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Fulfill God’s Will: Will God Give Me Specific Directions for My Life?

Are you expecting God to give you a road map or a compass heading for your life?

A road map contains specific directions to a specific destination. If we sit around asking for God to give us a map we will wait around for years. Waiting for God to give you a detailed map for your entire life is unrealistic. God is more likely to give us a compass heading to follow rather than a map. Each of us is given an inner compass which reveals God’s will for our lives. The direction this inner compass is pointing is revealed by our innate talents, interests and gifts.

Your strengths and dominant focus reveal your calling. For example, if a teenage girl enjoys spending time with children, this is an indication she might be called to be a teacher, a mother, or a children’s minister. Or, if you are always thinking about how to make money, you might be called to be an entrepreneur or businessman. I always had a passion for the lost and was successful at public speaking so this was a good indication that when I decided to become an evangelist, I was headed in the right direction. If I tried to become a worship leader, I would fail because I have no musical talent. Recognizing this fact saves me the trouble of wondering if God has called me to be a music leader.

When God called Abraham, God did not give him detailed instructions; instead God just said to leave the city of Ur. God promised to show him his ultimate destination on the way. God gave Abraham the first step, but not the full picture of where he was going. God does not tell us what to do until we begin to move. However, if we start to move we will hear the next step, and then the next, and so on. In order to discover God’s plan for your life, do not sit in a locked room praying until you have a complete vision of where you are going. Start moving in the direction of your greatest interest. Once you start to move, God will guide your steps. God is drawn to movement.

Let’s look at what the Bible says.” Psalm 37:23,“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delighteth in his way.” Notice it says, ‘The steps of a good man are ordered.’ Once we start taking steps, God is able to show us where to go. God cannot order our steps if we are standing still. You drive and God gives directions, but there are no directions until you start driving. A parked car never goes anywhere even if it is on the right road. Will Rogers said, ‘Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.’ Reinhard Bonnke says, ‘People who forever SEEK the will of God are overrun by those who DO the will of God!’ In other words, do not wait for A-Z to be revealed. Step out with A-B and God will reveal B-Z as you move.”

You can Discover God’s Will for Your Life – Read Daniel King’s book on How to Fulfill God’s Will for Your Life:

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