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Waldy Bersche | Saving the Lost

Waldy Berche is my friend and he recently joined me for a crusade in Kemba, Ethiopia. Today on The Evangelism Podcast he tells about what God did in local market places and he shares what he learned from me when I was teaching at the Christ for All Nations Evangelism Bootcamp.

Learn more about Waldy Bersche: https://savingthelost.com/


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus. Today, I have a very special guest with me, Waldy Bersche from Germany,

Waldy Bersche (00:11):
Yes. So my name is Waldy Bersche. Yes. I’m from Germany.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:14):
Well, we are in the nation of Ethiopia. We have just completed doing a great gospel crusade in Kemba, Ethiopia. And you came along with me as a co evangelist. Yes. And we saw God do some amazing things. What really stood out to you this week?

Waldy Bersche (00:34):
So for me, we had a lot of healings, and this really stood out for me. So we prayed for people and they were healed right in front of our eyes. People who were blind before, people who were deaf in their ears. And it’s really great to see how God is healing people on the spot sometimes. You see how healing is working in the progress, but when Jesus heals on the spot, that so it’s great

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:56):
Miracle. What were some of the notable healings that you saw?

Waldy Bersche (00:59):
We had a lady, she was, she had pain in her body for over 30 years, and this really impacted me because she, she was suffering for 30 years and then Jesus heal her in the church. We preached in different churches and I thought about man suffering for 30 years. That’s a long time, but now Jesus was really gracious and

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:21):
Yeah. Now you actually came early Yes. To the crusade, and you spent some time helping the publicity team to tell everyone Yes. About what was happening. And you went into some marketplaces. Tell me what happened.

Waldy Bersche (01:35):
So it was really unexpected for me because I thought the markets would be small, but we came there and markets, we had over 3000 people. I’m a white person, so I have a little bit of sunburn, but there, because of my white skin, it was really a great advantage. So the the children came to us as soon as we opened the door of the truck, and it was a great attraction. So we didn’t have to pay money for advertisement just to have white skin. It was, was a great advantage. And we preached there and yeah, it was actually crusades, I mean, three, 4,000 people on a marketplace. It was awesome. So I stood in on top of the truck. I was preaching with a microphone. I was totally surrounded by a big crowd, and I had to tour myself all the time and to see everyone. But yeah, Jesus did the same miracles. He was the same on the markets as on the big crusade fields.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:30):
When I first met you, it was at an ACE conference, the Association of Campaign evangelists, and we were in Sweden together, and we started to talk, and you asked me where I was going and I said next week I go to Egypt, and you decided to jump in and say, can I go with you? And so the very next day we jumped on a plane together, we went to Alexandria Egypt, where we had a, a very nice event there. And lots of people from Sudan got saved. Yes, yes, that’s true in Alexandria. And then you have this great desire to be an evangelist. Yes. And so you went to the Christ for All Nations Evangelism Bootcamp. Yeah. and I was one of the instructors. Yeah. And then since then, you’ve gone full-time into evangelism, just giving yourself for Jesus Christ. What were some of the things that you learned in the Evangelism Bootcamp that now are helping you to tell people about Jesus?

Waldy Bersche (03:29):
So, I learned a lot of things, especially from you. I really, what do I like about you is that you write books. So I have, you’ve written a lot of books, and my goal is to write also a couple of books. So when we were together in, in Egypt, I always saw you writing on the laptop. And this really impacted me. I said, okay, if Daniel writes, I mean, then I have to write. Paul wrote also and his letters we read after 2000 years. And you said, okay if I’m going to die, my books will still preach the gospel. And that’s what I like. So this is one thing. And also the boldness just to Yeah. Stand on a crusade field just to stay on a platform and preach in front of 30 thou or 40,000 people. It’s totally different.

Not everyone can do this, but you made it and thought, okay I would like to learn from Daniel. I would like to learn from the best. And what, what I also really like is you told me that you read a book when you were 15 years, how to become a millionaire. And so you said, okay, I don’t want to become a dollar millionaire, but a soul millionaire. And this stuck in my head. I said, okay, Daniel brought 1 million people to Jesus. What are my goals in life? Do I want to get rich? Do I want to be famous? But I also want to lead 1 million people to Jesus. That’s my goal. So,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:45):
Amen. I’m

Waldy Bersche (04:46):
Really up to you

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:47):
And agree with you that you will become a soul millionaire in the name of Jesus. And you’re already well on your way. You’ve been ministering with Christ for all nations. Yes. You were part of de capitalist previously in Yes. Just now you’re going to go to Zambia. Yeah. And you’re going to be helping with one of the, the Christ for all nations de capitalist crusades. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> you’re gonna be helping to organize it Yeah. And set it up. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> and, and so you’re just giving everything you have for Jesus. And you’ve also launched your ministry. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>, what’s the name of your ministry?

Waldy Bersche (05:19):
So my ministry is called Saving the Lost.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:21):
Saving the Lost. And if someone wants to find out about your ministry or donate to help you with all the different Yeah. Crusades and, and outreaches that you’re doing. Yeah. how can they do that?

Waldy Bersche (05:31):
Yeah. So you can just go to www saving the lost.com. Also, I just started the YouTube channel. There’s some videos also. I have Telegram also. I’m on Instagram. So I’m just Google me and you will find

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:43):
Me. Now let’s talk about how you got started. You had this desire from God to be an evangelist. Yes. But you didn’t really know what to do or how to do it. Yeah. So how did you start learning to be an evangelist?

Waldy Bersche (05:55):
So I always when I was young, a lot of missionaries came into my church. And this really left a great impression on me. So I, I read the magazines from the missionaries and I said, one day, I want to become a missionary. So I knew cfa, I knew Billy Graham, but I was so shy that, okay, I cannot contacted Billy Graham Ministries or Christ Fall Nation. Who am I? I’m just a small fish. So then I, on Google, I found by accident another crusade evangelist. He was from Sweden. And I ask him, may

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:27):
I come? My friend Marcus Blue,

Waldy Bersche (06:28):
Right. And I ask him, may I come along on one of your trips? So invited me to India, and there is somewhere in the Himalayas on, on, in a pastor’s conference. I saw how God opened up a deaf ear and I thought, oh, Jesus is still healing today, like 2000 years ago. And then we went to the south of India and I saw a crusade. And Marcos gave me the opportunity to start the crusade where he gave me five minutes as an opener. And I preach my heart out. And then when I took the microphone, I realized I want to be a crusade evangelist and discontinued. And I went to Pakistan, other countries as well.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:07):
You caught the missions bug. Yes. And, and now you continue in it. And I believe that God will give you Yeah. The million souls that you’re asking for. And even beyond you will be a, a soul millionaire in Jesus name. Thank you so much. Well, Valdi, we are very honored that you came and partnered with us for this great gospel crusade in Kemba, Ethiopia. And I really hope we can do something more together once again very soon. So thank you and God bless you.

Waldy Bersche (07:34):
Thank you so much, Daniel. It’s an honor.


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Lako Bedasso | What is God Doing in Ethiopia?

Lako Bedasso is the president of Ethiopia Full Gospel Church. He says his denomination has  ten million people and 3,500 different churches. Today, he talks about the great harvest and the great challenges that are facing the Ethiopian church.



Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m very excited about telling people about Jesus. Today I have a very special guest with me, pastor Laco Beso. Yes. He is one of the key leaders here in the nation of Ethiopia. Tell me a little bit about your denomination. You’re the president, what is God doing here in Ethiopia and what is God doing through the denomination?

Speaker 2 (00:29):
Yeah. it is a, this day is a time of harvest and the time of challenge for us nowadays. When I say the time of harvest, many people are coming to Jesus. A Ethiopian focus will believers church. I am a president for Ethiopian focus gospel will believers church. We have 10 million believers in 3,527 local churches that is organized in for regions.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:04):
What a blessing. God is moving in such great ways here in Ethiopia.

Speaker 2 (01:09):
Yeah. The God is doing great work and, and great thing is happening now. There is one area, there is a, the area is controlled by rebellions before five man for three years it was suffering in that area. Now the pieces come, the intimidator who bring that peace is our pastor from that ethnic group. So among the Liberian ethnic group, in one day I baptize 107 believers. Wow. It is three weeks ago what is happening. So God is moving in our country and touching all ethnic group. Beside that, there is a challenge also, and nowadays there is 52 local church worshiping build is destroyed. It’s need to, for us to re reconstruct that one. And we are looking the people for <inaudible>.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:24):
And so there is great persecution Yes. In some areas of Ethiopia. Yes. Yes. And they’ve destroyed over 50 churches. Yes. And now.

