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Gospel Festivals


Missions From A-Z – From America to Zambia

Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega. Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet and Omega is the last letter. Jesus is the beginning and the end. He loves every nation on earth, from A to Z. I have ministered in many countries, but Zambia is the first nation I have ministered in that begins with the letter Z. To me, going from America to Zambia was symbolic of our desire to follow the command of Jesus to “Go into all the world.”

Our outreach to the city of Ndola was led by the Global Network of Evangelists, a ministry of Luis Palau. The goal of this outreach was to reach out to every level of society in the city. The outreach was a great success. Over the course of a week, we ministered face-to-face to over 141,373+ people in Ndola during the Love Zambia Festival with 24,474 people giving their lives to Christ, including 271 recommitments. I am thankful for Desmond Henry and the staff of the Global Network of Evangelists for organizing all the ministry.

Outreach to the Government

When I arrived, we had the privilege of meeting the Provincial Minister of the Copperbelt region. He reports directly to the President of Zambia. The main export of Zambia is copper. Half of the world’s copper comes from the mines in this area.

I shared a story about the great evangelist George Whitefield who once ministered to the coal miners of England. He stood outside the mines and preached and as the coal miners got saved their tears made white tracks down their cheeks. So many miners got saved that the donkeys who worked in the mines were confused about whether they should stop or go because so many of the miners stopped cussing. I told the Provincial Minister that we would pray that God would send the same revival to the miners of the Copperbelt region of Zambia.

The Provincial Minister welcomed us to preach the Gospel in Ndola. He told us that the President of Zambia has declared that Zambia is a Christian nation! He asked us to pray for the economic growth of the region, but he said that the greatest battle that needs to be won is the spiritual battle. He lifted his Bible in the air and said that everyone in his region needs to read and obey the Word of God.

Outreach on the Streets

A pickup truck with a small sound system and a generator is all you need to attract a couple hundred kids for a mini-Gospel festival. We sent these Gospel trucks out to many locations around the city each day.

At one street meeting, when I gave an altar call a woman named Mika Chanda came forward. She fell to her knees, lifted her hands in the air, and cried out to God. Tears streamed down her face as she repented for her sins. God touched her and by the time we left she was smiling.

My goal is to lead a million people to Jesus every year. A million is a big number. But you have to remember that every number represents a face, a name, an individual. Heaven is celebrating that Mika Chanda had an opportunity to hear about Jesus and respond to His love.

Outreach to the Young People in the Schools

Zambia is full of young people. Zambia has more than 4.8 million young people aged 15-35. They represent 36.7% of Zambia’s population. That’s why we visited schools to proclaim the Gospel to children and teenagers. Our school outreach was led by Kubamba, a team of young adults from Kenya. They lived in Zambia for four months and ministered at over one hundred schools.

At each school, they encourage the young people to make the right choices in life. They use music from a live DJ to get the kids excited. Then they do a drama about how Jesus can set people free from every kind of vice and addiction. The drama begins with a young man who is being called by Jesus. But soon he is distracted by a girl who encourages him to listen to secular music and to promote himself on social media. Then he is tempted by a man who offers him money. Next comes drinking alcohol and addiction to drugs. He gives into the temptation of pornography and sexual promiscuity. A witch does witchcraft over his life and he is attacked by thoughts of depression and suicide. The entire time an actor playing the part of Jesus is calling him. Finally demons come to torment the man. Jesus steps in and fights the demons and overcomes the devil. Jesus takes all the man’s sins and places them on Himself and gives the man a sign that says, “Saved.” When the school kids see the drama their hearts are open to give their lives to Jesus.

Outreach to Business Leaders

We asked the local churches to invite business leaders and young professionals from across the city to a lunch meeting on Friday. They gathered in the ball room of the hotel we stayed at and we fed them lunch. Since young professionals consider appointments and schedules to be of great importance, I preached to them a message I originally heard from Evangelist Daniel Kolenda about the importance of the calendar. Here’s what I said to them:

Did you know that God has a calendar for your life? Who wants to know what is on God’s calendar for your life? In Ecclesiastes 3:2, it says, “there is a time to be born.” So God knows the day of your birth. Your birthday is written on God’s calendar.

Hebrews 9:27 says, “It is appointed onto man once to die.” This means that death is not an accident. Death is an appointment. The day and the time of your death is written on God’s calendar.

There is another day written on God’s calendar for your life. It is the day of salvation. Would you like to know which day is written in God’s calendar for your salvation? If you could peek over God’s shoulder and look at his calendar for your life it would say, “Today is the day of your salvation.”

In 2 Corinthians 6:2 the Bible says, “now is the day of salvation.” It does not even say, “TODAY is the day of salvation.” It is more urgent than that. It says, “NOW is the day of salvation.”

If a man is drowning in the river, he does not need to be saved sometime today. He needs to be saved NOW. This is how important salvation is to God. He says, “NOW, not just today.”

How can you tell if you are hearing God’s voice? God always says, “NOW.” The devil always says, “Tomorrow” because the Devi knows a secret. Tomorrow does not exist. Tomorrow is just an idea. You do not have tomorrow and you may not ever have tomorrow. All you have is this moment. Right now.

There are people in hell right now, not because they said, “no” to Jesus, but because the devil convinced them they could say “yes” to Jesus tomorrow. But tomorrow never came.

Today is your day of salvation. Now is the time for you to be saved. When I gave the altar call, many of the business leaders gave their lives to Jesus.

Outreach at the Love Zambia Festival

Jesus made His disciples “fishers of men.” As evangelists we are fishing for souls. Every fisherman knows that in order to catch fish you have to use the right bait. In order to reach young people we used soccer, bike tricks, juggling, music, and bouncy houses to get people to come hear the Gospel. As everyone partied, we preached the Good News about Jesus.

Thousands of people responded to the message and gave their hearts to God. After the people prayed for salvation, they were met by councilors who helped them to fill out a decision card and gave them a copy of the Gospel of John.

One elder lady broke into tears when she received the Gospel of John. Holding it close to her heart, she exclaimed, “Surely God has not forgotten us.” There is nothing better than bringing hope to those in desperate need of it.




Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

The Democratic Republic of Congo

Gandajika Gospel Crusade

It was the biggest crowd in the history of our ministry. How big was the crowd? What message caused thousands of people to come to Jesus? What are the three biggest miracles God has ever done? Watch this video above to find out. Tears came to my eyes the first time I watched it.

Power to Preach the Gospel

To preach the Gospel you must have POWER…first you need the power of the Holy Spirit but you also need the power of a generator to run the sound system. Yesterday, our generator got stuck in a muddy rut in the road so the crusade team was scrambling to find a replacement.

In the town of Gandajika, Congo DRC they were able to find only one generator powerful enough to run the sound system. But the generator was built into a little building designed to protect it from the rain. So our crusade director had to rent a shovel truck to lift the roof off the building and then to lift the generator out of the building to put it in a dump truck to haul the generator to the crusade.

Tonight I preached on the paralyzed man who was LET DOWN through the roof. But for this crusade I have a new story about a generator that was LIFTED OUT through the roof. To make a crusade happen we must often go to great lengths and fight great battles, but this is the first time we have literally lifted the roof off a building.

As I preached on the paralyzed man we had an actor play the part in an illustrated drama. The bed he was laying on was carried to the stage by his four friends. The sight of the bed being lifted above the heads of the crowd attracted lots of attention. The friends laid the bed at the front of the platform and we read the story from Matthew 9. Jesus says three things to the paralyzed man.

Strengthen Your Heart

First Jesus said, “Be encouraged.” The local language of Gandajika translates this verse as “Strengthen your heart.” Jesus encouraged the man because he was sad, worried, and lonely. I told the people, “Jesus wants to encourage you tonight. Jesus wants to strengthen your heart. Jesus will take away your sadness and give you joy. He will take away your worry and replace it with hope. He will remove your loneliness and give you His presence.”

Your Sins Are Forgiven

Second Jesus said, “Your sins are forgiven.” I explained, “Jesus came from heaven to earth to forgive our sins. Everyone has sinned and the price for sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ. Jesus dies on the cross to pay the price for our sins and tonight Jesus wants to forgive your sins.”

Get Up, Take Up Your Bed, and Go Home

Third, Jesus healed the man’s body. Our actor on the stage stood to his feet and began to dance. “I’m healed!” he shouted. The entire crowd clapped because they were excited to see that Jesus is a healer. After the drama was over, I prayed for three things.

First I explained the greatest miracle is when Jesus forgives your sin. “If you want Jesus to forgive your sin, lift your hand,” I told the crowd. Across the field, thousands of people lifted their hands. I led them in a prayer of salvation. Our counselors immediately got to work recording the names of the people on decision cards so the local churches can follow up on them later.

Second we prayed for emotional healing and third we prayed for physical healing. Many people were touched by God and we had a variety of testimonies to share with the people.

Let the Little Children Come

Here in Congo ministering to children is unheard of. Typically, pastors tell the kids to sit in the back of the church and to be quiet. So when we announced we were doing a “Children’s Festival” at the crusade grounds on Friday morning the children began to cheer.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me.” That’s exactly what happened. The children came running from all over the city. They had big smiles on their faces.

We sang with them. We played games. We had a dance competition. Several of the graduates of the Christ for All Nations Evangelism Bootcamp told stories to the children. Hidden in each story was a Gospel truth. Repeatedly, the children heard the message, “Jesus loves you!”

Before I became known as an international evangelist I was a children’s minister. In my teenage years I dressed up as a clown as a tool for reaching children for Jesus. So, even though I am here to preach at the crusade I jumped at the opportunity to juggle for the children. As I threw balls high into the air, the kids laughed and clapped.

I balanced a pole on my finger. The key to keeping it balanced is to look at the top of the pole. I told the children, “If you keep your eyes on Jesus, your life will stay balanced. But if you take your eyes off Jesus, your life will fall apart.”

Then I told a story about a monkey who lived in the jungle. Some monkey hunters trapped the monkey using bananas. In the same way, Satan uses a sin trap to capture us. But Jesus came to set us free from the trap of sin. All the children shouted, “Jesus sets me free!” After the altar call, we gave each child a mini-book written by Daniel Kolenda. The book uses fun illustrations to teach the children how to follow Jesus.


The Father of Hugs and Kisses

On the third night of the crusade I preached on the Prodigal Son. The story is one of three stories found in Luke 15. First is the story of man with one hundred sheep. He loses one and he leaves the 99 to look for the one. Then there is the story of a woman who has saved ten silver coins. When she loses one, she searches the house until she finds the lost coin. Finally, is the story of a lost son.

In this story Jesus reveals God the Father to us. Many people think of God as an angry judge who is ready to condemn people who sin. But Jesus reveals that God is like a father who is searching for his lost son.

The son asks for his inheritance and then he wastes the money by living a sinful lifestyle in a faraway land. The son runs out of money and is stuck feeding pigs. He remembers his father and he decides to return home and beg for forgiveness. But as he walks the long road home he wonders if his father will be angry at him.

But the father (who represents God the Father) is out in front of his house looking for his lost son. He sees him coming from a long distance and the father runs to his son. The son falls to his knees in shame, but the father lifts him up and gives him a hug and kisses him. He gives his son his coat and puts his shoes on his son’s bare feet. He puts a ring on his finger and calls his household together to celebrate the return of his son.

In this story, Jesus reveals the Father of Hugs and Kisses. I told the crowd, “God is not angry at you. God loves you. God is looking for you.” I asked the people, “Will you come home to the Father’s House tonight? Will you turn away from your sin and come running home to your heavenly Father?” The crowd shouted “YES!” and I led them in a prayer of salvation.

Jesus said that all of heaven rejoices when one sinner gets saved. Tonight thousands of people came home to their heavenly Father and heaven is rejoicing!


I Will Pour Out My Spirit on All People

We invited all the local pastors and church leaders to a Fire Conference on Saturday morning.

Here in Congo many of the churches do not believe women can preach. Because of this religious doctrine, they have silenced half of the body of Christ. Also many of the pastors are older because they tell the young men they are not old enough to preach the Gospel.

So I preached on Acts 2 which tells about what happened on the Day of Pentecost. After the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit Peter began to preach. He quoted from the book of Joel, “In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit.” I asked the pastors, “Do you want God to pour out His Spirit.” They all shouted “Amen.”

I continued to read, “God will pour out His Spirit on all people.” I posed the question, “Do you believe God can pour out His Spirit upon all people? The pastors shouted, “Yes!”

“Your sons and daughters shall prophecy,” I read, “Your young men will see visions…Even on my servants, both men and woman, I will pour out my Spirit in those days and they shall prophecy.” I asked the pastors, “Do you believe God can use the women and the young men?” They pastors were a little hesitant this time, but a few replied quietly, “Yes.”

I told the story about the time Reinhard Bonnke was asked, “Do you think God can use a woman to save someone?” He replied, “If I was drowning, I would not care if it was a man or a woman who threw me a life preserver.”

I explained, “God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people.’ God can use your sons and your daughters if you will let Him.” I asked the pastors again, “Do you believe God can use the women and the young men?” This time they answered with more enthusiasm, “Yes!”

Then I invited two of the women evangelists who are on our team to share. Their names are Grace Smith and Anastasiia Dvoinikova. They both shared a powerful word and by the time they finished, the pastors were all shouting, “Amen.”

At the end of the Fire Conference we laid hands on every pastor and the fire of God fell.


Holy Spirit Night

Saturday night at the crusade in Gandajika was Holy Spirit night. I preached on the three greatest miracles in the Bible. Creation, Calvary, and Pentecost.

Creation: At creation is where we see God the Father’s greatest work. I told the crowd, “God created you. You are made in the image of God. You are God’s special creation.” I explained that God created the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, to be His friends. Every day God walked and talked with them in the Garden of Eden. But one day they disobeyed God and this sin broke their fellowship with God. I told everyone, “You were created to be God’s friend, but your sin separates you from God.”

Calvary: At the hill named Calvary, we see God the Son’s greatest work when Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay the price for our sins. I announced, “At Calvary, Jesus saved you.” Jesus, the Son of God, came from heaven to earth. Every day he walked and talked with His disciples. Then Jesus gave his life so we could once again have fellowship with the Father. The price for sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus. The crowd listened intently as I explained, “If you will call of Jesus, He will forgive your sin and you will be saved.”

