Africa.
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Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King. I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. I have a very special guest here today, Brett Pac. And thank you so much for being on the Evangelism Podcast.
Bret Sipek | CFAN Crusade Director (00:12):
Thank you so very much evangelist Daniel. It’s so, such an honor for me.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:16):
So we are here in the Democratic Republic of Congo and we have just completed a very successful crusade in Ika with Christ for all nations. And you’ve been working with Christ for All Nations for many years, helping to organize crusades, and you have helped to organize a series of crusades across the nation. Tell me what have been some of the biggest challenges and also the biggest miracles that you’ve seen here in Congo.
Bret Sipek | CFAN Crusade Director (00:51):
Well the Congo, as you can see, democratic Republic of Congo is a very different level than many other African countries. Even some of our African coworkers, directors said, we never ever in our life seen so much poverty. So the infrastructure is very, very, very low. There are people living in the houses, there’s no water, no electricity, electricity comes from only from Gensets, which are expensive and water is distributed in the barrels and people have to buy. So there’s a lot of challenges in just a pure staying in the country. And first of all, we are amazed of the hunger of people, the response of people. People are very hunger, very responsive. We see so powerful response for altar call. I know that in Gda gca, you had almost every hand raised, I was looking at the numbers and I was like, oh my almost everybody in the crowd wants to receive Jesus. And that’s true. The country is Christianized, but many people has very more prodigal sense relationship or sleen relationships or more like a nominal Christian relationship with Jesus. So it is so important to preach gospel and we are so excited to have you here in gda gca. Yeah, it’s a great honor for us.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:26):
Well, I want to say thank you to you and to the entire staff of Christ for all nations. I know that it has been a lot of work organizing here in Congo. Great challenges. I was watching the trucks, the pictures of them coming across the country to get to this place. It took several weeks and at one point they’re only going like 30 kilometers a day because the roads are so bad.
Bret Sipek | CFAN Crusade Director (02:51):
It is, yeah. It was really a new challenge, a new level of challenge for us. And we have experienced drivers like Vinny Wetland, our chief driver. He’s very well experienced. He crisscrossed Africa, all the roads that you can imagine, and he really believed that he will be able to, he would be able to make it, but they had to stop and they had to go back to Mumbai after three, four days, pushing forward, pressing forward. It was simply impossible because they have 20 meters, 60 feet, long track, very heavy, like 40 metric tons. And you can go on the road and suddenly there is a big, big bump down, maybe one and a half meter, five feet deep, and in between are another bumps. So the trucks, they had to use beams to support the wheels. It was so difficult, so much dust because it’s a dry season. It was very a load load of dust. So we had to and unload, unload and load everything to the local, they call it hobo trucks. It’s more like kind of construction side tracks or kind of military truck with higher, higher chassis and bigger wheels. And that’s how we finally get it to the crusade locations. That was the biggest logistics challenge probably in so many
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:23):
Years. I mean this is true pioneer crusading. It is, yeah. But it’s very rewarding because in Ganja where I was, there had never been a crusade there before. The people were so hungry and they came from everywhere and they were ready to receive Jesus.
Bret Sipek | CFAN Crusade Director (04:44):
Yeah, I’ve seen the photos. It was powerful crowd and all our stuff on ground, they were amazed. And you are very right. There was never, ever international evangelist crusade, like maybe some local crusades. We sometimes call it like church yard crusade, which is good. People can come, but typically like one 2000 people know your number. I was looking like 50, 60,000, maybe even bigger. I was so amazed. It never ever a day, never ever heard in this city. And it was the same for we do all, actually we already did four ess including Yor, inand, gca in every place. We were amazed like
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:22):
This. And you have two more coming up. We have
Bret Sipek | CFAN Crusade Director (05:24):
Two more. We have two more in another big, big city called Kanga, probably 1.2 million people. So we expect another great
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:32):
Harvest. And my good friend Nathan Morris is coming for that crusade. You’re
Bret Sipek | CFAN Crusade Director (05:35):
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:36):
To have the nation. It’s wonderful. And Ruben’s, Kya will come as well this coming week. And so it is really exciting to see the teamwork between different ministries, different evangelists working together.
Bret Sipek | CFAN Crusade Director (05:49):
I believe that that’s the part of end time vision that we are really standing together. Evangelists are like lone runners. You want to go and you want to press forward, push forward. But we need to understand that some territories are too big for one ministry, even for two ministry. So we really need to strategize how we can make it. And Congo, Congo is over 110 million people and the territory of Congo is 2.4 million square kilometers, which is like six times bigger than Germany in Europe. It is huge territory. And as there is no logistics, we need to go to some region. Now we are in the region called Kasai, Kasai Central Car Oriental, and it’s just a little part of Congo in a way. But still we need combined four like yourself, evangelist Nathan Morris, evangelist Ruben. That’s the beauty of it. End time harvest, let’s press forward, let’s push forward.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:51):
Together everyone achieves more. We can do it by working together. Now you have come from the Czech Republic and you were friends with one of my friends, Terry Hinshaw and Terry and Brenda Hinshaw many years ago went to the Czech Republic to plant a church, a victory Christian Center. And you knew them all the way back
Bret Sipek | CFAN Crusade Director (07:17):
All those years ago. It was more than 30 years ago. As you know, evangelist Billy Ty, he did a crusade in St. Petersburg, Russia in early nineties after the fall of regime.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:30):
That was the first crusade I ever went to. Really? I was 14 years old. I went to one of the Crusades in St. Petersburg, Peter Praise. And I remember 30,000 people ran as fast as they could to the altar call when he gave the altar call. They were so hungry for God, they just ran forward. And I think that had a big impact on my life and is one of the reasons that I’m so excited about being an evangelist.
Bret Sipek | CFAN Crusade Director (07:52):
It was kind of like Holy Spirit outpouring in Eastern Europe and Soviet Union right after the communist regime collapsed. We’ve seen it in many countries in Czech Republic, in Hungary, in Bulgaria, most very much in Russia, Soviet United at this time. So it was, people are so hungry for God. And at this time we connected with, as you mentioned, with missionaries Terry and Brenda Hechos. We helped them to relocate from St. Petersburg to Czech Republic and then help them to start a church. It was great. We have great memories. It was so beautiful time.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:31):
Then how did you get connected with Christ for all Nations?
Bret Sipek | CFAN Crusade Director (08:33):
Well, I always admired Evangelist Rein Haron from early eighties when I seen him pushing forward in Africa. And it was kind of like my dream to meet him sometime and to be around him. And it happened in 2002 when he came to Prague, Czech Republic for a small Christian conference, and I happened be his driver driving evangelist Bunker. It was a great privilege and great experience because he was sharing his heart and his heart was evangelism. His life was what he was preaching, just so winning. So winning, so winning. I asked him whatever question I could ask. He always end up with evangelism. So many. I was like, oh my. He’s so much focus at this time. I realized focus in your life is something that will take you way higher. So evangelism was like embodiment of focus. Focus on the soul’s focus on Africa. Africa shall bee. So it was my first connection in 2002, and then I ended up to go for on Cruise eight one, cruise eight in Aki Nigeria. And it was mind blowing. It was time of huge opening and outpouring of holy the Spirit after 10 years of closed in Nigeria. And it was time of super, super great harvest and powerful miracles.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:52):
And what is your role with Christ for all nations now?
Bret Sipek | CFAN Crusade Director (09:55):
I am a crusade director and in a way, crusade Director is somebody who’s preparing the stage for evangelists like yourself or evangelist Reinhard Bonky and or now evangelist Daniel Kolenda. My goal is to see the powerful harvest. I’m praying for harvest. It is like mobilizing all the local churches. We are meeting hundreds of churches sitting with bishops, these pastors, and face-to-face, sharing the vision. It may seem easy to get several hundred pastors together, but I can tell you it’s not that easy as it may seem. They have so many different opinions, so many different church backgrounds. So it’s a lot of work. As Evangelist Bunker used to say, you have to drink a lot of coffees to cast the vision. So that’s what we are doing, casting division. And then of course we need to do a lot of logistics things and mobilizing training the volunteers. We are training for your crusade. In gda gca, we trained well over 10,000 local volunteers, giving them teaching what we want to do, how we want to reach out to people on ground. And after that, when you have to make the bridge from the crusade to the churches. So that’s the big part. And then of course the event management itself that you experience. We are on the meeting, we have everything on spot. Generators are working like sound is working on. It may seems easy when the show runs, but the
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:26):
Backstage, there’s a lot of logistics behind it. It is, it is. They say with the military, they run on logistics. And I think it’s true of crusade evangelism too. The logistics is so important. It’s not just the preaching. There is so much that goes on behind the scenes to make a successful event.
Bret Sipek | CFAN Crusade Director (11:47):
I always say to our directors, if you want to fire fall on some ground, you need to prepare a lot of material, which is flammable like a lot of wood. Everything that you can bring together. And this is our task, prepare everything, make sure that people would come definitely for the first night or for the whole crusades, because when people are there and evangelists preach gospel and the Holy Spirit come, there is thousand or tens of thousand people that are ready to hear because we are preparing them for it. And if you do a lousy job as a crusade director, you have just few hundred people. Evangelists can do his best. He can preach his heart, and it doesn’t have too much impact because there is just few hundred people. But if there is already 10, 20, or in your case, I would think that the first night it was already like 70,000 people. It was mind blowing. In other crusades, we typically see five, 10, maybe 15,000. But in here in Congo, everything is twice or three times bigger. And we are really excited
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:49):
Now. Something very special happened this last week here in Muji Maya. Your daughter preached a woman’s crusade. And tell me about that and how that came to pass.
Bret Sipek | CFAN Crusade Director (13:01):
No, Yana, Ava, our daughter, she’s here with her husband David. He’s working as a technician. She had a dream to preach gospel in Congo. She was preaching now in Uganda and in many, many different places in churches doing kind of this crusade director’s work. Now she’s transiting, although to being evangelist, and she’s doing I believe very, very good. And the dream was like, I want to preach gospel in Ji Mai. But when we shared with a local bishop, they were like, yeah, well, we don’t like women to preach. They should rather sit at home and maybe do cooking or cleaning of the house, all these old school mentality. So you cannot change the whole culture in one shot. But we didn’t want to just submit. We were like, okay, okay, what we can do, what the woman can do. Okay, she can sing. She can prophesize. She can teach ladies. Oh good. If she can teach ladies, she can preach like the ladies conference or ladies crusade. Yeah, for sure. No problem. So that was the discussion. So that’s how we jumped into this ladies crusade. Of course, many children and many husbands came, so no doubt.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:16):
Well, I heard her preach the other night and the adulterous woman, and she did such a powerful job. Amen. Your daughter is a great evangelist. Amen. You were sitting on the platform with your wife and I could see you are a very proud papa.
Bret Sipek | CFAN Crusade Director (14:29):
Proud, proud papa. Yeah, definitely. Honestly, when I was young, it was my dream to preach Crusades. Now my dream is a little bit different. I want to train crusade directors. That’s my dream to see that there are evangelists trained by evangelist Daniel Kolenda or other evangelistic ministries. But we also need to train crusade directors because without crusade directors, the impact of evangelists is limited. So that’s my dream. So we are now training teams of these crusade directors, and that’s how we can do six crusades in three weeks because we have six teams. And that’s the beauty
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:04):
Of it. Well, I say thank God for that vision. Every crusade evangelist needs a good crusade director. And so I believe that as God raises up more evangelists, more people that have gifts with administration and organizing and meeting pastors and all of the logistics of doing the crusade, God will raise them up as well. Praise God. We need them
Bret Sipek | CFAN Crusade Director (15:25):
All. Amen. Thank you so very much for,
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:27):
Well, brother Brent, thank you so much for being on the Evangelism Podcast and thank you for your work here. And thank you for organizing such a beautiful crusading. It was wonderful.
Bret Sipek | CFAN Crusade Director (15:38):
Daniel, thank you for coming. We really honor you. We appreciate your hard work. We know that it’s not easy to come to travel in and out to fundraise. Thank you so very much. We really honor you and let’s pray and strategize for the future, how the impact on the territories can be even bigger. So thank you so very much and God bless you and thank you for having me.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (16:00):
Amen. Amen.
It was the biggest crowd in the history of our ministry. How big was the crowd? What message caused thousands of people to come to Jesus? What are the three biggest miracles God has ever done? Watch this video above to find out. Tears came to my eyes the first time I watched it.
To preach the Gospel you must have POWER…first you need the power of the Holy Spirit but you also need the power of a generator to run the sound system. Yesterday, our generator got stuck in a muddy rut in the road so the crusade team was scrambling to find a replacement.
In the town of Gandajika, Congo DRC they were able to find only one generator powerful enough to run the sound system. But the generator was built into a little building designed to protect it from the rain. So our crusade director had to rent a shovel truck to lift the roof off the building and then to lift the generator out of the building to put it in a dump truck to haul the generator to the crusade.
Tonight I preached on the paralyzed man who was LET DOWN through the roof. But for this crusade I have a new story about a generator that was LIFTED OUT through the roof. To make a crusade happen we must often go to great lengths and fight great battles, but this is the first time we have literally lifted the roof off a building.
As I preached on the paralyzed man we had an actor play the part in an illustrated drama. The bed he was laying on was carried to the stage by his four friends. The sight of the bed being lifted above the heads of the crowd attracted lots of attention. The friends laid the bed at the front of the platform and we read the story from Matthew 9. Jesus says three things to the paralyzed man.
Strengthen Your Heart
First Jesus said, “Be encouraged.” The local language of Gandajika translates this verse as “Strengthen your heart.” Jesus encouraged the man because he was sad, worried, and lonely. I told the people, “Jesus wants to encourage you tonight. Jesus wants to strengthen your heart. Jesus will take away your sadness and give you joy. He will take away your worry and replace it with hope. He will remove your loneliness and give you His presence.”
Your Sins Are Forgiven
Second Jesus said, “Your sins are forgiven.” I explained, “Jesus came from heaven to earth to forgive our sins. Everyone has sinned and the price for sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ. Jesus dies on the cross to pay the price for our sins and tonight Jesus wants to forgive your sins.”
