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Was Jesus an Evangelist?

Yes, Jesus was an evangelist. The word “evangelist” comes from the Greek word “euangelion,” which means “good news” or “gospel.” Jesus was the ultimate evangelist, as he came to earth to share the good news of salvation through faith in him.

Throughout his ministry, Jesus preached the gospel and taught about the kingdom of God. He healed the sick, cast out demons, and performed many other miracles as signs of the good news that he was bringing. He also sent out his disciples to share the gospel with others, saying, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” (Mark 16:15).

In addition to sharing the gospel through his words and actions, Jesus also modeled evangelism through his life. He lived a life of love, compassion, and selflessness, and he demonstrated the power of the gospel to transform lives.

Jesus was the ultimate evangelist and his ministry serves as an example for all believers to follow as we seek to share the gospel with others.

Who is Daniel King? 

Welcome to the ministry of Evangelist Daniel King – international evangelist and dedicated servant of Jesus Christ.

For over 20 years, Daniel has traveled the world sharing the message of Jesus and bringing hope and salvation to people from all walks of life. His passion for sharing the love of Christ is contagious, and his powerful and engaging presentations have inspired thousands to turn towards God and experience the transformative power of his love.

Whether he’s speaking to a large crowd at a conference or ministering to individuals one-on-one, Daniel’s message is always the same: that Jesus is the answer to the deepest needs of the human heart, and that through faith in him, anyone can experience true joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

If you’re looking for a powerful and inspiring evangelist to bring the message of Jesus to your community, look no further than Daniel King. Contact us today to book Daniel for your next event and be prepared to be inspired and transformed by the love and grace of Jesus Christ. Call us today: 877.431.4276 or visit https://kingministries.com.

How does the Old Testament Point to Jesus?

The Old Testament contains many prophecies and teachings that point to Jesus as the Messiah, the Savior of the world. Here are a few examples:

  1. The prophecies of the Messiah: The Old Testament contains many prophecies about the coming of the Messiah, or Savior. For example, in Isaiah 9:6, it is prophesied that the Messiah will be born as a child and will be called “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” These prophecies were fulfilled in Jesus, who was born as a child in Bethlehem and who is described as the “Wonderful Counselor” and the “Prince of Peace” in the New Testament.
  2. The teachings about the savior: The Old Testament also contains teachings about the role of the Savior in reconciling people to God and providing a way for their sins to be forgiven. For example, in Leviticus 17:11, it is written that “the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life.” This teaching points to the idea that the shedding of blood is necessary for the forgiveness of sins, which is fulfilled in the death of Jesus on the cross.
  3. The types and shadows of Jesus: The Old Testament also contains many “types” and “shadows” of Jesus, which are events or persons that prefigure or foreshadow Jesus and his work. For example, the Passover lamb, which was sacrificed to protect the Israelites from the judgment of God, is seen as a type of Jesus, who was sacrificed to save people from the judgment of sin. 

The Old Testament contains many prophecies, teachings, and types that point to Jesus as the Savior of the world, and it is an important part of the biblical foundation for the Christian faith.


Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. He is often called “The Evangelism Coach.” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

Does Doubt Prove God is Real?

It is not wrong to have doubts about God’s existence. The truth is that everyone deals with doubts from time to time. But even while experiencing doubt, one can still have faith in God. It is wonderful that you doubt. The capacity that you doubt is the equivalent capacity that you have for faith. If there is no doubt, there is no place for faith to work in your life. If you do not have doubt and uncertainty, then there is no purpose for faith. For example, you can’t experience great pleasure unless there has been great pain. In the same way, you cannot experience faith until you have struggled with doubt. René Descartes actually used his doubts as an argument for God. Here is how he argued his point: 

Premise A: I am doubting and the more I doubt, the more sure I am doubting. 

Premise B: If I am doubting, I am thinking since doubting is a form of thinking. 

Premise C: But my doubt is an imperfect form of thinking since it lacks certitude. 

Premise D: But if I know my thoughts are imperfect, then it means I must be aware of the perfect since I cannot judge something is imperfect unless I know the perfect which it is not. 

Premise E: My imperfect mind cannot be the cause of the idea of perfection that I have and by which I judge things to be imperfect. 

Premise F: Only a perfect mind is an adequate cause for the idea of perfection. 

Conclusion: Therefore, a perfect Mind must exist as the cause of my perfect idea. This perfect mind is God.

Faith doesn’t run away from doubt, but towards it. Faith takes courage and bravery. Living what you already know does not take any courage—there is no adventure or risk involved. When you go into the unknown, it is scary, it is suspenseful. Faith is having courage to go into the unknown. The tension between faith and doubt is where life is lived. It is where the ultimate is possible. As an unknown author wrote, “Reason can bring us to the precipice, but only faith can make us leap and fly.”  

