Missionary Evangelists Daniel & Jessica King travel to the nation of Mongolia for an evangelism conference in Ulaanbaatar and a crusade in Karakorum, the ancient capital of Genghis Khan. Their team visits every house in the town to deliver a free copy of God’s Word. Witness as God saves people from sin.
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Mission to Mongolia Report
The Asian nation of Mongolia is a landlocked country above China and below Russia. The most famous Mongolian is Genghis Khan who conquered most of Asia in 1200 AD. Genghis Khan conquered the world with the bow and arrow but now Jesus is conquering Mongolia with His love.
We were welcomed to Mongolia by a member of the Mongolian Parliament. It was a great honor to spend time with him praying for the people of Mongolia.
Evangelism Conference in Ullanbatar
Our ministry began with an evangelism conference in Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia. I spent two days teaching the attendees how to share their faith, and then we sent them out on the streets to talk to people about Jesus and to distribute copies of the Gospel of Mark. We found the believers of Mongolia to be passionate followers of Jesus Christ and they were excited about going out on the streets to witness.
Distributing Bibles in Karakorum
The capital city of Genghis Khan was established at a place called Karakorum. At its height, this city controlled most of Asia and over one quarter of the world’s population, but now it has dwindled in size and only 16,000 people live there. In the place where the palace of Genghis Khan once stood there is a Buddhist temple. The town is now known as a Buddhist stronghold.
It was in this historical epicenter of the Mongol Empire that we decided to hold a Gospel Crusade. In the entire town, there are only four small churches and less than one hundred Christians. Our team of 85 people came America, Canada, Japan, Turkey, Germany, South Korea, Inner Mongolia, China, Estonia and several Mongolian cities.
After I trained the team in how to lead people to Jesus we spread out across the city. Our goal was to visit every house and ger in the town in order to give each family a Bible and to invite them to the crusade. Our team visited all 4,000 homes in the city and recorded our visits with an app on our phones. If someone received a Bible, a green pin was dropped on the map in our smart phone. If the Bible was rejected, a red pin was dropped and if no one was home, a brown pin was dropped on the map. Using this technology we were able to track our progress as we visited every home in the entire city.
Many people gladly welcomed us into their homes and asked for prayer. In four days of witnessing door-to-door, our team visited every house in the whole town.
Tent Crusade in Karakorum
We set up two big Gospel tents on the ground where the troops of Genghis Khan used to camp. All the believers gathered together and prayed that God would draw lost people to the crusade. God answered their prayers. Since the tents were on the outskirts of town people came walking, driving, and even riding horses to the crusade.
The team ministered to the people with dances, music, and feats of strength. In the children’s tent, clowns captured the attention of the children. My wife Jessica sang for the people. When I stood up to preach, the people listened intently. Almost the entire crowd responded to the altar call. We prayed for the sick, and many people gave testimonies of God’s healing power.
One of the Christian woman at the crusade shared a testimony about her non-Christian relatives. They came on Friday night and the next morning her unsaved relatives told her, “All night long we dreamed about people saying ‘Halleluiah’ and ‘Praise the Lord.’” The family members attended on the second day of the crusade and prayed with us for salvation.
The crusade was a big success! In a town of 16,000 people with only one hundred Christians, a total of 2,700 people came to the tent crusade and hundreds prayed with us for salvation.
Many people told the local pastor they prayed to Jesus for the first time. He collected their names and addresses and he is visiting each of them after the crusade is over to tell them more about Jesus. Please pray for the Pastor as he works to disciple the new believers.
Thank You!
Thank you for helping us on our Mission to Mongolia. Because of your generosity we were able to change lives for eternity in the heart of the ancient Mongol empire. Because of the impact we saw in the middle of a Buddhist area, this crusade was one of the most successful events we have ever held.
Preaching Where Christ is Not Known,

Daniel King
P.S. Would you give a financial gift today to help us to spread the Gospel around the world? To Donate, Click Here. Our next crusade is in the Buddhist nation of Burma (Myanmar). We need your prayers and your financial help as we prepare to preach in an unreached area that has never had the opportunity to choose to follow Jesus.