Missions From A-Z – From America to Zambia
Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega. Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet and Omega is the last letter. Jesus is the beginning and the end. He loves every nation on earth, from A to Z. I have ministered in many countries, but Zambia is the first nation I have ministered in that begins with the letter Z. To me, going from America to Zambia was symbolic of our desire to follow the command of Jesus to “Go into all the world.”
Our outreach to the city of Ndola was led by the Global Network of Evangelists, a ministry of Luis Palau. The goal of this outreach was to reach out to every level of society in the city. The outreach was a great success. Over the course of a week, we ministered face-to-face to over 141,373+ people in Ndola during the Love Zambia Festival with 24,474 people giving their lives to Christ, including 271 recommitments. I am thankful for Desmond Henry and the staff of the Global Network of Evangelists for organizing all the ministry.
Outreach to the Government
When I arrived, we had the privilege of meeting the Provincial Minister of the Copperbelt region. He reports directly to the President of Zambia. The main export of Zambia is copper. Half of the world’s copper comes from the mines in this area.
I shared a story about the great evangelist George Whitefield who once ministered to the coal miners of England. He stood outside the mines and preached and as the coal miners got saved their tears made white tracks down their cheeks. So many miners got saved that the donkeys who worked in the mines were confused about whether they should stop or go because so many of the miners stopped cussing. I told the Provincial Minister that we would pray that God would send the same revival to the miners of the Copperbelt region of Zambia.
The Provincial Minister welcomed us to preach the Gospel in Ndola. He told us that the President of Zambia has declared that Zambia is a Christian nation! He asked us to pray for the economic growth of the region, but he said that the greatest battle that needs to be won is the spiritual battle. He lifted his Bible in the air and said that everyone in his region needs to read and obey the Word of God.
Outreach on the Streets
A pickup truck with a small sound system and a generator is all you need to attract a couple hundred kids for a mini-Gospel festival. We sent these Gospel trucks out to many locations around the city each day.
At one street meeting, when I gave an altar call a woman named Mika Chanda came forward. She fell to her knees, lifted her hands in the air, and cried out to God. Tears streamed down her face as she repented for her sins. God touched her and by the time we left she was smiling.
My goal is to lead a million people to Jesus every year. A million is a big number. But you have to remember that every number represents a face, a name, an individual. Heaven is celebrating that Mika Chanda had an opportunity to hear about Jesus and respond to His love.
Outreach to the Young People in the Schools
Zambia is full of young people. Zambia has more than 4.8 million young people aged 15-35. They represent 36.7% of Zambia’s population. That’s why we visited schools to proclaim the Gospel to children and teenagers. Our school outreach was led by Kubamba, a team of young adults from Kenya. They lived in Zambia for four months and ministered at over one hundred schools.
At each school, they encourage the young people to make the right choices in life. They use music from a live DJ to get the kids excited. Then they do a drama about how Jesus can set people free from every kind of vice and addiction. The drama begins with a young man who is being called by Jesus. But soon he is distracted by a girl who encourages him to listen to secular music and to promote himself on social media. Then he is tempted by a man who offers him money. Next comes drinking alcohol and addiction to drugs. He gives into the temptation of pornography and sexual promiscuity. A witch does witchcraft over his life and he is attacked by thoughts of depression and suicide. The entire time an actor playing the part of Jesus is calling him. Finally demons come to torment the man. Jesus steps in and fights the demons and overcomes the devil. Jesus takes all the man’s sins and places them on Himself and gives the man a sign that says, “Saved.” When the school kids see the drama their hearts are open to give their lives to Jesus.
Outreach to Business Leaders
We asked the local churches to invite business leaders and young professionals from across the city to a lunch meeting on Friday. They gathered in the ball room of the hotel we stayed at and we fed them lunch. Since young professionals consider appointments and schedules to be of great importance, I preached to them a message I originally heard from Evangelist Daniel Kolenda about the importance of the calendar. Here’s what I said to them:
Did you know that God has a calendar for your life? Who wants to know what is on God’s calendar for your life? In Ecclesiastes 3:2, it says, “there is a time to be born.” So God knows the day of your birth. Your birthday is written on God’s calendar.
Hebrews 9:27 says, “It is appointed onto man once to die.” This means that death is not an accident. Death is an appointment. The day and the time of your death is written on God’s calendar.
There is another day written on God’s calendar for your life. It is the day of salvation. Would you like to know which day is written in God’s calendar for your salvation? If you could peek over God’s shoulder and look at his calendar for your life it would say, “Today is the day of your salvation.”
In 2 Corinthians 6:2 the Bible says, “now is the day of salvation.” It does not even say, “TODAY is the day of salvation.” It is more urgent than that. It says, “NOW is the day of salvation.”
If a man is drowning in the river, he does not need to be saved sometime today. He needs to be saved NOW. This is how important salvation is to God. He says, “NOW, not just today.”
How can you tell if you are hearing God’s voice? God always says, “NOW.” The devil always says, “Tomorrow” because the Devi knows a secret. Tomorrow does not exist. Tomorrow is just an idea. You do not have tomorrow and you may not ever have tomorrow. All you have is this moment. Right now.
There are people in hell right now, not because they said, “no” to Jesus, but because the devil convinced them they could say “yes” to Jesus tomorrow. But tomorrow never came.
Today is your day of salvation. Now is the time for you to be saved. When I gave the altar call, many of the business leaders gave their lives to Jesus.
Outreach at the Love Zambia Festival
Jesus made His disciples “fishers of men.” As evangelists we are fishing for souls. Every fisherman knows that in order to catch fish you have to use the right bait. In order to reach young people we used soccer, bike tricks, juggling, music, and bouncy houses to get people to come hear the Gospel. As everyone partied, we preached the Good News about Jesus.
Thousands of people responded to the message and gave their hearts to God. After the people prayed for salvation, they were met by councilors who helped them to fill out a decision card and gave them a copy of the Gospel of John.
One elder lady broke into tears when she received the Gospel of John. Holding it close to her heart, she exclaimed, “Surely God has not forgotten us.” There is nothing better than bringing hope to those in desperate need of it.
Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!