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Fulfill God’s Will: God Celebrates Your Choices

God celebrates your choices, as long as they line up with God’s revealed will as found in the Bible.

God gave Adam and Eve a great gift. It was the gift of free choice. We are not robots. We have the ability to make our own choices. God is excited to go along with many of our choices.

The good God has planned for you is not limited by one choice. Your wrong or imperfect choices can still produce good outcomes because according to Romans 8:28, “God works all things together for our good.” You were not born to make right or wrong decisions.

You were created to make decisions, then to make those decisions the right ones. God gave us dominion on this earth. When we take dominion, God backs our choices, as long as those choices are within God’s will as revealed in God’s Word. God celebrates your choices so much that all of heaven will back your decisions. When you choose to head in a particular direction, God starts sending angels to prepare your way. But the angels do not move until you take the first step.

You can Discover God’s Will for Your Life – Read Daniel King’s book on How to Fulfill God’s Will for Your Life:

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