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Chance Walters | Best Chance to Receive Christ

Evangelist Chance Walters joins Daniel King on the Evangelism Podcast to discuss his passion for sharing the gospel. Walters shares that his passion for evangelism came from his own salvation experience and serving with Teen Challenge. He has been involved in various types of evangelism, including street preaching, door-to-door evangelism, and school assemblies. Walters also discusses his experiences in Pakistan, where he has witnessed God pouring out His Spirit.

Learn more about Chance Walters: https://chancewalters.org/

Check out the EMT (Evangelist Missionary Training) School: https://chancewalters.org/emt/



Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King. I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. I have a very special guest with me. Chance Walters. Thank you so much for joining me.

Evangelist Chance Walters (00:10):
Thanks Daniel. It’s my joy. We

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:12):
Are together at a conference in Indonesia where we’re talking about reaching everyone on earth with the gospel of Jesus Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit. And you have been an evangelist for many years. You’re passionate about reaching people for Jesus. Tell me a little bit about where that passion came from. How did you get started telling people about Jesus?

Evangelist Chance Walters (00:37):
Well, Daniel, that’s a great question. I was in jail. I was 23, my fourth DUI didn’t have anywhere to go, and I stepped into Sandhills Teen Challenge on April the 29th. I went to sleep and I woke up. I walked into a chapel service and I got saved. I was raised in church. I tell people the best drug, the best drug I’ve ever done is my parents drug me to church. And so I was kind of born you to church. Yeah, I was born and raised in church, but I wasn’t looking for God, but God was looking for me. And at 23 years old, I encountered the love of Jesus and the largest, most successful faith-based recovery home in the world. I had never heard of Teen Challenge, but there’s Teen Challenge centers all over the world. But they were there when I needed them the most, and I got saved.

I tell people I made a commitment. I made a commitment to graduate that program, and a year later I felt called into ministry. I love to say somebody helped me and now I want to help you. I want to help the next person. But I got saved and my spiritual father was an evangelist and I served him. I was in the program for a year, but then I stayed on staff and I served him for three years. I signed up for a six month internship and it turned into three years and traveling church to church, school to school, doing school assembly, sharing my testimony. It got in my DNA and I just love to see people get saved. There’s no greater thing to live for, I don’t think.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:25):
Amen. It’s always exciting to see someone give their life to Jesus. So tell me a little bit of some of the different types of ministry that you’ve been involved in. What type of evangelism? I mean, there’s many different types. Some people go out on the street and preach, some people are going door to door, some people are preaching big crusades. What types of evangelism have you done over the years?

Evangelist Chance Walters (02:47):
Well, I love my journey because people ask me, chance, who are you? What do you do? They want to put a label on you and me. I’m like a denominational mutt. I was born Baptist, if you will. I went to Teen Challenges and Assembly of God affiliated program. Then I went to Lee University, the Bible School, which is Church of God. So I’ve just kind of bounced around, but I just love the global church and I’ve been able to serve in different capacities. Before we started our nonprofit, before we launched our evangelistic ministry, I served on staff at a local church as youth pastor and associate pastor. And so looking back, I’m so glad that I had these stepping stones, if you will. So I have a greater perspective of the church and a deeper respect for people and their positions. And so I’ve been a part of all different types, as you say, of evangelism. For me, it all started in a nursing home and I was in Bible school. I would go to a nursing home and preach on Sunday mornings at 8:00 AM and I’d just be laying hands on everybody, but it was my Jerusalem. It just kind of started at home and sharing my faith with my family. I’ve watched my whole family tree get saved. I’ve watched so many of my old friends that I usually get high with. They got saved. And so it’s just been this journey of just growing in my faith.

And so I don’t think it’s everything. I don’t think there’s one answer. I think it’s just starting where you are. And I love the tagline of the conference that we’re at right now. Reaching everyone requires everyone, and

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:42):
Amen. You’re good friends with Teron Anaya, who is also a friend of mine working in the nation of Pakistan. I’ve been there several times to Pakistan with Tamran. You’ve been there several times with Tamran and the United Family, have been dear friends for many years. Love him. In fact, I’ve interviewed Tamran on the Evangelism podcast. So if you’re interested, go back and find his episode and if you want to hear about what God’s doing in Pakistan, but tell me some of what you’ve seen God do when you’ve gone to Pakistan.

Evangelist Chance Walters (05:14):
Well, God is pouring out his spirit in Asia. We’re in Asia right now. I think we heard last night 65% of the world’s population is right here in Asia and God’s doing something. I minister all over America. I’ve been to 49 states. I’m missing North Dakota.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:34):
You got to go there. There’s got to be someone in North Dakota that needs Jesus.

Evangelist Chance Walters (05:38):
Amen. And I’ve been to 36, 37 nations, but probably my favorite place to go is Pakistan because people are hungry for the gospel. Mass crowds coming to experience miracles, always say, Muslims are my special guests. I mean, they come to pray and they come for healing and God meets them right where they are. When Tamron opened the door for us to go to Pakistan, we’ve hosted Crusades and a lot of different places. But when Tamron and I met, sparks began to fly. He had been praying for eight years. God sent me back to Pakistan and we met. He lives about 20 minutes from me, and it’s just been a great experience to see what God is doing in that nation. But we’re in Indonesia right now, the largest Muslim nation in the world, but Pakistan is the second largest Muslim nation in the world. And we have to believe Daniel, that God’s raising up evangelists and missionaries in Pakistan to send them into the Middle East. I believe that. Amen. Yeah. This something is about to spark in the Middle East and we’re going to see this billion soul harvest that everybody’s talking about. It’s got to happen there. So that’s where most of the people live. And so now

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:05):
You just recently did a crusade with my friend Alejandro Hondo Arias, who I met in Costa Rica at a TL Osborne Crusade. He was probably about 12 years old at the time, known as a boy preacher of Costa Rica, but now he’s a great evangelist. And Alejandro set up crusades in about 20 different countries this year at Pentecost. And you did one crusade in Dominican Republic, the city of San Francisco. What did you see God do in Dominican?

Evangelist Chance Walters (07:38):
Well, I believe that the key to the Great final Harvest is unity is the missing link. If we would all come together for the sake of the gospel, there’s nothing that we could not accomplish as the church. And I love the initiative that they launched this year as the P 24 initiative. Their goal was 10 countries, 10 crusades with collaborating with 10 different ministries, reaching a hundred thousand souls. And I think they came close to their goal.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:14):
Okay. Maybe I misspoke. Spoke about 20, but 10 is great. Okay.

Evangelist Chance Walters (08:18):
I’m sorry.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:18):
No, it’s good.

Evangelist Chance Walters (08:19):
I like

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:20):
What a blessing evangelists, but I was just talking to Werner Al with the Go Movement, and I think this year they want to expand from the time of Easter into Pentecost This year they want to expand and do more countries. So I think that’s what I was thinking of.

Evangelist Chance Walters (08:39):
You’re right.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:41):
But you’ve also done stuff down in Brazil, lots of different places. Give me some testimonies, some pop testimonies from different parts of the world.

Evangelist Chance Walters (08:49):
I know I’ll give you a testimony from our most recent gospel crusade in Pakistan. My definition of revival is when God comes down

And when God comes down, there’s nothing that’s impossible. And we’ve just seen so many miracles, David, Daniel. People ask me all the time, why doesn’t God do miracles in America? And God does do miracles in America for those who believe. And it’s the same God. He’s the same Yesterday, today, forevermore and miracles. Matter of fact, if you’ve never seen a miracle, I tell people to go look in the mirror because you are a miracle. And the greatest miracle is salvation. And it seems that we’re living in the greatest harvest in the history of the world. Many times we get stuck and we can’t see the forest because of the trees. We’re just so busy in our own little routines. But when you look at what God is doing on a global scale, and I think that’s what we do as evangelists, is we get to see what God’s doing across the board. And we’ve just seen so many miracles. I mean, the blind eyes open, the deaf they hear. I think we’ve seen more demons manifest here recently. That’s what I wanted to say in the most recent Pakistan crusade. It just seems that when God comes down, that I think the devil knows his time is short, and he’s doing all that he can to deceive us, but we know the truth.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:45):

Evangelist Chance Walters (10:46):

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:47):
So if someone’s listening and they want to find out more about your ministry or maybe even support you and help send you to the nations, what is your website that they can find out more information about you?

Evangelist Chance Walters (10:57):
Just real simple. Chance walters.com. And we have a podcast that’s called On the Revival Road. It’s kind of our tagline, where in the world are the Walters is. And so we’re on the Revival Road, and that’s our podcast. You can check it out. And we have an email blast. If you go to our website, you can put in your email. And we send out email every Wednesday with just an update of where we’re at and what God’s doing. Very

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:25):
Cool. And you also have a training program for evangelists. Tell me about that.

Evangelist Chance Walters (11:32):
We do. It is called the EMT School. God spoke to me back in 2020 and all the churches closed. We were seeing so many people get saved. I mean, for the evangelists, it was the heyday. I mean, the world was just perturbed and we were preaching, and so many people were getting saved and with the Holy Spirit. And I prayed, God, what do we do with all these people? Because my schedule, everything was canceled, all my trips. So I was at home and we were ministering locally, and we saw so many people give their life to Jesus that I was praying, God, how can we disciple these people? And he spoke to me and he said, I want you to start the Evangelist Missionary Training School. And so that’s what we did. It’s nothing new.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:18):
I like the name EMT, evangelist Missionary Training. What a great blessing.

Evangelist Chance Walters (12:22):
Yeah. When somebody’s in trouble, who do they call? E-M-T-E-M-T, they show up on the scene. And so it’s been fun. It’s a three month school to help you become more confident in sharing your faith. Just real simple. All that’s on our website.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:38):
Awesome. Well, thank you so much for being on the Evangelism Podcast. I love hearing your story and just love your heart for Jesus. It’s awesome.

Evangelist Chance Walters (12:45):
Thanks Daniel. You too. I love to see what God’s doing through your ministry. And you don’t know this, but I’ve listened to a lot of your podcasts episodes. Oh,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:53):
Really? Wow. That’s

Evangelist Chance Walters (12:54):
Great. So if you’re listening today, share this. Be an evangelist and share this podcast.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:01):
God bless you.

Evangelist Chance Walters (13:02):


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Mikel French | To Russia With Love

Mikel French is an evangelist who loves going to Russia to preach the Gospel. Russia is the largest country on planet earth expanding over 6.5 million square miles and a population of 141,903,979. There are 158,000 cities, towns and villages and only 4,000 Evangelical churches in the entire nation. On today’s Evangelism Podcast we talk about what God is doing in the great nation of Russia.

Website: https://mikelfrench.com/

Power Points from Mikel French

  1. You must connect with the heart. If you capture the heart, the mind will follow.
  2. To connect with the heart preach the power of the cross.
  3. Use stories to connect to the hearts of the people.
  4. Everyone wants to know who they are, where they came from, and where they are going. The bible answers all three.
  5. Be honest with people and see in them what God sees in them.
  6. Make it your constant challenge to speak uplifting words into everyone you meet.
  7. Trust the Word, pray the scriptures.


Evangelist Daniel King (00:00):
Mikel French is an evangelist who loves going to Russia to preach the gospel. Russia is the largest country on planet earth, expanding over 6.5 million square miles, and it has a population of over 141 million people. There are 158,000 cities, towns and villages in Russia, and only about 4,000 evangelical churches in the entire nation. On today’s evangelism podcast, we talk about what God is doing in the great nation of Russia.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:38):
Jesus said, go into all the world and preach the gospel.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:45):
Everyone who calls in the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:50):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies, and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary, and evangelist Daniel King.

Evangelist Daniel King (01:14):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. Have a very special guest with me, Mikel French. Thank you for joining me on the Evangelism Podcast. Well,

Mikel French (01:26):
It’s great to be here Daniel. Thank you

Evangelist Daniel King (01:28):
Brother Mikel is a tremendous man of God and he has a great love for the nation of Russia. And for many years he has been going to Russia preaching the gospel, telling people about Jesus. Brother Mikel, could you tell me how did you first go to the nation of Russia?

Mikel French (01:50):
Um, I first went because of the invitation of Rob Hoskins. Um, I heard about what God was doing, especially through Billy Joe Doherty and what victory was doing in those days and enjoyed hearing the testimonies. And then, uh, Rob Hoskins invited me to go to Russia and for about 18 months I turned him down. And uh, then one day now

Evangelist Daniel King (02:13):
Rob Hoskins, he is the director of One Hope. Yes. And they have an absolutely tremendous ministry, especially ministering to children and youth all over the world distributing literature. Yes. I just was in a conversation a few days ago Yes. With Rob Hoskins. Was was on the Zoom call and I’m so inspired by his vision and his strategic thinking. Yes. And so it sounds like he was str strategic in inviting you to go to Russia.

Mikel French (02:41):
Yeah, well he was, it’s kind of strange because I met him in California. He was a youth pastor and I had no idea of his family’s influence around the world. His father’s one of the greatest missionaries in history and also his family, uh, from his wife, parents and relatives, extraordinary relationships. And Rob, when he heard me speak in a church, he said, you know, you could do this in stadiums. And I went, well, no, I’m happy being a revivalist. I knew I was an evangelist cuz I led people to Christ. But then when he started inviting me to go to speak in the schools of Russia, and then one day I, he invited me to go to Siberia and I said, um, I’m thank you. I can I pray. And he said, would you give God a chance? And without going through the whole story miraculously commitments that I needed to keep graciously changed. Uh, when I shared with people, they, every one of them said, we we’re in agreement that you need to go to Russia. And it, it transformed my life.

Evangelist Daniel King (03:47):
What year was that, that you first went to Russia? I

Mikel French (03:49):
First went to Russia in March of 1992.

Evangelist Daniel King (03:52):
Wow. So let’s talk a little bit about Russia. I have your website pulled up here, Michael french.com, and it says that Russia is the largest country on planet earth. It expands 6.5 million miles as a population of 141 million people. So a huge population. There’s 158,000 cities, towns and villages and only 1600 evangelical churches in the entire nation. So it sounds like there are a lot of people that need Jesus in Russia.

Mikel French (04:26):
Yes. And and also we need to update that when I started in Russia, there were 61 churches that we were in relationship with. Today we have 4,600 churches. Wow. And, um, and then many others that are closely related to us. But the church crossed Russia over the last few years has been exploding in supernatural growth.

Evangelist Daniel King (04:51):
And so you have some statistics here about Russia and, and these are very dire says someone commits suicide every 10 minutes, every 40 minutes a woman is murdered by her husband. Thousands of children each year are murdered by their own parents. I didn’t, I didn’t know this, but in a land where you had atheism that dominated for so many years, uh, I, I remember, uh, when Russia first opened back up, I was just a young teenager and Pastor Billy Joe Daugherty was doing Crusades Yes. In St. Petersburg, Russia. And every month for 18 months, I think he, he went and did a crusade in the Olympic stadium there in St. Petersburg. Yes. And so I was 14 years old, I got to go and I got to preach the gospel on the steps of what had been the Museum of Atheism there in St. Petersburg.

And I remember the, the phenomenal openness of the people because when Pastor Billy Joe Daugherty gave the altar call, people ran from the back of the stadium to the front in order to give their lives to Jesus. Yes. It was a phenomenal moment in history. Yes. And then after the initial excitement, a lot of people from here in the United States, they stopped going to Russia, but you never stopped. Why did you keep going? Why, why did God put it on your heart so much to continue working with the churches and encouraging the churches in, in the former Soviet Union? I

Mikel French (06:23):
Went through a transformation. By 1995, I was ready to quit. I had wonderful pictures. The altar calls cities of 5,000, 6,000, 7,000 people coming to Christ. It was extraordinary. But the local church was so anemic, so small, so young, uh, and at times would almost fight against these new believers coming to Christ. And in 1995, I met a young man, 26 years of age, Edward Grava Vinco, and he was planting a church. Uh, when I use the word planting, what I’m realizing is a lot of people don’t realize that means starting a church. Um, he was starting a church in perm Russia, but he already had 800. He’d already planted th 30 churches. And out of that, that week of meetings, we saw many people come to Christ, but nearly half of them, 90 days later were in church. And since I came out of a home where my father was a pastor, I was a revivalist.