Speaker 2 (02:32):

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:33):
And now you’re looking for help to come and, and rebuild.

Speaker 2 (02:36):
Yes. Yeah. We are, we are praying to God to send someone to support and stand with us. And in 22 places it is very urgent. The people are coming up in the worshiping under some trees and under very small shade. So it, it’s in need. Great. Now, additionally, we need CRO in the, the people are very, very in need to come to Jesus. The gospel is very important to healing our country, to heal our people. So we, we like to invite you to come again and to preach in my country.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:21):
Oh, thank you. I’ve been coming to Ethiopia ever since 2008. So 15 years now. The, this crusade we just did in Kemba is the 10th crusade that we have done here. And I have fallen in love with the people of Ethiopia. You know the United States is not mentioned in the Bible. Canada is not mentioned in the Bible, but Ethiopia is mentioned so many times in the Bible. And God has such a special plan for this nation and for the people. And I’m just so excited to see the, the amazing work that God is doing through your ministry. You and I actually met in South Korea. Yes. We were at the, the conference for the World Pentecostal Fellowship. Yes. And we were sitting on the bus together and you, you told me, you said, Daniel,

Speaker 2 (04:12):

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:13):
You must come to Ethiopia, do a crusade, come and do a pastor’s conference. And so if, if I was to come, what, in what ways could I help your church? What, what, what could I do to be a blessing to you?

Speaker 2 (04:32):
Yeah. And as you told me that, say that we met in, in South Korea conference. I am ambassador of Ethiopian at the, for the Pentecostal World Fellowship. Here I, this, this one

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:47):
It’s beautiful pin. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (04:49):
So when you come to Ethiopia, number one, you share the grace of God that given to you to share for Roman and to pray for empowering of the ministers and the pastors. And number two, we invite the peoples from different part of the country and other Ethiopia, you know, the economic situation. Maybe you support, you support some of Fundis by, by by just having the room eating and all transportation for some people who do not have capacity to come this area in such way, if you support us, we need, moreover, we need your grace that God gave you.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:46):
Oh, thank you. Well, I would be very honored to come and we must make plans because I believe that, that God will do something very great. If you’re listening to this, I have lots of missionaries and evangelists that listen, please come to Ethiopia. There is a great harvest here that people that are ready to come to Jesus. In the Book of Psalms, it says that Ethiopia shall quickly stretch out her hands towards God. And we have seen that so many times. And it’s so beautiful to see what God is doing here. Thank you, brother for being on the Evangelism podcast. Amen.


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Help Us Buy a Sound System | The Joshua Campaign in Ethiopia

Joshua Campaign has led millions of people to Jesus in the past 25 years in Ethiopia. But now they need to purchase a new sound system. Today I talk with Per Akvist about why it is so important to invest in the infrastructure of evangelism. Can you help?

To Give Towards a Sound System for Ethiopia go to: https://joshuacampaign.com/


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I am excited about telling people about Jesus. Today I am in the nation of Ethiopia with my good friend, Per Akvist. Per, thank you for joining me on the Evangelism Podcast.

Per Akvist – The Joshua Campaign (00:14):
Thank you for having me.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:16):
We have just completed a wonderful crusade in the city of Kemba. Yes. We went to, we flew into Arbor Mench and then drove about three and a half hours up into the mountains. Yes, ma’am. And God did tremendous miracles,

Per Akvist – The Joshua Campaign (00:32):
Even in the rain. It was fantastic.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:35):
And the amazing thing is, is that Joshua campaign, the organization that you lead, lead here in Ethiopia, you have been doing crusades for 25 years now. That’s correct. Across this nation. Yes. And so,

Per Akvist – The Joshua Campaign (00:51):
Well, 15 under my leadership,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:53):
15 under your leadership before you Carl Haram. Yes. founded Joshua campaign. Yes. And Joshua campaign has literally seen millions of people come to Jesus. Now, the reason that I wanted to talk to you today is because Joshua campaign is launching a new project to prepare for the next 25 years of ministry. We think that God is working in mighty ways here in Ethiopia, and we want to be a part of it.

Per Akvist – The Joshua Campaign (01:26):
Wonderful. You’re so welcome,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:28):
<Laugh>. Thank you. Yes. And we, we’ve actually talked before about Joshua campaign on the Evangelism podcast. Yes. but today I really want to focus in and talk about this new sound system that Joshua campaign is raising funds for the sound system that you have. It was bought 25 years ago, and pieces of it have been replaced over the years

Per Akvist – The Joshua Campaign (01:54):
And lot of repaired

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:56):
In a lot of repair. And even at this crusade, I was going and looking at some of the wires that are duct tape. They are wrapped up together. And you have a, a, a small truck and a generator that, that pull, that is pulled along with the truck, and then you have a, a platform, but really it’s come become time that all of that needs to be replaced. Tell, tell me some of the need of why.

Per Akvist – The Joshua Campaign (02:22):
As you said, the, the sound system is very well used. It’s I would say it’s good invested money. We, we have done so many crusades with this sound equipment, and of course, so much repairs as well. Today we have a good sound. But you see, you hear my voice as well. We, we, we use it with our own power as well. But the, the next step, we celebrating now 25 years, and with the 25 years anniversary, we would like to a new sound system. And we have something really good going on. And that’s an investment of a hundred thousand dollars we need to sell this truck that we have by a bigger one. The trailer is not good. Having the generator is not good having on the trailer, it’s a lot of accidents and things can happen on, on the Ethiopian roads, <laugh>, it’s very special roads here.

So we, we need to put the trailer on top of the I mean the generator on top of the, the, the truck. We need a larger truck in order to carry the new sound system. All in all sound stage is also, is, it’s a lot of cast irons and it’s very heavy for the boys to work with. And it’s, so it is in general, the whole, our, all of our equipment is very old and very much used. The total amount that we are calculating on now with the new truck, with preparing a new stage, the sound and all, a lot of, lot of details around we looking into a total cost of $170,000. So

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:28):
$170,000, you’re going to replace the platform, the sound system, and get a new truck to mount it all on. Yes. And that is a, a significant amount of money, but I was thinking about investing in the equipment that’s needed for evangelism. Now, think about a church, I was thinking about this the other day. If, if you think about a church, most of the ministry that a church does happens inside the church building. Yes. Yes. And so churches will often do a capital campaign and they will raise a lot of money in order to build a new building. And sometimes it can cost millions of dollars to build a new church building. And they ask their entire congregation to help to build the building. And, and people make commitments. And sometimes it takes a few years. They say, I will make a commitment of this amount every month for the next three years in order to help make it happen. Now, the, the reason that the ministry of a church invests in the church building is because the church building is where their ministry takes place.

Per Akvist – The Joshua Campaign (05:36):
And for members to have a comfortable place to sit in air condition and Yeah. Yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:42):
Now for an evangelist, we don’t minister in a church building. We go out on the dusty fields. Yes. And our ministry takes place on a platform. And so I really think by investing in the infrastructure of evangelism, you can accomplish far more forgot. Sometimes evangelists go to a nation and they, they rent a sound system just from a local music group, and it can cost a significant amount of money. I mean, they can spend up to five, $6,000 per night just renting the sound system. But the benefit of owning the sound system is then you don’t have all of that cost of renting. You own it. You can go and set it up, and at the drop of a hat, you can go anywhere that God tells you to go. Anywhere that the door opens up, you can go set up the sound system in very easily. You can have a crusade.

Per Akvist – The Joshua Campaign (06:44):
It’s a big harvesting machine.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:47):
<Laugh>, it’s a big harvesting machine. Now the good news is that Joshua campaign has been already given a significant gift

Per Akvist – The Joshua Campaign (06:56):
That’s good.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:57):
Of $100,000.

Per Akvist – The Joshua Campaign (06:58):
That is really good

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:59):
News, <laugh>. And it comes from the everyone fund. Yes. from Empower 21, everyone is a vision by Dr. Billy Wilson, who is the president of Oral Roberts University. Yes. And he leads Empower 21. He’s also the president of the World Pentecostal churches right now. And God gave Dr. Billy Wilson a vision to reach everyone on earth with the gospel before 2033, so that every single person would have an authentic encounter with Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit before 2033, the 2000 year anniversary of Pentecost.