Get your copy of Proof God is Real: https://amzn.to/3kIEOyA 

Buy a Study Guide for Proof God is Real: https://amzn.to/3ozDlfq 

Enroll in the Proof God is Real School of Apologetics: https://www.danielkingministries.com/proof 

About the Author:  Dr. Daniel King is a missionary evangelist who has traveled to over seventy nations in his quest for souls. His goal is to lead 1,000,000 people to Jesus every year through massive Gospel Festivals, distribution of literature, and leadership training. Because of his experience and research on evangelism, he is widely regarded as one of the world’s leading experts in mass evangelism. As an evangelist, he has a deep interest in using apologetics to convince skeptics that God is real.

What is Faith?

Jesus answered and said to them, “Have faith in God.” — Mark 11:22

Atheists often ridicule Christians for their faith. Atheists ask, “Is faith a reliable guide to truth?” They answer by saying, “No!” This is because atheists define “religious faith” as “believing without evidence” or “pretending to know things you don’t know.” Richard Dawkins wrote: “Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence. Faith is belief in spite of, even perhaps because of, the lack of evidence.” Or, as Mark Twain said, “Faith is believing what you know ain’t so.”

Atheists ask, “If there are ten million gods, and the worshippers of all of the god’s all claim faith as their reason for believing, how can your claim that your faith is unique?” They say the main problem with faith is that it can be used to believe literally anything. What good is faith if it can lead to any conclusion? However, the atheist’s definition of faith and the biblical definition of faith are different. When the atheist speaks of faith, he is talking about “wishful thinking,” a faith that chooses to believe in something in spite of contrary evidence.  But the faith spoken of in the Bible is belief based on solid evidence.

Biblical faith is based on evidence

Throughout the Old Testament, God revealed Himself to the people of Israel through physical manifestations. To set them free, He sent plagues on the Egyptians and He parted the Red Sea. He provided for them in the desert by sending them manna every day for forty years and by causing fresh water to flow from rocks. He appeared to them in a cloud and as a pillar of fire. When they arrived in the Promised Land, He gave them victory by bringing down the rock walls of Jericho. The Israelites had tangible evidence of God’s existence.

In the New Testament, Jesus offers many tangible proofs of His deity. 

  • When John the Baptist was thrown into prison, he wondered if Jesus really was the Messiah he had thought him to be. Jesus did not tell John’s disciples go back to John the Baptist and tell him, “Just have faith,” instead Jesus told them to talk about the miracles they were witnessing: “Jesus answered and said to them, “Go and tell John the things which you hear and see: The blind see and the lame walk; the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear; the dead are raised up and the poor have the gospel preached to them” (Matthew 11:4-5).  
  • When the Pharisees questioned if Jesus has the authority to forgive sins, Jesus proved his deity by healing the paralyzed man (Matthew 9:2-8). 
  • When Jesus rose from the dead He revealed Himself to the disciples, He ate food with them, and He invited doubting Thomas to touch the holes in His hands. “When He had said this, He showed them His hands and His feet. But while they still did not believe for joy, and marveled, He said to them, “Have you any food here?” So they gave Him a piece of a broiled fish and some honeycomb. And He took it and ate in their presence” (Luke 24:40-43).  
  • After his resurrection, Jesus appeared to over five hundred people, giving those who had seen him die, proof that he was indeed alive again: “To whom He also presented Himself alive after His suffering by many infallible proofs, being seen by them during forty days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God” (Acts 1:3). 

The Bible does not teach “blind faith.” The Greek word tekmērion translated in Acts 1:3 as “many convincing proofs” is a word used in court to refer to “proof beyond a reasonable doubt.” In other words, in the forty days between the resurrection and the ascension, Jesus proved that he had risen from the dead. Jim Burkett asks, “Was it the resurrection that caused the disciples to have faith or was it faith that caused the disciples to believe in the resurrection?” The answer is that the faith of the disciples was based on their experience that Jesus actually rose from the dead. As the Apostle John wrote: “That…which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled…that which we have seen and heard we declare to you” (1 John 1.1-3). The early church saw Jesus alive and this fact became the foundation for their faith. Christianity is a factual faith.

It is true that, “without faith it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6), but this faith is based on the “evidence of things we do not see” (Hebrews 11:1). Have you ever read a detective story or watched a criminal investigation series on TV? By carefully examining a crime scene, the sleuth or investigator reconstructs what happened during the crime. Tiny clues provide evidence of events not seen. Faith is the same: from the things which can be seen it provides absolute proof of things we cannot see. The Apostle Paul explains:

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools… (Romans 1:20-22). 

In this passage, Paul says those who do not believe in God are without excuse because of the overwhelming evidence of creation. Paul calls atheists “fools” because they choose to ignore the evidence of the things which can be seen. For those who are willing to look, there is more than enough evidence for God’s existence. God has left a bread trail of crumbs that lead directly to the Bread of Life. 