I’ve always believed that you want a church to help people. You, you can’t be a disciple without that vehicle to accomplish that. And when I began to work with Edward, I began to see the vehicle not only for people to pray a sinner’s prayer and to invite Christ into their lives. And when I began to work with Edward, it changed everything. Now since then, we’ve done other things in other parts of the world, but we keep going back to Russia. And with it we’ve been able to establish pastor schools, young adult conferences because we want people growing in the power of the Lord.

Evangelist Daniel King (08:04):
Tell me some of the miracle stories of what you’ve seen God do in Russia over the years.

Mikel French (08:09):
Let, let, let me tell you the first story, that there are so many things that are extraordinary. But one of the first stories in my life, I I was in the city of your Coots in, in, and anyone who knows anything about the Book of Hope, that means you’re in schools. And so we’re in schools and, uh, we had about 50 Americans there. And that morning I went downstairs and because I was the speaker, I didn’t have to go to the schools. But I went down every day and I would just pick out one of the teams and I would go with them and usually not even speak, just observe and pray for them. And that morning when I got into the, the, the taxi <laugh>, the, these people, they were just so excited, oh, brother Michael, please, we we’re so scared to death, will you, you please do the presentation for us today.

And the other part of it was my interpreter, which I did not know until later, she was the number one star pupil from that school. I was going to 16 year olds, 200 of them gifted children who spoke at least three and four, five languages. Wow. And so I go and I speak and, and when I, when I speak up, they, they’re very receptive. Most of them had never seen an American in nine March of 1992. And um, uh, when I gave the invitation, almost every hand went up. And then over on the right, there were some young men who were not really happy with me. They were heckling and they were telling everyone to put their hands down, sticking their thumbs up in the air. And, and I, I, to be honest, it made me nervous. And I, I turned to the interpreter and I said, ask everyone who wants to receive Christ to stand up. And so she did. And nobody stood up. Have you ever gone from excitement to total like you’ve lost everything? And I, I remember when I was listening and, and watching that day, the crowd, I turned to the interpreter again. And I said, now you have to remember, I did not know that she went to that school. I did not know any of the history. And I said to her, ask one more time, is there anyone here who wants to stand up for Christ? And she looked at me and said, do I have to

Evangelist Daniel King (10:24):
<laugh> <laugh>?

Mikel French (10:26):
You’re all confidence is leaving your body quickly? And uh, I said, yes. She said, they’re embarrassed. Just answer questions about America. And I said, if no one stands up, we’ll do that. And I said, so she turned in, in Russian, invited them to stand in, in the very back row on the aisle there was a young man and he, he was making noises like almost like he was a troublemaker. And he went, and I, I looked and I thought, Lord, get. And all of a sudden he stood up and he stood up almost kind of like slouched. And, and over on the right, they started heckling him. And the louder they heckled, the taller he got,

Evangelist Daniel King (11:09):
He was a troublemaker. He’s like, I’m going to stand up for Jesus whether they like it or not.

Mikel French (11:14):
And I, and I turned to look at this group of people, and she may have been standing the whole time, but she was so short, I didn’t even realize she was standing right in front of the troublemakers was a girl. And she was standing and she was very young and very short. And now she’s tip jumping up and down and on her tip toes because she wants me to realize she’s standing. And then on the front row, two girls stood up and then the entire front row stood up. And the second it was like they were doing the wave till every kid in that place was standing with those, those boys on the right. Wow. And, and I turned and the interpreter was crying. And she says, I’ve never seen such courage. She says, is Jesus real? And she said, I want to accept him also, all because of the courage of one person standing in the back.

Russians. What what you have to learn about Russians is if you argue with them, they won’t ever let you win. Even if you win. I, I was trained in philosophy. I know how to stand in front of a crowd and and present the case for, for God, for the New Testament, for the cross. But what I’ve learned is touch a Russian’s heart and they’ll die for you. They’ll, they’ll do. And and what I learned was this, that day was so profound in the fact that one of the teachers said to me, you keep arguing with the Russian mind and you won’t ever win cuz they won’t admit it. They said, but if you’ll capture the heart, this one of the teachers said, the mind will follow. And that is the miracle that that connected me was a again and again. The thing that has happened to me in Russia is watching the courage of the people. When people there decide they’re gonna stand, they stand.

Evangelist Daniel King (13:10):
How do you connect with people’s hearts? What’s the message? What, what are you saying that helps you to really connect with the heart of people?

Mikel French (13:20):
There there are two things. Number one, you can connect with the heart, but if the substance of content is not there, then what will happen is something emotional. So what I do is that first of all, I preach the power of the cross. I want people to understand what Jesus Christ did upon the cross and that he’s torn down the walls that have divided us and that he holds the keys of death hell in the grave and can forgive us of our sins. Make that very clear. But then secondly, um, uh, one of the stories that happened in my second trip to Russia, um, there was a lot of resistance from the mayor, the schools and everything. And, and God performed a miracle that made the mayor literally had to host us. And we go in the first school and I get up and, and I’m teaching and speaking and, and, uh, when it was over, uh, what I’d asked was, everybody wants to know who they are, where they’ve come from and where they’re going.

And Jesus Christ answers those questions. Oh, when it’s over. I was told that if I had any more American philosophy, I’d be thrown out of the city. <laugh> next class, next, the next, the next cla the next school. Um, one of the ladies on the trip said, um, I have a word from God is all right if I give it at the next school assembly. And I’m going, well, I’m getting this thrown out of the city. And she stood up and she said, you know, I have a little girl and I bet your parents are just like my parents. They want you healthy. I have a garden cuz I want my kids to get the nutrients they need. And then she held up the Book of Hope and she said, in this book, are the nutrients of life, just as your parents want you strong God the Father wants you strong. When I heard her story and then she led her daughter to the Lord, I have told the story of my son and leading him to Christ. Now with that, that’s all within the context of the word and the truth. But what I have found is, as with everyone, stories connect the heart. And and most evangelists, those of you who are listening to me today, for the most part, I would almost preach with no stories. I’m a principle-based person.

Evangelist Daniel King (15:42):
12 steps to success.

Mikel French (15:43):
Yes. 12 steps. This is what the Bible says. Principles are the foundation of relationship and and out of it. I believe that’s how you overcome through the power of the word of God. Do you understand it? But I’ve also learned that people, many are not like me. They, they need a story to connect to something they can see, something they can hold onto.

Evangelist Daniel King (16:07):
So one of the questions I’ve really been wanting to ask you, you’ve been in ministry for for many years and I’m still very young in ministry and a lot of the people listening are just starting out in the ministry that God has for them. Tell me a couple of stories that would help us as young people in ministry. What have you learned over the, these course of, of years of serving the Lord that would really help a young minister?

Mikel French (16:36):
The first thing I want to say, because I want to say it to you, um, the most important thing is understanding the prophet prophetic. Now, when I say that, that means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. But when I look at what the Bible talks about in the book of Corinthians to exhort, to comfort, to edify, I put it in modern English terms to lift up, to build up, to cheer up. That when you’re able to speak to people out of a heart of love, now I hope you will receive Daniel what I’m getting ready to say. You’re a champion of the most high God. And I don’t say that because I’m trying to make you feel better. It’s because you are. I’ve watched you, I’ve watched what God is doing in you and through you. And one of the most important things to me is be honest with people.

But the second thing is see in them what God sees in them. Every person out there, if you hear me speak, you’re gonna hear this phrase. This is my, uh, tagline if you want to put it that way. I say it every time I speak. You are beautiful. I see Jesus in you. Your actions almost always follow what you see, whether it’s in the natural world or in the unseen world with your words. Can you begin to see how to lift up, how to build up, how to cheer up? What I have found is we live in a world that can tell you you’re nothing. You’re nobody. Daniel. You probably know this better than I do. I no longer have to convince people they’re going to hell. You know, when I started in ministry, I would have these messages and philosophy and, and hell is real.

Uh, almost every person you talk, you can walk up to the street and go, if heaven is real, if hell is real, where are you going? They’ll go, oh, I’m going to hell. It’s reality. But can you speak, it is my constant challenge to speak words into every person I meet. I believe words change the atmosphere. I believe with the power of words, you release the prophetic of the future in people’s lives. I believe the very gifting of God’s ability to speak God’s ability. I don’t even know if that’s the correct way I wanna say it. Uh, God has the ability to speak and instantly things are created. And when he breathed into us the breath of life and those of you who are listening inside of you is the breath, the seed, the ability to transform a person and an an entire grouping of people, a nation.

And we have the ability to shake nations and to take cities for God through the power of our words. And I want every person to learn that, learn that ability to speak without fear and that watching the power of God. And, and, and those of you who are watching, pray for Daniel. He’s an extraordinary man of God. Uh, if I was younger, I would be jealous. How much God, I don’t know of anybody who works harder than this man. And I bless him. I bless him in the name of Jesus. I’m thrilled that I get to be here talking to you with him. I, uh, the association, I’ve watched what you’ve done. Um, I know it’s not good to be proud, but I’m proud of you in a spiritually godly way for what you’re doing. But that’s also what I’d recommend, learn to live a life that exhorts that blesses and opens up people to bless people, will not only shock them in some ways, blessing people creates trouble cuz they don’t know what to do with it.

Evangelist Daniel King (20:18):
Well, thank you so much for your kind words. What other advice would you give to young ministers?

Mikel French (20:25):
Um, trust the word. When you pray, there’s old pictures of old men with the Bible open and you see them praying the word. When you’re praying, pray the word. Uh, make sure you have a list of scriptures that you pray over yourself every day. I can give you advice on, on how to give an al alter call, how to give an invitation. But to be honest with you, what I do and how I do it is almost a, the DNA of what God put inside of me. But I can teach you how to open your Bible and and, and be over it and, and in the word and prayer and watch the power of God begin to lift you up in ways you never thought possible. When, when you understand that, that, that to me as I’ve watched through the years is the difference. Um,

Inspiration is extraordinary, but the discipline and discipleship of your life and the word, your life in prayer, uh, and, and, and welcome God, the Holy Spirit. Uh, uh, the one thing Russia taught me, um, when I went to Russia, um, I woke up early like 4:00 AM every morning. And in those days there was nothing on TV to watch. Although in the early days, somehow Trinity Broadcasting network had like two hours in the morning. But there was Russian over the top of it, <laugh>. And, and there was nothing to do but pray. And this is what would happen in the early days, and it was dysfunctional. A lot has changed in Russia. Moscow is a one of the most beautiful cities in the world. St. Petersburg is one of the most 10 beautiful cities in the world. And we must pray for the believers there because the number one thing they are asking that the gospel not be stopped. And, and you, you’ve, I’ve watched an entire nation change in so many wonderful ways and, and right now the hurt and the pain that we’re observing. But the one thing was seven o’clock every morning there would be a knock on my door. And when the knock on my door came, it would be from an interpreter, a liter. And they would tell me everything that had gone wrong in the night.

Evangelist Daniel King (22:50):
Oh no.

Mikel French (22:51):
Everything, it was like all nightmare. Well,

Evangelist Daniel King (22:53):
Good morning to you two <laugh>.

Mikel French (22:55):
And, and, and yet I’d already been in the word in prayer for three hours.

Evangelist Daniel King (23:00):

Mikel French (23:01):
And I never saw it once worth, at the end of the day, everything was accomplished by the power of God’s grace. Overwhelming. And that is the beauty of the power of knowing God.

Evangelist Daniel King (23:14):
Wow. That’s awesome. Well, brother Michael, I wanna say thank you so much for being on the Evangelism Podcast. If you’re listening and you have a heart for Russia and you want to help the churches of Russia, you want to preach the gospel in Russia, I encourage you to support the ministry of Michael French. Thank you. And to help him with what he’s doing in the nation of Russia. And what is your, your website if someone wants to find out more about you or get in contact with you?

Mikel French (23:43):
The, the key to finding me is this word Mikel. My mother did this to me, and I’m thankful you spell Mikel. M i k e l. Now if you put Mikell French, uh, it’s Mikel french.com. It’s Mikel french.org. It’s MiKel French ministries.com. But the key people will say, oh, I tried to find you. If you spell Michael the normal English way, you won’t find me. But M i k e l will find

Evangelist Daniel King (24:12):
Me for a long time I thought you were Miguel or I I didn’t know who you were. And everyone was talking about MiKel. I said, who, who is this Mikel you’re talking about? I’m like, oh, it’s you <laugh>. So yeah. So I’d encourage you go to Mikel French m i k e l french.com. Yeah. And find out more about the ministry. You have brought revival all over the world, not just Russia. You also preach at churches all over the United States and, and other parts of the world. And, and you re bring revival everywhere you go, you help people get closer to God. Yes. And so I’d encourage you to, to reach out, find out more about this tremendous ministry.

Mikel French (24:49):
Thank you. Thank you. It’s a privilege.

Evangelism Podcast Host (24:51):
Is there evidence for God’s existence? How do we really know Jesus was raised from the dead? Can we trust the Bible? Do miracles happen? Does God care about me as an individual? In Dr. Daniel King’s book, proof God is real. You’ll find the answers to these three vital questions and more is God there? Does God care? And do I dare to follow him? In his powerful, easy to read book, Daniel provides seven convincing proofs of God’s existence. You’ll learn about the evidence of cause. Design, logic, morality, scripture, miracles, and religious experience with proof God is real. You’ll read about topics like, was Jesus the son of God or just a crazy preacher? If God does exist, is he interested in your life? If God is there, why do bad things happen? To good people, improve. God is real. Daniel King shows you, God is there and he cares for you. Plus how to take a leap of faith and start a relationship with a God who deeply loves you. Order proof God is real today by calling 1-877-431-FOUR 2 7 6 or find the book on Amazon.

Evangelist Daniel King (25:54):
Thanks so much for listening today. I am excited about telling people about Jesus and I want to invite you to be a part of helping us to rescue people from Hell and take them with us to heaven. There’s two things you can do to help. First of all, can you go find the Evangelism podcast on Apple iTunes and leave us a positive review by giving a review, you will help other people find these valuable resources about sharing our faith. And second, would you become a financial partner with King Ministries. Every single dollar that people give us enables us to lead at least person to Jesus. And so that means for only $1, you can help start a party in heaven. And so today I want to invite you to become a monthly partner. You can start out for just a dollar, but if God puts it on your heart to do more, of course you can do more. But please go to king ministries.com and become a monthly partner with us today to help us to lead more people to Jesus. Thank you so much, and God bless you.

Evangelism Podcast Host (27:15):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches, visit king ministries.com. Again, that’s king ministries.com.


Jeri Hill | Together in the Harvest

Did you ever hear of the Brownsville Revival? It was one of the greatest revivals in the world in the past fifty years. Jeri Hill is the wife of the late Evangelist Steve Hill who was used by God in a powerful way at the Brownsville Revival. On today’s podcast she tells the story of the Brownsville Revival. You will learn how to activate a passion for souls in your heart and some secrets of revival.

Learn about Together in the Harvest: https://www.togetherintheharvest.com/

Enroll in the Steve Hill School of Evangelism: https://www.togetherintheharvest.com/soe

Support Ryan’s Hope: https://www.ryanshope.net/


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus Today. I have a very special guest with me, Jeri Hill. Thank you for joining me today.

Jeri Hill (00:10):
Well, thank you for having me, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus too. <Laugh>. That’s

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:16):
Awesome. Now you are leading together in the harvest. Yeah. A ministry that you started with your husband, Steve Hill. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. And you and your husband are well known because of the Brownsville revival. God moved in such a tremendous way. Can you kind of tell me a little bit about how the Brownsville revival got started and then what God did during that time?