Per Akvist – The Joshua Campaign (07:39):
Yes. And that vision connect so well with the Joshua campaign. Our vision is one chance for every person.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:48):
One chance for every person. And so for 25 years, Joshua Campaign has been working here in Ethiopia trying to give one chance for every person to hear the gospel.

Per Akvist – The Joshua Campaign (07:58):
And I would say in that context of Ethiopia, where you have seen such a great opening after the communism, we, Carl came in right there in the beginning, and I came 10 years later. And all, in all 25 years in a situation where you have the nation was almost unreached, totally unreached till today you have it out of 120 million people, you have about 20% evangelical believers. And we have been a part of that. And I can say that from our platform, and I’m trying to, to, I don’t want to be an, an evangelist that pulling numbers here and there, but literally millions of people and moderate calculating, I believe around 4 million or, I mean, it is about, about 4 million people have come to Christ from preaching on, on our platform. So I think it’s good, invested money.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:07):
So this investment of this new sound system over the next 25 years, it could potentially result in millions more people coming into the Kingdom of heaven. Absolutely. And so for my listeners today, I want to invite you to invest in this sound system in the nation of Ethiopia. Yeah. And I have lots of evangelists who listen, I hope they will invest and then maybe even come here and preach with the sound system. You

Per Akvist – The Joshua Campaign (09:40):
Are welcome. Give us seed money and God can open up the doors.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:45):
So we need $170,000. We have already had this grant of $100,000, so that leads $70,000. And with that we need to update the platform, update the sound system by a new truck. Just in, we, we are investing in the infrastructure of evangelism because the platform is where the ministry takes place for an evangelist. Exactly. And so I want to ask you to give something to help out with this. Perhaps you could give $10,000, $20,000. The cost of the truck is gonna be about $30,000. Maybe you’re listening. A guy will put it on your heart to go ahead and invest and buy a truck for Joshua campaign. That’s great. And so we need your help. Anything that you want to give you can contact me and at king ministries.com. Give me a call and I’ll tell you how to invest. What’s your website if

Per Akvist – The Joshua Campaign (10:43):
Joshua campaign.com. We have a paper account there. It’s easy

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:47):
Joshuacampaign.Com. So if you want to give at joshuacampaign.com, you can, if you have a significant gift that you wanna make sure that you wire it directly into the account, contact me or contact brother pair

Per Akvist – The Joshua Campaign (11:01):
And we will we just open up a new account in America as well. And that information will be on the website as well.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:11):
Wonderful. Further on. So I want to ask you to please help us invest in the infrastructure of evangelism by putting money into the sound system. It makes every crusade way cheaper to do. Yes. And it makes it possible to do so much more for God. And we need to help Joshua campaign because right now the wires are held together with spit and duct tape, and they have been so faithful. Over 4 million souls have come to Jesus with the platform that they have now. And with this updated platform, I think we will be able to reach bigger crowds, more people, and the, the, the team will not have to be out there holding wires together in the middle of the lightning storm. And it’ll

Per Akvist – The Joshua Campaign (12:00):
Be easier to work with. It’s going to be liner race, so it’s going to be easier to, for them to work with. So everything going to be much smoother and we going to reach longer.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:12):
Awesome. Yes. All right. Well, thank you for listening to the Evangelism Podcast, brother Pair. I celebrate the great history of Joshua campaign and I look forward to see what God does in the next few years. Wonderful.

Per Akvist – The Joshua Campaign (12:23):
Pray for my Throat though.

Yes, sir. <Laugh>, thank you. Bless you.


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Suraphael Demissie | Prophet to Ethiopia

Suraphael is a prophet in the nation of Ethiopia. He leads Presence TV which is a 24 hour television station in Ethiopia. In today’s episode of The Evangelism Podcast he says that Jesus is coming soon and the church needs to work hard to lead people to Jesus.

See the ministry of Suraphael Demissie on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@PRESENCETVCHANNEL


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus. Today I have a very special guest with me, prophet cfe from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Thank you so much for being on the Evangelism Podcast.

Suraphael Demissie (00:14):
I’m so happy to meet you.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:16):
Oh, it’s so good to be here with you. We have just landed here in Addis Ababa. We are here for a great gospel crusade in Kemba. Yes, Ethiopia. I’ve come here to the nation many times. This will be my 10th crusade, I believe, in the nation of Ethiopia. Wow. AndI’m here at the invitation of Per Akvist in the Joshua Campaign. They’ve done many crusades across Ethiopia and he’s a good friend of yours. Yes. And, and so we, we you have together, we we ate dinner tonight. Yeah. And you are telling me some about what God is doing here in Ethiopia. Brother, tell me, what is God doing in this nation?

Suraphael Demissie (00:59):
I have heard about you, pastor and you ministry for the last 10 years, maybe more than that. You had a conference here in Tokyo. What you are seeing here in physical and spiritual change, you have a effort. You have a foot, I mean, hand print on this blessing. So as, as a pastor, Ethiopian pastor as a nation, I have to say thank you first about your work and your ministry in Ethiopia. And so many souls, new souls come to Jesus. You win a lot of new souls so many people get healed, delivered. So it’s a great thing, you know, in <inaudible> Jesus to the people of Ethiopia. So on behalf of Ethiopia, we say thank you. Oh, thank you. Let me come to the, the question what we are seeing here in, to all the world what God is doing and the Holy Spirit in doing it, show that our king Jesus Christ is coming. Hallelujah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:14):

Suraphael Demissie (02:15):
Yeah. We are the servant. We are the missioners of the last age, the last days. So gospel in Ethiopia is is burning and is dominating the country. So our government, our prime minister all the government of shall become follower Jesus Christ. There they become believers. So it implied that gospel please doing great here in Ethiopia and changes so many lives.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:55):
Now you have a multifaceted ministry here. You have a church in Hawassa. You have built a beautiful church building here in Addis Ababa. Thank you. And you also have a television ministry called Presence. Yes. And referring to the presence of God. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. And so a few moments ago when we prayed together in your auditorium, I was praying that God would fill the place with his presence. And I didn’t even know that was the name of your TV channel. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. But it goes 24 hours a day. And because of that, you have become very well known here in Ethiopia. When people hear that you’re are coming, many come to to hear the word of the Lord. And so God has raised you up as a prophet, but you really started your ministry just by putting some videos up on YouTube. Yes. And you were telling me that you went into a internet cafe mm-hmm. <Affirmative> back before there was internet available all over the place. You just went into an internet cafe. And how did you start your YouTube channel?

Suraphael Demissie (04:00):
Thank you for asking me my humble beginning. Yeah. I appreciate it. You know, 10, 10 years ago I was graduating from University of Adi Ababa. When I was in the, in the university, I was a Christian students fellowship leader. I, I used to serve in the fellowship. Then God called me to serve him. So I didn’t go to any office or I didn’t find any job, but I was praying and fasting two years. Then God show me a v a vision with the vision was like I saw in the dream. I saw a big stadium and full of people. And the people who were in the stadium, they were crying and worshiping God and they were watching a video. So I was eager to see that video. And when I closed on the video and when I saw the preacher, that was me.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:01):
Wow. So God gave you a vision of your future ministry?

Suraphael Demissie (05:04):
Yes. So I saw a dream about my ministry before I start my ministry. Then I go, only when I wake up from the bed, I prayed and I go to straight to the Internet cafe and ask them to open me a YouTube account. Then they open me, they sign me to a YouTube account, and they give me the password. Then I was a singer, so I had the songs. Then I upload on the YouTube some of my songs, and people were so blessed, and they ask me more and more. Then I start to upload my old sermons, my preg, my songs. Then after it become like boom. So now we have like 340,000 subscribers on TV and hundred million views on YouTube. So my humble beginning is like this.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:59):
I, like you say, boom, <laugh>, God made it happen. Yes. And I think that is so beautiful because you were willing to serve the Lord looking for any way that you could serve, and you just go open a YouTube channel. They give you the password. And now over 314,000 subscribers, over 100 million views, people all over the world, the, the Ethiopian dra dra Yes. Who are all over the world are, are watching and hearing the, the word of the Lord. Yes. On the YouTube channel. And I was watching one of the videos of one of the, the Crusades that you did in Hosana. Yes. And it looked like there were thousands of people there. What did God do?