Pentecost: The day of Pentecost is where we see God the Holy Spirit’s greatest work. One hundred and twenty disciples were gathered together in the upper room when suddenly a mighty wind began to blow. Tongues of fire rested on every head and they were filled with the Holy Spirit. Now, the Holy Spirit wants to come walk and talk with every believer.  I prayed for everyone to be filled with the Holy Spirit. As the thousands of people began to pray in the Holy Spirit, it sounded like the roar of a mighty lion.


Jesus Breaks Every Curse

People in Africa are intensely aware of the supernatural world in a way that the Western world often does not understand. They believe in curses and they often go to witchdoctors in search of a cure or a benefit. For example, a businessman might go to the witchdoctor and pay her to cast a spell upon his business rival. A barren woman might ask the witchdoctor for a potion to help her get pregnant. The witchdoctor makes money off of curses, so there is often a spiritual struggle when a Gospel crusade comes to town.

On Thursday night a witch doctor came to our crusade. She intended to walk through the crowd and place a curse on Christian believers. But as she walked around she found that her magic was not working. She stopped to listen to the message and she heard about how Jesus has the power to break every curse. She was convicted by the Holy Spirit for her evil ways of living and she decided to cry out to Jesus for salvation. She repented of her witchcraft and she was saved!

I pointed to two big barrels on the field and said to the crowd, “Tomorrow night we are going to burn every work of Satan. I want you to bring your juju beads, your witchcraft charms, and anything that represents your life of sin. We are going to burn everything in the barrels and send the devil’s curses to the fires of hell.”

The following night the former witchdoctor brought a paper with the names of all of her curses written down. She came to the front and threw the cursed paper into the barrel.

We doused the contents of the barrel with gasoline and threw a match in. Woosh! The fire burned hot. Our team of intercessors danced around the burning barrels and shouted, “Jesus! Jesus!”

From the platform I proclaimed, “Jesus breaks every curse. When Jesus died on the cross, He destroyed the power of sin and the power of Satan. Be free from every evil curse in Jesus’ name.”


Night of Blessing

The final night of the crusade in Gandajika was awe inspiring. The crowd size increased substantially. No one in the city wanted to miss the final night of the crusade.

The theme of the night was Deuteronomy 30:19 “I set before you life and death, blessing and cursing, therefore choose life!”

I gave the crowd a list of words. Some of the words were God words and some of the words were devil words. I asked the crowd to point up to heaven if a shared a God word and I asked them to point down to hell if I shared a devil word.

The first word was “LIFE.” Everyone pointed to heaven.

The second word was “DEATH.” Everyone pointed down. I explained that Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but Jesus comes to give us abundant life (John 10:10).

“BLESSING” It is a word that comes from God.

“CURSING” It is a word from the pits of hell.

The next word was “SALVATION.” Every index finger on the field pointed up. “SIN” Everyone pointed down. I repeated the word “SALVATION” and listened to my translator say the word in the local language. I tried to repeat it after him. I must have messed up my pronunciation bad because everyone laughed at me. “Do you think I should learn your language?” I asked. “Yes,” they all replied.

“HEALING” comes from God. “SICKENESS” comes from the devil. The people knew the right answer even though some theologians get this concept wrong.

“PROSPERITY” is from God. “POVERTY” is from the devil. “LOVE” is a God word, “HATE”  is a devil word.

I preached, “Everyone must make a choice. You can choose to go to heaven or hell. You can choose to trust in Jesus for salvation or you can walk away from God. There is a broad road that leads to hell and many people are following it. There is a narrow path that leads to God. The name of that narrow path is Jesus! If you cry out to Jesus, and turn from your sinful ways, you will be saved.”

“Do you want to choose to follow Jesus?” I asked.

“Yes,” roared the crowd. I led them in a prayer of salvation and the councilors moved through the crowd giving books to all the new believers.

Everyone chose blessing instead of cursing. At the end of the evening, we burned two barrels full of the curses of witch doctors. Then I prayed a powerful prayer of blessing over the crowd. “You are blessed, blessed, blessed!” The whole crowd went home full of God’s blessing and thankful that the crusade had come to their city of Gandajika.


Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

El Salvador

Report from Santa Ana, El Salvador

God moved in a powerful way in our recent crusade in Santa Ana, El Salvador. The local soccer stadium was packed full of people who were hungry for God.

Hundreds of local churches participated in our outreach. We asked every church in the city to bring one or more buses to the crusade. Our plan was to fill half of each bus with church members and the other half of the bus with people who need Jesus. Two months in advance, church members throughout the city made a list of seven unsaved people to pray for and to invite to the crusade.

When the stadium doors opened, people poured through the gates. I preached a crystal-clear Gospel message about how Jesus died for our sins. When I gave the altar call more than two thousand people streamed forward to make a decision to follow Christ.

The follow up for these new believers began immediately. On the bus on the way home, each church member who invited someone who got saved used the time to pray with the new believer and to begin the discipleship process. The local pastors were excited to see so many people from their neighborhoods get saved.

The Power of Partnership

Our crusade was one part of impacting the entire nation of El Salvador. I am on the board of the Global Evangelist Alliance. Evangelists from around the world have joined hands together to impact entire nations. With the leading of the Holy Spirit, we chose El Salvador as the first nation to target.

The outreach kicked off with a powerful pastor’s conference. Over 4,000 pastors from all over the nation of El Salvador came together to make a commitment to reach every person in the nation for Jesus. Our team of evangelists, led by Evangelist Nathan Morris, decided to do seven crusades in seven different cities throughout El Salvador. My assigned city was Santa Ana.

The local churches in Santa Ana caught the vision and in the months before our team arrived, they did over thirty neighborhood crusades in our region to reach the lost.

I invited my pastor, Paul Daugherty, from Victory Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma (our home church) to partner with us for this crusade. Victory Christian School (where my kids go to school) brought 138 students to El Salvador for a week of ministry before the crusade.

The team of young people ministered in schools and neighborhoods. Before the crusade even started they ministered to 7,091 people, witnessed 1,230 salvations, had 38 confirmed healings, distributed 92 boxes of food, and had 62 baptisms.

Pastor Paul Daugherty hosted a Pastor’s Conference and over 800 leaders from the surrounding area came to be encouraged. I preached on the Fire of God and Pastor Paul preached on the Keys of the Kingdom. We had a powerful time of impartation at the conference as we laid hands of all the pastors and their wives.

The Victory Team helped to lead worship at the crusade and the teenagers performed dramas on stage. Pastor Paul preached on the first night of the crusade and I preached on the second night. Both nights we saw a great harvest of souls.

Many of the people who came were sick and praying for a miracle. One of the highlights on Pastor Paul’s night was when a crippled man stood up from his wheelchair and began to walk for the first time in many years. When I preached, God opened the ear of a man who was deaf in his left ear.

Can We Reach Everyone for Jesus?

Is it possible that every person on earth could be reached with the Good News of the Gospel in our generation? This is an audacious goal but I believe the answer is “YES!” Jesus told us to go into ALL the world and that’s what we want to do. We want to give every person on earth the opportunity to hear about Jesus.

We have teamed up with the Global Evangelists Alliance, a network of evangelists from all over the world who are dedicated to preaching the Gospel to everyone. Our goal is to mobilize men and women of every race, nationality, and language to win the world for Jesus.

In early 2024, over a four-month period, leading evangelistic ministries from around the world united in El Salvador to reach the entire nation for Jesus. As we joined together in unity, we saw God do amazing miracles.

  • Our team of 14 evangelists did crusadesin the seven largest cities in the nation: Sonsonate, Ahuachapán, Santa Ana, Zacatecoluca, San Francisco Gotera, San Miguel, and San Salvador.
  • We worked with 38 different denominations and pastor’s associations.
  • A total of 6,590 churches participated.
  • We preached the Gospel face-to-face to a total of 2,190,580 individuals.
  • A total of 34% of the nation of El Salvador heard a clear presentation of the Gospel.
  • 227,899 people made a decision to become a follower of Jesus Christ.
  • Over 165,000 completed a discipleship program after the event.

Best Part of the Trip

One of the team members was my fourteen-year-old son Caleb. I was proud of him because he raised most of the money to go on this mission trip by raking leaves and shoving snow in our neighborhood.

During the crusade, we asked the young people to help us pray for the sick during the healing prayer. My son, along with a group of eighth graders from his class prayed for a five-year-old boy who was born with club feet. As they prayed, my son started to cry.

Caleb came to me and said, “Dad, I am crying but I don’t know why I am crying. I never cry.”

I explained to him, “Son, God is allowing you to feel the emotion He feels when He sees hurting people. Jesus had compassion on people and He is giving you the same compassion for the boy you are praying for.” Caleb’s tenderness was an answer to prayer for my wife and I. We have been praying for our teenage boy to have a soft heart towards God and it was so good to see God touch his heart in such a profound way.

Do You Have Compassion for the Hurting?

Caleb’s experience reminds me that all of us need to have compassion for the lost and the hurting. I pray every day that God would fill my heart with compassion and today I pray that God would give you more compassion for others. Thank you for your heart to help those who are hurting!

Your Missionary Evangelist,

Dr. Daniel King

P.S. Can you help us with the cost of our next Gospel Crusade? Click here to give a donation. 


Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!


Thank you for helping us preach the Gospel to Muslims in Guinea!

Crusade in Guéckédou, Guinea

After a successful crusade in Foya, Liberia, we packed up our platform and sound system and moved it across a river on canoes for a campaign in Guéckédou, Guinea. When I planned to do two crusades back-to-back, I looked at Google maps and I thought it would be easy to cross the border. But it turned out that the roads between the two nations do not connect. So, we had to cross a river on boats. But we don’t let anything stop us from preaching the Gospel.

We moved from Liberia to Guinea, from English to French, from a majority Christian nation, to a majority Muslim nation. A delegation of pastors Liberia sent us off and a delegation of pastors from Guinea greeted us as we crossed the river.

The campaign in Guéckédou took place on a soccer field (named Stade Tchendenan Dembadouno) in the center of the city right next to the marketplace. So, everyone in the city knew about the event.

We had two translators. The first translator translated my English into French, and the second translator translated French into the Kesi language. It took three times as much time to say one sentence. So, I had to choose each sentence with care. I preached on the Father of Hugs and Kisses. You probably know the story as the Parable of the Prodigal Son. The son walked far away from his father, but the father eagerly awaited his return. In the same way, God is looking for all of His sons and daughters so He can save them from their lives of sin.

Miracles for Muslims

We witnessed lots of miracles. A blind eye was opened. A deaf ear was able to hear. Back problems and stomach problems and headaches were all healed by the power of Jesus.

The Iman’s (Religious Leaders) in all the Mosques of Guéckédou preached against our Gospel campaign on Friday night. They told the Muslims, “Don’t go to the meeting at the soccer field. They will send you to hell.”  One Iman’s blind eye was healed but he did not come to testify because he was scared. But the sermons against our event actually worked to our advantage because it made people want to come. On Saturday night, the size of the crowd swelled.

The Testimony of Oury Saw

The largest unreached people group in Guinea is the Fulani tribe. Most of the Fulani tribe is Muslim. The Muslim identity is so engrained in the Fulani identity that most of the Fulani people believe that it is impossible for someone in their tribe to be anything other than Muslim.

But in Guinea we met a Fulani man whose life has been changed by Jesus. His name is Oury Saw and he helped organize our crusade.

Oury Saw was born into a Muslim family. But he became dissatisfied with his religion. He says, “I was really thirsty for God and I was saying to myself, God is greater than the religion.”

One day he heard some singing and out of curiosity he stopped. It was a group of Christians singing. One of the Christians gave him a French Bible. He started reading John 1 and became fascinated with God’s Word. He read through the New Testament seven times in two days.

He asked a Christian man, “Who is Jesus?” The Christian replied, “Jesus is God Almighty.” That night when Oury went to bed, he prayed, “Jesus, if you are God the creator of the universe, I want to see you.” In the middle of the night, he had a vision of Jesus.

Oury became a follower of Jesus. He has suffered great persecution and even been attacked by his own family. He still dresses like a Fulani man and he is doing everything he can to introduce other Fulani people to Jesus. 

Oury Saw and Billy Bimba Reconnect

As a new believer Oury Saw felt rejected. The Muslims wanted nothing to do with him and he did not feel welcomed into the Christian community. Twenty years ago, Oury heard Evangelist Billy Bimba preach when he was in Guinea fleeing from the war in Liberia. But as a refugee Bimba continued to preach the Gospel. When Bimba was finished preaching, he came over and greeted Oury, hugged him, and ministered to him. Oury Saw felt welcomed by a Christian for the first time. Then he lost contact with Billy Bimba. Twenty years later, we were invited to do a festival in Guinea. Oury Saw was the festival organizer. We needed a sound system so we brought Billy Bimba’s sound system over from Liberia. After twenty years, Billy Bimba and Oury Saw were reconnected. They were so happy to see one another and to find that both are still serving the Lord.

A Good Report

After the campaign in Guéckédou was over, we received this testimony report from one of our co-evangelists: “When our campaign director arrived in Gueckedou three weeks before the campaign the pastors had a lot of splits between them. Some of them did not want to be in the same room. But the campaign has united them. And now they are so happy to do this together. They are also very thankful for our visit. The pastors discussed with each other how many new believers they welcomed to their services Sunday morning. Turns out that the 20 churches that worked with us had over 800 new believers that attended on Sunday morning! And the follow up work has not even started!”

Your Missionary Evangelist,

Daniel King


Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!


Thank you for helping us preach the Gospel in Liberia!

 Report from Foya, Liberia

The story of our recent crusade in Foya, Liberia begins at the New York Bagel Café in Tulsa, Oklahoma. One day I was in the café working on my laptop and a friend introduced me to an evangelist from Liberia named Billy Bimba. He was born in Liberia, and his father was a pastor in Foya. When Billy was young he traveled from village to village preaching about Jesus. But when a war broke out in Liberia, his family was forced to flee to the United States.

As we spoke, Brother Bimba told me he had a calling from God upon his life to preach the Gospel. I recognized his passion for evangelism. He asked, “Why don’t you come to Liberia and do a crusade?”

He shared with me his vision to reach all of Liberia for Jesus. God had given him a sound system and a platform for doing crusades. Brother Bimba just needed a truck to transport the crusade setup. Because of the generosity of King Ministries partners, I was able to give him a gift towards the purchase of a truck. He used the news of my gift to raise the rest of the funds to purchase a beautiful new truck for his ministry. With everything in place to do a crusade, we scheduled the dates to go to Liberia.

Arriving in Liberia

I landed in Monrovia and Brother Bimba met me at the airport. We got in a Landcruiser and headed towards Foya. It is only 283 miles on a map but it took our team two days because most of those miles are on dirt roads.