Jeri Hill (00:45):
Well, it was pretty exciting for a whole year. Well, it, it’s hard to explain all of this. You know, how your hunger for God grows and how you keep going after God and how you want more of God and how you want him to have his way. And so you’re going along, you’re just trucking along, doing whatever you wanted, you wanna do for God, and you’re talking to people about Jesus. You’re going to services and, you know, and then all of a sudden here I am pregnant, I just gave birth to our, our last child. And I was two and a half. She was two and a half weeks old. And that Friday, it was not on the schedule for Steve to be at Brownsville, but he and John had just been talking and Steve’s schedule was totally booked up. He was gonna be in the Czech Republic in a couple of weeks after Father’s Day.

Jeri Hill (01:50):
He was gonna be in other parts of the country. He had been going to different places in the country, in the world. And he talked to John and he said, John, the only day I have open his father’s day. And he goes, I know you don’t want to have me come in to do a missions meeting and raise funds for the mission field on Father’s Day, so I know that’s off. And he goes, No, wait a minute, Steve. Wait, wait, It’s okay. He goes, Let’s do that Father’s Day. And so they put it on the calendar, and Steve’s plan was that we were gonna go on vacation the following week. So he was gonna go in for that one service. Kelsey was two and a half weeks old that Friday. I told Steve, I said, I believe the pastor’s gonna ask you to stay.

Jeri Hill (02:44):
And he said, Nope, I’m coming home. We’re gonna go on vacation. I’m going for one service and I’m coming home, and we will celebrate before I go to the Czech Republic vacation. I need a vacation. You need a vacation. I hadn’t been allowed to travel for the whole nine months of the pregnancy. And so he, I said, Well, I’m just telling you that the pastor’s gonna ask you to stay. And so he goes, That Saturday meets with John and Brenda, and they have supper that night, he didn’t even have Steve sit on the platform that Sunday morning Father’s Day. He didn’t want the people to be going, Oh, wait a minute. Somebody’s on the platform who, you know, this is different. What’s going on? So he had Steve set on the front pew, not even on the platform with him, and he invited Steve to come up to preach.

Jeri Hill (03:41):
He had just lost his mother. John Kirkpatrick had just lost his mother five weeks prior. So he wasn’t really feeling up to preaching or whatever. And he was excited to have Steve come in and Steve preached this message about the wonders of the Lord and all Heaven came down. And I didn’t hear from Steve till four o’clock in the afternoon. And he said, Honey, all heaven came down. And I said, I knew it would. God had been moving for a long time, been really pouring out his spirit. And when that call came at four o’clock, he said, John, kill Patrick would like for you to fly in tomorrow with a seven year old, a three year old, or four year old, and a three week old. And we’ll vacation here this week and I’ll preach in the evenings. And so it sounded like it was gonna be a one week service time. And I said, Well, that sounds like a fun vacation, <laugh>. That’s, that’s.

Jeri Hill
I said, Well, that sounds like a fun vacation, <laugh>. That’s, that’s the perfect vacation. Right. And so I flew in the next day, and five years later we never left. But the, not the first year, we did move nine times because we didn’t know how long we would be there.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:21):
And the revival was happening every night of the week? Yes. It broke out. People started coming from all over the world, all over the United States. They lined up for hours in order to get into the revival. Yeah. And people were repenting. Yes. Every single night. Every single night. And, and so what was that like for you as the wife of the evangelist and suddenly he is studying all day, preparing for his sermons, ministering every night. Yeah. People are getting saved. It must have been a glorious time, but what was that like for you as, as the evangelist wife?

Jeri Hill (01:03):
Well, because when I first got saved and I found out that my life was not my own, I wanted to do and be a part of whatever God wanted to do it, this revival was not manmade. It was not man planned. God showed up. God started touching people, and I was on board with whatever God wanted to do. From the time I got saved, that did not change whatever God wanted to do, that’s what I wanted to see done. And so, you know, staying in a hotel that first week, then the resident’s in for two months, a woman’s house. We rented for two months, another house we rented for two months, We go home for Christmas, Steve comes back saying, you know, going back for that Friday night to see if people were gonna show up. And he said, they’re showing up. It’s just as if we had never taken a Christmas break and they’re showing up.

Jeri Hill (02:08):
So there were certain times we did take breaks, and sure enough, we go back and we stayed there for a couple more months in somebody else’s house. Somebody else’s house for a couple months, because this, this was along the coast. So they had vacation homes that you could rent for a few, few months. We did that and moved nine times the first year. And then we decided to sell our house in Texas. And we felt like we were supposed to stay. And it felt like you were in the river and you were being floating in this river of God, and his presence was enveloped around you. These messages, I think it was because for six, we had been married 16 years. So I think for 16 years of staying in the word of God, staying in the presence of God, and wanting him that we wanted it then too.

Jeri Hill (03:15):
It didn’t change only it was like the desire of our heart to see God’s power, to see his presence, to sense his presence, to walk in his presence the whole time. And it, you know, I sat on the edge of my seat for me, watching Steve preach like that, I was like, I was blown away by the messages he preached. I was like, Go, baby, Go. Yeah. Come on. Come on, baby, Come on. You know, I would, That’s how I felt sitting there on the pew. But also I was praying for everybody who was listening to these messages that the message and the word would fall on the soil of the heart that was ready. God prepare their heart to receive, prepare their heart to want more of God, prepare them for. And so that’s how, even though I didn’t get a chance to speak, but I felt like I was there for Steve, there, for the kids, and there for the people, you know, that they would get right with God. Yeah. It was exciting. Five years. It was very, very exciting.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:33):
Right now, you are working on writing a book, telling the story behind the story. And I think your book is gonna be absolutely phenomenal once it is released. But let’s kind of go through the story of how you got to Brownsville and then what happened in your life after Brownsville. So the beginning is before Christ. B.C. Tell me a little bit about that and what that was like.

Jeri Hill (05:07):
Well, I was not raised in church, so I have no foundation like that. My mom was raped and I was born out of that rape. And, but my mom, she made me feel, she told me this as I was older. She goes, I was a good thing that happened in a, from a bad situation, but I still felt like I was not created by God, that I was created of the lust of man. And so, because of that being my foundation, I had a lot of issues to deal with. My mom married, had two sons in that marriage, divorced on welfare, social services, and food stamps, everything very poor. She was raising three kids all by herself. She was not a victorious woman. She, we went to church periodically, Generally. It was Eastern Christmas, so I knew about the birth of Christ and the death, burial and resurrection of Christ, but I didn’t know how that applied to me, had never had that come alive to me.

Jeri Hill (06:20):
So by the time I’m 10, she remarries 12. I’m smoking and drinking 15. I’m smoking pot 16, I’m doing and selling drugs. And at that same time, we moved from North Dakota to Michigan. And in Michigan as soon as we get there, this pastor comes and knocks on the door and invites us to his church. Well, I’m not interested. Okay, thank you. Goodbye. Shut the door. And then he came back the next Saturday. And to shorten the whole story, I was full of hate and bitterness towards men, ma hatred towards God. I thought if God was really real, then all these bad things wouldn’t have been happening. And there was a lot of hatred in the home, a lot of fighting, a lot of beatings and, you know, cursing and everything. It was just a horrific life. And this pastor’s showing up and saying, Jerry, Jesus loves you and has a plan for your life.

Jeri Hill (07:21):
Yeah, right. You know, I’d roll my eyes. He came for two years telling me that Jesus loved me and had a plan for my life. Kept coming back, leaving teen challenge tracks writing a note on the, on a piece of paper if I wasn’t there to let me know that he had come by. And I, I thought, This man is a pest. He just will not relent. He keeps coming back over and over and over. And I ended up in jail for selling drugs. And that started God showing him, showing up and making himself real during that time. And he spoke to me in jail and he said, Jarris, don’t you understand. Don’t you really understand? But it was my mom’s voice 25 miles away. And I hear it in jail, but I know that that was God, that would, God would be the only one who could do that.

Jeri Hill (08:26):
And I get outta jail and I ask my mom about it, and she said she’d been fasting for me because she had gotten saved in there. There was a change happening in my mom. And I think that that pastor was inan answer to her prayers. She knew I needed help. And so she kept praying for me, and she was very encouraged to hear that. I’d heard her voice in jail. But immediately I leave somebody shows up and I go off to Flint, Michigan. Well, there’s a billboard in Flint, Michigan that has John three 16 in it, on it. And I hear God, speak to me for I loved you. I was like, You might as well leave me alone. This is not, I, I’m not worth it. Give up everything. And I hear it for a whole week. Every time I pass that billboard for I to loved you, for I to loved you.

Jeri Hill (09:21):
I was like, God, leave me alone. I can’t change and I’m not worth it. So just give up. And then I go from there, and I’m staying in a farm, a farmhouse up in the attic, laying, sleeping on a mattress up in the attic. I’m a hippie back in the seventies, and I have a dream. And Jesus is standing at the foot of the bed and his hands out stretched blood dripping from his hands. And he said, For you, I died. And I sat up in the bed expecting to see Jesus there at the foot of the bed. And he wasn’t there. I started weeping. I grabbed my knees and I’m weeping. I’m saying, God, I cannot change. Give up on me. And then I go to a bar and end up with friends going to their house. And I’m there for 10 days and nothing’s going on.

Jeri Hill (10:14):
But for five weeks, every single day I’m hearing something from God. And then I’m in this mobile home and a knock comes at the door. And there was that pastor, I’m out in the country in Michigan, outside the city. He was doing his normal visitation rounds. He went to every house in every city that he ever pastored and knocked on every door, and only stopped knocking on that door if they were already involved in a church. He he was about to faint when he saw me. He said, Just this morning, I said, God, I’m not giving up on this girl. Where is she? And he goes out for his normal door knocking, and there I am.

Jeri Hill (11:03):
And he came in and talked to me. He was by himself. And he said, All I know is that Jesus loves you and has a plan for your life. And he leaves. And I’m standing there in the kitchen, and God says to me, If you don’t give in to me, I’m gonna give up on you. And that’s what I had been saying to him. So he did this reverse psychology on me. I don’t know what it was, but it made me call the pastor and tell, or call his house. He hadn’t even gotten home yet. But I called his house, talk to his wife, and said, if he could work it out for me to go into Teen Challenge, I was ready to go. And sure enough, he calls me the next day. He had, there was a bed at Teen Challenge. It would be available on Monday that my mom would pick me up and take me.

Jeri Hill (11:51):
I was so angry at Life. Bitter. God had to really get a hold of me and show me that he loved me. And it doesn’t do it the same way with every person, but he loves every single person. But because I didn’t believe I’d been created by God in the beginning, he had to show me that he did have a plan. And if I could manifest to you the anger and bitter bitterness that ruled and reigned in my life it would be the opposite of what I feel today. Totally. The opposite. Well, I went into Teen Challenge on that Monday, gave my heart to Jesus. Didn’t know what that was gonna look like. Didn’t know how that was, didn’t know anything. Didn’t even, I had opened the Bible once and I thought, nobody can understand this. And I closed it. And they, in that first year, unfolded the whole word of God for me, and showed me from Genesis to Revelation in the first year. And it taught it to me. And I, I thought, Oh my gosh, my eyes were opened and I knew that I was I was his and whatever he wanted, I was going to be a yes girl. I was gonna say, yes, God, whatever you want, that’s what I want. And oh, it was the most eye-opening thing. And my eyes have never been clouded over since. And it, they stayed.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:27):
And then at what point did you meet Steve?

Jeri Hill (13:31):
Well, I met him at Bible school. He had, at age 12 had been smoking, drinking, doing drugs and everything.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:39):
So was this when you were in Teen Challenge or This was after Teen Challenge.

Jeri Hill (13:43):
After Teen Challenge. Okay. But he had been doing drugs and Jim Summers had witnessed to him in 69. And then Steve ended up in jail in 75, and he had been arrested 13 times. He was facing 25 years in the penitentiary in 75. And he had an experience with God. And two weeks later he was arrested, put in jail. He gets he’s in jail until February. I’m in Teen Challenge, and God leads me to the altar to pray for my future husband in February. That weekend. He leads him, leads me to pray for him. God, something’s happening in my husband’s life. My future husband’s like this month or today. I felt like it was that day. And then come to find out later on in Bible school, when Steve and I met that it was in February, that February 8th, that his lawyer and judge had gone playing golf. And Jim Summers had asked for them to probate Steve Teen Challenge. And I know that I played a part in Steve getting probated.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:58):
God had you already interceding for him before you had even met. Yes. And so that was with, with David Wilkerson. Talked to me about the impact that, that David Wilkerson had on your

Jeri Hill (15:11):
Life. Well, after he went through Team Challenge, I went through Teen Challenge. We ended up in Bible school, David Wilkerson School in Texas, and

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:19):
The Twin Oaks

Jeri Hill (15:20):
Leadership Academy. He the 25 guys. 25 girls. I didn’t even notice Steve really until December. And then I got moved into the office. I’d been cleaning Brother Dave’s house, and they moved me into the office and Steve was the gopher. So he had to come into the office, get the list, and I noticed him really for the first time. There’s not very many students there, but he just didn’t stand out to me. But something happened. As soon as I started working in the office, my heart started beating out of my chest. And I said, I bind you Satan, in the name of Jesus, you are not gonna distract me. And I got up at three o’clock in the morning binding the enemy. I’d walk out of the, the <laugh> out of the prayer closet, and I’d see Steve. And again, my heart started beating outta my chest.

Jeri Hill (16:17):
I said, God, you’re not listening to me. I did this for two months. Finally, I went and talked to my advisor, told him that I was having an issue that I couldn’t get victory over. And it was Steve and I didn’t want to tell him who I just had. I wanted him to pray for me, but he wouldn’t pray for me until I told him who. And so then he prayed for me and Steve that right after I met with that person Steve came up and showed me something. And I just wanted to get away from him, just get away, You know, I wasn’t encouraging him at all. And Steve came after me and he goes, Jerry, what’s going on? What’s up? And I said, Nothing God can’t handle. And he goes, Well, tell me what it is so I can pray for you.

Jeri Hill (16:57):
I said, You don’t have to know what it is to pray. He goes, You’re right. It runs down to the dorm. And he goes in there to pray. And the next day he goes and talks to his advisor. He comes up into the, the office spins around in a secretarial chair, and he said, They know about us. And I’m like, What? I’m thinking to myself, there is no us and I’m having a combo with God. And I go, God, this is not how this was supposed to turn out. I was supposed to be delivered from these emotions. And I said, Do I not have a, a say in my life? And God said, No, I didn’t have a say. And Steve was twirling around in this secretarial chair, and come to find out Brother Dave, two months prior, he said, Be watching Steve and Jerry.

Jeri Hill (17:51):
God’s gonna put them together. And so the staff were already watching us. It started two months prior to that. And I’m binding the enemy. It started that way in Steve’s life two months prior. And Steve had been in his prayer closet raising his hands, going, Father, and thank you for Jerry Larson. You’re gonna give me her as my wife. And so here I was binding the enemy. He was thanking God. Brother Dave knew. He just, he told the staff to be watching. And I knew that it was a carryover from when God got ahold of me. I knew my life was not my own and he was in charge. But it took me a while to trust Steve. You know I trusted Brother Dave and I left everything else and his hands. But three weeks Steve asked me to marry him. We’d never had a date. We’d never held hands and we’d never kissed. And a year later we got married, but we did our internship with Twin Oaks at Outreach Ministries with Jim Summers.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:04):
And that’s in Alabama? Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. And talk to me about that time in Alabama.

Jeri Hill (19:09):
Well, that was our second year of the Bible School. It was on the job training. So we did all the we did homework, we had to send back in and God working on our character, changing things in us, and had one day that we could spend together. That was Monday. And we mowed lawns, painted houses, and save money for a wedding that was coming up in the following year. And we went out to Twin Oaks at the end of the year. We were married already. And went for the second graduation. And I worked at the girls home. Steve worked at the men’s home, and so he worked in the office as as well. But it was all part of, you know, just giving and speaking into these girls’ lives, I wanted to speak into girls’ lives because God had done something in me and I wanted to pass it on. But I wasn’t perfect <laugh>, you know, I was very young in the Lord, very, very young.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (20:14):
So then once you got married, you went right into ministry?