Get Up, Take Up Your Bed, and Go Home
Third, Jesus healed the man’s body. Our actor on the stage stood to his feet and began to dance. “I’m healed!” he shouted. The entire crowd clapped because they were excited to see that Jesus is a healer. After the drama was over, I prayed for three things.
First I explained the greatest miracle is when Jesus forgives your sin. “If you want Jesus to forgive your sin, lift your hand,” I told the crowd. Across the field, thousands of people lifted their hands. I led them in a prayer of salvation. Our counselors immediately got to work recording the names of the people on decision cards so the local churches can follow up on them later.
Second we prayed for emotional healing and third we prayed for physical healing. Many people were touched by God and we had a variety of testimonies to share with the people.
Here in Congo ministering to children is unheard of. Typically, pastors tell the kids to sit in the back of the church and to be quiet. So when we announced we were doing a “Children’s Festival” at the crusade grounds on Friday morning the children began to cheer.
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me.” That’s exactly what happened. The children came running from all over the city. They had big smiles on their faces.
We sang with them. We played games. We had a dance competition. Several of the graduates of the Christ for All Nations Evangelism Bootcamp told stories to the children. Hidden in each story was a Gospel truth. Repeatedly, the children heard the message, “Jesus loves you!”
Before I became known as an international evangelist I was a children’s minister. In my teenage years I dressed up as a clown as a tool for reaching children for Jesus. So, even though I am here to preach at the crusade I jumped at the opportunity to juggle for the children. As I threw balls high into the air, the kids laughed and clapped.
I balanced a pole on my finger. The key to keeping it balanced is to look at the top of the pole. I told the children, “If you keep your eyes on Jesus, your life will stay balanced. But if you take your eyes off Jesus, your life will fall apart.”
Then I told a story about a monkey who lived in the jungle. Some monkey hunters trapped the monkey using bananas. In the same way, Satan uses a sin trap to capture us. But Jesus came to set us free from the trap of sin. All the children shouted, “Jesus sets me free!” After the altar call, we gave each child a mini-book written by Daniel Kolenda. The book uses fun illustrations to teach the children how to follow Jesus.
On the third night of the crusade I preached on the Prodigal Son. The story is one of three stories found in Luke 15. First is the story of man with one hundred sheep. He loses one and he leaves the 99 to look for the one. Then there is the story of a woman who has saved ten silver coins. When she loses one, she searches the house until she finds the lost coin. Finally, is the story of a lost son.
In this story Jesus reveals God the Father to us. Many people think of God as an angry judge who is ready to condemn people who sin. But Jesus reveals that God is like a father who is searching for his lost son.
The son asks for his inheritance and then he wastes the money by living a sinful lifestyle in a faraway land. The son runs out of money and is stuck feeding pigs. He remembers his father and he decides to return home and beg for forgiveness. But as he walks the long road home he wonders if his father will be angry at him.
But the father (who represents God the Father) is out in front of his house looking for his lost son. He sees him coming from a long distance and the father runs to his son. The son falls to his knees in shame, but the father lifts him up and gives him a hug and kisses him. He gives his son his coat and puts his shoes on his son’s bare feet. He puts a ring on his finger and calls his household together to celebrate the return of his son.
In this story, Jesus reveals the Father of Hugs and Kisses. I told the crowd, “God is not angry at you. God loves you. God is looking for you.” I asked the people, “Will you come home to the Father’s House tonight? Will you turn away from your sin and come running home to your heavenly Father?” The crowd shouted “YES!” and I led them in a prayer of salvation.
Jesus said that all of heaven rejoices when one sinner gets saved. Tonight thousands of people came home to their heavenly Father and heaven is rejoicing!
We invited all the local pastors and church leaders to a Fire Conference on Saturday morning.
Here in Congo many of the churches do not believe women can preach. Because of this religious doctrine, they have silenced half of the body of Christ. Also many of the pastors are older because they tell the young men they are not old enough to preach the Gospel.
So I preached on Acts 2 which tells about what happened on the Day of Pentecost. After the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit Peter began to preach. He quoted from the book of Joel, “In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit.” I asked the pastors, “Do you want God to pour out His Spirit.” They all shouted “Amen.”
I continued to read, “God will pour out His Spirit on all people.” I posed the question, “Do you believe God can pour out His Spirit upon all people? The pastors shouted, “Yes!”
“Your sons and daughters shall prophecy,” I read, “Your young men will see visions…Even on my servants, both men and woman, I will pour out my Spirit in those days and they shall prophecy.” I asked the pastors, “Do you believe God can use the women and the young men?” They pastors were a little hesitant this time, but a few replied quietly, “Yes.”
I told the story about the time Reinhard Bonnke was asked, “Do you think God can use a woman to save someone?” He replied, “If I was drowning, I would not care if it was a man or a woman who threw me a life preserver.”
I explained, “God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people.’ God can use your sons and your daughters if you will let Him.” I asked the pastors again, “Do you believe God can use the women and the young men?” This time they answered with more enthusiasm, “Yes!”
Then I invited two of the women evangelists who are on our team to share. Their names are Grace Smith and Anastasiia Dvoinikova. They both shared a powerful word and by the time they finished, the pastors were all shouting, “Amen.”
At the end of the Fire Conference we laid hands on every pastor and the fire of God fell.
Saturday night at the crusade in Gandajika was Holy Spirit night. I preached on the three greatest miracles in the Bible. Creation, Calvary, and Pentecost.
Creation: At creation is where we see God the Father’s greatest work. I told the crowd, “God created you. You are made in the image of God. You are God’s special creation.” I explained that God created the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, to be His friends. Every day God walked and talked with them in the Garden of Eden. But one day they disobeyed God and this sin broke their fellowship with God. I told everyone, “You were created to be God’s friend, but your sin separates you from God.”
Calvary: At the hill named Calvary, we see God the Son’s greatest work when Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay the price for our sins. I announced, “At Calvary, Jesus saved you.” Jesus, the Son of God, came from heaven to earth. Every day he walked and talked with His disciples. Then Jesus gave his life so we could once again have fellowship with the Father. The price for sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus. The crowd listened intently as I explained, “If you will call of Jesus, He will forgive your sin and you will be saved.”
Pentecost: The day of Pentecost is where we see God the Holy Spirit’s greatest work. One hundred and twenty disciples were gathered together in the upper room when suddenly a mighty wind began to blow. Tongues of fire rested on every head and they were filled with the Holy Spirit. Now, the Holy Spirit wants to come walk and talk with every believer. I prayed for everyone to be filled with the Holy Spirit. As the thousands of people began to pray in the Holy Spirit, it sounded like the roar of a mighty lion.
People in Africa are intensely aware of the supernatural world in a way that the Western world often does not understand. They believe in curses and they often go to witchdoctors in search of a cure or a benefit. For example, a businessman might go to the witchdoctor and pay her to cast a spell upon his business rival. A barren woman might ask the witchdoctor for a potion to help her get pregnant. The witchdoctor makes money off of curses, so there is often a spiritual struggle when a Gospel crusade comes to town.
On Thursday night a witch doctor came to our crusade. She intended to walk through the crowd and place a curse on Christian believers. But as she walked around she found that her magic was not working. She stopped to listen to the message and she heard about how Jesus has the power to break every curse. She was convicted by the Holy Spirit for her evil ways of living and she decided to cry out to Jesus for salvation. She repented of her witchcraft and she was saved!
I pointed to two big barrels on the field and said to the crowd, “Tomorrow night we are going to burn every work of Satan. I want you to bring your juju beads, your witchcraft charms, and anything that represents your life of sin. We are going to burn everything in the barrels and send the devil’s curses to the fires of hell.”
The following night the former witchdoctor brought a paper with the names of all of her curses written down. She came to the front and threw the cursed paper into the barrel.
We doused the contents of the barrel with gasoline and threw a match in. Woosh! The fire burned hot. Our team of intercessors danced around the burning barrels and shouted, “Jesus! Jesus!”
From the platform I proclaimed, “Jesus breaks every curse. When Jesus died on the cross, He destroyed the power of sin and the power of Satan. Be free from every evil curse in Jesus’ name.”
The final night of the crusade in Gandajika was awe inspiring. The crowd size increased substantially. No one in the city wanted to miss the final night of the crusade.
The theme of the night was Deuteronomy 30:19 “I set before you life and death, blessing and cursing, therefore choose life!”
I gave the crowd a list of words. Some of the words were God words and some of the words were devil words. I asked the crowd to point up to heaven if a shared a God word and I asked them to point down to hell if I shared a devil word.
The first word was “LIFE.” Everyone pointed to heaven.
The second word was “DEATH.” Everyone pointed down. I explained that Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but Jesus comes to give us abundant life (John 10:10).
“BLESSING” It is a word that comes from God.
“CURSING” It is a word from the pits of hell.
The next word was “SALVATION.” Every index finger on the field pointed up. “SIN” Everyone pointed down. I repeated the word “SALVATION” and listened to my translator say the word in the local language. I tried to repeat it after him. I must have messed up my pronunciation bad because everyone laughed at me. “Do you think I should learn your language?” I asked. “Yes,” they all replied.
“HEALING” comes from God. “SICKENESS” comes from the devil. The people knew the right answer even though some theologians get this concept wrong.
“PROSPERITY” is from God. “POVERTY” is from the devil. “LOVE” is a God word, “HATE” is a devil word.
I preached, “Everyone must make a choice. You can choose to go to heaven or hell. You can choose to trust in Jesus for salvation or you can walk away from God. There is a broad road that leads to hell and many people are following it. There is a narrow path that leads to God. The name of that narrow path is Jesus! If you cry out to Jesus, and turn from your sinful ways, you will be saved.”
“Do you want to choose to follow Jesus?” I asked.
“Yes,” roared the crowd. I led them in a prayer of salvation and the councilors moved through the crowd giving books to all the new believers.
Everyone chose blessing instead of cursing. At the end of the evening, we burned two barrels full of the curses of witch doctors. Then I prayed a powerful prayer of blessing over the crowd. “You are blessed, blessed, blessed!” The whole crowd went home full of God’s blessing and thankful that the crusade had come to their city of Gandajika.
Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!
Samuel Ouedraogo, a pastor from Burkina Faso, discusses his background and the work he is doing in his country. He explains that his father, also a pastor, raised him to serve those in need, and he now leads a social work organization called Word of Hope. The organization focuses on healthcare, education, and farming, with the goal of helping people have a relationship with Jesus Christ. Ouedraogo shares testimonies of lives impacted by their work and discusses the challenges of reaching people in a country with a large Muslim population and ongoing terrorist attacks. He invites listeners to get involved in helping to reach West Africa for Jesus.
Learn More About the Ministry of Sameul Ouedraogo:
Evangelist Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus. Today I have a very special friend with me, Samuel Ouedraogo from Burkina Faso. Thank you for being on the Evangelism Podcast.
Samuel Ouedraogo (00:12):
Thank you for having me,
Evangelist Coach Daniel King (00:13):
Brother Samuel, you are from the nation of Burkina Faso. That’s right. And you are reaching many people in the nation of Burkina Faso. Tell me a little bit about your background and how God brought you to the point where you are now.
Samuel Ouedraogo (00:30):
So thank you, Dr. King for having me here. It’s a joy for me to do this broadcasting with you. So my name is Samuel Ouedraogo and I am from Burkin Faso and I live in a capital called Ouagadougou. So background, I was born in a Christian family. My dad is a pastor, but he has a unique childhood. So while he was a child, my grandfather passed away and at that time he was in the primary school. So a few days later, the death of my grandfather, they chase him out from school. So he didn’t get any chance of finishing his primary school. So during those difficult time, the Lord called him into the ministry. So he raised us up with some tools into serving the needed one because he was one of them. So that’s how we grew up as a
Evangelist Coach Daniel King (01:37):
Family. Your father pastors a church in Burkina Faso, and it’s an Assembly of God church. And he has influence in the Assemblies of God throughout all of West Africa here. And so what do you see God doing during this time in Burkina Faso?
Samuel Ouedraogo (01:54):
So the Lord hasn’t done with Burkina Faso and he is doing great things. It’s true that my country is going through difficult time because we are under terrorist attack. So the current president usually say that we are at war against the terrorist, but that doesn’t stop us preaching the word of God. So in my country right now, we have three different ways of showing the love of Christ, of preaching the word of God. The first one is door to door evangelism. The second is crusades in those cities where there is not some issues. And the third one is through social work. And this is what we’re doing. So we have, of course, my dad is a pastor of the Assembly of God, and while he was pastoring the Lord gave him the vision of studying a social work called Para Depo. And within Para Depo, we are able to reach thousands of children, thousand of people for the Kingdom of God.
Evangelist Coach Daniel King (03:03):
And so you are helping to lead this social work and you work in several different areas. Tell me about the work that you do.
Samuel Ouedraogo (03:14):
Yeah, so after my studies in the United States, while I was there, I wanted to finish quick my studies so I can go back and help my dad with the ministry because he was very busy with the Assembly of God because at that time he was the superintendent of the Assembly of God, of Burkina Faso and the President of the West African Assembly of God and the Vice President of the entire continent of the Assembly of God. So when I finished my studies, I went back home. So the three areas we
Evangelist Coach Daniel King (03:45):
Work. Now, your studies, you were at Oral Roberts University.
Samuel Ouedraogo (03:48):
Of course, I went to Oral Roberts University.
Evangelist Coach Daniel King (03:50):
That’s the same university that I’m a graduate of. That’s, and so you came and got your learning and kept your burning as we like to say at ORU. But what were some of the things you learned during your time at ORU?
Samuel Ouedraogo (04:04):
Oh, I learned so many things. I did like Chapelle, it has brought to my spiritual life to a certain level. And also I took one class called Spirit and Empower Living, and the teacher was President Billy Wilson. And I have learned a lot about the Holy Spirit, which has helped me grow my intimacy with the Lord and also having friends, Christian friends around me. It has also helped me have a solid foundation.