As we traveled, I learned a new song:

If you believe and I believe

and we together pray;

the Holy Spirit will come down

and Foya will be saved.

The Holy Spirit will come down

And Foya will be saved.

On the second day of our journey we bounced over dirt roads for over twelve hours. On the way we stopped for a brief break. There was a group of boys and teens carrying machetes headed to work. I pulled out a Gospel sticker and shared the good news with them. The whole group prayed with me for salvation.

When we finally arrived, the local churches in Foya greeted us with a parade. They played drums and shook gourds covered in beads in rhythm. The noise was deafening but full of rejoicing. As we traveled through the center of town, we saw banners announcing the crusade everywhere. The city was excited to welcome us.

Early Morning Prayer Meeting

The churches in Foya were hungry for a move of God. They held a prayer meeting at 5:30 a.m. every day we were there. At that time in the morning it is still dark outside, and I had to use a flashlight to walk to the church. Inside I saw pastors laying on the floor crying out to God for revival. More and more believers arrived at the church and by the time the sun came up over the horizon, the church was full of men and women on their knees earnestly praying for a move of God. By the time the roosters started to crow, we all had our hands up as we asked God to touch the city.

The Crusade in Foya

In the Kessi language, names reflect where a person stands in his family’s birth order. All first born sons are known as “Sah.”  I am the firstborn son of my father, so Brother Bimba introduced me as “Sah-King.”

The first night of the crusade we launched “Liberia for Jesus,” an initiative to reach everyone in Liberia with the Gospel through rural crusades. The verse God gave me for this plan to reach the nation is Matthew 9:35, “Jesus went to every town and village…teaching…preaching…and healing.” We saw all three principles from the ministry of Jesus at work in Foya.

Teaching – Our Fire Conference was packed with hungry leaders who were excited to receive teaching on evangelism and the Holy Spirit.

Preaching – Thousands of people attended all five nights of the crusade. When we gave the altar call people came running to the front to give their lives to Jesus.

Healing – Jesus healed many people. One night so many people came up on the platform to testify that we were worried the platform might collapse because of the weight.

Over the course of the five-day crusade, thousands of people were touched by the power of God. Thank you for helping us preach the Gospel in Foya, Liberia! The ministry partnership we launched at this crusade will continue until all of Liberia is impacted by the Gospel.

Your Missionary Evangelist,

Dr. Daniel King


Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!


We witnessed a miracle in Laos, a Communist nation. God opened the door for us to have a music festival in the center of the biggest mall in the capital city of Vientiane. The police gave us strict restrictions and they kept a close eye on us the entire time we were in the country. But Jesus was glorified in the heart of a Communist city. Please pray for God’s protection for the local believers in Laos.

Laos is a Communist nation. During the Vietnam war it was a supply route for weapons used by the Viet Cong. The United States carried out a massive bombardment on Laos, dropping over two million tons of bombs which was nearly a ton for every person in Laos. Thousands of these bombs failed to explode and they continue to kill and maim people to this day. During the Cold War, Laos was supported by the Soviet Union but after the fall of the Soviet Union, they turned to China and Vietnam. Laos is the only landlocked nation in Asia and it has become an important part in Communist China’s “Belt and Road Initiative.”

The Communist Party holds all the power in Laos. They put extreme restrictions on the local churches. Because of their history of being against Christianity we had no idea if we would even be allowed to enter the country.

It took us about two hours to cross the border. The border officials did not want to allow our musical instruments to be brought into the country. They wanted a bribe and we refused to pay them money. They held us at the border, and we sat in the hot sun. One team member described the humidity by saying, “I feel like a dog licked me all over my body.” Finally, the border officials allowed the guitar and keyboard into the country.

We went to the biggest mall in the city and set up a stage in the open area in the middle of the mall. Before we started the police told us we were not allowed to preach. But they said we were allowed to sing any song we wanted to sing. So, we sang the Gospel. We started at noon and had worship groups sing until the mall’s closing time. As the bands sang, uniformed police officers kept a close eye on us to make sure we did not say anything forbidden. There were also secret undercover police that came to watch us.

The biggest crowd at any given moment was only a few hundred people. But everyone who came into the mall all day long could hear the music. I did a juggling show and ended by smashing an egg on my forehead. Since I was not allowed to preach I did a balancing routine with a broom and told everyone. “If you look up, your life will stay balanced. But if you look down your life will fall apart. Everyone say “look up!””

The next morning God opened the door for us to minister at a school to about 1,000 kids. After doing a juggling show, I shared a story about a smart teacher and a butterfly.

One member of the team gave an altar call and many students raised their hands. The local believers were amazed at how bold we were in sharing the Gospel. Some of them were scared but many of them were excited to see what God was doing.

That afternoon we ministered to another 800 kids at a second school. I was asked to deliver the Gospel message. But I was not allowed to give an altar call. I was told I was only allowed to share a testimony. I shared a story about how my mother caught me stealing cookies and I felt bad. That day, my mother taught me three things: God created me, God loves me, and God saves me.

In the evening, we ministered at a college to 75 students. After a brief program, we divided up into small groups and had conversations with the students. I had a conversation with four college age girls. They all had cell phones and were on Tik Tok. But none of them had ever heard about Jesus. I asked them, “Do you know who Jesus is?” One girl said, “Is Jesus an American singer?” So I started at the beginning of creation and shared the entire story of the Bible with the girls.

Please pray for Laos to meet Jesus!


Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!



Spiritual warfare is real. On the street near our Gospel Festival in Khon Kaen, Thailand there was a Buddhist celebration. I saw a parade of two long lighted snake dragons held up by hundreds of people. A group of young men climbed two tall poles in the middle of the street. Then the snake dragon climbed up the pole and as it encircled the humans everyone celebrated with fireworks. At the top of the pole, the snake dragon looked alive as it surveyed the people’s adulation.

We are in a battle against an invisible enemy for the souls of men and women. “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:2).

According to the Museum of Siam, the society of Thailand is built on three pillars: Nation, King, and Religion. Religion is an important part of life in Thailand. Their traditional beliefs are a mix of Buddhism, animism, and Brahminism. Animism is a belief in spirits. These spirits can be appeased with little rituals or can give blessing in exchange for worship. People also wear amulets to attract or to repel spirits. Fortune telling is done by shaking fortune sticks out of a cup.

There are many Buddhist temples throughout Thailand with statues of Buddha. In some statues Buddha is standing, in others he is sitting, sometimes he is laying down. Each individual pose represents a different moment in Buddha’s life. Monks in orange robes chant in front of the statues. You will also see statues of Hindu gods with people burning incense in front of them.

Thailand has a population of almost seventy million people but only 3% is Christian. In order to reach people who have never had a chance to hear the Gospel, we set up our platform right in front of the main shopping mall in the city of Khon Kaen. The mall was ultra-modern and a huge billboard advertising the newest iPhone model was on the wall behind the stage. But at the same time from the stage we could see a monument dedicated to Buddha. Our event was advertised as an “International Gospel Music Festival,” and we used music from various bands to attract young people.

As I preached on the first night at the Gospel Festival,, everyone listened intently, and many responded. The theme of my message was “Shame & Honor.” In the west we usually think in terms of guilt and innocence but in much of the east they think in terms of shame and honor. In America, we rarely hear a sermon that talks about shame, but the Bible actually has a lot to say on the topic.

What is shame? Shame is when we feel isolated, rejected, polluted, excluded and abandoned. What is honor? Honor is when we are included, accepted, exalted, cleansed and loved. When God created us, He gave us great honor because we are made in His image. But sin caused shame to enter the world. When a thief is caught, he brings shame upon his family. Isaiah 59:2 says, “But your iniquities (sins) have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden His face from you…” This speaks to an Asian audience because “keeping face” is important to their culture.

God sent Jesus to take away our shame. He died a shameful death, hung naked on a cross. He took our shame upon Himself. But then God raised Him up and gave Him great honor. “Because of the joy awaiting Him, [Jesus] endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now He is seated at the place of honor beside God’s throne” (Hebrews 12:2b). You have probably heard Romans 10:9-10 quoted a hundred times. But have you ever read the next verse? “The one who believes in Him will NEVER BE PUT TO SHAME” (Romans 10:11). When we receive Jesus and believe in Jesus’ name, we receive the right to become children of God (John 1:12) which is a position of great honor.

Jesus takes our guilt and gives us forgiveness. Jesus also takes our shame and gives us great honor. Jesus is Lord of both the east and the west. When I gave the altar call, many young people filled out decision cards.

Thank you for helping us reach people for Jesus in the nation of Thailand!


Help Us Lead People to Jesus

The goal of King Ministries is to lead one million people to Jesus every year. We can not accomplish this goal without your help. Would you give a monthly gift to help us rescue people from hell? Even a gift of $1 a month would be a huge help.

Over the course of our twenty years of ministry, we have found it takes an average cost of $1 for every person we have lead to Jesus. In order to do large evangelistic outreaches, we need to rent a platform, sound system, and advertise the event. Plus we give away thousands of free books and Bibles to help disciple the new believers.

The Bible says that all of heaven rejoices when one sinner gets saved, so for only $1 a month, you can be responsible for starting a party in heaven every single month. Click here to become a monthly partner with us today.


Cambodia is famous for its Buddhist temple, Angkor Wat. According to Guinness World Records it is the largest religious structure in the world. At one time, Angkor Wat was the center of a great empire. As I explored the ruins of this ancient temple, I was fascinated by what it represented. Inside every human being is a need for God and the temple was an attempt to connect with the Creator of the Universe. For eons, humans have desired to know God.

Cambodia is 97% Buddhist. According to Buddha, all of life is suffering. This suffering is caused by desire. In Buddhism the way to be free from suffering is to free yourself from desire and the way to do that is by following the pathway of enlightenment.

Yet despite Cambodia’s commitment to Buddhism, they have still faced great suffering. In 1975 Cambodia was taken over by the Khmer Rouge, a Communist party. Under their regime an estimated three million people were viciously murdered. The places where people were killed is known as “The Killing Fields.” For many years it was impossible to preach the Gospel in Cambodia. But now the door is open for us to tell people about Jesus. Now the “Killing Fields” have become “Harvest Fields.”

Gospel Festival in Battambang

Our Gospel Music Festival took place in the city of Battambang, Cambodia. Sitting at the entrance to the city is a huge idol holding a stick. The name of the city “Bat-tam” means “losing” and “bang” means stick. There is an ancient Buddhist story about a king who lost his stick then miraculously found it again. To this day, the people of the city of Battambang worship the figure of the “stick-king.” I saw people burning incense and offerings of food and drink to the idol as they bowed down in front of it in an act of worship.

Our team flew into Bangkok, Thailand. Then we took a van to drive across the border into Cambodia. The border closed at 10:00 pm and we made it across at 9:55 pm.

On our first day in Cambodia, we ministered in a prison. There were about 220 prisoners and they all prayed with us for salvation.

We used music to attract a crowd to the two-day International Gospel Music Festival. It was held in a church campground and thousands of people were in attendance. The people enjoyed listening to the local artists and church worship groups, and watching our dance team of teen girls dressed in typical Cambodian clothing doing traditional dances.

I preached on the three greatest miracles in the Bible: God created you, God loves you, and God saves you. When I gave the altar call, many people gave their lives to Jesus.

Discipleship Book Translated into Cambodian

For this festival, we translated my book “Welcome to the Kingdom” into the Cambodian language and gave it away to all the new believers who got saved. There are not many Christian resources available in the Cambodian language, so the book was greatly appreciated. It teaches people how to be saved, how to be healed, how to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and how to walk with God. I wrote the book twenty years ago and now it is available in eight different languages. Over the years, we have given away over 600,000 copies of the book to people who prayed with us for salvation.

In Cambodia, a gift copy of the book was given to the Undersecretary of State of the Cambodian Ministry of Cults and Religions. He is the government official in charge of representing all religious activities in the nation.

We printed extra copies of “Welcome to the Kingdom” and gave them to the local churches who worked with us. Already we have received reports of the book being used in many places to teach people about Jesus.

On Sunday morning I visited a local church that was doing a sports outreach for all the youth in the area. The young people play in a soccer league hosted by the church. But in order to play, they have to attend a special devotional on Sunday morning. The church decided to use my book as the basis for their devotionals. Every week the young people will study a new chapter.

Thank you! It is because of your financial support that we are able to put resources like the book “Welcome to the Kingdom” in the hands of people who are searching for God.



Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!



“It is 4:15, we have to turn off our sound system,” a pastor at our village campaign in *********  told me. Our worship team had just finished singing simple Christian tunes like “This is the Day that the Lord has Made” and “Hallelujah.”

“Why?” I asked, “I am ready to preach to the crowd.”

“Because it is time for Muslim prayers and we do not want to offend them,” the pastor explained to me, “Five times a day the Muslims call people to pray from the Mosque that is next to where we are holding our Gospel campaign. If we make noise during their call to prayer, we might offend them and they will force us to shut down the meeting.”

Our village campaigns took place on the front lines of Gospel work. We were standing on the enemy’s turf trying to take new territory. We were in a majority Muslim country. While I was there, the war between Israel and Gaza was raging. The head of Hamas called for a world-wide day of anger and Jihad against Jews and Christians. In the capital there were demonstrations where mobs of people burned the Israeli flag and the American flag. Thank you for praying for my safety!

Once the Muslim prayers were over, I began preaching. My sermon had four main points: God Created You, God Loves You, God Saves You, and God Heals You. When I gave the altar call hundreds of people prayed with me for salvation right in the shadow of the Mosque!

The amazing miracle is that on the same day when Islam was calling for anger, we saw the love of Jesus manifested in a powerful way. It was on a Friday. Not only was it the day of our biggest attendance at the campaign, but it was also the day when we saw the most people get saved.

Our team did two village-size Gospel campaigns. Each campaign was three days long and also included a conference for discipling young people. We deliberately kept the events small because we did not want to attract too much attention. Even though the events were small, they will produce a big impact. The ministry we are working is sending a pastor to each of these villages to plant a new church so that the new believers can be discipled.

Each of these villages have never heard about Jesus before. Before we came, there were no churches and no Christian believers in these villages. But now there are!

A total of 1,211 decision cards were filled out. Many people were saved and every night people testified they were healed.



Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

Sierra Leone

In this video you will see what God did on my recent mission trip to Sierra Leone. Witness the amazing miracle of a deaf ear being healed. Hear the testimony of a Muslim camera man who gets saved. Watch new believers get baptized. Learn about the impact of this trip on eternity.

