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Power of Prayer | Pray to Light Your Life on Fire

“…Fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands” (2 Timothy 1:6).

“It is only when the whole heart is gripped with the passion of prayer that the life-giving fire descends, for none but the earnest man gets access to the ear of God.” – E. M. Bounds

Your prayers light the fire of God inside you!

The fire of God is the burning passion that exists in the hearts of those who are committed to serving God. This fire creates an appetite for righteousness. Fire produces love, reverence, and passion for God. Fire is found in the fervor and intensity of worship. Fire falls when God’s children yearn to be consumed with a divine adoration for God. It creates a craving hunger for God Himself.

God’s fire drives the preacher to preach. God’s fire forces the teacher to teach. God’s fire compels the evangelist to evangelize. Fire gives birth to an obsessive enthusiasm for winning the lost. God’s fire sustains the soul when trials and tests come your way. God’s fire enables the Christian to live a holy life. The fire of God judges between right and wrong. The fire of God purifies that which is not worthy and destroys imperfections. The fire burns away chaff and leaves gold. It challenges, compels, and produces mighty men and women of God.

The fire of God is not given to make us cozy, but holy. The fire of God is like the fire in the belly of a steamship; it provides the thrust for the voyage upstream. The fire of God is like the fire in a hot air balloon, uplifting the spirit to higher heights. The fire of God is like a campfire, supplying warmth on a cold night. The fire of God is like the flame in a lighthouse, giving direction and warning of danger.

The fire of God is the difference between dead religion and a living relationship with Christ. The fire of God separates those who play at church from those who are the church. The fire of God differentiates between those who preach life changing sermons and those who only share comforting monologues. The fire of God divides the worshipers from the ones who only want to be entertained. The fire of God is the difference between the impotent and the powerful. The fire of God is the defining characteristic of the passionate follower of Christ.

The fire of God rings the death toll for the forces of the kingdom of darkness. The fire of God energizes God’s people with His power and truth. The fire of God burns away sinful thoughts, motives, and desires, and leaves behind a renewed mind. The fire of God removes sadness and replaces it with the joy of the Lord. The fire of God is the sign that true revival has finally come. The fire of God calls sinners to repentance and inspires people to live a life of holiness. The fire of God enlists, trains, and empowers believers for world evangelism.

Check out Daniel King’s book: The Power of Prayer

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