Evangelist Coach Daniel King (04:45):
So you went to ORU, then you came back to Kinno Faso, and you started working in the area of social work. Yes. And there’s several different areas that you’re working in. Tell me about those different areas of social work.
Samuel Ouedraogo (05:03):
Our ministry is called Word of Hope in English. And within Word of Hope, we have three different areas. So the first one is healthcare. When it comes to the healthcare, we have a big hospital in the city in the capital of Ouagadougou where we have about 100,000 a year. So the vision over there is to provide medical healthcare to the community while showing the love of Christ to the community. And within the medical center, we have a chaplain every day from 7:00 AM to seven 15, we start the day with a little of devotion and we pray for the patient. So everybody gather the doctors, the patients, and then we pray. And after that, the chaplain will go to the hospitalization rooms and pray for the patient. So we have a lot of testimonies about people who have been healed through the prayers. So that’s what we do.
Evangelist Coach Daniel King (06:00):
That’s very interesting coming from Oral Roberts University, that you have that paradigm of ministry because Oral Roberts was one of the first to teach the theology that prayer in medicine should be combined. That we believe in medicine, that all healing comes from God. And God can use doctors, God can use medicine to heal people. But along with medicine, we also bring the healing power of God. And when you combine the power of medicine with the power of prayer to together, it brings healing to people. And so I think this is a very appropriate ministry for a graduate of or university to lead, to go into the hospitals, to pray for people to show the love of Christ. Yes. Okay. What’s the second?
Samuel Ouedraogo (06:45):
So the second is education. So at the education level, we have a primary school, high school and college. So at the primary school and high school, the vision is to make leaders who have the fear of God into their heart for the entire continent of Africa. So we recruit unfortunate kids, orphans kids, displaced children, all over high country. And we take them to our boarding school in where we feed them three times a day. We educate them the word of God, and we also teach them general education. So from age of six, seven years old, by the time they leave, they have a high school degree in their hand ready to go to college.
And at the university level, the college level, the vision of the funder is to give the opportunity of those surrounding countries, Muslim countries, to have a place to pursue their university education within Wago. So that’s what we do when it come to the education level. And then we have farming and agriculture. But before I talk to that, I come to the farming and education. We also have a vocational training center where we teach young girls who don’t want to pursue their general studies. We give them the opportunity to be trained into sewing, hairdressing, and also cooking. And so we train them and then we send them back to their areas so they can be helpful. And while the kids are in the compound with us at the boarding school, we also teach them how to raise pigs, how to raise cows, how to feed them, how to milk the cows, and also how to do gardening. So we teach them how to do vegetables so that when they go back, they can be helpful to their communities.
Evangelist Coach Daniel King (08:49):
And so you are working in the hospitals, you’re working in education, and then you’re working in farming and training people in how to raise different kinds of food. And ultimately your goal is to help people to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. And so what do you feel are ways to reach out to people in Burkin Faso? There’s a lot of challenges. Like you mentioned, there have been recent terrorist attacks in Burkin Faso. And so because of that, there’s potential danger. But in the midst of great darkness, Jesus still shines bright. So tell me a little bit, how does Jesus shine in the hearts of people? You have some testimonies of people’s lives who have been impacted.
Samuel Ouedraogo (09:42):
Yeah. Burkina Faso is a country I that I love, and it’s a special country. So as you mentioned, in the midst of darkness, we should shine because we represent Christ in the nation of Burkina Faso. Right now, we have approximately 1 million of people displaced families. So reaching those people through social work will be a good way of sharing the love of Christ and making them disciples because we have those displaced camps that we can go to and help those people don’t lose hope and let them know that Christ can be their helper and that he hasn’t done with them. And also, Burkina Faso is a Muslim country in the sense that more than half of the population is Muslim. So one of the strategy we have is door-to-door evangelism. We will go sometimes to a neighborhood and just knock the door and tell them we are here to shed the word of God.
If they accept, we’ll, shed the word of God. If they don’t, we ask them if they have any sick person in the house, we will pray for them. If they allow us, we pray and we leave. If they don’t, we close the door and we move to the next door. And we have major cities in Castle where crusades, high skilled crusades can be done, where we can have thousands of people gathering of people to share the word of God. So this can be a way of reaching more people in those measure cities. And as you said, we have testimonies. So the founder of Word of Hope has been putting pressure on me to recruit displaced children. And when those kids comes to the compound at the boarding school, they’re terrorized. When they hear a noise, they get panicked. So the work we have been doing is to a lot of prayer counseling and letting them know that this is a safe community. So at the end of the day, we’ll see that they have their confidence back, and that even becoming prayer warriors, praying for their parents, and also doing good at school. So we have a lot of testimonies.
Evangelist Coach Daniel King (12:19):
Wow. So as people are listening and maybe they have a heart to help per Keno Faso, maybe they want to help with your hospital ministry or some of the education or social work that you’re doing, what is a good website where they can find out information about you and maybe even get involved, pray for you, even give some funds to help out the people of Burkina Faso?
Samuel Ouedraogo (12:43):
Yeah, we would love to have some help. We would love to have people, Tim, come to Kin AFA and to help us reach the unreached and make disciples for the Lord. So a good website to get to know us will be www do ppo, P-A-R-O-L-E-D-E-R-P-O-I-R
Evangelist Coach Daniel King (13:15):
Here. Spell that again.
Samuel Ouedraogo (13:16):
So And I also have my email address that you can send me an email, which is O ns dot
Evangelist Coach Daniel King (13:44):
Wonderful. And so I encourage you, if God puts it on your heart to be a part of the ministry in Burkina Faso, I encourage you to reach out, be a part, and get involved in what God is doing in this nation. It’s landlocked in the middle of Africa, really, the heart of West Africa. That’s
Samuel Ouedraogo (14:02):
Evangelist Coach Daniel King (14:02):
But I believe that God is doing great things in Kinno
Samuel Ouedraogo (14:06):
Faa. Yes, yes, yes. So we are looking forward to having Dr. King with a team to help us reach the unreached.
Evangelist Coach Daniel King (14:14):
Yeah. Thank you so much for being on the Evangelism Podcast.
Daniel King interviews missionary James Obeng from Ghana, who is currently serving in Guinea. James shares how he became a missionary after receiving a prophecy about serving in a French-speaking country. Despite not knowing French, he learned the language and started doing evangelism and ministry work. James faced challenges in communicating with the locals but found ways to overcome them, such as using translation tools and working with a young boy who could translate for him. He also established a church in Guinea. James credits his spiritual father, Evangelist Dag Heward-Mills, for inspiring him in his missionary and evangelistic endeavors. He learned from Dag Heward-Mills’ teachings about patience and perseverance in ministry. James also shares how he supports his ministry through various entrepreneurial activities, such as selling perfumes, farming, and baking bread. Additionally, he talks about his journey to finding a wife and how God led him to a Guinean woman named Fatima. Despite initial resistance, James followed God’s leading and proposed to her. The episode concludes with Daniel expressing his admiration for James’ faith and the impact he believes James will make as a missionary.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus. Today I have a very special guest, James Obeng. Yes. Did I say that right? Correct. From the nation of Ghana. Exactly. And we are actually in Guinea right now. And you have come from Ghana to Guinea as a missionary, and it’s a big mission field. I mean, Ghana, you go from an English speaking country to a French speaking country. Exactly. From a country that is majority Christian, to a country that is majority Muslim. Muslim, yes. And very different culture here. Yes. And so how did you become a missionary?
Missionary James Obeng (00:46):
Wow, thank you. First of all, I became a missionary. By one day I was in school. That was when I completed junior high school. In the year 2006. We were youth and we used to go for prayers. So one day we went for prayer and the leader who was leading, he was a prophet and he gave me a prophecy that he sees me in a French speaking country. By then, I received the prophecy bets. I didn’t take it.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:21):
And at that time you didn’t speak any French?
Missionary James Obeng (01:23):
I didn’t speak throughout my life. I didn’t go to any French school. So by then I never knew any French. And even when I got here, it was in Guinea here, I started learning French by the grace of God. Wow. So when I received the prophecy, it kept on three times. So we finished secondary by the grace of God. And when I finished secondary, I used to move in the church. I was by the grace of, I was the leader for the youth. So I did the little that I could in the church. And when I completed the secondary school, I got the chance to go to university. So in university too, we used to go to every Christmas we used to go to the villages to go and preach and stay there whilst our parents would be calling us, oh, come home, let us celebrate the Christmas together.
But we stayed in the villages and we used to win soul for Christ. So from there I was a member of Church of Pentecost. Since my childhood, that was where my mother sent me. So I grew up in the Church of Pentecost by James McKeon. So when I completed university and I came to the capital city, that’s Accra. I didn’t know which church to attend the area where I was staying. There were a lot of churches there. So I prayed to God one morning that, oh God, I want to go to church, but I don’t know where to attend. Lead me to where you want me to be. And lo and behold, I attended one of evangelist Dag Heward-Mills church, which is Morning Star Cathedral headed by Bishop Ka Bidden. So when I entered the first day, they had a meeting after church service to teach people how to go out and win souls and how to do something for God.
And it was something that always motivated me to do something for the Lord. So after the meeting the following week, I went back to the church and prophet called out for people who have completed university and who feel that there’s the call of God upon their lives. And I was someone who used to be shy. Anytime I see crowd, I didn’t want to push or go there. But I don’t know what happened. I found myself in front of the church and we were about 30 something people, if I 30 something people who went forward. And among all these people, prophet asked me whether I’m interested to come and work at the church as a receptionist. And I said, Hey. And we just finished university and we were posted to different places to go and do our national service. And it wasn’t possible. There were, it wasn’t possible to get transfer from where you were posted to come back to Accra, the capacity to come and do the service.
So when he told me, I said, oh, this one is very difficult. And he said, well, pray about it and start doing something because I felt that I want you to work with us here. So when I went back to the my station, I went to see the director for the health service, and the director to lo and behold, was a member of this same church, Morningstar. So went after explaining everything to her, she said, okay, if that’s the case, I’ll help you with a letter for release. And with that letter go to the National Service Headquarters and present that letter to them and they will see what they can do and by the great. So when I went there, everything went on smoothly and I was transferred from the town where I was doing my service back to Accra. So a month later, prophet told me that I should prepare.
I’ll be going for missions. And I said, if missions I love do evangelism, and when I see people coming to Christ, there’s this joy that comes to my heart. And Bishop Dag Heward-Mills has been some, anytime I see his crusade, the way people are crying, lifting up their hands, coming to Christ, there’s this burning, I don’t know how to explain it in ways, but I feel this desire and this hunger to also win. So for the Lord. So when he asked me to prepare, I said, okay, I will. So I started praying six months later, he said, it’s time. But initially he didn’t tell me the place where I’ll be going. He said, James, prepare. I think you’ll have to go to Guinea. I said, Guinea, I never knew the language that Guinea speaks, whether it’s a French or so. I went online and I checked, I said it French, and I’m someone who likes French. I’ve never studied French in my life. And that’s
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:53):
What the prophecy came earlier, that you would go to a
Missionary James Obeng (05:55):
French nation. Exactly. And it was exactly 10 years. When the professor came in the year 2006, and I completed university in the year 2017, and it was in 2017 that the professor started manifesting the grace of God. When he told me that, I started remembering, I say, oh, if that’s the case, I was afraid initially I say, I don’t have any French background, so how am I going to do this machine work? But I believed in that prophecy and I kept it in my heart and I wrote it in my diary. So I remember the prophecy and I said, oh God, if you are the one me working here, because the church had over 5,000 Sundays, over 5,000 people go to the church. So out of this 5,000, I was new. I was new in the church. The prophet didn’t know. My parents didn’t know me from anywhere, and he called me to work at the reception.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:52):
So how long have you been here in Guinea now?
Missionary James Obeng (06:55):
I’ve been here for five years now by the grace of God.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:58):
And what were some of the challenges that you faced initially, and what have you seen God do while you’ve been here?
Missionary James Obeng (07:06):
Initially when I came because of the French barrier, I had my phone. So when I want to talk to people, I pick up my phone, I go to translate Google, I’ll see the thing, the words in English, and the Google will translate it into French. Then I couldn’t read the French, so I gave it to the people around those who can read. Or sometimes I click on it, then the audio will play. So there was a name they called me, the pastor who uses his food to translate. That was in Wow. And it was a little challenging for me to communicate with people, but lo and behold, I got this. God brought this young guy who was 11 years old, he used to attend English school. So the mother went to see the mother through evangelism, and the mother said, oh, I can take the boy.
So wherever I used to go to the evangelism, I was with this boy, this boy will translate it in their local dilate. That was gey. So he was the one I used to move with and go told me that whatever he wants me to do, I should continue to do. I shouldn’t look at the barrier, which is the language. That’s the reason why the boy and everything, the thing is I have to have the desire and I have to do what he asked me to do. And through that, by the grace, I started picking it, picking it small, small. And there was this thing to that helped me. My senior pastor, who is Reverend Wanda, asked me to do something, not just come in without working on anything. So I brought some things from Ghana, and when I go out, I used to force to speak the French, communicate with them in the French language. So that was what helped me initially to start forcing with the French language, one by one, one by one, and also with the aid of the Google translator. So that’s where I started picking the French.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:51):
And so now you’ve established a church here? Yes. You planted a church? Yes. About how many people would come on a typical Sunday morning?
Missionary James Obeng (09:01):
By the grace of God, our largest attendant has been 96.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:06):
Missionary James Obeng (09:07):
We had a program called SW Sunday. It’s a program that my spiritual father, Bishop Dag Heward-Mills has been organizing, and we followed one day. So all the members, we told them, I try and invite someone to church because I realized that most of the people come with the mindsets of coming to receive their healing, the miracles and breakthrough. And after that, they go back to the world. Initially, that was the challenge that I encountered. Here, we’ll go out after preaching. Oh, God has been healing a lot of people. So when they heard that, oh, God is healing people in this church, they will come.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:46):
Missionary James Obeng (09:48):
A day on that
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:49):
Sunday, you’ve seen lots of miracles.