Welcome to Sierra Leone in West Africa.

The history of this nation goes back to when slaves from America, Canada, and England were set free and sent back to Africa.

They were dropped off where the city of Freetown now stands and the former slaves spent their first night as free men under a giant cotton wood tree that still stands to this day. The cotton wood tree is a symbol of freedom and it is on the money of Sierra Leone.

I was invited here by Will Jones from Awakening Ministries International.

Our team travelled seven hours across the country to do outreaches in rural villages in the eastern part of Sierra Leone.

We preached the Gospel in schools.

And in villages.

One village said they would give us a piece of land in order to plant a church.

Sierra Leone is 78% Muslim and Muslims attended all of our services.

In one service we were directly across the street from a Muslim Mosque and as they called people to Muslim prayers, I called people to Jesus.

In one village two Muslim Imams came to the service. Both of them prayed with us for salvation.

At one service, there was a young boy. He was deaf for two years. I asked the people to lay their hands on the part of their bodies where there was pain. The boy’s mother laid her hands on his ear and as we prayed, a black growth fell out of his ear and into her hand. Now the boy is able to hear.

We did a pastor’s conference for church leaders.

We trained local evangelists, provided them with resources, and gave them sound systems so they can go preach the Gospel in every town and village.

We hired a Muslim cameraman to take pictures. He heard us preach about Jesus all week long. At the end of the week, he said, “I want to be baptized.”

We baptized a total of 152 people who decided to live for Jesus.

Thank you for helping us reach the people of Sierra Leone with the Gospel.

Your Support Helps Us Lead People to Jesus!

Can you give a financial gift today to help us lead more people to Jesus? Right now we are asking God for 300 new monthly partners who will give every single month. You can start your partnership with as little as one dollar a month. When you give, we GO! To give, CLICK HERE


Iringa, Tanzania Rings With Shouts of Joy

By Evangelist Daniel King 

Greetings! I am reporting from the frontlines of Gospel Evangelism. We are in a battle for the souls of men, women, and children. I am happy to report that Jesus is the Winner!

When I arrived in Iringa, Tanzania, I saw hundreds of posters, billboards and banners advertising a Christ for All Nations Gospel crusade. The bright colors immediately caught my eye, and I knew the city was ready for a move of God. The setup for this crusade was done by graduates of the CFAN Evangelism Bootcamp. As an instructor at the Evangelism Bootcamp, I was proud to see their diligence and dedication produce results.

On the first night of the crusade, I preached that “Everyone who calls on the Name of the Lord shall be saved.” During the altar call, people all over the field raised their hands to receive Jesus. A total of 4,703 people filled out decision cards which was a great start to the crusade. When we prayed for the sick, cripples lifted their crutches into the air and started to walk. A crippled woman was the first to come on the platform. She lifted her crutch high and began to dance. A 12-year-old girl with “brain abnormalities” was completely healed. A woman who visited a witch doctor seeking a cure announced, “The witch doctor was not able to heal me, but tonight Jesus healed me!”

On the second night, Daniel Kolenda arrived in Iringa to preach. Christ for All Nations is doing five crusades in five different cities in Tanzania at the same time in an effort called Operation Decapolis. It was an honor to be invited to participate in this historical event. Evangelist Kolenda preached on three spiritual laws found in Romans 8:1-2. The Law of Sin will pull you down all the way to hell. The Law of Death will destroy you. But the Law of Salvation will lift you up. He shared a great illustration. Imagine you are holding a Bible in your hand and you let it go…it will fall because of the Law of Gravity. But, if your hand is under the Bible, it will not fall. In the same way that the Law of Gravity pulls things down in the natural world, the Laws of Sin and Death pull us down spiritually. But the nail-scarred hand of Jesus catches us and lifts us up to heaven. The Law of Salvation is greater than the Laws of Sin and Death. Thousands of people responded to his message, and they cried out to Jesus for salvation!

We found the city of Iringa to be ripe for harvest. One morning I went out with one of the sound trucks into the city center. The sound truck is a small pickup truck with two big speakers, a generator, and a sound board. As the truck drives around populated areas, the speakers blast an invitation to come to the crusade. I stood in the back of the pickup and waved to people. They quickly recognized me from my picture on the poster. A crowd gathered around the truck, so I grabbed a microphone and began to preach. Right there in the marketplace across from the fruit stand, I led five hundred people to Jesus. Afterwards they promised to bring their families to the crusade.

Another night, we invited people to drop their witchcraft items and juju beads into a large barrel. We lit the contents on fire. Flames leapt fifteen feet into the sky. We took authority over every demonic spirit. Demons began to manifest. I saw a woman fall to the ground and roll around in the dirt. She was being controlled by a demon. Some ushers lifted her up and carried her to a tent that is set aside for casting out demons. We called it “The Snake Pit.” Pastors prayed for her, and she was delivered. When she came out of the tent she was smiling because Jesus set her free.

On the fifth and final night of the crusade, I preached once again. I asked how many people were there for the first time and almost half of the audience raised their hands. My message was on the three greatest miracles in the Bible: Creation, Calvary, and Pentecost. These are the three greatest miracles for your life. God created you. God saves you. God empowers you. At Creation, we see God the Father’s greatest work. At Calvary, we see God the Son’s greatest work. At Pentecost, we see God the Holy Spirit’s greatest work. The people were delighted to hear they were made in the image of God, saved by the blood of Jesus, and could be filled with the fire of the Holy Spirit. We prayed for people to be baptized in the Holy Spirit and many people shouted for joy as they were filled with God’s power.

Over the five nights of the crusade, attendance each night was between 20,000-32,000 people. A total of 15,715 people filled out decision cards. I stand in amazement at the awesome things God did in the city of Iringa.

Thank you for helping us reach people for Jesus in Tanzania!

God Moves in Kahama, Tanzania

By Evangelist Daniel King

Christ for All Nations, the ministry founded by Reinhard Bonnke and now led by Daniel Kolenda, invited me to minister at a Gospel Crusade in Kahama, Tanzania. 

This year, I had the privilege of teaching fifty students at the Evangelism Bootcamp hosted by Christ for All Nations. Now these students are on the ground putting into practice the lessons they learned in the classroom. As an evangelism coach, I am so proud of them for reaching people for Jesus. 

The students are visiting hundreds of local schools in Tanzania to preach the Gospel. 

They are taking evangelism trucks into the streets and marketplaces to tell people about Jesus.

Plus they are organizing a great Gospel crusade in Kahama, Tanzania (one of five crusades taking place in Tanzania over a two week period). 

For several months they prepared for the crusade by putting up posters, banners, billboards, and passing out flyers. 

They organized the local churches and trained counselors. Everyone in town has heard about the event. Now it is time to preach the Gospel. 

I preached a simple gospel message and thousands of people responded to the altar call. 

God performed many miracles. 

Over the week in Kahama, a total of 13,457 people filled out decision cards as an indication of their decision to follow Christ. Now the local churches are following up on these new believers to make them disciples. 

Thank you for your financial support. It is because of your generosity that we are able to go tell people about Jesus.

Excitement Fills the City of Kahama

By Evangelist Daniel King

I landed in Tanzania on Sunday and was greeted by the CFaN team. Despite my jet lag, it was an exciting moment to step foot in this nation for the first time. On my plane were many of the technical engineers who come from different nations around Europe to run the sound and lighting systems for each crusade. The team is highly experienced in doing crusades with CFaN in Africa, but this time is different because they are splitting up and each going to different cities. Doing multiple crusades in multiple cities at the same time presents new challenges to overcome.

After an overnight stay in Dar es Salaam, our team took a much smaller plane to Kahama. We were greeted upon our arrival by Lukas Repert who has been living in Kahama since August in order to organize the crusade. He was one of my students at the Evangelism Bootcamp in the spring, and now it is amazing to see him organize his first crusade event. He has been working hard to secure permissions from the government, build relationships with local pastors, distribute publicity material around the city, and to train counselors to help follow up on new believers.

As we drove from the airport into the city, I could see already that this was going to be a great crusade. The city was covered in posters, banners, and billboards all announcing the crusade. I heard sound trucks driving around telling people about the event. I felt an urgent anticipation in the city.

We stopped by the crusade grounds where the platform was in the process of being assembled. One team was hard at work digging a trench to bury electric wires from the generator to the sound system. Another team of local workmen were helping to erect a light tower so the field would be well lit.

The following day, I went with Paul, another Evangelism Bootcamp graduate to visit local schools. Before the crusade even begins, the team has gone into every school in the region in order to tell the students about Jesus. Our first school assembly was at 7am and in the course of the day we visited nine different schools and had the opportunity to minister to a total of 3,341 students in both primary and secondary schools. In each school we communicated a clear Gospel message and we found the students were eager to pray with us for salvation.

On Tuesday I asked my driver to show me around town so I could take some pictures. We visited the local market place and passed out flyers. I found that everyone in the city has heard about the event. One woman at a fruit stand saw my face on the flyer and she asked if I was one of the speakers. She was so excited to hear that I was and I gave her a personal invitation to come to the crusade. She promised to bring her whole family. A Muslim man asked me if Muslims are allowed to come to the event and I assured him that Jesus loves Muslims and that Muslims are most welcome to come. He said he would be there. I also visited a local ranch where cattle with long horns are bought and sold. There were twenty young men taking care of the cows. I gave them all flyers and invited them to the crusade. I took the opportunity to preach a short message to them and all of the young men prayed with me for salvation.

I climbed on the back of one of the five sound trucks that is driving all over the city announcing the crusade. A generator provides electricity and big speakers blast a jingle inviting people to the crusade. I grabbed a microphone and with the help of a translator I gave people a personal invitation to come to the crusade. As we drove through the center of town, I saw people dancing to the upbeat music we were playing and when I waved at them, they waved back enthusiastically.

On Wednesday, it was time for counselor training. Hundreds of counselors came to the field and the crusade director explained to them the process for giving books to all the people who will get saved at the crusade. He gave them instructions to help the new believer fill out the decision card in the back of the book. He said, “Please, treat these decision cards as if they are gold. We use the decision cards to follow up on all the new believers.”

There is anticipation throughout the city. The stage has been set. Now we are eagerly waiting to see what God will do this week in Kahama, Tanzania.


The Devil is Frustrated in Kahama, Tanzania

By Evangelist Daniel King

The first day of the crusade in Kahama, Tanzania started with a parade of cars, motorcycles, three wheeled taxies, and a host of singing Christians marching through the center of the city. Paul Mauer and I sat in the lead vehicle and waved. The Christians smiled at everyone in the street and invited them to join the parade as we marched toward the crusade grounds. The highlights included a man who made a hat and a poncho out of crusade posters and a car that was completely covered in posters except for a tiny portion of the windshield for the driver to see through.

As the parade arrived at the crusade grounds, the music started. People rushed forward to secure a good spot near the platform. Spirits were high as the band led the people in high-energy songs about Jesus.

Bishop Emmanuel, the crusade organizer for Kahama, greeted the people. Then the commissioner of the state arrived along with other dignitaries. The commissioner officially welcomed CFaN to the city and he said, “I will be the first to receive a miracle tonight.”

Paul Mauer took the platform and preached a message on “The Two Doors.” One door is a devil door and the other door is the Jesus door. He asked the people, “Which door do you want to go through?” Everyone shouted, “The Jesus door.”

When Evangelist Paul gave the altar call, thousands of people responded. The councilors quickly captured the information of those who accepted Christ and a total of 3,024 decision cards were filled out.

The moment Paul started praying for the sick, demons began to manifest in the front of the crowd. A woman threw herself to the ground and shrieked loudly. The people around her were distracted from the prayer but the deliverance team arrived and carried her to the “demon tent” also known as “The Snake Pit” in order to pray for her. No sooner was the demon possessed lady out of sight when another lady in the front of the crowd started to shriek. It was obvious the devil was trying to distract people from the prayer. Again, the deliverance team carried the woman to the tent. This happened several more times and it quickly became obvious that the devil was frustrated at his inability to distract from the meeting.

Paul continued to pray for the sick. When testimony time came, several people came up to the platform to share that Jesus had healed them.

Overall, it was an excellent first night for a crusade. The people of Kahama are hungry for the Gospel.

Rain, Go Away in the Name of Jesus

By Evangelist Daniel King

Today’s crusade meeting was scheduled to begin at 2pm, but at one o’clock rain was falling from the sky. The Christians knew that people would be hesitant to come if it was raining, so they started to pray. Slowly, the sky cleared and soon the rain completely stopped.

The music was powerful and anointed and everyone danced as they heard the sound of the drums and the keyboard. All the songs were upbeat and specifically chosen to build faith in the people to receive from Jesus.

When I arrived at the field, I felt the expectation and excitement of the people. They were ready for miracles.

We were pleased to welcome Peter Vandenberg, the executive vice president of Christ for All Nations. He has attended hundreds of crusade meetings across Africa and it was an honor to have him sit in the front row as I began my sermon. After a few minutes, he stood up and walked around the perimeter of the crowd in order to carefully count the number of people who were in attendance, a task he has performed many times before.

Tonight I preached on the paralyzed man who was let down through the roof. In Matthew 9, Jesus said three things to him. First, Jesus said, “Be encouraged.” Second, Jesus said, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” Third, Jesus said, “Get up, take up your bed, and go home completely healed.” Jesus healed the man spirit, soul, and body.

As I preached, five actors did a drama about the story. One man pretended to be paralyzed and his four friends carried him on a stretcher through the crowd. They brought him up on the platform and laid him right in the front. The crowd watched to see what would happen.

I preached, “Jesus saw the faith of the four friends. Tonight Jesus is looking for someone who has faith.” I asked the crowd, “Do you have faith in Jesus tonight?” They waved their hands and shouted, “Yes!”

I told the crowd that Jesus encouraged the man because he was sad, worried, fearful, and lonely because of his sickness. In the same way that Jesus encouraged the paralyzed man, I told the crowd that Jesus wanted to encourage those who are sad, worried, fearful, and lonely. Smiles broke out on the faces of the people as I shouted, “Be encouraged!”

Jesus also forgave the man’s sins. The reason Jesus came to earth was to forgive our sins. He died on the cross to pay for our sins, but He did not stay dead. After three days he rose from the dead. Now, Jesus is alive and He says the same thing to you as he said to the paralyzed man, “Your sins are forgiven.”

Finally, Jesus said to the man, “Get up and go home completely healed.” The actor playing the part of the paralyzed man began to move. He stood to his feet. He took a step and another step. Then he began to run back and forth across the stage shouting, “Jesus healed me!” The crowd erupted in applause.