Jeri Hill (20:19):
Well, I had been involved in ministry,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (20:22):
It it, but together.

Jeri Hill (20:23):
Yes. Yes. The ironic thing was Jim Summers, when we came back from the honeymoon, he said, Jeri, I want you to take a step down from ministry for a year and get used to being married to Steve and becoming one with him. And I, I bowled my eyes out because I’d been involved in these girls’ lives. I just assumed that I would come back and be working at the girls’ home. I walked into the office actually and went reporting for duty. And then he calls us in the office and tells me that I need to stay, take a step down. And so that was all very challenging. We didn’t, we weren’t making very much money. They gave us housing. And that first year, I ended up getting a secular job, but I took it as a ministry, started leading people to the Lord on my job, opened a, started a a discipleship program before the doors were opened and ended up being invited to speak at different churches and things like that. So I still wanted to be, you know, in the secular world, you can really make a difference in the marketplace. That’s where you really meet people.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:40):
And when did you move to Panama City?

Jeri Hill (21:45):
I can’t remember the exact year, but it was I think we had been there a year and a half.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:52):
So you went from Alabama

Jeri Hill (21:53):
To Panama City?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:54):
Down to Panama City. And, and what’d you do in Panama City?

Jeri Hill (21:57):
We were youth pastors there, but that just how that happened. We were on vacation in a tent, and Steve, that Sunday morning said the pastor’s gonna ask us to come work with him. And I said, What do you mean? He goes, I, I just really believe the pastor’s going to ask us. And and sure enough, the pastor walked in the side door and walked up the center aisle and came right to a, shook a few hands on the way up, and then walked right up to Steve and said, What are you doing for God? Can you come work with me? And six weeks later, we were there in Panama City as youth pastors, but I really believe that it was a, God had to do it that way because Steve would never have left Jim. And because it was so supernatural and God spoke to him, and it actually happened we did it, but we really felt like it was a way for him to maneuver us through this.

Jeri Hill (22:57):
Because the whole time we were there in Panama City, he was getting a phone call from Tallahassee, and that pastor was begging for Steve to come there and work. We had already been with that pastor during our first year. We were children’s pa, not children’s pastor. We were fifth and sixth grade teachers with that pastor in Huntsville. And it grew from six young people, fifth and sixth graders, to about 60. Wow. And we evangelized our neighborhood and filled up the bus, brought ’em in, taught him, and we had him in our backyard so that, that youth, that pastor moved to Tallahassee and wanted him there. But I don’t think Steve would ever have gone from here to there. God had move him from here to get him there.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (23:47):
So, So now everyone knows Steve Hill as a great evangelist, great revivalist but not everyone is at that place in,

Jeri Hill (23:57):
He was, he was big on evangelism.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (24:00):
Yeah. Do you feel he was called as an evangelist

Jeri Hill (24:04):
At that point? We felt like every single Christian was called to evangelism. Mm-Hmm. <Affirmative>, the evangelist part didn’t come till about 91.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (24:14):
So how, how did the evangelism manifest in those early years as, as youth pastors…

Jeri Hill (24:21):
It started that first year, evangelizing our neighborhood and having kids come to our backyard. Then we went to Panama City, and we started out with six young people, and we evangelized, and it grew to about a hundred, over a hundred in 10 months. And then we moved to Tallahassee. And there’s a whole nother story reason why we moved on to Tallahassee, but we started out with about 30 young people in three years. We had over 300, and then it was all evangelism. We did Tallahassee harvest festivals, and had Nikki Cruz come in and speak at the FSU campus. We set up a stage, we set up another stage, did another Tallahassee Harvest Festival. But Steve never preached it. He organized it. And so he brought in all these bands to sing, but then Mylan Lafa preached and even worked the tent until that two o’clock in the morning. But we did all the preparatory stuff. He loved to organize things like that. And so evangelizing and touching their lives like that and organizing things to make that happen, that was what he did. And he preached on Wednesday nights to the young people. <Laugh>,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (25:49):
When did he start using props to preach? Was that in that early days?

Jeri Hill (25:55):
No, that was

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (25:55):
A, Or that was much later.

Jeri Hill (25:57):
That’s a big jump. Brownsville.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (25:59):
All right, let’s, let’s, let’s wait until we get there. Okay. So, so then you’re in Tallahassee, and then you decided to go to Costa Rica for language school?

Jeri Hill (26:09):
No, we went to Mexico. Took

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (26:10):
Oh, you went to Mexico?

Jeri Hill (26:11):
Yeah. Took 10 kids to Mexico. Okay. We had never thought about missions ever.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (26:16):
Where’d you go in Mexico?

Jeri Hill (26:17):
Mexico City. Okay. And we took 10 kids there. We were handing out tracks and we, we were loving at people was standing in line for these tracks and things like that. And we mostly shared one on one our testimonies, you know, about the love of Jesus. We were only there for one week. And at the end, we were sitting on a bus, We were doing a tour of the, what do you call the pyramids? We were sitting behind another couple, and Steve’s talking to me, he goes, What do you think about going into missions? And he had just recently got his ordination. So he’d done all of his paperwork and everything to get his ordination and with the ag. And so he we’re just talking and I said, Okay, let’s do it. And the couple in front of us turn around, and they were in Mexico for one year from Argentina.

Jeri Hill (27:14):
And they said, We need missionaries in Argentina. If you’re thinking about the mission field, consider Argentina. And we went, Okay, God, what do you wanna do through all this? So when we left, we went back, we saw so many different little signs of things about Argentina, and he immediately resigned the church. We immediately had a, a garage sale and started selling everything. Then he applied permissions and they said, Whatever you do, don’t resign your position. Don’t sell all your possessions because you gotta get approved first. And so there’s a little, I’ve got a little paper in there about the whole story, but Steve took me to the beach in Jacksonville. We didn’t have enough money for both of us to go to fly. So he, I stayed. He goes, I’m gonna go up there for three days. You stay here and fast and pray. I’m gonna go up there and let them know my burden, our burden. And I go, Okay, I’ll stay here and I’ll fast and pray. And he went up there and within, I mean, it went very quickly. Within two months, we were approved as missionaries. They said it normally takes two years, and they said it could take another two years to raise your funds. And it, by August in Mexico, the following year, August in we were in Costa Rica. We had already been approved, raised all of our funds. We were in Costa Rica learning Spanish.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (28:44):
And so you learned Spanish. How, how long did that take?

Jeri Hill (28:47):
We were there for a year. Okay. And we moved in with a Costa Rican family.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (28:52):
And so did you become pretty fluent in Spanish or

Jeri Hill (28:57):

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (28:59):
So then you went to Argentina.

Jeri Hill (29:07):
Yes. After language school. And they, you know, arg in Costa Rica, it’s at the end of every single word it seems like. And then we go to Argentina and they don’t even say that they speak Spanish. Alan a look at this. I know <laugh>. I go, No, You know, And, but I didn’t realize that Castano was Espanol, you

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (29:35):
Know, Just more proper.

Jeri Hill (29:37):
Yes. And so it took a while to develop that a little bit better, but you know, it’s been 20 years since then, or more, 30 years since being in Argentina. And it comes back, you know? Yeah. But I haven’t, I don’t get to use it all the time every day, but I can communicate.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (29:58):
So in Argentina, you were doing church planting? Yes. And, and so tell me what that looked like.

Jeri Hill (30:05):
Every six months we planted a new church. We would go into an area with flyers. We’d put up a, a banner across the street saying, Hey, su thema. And we’d pass out tracks. We’d have ma aim teams come in to hit the streets. We had maps teams come in to help build the building. Within six months, the church was full. We generally had a pastor that was already picked out for that church. We did eight churches in seven years and helped finish a children’s home. It wasn’t our children’s home, it was somebody else had started it, but they couldn’t complete their building. So we helped finish it with maps teams coming in, helped start a, a bible school. And, but in the bu, sitis area, three churches in the nail, Ken area down there, five more churches.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (31:01):
Now, when did you start having kids? Was that, did you have kids when you were in Argentina?

Jeri Hill (31:06):
We adopted Ryan. Okay. In 1987. Okay. Brought him home from the hospital. He was four pounds, four ounces. Wow. We had never put our name on a list or anything like that. They knew that we didn’t have kids, and we were open to whatever God wanted. So when we heard that there was a baby that needed parents, we said, they said, Do you want to adopt? And Steve and I talked about it, and we said, How can we say no when we hear of a need?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (31:33):
And Ryan was from Argentina. Argentina,

Jeri Hill (31:37):
Yeah. Wow. And then three and a half years later, or three years later, we get a call from somebody else saying, We know you adopted one. There’s a girl that’s 14, she’s pregnant and she can’t keep the baby. Would you be open to adopting this baby? And so we said, Yes. And we adopted again in Argentina. And it, they have a year to change their mind. And after a year, then you can complete the adoption. And then and in that time when Ryan was 10 months old, I lost twins. Almost died in Argentina. And then when Shelby was born when she was a year old, we had moved from Argentina to Spain, and I got pregnant in Spain and lost that baby as well. Be it, there were tubal pregnancies.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (32:28):
Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. Okay. So then there was a period where you were serving as missionary evangelist. And so it was, So you went from church planning. Yep. And then tell me about how the calling came to being evangelist. How did you know that, that that calling was, was on your lives?

Jeri Hill (32:51):
Well, it was pretty crazy that, you know, we could plant eight churches in seven years. And it was all because of evangelizing, passing out tracks and praying with people on the streets. It was all that In 91, Steve got missionary evangelist status, which meant he could go to any country in the world. And at that time, things were getting financially difficult in Argentina. Things, prices had gone up. And, and so we asked if we could move from Argentina. We actually stationed from the States. But when he was in his office and he was praying, and that in his journal somewhere, it says that God confirmed his calling to be an evangelist in 91. And to me, I felt like we had been evangelizing from the day I got saved. You know? And so

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (33:56):
I think he was called to be an evangelist since before the foundations of the world, and just starting to walk in that. And

Jeri Hill (34:04):
Then, well, in 91, I walked into the office and he was on his face praying, and he was crying out to God. It was different because every day I saw him on his face, me on my face, him on his face. But this day was different. And he said, God, I know how to do this and this and this, and this. Naming the things that he’d been doing as a missionary church planner. He said, But God, when he said that, But God, I felt like somebody punched me in the gut. I don’t wanna do it in my own strength. I want you to do it through me. And I stepped out. I didn’t want to interrupt his time with God. I didn’t wanna go over there. I was holding Shelby in my arms. I didn’t want interrupt it. I didn’t want to go in and, and join in on the prayer to detour what God was doing.

Jeri Hill (34:54):
Instead, I walked out, and this was the second floor. And I sat at the top of the stairs, and I started just going like this with my hands. Yes, God, do it through him. Jesus, do it through him. Jesus, do it through him. And I was weeping at the top of the stairs and something shifted. We had been working in the ministry like this together, but something shifted that day, and it intertwined like this. And I felt like we were one in the spirit. And I was, Yes, God, do it through him. Jesus. Do it through him. And everything shifted. Shelby was about six months old. Ryan was going on four, and he did his first trip to Kuo Chile. All heaven came down in Kuo, Chile. And he preached in the, the market square. And people were getting saved. People were, their feet were being frozen to the concrete.

Jeri Hill (35:50):
They couldn’t move. Cars were pulling in, and they didn’t know why they were pulling in. God was bringing them in. And he, Steve would get in the car and leave people to Jesus and then get out that next door and get in the next car. And he was going from car to car, leading people to Jesus. But it was like God was doing it through him. And from there, at the end of 91 is when we went to the States to raise some funds to go to Spain. We’re gonna plan a church in Spain. And, but we were in the States for six months, and I couldn’t go with him to Spain because Shelby needed her her passport. And it took a couple of weeks to get the passport. Then she gets the chicken pox. And so I had to get a letter from the doctor that couldn’t travel with her unless she was you know, she wasn’t contagious anymore.

Jeri Hill (36:49):
And then I had a battle with mice. Oh no. Have you heard this story? Mm-Hmm. No. Tell me the story of the mice. Well, Shelby was a great sleeper. One night, I’m on the floor in the living room. I’m reading my Bible. I’m eating some licorice, and she wakes up screaming. I went in and got her, pulled her out. She was claw to get out of me, out of the crib. She gets in my arms, I turn out the lights, I leave the lution, my Bible on the floor. I put her down in my room to go to sleep. The next morning, I noticed that the le bag had been attacked. And I called the maintenance people to come. They set traps the next morning for mice. Were in each of the four traps. They set, they set him again the next day, four more mice, set ’em again the next day, four more mice.

Jeri Hill (37:44):
And it’s getting close to the time, you know, where I’ve gotten the tickets, and I know I’m gonna be leaving, so I’ve gotta be cleaning up the apartment and getting it all done. And then I noticed that there was mice droppings all over her crib. She would not go back in her crib. There was mice droppings on the bed where Ryan used to sleep. And all of a sudden it blew up in my brain that they were chewing on my baby’s chicken fox store sores. Oh, I was freaking out. Totally freaked out. We didn’t talk every single day. Steve was in Spain. He took Ryan with him because we knew I was gonna be coming soon. And ha having to take care of just one child was easier than taking care of both. So Ryan went with Steve and one, after finding 12 mice and finding the mice droppings, and this is blowing up in my brain.

Jeri Hill (38:34):
Steve calls and he says, For we’ve been here five weeks, Nobody’s getting saved. Nobody wants God. Nobody is open. And that’s all he’s talking to me about. And in my mind, I, my mind is only on the mice. And Steve goes, You’re being really quiet. What’s the matter? Our baby’s been chewed on my mic, and I just blew up. He goes, Honey, get a grip. I told him the whole story, you know, He goes, Honey, get a grip. And I went, I hung up on him, and he called me back. He said, Please tell me you didn’t just take up, hang up on me, that we got disconnected. And I said, You don’t care about our child being tuned on my mic. And so we we’re on the same page. You know, he’s, he’s all of a sudden through the lines, you know, he is trying to comfort me that this is a pretty big deal. And we hang up and everything’s good. He’s, we’re on the same page. I went out, I had been reading Leonard Greg Hill’s book. I had left a marker in the book. And in the book it, when I opened it up, it said, Some of you are hunting mice while the lion devours the land.

Jeri Hill (39:53):
I fell on my face and started weeping on the carpet. Mm. And I, for tw, for the first 30 minutes, I was repenting first for being distracted. I was distracted by the passport. I was distracted by the chicken. Ps I was distracted by the mice. But that line, because I had just been battling the mice, it jumped off the page. And I knew that I hadn’t been distracted and not been praying for Steve. For the next two hours after I repented, I wailed before God for Spain, wet and wet and wet, and wet and wet. It exhausted me that I cried for the people of Spain, that their hearts would be softened, that they would be receiving the word that they would hear his heart. And I, I balled and squalled for two hours, and I got up off the chair, and immediately after I was done weeping, Leonard and Martha call me.

Jeri Hill (41:01):
They’re just down the street. Leonard and Martha, they’re both on the phone. And I, he calls me and I told him the whole story. And he goes, Oh, it wouldn’t even have spoken to you if you hadn’t been chasing mice. And Leonard, and Martha goes, Lynn, don’t discredit what God is doing in her. He goes, Oh, you’re right. You’re right. Yes, you’re right. <Laugh>. The next call I get from Steve, he goes, Honey, oh, the power of God came down in the park. I didn’t think anybody was listening once again. Nobody was gonna get saved. I remember speaking the message, dropping the mic, Ryan is standing next to me, picks up the mic, and then all of a sudden I cry out to God and I go, God, where are you? And he said, I’m right over there. And there was a guy in the crowd covering his face with his hands.