Suraphael Demissie (06:44):
Yeah. Hosana, the, the more Christian dominating country, which is in thousand part of Ethiopia. So God in the mid nineties spokes to me about hosana, go to Hosana because I have history in God hosana. That’s not my birthplace, or that’s not my, I was raised, but one time, like seven years ago, I went to Hosana for singing. And at that night I was praying, God use me or kill me because I was so give up on ministry. I start my ministry, but the ministry was not going like what I was expecting. So I cried all the night and I said, make it or break it. Kill me or use me. Then I slept. When I woke up from my bed, I, I prayed and I, I go to the, the crusading, Hona I was invited. So when I start to sing, God opens my spiritual eyes and ears, and I saw so many visions. Then after, after that day onwards, I become like a prophet, prophet, prophetic ministry starts in my life, you know? So I have to pay back for God. I want, I want to thank God in that place. So the spirit of God told me, go to Hosana and thank me. Then when I go to Hosana, maybe 1 million people was gathered. So many miracles happened. Wow. So many <inaudible> gets the Muslims, the Orthodox. So this was a history in so powerful conference.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:31):
It’s so amazing what God is doing here in Ethiopia. God is raising this church up, and I believe that God is making you a voice, not just to Ethiopia, not just to Africa, but to the whole world. And so you serve God as a pastor. I think you have also been used by God as an evangelist, but God has given you this gift as a, a prophet. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>, what is the word of the Lord for the body of Christ today. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. What, what is God speaking to you as a prophet

Suraphael Demissie (09:03):
About this,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:04):
A about what he wants to do in the world during this time. Mm-Hmm.

Suraphael Demissie (09:09):
<Affirmative>, you know, Jesus is coming soon.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:11):

Suraphael Demissie (09:12):
Hallelu, our king will see him so and versa. So

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:17):
I know you are a true prophet because that is what God is saying. Jesus is coming soon. He says, behold I come quickly.

Suraphael Demissie (09:23):
Hallelujah. So Jesus is edifying the church. He’s pride.

So we are like hand lake, leg, iron, ear for Jesus. So on, in the, on the last days, Jesus want to use us by his mighty power. You know for the sake of gospel, God do not restrict his his power. You know, he release whatever he has because this is the last time. So the last calling, the last message is preaching now. So God is speaking and working in this case mightly. So so many people is coming to Jesus. We see so many revivals in a world like Asbury University, like, you know, in a different corner of the world. So Jesus is coming soon. We are preaching that. So we expect so many lives

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:27):
Come Jesus. Amen. I believe that is right on mm-hmm. <Affirmative> with what God is saying. Jesus is coming soon. Yes. And we need to make every single second count for God. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. Well, thank you so much, brother, for being on the Evangelism podcast. If someone is looking for your YouTube channel mm-hmm. <Affirmative>, how do they find it? What is your name on the YouTube channel?

Suraphael Demissie (10:48):
Presence TV channel, worldwide

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:50):
Presence TV Channel Worldwide. So I encourage you go and subscribe to the YouTube channel. Receive a blessing from the man of God. And Brother, could we finish today by asking you to pray for those who are watching? Yes. But don’t pray in English. I want you to pray in [inaudible] and just pray a blessing. Amen. Over those who are watching, that God will bless them.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:46):
Amen. Thank you, brother for being on the Evangelism Podcast.

Suraphael Demissie (11:48):
Thank you for giving me this chance. God bless you. God bless you.


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Karl Hargestam | One Chance for Every Person

Karl Hargestam believes every person on earth deserves at least one chance to hear the Gospel. Why should anyone hear the Gospel twice when some have never heard it for the first time? Karl is an innovative missionary who uses helicopters to go where no missionary has ever gone before. He is also leading City Serve which has given away millions of dollars worth of food to the hungry and he is the founder of Joshua Campaign in Ethiopia. On today’s episode you will be inspired by his innovative ideas.

Learn more about City Serve: https://cityserve.us/

Learn About One Chance for Every Person: https://ocfep.com/


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Karl Hargestam believes that every person on Earth deserves at least one chance to hear the gospel. Why should anyone hear the gospel twice when some have never heard it for the first time? Karl is an innovative missionary. He uses helicopters to go where no missionary has ever gone before. He’s also leading city serve, which has given away millions of dollars worth of food to the hungry. And he’s the founder of Joshua Campaign in Ethiopia. On today’s episode, you will be inspired by his innovative ideas.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:49):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies, and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary, and evangelist Daniel King.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:13):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus. Today I am with a very special guest, Karl Hargestam. Thank you for joining me today.

Karl Hargestam (01:24):
Well, thank you. It’s good to be here with you, Daniel. We always, It’s good to see you always when we get to, It’s not that often we get to meet, but this is good. It’s good to be with you here today,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:32):
Brother Karl. You have been involved in evangelism and missions for many years. You have a great heart for reaching the unreached people. And my knowledge of you begins when you were a missionary in Ethiopia, going to the unreached there, and you founded Joshua Campaign, which has done many gospel campaigns across Ethiopia for the last, almost 20 years now. And tell me a little bit about how Joshua Campaign got started and your early vision for reaching Ethiopia.

Karl Hargestam (02:07):
Well, you know, the, so the call, the call that got on my life and the, the vision was really when Jesus spoke to me, and he did very clearly was for Matthew 24, in fact, the whole chapters about Jesus return. And I felt this incredible overwhelming urgency of his term. But they spoke to me from Matthew 24 and also Revelation where, where the gospel clearly has been preached. That that, you know, John in seven, nine sees his multitude dressed in white robes from every tribe, language people nation. Five nine says that what his blood has been purchased, men from every tribe, language people, nation. So the final church that Jesus comes back, the bride of Christ is a full of blood washed church from every tribe, language people nation. But what Jesus was speaking to me is that this is not finished.

Karl Hargestam (02:59):
Will you give your life to reach the final reach. Verse 14 says, The gospel of the kingdom will be preached, not should, not, maybe not. Hopefully the gospel prophetically Jesus says, the gospel of the kingdom will be preached as a testimony to the whole world and then, then will come. I felt this overwhelming thought idea that Jesus come back soon and he’s asking me. So he was asking me to preach the gospel towards Unre and finish assignment I didn’t know about unreached. So 30 some plus years ago, that was not a big talk book in mission or churches or anywhere. And and in fact it was embedded in a vision that was literally a movie. And in India was a helicopter. I didn’t understand much of this other than I said, Please see the Lord. And somehow, you know, the Lord answered the miraculously.

Karl Hargestam (03:46):
So I was on my way very quickly to Africa where the helicopters planted churches and unreached. What I did not know is that in that vision was a mass hillside of people coming to faith. It was like flames over sides of people. And within a few years, we start having meetings with a helicopter, 50,000, 40,000 hillside of people. I just kind of didn’t see me being the one preaching and signs and wonders start happening. I didn’t plan on being a massive evangelist or crusade evangelist. There was just kind of were happening within just a few years of that vision. So outta that, Josh Sch campaign was born. In fact, the clarification came when my son was born 97. So I’ve been in Africa a couple years. You know, story is long, lots of water under the bridge here. But really clarification to the vision of how to finish that assignment that I felt law Lord asked me was, which is the gospel for every tribe, nation people.

Karl Hargestam (04:45):
And from the first chapter of Joshua you know, Jesus speaks to his people and he reminds Moses, you know, the Lord ruins Joshua and Moses is dead. My sermon is dead. But then he reminds Joshua, the assignment he gave to Moses. And he’s not saying, Here, I have a new assignment for you. You know, a lot of times each generation we think I have a new thought, new idea, a new generation new anointing, double portion. You know, there’s a lot of things that we preach sometimes, but the Lord is telling to Joshua, really same here’s assignment, same assignment. Then he says, as I was with Moses, would be with you. So same anointing, same promise. Josh I used responds by faith in verse 11. And he says, Go through the camp, tell the people already we’re gonna be taking action. We’re gonna finish assignment cross Jordan and conquered at land, meaning not the promise land inheritance by faith in salvation but the gospel assignment that we’re all called to be part of. So that became clear out of that was Joshua campaign born and gospel crusades were launched into it’s really 3m, it was mobilization, massive man mission network. And I can talk about all three. And there are three organizations today that Joshua campaign was initially born from that.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:01):
Yeah. And I’m very thankful for Joshua Campaign. We’ve been, I think, either eight or nine times to do crusades with Joshua campaign in Ethiopia. Yeah. And we have always seen a tremendous harvest. It’s always so beautiful to see what God is doing there. The Bible says that Ethiopia shall quickly stretch out her hands towards God. And we see that over and over again. Now, in your ministry, you have a motto, one chance for every person. Can you explain why that’s important?