Faith based on experience

Not only is Biblical faith based on evidence, it is also based on experience. For example, when I sit down in a chair, I have faith the chair is strong enough to hold me. However, this belief is not blind faith or wishful thinking, instead it is based on a lifetime of experience. In my dining room, there is a chair that I have sat in hundreds of times. Today’s trust in my chair is based on yesterday’s experience when that chair did not collapse when I sat down. In the same way, Christians have faith in God because of His faithfulness. 

We all live by faith in our everyday lives. When I get on an airplane, I put my faith in the pilot to fly me to my destination. When I purchase food from the supermarket, I have faith it will nourish me. When I go to work, I have faith my wife is not running off to sleep with another man. My faith in these various areas is based on past experience. Atheists would say that believing that the sun will rise tomorrow or having faith that a seat can hold your weight would better be called “trust” or “confidence” because it is based on evidence and experience. In this, Christians concur. Our faith in God is trust and confidence in Him that is based on both evidence and experience. Christians do not have a blind faith that rejects evidence, but a wide-eyed faith that sees and acknowledges the evidence for God. 

Get your copy of Proof God is Real: https://amzn.to/3kIEOyA 

Buy a Study Guide for Proof God is Real: https://amzn.to/3ozDlfq 

Enroll in the Proof God is Real School of Apologetics: https://www.danielkingministries.com/proof 

About the Author:  Dr. Daniel King is a missionary evangelist who has traveled to over seventy nations in his quest for souls. His goal is to lead 1,000,000 people to Jesus every year through massive Gospel Festivals, distribution of literature, and leadership training. Because of his experience and research on evangelism, he is widely regarded as one of the world’s leading experts in mass evangelism. As an evangelist, he has a deep interest in using apologetics to convince skeptics that God is real.

How Can I Know Truth?

According to one apologist, there are three tests for truth: 

The first test for truth is logical consistency. Are there any contradictions? Logical consistency means the truth must be logical, it must make sense. An object cannot be both A and not-A at the same time. Truth must be internally consistent.  A fact is either true or it is not true. Aristotle wrote, “To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true; so that he who says of anything that it is, or that it is not, will say either what is true or what is false.” For example, a door can either be open or closed. It cannot be both open and closed at the same time. If a door is open, then it is not closed and if it is closed, it is not open. If one person believes a door is open and another person believes the door is closed, one of them is wrong. Two or more contradictory statements cannot both be true.

The second test for truth is empirical adequacy. Is there any proof? A worldview should be supported by evidence when it is tested. The truth must pertain in a meaningful way to reality. One’s beliefs should reflect the way the universe actually is. We can know a truth is true if it matches reality. A truth cannot become truth just because someone believes it is true. I may believe I have gasoline in my car, but this belief cannot make my car run if the gasoline tank is empty. Even if I start a political movement and convince lots of people that my car is full of gas, people’s belief that the car is full of gas does not make it so. 

The third test for truth is experiential relevance. Does it works in real life? In a pragmatic way, truth should work in our everyday lives. This is a major reason why I am a Christian, because out of all the religions Christianity does the best job of describing the way the world actually works and it describes humans as they really are. 

Does the existence of objective truth proves the existence of God? 

Saint Augustine argued for the existence of God from unchanging, objective, universal truth. Here is how his argument went: 

Premise A: There are timeless and unchanging truths. 

Premise B: There must be a cause for these truths. 

Premise C: This cause must be equal to, lesser than, or greater than our minds. 

Premise D: This cause cannot be equal to our minds, since these truths are independent of our minds (our minds are subject to them). 

Premise E: These truths cannot be lesser than our minds, since our minds are subject to them. 

Premise F: These truths must be greater than our changeable minds. 

Premise G Whatever is superior to the changeable is itself unchangeable. 

Conclusion: Therefore, there is an unchanging Mind, which is the source of unchanging truth. 

The existence of God is an objective truth that either is or is not. Either there is a God or there is not a God. The truth of God’s existence must be an objective truth or it is no truth at all. 

Paul puts a great deal of emphasis on the truth of Christ’s resurrection in 1 Corinthians 15:14-19. For Paul, Christ’s resurrection was an objective truth. It was not a matter subject to interpretation. It either happened or it did not happen. Either Jesus is the Savior of all humankind, or He is just a religious teacher who lived two thousand years ago.

On my blog, I have presented various proofs for the existence of God and for the resurrection of Christ. Now, it is your job to decide if these things I have discussed are true or not true. 

Jesus is Truth Personified 

Truth is important to God. Because truth is important to Him, He does not lie (Hebrews 6:18), His Word is called truth (John 17:17), the Holy Spirit is called the “spirit of truth” (John 14:17) and Jesus is “full of grace and truth” (John 1:14). The philosophers of today may deny that there is truth, or if there is truth, they may deny that it can be known. But Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). Ultimately, to know Jesus is to know the truth. 