Jeri Hill (42:04):
He goes over to him and he goes, What’s going on with you? He goes, He starts shaking. And he said, I want what you’re talking about, but I don’t understand it. This is scary. This, this, this power of God that’s coming. That’s right here. It’s just, it’s scaring. He has his hands over his face, and he is just shaking. And Steve goes, Who else feels the same way? Who else is, is feeling this? And all the hands went up and they all started shaking under the power of God. And Steve was shaking, and he let him all to Jesus over a hundred people in that one group. And when it was all done, he said, After it was all done, honey, it was so super natural that it was too overwhelming for me that I had to run. And I sat down on a bench and I slumped down the bench and I said, God, what was that? And the power of God came down in that. And it, but I believe it went back to 91. And then in 92, God had to remind me that I’m supposed to be one in prayer, in, in spirit with him. Not He. He needed that.

Jeri Hill (43:23):
And all heaven came down and they planted the church, people got saved. And then few days later, I ended up in, in Spain with them, and the church got planted. It was gra

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (43:38):
What city was that in Spain.

Jeri Hill (43:41):
Granadas in Grata. Gra Spain. Yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (43:43):
Okay. So during this period of being a, a missionary evangelist, you were in Spain, but then what other countries did you start to work in?

Jeri Hill (43:53):
We ended up going, we were stationed in the US going back and forth, but then he heard that, God, the doors were open in Russia. Mm-Hmm. <Affirmative>. And there was a pastor in Sweden that we had gone and been in his church, and he was sharing some things that he was doing in Russia, going, doing house churches. Every single place that the train stopped, they were doing house churches. And we felt like it was, that was our next step was Bar Viche Belarus. And went there and planted a church. And my English and Spanish didn’t work there. <Laugh>, we used translators a lot in,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (44:37):
But the Holy Spirit still worked there. Yes. Okay. So then, So the props, Yeah, the props

Jeri Hill (44:44):
Started at Brownsville. Okay. And so we had been going from 92, 91. Yeah. January of 92 until Brownsville broke out.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (44:57):
And so Brownsville started Father’s Day, 1995.

Jeri Hill (45:01):
Yes. And so we had been going all over to all these different countries. Steve, most of the time our kids were getting of school age, so I didn’t get to go on the trips all the time. The only time I got to go is if we were gonna go for three months more, three months or more. And so he did a lot of different countries and

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (45:20):
Okay, let’s talk about the props. How, how did that

Jeri Hill (45:23):
Happen? <Laugh>?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (45:24):
Because it was the props, but then it was also these powerful illustrated sermons. Yeah. That brought people to a point of repentance. Yeah. And people would come up and, and cry out to

Jeri Hill (45:36):
God. Oh, I know. He’d hold up a question mark, and he would preach a mess message on that, an exclamation mark. The word, if he’d hold up the word, if he made all of those props. Any of the, you know, the paper ones that, you know, things like that. He, he did those most of the time. And then antique stores the alarm clock he’d be, he’d get a message, he’d get a, a prop and he’d do a message from it, or he’d get a message and he’d search for a prop.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (46:11):
And which were your favorite?

Jeri Hill (46:13):
All of them. All of them. I mean, I went down the aisle in a wedding dress. The crown, the the alarm clock. I’ve got the, the scale, the balance, and I’ve got an huge hourglass. All things that he would use as props. The two dolls separated at birth, and he had these two dolls made up. And one’s a hippie doll and one’s a preacher doll. And he got that spiritual birth death of Mr. Me, which he had a tombstone made up for. Anybody else would’ve done a, you know, a styrofoam type tombstone. Not steam, No, it was granite and it’s heavy <laugh>. The camera one was pretty intense, where he’d pull out, he’d be, God’s taken pictures. And he’s, while he is doing that, he says, God saw you walk across the street and gives somebody some water. And just as he does it, he’s taken a picture of this girl. And later on, she said, I actually did that that day. Mm-Hmm. <Affirmative>, you know, and it was all those messages and all those props and everything that he did during that whole time, it, the best word I can describe it as is God. It was God.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (47:48):
So Brownsville went on for five years. It was phenomenal. People came, Steve’s

Jeri Hill (47:54):
Part was five

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (47:54):
Years from all over the world. And you went from obscurity beforehand. No one knew who you were. Right. And then afterwards, probably everybody knew who you were. What was that like?

Jeri Hill (48:11):
You know, some people said that he became like famous or something, and Steve would always say, There’s only one person that’s famous, and that’s Jesus. Everybody else is only well known in some circles. And that’s really, you know, you’re not well known to everybody in the world. But it did not change him. He would minister one on one. I mean, Wake Americas on the way to an awake America. The only job of that driver was to get Steve and myself to, from point A to point B. I saw somebody in the, in the alleyway, in the gutter. And I said, Turn to Steve. And I said, There’s somebody in the alley right there. I think they need to know Jesus loves them. He goes, Okay. And so I opened the door, I got out, Steve got out, he goes, We’ll walk to the arena. And he shut the door and told the guy to go on. And we went into the alley administered to this guy in the alley that was on the way to an awake America.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (49:21):
Wow. Okay. So after Brownsville finished, you went back to the nations. So you started to travel. Yes. And, and what, what were some of the nations that, that you worked in?

Jeri Hill (49:36):
I would say I’ve been to 60 different countries. And so I would say Steve had been in from before. And that time 200, I mean a hundred mm-hmm. <Affirmative>, a hundred different countries. Malaysia, Singapore, all of the Scandinavian countries, all of Europe. He was in Cape Town, South Africa. He was in all of Latin America, Canada. We didn’t do, if we were to just kind of narrow it down to the ones he didn’t do a lot in, you know were, were Iran and Iraq and places like that. But yeah, everywhere.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (50:17):
And you saw that same hunger for God everywhere, everywhere that you went. Yes. And people would come down to the altar. They would, Yes. They would pray, they would repent. They would,

Jeri Hill (50:30):
In Japan, in back in the green room, the pastors said, The people in Japan will not run to the altar. They are reserved, so don’t expect it. Yeah. And Steve goes, Okay, Alright. I won’t drag out the story on my end of it, but I ended up outside weeping and wailing outside. And I came back in and Steve preached the message, and they ran to the altar. And they were not even they, the pastors were in shock. And Steve called me up, you know, to pray with him, to walk around and pray with him. And all heaven came down. Yeah. In their lives, which I’m not gonna tell what I was doing out there. I was out actually evangelizing. And then when she went to go get more tracks, spirit of intercession came all over me, and I was bawling.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (51:30):
I think I’ve heard you tell that story before. Okay. So then you, you moved to Dallas and you started the Heartland World Ministries Church in Dallas?

Jeri Hill (51:41):
Yeah. Well, after we moved from Brownsville, we were in Dallas already traveling out from Dallas. Yeah. But while we were there, we started, Yes, Heartland. Yeah. And that was all focused around evangelism too, raising up teams to evangelize the city. And by the time we finally got a building, we were running three services Friday night, Saturday night, and Sunday morning, and only seated a thousand. So each night there was a thousand people in each one.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (52:14):
And then you also started working on an online school of evangelism. And lots of people have

Jeri Hill (52:20):
Gone through that, that when Steve came up with cancer, he thought, you know, he had been doing front lines. He had been doing only different websites and things, and serious about God. And he was also, you know, he is recording a lot of things in the, in the building. But then he started recording for soe the School of Evangelism. And he was not able to finish that, but he wanted to raise up people. We had at Heartland, we had the church, but we also had a Bible school, Heartland School of Ministry. And so we raised up a lot of people from the school there. And then he wanted to have something to leave behind. So he started preparing for soe and then we we were able to finish it. Me and my kids and their spouses worked on finishing it so that we’d have a, a pretty decent online school of evangelism that’s available for people in churches, because every disciple should be involved in evangelism. It, the Bible says to, you know, for the fivefold people, the pastor, the teacher, the evangelist, the prophet, and the apostle, that they should be training the saints to be doing the work of the ministry. And part of the work of the ministry is evangelism. Every single disciple should be involved in telling people about Jesus.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (53:48):
Yeah. Well, if you’re listening to the Evangelism podcast, you, you have a heart for evangelism. I want to encourage you to go and enroll in the Online School of Evangelism. What’s your website if somebody’s interested in,

Jeri Hill (54:06):
Together in the harvest.com

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (54:08):
Together in the harvest.com. So go there. You can find information about the School of Evangelism. It will be a tremendous blessing to you. And you can learn from so many different evangelists from Steve Hill and many other great evangelists that, that taught in the School of Evangelism. And it’s so amazing to hear the, this phenomenal story of how God used you and your husband. You know, God does not just call individuals. He calls families. And so the, the thousands of people that were saved, the people that repented, it wasn’t just a calling that was on Steve Hill’s life. It was the prayers and the support and the ministry that God called you to as well. And so, thank you so much for sharing and telling the story of the great miracles that God did. It’s amazing.

Jeri Hill (55:07):
I love it. I love what God’s doing, and he wants to raise up other people to do it. The Bible says the laborers are few and the harvest is ready. So let’s lay, raise up more laborers for it to be done. Pass it on.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (55:22):
Amen. Amen. Thank you for being on the Evangelism Podcast.

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Filipe Drumond | It’s Time for Revival in Canada

Filipe Drumond is from Brazil but he now lives in Canada. He is the founder of Last Harvest Evangelistic Association. He has a heart to lead people to Jesus in Canada and around the world. On today’s episode we talk about what it will take for revival to break out in Canada.

Website: http://www.lastharvest.ca/


Daniel King – Evangelism Coach (00:00):
Filipe Drumond is from Brazil, but he now lives in Canada. He is the founder of last harvest evangelistic association. He has a heart to lead people to Jesus in Canada and around the world. On today’s episode, we talk about what it will take for revival to break out in the nation of Canada.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:33):
Welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies, and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host missionary and evangelist Daniel King.

Daniel King – Evangelism Coach (00:57):
Welcome to the evangelism podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. I’m with a very special friend, Philip Drummond is a great Canadian evangelist. Welcome to the evangelism podcast.

Filipe Drumond (01:11):
Thank you so much, Daniel. It’s a real privilege and pleasure to be here.

Daniel King – Evangelism Coach (01:14):
And so right now you’re living in Canada, you’re from Calgary. But where are you from originally?

Filipe Drumond (01:21):
I was born in Brazil.

Daniel King – Evangelism Coach (01:23):
And tell me about what type of evangelism you’re doing

Filipe Drumond (01:27):
Well, <laugh> it, it really takes shape in, in so many forms. I’m invited to go as a, as a pro proclamation evangelist. I share the gospel with neighbors and friends, and so basically finding of any way possible to communicate the gospel. And there’s a lot of relationship in all of that.

Daniel King – Evangelism Coach (01:48):
And how did you first become interested in evangelism?

Filipe Drumond (01:51):
That’s a great question. It was really I think it was mostly through my parents’ example. You see the gospel was so practical. The church was so practical in the way I was raised. And my mother knew the power of prayer. My father loved scripture and he was a great storyteller and there were church planters. So we, we saw God saving, transforming lives. And Sunday school also played a huge part cuz even as I was very young, I wanted to see my neighbors, my cousins having an experience with Christ, a relationship with the Lord. And so I started inviting them to come in, to come to Sunday school. I think that was Sunday school was, was, was the foundation of it.

Daniel King – Evangelism Coach (02:31):
So how did you come from Brazil to Canada?

Filipe Drumond (02:34):
Great question. Well there’s two elements. I think we’ve lived in the us prior to that. And my parents also, my father received an invitation to pastor church in Toronto in Eastern Canada. And so that was those two motivations. I think they wanted to give us as well, another shot in north America, but there was this invitation. So early 2001, we moved from Brazil to Toronto.

Daniel King – Evangelism Coach (03:02):
And so you have your own ministry. You are a Canadian charity. Yes. And so people in Canada can give to you. And we actually have a Canadian ministry as well, king ministries, Canada, and I found that people in Canada are very generous towards evangelism. What, what’s the name of your ministry?

Filipe Drumond (03:24):
So it’s called last harvest evangelistic association. Our website is last harvest.ca.

Daniel King – Evangelism Coach (03:33):
And tell me about what you see God doing in the nation at Canada. I know living in Calgary, you have a, a heart for Canada. I always like to say all of Canada for Jesus. What, what do you see God doing in the, the American neighbor to the north

Filipe Drumond (03:52):
<Laugh>? Well, you know, I think there’s so much changing, happening, happening around us in so many levels, our notion of ministry. I think it’s changing the role of a minister. I think it’s changing the role of the church placed in a particular community. I think it’s also being challenged and changing. So to be honest, I think it’s, it’s, it’s hard for, to, to say, well, this is really where things are going, but for me as an event, just it’s really exciting because especially after the pandemic or as we’re still kind of going through this is that, that everything has been put to test. So church goers are asking fundamental questions. Like, what is the church really? What, what is this that I’ve been part of for the last 10, 15, 20 years? Or what does it really mean to follow Christ or what is the gospel message?

Filipe Drumond (04:40):
I, I, I, I went through loss. I saw family members dying through during the pandemic and, and I wasn’t ready to go through all of this. So what does it really mean to follow Christ? So these fundamental questions opens this huge door for discipleship, for inquiry and people to go desiring, to go deeper, to know more and also with, for non-believers. I think there’s a, there’s a greater, let’s say softness and desire to understand more about life purpose, meaning why am I am I in this earth, so to speak? So I am finding amazing opportunities for the gospel.

Daniel King – Evangelism Coach (05:18):
Now you’re you’re from Canada, but you also travel to other nations. What are some of the things you’ve been seeing God do in other nations?

Filipe Drumond (05:26):
Well, I just came back from the upper belt of Nigeria. And today I think Nigeria, there’s such a systematic massacre really, of, of Christians in Northern Nigeria, especially in the Northwest and Kauna state. And a lot of the students that I’m working with in evangelists that I’m working with there brings, they bring so many stories of what is going on the persecution. However, in the same place, you see a church that is so fervent in prayer. And so many followers of Christ who are really fervent and sold out to the gospel despite persecution. So that’s one thing. Another country that I was recently last March was Ethiopia. And what I sensed as, as I prayed and prepared to go into Ethiopia in my heart, but also confirmed with local leaders in Ethiopia is that leaders in Ethiopia are find they, they realize that they have a window of opportunity to reach the nation, to plant churches, to mobilize believers, to disciple, to equip, identify evangelists.

Filipe Drumond (06:30):
And there is this huge sense of urgency because they don’t know for how long. So these are the most recent places I’ve been. Now. I’m also leaving in a couple of days on July now to Brazil, which is a nation in Alaska. It’s almost like they, we in Brazil, we’ve, we’ve had a a hundred year revival almost considering the rate of, in which the church is growing, but there seems to be most recently this new fire and passion, especially in the hearts of young people, for missions. And and they realize now that they have a global voice to social media and content production and all of that. So there’s so much to say about Brazil, but those are the three recent nations that I’m in touch with

Daniel King – Evangelism Coach (07:14):
Years ago, God spoke to me and said, Daniel, the mission field shall become a mission force. Yes. And I think we’re seeing that in many different nations around the world, like Brazil, where they are on fire for God, historically missionaries went to Brazil, they went to south America, they went to Africa. But now what we’re seeing is that the, the global south is where Christianity is on fire. People are excited about serving God. I mean, when you go to a Brazilian church, often they are singing songs, they’re dancing. They are, they, they don’t just do a 45 minute service. The service can go for several hours sometimes just because people are excited about God. And, and I love that passion and excitement in Brazil, but I, I really like what you said about how they’re starting to think about missions in Brazil. And so now God is sending people like you like your family other people from Africa and other parts of the world, back to these nations that have historically been mission sending countries.