I gave the altar call and thousands of people responded by raising their hands. They all wanted Jesus to forgive their sins. After I led them in a salvation prayer, the counselors gave each new believer a book and recorded their names on a decision card.

Then I prayed for the sick. First I prayed for emotional healing and Jesus encouraged the hearts of many people. Then I prayed for physical healing. As I rebuked every pain and sickness, miracles broke out across the crowd. Across the crowd, over a dozen crippled people lifted up their crutches and began to take steps of faith.

The first woman to come to the platform to share her testimony was carrying her crutch in the air. She said she was unable to walk for ten years but now Jesus had healed her. The band began to play music and she danced with her crutch lifted high.

The second testimony was from a young girl who had an enlarged heart and was unable to run for over a year. The music started and she ran back and forth to show that Jesus had healed her.

The third testimony was a woman with pain in her stomach for three months and pain in her shoulder for over a year. She told the crowd that both problems were healed.

The fourth testimony was from a woman who was paralyzed for one year and nine months and was unable to walk. Her neighbor brought her to the crusade on public transportation and she was healed. Her face had a big smile as she danced with the crowd.

The fifth testimony was another person who was paralyzed and was healed. It became clear that the theme of all the miracles tonight were of paralyzed people who were being healed. I preached on a paralyzed man being healed by Jesus and then Jesus proved He is still alive by healing many paralyzed people in Kahama, Tanzania.

The sixth testimony was of a woman with terrible back leg pain for four years. Because of the pain, she went to the doctor for expensive injections. Now she can walk pain free. There were many more people lined up to testify including a woman who was deaf whose ears were opened and another woman who was blind whose eyes are now able to see.

Right as the testimony time was finished a drizzle of rain fell from the sky. God had held back the rain all the way to the end of the crusade. The crowd pulled out umbrellas and went home happy because of everything God is doing in Kahama.

Send Rain to the Farmers and Not to the Crusade

By Evangelist Daniel King

The third day of the crusade in Kahama, Tanzania started with rain. As the music began, there were only a few people close to the stage. Everyone else was huddled around the edges of the crusade grounds trying to find shelter from the rain under overhanging roofs.

We began to pray, “God, please send rain to the famers, but not to the crusade.” Soon, a breeze stirred and pushed the rain clouds away. When the people saw the clear sky, they left cover and ran forward to find a good spot on the crusade grounds.

I preached on the Four Greatest Miracles in the Bible. I held up my Bible and proclaimed, “This is God’s book. In this book is the history of many miracles, but tonight I will share with you the four greatest miracles contained in this book.” As I preached, actors on the stage did a little drama about each point.

Miracle #1 – God Created You. In the beginning of time God created the first man and woman. He walked with them and talked with them. God created them to be His friends. But one day, they sinned and this broke their relationship with God. This is why God hates sin.

Miracle #2 – God Loves You. Even though we have sinned and disobeyed God’s commands, God still loves us and wants to have a relationship with us.

Miracle #3 – God Saves You. God sent His Son Jesus Christ from heaven to earth. Jesus was born to a virgin named Mary. He grew up and walked the dusty streets of Israel. He had twelve disciples and He walked with them and talked with them. Then Jesus died on the cross but He did not stay dead. After three days, He rose from the dead. Now Jesus is the bridge between heaven and earth. He is the only way to get to heaven. Everyone who calls on the name of Jesus will be saved.

I led the crowd in a salvation prayer. Thousands of people prayed with me for salvation. By lifting their hands, they indicated they were ready to turn away from sin and to turn toward Jesus. After the salvation prayer, the counselors gave away copies of Reinhard Bonnke’s book, “Now that You are Saved” to all the new believers. Then I talked about the final miracle.

Miracle #4 – God Heals You. The same Jesus who healed people two thousand years ago is alive today and ready to heal you. I was the first to pray for the sick. Then I turned to three of the Evangelism Bootcamp graduates and gave them the opportunity to pray for the sick. It was their first chance to speak from a crusade platform. They prayed with fervency and when it came time for the testimony time, it was obviously their prayers were effective because many people lined up to give a testimony.

A woman who had pain in her legs for ten years was healed. A man who had a stroke three years ago and who needed a cane to walk was healed and he lifted his cane high into the air as he shouted “Jesus healed me!” A woman with double vision was healed and she cried because she was able to read the Reinhard Bonnke book. A woman with stomach pain, high blood pressure, and shoulder pain was healed of all her ailments. A girl had to take injections in order to eat, but Jesus healed her two nights ago and now she can eat without pain. There were three woman who were all healed of deafness and ringing in the ears. A woman had blurred vision and was unable to see the faces of her children but she said Jesus healed her. A woman was carried to the meeting by her parents and another woman had a hip problem. Both were healed and are now able to walk and even dance.

The crowd danced and shouted with joy as they heard each testimony. I asked the people to come on the final night of the crusade to hear Evangelist Daniel Kolenda and to bring a friend. Anticipation is high in the city of Kahama, Tanzania to see what miracles God will do on the final night of the crusade.

Almost Eighty Million People Saved Since 1987

By Evangelist Daniel King

On the final night of the Kahama Gospel Crusade, Evangelist Daniel Kolenda spoke on three spiritual laws. The first two laws are the laws of sin and death, but the third law is the law of salvation. He gave an illustration using his Bible. If he holds the Bible up in the air and drops it, it is pulled down by the natural law of gravity. This is an example of the laws of sin and death. But, if his hand is under the Bible, it does not fall. This is what the law of salvation does. It keeps us from falling to destruction.

When Daniel Kolenda gave the altar call, a total of 4,737 people responded by filling out decision cards. When this number is added to the other numbers of people who have been saved this week, it pushes Christ for all Nations closer to a significant milestone. Since 1987, CFaN has been counting decision cards and before this week, the total number of decision cards filled out equaled 79,957,136. This week, the total number of decision cards filled out at CFaN crusades officially approaches the eighty million mark and with two more crusades next week, we will surely go over eighty million! We rejoice that almost eighty million people have made a decision to follow Christ through the ministry of Christ for All Nations.

Daniel Kolenda also prayed for the people to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Across the field, people began to speak in tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.

As Daniel Kolenda prayed for the sick, demons began to manifest. Members of the deliverance team grabbed them and carried them to the demon tent, also known as the snake pit. There the deliverance team cast out the demons and led the newly free people in a salvation prayer.

Several graduates of the Evangelism Bootcamp were invited by Daniel Kolenda to help pray for the sick. As they prayed, many people were healed and the stage was full of testimonies by the end of the evening.

The final night of the crusade in Kahama Gospel Crusade was the best-attended night. It had the most salvations, the most healings, and the most people filled with the Holy Spirit. Tonight was a great success!



Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!


Missionary Evangelists Daniel & Jessica King travel to the nation of Mongolia for an evangelism conference in Ulaanbaatar and a crusade in Karakorum, the ancient capital of Genghis Khan. Their team visits every house in the town to deliver a free copy of God’s Word. Witness as God saves people from sin.

Thank you for helping us take the Gospel to the least reached parts of the world.

Mission to Mongolia Report

The Asian nation of Mongolia is a landlocked country above China and below Russia. The most famous Mongolian is Genghis Khan who conquered most of Asia in 1200 AD. Genghis Khan conquered the world with the bow and arrow but now Jesus is conquering Mongolia with His love.

We were welcomed to Mongolia by a member of the Mongolian Parliament. It was a great honor to spend time with him praying for the people of Mongolia.

Evangelism Conference in Ullanbatar

Our ministry began with an evangelism conference in Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia. I spent two days teaching the attendees how to share their faith, and then we sent them out on the streets to talk to people about Jesus and to distribute copies of the Gospel of Mark. We found the believers of Mongolia to be passionate followers of Jesus Christ and they were excited about going out on the streets to witness.

Distributing Bibles in Karakorum

The capital city of Genghis Khan was established at a place called Karakorum. At its height, this city controlled most of Asia and over one quarter of the world’s population, but now it has dwindled in size and only 16,000 people live there. In the place where the palace of Genghis Khan once stood there is a Buddhist temple. The town is now known as a Buddhist stronghold.

It was in this historical epicenter of the Mongol Empire that we decided to hold a Gospel Crusade. In the entire town, there are only four small churches and less than one hundred Christians. Our team of 85 people came America, Canada, Japan, Turkey, Germany, South Korea, Inner Mongolia, China, Estonia and several Mongolian cities.

 After I trained the team in how to lead people to Jesus we spread out across the city. Our goal was to visit every house and ger in the town in order to give each family a Bible and to invite them to the crusade. Our team visited all 4,000 homes in the city and recorded our visits with an app on our phones. If someone received a Bible, a green pin was dropped on the map in our smart phone. If the Bible was rejected, a red pin was dropped and if no one was home, a brown pin was dropped on the map. Using this technology we were able to track our progress as we visited every home in the entire city.

Many people gladly welcomed us into their homes and asked for prayer. In four days of witnessing door-to-door, our team visited every house in the whole town.

Tent Crusade in Karakorum

We set up two big Gospel tents on the ground where the troops of Genghis Khan used to camp. All the believers gathered together and prayed that God would draw lost people to the crusade. God answered their prayers. Since the tents were on the outskirts of town people came walking, driving, and even riding horses to the crusade.

The team ministered to the people with dances, music, and feats of strength. In the children’s tent, clowns captured the attention of the children. My wife Jessica sang for the people. When I stood up to preach, the people listened intently. Almost the entire crowd responded to the altar call. We prayed for the sick, and many people gave testimonies of God’s healing power.

One of the Christian woman at the crusade shared a testimony about her non-Christian relatives. They came on Friday night and the next morning her unsaved relatives told her, “All night long we dreamed about people saying ‘Halleluiah’ and ‘Praise the Lord.’” The family members attended on the second day of the crusade and prayed with us for salvation.

The crusade was a big success! In a town of 16,000 people with only one hundred Christians, a total of 2,700 people came to the tent crusade and hundreds prayed with us for salvation.

Many people told the local pastor they prayed to Jesus for the first time. He collected their names and addresses and he is visiting each of them after the crusade is over to tell them more about Jesus. Please pray for the Pastor as he works to disciple the new believers.

Thank You!

Thank you for helping us on our Mission to Mongolia. Because of your generosity we were able to change lives for eternity in the heart of the ancient Mongol empire. Because of the impact we saw in the middle of a Buddhist area, this crusade was one of the most successful events we have ever held.

Preaching Where Christ is Not Known,

Daniel King

P.S. Would you give a financial gift today to help us to spread the Gospel around the world? To Donate, Click Here. Our next crusade is in the Buddhist nation of Burma (Myanmar). We need your prayers and your financial help as we prepare to preach in an unreached area that has never had the opportunity to choose to follow Jesus.


Right after I landed in Cairo, our evangelism team of two evangelists, several pastors, and a fifteen-member music group drove four hours north to the city of Alexandria next to the Mediterranean Sea.

The city of Alexandria was founded in 332 B.C. by Alexander the Great. In 41 B.C. Mark Antony and Cleopatra met in Alexandria. It was the site of the Lighthouse of Alexandria, one of the wonders of the Ancient World, and the location of the world’s greatest library.

The first Christian evangelist to go to Alexandria was Mark, the Gospel writer. It is said that when Mark first entered the city of Alexandria, the strap on his sandal was loose. He visited a cobbler to get it fixed. As the cobbler, a man named Anianos, repaired the sandal, he accidentally pierced his hand with an awl. He cried out in pain, “O One God!” Mark heard his cry and told him about the one true Living God. Mark prayed for the man to be healed and his hand was miraculously made whole. Because of the miracle, Anianos got saved and his whole family was baptized. This was the beginning of the church in Alexandria.

Mark continued to preach in Alexandria for several years and was martyred there in A.D. 68 by a group of pagan priests who tied a rope around his neck and dragged his body through the streets until he died. To this day, there are Coptic Christian churches in Alexandria that trace their spiritual heritage back to Mark.

In A.D. 641 the Muslims conquered Egypt. Modern-day Egypt is 90% Muslim which means it is a huge harvest field.

We did a two-night evangelistic meeting in Alexandria. Attendance the first night was 130 people and the second night was 171 people. The same Jesus who healed Anianos in the first century proved He is alive today by healing lots of people who came to our meeting. A total of 68 people prayed with us for salvation in Alexandria! It was an honor to preach in the same place that Mark once preached.

Soul Winning Conference near Cairo

We gathered together 75 pastors and evangelists and did a three-day soul winning conference. The conference was held at a beautiful campground. Your giving helped us house and feed these precious men and women during the conference. We taught these frontline leaders how to share their faith with people who need Jesus. On the final day of the conference, we prayed for them to be filled with the Holy Spirit and they began to speak in other tongues. Hallelujah!

Preaching in Cairo

I ministered in several churches in one day in Cairo. One was an Episcopal church, one was Presbyterian, one was Baptist, and one was a Coptic church. At these churches, a total of 115 people came forward for the altar call and 43 people testified they were healed by the power of God.  It was wonderful to see that God works the same no matter what denominational label is on the building.

Thank you for sending me to preach the Gospel in Egypt! Because of your prayers and your giving, we saw a harvest of souls and miracles in a hard-to-reach country.


Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!



Jessica King | Missions in the Philippines

Thank you for sending us to the Philippines to preach the Gospel. Because of your generosity; pastor’s were encouraged, young people caught the fire of God, and souls were saved. This was our first trip to the Philippines and we loved it.