Will you DARE to believe in Him? 

Get your copy of Proof God is Real: https://amzn.to/3kIEOyA 

Buy a Study Guide for Proof God is Real: https://amzn.to/3ozDlfq 

Enroll in the Proof God is Real School of Apologetics: https://www.danielkingministries.com/proof 

About the Author:  Dr. Daniel King is a missionary evangelist who has traveled to over seventy nations in his quest for souls. His goal is to lead 1,000,000 people to Jesus every year through massive Gospel Festivals, distribution of literature, and leadership training. Because of his experience and research on evangelism, he is widely regarded as one of the world’s leading experts in mass evangelism. As an evangelist, he has a deep interest in using apologetics to convince skeptics that God is real.

Did Jesus Rise from the Dead?


Premise A: People do not rise from the dead

Premise B: God could rise from the dead

Premise C: Jesus rose from the dead 

Conclusion: Therefore, Jesus is God. 

I love a popular hymn that Christians sing:

I serve a risen Savior, he’s in the world today;

I know that he is living, whatever men may say.

I see his hand of mercy, I feel his voice of cheer;

And just the time I need him, he’s always near.

He lives, he lives, Christ Jesus lives today…

This song celebrates the central fact of Christian faith: the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. According to Paul, Christianity rises and falls on the resurrection of Christ. He writes, “If Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith” (1 Corinthians 15:14). If He was simply a first century teacher whose bones rot away in the grave, then there is no harm in ignoring His teaching. If Jesus did not come back from the dead, there is no point in talking about the atonement, or eschatology, or ecclesiology, or any of the other subjects that theologians love to debate. But if Jesus did rise from the dead, the implications are enormous. A resurrected Jesus is proof that He is who He claimed to be. A resurrected Jesus is proof the Bible is true. A resurrected Jesus is proof that His teachings must be taken seriously

Throughout history, there have been many founders of different religions–like Buddha, Moses, Mohammad, Confucius and Joseph Smith. Jesus is unique in history as a religious leader because of the claim that He would rise from the dead. All the other religious leaders have died and stayed dead. Buddha, Moses, Mohammad, Confucius and Joseph Smith are all dead. But Christianity claims Jesus is alive. How can we know if Jesus really rose from the dead? Let’s look at the evidence. 

Evidence that Jesus rose from the dead 

The resurrection of Jesus is not a repeatable experiment. One cannot scientifically kill Jesus again and observe the resurrection in the laboratory. The resurrection of Jesus was a one-time event that must be judged through the lens of historical reports. It is in this arena that there is a great deal of evidence for the resurrection. 

1. Jesus was crucified. All four Gospel agree on this fact as well as the writings of Paul and the book of Acts. Non-Christian sources also agree. The crucifixion is recorded by Josephus, Tacitus, Lucian, Mara Bar-Serapion, and by the Talmud. But was it a cruci-fiction or crucifixion? One of the Jesus Seminar scholars who is highly skeptical of the life of Jesus, John Dominic Crossan, writes, “That he was crucified is as sure as anything historical can be.” E.M. Blaiklock, professor of Classics at Auckland University said, “I tell you that the evidence for the life, the death, and the resurrection of Christ is better authenticated than most of the facts of ancient history.” 

2. Jesus’ disciples absolutely believed that Jesus rose from the dead. During the trial that preceded the crucifixion, the disciples of Jesus were so afraid they ran away and hid themselves from the Jewish leaders. It was fear that caused Peter to deny Jesus three times. But after the resurrection, the disciples became fearless and preached about Jesus in the Temple courts, to the horror of the Jewish leaders. What caused such a dramatic change? The disciples had seen a risen Jesus with their own eyes. 

So convinced were the disciples that Jesus was alive they were willing to give their own lives because of their belief. The disciples suffered humiliation, torture, imprisonment, and martyrdom for their belief that Jesus rose from the dead. Of the eleven disciples who witnessed the resurrection, all but one (John), was martyred for his faith. When threatened with death, none of the them recanted or denied their beliefs. It is hard to believe they would have given their lives for the sake of a lie. 

Eyewitness testimony proves Jesus rose from the dead. The resurrected Jesus was seen by a variety of individuals and groups. Jesus showed himself alive with many “infallible proofs” over a period of forty days (Acts 1:3). He appeared to two disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-32), to the eleven disciples hiding behind closed doors (John 20:19-23, 26-29; Mark 16:4-8; Luke 24:36-52), to some of his disciples who had returned to their fishing nets after the crucifixion (John 21:1-14), to Peter (1 Corinthians 15:5), to five hundred of his followers at one time (1 Corinthians 15:6), to James (1 Corinthians 15:7), to a group of disciples at the time of his ascension into heaven (Luke 24:50), and to Paul at his conversion (Acts 9:5; 1 Corinthians 15:8). That there was so much eye-witness testimony gives the strongest credit to the fact of the resurrection. No court would dismiss the evidence of hundreds of people.  