Daniel King – Evangelism Coach (08:25):
And so when you think about Canada over the years, Canada has sent missionaries all over the world. They’ve been a great missionary sending nation, but there’s so many people in Canada right now that need Jesus. Yes, there is a need for revival. And so now and Canada is very welcoming to people coming from other nations people who, who want to come there’s there’s work for them to do. There’s a way for them to come in that in many ways, they’re way more welcoming even than the United States is. And, and, and people want to immigrate to Canada because there is a good life there. But what I think we’re going to see is that, and what I really hope God does is that people that are on fire for God come to Canada and, and will join hands with the churches that are there to now take Jesus yes. To Canada. Absolutely because God loves Canada.

Filipe Drumond (09:21):
Yeah, absolutely. I think, again, I, I think, you know, Canada is, is a very different country, government culture. The, the identity of the church in a certain way is very different from what we see here in, in the United States. And there is this subculture within the Christian world, I would say in Canada, where there are, there are miracles happening in so many people coming to Christ within the Persian community Iranians and African community and Asian community within the Chinese community the, the north north north Indian community people from Gujarat or Punjab. And this is really, really amazing. I think what I think for the, for the for the, the, the main church in Canada we need to catch up when it comes to working with these ethnic groups. And we have a large number of these people in those communities. So it’s very exciting. It’s a mission field. Canada is a mission field. So if you’re planning to plan a church, if you’re an evangelist, if you have a burden to reach the world, you can go to Canada and, and one day you can, you, you can meet you with so many cultures and lead so many people to Christ.

Daniel King – Evangelism Coach (10:36):
Yeah. God is bringing the mission field here to us. So tell me about Calgary. Are there people from lots of different countries in Calgary now?

Filipe Drumond (10:45):
There is there, there, there certainly is. I think some people say that Calgary is the most Americanized city in in, in Canada, but yet it’s a, it’s a, we have the largest mosque, one of the largest mosques in the in, in the Western hemisphere that certainly the largest in Canada in Calgary, you have over five or six gures, which are the Sikh temples anyways huge Ethiopian community and so on. So there’s people from all over the world in Calgary. And the cool thing about the culture in Calgary, it’s a very entrepreneurial mentality in that city. So what I’m trying to say is someone who wants to go and start something either in the, in, in the marketplace or to plant the church or house church movement evangelism personally, I think the harvest is ripe. The time is now, the Lord is ready. Not only in Calgary, but in Canada and throughout the United States.

Daniel King – Evangelism Coach (11:43):
Well, I am so thankful that for the heart that the Canadian people have for the world, I actually met my wife when she was working for a Canadian evangelist and, and my wife is Canadian. She grew up in Warrenville right outside Edmonton. It’s just a little tiny suburb there. And, and so she came from this little tiny Canadian town. And from there, she has now traveled around the world. She spent almost 10 years on the mission field. She was two years in India, a year in Nepal, and you’re in Papa, new Guinea a year in Kenya. And then she started working for this Canadian evangelist. And that’s when I met her. And so she we got married and we actually got married in Canada right near Niagara falls and, and St. Catherine’s. And now my wife is Canadian. Both of our kids are Canadian and I’m American, but my kids say it’s okay, dad. No, one’s perfect.

Filipe Drumond (12:48):
<Laugh> Daniel. I’m so excited about, about what you’re doing about your family and also the heart that you have for Canada, for the nation. Not only that, I mean, but you also understand culture. And for me, living in Canada as a Canadian resilient Canadian meeting you in, in these evangelistic events, or as to a, from one evangelist to another evangelist, it brings me so much comfort that I don’t have to explain you too much. You get it, you understand the culture. And I think this is one of the great assets that you give is because again, for those who are for, for perhaps in the us who want to do ministry in Canada, you would know how to navigate those waters. So I thank God for your experience in your life.

Daniel King – Evangelism Coach (13:30):
Let’s just take a moment right now to, to pray for the nation of Canada and pray that that God would do something new and, and that there would be revival in Canada. Would, would you lead us in prayer?

Filipe Drumond (13:41):
Absolutely. you know, just as we’re, we’re thinking we’re we’re, as you you’re mentioning prayer, it takes me to the book of Ezekiel, where the Lord said, you know, I’ve looked for a man who would stand in the gap before me on behalf of the people. So I pray that this podcast would reach the minds and hearts of people who are listening, that they would feel a call to Canada, your father. We thank you so much for the power of the gospel, for your presence in your, in our lives and father that even though we are made of clay, but yet there is so much power in the gospel and you are present, and the harvest is ripe Lord, that you would open our eyes, that you would give us more faith or father, and that we would come together with greater expectation to work together, but make the use of all opportunities.

Filipe Drumond (14:30):
We can to proclaim the gospel, to announce the good news of Jesus Christ father. I pray for the nation of Canada and for the churches and pastors and the churchgoers Christians in Canada, father, that you would bring revival. We historically, we have never had a nationwide nationwide revival. So father, I pray that you would bring revival father. I pray for this young generation who is longing for you, who is longing for purpose and father. I pray in the name of Jesus that you would give us such a breakthrough in the nation of Canada and father that we would have once again, a fire, a passion to reach our own and to reach the globe with the good news of Jesus Christ father. Our desire is that the name of Jesus would be lifted up that you would receive all the glory and honor, and father, for those who are listening right now, that you would stir up their hearts for the nation of Canada, that they would be moved to pray for Canada, to know more about Canada, to visit Canada, and to find ways to collaborate, cooperate, invest in the proclamation of the gospel in that nation father.

Filipe Drumond (15:42):
We pray, and we are thankful in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Daniel King – Evangelism Coach (15:47):
Amen. I say yes. And amen to that prayer. Powerful. Well, Philip Felipe Philip, the evangelist in the Bible was the only one in the whole Bible who specifically called an evangelist. So Felipe is a great name for an evangelist, Philip, the evangelist. If someone wants to invite you to come speak at their church in Canada, or they want to support your ministry, or, or maybe from another country, they wanna invite you to come and, and, and minister, how can they find out more information about you? Well,

Filipe Drumond (16:19):
Perhaps one of the ways is through social media. My name Felipe F I L I P E my last name Drummond, D R U M O N D. On Instagram, Felipe underscore Drummond. And you’ll find me on Facebook, but again, you can go to our website last harvest dot CA or contact evangelist, Daniel, and he will direct you.

Daniel King – Evangelism Coach (16:45):
Awesome. Well, Philly, thank you so much for being on the evangelism podcast. I love what you’re doing and I, I love your heart for, for Canada and for the rest of the world. God

Filipe Drumond (16:55):
Bless you. Thank you. God bless you and all your listeners. And I hope to be back again sometime soon.

Daniel King – Evangelism Coach (17:01):
We’ll hang out in Canada, one of these days, so,

Filipe Drumond (17:03):
Oh, let’s do that. You’ll be wonderful in Edmonton or in Calgary.

Daniel King – Evangelism Coach (17:07):
Bless you. Thanks so much for listening today. I am excited about telling people about Jesus. And I want to invite you to be a part of helping us to rescue people from hell and take them with us to heaven. There’s two things you can do to help. First of all, can you go find the evangelism podcast on apple iTunes and leave us a positive review by giving a review, you will help other people find these valuable resources about sharing our faith. And second, would you become a financial partner with king ministries? Every single dollar that people give us enables us to lead at least one person to Jesus. And so that means for only $1, you can help start a party in heaven. And so today I want to invite you to become a monthly partner. You can start out for just a dollar, but if God puts it on your heart to do more, of course you can do more, but please go to king ministries.com and become a monthly partner with us today to help us to lead more people to Jesus. Thank you so much. And God bless you

Evangelism Podcast Host (18:27):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit king ministries.com. Again, that’s king ministries.


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Revival Fire | How Can I Spread the Fire of God?

Fire on the day of Pentecost

The purpose of the Holy Spirit’s fire can be vividly seen in the account of the day of Pentecost. John the Baptist had promised that Jesus would “…baptize…with the Holy Spirit and with fire” (Matthew 3:11). Jesus promised this baptism of the Holy Spirit to the disciples immediately before He ascended to heaven. “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you…” (Acts 1:8). He commanded His disciples to go to Jerusalem and wait for the Holy Spirit.

The disciples were waiting and praying in an upper room for many days. “When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them” (Acts 2:1-4).

What seemed to be flames of fire rested on the head of each disciple! This fire was the visible manifestation of the presence of the Holy Spirit. One hundred twenty disciples were instantly empowered to begin spreading the fire of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus told the disciples they would become witnesses to the ends of the earth when they received the Holy Spirit! He declared, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8).

Fire must spread! The Holy Spirit’s fire gave the disciples the power they needed to take the gospel around the world. This heavenly fire gave the uneducated fisherman, Peter, the boldness to stand up in front of a huge crowd and begin preaching.

Peter began preaching with fire! Peter, quoting from the prophet Joel, proclaimed, “In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days…” (Acts 2:17-18). Joel also tells us that one of the signs of the last times will be fire (Acts 2:19).

Peter preached the good news that “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Acts 2:21). He told the crowds, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off…” (Acts 2:38-39).

Three thousand people were saved as a result of Peter’s fiery sermon that day (Acts 2:41). The story of Acts is the story of the spread of the Holy Spirit’s fire. The fire inside of the individual disciples quickly became a wildfire no one could contain. The religious leaders of Jerusalem tried to stop it, but they failed. The Romans tried to stop the fire and they did no better than the priests. The fire spread and spread until the entire Roman Empire had heard the Word of the Lord.

Fire gave the disciples a boldness to witness. This same fire will also give you the boldness to be a witness. When you are filled with God’s fire, there is no need to be timid in sharing your faith.

The Bible promises that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. In addition, everyone who repents and is baptized, will be filled with the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit fills you, He will come with fire. This fire will begin to spread to the people around you. You will begin to see people saved, healed, and delivered as they come in contact with your fire.

The purpose of being filled with the Holy Spirit is to be a witness. It is vital to spread the fire once you have caught it. Fire must spread or it will go out. Fire will give you urgent, burning compassion to save the lost. 

How Revival Fire Spreads

Every substance has a temperature it must reach before it will burst into flames. Firemen call this temperature “flashpoint.” Every substance on this earth has a flashpoint. There is nothing on the face of the earth which can not be marred, altered, or changed by fire. Every substance will burn at some temperature.

When any substance reaches its flashpoint, it will begin to burn. Paper ignites at 200-210 degrees Fahrenheit. Wood has a higher flashpoint. Steel and     concrete must be extremely hot before they burn. Something hard (like steel) is more difficult to ignite than something soft (like   paper). Every material will burn if it is hot enough.

Every natural substance has a flashpoint. In the spiritual world, everything has a flashpoint too. There is a point when the revival fire of God will cause a wildfire to break forth. Every   individual heart has a flashpoint. Every city has a flashpoint. Every nation has a flashpoint. A spiritual flashpoint is the supernatural temperature a spirit must reach before it will burst into flames.

Every Christian has the potential to be the spark which will start a mighty revival! For a fire to start where you are, you need to be burning hotter than your area’s flashpoint. The passion inside of your life can suddenly cause your home or city to burst into flames.

Different places have different flashpoints. In the same way that a soft substance burns easier than a hard material, a soft heart will reach its flashpoint and start burning much quicker than a hard heart. This is why it is important to keep your heart soft toward God.

The Bible often describes people with hard hearts. Some hearts are hard and some are soft. Some areas are spiritually   sensitive and some areas are cold. Some places only need a spark to set a fire going, and some places are going to need a           blowtorch.

It is possible for a single, passionate, sold out, follower of Christ, to change the entire spiritual climate of an area. One pastor can change a city! One family member can turn an entire family towards God. One church can change the world if they would only fan the dying embers into red hot flames!

Revival fires will only burn to the degree that spiritual   temperatures have surpassed the flashpoint. The key to changing the temperature from a lukewarm Christianity to a raging fire is prayer! Prayer always precedes the Holy Spirit’s fire. Before the day of Pentecost occurred, the disciples prayed intensely in the upper room. Revival is going to require massive amounts of prayer from the saints.

Every fire burns hotter if it has more fuel. Every Christian who begins to pray for revival, tosses a new log into the fireplace. This is why we can not rely only on our leaders to seek God, we must seek Him ourselves. For the wildfire to spread across the world, every Christian must be burning hot!

The more prayers prayed, the hotter the Christians saying the prayers will burn. The more you pray, the more fire you will experience. If you want to burn as hot as the flashpoint in your area, you must pray, pray, pray!

Total, consuming, unquenchable Revival Fire

In some forest fires, fire will spread slowly through the underbrush. But if the wind picks up and begins whipping up the flames, the fire quickly changes. It begins to leap from treetop to treetop. It almost instantly becomes a roaring wall of flame which can move faster than a man can run and suddenly the forest fire consumes everything in its path.

The Holy Spirit appeared like a rushing, mighty wind on the day of Pentecost. He blew heat into the fires which had been started in the disciples lives. They suddenly became an unbelievable force which could not be stopped. A gust of the Holy Spirit’s wind in your1ife will do the same thing. Once a fire starts burning strong nothing can stop it from spreading.

Firemen know they only have a limited amount of time in which it is possible for them to stop a fire. Once a fire has reached a certain point, firemen can only attempt to contain the fire and hope it runs out of fuel. Flashover is the term firefighters use to explain this phenomenon. Once a fire experiences flashover it   becomes impossible to quench.

It is time for the church to experience flashover! Fire will consume, cremate, and incinerate every work of the devil. Once the church stops smoldering and starts blazing, it will accomplish great and mighty deeds for God.

Do you remember the nuclear meltdown in the Russian powerplant at Chernobyl? The meltdown was caused when some plutonium accidentally overheated. The plutonium will burn for   thousands and thousands of years. In an effort to extinguish the burning, radioactive material, the Russian army poured over 300,000,000 tons of concrete over the burning nuclear fuel but the plutonium is still burning. Basically it will burn for thousands of years. It is impossible to quench.

It is impossible for Satan to quench a burning Christian. The fire of God should continue to spread from person to person for thousands of years. The only one who can prevent the spread of the Spirit’s fire is you. I exhort you, in the words of Paul, “Do not put out the Spirit’s fire”! (1 Thessalonians 5:19).

Ignite Genuine Passion for Jesus and a Revival Fire in Your Heart as you read Daniel King’s book on the Fire of God.


Revival Fire | How can I Keep the Fire of God Bright in my Life?

Once upon a time, there were a bunch of monkeys living in a forest. When men came to the forest, the monkeys were intrigued by the fires the men built. As the men sat around their campfire, the monkeys would longingly watch the beautiful, sparkling fire. When the men went to bed, the monkeys would sneak down from the trees and sit around the fire to warm up in its glowing. The monkeys enjoyed the fire, but they did not know how to put logs on the fire to keep it going. Even though there was plenty of firewood available, the monkeys would allow the fire to slowly die out. How many Christians enjoy the fire of God, but they fail to do what it takes to keep that fire going?

We must preserve, maintain, tend and protect the hot, intense, burning, all consuming power of God. We can only keep the fire by staying in God’s presence.

I thank God for my parents, Robert and Susan King. They are the reason I have kept the fire of God. Many teenagers have a period of rebellion in their lives when they stray from their godly upbringing. I was blessed by not having to experience the pain of backsliding. Ever since I was a child, I have loved and served God with everything within me. I attribute this to my mother’s dedication to a practice we called “Morning Praise and         Worship.” Every morning, my mother would wake me and my brothers and sisters up and we would spend time worshiping God, praying, and listening to powerful sermons on cassette tape. These daily times of worship kept the fire burning bright inside of me.

In the midst of busyness, tiredness, self-pity, discouragement, worry, or distractions; we must maintain our   fervor for the things of God. This is accomplished by spending time praying, reading the Bible, praising God and associating with people who are on fire for God. Here are four logs we can throw on the fire to keep it burning bright.


Prayer keeps the fire bright

Prayer always precedes fire! Before the fire fell on the disciples on Pentecost, they had spent many days in prayer. “They all joined together constantly in prayer…” (Acts 1:14). Every great revival began when a core group of believers began to pray. Prayer always sparks divine intervention in human affairs.

