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Power of Prayer | Pray with Faith

“There are no bonds faith cannot break, no fetters it cannot sever, no dungeon it cannot open, no disease it cannot heal, no victory it cannot win.” – Oral Roberts 

What is faith? 
* Faith is the currency of the kingdom of heaven. 
* Faith is trusting God when there is no one else to trust. 
* Faith is relying upon God in the midst of trouble. 
* Faith is having confidence in God’s promises. 
* Faith sees the invisible and believes the impossible. 
* Faith is a conviction that no matter what the circumstances look like, God will fulfill His word. 
* Faith is knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that God will heal, protect, deliver, and provide for you. 
* Faith is believing in God more than you believe in your problem. 

F.F. Bosworth said, “Faith does not wait for the walls to fall down; faith shouts them down.” 

T.L. Osborn explained, “Faith is believing that God will do what you know He said in His word that He would do…There are just two platforms on which to stand: One is belief; the other, unbelief. Either the word of God is true, or it is not. God will either do what He has promised, or He will not. His promises are either reliable, or they are not.” Faith in God is a black and white issue, there is no gray ground involved in trusting God’s promises.

Check out Daniel King’s book: The Power of Prayer

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