Karl Hargestam (06:30):
Wow. That became a very clear, you know, early on the finishing of the assignment, that every person born should have a right to hear the gospel should be birthright. We talk about right to water, right to school, right to healthcare give you all kinds of things that the world debates what’s important. And they’re all important. But the right to hear the gospel of Jesus once not saved, not only the Lord can do, but to hear it as Paul says, anyone who calls on the name of the Lord can’t be saved, shall be saved. But how can they, unless they believe, how can they believe unless they have heard, how can they hear unless someone preaches to them? So the right to hear the gospel should be birthright. So one chance to hear the gospel, only the church of Jesus can give. So the right to hear the gospel’s a birthright for every person and all the church can give it.

Karl Hargestam (07:19):
You have when they unreached challenge tribes that never heard of gospel since the cross. That should be an embarrassment for the church with all the money and resource and people we are. So you have places, tribes that never heard of gospel. You also have today with population growth. More people that have no access to the gospel that was alive when I was born on planet Earth. I mean, that should bother us too. Now obviously that can only be given up by Red Cross United Nation or any other kind of great institution or even Christian organization. Only the church of Jesus would preach the gospel to that. That’s why it’s so important we focus on this. So Joshua campaign, what about a massive evangelism initially one of, one of our initiatives and, and in Ethiopia, you know, we kind of were blessed being part of an early season where we prayed with, we had over 4.2 million decisions kind in a decade span to Christ there. But, and then we expanded into, you know, Pakistan and Indonesia and a couple other India. We, we done meetings in several places. That was not though my primary, even though that’s part of God’s call in my life. It was really about finishing Simon every tribe language people nation. So thus not just massive evangelists, but mobilization and a mission network that mobilized God’s church towards finishing Simon.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:35):
So you’ve been

Karl Hargestam (08:36):
Really three cycles. So

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:37):
You’ve been very interested in frontier evangelism going where Jesus has never been preached before. And in order to train people to do that, one of your initiatives is Mission one 11 training school to send people out into some of the hardest reach places in the world. Talk to me about

Karl Hargestam (08:58):
That. Yeah, that’s happening. So that’s kind of the second a, which is being in cycles of seven to 10 years. So the first was Joshua campaign. The second has been the second, a Michel 11, same also from the first chapter in Joshua verse chapter one, verse 11. He says, Go through the camp, mobilize the people. Get ready. So the mobilization or pioneers is martial 11 schools in the west. You know, we have worked in the developing countries, charting mission schools that is focused on church planning and national churches and leaders that we still work with. But in the west, us and Europe, we have mission schools that is challenging young people to give their life to a greater call, especially on rich people. So we take young people through training program and, and, and our big focus in tribal people that has never heard of gospel isity. So we bring them into tribes and mission schools and several countries around the world.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:53):
So tell me about how that works. Students go to a mission one 11 school and then you actually send them somewhere.

Karl Hargestam (10:01):
It’s really almost like a boot camp. It’s very catalystic. You know, the challenge for me was even when we started schools you know, in Africa or even Indonesia, but Africa, mostly our big schools would, lots of church planners in evangelists, they come to the city, they get kind of, you know, and I’m mo for higher education. But you know, they get trained and the more they get trained, the less effective they become, which kind of was grieving for a lot of us. I think even though we need you know, high quality leaders this has been true also in the west, US and Europe. So bringing students into a place where they don’t lose the call but actually find it, we knew that a istic experience has to happen. And for us, it used to be mission trips or youth camps. People are baptized in a fire call to a greater cost.

Karl Hargestam (10:49):
But we knew that there’s no greater place to bring people into an other than to an A 29 experience, an apostolic experience. The most unreached places Jesus will show up. It doesn’t matter how pray through they are, how holy they are. If they just choose to say yes, Jesus will do this supernatural through people’s lives. So we train in six weeks. It’s a 12 week course, actually that’s tic where we prepare the students for an experience. We call that preparation, that it’s an immersion experience and that it’s a debriefing experience. What to process the experience, the immersion is to, we fly with helicopters. Sometimes we take the students into an honor tribe where they are coached to share the gospel in chronological storytelling, science and wonders will happen. There’s nothing, The number one issue, the number one question actually asked worldwide is, why am I here?

Karl Hargestam (11:39):
Whether to believers or not for Christians, the number one question is what’s God’s plan for my life? I believe there is nothing more important, especially in the west young people. They will, they feel, and they will say, most often, I’m a spectator in God’s kingdom. I see all these players down here, but I’m into bleachers and don’t know how I can participate. There’s nothing more powerful than when the Lord is using me, affirming of God’s call. So when the Lord’s doing great things in their lives, in those tribal settings, they come back and say, Wow, God maybe has a plan for my life. If we process that and we see Missionary challenge to pathway for God’s assignment,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:18):
And now you’re working with a brand new initiative called City Serve. And with City Serve, you are helping churches all over America to reach out to their communities. Talk to me about what City Serve is doing.

Karl Hargestam (12:32):
Yeah, so, you know, this has been an incredible journey. So this is kind of the third for me mission network because what we’re challenging the church is to for the anti harvest, which I believe Jesus is returning soon. And the anti harvest, the big challenge is the church that is not ready or we have become very production driven. I’m all for great church. We have church, we’re seeing better. But in big parts of the world, the church kind of resorted into just, just being good, having church, singing better, preaching better, and kind of not caring that much about what’s happening around in the neighborhood. And part of that is just caring about people and issues. So we’re talking about mobilizing the church to be the church, not just having church. That shift is about mission from the neighborhood to the nations.

Karl Hargestam (13:22):
And, and we’ve been able to tap into resources to help churches to use, reach out in their neighborhoods very tangibly. One of the big challenges when we see especially the American church across the world, is that you have an average church is say under 80 people, around 80 people, and most of the churches buy vocational pastors in neighborhoods. There’s nothing more underuse. There’s no network in America. And, and we have proven this to be true also in, in Ukraine for example, right now around the world, we’re launching Canada. We’re in several places, but the, the church of Jesus, there’s nothing, no network that know the neighborhood better than the church. But most of the time, by vocational pastors under resourced, they hardly have money to keep their light on, nonetheless, having an outreach budget. So we’ve been able to tap into incredible resources, helping the church to be the church, start just loving their neighbors and reclaiming the right to preach truth.

Karl Hargestam (14:18):
It is only the gospel of Jesus and that truth that say people set people free, lead them on a pathway to some restoration, redemption. But sometimes our society has, we become so isolated, our gospel, even though we preach really loud, people don’t care anymore because we lost that credibility. So city deserve, it’s about empowering the church. We’ve been growing incredibly fast tapping into, we have really the center of the vision of city service based on Isaiah 58 where it says, this is the true fast. This is what the Lord is asking of you. If you spend yourself on behalf of the broken of the poor, then your light will shine in darkness. Then you will be like a well watered garden, then you will be known as the rebuild of cities. What the Lord is saying, this is a qualifier for being blessable. If you do this things, I will bless what you do.

Karl Hargestam (15:06):
We’ve seen the window heaven open over us. So in five years, last year, we moved over $430 million through our, I mean, so we’ve been growing incredibly fast in five years, resourcing churches to be the church. It’s the incredible amount of people saved through the basic idea of just challenging god’s people to lean out into the broken and reclaim what it means to, to just care about your neighborhood. Because of that, the credibility to preach the gospel is just released in a powerful way. So I, seef 58 is centered around 10 initiatives, including unre people, which is, you know, my passion, but it’s everything that Jesus talked about, the prophets. And Jesus match 25, He talks about the poor, the widow of the orphan, you the presser. You know, when you do this, then you do it for me. So in the resources we’re asking the church to focus on those that we have two support pillars for that.