No prayer equals no fire. Prayer is the link which allows us to commune with God’s Spirit. To be on fire is to be in prayer continually. We are exhorted to be “faithful in prayer” (Romans 12:12). If you want to catch on fire for God, first you must pray. If you want to stay on fire for God, you must continue to pray.

When one stops praying, it is like putting a stop to breathing. Your physical man must breathe in order to stay alive. In the same way, your spiritual man must pray in order to survive. Praying should be an automatic part of life. Prayer should come as easily as breathing. Without contact with God, the spirit man begins to die. Jesus instructed the disciples to “always pray and not give up” (Luke 18:1). Paul also instructs us from across the centuries to “pray continually” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). How long would you survive if you decided to take a couple of days or even a couple of minutes off from breathing?

Someone once asked the powerful minister Smith Wigglesworth how much time he prayed each day. Mr. Wigglesworth regularly saw unbelievable miracles occur in his services and he raised several people from the dead. This man wanted to know the secret to Wigglesworth’s success. He probably wanted to discover the magic number of hours Wigglesworth spent in prayer each day. Wigglesworth surprised the man by saying, “I never pray for more then fifteen minutes at a time. . . but I never go more then fifteen minutes without praying.” In other words, Wigglesworth had a continual relationship with God.

It has been pointed out that, “It is better to pray a little bit a lot, than it is to pray a lot a little bit.” I believe the essence of being on fire involves being aware of God all the time and developing the habit of consulting Him about the little details of our lives.

Jesus is looking for followers who pray. In the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus was deeply distressed about His upcoming crucifixion. He asked His disciples to pray, and instead they fell asleep. “Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. “Simon,” he said to Peter, “are you asleep? Could you not keep watch for one hour? Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak” (Mark 14:37-38).

Without prayer you will never stay on fire for God. Prayer is important at every stage of spiritual fire. Always remember the door to your prayer closet is also the door into the throne room of God. Prayer is the key to keeping the fire.


Reading the Word keeps the fire bright

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path” (Psalm 119:105). When the psalmist wrote this verse there were no electric flashlights. The light he was referring to was a blazing, fiery torch and the lamp was a clay dish filled with oil which gave off light as the wick burned. God’s Word is the fire that leads and guides us on the path of righteousness.

“…His word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot” (Jeremiah 20:9). Imagine a steam engine. An engineer builds a fire under a large boiler full of water. As the water heats, it begins to boil. As it boils it begins to build up huge amounts of pressure. If the steam is not released, the fire will cause the boiler to explode.

“’Is not my word like fire,’ declares the LORD” (Jeremiah 23:29). Jeremiah was so full of God’s Word, he felt like a pressure cooker. He absolutely could not stay quiet any longer. The Word was in his heart like a fire. Hearing the Word builds up faith inside. “Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ” (Romans 10:17).

God’s Word will build up inside of a Christian, until he is burning hot! This heat causes the Word of God to literally explode out of an on-fire Christian. When a person has enough of God’s Word built up inside, the Word will begin to be spoken. “…For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks” (Matthew 12:34).

The Lord told Joshua, “Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful” (Joshua 1:8). Joshua was successful in everything that he did because he meditated on the Word day and night. He was a mighty man of valor who relied on God’s Word to lead a million people across the Jordan River in order to take the land of Canaan. Joshua declared, “…as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD” (Joshua 24:15). Joshua had the faith to declare this because he was full of God’s Word. He knew the value of keeping the fire.


Praising God keeps the fire bright

Two men were thrown into prison even though they had done nothing wrong. They were cruelly whipped until their backs bled. Their feet were forced into stocks. These discouraging events were enough to damper anyone’s fire and leave them disillusioned and depressed.

Despite their troubles, the two men would not allow their fire to be puffed out so easily by the devil. Instead of despairing, they began to praise God. Even though they were chained up, surrounded by guards, and in a situation that looked hopeless, they rejoiced in God’s goodness. “About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them” (Acts 16:25). The prisoners were not the only ones who heard, God was also listening to them sing praises and when God heard their songs, He began to tap His foot along with the beat. When God began to tap His foot, it caused an earthquake. The earthquake shook the chains right off of Paul and Silas. “Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everybody’s chains came loose” (Acts 16:26).

The Bible tells us that the jailer and his entire family were saved that night. If Paul and Silas had not praised God, the jailer would not have been saved. When they began to praise God, it stirred the fire within them. In the midst of terrible circumstances, praising and worshiping God will keep the fire burning.

Praise prepares our hearts for fire. It will also rekindle a fire that has started to cool off. When we tell of the great and mighty things which God has done, it changes our     attitude. We stop thinking about ourselves and we begin thinking of God’s greatness. Praise enables us to keep the fire of God burning bright.


Being around people who are red-hot keeps the fire bright

Have you ever been around someone who throws water on your wood? The people you associate with will determine the level of your passion for God. Lukewarm people are often critical of radical followers of Christ. They attempt to bring people down to their level of indifference and mediocrity. As Billy Joe Daugherty says, “Lukewarmers are not overcomers.” If you want to be an overcomer, stay away from those who are lukewarm. The fire of God has no fellowship with icicles.

The best way to stay on fire for God is be around people who are zealous for God. Fire is contagious. It is like an infectious disease that people can catch just by being near someone who enthusiastically serves God.

If you hang out with people who are always talking about reaching out to the lost and worshiping God, you will be motivated to act like they do. On the other hand, if you keep company with people who are cussing and watching bad movies, you will begin to imitate them. Your life will become a reflection of the people you spend time with. Do you want to be around people who light your fire or who wet your wood? You must make a choice.

Paul commanded the believers in Philippi, “Join with others in following my example, brothers, and take note of those who live according to the pattern we gave you” (Philippians 3:17). A joining together of Christians will produce a synergy which will increase the temperature of the entire group. “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another…” (Hebrews 10:25). A group of believers joined together will accomplish great things for God.

Being in the presence of Jesus will definitely keep the fire bright. After his resurrection, Jesus walked with two men on the road to Emmaus and explained the scriptures to them. Afterwards, they asked each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?” (Luke 24:32).

You will become like those you are around. Stay near people who have fervency, energy, intensity, and enthusiasm for God and you will be on fire as well. Praying, reading the Bible, praising God, and mingling with fired up Christians are all essential ingredients for remaining in God’s presence.

Ignite Genuine Passion for Jesus and a Revival Fire in Your Heart as you read Daniel King’s book on the Fire of God.

Revival Fire | How does Satan Attack an On-Fire Christian?

How Satan tries to put out the fire

Satan will attack the on-fire Christian with everything in his arsenal. If outright trials and tribulations do not work, he will employ subtle distractions and excuses to slowly quench the original fire. Here are some of the tricky techniques Satan will use to try to quench your sensitivity to the Spirit.

  1. Busyness If Satan can not make you bad, then he will make you busy. Sometimes people get so entangled in the web of life, that they stop spending time with God. Working, shopping, making dinner, going to soccer practice, and watching TV can make your life so hectic, that it is impossible to keep the fire burning. If you want to keep the fire hot, make God your first priority. “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33).
  2. Tiredness I have a friend who was once on fire for God. He regularly went out witnessing, and he was excited about being a Christian. Sadly, he is now living in sin and never goes to church. When I asked him why he was no longer serving God, he told me, “I was tired of resisting all the temptations.” Some people become tired of going to church or of reading the Bible. This attitude produces apathy. “…never tire of doing what is right” (2 Thess. 3:13).
  3. Self-pity When things begin to go wrong, Satan quickly attacks the emotions by whispering thoughts of insignificance and inferiority. As the on-fire Christian begins to listen, self-pity wells up and quickly strangles the fire. Self-pity occurs when someone removes their eyes from Jesus and starts focusing on their problems. Don’t feel sorry for yourself. “I can do everything through him who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:13).
  4. Discouragement A newly, born again Christian enthusiastically begins to share the gospel with others. When there is little or no response, it is easy to get discouraged. The original fire begins to go out, leaving nothing but a memory of the first fervor. Do not be discouraged, Jesus is with you. He promised, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5).
  5. Worry What am I going to eat tomorrow? What am I going to wear? Am I going to have enough money? These tiny, everyday questions can act as a fire extinguisher. Stop worrying, God will take care of you. “…Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear…” (Matthew 6:25).
  6. Distractions The world around us demands our attention through cell phones, e-mail, television, music, newspapers, and advertisements. It is all too easy to be distracted from spending time with God. These distractions can quickly snuff out one’s enthusiasm for serving God. Keep your eyes on Jesus instead of on distractions. “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith…” (Hebrews 12:2).
  7. Strife Jealousy, envy, and fighting – such is the currency of the devil’s realm. Since the beginning of time, Satan has been stirring up strife. Wars, murders, and church splits all stem from this deadly disease. The fire of God can not fall when people are bickering with one another. The solution to strife is to walk in love with those around you. “For where envying and strife is, there is every evil thing” (James 3:16 – KJV).
  8. Unforgiveness, Bitterness, and Hate Your spiritual passion for God can not coexist with your unforgiveness towards others. An old saying tells us that love is blind, but I think hate is even more blind. Hate can actually prevent you from seeing reality. When you build a wall of bitterness around your heart, it cuts you off from God’s blessings and guidance. Unforgiveness blinds you to what life is really like. If you walk in unforgiveness, you walk in the dark. “Whoever loves his brother lives in the light, and there is nothing in him to make him stumble. But whoever hates his brother is in the darkness and walks around in the darkness; he does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded him” ( I John 2:10‑11).

How to resist Satan

How can we resist these cunning strategies of the devil? First, we must recognize what the great deceiver is attempting to accomplish. Each of these potential fire extinguishers take our minds off of Christ and place the focus on ourselves. So, the   solution is to be continually focused on God. If we submit to God and resist the devil, the Bible promises that the evil one will flee from us (James 4:7).

Second, we must be fervent in the Spirit. “Never lag in zeal and in honest endeavor; be aglow and burning with the Spirit, serving the Lord” (Romans 12:11 – Amplified).We should never be lax in our relationship with God. We should maintain the same zeal we had for God when we were first saved. We must always keep our first love for God by glowing and burning with the Spirit.

Third, we need to remember that God’s presence is precious. Esteem and value the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Strive to never do anything that would quench the fire of God. There are several things we need to do to remain in God’s presence. In the next chapter we will examine several keys to keeping the fire bright. These include: prayer, Bible reading, praise, and staying around those who are on fire.

Ignite Genuine Passion for Jesus and a Revival Fire in Your Heart as you read Daniel King’s book on the Fire of God.

Revival Fire | Have you Lost the Fire of God?

Some like it hot, some like it cold…

“I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm-neither hot nor cold-I am about to spit you out of my mouth” (Revelation 3:15-16). Jesus, the faithful and true   witness, spoke these words to the church in the city of Laodicea. Apparently, the church had once been on fire for God, but they had cooled off. They had allowed the embers to chill, and the flames to die out.

Jesus condemned them harshly for forgetting his power. Someone who loses the fire of God is worse in God’s eyes than someone who never even experienced the fire of God. This is because they have had a taste of God’s fire, and they have lost it. Anyone who returns to the bland diet of the world after tasting the magnificence of God’s glory deserves to be spit from God’s mouth. This type of person has a form of godliness, but they deny the power of God. They talk about what God has done in the past, but they never see God move in the present.

Jesus goes on to tell them, “I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire…” (Revelation 3:18). Even though the Laodiceans had become lukewarm, there was a solution. Those who have lost the fire of God can find it again. If you have       become lukewarm, it is easy to burst into flames again. Jesus will meet you where you are, and reignite a flame in your heart. Jesus promised, “If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me” (Revelation 3:20).

It is vital to keep God’s fire burning hot in your life. As long as a hot air balloon stays hot, it continues to rise. However, if the air inside the balloon begins to cool off, it will start to sink. The cooler the air, the faster it descends. If a balloon gets lukewarm, it will never fulfill its purpose. Keep the fire burning!

Fan God’s gift into flame

Paul urged Timothy, “…I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands” (2 Timothy 1:6). Notice, the fire originally came from God when Paul laid his hands on Timothy, but now Paul is       instructing Timothy to make a conscious effort to keep the fire burning. If the fire of God is neglected, it will slowly wane and eventually be quenched.

After a fire is started it needs to be nurtured. Paul’s imagery suggests a tiny flame which must be blown until it is burning strong. Fanning a flame provides oxygen which causes the fire to burn hotter. This oxygen is the breath of the Holy Spirit, blowing away cobwebs and causing dying embers to glow once again. The more a fire is fanned, the hotter it will burn.

Do not quench the fire

“Do not put out the Spirit’s fire” (1 Thess. 5:19). It is possible to lose the fire of God. This can be a slow, deadly process which begins with apathy, proceeds to stagnation, and ultimately ends with the ashes of spiritual indifference. The King James Version says, “Quench not the Spirit within you.” Quenching the Spirit of God causes lukewarmness. Keeping the fire burning bright is the result of a decision we make to maintain our relationship with God. The Spirit is quenched when we take our eyes off Jesus, and begin to focus on the lies of Satan.

Ignite Genuine Passion for Jesus and a Revival Fire in Your Heart as you read Daniel King’s book on the Fire of God.

Revival Fire | How is God Like a Fire?

Throughout the Bible, fire is used as a symbol to portray God. As I was writing this, I asked myself, “Why is fire used to represent God?” After thinking about the question, I realized that God reveals Himself in the physical world as a fire, because the hot, intense, burning of a fire expresses, in a poor way, God’s true awesomeness. Just as a flickering fire mesmerizes the imagination, God staggers the thought processes of mankind.

There are two different ways the fire of God is used in the Bible. First, God’s fire can symbolize the power, the presence, and the anointing of God. Second, fire can also represent God’s judgment on those who are wicked. We will be exploring the judgmental aspects of fire in a later chapter. Here we will examine some of the places in the Bible where God revealed His presence as a fire. Each occurrence of the fire highlighted in this chapter has a lesson for those hungry for the fire of God, so pay close attention as you read.

Adam and Eve saw the fire of God in the form of a flaming sword which flashed back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life. This flaming sword was defending the garden because of the sin of Adam and Eve. God’s fire protected the first man and woman from eating from the tree of life, which would have caused them to live forever in the midst of their sin. God’s fire will protect a Christian from sin.

Abraham saw God as a smoking firepot and a blazing torch. The Lord desired to make a covenant with his servant. He instructed Abraham to prepare a sacrifice of a heifer, a goat, a ram, a dove, and a young pigeon. These animals were to be a symbol of an eternal covenant between man and God. In the   ancient Middle East, when two men made covenants, they would sacrifice these animals and then they would walk between the pieces to symbolize their covenant relationship. Abraham obeyed God by cutting the animals in half, and God appeared to Abraham. “When the sun had set and darkness had fallen, a smoking firepot with a blazing torch appeared and passed between the pieces. On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abram…” (Genesis 15:17-18). God’s fire sealed the covenant between Abraham and God. Today God still makes covenants with     mankind through Jesus Christ; these covenants are sealed when the fire of the Holy Spirit comes to burn in our lives.

Moses saw the fire of God within a burning bush. Moses was out in the middle of a desert, watching his father-in-law’s sheep, when suddenly he saw a fire. “There the angel of the LORD appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up. So Moses thought, ‘I will go over and see this strange sight — why the bush does not burn up.’” When the LORD saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, ‘Moses! Moses!’…” (Exodus 3:2-4). Moses found his destiny when he discovered God’s fire. You will find your destiny when you discover God’s fire.

The children of Israel saw the Almighty as a pillar of fire which led them by night (Exodus 13:21). This pillar was like a huge nightlight. God’s fire led the children of Israel for forty years in the desert. The same fire that led the Israelites will lead us           today.