3. Great skeptics became great believers. James and Jude, the brothers of Jesus, and Saul, who was to become the Apostle Paul, are three examples of people who did not believe in Jesus before the proof of His resurrection. All were radically changed by the clear belief that Jesus rose from the dead. For James and Jesus’ other brothers, it must have been a bit of a trial to have such a special brother. What is obvious from Scripture is that James and his brothers did not initially believe Jesus’ claims to be the Son of God. That changed after the resurrection. James became the important figure of the church in Jerusalem. He was later killed for his belief. He and his brother Jude each contributed a book to the New Testament.

Saul had no reason to become a Christian. He came from a well-regarded family in a wealthy city. He was trained by one of the greatest rabbis in Jewish history, Gamaliel. He was so zealous for the law of Moses and his Jewish traditions that he went around killing Christians. At the rate he was going, he was destined to become one of the religious leaders of Judaism. Yet, he threw away all of it—his reputation, his wealth, his status, and his position—in order to join his enemies, the Christians because of his encounter with the resurrected Jesus. Because of his new faith in Jesus, he was willing to travel thousands of miles in horrible conditions to preach the Gospel, be stoned, beaten, shipwrecked, imprisoned, and ultimately to be executed. He willingly suffered hardship, torture and persecution so that he could proclaim that Jesus rose from the dead. 

4. The tomb was empty. Jesus was publicly crucified and placed inside the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea, a member of the Sanhedrin. Roman soldiers were posted at the tomb with strict instructions to prevent anyone from taking the body. Three days later, the tomb was empty. The disciples were accused of stealing the body, but it is a fact that the body was not in the tomb. The Jewish leaders could have instantly quashed the sect of Christianity by producing Christ’s body. The fact they did not is proof that His body was gone. 

5. The first witnesses were women. Women were considered unreliable witnesses in the first century Jewish society so if someone was making up a story about Christ’s resurrection, they would not have made up a story about women finding him first. But this is in fact what the Gospel’s record—that women were the first ones to see the empty tomb and to see the resurrected Savior. The men did not at first believe them and went to the tomb themselves. What they saw—an empty tomb—only confirmed the testimony of the women. 

6. Only Christ’s resurrection from the dead can account for the rapid growth of the early church. While Christianity is prominent today, Jesus was an obscure religious teacher in a forgotten corner of the Roman Empire. Yet he started a movement that changed the empire and the world. The reason for the impact of Christianity is that Jesus rose from the dead. 

Get your copy of Proof God is Real: https://amzn.to/3kIEOyA 

Buy a Study Guide for Proof God is Real: https://amzn.to/3ozDlfq 

Enroll in the Proof God is Real School of Apologetics: https://www.danielkingministries.com/proof 

About the Author:  Dr. Daniel King is a missionary evangelist who has traveled to over seventy nations in his quest for souls. His goal is to lead 1,000,000 people to Jesus every year through massive Gospel Festivals, distribution of literature, and leadership training. Because of his experience and research on evangelism, he is widely regarded as one of the world’s leading experts in mass evangelism. As an evangelist, he has a deep interest in using apologetics to convince skeptics that God is real.

Was Jesus a Liar, a Lunatic, or Lord?

Premise A: Jesus claimed to be God

Premise B: Jesus is either a liar, a lunatic, or He is what He claimed to be: God 

Premise C: Jesus is not a liar or a lunatic 

Conclusion: Therefore, Jesus is God 

Jesus is either bad, mad, or God. C.S. Lewis, in Mere Christianity, proposes the liar, lunatic, or Lord trilemma. Lewis wrote: “You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill him as a demon or you can fall at his feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to.” 

Was Jesus a Liar? Jesus claimed to be God and even acted like He was God. Is it possible that Jesus made up the story about being God in order to gain attention, power, or money? If it was for any of these reasons, He must have been disappointed in the result. From all we know, while He was not a poor beggar, He was not wealthy. While He was popular for a short time, He was crucified with hardly anyone to mourn his death. The attention that His claims got Him eventually led to His execution. If He had simply renounced His claims of divinity, He would never have been crucified. Most people who are lying stop the dishonesty when their life hangs in the balance.  For centuries, even those who are not Christians have recognized the beauty and power of Jesus’ teaching. Gandhi, the father of modern India, said, “To me, [Jesus] was one of the greatest teachers humanity has ever had.” It would be a strange ethical teacher who built his reputation on a foundation of lies. Jesus cannot be both a chronic liar and a great moral teacher. 