Karl Hargestam (15:57):
One is the supply chain of goods and kind that over production from national retailers like Amazon, Costco, Walmart, and others are donating through supply chain of hubs, pods, points of distribution, which is churches to God’s people, which is heroes, loving their neighbor, sharing faith with somebody. That supply chain helps the church to lean into it. Then we have a grant center helping with resources around those initiatives. And it’s been powerful. But the whole idea is that the church joins with the idea of we’re gonna become missional again. What does it look like for us to reach from the neighborhood to the nations, even unreached people, refugees coming into our cities, across America. We’re, we’re having a hard time reaching another language or cultures downtown that has been there for a hundred years or 50 years or so, The new people coming into our cities we’re not even missional enough to reach over into those cultures in our churches many times. How do we reach a tribe somewhere around the world? So it’s about, it’s about the, it’s about a paradigm shift. How do I see the harvest in my city, from the neighborhood to the nations?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (17:05):
I love how you bring together compassion and evangelism to help churches, to help neighborhoods and help the churches to, to reach out to people. But then maintaining that evangelistic focus in helping people to, to make sure that they know Jesus and are going to

Karl Hargestam (17:24):
Heaven. Well, I said, I mean, it’s, we are, what we say is the hero for us needs to be, of course, Jesus, but that local church, not about city serve. So, so what we empowered church to be the church you know, we’re not even about our, we’re not about compassion. We’re about compassion, evangelism or sharing compassion in Jesus’s name. You know, the process of reclaiming credibility to preach truth. It’s not that the truth has changed. The gospel of Jesus has not changed. It’s still the gospel of Jesus and the truth. When you as a church, we start losing credibility to preach truth, people don’t pay attention anymore. And we think that compassion is a gateway. No, it’s, it’s Romans to force that the kindness of Lord draws us the repentance. It’s like a superpower. No one can argue with kindness as the church is criticized, that we’re more known for what we’re against.

Karl Hargestam (18:13):
What we’re saying is we’re for a bunch of things, the church of Jesus is for restored marriages. <Laugh> delivered people, people set free from oppression, from addiction, from demonic possession. We’re for all kinds of good things, right? Why don’t we reclaim the message that we’re for people finding hope in Jesus destined, in Jesus, a purpose and a pathway that only the gospel of Jesus can bring. But we’re become so defined and for kind of what we’re against, instead of what we’re for, we’re for people, right? We’re for our neighbors, finding a better way. And it’s only Jesus they can give it. So this has been a way to ask churches to join that mission challenge. So we’re working very wide, it’s big tent. We’re helping churches across the country. In fact, we proved that this network, the church of Jesus is the most underused during farm and a family during the pandemic.

Karl Hargestam (19:04):
You know, this part of that is being white cities have grew so fast. We we were able to prove in fact, you know, many of you know that their pandemic, you know, country shuts down. Half of the American food goes to restaurants. So trucking industry, farming industry is all herding. The president then, at the time, President Trump, he decided a program called Farmer to Family rescuing the trucking industry, the farming industry. The issue was how did we deliver? Now when we suddenly overnight at 50 million Americans struggling with food, they might have a good job, furl, little without pay, have a car payment, a house payment, don’t look poor, but you don’t have money to buy food. So the farmer family was that idea, Take rescue this the industries and help help the people. They’re now at home because of the pandemic. And but how do we deliver it?

Karl Hargestam (19:51):
What we argue is there’s nothing like the local church knowing the neighborhoods the last mile. The church is the best last mile there is for any need anywhere, anytime. And we see this also in Ukraine right now. In fact, we feed in Ukraine over a hundred, 2000 meals, hot meals a day through churches, 1800 churches across Ukraine, seeing amazing number of people coming to faith, finding faith in Jesus. But during farmer to family, we delivered over 600 million pounds of food through churches in every parking lot across America and every city and county. Amazing amount of people served in Jesus name. People prayed with, in fact, s a they were saying in the beginning, you know, normally when we get this kind of a government relief, they’re like, you know, you can’t you gotta, you gotta, you gotta verify that these people need it. We said, Really? What does it mean? Doesn’t mean that we have to turn on the wind. We asked them to turn on the window and say how can we help you? Do you need, do you need <laugh>? Do you have a special need? Do you really need help? Yes. Can we pray for you? Yes. You mean because you’re faith with them? Yes. You know, so across America, we got to have conversations with people.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:04):
Yeah, I got to participate in some of the outreaches with Pastor Rod Baker, who is one of your yeah. Distribution points in Oklahoma. We went out with him and people would line up for two hours in order to get food. I mean, some of them had very nice cars and they had obviously been successful. They didn’t look like they would need food. But I think if someone is willing to wait two hours in line to get food, obviously they need it. And we, we prayed with people and God moved in such a, a powerful way. And so that was such a, a tremendous ministry.

Karl Hargestam (21:38):
It proved, it proved that the church is underused in our country and it’s proven the same in Ukraine. There’s no network like Jesus paper. Yeah, knowing their neighborhoods. Let,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:49):
Let’s talk about the last mile because like for the post office, they ship packages from one side of the country to the other side of the country, but it’s that last mile from the post office to going and putting the mail in the mailbox. That is actually the most expensive part of the process. And what you’re saying is that the local church is the most effective at bringing help to the people that need it the most in neighborhoods because they can do the last mile very inexpensively compared to anybody else that you could find a

Karl Hargestam (22:22):
Hundred percent first into donations in goods and kind. There’s no network like it. But also, think about it, when we think about brokenness in some of the most broken neighborhoods across America, you have a local church. The way that we done church for a long time is we sending buses, bring the kids into some great big church somewhere. And that small church that’s struggling is keeping the light on is almost like raising the wide flag, surrendering that neighborhood to the devil. I mean, as an enemy, that’s terrible. How do we resource that church that knows the kids to live on that street, know the issues with the houses down that street to be lighthouse for Jesus again, it is nothing better than empowering that church. In fact, if you’re gonna win in America, we need every church to share Jesus in any way, being resourced, loving their neighbors, and sharing the faith bold in Jesus name.

Karl Hargestam (23:11):
So that’s what we say when we talk about empowering the last mile, not just one church or one group or one network. The church of Jesus just gotta kind of rise to the moment. That’s how we’re gonna reclaim our country. Again, sharing the faith boldly. And that last mile delivery obviously is kind of what we’re able to be affected with when it comes to the goods and kind donations for sure. But there’s also other needs. You know, we will talk about that also in even grants. And I know people are afraid of money that is on the table, but grants are used by somebody and most of the time by things and values we don’t agree with. So it’s gonna go somewhere and it’s our money. We paid the taxes for. So our argument is why don’t god’s people to do last mile there?

Karl Hargestam (23:50):
You talk about prison and reentry. You know, our attrition for people coming outta prison, state of California is 67% returns back to prison. Why is that happening? I mean, we can say our country’s broken, our issues system is bad. Sure, all of that’s true. But the honest answer is they go back to their old community because our society is not able to provide a new community. What’s the community that would change that? The church of Jesus, it’s a community, can change their pathway, their projectory, because the gospel of Jesus changes from within. And that community can wrap around and be that new pathway. Restoration. This is true from homeless reentry, press and reentry, diction, reentry back into society. We need a life disciple people more than just giving a handout on a parking lot. If the church reclaims that place that we’re for people, we have the answer.

Karl Hargestam (24:43):
There’s even funding for it. We will do better job than any institution in our country because we care about it anyhow. We wanna see prisoners restored, redeemed on a pathway back to healthy life. We wanna see the addicted set free and the pathway back to healthy life. So we have really both the conviction we want to do it for us, and especially for me, because my call is about really primarily unre people. If I can’t get people to even see the harvest in their neighborhood, I have a real hard time for them to see the harvest in some unreached tribe somewhere in Africa where I need a helicopter to get to. So this has been a pathway to kind of say from Jerusalem, udia to Samaria and anso the earth. We we’re taking churches again, I think on a journey back to mission, that was the call in the church, preach the gospel to every person, one chance for every person, right? That gotta begin in our neighborhood somehow.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (25:37):
So just to review, what are the three s? Mobilization,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (25:40):
Mobilization, evangelism, massive evangelism. Mission network. In mission network. And you have worked in all three about seven to 10 years in each one. And I’ve been inspired just seeing your strategic thinking innovation, Joshua campaign, doing mass evangelism and Ethiopia, the helicopter going to unreached tribal groups where you can’t get there by road. And now city serve, helping to serve all the churches across America and, and really helping people in both America and Ukraine and other parts of the world. So thank you so much for your, your passion for Jesus and your innovation, your your strategic thinking. It really inspires me. And thank you for being on the Evangelism podcast. Yeah,

Karl Hargestam (26:28):
Man, Thank you. Thank you Daniel. Good to be here.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (26:30):
Thanks so much for listening today. I am excited about telling people about Jesus, and I want to invite you to be a part of helping us to rescue people from Hell and take them with us to heaven. There’s two things you can do to help. First of all, can you go find the Evangelism podcast on Apple iTunes and leave us a positive review by giving a review. You will help other people find these valuable resources about sharing our faith. And second, would you become a financial partner with King Ministries. Every single dollar that people give us enables us to lead at least one person to Jesus. And so that means for only $1, you can help start a party in heaven. And so today I want to invite you to become a monthly partner. You can start out for just a dollar, but if God puts it on your heart to do more, of course you can do more. But please go to king ministries.com and become a monthly partner with us today to help us to lead more people to Jesus. Thank you so much, and God bless you.