The children of Israel also saw God come down on Mount Sinai as a fire. After a three day period of consecration “…Moses led the people out of the camp to meet with God, and they stood at the foot of the mountain. Mount Sinai was covered with smoke, because the LORD descended on it in fire. The smoke billowed up from it like smoke from a furnace, the whole mountain trembled violently” (Exodus 19:17-18). When the people saw God’s fire, they trembled in fear. There was thunder, lightning, and a loud trumpet blast which frightened them. They stayed as far away as possible and they told Moses, “Speak to us yourself and we will listen. But do not have God speak to us or we will die” (Exodus 20:19).

The people did not want to hear the voice of God. Even though they were interested in what God was saying to Moses, they did not want to hear God themselves. Later, Moses chided them when he said, “The LORD spoke to you face to face out of the fire on the mountain. (At that time I stood between the LORD and you to declare to you the word of the LORD, because you were afraid of the fire and did not go up the mountain…” (Deuteronomy 5:4‑5).

The people were content to stay in the valley. They did not want to ascend to the top of the mountain of Sinai. “To the Israelites the glory of the LORD looked like a consuming fire on top of the mountain. Then Moses entered the cloud as he went on up the mountain….” (Exodus 24:17-18). The Israelites saw the glory of the Lord, but only Moses experienced the glory of the Lord. Some people are content to sit in the valley and hear stories about what God is doing, instead of climbing to the mountaintop to visit with God themselves. It is possible to see God’s fire and to hear reports about it without actually experiencing the fire.

After the Israelites heard the voice of God, while the mountain was still ablaze with fire, they came to Moses and wailed, “The LORD our God has shown us his glory and his majesty, and we have heard his voice from the fire. Today we have seen that a man can live even if God speaks with him. But now, why should we die? This great fire will consume us, and we will die if we hear the voice of the LORD our God any longer. For what mortal man has ever heard the voice of the living God speaking out of fire, as we have, and survived? Go near and listen to all that the LORD our God says. Then tell us whatever the LORD our God tells you. We will listen and obey” (Deuteronomy 5:24‑27). The Israelites were scared they would die if they listened to the voice of God, and in a sense this is true. Today if we want to experience the fire of God, we must die to self, so Christ may live within us.

Here are some more encounters Moses had with the fire in his lifetime:

* Being in the presence of God’s fire left Moses with a radiant countenance (Exodus 34:29).

* Moses discovered God is a consuming fire (Deut. 4:24).

* God spoke to Moses from the midst of fire (Deut. 4:36; 5:24).

* God commanded Moses to destroy idols with fire (Deut. 7:25; 9:21).

* God promised Moses that His fire would go ahead of the Israelites to destroy their enemies (Deut. 9:3).

* God proclaimed the ten commandments to Moses out of the fire on the mountain top (Deut. 9:10).

The psalmist, while proclaiming the glories of the Lord exclaimed, “Fire goes before him…”(Psalm 97:3). The Almighty is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Fire still   precedes the arrival of God.

Elijah the prophet saw the fire of God fall from heaven (1 Kings 18). He had challenged the prophets of Baal to produce fire by building an altar and calling upon their false god to send fire from heaven to consume the sacrifice. For several hours these false prophets danced, cut themselves, and prayed for fire to fall, but Baal did not answer. Elijah taunted them by asking if their god was asleep or on vacation. After they grew tired, Elijah set up an altar to the Lord and placed a sacrifice on it, and then he had people drench the altar with twelve huge jars full of water.        When Elijah prayed, God answered with a bolt of fire. God’s fire consumed the sacrifice and the altar, and it left a huge hole in the ground. False gods can not bring fire down from heaven. Only God Almighty can answer His people with fire. God’s fire is what sets the true God apart from fake gods. Others may claim to have fire, but they are only putting on a show by dancing around their altar. In contrast, our God is real. We worship the God who   answers with fire!

Elijah was also taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire (2 Kings 2:8-11). This came at the completion of Elijah’s ministry. The fire accompanied Elijah during his promotion to glory. God’s fire will take you up to a new level.

Isaiah prophesies Jesus (the Light of Israel) will become a fire which will burn away all thorns and briers. “The Light of Israel will become a fire, their Holy One a flame; in a single day it will burn and consume his thorns and his briers” (Isaiah 10:17). In a single day, Christ can burn away years of filthiness, contamination, and pollution in someone’s life. His fire is the   solution to pollution.

Isaiah the prophet, in a moment of trouble, called for God to come down like fire. “As when fire sets twigs ablaze and causes water to boil, come down to make your name known to your enemies and cause the nations to quake before you!” (Isaiah 64:2). When one is in trouble, it is time to call for the fire of God to fall like never before.

John the Baptist baptized with water but he promised that someone was coming who would baptize with fire. “I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me will come one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not fit to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire” (Matthew 3:11). Jesus was the fulfilment of this promise. When we invite him into our lives, he will baptize us with the Holy Spirit and with fire.

Jesus proclaimed, “I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!” (Luke 12:49). Jesus brought the fire of God down to earth in a tangible form. Through Jesus everyone can experience the fire of God.

On the Day of Pentecost, the fire Jesus longed for was ignited by the Holy Spirit in the upper room in the lives of one hundred and twenty disciples. Tongues of fire came to rest upon their heads. That same day, almost three thousand people were saved. Signs of the Holy Spirit’s arrival are fire and changed lives.

Saul, the persecutor of Christians, was on the road to Damascus when suddenly he saw a bright light from heaven. The light was so bright, it blinded him. Was this light a tiny glimpse of God’s fire? Whatever it was, it changed Saul’s life forever. Saul became the man we know as Paul, who wrote the majority of the New Testament. In the same way, God’s fire will change our lives.

The servants of God are like a fire. “He makes his angels winds, his servants flames of fire” (Hebrews 1:7). The servants of God literally become infused with the fire of God and they shine bright like the sun. Those who serve God become flames of fire.

John the Apostle saw a vision of the risen Christ (Revelation 1:12-16). In the vision, the eyes of Christ were like a blazing fire and his face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance. It is this same Christ who will return in the clouds, coming like a wildfire, sweeping the earth clean.

Get ready

As you can see, God has repeatedly revealed Himself to mankind as a fire. This earthly metaphor illustrates how intense and powerful He really is! When God reveals Himself as a fire, lives are changed. Get ready for the fire of God.

Ignite Genuine Passion for Jesus and a Revival Fire in Your Heart as you read Daniel King’s book on the Fire of God.

Revival Fire | Are You Spreading the Fire of God?

Fire on the day of Pentecost

The purpose of the Holy Spirit’s fire can be vividly seen in the account of the day of Pentecost. John the Baptist had promised that Jesus would “…baptize…with the Holy Spirit and with fire” (Matthew 3:11). Jesus promised this baptism of the Holy Spirit to the disciples immediately before He ascended to heaven. “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you…” (Acts 1:8). He commanded His disciples to go to Jerusalem and wait for the Holy Spirit.

The disciples were waiting and praying in an upper room for many days. “When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them” (Acts 2:1-4).

What seemed to be flames of fire rested on the head of each disciple! This fire was the visible manifestation of the presence of the Holy Spirit. One hundred twenty disciples were instantly empowered to begin spreading the fire of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus told the disciples they would become witnesses to the ends of the earth when they received the Holy Spirit! He declared, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8).

Fire must spread! The Holy Spirit’s fire gave the disciples the power they needed to take the gospel around the world. This heavenly fire gave the uneducated fisherman, Peter, the boldness to stand up in front of a huge crowd and begin preaching.

Peter began preaching with fire! Peter, quoting from the prophet Joel, proclaimed, “In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days…” (Acts 2:17-18). Joel also tells us that one of the signs of the last times will be fire (Acts 2:19).

Peter preached the good news that “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Acts 2:21). He told the crowds, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off…” (Acts 2:38-39).

Three thousand people were saved as a result of Peter’s fiery sermon that day (Acts 2:41). The story of Acts is the story of the spread of the Holy Spirit’s fire. The fire inside of the individual disciples quickly became a wildfire no one could contain. The religious leaders of Jerusalem tried to stop it, but they failed. The Romans tried to stop the fire and they did no better than the priests. The fire spread and spread until the entire Roman Empire had heard the Word of the Lord.

Fire gave the disciples a boldness to witness. This same fire will also give you the boldness to be a witness. When you are filled with God’s fire, there is no need to be timid in sharing your faith.

The Bible promises that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. In addition, everyone who repents and is baptized, will be filled with the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit fills you, He will come with fire. This fire will begin to spread to the people around you. You will begin to see people saved, healed, and delivered as they come in contact with your fire.

The purpose of being filled with the Holy Spirit is to be a witness. It is vital to spread the fire once you have caught it. Fire must spread or it will go out. Fire will give you urgent, burning compassion to save the lost.

Ignite Genuine Passion for Jesus and a Revival Fire in Your Heart as you read Daniel King’s book on the Fire of God.

Revival Fire | How does Satan Prevent Christians from Spreading God’s Fire?

Fire by its very nature spreads. A fire that is not spreading will go out. In the same way, a Christian that is not spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ, will begin to cool down and eventually go out.

Fire spreads

When I was nine years old I saw a house on fire. With bells clanging and sirens screaming, firemen quickly pulled up in front of the house. After they unrolled their hoses they did something very interesting. They did not squirt water at the burning house right away. First, they used the hoses to wet down other houses.

I remember thinking, “Why are they squirting water on those houses? They are not on fire!” I concluded that the firemen were really dumb.

Later on I discovered that the firemen had a good reason for what they had done. Firemen wet down buildings that are not on fire to prevent the fire from spreading! First they contain the fire, then they put it out. The last thing firefighters want is an out of control wildfire!

The last thing Satan wants is an out of control wildfire! The fire inside of a Christian is actually controlled by the Holy Spirit. It only appears to be uncontrollable to Satan, because he can not control it. Satan tries to contain the fire by preventing its spread to other people. He seeks to quench the fire of God inside your heart. However, if he can not put out the fire inside of you, he will do everything in his power to keep the fire from spreading to other people. Satan does not want the fire of God to spread.

The devil prevents the spread of God’s fire by isolating Christians who have tapped into God’s supernatural power. This occurs when he cuts them off by building walls around them. Just like the firemen will first make sure that none of the houses around a fire catch on fire, Satan will begin to attack the people near the Christian who is on fire.

It is our responsibility to spread God’s fire to the people around us. Once we are filled with a burning desire to know God better, we need to look for a way to spread the fire. We have been blessed with God’s fire so we can be a blessing to others. We do not want a little camp fire that will only warm us. No! We want a raging forest fire that will be a shining light that draws people irresistibly to God.

Ignite Genuine Passion for Jesus and a Revival Fire in Your Heart as you read Daniel King’s book on the Fire of God.

Revival Fire | How Can I Catch the Fire of God?

Recently, I went on a mission trip to the country of Jamaica. Our group experienced powerful ministry at churches and evangelistic crusades. Hundreds of people were saved and many miraculous healings were reported.

The days in Jamaica were extremely hot and quite humid, so as we walked through neighborhoods inviting people to church, we quickly overheated. By the time we arrived back at our hotel that evening, we were a sticky mess. Unfortunately, the showers at the hotel were broken. We fixed this problem by deciding to go for a late night swim in the pool.

As we swam, I noticed there was a panel near the edge of the pool that looked like it was smoking. I was curious, so I foolishly swam over to check it out. I was treading water right by an underwater light when – zap – I was shocked. The electricity shot through my body and numbed my feet and hands. Terrified, I leapt out of the pool. Immediately, I became concerned for the safety of the other members of my team. I started screaming at them to get out of the pool as fast as they could.

None of them knew what was wrong so they just looked at me. As I kept yelling at them about the danger, some began to get out, but most of the people thought I was playing a practical joke on them so they stayed in the pool. I frantically began       grabbing people and pulling them out of the pool. I pointed at the smoking panel and screamed, “Get out!” I yelled repeatedly about the danger until I was hoarse.

When everyone realized how serious I was, they climbed out of the pool. Several stubborn boys refused to fall for what they still thought was a practical joke. I was frustrated as I watched them swim in a dangerous situation. I began to talk to them and show them the danger they were in. Finally, my sense of urgency compelled them to climb out of the pool. I was so relieved when I had saved everyone’s life!

God stopped me right then and He told me, “You need to save people from hell with the same passion that you saved those people from an electric shock.” This word from God has given me a passion to see the lost saved. This passion is God’s fire inside of me. By the grace of God, I had been saved from being electrocuted. After I had been spared, I began to yell and scream, and pull people out of danger. I experienced an   intense urgency about it. I did not rest until everyone was saved, because I was concerned for their lives.

God revealed to me that I need to be just as concerned about the lives of people who are headed for hell! I have to do whatever it takes to rescue someone from the grasp of Satan. If I have to speak loud and boldly, I will. If I have to talk them into salvation, I will. I made a commitment to myself that day that I would do whatever it takes to help save a soul from hell.

Someone has described the Christian walk as “One   starving man who has found food, telling another starving man where he can find food.” I experienced salvation, and now my duty is to help save others! After someone discovers God’s fire,   spreading that fire as far as they possibly can becomes their     responsibility. God gave me a revelation about the urgency which I need to have in my spirit to save the lost. The sinner who has recently been saved is the most motivated person to go out and save others. It is important to continue to burn intensely. Our job is to catch the fire, keep the fire, and to spread the fire!

Fire gives boldness! I was not worried about what people thought about me when I was trying to save their lives. I did not care what I looked like or how my message sounded. I became bold and I pulled people from danger. When it is a life and death situation, you must burn with a compassion that forgets about all the normal details of life.

I have caught the fire of God, now it is time for you to catch the fire of God!

“God, I pray, light these idle sticks of my life and may I burn up for thee. Consume my life, my God, for it is thine, I seek not a long life, but a full one like yours, Lord Jesus.” – Jim Elliot

Ignite Genuine Passion for Jesus and a Revival Fire in Your Heart as you read Daniel King’s book on the Fire of God.

Revival Fire | What is the Fire of God?


The fire of God is the burning passion which exists in the hearts of those who are committed to serving God. This fire creates an appetite for righteousness. Fire produces love, reverence, and passion for God. Fire is found in the fervor and intensity of worship. Fire falls when God’s children yearn to be consumed with a divine adoration for God. It creates a craving hunger for God Himself.

God’s fire drives the preacher to preach. God’s fire forces the teacher to teach. God’s fire compels the evangelist to evangelize. Fire gives birth to an obsessive enthusiasm for winning the lost. God’s fire sustains the soul when trials and tests come your way. God’s fire enables the Christian to live a holy life.

The fire of God judges between right and wrong. The fire of God purifies that which is not worthy and destroys imperfections. The fire burns away chaff and leaves gold. It challenges, compels, and produces mighty men and women of God. The fire of God is not given to make us cozy, but holy.

The fire of God is like the fire in the belly of a steamship; it provides the thrust for the voyage upstream. The fire of God is like the fire in a hot air balloon, uplifting the spirit to higher heights. The fire of God is like a campfire, supplying warmth on a cold night. The fire of God is like the flame in a lighthouse, giving direction and warning of danger.

The fire of God is the difference between dead religion and a living relationship with Christ. The fire of God separates those who play at church from those who are the church. The fire of God differentiates between those who preach life changing sermons and those who only share comforting monologues. The fire of God divides the worshipers from the ones who only want to be entertained. The fire of God is the difference between the impotent and the powerful. The fire of God is the defining characteristic of the     passionate follower of Christ.

The fire of God rings the death toll for the forces of the kingdom of darkness.

The fire of God energizes God’s people with His power and truth.

The fire of God burns away sinful thoughts, motives, and desires, and leaves behind a renewed mind.

The fire of God removes sadness and replaces it with the joy of the Lord.

The fire of God is the sign that true revival has finally come.

The fire of God calls sinners to repentance and inspires people to live a life of holiness.

The fire of God enlists, trains, and empowers believers for world evangelism.

Ignite Genuine Passion for Jesus and a Revival Fire in Your Heart as you read Daniel King’s book on the Fire of God.

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