My wife Jessica is frequently mistaken for a Filipina, a woman from the Philippines. Ever since she was young, random Filipino people come up to her and start talking to her in Tagalog because they think she looks like she is from the Philippines. Jessica always smiles and replies in English, “I’m sorry, I don’t understand you. I’m actually from a Chinese background, but I love the people of the Philippines.” Since she looks like many Filipino people she was instantly accepted and celebrated on this trip.
On this trip we had the privilege of speaking at a youth conference, a pastor’s conference, and a crusade. We were invited by Our God Reigns Ministries which is led by Don and Barbara Arney. They have served God in the Philippines for over twenty-five years. They have a network of churches on the island of Mindanao which is the second largest and southernmost island in the Philippines. About 20.44% of the island’s population is Muslim.
At the youth camp, we were impressed with the passion of the young people for God. They stretched out their arms and cried out for a touch from God. Tears and laughter filled the auditorium as the Holy Spirit began to move. It was so awesome to see their hunger for God. On of our team members, Matthew Triggs (a friend of Jessica’s from Bible school) wrote, “Many of the campers were from remote tribal areas. Every service the altar was packed with about 200 youth as they were saved, transformed, and filled with the Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit was moving so strongly that teenagers were falling out in the power of God everywhere. It was one of the most refreshing and anointed camps I have been a part of in a long time.”
It reminded me of when I was fourteen years old at a youth camp. I was crying out to God and I had a vision of myself standing on a platform and preaching to people of every color and language. Today, that vision that I had at the age of fourteen has come to pass. From personal experience, I know that the work that God began in the lives of the Filipino youth will continue for many years to come.
The pastor’s conference was a time of refreshing, encouraging, impartation, and training for these front-line shepherds who have dedicated their lives to ministering in out-of-the-way villages in the hardest-to-reach area of the Philippine islands. They are giving their lives for the sake of the Gospel. It was a privilege to spend time with them.
The theme for the conference was Isaiah 60:1, “Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.”
This is what some of the pastors had to say about how the conference impacted their lives:
Pastor Joe Ohao: I learned things about the life of God, how God use me, how God empowered me for the ministry…[I received] more fire during this conference.
Pastor Edwin Mapilisan: Because of this conference, I am expecting greater things. I had a revelation for another level for the ministry.
Pastor Julian Panduyos: I feel that God wants us to go deeper in His love…and arise in our calling.
Pastor Bobbie Cuenca: The conference was a real blessing. This conference is encouraging pastors…
A Crusade meeting was held in Tandag, Surigao del Sur. At the last moment, the mayor of the city moved the location of our crusade and most of the people in the city did not know where to come. Despite the confusion, Daniel and Jessica preached God’s Word with boldness and lives were changed for eternity.


Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

United States

Percentage wise, we see just as many miracles and salvations here in America as we do overseas. Almost every Sunday that I am not out of the country, I am preaching at a church in America. I believe that God wants America to experience a new Great Awakening. Here are videos from outreaches we have done with local churches in America.

Spring Break Mission Trip to Orlando, Florida with Victory Christian School

Local Church Outreach in Glenpool, OK 

Door to Door Witnessing in San Fransisco, California. 

Mobile Evangelism Truck in Tulsa, OK 

Witnessing at a Tattoo Festival in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 


Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!



During our recent Gospel Festivals in Uganda we saw a total of 14,918 precious people fill out decision cards for salvation! I am sure all the angels were partying for days because of this epic harvest of souls.

During our time in Uganda, we did two five-day Gospel Festivals and two five-day pastor’s conferences. Thank you for helping us lead people to Jesus and equip local leaders. Now I want to share a story that will strengthen you.

Stay Away from Sin

Our festival in Kihihi was thirteen hours away from the capital. To get there we had to drive on narrow mountain dirt roads. On our right was a hill and on the left was a steep cliff.

Our driver’s name was Jack. He was a good driver, but he tried to prove how good he was by recklessly driving too fast. He kept driving closer and closer to the cliff. I asked him, “Jack, why are you driving so close to the edge?” He replied, “I am trying to avoid a rut over here.” I countered, “But, Jack, there is a very big rut on this other side that goes straight down for a thousand feet.”

As we were going up one side of the ravine, we met a huge truck coming down the other side. There was not enough room for both vehicles, so Jack started to back up. He backed closer and closer to the edge. Our team members in the back of the bus started to shout, “Jack, stop! You are going to fall off.” Jack kept backing up. The girls yelled louder, “Jack, STOP!” But, Jack did not stop. Finally, Jessica opened the side door of the van and everyone piled out. When we went around to the back of the van, his rear tire was within two inches of disaster.

I was inspired by this near tragedy to share an illustration at our pastor’s conference about the dangers of sin. I said, “Once upon a time, there was a bus owner who wanted to hire a bus driver. Three men applied for the job and the owner took each of them for a test drive. The first man decided to show how good he was at driving and drove within one foot of the edge of a cliff. The second man was even more of a daredevil, he drove within an inch of the edge. The third driver proved he was a good driver by staying as far away from edge as possible.”

I explained the spiritual parallel, “Some people try to get as close to sin as possible without falling but as men and women of God, we should stay as far away from the devil as we possibly can.”

I finished by asking the pastors, “Who do you think the bus owner hired?” All the pastors replied by shouting, “The third driver.” I looked over at Jack our bus driver, and he was sitting there holding up two fingers!

I encourage you today: Stay as far away from the danger of sin as you can.


Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

South Sudan

We have done Gospel festivals in two cities in South Sudan. The first was Juba, the capital, and the second was in the city of Yei.

Please Send Missionaries NOW! – A Plea from Sudan

In the Missions Library at Yale University, one can find the handwritten letters of a British missionary named Karl Krumn, who served in the nation of Sudan from 1898 to 1907.

The missionary traveled the length and breadth of Sudan assisting Great Britain as a cartographer mapping central Africa.  Periodically he sent a report back to his church in England. He reported on the great hunger for the Gospel among the tribes of Sudan. Entire people groups came to Christ because of his witness.

He recognized the great need in the nation and in almost every letter, he asked for more missionaries to be sent to Sudan. He wrote, “This nation is ripe to become a Christian nation. Please send missionaries now.”

He reported that one heathen tribe noticed that a Christian tribe stopped working and gathered together on Sundays.   Because the chief wanted to be a Christian, he commanded all his people to stop working and gather together one day out of seven. They sat around and did nothing on Sundays because they did not know what Christians are supposed to do in their services. The chief begged for a missionary to come and teach his tribe about Christ.

The missionary noticed the creeping influence of Islam among the tribes and wrote his missions headquarters, “If we do not take advantage of this open window for the Gospel, this nation will become a Muslim nation.”

Towards the end of his life, his letters grew more desperate. He criticized, “For years I have been begging for missionaries to come, but no one comes. I fear that our opportunity to turn Sudan into a Christian nation is slipping away. I am afraid that Sudan will be conquered by Islam.”

Today, as we look at Sudan, we find that his fears were justified. All of north Sudan is Muslim. The Church missed one of the greatest opportunities to change this nation.

But today, we face a similar opportunity. After twenty-two years of war between north and south Sudan, a peace treaty has been signed. It is now possible to openly proclaim the Gospel in southern Sudan, but this window of opportunity may not last forever. If we do not act now, we may miss today’s opportunity.

From over a century ago, the English missionary’s words still ring true, “This nation is ripe to become a Christian nation. Please send missionaries now.”



Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!


South Africa

The Legend of the Zulu King

The Zulu nation is an estimated 10-11 million people whose majority lives in South Africa, as well as Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Mozambique.  During apartheid, the Zulu people were considered third-class citizens and discriminated against heavily.  Today they make up the largest ethnic group in South Africa and enjoy equal citizen rights.

At the invitation of Pastor Billy and Marianne Allen, we partnered together with a team from Christ for the Nations in Dallas, Texas, for a two-day Gospel festival, medical outreaches, and children’s events in the heart of South Africa. Our mission team was there by invitation from the King of the Zulus, His Majesty King Goodwill Zwelithini.

At the Gospel Festival, we heard this testimony about a prince of the Zulu people. 

Over one hundred years ago, the king of the Zulu tribe was viciously murdered by his own brother. 

The sixteen year old crown prince, scared for his life ran and hid in a cave. He was kept alive by faithful followers who fed and clothed him for two years. His warriors fought to put him back on the throne, but they lost every skirmish. 

As they went out to fight a final battle against the evil uncle, the prince was sure he was about to die. But, a man of God prophesied, “Prince, if you bow down to Jesus Christ, you will win the battle and be crowned king.” 

That day, the prince and all his warriors gave their lives to Jesus Christ! They won the victory and the prince was crowned king of the Zulu nation. 

On the anniversary of this great victory, we ministered through a Zulu Gospel Festival in the exact spot where the prince became a Christian.  

Thousands of Zulu’s gave their lives to Jesus


Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!


God loves the nation of Peru. These pictures are from a crusade in Iquitos, Peru.


Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!


Panama is the pathway between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. When we visited this beautiful nation we witnessed many miracles as God touched the people.


Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!


A Report from a Healing Festival in Pakistan

The city where we conducted our Festival in Pakistan was founded back in 1901 as a Christian village. Today, many of Pakistan’s Catholic priests and nuns come from this city. But even though there is a strong Christian presence, there are still thousands of Muslims in the area who have never heard that Jesus saves people from their sins.

On the first night of the Festival, I welcomed everyone by saying, “We welcome our Christian friends. We welcome our Catholic friends. We welcome our Hindu friends, and we welcome our Muslim friends.”

Word began to spread that Muslims were welcome and on the second night of the festival many Muslims were scattered throughout the crowd. As the Word of God was preached, they listened intently. Then miracles began to happen. Men and women began jumping to their feet and announcing that Jesus had touched them. We invited them to the platform to testify.

The first woman to speak had been paralyzed on her right side for ten years. She demonstrated her healing by lifting her arm high over her head. Then she shocked the crowd by saying that she was a Muslim. “Who healed you?” we asked. “Issa ul Masih healed me! Jesus Christ healed me!” she exclaimed.

The next person to testify was also a Muslim, and the next, and then another. Out of thirty people who came to the platform to testify of healing, over two-thirds were Muslim.

The news that Jesus was healing Muslims spread like wildfire. The next night, the mullah from the local Mosque came to the Festival. He had heard that Jesus was healing Muslims and he told his entire mosque to attend the Festival. We gave him a seat of honor next to the pastors on the platform. When I began to speak, the Muslim leader stood up and put a rose garland around my neck and publicly thanked us for coming. The pastors were very excited, as this was unusual.

As the preaching began, thousands listened intently to every word as we explained that sin separates us from God and Jesus is the only way to heaven. When the invitation came for the people to receive salvation, almost the entire crowd prayed to ask Jesus to forgive their sins.

On the final night of the Festival, the size of the crowd increased again. Many more Muslims and Christians were healed by the power of God.

A Report from Pakistan

Sunday: Mute Boy Speaks!
Last Sunday I arrived in Pakistan at 4:00 am, weary but eager to see what God would do these next 2 weeks. After waiting 90 minutes, my contact finally arrived to pick me up and take me to my first service in Lahore. While ministering on soul winning, I told the story of John Hyde, a pioneer missionary in Pakistan over 100 years ago. I shared 5 steps to lead someone to Jesus, using the story of Jesus’ encounter with the woman at the well.

That afternoon we drove two hours to the city of Gujranwala where I met up with my father and mother, and then held an evening service in the village of Botala Genda Singh. 200 people listened intently as I preached on the paralyzed man who was let down through the roof.

A teenager was broght to me by his mother. She explained that he was mute and he could not speak since birth. We prayed for him and he began to speak and imitate the noises we made. God had loosed his tongue!

Monday: Gas Runs Out Before Testimonies Do
On Monday we traveled to the village of Machrala. It was a long journey on dusty dirt roads through fields of rice. It felt like the middle of nowhere, but when we arrived over 600 people were waiting to hear the Gospel. I preached on the four greatest miracles in the Bible. The villagers clearly enjoyed the message and almost every person responded to the altar call for salvation. The service took place inside a church courtyard, but we heard reports that a group of Muslim mullahs were standing on the other side of the fence in the darkness listening to every word.

So many people were healed that night, our generator ran out of gas before we were able to hear all the testimonies! Even with the courtyard plunged into total darkness, the people continued to praise God for what He had done.

Tuesday: Sialkot, the Epicenter of Revival
On Tuesday, we split up to fight on two battle fronts at the same time. My parents traveled to the village of Qila Dedar Singh where they ministered to over 700 people. My father preached on loving God with all your heart, mind, soul, and body.

Simultaneously, I preached at the historic Sialkot Convention, a yearly gathering of church leaders and believers. The convention began in 1904 when revival spread throughout Pakistan from the epicenter of Sialkot. This year’s theme was “Peace” and I preached about how God gives complete peace in spirit, mind, and body through the completed work of the Cross.

Wednesday: A Gunshot Rings Out
On Wednesday night, we held village festival in Chan Da Qila. At the last moment the police made us change the location of the festival because our first location was near a dark wooded area. The police were worried that militants could hide in the trees and attack the crowd. But, even though the location was changed last minute, over 800 people gathered. I opened with a story about my friend who dropped his precious camera into a toilet and had to rescue it. I told the people that God values us so much that He reached down into the filthiness of sin to rescue and redeem us.

The miracles kicked off with a woman who was partially blind demonstrating that she could see. Another testified that she had been at the previous night’s service where my father preached. She had a tumor in her belly, but as she slept the tumor disappeared. She returned to give God glory publicly!

As I was finishing the service, a shot rang out and fireworks exploded into the sky. At first, my translator said that one of our policemen was celebrating, but then our festival director rushed us off into a nearby house. We hid for 45 minutes before driving away down back alleys. Word came that our guards had seen a suspicious looking car headed toward our service. They fired a warning shot and the car turned around and quickly raced off.

The next morning, the head of the local Pakistani Intelligence appeared at our home and began asking questions about the incident. He took a copy of our passports and told us we had to have 24-hour police protection. As I write to you now, two policemen are in the guesthouse nearby.

Thursday/Friday: Jesus Heals
On Thursday, I spoke at the Sialkot Convention again and encouraged the 5,000 believers to be bold soul winners. On Friday both my father and I spoke at the Sialkot Convention during the afternoon. The crowd had swelled to over 7,000 people plus thousands more outside the main tent. I preached on the woman with the issue of blood and my father preached on Psalm 91. I asked everyone who had received a miracle to stand to their feet. Over 100 people across the tent stood up to show that Jesus had touched them!

Daniel King Ministering in Urdu

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Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!


Nigeria is the most populous nation in Africa and it was here that we did a Nigeria Evangelism Conference. The evangelists came from eleven different states in Nigeria and from several surrounding countries. Hundreds of evangelists gathered together to learn how to preach the Gospel with signs and wonders following.

Nigeria is about 50% Muslim and 40% Christian, with the remaining 10% practicing indigenous religions. Most of the Muslim population lives in northern Nigeria. In the last few months, Islamic terrorists in northern Nigeria have burned churches and killed Christians. These Muslim areas represent a huge harvest field that desperately needs to hear about Jesus. That’s why we held our evangelism conference in the city of Ede, a city that is 90% Muslim.

As these evangelists preach the Gospel, thousands of people will be saved. I am so thankful that God gave us the opportunity to train these precious men and woman of God. They will go to villages that I will never go to and preach to people I will never meet on this side of eternity.

Here is the story of one of the preachers who attended the conference.