Evangelism Podcast Host (27:49):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches, visit king ministries.com. Again, that’s king ministries.com.

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Daniel Amare | Evangelism Strategies in Ethiopia

Daniel Amare knew my wife before I ever met her. At that time, he was working as a sound engineer for massive crusades with the Joshua Campaign, led by Karl Hargestam and for World Impact Ministries with Peter Youngren. He also worked for several years showing “Heaven’s Gates, Hell’s Flames” to rural villages in Ethiopia. On today’s podcast he discusses evangelism in the nation of Ethiopia.

Connect with Daniel Amara on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/daniel.amare3


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Daniel Amare knew my wife before I ever met her. At that time, he was working as a sound engineer for massive crusades with the Joshua campaign led by Karl Hargestam and for World Impact Ministries with Peter Youngren. He also worked for several years showing “Heaven’s Gates, Hell’s flames” to rural villages in Ethiopia. On today’s podcast he discusses evangelism in the nation of Ethiopia.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:41):
Welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary and evangelist Daniel King.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:06):
Welcome To the evangelism podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. I have a very special guest with me, Daniel Amare in Ethiopia. Thank you for being with me today.

Daniel Amare (01:19):
Thank you for inviting me for this program. I’m also very happy to be with you for this program.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:26):
Well, thank you. You have actually known my wife Jessica longer than I have known her. Tell me how did you meet my wife, Jessica.

Daniel Amare (01:37):
Okay. I think about maybe more than 15 years we met with her I think when we are going to perform World Impact ministry Crusade in Kenya especially the place, I don’t know, maybe Carrie or Kaga also with Joshua Campaign, but we stay with work closely for six months there and we evangelize there. There are so many friends still. I remember them. We were having a very, very special time at that time. We are evangelizing by all our power, you know, the passion that time what we have is amazing still, you know so I’m very, very happy being known with Jessica. Jessica was my best friend at that time and she is working closely with me whenever she go. I was there and wherever I go, she was with me.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:40):
I know Jessica loves you very much. Wow. And so at that time world impact ministries was the ministry led by pastor Peter Youngren, great Canadian evangelist. And Jessica was working with pastor Peter. She actually lived in Kenya as a, a missionary team leader for a year. And then she became a crusade director and helped to organize some of the world impact crusades. And so that’s where she met you. And at that time you were one of the, the sound engineers for the, the big crusade and, and you helped to, to set up the sound system and make sure all the sound was, was working. Right. tell me, what was some of the fruit that you saw the, were those big crusades?

Daniel Amare (03:34):
Yes, absolutely. You know first for the first program, we move Joshua campaign sound system and the track from Ethiopia down to Nairobi. Also we have, I think, more than six programs in Kenya and then after, and

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:57):
Joshua campaign is the ministry by Karl Hargestam. Yeah. He’s from the nation of Sweden and he started Joshua campaign and, and now the leader of Joshua campaign is per office. And, and we’re actually here this week in Ethiopia with Joshua campaign, many years later, they have been doing crusades across this whole part of Africa for, for 23 years now. But you were there in the very early days, the very beginning.

Daniel Amare (04:24):
Yes. I’m also the first man for Joshua campaign also. And also for pastor Peter. He, he came to Egypt and meet the Joshua campaign founder, Karl Hargestam. I was there and we were for every pro together with pastor Peter Youngren and Karl Hargestam. Then after some time pastor Peter sent his new sound system from Canada to Nairobi. I was there in Nairobi and I built another very new sound tower stage. And so many things after that with drive down to Tanzania even to Tanzi bar also, we have unforgetable mission time at that time. I think it is more than 70 years or something.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:17):
You have been involved in evangelism for many years now. After you worked with Joshua campaign, then you began to work with a, another ministry here in Ethiopia that was using the tool of heavens gates. Hell’s flames to evangelize. Tell me about that and what that evangelism was like.

Daniel Amare (05:37):
Okay. the ministry called reality outreach ministry and it Lee by pastor Chris. He lived in London and he is a, a African coordinator also, and we have one ministry here. We project “Heaven’s Gate and Hell’s Flame” every night to the invited church, the churches will invite us. We go there and we project that movie. It is very powerful movie video. And so many people are surrender their life for Jesus. I served with them for about six years in six years, for sure. I can say more than 10,000 people get saved through that ministry. I remember even with one night video program, about 600 people got saved in down south Ethiopia also in ADIs ADIs is a big city and we project no we did a live drama in one of the big churches with one day presentation, about 450 people got saved here in the middle of the town.

Daniel Amare (06:55):
So it was very, very powerful. I don’t know this time I didn’t hear that much because of the politics and the living things in our country. The ministry do not act that much like when I serve. So it was very, very powerful ministry and I did with them and with Joshua is already impact ministry. You know, from the day I got saved still, I am serving God on the mission field right now, you know sometimes when Corona COVID 19 become active things are going down. So that time living is very char. So I working part-time in the church and I try to manage my families. You know, I work on one Christian international hotel as a manager, but it takes me away from ministry that was not good for me because that is not in my heart. So

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:57):
You obviously have a great call from your God, from, from God on your life for evangelism and a, a passion and a, and a heart for that. And, and God has honored that over the years, and you’ve done so much evangelism here in Ethiopia and, and, and now you’re, you’re working with a church here. Tell me what is Evangel like at the, at the local level, working with the church

Daniel Amare (08:23):
Evangelism, you know every church has claim that they’re doing evangelism, but when you come to the tangible things most of them are not evangelism. They’re not working evangelism, they’re promoting them because when you are evangelism, people must be God serve and must be disciples of Jesus. Then they must be attached with the church and with the ministry for the, the rest of the lifetime. So at this time somebody can hear and he, he decided to accept Jesus. Then there is no people to follow him to make, to help him to grow in the house of God. So my church, we plant a new church, maybe it’s about four months old. This time we are struggling to erect, but we put a very clear strategy and goals for our ministry. And we decide to make every new believes who came to Jesus to disciple the, and to help them to grow fully in Jesus Christ. So that make made a change. You know, this time for this time Christianity and the church politics, we call Ethiopia, this is church politics because every ministers, every, every pastors are fighting for themselves as, not for mission, not for their call. So we need to make, to push these things toward the right direction which is stated in the Bible.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:09):
Let’s talk about the nation of Ethiopia for a moment. Ethiopia mentioned many times throughout scripture. Yeah. And God’s eye is upon this nation. It’s a very special nation. In fact, in the book of Psalms, it says that Ethiopia shall quickly stretch out her arms towards God. And, and we’ve seen that in our crusade, in, in ambo Ethiopia this week, thousands of people lifted up their hands it to say yes to, to Jesus. And over the years Christianity has, has grown greatly in Ethiopia. Really Christianity goes all the way back to acts chapter eight, the Ethiopian Munich, who was ministered to by the first evangelist, Philip, the evangelist. And so Ethiopia as a very rich heritage of serving Jesus. But during the, the era of communism the evangelical church at the end of that era, that they, they were very persecuted. They were tortured for their faith.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:14):
Many Christians were even killed. And at the end of that peer, the, the evangelical church was only about a 3% of a nation at that time. Maybe about 40 million people. Yeah, well, today the nation of Ethiopia has 112 million people. And the evangelical church has grown from 3% to now it’s over or 20%. And so this is one of the greatest revivals in church history. Not many people know about what God is doing here in Ethiopia, but just tell me, what is it like to be a part of that and to, and, and what do you think God’s plans are for the nation of Ethiopia?

Daniel Amare (11:54):
Great and very interested question that, you know everything is, as you say in the book of God, Ethiopia mentioned more than 40 times, you know, and the first country, which mentioned before Israel also is Ethiopia. So God has a pro is for Ethiopia, and he has a covenant with Ethiopia. So what, right now we can see in Ethiopia is that his king his covenant is fulfilled because you know, Ethiopia more than 10 years, I know but the previous government is the previous administrative systems in Ethiopia are very, very harsh. And for Christianity also, you know, everywhere Christians and churches are persecuted. You can’t have a right even to have a Bible in your hand, in some part of Ethiopia, more, maybe more than half part of Ethiopia in a, and in, in some big cities only you can worship open door.