Missionary James Obeng (09:50):
Exactly. So when they receive the miracles and they go home, and by the grace of God has been healing, a lot of people, God has been so after that, they refuse to come back to church. When you encounter, oh, I came to receive my healing, or I came to receive a miracle. So I’m a Catholic, I’m a Protestant, so I’ve gone back to my church. Meanwhile, they’ll be in the house, not going to church. So that was the challenge. And also for now, we are in our forties by the grace of God, and there’s a challenge here. Most of the people, those who are committed, they try to move from this city, go to a different place, look for money. They have a mining place called Sigrid, and also manna. So the youth who used to help committed a time will come and they be moving. So those are, the attendance have been fluctuating that by the grace of God for now we are in our forties.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:45):
So let’s talk about your spiritual father, Dag Heward-Mills. Exactly. He is an evangelist. He’s a great evangelist from Africa, from the country of Ghana, and he’s very well known all over Africa. He’s been having huge meetings, just as big a meetings as any American evangelist who would come. And people in Africa love Bishop Dag Heward-Mills. And so tell me some of what you have learned being under his ministry about being a missionary, about being an evangelist.
Missionary James Obeng (11:20):
Okay, thank you. Evangelist Dag Heward-Mills has been someone who has been inspiring me a lot. I came into contact with the evangelist. That was in the year 2011. One of my colleagues in secondary school came to visit, and when he came, I was in the process praying and studying, and he told me that there is one man of God called evangelist that you were nurse. And he was in a university by then. I was in my first year in the university. And he said, oh, I would like to share some of his messages and his books with you. And I said, okay. So he shared some of his audios, preaches, and some books with me. And the message that touched me a lot was a message title, the word of my patience. And the evangelist thought on how God called people and how he, after speaking or giving them the prophecy, how it takes the duration, the way for us, it seems that it has delayed.
So the long time it takes before the prophecy come to pass. So I listened to how he spoke about Abraham and the promise God gave to Abraham. He said, you are the father of all nations, many nations. And it took 25 years for this promise to come to pass. He spoke about Jacob when Jacob was leaving his father’s house, when he had an issue with his brother and was going to his uncle. And the way it took long time over 20 years before he saw the prophecies and the promise of Welcom coming to pass, he spoke about David, how God told David that I have anointed you to be a king, and still he has to fight with soul. So the challenges that they went through. And he said, when God calls you, you have to be patient, to be frank. I dunno how to explain, but this message touched me.
And I used to always listen to that message. When I’m going wherever I’m going, I used to have a e piece and I had a Nokia phone, so the Nokia phone will be in my pocket when I’m sleeping, I listen to that message and it has been a message that I cannot forget. And I always encourage those that I meet. And by the grace of God, I’m trained that anytime God speaks to you or you receive a prophecy, be patient with God, do not rush. When you rush, you’ll be making a mistake and always believe in the way that God has spoken over your life. And also, I saw some of his crusades. It was my first time swinging some of his crusades. I used to see the crusades of evangelists, Han Bonky and bein and other men who got bes. It was my first time I saw the crusade by evangelist dark gold mills and how people were crying the way he has the zeal, the hunger.
He said he, no matter nowhere is far for the gospel to reach. So that because of that, no matter what it takes, he try to sacrifice, make sure the gospel go. And also he wants all the villages. He said, the men of God go to the big, big cities, but there are towns and villages where people cannot afford to go or to hear the gospel. So no matter where you are, the gospel must reach you. And it was, we have to go to those places, we have to go to them. He said, those people, every town and village, every town and villages, we have to be there. And they said, Jesus went to the towns and villages so we don’t have to be in the towns only, but in the villages to reach the poor. Because he came to preach the gospel to the needy and the needy people, most of them are the poor people. So as we preach to them and they come to Christ, there’s this joy. I watch one video and I realized how they were Muslims and how it was in Covo, how the people were crying, weeping, and in fact, I couldn’t stand. I also started crying and I said, God, give me this grace. I want to reach out no matter where they are, to go and preach to them. And that’s how I started.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:31):
It takes great faith to be a missionary. Yes. Did anyone support you when you were starting to be a missionary? Were there churches or individuals that helped to support you? How do you support your ministry? At least in the beginning?
Missionary James Obeng (15:47):
Okay. When I came initially, it was a bishop, Bishop, prophet Rabin. He’s the bishop for the address of Kadesh Kosh. So he used to send us support and other thing. But when I came, he told us that to be a missionary and to survive, you must try and do something on your own.
So whatever you can do, try and do it on your own to survive. And that’s something that the evangelist has been encouraging us with. That wherever you go, do not put it at the back of your mind that, oh, people have to support me. And when it happens that you try and rely on the people instead of putting your faith in God in order. God is the one who has sent you there. So whatever that we can do. And he used the way he said Abraham was a missionary. Abraham moved to different nations, and as he went, he was working to survive.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (16:48):
And so what have you done to work to survive?
Missionary James Obeng (16:51):
Okay, thank you. I used to, initially I was selling perfumes and other things from Ghana. I realized that Guinea loves things from Ghana. So I started with perfumes and some mosquito repellent cream, some clothes, long sleeves. So I used to sell them in farm. And when I came here to, I realized it was not working here. So I started by farming. And also I started, what’s the name? Baking bread, doing some juice. Wow. So for now
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (17:25):
It And are you still doing that now?
Missionary James Obeng (17:26):
Yeah, the bread. I still doing the bread that
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (17:29):
Wow. Yes. Now God has given you a great blessing while you’ve been here. Yes. You met a girl and you asked her to marry you. And so now God has brought you together and she’s beside you. Tell me, what is her name?
Missionary James Obeng (17:46):
Her name is Fatima ob.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (17:49):
Okay. And she’s a beautiful young lady. Yes. And tell me about how you met her and how you asked her to marry you. Okay.
Missionary James Obeng (17:59):
When I was coming, initially I was single. So it was in 2020, I went back to Ghana and my senior pastor James, it’s not good for you to be single on a mission field. And I was someone who was afraid to propose to a lady why? I didn’t want to give my word a promise and fill the person. So it was very challenging for me to propose to a lady. So when they told me, I said, okay, I’ll pray about it. And there was this lady when I was in Ghana, she used to come and help me at the reception. When I’m busy, I’ll ask her to sit at the reception and help me. So when I came, when I went back to Ghana, I proposed to her and she had said, I said, let’s pray to go so that the will of God will come to pass. So when I came back in 2020 and we were still doing courtship and doing marry school, but it got to a time, I realized the lady was afraid deep in her heart, he was afraid to come for missions because she used to hear about,
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:02):
This was a girl from Ghana?
Missionary James Obeng (19:03):
Yes. This was a girl from Ghana. And she used to hear about how missionaries suffer the way their wives still suffer, the challenges. And sometimes when I’m
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:12):
Talking, and she didn’t want to suffer,
Missionary James Obeng (19:14):
She didn’t want to suffer. Sometimes when I’m talking with her and I tell her about the challenges that I’m going through, she becomes discouraged in terms of finances and other things. So when it happened, I told our bishop that, oh, to be frank, the lady is trying to pull back. And she said, okay, if that’s the case, we should separate. And when we separated, to be frank, it was very difficult for me because I wanted to get married. And also I realized being a missionary and single wasn’t easy. So I prayed to God and my mind was always in Ghana that I wanted to get a Ghanaian woman. My senior pastor in Zel, Corey told me that, James, I think you have to get a woman here. I said, rev, no Guinea. I don’t want marry in Guinea. Our bishop in Corner Creek also mentioned, I said, my mind was fixed and I wanted a Ghanaian woman.
So one day our bishop came to Guinea for mission to come and visit us. And when he came, he called me one day and he said, James, do you mind marrying a Guinean woman? I said, Bishop, as a Guinean, it has been a fight. I don’t want to marry here. I want to marry from Ghana. He said, well, you have to pray about it. So as I was praying, it’s like God made me go blind the same way I dam slipped. My mind was fixed. And I realized that was my challenge. My mind was fixed to marry a Ghanaian woman. So one day I prayed a certain prayer. There was this friend of mine who asked me. He said, God told him to inform that I should first and pray for three days, drive first. And then it was my first time and my prayer was, father, let your will be done in my life and everything that I do.
And after that prayers, three days later, a bishop called me and told me about this marriage stuff. And I said, oh God, I don’t want to marry from Guinea, but if it’s your world, that job will be done. I want to hear your word, and I want a word from, because I don’t want to make a mistake. I’ve had challenges of marriages because of that, I have trusted you and I have put my faith in you that I don’t want to make a mistake. So one day I was praying and I received a from God. And I said, okay. I wrote a Rima, what both told me concerning my marriage, concerning this lady. I receive an assurance. And there was these friends that I pray with, Rima, took him from their prophecy, came from them, James, you’re going to get married, but you have to be flexible.
I said, Hey, flexible. Okay. So one day I had a dream. After that four days, the fourth day I had a dream and I realized that’s my bishop who came from Ghana, one of my spiritual fellow. He gave me a gift. And that gift, I didn’t see the gift, but I was very excited. And I went back to him. I said, oh, Bishop, thank you very much for this gift. To be frank, I’m blessed. This gift has transformed my life. So after that, in the morning when I woke up and I was praying, I received within my heart, the gift that you need is the suggestion that the bishop has given you, has given you, if you will take it, it’ll become a blessing. That’s the marriage. So I said, wow, three. The first one was the assurance from me. The second one was from the prophet that I pray with, and the third one was the dream. And I said, okay, if that’s the case, father later will be done. I don’t want to fix or be rigid and refuse to flow with you, that here will be done. So that was where I got in touch with the lady. We started chatting and I realized that the chemicals, the connections started,
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (22:50):
The chemistry was good. The
Missionary James Obeng (22:51):
Chemistry. The chemistry was good. So I took a risk and I went to Corner Creek to go and visit her. And it was my longest journey ever in my life, moving from here to Corner Creek. And the car goes forward on the road, and I said, this risk that I’m taking to go and see a woman, that the prophecy came back, that oh, become and be patient. And when I go there, to be frank, I was very excited to meet her. I felt this peace and this joy and meeting this lady, I chatted with her. And that was where I proposed Wow, the grace of God.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (23:30):
And so God brought you together. And I believe that God’s hand is on the two of you together. Exactly. And you’re going to make a big impact. I’m so impressed with your faith coming as a missionary and what God is doing through you. And I think God has many more amazing miracles to do in your life. Amen, brother James, thank you for being on the Evangelism Podcast. I appreciate it. Thank you
Missionary James Obeng (23:55):
Very much. I’m so honored to be here and to be with you. God bless you so much. Bless you. Amen.
Thank you for helping us preach the Gospel to Muslims in Guinea!
After a successful crusade in Foya, Liberia, we packed up our platform and sound system and moved it across a river on canoes for a campaign in Guéckédou, Guinea. When I planned to do two crusades back-to-back, I looked at Google maps and I thought it would be easy to cross the border. But it turned out that the roads between the two nations do not connect. So, we had to cross a river on boats. But we don’t let anything stop us from preaching the Gospel.
We moved from Liberia to Guinea, from English to French, from a majority Christian nation, to a majority Muslim nation. A delegation of pastors Liberia sent us off and a delegation of pastors from Guinea greeted us as we crossed the river.
The campaign in Guéckédou took place on a soccer field (named Stade Tchendenan Dembadouno) in the center of the city right next to the marketplace. So, everyone in the city knew about the event.
We had two translators. The first translator translated my English into French, and the second translator translated French into the Kesi language. It took three times as much time to say one sentence. So, I had to choose each sentence with care. I preached on the Father of Hugs and Kisses. You probably know the story as the Parable of the Prodigal Son. The son walked far away from his father, but the father eagerly awaited his return. In the same way, God is looking for all of His sons and daughters so He can save them from their lives of sin.
We witnessed lots of miracles. A blind eye was opened. A deaf ear was able to hear. Back problems and stomach problems and headaches were all healed by the power of Jesus.
The Iman’s (Religious Leaders) in all the Mosques of Guéckédou preached against our Gospel campaign on Friday night. They told the Muslims, “Don’t go to the meeting at the soccer field. They will send you to hell.” One Iman’s blind eye was healed but he did not come to testify because he was scared. But the sermons against our event actually worked to our advantage because it made people want to come. On Saturday night, the size of the crowd swelled.
The largest unreached people group in Guinea is the Fulani tribe. Most of the Fulani tribe is Muslim. The Muslim identity is so engrained in the Fulani identity that most of the Fulani people believe that it is impossible for someone in their tribe to be anything other than Muslim.
But in Guinea we met a Fulani man whose life has been changed by Jesus. His name is Oury Saw and he helped organize our crusade.
Oury Saw was born into a Muslim family. But he became dissatisfied with his religion. He says, “I was really thirsty for God and I was saying to myself, God is greater than the religion.”
One day he heard some singing and out of curiosity he stopped. It was a group of Christians singing. One of the Christians gave him a French Bible. He started reading John 1 and became fascinated with God’s Word. He read through the New Testament seven times in two days.
He asked a Christian man, “Who is Jesus?” The Christian replied, “Jesus is God Almighty.” That night when Oury went to bed, he prayed, “Jesus, if you are God the creator of the universe, I want to see you.” In the middle of the night, he had a vision of Jesus.
Oury became a follower of Jesus. He has suffered great persecution and even been attacked by his own family. He still dresses like a Fulani man and he is doing everything he can to introduce other Fulani people to Jesus.
As a new believer Oury Saw felt rejected. The Muslims wanted nothing to do with him and he did not feel welcomed into the Christian community. Twenty years ago, Oury heard Evangelist Billy Bimba preach when he was in Guinea fleeing from the war in Liberia. But as a refugee Bimba continued to preach the Gospel. When Bimba was finished preaching, he came over and greeted Oury, hugged him, and ministered to him. Oury Saw felt welcomed by a Christian for the first time. Then he lost contact with Billy Bimba. Twenty years later, we were invited to do a festival in Guinea. Oury Saw was the festival organizer. We needed a sound system so we brought Billy Bimba’s sound system over from Liberia. After twenty years, Billy Bimba and Oury Saw were reconnected. They were so happy to see one another and to find that both are still serving the Lord.