The Story of Abdulkereem
Abdulkereem was born a Muslim. One day an evangelist walked down his street at 6 o’clock in the morning preaching the Gospel. She proclaimed, “Jesus is Lord. Heaven is real. Hell is real. You need to repent and make Jesus your Lord and Savior.” Abdulkereem tried to cover his ears with his pillow. He was angry with her for preaching the Gospel. She preached every morning for two weeks straight, and than stopped. He would never see her again. But, he continued to hear her voice in his head. Eventually, he visited a local church and become a Christian believer.

Today, he is known as Pastor Festus Alilu. When he heard about our Nigeria Evangelism Conference, he knew he had to attend. He drove over eight hours to hear me teach about evangelism and to learn about how to effectively reach out to his community. Pastor Festus is now inspired to go back to his hometown and reach out to other Muslims.

Please pray for thousands of souls to be saved as these evangelists venture out to preach the Gospel in unreached areas.

Thank you! I was able to travel to Nigeria and host an evangelism conference because of your giving. You helped us impact the nation of Nigeria. Only heaven will know the fruit of this conference. Your participation will be celebrated in eternity.

I knocked on the devil’s door, and no one answered.

Our 2nd Annual Nigeria Evangelism Conference attracted evangelists from across the nation of Nigeria. We trained these evangelists to rescue people from their old lifestyle of worshiping false gods. Here is a video about my visit to a sacred forest.


Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!


Check out these pictures of a pastor’s conference in Leon, Nicaragua.


Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!


Facts about Nepal
* Nepal is home to eight of the world’s tallest mountains including Mount Everest.
* 50% of Nepal’s population earns less than $1.25 a day.
* Nepal is the birthplace of Buddha.
* Nepal is located above India and below Tibet.
* According to a 2001 survey, 80.6% of Nepal is Hindu, 10.7% is Buddhist, 4.2% is Muslim, 3.6% is Kirent, and 0.9% other.

Jessica King worked in Nepal as a missionary for six months in 2001. She says, “When I lived in Katmandu (the capital of Nepal) I could feel deep spiritual oppression every day. Believers were few and persecuted. At that time, Nepal was a Hindu kingdom closed to the Gospel. Daily we prayed that things would change in this beautiful nation.”

Since then, the government has changed hands several times and we hear recent reports that Nepal is opening up to the Gospel. We have been told that entire villages and people groups are willing to forsake their Hindu deities and become believers in Jesus. When we heard about this open door, we knew the time was ripe to go to Nepal for a public, open-air presentation of the Gospel, which hadn’t been allowed previously.

You have Painted the City Yellow

Three days before the Nepal Healing Festival was scheduled to begin, the head of our pastor’s committee received a call from the mayor of the city demanding that he come to his office. When the pastor arrived, it was obvious that the mayor was angry. He said, “All over the city, I see yellow posters advertising your Healing Festival. You have painted the entire city yellow. Who gave you permission to do this?” Politely, the pastor said, “You gave us permission.” He pulled out a sheet of paper that clearly gave the Christians permission to advertise for the festival. At the bottom of the paper, in blue ink, was the mayor’s own signature. The mayor had forgotten that several weeks previously, he had given his permission. Embarrassed, the mayor began to apologize. The pastor decided to take a chance and said, “Sir, when the Hindus do a festival, you give them money to help with the expenses and when the Buddhists have a festival, you give them money. As you know, the Christians are also tax payers, will you give us some money to help pay for a Christian Festival?” In a great gesture of welcome, the mayor of the city decided to donate 20,000 rupees (about $280) to the Christian festival.

Welcomed to the City

Over 4,000 Christians welcomed us to their city with a giant rally and parade. A traditional Nepali band marched at the front and provided marching music. Church choirs sang, dancers worshiped the Lord, shouts of “Hallelujah” rang out, and the line of Christians, four persons wide, stretched for almost a kilometer, from one end of the city to the other. On the sidel

ines, Hindus gathered to watch the spectacle. They had no idea there were so many Christians in their country. They were amazed to hear the believers singing Christian words to traditional Nepali tunes. As the parade arrived at the Festival grounds in the middle of the city, the worship team kicked off the festivities with a fast-paced song of praise to Jesus Christ.

Merry Christmas in Nepal  

Many top government officials were curious about why we were in their city so they came to see what was happening. We gave them seats of honor on the platform. On the first day of the festival, I sat next to the chief of police, the chief of the armed forces, and the head administrator of the entire district of Surket. They started to talk among themselves. It was obvious they were confused about something. Finally, the three of them nominated the head administrator to ask a question. He leaned over and asked, “What is a healing festival? I have never heard of this before.” He had a very perplexed look on his face. As a Hindu in a predominately Hindu nation, he knew little about Christians and their ways. “A healing festival is when Jesus heals people emotionally, spiritually, and physically. There are many hurting people and Jesus wants to heal them,” we explained. “Oh, now I understand,” said the official. Instead of a puzzled look, he had a smile on his face. “This healing festival is a very good thing.” Then, in a final gesture of peace, he leaned over and said, “Merry Christmas.” It was the only Christian phrase he knew but it was his way of saying that he was happy to have Christians minister healing to the people of Surket.

Hindus Healed on the First Day

My co-evangelist, Dr. Jack Myers preached the first day on the power of the name of Jesus. Thousands of people shouted the name of Jesus, many of them Hindus calling on Jesus for the first time. In the middle of the sermon, an elderly gentleman to the right of the platform jumped to his feet and lifted his walking cane in the air. He started to shout, “I’m healed. I’m healed.” The entire crowd turned to look at him. He threw his cane to the ground and began lifting his hands over his head. There was a huge smile on his face. After this spontaneous miracle, the preaching was over as God began to touch people across the field. People streamed forward to give their testimonies. A blind eye was opened. A man with back pain for four years was healed. Then, a Hindu man came to the platform. He explained that he had been deaf in his right ear for five years. As he listened to the sermon, his ear popped open and he was able to hear. We tested his hearing and he was able to hear even the softest whisper. When the crowd saw that he was Hindu, they began to talk, “Jesus is healing even Hindu people.” At the end of the first day’s service, as people left the field, it was obvious that word about what had happened was going to spread across the city. The whole town was talking about how Jesus was touching the Hindus.

God is Good

On the second night of the Nepal Healing Festival, Daniel King preached about the goodness of God. He told the crowd, “Everything good comes from God. Everything evil comes from Satan.”

Daniel proclaimed, “Sin, sickness, hate, fear, and poverty is from Satan; salvation, healing, love, peace, and prosperity is from Jesus.” The crowd laughed as Daniel tried to pronounce some of the words in the local language.

Then Daniel informed the people that a choice must be made between following God or following the way of sin. He read John 10:10, “The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but Jesus came to give you abundant life.” He continued with a passage from Deuteronomy, “Today, God sets before you life and death, blessing and cursing, therefore choose life.” Finally, Daniel explained that Jesus said there is a broad road that leads to destruction, and a narrow way that leads to life.

“Every person must make a choice whether they will follow Jesus or follow the way that leads to death. Do you choose to go to heaven or do you want to spend eternity in hell? If you want to be a follower of Jesus, raise your hand.” Across the field, thousands of people lifted their hands high into the air. Virtually the entire crowd wanted to follow Jesus.

Ex-Mayor Says He will Follow Jesus

On the third night of the Nepal Healing Festival, we issued a challenge, “If you have decided to follow Jesus, come up on the platform and testify.” The first person to come to the platform was the ex-mayor of the city. The entire crowd recognized him. He publicly declared, “I have decided to follow Jesus. I asked Jesus to forgive my sins. From now on, I will live for Him.” All the people cheered for the former mayor.

Saved in the Morning, Healed in the Afternoon

On the fourth morning of the Fire Conference, Daniel gave an altar call for salvation. The Fire Conference is supposed to be for pastors and leaders, but we opened it up for the entire city to attend. Since there were many Hindus scattered throughout the church crowd, Daniel felt the need to give them an opportunity to be saved.

He said, “If you want Jesus to forgive your sins, then I invite you to come to the front of the church. If you have never given your life to Jesus, then today is your day.” About twenty people walked forward in response. Daniel asked them to all kneel on the ground and led them in a prayer for salvation.

One of the men who came forward for salvation was crippled. He could not walk without using a cane. Joyfully, he gave his life to Jesus.

Later, in the afternoon festival, the same man came to the platform. Instead of leaning on his cane, he was holding it high in the air. Jesus had healed him!

Hindu Mother Saved

Koussila comes from a Hindu family. She became a believer several years ago and ever since, she has had one prayer. Her one request to God was for her mother to be saved.

When Koussila head about the “Healing Festival” she was very excited. She volunteered to help setting up the festival. For three weeks she worked hard putting all the details of the festival together. Since she speaks English, she was able to translate regularly for Joshua Myers, our festival director.

As Koussila worked putting up posters and inviting people to the festival, she prayed that her mother would be willing to attend. On the first night of the festival, her prayers were answered.

Her mother stood behind the platform as the preaching began. She listened to every word. But, when we led the crowd in the salvation prayer, Koussila’s mother just stood there.

Koussila was helping us translate the miracle testimonies. After the healing testimonies were finished, Koussila left the platform and went to her mother. “Did you pray with the preacher to make Jesus your Lord?” she asked her mother. “No, I have been a Hindu my whole life and I was scared,” came the reply. Koussila began to witness to her mother. She explained the message to her and told her what it means to be a follower of Jesus. After several minutes, she asked her mother, “Would you pray with me and ask Jesus for salvation?” To Koussila’s delight, her mother said, “Yes.” Right there, behind the platform, Koussila led her mother to Jesus.

With tears in her eyes, Koussila brought her mother to us to share the news. Her mother was smiling. She still had a Hindu red dot in the middle of her forehead, but now Jesus was living in her heart.

Every King Must Have a Throne

Many village people have walked a long distance to attend the Healing Festival. Since it is to far for them to return home each evening, we have provided blankets for them to sleep on at night. All the churches and believers of Surkhet have opened their doors to house the villagers.

Today in the Fire Conference, one of the pastors stood up to address a problem. He said, “We have noticed that many of you have been going to the bathroom out in front of the church. We have a toilet inside the church that we want you to use. Since you are from the villages, perhaps you have never seen a toilet before. God has created you to be kings and queens, and as royalty you must not squat in front of the church, instead you must sit on the throne. Please learn how to use the toilet.”

Yes, We Have Hot Water.

Before we arrived, our crusade director checked out our hotel rooms to make sure they were comfortable. One of the questions he asked the hotel manager was, “Does this hotel have hot water?” The answer was, “Yes, of course we do.”

To my disappointment, after a long dusty day preaching in the sun, I discovered that only freezing cold water came out of the showerhead. I gritted my teeth and took a cold shower. Sometimes when you are on a mission trip, you have to suffer for the Lord.

The next morning, at 5:30am there was a knock on the door. Blurry eyed, I answered the door. It was the desk clerk. In his hand was a pitcher of steaming hot water. “You want hot water for your shower?” he asked. By mixing hot and cold water in a bucket, I could have warm water to rinse off my body. So, technically the manager did not lie when he said the hotel has hot water, however, I still feel cheated somehow.

The Story of Pastor Padam

Twenty years ago, Pastor Padam was thrown in jail for preaching the Gospel. For five months he suffered in prison, wondering how his family was going to survive in his absence. Back then, Nepal was a Hindu kingdom and there was great opposition to the Gospel. But, now there is a new democratic government and people are becoming more open to Christianity. For Pastor Padam, it is a great miracle to be able to stand on a public platform and to talk about Jesus in front of the highest government officials. What he was once jailed for, he can now do in the open.

Making History in Nepal 

Throughout the town people are saying, “We have never seen anything like this before.” To be able to publicly proclaim, in the middle of the city, that Jesus is Lord is a great miracle. Never before have such large crowds of people gathered in this region to hear the Gospel.



Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!


I grew up in Juarez, Mexico. My parents were missionaries and my childhood memories are filled with helping them minister to children who lived in the garbage dumps. These children would dig through the trash looking for bottles and cans, anything they could sell to make money so they could eat. I’ll never forget one day when I saw a little girl run through the trash with bare feet, stepping on glass and debris infected by diseases. With that memory branded in my heart, I became obsessed with the idea of helping children by giving them food and clothing and also share the hope and purpose that comes from Jesus Christ. I dedicated my life to rescue people, not just from a life of poverty, but also from an eternity in hell.

King Ministries Mexico Tent Crusade

Over the last twenty years, we have given away over 100,000 Christmas gifts to the children of Mexico in our annual Christmas Toy Giveaway. We have done over one thousand smaller evangelistic events (500-1,000 people) in Mexico. Please pray with us for revival to sweep this beautiful nation.

Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!


Malta is where Paul was ship wrecked. The story is found in Acts 28. Paul was bitten by a snake there because he shook it off. When you are attacked by Satan, just shake it off.

Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!


When I tell people I am going on a mission trip to Mali, Africa many people think I am saying Maui and they say, “I wish I could go on mission trip to Hawaii.” Just to clear up the confusion, here is the difference between the two places:

Mali is 98% Muslim. Maui has a lot of beaches.

Mali is the home of Al Queda. Maui is a popular tourist destination.

Mali has suffered two military coups in the past ten months. Maui is a great place for whale watching.

Please pray for my protection as we go to the hardest to reach places in the world.


Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!


Malawi is one of the smallest nations in the world. It is located in southeast Africa and ranks 173 out of 188 countries on the United Nations Human Development Index because of poverty, high infant mortality, and low life expectancy (mostly due to the African HIV-AIDS crisis). The country is land-locked; it share a border with Zambia, Tanzania, and Mozambique. The majority of the economy is based on agriculture.

Despite all the problems the nation faces, Malawi is nicknamed “the Warm Heart of Africa.” The people are kind, willing to accept travelers, and the nation has never experienced a civil war between ethnic groups.

Report from Second Mission Trip to Malawi

Because of your prayers and support, I am excited to announce some amazing results in the nation of Malawi. I was invited by the Global Network of Evangelists and the Luis Palau Association to participate in their outreach to the nation of Malawi. On the team were nine evangelists from multiple nations. Here are the bottom line stats of what happened:
3 Cities: Mulanje, Luchenza, Balaka
Estimated Attendance: 60,000 over 9 days
1250+ Partner Churches
9 Festivals in 10 Days
6,082 Documented Decisions for Christ
3 Evangelism Conferences
2 Schools
2 Prisons
1 Orphanage
7 Marketplace Ministry Opportunities

Become All Things So Some Might Be Saved

On Sunday morning in the city of Blantyre, I was invited to speak in the first church ever planted in Malawi. The name of the church was St. Michaels & All the Angels Presbyterian Church and it was planted by David Livingstone, the great missionary explorer from the late 1800’s. The church was not named for some of the angels, it was named for ALL the angels. The service I ministered in was highly formal. The elite of society were in attendance. Many were wearing three-piece suits and ties. Of course, I wore a suit and tie also and had to ascend a flight of stairs to a raised pulpit in order to deliver my sermon. The message was well received and when I gave the altar call, over thirty people raised their hands to receive Jesus as their Savior.