Was Jesus a Lunatic? Admittedly, some of the things Jesus said sound a little crazy. There are crazy people in the world and sometimes they say similarly crazy things. Perhaps you’ve heard the joke about the two inmates in the psychiatric hospital: Once there was a man in a lunatic asylum who claimed to be Moses reincarnated. The psychologist came into his cell and asked him, “Why do you think you are Moses?” The man explained, “I know I’m Moses incarnated because that’s what God said.” From the next cell came the voice of another inmate who said, “I never said that.”   A sane person knows he or she is not creator of the universe, but Jesus claimed to be exactly that.

Evidence against him being crazy rests in the miracles that Jesus performed. A lunatic may claim to be able to heal the sick, but Jesus actually healed the sick. A lunatic might claim to be able to rise from the dead, but only true divinity can come back from the grave.  As his moral teaching prove that Jesus is no liar, they also prove that He was not insane.

Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence and the third president of the United States, was a deist who accepted Christ’s moral teaching but rejected his miracles. Jefferson used scissors to cut all the supernatural accounts out of the Gospels, but he kept all the teachings of Jesus. Yes, Jesus was a great teacher, but if his teachings are taken seriously, his claims of divinity seriously must be taken just as seriously. Jesus cannot be both a great moral teacher and a lunatic.

Jesus is Lord. The trilemma is solved. Jesus is not a liar. Jesus is not crazy. The only option left of the three is that He is Lord. He is who He claimed to be: the Creator of the Universe, the Son of God. The ultimate proof that Jesus is who He claimed to be is the fact that He rose from the dead. The fact that Jesus claimed to be God and actually provided proof that He is God by rising from the dead once again shows me that: God CARES! 

Get your copy of Proof God is Real: https://amzn.to/3kIEOyA 

Buy a Study Guide for Proof God is Real: https://amzn.to/3ozDlfq 

Enroll in the Proof God is Real School of Apologetics: https://www.danielkingministries.com/proof 

About the Author:  Dr. Daniel King is a missionary evangelist who has traveled to over seventy nations in his quest for souls. His goal is to lead 1,000,000 people to Jesus every year through massive Gospel Festivals, distribution of literature, and leadership training. Because of his experience and research on evangelism, he is widely regarded as one of the world’s leading experts in mass evangelism. As an evangelist, he has a deep interest in using apologetics to convince skeptics that God is real.

Did Jesus Really Exist?

Premise A: If Jesus existed, there would be historical records to support this.

Premise B: The Gospels and other historical records of Jesus life exist.

Conclusion: Therefore, Jesus existed. 

Was Jesus a real person? Did He really live in Israel approximately two thousand years ago? How do we know what Jesus really said and did? Lee Strobel was an investigative journalist before he became a Christian. Instead of looking for scientific proof of God’s existence, he decided to approach the question of Jesus’ existence the same way an investigative journalist approaches as news story. His search was for legal proof that could establish a case “beyond a reasonable doubt.” In The Case for Christ he interviews top scholars concerning historical proof for the claims of Christ. 

Lee Strobel asks, “How do we know anything about the past?” How do we know that George Washington crossed the Delaware, or that Plato really lived? None of us were alive back then. Our knowledge of history must rely upon historical reports. In the case of Washington and Plato, we rely on writings that tell us about their lives. Even though we never saw them ourselves, we can judge the reliability of eyewitness reports about them. Scholars believe Washington existed because they believe the reports that were written about his life. 

In the case of Jesus, we have four different reports that have been written about His life by people who were eyewitnesses or who interviewed eyewitnesses about his life. These four reports are known as the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. In addition to the Gospels, there are a variety of other historical reports that prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Jesus really existed. Let’s look at some of the evidence. 

The Epistles prove that Jesus existed 

The Apostle Paul wrote the Epistle to the Galatians in approximately 50 A.D. In this book, written twenty years after Jesus ascended to heaven, he confirms that Jesus lived, died, and rose again. In his first letter to the Corinthians believers, Paul states:

For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures, and that He was seen by Cephas, then by the twelve. After that He was seen by over five hundred brethren at once, of whom the greater part remain to the present, but some have fallen asleep. After that He was seen by James, then by all the apostles. Then last of all He was seen by me also, as by one born out of due time” (1 Corinthians 15:3-8). 

When Paul says that the 500 people who saw Jesus after the resurrection were still alive, he means that they can be called on to corroborate his testimony. The Galatians, 1 Corinthians, and other New Testament epistles give evidence of a community of Christians who believed in the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ during the mid-first century. 

The four Gospels prove Jesus existed 

Gospel simply means good news, and that’s what the four Gospels give us—the good news about Jesus the Son of God and Savior of mankind. Matthew, Mark, and Luke are known as the synoptic Gospels because they contain much of the same material. This material (known by scholars as the Q material), may have come directly from the pen of someone who wrote down Jesus’ words as he spoke them. Perhaps Matthew, a well-educated tax collector, kept a notebook of Jesus’ sayings. The Gospel of John was written by “the disciple whom Jesus loved.” John personally walked and talked with Jesus. He saw the miracles he records with his own eyes. 