After the campaign in Guéckédou was over, we received this testimony report from one of our co-evangelists: “When our campaign director arrived in Gueckedou three weeks before the campaign the pastors had a lot of splits between them. Some of them did not want to be in the same room. But the campaign has united them. And now they are so happy to do this together. They are also very thankful for our visit. The pastors discussed with each other how many new believers they welcomed to their services Sunday morning. Turns out that the 20 churches that worked with us had over 800 new believers that attended on Sunday morning! And the follow up work has not even started!”
Your Missionary Evangelist,
Daniel King
Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!
Thank you for helping us preach the Gospel in Liberia!
The story of our recent crusade in Foya, Liberia begins at the New York Bagel Café in Tulsa, Oklahoma. One day I was in the café working on my laptop and a friend introduced me to an evangelist from Liberia named Billy Bimba. He was born in Liberia, and his father was a pastor in Foya. When Billy was young he traveled from village to village preaching about Jesus. But when a war broke out in Liberia, his family was forced to flee to the United States.
As we spoke, Brother Bimba told me he had a calling from God upon his life to preach the Gospel. I recognized his passion for evangelism. He asked, “Why don’t you come to Liberia and do a crusade?”
He shared with me his vision to reach all of Liberia for Jesus. God had given him a sound system and a platform for doing crusades. Brother Bimba just needed a truck to transport the crusade setup. Because of the generosity of King Ministries partners, I was able to give him a gift towards the purchase of a truck. He used the news of my gift to raise the rest of the funds to purchase a beautiful new truck for his ministry. With everything in place to do a crusade, we scheduled the dates to go to Liberia.
I landed in Monrovia and Brother Bimba met me at the airport. We got in a Landcruiser and headed towards Foya. It is only 283 miles on a map but it took our team two days because most of those miles are on dirt roads.
As we traveled, I learned a new song:
If you believe and I believe
and we together pray;
the Holy Spirit will come down
and Foya will be saved.
The Holy Spirit will come down
And Foya will be saved.
On the second day of our journey we bounced over dirt roads for over twelve hours. On the way we stopped for a brief break. There was a group of boys and teens carrying machetes headed to work. I pulled out a Gospel sticker and shared the good news with them. The whole group prayed with me for salvation.
When we finally arrived, the local churches in Foya greeted us with a parade. They played drums and shook gourds covered in beads in rhythm. The noise was deafening but full of rejoicing. As we traveled through the center of town, we saw banners announcing the crusade everywhere. The city was excited to welcome us.
The churches in Foya were hungry for a move of God. They held a prayer meeting at 5:30 a.m. every day we were there. At that time in the morning it is still dark outside, and I had to use a flashlight to walk to the church. Inside I saw pastors laying on the floor crying out to God for revival. More and more believers arrived at the church and by the time the sun came up over the horizon, the church was full of men and women on their knees earnestly praying for a move of God. By the time the roosters started to crow, we all had our hands up as we asked God to touch the city.
In the Kessi language, names reflect where a person stands in his family’s birth order. All first born sons are known as “Sah.” I am the firstborn son of my father, so Brother Bimba introduced me as “Sah-King.”
The first night of the crusade we launched “Liberia for Jesus,” an initiative to reach everyone in Liberia with the Gospel through rural crusades. The verse God gave me for this plan to reach the nation is Matthew 9:35, “Jesus went to every town and village…teaching…preaching…and healing.” We saw all three principles from the ministry of Jesus at work in Foya.
Teaching – Our Fire Conference was packed with hungry leaders who were excited to receive teaching on evangelism and the Holy Spirit.
Preaching – Thousands of people attended all five nights of the crusade. When we gave the altar call people came running to the front to give their lives to Jesus.
Healing – Jesus healed many people. One night so many people came up on the platform to testify that we were worried the platform might collapse because of the weight.
Over the course of the five-day crusade, thousands of people were touched by the power of God. Thank you for helping us preach the Gospel in Foya, Liberia! The ministry partnership we launched at this crusade will continue until all of Liberia is impacted by the Gospel.
Your Missionary Evangelist,
Dr. Daniel King
Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!
Billy Bimba is an evangelist from rural Liberia in West Africa. In 1986, he attended the Reinhard Bonnke Fire Conference in Zimbabwe. His life was transformed and ever since he has been on fire and he preaches about Jesus all over Africa. On today’s podcast you will hear about how God healed him from cancer and about how God has used him raise up spiritual sons like Rob Enge.
Connect with Billy Bimba:
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Billy Bimba is an evangelist from rural Liberia in West Africa. In 1986, he attended the Reinhard Bonnke Fire Conference for evangelists in Zimbabwe. His life was transformed, and ever since he’s been on fire and he preaches about Jesus all over Africa. On today’s podcast, you will hear about how God healed him from cancer and about how God has used him to raise up spiritual sons that are continuing to impact the world.
Evangelism Podcast Host (00:44):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies, and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary, and evangelist Daniel King.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:12):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus. Today I have a very special guest with me, Evangelist Billy Bimba. Thank you so much for being on the Evangelism Podcast.
Billy Bimba (01:26):
Thank you. I am so excited to meet you and to have this opportunity to be on your podcast and to share my experiences since, uh, God saved me and called me to ministry.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:38):
Now, Evangelist Billy, you have been an evangelist for many, many years now. Yes. You were born in Liberia. Yes. And God has called you and anointed you to take the gospel around the world. Tell me a little bit about your testimony and how you became an evangelist.
Billy Bimba (01:59):
Praise the Lord. I was, uh, born in Liberia, the northern part of Liberia, um, in the largest country from Liberia is, uh, Lofa County. And I was born in foyer district. That’s where, um, Jesus met me and saved me. And, uh, it was under the Swedish Pentecostal mission that was established there and a church. And my dad happened to be the senior pastor of that church during the great revival that broke out there when the Swedish Pentecostal mission sta established there. That was, that was when I received Christ through the preaching of the Swedish missionaries that that started u uh, youth services for the young people in the rural era of Liberia.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:41):
Now, how old were you when you gave your life to
Billy Bimba (02:43):
Jesus? Oh, I would say I was probably 14 years old. Okay. Yeah. 14 years old. So God arrested me when I was in the very early age because he had a great plan for using me in the earth. So I was, I received Christ 1972 and 74, I received a baptism and the Holy Ghost. And man, from that time forward, it was just an explosion in my life. I began doing village evangelism. I began to go from village to village, and I started, um, establishing teams to go with me. So who could go to villages, to towns and preaching the gospel everywhere. It was like a daily thing. One week after the other month after month, I was having this burning desire. We didn’t have vehicles to do that. No bicycle, no mo a motorbike to do that. We would go mine sometime 20 miles, sometime 30 miles, and sometime we’ll cross over to the border between like, uh, Liberia and se Leon and Guinea. So I started evangelism at a very early age.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:45):
And tell me, what are you seeing that God is doing in Africa?
Billy Bimba (03:50):
Africa is right now at a place I, this, it seems that God is shifting a move to Africa. It’s like there’s a concentration of God’s effort to bring source out of darkness into the kingdom. I mean, everywhere I look around, there’s people that are going there to do, to do evangelism, to preach, to start churches, either to equip pastors, to, to equip evangelists. I just recently came from Zambia, uh, one day to do a church girl conference. And man, the Holy Ghosts was moving so powerfully. The, the young pastors, the older pastors, they were just pouring into the meetings and God was just transforming their life through the team that I carried there, they were teaching and I was preaching revival as well, and salvation healing. And they were just on fire. And they immediately, before we left the bishop who was our host, he said, This month I’m gonna have evangelism all over my city. In, in Luaka. Before we left here, he already organized a, a great evangelistic efforts. I mean, and they were before even we left, they started, they started evangelism. So Africa is really ready right now. There’s a level of expectancy, there’s a level, there’s a shift right now in evangelism in Liberia. I mean, in, in Africa as a whole. I believe that this hour is a special hour for the harvest in, in Africa as a whole.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:22):
One of the things I love about African evangelists is you are full of red hot fire, full of the Holy Spirit, enthusiastic about preaching the gospel all over the world. And in years past, people from the United States and from Sweden went to Africa as missionaries. Yes. But now God is raising up Africans Amen. Who are full of the Holy Spirit Yeah. That are bringing Holy Spirit fire. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> to, uh, the parts of the world where they’re used to send out missionaries. And so you have now come to the United States, and you’ve been here in the, the United States
Billy Bimba (05:57):
For since 1993 for,
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:59):
For quite a while now. Yes. And, and tell me, what have you done in the area of evangelism here in the United States? You’ve built lots of relationships.
Billy Bimba (06:06):
I’ve built a lot of relationships God has really connected me with churches. Like when we came as refugees, we settle in upstate New York and in upstate New York. God gave us a lot of connection with churches there, pastors. And we began to preach in 10 meetings. We saw so many, we saw so many souls saved during the 10 meetings. The revival, so many souls save. I mean, America is ripe for the hav. And you know, you just mentioned you send missionaries. Yes. Hundreds of years. You send missionaries to Africa. But you know, what you saw is what you read. I believe there’s a ho there’s hope for America, regardless of what is going on. I believe there’s hope for America, because there are, number one, Africans are praying for America. And two, there are sincere remnant dedicated Christians in America that are praying for this nation.
So no matter what the enemy is trying to do, we will win because our gospel is the power of God onto salvation. And I’m so happy that I met you, that you are on fire. And when I saw your pictures of the countries, the Lord is touching through you. It’s just excite me. I can’t wait to bring you to our country Liberia so we can, you know, work together and spread the gospel. But there’s hope for America, no matter what they say. There’s hope. Because this gospel we preach is the power of God onto salvation.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:24):
Billy Bimba (07:25):
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:25):
You and I have a mutual friend. He works for Christ for All Nations. Oh, yes. He is the personal assistant to Evangelist Daniel Kolinda. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, who is the successor to Reinhard Bonke, great evangelist, leader of Christ for All Nations. And so our mutual friend, his name is Rob Enga. And your ministry actually had an impact on him. Tell me that story…
Billy Bimba (07:51):
To God be all the glory. I went to visit, uh, I was invited by his local pastor, his mom, local pastor, and uh, and I had a revival service there. And one of those, in one of those services, Rob Enge, the laws saved him, deliver him and set him free. And he was transformed in a, I mean, just like God just did it in one second. Rob was transformed. And after Rob became a Christian and born again, he wanted to just follow me. He said, I want to follow you. I want to carry your back. Whatever you want me to do, I want to go with you. So I said, Rob, I wanna, I want you to stay with your local church and get inside house training. And he said, Whatever you say I’m gonna do. So I said, Okay, Pastor, let Rob Enge stay here for some time and serve in the local church.
Immediately I give you an assignment. I said, Rob, you are supposed to clean all the bathrooms in this church. He said, No problem, I’ll do it. And the pastor told me every Friday, when young people are going out, you know, messing up their life, that’s the time Rob took to clean all the tallest, to clean all the, you know, to make the place look ready for services. And when I called the pastor to check on him in Tulsa, I was living here in Tulsa. I called the pastor, Pastor Bob, How is Rob doing? He say, Man, you can’t believe it. Rob is doing a tremendous work in the church. God’s using him. He’s cleaning the toilets, his bathroom. Sometimes when I go in to look after him, I can almost see my face in the commod. That’s how diligent he is. So we kept the relationship going, and later on, my wife and I decided to go and visit.
We went back and then the mom and the pastors said, It’s time for you to take Rob. We say, we need Rob now to come on the road with me. So Rob actually is my son. He, he was birthed out of my ministry. And God gave me the grace, my wife and I, to receive him as, you know, as if he was my biological son. I, we took care of him. We help him guide him, pray for him. And I said, Rob, you’re gonna be my assistant. He said, No problem. He drove me all over the United States, here, everywhere I went to do camp, uh, Crusades revival. Rob was the one who was serving, driving and doing everything, taking appointments and making sure that everything is okay before I preach. So Rob is, is, is, is a gift from God to the kingdom of God. And I’m so blessed to see him serving as an executive assistant to this wonderful brother whom I have met, which is Brother Daniel is one of the most humble men of God I’ve ever seen. I have met Daniel and he took good care of me when I went to Florida. I’m so grateful that God, you know, move him on to go and serve Daniel. And I believe his future is greater, better than what he can see.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:38):
What a tremendous testimony, you know, Jesus said, If you’re faithful with the small things, that’s it. I will place you in charge of many things. That’s Rob. And so now, uh, Rob Inga is helping to reach literally millions of people all over the world, the ministry of Christ for all nations. They’re sending evangelists all over Africa and other parts of the world. They’re, they’re going and doing youth crusades and all that. Wow. They, they are having such a tremendous impact. And it all started with just cleaning the bathroom <laugh>. And, and, and you trained him how to be a personal assistant. And now God is using him in such a tremendous way.
Billy Bimba (11:17):
I mean, I, God was just using me to train. I never had somebody from another culture get saving my ministry and train. He was the first American, you know, to, for me to serve because that you, you understand culture difference. If it’s an African, I know the culture, but he, he was going against everything in his, in his culture. But he was men. He was serviceable, he was open to God, whate. I mean, Rob would sleep on the floor, Rob would sweep, love, would, would wash, Rob would pray. As long as I want him to pray, he would pray. Whatever we told him, he did it. And I’m not surprised that God has elevated him to that. You know, at one time I sent him to Africa. I said, I’m want to test him. Let him go to Africa and represent me. And when they, he went to Africa to book enough Faso, the president of the, uh, of the assembly of God, then who’s not our father, he who’s not in law, to my daughter, he called me and said, Man, the drop is a very, very diligent, humble and and powerful man of God.
When he came here, he did everything you told him to do. And he went beyond, you know? So I’m very grateful to go and give God all the glory that he brought us, our ministry in his life, and, uh, that he’s, uh, developed now. He’s a great man of God.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:34):
Let’s talk a little bit about your testimony, cuz you were attacked by Satan with cancer. Yes. But now you look very healthy. You look very whole. <laugh>. Tell me, what did Jesus do to set you free from cancer?
