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Power of Prayer | Pray Believing You Receive

“…whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours” (Mark 11:24).

“Faith in a prayer-hearing God will make a prayer-loving Christian.” – Andrew Murray

What are you believing God for? Mark 11:24 is one of the most powerful verses in the Bible. It puts no limits on God. It puts no limits on what we can ask for. It simply says, “Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” It does not say it might be yours. It does not say it could be yours. It says it WILL be yours. So what are you praying about?

Here are some things to pray for: 

Body of Christ
Pray for…
 your church
 your pastor
 your church leadership
 finances to accomplish the church’s vision
 revival of the saints
 church growth
 souls to be saved 
 unity and harmony among Christians
 missionaries
 believers who are persecuted

 to walk in God’s perfect will
 that your life will bear fruit
 for forgiveness
 for spiritual insight
 for your seeds to produce great harvests
 for wisdom
 to rejoice in the Lord
 to walk in love
 for sanctification
 for the joy of the Lord
 for your safety
 for physical healing
 for healing from abuse
 for revelation from God’s word
 to plead the blood of Jesus over your life
 to break generational curses
 that you will have the mind of Christ
 to be conformed to the image of Christ
 to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit
 for freedom from worry, fear, depression and loneliness
 that your spirit will have authority over your soul and body
 for prosperity and for all your needs to be met

Pray for…
 your relatives
 unsaved friends and family members to be saved
 your spouse or future spouse
 your children to serve God
 peace in the family
 wisdom to raise children
 a hedge of protection for your family
 a loving marriage

Pray for…
 your community
 your state
 your nation
 the government
 the Congress
 the President
 the Supreme Court
 your Governor
 your Legislators
 your Police
 the soldiers who protect your country
 schools and teachers
 Godly laws to be passed
 for righteousness to be exalted
 salvation of those who are in prison

Pray for…
 The peace of Jerusalem
 Salvation of the nations
 the lost to turn to God
 protection from natural disasters
 doors to be open to the Gospel
 Satan’s plans to fail
 Jesus to be lifted up
 Laborers to be sent out to the harvest field

What prayer requests would you add to this list?
Do you have a copy of Daniel King’s book, The Power of Prayer?
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