Each of the Gospel writers provides a valuable and slightly different perspective. Matthew writes to a Jewish audience, Mark writes to people living in Rome, Luke writes his Gospel to the Gentiles, and John writes to the Church. Because they are writing to different audiences, the Gospel writers emphasize different aspects of the ministry of Jesus. Matthew focuses on Jesus as the long-awaited king, Mark presents Jesus as a suffering servant, Luke emphasizes the humanity of Jesus, and John reveals the divinity of Jesus. 

Much ado has been made about so-called “inconsistencies” between the different Gospel accounts. But, the differences in the stories of the Gospel writers are not a weakness; instead they are strengths. Each of the Gospel writers had a different perspective, just as different witnesses at a car wreck remember different details of what they witnessed. David Limbaugh writes, “These variations are not contradictions. In fact, they add weight to the authenticity of the writings, since if the writers aimed to produce fully synchronized narratives, they could have colluded to vet any discrepancies.” 

Some have argued that one cannot accept the Gospels as evidence for the life of Jesus because they were written by Christians—the idea being that only non-Christians could be trusted to tell the objective truth about Jesus. But this line of argument is like only trusting books on BBQ that are written by vegans. Often the best proof can be found in the writings of those who have been most impacted by an event. After carefully examining the evidence of the four accounts about the life of Jesus, it can be said with great certainty that Jesus really lived, preached, performed miracles, died, and rose from the dead. 

Non-Christian writers prove that Jesus existed 

Evidence for the life of Jesus is not just found in the Gospels. He is mentioned by a variety of non-Christian writers in the years following his death. 

1. Josephus, a first century Jewish historian, mentions Jesus twice in his Antiquities of the Jews. The first time he mentions Christ is when he writes about the condemnation of James “the brother of Jesus the so-called Christ.”Later he writes:

At this time there was a wise man who was called Jesus. And his conduct was good and he was known to be virtuous. And many people from among the Jews and from the other nations became his disciples. Pilate condemned him to be crucified and to die. And those who became his disciples did not abandon his discipleship. They reported that he had appeared to them three days after his crucifixion and that he was alive.  

Some scholars think part of this statement might be an interpolation by a later Christian editor, but the fact that a Jewish historian mentions Jesus at all is significant. 

2. Pliny the Younger wrote to Emperor Trajan around A.D. 112 seeking advice concerning the prosecution of Christians in the court of law. Concerning Christians, he writes, 

They were in the habit of meeting on a certain fixed day before it was light, when they sang in alternate verses a hymn to Christ, as to a god, and bound themselves by a solemn oath, not to any wicked deeds, but never to commit any fraud, theft or adultery, never to falsify their word, nor deny a trust when they should be called upon to deliver it up; after which it was their custom to separate, and then reassemble to partake of food—but food of an ordinary and innocent kind. 

3. The Roman historian Tacitus, writing in 115 A.D about the fire that destroyed Rome in A.D. 64, records:

Nero fastened the guilt […] on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our Procurators Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judaea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome. 

4. In 115 A.D. Suetonius wrote about Claudius who was emperor from 41-54. He mentions how a group of Jews were deported from Rome during his reign after disturbances “on the instigation of Chrestus.” It is likely that he misspelled Christus. If so, this reference puts Christians living in Rome in the 50’s A.D.  

4. The Babylonian Talmud mentions Jesus in a negative light. In writings dated to A.D. 70-200, they say, “On the eve of the Passover Yeshu was hanged. For forty days before the execution took place, a herald […] cried, ‘He is going forth to be stoned because he has practiced sorcery and enticed Israel to apostasy’.”

5. Lucian of Samosata, a second century Greek satirist, wrote about the Christians, 

The Christians […] worship a man to this day—the distinguished personage who introduced their novel rites, and was crucified on that account […]. [It] was impressed on them by their original lawgiver that they are all brothers, from the moment that they are converted, and deny the gods of Greece, and worship the crucified sage, and live after his laws.

Yes, Jesus was there

The enormous number of written accounts of Jesus’ existence written just a few decades after his life provide overwhelming evidence He really existed. Few historians question the existence of Hannibal, the rebel general during the Second Punic War, yet the earliest account we have of him was written by Polybius about one hundred years after the war was over. Most of we know about Hannibal comes from another historian, Livy, writing more than two hundred years after the fact.  The evidence for the life of Buddha in the Pāli Canon was written down about five hundred years after he was alive. But no one disputes the existence of Buddha or the main events of his life. Compared to the historical record supporting Hannibal and Buddha, the written evidence for the existence of Jesus and the events of His life could be considered “hot-off-the-press.” Based on this evidence, it is certain that Jesus was a real person.