Billy Bimba (12:48):
I was attacked. I was attending Oral Robert University and I was almost about to graduate and I got hit with cancer the first time and they say it was a lymphoma. So I was to the point of death and my wife, Queen Elizabeth, she’s a prayer warrior. She’s decided like, I’m gonna pray for my husband. I don’t believe it’s time for him to go. God has plenty your work for him to do. I’m gonna stand with God to get this thing out of his body. And she is also an herbalist. So she was praying and using her, praying and using herbs. And God gave us a direction to go to Mexico in South America. I mean, uh, Mexico right across the border with San Diego went to Oasis a hope for treatment. And while we’re there, I went for treatment. It turned into a mission field.
The owner of the hospital said, I read your record. I found out that you are an evangelist. And these patients that are coming from all over the world, they don’t know Christ. I always come and give them Christ yet. So today you are gonna preach for me. I said, Wow. My wife came and told me, say I sick. I mean I was sick. And then my wife said, You thought you came here for treatment. But today I was told by the, the, the, the owner of the hospital that he wants you to preach his chapel. I said, Okay. I pray to the Lord. The Lord said, Go and do it. And when I stew on that platform, I was so thin and so sick, I I stew on that platform, the power of God hate me. I began to preach and miracles started happening. People’s lives were just transformed.
After this, after the service, a Buddhist was in the service, came to my wife. He said, Hey, Mrs. Biber, can you, can I talk to you? Miss be said? Yes. He said, I was in the meeting yesterday when your husband was preaching, I’m a Buddhist, I’m not a Christian, but what he had to say, Touch my heart. Can you please come and pray for my mom? And then we said, Okay, before we pray for your mom, we want to introduce Christ to you. She sat down, she received Christ and went, and we pray for her mom. Those were some of the miracles that were happening in the, the hospital and the patient. And all these patients now are going bring, I mean all the, uh, the caregivers that carry their patients were in the meeting. They were bringing their, their, their, their patients out of the, their room, their their hospital room to come to my room to for prayer.
This was the miracle that was happening. And then the pastor in Mexico, who was a chaplain in that hospital, when he saw the move of God, he said, I’m a pastor in town here. I work in this hospital, but half my church, the move of God that is in this hospital, I would like you to come and preach in my church. I said, This is crazy here what God is doing. So I said, I told my wife, what can we do? She said, Well, let’s go. We went there. I, I mean, two months, you could see two months. I mean, my stomach was. So I went in, preach and people, God bless people, God deliver. And it just, the story went on and on and on and on. And at the end of the day, and an American missionary who was in that survey was so touched with what God was doing in that service.
He said, I know you came here for treatment and you are sick. We just had an earthquake in that part of, uh, Mexico, way down in the Border of Mexico. The pastors are devastated. I believe your ministry’s going to encourage them. Can you imagine that? We drove how many hours, honey? We drove about two, three hours in the Border of Mexico. We went there 110 degree. So hot. And I mean, they have to open all the doors in the, in the building because in the church building, because there’s no way you could, you could stand the heat preached under that intense temperature and the power of God move, miracle took place. And then we drove back to the states. So these are someone saying God was doing in Mexico, and God just opened that door. And many, many people were riched with the, with the gospel through the hospital and, and the church that I minister to.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (16:41):
Wow. Well, let’s talk about Africa. You were born in Liberia. Yes. You have ministered in Sierra Leone, in Bukino Faso ,Guinea, many Pakistan, many other places, Sweden, and Africa. But, uh, what is it that God has put on your heart? Tell me about your vision for reaching people for Jesus in Africa.
Billy Bimba (17:03):
I really believe that through the local church, we can have good substantial evangelism. We can go out there and have these cru says, and hundreds or thousands of people show up. We believe that building the, and strengthening the local pastors in any region is God’s strategy for, uh, uh, uh, preserving the harvest. Because when you build relationship with pastors and show them how important they are in their region and work alongside with them when you go and harvest, they’re the one that going to preserve the harvest. Yeah. So one of the strategy for Africa is I like to, I like to build relationship with pastors. I like to encourage pastor, I want to help them, them to see the bigger vision, just, just than just their local church that God has called them to, to carry the kingdom further than their local church. And, and, and when we do that, we do the intrude, the seminars, they are build up, They see the vision, they are excited.
So when we do the crusade, people get safe. Now they can, they can disciple those people. So in Africa, I’ve seen that when you go make pastors your best friends, help them encourage them, pray with them, and, and share the vision that God’s giving you, enriching their community for them. When you do that, when you leave that place, there’s going to be greater testimony to the glory of God. So right now for me, as your question is God is specifically calling me to back to Africa, but my base is Liberia right now, my wife and I in preparation, trying to raise support to go back so that we can reorganize things because I got sick with cancer and got miraculously heal me. I mean, have cancer in my lung, cancer in my, in my small power, cancer in my boom boom, marrow cancer in my bones. I was a dead walking man. Hard. I was alive for these two and a half years. It’s only the resurrection power that was sustaining.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:01):
And now Jesus has healed you
Billy Bimba (19:03):
And I touched my body.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:04):
And you’re gonna go tell everyone what Jesus has done.
Billy Bimba (19:06):
Yeah, man. That’s what I, I immediately, the doctor released me. I went to booking a Faso, thousands of people in, in churches, buildings, in cities, two cities. We, we, we touch in Burkino Faso, God moved so mindly in science and wonders and, and we have created a base there to reach the francophone countries in West Africa. But Liberia is going to be my concentration. And in next coming, uh, yes,
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:31):
If someone is listening and they want to help to support your ministry and help send you to Liberia and to the rest of Africa, what is your website? How can they find out more about you?
Billy Bimba (19:43):
They can go to
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:53):
Okay, So that’s B I L L y. B I M B A, Billy Bimba. Well, it is so wonderful to have you on the Evangelism podcast. I love your passion for Jesus. Amen. Your enthusiasm for serving him. And I know that God is going to do amazing things through your ministry in the years to come.
Billy Bimba (20:14):
I wanna mention one more thing. I want to give the credit to, to who the credit belonged to. I thank God for, uh, uh, uh, late Reinhard Bonnke when I started my ministry in the ruler eras of Africa. He didn’t know me, but I, somebody who saw what God was doing through me, send my name to South Africa to Reinhard Bonnke. And he pray over the names that were, you know, presented to him. And I was choosing as one of these delegates, participant of the fire conference that took place 19 19 86 in Zimbabwe. Wow. In Zimbabwe. American preachers came. European preachers came. That’s what, that was my first time I saw Kenneth Copeland. That was my first time I saw Mohan, and, and saw African preachers from Rhema. It was just an awesome conference. It was there. God really transformed my evangelistic ministry.
Reinhard Bonnke released the anointing upon the evangelists, and he said, Right now under this tent, I want you to go and practice any sick person you find. Lay your hand on them. I met a person whose nose was black on this side. He could only, they could only breathe through one nursery. And I lay my hands and the stuff came out and the person began to breathe normal right in the tent. The fire fell in that tent. From that day when I came home to Africa, Miracle started happening in Liberia in our home church. One of our church worker daughter was scraper, and the missionaries were having a, a meeting. And God spoke to me to go and pray for that, for that young lady. And she got, she got raised up and I saw some cripples, some blind. It was just an awesome fire that I, that, that ran Bonky ministry released into my life.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (22:01):
What a great testimony. You know, I have read stories about that great gathering of evangelists in Zimbabwe in 1986.
Billy Bimba (22:10):
I was there,
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (22:11):
But it’s so wonderful to hear the testimony of what God has done. And all these years later, you continued to have that same fire for
Billy Bimba (22:17):
Eventually Oh man. It’s just going on and on and on. Wow.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (22:20):
Yes. Well, Brother Billy Bimba, you are a great evangelist. It is so wonderful to meet you and to hear your story. Thank you for sharing today on the Evangelism
Billy Bimba (22:30):
Pipe. Thank you so much for having me. Jesus. Bless you.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (22:33):
Thanks so much for listening today. I am excited about telling people about Jesus, and I want to invite you to be a part of helping us to rescue people from Hell and take them with us to heaven. There’s two things you can do to help. First of all, can you go find the Evangelism podcast on Apple iTunes and leave us a positive review by giving a review. You will help other people find these valuable resources about sharing our faith. And second, would you become a financial partner with King Ministries. Every single dollar that people give us enables us to lead at least one person to Jesus. And so that means for only $1, you can help start a party in heaven. And so today I want to invite you to become a monthly partner. You can start out for just a dollar, but if God puts it on your heart to do more, of course you can do more. But please go to king and become a monthly partner with us today to help us to lead more people to Jesus. Thank you so much, and God bless you.
Evangelism Podcast Host (23:54):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches, visit king Again, that’s king
Emmanuel Kwizera is the Mission Director for African Enterprise, a ministry started by Michael Cassidy in 1963. Now the ministry has been handed over to a new generation and they are actively leading people to Jesus all over Africa. Today Emmanuel talks about what God is doing through African evangelists who have a heart for evangelism in Africa.
Learn More:
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Emmanuel Kwizera is from Rwanda and he is the mission director for African enterprise. A ministry started by Michael Cassidy in 1963. Now the ministry has been handed over to a new generation and they are actively leading people to Jesus all over Africa today. Emmanuel talks about what God is doing through African evangelists who have a heart for evangelism in Africa.
Evangelism Podcast Host (00:42):
Welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary and evangelist Daniel King.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:06):
Welcome to the evangelism podcast. I’m Daniel King and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. I have a very special guest brother, Emmanuel Kwizera from Rwanda. Thank you for being with me today.
Emmanuel Kwizera – African Enterprise (01:20):
Yeah. Thank you so much. My brother king. Thank you so
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:23):
Much now, can you tell me your last name? How do you pronounce
Emmanuel Kwizera – African Enterprise (01:26):
It? So my last name is QRA. K w I Z E R a QRA.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:32):
And you are with African enterprises, which is a great organization, which is doing evangelism all over Africa. Tell us what you do with them.
Emmanuel Kwizera – African Enterprise (01:42):
Yeah. Thank you so much. As you said I work with African enterprise. Our vision is evangelism it’s proclamation evangelism. So we have teams in 12 African countries. We do evangelistic missions every year. So my role I’m the international missions director, which is like international evangelism director. So I’m overseeing all our 12 offices, but also we also do other evangelistic outreaches in other countries in addition to those 12 countries in Africa.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:11):
So tell us some of the countries that you’re involved in.
Emmanuel Kwizera – African Enterprise (02:14):
Yeah, we involved in South Africa in Zimbabwe, in Zambia, in Malawi, in Kenya, in Uganda, Tanzania South Sudan at DRC Congo in Rwanda, my country also Ghana, Ethiopia, Ghana, Ethiopia,
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:29):
And as the, the missions director, what is your role? What are you doing to mobilize people to do evangelism? Yeah,
Emmanuel Kwizera – African Enterprise (02:36):
First of all, I’m an evangelist by coding. It’s not about what I do in organization. I’m an evangelist. I was born in a family of an evangelist. My dad was a pastor, but an evangelist and then God called me to be an evangelist. So my role, first of all, we train evangelist, local evangelists like in those 12 countries, we also engage the church to partner with the, a local evangelist to reach their cities. So the other thing I do, I, I develop materials. I mostly work on making sure that we have good materials with Bible teaching or evangelism and discipleship. The other thing I also am in charge of strategic partnership because we cannot reach Africa alone. We have been in Africa for 60 years, 60. My organization started 1962 with a micro acid who was an, a evangelist from South Africa. We are now 60 years, but still there are so many places. There are so many people who really needs to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. That’s why part of my role is to make sure that we have strategic partners like ministry.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:40):
That is so wonderful. And I think it’s so beautiful to see that God is raising up evangelists all over Africa. You know, for many years, people here in the United States, in Europe, they considered that Africa was a mission field in missionaries would go from north America or from Europe to Africa in, in order to, to do evangelism. But you know, God spoke to me and said, Daniel, the mission field shall become a mission force. Yes. And now when you go to Africa, the churches are on fire for God. Mm-Hmm <affirmative>. They are excited about sharing their faith in many African nations are actually more saved than America. Mm-Hmm <affirmative>, and there’s more Christians there on fire for God than even here. And, and so now God is raising up African evangelists that are bold in sharing their faith. Tell me some of, of what you feel that that God is doing in Africa.
Emmanuel Kwizera – African Enterprise (04:41):
Wow. That’s a good question. King. Yeah. First of all in 2018 Louanne movement a ministry started by Billy Roham. They just published a research done, and they saying that in 2018, Africa has the biggest number of Christians worldwide. So like since 2018, the most Christians live in Africa. So Africa is no longer what people used to think is at that continent, which I don’t even agree on that. But in terms of number statistics from 2018, we have the biggest number of Christianity. Like the Christianity is growing in Africa. That’s number one, number two, we know that by 2050 half of evangelical born again, Christian, when you say evangelicals in Africa means born again, charismatic those people who really believe in the gospel. So I don’t want to go into details about who’s an evangelical, but it means it’s a born again. So we, Africa will be having half of evangelicals worldwide will be Africans.