On Sunday afternoon, I ministered in the children’s festival at Andrew Palau’s festival. To minister to the children, I dressed in a clown suit with funny multicolor hair and a giant bowtie. Thousands of children prayed with me for salvation.

In the morning, I wore a suit and tie, and in the afternoon I wore a clown suit. But, both times people got saved. It reminded me of what Paul said, I have become all things to all people, that I might by all means save some (1 Corinthians 9:22). Paul was willing to become all things to all people so that some might be saved. In the same way, I am willing to do whatever it takes so that some might be saved.

But look at the next verse. Paul writes, “Now this I do for the gospel’s sake, that I may be partaker of it with you” (1 Corinthians 9:23). Paul preaches for the Gospel’s sake and I love how he includes his partners from the Corinthian church in this verse. Paul is celebrating the people who have been saved in his ministry and he tells the Corinthian church they are also partakers in the preaching of the Gospel. This means that when I see someone get saved in Malawi, that you, as a supporter of this ministry, are partakers and participators in what God is doing.

 You make it happen through your prayers and your support. Thank you for your generosity! We cannot preach the Gospel without you.

Report from First Mission Trip to Malawi

The ministry of Luis Palau did mass evangelistic events in Mazuzu, Ntcheu, Blantyre, Zomba, the Dzaleka Refugee Camp, and the capital of Lilongwe. These six campaigns will include events for children, women, business and civic leaders, and large evangelistic outreaches. Our ministry was invited by the Next Generation Alliance, a ministry of evangelist Luis Palau, to participate in this nation-wide outreach to Malawi.

I was invited to preach at the Love Malawi Festival in the city of Mzuzu. The city is about a five-hour drive from the capital of Malawi and the population in this area is 175,000 precious people. Mzuzu is the capital of Malawi’s northern region and the Mzuzu University attracts students from across the nation.


Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!


The purpose of our Gospel Festivals is to reach everyone with the message of Jesus Christ. We want to reach the young and old, the rich and poor, the influential and those forgotten by society. From the highest to the lowest, everyone deserves to have the chance to be saved.

In order to accomplish this goal, we plan ministry designed to reach into every level of society. The main vehicle we use for evangelism is the big festival but with each one there are many opportunities to extend the impact.

Jesus called us to be “fishers of men.” If you have ever gone fishing, you know that different types of fish require different kinds of bait. That’s why we do multiple events in a variety of different venues in a city in order to reach all kinds of people for Jesus. Each event is designed to appeal to a different segment of society.

At our recent Love Kenya Festival that we did with the Global Network of Evangelists in the cities of Embu and Murang’a, we were able to minister at many different events in our quest for souls. Here are some testimonies from ten different outreach events.

  1. Young Adults – We used bicycle tricks, techno dance music, dancers, and DJ’s in order to attract teens and young adults so we would have the opportunity to share the Gospel with them.
  2. Marketplace – We put a sound system and generator on the back of a flatbed truck. We drove the truck to a marketplace where fruit, vegetables, meat, and every other kind of food is sold. We preached about Jesus and right in the middle of the hustle and bustle of the marketplace people got saved.
  3. Children – We used bouncy houses, games, balloons, and face painting to attract children. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me” and we want to give kids an opportunity to hear about how much Jesus loves them.
  4. Prisoners – I was sent to prison. But don’t worry…they let me out! In the men’s prison we preached to 300 inmates and in the women’s prison we ministered to 107. We also held a service for about 80 prison guards. In each service, they listened to the good news about Jesus with rapt attention and then gave their lives to Jesus. When the prisoners prayed with me for salvation, it made me so happy.
  5. Prison Guards – Since we were at the prison, we hosted a special meal for the prison guards and talked to them about Jesus.
  6. Government Leaders – We visited the governor and the city commissioner. In both offices we had the opportunity to share the Gospel and to pray with these influential officials.
  7. Pastors – We always work with and for the local church. The churches are responsible for follow-up after we leave so it is important for us to train and encourage the spiritual leaders. We hosted a pastor’s conference and on Sunday our team split up and ministered in over a dozen local churches.
  8. Students – A team of Kenyan young people named Kumbamba visited all the local schools in the area. They danced, performed dramas, and shared their testimonies. As they ministered, they led several thousand students in a prayer of salvation.
  9. Businesspeople – Often business leaders feel they are too important to come to an outdoor festival. So in order to reach business people, we rented a banquet room at the nicest hotel in town and sent personalized invitations to influential people. When they arrived, they sat down to eat a feast in an upscale environment. I preached to the businesspeople about Zacchaeus, a rich man whose life was changed when he had the opportunity to eat a meal with Jesus. 37 of them rededicated their lives to Jesus and 51 made a first-time decision to follow Christ.
  10. Police Officers – We held a police officer forum. When I gave the altar call, the captain of the police stood up and following his example, all the police officers stood up too.

In addition to these targeted outreaches, we also had thousands attend each night of the Gospel Festival. Every night, a crystal-clear Gospel message was preached, and many people were saved. In the city of Embu, we had 50,591 total attendance at all our events and a total of 5,593 documented decisions were made for Christ.  Through all our efforts in Murang’a, we reached 45,113 people in person. In this second city a total of 5,650 people made first-time decisions for Christ!

On one  trip to Africa I had a brief layover in Kenya. I was invited to preach at a small street meeting in Nairobi. Here’s some raw footage of what God did.

Jessica King lived in Kissi, Kenya for one year. She fell in love with the people of Kenya.


Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!


Most people in North America know Madagascar as a funny cartoon with talking animals, but in reality this island off the coast of South Africa is a nation full of people that need Jesus.

Report from Sambava Crusade

Our outreach took place in the city of Sambava. The Prime Minister of Madagascar was on our plane. When we arrived at the airport, thirty people came to greet him. To his surprise, over 1,000 Christians were at the airport to greet our team of evangelists! The believers paraded through the middle of the city to welcome people to the Festival.

Thousands of people showed up at the Festival grounds. On the first night, a woman who was deaf in one ear was healed. Her eardrum was punctured and for nineteen years she was unable to hear in her left ear, but God healed her and she was able to repeat the quietest whisper. On the second night a seven-year-old boy who could not walk began to walk. These miracles prove to the Malagasy people that Jesus is alive today.

Ten thousand salvation cards were distributed to people who decided to follow Jesus. Over 1,500 believers came to the Fire Conference for an impartation from the Holy Spirit. On our last day in Sambava, 41 people arrived at our hotel to be baptized in the ocean. Great joy filled the city as the people rejoiced that so many had been saved and healed!

We also held a youth outreach in the capital city of Antananarivo, a two-day pastor’s conference, and ministered at many different churches.

Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world. This nation is distinctively different from the rest of Africa.  The people are a mix of Indonesian, East Indian, Arab, and African descent. Plus, the nation has an island feel to it that is dissimilar to sub-Saharan Africa. I found the Malagasy people to be friendly and hungry for God. In the northern part of Madagascar a large percentage of the population is Muslim.

Report from Diego, Madagascar

Thanks so much for helping us preach the Gospel in Madagascar! Here are some excerpts from my journal during the event:

Tuesday: After flying for over 30 hours, I landed in Antananarivo, capital city of Madagascar, late in the evening.

Wednesday: Despite jetlag, first thing in the morning I spoke at a leadership conference for about 40 leaders. Then I preached at an evangelistic service announced by a local pastor on the radio. About 150 people came and over 40 got saved. Then we drove to a congregation on the outskirts of the city and ministered to about 200 people.

Thursday: We boarded a domestic flight to Diego, Madagascar. On the airplane, a stewardess told me she is praying for the campaign. Her aunt is on the planning committee and she is excited about what God is doing in Diego. When we arrived, hundreds of believers greeted us at the airport tarmac. We formed a giant Jesus parade complete with a semi-truck flatbed full of singers and marched through downtown inviting everyone to come to the Gospel Festival. The parade ended up at the soccer field where the festival will be held and we dedicated the field as holy ground. Directly behind the soccer field is a Muslim seminary. The students will be able to hear every word that comes out of our sound system.

Friday: In the morning, about 500 people attended our Fire Conference and I preached on Soul Winning, emphasizing the individual responsibility to the Great Commission.

At dusk, the ministry team and I arrived at the Festival grounds. The worship team was energetically dancing and singing. The music was led by an anointed young woman who had eight backup dancers. The lyrics of her songs included this Gospel truth, “There is a heaven; there is a hell; you must choose where you will spend eternity.”

The mayor of the city of Diego greeted the crowd and declared the festival to be officially open. He is a Muslim but he shook my hand and welcomed us graciously. There was a light misty rain the entire night but the crowd did not leave. They stayed to enjoy the music and listen to the sermon despite the dampness. I preached on the paralyzed man who was let down through the roof. Five young men enacted the drama. At the end of the story, the paralyzed man jumped up and started dancing across the platform. The crowd cheered. During the altar call, the light rain became heavy rain. But the people responded to the message. Virtually the entire crowd prayed with me for salvation. There were about 3,000 people in attendance. The church in Diego is few in number, perhaps a total of 1,000 believers in a city of 125,000. So, the number of people who responded to the Gospel was amazing.

When I prayed for the sick, a crippled man walked up to the platform. He was carrying his crutches. He had hobbled on crutches for two years but Jesus healed him. At first his steps were halting, but they got stronger and bolder. I asked him if he wanted to dance. He said, “Yes!” and the band began to play. He jumped up and down and danced energetically. I told the crowd that his moves are so good, he could join the backup dancers. Everyone laughed because it was true.

There was a ten-year-old girl who had a growth on her neck the size of a small fist. During the prayer time, the growth completely disappeared. She showed us where the growth was located on her neck and her neck was completely normal.

Saturday: At the Fire Conference, about 550 people attended. I preached on the Fire of God and our team laid hands on every person there. On the second night of the crusade we had good clear weather and lots of miracles!

Sunday:  Our team preached at six local churches. Both churches that I preached in were packed full. I asked how many people came to church for the first time and many lifted their hands. The Gospel Festival is already making a difference.

At the final night of the festival, I preached on the lost sheep, the lost coin, the lost son, and the lost man (Zacchaeus). In total, we prayed with about 7,000 people for salvation.

Monday: We visited a nearby waterfall that is considered sacred to the local tribes. Believing that the spirits of their ancestors dwell at the waterfall, they regularly journey there to offer sacrifices and pray to the spirits. I ministered to the guide who showed us the waterfall and had the privilege of leading him to Jesus. He was beaming with joy and happiness. He said, “I think God brought you here to Madagascar just to talk to me.”

Tuesday: We had a final prayer meeting with the local pastors. Every pastor in town worked hard to make the Gospel Festival a success. They will continue to meet together for regular prayer meetings. Our time in Diego has produced a great move of God that will continue for many years to come.

Thanks so much for helping us preach the Gospel in the farthest corners of the earth!

Report from Antananarivo Crusade

At our Gospel Festivals, we see miracles. Blind eyes are opened by God. Deaf ears begin to hear. Cripples stand up and walk. These kinds of miracles are frequent and always exciting.

But, one of the greatest miracles at our recent Gospel Festival in Antananarivo, Madagascar, was how the local churches were unified in supporting our evangelistic collaboration.

Sometimes, getting pastors to work together is like herding cats. Churches often have their own agendas and their own schedules. Sometimes, when an evangelist comes to town, churches will politely decline to participate or even attend.

This is why I rejoice when pastors get excited about reaching the lost, and catch the vision for what God can do if the entire body of Christ works together. When pastors are willing to put aside their logos and their egos to work together, an entire city can be impacted.

This is the miracle we experienced in Madagascar. Arriving three days before the Gospel Festival was scheduled to begin, I asked a pastor at the airport, “What are the churches doing to prepare for the Festival?” He eagerly told me, “Tomorrow, we are meeting in the marketplace to pass out invitations to everyone there.”

The next morning, I was tired from jet lag but decided to go to the market to see for myself what was happening. To be honest, I thought there would be 15-20 people participating, but to my surprise, hundreds of church members from all over the city were gathered.

One man brought a bucket of homemade glue so he could stick posters to the walls. Another pastor had the creative idea to turn the Festival posters into walking advertisements. Church members glued a cardboard strip to the top of each poster and used string to turn the posters into a costume for a human billboard. They had prepared enough posters for everyone to wear.

The marketplace in Antananarivo is several streets wide and two kilometers long. It has everything that a Wal-Mart offers, but each item comes from a different shop. If you want tomatoes, you visit the tomato stall. If you want batteries, you stroll down a couple of streets and visit a battery store. If you want to buy a pencil, you go and visit a stationary merchant.

The teams fanned out across the marketplace and offered every person the enclosed flyer with the details of the Gospel Festival, visiting every stall and shop. They also asked, “What do you need prayer for?” Right there in the market square, before the festival even began, people were giving their lives to Jesus.

Our first day in the marketplace was so successful that the believers decided to return the following day. But on the second day, they brought their musical instruments. Soon, the sounds of drums, horns, guitars, and accordions filled the city center. The churches formed a parade and danced, sang and played in the streets.

As they marched, they announced, “If you need salvation, come to the Festival. If you need healing, come to the Festival. If you enjoy music, come to the Festival.” Because of the enthusiasm of the churches, thousands of Malagasy people came to the parking lot next to the soccer stadium right in the middle of downtown Antananarivo. Thousands of people were saved at our Gospel Festival.

It is your faithful financial support that allows us to print posters and flyers to invite people to come hear the Gospel and receive Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. Thank you! The part you play in helping us to print these flyers is just as important as the role of the believers who hand them out by the thousands, and their role is just as important as that of the preacher who shares the good news and invites people to respond to the altar call. We are all part of the body of Christ and every role is important. Thank you for playing your part in helping us impact the nation of Madagascar with the story of Jesus Christ!


Evangelist Daniel King is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. But he cannot do it without your help. Can you give a financial gift today to help us “plunder hell to populate heaven?” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!

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