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About the Author:  Dr. Daniel King is a missionary evangelist who has traveled to over seventy nations in his quest for souls. His goal is to lead 1,000,000 people to Jesus every year through massive Gospel Festivals, distribution of literature, and leadership training. Because of his experience and research on evangelism, he is widely regarded as one of the world’s leading experts in mass evangelism. As an evangelist, he has a deep interest in using apologetics to convince skeptics that God is real.

Healing Power | Every Healing Miracle of Jesus

As a faith building exercise, I encourage you to read about every healing miracle of Jesus.

Jesus drives out an evil spirit in Capernaum Mark 1:21-28 Luke 4:36-37

The healing of Simon’s mother-in-law Matthew 8:14-15 Mark 1:29-31 Luke 4:38-39

Healings during the evening time Matthew 8:16-17 Mark 1:32-34 Luke 4:40-41

The leper         Matthew 8:1-4 Mark 1:40-44 Luke 5:12-16

The paralytic  Matthew 9:1-8 Mark 2:1-12 Luke 5:17-26

The withered hand Matthew 12:9-14 Mark 3:1-6 Luke 6:6-11

Healings in Galilee Matthew 12:15-21 Mark 3:7-12 Luke 6:17-19

The demonics of Garasene Matthew 8:28-34 Mark 5:1-20 Luke 8:26-39

The rising of Jairus’ daughter and the woman with the issue of blood

Matthew 9:18-26 Mark 5:21-43 Luke 8:40-56

Healings at Gennesaret Matthew 14:34-36 Mark 6:53-56

The Syrophoenician (Canaanite) woman Matthew 15:21-28 Mark 7:24-30

The deaf-mute                         Mark 7:31-37

Blind man at Bethsaida                       Mark 8:22-26

The epileptic boy Matthew 17:14-21 Mark 9:14-29 Luke 9:37-43

Blind Bartimaeus Matthew 20:29-34 Mark 10:46-52 Luke 18:35-43

The centurion’s servant Matthew 8:5-13 Luke 7:1-10

Healings in the Galilean synagogues   Matthew 4:23

The two blind men                              Matthew 9:27-31

The dumb demonic                             Matthew 9:32-34

Healings throughout Galilee                Matthew 9:35

The blind and dumb demonic              Matthew 12:22

Healings in the wilderness                  Matthew 14:14

Healings on the mountain                   Matthew 15:29-31

Healings near the Jordan                     Matthew 19:2

Healings in the temple                                    Matthew 21:14

The widow’s son at Nain Luke 7:11-17

Healings to prove Messiahship to John Luke 7:21

Healings at Bethsaida Luke 9:11

The crippled woman who was bent over Luke 13:10-13

The man with dropsy Luke 14:1-6

The ear of the high priest’s servant Luke 22:51

Signs in Jerusalem                               John 2:23-25

The official’s son                    John 4:46-54

The lame man at Bethesda                  John 5:1-15

The man born blind                             John 9:1-34

The raising of Lazarus from the dead John 11:1-44

Do You Need Healing? Be Healed in Jesus Name! 

We believe in a God of miracles. If you need prayer for healing, please share your prayer request by clicking here.

Check out Daniel’s powerful book on God’s Healing Power: 

Power of Prayer | Pray for the Impossible

“Is anything too hard for the LORD?…” (Genesis 18:14).

“Faith sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable, and receives the impossible.” – Corrie ten Boom

What is impossible in your life?

Do you face an impossible situation? Have you been diagnosed with a disease impossible to cure? Are you facing an impossible economic problem? Do you feel it is impossible for one of your family members to ever turn to God?

In Mark chapter five, we find the story of the woman with the issue of blood. She faced an impossible situation. For twelve long years she suffered with her disease. She spent all her money on the doctors. The doctors took her money but offered her no hope. They told her she would recover. In fact, she continued to get worse.

But one day, she heard about Jesus. She heard how Jesus healed the blind and the crippled. She said to herself, “If I can just touch the edge of his garment, I will be healed.”

In the midst of her impossible situation, she put her eyes on Jesus. She pushed through a crowd of people and managed to touch the edge of his clothes. Immediately, she was cured of her suffering.

Jesus turned around and asked, “Who touched me?” The disciples were confused. They said, “Jesus, you are in the middle of a crowd, hundreds of people are touching you.” But Jesus knew that her touch was different. Many people were touching Jesus, but this woman touched him with her faith.

The woman identified herself to Jesus and told him what she had done. Jesus said to her, “Your faith has saved you. Go in peace, and be healed of your disease.”

Jesus turned her impossible situation into a miracle. Jesus will do the same for you. Whatever situation you are facing today, know that with God all things are possible.

I encourage you to use your faith to reach out and touch Jesus right now. Believe God for the impossible! Believe God for your miracle!

Check out Daniel King’s book: The Power of Prayer

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