Emmanuel Kwizera – African Enterprise (05:35):
So those statistics, it’s just a confirmation that actually Africa is the hope of the global mission. So we are ready. We are, we are getting ready to send missionaries. In fact, it started, if you come here in the us, you hear so many Africans who are planting churches, evangelists, who are in diaspora. So that, that’s why for us, we feel like as evangelistic ministry, we need to train the church in Africa to be effective in evangelism. Yes, Christianity is growing, but we have to make sure that the pro the gospel is where are proclaimed or, or, or, or shared. So that’s why we are training evangelist. Number two, we are also, we believe that there’s a revival in Africa. Cause if you come to Kenya to Rwanda, to kegar to South Africa, to, to Zimbabwe, you hear so many people coming for crusade for one on one evangelism, home based evangelism, radio evangelism, internet evangelism, we are using all different ways of evangelism to make sure that everyone Africa is hearing the gospel. Why? Because also Islam is growing very fast in Africa. So we, we have some good side, but also we still have challenges. We still have unreachable groups, but still Africa is the hope of the future of the global mission.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:47):
Amen. And, and it’s so vital to be proclaiming the gospel in Africa, because you mentioned Islam. There is a, a line across the middle of Africa. Yes. Where many of the Northern African nations have a very high percentage of, of Muslim. And if we are going to lead the world to Christ, we have to start thinking and strategizing about how are we going to, to reach them. And it is very difficult. Sometimes the, the churches are burned down. Pastors are persecuted, they’re run out of town. Mm-Hmm <affirmative>. And, and so I, I think God will raise up mighty African evangelists that are going to do great things that, that when the, the history is written in heaven, yeah. There are going to be many great Africans that are, their stories will be written of, of all the people that can
Emmanuel Kwizera – African Enterprise (07:40):
Say. Yeah, yeah. Maybe I can just make, make, make some comment. One. I have a friend of mine, he write a book called Africa to the rest. So first of all, we believe that AF God is really using the church in Africa to send missionaries. But when you are saying to send missionaries, also, we have some part of Africa that needs to hear the gospel. Yeah. Now we are changing our understanding of, of who is an evangelist, because we used to say that there’s some, some are evangelist and others are missionaries for us. We believe that evangelist, he’s a proclaimer, he’s a trainer. He can also be a missionary because if you go to any, any, any other culture, you are still an evangelist, but also you are preaching the gospel to people from other culture. That’s why, for example, in west Africa and north Africa, we feel like at the church, from, from Subara African the region, which has so many churches, we feel like those churches have a responsibility to reach those places as part of us, as part of Africa.
Emmanuel Kwizera – African Enterprise (08:34):
That’s number one. The other thing that I can mention on that, we are using different ways of evangelism. Yes. Sometimes people say, oh, in north Africa, crusade, we not work. Or maybe in west Africa, crusade, we not work, but there’s a different ways we can do evangelism. For example, TV, evangelism, like a television evangelism. We are now coming up with another model called homebased evangelism, how you use the available social media platform in those communities. And then you train people in homes either to invite people, to come, to hear an evangelistic message. And then you connect with a discipleship and also church planting. The other story, which I can share with so beautiful. We are now thinking about engaging the whole church to do evangelism because we believe that evangelist is a trainer. Most of the time in Africa, we see that evangelist, they are revived.
Emmanuel Kwizera – African Enterprise (09:21):
They bring revival, but that revival it’s, it’s not only to get money or buying because it’s actually to have a passion in the passion in the heart to preach the gospel. So we are now engaging the whole church to be involved in evangelism. We are reviving our people to reach their neighbors. We are, we are engaging for example, in leadership, like how believers, who are the business or in leadership, how they can share the gospel with their colleagues, because they’re the same setup. Everything we do, it’s about promming the gospel, but ensuring discipleship and the church growth in different communities
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:59):
Right now, you are actually living in Chicago, Illinois, because you are going to Wheaten college working on your master’s in evangelism. What has that experience been? Like? What have you been learning about evangelism in the, the academic context?
Emmanuel Kwizera – African Enterprise (10:17):
Yeah. Oh, that’s, that’s very good. So in terms of academic, let me, first of all, quickly say that I, the reason why I made a decision to come and do a master’s in evangelism, we didn’t courage here in Chicago. It’s because I, we realized that we need to influence also the thinking of the church, the theological thinking. So we need to have some evangelists who are also engaging the church on the theological understanding, because one of the biggest problems, especially in the us, you don’t hear much evangelism in the churches. You don’t see Christians really engaging in the community in evangelism. So that’s why I said, let me come in the study, but also have a group of perspective. So I’m trying now to understand how people like at the global perspective of evangelism, but also making sure that me to be there. It’s African voice, it’s a voice of the global south to the global north. I’m sure that there’s so many things that we can learn from the global north, from United States of America, churches with the experience, but also there’s also our contribution to the global church. For example, in my studies, I write all my papers, my research, my academic research on Africa, how the church is going in Africa, challenges of evangelism in Africa, like opportunities of evangelism in Africa. I think now evangelism or missions is from everywhere to everywhere. That’s why I’m learning something with a global perspective, but also I’m contributing as an African evangelist for the global church.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:38):
And your voice is so valuable. It’s so needed because every community, every country is going to be different. There’s different challenges. And in what works in north America may not necessarily work in parts of Africa. And, and so I, I think you’re absolutely right that the voice of the Africans must be heard both theologically and academically. And it, you know, it’s so important to, to have the learning. But I think that the thing that Africa brings is the burning. You are on fire for God. Yes. Which is so valuable. And we need it here. And, and also you are working with Luan. Tell me what you’re doing with them.
Emmanuel Kwizera – African Enterprise (12:19):
Oh, thank you so much. Part of the things I do, I’m also working with the Luanne movement. It’s a movement is started by Billy Roham in 1974. It is starting Luanne. The vision of Billy Roham was to mobilize the church again for proclamation evangelism for the, the Evangel evangelization of the world. So I’m part of that movement. I’m, I’m, I’m in charge of proclamation evangelism issue network, because proclamation evangelism, again, is another thing that most of the time, this time you don’t hear much about proclamation evangelism, which is more encouraging proclamation, evangelism, training, networking, and also bring together some ideas, how we can continue proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:59):
So let’s imagine that you are in Africa and you are on a, a platform and you have the opportunity to proclaim the gospel. What is your message?
Emmanuel Kwizera – African Enterprise (13:09):
Oh yeah. That’s a very good one. That’s a good question. So normally I focus my message on the five things. One, it’s a God’s plan for human being. So God created us in a, in, in his own image. Number two is the problem of human beings. It’s seen. It’s not about where I live. Like in Africa. It’s not about poverty. Yes. Those are also problems. And we need also to respond the community need. But the biggest problem of human being is seen. Number three, I proclaim about God’s answer to the man’s problem, which the cross of Jesus Christ, there is no evangelism without the message of the cross. So Jesus died on a cross so that we can reconcile with God. Number four. I also proclaim, I also, I put my message into trying to make sure that there is a response of human beings, some God’s response, which means if God Jesus died on the cross, it’s not only enough.
Emmanuel Kwizera – African Enterprise (13:59):
We have to respond. How do we reform? We respond to God’s response. We respond through faith and repentance, which is salvation. And then number three of my message. I always tell people that we are here, but we are, we are waiting the second coming of Jesus Christ. So we are here because we know that very sure one day Jesus will come back. And unfortunately, the, the last point that Jesus coming back, you don’t hear much. But we said, yes, the gospel is really full. When we tell people that actually Jesus is coming back, not to die for our sins, but to come, just to, to reward to just for the end, just to reward those who have been putting their faith in him. So those are the five key things. Again, quickly. My, my God’s plan man’s problem, which sin God’s answer the cross of Jesus Christ, man’s response, faith, salvation, and then also waiting the second coming of Jesus crust.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:56):
Wow. What a great message. And I can see that that message will work in every culture. It’s very simple and easy, but every person on earth needs to know that Jesus is the answer. Yes. Well, brother Emmanuel, I love your heart for evangelism. I love everything that you are doing for Jesus. And if someone is listening and they want to get connected with African enterprises and find out more about what you are doing, what is the website or that they could find out more about African enterprise.
Emmanuel Kwizera – African Enterprise (15:27):
Yeah. Thank you so much. You can go to www dot African enterprise in one, one African If you go to WW dot African, you will get some of the information that I have been sharing.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:42):
Wonderful. Well, thank you so much for being on the evangelism podcast.
Emmanuel Kwizera – African Enterprise (15:45):
Oh, thank you. So for coming and partnering with us, we’ll have you so much. We’ll have your ministry. We are very encouraged to see you coming, doing evangelism together. Evangelism is a, a gods mission together.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:58):
Amen. Thank you brother.
Emmanuel Kwizera – African Enterprise (15:59):
Thank you so much.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (16:00):
Thanks so much for listening today. I am excited about telling people about Jesus. And I want to invite you to be a part of helping us to rescue people from hell and take them with us to heaven. There’s two things you can do to help. First of all, can you go find the evangelism podcast on apple iTunes and leave us a positive review by giving a review, you will help other people find these valuable resources about sharing our faith. And second, would you become a financial partner with king ministries? Every single dollar that people give us enables us to lead at least one person to Jesus. And so that means for only $1, you can help start a party in heaven. And so today I want to invite you to become a monthly partner. You can start out for just a dollar, but if God puts it on your heart to do more, of course you can do more. But please go to king and become a monthly partner with us today to help us to lead more people to Jesus. Thank you so much. And God bless you
Evangelism Podcast Host (17:19):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit king Again, that’s king
Billy Thompson has been my friend for over twenty years. His ministry plants churches and Bible schools in a hard to reach area of Ghana. You can benefit from his teaching on Billy’s podcast and YouTube channel called Heaven’s Frequency.
Subscribe to Heaven’s Frequency with Billy Thompson here.
Learn more about Billy Thompson here.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Billy Thompson has been my friend for over 20 years. His ministry has planted churches and Bible schools in a hard to reach area in the nation of Ghana. He started a podcast and a YouTube channel called heaven’s frequency, where you can listen to his powerful teaching. Jesus
Evangelism Podcast Host (00:21):
Said, go into all the world and preach the gospel. Everyone who calls in the name of the Lord shall be saved. Welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies, and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary and evangelist Daniel King.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:55):
Welcome to the evangelism podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. I have a special guest with me, my good friend, Billy Thompson. Thank you for being with me today. Thank
Billy Thompson (01:08):
You for having me,
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:10):
Pastor Billy. It is wonderful to be with you. You and I have been friends ever since we were both students at or Roberts university. Yes, sir. And we had a very unique job. Both of us while we were at Oral Roberts University, both of us were employed by the Holy Spirit Library, right? And we got to listen to cassette tapes of famous preachers talking about the holy spirit and talking about God. People had sent these cassette tapes in from holy over, and then they cat catalog them and put them so that people doing research. What were some of the things that you learned while in the holy spirit library? Oh, that was
Billy Thompson (01:54):
The coolest job. I don’t think I’ve had a cooler job than that. Being able to be paid to listen to somebody preach. Some of them did put me to sleep to be honest with you, but some of them were amazing and had lots of nuggets. I think the one thing that stood out to me was William bra. He’s one that has been an interesting character in, in the charismatic movement. And we listened to lots of his sermons. But one thing I found that every sermon that he did, there was one, one sentence that he always said, and it was right from the scriptures where he says, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever. And so no matter what his message was, he always said that. And then God would break out with miracles and confirm that word that Jesus Christ is the same. If Jesus healed, he still heal. If he saved, he still saves. If he delivered, he still delivers. And that was one nugget that just stood out
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:42):
To me. Now, he, you graduated from or robs university and then your wife also finished her master of divinity there. I, I think I learned as much from the holy spirit library as I did in classes at U, but it really is such an awesome place full of the holy spirit. Tell me kind of what that was like going to oral Roberts university.
Billy Thompson (03:09):
I knew when I was 12 years old that I wanted to go oral Roberts. I used to watch oral on TV. And when I got a chance to visit on a college weekend, when I was a sophomore in high school, I fell in love with the place and knew absolutely. That’s where I wanted to go. And one thing about oral Roberts university is God told oral to raise up your students, to hear my voice. And I remember going to classes and just trying to figure out when do we get to hear the voice of God? When’s the voice of God class. And one of the professors Dr. Brad young, he said, you are in the right atmosphere to hear God. And that’s the one thing I took away from ORU. The most, it was that atmosphere that was like no other. And I really began to hear the voice of God clearer than any other time in my life when I was at ORU, because the professors there, they, they were like family and they really just poured into you. Everything that they had. And it was just a great atmosphere, built some of the best relationships with my life. Some of my best friends came out of ORU. They are more like brothers than just friends. And so it’s been a great time. That’s a great school. I highly recommend anyone who’s thinking about going to, to college. ORU would be a great place to go.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:13):
Now I remember many years ago you pastored a little church. Yeah. Right in, in Dallas, Texas, right? Mm-Hmm the mid Dallas, Texas. And it was a church that had been planted by your grandfather is that, great-grandfather your great-grandfather. And so this is being in ministry is a legacy that has been passed down through your family in, and is now resting in, in your hands. And I remember when we went to that church, you had me come preach one time. And, and you were such a, a powerful preacher anointed man of God. And to this day, you continue to, to preach the gospel. Talk to me some about what that legacy means in your family to be following after God. That’s
Billy Thompson (05:01):
Awesome. My great-grandfather, he actually was my spiritual father and it kind of skipped two generations. My grandfather, another my, nor my father actually entered into the ministry. My grandfather was a deacon, but my great-grandfather, he really adopted me. And he was more like Abraham and I was his Isaac. I was his son of old age. And and I had a special relationship. It with him, probably even more so than his own son had because of that spiritual connection. And he’s gone now because he was already up in years when I first was coming into the Lord. But he’s the one that really poured into me. My legacy. I find myself sounding like him. I find myself preaching like him. And I hate the fact that we didn’t have recordings in those days to, to keep that leg. See, but I know that I am an extension of what he did. And so I do thank God because he definitely was a spiritual father that, that really poured into me, all that he had. And, and I am his Isaac.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:54):
Yeah. And you’ve been pouring your anointing and all the things that God’s been showing you over the years into your, your brand new YouTube channel. Yes. It’s called heaven’s frequency. Mm-Hmm <affirmative>. And I’ve seen some of your videos have beginning thousands and thousands of views, really connecting with people. What are some of the, the messages that you have been sharing on your YouTube channel heaven’s frequency? So the
Billy Thompson (06:21):
Title is heaven’s frequency and we came, well, why did
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:23):
You choose that title?
Billy Thompson (06:24):
Yeah, it’s because a lot of times people are trying to find the voice of God. Just like when I was saying about going to oral Roberts university, people are always looking for direction. What does God want me to do? God is a speaking God, anyone who calls himself, the word has a lot to say, that’s what Mike Murdoch would say. And so people want to hear the voice of God and know exactly how God speaks to them. And that’s something that people kind of struggle with. And so the whole point of the heavens frequency is to teach people how to tune in to God, how to tune out the world, how to tune out the devil and tune into the voice of God. So what I do a lot in this podcast is talk a little bit out the ways God speak different ways. We can tap into the voice of God, how to know when is God, you know, it’s easily also to be deceived and think it’s God.