Daniel Amare (12:59):
Maybe you can express your faith boldly for anybody, but when you go to the Northern part of Ethiopia, which is right now in problem in travel with the war with the previous ruling art so that people are claimed, they are the first believers of the world. Even they claim more than Israels before Israels, they are the first believes Christian people and the original genuine Christian believes that is Al sort of church. We call it and they, they do not teach them their believes the Bible. So their Christianity is mix it, highly mix it with heroes and cultures, you know, so that thing crippled the truth. Christianity grows in Ethiopia, but be after 10 years the churches got a big chance to declare themselves as a Christian community.

Daniel Amare (14:07):
And they start evangelizing all over the country. We are doing here and there, and so many big, big Cru with Joshua campaign, the first big Crusader in Ethiopia. And I want to thank them right now. And Peter and green also did a very, very big things. And also you, as a evangelist came to Ethiopia, even we go together to the Western part of Ethiopia, you remember to the south. And we did in many, many parts of Ethiopia, a big Evangel evangelized Crucet. And there are very, very fruitful. Maybe we don’t have tangible data in the churches, but I think they are, we Christians in Egypt right now, more than 20% of the population. The other thing, what I want to say before you can see churches, maybe within one or two kilometers or distance, but nowaday, maybe 500 meters, you can get two, three churches even around us.

Daniel Amare (15:19):
Right now, we have about six churches within radius of 500 meters. So that is also sign for our girls of Christianity. And many, many ministry is, are now active in Ethiopia. Also. I am also, you know I have a mission in Northern part of Ethiopia at BARDA. There is one tribe, which is negative white of people. They claim they are Muslims, but they are not Muslims because the Muslims society, even they do not give them a chance to be with them. They are almost the people who, which are hit by other community of the Northern part of Ethiopia. They eat hippos meat and they are not good in

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (16:12):
Eat hippo meat. Yes. Is that good? Have you had some?

Daniel Amare (16:16):
Not Good. So because of that, the other people reject them, you know, they’re living at out skirts of the bar city in numbers. There are about 10,000 last year I was there for one week to study about that society because we have a plan to evangelize them. So I have five people with me who are working for that mission, and we are working with Northern bar city Christian fellowship together. And we have going to train and the pastors in the city, how to reach this unreached people to evangelize. So the other many ministries are working here and there in Ethiopia. So right now the evangelize evangelizing work is in very good way. The only thing. Now we have, have a difficult about the war or the conflict in Northern part of Ethiopia. It tax lot of evangelism workers around there because we have a plan even to move to Tua. But right now it is impossible, impossible. We believe that God may give us a good time to reach them.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (17:34):
We are praying for the peace of Ethiopia,

Daniel Amare (17:37):
Praise God that we need the whole world need to pray because we are following the medias of the Western world. They transmit not good and genuine news because as you see now, Ethiopia is very peaceful country, but they still, every day they say Ethiopia is in danger is not good area to live even to visit. So it’s false. So fake news here and there, you know, co

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:09):
Well, we have felt completely safe the entire time that we have been here. And everyone that we have met here in Ethiopia has just been so welcoming and so gracious and kind to us. Let’s talk a little bit more about my wife, Jessica. Oh, okay. You knew her before. I met her. Yes. Tell me, what was she like back in the day? What was it that made it so special that to work with with my wife, Jessica

Daniel Amare (18:38):
Jessica is a wonderful woman. You know, she loves too much. Jesus.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:45):
That’s why I married her.

Daniel Amare (18:46):
Yes. I know. I know. Even, you know I know you before you, you, you, you meet her. I think, so you love Jesus. She love Jesus. And that is a great combination. So you know, she also has a different hurt for me. I know I very much, because I have so many pictures in my home which is together with her. You know, when we are going to sh shine place, she’s with me, I have a picture. I have a picture with her when we go to buy something in market cultural market in Tanzania, in Kenya, in so many different places to visit zoo visit some special places. You know, I know I have a good place in her, her heart, me too, you know why I’m running to visit and to see you because I thought I may meet her through you.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:52):
Well, Jessica sends her love. She is in Tulsa, Oklahoma now with our, our two children. But I know that she has great love for you and, and just really enjoyed working with the Lord hand in hand with you so many years ago brother Daniel, thank you so much for being on the evangelism podcast. Thank you for working for the Lord and your heart for evangelism. You are such a great blessing.

Daniel Amare (20:20):
Thank you. Thank you. And I want to say Jessica just take my greetings for your kids and Jessica too. I am very pleased for what she is still doing with Jesus. Thank you, Jessica. Be blessed.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (20:39):
Amen. Thanks so much for listening to the evangelism podcast. I am excited about telling people about Jesus and we could not preach the gospel without your help. Over our years of ministry, we found that we’re able to reach one person for Jesus, for every dollar that people give us. And so that means that if you would give us $1, we could start a party in head. In fact, I’m asking people to join our partnership program and give at least $1 every single month to help us to lead more people to Jesus. This is the greatest investment of your dollar that you can make. It’s the only investment that’s gonna matter 10,000 years from now. So if you would like to, to help us lead people to Jesus, please visit king ministries.com K I N G king ministries.com and help us lead people to Jesus today. God bless you

Evangelism Podcast Host (21:40):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit king ministries.com. Again, that’s king ministries.com.

Please Subscribe to The Evangelism Podcast with Evangelism Coach Daniel King.


Jesus promised that His disciples would be witnesses to the ends of the earth. One of these far away places is Lalo Kile in Ethiopia. I recently landed in Addis Ababa, the capital city, and drove fourteen hours to the location of our Gospel Festival. On the journey, often over bumpy dirt roads, we had a miracle encounter. We were passing through Nekemte and stopped for a coffee (everyone in Ethiopia drinks coffee). At the roadside table next to us we heard some men talking about a Bible school. I greeted them and met the director of an International Victory Bible Institute, a Bible school planted by my home church, Victory Christian Center. It is amazing the impact that Victory has had around the world. I had the opportunity to visit the school and minister to the 198 students. They eagerly study the Word, despite lack of desks and sitting on wooden benches.

The conditions on this mission trip were quite primitive. There was no bathroom near my room so I had to walk up a little hill to a smelly public outhouse. Each morning, I was brought a plastic bucket of cold water to wash in and I had to scoop water out of the bucket and pour it over my head.

When we finally arrived in Lalo Kile, a delegation of pastors met us at the entrance of the town with a warm welcome. On the first night of the Gospel Festival, about 15,000 people came. There was a man who had an infected foot. The doctor told him the foot would have to be amputated. Jesus miraculously healed his foot and the man started to march and dance. When he shared his testimony, all the people rejoiced with him.

On the second night, 18,000 people came and I spoke on the paralyzed man in the Bible who was let down through the roof. A man blind in his right eye was healed. He brought a document from the hospital that proved he was blind. Each morning we held a Fire Conference at a local church for all the leaders. On the first day every seat was filled; the next day people were leaning in through the windows and lined up outside to listen.

On the third day, there were so many people that the church was not able to hold them and we were forced to move outdoors. On the third day of the Festival, 35,000 people came and there were many more miracles.

There was a mosque right next to our grounds. Five times a day, an imam called Muslims to prayer. His sound system was loud, but ours was louder. As we drove by the mosque on Friday, there were only about ten pairs of shoes outside. On Saturday night as we drove by, a large rock flew from inside the mosque compound and hit the side of our car, leaving a large dent. The rock made a loud bang. If it had hit our window, it definitely would have shattered glass all over our car. We told the police, and they posted a guard next to the mosque to make sure they did not throw any more stones at the people walking by.

On the fourth day, 45,000 people were in attendance and I preached on the Four Greatest Miracles in the Bible. We put a large wooden cross right in the middle of the platform and did a drama about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Those who raised their hand to accept Jesus, received a booklet and a counselor wrote down their names for the local churches to follow up on the new believers.

On Sunday morning, the fifth and final day of the Festival, approximately 55,000 people gathered together. The field was not big enough to hold everyone. I preached on the three greatest events in the Bible: Creation, Calvary, and Pentecost. We prayed with the whole crowd to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and thousands spoke in their personal prayer language for the first time. In Ethiopia, people were saved, healed and filled with the Holy Spirit. This Gospel Festival is another great success. Thank you for helping us to preach the Gospel of Jesus to the people living near the “ends of the earth.”

Kemba, Ethiopia

Ambo, Ethiopia

Agere Maryam, Ethiopia

Metu, Ethiopia

Chuko, Ethiopia

Wondo Genet, Ethiopia

Guder, Ethiopia

Lalo Kile, Ethiopia

Abuna, Ethiopia


Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

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