Billy Thompson (07:05):
And I talk about some of my own struggles and my own growth, where I thought it was God. And it wasn’t God. And I try to help people understand the process of hearing the voice of God. Because learning to hear God is a process. It’s a lifelong own journey. No one can come to the point where they’ve already mastered it, but God wants to speak to us. He wants to be in a relationship with us. He wants to conversate with us. And so part of our podcast is really talking about getting people to understand how God talks and how to connect with God at that level. He’s a speaking God, if we pray and we just give God everything we have and say, amen, and walk out, that’s a monologue. God wants a dialogue. God created us for conversation. And so that’s what it’s about tuning into that frequency, just like frequency, a radio station.
Billy Thompson (07:50):
You know, there are radio signals are always being transmitted, but you have to be tuned in to pick up that particular station. And God is always talking, but we’re not is catching the signal. Sometimes what God is saying is going right past us is going right through us. And it’s not because God doesn’t have a lot to say, but we’re not necessarily tuned in to what God is saying. And so God wants us to be tuned in. He says, my sheep, know my voice and a stranger. They will not follow. And I talk about a lot about the mistakes I’ve made and learning to hear the voice of God hope, hopefully to cut somebody’s learning curve down. And so they don’t have to make some of the mistakes I made on the journey.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:25):
Now you’re actually BI vocational, you’re in ministry. But you’ve also earned your doctorate of education and you are serving in the, the education realm. And so talk to me kind of about how God uses you as a minister, but also being in the realm of education.
Billy Thompson (08:48):
I love education. Education gives me a chance to impact people that ordinarily wouldn’t go to church. You know, as an educator, particularly as a principal, my job is to oversee the school to make sure that everyone is physically safe. That’s number one, academically safe, spiritually safe, emotionally safe. And a lot of times my students and my teachers, they go through all different kinds of things, just like we all do. You know, the Bible says it reigns and adjust as well as the unjust. And there are certain things that we can only get through with Christ help. And so when the world goes through things, they need to know that Jesus is there for them. And so I love working in that secular arena, working in the public school, you know, we’re kind of limited in that realm. We can’t really preach the gospel freely because it is a public space.
Billy Thompson (09:33):
However, we can be a light shining in the darkness. And I believe that my presence there is pushing back the darkness. And I find myself having lots of opportunities to share Jesus with families, with parents, with teachers as they go through life crisis. And I find myself being very pastoral in that environment because one thing a pastor does is he walks through life with you. He doesn’t just preach on Sunday. That’s part of what he does. He doesn’t just do Bible studies with you, but he also is there for when you are, when you’re hurting, when you lose someone or you’re going through, or you’re contemplating marriage or you’re contemplating divorce, or you’re trying to make decisions about the next step in life. And a lot of my students, particularly my seniors, they’re trying to figure out where do I go with my life. I I’ve been trained since kindergarten to, to, and to write, but now what do I do with all this knowledge?
Billy Thompson (10:18):
What do I do next? And I get a chance to sit with them and counsel with them and not tell them what to do, but to help them to think and to consider God always before they take the next step. And again, even with my parents and my teachers, they come in my office. Sometimes parents break down crying because they’re overwhelmed with the challenge of raising children today. It’s hard raising and today, especially with all the forces that the world is throwing at them even more so than even when we were coming up. And so I get a chance to be able to give parents advice, not necessarily telling them how to raise their children, but telling them different ways that they may not have thought of. And I try to give them biblical counsel. I will use scripture if it’s appropriate, but sometimes I’m not allowed to use scripture, but I just give advice.
Billy Thompson (10:58):
And sometimes I just see them break down. And I’ll just say, do you mind if I pray for you? And they’ll say, yes, I’ve never had anybody once refuse prayer. And so I find myself ministering in every setting, even though I’m a public school administrator. And I’ve been before that, I was a public school teacher. I taught English and I taught history. And just being able to impact those students day by day and watch them grow. There’s nothing like that. So I see my bivocational ministry, not as two separate entities. We were taught at oral Roberts university to go into every man’s world. Every man is not going to come into our churches. We wish they would, but they not ne they necessarily will not. So we have to go to where they are. And everyone had asked to put their kid in a school, whether that’s private school, public school, or even a homeschool network, they’re still connecting with other people. So children, everyone has children, and everyone wants their children to be loved, to be respected and to be cared for. And so I find myself being able to be pastoral to people who are not necessarily
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:56):
Churched. Now you’ve taken your passion for education and your passion for ministry mingle them together and used it to reach people for God in Ghana, Africa. Yes. And so in Ghana, you have, I’ve developed a, a network of churches and ministries. You have some Bible schools there kind tell us, what is God doing in Ghana? Ghana is a
Billy Thompson (12:21):
Place that really has my heart. God called us to Ghana several years ago. We’ve been there over a decade now. And as you were saying, I am an educator at heart. And so one thing we also have is Bible schools. I believe that we have to train up the next generation. And so what we do in Ghana is we go into villages where the gospel has not yet been preached. We preach the gospel. We start Bible studies. We eventually develop them into churches and we have 10 churches now that have been established. And then we also train people in ministry so that they can go out and bring more people into, into the fold. And so we really do that by education. And so I see myself as an educator, both in the church and outside of the church because Jesus was a teacher. I mean, he didn’t, he wasn’t working any kind of a school system, but he is the great teacher. And so I want to emulate Jesus, the great teacher. And I find myself doing that in as well as in the church.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:17):
Well, my wife, Jessica and I have great appreciation for you and for your wife, joy, you both have been very good friends. And you also serve on the board of king ministries, which I’m very grateful for and helping to provide vision direction and prayer for us over the years. And I just want to encourage anyone. Who’s listening to go to YouTube and find heaven’s frequency, frequency, and subscribe to Billy Thompson’s channel. You will be blessed. He has just nugget after nugget. That is, is like gold. It it’s look on YouTube. You can find all kinds of videos, but you gotta find the gold nuggets in the midst of all the, the, the junk that’s there. And every single video that you put up is just a gold nugget. And then also go and subscribe to the heavens frequency podcast. You find can find it on apple iTunes and on other platforms where’s, it’s available. So, so look for it. And I’d also encourage you to support the ministry of Billy Thompson and what he’s doing in Ghana, Africa. There’s always a need for building new churches. Yes. Which king ministries we’ve had the opportunity to help with building one of the new churches that, that you’ve built then building Bible schools and then training up people. And, and so if, if someone is interested in impacting lives in Ghana, how can they find out more about you and find a place where they could give and participate in that? So
Billy Thompson (14:50):
You go to our website, Christ, disciples,, Christ, disciples, churches. So in Ghana we have, like I said, 10 churches right now, we’re constantly expanding. All of our churches have the same name. They’re just Christ disciples church, but they’re in 10 different locations throughout the city in V region, which is where we’re based is a very hard area. There’s a lot Satanism. There’s a lot of witchcraft, a lot of leaning on witch doctors. There’s a lot of idolatry. And so it’s a very hard area and God has been with us because we’ve planted churches in areas where others have tried to plant churches. And for whatever reason have not been successful, we spend a lot of time praying over everything we do. And so the people are surprised at the churches that we’ve AB there, that that are actually thriving. And so we just thank God for what he’s doing.
Billy Thompson (15:35):
We covet your prayers for what God is doing throughout the nation of Ghana. Ghana has a lot of Christians. It’s not a nation that does not know God, but we are in an area of Ghana that actually has a lot of resistance to the gospel. And we’ve targeted that area of on purpose, which is the Balter region, which is next to the country of Togo. But actually in Ghana, west Africa, Ghana has 12 regions. The Northern Africa is another part. The Northern part of the Ghana is where we want to go to next. There’s a lot of other religions there, a lot of tribal religions, a lot of other major religions besides Christianity that we want to kind of go into those territories as well. So there’s a lot of work to do in Ghana, but that’s a place that God put on our heart.
Billy Thompson (16:17):
So strongly. We’ve traveled to many different nations every year. My wife and I, when we are able to travel, we go to two countries. We go somewhere else, but it’s always gonna be Ghana. Ghana has our heart. And even now with the pandemic, we’ve not traveled to Ghana in the last two years, but we spend a lot of time online, online in Skype and Google meet meetings, meeting with our pastors there, we regularly try and encourage them and, and empower them. They’re such a hunger in Ghana for the gospel. They’ll sit there and listen to you, preach for three hours. And when you wanna stop this, say, no, continue. We want more. So it’s, it’s a great place. We always have lots of needs there. As you were saying, Daniel, we’re building a Bible school. We’ve had a Bible school there for several years.
Billy Thompson (16:58):
Actually. It’s connected, affiliated with victory Bible college in in Tulsa, Oklahoma. And we use their curriculum primarily. I’ve written some of it, but we primarily use victories curriculum. So it’s a pretty strong established school, but what we’re working on right now is an act, a building. And so it’s going up right now. We could use lots of help with that. We’re gonna have some dormitories in there. So when people can come over and stay, we have pastors conferences there. We do pastors conferences there every year. We also do marriage conferences, my wife and I, we’ve only been married 11 years. We don’t consider ourselves experts by any means. But a lot of times when we’re there, people are praying about their marriage and they’re praying about their relationships and relationships is key. The very first institution that God gave us was the institution of family and the garden of Eden.
Billy Thompson (17:42):
He gave us at before. There was a church he gave Adam and Eve that unit of family. And so churches are just made up of a bunch of families. And so we spend a lot of time working with relationships. And as I, as I’ve said, we’ve only been married 11 years, but my wife and I we’ve shared the mistakes we’ve made along the way. And we try and be candid with where we are in our journey is also sharing with them 100%, the word of God and say, this is what the Bible says. And we try to make sure that the Bible is our standard of how we should do it. And we try to make that as an example. So we do marriage conferences there. We also do medical clinics. My wife is a nurse by traders, as well as I’m being an educator.
Billy Thompson (18:17):
And so my whole ministry is based on educating the church. So the church is not in deception and the church understands the word of God and understands the purity of God’s word. But when we’re also there, my wife is concerned about their physical health as well. So she does clinics and she talks to them about their wellbeing. She talks to the women about good feminine health. She talks to the men about their, their blood pressure and we take medicine and we do all different kinds of things. So those are the three main things that we do there. We do medical clinics, we do marriage conferences. We do leadership conferences and we plant churches. And so Ghana is just a place. It definitely has our heart.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:51):
Well, if you have a heart for Ghana, I would really encourage you to go to Billy Thompson’s website. What’s what’s the website,
Billy Thompson (18:59):
Christ disciples,
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:01):
Churches, Christ, disciples, And so go to his website and, and learn more about what they’re doing there. And Billy is just always such a delight to be with you. Like I, I consider you to be a great friend and you are a powerful man of God. And so I’m very honored to be your friend. Let’s just finish with a prayer for the people who are listening. Just pray for those who are, are looking for what God them to do. You’ve gone through several different areas in your life that God’s been using you. So just pray for those who are listening, that that they’d be able to, to tap into what God wants them to do with their life.
Billy Thompson (19:42):
Father. I pray for everyone listening to my voice right now. I thank you for your wisdom, your grace and your direction coming upon them, father, God, I think you’ve that you opened the way for them. Everything that’s been closed to them. I thank you that you’re opening it. God, I just commit them to you right now. And father God, I asked that you would take away all fog and all confusion that may be there. Allow them to come forth clarity. Right now we counsel the assignment of the enemy over their life. Every stumbling block, everything that has held up and everything that has held them and kept them from their destiny. We remove that right now in the authority of the name of Jesus. And we loose them down to their destiny. We speak peace to every storm. We speak healing to every situation and God, we commit these people to you. God, we love you. And we thank you that you always hear us when we pray. Bless your people and Jesus name.
Evangelism Coach Daniel King (20:30):
Amen. Amen, brother, Billy. Thank you for being on the evangelism podcast with me. Thank you, sir.
Evangelism Podcast Host (20:36):
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We have done Gospel festivals in two cities in South Sudan. The first was Juba, the capital, and the second was in the city of Yei.
In the Missions Library at Yale University, one can find the handwritten letters of a British missionary named Karl Krumn, who served in the nation of Sudan from 1898 to 1907.
The missionary traveled the length and breadth of Sudan assisting Great Britain as a cartographer mapping central Africa. Periodically he sent a report back to his church in England. He reported on the great hunger for the Gospel among the tribes of Sudan. Entire people groups came to Christ because of his witness.
He recognized the great need in the nation and in almost every letter, he asked for more missionaries to be sent to Sudan. He wrote, “This nation is ripe to become a Christian nation. Please send missionaries now.”
He reported that one heathen tribe noticed that a Christian tribe stopped working and gathered together on Sundays. Because the chief wanted to be a Christian, he commanded all his people to stop working and gather together one day out of seven. They sat around and did nothing on Sundays because they did not know what Christians are supposed to do in their services. The chief begged for a missionary to come and teach his tribe about Christ.
The missionary noticed the creeping influence of Islam among the tribes and wrote his missions headquarters, “If we do not take advantage of this open window for the Gospel, this nation will become a Muslim nation.”
Towards the end of his life, his letters grew more desperate. He criticized, “For years I have been begging for missionaries to come, but no one comes. I fear that our opportunity to turn Sudan into a Christian nation is slipping away. I am afraid that Sudan will be conquered by Islam.”
Today, as we look at Sudan, we find that his fears were justified. All of north Sudan is Muslim. The Church missed one of the greatest opportunities to change this nation.
But today, we face a similar opportunity. After twenty-two years of war between north and south Sudan, a peace treaty has been signed. It is now possible to openly proclaim the Gospel in southern Sudan, but this window of opportunity may not last forever. If we do not act now, we may miss today’s opportunity.
From over a century ago, the English missionary’s words still ring true, “This nation is ripe to become a Christian nation. Please send missionaries now.”
Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!